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L%VE L%VE CARDS CARDS In-Depth Relationship Analysis for Angelina and Brad Created on 2/12/2014


In-Depth Relationship Analysis for Angelina and Brad

Created on 2/12/2014

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

How to get the most from this Relationship Report

The success of your relationship

is never determined by your Birth

Cards or your connections alone.

Though some cards have it

easier than others in this

important area of life, ultimately it

is each individual who holds the

responsibility for the success or

failure of their relationship. This

report will act as a guide to help

you achieve that success if that

is what you truly want. Pay

special attention to the

affirmations listed for each

connection in this report.

Welcome to your personal Love Cards report. The purpose of this report is

to reveal as much information about you and your partner as possible, using an

ancient and highly accurate system called The Book of Destiny. It is our hope

that this report will enlighten you a little, and maybe even help you to make

more powerful and happy choices in the areas of love and marriage. This

report will explain many things about you, your partner, and how the two of

you interact. However, in no way is this meant to tell you whether or not you

will be successful as a couple. That success is always in your hands. No matter

what connections you share, this relationship can be successful if both partners

want it and are willing to commit to making it happen. However, you may

discover herein just how easy or challenging that may be for the two of you.

Your Relationship Report consists of two separate parts. The first part is

where you will find the description of each of your Birth Cards and Planetary

Ruling Cards, if you have them. This section will reveal some of your

personality traits, values, and other factors that make each of you who you are.

You can get a basic feeling for each of you in this section and perhaps get a

new perspective on who you are. This section may also reveal some of your

relationship patterns - what sorts of people you are each attracted to, whether

you are inclined to commitment or not, and other factors that may influence

your love life.

Once you have learned something about each of you separately, you are

ready to learn about how the two of you connect energetically. In the second

part you will find out exactly what 'connections' you share with your partner

that explain what each of you experiences when you are together. This is

where you will find out what areas are easy or challenging for the two of you,

what things you may like or dislike about your partner and why. Your

connections explain how your relationship will be experienced by both of you.

Some connections are good for sex, others for marriage, and others for

working or business relationships.

This report was created with the intention of opening up doors of

understanding and awareness. May your awareness grow and along with it,

your understanding of your life and your happiness with it.

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 2

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

Report Overview - Significators and Connections The cards that represent us are called our Personal Significators. The most important of these is our Birth Card but there are

others that play an important part as well. On this page are listed the personal significators for each person that are used to find

the relationship connections in this report.

Personal Significator(s) for Angelina, born on 6/4/1975

Personal Significator(s) for Brad, born on 12/18/1963

Birth Card

Birth Card

Planetary Ruling Card

Planetary Ruling Card

1st Karma Card

1st Karma Card 2nd Karma Card

The Relationship Connections used in this Report

The heart of this report are the energetic connections found between this couple. Here is a list of ones chosen for this report, from

the first to the last.

Brad is the Moon

Card to Angelina

Life Spread

Brad is the Mars Card

to Angelina

Life Spread

Angelina is the Venus

Card to Brad

Life Spread

Brad is the Neptune

Card to Angelina

Spiritual Spread

Brad is the Venus

Card to Angelina

Life Spread

Angelina and Brad

are Mars to each


Life Spread

Angelina and Brad

are Mars to each


Spiritual Spread

Angelina and Brad

are Venus to each


Life Spread

Angelina is the Mars

Card to Brad

Spiritual Spread

Brad is the Cosmic

Reward Card to


Spiritual Spread

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 3

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

All about Angelina`s Birth Card

Our Birth Card is our most

important symbol of who we are

in this lifetime. It is the card that

we most identify with, and

through which we have the

greatest gifts to share with those

around us. It is also called our

Sun Card and our Soul Card.

The King of Diamonds Person

The Businessman's Card

The King of Diamonds is the master of values, finances and business. In

this regard he or she can do very well in any business pursuit, applying their

inherited knowledge to their work with much success. These people are always

more successful as heads of their own business rather than working for others.

They can be very mercenary when it comes to money and business, but they

don't have to be.

This is the only 'one-eyed' King in the deck, which tends to blind them to

certain aspects of life and situations. This can also make them very stubborn

and see things from only their side of the issue. King of Diamonds are known

to make enemies for this very reason. Perhaps the upraised 'battle-axe' on their

card represents a fondness for competition. However, all of them know what is

of real value and if they follow their knowing instead of their fears, they can be

the most respectable people in the business world. They must always guard

against using their power to get things to go their way at the expense of others.

With so much inherent power, the King of Diamonds can avoid dealing with

their feelings and this is where many problems are created. There are often

emotional issues from childhood that must be dealt with before the higher side

of this card can be manifested. Until then, they can appear cold and ruthless.

They are very creative and can make huge amounts of money by using

this gift. The King of Diamonds are powerful people who can do much good in

the world and can be examples of those who are 'in the world but not of it'.

