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M 5 F e Pntl$r - University of Hawaii · CST All Buiinott onirutiedlo our cara will roceivo prompt...

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si;;vT- - j. s , -- ? Y M 5 , 'J ," r 1 F v s .. ' . $ - '!. '? .L,..4 fcNr i'lBt. n r?y&c' sctk '&; 5 KZ-- 1i,iJ? -: Pntl$r -- 3?W'S' f ' e w J & Jv & JJ' J f Vol. Xni. No 2103. HONOLULU, II. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER' 21, 1888. . BUnSORIPTION BO OENTO PER MONTH m 3 awa' A. THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed ami published at tho ofllce, Quoen Stroot, Honolulu, H. I., every afternoon (Sundays oxcoptcd). Subscription, - 50 cents per Month. Address nil Communications Daily BULT.KTIN. Advertisements, tc enauro insertion, should bu handed in beforo one o'clock r. m. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor IAS G. CLEVIOR Managor Bulletin Steam Printing; Offlco. Newspaper, Book ami Job Printing of all kluda done on the most favorablo terms. Bell Telephone No. 25G Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 23 columns of reading matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is the best paper published iu tho Kingdom to send to friends abroad. Subscription: Island : : : $4 00 year Foreign : : : 0 00 " i . - Commission Mercnants. T lXA.OB:irJ3JLiD & Co., , General Commission Agents. 070 ly Honolulu G. W. MACPARLANE & Co. liU'OUTBRB AND COMMISSION ' merchants; Queen street, - Honolulu. H. I. 1048 BHEWKB 6t COMPANY, L '. (Limited) UKNKliAL llKUCANTrLB AND Commission Agents. list ov ofmcebs : ' P. C Jones, Jr. . .. President & Manager J. O. Oaiitkb. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary DlilKCTOKS: Hon. O. It. Biauor. S. C. Allen, H. VVatkkuouse. 3Jt3 1y T. WATERHOTJSB, JOHN Importer and Healer in General Merchandise, Queen (., Honolulu. 1 fi. N. Castlo.-- J. B. Athoton-- G. P. Castle & COOKE, C1ASTLE Shipping and. Commission Merchants. Importers and Healers in General Merchandise, ' No. 00 King" st., Honolulu ' . , 1 Clans Hprcckcu. Wm. Q. Irwin. IRWIN fc COMPANY, WO-- . Sugar Factors andCommission Agents, Honolulu. 1 Si CO. WILDER Healers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and (ueen sta., Honolulu. 1 GRINBAUM & CO.," MS. Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, and 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal. II. Lowers, K. J. Lowroy O. M. Cooke. EWERS & COOKE, L (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) mporters and Dealers in Lumbcrjfind all kinds ot Building Materials, ForTstreet, Honolulu - 1 "Wm. O. Atwater, Agent to Grant Marriage Licenses. Olllce, : Honolulu Iron Works Co. Bopt.20.ly GONSALVES & CO., "Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 80 Beaver Block, Honolulu. H. crCRABBE, DEALER IN HAY and GRAIN, 81 King Street, opposite tho Old Station House. M.utuu.1 OColeplione No. 87 tf Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Vatcliraaker Has removed to ono of tho Now Stores in tho TIiouihn Jtluck, Kins Street, Threo doors from Castlo & Cookcs', Where ho 8. prepared to manufacture all xlmls of Jewelry. w Professionals. J ALFRED MAQOON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly T H.SOPEB.M.D. ' Consulting; Physician and Surgeon . S. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets, opposito Hawaii Nel Millinery Estab- lishment, San Francisco. 23 SAMUEL K. KAEO, at DGaw. Office, : No. 0 Kiiahumanu street. ap.24.88.ly J. M. MONSARRAT, Attorney nml Counsellor at Iinw. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for tho States of Now York, Cali- fornia and Pennsylvania. Merchant street, "dazetto" Block, Honolulu, H. I. june.0 88 PIONEER , STEM CAM FACTOR! JV.N1) BAICERY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- ejST Telephone 74 H. M. BENSON. a. w. siirrn. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Fort Street, -- Honolulu. Depot for Bocricke & Scechlk's HOMCEPATH1C MEDICINES, Ricksecker's Perfumes ami Toilet Requisites, i2y H0LLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 09 JVt Streot, William's Block, Houo-21- 0 ' Honolulu, H. I-- . WERNER & GO. v r JJInnnfacturlnU' JowoIIorM, ; NO. 03 FOItT iSTltaBJESO?. Constantly on hnnd i large assortmon of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 058 ly Sanders' Baggage Express Go. M. N. SANDERS, ( F. I. CUTTER, r ,.. Ofllce, 84 King street, Telephone No, 8G. ucsiucncc xeicpuono xso. mMi. GcnH EiiroBBliiK &. Dvorylnpc Piano and Furniture moving a specially. Wagons meet all incoming steamers. july.25 ly MRS. M. B, CAMPBELL, 'DrcHsmalcliiu', &o., &o., IlrtB commenced tho business of Dress, making. Cutting and Filling, at her resi- dence, No. 73 Bcretania street, opposito the Hotel. The patronage of the ladies is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. sept-0-l- y Alex. Flohr, istti'tti Lock & Gunsmith. Bethel st., next to General Post Ofllce, Honolulu. All kinds of Safes &. Soales repaired. AIho, Hoivlnir aiacliIneH at rcanon-abl- o rates. Bell Tel. 424. P. O. B. 400. Hustace & Robertson, DRAYMEN. LL orders for Cartage promptly at. xl tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho othor Islands. Also, Black and Whiter Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Ofllce, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 082 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. FOR SALE. Q WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked 0 Whulo Boat, 30 feet long, 3 feet deep, 8 feet wide; 2 22 feet Surf Boats; 1 18 foct Surf Boat; 2 Decked Plunger, 10 feet long, 0 feet 0 inches wide, 2 feet 0 Inches deep, with mast and sails all complete; 1 2i feet Sailing Scow, with mast and sails all complete. Apply to. E. R. RYAN. Boat Builder and General Jobber. 61 ti TF YOU WANT A SERVANT, 1 X advortlso in tho Daily Bullktik. Beaver Saloon Tho Bost Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee. at ill Hours The Finest Brand of Cigars, Tobacco Always on liana. II. J. NOI.TK, l'roprictor. flow Restaurant King Street Hear Alakea. Ilonrd 4 50 Per AVocIt. Single aicnl !i5 Cents I'.nch. A first-clas- s Cook hos been engaged to succeed tho ono 'heretofore employed. Tho Tables are Marble top and Clean; the Waiters attentive. ' C. IUL HKE, 2072 3m Propri etor. Choicest "Mutton ! Beef, Pork, ITisli, T"eg:eta.lles Soc, .Sec. Always on hand at the HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to Wm. McCandlcSs), ' No. O queen St., : : 'lsli MarKct, Honolulu, n. I. BSTFamily and Shipping Oidcrscarc. fully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8 TII3E Metropolitan eat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly JOS. TINKER, BUTCHER. City Harket, Nuuanu Street. Beef, W Veal, Lamb, Mutton, .& Pork. - ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages ! Fresh Every Day. (SgTHis noted Sausages arc made by tho every best machinery, and all orders entrusted to his care will bo delivered with promptness and dispatch, and his prices aro as low as anywhere 'in tho city. CSTTry his Bologna SausageB.a oct.5 88 WRIGHT BROS., SS Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill, Ship's Blacksmitliing, Carriage Building. & Repairing. Drays, Carta & Wagon Building a Specialty. Every description of work in tho above lines, performed in a first-clas- s manner ami executed at short notice. Having seemed the service of one of tho best Painters in town Uood Carriage J'nlntlnir Is Uunrau-tee- d ; Kxrullrnt Trimming u!ho done. CSTMutuiil 'lolcphouc, No. G75t3S ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Orders from tho other Islands solicited, my.28-8- 8 Tho Inter -- Island Steam Navigation. Co., Limited, . Keep constantly on hnnd for sale Steam Family and Blacksmith Goal and a general assortment of 415. Bar Iron. NOTICE. MUSIC furnished for balls, parties Bcreuudcs by Palmer's String Hand. Orders left nt O. E. Williams', or ring up Muluul Telephone MO. 71 tf TF YOU WANT A SITUATION X advertise in tho Daily Buujjtin. TAMPED coobs STAMPED A Good Assortment Just Received At TitE POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 101- - Fort Street, Honolulu. IS". S. : Proprietor Stamped .Linen Sideboard Scarfs, Stamped Liuon Splashers, Stamped Linen Tray Covors, STAMPED LINEN TIDIES I Stamped Linen Doylies, assorted sizes; Laundry Bags, " Linen Floss, iu all colors. o -- ALSO A VARIETY OF- - Chenille Pon-Po- ns and Tassals ! Fancy Metal Ornaments, Fancy Furniture Fringes. Come early, and havo first choice. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. Ho. 85 F0ET BTBEET. HONOLULU. Geiioral Aejeiitiw Expert Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Firo & Life Insurance Agents, Custom-Hous- e, Loan and Exchange Brokers. Departments of Business: Books &nd Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted. Colletions will receive special attention and returns promptly mada. Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Title furnished. Legal Documents and Papers of every description carofully drawn and hand somely engrossed. Copying and Translating in all languages in general uie this Kingdom. Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes raid and Property safely insured. Houses, Cottages, Booms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected. Fire and Life Insurance ctfeoted in flrat-clas- s Insurance Companies. Custom-Hous- e Business transacted with aoouracy and dispatch. Loans negotiated at favorable rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. Any Article purchased or sold on most favorable terms. Inter-Islan- d Ordors will rcoolvo particular attention. CST All Buiinott onirutiedlo our cara will roceivo prompt and faithful attention at modorato charges. Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-flv- e yoarsMn Now York City and elsewhere, wo feel competent to attend to all husinoss of nn intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfully solicit a tual. BellkTclcphono No. 274. Xlctwalicm ZSumIdloms Ajyoncy. ian. 7.88 Just Received at Hollister & Co.'s A largo assortment of PERFUMES! PERFUMES! Comprising tho well-know- n brands of COLGATE & CO., LUNUBORGS, LITBIST'S, ATKINSON'S, EASTMAN'S ALOHA, HOYT'S COLOGNE FARINA GERMAN COLOGNE, &o. lior Sale at Reasonable Pricee .nh-2-- ij WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 87 AERATED WATERS ! Steam "Works, Sunny South, Waikiki. J. E. BROWN & CO., - - Proprietors. Dopot, 28 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, o CAPACITY 1,000 UOKKN l'I'.lt MAY. Tho Only Apparatus making High Class TAHITI LEMONADE, GINGER ALE, Hop Ale, Cream Soda, Sarsparilla, Grenadine, Raspberryade And PUKE, STRONG EFFERVESCING PLAIN SODA WATER. Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 75 cents per dozen, delivered, Latest Improved Machinery and Patent Glasi-valv- o Bottles. TELEPHONES Boll, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Offico Box, 469. g0 Orders delivered to any part of tho city. Island orders solicited; jgft April-13-8- 8 . .,, p WSS 1..! Royal Insurance Company. Accumulation of Funds, $28,602,205.00 Firo ritks taken at current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agont July 20.88-l- y Union I'lro A Ilarlno Insurance Company of N. Z. Capital, $2,000,000; Unlimited Liability. Fire and Marino risks, taken nt current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JHN S. "WALKER, Agont july -- STJN- Insurance Co. of San Francisco, Marine risks on Hulle, Cargoes, Freights and Commissions at current rates JOHN S. "WALKER, Agont. july 25.88.ly MEGIDEBTCTXta General Insurance Company. Marino risks oa Hulls, Cargoes, Freight and Commissions at current rates. JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent. july2C88.1y THE NEW YORK Life Insurance Go. Strictly Mutual Organized 1815. ASSETS OVER - $87,000,000 Thc'actual (not estimated) results of its matured Tontine policies exceed those of any other Company issuing similar policies. The XonrorfcUInc Free Tontine Policy With Mortuary Dividend (returning all premiums in addition to face of policy should death occur during tho Tontino period) as issued by this Company the advantages of Tontine nccu-mutatio- guaranteed options at the end of Tontino periods and perfect' ficcdom after two years as to residence, travel and occupation, except service in war. Nonforfeitable after 3 Years. C2TFor lull particulars and estimated results based upon actual results paid in 1888 apply to CO. BERCEiRi, Honolulu, General Agent Hawaiian JulyJ Islands. 121-8- 8 rffn Honolulu ibon "Works, 5dtetth8team engines, Bugar mills, boll-er- s, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. "Job work exo. cutcd at short notice 1 WALKER & EEDWARD, Contraotom & Builders. Brick, Stono and "Wooden Buildings; cs. tlmates given. Jobbing promptly to. 70 King street. Hell Tele-phon- o No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. up 5.1y LUCAS, Contractor -- 23BiSii5A and Builder, Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Jb.'spW nado, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes.-Doors- , and all kinds of Wood- work Unlsh. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing All kinds of Sawing and Plan-m- g, Morticing and Tenanting. Ordors promptly attonded to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho othor is solicited E NTERPRIS PLANING MILL. f AlakcH, near ((ucen St. I Teitphon no. BJM J. O. MARCHANT, (Buccessor to T. Q. Thrum) Book-binde-r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. Friend Building, Bethel street, Hono-0- 2 lulu. tf rpHE BEST PAPER to subscrlbo JL for is tho "Dally Bulletin.'1 60 cents per month. A. II. RASEMANN, Cook-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer, No. 13 Kuahumunu street. Up stairs. oct-l.88.l- rpHE ONLY PAPER read by all X. classes "The Dally Bulletin." 60 1 cents per mouth. vV y v-- FIRE, LIFE, " MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. AMota, $0,288,010 Commercial Incoranoo Oo. i (Firo and Marine) Assets, $450.OlO Anglo-Ifevad- a Assurance Corporate ja (Fir and Marino) Capital, paid tip, $2,008,0,' 0 South British Fire and Marino I&a. Jo Capital, $10,000,0. Jtj New York Life Insurance Co. ' Aseete, $86,000,01 '0 C.O.BERGEI HONOLULU. General Agent, HaWn Islands. 1603 ly ICQ U1XABLE Sflfflftf7 J Or tho Daltoa State. THE LEADING COMPANY. New Buslnstsln 1887 $130,023,1 IS Applications relusod tor 23,729,8! 7 Total Incomo - 23,248,8 M Surplus 4 par cant - 18,104,216 Gain in Assets during year 8,808,, .2 Etc., Etc., Etc., In the above and most Important po nt the Equitable heads the list of Life Companies. v A. J. CARTWRIGHT, General Agont for Hawaiian Island. June J. j..;.fs CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Rre& Morino4ln8tir'oe Atjei AQBMTS FOK The Wow Baglaaa MIITIIAI IPC mtcvpnUD'v .; V1 fm ui XKJBion. The JStna Fixe InsHranco o '.i of Hartford Conn.- - The Vnloa Fire sad Marine insurance Go. of Ban Prauclico,, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Comtff BSTAXLISBBD 18415, '" s.ooi.nnn tiiiiyuV IU'Ej lMflprn!irafl fivin liua X pointed of the aboya aer; i...: for the Hawaiian Islaada, la prepr tioB.B, rire, on iiuuai as, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Br jar? Mills nt nn tlin mnt Premptly Adjusted PayaWt Honolulu. H. RIMEN8CJHNIIBt, jly.871y at Wilder & 'a. -- ? Pioneer Shirt Factory t ?.? :fa J ii f'iij It, - - '' ' I " ' ' ' ' Cinllal - f agent Cbm .MT ', te bjjkiubv V.w.t.l. r"- - Losses and ...t C m "l ? ui noneiuiu, no. 17 Emma atr :' Tho undersigned begs to infona She public of these Islands that he is raak .ng Bliirtu by HeoNuremeB fc t '"' Directions for eel'f.measurement wi,l' ' be given on application. White Shirts, Oiershlrts & Bight Ge as A fit guarantee by making a pie. .,", ly 9U2JUUUJ. ?$g 7s bvuc)!!. w-- i "" ""' u,ut" ft, iiiana order ioiiritod kii TiriiBn iib '.: 00 A. M,
Page 1: M 5 F e Pntl$r - University of Hawaii · CST All Buiinott onirutiedlo our cara will roceivo prompt and faithful attention at modorato charges. Having had an extensive business experience

