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LUID 2020 packet - Liberty University · a spot in the 2020 ensemble. However, we will accept video...

Date post: 11-Mar-2021
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Page 1: LUID 2020 packet - Liberty University · a spot in the 2020 ensemble. However, we will accept video auditions if you are ... Electric Bass Warm-up Packet LUID Front Ensemble 2020.



Page 2: LUID 2020 packet - Liberty University · a spot in the 2020 ensemble. However, we will accept video auditions if you are ... Electric Bass Warm-up Packet LUID Front Ensemble 2020.


Welcome and thank you for choosing Liberty University’s Indoor Drumline!Becoming a member of LUID will be a rewarding challenge. Our website(liberty.edu/music/bands/indoor-drumline/) is a great place to look for more information regarding audition materials, camp dates, and locations. Please be proactive and communicate any conflicts with the staff immediately.

LUID is a professional percussion ensemble, in which you will be expected to behave in a professional manner, both on and off the floor. Since we are aChristian university, we will always display a Christ-like attitude to all. Sponsors provide us with high quality instruments, so we need to treat our instruments with the utmost respect and care.

This packet contains our current exercise regime and warm-up package. It is a representation of the techniques and styles that will be reflected in our 2020 presentation. When preparing for auditions, keep your hands/arms relaxed, play rhythms accurately, be confident, keep an open mind with learning new ideas/techniques, and practice correctly. Perform each exercise at a variety of tempos with a metronome. AND, have a pencil with you at ALL times!

Attending audition camps in person is strongly suggested if you intend to earn a spot in the 2020 ensemble. However, we will accept video auditions if you are unable to attend. In the event of an absence from an audition camp, we expect you to register and pay as if you were actually attending the camp. In onecontinuous video, please demonstrate each exercise/etude at least two times at a variety of tempi. Perform your audition on a drum with an audible metronome (no pads). This video audition is due by Friday, October 18th, 12pm, and should be sent to [email protected].

Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have. We are lookingforward to meeting you soon!

Tommy Goddard, Director of Liberty University Indoor Drumline

Page 3: LUID 2020 packet - Liberty University · a spot in the 2020 ensemble. However, we will accept video auditions if you are ... Electric Bass Warm-up Packet LUID Front Ensemble 2020.

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q = 90-150

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Warm-up PacketElectric Bass

LUID Front Ensemble 2020

Page 4: LUID 2020 packet - Liberty University · a spot in the 2020 ensemble. However, we will accept video auditions if you are ... Electric Bass Warm-up Packet LUID Front Ensemble 2020.

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2 Warm-up Packet

Page 5: LUID 2020 packet - Liberty University · a spot in the 2020 ensemble. However, we will accept video auditions if you are ... Electric Bass Warm-up Packet LUID Front Ensemble 2020.


q = 90-140

wfeel free to add rhythmic value to match mallet permutations

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3Warm-up Packet
