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WGS - Gender and Pop Culture final project
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JUST TEENSAn extraordinary magazine for an

ordinary teenager


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Mary Shaw

Jen Hatrak

Katie Kokoszka

Jesenia Ramirez

Elizabeth Abken

Science doesn’t intimidate her…- A discussion with one of the most inspiring and intelligent teens alive today (Pages 3-6)

Relationships can be rough…- Some advice on how to make them better! (Pages 8-9)

Why we love John Smith…- An interview with one of our favorite actors: See what he’s been up to, hear all about his newest film, and learn about his next great activism project (Pages - )

Plus…The best way to protect your skin from the sun (Page 7)A great place to spend a weekend with your friends (Page 10)

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I sat down with Amy Hamilton, a 22 year old research scientist from Boston, Massachusetts, who is now studying at the prestigious Princeton University. She has just produced a new type of sunscreen called Sunshield, which is guaranteed to prevent skin cancer. When asked how she came up with the idea, Amy explained that she and her girlfriend were at the beach one day, and although they were using sunscreen as directed, they were concerned with the long-term affects of sun exposure. Avid beachgoers, they wanted to be able to enjoy the sun, without having to worry about skin cancer when they grew older. Amy, a chemist and biology double major at Princeton University, decided at that moment to begin researching skin treatments. She came up with a product she calls Sunshield, a sunscreen which, when rubbed into the skin, literally creates a shield around the body so that damaging UVA and UVB rays cannot

Come into contact with the skin. Unlike ordinary sunscreens, Sunshield cannot be washed off with soap and water, and can only be removed with rubbing alcohol. Sunshield is safe for the eyes, lips, and the nose as well; however, the special formula creates a seal around the body, which prevents eating or drinking. When playing or lounging in the sun all day, one can be sure that the sun will not come into contact with the body.

Curious, I asked Amy how she created this product, and what types of chemicals are involved. She assured me that all the products are safe and harmless to the body, and she created the sunscreen in her laboratory. “It was an accident, really. I began my day in the lab like any other. However, this particular


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Day I decided to try something new. I mixed polysorbate with nitroglycerine, and accidently, my finger came into contact with the solution. Afraid of the effects, I attempted to wash it off with soap and water. When I was unable to do so, I was puzzled. Lunch time rolled around, and as I went outside of the building, I noticed that the molding of the two chemicals created a seal around my skin. I was relieved to discover later that rubbing alcohol removes the chemicals, and the area under the seal was not sun damaged at all! My life partner and fellow chemist, Rachel, said that I should mix it with a crème and create a new sunscreen, which would become the life changing formula for all who love spending time in the sun! Thus, my creation was born!

Amy explained that ever since she was a young child, she was always interested in science. She received her first chemistry set when she was ten years old, and from then on, she fell in love with chemistry. When asked if she had always

Wanted to be a chemist, Amy explained, “Oh yes! Ever since I can remember, I loved learning about molecules and chemical formulas! I also love math, which is a huge part of chemistry, and I’ve learned through chemistry and math about discovering the world. I also love working with other people and helping others. When I was ten, and just learning about chemistry, I hoped that one day I would be able to develop a product that would help people in their daily lives. My ultimate goal is to find a cure for cancer, in which we would not need a type of preventative method for curing such a horrible disease.”

For a final question, I asked Amy if there is any advice she could give for teenagers who are attempting to start a business. She replied, “Do not give up. Always try to reach your goals no matter how


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Difficult the task may be. Do not ever let anyone tell you that you cannot do something because of who you are or where you come from. Remember that if you have a vision, and you want something to be changed, it will be up to you to make that change.”

I thanked Amy for her candor and advice, and to all the young readers who are reading this, remember to protect your skin, and always work hard to achieve your goals!

If you are interested in learning about chemistry and wish to study it in school, check out the following colleges and universities:

Princeton University:http://www.princeton.edu/main/

Cornell University:http://www.cornell.edu/

Stanford University:http://www.stanford.edu/

Sources:Google image:http://www.creativematch.co.uk/cmnw/images/i Stock_chemist300.jpg. 4 December 2007


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Our panel of b isexual , s t ra ight , and gay experts he lpswith a l l your re lat ionship needs

Q: I’ve been with my

boyfriend for about a year,

and I’m so happy with him.

Recently though, I started to

really like this girl in my

history class. I don’t want to

lose my boyfriend, but I

can’t ignore this attraction. I

don’t know what to do!

- Kyle, 18

Expert #1A: There is nothing wrong with being attracted to more than one person at a time. In fact, I think it’s healthy! It is your own bodies way of telling you that maybe it isn’t quite as happy with the status quo as you think. If your and your boyfriend are meant to be together in the long run, I believe it will happen. This does not mean, however, that you need to deny your current feelings. Be open to change and new experiences and follow your heart. It will, eventually, lead you in the best direction for you.