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3 awa'



Is printed ami published at tho ofllce,

Quoen Stroot, Honolulu, H. I., every

afternoon (Sundays oxcoptcd).

Subscription, - 50 cents per Month.

Address nil Communications DailyBULT.KTIN.

Advertisements, tc enauro insertion,should bu handed in beforo one o'clockr. m.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor


Bulletin Steam Printing; Offlco.

Newspaper, Book ami Job Printing ofall kluda done on the most favorabloterms.Bell Telephone No. 25G

Mutual Telephone No. 250


Weekly Summary.An interesting and comprehensive

publication, contains 23 columns ofreading matter on local topics, and acomplete resume of Honolulu and IslandNews. It is the best paper publishediu tho Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

Subscription:Island : : : $4 00 yearForeign : : : 0 00 "

i . -

Commission Mercnants.

T lXA.OB:irJ3JLiD & Co.,

, General Commission Agents.070 ly Honolulu


liU'OUTBRB AND COMMISSION'merchants;Queen street, - Honolulu. H. I.



Commission Agents.

list ov ofmcebs :

' P. C Jones, Jr. . . . President & ManagerJ. O. Oaiitkb. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary


Hon. O. It. Biauor. S. C. Allen,H. VVatkkuouse.

3Jt3 1y

T. WATERHOTJSB,JOHN Importer and Healer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen (., Honolulu. 1

fi. N. Castlo.-- J. B. Athoton-- G. P. Castle& COOKE,C1ASTLE Shipping and. Commission

Merchants. Importers and Healers inGeneral Merchandise, ' No. 00 King" st.,Honolulu ' . , 1

Clans Hprcckcu. Wm. Q. Irwin.IRWIN fc COMPANY,WO--


Sugar Factors andCommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

Si CO.WILDER Healers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and (ueen sta.,Honolulu. 1

GRINBAUM & CO.,"MS. Importers of General Merchandise and Commission Merchants,

and124 California street,

San Francisco, Cal.

II. Lowers, K. J. Lowroy O. M. Cooke.EWERS & COOKE,L (successors to Lowers & Dickson.)

mporters and Dealers in Lumbcrjfind allkinds ot Building Materials, ForTstreet,Honolulu - 1

"Wm. O. Atwater,Agent to

Grant Marriage Licenses.Olllce, : Honolulu Iron Works Co.



"Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants80 Beaver Block, Honolulu.



81 King Street, opposite tho Old StationHouse.

M.utuu.1 OColeplione No.87 tf

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Vatcliraaker

Has removed to ono of tho NowStores in tho

TIiouihn Jtluck, Kins Street,Threo doors from Castlo & Cookcs',

Where ho 8. prepared to manufactureall xlmls of Jewelry. w



173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly


' Consulting; Physician and Surgeon .

S. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets,opposito Hawaii Nel Millinery Estab-lishment, San Francisco. 23


at DGaw.Office, : No. 0 Kiiahumanu street.


J. M. MONSARRAT,Attorney nml Counsellor at Iinw.

Notary Public and Commissioner ofDeeds for tho States of Now York, Cali-fornia and Pennsylvania. Merchantstreet, "dazetto" Block, Honolulu, H. I.

june.0 88



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. -- ejST Telephone 74

H. M. BENSON. a. w. siirrn.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Fort Street, - - Honolulu.

Depot for Bocricke & Scechlk's

HOMCEPATH1C MEDICINES,Ricksecker's Perfumes ami Toilet

Requisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

1 09 JVt Streot, William's Block, Houo-21- 0

' Honolulu, H. I-- .


JJInnnfacturlnU'JowoIIorM, ;

NO. 03 FOItT iSTltaBJESO?.Constantly on hnnd i large assortmon

of every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

058 ly

Sanders' Baggage Express Go.


F. I. CUTTER, r ,..Ofllce, 84 King street, Telephone No, 8G.

ucsiucncc xeicpuono xso. mMi.

GcnH EiiroBBliiK &. DvorylnpcPiano and Furniture moving a specially.

Wagons meet all incoming steamers.july.25 ly


'DrcHsmalcliiu', &o., &o.,IlrtB commenced tho business of Dress,making. Cutting and Filling, at her resi-dence, No. 73 Bcretania street, oppositothe Hotel. The patronage of the ladiesis respectfully solicited. Satisfactionguaranteed. sept-0-l- y

Alex. Flohr,istti'tti

Lock & Gunsmith.Bethel st., next to General Post

Ofllce, Honolulu.All kinds of Safes &. Soales repaired.

AIho, Hoivlnir aiacliIneH at rcanon-abl- o

rates.Bell Tel. 424. P. O. B. 400.

Hustace & Robertson,

DRAYMEN.LL orders for Cartage promptly at.

xl tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho othor Islands.

Also, Black and Whiter Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Ofllce, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.082 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.


Q WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked0 Whulo Boat, 30 feet long, 3 feetdeep, 8 feet wide; 2 22 feet Surf Boats;1 18 foct Surf Boat; 2 Decked Plunger,10 feet long, 0 feet 0 inches wide, 2 feet0 Inches deep, with mast and sails allcomplete; 1 2i feet Sailing Scow, withmast and sails all complete. Apply to.

E. R. RYAN.Boat Builder and General Jobber. 61 ti

TF YOU WANT A SERVANT,1 X advortlso in tho Daily Bullktik.

Beaver Saloon

Tho Bost Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee. at ill Hours

The Finest Brand of

Cigars, Tobacco

Always on liana.II. J. NOI.TK, l'roprictor.

flow Restaurant

King Street Hear Alakea.

Ilonrd 4 50 Per AVocIt.Single aicnl !i5 Cents I'.nch.

A first-clas- s Cook hos been engaged tosucceed tho ono 'heretofore employed.Tho Tables are Marble top and Clean;the Waiters attentive.

' C. IUL HKE,2072 3m Propri etor.

Choicest "Mutton !

Beef, Pork,ITisli, T"eg:eta.lles Soc, .Sec.

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCandlcSs),

'No. O queen St., : : 'lsli MarKct,Honolulu, n. I.

BSTFamily and Shipping Oidcrscarc.fully attended to. Live Stock furnishedto vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8



eat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.Wholesale & Retail Butchers




City Harket,Nuuanu Street.

Beef, W Veal,Lamb, Mutton, .& Pork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Fresh Every Day.

(SgTHis noted Sausages arc made bytho every best machinery, and all ordersentrusted to his care will bo deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, and hisprices aro as low as anywhere 'in thocity.

CSTTry his Bologna SausageB.aoct.5 88


SSFort Street, next Lucas' Mill,

Ship's Blacksmitliing, Carriage

Building. & Repairing.

Drays, Carta & Wagon Building a Specialty.

Every description of work in thoabove lines, performed in a first-clas- s

manner ami executed at short notice.Having seemed the service of one of

tho best Painters in townUood Carriage J'nlntlnir Is Uunrau-tee- d

; Kxrullrnt Trimming u!ho done.CSTMutuiil 'lolcphouc, No. G75t3SALL WORK GUARANTEED.

Orders from tho other Islands solicited,my.28-8- 8

Tho Inter -- Island SteamNavigation. Co., Limited, .

Keep constantly on hnnd for sale

Steam Family and Blacksmith Goaland a general assortment of

415. Bar Iron.NOTICE.

MUSIC furnished for balls, partiesBcreuudcs by Palmer's String

Hand. Orders left nt O. E. Williams',or ring up Muluul Telephone MO. 71 tf

TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONX advertise in tho Daily Buujjtin.


A Good Assortment Just ReceivedAt TitE

POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE,101-- Fort Street, Honolulu.

IS". S. : ProprietorStamped .Linen Sideboard Scarfs,

Stamped Liuon Splashers,Stamped Linen Tray Covors,


Stamped Linen Doylies, assorted sizes;Laundry Bags,

" Linen Floss, iu all colors.o


Chenille Pon-Po- ns and Tassals !Fancy Metal Ornaments,

Fancy Furniture Fringes.

Come early, and havo first choice.


Geiioral AejeiitiwExpert Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Firo & Life Insurance

Agents, Custom-Hous- e, Loan and Exchange Brokers.Departments of Business:

Books &nd Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted.Colletions will receive special attention and returns promptly mada.Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Title

furnished.Legal Documents and Papers of every description carofully drawn and hand

somely engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languages in general uie this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes raid and Property safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Booms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Fire and Life Insurance ctfeoted in flrat-clas- s Insurance Companies.Custom-Hous- e Business transacted with aoouracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated at favorable rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on most favorable terms.Inter-Islan- d Ordors will rcoolvo particular attention.

CST All Buiinott onirutiedlo our cara will roceivo prompt and faithful attention atmodorato charges.

Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-flv- e yoarsMnNow York City and elsewhere, wo feel competent to attend to all husinoss of nnintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfullysolicit a tual.

BellkTclcphono No. 274. Xlctwalicm ZSumIdloms Ajyoncy.ian. 7.88

Just Received at Hollister & Co.'sA largo assortment of

PERFUMES! PERFUMES!Comprising tho well-know- n brands of



lior Sale at Reasonable Pricee.nh-2-- ij WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 87


Steam "Works, Sunny South, Waikiki.

J. E. BROWN & CO., - - Proprietors.Dopot, 28 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands,

oCAPACITY 1,000 UOKKN l'I'.lt MAY.

Tho Only Apparatus making High Class


Sarsparilla, Grenadine, RaspberryadeAnd PUKE, STRONG EFFERVESCING

PLAIN SODA WATER.Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 75 cents per dozen, delivered,

Latest Improved Machinery and Patent Glasi-valv- o Bottles.

TELEPHONES Boll, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Offico Box, 469.g0 Orders delivered to any part of tho city. Island orders solicited; jgft

April-13-8- 8 .

.,, p


Royal Insurance Company.

Accumulation of Funds, $28,602,205.00

Firo ritks taken at current rates andsettlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, AgontJuly 20.88-l- y

Union I'lro A IlarlnoInsurance Company of N. Z.

Capital, $2,000,000; Unlimited Liability.

Fire and Marino risks, taken nt currentrates and settlement made in Honolulu.

JHN S. "WALKER, Agontjuly


Insurance Co. of San Francisco,

Marine risks on Hulle, Cargoes, Freightsand Commissions at current rates

JOHN S. "WALKER, Agont.july 25.88.ly


General Insurance Company.

Marino risks oa Hulls, Cargoes, Freightand Commissions at current rates.

JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent.july2C88.1y


Life Insurance Go.Strictly Mutual Organized 1815.

ASSETS OVER - $87,000,000

Thc'actual (not estimated) results of itsmatured Tontine policies exceed thoseof any other Company issuing similar


The XonrorfcUInc

Free Tontine PolicyWith Mortuary Dividend (returning allpremiums in addition to face of policyshould death occur during tho Tontinoperiod) as issued by this Company

the advantages of Tontine nccu-mutatio-

guaranteed options at the endof Tontino periods and perfect' ficcdomafter two years as to residence, traveland occupation, except service in war.

