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Ly-en- j. 00K0KQE &C0., Post

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EATON WEEKLY DEMOCRAT. Thursday July 3, 1873. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. We are indebted to,jA8. A. Gil WORE, Esq., for the Court report that appears iu this week's Dkmochat. Post Office Papers. Those of ouf subscribers who have been receiving the Dbhocbat through the Eaton Post Office, and do not want to pay postage, can get them hereafter at the office of publication. 2d Story of Stephens' block, north room. .. Twin Township Club. The Twin township Farmers' Club will hold a meeting at Lexington, on Saturday, July 12th, for the purpose of organization. Speakers will be present to address the meeting. Celebration. There will bo.a Fourth of July cele bration, in Cline's Grove, near New Hope, and probably the laying of the Corner Stone of -- the new School House. Kveryuotiy is iiwuea. av.w Fourth of July. (Friday,) the firing of cannon, the swelling strains of mar tial tnuue and the., joyful waving of countless' banners ; will announce throughout tho land another return- ing anniversary of our National Sab- bath. This day, ninety-seve- n years ago, was bora the .American Repub lic, embracing thirteen infant Colo- nics, thinly settled and poorly devel- oped, their habitations,. for the most back almost live score years! Wliat a change 1 What a retrospect! - - Under the nurturing care of a kind Providence, and by living up, to the immortal principles of human rights, fiat day, for ihc first time, aunou need to the worJd,4he'thirtecn feeble strip- lings have expanded inf6 a gigantic Confederacy of Statcs,stretching from the Atlantic to tho - Pacific. '. The young and impoverished Republic lias grown - into . the most powerful and wealthy, of empires.' Her ex- changes - penetrate; to the uttermost parts of the sarib, and the canvas of licr sl3ppiug"maybe) Utterally Vaid to whitcu every sea. Already in art, science, literature, invention and com- merce, she takes her place in the first rank of nations, yielding to nous the palm of superiority History and tradition-wil- l both ho appealed to in vain to luniish' any. thing like a paral- lel to the miracle of, this country's growth and developuicaf., JScvcv has the world before known such an em- pire never before iiich a "govern- ment aud , such prosperity, among a people. Comparatively - speaking, free as air, electors of their own" pub- lic officers with n!I their rights reserved, 9ave what have been delegated, for the public good, our people present a spectacle at oucc the wonder "and admiration of Christendom. If ever a people had occasion to "thank Providence for what it has done for them, it is ours, and tli is day 'should in truth be a great National Thanksgiving day, on which grateful prayers should ascend to Heaven for what we have, aud pa- triotic pledges be renewed of our to guard and preserve the institutions' that have conferred on us such rare felicity and prosperity. This day should indeed be given to the country; to prayers for its preser- vation from Credit JMobilicr and Sal- ary grabbers ; thoughts as to how an increasing love of it can be cultivated in tho popular inind--e8peciall- y now, .Avhcn corruption and faction arestri - J ving to undermine its government in the affection of the people fis a pre- liminary to the establishing of a Mil- itary. Despotism. . On this day fath crs should., teach their , children the story of their country's birth and life ; should tell them about the Hag what it raCnns and 6tands for ; should teach them to lisp the names of our revolu- tionary heroes ; recount to them their sacrifices and sufferings to attain what wc now enjoy.. There is need; of all this now It wo would preserve our institutions we must love them and guard them. "Eternal vigilance," has been fitly termed "the. price of lifecr- - ty." : . . . .. . v r; Music Teaching. Everybody of good music, and we believe everybody .should cultivate this refined and sweetest of talents. In, this connection we are pleased to .call the attention of all our readers to the advertisement of Miss Mis Ceouse, who has just completed a musical conrse at the Oxford Female College, and will open a School in Eaton, for the purpose of giving instructions in Bass, Piano and Vocal music. The following card, from her teacher at Oxford, will certainly be sufficient recommendation for all who wish her services : TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Miss Mae Crouse has been with me at the Female College,. Oxford, Ohio, for one year, and received instructions in the theory and practice of Music. She has made such rapid improvement, has applied herself so diligently to her work, and improved her rare talents so care- fully, that I do cheerfully recommend her to all who may wish to engage her services as teacher or organist. KARL MERZ. June 18, 1873. The Sheriff's boarding houe is now full. No more need apply. Court of Common Pleas. This Court convened on the 16th iust., but owing to the death or remo- val of two or throe persons whose names were drawn from the box as Grand Jurors, a new venire was rcn dered necossary, and the Court ad journed for one week, without trans acting any business of importance. On the 23d the Jurors were all on hand, and the Grand Jury was em 'pannelled, sworn and charged, and the Court proceeded to business Stephens et al. vs. Bake et al. in partition. Sale confirmed and distri bution ordered. Itehfoos (a n infant) vs. Carrol, in replevin.. Demurrer to answer sus tained. . Judgment for Plt'fT. one cent and costs. Benj. White vs. Elisabeth White, for Divorce ; divorco granted. Cause, wilful absence. Swisher vs. Browcr, sale on mort gage, bale conhrincd and deed or dered. Benbow vs. Wysong, et al, sale on mortgage; confirmed, execution or dered for balancu due. Stiver vs. Pearson, et al ; Judgment by default, $152,98. Cupp vs. Min nix et si. iu Partition. Assignment of dower aud partition ordered. The following cases were dismissed for various reasons. .vs. Ozias, costs paid, record withdrawn. Brookius, Ex. vs. J. L. Bruce, et al. At Plaintiffs cost. E. Keller vs. Nicodcmus. At Plaintiffs cost. "M. Keller vs. same ; same. Kil lough vs. Thilmnn. Eaeh party pays his own cost. Stephens vs. Peters. At Plaintiff's cost without prejudice. Stiver vs. Nicodcmus. At Plaintiffs cc st, no record. Long vs. same; same. Maddock vs. Morrow, without preju- diced" Green vs. Miller; dismissed for want of prosecution. -- On Friday the Griiud Jury made the following report, and" were dis charged with the thanks of the Court : To His Honor, W. J. Ciliioke, Judtcc of the Court ol Common Pleas, Pre ble Co., S3 : -- Sir: Wc, the Grand Jury; for Preble County, beg leave to report, that we have inquired into all com plaints of crime that have been prop- erly called" to our notice Wc hav examined 108 witnesses, and found twenty five true bills. Wc have vis- ited our Comity Prison, and find, as all other Grand Jury's have for many years, that it is kept in as good order and condition by the. HierhT, as its present condition will warrant, but we unanimously agree that it is to tally unfit for the confinement of pris oners, and common humanity de mands that the County Commission ers-tak- e immediate steps to put it in 8 uch a condition as will mako it a sui table place of confinement for con victs. We believe that the Jail can be made convenient, comfortable, healthy and safe, at a; comparatively small cost, by taking out tho inner walls and present cells, and erecting therein iron cells of modern construc- tion and building a house for the Jai- lor at the north end of the Prison. We desire also to express our thanks to Judge Campbell, our efficient Pros ecuting Attorney, for his attention and earnest by which, in great measure, we have been able to bring our labors to ucli a speedy close; and to the Sheriff and his Dep- uty for their kind atlcnti n to our wants. Iicspt ctfullv submitted. LEWIS MABKEIi, Foreman. The following are the Indictments reported: Elmer Thomas, burglary aud larceny; same being intoxicated, same carrying concealed weapons. Levi Itidgely, Assault .with intent to kill. Peter. Shafftier, concca.ing stp-- r leu property. Levi Kidgejey, Isaac Little and Isaac Kaile, Burglary; aud Larceny ; Joseph Walters, Grand Lar- ceny ; James and Frank Walters, un- lawfully taking horse ; Peter Davis, Isaac Little and. Harvey Davis, Bur-- lary aud Larceny ; James II. Will- - lams, James Frazce and Lewis; Fra-- . zee, Kiot; Isaac Little, Eli Davis, Pe- - teivShaffner'and Ann Shaffher, Petit Larceny ; Isaac Little and Eli Davis, Burglary and Larceny; .Peter Davis, Harvey Davis and Isaac Little, Bur- glary and Larceny; Frank .Walters, Assault; Peter Davis, currying con cealed weapons'; Isaac McLean, Wm. Dodsworth, John Smith and Isaac Little, stealing a Gelding; Charles Wieland, Assault with intent to kill ; Frank Walters, carding . concealed weapons; Fosnocht t Howe, selling liquor to minors ; same selling to per sons intoxicated ; same ; George W. Hunt, selling to persons in habit of getting intoxicated ; same selling to be drank on premises-- ; JTfank Mitch-etl- r Assault and battery. " Tho following default Judgments were taken: First National Bank vs. Ellen "W. Larsh, et.al. $407,80;' Fisher &"C6-- , vs. J. M. Larsh, f 201,59 ; L. T. Murray, Guard'n. vs. E. W. Larsh, et aL .