Some of the King of Diamonds Issues Concerning Relationships

The King of Diamonds is one of those cards that doesn't have any

particular good or bad relationship karma. However, being Kings, they are

quite powerful and unwilling to compromise, which can cause problems on the

personal level. The women, especially, have to find a way to balance their

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 4

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

All about Angelina`s Birth Card

strong masculine side in the context of a relationship where the accepted norm

is the 'retiring female'. They tend to want to dominate or at least be an equal to

their mates and not many men are willing or able to deal with such power in a

woman. Some of the women give up trying after a few unsuccessful attempts.

Some of the men do likewise. Both sexes can be guilty of looking at love and

marriage strictly from a financial point of view. It is always best for them to

keep their business and love life separate until they find the right match.

Both sexes could learn to express their fears and emotions to have better

luck in romance or marriage. Honest communication bridges the gap and

brings more intimacy. They are attracted to those of wit and good education

and are often found working with their spouse in a business.

All about Angelina`s Planetary Ruling Card

The Planetary Ruling Card acts

like a second Birth Card to give

you a new slant on your

personality and character traits.

It is very important in terms of

your personal relationships since

it represents a part of you that

you identify with strongly.

Six of Hearts as Your Planetary Ruler

This card makes you a 'peace-maker' and you will find yourself in the

position of mediator from time to time as a result. You have the ability to see

both sides of any personal conflict between people. You enjoy seeing things

turn out right and will often get involved if there is injustice being done. You

will always want to see that what happens is fair and equitable. You really

know what is fair and what is not. You can be very competitive. Though a

peace-loving person, you will probably return 'an eye for an eye' when you are

crossed. Many people with this card excel at sports or other competitive

activities. You could even become a lawyer. You will feel often that your

personal life gets into a rut. Once you get comfortable with a certain person, it

is usually hard for you to change, even when you may want to. You will

usually wait to see what will come your way instead of going out and making it

happen as far as your love life is concerned. Indeed, most of your important

personal relationships are 'destined'.

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 5

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

All about Brad`s Birth Card

Our Birth Card is our most

important symbol of who we are

in this lifetime. It is the card that

we most identify with, and

through which we have the

greatest gifts to share with those

around us. It is also called our

Sun Card and our Soul Card.

The King of Hearts Person

The Father Card

Standing at the top of the suit of love, the King of Hearts recognizes that

love is the highest power of all. These people make devoted parents, but not

always the best spouses. Their devotion to their children and profession often

displaces the love they would give their spouse. They do love everyone,

forever, its true, but sometimes the wrong associations bring problems. They

should be careful of mixing with people with lower motives and lifestyles in

this regard.

These people can be overbearing, as all Kings can, but this is only the

case when they have been betrayed by those they hold closest to their hearts.

From past lives, they bring with them the knowledge of mastery of their

emotions and of their family life. Consider yourself blessed if they consider

you to be one of their 'family'.

The King of Hearts can excel in business, especially as a dealer or

advisor in the finances of others. They have more success in association with

others or in partnerships than alone. They have better than average luck in

legal matters as well. It is not wise to argue with them. Their keen minds can

always find a suitable response.

There are inevitable losses of loved ones in their lives but they know the

truth and can let go though they still feel the pain. Many of them are mentally

gifted and sometimes psychic. Much knowledge just flows to them and they

use this to rise up to the top in their careers.

Some of the King of Hearts Issues Concerning Relationships

Many say that the King of Hearts makes a great lover and father but a

lousy husband. As in all the Kings, the power can be used or abused. They are

the 'Kings of Charm'. So, we find as many 'playboys' among them as in the case

of the Eight of Hearts. The women have a problem in that they are so powerful

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 6

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

All about Brad`s Birth Card

and headstrong. They can usually stand up to any man and they would like to

be the head of their household. This can be difficult for a male partner to deal

with. When the female King of Hearts is upset, she can be very sharp tongued

and all her mental power will be turned against you.

Their pattern indicates that there will be some fated relationships that

occur to reflect back to them their own indecisive nature and the consequences

of it.

All about Brad`s Planetary Ruling Card

The Planetary Ruling Card acts

like a second Birth Card to give

you a new slant on your

personality and character traits.

It is very important in terms of

your personal relationships since

it represents a part of you that

you identify with strongly.

Two of Diamonds as Your Planetary Ruler

This ruling card gives you a lot of success with work and finances. You

have an ability to find the right people to help you achieve your goals and you

are not lazy. You are bound to have some very prosperous cycles in your life,

much more than the average person. You have a keen and logical mind that

you depend upon for much of your success. But in personal relationships, your

logic is more of a hindrance than a help. An inner desire for love and affection

competes with your natural ambition in work matters and it seems difficult to

have satisfaction in both areas at the same time. In general, you would tend to

focus more on your work, where it is easier to manage. Emotionally you have a

lot of work to do. You must also watch out for some fixed principles about

love or marriage that causes you to stay in bad relationships much longer than

need be.

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 7

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

All about the Love Connections you share

Look at each connection

between you as a cosmic link

that connects each of you to

some part of yourself that you

want to look at, develop or

explore in some way. Your

partner is your mirror into your

own soul.

