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Lumino to Lumino Training Plans

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L2L training plans
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Page 2: Lumino to Lumino Training Plans


Week 1 Making the right start – Rest is as important as rides

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes


1 hour’s riding at an easy pace. Make sure your bike is working well and everything is ready to go for tomorrow

Take a bottle of water, and don’t forget to have a sip every 10 minutes or so

Relax and enjoy the ride


2 hours’ riding at an easy pace. Find some hills – they don’t need to be massive or steep – and if possible aim to ride over three of them, not fast, just over them

On the hills, keep the gears low and relax. Stay seated if possible when riding up the hills as this will use less energy, but it’s OK to get out of the saddle if you need to

Monday Rest day – no riding, but try and keep active if possible

Maintain a healthy diet; keep well hydrated and how about one less coffee today?

Rest days help you recover from your training; they are as important as the riding days

Tuesday Evening ride – 60 minutes. Keep a steady pace

Remember to drink on your ride

Training straight after work? Don’t skip lunch today

Wednesday Another rest day – enjoy it

Thursday Evening ride – 60 – 90 minutes. Keep a steady pace and enjoy the evening sun (fingers crossed)

As a rule of thumb, a normal 750 ml bottle should be OK for 90 minutes in the UK

On slightly longer rides, stick a muesli bar in your back pocket just in case

Friday Another rest day – let’s get ready for the weekend

TRAINING PLAN 1 Target audience – This plan is designed for the occasional or new-to-cycling rider. The plan takes into account the fact that, as a rider, your time to train will be limited and so mid-week sessions will be limited initially to 60 – 90 minutes.

It is recommended that you visit your doctor and get a health check before starting any vigorous exercise. Please make sure that you keep your eyes on the road ahead, observing

oncoming vehicles and traffic calming measures, junctions, side roads etc. when riding and that you obey the laws of the road.

If you experience any discomfort whilst riding, consult a

medical professional before continuing.

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Week 2 Stepping up the distance – Thinking about fuelling your rides

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes

Saturday 2 hours’ riding today. If you can find some hills, don’t avoid them

Two bottles today, though one doesn’t need to be full. Once we get to 2 hours’ riding, it’s wise to take a sports drink instead of water

Have a gel in your back pocket, and get into the habit of having it after 90 minutes or so

Sunday Big day today – 3 hours’ riding. Ride at a steady pace and don’t push too hard

Definitely two bottles on your bike and use a sports drink instead of water

Have a couple of gels or energy bars in your back pocket and have one half way round your ride

Monday Rest dayPlain water is OK for this ride

Don’t forget to put a bar in your back pocket – just in case


A nice evening ride of 60 – 90 minutes. Don’t go crazy; enjoy the ride and start building the habit of training regularly

Remember to drink on your ride

Training straight after work? Don’t skip lunch today

Wednesday Rest day – make the most of it. We’ll start the harder mid-week rides next week

Feet up

Thursday Another easy ride, 60 – 90 minutes

Water in your bottle and practise drinking whilst you ride

Remember to keep your kit clean. Wash it regularly at 30 degrees with no softener

Friday Rest dayYes, another rest day – good aren’t they?

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Week 3 This week – Some harder mid-week rides (but not too many)

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes

Saturday 2 hours’ ridingRemember it’s two bottles (just in case) and you can use a sports drink today

Have a snack half way around to keep your energy levels up


3 hours’ riding. During this ride, make 2 x 3 minutes blocks where you would find it hard to hold a conversation if someone started talking to you. Pedal faster and push harder down on the pedals

Remember to drink as you ride. It’s easy to forget, so have a sip every 15 minutes or so

Don’t forget to take a spare inner tube (or two)

Monday What happens on a Monday? That’s right – a rest day

Rest days are the key to getting stronger and faster; they allow your body to recover


60 – 90 minutes’ riding. This evening make 3 x 2 minutes bursts where you increase the revs – pedal faster

Don’t forget to drinkAllow some time between intervals to recover and have a drink

Wednesday Rest day

Thursday 45 – 60 minutes riding – a very easy ride, low gear

This is a pure recovery ride. Active recovery helps promote and speed up recovery

Even though it’s a short and easy ride, don’t forget to take something to drink

Friday Rest day It’s Friday night – go out and enjoy yourself


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Week 4 A recovery week – This allows you to recover from your riding and helps you build back

stronger for the next phase of training

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes

Saturday Day offGo out, leave the bike behind and enjoy yourself

Sunday 3 hours – let’s keep the riding going even in a recovery week

Monday What better way to start a recovery week than with a recovery day?

