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Lwju."ij:-jnm- w JjrJi-yzBmu.lvm- L'j uk; l'jj. THE KENTUCKY GAZETTE'- - FRIDAY,-Slptemb- er 5, 1802. No. 333-- . LVol. XV. J LEXINGTON: Printed by DANIEL BRADFORD, (On Main Street J price Two Dollars per annum, paid in advan CE. John Adams ck George Adams jun. HATTERS, HAE opened a Shop opposite Mr. Printing Office, where they will keep a constant iupply of Hats of all kinds ; which they will sell at the following prices for Cash. : ' Men's Rorara, 42 dolls, per doz. 4 "Women's ditto, 36 ditto J Wool Hats, 1 a ditto They will give the highest prices in, Cash for Beaver and Racoon Furs, or Lamb's Wool. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A number of good Journeymen Hat- ters. They will be paid the following prices in Cash, for manufacturing ttats For Beaver, Castor, Roram, - Wool, tf 50 cents. 1 25 ' 1 00 5 Lexington, July 9. STRAYED From Robert Sanders's tavern, about the 10th or 15th of last March, a RttTGHT BAY MARE, about six years old, about fourteen hands I two or three inches high, a long switch j tail, a little roach backed, witn icars about the middle, trots tolerable likelv Mare. doll Ionic and canters, a Whoever deli- - vers her to the Jailer in Lexington, or to Mathew Anderson, near Winchester, Clarke county, shall receive Eight Dol- lars reward. Benj. Wharton. July 9th, 1802. Madison scl. June Court igoi." Thomas Hardwick, Complainant, Against Henry Francies, Joseph Beard, ") Defen- - and John Stone, J dants. ' IN CHANCERY. THE defendant John Stone, having sailed to enter his appearance tgreeablc to law and the rules of this court, and not being an inhabitant of this state, on the motion of the complainant by his counsel, it is ordered that the said defen- dant do appear here on the first Monday in September next, and answer the bill of the complainant, and that a copy of this order be published for two months in the Kentucky Gazette, another set up al the court-hous- e door, and another pub- - limed at the Stone meeting-hous- e. on Tate's creek, some Sunday aster divine service. A conv. Telle; t 6s 9 WW- - Irvine. t N EVS T A V ER CHILLICOTHE. WTT.TJAM KEYS, iV, RESPECTFULLY acquaints the jrablirand his friends generally, that he iise taken that larsre and commfdious house. (lately occupied by Cap. Thomas Crete) at the corner of Paint and Wa- ter streets, sign of the INDIAN KING, where n has opened a Public House, & is furnished with convenient rooms & good beds for the accommodation of travellers, a large liable with separate flails, good paflure, &0 As it will be his principal objecl. to furnish both house and liable with every neceffary the country will af- ford, he hopes for the patronage of his old customers as well as others, and af-fur- es them that no exertion on his part shall be wanting to render their flotation agreeable. 6v July 10, 1 80a. CHILLICOTHE. V jOSEPHTIFFIN, ' RESPECTFULLY acquaints the public, and his friends particularly, that he dill occupies the land formerly known by the name of the RED LION, and is well supplied with every article neceffa- ry for the accommodation of travellers His liquors are of a superior quality, beds and bedding in the best order, stables kept clean, 'with 22 separate flails, well supplied with good timothy hay, oats and good paflure also attentive hostlers and servants. Gentlemen wishing to retire from the bustle ofthe tavern, may be ac- comodated with separate rooms. Chillicotbe, id August, 1802. TUST PUBLISHED And for sale at this Office, the fecondedltienof I WILoUN O IjKJilUlUALi, Revised and Cor reeled. CHEAP GOODS. SAMUEL & GEORGE TROTTER, Have just received from Philadelphia, And are now opening at their Store, on Main street, Lexington, An Extensive Assortment of MERCHANDIZE, Of the latest ' importations from Europe and the East and West Indies, consisting of. 7 DRY GOODS, HARD WARE, GROCERIES, CHINA, -- . GLASS, 13 QUEENS & TIN J All of which were purchased on the low-e- st terms, and will be sold either by whole-sal- e or retail, for Cash accordingly Among which are the following articles Fine Cloths, Cotton Ec Wool Cafiimers, Cards, Fancy Cords, Saddlery, Irifli Linens Anvils, Chintzes, Vices, Callicoes, Steel, India Muslins & Nails, , Nankeens, Imperial, ") "S , British Plain Jaco- - Hyfon, nett, Young Hyfon . S . Tambored, Lappet, ooufchong, Cg Book&Cambrick Green & I ditto, Bohea J Dimities, Coffee & Chocolate, Scai let Cloaks, Loaf & Brown Su- - Turkey Cotton, gar, Indigo of a