Nonforfeitable after 3 Years.C2TFor lull particulars and estimated

results based upon actual results paidin 1888 apply to

CO. BERCEiRi,Honolulu, General Agent Hawaiian

JulyJ Islands. 121-8- 8

rffn Honolulu ibon "Works,5dtetth8team engines, Bugar mills, boll-er- s,

coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. "Job work exo.cutcd at short notice 1


Contraotom & Builders.Brick, Stono and "Wooden Buildings; cs.tlmates given. Jobbing promptly

to. 70 King street. Hell Tele-phon- o

No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. up 5.1y

LUCAS,Contractor -- 23BiSii5A

and Builder,Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Jb.'spW

nado, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes.-Doors- , and all kinds of Wood-work Unlsh. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing All kinds of Sawing and Plan-m- g,

Morticing and Tenanting.Ordors promptly attonded to and work

guaranteed. Orders from tho othor is



PLANING MILL. fAlakcH, near ((ucen St. ITeitphon no. BJM

J. O. MARCHANT,(Buccessor to T. Q. Thrum)

Book-binde-r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


Friend Building, Bethel street, Hono-0- 2

lulu. tf

rpHE BEST PAPER to subscrlboJL for is tho "Dally Bulletin.'1 60cents per month.

A. II. RASEMANN,Cook-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. 13 Kuahumunu street. Up stairs.oct-l.88.l-

rpHE ONLY PAPER read by allX. classes "The Dally Bulletin." 60

1 cents per mouth.

vV y v--


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

AMota, $0,288,010

Commercial Incoranoo Oo.i (Firo and Marine)

Assets, $450.OlOAnglo-Ifevad- a Assurance Corporate ja

(Fir and Marino)Capital, paid tip, $2,008,0,' 0

South British Fire and Marino I&a. JoCapital, $10,000,0. Jtj

New York Life Insurance Co.'

Aseete, $86,000,01 '0


General Agent, HaWn Islands.

1603 ly

ICQ U1XABLESflfflftf7

JOr tho Daltoa State.


New Buslnstsln 1887 $130,023,1 ISApplications relusod tor 23,729,8! 7Total Incomo - 23,248,8 M

Surplus 4 par cant - 18,104,216

Gain in Assets during year 8,808,, .2

Etc., Etc., Etc.,

In the above and most Important po ntthe Equitable heads the list of

Life Companies. v

A. J. CARTWRIGHT,General Agont for Hawaiian


June J.


CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Rre& Morino4ln8tir'oe Atjei


The Wow BaglaaaMIITIIAI IPC mtcvpnUD'v

.; V1 fmui XKJBion.

The JStna Fixe InsHranco o'.i of Hartford Conn.- -

The Vnloa Fire sadMarine insurance Go.

of Ban Prauclico,, Cala.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comtff

BSTAXLISBBD 18415, '"s.ooi.nnn tiiiiyuV

IU'Ej lMflprn!irafl fivin liuaX pointed of the aboya aer; i...:for the Hawaiian Islaada, la preprtioB.B, rire, on iiuuai as,

Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Br jar?Mills nt nn tlin mnt

Premptly Adjusted PayaWt


jly.871y at Wilder & 'a.--?

Pioneer Shirt Factory



:faJ ii f'iij



'' '

I "' '

' 'Cinllal -f

agent Cbm .MT', te


V.w.t.l. r"- -Losses and


m "l ?

ui noneiuiu, no. 17 Emma atr :'

Tho undersigned begs to infona Shepublic of these Islands that he is raak .ngBliirtu by HeoNuremeB fc t '"'

Directions for eel'f.measurement wi,l' 'be given on application.

White Shirts, Oiershlrts & Bight Ge asA fit guarantee by making a pie. .,",

ly 9U2JUUUJ.



w-- i

"" ""' u,ut" ft,iiiana order ioiiritod kii TiriiBn iib '.:

00 A. M,

Page 2: M 5 F e Pntl$r - University of Hawaii · CST All Buiinott onirutiedlo our cara will roceivo prompt and faithful attention at modorato charges. Having had an extensive business experience

fJUBiuj t!ttjMtoiiwuai!iyju!iJmjjtm!aCT',gniW' awuiiii





Finance 5ojHuitKAU of Customs, )

Honolulu, Nov. 15, 188S. S

Ml Iv. W. Ivpiivvnillnnlii linn ling-- day -- been appointed Tilot for theTort nnd Collection District of llilo,

'1. TBlAml nf.JTn.wn.ii. .vinn-lS.-- T. Ku-nii-



resigned.A. H. 0LKG11OUN .

" "' ,

UolliTtor-Gcncru- L . ..

Appic-vcd- :.-.

- "W. L. Grke.v, wa 5V''"iPij .102 2t-.d.- 3t--

SchoolrNoti56.T r

The new Public Free School nt(j.Kttiiluwulii, in this district, will be

opened on WEDNLDXY next, the21st instnnt, when- - pupils of bothsexes, all iintionililiu$,Ijuda1n anypersuasion, mny jiecgistcied forattendance.

Mr. C. Tldiiy '"White, for hoveralyears assistant lYhidn"0f4M,lUynlSchool, Kahcluifin'," UAs'Phcffir ) ap-

pointed Principal, jiml Mls, MA.Wood, fcr n number of ycnis a

fcTirnnTlry giadcs inpublic and c schools in thisdistrict, lins beuiiujjjjod AbsistantTeacher. The loeatiou-uLth- o school,

v-- for health and conifiut. isjnost ex--

ccllcntiiud iu tbOjCbajyettgicliQis- ot expenenco, shoiyd, not. Jail of aa lnrirfi iil.tnnil.innifir

Vt llv oidfii of tho Tlnfiril i1 .Kilt inn tinn.f . ,..w.jas. SiAiiriiBcci clary.

, Education Oilice,-No- v. ill, J.888.101 3t

jjajltt fgu'ClitfinPledged to neither Sect nor Party,Sut established for the benefit of all.

WEDNESDAY NOV. 21, 1888.


Complaints have been made at.this ollicc y concerning theconduct last night, of some younghoodlums in the ncighboihood ofthe Y. M. C. A. hall. That timeand place were chosen by the of-

fenders to insult passers-bj'- . Theguilty patties- are persons gn lU

birth orforeign extiaction. Thisisvnot the first time that this same indi- -.

'. viduals and others have been guiltyof simifdr" hli's'cbi.duot and iii th'e

" same ncighboihood. ThviyT cofigic- -

p, gate in front of, QiwiCt.uv.to,. the Y.C. A. .halU aniiii&titution.-dc-- .

signed for their good-Mmtl-wh- cn i,o, one is near at hand to be a clieck on

, their pioclivities, seem to delight inLJ showing how badly they can misbe

have themselves. A few doses of L

. ropesend would bo an, excellentmolimnn vit lirtci- i iiniliii--

JJ5. " iStfura.' """&r"1 jlirnnina ntu if lino rv enrnn rtv...."' " t w.t.'?

I effectual remedy is not shortly applied by those.authorised by law toudo bo, unauthorised parties will take'the responsibility upon themselves.(It a gentleman who was insulted bythese miscreants the other night is

gain submiHetl-to-anythinprsimila- rr

.be will certainly use his best en- -

uuuYuiB luiuuic villi upuciiy aim me-rited "' "punishment.


Ono of the new hy'dranta, for usef in case of fire, is plac'cit oi;tle side

walk of Alakeasticet,jieajMLIic cn-- 1

trance to the I3rihah,.grcniiids.is in a position calculated la do

damage to pedestrians in the dark."X'-r- T1! 751 i"5

In fact, if intended for that particu-lar purpose, it could' scai'dely liavobeen more advantageously,. placed.?This fact was.reiioj:jlcid in this-pape-


K,vfhcn tho hyd.rant vys lirst placedfe there. Somo of ouiy readers huvoJ. since found $t oitydpt ilip.nispjycs,'and now agree thatl,our,Jfkickiing"tnta not ,wil4ipnt.g09d. rson,..Q.i!f Monday.night a gentlpmun came in,

contact yyithiUrfr hydrant" so. forcU,bly as o a

fwound thai will taktf a pot of ofiit'ment and agobd inanlaytp heal.While this gentleman IjAJjJt-'ii- afew feet iroin,.lli.liy.diaut, and nurs-

ing his injured -- Inalrtnto, a conditioifto enable him to hobblo tb Ifls lodg-ing- s,

a second. gentlBiuautkJdilied ui- -

iti'tho dark,tAinVlieforo thc'Jlrst mnwfortunate could Utter k --word ofwarning, camo plump against the

BSfme obSlaole, Uirneifl (j half, soincrj,iBBUiE, anu laiuim un ii . vju;ilhg considerable discoinfort to lhat

pprgan. uiuor cflges couin- , j-- ii. . .......... iini?oi injuryjroiii tuu buuju wuw., "fi'till tho 'flanlrercyns6 AriiribJInc-nldc- K

Piis kept thoro, nnd pibbably 'will lieuutil Bomcono brings"?iH""tfetrorPfor

.damages against the .Governmentlibt ft broken Hinb. -

Jtsj; t'jjLu'' rr.w.iifc.L'im?yviiH.LJi'wil i Mm 1'iii ii i IMa. mvj4$ m'uii.1 ins wua,fji.gjj.ntyvMrtLj.i' t,WtfiT .nrt wwwuM' jjfaAiotfgjeiMttw



The idea of protection against theinclusions of n class of foreignersdeemed to bo undcsirahle, which

hascouo prominently lo the frontinatluVi communitv Hiring the'ibur- -

rcm' yar, lsjiuiot iTcculiar 't'ptliicountry. There was a period inEnglish liistoiy when mi outcry wasraised against the piivileges of citiz-

enship being granted lo Frenchmenin England, and in compliancetherewith stringent restrictive mea--ur- es

were adopted. We are allmore or less familiar with what liasrcdenlly been ddho in lliu Uih'tcd

Stale , Australia, and "elsewhere in

lcganl to tho Chinese...-B- ut our

readers in general are -- probably not

aware that very' slffngcn.C.mcasuicH,recently enacted, . .curtailing the

rights of foreigners" that countiy,are now in force in Norway. TheNorwegians-ha-

ve a law relating locitizeiship, whiyli has'fjccn in opera-

tion since April 1, l888understoodto b s intended to apply mainly toEnglishmen, as Ihc' aio the princi-

pal i lyailgrs .Qf .that country.. Wc..

copj' Hie following:0. fn future real propyl ty. except

by smcial peimisio'iVof tlifclving,.or the authority authorized byjiim,may only be legallyaqquircd in therealm1 by .Norwegian:!, or SwedishState citizens, corporations; institu-tions, or limited liability .companies,when their boards have their seals in

Now ly or Sweden, and consist ex- -

clusiv ply of Norwegian anil SwedishState citizens. The. same rulo shallapply to lcase4fvJandci . propci ty ,

and he jigl).ts of usufiuct, uscorother rights confcrrcdthi3rcb3r withregard to such property. ,

Thd King may grant exemptionsfrom iiiactmcnts of this paragraphwith lpspcct to lease's 'or bth'dr rightsacquired, for a period not exceedingten yi ars.

Note: License to work mines is

fioe ti all, FpssguVWiia acquijc,laijdpd prppcjty. for fsites ofdhhrc cs, schools, pai soiiages andcenietpri cs.

13. Xf an agtecment not. in conformity w ith 'J is executed by thercgibtratum of 'the title deed: or if

the pn rchascr or the lessee,har cn- -

teied nto possession of. the-estat- e,

or the jCxercisc of,4he riglits conqed- -

cd, pe aiuuouUcs suall lix annio for the adjustment . the niat- -


tcr. ' The lpnj) Qf tunc.alloUell mitst ,not be luijsthaii G

'monfhk nor indie tlian3 ycais14. idn the expiry of tile term fix

ed, the pioperty or sitid lights shallbe soId by compulsory, auction, 'byorder of the supeiior authoiitics,without any previous negotiations ofagrecnent or notification to the



Ourdlovely summer weather still..cqiitmiucs.T'1iMie mo'rm'!)g3,1iria-rex'i-

mgs are quite cool, but ilic tempoalure ifnoOh is abovc"'801degicesWith thO'Gxeotioarof

i. . .. . . . .last April, ai)d jd is verydry. jOur .streets' and .gardens aresprink cd "dnlly, .uni vegptationiloiuis ics everywhere. Thc'jlowcrs.bloom luxuriantly and would docicdit 10 your.owji Jovely islands.

Dur ng the past wecic-niiei- v city,jcharte has been adopted, which willdoubtl 2ss increase the prosperity ofthe municipality. t"Vork .cpntinuesbusklj pn' several large, blbcks,some cf which will be quite ornamental. --About 75;000,000- - feet ofluoben have been usciLbyoair.build-e- rs

thip year; filso large quantitiesof bricacB afjcUjStbuc. Somo ,of. thenew Blfucturesyi)jbo h'ancsoinelyornamcntt'fl"'wltlf:"tc,rra cotta. Thismatcual is used freely in the lam c

building belonging t'o Uie "voman' s(Jlinstiiin TcmnerancQ Union, and inthe nevr Cityaialir "'It, Is "probtiblc'that tho PiiUIio'Librdrywill be re"moved to more capacipus 'quartersnext y ;ar. The four rooms nowvoted to 'tho' Library are crowlgdevery" ( ay. In addition to lloniccirculation many readers consultbooks viUihrthcbu!lcl!ng.t

froji' brid'g w;jl 'be;'coinjtri ctej ncross Los Angeles'river, (jonriccting lho main portionof the cilyjjivith tho llcautiful' Eus't-cr- n

suburbs. Whilcr'th'e foundations'are beipg'fnid, a tcmporaiy bridgeacjcommoilntciJ'tire liofbo cars andfoot travel. .

4 j . ,

A Chamber of Conime'rco has re-

cently' been organised, wljich willwith ho,JUoat;(Jipt';frrade

in - en Lou raging immigiation andiiuiinifi cturcs. Two exoursion pur- -

ijusircin iiiu r.asicru pinics navuarrived within a few .da3'S, andotlieis are expected" Vtfry J55TTUtisinc s of airklridsls'begiiinlng'lbiiniVrovo. and there is every reason

P Co bellovo that a scabon of unoxniii- -

fplofl pijosperity is at bond.-- - -

Tho several political parties aioas busy in Soutliorn-Culifom- iu as inolhcr iKirtb of the AmcilcanUnioii.