This report uses the most advanced techniques available to give some real

insight into the inner workings of your relationship. Using the ancient system,

now known as the Book of Destiny, it determines the energy 'connections' that

reflect exactly how the two of you interact. These connections are essentially

described as planetary energies, for example Mars or Venus. Some

connections are harmonious, while others create certain kinds of friction or

stress between you. All of the connections between you serve an important

purpose and contribute to the experience that you share. Keep in mind that

most connections have a higher expression and a lower one. The affirmations

given for each connection indicate how to access the highest expression of

each one.

The connections are listed in the order of their importance. The first

connection is the most important and the second is the next important, etc. But

even the last connection between you probably manifests itself in your

experience together. Therefore, regard all of them as having some important

information for you.

You may have only a few connections, two or three, or you may have as

many as fourteen. Each couple has a unique number and kinds of connections -

as unique as the love and feelings they share for each other.

Look to see if you have more than one kind of connection between you.

For example, you may have a total of two or three Mars connections between

you. When this is the case, you should study these connections carefully,

realizing that this probably indicates some of the most important reasons that

you are together and the issues that you most often face together.

Finally, there are no bad connections. If we are attracted to someone so

much that we spend time with them, there are important reasons for this. The

descriptions of the connections in this report can help you understand why you

have made the choice to be together, which can in turn help each of you to

understand your individual personalities and needs better. Of course, some

connections indicate stress and challenge, but this is because we often use

relationships as the vehicle through which we resolve our own inner conflicts.

If the love is there, there are many good things for each of you to gain from

being together. Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com

This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 8

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The First Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

Your first connection is always

considered the most important of

all and, in most cases, will

represent the dominant pattern

that is your relationship. Study

the connection described below

carefully, as it may reveal some

hidden opportunities for the two

of you.

Brad is the Moon Card to Angelina

Location: Life Spread

Of all the connections that exist among the cards in the deck, the Moon

connection is probably the single most powerful one when it comes to

decisions about long term commitments. When someone is our Moon card, we

feel very close and comfortable with them.

In this relationship, Brad is a Moon Card influence to Angelina. His

presence in Angelina's life is like a healing balm that soothes her. He provides

Angelina with nurturing support and a sense of foundation, security, home and

settledness. Angelina, on the other hand, brings many good things into Brad's

life. She brings new ideas, fresh perspectives, new information, a broadening

of experience and important direction for the relationship. In this relationship

Brad and Angelina have a strong communication link. This makes it easy for

them to share ideas, thoughts and feelings and makes this one of the highest

connections that exists for overall compatibility. Whether they realize it or not,

Angelina is the so-called 'leader' of this relationship. That is the nature of

being the Sun Card in a Sun/Moon relationship.

When we envision the ideal male/female relationship, a symbol that

comes to mind is the Sun and Moon. One rules the day, the other, the night.

One is fire and the other water. Together they balance each other out and fulfill

each other's vacant spots. The Sun warms the water (Moon) and the water

cools the Sun. This is the most ideal connection for a couple who have these

essential male and female qualities and nearly guarantees the success of the

relationship. Thus, it is not surprising how many successful marriages are

based upon this important connection.

Keep in mind though, that this connection only supports partners who are

willing to play the Sun and Moon roles. Some Sun/Moon relationships have

ended unsuccessfully because one or both of the partners was unwilling or

unable to play the role dictated by this connection. What this means for this

relationship is that if Brad is not willing to be the supportive, nurturing person

in this relationship, or if he is unwilling to take the back seat to Angelina in

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 9

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The First Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

key situations, this relationship may not last. Likewise, if Angelina is

unwilling to provide leadership, perhaps because she doesn't have any clear

direction for her life, then the same result is likely.

However, when two people become involved with this connection they

are usually willing to play these roles. On a basic energy level, the roles are

demanded of them and usually dictates how they are together. When Brad and

Angelina are harmonizing themselves with these roles, much happiness and

satisfaction is the result. This is a relationship that could easily last a lifetime.

There just is no better connection for compatibility and long-term harmony.

Affirmation for Brad: I am very grateful for Angelina's presence in my life.

She is a breath of fresh air that is always bringing me new and wonderful

things. I love our communication together and enjoy being Angelina's support

person. It feels natural to give of myself in this way.

Affirmation for Angelina: I am grateful for the presence of Brad in my life. I

feel that I have found a perfect partner that supports me in the directions that I

feel are important in my life. I appreciate all the wonderful things that he does

for me and our easy and natural communications.

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 10

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The Second Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Brad is the Mars Card to Angelina

Location: Life Spread

Brad has a definite impact on Angelina in this relationship. He has a way

of making Angelina feel stimulated. Often this stimulation can be of a sexual

nature. For this reason, the Mars connection is often a deciding factor in our

choice of partners. There is no doubt that Angelina was or is attracted to Brad

on this level. She may enjoy this energetic connection or, at other times, be

annoyed by it. If Angelina sometimes gets mad at Brad, this is because Mars

energy can be destructive at times if not harnessed and channeled into positive

pursuits. The things that turn Angelina on may also be the same things which

anger her at other times. This is how Mars energy works with everyone. It is a

fact that the relationships we desire the most are usually the ones that can

stimulate the most hostility at other times. When Mars energy is not used

constructively it can result in fighting, resentment, hostility and in some cases,

all out war.