$717,9T; Fisher & Co;,-vs- . E. Wi Larsh, $216,17 ; Mi, V." Alexander, et al. same, $2161,12; CVP. TLum vs. Mary A. Ailesot al." $366,51; B. E. Fall vs. S, Pearson, on note and mort gage, amount found due, $3GC,5l, sale of mortgaged premises ordered. Fanny Smith vs. Albert Smith ; Di vorce granted. Dunlap etal Trustees of the Church of. Christ in Eaton vs. Sarah Thomp- - son, et al. Church property ordered to be sold at public sale. The following Jury cases have been tried : Harvey Morrow vs. J. II. Foos, adm'r. of John Morrow, dee'd., 6uit to recover $2800,00 for services in boarding and caring for John Morrow aud wife, his parents, before their death. .The case occupied two days and resulted in a verdict in favor of Pl'ff for $1225,00. John C. Thomas vs. Chadwick and Pottenger, suit on an altered note which alteration it was claimed the defendant, Pottenger, who was sure- ty for Chadwick, ratified and assent- ed to, and procured Chadwick to in demnify him against loss by reason of his being surety on said noto and other notes ; Verdict for plt'ff $S13,00. Wilson vs. Patterson ; , Judgmen for balance $33,C8 ; Long, Black & Al ston vs. Foster et al. $180,25 ; Cotten vs. Larsh, judgment by default, $294, 75 ; Shaw vs. same, $182,96 ; Bunion vs. 6ame, $331,70; Northrop vs. Hen derson: compromised; money. paid. 11 arbaugh v . Izor ; Judgment for balance, $51,98. The readers of the "Bng".aro being continually surprised and enlighten- ed. The latest news is tho announce' ment that little Ikey is a Farmer. He has slopped the innocent piggies, and chopped off their little tails as a pre , veutative of cholera. Ikey has wat ered the melodious gooses, set the virtuous hens, aiid gathered string beans. Ike' never mauled as many rails as Lincoln, and he never hauled wood to St. Louis aud got drunk on the proceods, like the country saver Grant, but for all that he is a Farmer, because ho says he is, and like G. Washington, little Ikey has chopped down Cherry trees, and can't tell a lie. It is a little surprising to people to learn that Ikey is a farmer, and would never have been known, if the Farmers had not begun to wake up and demand some little legislation in behalf of labor and less for monopo- lies. When monopolists and treasury stealers were swimming on the sur face, little Ikey didn't pay much at- tention to cows and cabbage it didn't pny but now, when labor is demand ing recognition and thieves are be ginning to quake, there is a new deal aud little Ikey shuffles from the bot tom aud turns up Jack.- - Ikey is a Farmer, and it riles him to find that any one else is a Farmer. Ikey wants to monopolize the farming business and he is not going to have any other farmer fooling around. Little Ikey has not been happy for some time, and it is a little mean, when happi- ness is auout tp cover him with beau- ty, for any other man to turd up far- - mer and go rushing about taking the offices from the little fellow. His friend of the cow hide should at oucc proceed to stranglo any other man claiming to be a fanner. Danger in the Distance. A certain wholesale dealer iu Pea nuts and Pie-pla- nt, and general medd ler in other people's business, is On the rampage. Our article on the festival at Ackcrman's seems to have touched him up slightly. He thinks we were oo severe on Ikey, and he threatens ' us with cow-hid- es aud blunderbusses. We don't know that we said any thing about the .dove-lik- e Ikey that need- stir up "so large an amount of bile. Ikey misrepresented tho Festi-- j val, and in the interest of truth we said so, aud will say so whenever key', strays from the pleasant paths of truth. The man with the long cow-hid- e can't deprive us of a great mount of sleep, and he will live lon ger, and when he dies leave a longer purse, by attending 6trictly to his own business. Ikey certainly don't pay much for such braggadocio. r. ,i W. L. SuAW,"who is still con nected with the New York Life, oue of the best and soundest Life Insur- ance Companies in the country, .was with us a lew dajs, last week. It has becu intimated by some evil disposed person, that the- - "Cap." was the Life Insurance agcut that fell from a three story house in Lonisville, on. his check, without sustaining auy injury. We arc prepared to prove that false. He isn't that hard yet I .. : : Our Town Clock has four faces, representing four different times, not one of which is correct. It is an ex- cellent type of the corrupt and de- ceitful party now in power.. No side of its, face can be relied upon. Don't put your confidence in it friends, if you do, you miss the train I . -- - The Lake Erie Evausville and South .western Railroad will be built. Of course it will I Don't Ikey tell you so every week? Was ho ever mista- ken ? Where are the doubting Thom- ases'? We imagine wo hear the whis- tle, "tootc, rootec, toot !" Ikey's love for the Farmers reminds us very much of the cat with' a mouse, although he may spare them fpr a while, they are sure to be catcu up in the end. . ... ; '"' ' .John Klaine .has made arrange- ments with the Hamilton Gardners to receive fresh, garden .stuff every other day regular. Those who want fresh Vegetables hereafter, can- - be ac- commodated by calling at his Grocery. ' Ikey endorses the great national salary thief, Grant, aud thinks it all right. It won't be long until ho will commence swallowing Shcllabarger for United States Senator. Ikey is very consistent. After disposing of our Gorman friends, Ikey turncth his bowels of compassion to the Farmer, and, Oh ! dear as the apple of his eye are they to him! Ikey is one!!!! Our friend "Cap." of Camdon, has our thanks for tho present left at our office. We'll wear it. OUR BOOK TABLE. The July Number of the Pure- - nologieal Journal opens volume 57 certainly a veneruble magazine In a most creditable manner Headers must fili'l the fitlluwlng among the speci- ally interesting papers, which impart a high value to the number, Salmon P. Chase, with portrait ; The Problem of Uoverumeut, which every politi- cian should read carefully; sketches from Dally Lite, illustrated; GYcaliu an Attuoapiiere ; Genius and Talent; How to Use Phrenology, illustrated; How I Oalned it ;Tho shaker Problem, a defence ; Jauios I.. Orr, with Portrait; Integrity; Where will you Summer; Compulsory Attendance, a power ful discussion of the Education Question. Terms, $.;.00 a year, or six months on trial, for $1.(0. Address S. K, Wells, 33s Broadway. N. Y. Wood's Household . Magazine for July is ahead of auy prevloua number, and when we consider its usual standard excellence, tills is rare praise indeed. It is household,uot only in name b jt in character, aud its table of contents show a wonderful adaptnUou of articles to the In- dividual members of the family.circle. "Sim's lit- tle Oirl," a temperance story by Mary Martwell, "Weather-toug- h Wuck," by Karl Kase. How The Vow was Kept,'' by II. V. Osborne, "Lunatics at Xiarge," by Bev' llollond, and Declar- ation of Independence," by J. B, Wakeley, D, D., are among th e more noticeable artlclos. TheChil-dre- ns Department is crowded full, and contains a poem, in baby-tal- k, which without doabt, will be very acceptable to the littla oues. The price of the magazine is one dollar a year. Address, WOOD'SHOUSEHOLDSIAOAZINB, Newburgb, Nf Y Council Proceedings. Eaton, June, 25th 1873. Council met pursuuut to adjournment In regular session, members present; J. II. Foos, Mayor; Wm H. Ortt. Clerk ; Messrs Urookc, Chsuier8, TMn Hubbard, aud Reicbel, Councilman. Minutes read and approved. The- following bills were presented found cornet and orders Issued for the respective amounts: KxeelBlor School Furniture manufacturing Co. brick for gutter at Town Uall ' " " $12,00 Frank Truax, hauling brick ana sand f-- The committee apMEnted to ascertain the amount of taxable property and make the levy for the com ing year of the lncoritorated VUlage of ICutou O., beg leave to report as follows: amount of taxable property, ?1,JOU,CK0,0, the levy. Sinking Fund 3 mills. Interest do Cor poration do u. Sanitary do 0. Corporation Koad do Street bight