''Nolcss.tliniithieo mammoth tents aioused ns headquartois by the Repiili-licans- cf

Los Angeles. "'Ki'ithuHiastisrallies are hold every-wee-

k, anilthe IlarrUon and Morion

Clubs often indulge in torchlightprocessions on those evenings whendistinguished speakers arc exported.A new enrollment of the voters hasbeen completed, from which it is

--cstlnicd that the pci lnifncnt'popu-lntioilft- f

this qitj',is n'bt festhnn

TliojUinvorHiiy or .jputucrn, vjau-fornltf- is

lriaUlng'-'arrangehiciit- s fortho construction of a refractingtelcscopo of 10 inches apertuic,considerably larger than tho Lickinstrument. Several years will herequired to complete the telescope,which wilL be the largest of its classIn the world. Meanwhile an observ-atory will be huiit upon Wilson's al'cakj the highest point of the Sierra

Anirn.. fliS lOnftt'lJnlvmnoMlinro laVIIUI.Un Vl ViV-'lrT- ' V

well ndnnted for"! tfstrffSoniicalrc- -

scarch. " A. Ii. W.Lot) Angeles, Cal., Oct. 24th.


Tho Chiucsc'aieeconomical, whether it be in limiting the number ot wants, in pre- -

venting wiwtej tOrOiJi! atUiistUig!forces in such a manner as to makea little represent a great deal. J. nouniversal diet consists of rice;beans), millet, garden vegetablesand fkih, with a little meat on highfestivals. Wholesome food inibitnOance may bo, supplied at lessthan a penny a day for kcaeh adult,,and even in famine times thousandsof persons have been kept alive formonths on about a half-penn- y a dayeach.) This implies Hie existence ofa high degree of culinary lslvill iirthe Chinese; their modes or jpro-paii-

food are thopugh anT vari-ous. TThcre is no waste ; everything

"is made to do as much duty aspossible. What is left is the veriesttrifle. The physical condition ofthe C linesc dog or cat, who has tolive o l the leavings of the fatuity,shows- this: they aie clearly kept onstarvation allowances. -- The Chineseaie nc t extremely fastidious in re-

gard o food ; all is fish that -- comesto their net, and most things comethere Sooner or later. In thc'Rorlhthe hoVsc, the mule, the donkey arcin uniVeisal use, and in some dis-

tricts the camel also does duty. Itmust je understood that the prac-tice is to eat all thcscranimals assoon as hey-expiFe whelhcr-lho- -b.'Jusic,ofIdeath.ljicaccUlcjat, ohLagc.or disease. This is done as a inatrtcr oflcoursc, and the fact that theanimal has died of an epidemicmaladk- - docs not alter its ultimate"destination. Ceitain disturbancesof thuihumaii olganizatiplduev to "

eating', diseased meat, aie woH rccog-giize- d

among the people ; but' 'it .iscousiilcieel bolter to eat the inUat,th&cheapness of which isueftafnY andliin tle libk of the consequences,whicjitare not quite certain, than to.buy dear meat even with the assur-aucc'- of

no evil lesults. Indeed, themenu (f animals whidh'-iif- i dicil'of-oidiniti-

ailments'"!-- "dearer',lhiui that of those vlit;v hovo- died'in aiu epidemic such ab"r3leuro- -

pneumonia. Another examplecalculating economy is'-'tho-

construction of the cooking pot8nudboilers,, the bottoms of winch are asthin a si possible that the contentsmay boil all the sooner, for fuel is

--scaiceiand dear and consists generally ofj nothing but thejj stalks androots of the ciops, which make arapid 'b'nz.e .audytdUjanpear. The.,busineh pf, gatluirii'g f"Kl is to

childien, for one who cando nothing else can at leubt pick ups't'ritw'slaiKl leaves and weeds. Inautumn and winter u vast army of

Boys'.ascend trees and beat them.with chihs tojiluiKe o.fB tliCaleAVes);th,u very straws get no time to shovv

. which way the wind blows be'foretliey arc annexed by sonic enter--piisin-g!

;ollccto!i,..c .Similarly hoj.fessioival maiuire eolIectors'-'sw4ar-

over all the roads of the country.Chines'p women cany this minuteeconomy into their dress ; nothingcomes luniss to thein : if it is notused an one place it is in another1wheie it appears a thingf eauty.I'orcigli residents who gfvo th'eircast-o- il clothes, i away to Chinesemay be assured that the career ofusefulness of these garments is atlast aljoul to commence. Chinesewheelbarrows squeak for the wantof a fe,wn drops of oilljqt vtopeople who have no norves theiqucak is cheaper than 6il.SfmHirly, jdirt is cheaper man not water, anuan. as K rule, the nconle do notwash; the initio, f'fijrfprythan1,dirt," jvhlch tlje Jitins wiiuiuws, couin nuo uu inuuu in-

telligible to tho Chinese. To themyio acraK0 foreigners aiq mere6ba$w istcrs. Scaiccly 11113' toolcan l)o got readyj piaxo ;, It is soiniicll cheaper to buy the paits amiput jinn together for yourself, andas almpst everybody takes this view,ready-in- n do tools are not to be got.

TTwo rooms are dimly lighted with aiSingle Iaujp, deftly placed in a, hploin tho jdiVfcliifg "wall.1 Ifiiic'stJ, ilfact, soem to be capable of doing-ulmo- st

anything by means of almostnothing, Thoy will give you aniron foundry on a minutcv scale pfcompleteness iri'a3 Ua'clftyih-fl- , '"nndwill make in an hour nv cooking

jcafif6j bf strong and perfect draft,-- out of a pile of mud bricks, lastingindefinitely, working perfectly Ullpjostind nothing. Iho old'Vomaiiwho inilior last moments hobbled asnear aa possible, la. tlio family grave- -

yard, i 1 order todie.so, as to avpidtho 0x1 enso of co'lfln-bcaie- rs 'for solong a distance, was a characteris-tic Chihcsc. North China Herald.

rYpU LOSE ANYTHING,it la the Daily Ruli.kti.n

sbowersvw.e have liad.no. rain-iiiiocLf- gatherers spread ayer the land





Don't use sulphur in your nestpans. It may drive away vermin;but it wiirs,nroly kill your young-sters. s-


Never sot cags from a hen whichlays undcissbscd or" badlj-formec- n

eggs. Thotsj'?.e!',and nualil.v of egdsHarc qutojn9irnpbrtAn as the minibcr. toitCry-- SJV J S V

FrcedSHj&j&rftlitttteollfiiifrom sudden 'jSh.Wgdfifc- - .trml'ia-tur- e,

pure watf jaiua supply ofgrain, sand, shells, etc., constantlybefore them, with each moining nlittle bread soaked in milk or curd,and the run of a grass plot,will raise

large percentage of the chickshatched.

VJtL litUo ch WjSjUliifacijbc-- v .

Ijniaolcair -- must Jib rliltllvi'Kttn8cd'''.toRf VoflViah tieaj ngiflV BflTlMrf.cliieRsV "Sc"c that the droppings atand around the roosting places arccleaned up at least once in forty-eig- ht

houis. Keep drinking cups 8aiid.feqd dishes sweet and clean.

Assoon as the little chick eincigcstrOiYi tile "Shell it needs considerableipttqntipnj pndj until; it ia;gi9wijignicely." A young chick is veryqurck""tb show thc'Wiffercnco be-

tween good and bad management ;

and any extra pains during the eaipait of the chick's life will be

amply repaid for by the better con-

dition nnd quality of the chick afterit has become fully developed. Of

"course this will increase the piolllsrealised from such stock. Uecaic-- fnl in feeding the chicks not to give

"them tob much at a time. Hut givefWtfh flV5nti".tnll(ll.hjiYS thctip-terva- ls

between meals as short aspossil3le,"'sb that 'no trm"e will'lio Tostm tliCtgrawtji. of the chick. Thequality of the chickens laised de-

pends almost entirely upon theirtreatment by the breeder.

There is nothing gained by allow-ing the breeding stock of severalvarieties to run together out of thebreeding season and Ibeic is-- pos-

sibility of much mischief being done..Chickjcusnre. like all other

'crops." They will not thrivewhen overcrow decl. It is folly tosow too many eggs to the acre, asthe ciop will be "spindling," and,perhaps, die for want of breathingroom. Sydney Paper.

lOMnlMgo, NLl,X"ofP!. .f ' r .

.x Ki'ww Ty Ew.wM.w.w A.(. Ps.x-..- . !'.

Catlu NuiIrfo'iO o'clock 1 HlSOYelncs.(lVy) EVKNIVC. . .,.,.,

' PKANK GtiDFItlY, 6.T."O ' "

K. o Ji.iB. 10'Ut. r .i j i2- ' ' " ""Notice. ; .'

'"IHE uiHliT!-i!ne(- l lmviri!; been 'duly"JL appoin'id iiiiniiins'i.iinr oi iiiij

ICslutu of Mnnui'l Viunt.lo(.Mukawac, lU'C-ac- iibticy js Ih-t- i )naiven to i.ll p"rsoi)s to pnsorit tliirclrilh agnifftl Llie t'Sta"f or Viii.I MirTuVl'Vit?(irfiajJr.vlifiyiuiiliBi(licntc(l,nvbf-thcr- i

.Stun oil- - i)y. uioUmc.. aufitfittKUr.i.tO

fclil & Co., Uonoliilu, w ilinri si muntli i

"ftrliri tha'irhtcalVaVYisr.1 or iIkh- - njllboioruvor I'lrTt'iiij'itiiii juupi ifrnn indi uitu

ito.suUl eiJ)iiijhu.(;.!w VWIUUKU 11 II III' llll'U JMl ' , I, - ... , r tl

AumimsttlUDTOllliolJ-- t t.;nt iiauiiL'l.Hci'i3l,.Lr., ilrcc.i'c'1.

. HonoluliivNov. 21, 18S- -. 10.". It. awjih jj m ar'T'iTO LET on LEASE


''Jffttte'int VMlunVe.1 iiiESSjiSia the tornir of King .mil Kbiwi.ninku Ktio-ts- , aid cont itiing 4Rxwe,ICilcluui,,.Uiiili.liou-(- , Stiblf, Caniajje-houei)..(,j-

There in also a lliio gu ilonjiniljafue ImcU.Miiil. Tin buildings

in excel lint "itlpi. it p"Tv 10

tJ02iw .T.sE. BRi)WX & 0.b.l- - ii il ! I B tJ X K t Jt S


AT the antiiial lncciing oftlio sloolt-holiU'isj-

tlio HijlicniTiCo. (Liiiii'teilj.'Melll ot their olHciinii tlihcity, Nov. l!)tli, tlio following ofllccrswere elceied to ecive during thu enduingyear:"Charles L Wljjht..'..'.'... President,

Win jam C. Wilder Trensiirur,Biimucl U. Wilder hrcr'etary '

S. G. WILDER."Sbcretaly.

Honolulu, Nov. '10, 188S. 0l t)t

ELECTION of OFFIOERS.T tho annual meeting of the Block- -

lioldei'i ot tho Kaliulul KiillroiulCo., (Limited), held at their olllco in thi-- i

city, Nov. iotli. ifib Tollo'wfni olllcirajjiroicUejpibtfl.ajiry liif,iu; Ut?- ensuing

j ear:Wllliiim CrVlhlorTT.. . PfUstillnr,

J?Hinuel Q. Wilibvr tj... Trcnsiirer,,ft ;Samucl bSRo'So . h. . M, . BcjlretBryi

rv,ITonnltilu, Nov. 10, 1888. . 101 at

ELECTION 6T OFE10ERS.ArTJilioimnu'dl. meeting 'of the Mock,

xi. Holders of. Wildei'd SicauiHlilj)(;o., (Llmiioil), held at their unite inthis city, Rov. JOili, tlm iUlnwingolUci-1- were elecleil to suru diiilng tlioensnliiK'yciir: ''"

AViiniim'cnV'luor..'.1. . ..Prcaldent.

SaimiobH. Rosa..;....... ; .' A'--

( Treasurer,Jolm.il. Paty....jw YLMiditor.

J ft tSccret'iiy.-- H?n6ibit!,'Nov:i&1ili683? - noijat"

T!" 1, t, i1, 'VI 1 1 '


q WHJLE! 3B.OA1JK 4 :ptiO Wliiflo lont; ao feet long, 3 foetdeep; 8 feet wide; 8 22 feet Hurf boats;1 18 leHSurf Uoatj 2 Decked Plunger,10- - fcetlongr fect f lncli(-wid- 3 feetOjnclie? depp, vUUi P)09t. pml 1tfull0.nl!complete; 1 3J feet Sidling Scow, withmast and suIIb all complete. Anply to.

E. R. RYAN.Bout Biilhlur and General Jnhlicr, fil ti

TF YOU 'WANT A SERVANT,X advurtlBo la tho Daily Uum.etik.

Auction Sales by Lewis J, Levey,

A ta ODPpiij !

