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m AND CARRY - Fultonhistory.com 24/Buffalo NY...Rogert T. Thornton, Miss Marion Hayes and Mr. Ted...

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•II •WW i\ I i •«. VI Society xsr Sunday Supper Welcomes Year For Town Club i 1 i in i ' BUFFALO EYINW* J£*WJ assas Mr*. Holt Extettas-Greetings as Members Entertain Their Friends. Mrs. George W. Holt, president, extended greetings for the new year to 130 members and guests at the Town club candlelight sup- per in the Delaware avenue club- house Sunday evening. y Red lighted tapers decorated the dining room, loggia and li- brary. , Two tall candelabra were on either side of the mantel in the reception hall. A lighted Christmas tree could be seen »through} the iron gate at the main entrance. Mrs. Bert R. Weldle, chairman^ received in plum colored velvet gown and Mrs. Holt was in blatk with rhinestone clips at the/nigh neckline. /* . Miss Arlyiji Stutasman played se- lections on the marimba, accom- panied at the piano by Mr. Ever- ett Adolf. Miss Jessamine Long led carol singing. Mrs. Weidle entertained a party of ten. Her guests were Miss Margaret Steppert and Mr. Harry Smith of Erie, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Milton 8. Finley, Mr. and Mrs. Rogert T. Thornton, Miss Marion Hayes and Mr. Ted Strauss. Mrs, Henry W. Brendel's 30 guests were seated at the large circular table and a long table in S Mning room, nator and Mrs. John ley and their son, John Eden also were present. Mrs. Ethel M. Braner, wo; matron of Highland Park chapter, O. E. 8.. entertained her officers and committee chairmen at dinner Thursday evening in the Park Lane. Women's Federation of First Methodist Episcopal church will hold its regular meeting Thursday morning, Jan. 6, at 11 o'clock in the parish house. Luncheon will be served at noon and followed by a program at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Charles H. Roth, past president of Buffalo Council of Parent-Teachers association, will speak on "Community-Minded Mothers," and Senator Walter J. Mahoney Jwul discuss "Citiaen- ship." Mrs. Norman % Kinsman is cha^paan of devotions. and the Misses Mary Oalmbacher, Caroline Bouwhuls, Anne Crehan, Margaret Kemp, Mary steudle, Sarah Coonly, Elizabeth Nash and Aliee Lowe will pour. w: of Voters League > Program Opens i mil " " " Year's Activities Start in Mrs. Fred's Home. Amherst branch of the Erie County League of Women Voters opened the month's program with a meeting today in the home of Mrs. Thomas S. Frey. The education committee will meet at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow in the Mohawk street YWCA, the Orchard Park branch ivill con- vene at 10:30 o'clock Thursday in the Town hall. At 1:30 o'clock Monday, Jan. 10, the foreign policy committee will meet in the YWCA for a study on collective action; Mrs. Lyle J. Tillou of South street, East Aurora, will be hostess to the East Aurora branch on Tuesday, Jan. 11. A board meeting at 10 o'clock of the local league on Wednes- day, Jan. 12, will be followed by a general meeting at 10:30 and housing discussion inline Iroquois room of Hotel Statler. Speakers at 11:30 o'clock will Include Mr. Jerome C. Prodoehl, executive sec- retary of the Buffalo Real Estate board, and Miss Janet A. Scott, executive secretary of the Buffalo Tuberculosis association. ». Louis C. Slesnick will in- stall the new officers of Highland Park chapter, O. E. 8., tomorrow evening in Highland temple, 2456 Main street: He will be assisted by Mrs. Ethel M. Braner, acting grand marshal; Mr. Frank, R. Spitznagel. acting assistant grand marshal; Mrs. Alberta M. Peffer, acting grand chaplain, Officers to be inducted are: Mrs. lrm» J. Boebel, worthy matron; Mr. John T. Williamson, worthy patron; Miss Laura Mlranu, { associate matron; Mlsa Minnie