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m a l i c e -- American Mcgee's Alice -- Dialogs

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m A l i c e -- American Mcgee's Alice -- dialogs


Here are all dialogs for all characters in American McGee's Alice. Phrases in [ brackets ] are not regular for the game plot (apear only in some special situation) or just never used in the game.

Alice additional dialogs: (same for each location)

[ Perhaps I'll just look around a bit. A familiar face wouldn't be unwelcome. Curiouser and Curiouser. Where is that Rabbit? Trembling signals timidity. I'd smell trouble... if I weren't shaking so. This is all vaguely reminiscent, but alien. A fine mess comes from chatting with a Rabbit. My Gosh. What was that? And what is that noise? If ignorance is bliss, I must be ecstatic. It seems one can't go home again. Perhaps the asylum wasn't so bad. How curious. How very curious. I keep saying, You've seen worse at Rutledge's, but it's very little comfort. Wondering alone is worthless. I must act. Is this weird, or am I hallucinating? Weird and terrifying are definitely not the same. Curiosity can kill I suppose; but apathy is lethal. A dream discarded dies hard. Wonderland, where are you now? This is a most peculiar trip. ] Cheshire Cat additional dialogs: (same for each location)

[ Every adventure requires a first step. Trite, but true, even here. When the remarkable turns bizarre, reason turns rancid. What is sought is most often found... if it is truly sought. Only a few find the way; some don't recognize it when they do; some don't ever want to. There's an ugly name for those who do things the hard way. The uninformed must improve their deficit, or die. To the royal guards of this realm, we are all victims in-waiting. Only the foolish believe suffering is just wages for being different. Only the savage regard the endurance of pain as the measure of worth. Only the insane equate pain with success. Tell yourself, I've seen worse at Rutledge's. Prevarication, in this instance, may help. ] [ Run: Haste makes waste, so I rarely hurry. But if a ferret were about to dart up my dress, I'd run. Jump: When the path is problematical, consider a leap of faith. Ride the wind. Climb: Hanging ropes are as good as step ladders to those who know how to use them. Swing: Scythes, hips, and the hangman's noose all do it. Why not you? Exit: Only a few find the way; some don't recognize it when they do; some don't ever want to. Knife: Your knife is necessary, but not sufficient. Always collect what's useful. Reject only your ignorance and you may survive.

http://www.morbid.nm.ru/alice/eng/dialogs.html (1 / 14) [ 06.08.2008 14:46:25 ]

m A l i c e -- American Mcgee's Alice -- dialogs Jacks O'Death: This simple game can turn distinctly nasty. Don't ever play alone. Playing Cards: 52 pickup is a staple of juvenile humor. But when the deck slices and dices, it's no laughing matter. Jack In The Box: Jack's a friend, but his temperament is explosive. May be best to let him play by himself. Ice Wand: Withering cold incapacitates an enemy more completely than deep wounds. But winter does not last forever. Diabolical Dice: Ah, the diabolical dice. A word of caution. Don't throw them when you're alone. The fiends lack loyalty, and their notion of nourishment is quite disturbing. Blunderbuss: A blunderbuss in the hands of a blockhead, is a catastrophe waiting to happen. You're not a dunderhead, but exercise great care. Jabberwock Eye Staff: Launch this rocket against a distant target. Its whitehot energy does terrible damage. Croquet Mallet: Here's a riddle. When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be. Collect Health: Whoever says too much of a good thing is not enough, speaks the truth. Collect Health: Whatever says too much of a good thing must be bad, tells a lie. Use Weapon: For every task there's a proper tool; sometimes more than one. ]

[ Dead-Time Watch: This unique watch stops time for a time. Unlike death, time moves on. Those who stood still with time move on also unless they're dead. Turtle Shell: The mask will not fool the water. But I will confound your enemies when you can swim and breath like a reptile while wearing it. Darkened Looking Glass: Noisy creatures, crooks, and assorted voyeurs would love to be invisible. For you the option may be a matter of survival. What they can't see, they don't want to hear. You'll do better if you become corporeal. Grasshopper Tea: Those who say there's nothing like a nice cup of tea for calming the nerves, never had real tea. It's like a syringe of adrenaline right to the heart. Meta-Essence: Meta-Essence is the life force of Wonderland; that of your enemies is especially potent. Collect what you can. Use it wisely. Rage-Box: How fine you look when dressed in rage. Your enemies are fortunate that your condition is not permanent. And you're lucky too. Red eyes suit so few. You're sufficiently fortified to kick some ass. You're sufficiently fortified to boot these creatures' nether regions. Threats, promises, and good intentions don't amount to action. Time to raise some havoc. The dogs of war are loose. ]

[ I can't know everything. Pretend you're an orphan. . . oh, that was rude; you are. Work if you must. It's my nature to unwind from time to time. I've heard self-reliance is a virtue. Now you've heard it. Observe, learn, and react. I suppose experience teaches best, learn by doing, and similar cliches have merit. Take their advice. I'm busy. ]