, . .r i i" fii'iUuili-- r iiiMnirUtin'ifrcmi iffij.lIoKBI. AM'

Wltk-niHiu?;- olVCr-- fornfo 7

at Public Auction, atinv oiicsioom,

On Monday, Nov. 26,AT l!i O'CLOCK .N

If not picvioiiHly dlnpofuil of at pvl.vate Hint coilaln pro- -

poily known as

"THE PAU LANDS," Waikiki,P .....L.U.. . t ,..-- ,iqpniunsuiK'sT'iiiuuu Acres, more ovicss'hYFib bliuplo. AbolTl 12 totes of thonliovo are sa out In Fish l'ontls and aruplcntlfvlly itockeil with Mullet, Awaanil Caip, which nre now rcmly fornun Ubl. Of the remaining l.nnils ulnmt

Acici au phintcd wijU.SIa.iilquI.o.GrnsslioinKvhich !1 crops are liurvcstcd tin.titmlly, yicliling upon an avera go SQ tonspurvJ.ir. The place Is well piovidwlwith iMowinu Mncliinc?. Hav l'russics.Wugqus, clc,,niul cvcjijUfityi Hint

tiiln'U'We)l dquippud'ttillnhuriUii i

A One-Stor- y Framo Building,Upnn'tlio preirtiscs (itenrly ndw ,rofr.tnitiing 3 Hootnswi ilh alland at picsi'iit occupied ns a nuui.njiuriirtslauiicu. In mlilitfnn to thn ub imithere js lnJivwdihlK'gf about, .l.Sll 00Aort wltli jlullilinpB thereon, in lliulrar n ul iniin dlutelv adjoining thu pro.pcil.v, wlili li is nt preeut wi'll stucUtdwith Tigs mid Poultry, for which pur-pose t i pw uliurly niiupj,eil,,ii ,

On icpfiiui!, of lis nonrnc-- anil eaivacte-- ' to Honolulu, anil tho enily coni- -




r h

piuuuu ui' iiu ir:unwiiS ivuhum,this pilopuityto p.iilics wishing a snfuinvcstlnpiit. , ,

'I'licii'TiTo-numurou- s

tut! nij:iiilr-ep- .

iff3- - Foi I'lii.tjiyr pirticuf.irs iiiply loP. w M.icfarhiiic, or to

TJ3WIS J. LEVEY,.fi8v ti ipi IwjJ i j. . .HAililonrvc. .


.r i i tr J

-- ChHstiQas --,Mw -- Year? Cards,- -

NCY GOODS, RUGS., .&V,,,.,. .


a -- .--SliS'l-'O lillbiirir 'viil hold a Clearinir Sale

lor .'.0 ilnyi to make, room for

Mew Holiday txoods;?. 1 Toanivo'Jliortly.'' ' ';

Ladics'i i?20 Hat will be sold. for S3 00Jfi 't , ' .. . "1 "fl OOllay " ", ., . " 0 005 " ' " ' " ., . V 2 no

ij.12 08riclt riuinci- - - " . . " 7 00.1 I Ij s " " ., . " 1 no

FLOWERS, BIRDS and WINGS,'At Half Price.

The abhvdi at Stylda fUfiHTilniineil will! 1

no very iipm ,m:iteriniB.

iissCMBL&iBURG031. 1'ort Htreet.' ' Im

For. C sniioisseiirsJust recoived a bmall consignment of

1 . I (' ill "i inChoice French Claretq,From 1I10 welMuiowu flims of Dubos

Ki'LU'H, .nnd 1 nnui.se & Piiucol,Jloideiui.x, Frnucoj

miotic mronoiioie,I OlmteiKV'J-.oo'i'lllo- ,'

Mni-Kimx:- ,

J lull t Ilrloii,...; - Glmtcmu'IEAiilto,

Altoj from tliQcollurs of, Romans 1 L'9London :

Koch Fits Champagne 1880;i(irrtJunrlB & Mngnunis) "

' ' " ' '.OlllUIlblW-llil- , 1MU;.. . i ...--, .it'liuiiitMr(UlH7i;,

1) Ciiruooq, M "VcnrH ,UhUtcuiOlnrKUUx.hk1!;n.nonHn Pinn Pln'iTirllvtH A'10oArt,lr --k'Qk t

juiuuuu iiuu uuamjugiiu uiauuY, 1011.

E8y'l)lio nbove coniprises-th-u Qlipleest

BriiiulBJof Wine(t nnd Xlquom ever lin.ported to this murkct.

. FOIt tiA LI? BY


nov,108l$PHEi OLDEST. DAILY- - Jn- - thoX Kingdom "TJjo Dally Rullctln."



naravjrojai 'A'UMOiU'r,

"'t i . ,.i --ufAltGAtNS "5il Now Liuafrf "?. effir 1SAHGAIN8 -- ii

Now imolru ofAt t ovor Pilrt'8 Hutu cxcr'licjorc.

p ii

Jll'-- l ItPficiVCt- l-

.S . "I

. ' ' ' I fi - M . l 1 ,




In iultm,-iIrs- . E. Sinnll -

Cxrtt:iig and17.r)l 11'

: '..','r.,l.,-'".-7Ug- sgs





t t. -- 0-

. .1 ."CJllJ '. '".! (Ml OX i

18 30- -

1 hiTOpmvejl lljlfjjviiiiiii, iitiuiiii i iir.'j :ui'

lire piovi licit wi'h tlw

13S n

t .1 .ffU.1 II Ml III II

J'ljJ'lJlllli ill

!" Al SO FOR

OF THEI ', -

UViltex Clotli. :o:


i w j iifi ui im.v'uros i.k




-.. ..


Plush GlassJlaiino

3Jiisio Koxcs 'oytsjp








Balliini Suits.1,:

"Also, Ladies':Black Diamond Dye


will proiiarcclfitting.

JtOlt 4jVXjJ:

mm, :













.fc I. I ' J ) h I,

! II 'I''Uin-ttcouii- i-fl!

ortl i( V


. a t irp

tr win. no


fr rrr


i'.ri JJ

I '. i

lo t lo



it vll.l t

v in ""i i

I I Mr ., - 'j i. s r tJ" .1



18 &.-3- Oliambers

Sugar OrlJlh,ic;.0cuioninwbi;lfckahaV;.";.eiui', (.''ii i"i, iiihi nincii .. .

I.itt'&t l..i(l(oxemunt1-

iTaTks ry- -


& l'aiiiiu Waio, Opera &TeleEJ.Dpei',

....... ,',... -- " tt'.JPAP.1J . ,


. '...... r lit

for tlie ame.- --


H. Hi!CGKFELD & CQ,v Ageiits.WM,HM




j.tj AJveathor; llicqutt,GliihBuu,




n.,I- -





tlub.. ,$tC Xftdies' Worl BalSctts;:.

joolcH, Albums,And othei thiiiKH loo numciout.t( njicntiiin.


'o. .. I

All the ahovooiiei eu UU. UP

o- -

i - -

TT;io abovo GdpiIh n Now,,Fh'b1i tinl of the Lntcbt Dehigti, haviiiEn iportcd ox t iirriVals anil wqio Mlolvil expH'Wly for- - Iho tiado- - Abeen


feOPEaV 35VJSljVJ.WO si

GRAEIHALaEi;:::lOO JPox'L Htvcot, Ilvnolulu,' If








X 4





f, 3


Page 3: M 5 F e Pntl$r - University of Hawaii · CST All Buiinott onirutiedlo our cara will roceivo prompt and faithful attention at modorato charges. Having had an extensive business experience

o iat,


b -





V4 '





HftHQLUj.U CAnniAQE. CO. , . .

Hack "stand chant ami Fortstreet. Telephones, U35.


WEDNESDAY, NOV. 21, 1888.

arrivais.Nov 2- 0- , i

Sell i lliilcakaUfiom l'epsekeoSinn- - Widimituilo i Widmnnido"Stmr Ku.ila ftom"

Wjilaliia nud alanaoNov 21 ,

Scur juauuqHjijviyfiiwn lyyijai l9 ,


Stmr Ewa for EwaSehr Kaulihia for KamiL , ,


Stmr Kaila lor Wafaimo mid Wnlalua at J.0 a in

. - - - ' -


For Kauai, per stmr Mikahala, Noy20- -C Knelling, wifonmMilld, J Maik-liai- n,

A Dieler, IC H O Wallace, MidStol, and about 1 JO deck passcngcis in-

cluding 08 Japanese iniinlginnts.l"or wlndwnid pons, per slmrl.ehua,

Nov 20-- i.r L BUMclVwlfc and 2 chil-dic- u,

W liuilowlt, E 1) Baldwin, and118 Japanesu iininigiantjj. i '"

For Maul ami Haw all, per stmr WNOV 20-- ror Volcano: Mr and

Mis 51111a, Gen Ctiuliffcr. For vTayports: jlMis AlnpalQ W0 Jijiim.J .AddiuMis 1 Lee,' Mis UolcMsFeimo1land about 100 deck passcngcis, Includ-ing DO Japanese Immigrants.


Wilt. Thanksgiving J3ay be ribserv-c- d

in Oris, city? . . . -i

The ltoyal Mail steamer Alamedais duo on Satuiduy. .

Ynsr iindue,d, it vasquitoi nqvelway orcbllec'ting lejit duo.


General Cunlifto left for the Vol-"ca-

ycsteiday on the W. G. Hall.

Queen Kapiolani was. photographed at J. J. Williams' studio tins

's ;morning.

Mk. 33. A. Biclenbcig has disposedof bis business in W.uluku, Maui toMr. Noi man llulboi t. .

Mit.fJ. F. llackfi'ld, administiatoiof the,estate of MuniysJ Vicente, dc- -

rUUblHI, 11IUS H.UUblUtK JllJIUlUlIIUl 3 ,rJr VI' U a Kf n 'umn.ItnAi) Messrs. Lewis & Co.'s new

'adverti'-emen- t in 1 lis issue. It gnesquite a list of good things "they havefoi sale. . . "

Mn. N)fe. jJ.lL--h Jit now Oiiilng'ortt1'a huge stoekpfif!.uieyj,holidiiy gooua,which will be icady foi insnection in

'r-- ll '' ,r u 'a day or so.

A mass meeting for "natives liasbeen called ioi tO'inoirow night atthe old Armoiy. Politics will ho thefciibjeoC' for1, ' '1'

A. l'ARiy of gentlemen wont ovcito Wuiinnnalo y Osteulay at the itni-tatio- n

Of lion. John A. Ciinuliins.They will return "'

--l 'ir--t !! l t j ")By the hUmhu-isW- . G. Hall, Jlika-h- al

i aiid'Lt'h'iia.VhielileftVt'crd.iy,2!)!) of the Jap inese'intnrigrants werobhipped foi unions plantations.

. .

'Tun niatin'eo by ie Silbons at rtlrpOpeia IIoi8o"ltl)isQJeiipi wojlattended,-'an- d tlibyouhgs"teVs weiedelighted with the pcrfounnnce.

Tin: public aio invtctU to attenda lecture to bo delivorOdJn tho Moi-mo- n

church, Punchbowl Bticet, nextSaturday oening, by iEldor .MatthewNoall. . , ;

The Honolulu SochiJ ..Qlub willgive a dunce on New Year's ce.which it is intended slTull eclipse anyentertainment yqt jundcrakenr bythat organization. ...

Ir tho W. G. Irwin left San Fran-cisco on 'tho 9lh she Is twelvo'daysout to-da- It is not- - unlikely shemay drop into port before Saturdaywith tho jCBudtu.oL.thttJ'rCHideiUial- -elcction.

Tun Oceanic Uompany7s hrig Con-enel- o

wiir5iiil fbr San Francisco next""Sunday, and will takou mail fromthe Post office. This.will bo a goodopportunity to answci letters receivedby tho' Alameda. .J !

Ladies who intend making Christ-mas and Now Year's presents to thoirgqiitlomon friemls, sliould not inakoany pn,rchaso until' they sea M.Goldberg's holiday goods'opcircd out,duo notice of which will bo ghen.

Tun man Kippon'wjio died sud-denly Monday night was buried yes-tord-

uf turuwMi rotni St lAndrowfdCathedral, tho Itov. George Wallaceconducting tho service. Mr. T. It.Walker, British Yjeo-Consii- l, attend-ed the-- f uncial. , .

Tun two-stor- y coial and finnivbuilding,' corner ofTtnlul and AlakeaBtreets, was sold to-da- hy Mr. Loyoyto J. F. Cblbtun for 55. The salo ofhoiscsund carnages was faiily wellattonded. Olio animal sold for W7.-5- 0,

and a phaeton brought !f52.5"J.Tho salo realized $311,60.


A largo'assortment 6f toyd at G,West 4sr Ci?a,

Dolls of 'every description of U19

best quality t ridiculously lowfigures at (i. West & Co,'s.

Tho placo ).o :purchaSp holidaygqods is at thQ stoi'o Of G. West cCp., Fort Htrectt Kveyt)iuig"liaKto bo sold, and great bargUiu-iiiay- 1

lie obtained, - - -

iwmJAKJjaiwu-wmuJjaujxwjjunLiiti- yuwajjaijWwiagWrrr, EVENTS THIS EVENING.' l)i HI of Co. C Honolulu Hides nt

7 :10 o'clock.Qahu Lodgo No. 1' K. of P. nt

7:110.Mystic Lodge No. 2 K. of P. at

7:30.Services at the churches at 7 .30.


HOUSE. WThe Silhons Company gavo their

fourth exhibition ntlhoOporn iioiisclast night. The (list part of' thoprogramme was a, lcpctition of piev-iou- s

performances. The latter partwas new. The main feature was asories of tableaux. These were ex-

tremely well executed, and clcciteddemonstrations of appreciation.

A TENDER ACCEPTED.Tenders for the Punchbowl inter-

cepting ditch and an interceptingditch at Maklkl were reQc'veiJ at.thoIntdtior Olllcc j'cst'crday as llows:

Picanso & Do Praga $21,100N. Kniaikawaha .r,03l

F. Harrison .. .?...' 1,1)35

Walker & Rcdward . - 3,07,')Tho last named was accepted.


WinsiabAY Nov. 21.Peter Quinn and Elikai had each

to pay SG for drunkenness.James Crow was charged with

selling spiiituous liquors; 2d of'fense. ' Continued to the 23rd.

Kekuhina (w) charged with beingcommon prostitute, was sent oil- -

,the reef for 10 days. t

, BASEBALL NOTES.Up to noon to-d- about half the

sum: required for the l,v'B.i,tiitg rbase-- 1

balllsts had been subscribed.' Itshould be borne in mind lhat tlieieis --a subscription list at tho store ofthe ' Iawaiian News Company. Some-one has ciiculatcd a leport that the.two clubs will not play a game here.between themselves. The report isen'tiiclj' erioneous, as at 1 o'clockin the afternoon the Chicagos and

as will play a game, andif thorc is time one of the aboveteams will play with the local team.