do Fire do 0. Total lievy, 7 mills, a reduction ot He mill. On motion the report of committee was received and adopted. The committee on repairs was' in- structed to purchase suitable desk for the mar- shal's oflice, also to ascertain the cost of a brick structure 14x20 ft, for Coal A Gasoline, 10 ft, story. On motion ad'j'd to July d. WM. H. ORTT, Clerk. jot-t- o housemen Every owner or peraou la eharxe of Iloraes should be provided with the moms of. curing all tlie ordinary diseases' of tUe florae.:' The proper remedies win'cure Ciiollc la from ten to (Dirty minutes ; Scours, so fuUU In colls aud not witliout danger In aged horses, iu the same' ttme. and a longllstof diseases might be Added that can be suoceasfuUy treated by any person If they knew what to give aud give It la proper time.. With this In view, those interested In the prevention of cru- elty to an IraaU, have arranged from the practice of the best Vetrluary Surgeons- and authors a Pamphlet of Remedies for all the diseases that do not require an experienced Burgeon's treatment. The Medicines cau all be found in any Drug store or Physician's ouicc. Thia valuable Pamphlet is worth many times! us cost, and is the most common seusu work ever published,'beiiig free from un meaning names, worthless drugs aud quack prac tice. All Formulas have prices annexed to prevent overcharges at lrug Stores. Sent, postage paid. to auy address on receipt of tl 00. Address O.R. ASTOR, Ag't for Ohio. COJjUilBUS.UM-lO- . Farmers ! Bring your Spring Wagons,Buggies and Carriages, to the Painting establishment of M'FARLAXD Cd72obrs north of City Hall, and have them repainted aud made to look like new. . M'Fahland & Co., Eaton, O. July 3, 1873. lw Zillerine! Eillerine! A perfect Agent for the destruction of Potato Bugs aud Bugs of all kinds Klllekine has been in use for. three years, and has proven a success. Its superiority and che&puess recom mends it to all. '" Puice 50 cents per pound. For sale by JttIUlJ.AJi.Li & &UJN, JJroggi8ts, Opposite Court House, Eaton, 0. Juno J.U, ls7o-,-3- w, - MUSIC ! MUSIC !! if- - -4 Ta W IS8 MAE CROUSE offers her 'servioes to the citizens of Eaton and vicinity, as a Teacher ot Music in its va rious brandies. Tnorougn ' Bass, Piano and Vocal, As she has made the study of Music a speciality for tho last year, in Oxford Female College, under tne teaening ot the noted author and teacher.Karl Merz, she hopes to merit a liberal patronage. ESXerms reasonable. No. 15, BAKROX, St., EATOX, O. Eaton, July 3, 1873. tf Notice. A15NEK DUNLAP, et. al. Trustees, Jtc, fl'us. 7 Preble County. vs. Court of Common SARAH THOW FSOSt, et. Pleas. al. ueii's. . x pursuance to an order of Sale issue 1 iu tbe above case by the Court of Common Ifleas of Freble County. Ohio, nt the June Term thereof for toe Vear Ue unuerainetl WU1 oiir tr aatv n. the north door of the Court House, iu Baton. O. 0:1 Saturday, August 2d, 1873. The following: Real Estate, situate In Eaton, Ohio, and described as roiiows : .ueim; pans 01 inn ijoui N'o. 11 and 12 an numbered aud dcsliritated on the original plat of In Lo'a of said town of Katon, and Dounueu ami uescrioeta utuuu..; iiiiu w onj t beginning at the North west corner of said lot, No. 11. helnif the uolnt of intersection ot Baron and Somcrs streelsftheuce south with saidllarou street being also me west uouuuary line 01 wuu iub jw. 151. thirty-thr- ee Oil feet; tlteuueiast imrallel with tiomvrs street, fifty 50J feet; thence North parallel with Ifnrou street, four (41 teet; ttience juuh as a foresaid, forty-nin- e (40) feet to the Kast boundary line of said lot No. 152; thence North on said line twenty-nin- e (iu loot to Soruers street, being tbe North east corner of said lot, No. lit; thence west on Somers street to the place of beginning, with the building and improvements tuereon. Appraised at sjo.ou. TERMS OF SALE. One third ensh ; one third Iu one; and one third vea.rs : doferred payment to bear 8 pr ct. Inter est from day of sale, and to be be cured by inort- - trace ou tne premises. J. I"., 11KOOK.INS. K. W. QCIKTN, At'ty Katoa J uly. 3t y71 iw, NOTICE To Contractors & Builders. 1'HK Hoard of Education, of Ousper Towuslilp, receive Healed Proposals up to 12 o'clock, of 2:tb day of Julv, A, I). 1873, lor the building of Frame Bciiool House, iu ci No. 6, of said Township. Tne size of the house is 24x36 reetitory 13 leet in the clear. The bouse to be finished aud ready for occupation on the jUi day of October A. J. 153. One half of ihe eontrnirt nrlfA to be Tald on the ath day of February. 1874, and the otber half on toe zuiu nay oi August, oi ine same year. The bids lor the work and material to be sena-- rate proposals. J lie uoaru reserves the privilege oi i ejecting ail bids not satisfactory. The Diau uudsDccificatlon can be seen br callinir on tbe clerk of the Board, or the local directors of Ilstrict No. 6, of said Township. Then wll 1 be a iiientlnv itf tli. itnarri at tlie Town ship House, ou the 26th day of July, A. D. 1873, at one o'clock, p. jc. at which timo tiie Proposals win bo read. HENRY BIILDElifclt. Prest. W. II, JEFFERSON, Clerk. Kutou Jal , 3, 1873 tw. . Estate Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the undcrslsnml k been duly npiointed and nuallfied Executor of the last will aud testament of ueorgc II. Wehrly, dee'd. ui p. wisiiKiY. Foos A FieniK, Atty'B, Juue.ZK, U71- - 3W. Notice. Lavinia Euieriek, Pl"iT. ") Preb'l coin vs. i L'l. I'et'u Sam'l,Emerick,ct al Dert. J tor Doner riWK above named tlefoni;iuts, Sntu"l. JL Euieriek, William Euieriek, Eliza- beth Black, John li:tok, U.iaiei ine Ly-en- s, Sarah Tilui.tii, Antlerson .Tiliuau, the unknown chil l ami iK-i- r nL law of Ilenry Euieriek, ilceeasutl, Jacob Euier- iek, Beamier Euieriek, "VV'oller Emerick, Melvina Iler, ilurilli.s MeClurg an.l Kyle MeClur, are licreby notifixi that on the JOth day of May, 173, tlie above named Plaintiffs filed in the Clerk's of fice, of the Court of Common Pleas, of Preble County .Ohio, her petition where in the plaintlil' sets forth her marriage with one Jacob Euieriek, on or about the 27th day of J'ebruary, A. If. 140; that the said Jacob Euieriek has since deceased, that during her coverture with said Jacob he was seized of an estate of inheritance in tho following Iteal EsUitc situate in Preble County, Ohio, to wit : All of the south west quarter of section .No.. 15, in township number C, lianro o east, &e., excepting bow ever '0 acres heretofore con veye I to John Haile. Also, 40 acres off the south side ol the north east quarter of section number. Iti township (S Kange3east, &c. Also. 40 acres lvinff in the south east comer ot the south west quarter oi sec tion 28 township 6 Kange i east, Se. Also, Eot No. in the town of Xew IiCxiurton. Preble county, Ohio'. Also, 20 acres out of the northeast corner of section number S township (j, Hanaro '3 east. &c. Also. 50 acres off south Aide of the south east quarter of section 28 township G Range 3 east, xc. That the above named defendants now claim the interest of the said J:u'ob Eui- eriek In said lands: that the said Plain tiff claims that she i3 entitled to dowen in said premises and prayes that the same may be assigned to her, unci that they are required to appear and answer said Peti- tion on or before the 26th day of J uly, A. D. 1S73., FOOS & FISHER, Atty's for Tltf. Attest, W. D. QuiNSf, Clerk. Eaton, June 5, 1373 fiw - prfs $12,00. NOTICE To Contractors & Builders. frVlE Board of Education of ;Dixou Towuship, will receive sealed propo- sals up to 15th day of July, 1873, for the building of two brick tichool Jtouse3, one in sub-distr- ict No. 3, ami one in ninV district No. 6. 'J he size of tlie houses 24x34 feet, story 12 feet in the clear. The bids for the work and materials to be separate proposals, tlie houses to be finished read v for occupation by the loth day of September, 1373. One fourth of the Contract money to o paid wtieu one house is finished ; one fourth when the second house is finished ; one fourth ou the 20th day of February,-137-1- the bal- ance on the 20th day of August, 174. AH proposals must be addressed to J. G: Larsh, Clerk of the Board, Eaton, Preble county, Ohio, at whose residence Specifications of the buildings may be seen. The Board rlnini the right to re ject all bids not satisfactory; also tiie Board reserves the right to contract for one or both houses. By order of the Board. '. JAMES ALLISON, President. Eaton, June 19, 1873 0w. Notice to Bridge Builders. proposals wi'l be received SEALED ofiiee, Eaton, Preble County, Ohio, np to 12 o'clock noon, Saturday July, 26th 1873, tor the mason- ry ,and Superstructure of a Bridge across Seven-mil- e Creek, on the Eaton and improved road. (Lute Eaton anil Hamilton Turnpike), .it the first crossing of said stream below Camden. The Masonry will consist of the two abutments lor said bridge. Tho Superstructure will ho a single span of 125 feet, to be of Iron. SpecineaDons lor saiu work, win ue on file iu the Auditor's ofiiee on aud after the 4th day of July. By. order of Com- missioners. W. J. BA1M11H1!.K, AUUT. Eaton June, 19, 1873 4w. Machine Shop ! E. WEISS & SON, HAVRapeneda Repairing-Shop- , on the Corpora- tion lot. niljoiniinc the City Hall, ami will repair, SKAl'EBli, TH KKHH1NU MACtllNKS and liN-fiT- V ks. on the most reasonable terms. nath House ready for cleaslu1y0p: l Katon, JuneSth 17. Sw. HO! FARMERS, HO! We, the underslKned, are Agents Cor the B U C KEY IS Hiding or Walking IN THE TOWNSHIPS OK Jackson, Jefferson, Wauhlnstou and Monroe. They have beat tested and found successful.' 