superior quality &c. 8cc. STATE OF KENTUCKY. Mason county set. July Term 1802, Elizabeth Phillips tfGabiiel Philq 2 lips, heirs of Gabriel Phillips de--- '" ceased, by George Shepherd, f their next friend, J rj Against -- q Sarah Phillips widow of John Phil- lips, dec. &? Geo. Phillips, James Phillips, Richard Bane, ci? Nancy his wise, William Tate, &? Lucy his wise, Thomas Farrow, & Frances his wise, James Savage, &' Mary his wise, Hudson Gar- land, &? Elizabeth his wise, Wil- - f liam Alcoc1:, Sarah Alcock, Fran ces Alcock, Elizabeth Alcock, f 5 Richard Alcock, Dolly Alcock, Lucy Alcock, Benjamin Phillips, Frances Phillips, Sally Phillips, Thanev Phillips, Moses Phillips, Polly Phillips, Elisabeth Phillips, Nancy Phillips Sf George Phil- lips, heirs &? representatives of said John Phillips de'eeafed, TM nil AfirVDV 3 IT appearing to the fatisfacYion of the court that the defendants Thomas Far- row and Frances his wise Hudson Gar- land and Elizabeth his wise, William Al- cock, Sarah Alcock, Frances Alcock, Alcock, Richard Alcocic, Dolly Alcock, Lucy Alcock, Benjamin Phillips, Frances Phillips, Sally Phillips, Thaney Phillips, Moses Phillips, Polly Fhitlips, Elizabeth Phillips, Nancy Phillips and George Phillips, are not inhabitants of this Commonwealth, and they having sailed to appear and file their answer to law and the rules of this court ; upon motion of the complainants by their attorney, it is ordered, that un-le- ss the said defendants shall appear here at the next Odlober term in person, or by some attorney of said court, and an- fwer the said complainants' bill the same shall b taken as confeffed ; and it is fur- ther ordered, that a copy of this order be advertised for two months fuci-effivel- y in some public authorifed paper, and that 'another be polled at the door of the court-hous- e in the town of Walhington, and that a third be polled at the door of the Baptist meeting-hous- e in said town, some Sunday immediately aster divine service. A copy, Tefle, Tho. Marshall Jun. c. m, c. TAKEN up by the fubferiber, living jn Adair county, on Cumberland river, VTRAWBERRY-ROA- N MARE, FjDur years old, neither docked nor bran- ded, a small Star in her sorehead ; to ill. 10s. August 17th, 1802, .. WILLI AM LE A VY Has jufl received from Philadelphia, and is now opening for sale at his (lore in Lexington, a large,' elegant and well ohofeu affortment of' f. . MERCHANDIZE, , -- consisting of the following articles, viz. Superfine, sine, and Coarse Cloths,. Caffimeres of differ ent colours, Swandownsr Striped .and Plain Costings, Roses Point, Ik Stri ped Blankets, elvets, Fancy Cords, ft amblets, JL loreens, Joan's Spinning, Durants, plain and Strip'd, Callimancoes and Bombazets, Light, blue, yellow, and spotted Flo rentines, Plain, ftrip'dck clou ded Nankeens, Ginghams, Dimity & Merfailles Veiling, India book Jaconet, British Lappet, Cambrics and coarse Muslins, Tamboured, fring'd. cotton and hlK Shawls, Handkerchiefs ot e- - very description, A handsome well chosen afforment of Chintzes and Callicoes, unuiu ally low, Mantuas, Lutenrings, Sencnews, & Pe longs, Men's flrip'd and 7 plain Sattins, .till and'i-- a ell rer-- i fians, 7-- 8 and yard wide Irifli Linens, Brown Holland and Britannias, Diaper towelling & table Linen, Silk, cotton & wor- - Hose, and Leather Gloves, Thread of every kind, Morocco, Stuff and leather Slippers, Scarlet Cloaks of different sizes, Blue, green, &! Scaifet Plufl Scarlet Turkey Cotton, Wool and Tow Cards Imperial, Hyfon skin, Green and Bohea I sr ts e i Coffee, and Mufcova- - do Sugar by the barrel, Aronett, PrufTian blue' 1 Kings' yellow, pa tent yyllow, .and yellow Ochre, Indigo, . Red keel vermillion, Verdigreafe, Logwood, Redwood, Madder,' Allum, Coperas, Pepper, Alfpice, Nutmegs, Cloves and G'nger, Sulphur, London white lead, Spanish whiting and Chalk, "ipanifh Brown, Window glass by the box, Medicines & Paints, As usual, a ge neral aflortmenli of Law, Divinity & School Books, . variety of Ket- - 1 a bell gun &ui pistol locks, Vnvils and Vices, Files of des-- ciiption, Crawley and blister- - ed Steel, Gut &4d. Nails, Coupafs, dovetaii, tenon, panr.el. German and call plate hand ;, laws of the best quality, A numerous ment of Saddlery and Cutlery, Platillasremaikably All kinds of shoe low, fted Silk buff yarn YoungHyfon, Is" Loaf very nd's every 3d. fleel maker's tools, China ware by the fliort or full and complete sets, Queens' ware of ev ery Kind, jmrnon and glass Decanters, Bell plated