Tuesday Rest day

Wednesday Rest day

Thursday 60 – 90 minutes’ riding at a comfortable pace

Don’t forget to keep your fluid levels topped up, even though it’s an easy week

Remember to keep your kit clean. Wash it regularly at 30 degrees with no softener

Friday Rest day

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Week 5 You’ve got a great base – Let’s build on that

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes


2 hours’ riding. During this ride, make 4 x 4 minute blocks where you would find it hard to talk if someone had a chat to you. You can do this on the flat or on a hill

Keep on drinking. Sometimes it’s easy to forget when you are concentrating on pushing hard on the pedals.

We’re getting serious now

Sunday4 hours’ riding. Your first big day – so go at your own pace. It’s OK to stop for a coffee and cake though

Apart from having coffee and cake, don’t forget to keep well hydrated. A sports energy drink will also help replace lost carbs

Cake? Come on, it’s why we ride bikes

Monday Rest dayHow do your legs feel after yesterday?


60 – 90 minutes’ riding with no hard efforts – just an easy pace to help your legs recover from the weekend

Water in your bottles

Wednesday Rest day


60 – 90 minutes’ riding. During this ride, make 5 x 2 minute bursts where you just ride as fast as you can.

Friday The traditional day of restCheck your bike is in good working order before your big weekend


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Week 6 The only way is up – Let’s go with a BIG weekend

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes


Your first big weekend. So today aim for 4 hours, riding at a steady pace. And don’t forget to fill your bottles before leaving home

This weekend is all about coffee and cake. So find a nice café half way round your ride, put your feet up and remember a big ride = a big cake

Sunday4 hours’ riding again. Today ride at a pace that’s comfortable for you

Don’t forget to have a good breakfast

Riding with others is a great way of going further than you ever thought you could. It helps pass the time and if you have a puncture, there’s someone there to help

Monday Rest dayYou may need this after your great weekend

Tuesday45 - 60 minutes’ riding. Very very easy riding; ride nice and slowly, with a low heart rate

This recovery ride will speed up the process of recovery from the weekend

Wednesday Rest day


60 – 90 minutes’ riding. Today make your evening ride a little tougher. Aim for 5 x 2 minute blocks where you ride really fast, not quite flat out, but close enough. Have 5 – 10 minutes easy riding between each “interval”

Don’t forget to take a drink after each interval; it’ll help you recover and help fuel the next burst

Keep focused when you make your efforts. Look down the road, make sure it’s clear and keep looking ahead when you ride

Friday6 weeks in and Friday is still a day of rest. That won’t change

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Week 7 Your biggest day yet – Yes you can do it!

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes

Saturday3 hours’ riding this morning. This is less than last week, but you’ll make up for it tomorrow

Even though the ride is shorter than last week, don’t forget to keep well hydrated

Check your tyres before you get out on the road and make sure they are pumped up

Sunday5 hours’ riding – yes 5 hours. This is your biggest day ever, so don’t go crazy speed wise; enjoy the day

A café stop, or even two, is the order of the day. Re-fill your bottles at the stops.

Take a few extra gels in your back pocket just in case. And when you get home, it’s feet up and celebrate your ride

Monday Rest day Eat well today. Refuelling will help both your recovery and your next ride

TuesdayAn evening ride of 60 minutes; just a nice gentle spin to help you recover

Don’t forget to drink. Hydration is key on all rides, not just the long ones

Wednesday Rest day Have a pizza


60 – 90 minutes’ riding. Again, don’t ride hard today, unless you feel really good; just have a nice steady ride

And, of course, stick a bar or a gel in your back pocket, just in case

Friday Rest day


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Week 8 A rest week – Nice and easy all week

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes

SaturdayRest day – A rest day on a Saturday? Yep, sure there’s some gardening you can be doing?