1 .:. Addresst - J. K DATJGHSETT& SON, April it, 187S-W- S. - - ' Eatox, O GIVENAWAY. A FJA'E GtRMAif CHROMOi we send an elegant cukono. mouuted Jntl ready for Framing, free to evurg agent for Underground Oil, LIFE BELOW TUE SUKFACE. BY TITOS. W, KNOX. " 912 Pages Octavo. 130 Fine Kngravings- - Ttflatpn Incidents aiid 'Accidents bcvttnd the Lifht of Day; Startling Adventures irk all jartK of 1110 oriu; aiines ana aioue ii w nitni; dercurreuts of Society; (jamhlliiK and its UorrorH; Caverns and their MystoriM; The Dark Ways WldcetnBH; PrlHonsmid their s.fret".; Ivii the Depths of the Sea; Strange Sto. iea of the DftAclion of (Trlme. Th hook treats of experteiu-- wtn biisrandrt: nights tn onlum dens aud g itnbllng hells; llh In nritwMi: Hturtea of exiles: ai venture anionir Indians Journeys throogh tteweraand Cat.ieonihiiux'trtentM in uiines; piraU's : trinrwi of tit inquis ition ; wonuenui ourxMriui ; umifrwiinu wi great ctues, eie., etc. Agents Wanted for thin work. ExcIhhIvc terltory gfvefl. Ag-nt- raa make fi00 a wet--k In celling this ImmiU. iiu for circulars and terms to agents. J. B. BURR & HYDE, UARTFOKU, CON" M., or 4 'II I AGO, ILL. TO THE SUFFiUaNG. The Kev. William n. Norton, while resl.llinc In Brazil as a Missionary, discovered in th it land of medicines a remedy for Consumption, ijcrofnla. Bore Throat, Coughs, Colds. A .thma, and Nervous Weakuess. Tuis remedy li;c-- cured myself alter all other medicines had (klleil. Wishing to benefit tne snfl-jrln- I will send the recipe for preparing and using this remdy to all' who desire it FBBK OF C'HAllUE. Plesfte send au envelope, with your name and ad dress ou It. Address, Rev. WLLIAM H.JiOBTOX, 676 Uroaiiwav, Kuvr York Oily.. A Clergyman, while residing in Mouth Amcrlea as missionary, discovered a safr nnd simple reme- dy for the Cnre of Nervous Weakness, Knrly De-c- Disease of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, a.,.i tixn whole train or disorders bronht on liy baneful and vicious hublls. ttreut nuinhtm been cured by this noble remifdy. l'roniineu by a .i.ir.. tn iM.iiflit the nlllivlLHi anil uu rortunnte. 1 will send the receipt for preparing and using thfci meillcine. In a sealed nelnpi-- . to- any one who neeils It, rues r Address. JOJ.K1 II T. INDIAN, . Station l. llil.le II..ue, !e Yrk lilv SHERIFF'S SALE. Caso Xo. 33vl. iOUIi .VsjoU, t Vr-bl- Coin. Vleas. Vs. Mrder ol Sale uu ilort- - EI I LY ( it U WOOT, ) It. LolKWOuD. ( VIK1TE OK AX 0t)E1UP SALI5 UV lriiii tin Court tf (!omni'ii lli-- a within i'J lor County ot lrehte,atid Slate of Otiio iu ihf iiuove rase, avi to tiio oihtiu oi mun county, .i r, r:"1, F wHI ofiVr alo at (niMic mixtion ut tt if? .hMrr of the Couit House, in k.a.um, ,lu tuiul On k oiurday July 5A. I twecu the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock, P. M., of anld 6v.y, tite following lauds and -- iamtci Iu lite enmity f rrehie.ancl Slate of Uiiio, and t.l uh loiiows. to wit : lining th v.;;i part of Lot No. two hundred and ninety, C r.s and h'.ATiieI oti tl reeord tliit oi'llo Viltngeot liat4ii, O.. fronting on irehie srrwl t"re no and 3i nof a ,Kle. TKRMS CASH. ApTr;ircd nt fri MHi,io JOltti TOWSnKSU, 8ierlT. Kt;n.nn A Fukkmax, All's for 3Mti'i, Katon. Airil JJ, 1S7.L lprf-.:,7-. rJcw Firm !! AT RESSLER'S OLD S f AND. K es.er & Lango; Curriage, Ituggy, ami Spring Wgon Manufactory. They wohld call tlie attention of ts-el- frleuda and the public genera1 Jy to examine their HEW STOCK Of Carriages, Buggies &c. . : Before purchasing elsewhere. Special attention paid to Eepairing. Work Warranted. . eSr. GIVE US A CALL. -- 3Sr KESTER& L ANCE. I J auins I N. . QUISJl EATON STEAM ELEVATOR GRAIN DEPOT. iSighest JfFarket Fri e FO JRAIN AND SEED! From thotr lona- fxix-rlene- they elnlm to ant r-- Mtand the and to be aole thereby to ra. rj it on tK ks to ue nuie to tnoniseives kru uniaim io farmcra. Call at their warehouse, west itallrood J. Tj. qui a sow. T. S. The 11TOHEST CASH PKI PAID FOB LKAF TOIIACCU - an. 1. SPRING OF 1873 SiriCliffii! GREAT ATTRACTION AT rl ORRIS .'OTURM'S; mi I HAVE NO W A FULL STOU K OF READY MADE V V" Spring & Summer Giothing M'ltloli I willsell at prices to ault the times COATS, -- - PANTS, ' - VESTS. TRUNKS i " : VALISES, ... . HATS, " . - ' - ' "'-- ' - CAPS. GENTS' FUUNrSUING GOODS, AC. TO which I invite the attention of my old castoni tlie tnihllc ill general. Thankful for the liberal patronage here-- ' .'I--- . tolore reeeived, I desire to , , say that for the Spring ' " " ofll73.1 will SELL CLOTlllNU OliEAPEIi than ever before offered in this w .rk-c- t, ami invite tho jjcoplc to il and examine my stock ami learn il prices. Kcmcniher tho old stand, where the Best and C'henpesti'lothing i Eaton is always Bold foe. .Small Profits and Quick-Sales- - J M. STURM, Opposite Jail, No. 10, Main Street. Eaton, May 8, 1873 ly. '. VV NOTICE. Lhe. llth day of June, 1673, the OX Court of Preble Conuty, dc elarcd the Kstateof Hiram Shaiifc,dec'd. to te tiolab)y insolvent. Creditors are therefore retjiiired to present their claims against the Estate to the under- signed for allowance, within six months from tlie time above mentioned, or they will not be entitled to payment. SAKAII SHANK, DANIEL FRAME, Admr's with will annexed of Hiham. Shank dee'd. Eaton, June 19, 1873 3w. Boots & Shoes cebhXrtTock, TAS opened a NKW BOOT A SHOE STORE 1 I r... Mln Ktreet . two doors cast of the Doty I I House. Kuloii. O. Crdur work done In tlie iKtit manner. ReimtrlnK lonc on the shortest no lit-e- . All w.rk warranted to fiflve entire sivtslae-tion- . V-- lire ut n rail. (IKBIUKT IJKK. Feb. in-- . DHBBSTOHE j. 00K0KQE &C0., I Si B3sca w DONOHOE'S BLOCK, EATON, O. February 27, 1873. . Ff.HlIj G ROC Ell Elljg :rs HILL InAite attention to their tock of fam ily GItOCEKIES Ulld PRODUCH, Of which thev keep a full and complete stock at their old stand ou Baron Street Eaton, 0. . "We flatter ourselves that we can sell as low as any other house in town, and will keepalways on hand the Dest Dranu of PKOVISIOKS, VKOETAI-Eil- , ALMONDS SI'ICEH, XKAS. BUOAR8, COWER.--:- .; SYRUPa, ItAIflNS. . . ; UUTTlSa, .. , .CHKWE, HAMS. tirLOT.'I,DEHS. rAMILT FLUtll, COB-- V MBAL, Jt IUCB fcc ... . ... i A r.wji Salt by the Barrel. inn 11. Cigars & Tobacco N fi K MM. Mftnu factur ewg oi MS f x m w i W W m fni UU W a . AN- D- - - , DEALEIIS IN TIKE CUT 5e PLUG Shewing Tobacco's smooKing iodscco's ... ... V . AND t ... Smoker's Articles. Pipes, Pouches, Cigar Holders, JfcJ MINOR'S BLOCK, Opposite Conn House, Main St., Eaton, Ohio. Feb. 27, 1873.-t-r. - F. & F. M. MARSH, Attorneys & Counselors' Eaton, Preble Co., O. , ALL business, such as bet thug Collectins Claims, preparing Legal Instruments. Deeds, ilortgagcs Articles of Agreements, &e. &c, prompt )y attended to.. . . - .Feb. 1, 72-- yr W. E. Filbert's NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE. :; W. B. Pilbbiit would respectfully announce to thecitliienaof Knton.and surroundlntf country, that he khaa Juat oiicned a FIKST CLAS1 Boot- - & Shoe SM . In Michael Gilbert's New Bnlld-Im- r, Corner of Main A Cherry Street.. All My Work War- ranted!! to give entire aatiKUction. Custom work inude to order. - Sty motto is: Htock," Oood Work," Small' Proflts" and "Quick Bales.'.' Please call and see. W. E. FlLBSKT. Aug. t. i7-y- r. l. JOHX V. CAJiPBItX. JAS. Campbell & QriiMxiistwra vo ouiior at v.ut't"; M. TTORJVE 1mS JlT JLJM It OTABlE' FliBllO,, Land & Government Claim tk no nts i E.VTON, OHIO. . -- Office ut the old tnnd on Barron Street. 1000.000 LBS. OF ' ' v. . uui u.auiuu ; "wr r T"TTtTTlir Will nn v thix ' hi rrhest' irici; for 100,000 lbs. of Wool, delivered at liis Store, in Eaton. mnylmS. I. Iff D E IS T-.J- .X' . OFFICE at Residence, On . . N. Barren St.. W. side. Especial attention given to nuingtmu. "Laughing" ; Gas administered, practicable in extracting Tcctli., .' , , May 1, 1873 tf. micnaeidsoonst Druggists . Booksellers ! MINOR'S CLOCK, r imwuiiA 'nnr. House.) KATOX.