castors, Copper Tea kettles. All sizes of Iron b: Brass wire, affort- - Screen and wh'ea't farm Riddles, Gilt looking glaffes from 30 by 22 down to 12 3 by 10, & 10 by 12 window glals by the box. o a comnie set Aofhe p ENCYCLO 7EDIA- - in 18 volumes. UMBRELLAS of every size. Cr" There arc besides the above enu- merated articles which I have imported, a great variety of others, which will be sold by Wholesale or Retail, on as low, is not on lower terms, than any ever expo-fe- d for sale in this place. tf Lexington, Aug. 9, 1802. ' .I DISTRICT OF OHIO, f Supervisor's Office, July 1st 1802. PUBLIC NOTICE, Is hereby given the fubferiber hath been THAT by the Secretary of the Treasury, to receive from individuals, such blank Stamps as may be presented within the space of sour months from the date hereof, and to pay the value there- of, deducting in all cases seven and one half per cent, in conformity to an al of Congress, entitled " An ac"lto repeal the internal taxes." JAMES MORRISON, 3m Supervisor. ALEX. PARKER & Co. Have just received from Philadelphia, in addition to their former assortment, India Nankeens, India & Englifli Flannels, , Rose Blankets, Scarlet Cardinals aflhrted, Superfine Botilting Cloths, Calfskin-- , StufT8c Morocco Slippers, Knives & Forks, Cotton Cards, Best Coffee, 1 06, ' Loaf &.Mufcovado Sugars, Madeira, T yf Sherry, Ul Port & fg Teneriffe J -- i .fepper, Allum, French Indigo, White Lead, &c. Which they will sell on the most mode- rate terms for Cash, Country Linen1 Lin-se- y and Hemp. , - . Lexington, July aoiSoa. N. B. A sew of the be.ff-finifiie- d SAW MILL CRANKS on hand. " PARIS .DISTRICT. July Term 1802. David Johnston Complainant, Against , f Thomas. Logwood & others, Defendants. IN CHANCERY. THE. defendant Logwood, not having cyuered his appearance herein tfereeablv to the acl of aflembly and rules of this courr, and 11 apreanng to the fatisfadlion of the court, that he is not an inhabitant of this Commonwealth, on, motion of tJl&Dmplainant by his counsel, it it or- dered that the said defendant do appear & answer the complainant's billat the njjSt term ; that a copy of this orderbfc infed in some one of the Gazettes, of this late for two months fur ceffivelv, another riof- - ted at the door of the court-hous- e ir Pa ris, and published at the front door of the Presbyterian mee'.ing-houf- e- in Paris, some Sunday immediately aster divine service. A copv, Areft. THU. AUNOL? STATE OFKLNT". . Mason County, set. V .1 term, lI John Ed?ar, Coirplainant, azitnji f Peter Labra, Defendant. I In Chancery. .C 1802. T appearing to the atisfaclion of the. habitant of this commorv tK .pd he I having sailed to appe-- r andriie his aniucr vt i ,1 1 .t .., r .1 niccauic hi jaw iuju me Ultra 01 uus court: upon motion ot the complainant. by his attorney, it is ordered, that unless he appear here at the next Odlober coutt, in pwfon, or by some attorney of said court, and answer the bill, the same fliall be taken as con- feffed, and it is further ordered, that a co- - py of this order be advertised for tv,o months iucceffively in lome public autho- rifed paper ; another polled at the door of the court house in Walhington, and s. third at the door of the Baptist meeting house, in said town, some Sunday imme- diately aster divine service. A copy. Tefle, TIIO. MARSHALL, Jun. c. m. c PARIS DISTRICT, July Term, 1803. William Harvey, Complainant, against Samuel Taylor, James Trabue, Fdmund Thomas and George Jonfton, Defendants. IN CHANCERY. THE defendant James Trabue, not entered his appearance here- in agreeably to the a6l of AlTembly and the rules of this court, and it appearing to the fatisfa6lion of the court that he is not an inhabitant of this commonwealth On the motion of thecomplainant'byhis counsel, it is ordered, that thtfaid defend- ant do appear here on the third day of the next November Term, and answer the j compl linant's bill, that a copy of this or der be inserted in one ot the Gazettes of this slate for twijionths (ucceffive!y, an- other pofled at J.he door of the court house in Paris, and published at the front door of the Prefbyieriar meeting house in Paris, some Sunday immediately aster divine service. A cony, - 11 THO. ARNOLD, Clk, -- Si"- -- fi. . r .. frFSfekiiAi &Ste8fc ?& 5f 1 i
Page 1: Lwju.ij:-jnm- w JjrJi-yzBmu.lvm- GAZETTE'-nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7tqj77tm8x/data/3453.pdf · Lwju."ij:-jnm-w JjrJi-yzBmu.lvm-L'j uk; l'jj.THE KENTUCKY GAZETTE'- No. FRIDAY,-Slptemb- er