CABLES UNDER THE PACIFIC.The "Electrical Review" for Oct.

27th, says: The laying of cablesunder the Pacific Ocean has givena curious impoitancc to severalotherwise insignificant little islands.Onciamong them is Vibe island' ofFanning, south of liaw?nii, discoverscdin 1821 by the American captainwhose name it bears ; it is but afew miles in aiea, and has only 150inuaml.'iuls; but it has excellentwater and a good harbor. Anotheris tlV iblmd of Cliiisluns, south olJav.l, which is almost itiiicccbsildc.

kl"cl woth of these hac been nmilx-e- d

by the British Admiralty, andare likely to he of impoitancc in thepolitical geography ot the future.

Along the course of the Amei icanline to Japan, 1,500 nautical milesfrou Ilawaiv-ie-tlM- ! island -- Morril"

'wliose has-bee-n qtn.s

liond by most char'triiakci s ; thismus ultimately, in spite of theMonroe doctrine, fall under Ameri-can influences. j,

But the FiPuch have ahead'large interests in --the Jiacifkvuid- -coiilfdent of thcpjlimate, sujaeettsrofthe jPanama Canal, "Flcctjicit,"fioiu whose iiages we diaw these.facts, does not hesitate to" jittt oh'

.the niap,thoiigh in dotted lines, thedfjurfec of two moie cables th.it in listsoon be laid, the one to Taiiitf,' 'ilicother to New Caledonia.

It!i3ft filfljier interesting to note,how I much shorlr-the"long- cst ofthese lines "is than" tJc

cables. 'I tj( " ?Tg. j .i lV 'n

MADAME JAFFA'S.nEGlTALfTllcrc was not a largo aiuUencQ at

the Y. M. C. A. hall Jast, evening tohearJMadamo Jaffa's piano1 recital,but those who were fortunate enoughto be present Ifatl a rare musicaltreat, The rtfgfafjimo containedfifteen number thirteen of which'were nlavcdyiv, Madamtfjaffa. Tierinterprelatiolr "pf the wolf's of tlie'

.grt;iu nmsii;r3.W''a u surprise, uuu auuwas wurjnijviippiuuuiiuaor me man-

ner in wi'tcli phe'rCpresohted a ljigh'dcaree of,irtfttlc''esrce'ne5uce. Ma''1

damd Jaffa'iloos not disiilav mere'niechaillrH)'r4i7'is kbld to rhaKo 'the"

hidden behindUliolmagnificopt com-positions. Th.cjppdP'h'Olljetcntive-nes- s

of her memoryimpoitant endowment, the whole ofthe, p)rogrammc"ibein'i)lnyed'witli6(ita note beforo her Particular noticemust bo made, of .the.nladamo'sbrillijnt,playjngftf List'j linnstra:tions du prophqte, ajid tlot fivgmunbers by Chopin.

, A mostren'oyiible. feature tlioevening was the stngiiig of Mrs.John II. Paty whoso bcautif ill Voicewas heard to much Advantage it; tw 0songs, by Millard. Her rendition ofthe song "Darling" was so charm-ing that eho was compelled to res-

pond to an encore: Tho recitalwas q pronounced success.

lAKJil,Ji-- S ,A C0OD IDEA.

ft is stated lhat a Hamburglcl8nitli named , Wolff, hasconsliuctcd an apparatus where-by all th.o doors ill a theatremay be opene'd shmiltaneouBly. Thepllipr, day experiments wero madewith tho apparatus at tho ConcordiaThcatio, and on somebody shouting"lire'' 'tile inventor turned thehandle of-th- e apparatus--, fixed in thelefrcahment bar Of the thcatio, onwhich evory'oxit in tho whole build-ing opened at opce. Thp arrapge-ine- nt

jdoes not piecludo the openingof each door iu tlio tBiYUl 'dKihncr.


It must not bo overlooked thatalthough Great Britain may havereached the summit of her politicalgreatness, she has not yet by anymeans established a linn footholdupon it. Tho structure has beenicaredona solid foundation, ade-

quate to tho circumstances, but it isnot yet flnMhed: tho 6tt is stillwanting, tlio scaffoldings have notbeen removed i and it lnajj bo wellassumed thattho oftcu-tric- xl Anglo-Saxo- n

tenacity of purpose is notlikcli' to lelax and to fail them juston the eve of tho completion of thewoik. "Frofessor Vambery in thoNovember Foiuiii.


The land policy of tho New Zeal-and Government promises to proveeminently successful. Tho methodof allowing eatslriapplioant to selectthe lenuYo under which ho is pre-

pared to pui chase has caused keencompetition for suitable sectionswithout Hfvolving tho outbiddingwhldlrprefailelK "AVhfcwing howcagorly suitable nrens aro competed Ifqr, Jtluj case of some education re-

serves in Southland is to the point.For twenty-nin- e sections,- - varyingfrom 300 to a few acres in extent,there arc no less than JOO applicants,as many as sixty applying for one asallotment. Dining tho past sixn'ccks 33,G I acies have putchasedfor cash, 22,2G2 acres on deferredpayment, and 51,714 acies taken upon poipetuaU leave. Town andCountry Journal, , ,. . ..

"Vpleasino incident.The consccidtion of a Sephcr

,U?orqi, yitlmii, amended by a

eveni of Jcwisli interest only. Aremarkable 'b'xdeption of this nilehas been made at Zundorf, Prussia,where practically the entire townpartieipatcd in the rejoicings, whichwere can icd out on an extensile isscale. Christians vied with Jews inthe decoration of their houses withflags and flowers, especially in thatpart of the town thiough which theprocession esc6rting the Scroll ofthe Law passed on its way to thesynagogue. This piocession, whichwas swelled by many usilors fromCologne and Mulheim, was headedby a number of gitls dicsscd inwhite and adorned with flowers, andbv boys caiiyinK banners. Whenin other parts of Germany evil-mind-

pvrsons are doing theiiwotst to sow'discoid between Jewsand Christians, it is refreshing toicad of the pleasing incident ofwhich Zundoif has been the scene.

Town and Country Journal.


The Seventh Day Advcnlists ofMinnesota have organised a confei-cuc- e

school at Minneapolis, therules and regulations of which arerather lnteiesting. Nobody whoitfees' piofaiic or unbecoming lang- -

nagc, who tKC3 tobaTJCo"toriiiWricat- -liquors or is in any way immnial

will be admitted. Manual tunningis to be one of 'thefeituies, amitent-makin- g is mentioned irs a verypleasant as well as useful- - employ-ment to be taughjt. It is alo theplan to'Iiaye the geneial domesticwork of tho school done by tho slu-dent-

and the work embraces dining-

-room, kitchen-- - and laundrywoilc, snwipg and splitting wood,etc. As.ue frojn the ordmafjbranches'' physiology, chil governriient andjilgebra arc named in con-ntHti-

with missionaiy andas "a pait of the

coiire.ni Auollier Iiiovill fcaturb"ts'that the young men,' among otherthings, aie required .o providetheinselves with fliiniiei (rr coloredshirts and with celluloid 'collars and

o II.,,.., ol.!,.),, .,ff ..,cuffs; U3 ItllCl, OllllbO, UIII19, UIV, ,

will not be laundried nt tho school.Tirrr--



COUI.U Li:At' THllOliail Tim Allt.f 1 2.i . . ' .'

,,"jV.J jT object hi w tiling is two-Job.- !:

to express? my gratitude foi' a"'IIIgreat b'enelit, and to tell a shoit story"which cannot fail to interest' thd'f(E)irgs of many otheis. It is all.mbc-iit-, myscii, out j. naye, jemaiKcutfM wuen a man tens tne noncst.trull about himself ho is all themore likely to be of-ns- o to hi fol-

lows rcuturcs. To begin, then, youmust know I had long been more orless i object to attacksawicc mplaint that ybTtaic'kaw,arc isvery common aniftduWedomc inGrea, Britain-'uncertai- n seasons of

I tliojisar, Somo months ago I hada very severe mm aim, worse, 1thinkL than I ever had before. Itwas probably broiight on by mycatching cold,) jasrwe ,arc all pttodo wlien wo least expect it. Weekspassed bjyand mytibnble provtidtobelNO.ry obstinate, It would notyield to medicine,'! and aH I also be-

gan tb have violent racking pains inmy limbs and back, Pbretfamo great-ly ahumed. I could neither cat norsleep, If I had bccna feeble, siok-l- y

ma,n, 1 should have thought less8tran;ely of it; but ns, on tho con-

trary, 1 was hearty and robust, Ifeared souiolpew aiuU .tccrible. tblhgvhad got hold of uj, whjchmjghtmako'my strength of no avail againstit. I say, lhat wUs'tlic" way Ithought.

Presently I oauld,-no- t --even liedown for the pain all over my body,I asked my doctor what ho thoughtof mv condition, aUU'lic'fiankly,"I aui sovry to to to toll ydu thatYQiiaro getting 'norsol" .This sq

frightened my fiietlfls,1, U3 well usmyself, that they said "Thomas',

fctn,. iA 2;,.v jite ,-

- -1-- VjdiAl,

jotk must (io to Iha Hospital itviitj bayour only chancefor lite!"

But I didn't want to go tq.thchospital. Who docs, when hethinks he can possibly get alongwithout doing it? OI am n labouringman, with a largo, family dependingon mo for supportjiuji-iuightnl-mos- t

as well bo i'JiU)4jrJVo us tobo laid on my bacliiTa. hospitalunable to lift a TmiitiToFmontfis,or God only know&'hb'w'Ib"fig. llightat this point 1 h.itl a thought flashacross lay mind likb a Streak of sun-shine in a cloud' day. I had heardnnd read a good deal about MotherScigcl's dilative Syrup, and I re-

solved, before 'cdrtSctftlhg to betaken to the liospitaryd.nvould trythat wcllkuowu romftdy'On this Igave up the doctor's medicine andbegun taking the Syrup. jMark thewotjdcrful result! I --hadjtaken butthree doses within twentydtojir hqurswhen I was seized with a fit" ofcoughing, and threw lip Hie phlegmami mucus off tny'clfef by themouthful. Tl)c Syruphas loosenedandj broken it up. Continuing withtho Syrup, tho racking pain, which

bijlieve came frqij)the bitter andpoiion humors in my blood andjoints, soon left niiP6litircly, and Ifeltjlikc going and I llidsleep sound and quiet. Tuon I felthungry, wth a natural appctdo, and

L ate I soon got strong, and wpll.X felt' I coiitd leap thfouqh 'the

nif ...in. llKlinhtl TrasIn a week I was ablcto"go to my ithework agaili. It doesn't- - seem possi-

ble, jjct it is iruonnds the neigh-bours


Mow it. There .avo plentyof Jwitncsscs to proyc ,jts. And,therefore,' when I saylp'rcach thegood news of the great power ofSeig'el's Syrup to cure pain and?di-sens- e

far and wide, nobody illwonder at me. "

. . Thomas Canning."75, Military-roa- d, Canterbrry, --j" '. Kent. iMotlnfr Scigcl's Curative Syrupfo'r saUl)jy all clipmists and modi

cine endors ;anii by thoPropric-tois- jA. JJWlilte, limited, 35,

London' E. C, Eng.j . . Jan. --- $

i""rFOfl SAXiEAi V X

SJH il TthrKing's Stable,. i'u.MtKlilogfclrect,jmJKJj jracj v lrm.it fl (itn.rl unit: fnla


.ir"-"'- 7 mtpiI IT)iriii!Hs rtll f!iinrili;li.

T iwcllb okajilstTO licnil of sued AmT-ri- .

can IIoc?;! aNo 1 irolti-yti)m- g leiji-- j

CowJ well Iroke.to inking; 1 live year "

old DfounurT atidlioii-TttqjW- Hl o(li.grci n iro lmd g?ltGIj:rmT'Tiiiy Wly(.mi drive him, tinrRnotijig. Anj'onu

g lo'. puTfhnfe Tlea o ell ivmlexiiniuii' Htxji k. I ImveflwoidMlio sioi-l- .

somejtiinc amil hivujaistil fcijinu nt non m mvniiiiif.K in rni Jl.miW'ouriij,Cai.l" flir.NltY VOKMINftTON.

L SI 2.1A-- A-- S

4 ,--

CHA,S."; KLEMNiE;Djsi oj to.inforrfl liia,raany-4rU!iu- ls jjnd

Hid public ofjBoriolulu ingdncral;tiia. lie 1ms imrphastdtjie ; IHONOLULU gTEAMMUNDRY

No cxpno has been fp.upiMn co'in-plutel- y

ieioiitiiTg tl$,cstablUliinciiUVfi)tu ijjiLui Hilly will bo cm.j'ofcd

,i mhch ns,j osslble. 2 :;b'trict nlNMitiou will bo paid to wash,

ing, (.0 us 10 picVent nTlBougli Wc.ioiUsairc while unUergolngvaiicclciDiiigpocs. J

apeci.11 icriija--. miouus,Itibt lui.uiH, Lotigmg iKiu-esLa- amppin i' Sni.ill ii'p.tlr-- i will bo done IfeuotU nge. wnsmng-i- u ue.allud lor.mil elivcied Inc of clmrgeyitiuiy partOl'lHinolulu ",

liui antciis n(bfatfilbnHiitld')io morecomplaints to us iieajLiouijpatrons;

tlcu' a trliitiiml hejbqnvuiiel Unitwe iijcin lju Jiicss. ftelFTeuTiTliono 100.

, DlJiru, ijiittm biritii yiuHikt.Ria2oiH.icUaid & Co. Hill Telcnlipnu 30S.

'84 lrn ;Foreign Parcls;EJfpfss.