Thursday July 3, 1873.

LOCAL DEPARTMENT.We are indebted to,jA8. A. Gil

WORE, Esq., for the Court report thatappears iu this week's Dkmochat.

Post Office Papers.Those of ouf subscribers who have

been receiving the Dbhocbat throughthe Eaton Post Office, and do notwant to pay postage, can get themhereafter at the office of publication.2d Story of Stephens' block, northroom. ..

Twin Township Club.The Twin township Farmers' Club

will hold a meeting at Lexington, onSaturday, July 12th, for the purposeof organization. Speakers will bepresent to address the meeting.

Celebration.There will bo.a Fourth of July cele

bration, in Cline's Grove, near NewHope, and probably the laying of theCorner Stone of -- the new School House.Kveryuotiy is iiwuea.

av.wFourth of July.

(Friday,) the firing ofcannon, the swelling strains of martial tnuue and the., joyful waving ofcountless' banners ; will announcethroughout tho land another return-ing anniversary of our National Sab-

bath. This day, ninety-seve- n yearsago, was bora the .American Republic, embracing thirteen infant Colo-nics, thinly settled and poorly devel-oped, their habitations,. for the most

back almost live score years! Wliata change 1 What a retrospect! - -

Under the nurturing care of a kindProvidence, and by living up, to theimmortal principles of human rights,fiat day, for ihc first time, aunou needto the worJd,4he'thirtecn feeble strip-lings have expanded inf6 a giganticConfederacy of Statcs,stretching fromthe Atlantic to tho - Pacific. '. Theyoung and impoverished Republiclias grown - into . the most powerfuland wealthy, of empires.' Her ex-changes - penetrate; to the uttermostparts of the sarib, and the canvas oflicr sl3ppiug"maybe) Utterally Vaid towhitcu every sea. Already in art,science, literature, invention and com-merce, she takes her place in the firstrank of nations, yielding to nous thepalm of superiority History andtradition-wil- l both ho appealed to invain to luniish' any. thing like a paral-lel to the miracle of, this country'sgrowth and developuicaf., JScvcv hasthe world before known such an em-

pire never before iiich a "govern-ment aud , such prosperity, among apeople. Comparatively - speaking,free as air, electors of their own" pub-lic officers withn!I their rights reserved, 9ave whathave been delegated, for the publicgood, our people present a spectacleat oucc the wonder "and admirationof Christendom. If ever a people hadoccasion to "thank Providence forwhat it has done for them, it is ours,and tli is day 'should in truth be agreat National Thanksgiving day, onwhich grateful prayers should ascendto Heaven for what we have, aud pa-

triotic pledges be renewed of ourto guard and preserve

the institutions' that have conferredon us such rare felicity and prosperity.

This day should indeed be given tothe country; to prayers for its preser-vation from Credit JMobilicr and Sal-ary grabbers ; thoughts as to how anincreasing love of it can be cultivatedin tho popular inind--e8peciall- y now,.Avhcn corruption and faction arestri -Jving to undermine its government inthe affection of the people fis a pre-

liminary to the establishing of a Mil-

itary. Despotism. . On this day fathcrs should., teach their , children thestory of their country's birth and life ;should tell them about the Hag whatit raCnns and 6tands for ; should teachthem to lisp the names of our revolu-tionary heroes ; recount to them theirsacrifices and sufferings to attain whatwc now enjoy.. There is need; of allthis now It wo would preserve ourinstitutions we must love them andguard them. "Eternal vigilance," hasbeen fitly termed "the. price of lifecr- -ty." : . . . .. . v r;

Music Teaching.Everybody of good music, and

we believe everybody .should cultivatethis refined and sweetest of talents. In,this connection we are pleased to .callthe attention of all our readers to theadvertisement of Miss Mis Ceouse,who has just completed a musical conrseat the Oxford Female College, and willopen a School in Eaton, for the purposeof giving instructions in Bass, Piano andVocal music. The following card, fromher teacher at Oxford, will certainly besufficient recommendation for all whowish her services :


Miss Mae Crouse has been with me atthe Female College,. Oxford, Ohio, forone year, and received instructions inthe theory and practice of Music. Shehas made such rapid improvement, hasapplied herself so diligently to her work,and improved her rare talents so care-fully, that I do cheerfully recommendher to all who may wish to engage herservices as teacher or organist.

KARL MERZ.June 18, 1873.

The Sheriff's boarding houe is nowfull. No more need apply.

Court of Common Pleas.This Court convened on the 16th

iust., but owing to the death or remo-val of two or throe persons whosenames were drawn from the box asGrand Jurors, a new venire was rcndered necossary, and the Court adjourned for one week, without transacting any business of importance.

On the 23d the Jurors were all onhand, and the Grand Jury was em'pannelled, sworn and charged, andthe Court proceeded to business

Stephens et al. vs. Bake et al. inpartition. Sale confirmed and distribution ordered.

Itehfoos (a n infant) vs. Carrol, inreplevin.. Demurrer to answer sustained. . Judgment for Plt'fT. one centand costs.

Benj. White vs. Elisabeth White,for Divorce ; divorco granted. Cause,wilful absence.

Swisher vs. Browcr, sale on mortgage, bale conhrincd and deed ordered.

Benbow vs. Wysong, et al, sale onmortgage; confirmed, execution ordered for balancu due.

Stiver vs. Pearson, et al ; Judgmentby default, $152,98.

Cupp vs. Min nix et si. iu Partition.Assignment of dower aud partitionordered. The following cases weredismissed for various reasons.

.vs. Ozias, costs paid, recordwithdrawn. Brookius, Ex. vs. J. L.Bruce, et al. At Plaintiffs cost. E.Keller vs. Nicodcmus. At Plaintiffscost. "M. Keller vs. same ; same. Killough vs. Thilmnn. Eaeh party payshis own cost. Stephens vs. Peters.At Plaintiff's cost without prejudice.Stiver vs. Nicodcmus. At Plaintiffscc st, no record. Long vs. same; same.Maddock vs. Morrow, without preju-diced" Green vs. Miller; dismissedfor want of prosecution.

--On Friday the Griiud Jury madethe following report, and" were discharged with the thanks of the Court :

To His Honor, W. J. Ciliioke, Judtccof the Court ol Common Pleas, Preble Co., S3 : --

Sir: Wc, the Grand Jury; forPreble County, beg leave to report,that we have inquired into all complaints of crime that have been prop-erly called" to our notice Wc havexamined 108 witnesses, and foundtwenty five true bills. Wc have vis-ited our Comity Prison, and find, asall other Grand Jury's have for manyyears, that it is kept in as good orderand condition by the. HierhT, as itspresent condition will warrant, butwe unanimously agree that it is totally unfit for the confinement of prisoners, and common humanity demands that the County Commissioners-tak- e immediate steps to put it in8uch a condition as will mako it a suitable place of confinement for convicts. We believe that the Jail canbe made convenient, comfortable,healthy and safe, at a; comparativelysmall cost, by taking out tho innerwalls and present cells, and erectingtherein iron cells of modern construc-tion and building a house for the Jai-lor at the north end of the Prison.

We desire also to express our thanksto Judge Campbell, our efficient Prosecuting Attorney, for his attentionand earnest by which, in

great measure, we have been ableto bring our labors to ucli a speedyclose; and to the Sheriff and his Dep-uty for their kind atlcnti n to ourwants. Iicspt ctfullv submitted.

LEWIS MABKEIi, Foreman.The following are the Indictments

reported: Elmer Thomas, burglaryaud larceny; same being intoxicated,same carrying concealed weapons.Levi Itidgely, Assault .with intent tokill. Peter. Shafftier, concca.ing stp-- r

leu property. Levi Kidgejey, IsaacLittle and Isaac Kaile, Burglary; audLarceny ; Joseph Walters, Grand Lar-ceny ; James and Frank Walters, un-lawfully taking horse ; Peter Davis,Isaac Little and. Harvey Davis, Bur--

lary aud Larceny ; James II. Will- -lams, James Frazce and Lewis; Fra-- .zee, Kiot; Isaac Little, Eli Davis, Pe--teivShaffner'and Ann Shaffher, PetitLarceny ; Isaac Little and Eli Davis,Burglary and Larceny; .Peter Davis,Harvey Davis and Isaac Little, Bur-glary and Larceny; Frank .Walters,Assault; Peter Davis, currying concealed weapons'; Isaac McLean, Wm.Dodsworth, John Smith and IsaacLittle, stealing a Gelding; CharlesWieland, Assault with intent to kill ;Frank Walters, carding . concealedweapons; Fosnocht t Howe, sellingliquor to minors ; same selling to persons intoxicated ; same ; George W.Hunt, selling to persons in habit ofgetting intoxicated ; same selling tobe drank on premises--; JTfank Mitch-etl- r

Assault and battery. "

Tho following default Judgmentswere taken: First National Bank vs.Ellen "W. Larsh, et.al. $407,80;' Fisher&"C6-- , vs. J. M. Larsh, f201,59 ; L. T.Murray, Guard'n. vs. E. W. Larsh, etaL .$717,9T; Fisher & Co;,-vs-. E. WiLarsh, $216,17 ; Mi, V." Alexander, etal. same, $2161,12; CVP. TLum vs.Mary A. Ailesot al." $366,51; B. E.Fall vs. S, Pearson, on note and mortgage, amount found due, $3GC,5l, saleof mortgaged premises ordered.