Lwju."ij:-jnm- w JjrJi-yzBmu.lvm- L'j uk; l'jj.


FRIDAY,-Slptemb- er 5, 1802.No. 333--. LVol. XV. JLEXINGTON: Printed by DANIEL BRADFORD, (On Main Street J price Two Dollars per annum, paid in advan CE.

John Adams ck George Adams jun.HATTERS,

HAE opened a Shop opposite Mr.Printing Office, where

they will keep a constant iupply of Hatsof all kinds ; which they will sell at thefollowing prices for Cash. :

'Men's Rorara, 42 dolls, per doz.4 "Women's ditto, 36 ditto

J Wool Hats, 1 a dittoThey will give the highest prices in,

Cash for Beaver and Racoon Furs, orLamb's Wool.

WANTED IMMEDIATELY,A number of good Journeymen Hat-

ters. They will be paid the followingprices in Cash, for manufacturing ttats

For Beaver,Castor,Roram,

- Wool,tf

50 cents.1 25

'1 005

Lexington, July 9.

STRAYEDFrom Robert Sanders's tavern, about

the 10th or 15th of last March, a

RttTGHT BAY MARE,about six years old, about fourteen hands I

two or three inches high, a long switch j

tail, a little roach backed, witn icarsabout the middle, trotstolerable likelv Mare.


Ionicand canters, aWhoever deli- -

vers her to the Jailer in Lexington, or toMathew Anderson, near Winchester,Clarke county, shall receive Eight Dol-

lars reward.Benj. Wharton.

July 9th, 1802.