But Angelina can use this information and consciously transform the

often negative effects of this Mars connection into positive directions. It is not

that difficult to keep a Mars relationship healthy. It just requires some

awareness and thoughtfulness. Brad can actually be a catalyst to get her out of

the house and doing things. To give this powerful Mars energy something

constructive to do, it is recommended that Brad and Angelina go outside and

do things together, or at the very least, find something productive to do

together with this energy. Couples with this connection usually go walking,

hiking, jogging, riding bicycles or participate in other forms of physical

exertion. All of these and others serve to exhaust the Mars energy and satisfy

it. When they do these sorts of activities together, they will always notice that

they feel better, both personally and about each other, afterwards.

If Brad and Angelina have any desire to work together, they have found

the perfect partner to do it with. Many successful working partnerships have

this valuable Mars connection. But even in this case, Angelina should be on

the lookout for the anger and competitive sides of this influence.

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 11

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The Second Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

Because Angelina is the one who is on the receiving end of this powerful

Martian force, it is likely that she has 'anger issues' to work out that are

stimulated by Brad's presence in her life. It may appear that Brad seems intent

on doing things that make her mad, even without knowing it. If Brad realizes

this, he will be less likely to take offense at her reactions and words. In fact,

Brad is probably not doing any of the things that Angelina thinks he is doing.

This connection tells us that Angelina is the one who is the most influenced by

this connection, and so she is also the one who bears the greatest responsibility

for dealing with the emotions that are associated with it. If there are other Mars

connections between them, this becomes even more important. Anger is

actually a mistaken belief that others are intentionally disregarding us or trying

to hurt us in some way. This 'misbelief' can be dismantled with awareness of

what is going on and maintaining good communications.

This connection provides a lot of the spark and magic in this relationship.

If Brad and Angelina use it with care, it can bring them much of what they

want out of life. Any negative manifestations of this powerful energy can be

controlled and eliminated through conscious awareness and when this is the

case, it becomes like a genie in a bottle who can grant them all their wishes.

Affirmation for Brad: I am aware of how much I stimulate Angelina and

understand her feelings. With this awareness I consciously guide my actions

and help us both by encouraging positive outlets for this powerful energy we


Affirmation for Angelina: I accept Brad as a powerful stimulus in my life and

choose to take responsibility for my own emotional reactions to him. With his

help, I am diffusing my own anger and channeling my energy into positive


Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 12

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The Third Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Angelina is the Venus Card to Brad

Location: Life Spread

This is a wonderful connection for any kind of relationship and

guarantees that Angelina and Brad can be good friends at the very least. The

fact is that they both have a lot in common. This gives them many things that

they can share and do together. It is a wonderful sign of compatibility and adds

a lot to the potential of this relationship to be successful.

In particular, Brad just adores Angelina. Even though he may get mad at

her at times or irritated by things she does or says, there is an underlying

current of love that is always there that Brad can tap into and experience at any

time. This essential compatibility helps them be 'friends first, everything else

second' in their relationship. This 'friends first' attitude will help them when

conflicts arise. It will allow them to let go of personal demands in order to be a

friend to their partner. This can have a powerful positive effect on the

relationship and allow them to resolve difficulties in a relatively short amount

of time.

It is also very likely that Angelina and Brad have a similar, if not the very

same, set of values. This means that they give importance to similar things in

life. They may have similar life goals or directions, or merely like the same

kinds of pleasures.

This is also a pleasure aspect. Sexually, Angelina and Brad should be

very compatible. They will enjoy similar experiences and have similar likes

and dislikes. This makes their time together more enjoyable and gives them

many options and possibilities of things to do together.

Put all of this together and we can see that Angelina and Brad have very

good chances of success as a couple. Unless other connections between them

conflict heavily, this one connection alone can be a guarantee of high

compatibility. To get the most out of this connection, Angelina and Brad only

need to remind themselves from time to time of all the wonderful things they

share and focus on those things.

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 13

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The Third Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

Affirmation for Angelina: I love being with Brad, with whom I have so much

in common, and enjoy being appreciated so much by him. I think we could

spend our entire life together.

Affirmation for Brad: I appreciate all that Angelina and I have in common. It is

the many things that we share that make our life together so enjoyable. I tell

Angelina just how grateful I am for her presence in my life.

The Fourth Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Brad is the Neptune Card to Angelina

Location: Spiritual Spread

This is the strongest psychic connection that two people can have. It is a

psychic link that exists because the two people in this relationship shared a

past life together in which there was a lot of attention placed upon the idealism

of their being together. They could have easily been co-members of some

religious or spiritual fellowship, sharing the same beliefs and religious

practices. They probably had the same goals of helping humanity or of

spiritual attainment in that lifetime. In this lifetime they come together with a

strong spiritual and psychic bond that is often difficult for them to describe.