[ Alice, you really suck. Why are you playing this game? You want my help? ] [ Alice, you should know that cats hate the water. Climb out of the water and then I might help you. Try something dry... ]

. : Village of the Doomed : . Dementia White Rabbit: Please don't dawdle, Alice. We're very late indeed! Alice: You've gone quite mangy, Cat, but your grin's a comfort. Cheshire Cat: And you've picked up a bit of an attitude. Still curious, and willing to learn, I hope. Alice: Wonderland's become quite strange. How is one to find her way? Cheshire Cat: As knowing where you're going is preferable to being lost, ask. Rabbit knows a thing or two. And I, myself, don't need a weathervane to tell which way the wind blows. Cheshire Cat: Let your need guide your behavior. Suppress your instinct to lead. Pursue Rabbit.http://www.morbid.nm.ru/alice/eng/dialogs.html (2 / 14) [ 06.08.2008 14:46:25 ]

m A l i c e -- American Mcgee's Alice -- dialogs

[ Alice: Why does everyone here seem hostile? Or demented for that matter? ] Torch Gnome #1: Our land is destroyed; our spirit crushed. Alice: Reminds me of the asylum. Is there no joy here? Torch Gnome #1: Slavery and happiness do not dwell in the same house. Cheshire Cat: When the path is problematical, consider a leap of faith. Ride the wind. Torch Gnome #2: Stir up no trouble, stranger. The Red Queen's agents are ruthless. Alice: I'm not afraid of her, or her creatures. Never was, really. You should stand up to them. Torch Gnome #2: Defiance is useless. While the Queen reigns, only death can release us from this misery. Alice: Or her death, I suppose. Cheshire Cat: Meta-Essence is the life force of Wonderland; that of your enemies is especially potent. Collect what you can. Use it wisely. Cheshire Cat: Your knife is necessary, but not sufficient. Always collect what's useful. Reject only your ignorance and you may survive. Alice: Everyone seems completely dejected. Are things really as bad as all that? Torch Gnome #3: The truth would reduce you to a blubbering baby... Are you the savior Rabbit has been telling us about all this time? Alice: I shouldn't think so. I'm a person... and just now I wish to get very small... about this big. Torch Gnome #3: Calls for serious twisting. You'll need to go sideways, not forward. If I knew how, I'd go sideways myself. Alice: Not twisted. Small. I wish to become about this big. Torch Gnome #3: The Fortress of Doors holds such secrets. But it will take more than a wish to get inside. Cheshire Cat: Doors have locks, locks need keys, which you don't have. Let's hope the Doors are open. Alice: And if not, there may be more than one way to skin a cat, if you'll pardon the expression. Cheshire Cat: Most unpleasant metaphor. Please avoid it in the future. Torch Gnome #4: Rabbit told us a champion would come. Are you that champion? Alice: Perhaps. Can you get me inside the Fortress of Doors? Torch Gnome #4: Oh no. Wouldn't dare. Since the upheaval we've all become gutless half-wits. I can barely risk crossing the road. . . But, make your way to the mines the deepest pit there's one wiser and braver than myself who might help. He still lives free. Cheshire Cat: Every adventure requires a first step. Trite, but true, even here.

Pandemonium Cheshire Cat: Hanging ropes are as good as step ladders to those who know how to use them. Elder Gnome: Why do you pursue me to this deserted place...? Alice: To benefit from your wisdom. Elder Gnome: Even blurred vision is valued by the blind. If I were clever, would I cower in this slag heap? I'm not wise girl... I've just grown old. Alice: I wish to get very small. No bigger than a mouse. Do you know how I might do that? Elder Gnome: Only that? Oh yes, I could manage that... for a price. Alice: I have nothing of value. Elder Gnome: You have nerve and your health. Mine are nearly gone. I've seen too much suffering... and I smoke too much you see. Alice: What must I do? Elder Gnome: In the Card Guards' compound a particularly rough Diamond holds the key. Retrieve it. I will... repay the favor. Cheshire Cat: 52 pickup is a staple of juvenile humor. But when the deck slices and dices, it's no laughing matter. Elder Gnome: You have the key! Very resourceful. Rabbit's confidence is nothttp://www.morbid.nm.ru/alice/eng/dialogs.html (3 / 14) [ 06.08.2008 14:46:25 ]

m A l i c e -- American Mcgee's Alice -- dialogs

misplaced. He is no fool. Alice: I certainly hope he is not. Elder Gnome: Use the key to free my clan from the oppressive burden they carry. Any fight against the Queen's tyranny is a good fight. They've suffered... Alice: I'm sure I'm very sorry for them sir. Really, I am. But what about me getting small? Cheshire Cat additional dialogs: [ Ignore the Queen . . . for now. Keep your eye on Rabbit. Rabbit's handy with a map. He's on the right road. And at present, you're too big to follow. Doors have locks, locks need keys, which you don't have. Let's hope the Doors are open. Most unpleasant metaphor. Please avoid it in future. The Guards lack imagination. Don't play with them, unless you're ready to deal. Protective walls may impede you. But the walls most difficult to penetrate are those that surround our hearts. Odds are the next gnome will know something of value. That last idiot was nearly useless. The old rebel is a legend. Search the mines for him. Keys and locks like hens and cocks are often found together. Hanging ropes are as good as step ladders to those who know how to use them. 52 pickup is a staple of juvenile humor. But when the deck slices and dices, it's no laughing matter. ]