Madison scl. June Court igoi."Thomas Hardwick, Complainant,

AgainstHenry Francies, Joseph Beard, ") Defen- -

and John Stone, J dants.' IN CHANCERY.THE defendant John Stone, having

sailed to enter his appearance tgreeablcto law and the rules of this court, andnot being an inhabitant of this state, on

the motion of the complainant by hiscounsel, it is ordered that the said defen-

dant do appear here on the first Mondayin September next, and answer the bill

of the complainant, and that a copy of

this order be published for two months in

the Kentucky Gazette, another set up althe court-hous- e door, and another pub- -

limed at the Stone meeting-hous- e. on

Tate's creek, some Sunday aster divineservice.

A conv. Telle;

t6s 9 WW- - Irvine.tN EVS T A V E R




RESPECTFULLY acquaints the

jrablirand his friends generally, that he

iise taken that larsre and commfdioushouse. (lately occupied by Cap. ThomasCrete) at the corner of Paint and Wa-

ter streets, sign of the INDIAN KING,where n has opened a Public House, & is

furnished with convenient rooms & good

beds for the accommodation of travellers,a large liable with separate flails, good

paflure, &0 As it will be his principalobjecl. to furnish both house and liablewith every neceffary the country will af-

ford, he hopes for the patronage of hisold customers as well as others, and af-fur-es

them that no exertion on his partshall be wanting to render their flotationagreeable.

6v July 10, 1 80a.



public, and his friends particularly, thathe dill occupies the land formerly known

by the name of the RED LION, and is

well supplied with every article neceffa-

ry for the accommodation of travellersHis liquors are of a superior quality, beds

and bedding in the best order, stables

kept clean, 'with 22 separate flails, well

supplied with good timothy hay, oats andgood paflure also attentive hostlers and

servants. Gentlemen wishing to retirefrom the bustle ofthe tavern, may be ac-

comodated with separate rooms.Chillicotbe, id August, 1802.

TUST PUBLISHEDAnd for sale at this Office, the fecondedltienof I

WILoUN O IjKJilUlUALi,Revised and Cor reeled.


SAMUEL & GEORGE TROTTER,Have just received from Philadelphia,

And are now opening at their Store, onMain street, Lexington,

An Extensive Assortment ofMERCHANDIZE,

Of the latest ' importations from Europeand the East and West Indies,

consisting of.




TIN JAll of which were purchased on the low-e- st

terms, and will be sold either by whole-sal- e

or retail, for Cash accordinglyAmong which are the following articles

Fine Cloths, Cotton Ec WoolCafiimers, Cards,Fancy Cords, Saddlery,Irifli Linens Anvils,Chintzes, Vices,Callicoes, Steel,India Muslins & Nails, ,Nankeens, Imperial, ") "S ,

British Plain Jaco- - Hyfon,nett, Young Hyfon . S .

Tambored, Lappet, ooufchong, CgBook&Cambrick Green & I

ditto, Bohea JDimities, Coffee & Chocolate,Scai let Cloaks, Loaf & Brown Su- -

Turkey Cotton, gar,Indigo of a superior quality &c. 8cc.

STATE OF KENTUCKY.Mason county set. July Term 1802,

Elizabeth Phillips tfGabiiel Philq 2lips, heirs of Gabriel Phillips de--- '"

ceased, by George Shepherd, ftheir next friend, J rj

Against --q

Sarah Phillips widow of John Phil-lips, dec. &? Geo. Phillips, JamesPhillips, Richard Bane, ci? Nancyhis wise, William Tate, &? Lucyhis wise, Thomas Farrow, &Frances his wise, James Savage,&' Mary his wise, Hudson Gar-

land, &? Elizabeth his wise, Wil- -f liam Alcoc1:, Sarah Alcock, Fran

ces Alcock, Elizabeth Alcock, f 5Richard Alcock, Dolly Alcock,Lucy Alcock, Benjamin Phillips,Frances Phillips, Sally Phillips,Thanev Phillips, Moses Phillips,Polly Phillips, Elisabeth Phillips,Nancy Phillips Sf George Phil-lips, heirs &? representatives ofsaid John Phillips de'eeafed,