What is interesting is that in the current lifetime, neither one of them may

even have any interest in spiritual matters. When this is the case, we usually

observe that their relationship instead has a lot of idealism and fantasy

involved in it. This would be especially true if this connection is one of the

first between them. Angelina is the primary receiver of this Neptune energy

and so she is the one who is more likely to have ideals and fantasies about

Brad and their relationship. Indeed, one of the reasons for their being together

may be for Angelina to learn the difference between dreams and reality. We all

have some unfulfilled soul-level fantasies that are strongly stimulated when we

meet someone who is our Neptune Card. It is through these relationships that

we get a chance to experience the pros and cons of these kinds of energies and

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 14

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The Fourth Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

just how our dreams and ideals work themselves out in this material world.

For this reason, this connection could add a very positive element to this

relationship or it could be the cause of a lot of confusion and disappointment.

If Angelina projects many of her fantasies and unfulfilled desires onto him,

Brad could feel as though she does not love the real him, only her projections.

This could make Brad tire of this relationship as he is not being loved for who

he is really is. Or, he could use the fact that Angelina is somewhat deceiving

herself to take advantage of her weakness and go along with the deception in

order to get things from Angelina that he wants. These are some of the more

common, negative expressions of the Neptune connection.

The positive expressions of this connection are great, wonderful and

unusual romantic beginnings, inspiration in being together, an incredible

psychic link to each other and romantic feelings that never die. On the spiritual

level, Brad and Angelina may feel as though they have a special purpose in

being together, one in which they will help the world in some significant way.

To keep this relationship on the positive side, Brad and Angelina only need to

have an awareness of all the manifestations, both positive and negative. By just

being aware, they will always have a choice in how they want this connection

to add to their lives together.

Affirmation for Brad: I realize the unusual power I hold over Angelina and

consciously direct our activities together in positive directions. I realize that I

may not be all of what she thinks I am, but I am encouraged by her seeing the

highest in me. She inspires me to reach my full potential and for this I am


Affirmation for Angelina: Brad reveals to me my deepest dreams and desires

and in many ways he fulfills them. I use his influence to inspire me to do my

best and to reach my fullest potential. I am grateful for Brad's presence in my


Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 15

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The Fifth Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Brad is the Venus Card to Angelina

Location: Life Spread

This is a wonderful connection for any kind of relationship and

guarantees that Brad and Angelina can be good friends at the very least. The

fact is that they both have a lot in common. This gives them many things that

they can share and do together. It is a wonderful sign of compatibility and adds

a lot to the potential of this relationship to be successful.

In particular, Angelina just adores Brad. Even though she may get mad at

him at times or irritated by things he does or says, there is an underlying

current of love that is always there that Angelina can tap into and experience at

any time. This essential compatibility helps them be 'friends first, everything

else second' in their relationship. This 'friends first' attitude will help them

when conflicts arise. It will allow them to let go of personal demands in order

to be a friend to their partner. This can have a powerful positive effect on the

relationship and allow them to resolve difficulties in a relatively short amount

of time.

It is also very likely that Brad and Angelina have a similar, if not the very

same, set of values. This means that they give importance to similar things in

life. They may have similar life goals or directions, or merely like the same

kinds of pleasures.

This is also a pleasure aspect. Sexually, Brad and Angelina should be

very compatible. They will enjoy similar experiences and have similar likes

and dislikes. This makes their time together more enjoyable and gives them

many options and possibilities of things to do together.

Put all of this together and we can see that Brad and Angelina have very

good chances of success as a couple. Unless other connections between them

conflict heavily, this one connection alone can be a guarantee of high

compatibility. To get the most out of this connection, Brad and Angelina only

need to remind themselves from time to time of all the wonderful things they

share and focus on those things.

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 16

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The Fifth Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

Affirmation for Brad: I love being with Angelina, with whom I have so much

in common, and enjoy being appreciated so much by her. I think we could

spend our entire life together.

Affirmation for Angelina: I appreciate all that Brad and I have in common. It is

the many things that we share that make our life together so enjoyable. I tell

Brad just how grateful I am for his presence in my life.

The Sixth Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Angelina and Brad are Mars to each other

Location: Life Spread

This connection is probably one of, if not the most, energetic connection

that any couple can have. Mars produces energy, passion and irritation. It stirs

up a lot of energy that must be harnessed and put to use, or it will tend to be

destructive and conflictive. In this relationship Angelina and Brad both inspire

Mars energy in each other. This serves to double and even triple the Mars

energy between them. Therefore, these two will be having to deal with both the

positive and negative effects of this Mars connection for the duration of their

relationship. With conscious awareness of what is going on, they can harness

this powerful connection to accomplish many things and develop an active and

enjoyable life together.

Mars connections can be very good for sex, and for working together.

Mars is a passionate planet, and inspires us to do things passionately. Sexually,

this aspect produces a lot of pure physical attraction, and it is usually mutually

experienced by both partners. Also, this connection is one of the very best for

couples who work together. Sex and working together are both ways in which

this powerful Martian energy can be expressed in positive ways. Many

successful working couples have at least one Mars connection between them.

In the case of Angelina and Brad, it is like having two or three connections in

just this one. Other positive expressions of Mars energy include hiking,

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 17

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The Sixth Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

jogging, biking or walking together. Dancing, working out and any other form

of shared physical exertion are highly recommended. Otherwise, the negative

expressions of Mars energy will predominate. These include fighting, blame,

hostility, all forms of abuse, and lots of arguments. Just think of Mars as a

magic genie who will grant all of your wishes with one condition - you must

keep her busy. If you don't give her something to do, then she will come after

you and try to kill you.