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2A: Questioning is a normal aspect of all relationships, especially ones that have gone on for so long. Your and your boyfriend may have settled in to a routine by now which makes life seem less interesting, which could be part of the reason you are looking to people outside of the relationship for excitement. Try to talk to your boyfriend, not just to let him know what’s going on but also to just increase communication, which can do wonders for a struggling relationship. And get to know this girl you are crushing on. You may learn that, upon closer examination, she is not the right person for you. Give the issue some time, but always make sure you are being honest with yourself and your feelings.

3A: A year is a long time for a committed relationship at your age, so it is not unusual that you may get spooked. Your questioning may only be a result of that, or it may indeed be something more. Try to weigh how happy you are with your boyfriend at this moment and see if losing that could be worth it, if you like this girl that much. Make sure you make your final decision for yourself, but try to let your boyfriend know you’re conflicted, so whatever happens doesn’t seem so out of left field for him.


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Verdana Falls Campgrounds

Fun for everyone! Friends, families, all ages Low Cost and affordable.


Call more details 1-800-555-CAMP and for reservations


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Interview with John Smith…

December 14, 2007

With this new movie The Fear of the Victim hitting theatres soon, we wanted to interview main character John Smith. John plays a victim of domestic violence, which is a topic that is not given much attention. But why don’t we just ask the man himself, and let him talk to us about the movie. Us: hi John, Welcome! We’re so happy to have you here and thanks for coming. J: Thank you for having me. Us: oh it’s our pleasure! So why don’t we begin by talking about the upcoming film. J: Ah yes, this is one of my favorite ones so far. I would say that this movie, really made me open my eyes to this subject of domestic violence. I feel as though this subject

Is not given the importance it deserves. Us: I totally agree, so why don’t you tell us a little about the movie, the character you play in it, and his life?J: Alright, well in the movie I am Albert Johnson, a 36 year old man married to Mary Johnson, who is 40 years old. We have been married for six years and we have two kids which I love dearly. When we got married we were deeply in love and we got along great. A year after we got married we had our first baby, Sam, and then a year and a half later we had Billy. I worked with a small construction company, and Mary worked as a teacher at the middle school in our town. Things were going great in our marriage. However, after Mary

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was “let go” by the school because she had missed so much time at the school, (with her two pregnancies) things began to really change. Mary began to feel useless and a burden towards me. She would always be mad and very stressed out with the situation, and would take it out on me. She would could me names, and once, during a fight she kicked and slapped me. It got to the point where I was intimidated and didn’t even want to go home. I could never, and would never even consider, hitting her back; or abusing her in any way. As time went on the situation got even worse, until I finally realized that I was a victim of domestic violence. I wanted to get out of there but I feared for my own life and I didn’t want to leave my children. Although she never touched my kids, I couldn’t help but worry. In the end

I had to let go, and I had to leave. But that’s all I’ll tell you for now, just know that it’s a phenomenal movie filled with happiness, sadness, anger, and fear, all in one, and not many movies can portray all these emotions together. Us: Whoa! This is an intense movie and an even more intense role you have to play. You seem very passionate about this issue, do you mind sharing some facts of domestic violence with us? J: Oh sure, well I should start off by saying what exactly domestic violence is. It is any physical, sexual, emotional, psychological abuse by one person in a relationship to control the other one. It ‘s also important to understand that domestic violence isn’t just physical, it can be anything from name calling, to withholding money, to stalking,

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To intimidating, and more. It can happen to anyone, no matter the sex, age, race, etc.

“It got to a point where I was intimidated and didn’t want to go home.”

Us: So something else I found very interesting, is that not only were you in this movie about domestic violence, but now, outside the movie you are doing your part in raising awareness to this problem.

You have become a spokesperson, and advocate against domestic violence. Is this true? J: Yes it is. Ever since I began working on this project, it opened my eyes like I said before. I’ve been doing presentations and assemblies at schools, against domestic violence. We want to raise awareness about this issue and I think that we are doing a great job; it’s really working out. Us: That’s great and one last thing before we wrap up. Is there anything you want to say to the victims?J: Yes there is one thing you have to remember, you are not alone and that none of it is your fault. Lastly, you must

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Understand that help is available, you just have to look for it. Us: Well, thank you very much for your time. We appreciate you coming to talk to us about your movie. We wish you the best of luck and we’ll be sure to watch the movie when it comes out. J: Thank you very much for having me and giving me the opportunity to talk about the issue. Don’t forget The Fear of a Victim in theaters February 3, 2008.


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Works Cited

Cover Pictures:






Microsoft Clip Art

“Amy the Research Scientist” Article:

Princeton University: http://www.princeton.edu/main/ 15 December 2007

Cornell University: http://www.cornell.edu/ 15 December 2007

Stanford University: http://www.stanford.edu/ 15 December 2007

http://www.creativematch.com.co.uk/cmnw/images/iStock_chemist300.jpg 4 December 2007

Dating Advice Article:

Microsoft Clip Art

Sunscreen Ad:

Image: http://flickr.com/photos/10597599@N05/1464601630/

Skin Cancer Information:American Cancer Society

Outdoor Ad:

Google Images

Actor Interview:Google images:http://www.dviolc.org/images/ribbon.jpg.