. : Fortress of Doors : . Fortress of Doors Elder Gnome: There's a Skool, inside the Fortress, where you'll find certain items for creating a concoction that will make you small. Alice: What items exactly? Elder Gnome: Items. Items, girl. You'll know them when you see them. Speaking of seeing things, we should avoid the Card Guards' notice, hang on! . . . Ahhhhhh! DAMNIT! We've been seen. Elder Gnome: Eventually you must break through such walls... but for now, jump! Cheshire Cat additional dialogs: [ 52 pickup is a staple of juvenile humor. But when the deck slices and dices, it's no laughing matter. Protective walls may impede you. But the walls most difficult to penetrate are those that surround our hearts. ]

Beyond the Wall [ Cheshire Cat: Inside the wall is not inside the Fortress. The old Gnome was short on details. Alice: He was a bit vague... but whether by design, or from ignorance or out of fear, I don't know. ] Cheshire Cat: Time to raise some havoc. The dogs of war are loose. Cheshire Cat: The proper order of things is often a mystery to me. You, too? Cheshire Cat additional dialogs: [ Observe, learn, and react. Cling closely to the path, Alice. A fall will dash your head along with all our hopes. The Guards are tools of the Queen. All suits are dolts. But dangerous. Boojums have revolting manners. They'll eat anything. Dispose of them or become a meal. That savage shriek is the mere tip of the iceberg that is the Boojum's repulsive personality. ]

Fortress of Doorshttp://www.morbid.nm.ru/alice/eng/dialogs.html (4 / 14) [ 06.08.2008 14:46:25 ]

m A l i c e -- American Mcgee's Alice -- dialogs

Cheshire Cat: Entering Skool requires a real leap of logic! Cheshire Cat additional dialogs: [ Protective walls may impede you. But the walls most difficult to penetrate are those that surround our hearts. ]

Skool Daze Alice: There's a bit more to do than you suggested, don't you think? Elder Gnome: No need for sarcasm. I admit, my memory's not what it was. But I'm here now. I'll try to amend its deficiencies. The library contains a recipe for the potion. Consult the Book of Bizarre Things. Oh, no... Run... Cheshire Cat: Here's a riddle. When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be. Cheshire Cat: Steps to enlightenment brighten the way; but the steps are steep. Take them one at a time. Alice: There's no lock, but it won't open. It's stuck. Cheshire Cat: Treat it like a Chinese box or a stubborn lid. A tap in the right spot might do the trick. Cheshire Cat: You call that a tap? Fortunate I didn't suggest force. You might have pulverized it. Alice: Mushrooms, poppies, sugar and spice All those things are very nice. When combined the proper mixture makes a getting-small elixir. Hmm, I don't really like sweets. Cheshire Cat additional dialogs: [ What they can't see, they don't want to hear. You'll do better if you become corporeal. This Skool serves more than nasty lunches. The laboratories are especially fascinating, if you can stand the vile stench. Entering Skool requires a real leap of logic! Countless generations of termites would only digest a mere fraction of the volumes here; and they wouldn't be one wit wiser. Every picture tells a story. Sometimes we don't like the ending. Sometimes we don't understand it. ]

Skool's Out Cheshire Cat: Ah, the diabolical dice. A word of caution. Don't throw them when you're alone. The fiends lack loyalty, and their notion of nourishment is quite disturbing. Elder Gnome: The gymnasium should be safe. Guards never exercise. Can't afford to lose the weight. Alice: I never cared for sports at school... I don't have to put on a pinny do I? Elder Gnome: No, it wouldn't suit you. I've recalled one of the potion's ingredients. Mushrooms... lovely texture. What's that? Cheshire Cat: How fine you look when dressed in rage. Your enemies are fortunate that your condition is not permanent. And you're lucky too. Red eyes suit so few. Alice: You're fortunate I passed by. Elder Gnome: Meaning what? I was about to say you're lucky to have found me! Look, I've found the last ingredient. Sugared spice drops... Alice: Whenever we meet up seems I also find a bit more trouble. Seen any Jumbo Grow, about? Elder Gnome: There's a bit in that flask on the sideboard. You see? We're set. Bring back some poppy blooms and we'll mix up the potion. [ Cheshire Cat: Gardners store rat poison and weed killer in sheds. Skools have laboratories for that purpose. ] Cheshire Cat: Here's a riddle. When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be.http://www.morbid.nm.ru/alice/eng/dialogs.html (5 / 14) [ 06.08.2008 14:46:25 ]

m A l i c e -- American Mcgee's Alice -- dialogs

Elder Gnome: This condenser can mix the potion... doesn't look like it's good for much else, though. Elder Gnome: Now time to leave... but not as you came. Go by way of the Observatory. This star is for your stellar performance... may open some doors for you. Cheshire Cat additional dialogs: [ Unplanted seeds dry out and die. Nature has ordained that certain seeds require assistance to fulfill their destiny. Drink the potion only when you're ready to follow Rabbit. ]