Angelina and Brad will have to take great care in this relationship not to

allow the negative aspects of Mars to captivate all their attention. This much

Mars energy can easily have them getting angry with each other on a frequent

basis. Couples who have Mars connections are often drawn together because

they have habitual patterns of blame and anger with which they approach their

closest relationships. Mars connections give them the opportunity to work on

these patterns, which can be holding them back in many areas of their life.

There are definitely things about Angelina and Brad that can irritate each

other, because on some level each of them reminds the other of some of the

things that she or he doesn't like about themselves. Each of us has some things

that we don't like about ourselves, things that we get mad at ourselves for.

When we meet someone who is our Mars Card, they will remind us of those

things. Initially, we may get mad at them and think that they are the problem.

Closer analysis reveals that it is only that they are reminding us of these inner

conflicts that we haven't resolved. So, in essence, a Mars relationship acts as a

catalyst to help us learn to love ourselves. But sometimes it takes years before

we begin to realize that the problem is within us, and not in our partner.

Getting beyond the stage of blame to the stage of self-reflection is an important

step that anyone with anger issues must make. Because of this strong Mars

connection, there is a good chance that both Angelina and Brad have some

anger issues to work on.

Keeping all of this in mind, Angelina and Brad can use this powerful

Martian force to accomplish many good things. If they are both career-minded,

this energy can inspire them into productivity and accomplishment. Even if

they do not share career ambitions, this energy can help them get more

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 18

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The Sixth Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

physically active and healthy. There are many wonderful uses for this Martian

force and Angelina and Brad can have a lot of fun discovering them.

Affirmation for Angelina: I am aware of how much I stimulate Brad and

understand his feelings because I can see how Brad stimulates me as well. I

take full responsibility for my own anger, seeing that it resides within me first.

With this awareness I consciously guide my actions and help us both by

encouraging positive outlets for this powerful energy we share.

Affirmation for Brad: I accept Angelina as a powerful stimulus in my life and

choose to take responsibility for my own emotional reactions to her. This

relationship represents a wonderful opportunity for me to release my anger and

transform it into positive, creative energy that can benefit my life in many


The Seventh Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Angelina and Brad are Mars to each other

Location: Spiritual Spread

This is a powerful, past-life connection that often draws two people

together like a magnet, in order to resolve some unfinished business from

before. Because it is Mars energy, the reasons and ways that it can be

expressed in this lifetime can vary. Mars can either be expressed as passion

and activity, or as anger and hostility. Either one or both of these sides may be

expressed in this relationship between Angelina and Brad and it is largely up

to them as to how this connection will affect them.

First of all, we know that their interaction in that former lifetime was one

that left some unfinished business. There are several possible scenarios and it

could be either or all of these that are responsible for this connection. They

could have been a couple who had a great, but unfulfilled passion for each

other. Some circumstances in that lifetime prevented them from consummating

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 19

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The Seventh Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

this passion. Now, in this lifetime, they will feel an immediate and powerful

physical attraction that feels very good to satisfy. Some great love affairs have

this double Mars connection. On the other hand, Angelina and Brad could have

been brothers or fellow warriors in a lifetime in which they shared a lot of

Martian activities such as competitive sports or battles. In this case, they come

into this lifetime with a healthy competitive spirit between them, one that

encourages each of them to excel and to stand up for their ideas and beliefs.

However, this connection can also be the result of having been enemies in a

former lifetime which ended with a lot of animosity and hostility between

them. In this case, the reason for their attraction to each other will be to resolve

this conflict. Animosity and hostility, along with unresolved blame and anger,

will continue to draw us to another person until it is resolved and transformed

into friendship, or at least mutual understanding and respect.

Angelina and Brad can examine their feelings for each other, along with

the other connections between them, if they want to determine exactly which

of these possible past-life scenarios applies to them. For example. if they have

many other harmonious connections, such as Venus and Jupiter, it is more

likely that they are here to fulfill the passionate and romantic aspects. Other

connections such as Saturn, Pluto, Cosmic Reward and even Uranus, may

indicate the other competitive and conflicting past-life influences. As

mentioned earlier, it may be one, all of them, or a unique combination.

This connection does guarantee that there will be a lot of energy between

Angelina and Brad, energy that must be handled with awareness if they want to

get the best out of it. It also tells us that Angelina and Brad will be dealing

with some anger and competitive issues as well - regardless of which past-life

scenario they identify themselves with. Even in the best of circumstances,

Mars will occasionally bring up some anger and arguing. In the worst case,

there could be physical and other forms of abuse.