TM nil AfirVDV


IT appearing to the fatisfacYion of thecourt that the defendants Thomas Far-row and Frances his wise Hudson Gar-land and Elizabeth his wise, William Al-

cock, Sarah Alcock, Frances Alcock,Alcock, Richard Alcocic, Dolly

Alcock, Lucy Alcock, Benjamin Phillips,Frances Phillips, Sally Phillips, ThaneyPhillips, Moses Phillips, Polly Fhitlips,Elizabeth Phillips, Nancy Phillips andGeorge Phillips, are not inhabitants ofthis Commonwealth, and they havingsailed to appear and file their answer

to law and the rules of thiscourt ; upon motion of the complainantsby their attorney, it is ordered, that un-le- ss

the said defendants shall appear hereat the next Odlober term in person, orby some attorney of said court, and an-

fwer the said complainants' bill the sameshall b taken as confeffed ; and it is fur-

ther ordered, that a copy of this orderbe advertised for two months fuci-effivel-


in some public authorifed paper, and that'another be polled at the door of the

court-hous- e in the town of Walhington,and that a third be polled at the door ofthe Baptist meeting-hous- e in said town,some Sunday immediately aster divineservice.

A copy,Tefle,

Tho. Marshall Jun. c. m, c.

TAKEN up by the fubferiber, livingjn Adair county, on Cumberland river,

VTRAWBERRY-ROA- N MARE,FjDur years old, neither docked nor bran-

ded, a small Star in her sorehead ;

to ill. 10s.

August 17th, 1802,

.. WILLI AM LE A VYHas jufl received from Philadelphia,

and is now opening for sale at his (lorein Lexington, a large,' elegant andwell ohofeu affortment of'

f. . MERCHANDIZE, , --

consisting of the following articles, viz.Superfine, sine, and

Coarse Cloths,.Caffimeres of differ

ent colours,SwandownsrStriped .and Plain

Costings,Roses Point, Ik Stri

ped Blankets,elvets,

Fancy Cords, ftamblets, JLloreens,

Joan's Spinning,Durants, plain and

Strip'd,Callimancoes and

Bombazets,Light, blue, yellow,

and spotted Florentines,

Plain, ftrip'dck clouded Nankeens,

Ginghams,Dimity & Merfailles

Veiling,India book Jaconet,British Lappet,Cambrics and coarse

Muslins,Tamboured, fring'd.

cotton and hlK

Shawls,Handkerchiefs ot e- -

very description,A handsome well

chosen afformentof Chintzes andCallicoes, unuiually low,

Mantuas, Lutenrings,Sencnews, & Pelongs,

Men's flrip'd and7 plain Sattins,.till and'i-- a ell rer--i

fians,7-- 8 and yard wide

Irifli Linens,

Brown Holland andBritannias,

Diaper towelling &

table Linen,Silk, cotton & wor- -

Hose,and Leather

Gloves,Thread of every

kind,Morocco, Stuff and

leather Slippers,Scarlet Cloaks of

different sizes,Blue, green, &!

Scaifet PluflScarlet TurkeyCotton, Wool and

Tow CardsImperial,

Hyfon skin,Green andBohea I



Coffee,and Mufcova- -

do Sugar by thebarrel,

Aronett,PrufTian blue' 1

Kings' yellow, patent yyllow, .andyellow Ochre,

Indigo, .

Red keel vermillion,Verdigreafe,Logwood,Redwood,Madder,'Allum,Coperas,Pepper,Alfpice,Nutmegs,Cloves andG'nger,Sulphur,London white lead,Spanish whiting and

Chalk,"ipanifh Brown,Window glass by

the box,Medicines & Paints,

As usual, a general aflortmenliof Law, Divinity& School Books,

. variety of Ket- -1 a bell gun &uipistol locks,

Vnvils and Vices,Files of des--

ciiption,Crawley and blister- -

ed Steel,Gut &4d. Nails,Coupafs, dovetaii,

tenon, panr.el.German and call

plate hand ;,

laws of the bestquality,

A numerousment of Saddleryand Cutlery,

Platillasremaikably All kinds of shoelow,












maker's tools,

China ware by thefliort or full andcomplete sets,

Queens' ware of every Kind,jmrnon andglass Decanters,

Bell plated castors,Copper Tea kettles.All sizes of Iron b:

Brass wire,

affort- -

Screen and wh'ea'tfarm Riddles,

Gilt looking glaffesfrom 30 by 22down to 12

3 by 10, & 10 by 12window glals bythe box.

o a comnie setAofhe pENCYCLO 7EDIA- -

in 18 volumes.UMBRELLAS of

every size.