Skool Daze Cheshire Cat additional dialogs: [ What they can't see, they don't want to hear. You'll do better if you become corporeal. This Skool serves more than nasty lunches. The laboratories are especially fascinating, if you can stand the vile stench. Entering Skool requires a real leap of logic! Countless generations of termites would only digest a mere fraction of the volumes here; and they wouldn't be one wit wiser. Every picture tells a story. Sometimes we don't like the ending. Sometimes we don't understand it. ]

. : Vale of Tears : . Pool of Tears [ Cheshire Cat: Rabbit's anxiety pollutes his reasoning. He begs you back to this hell-hole, then abandons you. Stop looking for good sense here. Settle for any! ] Alice: What's all this then? Did someone die? Have you lost your family? Mock Turtle: No, my shell! The Duchess stole it and tried to eat me for lunch! Nobility must be served, I suppose... Alice: Stop that wailing, won't you? Mock Turtle: You're very cold blooded for a mammal. I was almost soup! Alice: Tragic, I'm sure, but I'm a bit pressed for time. Have you seen a rabbit? Mock Turtle: Hmm... twitchy nose, shifty eyes... constantly consults his pocket watch? Most peculiar beast. Alice: Well he's very dear to me. I must find him. Mock Turtle: Caterpillar could help, I'm quite certain. He knows everything there is to know. Alice: And where does that smushy lay-about hang his hookah these days? Mock Turtle: Since the troubles began, he's in hiding. I couldn't divulge the secret. I couldn't risk telling you, without... something in return. Alice: Risk nothing, gain nothing. Mock Turtle: His whereabouts then, for my shell. The Duchess won't part with it willingly. Alice: Then she must do it unwillingly. I'll teach her manners. Mock Turtle: You are brave. But I warn you, she treats everything as prey! Cheshire Cat additional dialogs: [ A rope and net would be handy. And a circus career. Your limbs and imagination will have to suffice. Take the high ground, then punish these pests. What a racket! Reminds me of your violin lessons. Plug that noisy orifice before we both go mad. The dim-witted are not ignorant. Follow Turtle and find nobility, of a sort. Go with the flow. Whatever floats will do. ]

Hollow Hideaway [ Alice: I wouldn't like to swim in that ooze. ] Bill McGill: Psst! Over here!http://www.morbid.nm.ru/alice/eng/dialogs.html (6 / 14) [ 06.08.2008 14:46:25 ]

m A l i c e -- American Mcgee's Alice -- dialogs

Alice: Don't I know you? Bill McGill: Bill McGill, at your service. Call me Larry... Or not. Have any brandy? Alice: No, I've only my wits. Bill McGill: Then you have nothing. Wits are useless here everything is down-side up! Alice: I must see the Duchess. Bill McGill: Impossible. She only sees those who don't wish to see her. Alice: That's not right. Bill McGill: It's perfect. She's supposed to be hiding from the Red Queen, who wants her dead. Alice: Her head?! Bill McGill: That, too. Ruins my home; builds this monstrosity. She's mad as monkey mash and just as tasteless. Well, never mind. We'll all perish soon enough. Sure you've no brandy? Alice: I'm here to retrieve the Turtle's shell. I won't leave without it. Bill McGill: Won't you indeed? Stick your thumb in her eye, what! Your devoted servant, ma'am. I owe her a bad turn myself. Follow me. Cheshire Cat additional dialogs: [ The leaves appear no worse for it. Is our situation not dismal? Wonderland is so discombobulated that lady bugs have turned belligerent and enlisted in the Queen's army. Punish their conversion. There's a distinct whiff of pepper on the wind. The Duchess must be nearby. ]

Just Desserts [ Cheshire Cat: Annihilate what threatens to destroy you. ] Duchess: Come closer my little chick... Mmmm, properly seasoned you'd make a handsome dish. Alice: I'm not edible. Duchess: Not a full meal, certainly. But a light snack, I think! [ Alice: I merely wanted to ask... Duchess: Speaking of axes. Chop off her head! ] Alice: I'll have the turtle shell now, you disgusting ogre! Duchess: Over my dead body! Alice: I'll try to accomodate you! Bill McGill: I'll have the leeches in to handle this mess. Mock Turtle: At least my shell's in tolerable condition. Alice: A simple thank-you would have been nice... I've kept my part of the bargain, Turtle. Mock Turtle: Fair enough. I'll take you on a trip. Hover around my bubbles. Cuddle up to them, never leave them. You'll muddle through.