Regardless of how it is expressed by Angelina and Brad, they can

consciously transform and use this energy to their advantage if they are

willing. Mars relationships represent a great potential that must be consciously

taken advantage of. To do this requires two things. First they must consciously

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 20

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The Seventh Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

engage themselves into positive activities together. It is not good enough for

only one of them to do them. If they go hiking, jogging, swimming or dancing

together, they will funnel off much of the negative part of Mars. The more

shared physical exertion the better. Next, they both have to work on their anger

and blame. Beneath all anger is a fear of one kind or another. If they examine

their feelings when they become angry with each other, they will be able to

find the fear that lies beneath it. If they can communicate this fear, the anger

disappears. Both of these things are very doable and will have a transformative

influence on this relationship.

Affirmation for Angelina: I am aware of how much I stimulate Brad and

understand his feelings because I can see how Brad stimulates me as well. I

take full responsibility for my own anger, seeing that it resides within me first.

With this awareness I consciously guide my actions and help us both by

encouraging positive outlets for this powerful energy we share.

Affirmation for Brad: I accept Angelina as a powerful stimulus in my life and

choose to take responsibility for my own emotional reactions to her. This

relationship represents a wonderful opportunity for me to release my anger and

transform it into positive, creative energy that can benefit my life in many


Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 21

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The Eighth Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Angelina and Brad are Venus to each other

Location: Life Spread

This is one of the better connections for any sort of relationship and

guarantees a certain amount of compatibility between Angelina and Brad. The

closer this connection is to being first, the stronger is the compatibility factor

that is enhanced by this connection. In essence, this connection tells us that

Angelina and Brad share many of the same likes and dislikes. This means that

they have a lot in common and makes it relatively easy for them to be together.

As a matter of fact, this connection is not common. Couples who have it are

blessed and probably each have some good karma from a past life to account

for meeting someone with whom they share this connection. Angelina and

Brad have a lot to be thankful for, especially in each other.

This is a mutual connection which is wonderful because the friendship

and loving energy of Venus is flowing both ways between Angelina and Brad.

Each receives good feelings from the other while at the same time having good

feelings of their own about the other. It is sort of like a love generator. Even if

this connection is not one of the first ones between them, it will add a definite

amount of ease and mutual appreciation to their relationship. So, regardless of

what other connections they may have together, we know that there are things

that they have in common. If they realize this, they can use this information to

great benefit. Whenever they get into disagreements or conflicts, all they need

to do is remember all the things that they have in common and focus some of

their attention on them. This 'shifting of their awareness' can be used to mend

many fences that may come between them.

It is highly likely that Angelina and Brad have much in common in

everyday terms. They probably enjoy the same kind of music, recreation,

television shows and other forms of entertainment. Venus is a pleasure planet.

With such a strong Venus connection, it is very likely that Angelina and Brad

enjoy the same things. Of course, sex falls into this category as well. The

Venus connection is often found among couples who are very sexually

compatible. It doesn't have the passionate attraction of a Mars connection, but

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 22

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The Eighth Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

it definitely makes the sexual experience a pleasant one for both partners.

Combined with a Mars connection gives us one of the best sexual/romantic

combinations. There can be exceptions of course, but these are the usual

indications, and they are very good in all respects.

So, just what will Angelina and Brad do with a relationship that has

'double blessings'? The foundation is there to create most anything that they

want. The rest is entirely up to them.

Affirmation for Angelina: I truly appreciate having a partner with whom I have

so much in common. Brad is someone I could spend the rest of my life with

because it is so easy to be with him.

Affirmation for Brad: Life with Angelina is very comfortable and easy on

many levels. I am grateful for the many things we share and have in common.

The Ninth Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Angelina is the Mars Card to Brad

Location: Spiritual Spread

This is one of those 'instant recognition', past-life connections that is

responsible for many marriages and friendships. This connection tells us that

Angelina and Brad have shared some past lives together. In one of those

lifetimes they developed a strong Martian energy between them, which in this

lifetime seeks resolution. Now, in this lifetime, there is a strong likelihood that

Angelina and Brad will feel some sort of familiarity when they meet, and there

could be a strong attraction that draws them together. Martian energy is either

passionate and aggressive or competitive and hostile. Often it is a curious

mixture of the passion and hostile energies.

In particular, Angelina is a strong stimulant to Brad. She will either

excite him, make him angry or both. Martian energy is power that must be

managed and handled consciously if it is to create positive results in our lives.

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 23

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The Ninth Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

Therefore, Brad will have a great responsibility to channel this energy into

positive activities. Lovemaking is a wonderful outlet for this energy and there

is no doubt that passion exists for this couple. In many cases, this connection

exists between a couple who had unfulfilled passion for each other from the

past life in question. It was an unconsummated love that for whatever reason,

was never allowed to run full circle. Now, when they meet in this lifetime, the

passion is right there, as if it had just been waiting for them to meet to be

realized. 'Lust at first sight' might describe it quite well.

But there is an equal possibility that Angelina and Brad were involved in

some other sort of relationship in that lifetime which resulted in unresolved

feelings of anger or hostility. If this is the case, the two of them will have to

work on correcting this because any hostility we feel for another will have to

eventually be transformed into love. Other connections between Angelina and

Brad may reveal whether or not this is the case. But they will probably already

know the answer to this question from their personal feelings about each other.