Fanny Smith vs. Albert Smith ; Divorce granted.

Dunlap etal Trustees of the Churchof. Christ in Eaton vs. Sarah Thomp- -son, et al. Church property orderedto be sold at public sale.

The following Jury cases have beentried : Harvey Morrow vs. J. II. Foos,adm'r. of John Morrow, dee'd., 6uitto recover $2800,00 for services inboarding and caring for John Morrowaud wife, his parents, before theirdeath. .The case occupied two daysand resulted in a verdict in favor ofPl'ff for $1225,00.

John C. Thomas vs. Chadwick and

Pottenger, suit on an altered notewhich alteration it was claimed thedefendant, Pottenger, who was sure-ty for Chadwick, ratified and assent-ed to, and procured Chadwick to indemnify him against loss by reasonof his being surety on said noto andother notes ; Verdict for plt'ff $S13,00.

Wilson vs. Patterson ; , Judgmenfor balance $33,C8 ; Long, Black & Alston vs. Foster et al. $180,25 ; Cottenvs. Larsh, judgment by default, $294,75 ; Shaw vs. same, $182,96 ; Bunionvs. 6ame, $331,70; Northrop vs. Henderson: compromised; money. paid.11 arbaugh v . Izor ; Judgment forbalance, $51,98.

The readers of the "Bng".aro beingcontinually surprised and enlighten-ed. The latest news is tho announce'ment that little Ikey is a Farmer. Hehas slopped the innocent piggies, andchopped off their little tails as a pre ,

veutative of cholera. Ikey has watered the melodious gooses, set thevirtuous hens, aiid gathered stringbeans. Ike' never mauled as manyrails as Lincoln, and he never hauledwood to St. Louis aud got drunk onthe proceods, like the country saverGrant, but for all that he is a Farmer,because ho says he is, and like G.Washington, little Ikey has choppeddown Cherry trees, and can't tell alie. It is a little surprising to peopleto learn that Ikey is a farmer, andwould never have been known, if theFarmers had not begun to wake upand demand some little legislation inbehalf of labor and less for monopo-lies. When monopolists and treasurystealers were swimming on the surface, little Ikey didn't pay much at-

tention to cows and cabbage it didn'tpny but now, when labor is demanding recognition and thieves are beginning to quake, there is a new dealaud little Ikey shuffles from the bottom aud turns up Jack.- - Ikey is aFarmer, and it riles him to find thatany one else is a Farmer. Ikey wantsto monopolize the farming businessand he is not going to have any otherfarmer fooling around. Little Ikeyhas not been happy for some time,and it is a little mean, when happi-ness is auout tp cover him with beau-ty, for any other man to turd up far- -

mer and go rushing about taking theoffices from the little fellow. Hisfriend of the cow hide should at ouccproceed to stranglo any other manclaiming to be a fanner.

Danger in the Distance.A certain wholesale dealer iu Pea

nuts and Pie-pla- nt, and general meddler in other people's business, is On therampage. Our article on the festivalat Ackcrman's seems to have touchedhim up slightly. He thinks we wereoo severe on Ikey, and he threatens '

us with cow-hid- es aud blunderbusses.We don't know that we said anything about the .dove-lik- e Ikey thatneed- stir up "so large an amount ofbile. Ikey misrepresented tho Festi-- jval, and in the interest of truth wesaid so, aud will say so whenever

key', strays from the pleasant pathsof truth. The man with the longcow-hid- e can't deprive us of a great

mount of sleep, and he will live longer, and when he dies leave a longerpurse, by attending 6trictly to his ownbusiness. Ikey certainly don't paymuch for such braggadocio.

r. ,iW. L. SuAW,"who is still con

nected with the New York Life, oueof the best and soundest Life Insur-ance Companies in the country, .waswith us a lew dajs, last week. It hasbecu intimated by some evil disposedperson, that the- - "Cap." was the LifeInsurance agcut that fell from a threestory house in Lonisville, on. hischeck, without sustaining auy injury.We arc prepared to prove that false.He isn't that hard yet I .. : :

Our Town Clock has four faces,representing four different times, notone of which is correct. It is an ex-

cellent type of the corrupt and de-

ceitful party now in power.. No sideof its, face can be relied upon. Don'tput your confidence in it friends, ifyou do, you miss the train I .

-- -

The Lake Erie Evausville and South.western Railroad will be built. Ofcourse it will I Don't Ikey tell youso every week? Was ho ever mista-ken ? Where are the doubting Thom-ases'? We imagine wo hear the whis-tle, "tootc, rootec, toot !"

Ikey's love for the Farmers remindsus very much of the cat with' a mouse,although he may spare them fpr awhile, they are sure to be catcu up inthe end. . ... ; '"' '

.John Klaine .has made arrange-ments with the Hamilton Gardnersto receive fresh, garden .stuff everyother day regular. Those who wantfresh Vegetables hereafter, can- - be ac-

commodated by calling at his Grocery.' Ikey endorses the great national

salary thief, Grant, aud thinks it allright. It won't be long until ho willcommence swallowing Shcllabargerfor United States Senator. Ikey isvery consistent.

After disposing of our Gormanfriends, Ikey turncth his bowels ofcompassion to the Farmer, and, Oh !

dear as the apple of his eye are theyto him! Ikey is one!!!!

Our friend "Cap." of Camdon, hasour thanks for tho present left at ouroffice. We'll wear it.


The July Number of the Pure- -

nologieal Journal opens volume 57 certainly aveneruble magazine In a most creditable mannerHeaders must fili'l the fitlluwlng among the speci-ally interesting papers, which impart a high valueto the number, Salmon P. Chase, with portrait ;

The Problem of Uoverumeut, which every politi-cian should read carefully; sketches from DallyLite, illustrated; GYcaliu an Attuoapiiere ; Geniusand Talent; How to Use Phrenology, illustrated;How I Oalned it ;Tho shaker Problem, a defence ;

Jauios I.. Orr, with Portrait; Integrity; Where willyou Summer; Compulsory Attendance, a power fuldiscussion of the Education Question.

Terms, $.;.00 a year, or six months on trial, for$1.(0. Address S. K, Wells, 33s Broadway. N. Y.

Wood's Household . Magazinefor July is ahead of auy prevloua number, andwhen we consider its usual standard excellence,tills is rare praise indeed. It is household,uot onlyin name b jt in character, aud its table of contentsshow a wonderful adaptnUou of articles to the In-

dividual members of the family.circle. "Sim's lit-tle Oirl," a temperance story by Mary Martwell,"Weather-toug- h Wuck," by Karl Kase. How TheVow was Kept,'' by II. V. Osborne, "Lunatics atXiarge," by Bev' llollond, and Declar-ation of Independence," by J. B, Wakeley, D, D.,are among th e more noticeable artlclos. TheChil-dre- ns

Department is crowded full, and contains apoem, in baby-tal- k, which without doabt, will bevery acceptable to the littla oues. The price of themagazine is one dollar a year. Address,


Council Proceedings.Eaton, June, 25th 1873.

Council met pursuuut to adjournment In regularsession, members present; J. II. Foos, Mayor; WmH. Ortt. Clerk ; Messrs Urookc, Chsuier8, TMnHubbard, aud Reicbel, Councilman. Minutes readand approved. The- following bills were presentedfound cornet and orders Issued for the respectiveamounts:

KxeelBlor School Furniture manufacturing Co.brick for gutter at Town Uall ' " " $12,00

Frank Truax, hauling brick ana sand f--

The committee apMEnted to ascertain the amountof taxable property and make the levy for the coming year of the lncoritorated VUlage of ICutou O.,beg leave to report as follows: amount of taxableproperty, ?1,JOU,CK0,0, the levy.

Sinking Fund 3 mills. Interest do Corporation do u. Sanitary do 0. CorporationKoad do Street bight do Fire do 0.

Total lievy, 7 mills, a reduction ot He mill.On motion the report of committee was received

and adopted. The committee on repairs was' in-

structed to purchase suitable desk for the mar-shal's oflice, also to ascertain the cost of a brickstructure 14x20 ft, for Coal A Gasoline, 10 ft, story.

On motion ad'j'd to July d.WM. H. ORTT, Clerk.

jot-t- o housemenEvery owner or peraou la eharxe of Iloraes

should be provided with the moms of. curing alltlie ordinary diseases' of tUe florae.:' The properremedies win'cure Ciiollc la from ten to (Dirtyminutes ; Scours, so fuUU In colls aud not witlioutdanger In aged horses, iu the same' ttme. and alongllstof diseases might be Added that can besuoceasfuUy treated by any person If they knewwhat to give aud give It la proper time.. With thisIn view, those interested In the prevention of cru-elty to an IraaU, have arranged from the practiceof the best Vetrluary Surgeons- and authors aPamphlet of Remedies for all the diseases that donot require an experienced Burgeon's treatment.The Medicines cau all be found in any Drug storeor Physician's ouicc. Thia valuable Pamphlet isworth many times! us cost, and is the most commonseusu work ever published,'beiiig free from unmeaning names, worthless drugs aud quack practice. All Formulas have prices annexed to preventovercharges at lrug Stores. Sent, postage paid.to auy address on receipt of tl 00. Address

O.R. ASTOR, Ag't for Ohio.COJjUilBUS.UM-lO- .