Wholly Morel Ground [ Cheshire Cat: Turtle's bubbles are like words to a prophet. ] [ Cheshire Cat: His bubbles are to your survival what eyesight is to vision. ]

. : Wonderland Woods : . Dry Landing Mock Turtle: Finish what you start please! Remember, you're just a visitor. We have to live here. Alice: I'm not on holiday. Mock Turtle: And I'm not ungrateful... You're an honorary reptile! Alice: Lucky me... Mock Turtle: You'll think so when you're under water... White Rabbit: You've taken your sweet time. Alice: What do you mean? You're the one who didn't wait! I have reason... White Rabbit: Forget reasons, they're useless. Caterpillar is waiting. Alice: I remember him well. Thin-skinned. Ill-tempered. Smokes too much. Disagreeable smell. Why do I need him?http://www.morbid.nm.ru/alice/eng/dialogs.html (7 / 14) [ 06.08.2008 14:46:25 ]

m A l i c e -- American Mcgee's Alice -- dialogs

White Rabbit: No one's wiser in Wonderland. Only he knows what you must do to save us. Now, follow closely. The way is treacherous. We have so far to go, and so little time to get there. Cheshire Cat additional dialogs: [ Don't lose him. He's not the brightest star in the galaxy. But he shines at one thing. Even pebbles terrorize the tiny. But you must risk them. Caterpillar is waiting. ]

Herbaceous Border White Rabbit: Strange how quiet it is here, now. I don't like it. Caterpillar is just beyond the clearing, Alice. Let's sacrifice stealth for speed. Alice: Everyone I love dies violently... unnaturally. I'm cursed. Why go on? I'll just hurt others... Cheshire Cat: No time for self-pity. Evade these savage soldiers and find Caterpillar. [ Cheshire Cat: Go with the flow. Whatever floats will do. ]

Rolling Stones

Icy Reception Cheshire Cat: Withering cold incapacitates an enemy more completely than deep wounds. But winter does not last forever. Caterpillar: Ah Alice... you've returned. Alice: But rabbit never told me why... and now he's gone. Caterpillar: Why? Wonderland is severely damaged. You must set things right, that's why. Alice: I barely recognize this terrible place. What is it to me? Caterpillar: It's home... Well, it could be. Having lost what you loved, you nearly wiped us out. You've started to rebuild. Your task, however, and your pain are not over. Alice: Why must I suffer...? Caterpillar: Because your mind is fouled by self-deception. Even your fantasies have fragmented into tortured versions of themselves. You are wracked with guilt because you survived, and you dread the prospect of a life alone. Alice: What do you think I must do? Caterpillar: Destroy the Queen of Hearts. Wonderland, and your entire world can become whole again. I need to rest now. You need to regain your human size. Grow up, Alice. Embrace the truth. [ Alice: I believe my arms are adequate. Indeed, I do. ] Caterpillar: Travel to the Fungiferous Forest, now, and nibble from the Mushroom of Life. Take great care. The voracious Centipede jealously guards it, and rules over what you require.

Fungiferous Flora Centipede: You pathetic and wretched excuse for warriors! Form a line! Centipede: Bring the intruder to my den. I will punish her insolence and dispose of her! Cheshire Cat additional dialogs: [ If your stature were an illness, it seems the Centipede dispenses medicine to make you well. Confidence and rashness are sides of a single coin. Please remember, you're about as big as a middling-size garden slug. Until you find the magic mushroom, get used to it. I'm afraid I have to expel a rather ferocious hairball. You're on your own, girl. ]

http://www.morbid.nm.ru/alice/eng/dialogs.html (8 / 14) [ 06.08.2008 14:46:25 ]

m A l i c e -- American Mcgee's Alice -- dialogs

Centipede's Sanctum Cheshire Cat: Those who say there's nothing like a nice cup of tea for calming the nerves, never had real tea. It's like a syringe of adrenaline straight to the heart. Cheshire Cat: I've never trusted toadstools; but I suppose some must have their good points. Alice: I wish I were hallucinating. What a horrible choice. Eat a toadstool, or remain food for insects. Cheshire Cat: It's rude to eat and run; but sometimes it's unavoidable.