Regardless of the reason for their getting together, in the here and now

they will have to come up with a formula to deal with this Mars energy they

share. One of the most positive outlets for this energy is to work together. As a

matter of fact, most of the couples who have successful working and romantic

relationships have one or more strong Mars connections between them.

Working together provides a wonderful outlet for all those Martian energies.

The energy becomes a blessing in their relationship, inspiring them to be

productive and to 'get going'. Other good things to do with Mars energy is to

get outside and walk, hike, ride bicycles, jog, and other forms of shared

physical exertion. Angelina and Brad will find that engaging in these kinds of

activities always brings them closer together and funnels off the competitive

and aggressive energies into positive pursuits.

When there are Mars connections, regardless of what else exists between

two people, we know that there are some anger issues to work on in the context

of their being together. In this relationship, Brad is probably the one who

allows Angelina to anger him. Because Angelina is his Mars Card, he is the

one who is reacting to Angelina as a Mars influence. He also bears the greater

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 24

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The Ninth Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

responsibility for this anger or competitiveness when it comes up. The trick to

dealing with anger issues effectively is to realize that rarely do people do or

say things to make us mad on purpose. It is often our interpretation of their

actions or words that makes us angry. This is the challenge for Brad and he

probably chose Angelina to have the opportunity to work on this.

In conclusion, this relationship provides a powerful stimulus for both

partners, even though Brad may be affected a little more since he is the one

receiving most of the Mars energy. If Angelina and Brad take this energy and

put it to work they can benefit from the constructive activities it inspires. They

probably were attracted to each other because on some level they wanted to get

their lives going in a positive direction. With so much energy at their disposal,

there is much they can accomplish, as long as they keep it well-managed and


Affirmation for Angelina: I am aware of how much I stimulate Brad and

understand his feelings. With this awareness I consciously guide my actions

and help us both by encouraging positive outlets for this powerful energy we


Affirmation for Brad: I accept Angelina as a powerful stimulus in my life and

choose to take responsibility for my own emotional reactions to her. With her

help, I am diffusing my own anger and channeling my energy into positive


Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 25

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The Tenth Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

Connections beyond the first

decrease in strength and

significance. Therefore, the

second will be the next in

importance, the third connection

next, etc. But each new

connection is slightly less

significant than the one before it.

Keep this in mind as you read

their meanings.

Brad is the Cosmic Reward Card to Angelina

Location: Spiritual Spread

This is a past-life connection and one that has strong, spiritual overtones.

The Cosmic Reward Card is associated with Jupiter and as such can be a

blessing in our life. But whereas Jupiter's blessings are often of a financial

nature, the Cosmic Reward Card's blessings are usually of a less material

nature. In its highest manifestation, the Cosmic Reward connection will bring

us experiences that validate our own importance in the universe, helping us

feel connected and blessed by higher powers. We can receive guidance and

confirmation about our life and its purpose. Feelings can arise that inspire us,

enliven us and make us feel good about living. These are things that we often

do not value much until we have advanced in age to some degree. In general,

we say that Cosmic Reward relationships are perceived as more of a blessing

after the age of 35. But this is only based on averages and norms. Anyone can

be more interested in these things at any age.

Angelina is the one who is receiving this Cosmic Reward influence from

Brad. This means that Brad could be a very important blessing in her life, if

she is willing and able to receive it. Since the Cosmic Reward Card follows the

Pluto Card, it is often only after we have done our own work of personal

transformation, indicated by our Pluto Card, that we are rewarded, so to speak,

by our Cosmic Reward Card. The Cosmic Reward Card, is, in any case,

something that we are destined to become or achieve in this lifetime. This

means that Angelina may feel drawn to Brad because she can perceive that

Brad has these qualities that are a part of her destiny. If Angelina is creating a

happy life for herself, Brad will be a natural part of that happiness, if other

connections do not strongly indicate otherwise.

This connection guarantees that this relationship has a certain amount of

compatibility potential. Brad truly feels encouraged to give to Angelina and to

share his wealth and abundance with her. This giving attitude can be part of a

good foundation for a successful relationship. But, if Angelina has not yet

dealt with her own need for change in this lifetime, Brad may just serve as a

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 26

Relationship Report for Angelina and Brad

The Tenth Connection Between You

Angelina Brad

reminder to her of this fact. If this is the case, Brad may seem more of a

confronting and challenging influence to Angelina.

So, we see that much of how this connection affects the relationship lies

in the hands of Angelina. It is for her to decide what to make of it. Hopefully,

she will be ready to receive Brad as the blessing in her life that he has the

potential to be. Later, she may realize that they were destined to be together,

which is a common experience with this connection.

Affirmation for Brad: I am glad to be a blessing in Angelina's life and hope

that I can give her all that I have to give. I understand that she may be

challenged by me at times and have compassion for this. I only wish the best

for her.

Affirmation for Angelina: I am grateful for the presence of Brad in my life. I

accept all the good things that he brings into my life and respond with

appreciation and gratitude. In this way I multiply my blessings.

Report personally prepared by Kathaleen Bentkowski, Magi Counselor http://KnowYourDestinyCards.com This program and all text Copyright 2003 by Robert Camp, author Love Cards and Destiny Cards Page 27