Farmers !

Bring your Spring Wagons,Buggies andCarriages, to the Painting establishmentof M'FARLAXD Cd72obrs northof City Hall, and have them repaintedaud made to look like new. .

M'Fahland & Co., Eaton, O.July 3, 1873. lw

Zillerine! Eillerine!A perfect Agent for the destruction

of Potato Bugs aud Bugs of all kindsKlllekine has been in use for. threeyears, and has proven a success. Itssuperiority and che&puess recommends it to all. '"

Puice 50 cents per pound. Forsale by

JttIUlJ.AJi.Li & &UJN, JJroggi8ts,Opposite Court House, Eaton, 0.

Juno J.U, ls7o-,-3- w, -


offers her 'servioes tothe citizens of Eaton and

vicinity, as a Teacher ot Music in its various brandies. Tnorougn '

Bass, Piano and Vocal,As she has made the study of Music aspeciality for tho last year, in OxfordFemale College, under tne teaening otthe noted author and teacher.Karl Merz,she hopes to merit a liberal patronage.

ESXerms reasonable.No. 15, BAKROX, St., EATOX, O.Eaton, July 3, 1873. tf

Notice.A15NEK DUNLAP, et. al.

Trustees, Jtc, fl'us. 7 Preble County.vs. Court of Common

SARAH THOW FSOSt, et. Pleas.al. ueii's. . x

pursuance to an order of Sale issue 1 iu tbeabove case by the Court of Common Ifleas of

Freble County. Ohio, nt the June Term thereof fortoe Vear Ue unuerainetl WU1 oiir tr aatv n.the north door of the Court House, iu Baton. O. 0:1

Saturday, August 2d, 1873.The following: Real Estate, situate In Eaton, Ohio,and described as roiiows : .ueim; pans 01 inn ijouiN'o. 11 and 12 an numbered aud dcsliritated on theoriginal plat of In Lo'a of said town of Katon, andDounueu ami uescrioeta utuuu..; iiiiu w onj tbeginning at the North west corner of said lot, No.11. helnif the uolnt of intersection ot Baron andSomcrs streelsftheuce south with saidllarou streetbeing also me west uouuuary line 01 wuu iub jw.151. thirty-thr- ee Oil feet; tlteuueiast imrallel withtiomvrs street, fifty 50J feet; thence North parallelwith Ifnrou street, four (41 teet; ttience juuh as aforesaid, forty-nin- e (40) feet to the Kast boundaryline of said lot No. 152; thence North on said linetwenty-nin- e (iu loot to Soruers street, being tbeNorth east corner of said lot, No. lit; thence weston Somers street to the place of beginning, withthe building and improvements tuereon.

Appraised at sjo.ou.TERMS OF SALE.

One third ensh ; one third Iu one; and one thirdvea.rs : doferred payment to bear 8 pr ct. Inter

est from day of sale, and to be be cured by inort--trace ou tne premises.

J. I"., 11KOOK.INS.

K. W. QCIKTN, At'tyKatoa J uly. 3t y71 iw,

NOTICETo Contractors & Builders.1'HK Hoard of Education, of Ousper Towuslilp,

receive Healed Proposals up to 12 o'clock, of2:tb day of Julv, A, I). 1873, lor the building ofFrame Bciiool House, iu ci No. 6, of saidTownship. Tne size of the house is 24x36 reetitory13 leet in the clear. The bouse to be finished audready for occupation on the jUi day of October A.

J. 153.One half of ihe eontrnirt nrlfA to be Tald on the

ath day of February. 1874, and the otber half ontoe zuiu nay oi August, oi ine same year.

The bids lor the work and material to be sena--rate proposals.

J lie uoaru reserves the privilege oi i ejecting ailbids not satisfactory.

The Diau uudsDccificatlon can be seen br calliniron tbe clerk of the Board, or the local directors ofIlstrict No. 6, of said Township.

Then wll 1 be a iiientlnv itf tli. itnarri at tlie Township House, ou the 26th day of July, A. D. 1873, atone o'clock, p. jc. at which timo tiie Proposals winbo read.

HENRY BIILDElifclt. Prest.W. II, JEFFERSON, Clerk.Kutou Jal , 3, 1873 tw. .

Estate Notice.Notice Is hereby given that the undcrslsnml k

been duly npiointed and nuallfied Executor of thelast will aud testament of ueorgc II. Wehrly, dee'd.ui p. wisiiKiY.Foos A FieniK, Atty'B,

Juue.ZK, U71- - 3W.

Notice.Lavinia Euieriek, Pl"iT. ") Preb'l coin

vs. i L'l. I'et'uSam'l,Emerick,ct al Dert. J tor DonerriWK above named tlefoni;iuts, Sntu"l.

JL Euieriek, William Euieriek, Eliza-beth Black, John li:tok, U.iaiei ine Ly-en- s,

Sarah Tilui.tii, Antlerson .Tiliuau,the unknown chil l ami iK-i- r nL law ofIlenry Euieriek, ilceeasutl, Jacob Euier-iek, Beamier Euieriek, "VV'oller Emerick,Melvina Iler, ilurilli.s MeClurg an.lKyle MeClur, are licreby notifixi thaton the JOth day of May, 173, tlie abovenamed Plaintiffs filed in the Clerk's office, of the Court of Common Pleas, ofPreble County .Ohio, her petition wherein the plaintlil' sets forth her marriagewith one Jacob Euieriek, on or aboutthe 27th day of J'ebruary, A. If. 140;that the said Jacob Euieriek has sincedeceased, that during her coverture withsaid Jacob he was seized of an estate ofinheritance in tho following Iteal EsUitcsituate in Preble County, Ohio, to wit :

All of the south west quarter of section.No.. 15, in township number C, lianro oeast, &e., excepting bow ever '0 acresheretofore con veye I to John Haile.

Also, 40 acres off the south side ol thenorth east quarter of section number. Ititownship (S Kange3east, &c.

Also. 40 acres lvinff in the south eastcomer ot the south west quarter oi section 28 township 6 Kange i east, Se.

Also, Eot No. in the town of XewIiCxiurton. Preble county, Ohio'.

Also, 20 acres out of the northeastcorner of section number S township (j,Hanaro '3 east. &c.

Also. 50 acres off south Aide of thesouth east quarter of section 28 townshipG Range 3 east, xc.

That the above named defendants nowclaim the interest of the said J:u'ob Eui-eriek In said lands: that the said Plaintiff claims that she i3 entitled to dowenin said premises and prayes that the samemay be assigned to her, unci that they arerequired to appear and answer said Peti-tion on or before the 26th day of J uly, A.D. 1S73.,

FOOS & FISHER, Atty's for Tltf.Attest, W. D. QuiNSf, Clerk.Eaton, June 5, 1373 fiw - prfs $12,00.

NOTICETo Contractors & Builders.frVlE Board of Education of ;Dixou

Towuship, will receive sealed propo-sals up to 15th day of July, 1873, for thebuilding of two brick tichool Jtouse3,one in sub-distr- ict No. 3, ami one in ninVdistrict No. 6. 'J he size of tlie houses24x34 feet, story 12 feet in the clear.The bids for the work and materials tobe separate proposals, tlie houses to befinished read v for occupation by the lothday of September, 1373. One fourth ofthe Contract money to o paid wtieu onehouse is finished ; one fourth when thesecond house is finished ; one fourth outhe 20th day of February,-137-1- the bal-ance on the 20th day of August, 174.

AH proposals must be addressed to J.G: Larsh, Clerk of the Board, Eaton,Preble county, Ohio, at whose residenceSpecifications of the buildings may beseen. The Board rlnini the right to reject all bids not satisfactory; also tiieBoard reserves the right to contract forone or both houses. By order of theBoard. '.

JAMES ALLISON, President.Eaton, June 19, 1873 0w.

Notice to Bridge Builders.proposals wi'l be receivedSEALED ofiiee, Eaton, Preble

County, Ohio, np to 12 o'clock noon,Saturday July, 26th 1873, tor the mason-ry ,and Superstructure of a Bridge acrossSeven-mil- e Creek, on the Eaton and

improved road. (Lute Eatonanil Hamilton Turnpike), .it the firstcrossing of said stream below Camden.The Masonry will consist of the twoabutments lor said bridge.

Tho Superstructure will ho a singlespan of 125 feet, to be of Iron.

SpecineaDons lor saiu work, win ue onfile iu the Auditor's ofiiee on aud afterthe 4th day of July. By. order of Com-missioners.

W. J. BA1M11H1!.K, AUUT.Eaton June, 19, 1873 4w.

Machine Shop !

E. WEISS & SON,HAVRapeneda Repairing-Shop- , on the Corpora-tion lot. niljoiniinc the City Hall, ami will repair,SKAl'EBli, TH KKHH1NU MACtllNKS and liN-fiT- V

ks. on the most reasonable terms.nath House ready for cleaslu1y0p:

lKaton, JuneSth 17. Sw.

HO! FARMERS, HO!We, the underslKned, are Agents Cor the

B U C KEY ISHiding or Walking


Jackson, Jefferson, Wauhlnstou and Monroe.