TI: E undersigned SC"o?EpiSL preparedto forward'parci'ls tlttmTa l'it&

Pcott)a Loudon ;Ageneyf-toiatbpurt8'-

Europe, Asia uhu Africa: awl alao-t- o

Austpdasla direct, and to life Soutb gcaIbIuikU via Austridhin oriiow.Zeiilttjulports Tariff lfi'es, which aro remnrk-abl- y

jmodcrnti', havo recently 'ucn d

and limy Jie lqirned.iipoji appli.latioji.

l'arcels or heavy ffeTgTit-cS- il alsch'hosent for and brought toJLIonolulu frjmany part of Euro lie through Pitt h Rcott'dAgenScy, and may be 'insured at the p'ortof cparturo if desircdi Special onfersfor ).uropian gbods can be plaecd'byl'itt ifc Hcolt in England or through Hi frugent in other jiarm of Euiopo j and U10

packages forwardid by any route thatin beijl.'at reduced heavy freight rates Ifdie pnefeages are lurgo

I .IJE. BltOWN & CO.,llajvnlian Agents, PlfT k "U's

ljxpress. ' . 18 luxSOwSt

Certiflcate of. Rcgstraljm oFCopyrj

right. - 1

u1 - -DEl'AlirMKNT OF THE iNTEIUOh, )

llimohdu, Hawaiian Islands. (

KN.OW ill) sMta by thj-s- e ProsenU,In accordance ith the pro

ibions of Bpetinn 3, Chapter 8, of thoBeslon Laws of IBS!) Jl. waiiionniiihus llud in the ollleo'of tho Mlnlatcr ofthe Interior nniapplcfttl(Jtt"or a'Gcrtill.cute (if Copyright for iLl'Ook eiitltled"This Honolulu, Buslncbs lilrcctory, he-in- g

alirbfesbiojial coniinerclul and iradeadilrus bonk of the clly ami suburbs,corrected up to dfife of IVaue," which,aaiil aVnliuulion is accotnjiuulul by theoath (if tho Hiiid .ipntlcuut Unit held ihooilgliiiduul tlrst HiiUiur of Bald book. .

iSow,uliirofro, )lia Cojtlllcuto Is toWallt unto tlie.$ahl .1. M. Macdoaatd, his-heir-

or uisslgru for the term of Tjvcut)Years, l'rmn tho TeuUi Day of October.One Tlioiibiuid Light Huudril uudKlghtJ'.alghi. 'the ptclusive right toprim, reprint,. publish, uso am vendtlio tnhl hook throughout iho llawuliunitlngdoio. 1

In Wltm-b- wheroif I have ciusidlliifc Curitlculu to be iMtued at Honolulu,tliiH llth Day of October, A DlBdSuml tlio t'enl of the Jlepartuient of theInloriprto bo bbriloaillxed.

fc JONA. AUSIIN,llhilBter of tho luteilor, a if interim

70 Sm

tmmnm twmmnmimmi)iH,miJbkiMtmuwmim&mm vmnummmmmmiMRv-- rt

BUSINESS ITEMS. U jppfiffifRP "tf&F rT? fPfil ) j "Xctlctt undtr H head em cJiargcd 10 Ctnti

line for thtflrtt in$ertinLand 6 cintipcr linetccryiJdltlomtHntertion. -- .

TTAlS BOAT fiTJILDINaSHOP: 'Bear of Lucas' Mill.1


CANAUY'Blrdp. Finderm2 will please nturti toAlltfl. WJLliLil3,

101 3t Iolaul College.

WANTEDrilrYoiirig Mares,

wcU.brokcm to liar.jJSthi oeiore. tho autii ormonth, must bo good

tizd Apply to O. 1IAMMEK,lot St Cor. Harness Store.

1 ., FOJt SALE r. ". f rs?-- v

tho TriiBtoo of die IvRtnto'Of'Jno.BY Boardman.dcccusi.il, 12 Shares ofblock In Hawaiian Agrlculturnl Con.pany, fl Pliarcn In ,WiltJcr'a H. ff. Uo. and1 Building Lot at Koliulul, on which arental oi jfiuo por anmnn is rccelviu.

I . . . G, M. BOAIIDMAN,101 aw Trustee.


ANEW Cottngo of 3 Largennd Kitchen, pa- -

pared and painted, and situ.atcdmauka of Punchbowl Btreet over.lootting tirc'lioixl'CM'innm etioct. (lliirn

rbnildlnir is placed on leasehold landltaso having several yiars'to run.

urn uo,scua cuaip lor ca-n- . Apiuy 10Iw .1. E. BRpWN & UO.


JJ ! i I f if V

THIS is to icrtify that ,tho Largo anduommouious inning.Kooms ot tna

Cosmopolitan Restaurant

I.WH be' shortly extensively altered,

,fortwiU.uo. afforded, to patrons, whilelho tables will be supplied with ovoryluxury obtainable at tlio market, to

with the very best of Teas andCoffee. EETTciins, $5 por week.

. JUN.HEE,88 2W .Proprietor.

, . . . j . ,rI


1I v

J -- .-- I


.J .



1 aEery thing MUST and



To'inolie room for tho



Eegant lock

Ever imported Into this King- -

Monir.porBqnniiy seiccieu ny.Mr. Ohas. J.:i'iHlicl.

Bress RemnantsAT

People's Own Price

the Hloro is oveistpckod withtho Bailie."



i . serfiOME ALLl!A

For the 'DAltGAINS' at

Tjip Leading

Millinery House-- op-

CHAS. J. FISHEL.' Corner ol Fort & Hots! Street.I , July 17-g- 8

JOB PRINTING olulHiludiat the Daily Uullktin Office.

G3 & C5 FOIiT

Wew Goods ITho ladies aro invited

. .

-- oSS5' New Goods"our


Received by last stcamir and jiorfonnHy leced by ,SIr. S..lihrlil j, j T a

stoVk com'titfbi's1 ninny novldties in every departfnent. .

, Prices are Bed Bock, A' large assortment of- - " "" ," ""Dresw Q-ood- s in-al- l W-- Slittclett' b' "

, . ....-,- . . . - -Enibioiderics, Lacea & Qrioutal Lace, Flouncing,.

Fancy Flannels,, Flannolotto,- - Tricot Jti Ladies' Cloth, etc.

Large AssorLin Dress. Glngbams, .Seersuckers, Linen, Chambray & GhOTrot.

oNoaV; JNToycU'lcfe in lJihIIch' liei-ll- u Sliurlf. ; '.' .I''"'."

Lmjies' .CyiBieinerorScarfi Shwlrt in nllisbadcsj' a ,.jj"-- .', . .... .. Ilosicry,. CQrotH.it.Undcrwaro.ftt low-.pri- j

Fancy SUrrah,ilk,lild, Fancy Velvets I.Wo call particular attention to our Shoe Department. " -

A Full' a.iiie of IiaIcHy rciich JlWl Bnftoi Sliocm ' ." .V..'iA Vull e of Genfs Nlioef, . . '. --,A

Ohildron'H Jl'rqncU Kid Sliocs ntJBcd Kock JPrlec s.

XS.il'boii,&- -


'3aiDB3303N"S-- - ItitolbontjIn'iill Widths, Colors & Shades. Great JBargaiiis in

Boys- - sand,. ;;Clothing! IGent's Bathing. Suitaat ?L50a.Suit.


- . .. G3 & 05 Fort Street.I ,ILtLuKgrj gee 3BT-a- i '', M I' ., ,.. I" . ' - 'l ' '

ARCADE.. J III I i J! I f 111 -

'.' ,.i,. n q - ..EG-AN- - Sc OOIWC3P.WY".



Fancy GoOuS Siai for tie Holiday Seasti



Satin Table Scarfs, Shaded -- ,Elushes Vol vets? "Sural 18,I Xjiico Ciirtrvliia, Htampod TlUIcw, Hlioo Bags, 3Bto.

Fall Lino of Embroidery Material, Chenille, Arraseno, Tinsel, Pon-Pon- s, l'tc.Wo call paiticular attention to our line selection in

Cp-Ui-lii CMii for Gents, Ymdto & Gllrei!Furnishing Goods, Trunks,

An Immense Assortment in lfe"cji$( J O J Latest BtyleIf ""youl want soruetlifmj 4ory fmo In--


..UIlUUlCall on us beforo

GrMrs. EvC.'Rowo's beautiful Work inj Scpt-17


I rut ryrtrrtry c ...i. ... t. l1 j' a. iKLiiija w 111 imuiu 10 my ihiri.

'Xui iiibsliifiiig myral)ieiice from thoKingdom. A. JAEGER.

Honolulu, Nov. 2(1, 1888. jua lw7


NEAT Cottage of K0111AM& ltooius, ltath-ioo- m Intho Iloiistj-aii- d Oinlrouscsi

ne.iriuo jiormons uuiueii, nowby Mr. Vogel. Apply to Mr.

Vogel, at lloffschlaeger & Co.'s. 07 U

TO LETt:m(i. 2 !i:!- - i .1

IN a nice JoepUty, ..sur-roundedjfl? JjCwH by well-ke- pt

grounds, twqyiltes of Furnished Kooms, with bath and dree-ing ioOTiii5,"bitltableand f wanted an additional room canbu added to cither. AUo, a Cottage,wlth.batli. Rtablo and (zafl&itcl tctiin.Address Pj.QJJqx CQP... .77 Jul.

irorisE t:o let ..", in

rpiIE Housoand --PremisesJL lately pcdilpiod by W. S.

Luce, Esq., sltuatebn UnionBtrcit and Adams Lnnei Tho"' Houboconbdns pmlor, U bedioom?, 'd'lU'InB-roomp- ,

liiillwuy,dinlngTooin. pantry andkltclu n I CMmCUs ul,mrtU4ge Un Uiogioueds wit)i U roon"n, stable, carriage,house nnd ttarViOU'b to un. j ho place Isin perfect order. Pcjscftion given atouco Apply to

, J. M. MONSAKRAT,87 tf I No. !i7 Merchant street.

r;Whale Boats. - ,

to several cnn.ulthsrNiinswcr iWlialui Ho.it. Vrluncsr wehave now In course of construction,!i Whalo lloiit Ki nines 74 feet by '.Ci'fcetlone--. Thct.0 frames nro bciirln 0110

piece of oak, and hold to shape, thuslenulrlnir little tact to sCt them up andbuild. Tho full Jramo for hiioh bouts,liieludlng cants, 45 sections In number,Is hold at 88; with huge steins on keel,and ready to' plank $10, .Tlipy aro not.Iiitenilcd'toi 'be cllnki'l'miUt, uomsihofiall Impoitmli whale, boats pi oper, butaro lnended for lough use. anil uuraui-I'ty.y- et

light withal, for lUhlng andtrftdhig puipo8os. Wo huo eatiiortedthese liatnes mid Intend doing so, andniiikoihls offer to aimitcuis and othersdesirous of tijlng their hand, withplenty', of lelsiuo aud small oash to makea biislliess. Will bend fiames to anyglieu modul from 5 to W tons. AUo onhand for salo Bmfaiid Pleasure lioats,titcnib, Knees and Timbers. MutualTelephone No 325.

. UOWEIl & SON.70 tt Boat Builders.


.. io


!to inspect




Valises,Hats & Caps, Etc., Etc., Etc.


going cUowhere.

Point Laces on exhibition here f'-88 -- J


CTUITADLE fevk3 child. New re.- -.

i,' yiJrsiblo child's sa Idle-- 'w 11:1 nnuic. ah out.

plcte. Apply at Hawaiian Hotel Sta dcs.uu tt


,N"Kii fltrccf, opp sttoV Mr. Athnrton'f E la afrontage of 03 feet bj 231feet deep. Apply to

731m-- l -- "JOHN BOWL.


'"ELECTION Vl bFpkfcEliS.f

AT tho annual meeting of the Hu.lUftultft'lK.ep 8ianbbX7o. held this

day, ofllceis-w-l-;U- d

for tho ensuing'year:August Hanebenr Preaid it.

.Arinin Haneberg.k.YicitPrcsidt it, ,1.1 Bccreu ry .

"Ed. 8uhr.....7r.Tr.7Tvr-- - tlFI ) (.TrtRMi ;r,Arlnln Hancberg Audi) ir,August Gramberg. . r.-- r. ,r.r..J Mummer of WulkaJ ar "

inln . . .Ar Ilnuoberir .v i .5 v.Manager of Kalcle ia

El. BUHBSecreti t.Honolulu, Nov. 12J883. ' T lw

"California Land Associati K

THE undersigned hfrvclxtea appo ntedm Honolulu for ihft c joto

Bvndlcato. and have .been furnished with'plans and Hits of California Lrio for


sine, intcnuing'purcnuserooi .""California can QhUla tho neewsjuyja.formation, at thaolllfaof

I j.fB.umowir&'oon 1,1nov.ll .....23 Merchant str et.

Tax Collector's- - Notice.

I70K tho accomodation? ofXaxgr yerethis district an ho cannot tly

call at tho Collector's iQIceduring bnsluess hours,bo flpen for the rccellit of Tifxes (1 1 ad-dition to the usual .niouHs-diirli- i' hu"day.) from 7 to 0 o'clqck In the evernliig, from tho 13th Inst., to Dc t. 1st1888, both dates Include!, a t

Any Tax-paye- r, In, this dUtrlo whowill leao Ids name ffna'address-- i t flierCollectei's Qlllcp, lutiniating tli-brK- ft

desires to pay his taxes, will recelohUtax receipt by "messenger, as early?thereafter ns possible, to whom 1 1 caughothe nmnunt. thereby HVoidh e

of delay at the TaxOU-- c U.waltlugforthoregiilnvtiuii. ..

Tax Collector, Uonolfild, Oj auvOtifit




. .






T J.



Page 4: M 5 F e Pntl$r - University of Hawaii · CST All Buiinott onirutiedlo our cara will roceivo prompt and faithful attention at modorato charges. Having had an extensive business experience



L XlK(i






;Sf-- '




Groceries, Provisions and Feed,BAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

Now Goods ret elvcd by every Pnokot from Uio Eastern Slates ami EuropeFresh California 1' duco by ovory Steamer. All orders faitb fully attended toand Goods dcllvcn to any part ot Uio city freo of charge. Island orders poli.olted. Satisfaction lanuitccd. Fost Office lJox 145. Tolouhono No. U3 nov4.85

Telephone 240.- - Bos 2U7.