Sunday 2 – 3 hours at a nice leisurely pace

Still pack two bottles just in case you feel the urge to go a little further and a little faster

MondayRest day – it’s a shame all of Monday isn’t a rest day

TuesdayAnother rest day – it’s a rest and recovery week after all

WednesdayAnd as we always do, we’ll rest on Wednesday as well


60 – 90 minutes nice and easy riding. A leisurely spin in the evening sun; an easy spin should help ease any stiffness in your legs

Water is still OK for these shorter rides

Your legs may feel a little stiff after a few days off, but that’s OK

Friday Rest day

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Week 9 The final block of training starts here – Let’s enjoy it

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes

Saturday2 hours’ riding. Let’s build back fairly easily after that rest week

If you’re riding for two hours, then don’t forget a sports drink in your bottles and a bar for emergencies

Sunday4 hours’ riding. It’s Sunday, so if you’re riding with a group, suggest a slightly hillier ride today

If it’s hilly, then there’s even more need for the coffee and cake stop

Monday Rest day


60 – 90 minutes’ riding. This evening make 3 x 2 minutes really fast efforts, but keep focused on the road ahead as you do so

Remember to have a drink between each burst

Keep your head up and look at the road ahead to anticipate any obstacles

Wednesday Rest day


60 – 90 minutes’ riding. This evening we’ll repeat the 3 x 2 minutes fast riding, but as always keep an eye on the road ahead

Drink between your intervals

Keep your head up and look at the road ahead to anticipate any obstacles

Friday Rest day


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Week 10 A big week of riding – You’re almost a pro now

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes


3 hours’ riding at a pace that suits you. By now you should be upping the pace as you have become fitter and stronger over the last 9 weeks

Three hours should be OK on two bottles, but if you do run out of fluids, it’s OK to stop for a refill


5 hours’ riding. Keep the pace nice and even throughout this ride. Don’t charge off the hills; take them at a leisurely pace

One café stop should be all you need today – so make sure it’s a good cafe

You can fill your bottles at the café and maybe get something to eat for the ride home

Monday Rest day


60 – 90 minutes’ riding at your own pace. Don’t push too hard on any hills; just focus on maintaining a nice even pace as you ride up them

Water or sports drink in your bottle this evening

Wednesday Rest day


60 – 90 minutes’ riding. Again this evening, ride at your own pace; feel comfortable – you’ve had a great 10 weeks of riding

Don’t forget your spare inner tube even though it’s a short evening ride. Taxis still cost money

Friday Rest day

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Week 11 Your final week of training – Congratulations – you’ve ridden really well these last 10 weeks

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes


4 hours’ riding. This is your biggest weekend of riding yet. You’ve been riding really well; let’s finish the training with a flourish

A café stop is the order of the day today

Sunday6 hours’ riding. This is your biggest day ever – so tonight it’s feet up and relax

Two café stops is fine and if you want to make it three, that’s OK. All that riding needs fuelling

Take two or three inner tubes for a ride of this length, just in case

Monday Rest day

Tuesday60 – 90 minutes’ riding. You can ride this evening at whatever pace suits you

Don’t forget to keep up with your good habits of drinking as you ride

Wednesday Rest day

Thursday60 – 90 minutes’ riding. If you want to ride fast, then go for it; this is your final week of training

One bottle is fine for tonight

Friday Rest day


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Week 12Your taper week into your event –

Let’s make sure you are well rested before your big challenge

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes

Saturday Rest dayLast week was a big week – time to recover now

Sunday3 hours’ riding at an easy pace; just enjoy the day.

Monday Rest day

Tuesday Rest day

Wednesday Rest day

Thursday 60 minutes’ easy riding Take a bottle. Remember to drink and enjoy the ride

Friday Rest dayHave a celebration meal for completing your training programme

Your challenge is almost here. You’ve ridden well. Let’s go out and celebrate!