Caterpillar's Plot Cheshire Cat: The dimensions of this desolate tract are unknown to all but the inhabitants. Only one path will bring you to the endgame. Cheshire Cat: The Jabberwock's Eye Staff is incomparably powerful. But its individual pieces are worth less than the carcass of a gnat. Oracle (Caterpillar): To destroy the palace, filled with malice, is the daring work, of noble Alice. Oracle (Caterpillar): An endgame with the Red Queen is possible only after you crush her sentinel the vile, fiercilicious, and vengeful Jabberwock. Without the Staff that bears his name, destroying him is the hopeless work of a wasted life. Alice: I have one piece of the Eye Staff. Where are the others? Oracle (Caterpillar): Scattered throughout the world. When you have them all in hand, checkmate is possible. The pale royals may be of use. Alice: Obscure allusions to chess are fine; but it troubles me that anonymous oracles know more of my business than I do. Cheshire Cat: Since you know the moves, best play with Whites. They go first. Alice: Such order in the midst of chaos makes me woozy and disoriented. Cheshire Cat: The regularity of the board disguises the predatory menace of certain pieces. Cheshire Cat additional dialogs: [ Flattering words often incite their object to rash action. Learn their true meaning. Cats are color blind, you know. Kaleidoscopes hold no interest for us. These woods are familiar. The voice from the cliff, remember? Wonder if he's done a bunk by now. ]

. : Looking-Glass Land : . Pale Realm [ Cheshire Cat: Make your move toward the White Knight's Castle. ] [ Cheshire Cat: You know all the right moves. Use them. ]

Castling White King: Help us, please. The Red Queen's forces are strong and show no mercy. Our own queen is in terrible danger. Alice: I saw her captured. I'm sorry. White King: Without her generalship, red wins. We're doomed. Alice: As am I, if I can't pass through this realm. I must collect the pieces to the Jabberwock's Eye Staff. White King: Free the White Queen, Alice. That would help us both. Alice: I'm not really a player. What are the rules? White King: Rules? There are no rules. There's barely any strategy. No time! Make a frontal assault on the Red Castle. I won't lie to you, you'll meet deadly traps and fierce opposition along the way. Alice: Should I be grateful for the truth? A lie or two might have been more persuasive. White King: In war: Truth first. There's always time for lies later. You won'thttp://www.morbid.nm.ru/alice/eng/dialogs.html (9 / 14) [ 06.08.2008 14:46:25 ]

m A l i c e -- American Mcgee's Alice -- dialogs

face the enemy alone. Carry this soldier to the White Queen. Alice: A mere pawn is the best I can hope for? White King: I'm afraid so. Now, return as you came. The Rooks know the way.

Checkmate in Red [ Cheshire Cat: The White Queen awaits. You control her fate. ]

Mirror Image Cheshire Cat: Look straight ahead; or askance. Whichever way you choose, you must always look in the right direction. Cheshire Cat: This simple game can turn distinctly nasty. Don't ever play alone. [ Cheshire Cat: Don't get spun, whirled, twisted, gyrated, sloshed, or tossed. Avoid false moves. ] [ Cheshire Cat: Paths that end in trouble are all the same. They only appear different when you don't know where they lead. ] [ Cheshire Cat: Seek and ye shall find, they say. But they don't say what you'll find. ] Tweedle Dee: Look, Dum, it's whatshername, from the Neurotics' Ward. Nurse's favorite lunatic. Tweedle Dum: Oh, yeah? Scrawny, ain't she? Who let her out, then? They'll blame us, most like. Tweedle Dee: She'll need more medicine. Strong medicine. Tweedle Dum: She got anything to eat? Tweedle Dee: Doubt it. She never finishes her grub at the asylum. She had any meat on her, she'd make a delectable dish. Alice: Despicable, grotesque, and smelly louts; I'll fill your bellies, alright! Cheshire Cat: The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Alice: Spare me the platitude. Do you have any useful advice? Cheshire Cat: Use their size against them. Mad Hatter: Bad timing. Pity. Reliable help is so hard to find these days. Come in my dear. You're just in time for tea. Alice: I only take mine with friends. Mad Hatter: Count me to be among them. Accurately. I mean, honestly. That's the truth. Oh, I quite forgot. You and the truth are not on familiar terms. Alice: And you would know! Mad Hatter: Truth is always bitter to those who fear it. Alice: I fear nothing. Mad Hatter: False. You fear much . . . a return trip to the asylum, for example. . . the memories that drove you there. . . more years in, shall we say, supervised hospitalization . . . ah yes, you fear much. Of course, all that might be avoided. Alice: How? Tell me. What do you mean? Cheshire Cat additional dialogs: [ A reflection sometimes exposes more reality than the object it echoes. Seek the scattered pieces of the Eye Staff, Alice. I feel its power here. Each piece brings you closer to the endgame. But alone, each is worth less than a matchstick. ]

. : Behind the Looking-Glass : . Crazed Clockwork March Hare: Dormy, wake up. Someone's come to release us. Dor Mouse: It's just a human. Probably useless. March Hare: Undo us, please, from this contraption. Dor Mouse: Or you could give us tea, if you'd prefer. Alice: Were you impolite at table? Did you slurp your tea? Or talk while chewing? Confess your crime. March Hare: We've done nothing of the kind. It's the Hatter. He's gone quitehttp://www.morbid.nm.ru/alice/eng/dialogs.html (10 / 14) [ 06.08.2008 14:46:25 ]