Cr" There arc besides the above enu-merated articles which I have imported,a great variety of others, which will besold by Wholesale or Retail, on as low, isnot on lower terms, than any ever expo-fe- d

for sale in this place.tf Lexington, Aug. 9, 1802.

' .I DISTRICT OF OHIO,f Supervisor's Office, July 1st 1802.

PUBLIC NOTICE, Is hereby giventhe fubferiber hath beenTHAT by the Secretary of the

Treasury, to receive from individuals,such blank Stamps as may be presentedwithin the space of sour months from thedate hereof, and to pay the value there-of, deducting in all cases seven and onehalf per cent, in conformity to an al ofCongress, entitled " An ac"lto repeal theinternal taxes."

JAMES MORRISON,3m Supervisor.


Have just receivedfrom Philadelphia,in addition to their former assortment,

India Nankeens,India & Englifli Flannels,

, Rose Blankets,Scarlet Cardinals aflhrted,Superfine Botilting Cloths,Calfskin-- , StufT8c Morocco Slippers,Knives & Forks,Cotton Cards,Best Coffee,1 06, '

Loaf &.Mufcovado Sugars,Madeira, T yfSherry, Ul

Port & fgTeneriffe J --i.fepper,Allum,French Indigo,White Lead, &c.

Which they will sell on the most mode-rate terms for Cash, Country Linen1 Lin-se- y

and Hemp., - . Lexington, July aoiSoa.N. B. A sew of the be.ff-finifiie-d SAW

MILL CRANKS on hand."

PARIS .DISTRICT.July Term 1802.

David Johnston Complainant,Against , fThomas. Logwood & others, Defendants.

IN CHANCERY.THE. defendant Logwood, not having

cyuered his appearance herein tfereeablvto the acl of aflembly and rules of thiscourr, and 11 apreanng to the fatisfadlionof the court, that he is not an inhabitantof this Commonwealth, on, motion oftJl&Dmplainant by his counsel, it it or-dered that the said defendant do appear& answer the complainant's billat the njjStterm ; that a copy of this orderbfc infedin some one of the Gazettes, of this latefor two months fur ceffivelv, another riof- -

ted at the door of the court-hous- e ir Paris, and published at the front door ofthe Presbyterian mee'.ing-houf- e- in Paris,some Sunday immediately aster divineservice.

A copv,Areft.


STATE OFKLNT". .Mason County, set. V .1 term,


John Ed?ar, Coirplainant,azitnji f

Peter Labra, Defendant. IIn Chancery.



T appearing to the atisfaclion of the.

habitant of this commorv tK .pd heI having sailed to appe-- r andriie his aniucrvt i ,1 1 .t .., r .1niccauic hi jaw iuju me Ultra 01 uus

court: upon motion ot the complainant.by his attorney, it is ordered, that unlesshe appear here at the next Odlobercoutt, in pwfon, or by some attorney ofsaid court, and answer the

bill, the same fliall be taken as con-

feffed, and it is further ordered, that a co- -py of this order be advertised for tv,omonths iucceffively in lome public autho-rifed paper ; another polled at the door ofthe court house in Walhington, and s.

third at the door of the Baptist meetinghouse, in said town, some Sunday imme-

diately aster divine service.A copy. Tefle,


July Term, 1803.William Harvey, Complainant,

againstSamuel Taylor, James Trabue, FdmundThomas and George Jonfton, Defendants.


THE defendant James Trabue, notentered his appearance here-

in agreeably to the a6l of AlTembly andthe rules of this court, and it appearingto the fatisfa6lion of the court that he isnot an inhabitant of this commonwealth

On the motion of thecomplainant'byhiscounsel, it is ordered, that thtfaid defend-

ant do appear here on the third day ofthe next November Term, and answer the

j compl linant's bill, that a copy of this order be inserted in one ot the Gazettes ofthis slate for twijionths (ucceffive!y, an-

other pofled at J.he door of the courthouse in Paris, and published at the frontdoor of the Prefbyieriar meeting housein Paris, some Sunday immediately asterdivine service.

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