Lumino ride training plan – © Total Cycle Coach 2015 TotalCycleCoach.com

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Week 1 Making the right start – Rest is as important as rides

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes

Saturday3 hours’ riding. During this ride, make 4 x 2 minute hard efforts at about 7 on the RPE scale

Take two bottles for these 3 hours, and maybe a mid-ride gel

Take two spare inner tubes with you, just in case


4 hours’ riding.

Warm up and then start with 3 x 1 minute fast pedalling at about 100 rpm, allowing 2 – 3 minutes between each effort.

Later on in the ride, make 4 x 5 minute efforts at an RPE of 5/6.

For the rest of the ride, go at a pace that suits you

Take two bottles, and a gel or a bar; get refills at the café if you need to

Clean your bike when you get home. Let’s get ready for a good solid week of training

Monday Rest day

Tuesday60 – 90 minutes’ riding. Ride at a pace that suits you

Take a bottle for this evening

Wednesday Rest day

Thursday60 – 90 minutes’ riding. This evening, make 4 x 2 minute efforts at an RPE of 7 or 8

Make sure you drink after each effort

Friday Rest day

Check your bike is all set for the weekend. It’ll take a few minutes, but at least you know you’ll be good to go first thing in the morning

TRAINING PLAN 2 Target audience – This plan is designed for experienced riders who intend to complete the whole ride.It takes into account the fact that, as a rider, your time to train will be limited and so mid-week sessions will be limited initially to 60 - 90 minutes.

It is recommended that you visit your doctor and get a health check before starting any vigorous exercise. Please make sure that you keep your eyes on the road ahead, observing oncoming vehicles and traffic calming measures, junctions, side roads etc. when riding and that you obey the laws of the road.

If you experience any discomfort whilst riding, consult a medical professional before continuing.

For this plan, we will suggest that some rides are undertaken in relation to the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale, which can be seen in the chart below:

Lumino ride training plan – © Total Cycle Coach 2015 TotalCycleCoach.com

1-10 Borg Rating of Percieved Exertion Scale

0 Rest

1 Really Easy

2 Easy

3 Moderate

4 Sort of Hard



7Really Hard


9 Really, Really, Hard

10 Maximal: Just like my hardest race

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Week 2 Stepping up the distance – Building leg speed

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes


3 hours’ riding. During this ride, make 3 x 5 minute efforts at an RPE of 5 or 6. For the rest of the session, ride at your own pace

Keep focused on the road ahead when making the efforts, looking ahead for obstructions on the road. Ease back on the effort or the session if there is anything blocking your route or that may potentially slow you down


4 hours’ riding. Start with 4 x 1 minute bursts at 100 rpm with a 2 – 3 minute recovery in between.

Then during the rest of the ride, make 5 x 2 minute hard bursts at an RPE of 7 or 8

Drink after each effort and have a bar / gel half way through the ride

Monday Rest day


60 – 90 minutes’ riding. Warm up and then make 3 x 1 minute bursts at 100 rpm. Then take the rest of the ride at a pace that you are comfortable with

Fast legs and sprint sessions at the start of session help adaptation and development more than if these elements are at the end when you are more fatigued

Wednesday Rest day


60 – 90 minutes’ riding. Warm up and then make 4 x 1 minute bursts at 100 rpm. Then take the rest of the ride at a pace that suits you

Mid-week rides need the same attention to fuelling well, just as longer weekend rides do

Friday Rest dayYes, another rest day – good aren’t they?

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Week 3 This week – Some harder mid-week rides

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes


3 hours’ riding. Warm up and then start with 4 x 1 minute’s fast pedalling at 100 rpm, with 2 – 3 mins easy riding in between.

Then later on in the ride, add in the following:

2 minutes’ hard riding – RPE 5 6

5 minutes’ easy

1 minute’s hard riding – RPE 7/8

2 minutes’ easy

30 seconds’ hard riding – RPE 7/8

After that, go at your own pace for the rest of the ride

Hydrate from early in this ride, perhaps after the first couple of 100 rpm efforts.