m A l i c e -- American Mcgee's Alice -- dialogs

mad, if I do say so. Speaking of which, How is the Queen of Hearts not like a typhoon? Alice: Both are powerful, destructive, and indiscriminately cruel. But the typhoon doesn't mean to be. March Hare: Good answer. Wrong. But good. Alice: Oh, I beg your pardon. You are in real danger. Where is your host? Dor Mouse: Real danger? Are we? Really? Hare, I wish to go home. Evidently I have worn out my welcome. March Hare: The Hatter will be here at 6. Sharp as clockwork. Dor Mouse: Misses no opportunity to deny us our tea. Most cruel, I'm sure. And his medicine makes me tired... Cheshire Cat: Quick as Mercury; and mad from it... among other things. He is obsessed with time. Find him. Or your own time may be short. Alice: Those two seem to barely comprehend their situation. Gryphon: They're blithering idiots. But the Hatter does come at 6 on the dot. Alice: For his tea? Gryphon: No. To check his cruel experiments. With gears, springs, levers, and mechanical gizzards, he seeks an impossible precision like a watchmaker obsessed with infinitesimal fractions of seconds, or a mathematician who tries to square the circle. He'll turn all the inhabitants into his automatons, or kill them in the attempt. Alice: That's simply awful. 6 o'clock you say? Gryphon: 6 precisely, by that clock. Alice: Hmm. . .Perhaps 6 comes early today. Cheshire Cat additional dialogs: [ Even I know not where the missing piece of the Eye Staff is concealed. But if a segment were secreted amidst evil and madness, I would expect to find it here. Those who say there's nothing like a nice cup of tea for calming the nerves, never had real tea. It's like a syringe of adrenaline right to the heart. A reflection sometimes exposes more reality than the object it echoes. The Staff lacks only the Jabberwock's eye. Though he has two, I understand he's quite fond of them both. I doubt time will change his mind. Speaking of which, where's the Hatter? ]

About Face Cheshire Cat: The Staff lacks only the Jabberwock's eye. Though he has two, I understand he's quite fond of them both. I doubt time will change his mind. Speaking of which, where's the Hatter? Cheshire Cat: This unique watch stops time... for a time. Unlike death... time moves on. Those who stood still with time move on also... unless they're dead. Gryphon: With gratitude, I offer you my services. Alice: Promise only what you're prepared to deliver. I am destined to battle the Red Queen. The outcome is uncertain. Gryphon: You won't fight alone. Permit me to serve as your commander. I'll muster the forces whose allegiance your courage and skill have already won. Alice: How shall we prepare for battle? Gryphon: An assault on the Queen depends on breaching the gates to her kingdom. Only the Jabberwock's Eye Staff can pry them open. If you open the gates, I'll lead the troops to victory. Let us right the wrongs of this world, together. Mad Hatter additional dialogs: [ Your hair wants cutting. And perhaps your neck could use a trim. I like what I do is the same as I do what I like, don't you agree? So I do. If you knew time as well as I, you wouldn't dream of wasting it. The Queen accused me of murdering time. Very wrong. I have another object in mind. ]

. : Land of Fire and Brimstone : . Burning Curiosity Gryphon: Recruit whatever allies you can, Alice. We'll need them all. I'll return with reinforcements. Take heart.http://www.morbid.nm.ru/alice/eng/dialogs.html (11 / 14) [ 06.08.2008 14:46:25 ]

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Oracle (Caterpillar): The time for action has arrived. You should not waste a day. No lame excuses do you contrive, nor tolerate delay. Alice: It talks like I'm on holiday, Cat. Wandering about, having a bit of fun. The oracle's an idiot. Cheshire Cat: Confront what frightens or offends you. Reckless or insulting talk should never go unchallenged. Alice: You? Bizarre creature! I was beginning to like you. Caterpillar: Like me or don't. But believe me. The Jabberwock must be eliminated now. Blow open the gates and confront the Queen. Alice: I don't have the final piece of the Staff. Without his eye, how can it be done? Caterpillar: I don't know. But you must. The situation is urgent. Alice: What good are you to me? I'm supposed to attack this ferocious creature; but I'm not even sure this is my fight. Caterpillar: It's no one else's, Alice. Only you can save yourself. Alice: Save myself? From death? Is that it? Is that why I've come here? I'm not afraid to die. 'times I've welcomed death. Caterpillar: Not death. Alice: What then? A fate worse than death? I'm not stupid. Don't make me think you are. Caterpillar: Think what you will. But know this: You withdrew from your world after the fire because you could not bear your terrible loss. When you answered Rabbit's call, you began to emerge from your tragedy. Stay on this path, Alice. Save yourself, and you will save Wonderland. You will restore us all. Alice: What I've been feeling, I am beginning to understand. I broke this world; and only I can repair it. Caterpillar: Go well, Alice. The Jabberwock waits. With Gryphon as your partner, you have reason to hope for success. He's the strongest among us. Cheshire Cat additional dialogs:

[ Gryphon's an ideal partner. Perhaps I'll just retreat for a nap The Queen's guardian rarely leaves his filthy lair. ]