They have beat tested and foundsuccessful.' 1

.:. Addresst -

J. K DATJGHSETT& SON,April it, 187S-W- S. - - ' Eatox, O

GIVENAWAY.A FJA'EGtRMAif CHROMOiwe send an elegant cukono. mouuted Jntl ready

for Framing, free to evurg agent for



912 Pages Octavo. 130 Fine Kngravings- -

Ttflatpn Incidents aiid 'Accidents bcvttnd theLifht of Day; Startling Adventures irk all jartK of1110 oriu; aiines ana aioue ii w nitni;dercurreuts of Society; (jamhlliiK and its UorrorH;Caverns and their MystoriM; The Dark WaysWldcetnBH; PrlHonsmid their s.fret".; Ivii theDepths of the Sea; Strange Sto. iea of the DftAclionof (Trlme.

Th hook treats of experteiu-- wtn biisrandrt:nights tn onlum dens aud g itnbllng hells; llh InnritwMi: Hturtea of exiles: ai venture anionir IndiansJourneys throogh tteweraand Cat.ieonihiiux'trtentMin uiines; piraU's : trinrwi of tit inquisition ; wonuenui ourxMriui ; umifrwiinu wigreat ctues, eie., etc.

Agents Wantedfor thin work. ExcIhhIvc terltory gfvefl. Ag-nt-

raa make fi00 a wet--k In celling this ImmiU. iiufor circulars and terms to agents.


TO THE SUFFiUaNG.The Kev. William n. Norton, while resl.llinc In

Brazil as a Missionary, discovered in th it land ofmedicines a remedy for Consumption, ijcrofnla.Bore Throat, Coughs, Colds. A .thma, and NervousWeakuess. Tuis remedy li;c-- cured myself alter allother medicines had (klleil.

Wishing to benefit tne snfl-jrln- I will send therecipe for preparing and using this remdy to all'who desire it FBBK OF C'HAllUE.

Plesfte send au envelope, with your name and address ou It. Address,

Rev. WLLIAM H.JiOBTOX,676 Uroaiiwav,

Kuvr York Oily..

A Clergyman, while residing in Mouth Amcrleaas missionary, discovered a safr nnd simple reme-dy for the Cnre of Nervous Weakness, Knrly De-c-

Disease of the Urinary and Seminal Organs,a.,.i tixn whole train or disorders bronht on liybaneful and vicious hublls. ttreut nuinhtmbeen cured by this noble remifdy. l'roniineu by a.i.ir.. tn iM.iiflit the nlllivlLHi anil uu rortunnte. 1

will send the receipt for preparing and using thfcimeillcine. In a sealed nelnpi-- . to- any one whoneeils It, rues r

Address. JOJ.K1 II T. INDIAN,. Station l. llil.le II..ue,

!e Yrk lilv


Caso Xo. 33vl.

iOUIi .VsjoU, t Vr-bl- Coin. Vleas.Vs. Mrder ol Sale uu ilort--

EI I LY ( it U WOOT, )It. LolKWOuD. (

VIK1TE OK AX 0t)E1UP SALI5UV lriiii tin Court tf (!omni'ii lli-- a withini'J lor County ot lrehte,atid Slate of Otiio

iu ihf iiuove rase, avi to tiio oihtiu oi mun county,.i r, r:"1, F wHI ofiVr alo at (niMic mixtion uttt if? .hMrr of the Couit House, in k.a.um, ,lu tuiul

On k oiurday July 5A.I twecu the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock, P. M., of anld6v.y, tite following lauds and -- iamtci Iulite enmity f rrehie.ancl Slate of Uiiio, and t.l

uh loiiows. to wit :lining th v.;;i part of Lot No. two hundred and

ninety, C r.s and h'.ATiieI oti tlreeord tliit oi'llo Viltngeot liat4ii, O.. fronting onirehie srrwl t"re no and 3i nof a ,Kle.

TKRMS CASH. ApTr;ircd nt fri MHi,ioJOltti TOWSnKSU, 8ierlT.

Kt;n.nn A Fukkmax, All's for 3Mti'i,Katon. Airil JJ, 1S7.L lprf-.:,7-.

rJcw Firm !!AT


K es.er & Lango;Curriage, Ituggy,

amiSpring WgonManufactory.

They wohld call tlie attention of ts-el- frleuda andthe public genera1 Jy to examine their

HEW STOCKOf Carriages, Buggies &c.

. : Before purchasing elsewhere.Special attention paid to Eepairing.

Work Warranted. .

eSr. GIVE US A CALL. -- 3Sr



GRAIN DEPOT.iSighest JfFarket Fri e


JRAIN AND SEED!From thotr lona- fxix-rlene- they elnlm to ant r--

Mtand the and to be aole thereby to ra. rjit on tK ks to ue nuie to tnoniseives kru uniaim iofarmcra. Call at their warehouse, west itallrood

J. Tj. qui a sow.T. S. The 11TOHEST CASH PKI PAID FOB










Spring & Summer Giothing

M'ltloli I willsell at prices to ault the times



i " : VALISES,... . HATS, "


' - ' "'-- ' - CAPS.


TO which I invite the attention of my old castonitlie tnihllc ill general. Thankful

for the liberal patronage here-- '.'I--- . tolore reeeived, I desire to

, , say that for the Spring' " " ofll73.1 will


than ever before offered in this w .rk-c- t,

ami invite tho jjcoplc to il andexamine my stock ami learn il prices.Kcmcniher tho old stand, where theBest and C'henpesti'lothing i Eatonis always Bold foe. .Small Profits andQuick-Sales- - J

M. STURM,Opposite Jail, No. 10, Main Street.

Eaton, May 8, 1873 ly. '. VV

NOTICE.Lhe. llth day of June, 1673, theOX Court of Preble Conuty, dc

elarcd the Kstateof Hiram Shaiifc,dec'd.to te tiolab)y insolvent. Creditors aretherefore retjiiired to present theirclaims against the Estate to the under-signed for allowance, within six monthsfrom tlie time above mentioned, or theywill not be entitled to payment.


Admr's with will annexed of Hiham.Shank dee'd.

Eaton, June 19, 1873 3w.

Boots & ShoescebhXrtTock,

TAS opened a NKW BOOT A SHOE STORE1 I r... Mln Ktreet . two doors cast of the DotyI I House. Kuloii. O. Crdur work done In tlie

iKtit manner. ReimtrlnK lonc on the shortest nolit-e- . All w.rk warranted to fiflve entire sivtslae-tion- .

V-- lire ut n rail. (IKBIUKT IJKK.Feb. in--



j. 00K0KQE &C0.,

I SiB3sca w


EATON, O.February 27, 1873. .

Ff.HlIj GROCEllElljg

:rs HILLInAite attention to their tock of fam

ily GItOCEKIES Ulld PRODUCH, Of whichthev keep a full and complete stock attheir old stand ouBaron Street Eaton, 0.

. "We flatter ourselves that we can sellas low as any other house in town, andwill keepalways on hand the Dest DranuofPKOVISIOKS, VKOETAI-Eil- , ALMONDSSI'ICEH, XKAS.

BUOAR8,COWER.--:- .;

SYRUPa,ItAIflNS. . . ;


rAMILT FLUtll, COB-- V MBAL, Jt IUCB fcc... . ...i A r.wji

Salt by the Barrel.inn 11.

Cigars & TobaccoN fi K MM.

Mftnu factur ewg oi

MS f x m w iW W m fni UU W a

. AN- D- - - ,


TIKE CUT 5e PLUGShewing Tobacco's

smooKing iodscco's... ... V . AND t ...

Smoker's Articles.Pipes, Pouches,

CigarHolders, JfcJMINOR'S BLOCK,

Opposite Conn House, Main St., Eaton, Ohio.Feb. 27, 1873.-t-r. -

F. & F. M. MARSH,Attorneys & Counselors'

Eaton, Preble Co., O. ,

ALL business, such as bet thugCollectins Claims, preparing

Legal Instruments. Deeds, ilortgagcsArticles of Agreements, &e. &c, prompt)y attended to.. . . - .Feb. 1, 72--yr

W. E. Filbert'sNEW


W. B. Pilbbiit would respectfullyannounce to thecitliienaof Knton.andsurroundlntf country, that he khaa Juatoiicned a FIKST CLAS1

Boot- - & Shoe SM. In Michael Gilbert's New Bnlld-Im- r,

Corner of Main A Cherry Street..All My Work War-

ranted!!to give entire aatiKUction.Custom work inude to order.

- Sty motto is: Htock," OoodWork," Small' Proflts" and "QuickBales.'.' Please call and see.

W. E. FlLBSKT.Aug. t. i7-y- r. l.

JOHX V. CAJiPBItX. JAS.Campbell &

QriiMxiistwra vo ouiior at v.ut't";M. TTORJVE 1mS JlT JLJM It

OTABlE' FliBllO,,Land & Government Claim

tk no ntsi E.VTON, OHIO. .

--Office ut the old tnnd on Barron Street.

1000.000 LBS.OF '

' v. .

uui u.auiuu ;

"wr r T"TTtTTlir

Will nn v thix ' hi rrhest' irici; for100,000 lbs. of Wool, delivered atliis Store, in Eaton. mnylmS.

I. IffD E IS T-.J- .X' .OFFICE at Residence, On. . N. Barren St.. W. side.Especial attention given to nuingtmu."Laughing" ; Gas administered,practicable in extracting Tcctli., .'

, ,

May 1, 1873 tf.


.Booksellers !

MINOR'S CLOCK,r imwuiiA 'nnr. House.) KATOX.