If you can’t do the whole of a ride, do the harder intensity parts of it


3 – 4 hours’ riding. Warm up and then start with 4 x 1 minute’s fast pedalling at 100 rpm, with 2 – 3 mins easy riding in between.Focus on keeping the pedal stroke nice and smooth and eliminating any dead spots at the top of the stroke.

Practise eating and drinking while riding today – not just consuming bars and gels. Practise timing when you need to eat as well

Monday Rest day

Tuesday 60 – 90 minutes’ riding – at your own paceYour call on the route, the distance and the intensity of your ride

Wednesday Rest day


60 – 90 minutes’ riding. Warm up and then start with 4 x 1 minute’s fast pedalling at 100 rpm, with 2 – 3 mins easy riding in between.For the rest of the ride, go at your own pace

Friday Rest day


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Week 4A recovery week – This allows you to recover from your riding and helps you build back

stronger for the next phase of training

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes

Saturday Rest dayThe key to progression is rest and recovery

Sunday3 hours at a nice easy pace – with an RPE of 4/5 for most of the ride if possible

Even though it’s an easy ride, fuel as you would for a longer more intense ride

Monday Rest dayKeep your good habits going on rest days – eat and hydrate well

Tuesday Rest day

Wednesday Rest day

Thursday60 – 90 minutes’ riding – an easy ride at an RPE of 4 / 5

Even though it’s a very easy ride, put a full bottle on your bike

Check your bike is all ok for tomorrow


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Week 5 Let’s build the power

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes


3 hours’ riding. Warm up and then:

On flat road, use the big chain ring and a gear that allows only about 50 – 60 rpm. While in the saddle, drive the pedals down as hard as possible for 15 – 20 revolutions of the cranks. Do 5 or 6 of these, starting a new one every 3 – 5 minutes after warming up. For the rest of the ride, go at your own pace

Fuel well for this and don’t forget the protein shake when you get home

Sunday4 hours’ riding. Warm up well and then make 5 x 6 minute efforts at an RPE of 5 / 6

Hydrate well after each effort

Monday Rest day

Tuesday60 – 90 minutes’ riding – an easy ride at an RPE of 4 / 5

An easy ride, but you can still have a protein shake when you get back home

Wednesday Rest day


60 – 90 minutes’ riding. Warm up and then make 4 x 1 minute bursts at 100 rpm. For the rest of the ride, go at a pace that you are comfortable with

Friday Rest day

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Week 6 The only way is up – Let’s go with a BIG weekend

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes


4 hours’ riding. Warm up and then:

On flat road, use the big chain ring and a gear that allows only about 50 – 60 rpm. While in the saddle, drive the pedals down as hard as possible for 15 – 20 revolutions of the cranks. Do 6 – 10 of these, starting a new one every 3 – 5 minutes after warming up. For the rest of the ride, go at your own pace

Have a protein shake when you get home; this will help your recovery and build muscle

Sunday5 hours’ riding at your own pace. If you ride with others, talk them into a long day

Monday Rest day

Tuesday60 – 90 minutes’ riding – an easy ride at an RPE of 4 / 5

Another day’s riding, and another day with a protein shake

Wednesday Rest day

Thursday60 – 90 minutes’ riding. Warm up and then during the ride, make 4 x 2 minute hard efforts at an RPE of 7 / 8

Friday Rest day

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Week 7 Upping the intensity

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes


4 hours’ riding. Warm up and then during the ride, make 5 x 2 minute efforts at an RPE of 7 / 8. For the rest of the day, ride at a pace that suits you

Sunday6 hours’ riding – a long day. During this ride, make 6 x 2 minute hard efforts at an RPE of 7 / 8

One or two café stops is the order of the day; keep your bottles filled and keep well fed

Monday Rest day

Tuesday60 – 90 minutes’ riding – an easy ride at an RPE of 4 / 5

Wednesday Rest day


60 – 90 minutes’ riding. Warm up and then make 4 x 1 minute bursts at 100 rpm. For the rest of the ride, go at a pace that you are comfortable with