Jabberwock's Lair Jabberwock: You've kept me waiting, Alice. Have you never heard that punctuality's a virtue? Alice: You and my dentist's assistant have much in common. Jabberwock: You're habitually late, aren't you? Between your dim-witted daydreaming and your preening vanity the hours just fly by; there's barely time for anything else. Alice: That the best you can do? Hurl second-rate insults? They don't hurt... Jabberwock: Your family was expecting you to come to them, weren't they? Perhaps they thought you might warn them of the danger... being close to the source as you were. But they waited in vain, didn't they and died for their trouble. Alice: We were all asleep. It was an accident... I... Jabberwock: You selfish, misbegotten, and unnatural child! You smelled the smoke. But you were in dreamland taking tea with your friends. You couldn't be bothered. Your room was protected and spared while your family upstairs roasted in an inferno of incredible horror. Alice: Noooooooooooooooo... Gryphon: Hurry, Alice. The Eye Staff is yours, the troops are gathered, everything is ready. I'll deal with the Jabberwock. You are our champion. Lead us to victory in Queensland. Cheshire Cat additional dialogs: [ The vile creature is a killer. And even his words can wound. It's impolite to keep royalty waiting. But the price of good manners may be too high. This Queen's a real bitch. ]

Caterpillar's Plot Cheshire Cat: A blunderbuss in the hands of a blockhead, is a catastrophe waiting to happen. You're not a dunderhead, but exercise great care. Gryphon memory: ...only the Jabberwock's Eye Staff can pry them open... Cheshire Cat additional dialogs:http://www.morbid.nm.ru/alice/eng/dialogs.html (12 / 14) [ 06.08.2008 14:46:25 ]

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[ You may have missed something. What's rubbish to one is salvation to another. Look, Alice. Though his elliptical essence is unrecognizable, it's wrong to think him worthless. ]

. : Queen of Hearts Land : . Majestic Maze [ Cheshire Cat: Find the Queen. Ignore her pledge to decapitate intruders, at your peril. ]

Airborne Terror Cheshire Cat: Ride the thermal drafts like a gyrfalcon.

Mistifying Madness [ Cheshire Cat: The Queen. The Queen. My lower incisors for the Queen. Where is that wretched creature? ]

Water Logged Cheshire Cat: Turtle proved that being a reptile has advantages.

Labyrinthine Revenge [ Cheshire Cat: Look for the Queen, but remember: She also has eyes for you. ]

Machinations Cheshire Cat: Time to jump in time to jump through time . . . I'm dizzy.

. : Queensland : . Royal Rage Jabberwock: How typical. How foolish you were to think you could overcome your guilt. Gryphon: You've destroyed her guardian, Alice, and avenged my death. Enter the ultimate battle. Alice: Must I fight on? Can't the Red Queen be persuaded to surrender? Gryphon: True words and logic rarely defeat evil intent. She is still strong. And so many have been harmed. They want revenge, which we call justice. She made this world, and she must pay. You must lead our forces against her. Alice: I'm not sure I know how to lead. Gryphon: Do your best, Alice; you can only do your best; you can always do . . . best. Cheshire Cat: Without Gryphon, our forces are leaderless and a battle has begun. Deliver from this evil, or let us perish.

Battle Royale [ Cheshire Cat: Without Gryphon, our forces are leaderless and a battle has begun. Deliver from this evil, or let us perish. ]

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Castle Keep Cheshire Cat: The Queen. The Queen. My lower incisors for the Queen. Where is that wretched creature? Cheshire Cat: Only a few find the way; some don't recognize it when they do; some don't ever want to. Cheshire Cat: Bravery and I are not on intimate terms. My natural curiosity is tempered with caution thus I've lived long. Cheshire Cat: But now, ignoring my instinct to flee or fib, I speak the truth without regard to consequence. Your courage deserves no less. Cheshire Cat: You've suffered great pain and you've caused some; you've endured deep grief and feelings of guilt; but you will be tested by a more wrenching anguish, Alice. There is worse to come. You and this Red Queen cannot both survive. You are two parts of the same... Alice: Noooooooooooooooo...

Heart of Darkness Alice: Who am I? [ Alice: Alice. ] Queen: Off with her head! Queen: I rule Wonderland alone. Your interference will not be tolerated. This realm is for grown-ups; raw, well-ordered, ruthless, careening on the jagged edge of reality. Self-pitying dreamers are not wanted here; they cannot survive here. Queen: You fear the truth. You live in shadows. Your pathetic attempts to reclaim your sanity have failed. Retreat to the sterile safety of your selfdelusions, or risk inevitable annihilation. Queen: If you destroy me, you destroy yourself! Leave now and some hollow part of you may survive. Stay, and I will break you down; you will lose yourself forever. [ Cheshire Cat: The Queen is dead and gone. Well, at least she's gone for now. Long live Alice. Long live Wonderland. ] [ Cheshire Cat: The Red Queen is gone. At least for now. Live long Alice. Live long Wonderland. ]


2002 Morbid


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