Frozon Oyttors and Frosh California Fruits, Fish, Games and VonoUbles on ICE eachstoamor ol tho 0. S. S. Co. A complclo lino ol Crosso & Blackwoll's and

J. T. Morton's English Canned Goods always on hand.

13s IV EW O-- O O X !S SI

Ridges' Infant Pood, French Mushrooms in glass, GlinardcUi in tins, GroundChocolate, Crosse & Black-wel- l Fresh Fruit Jams in glass, Bluffed Olives inglass, "Walnuts, Almonds, Filbert, Peacan & Brazil Nuts, Foiled Sausage,

Cat. Mild Cream Checso, Eastern Chccso, Oregon Croam Choose, Young Amorican Choose,Swiss Cheese, Edam Checso, Topo Can Creamory Butter in 31b tins,

Kegs Germam Salt Pickles, Pctaluina Table Fruits in glas3 jrs, Finest DeliisaTulc KuUlus, Cryetnl Wave Mackcrol in 51b tins Kegs Sauerkraut, AmericanCranberry Sauce, Cape Codo Cranberries, 21b Blocks CodlUh, Anderson Cele-brated Mlnco Meat in glass jar, Jacob Dold's Buffalo Hams, Whittnkcrs SarHums, Old Reliable 11am fc Uacou, fresh lot of Garden Seeds, Cicily Lemons,Apples, Yellow Turnips, Parsnips, Now Potatoes & Onions, Cal. Roll Butter,


ap-1- 6


HAS JUSTKit Salmon Bellies, Block Codfish, Smoked Beef,. Buffalo Ham &Bacon, Boxes Smoked Herring, Tins Norwegian Salt Herring,

' Mild Cal. Cheese, Atmores Mince Meat, Green Turtle Soup,Terrapin Soup, Sugar Eaisins, Currants, "Walnuts, Almonds,Dried Peaches, Prunes, Dates, Honey, Cereolino Flakes,

CJVPJE CODTomato Ketchup, Casqs Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peas, JerseyBlue Potatoes, Ituta Bagas Turnips, Calafornia Onions, Crackers,all kinds ; Choice Teas, Fresh Apples, Saloon Pilot and MediumBread, "Wheat, Flour, Butter, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assortment of Canned Meats, Fruits and Other Groceries.

tnh-9- J y Leave your orders, or ring up 119. "Tj5l 86

No. 175.


Islands Orders Solicited.










M and

Fort Street, : : : Honolulu.

HorseFirst-Clas- s Btvle by Experi,

enced Men.

C By Clippers "aAt the Pantheon Stables.


For (Sale CheapAT

MILL,Queen Street. 1.1m


A consignment of the above


H. & Go.l lm i -










"7Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.




The Entire Plant of tho

IJIUJ. .111.111 ViUlllIU.UJ J UUUUlUjIs ofl'ered For Sole. Tho Machinery

is inporfcctworkiiig orderand consist of

One 26x48 Mill with Engine,Trajh-carrio- r, Etc., complete1 Pair ol Bailors 6x20,1 Doublo Effect G 7 loot Pans,1 Vacuum Pan G feet with Blako Pump,3 Weston Centrifugals and Engine,

Together with usual assortment of

Clean's Pans, Coolers

And other Machinery usually foundin a well appointed mill.

Also, a number of

& IslanflCane Carta & Gen'l Plantation

Implements.Delivery will bo given nfler next crop

has been harvested, say about July 1,1889.

t2TFor further particulars apply to

JOHN HIND,Manager Star Mill, Kohala, Hawaii.

18 tf

F YOU FIND ANYTHING.. advertl o it in the Dailv Bollbtiw.

'00 s """

Iron and Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER



Engineer Surveyor.




Starr Co.'stfO. FLOUJK

Theo. Davies






California lies,

Granite, Tin



House and gUFresco Painters

At Cnyforrt' Hhoclnc Shop.No. 81 : ! King Strcot.

03 lm

NOTICE.lir.vlng our Soda Water

CUSTOMERS Bottles (empty) onhand will greatly obligo by notifyingus by telephone or otherwise, and theywill at once bo sent for. Bottles retainedlonger than one month will be chargedfor. Telephones: Bell, 112; Mutual, libO.

J. E. BROWN & CO.,Proprietors, Tahiti Lemonade, Works.

29 tf


A'J tho King's Stable,rtn it in ir Rirnm..

lm lamn, 0 good work Mulesjy3aci i5&? and Harness nil complete,

well broke; also G head of good Amcri.can Horses; also 1 fresh young JerseyCow, well broke to milking; 1 llvoycarold Norman Stallion with a good pedi-gre- e,

n. sure foal gcttor, nnd any ladycan drive him, fears nothing. Anyonewishing to purchase please call andexamine stock. I have owned4ho stocksometime and have raised some of iton my own ranch in Han Mateo Counly,Cal. HENRY WORMINGTON.

84 2w

CHAS.KLEMMEDeshoi to inform his many friends and

the public of Honolulu in general,that ho has purchased tho


No expense has been spared in com-pletely renovating this establishment.

AVlittc labor1 only will bo employedas much as possible.

Strict attention will be paid to wash-ing, so ns to prevent all Hough Wear orUsage while undergoing tne cleaningprocess.

bneciai terms lor i' amines, noieis,Restaurants, Lodging-house- s and Ship-ping. Small repairs will be done freeof charge. Washing will be called forand delivered free of. charge at any partof Honolulu.

Guarantees satisfaction and no morecomplaints to be heard from patrons.

Give us a trial and bo convinced thatwe mean butiness. Bell Telephone 100.

Office, Queen street; Wnikiki side ofHackfcld & Co. Bell Telephone 308.

84 1m

Foreign Parcels Express,

THE undersigned are now preparedforward parcels through Pitt &

Scott's London Agency, to all partB ofEuiope, Asia nnd Africa; and nlso toAustralasia direct, and to the South SeaIslands via Australian or New Zealandports. Tariff intcs, which are remark-ably moderate, have recently been fur-nished and may he learned upon appli-cation.

Parcels or heavy freight can also besent for and brought to Honolulu fromanv nart of Europe through Pitt & Scott'sAgency, and may be insured at tho portof departure if desired. Special ordersfor European goods can lie placed byPitt & Scotlin England or through theiragents in oilier purls of Euiopc; and thopackages forwarded by any route thatis best, t reduced heavy freight rates ifthe packages are laTgo.

J. E. BROWN & CO.,Hawaiian Agents Pitt & Scott's

Express. 78 lm 59w2t

Certificate or Registration of Copy


Department of tiie iNTKiuon, )

Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. J

KNOW all Men by these Presents,in accordance with the pro

visions of Section 2, Chapter 8, of theSession Laws of 1888, J. M. Macdonnldhas tiled in tho ofllco of the Minister oftho Intorior nn application for a Certifl-cat- e

of Copyright for a book entitled"The Honolulu Business Directory, be-

ing a professional commercial and tradeaddress book of tho city and suburbs,corrected up to date of issue," whichsaid application is accompanied by theoath of tho said applicant that he is theoriginal and first author of said book.

Now, thcrcforo, this Ccitificate is togrant unto Uio said J. M. Macdonald, hisheirs or assigns for the term of TwentyYears, from the Tenth Day of October.One Thousand Eight Hundred andEighty.eightn tho exclusive right toprint, publish, use and vendthe said book throughout the HawaiianKingdom.

In Witness whereif I have causedibis Certificate to be issued at Honolulu;this lltli Day of October, A. D. 1888and the Seal of the Department of theInterior to be hereto nfllxcd,

JONA. AUSTIN,Minister of tho Interior, ad interim.

70 2m

FBANCE.Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.30 Rue de Dunkerque, - . Paris.

Executes Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swis", German, and English Goods, attho best Manufacturers' Xiowost Prices,

Commission, Two-and.i- Half per cent.All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to themanager.

The Agency Represents, Buys, andSells, for Homo and Colonial Firms.

Ml -

PlecoQoods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks, Velvetb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Laeo,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Glass, andOhina.waro, Clocks, Watches,Jowellry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plal- Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys,Perfumery, Wines, &o.,Oilman's Stores, Books ArtisticFurnituro, Stationery,Ohromos, Machinery. &o ' &o.

180 lyS,

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SELLING OUT AT COSTAs they qtllt business 'on Janunry . . . f "'

1, 1888.


Holiday Goods :, , i j'u:


,AWe have tho, t"

larpsi stock of liar Ms, ... ;In Honolulu, and wantcverybody to ,'. j ,

'seo them beforo purchasing.




Arrive at Honolulu from San Francisco.

Alameda November 22Australia December 11

Loavo Honolulu for San Francisco.

Zealantlia December 1G

Australia December 18Alameda .... (1880-- ) January 13

Aistraliai Mali MlFOR SAN FRANCISCO,

Tho now nnd fine Al steel 'steamship

" Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, wil

be due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

December 16, '88.And will leave, for the above port wjthmails and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, having SU-PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto

WiL G. LUWIN & CO., Agents".

For Sydney and Auckland,

. "ii

The new and fine ,41. steel; Btcamship

it Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from SunJfrancisco on or about

November 22, '88,And will have prompt dispatch withmalls and passengers for the above- ports

For freight or passngo, having BUPE1UOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Acenta.


Life Insurance Go.,OF NEW YORK.

CashAssols, December 31, 1807...,.,,$118,800,051 08

Thoso who desire safe and profitableLife Insuranco are invited to apply to

. II. jtosi:,Honolulu, Genofal Agent, Hawaiian

Islands. y


'. '.



Practical "Watchmaker & Repairer-nov.0-S- 8

MANUEL NUNES,No. 1C Hotel Htreet.

Guitars & String InslrumcniHOf all kinds Made & Repaired

egyr Inlaid "Work, and Initiating inWood a specialty. 2070 3m


Can bo foimd next doof to lliu.,P. '. AOffice, Merchant unci.

Hacks Nos. 18, 37, , 75, 180AVaoronotto HO.

Mutual 590"aTELEPHpNESI- - Boll 204Sept-24-8-






(tub oly BmurAuiiK blood ruuipncn.)

A Spcciflc for

HHEUMATISM,Scrofula, Halt ICIicuui, '

Neuralgia, Itlug Worm,And all other Skin & Blood Diseases.

It ltegulatcs the

DLdver Sc KidneysCures .Indigestion, and all Diseases

aiising from an enfeebled con.dition of tho system.

Dr. Martino, of London, tlio celebratedspecialist, Bays of PARDEE'S REMEDY:"I have used It for twenty years forBlood Diseases, such as Scrofular, SaltKucum, Tetter and Cancer, and I cannotrecommend it too highly."

The Hev. Dr. Thomas, of Hong Kong,China, savs: f'PAtDEES REMEDY is awonderful medicine for, the blood. Ihavo prescribed it hundreds of times forleprosy, and, when given in time italways cured the patient. I can safelysay that leprosy will never break out onpersons who tako PARDEE'S REMEDYregularly, and 1 adviso all persons Jiv.Ing in countries whore leprosy is pre.vnlcnt to tako PARDEE'S REMEDY as apreventive." ,

ggyFcr Sale by all'Drugglsts In Honolulu.

Richard Gayford,VETERINARY

70 &, 81 Klnc Street.Shooing-- , from 1.50.

Horses and Cattlo Treated foiall Diseases.

Residence! Chnmbcrlnln House, nextKawilaliao Church.

X. O. BOX 40S.Bell Tolephone &0,868.


Yosemite Skatin

Skating! Slcntiiig! Skating!Cornor Queen & Richard Streets.

Will bo' open every evening from 7 to0:30 r. m.

MUSIC: Tuesdays and Saturday?cning for tho Public in General.

a'lIOMjVS 13. WAUL,1001 Proprietor. lyr

Best Crown Drand.

6, 7, 8, and 9 Feet lengthsJust landed Ex. Ship "Cockcrmouih'

For Sale in Quantities to Suit.

Also, f.OO Bills. White Bros.'


At the Lowest Market Rates.

WILDER & CO.03 tf



Proof Safes !


k Loci Co.,

Of Canton, Ohio, U.S.A.Having established an Agency in this

Ciiy for the eale.of their manu-factures, which aic

Surpassed ftloneIn Hielr line in the world, an opportu-nity is offered lo al' reouirinnr nrolec.tion of their Valuables from Fire andTheft to supply themselves on termswhich defy competition.

CSS For particulars inquire at "aCuliclc's Agency,

No. 38 Merchant St., Honolulu, H. .sept-24-8- 8

74 King st.T-IJ- H King st.

fl alpgImporters of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Caro.

Matting. and Carpets Laid.


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


apr-10-8- 8

Honolulu LibraryAND- -

Reatlinq Room Association.

Cor. Hotel & Alnkcii Streets.Open every Day nnd Evening.

Tho Library consists at tho presenttime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

Tho Renuiiig Room is supplied withabout fifty of the leading newspapersnnd periodiouls,

A i'arlor is provided for conversationnd games.Terms of membership, fifty cents a

month, payable quarterly in advance.No formality required in joining exceptsigning Uio roll.

btrangera from foreign countries nndvisitors from the other islands are wel-come to tho rooms at all times as guests.

This Assoointlou having no regularmeans of support except tho dues ofmembers, it is expected that residentsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of Its privileges, and all who feelan interest in maintaining an Institutionof this kind, will put down their namesaud become regular contributors.

A. J. OAii'invrtrmi'iv ..

M. M. SCOTT, Vlce-1'rcsld- en

II. A. TAItMELEE, Secretary,A. L. SMITH, Treasurer,0. T. RODGERS, M.D.

Chairman Hall and Library Committee


-- 1..








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