Friday Rest day

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Week 8 A rest week – Nice and easy all week

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes

Saturday2 hours’ riding at a very easy pace – RPE 3 / 4

An easy pace doesn’t mean you stop drinking; keep working on your timings for eating and drinking

Any issues with your bike? This might be a good week to drop it into your local bike shop if needed


4 hours’ riding – but at an easy pace of RPE 4 / 5 for most of the day. You may need to ride a bit harder on some of the climbs, but the aim of the day is take it easy

Monday Rest day

Tuesday Rest day

Wednesday Rest day

Thursday60 – 90 minutes’ riding. During this ride, make 3 x 2 minute hard efforts with an RPE of 7 / 8

Keep looking ahead whilst making the efforts, looking for any obstructions on the road

Friday Rest day

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Week 9 Building the intensity and building the volume

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes

Saturday3 hours’ riding. Warm up and then during today’s ride, make 4 x 10 minute efforts at an RPE of 5 / 6

Have a protein shake when you get back home

Sunday4 hours’ riding – on your own or with a group. If it’s with a group, spend some time on the front

Have a protein shake when you get back home

Monday Rest day

Tuesday60 – 90 minutes’ riding. Ride at your own pace for this evening

Ride as fast or as slowly as you like, but keep focused on the road ahead

Wednesday Rest day

Thursday60 – 90 minutes’ riding. Warm up and then during today’s ride, make 4 x 2 minute efforts at an RPE of 7 / 8

Hydrate after each effort

Friday Rest day

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Week 10 Almost there now – Into the final couple of weeks

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes


3 hours’ riding. Warm up and then during the ride, make 5 x 2 minute efforts at an RPE of 7 / 8. For the rest of the day, ride at a pace that suits you

You can split the efforts or do them all in one block with 3 – 5 minutes easy riding in between

Sunday5 hours’ riding. Find some hills – lots of hills – and ride them all

Monday Rest day


60 – 90 minutes’ riding. Warm up and then:On flat road, use the big chain ring and a gear that allows only about 50 – 60 rpm. While in the saddle, drive the pedals down as hard as possible for 15 – 20 revolutions of the cranks. Do 5 or 6 of these, starting a new one every 3 – 5 minutes after warming up. For the rest of the ride, go at your own pace

Hydrate after each effort and have a protein shake on your return home

Wednesday Rest day

Thursday60 – 90 minutes’ riding at an easy pace – with an RPE of 4 / 5

Friday Rest day

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Week 11 Your final week of training – congratulations – you’ve ridden really well these last 10 weeks

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes

Saturday5 hours’ riding. Big Weekend – day 1 – your call on the intensity and speed

Café stops are OK – so let’s have one

Sunday7 hours’ riding. Big Weekend – day 2 – find some hills and make this a super long and hilly day

Refill your bottles and have a coffee. You may need two stops today

Monday Rest day


60 – 90 minutes’ riding. Warm up and then make 4 x 1 minute bursts at 100 rpm. For the rest of the ride, go at a pace that you are comfortable with

Wednesday Rest day

Thursday60 – 90 minutes’ riding. Take your normal evening route, but go as fast as you can for the session

Head up; don’t look at your bike stem, just keep focused on the road ahead

Friday Rest day

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Week 12Your taper week into your event –

Let’s make sure you are well rested before your big challenge

Ride type Nutritional advice Notes

Saturday Rest day

Final bike check this week; make sure everything is in working order

Sunday3 – 4 hours’ riding – but at an easy pace with an RPE of 4 / 5

Even though it’s an easy day, make sure you’re still maintaining a good hydration and eating regime

Monday Rest day

Tuesday60 – 90 minutes’ easy riding with an RPE of 4 / 5

Everything in place for the big ride? Spare kit ok?

Wednesday Rest day

Thursday60 – 90 minutes’ riding – your call on intensity and speed today, but if possible make it a brisk one

Final check of all your kit

Friday Rest day

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