Rankin, treasurer; Mi&s Emma Thompson, secretary, ' Miss Florence O. Schoenthal, conduc- tress; Mrs. Dorothy Nystrom, assistant conductress; Mrs. Lela Williamson, chap- lain; Mrs. Caroline Williamson, marshal; •Mrs. Kthel Abercromble, assistant marshal; Mrs. Orace E. Morrison, color bearer. Mrs. Anna E. Rodger*, historian; Miss Cola Smith, organist; Mrs. Julia D. Frei- berg, warden; Mr. Frederick A. Clark, sentinel. Mrs. Florence ft Dominic, Adah; Mrs. Nordy c. Mimms. Esther; Mrs. Naomi C. Hoffman, Ruth; Mrs. Dorothy E. Doerfler, Martha; Mrs. Elizabeth 8. Miller, Electa. Mrs, Braner. Mrs. Bertha C. Qalst'er and Mrs. Alice Williams, trustees, « By ANNE CAMPBELL T>ETTY and the babies " A r e a pretty sight! Such a girlish mother Taking her delight In the babies' welfare, In their clothes and tooC Ministering angel To her little brood! Betty and the babies! Dawn finds her astir Often I, arising, Pause to think of her; Envying a little * •* Days that cannot last! Missing my own babies, And the Joyful past! Miss Sophia E. Friedman, gen- eral chairman of the annual sup- per dance of the Sacred Heart Academy alumnae association be- ing planned for Saturday, Jan. 15, at 10 o'clock in the Buffalo Trap and Field club, is being assisted by Miss Regina M. Werder as co-chairman and Miss Mary E. Keirnan, honorary chairman. Committee chairmen include Miss Frances C. Stahl, arrange- ments; Miss Ruth Marie Haffner, reservations; Miss Frances B. Bruicknern, music; Miss Marianne F. Leeb, program; Mrs. Raymond J. Hartl, patrons; Miss Helen J. Lesswing, publicity.. Mr. Oswald M. Schutrum will Install the newly elected officers of Olive chapter, O. E. S. Thursday evening, Jan. 6, at 7:30 o'clock in Buffalo Lodge temple, 212 Caze- novia street. He will be assisted by Mrs. Mu- riel O. Schutrum, Mr. James W, Hickey, Mrs. Muriel Frankenstein, Mrs. Ethel Reck and Mrs. Ade- line Frank. Those to be inducted are Mrs. Nelle Brun-dage, worthy matron; Mr. Norman Weap, worthy patron; Mrs, Martha Brook- hart, associate matron; Mrs. Sarah M. Shaffer, treasurer; Mrs. Mabel D. Harper, secretary. Mrs Sadie Spauldlng, conductress; Mrs. Lenora Lllley. associate conductress; Mrs, Hazel •Whltelock, chaplain; Miss Helen Brundage, marshall; Hiss Ruth Appleford, assistant marshall; Miss Mildred Harpst, color bearer. Mrs. Mabel Overtruf, historian; Mrs. Fannie Reese, musician; Mrs. Lillian Koepf. warden; Mr. William Sohlottman, sentinel; Miss Doris Eggleston, Adah, Miss uuiiiiio Overturf, Ruth; Mrs, Genevieve Oolley, Esther; Mrs. Edith Rob- inson, Martha; Mrs. Margaret Richard- son,' Electa; Mrs. Schutrum, trustee for three years; Mrs, Hazel Duncan, social secretary. Spiritual iLife group of the Women's guild, North Fresbyte- rian church, will meet for a des- sert luncheon tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock in the home of Mrs. Ernest M. Holmes. Mrs. Frederick W. Danforth will ctonduct I the study, which is on Ahe general topic for the year, "Thought." Canisius College Alumnae asso- ciation will hold its annual tea Sunday afternoon, Jan. 9, from 3 to 5 o'clock in the college. Miss Nellie Casten is chairman Miss Betty Bleichfeld is the new- ly elected president of the Ladles' auxiliary of Buffalo post, Jewish War Veterans of the United States. Other officers are: The Misses Elizabeth Bobys, senior visa president; Bather Landsman, junior vice president; Sara Breien.^treasurer; Mildred Wecksler, secretary; Esther Stromberg, chaplain. •' Ida Helper. Judge advocate; Fanny Oohen, conductress; Ruth Barman, associ- ate conductress; Elizabeth Kahn, patriotic instructor; Qoldie Kirstein, Tillie MUtle- man, Ann, Winner, Leah WeUsman, color bearers. Sara Ascanazr, 0am. Feldtnan, Rosa Oerson, trustees. Installation of officers is planned for Jan. 17 at 9 o'clock in .the 106jth armory. Campiirt Girls' Leaders to Have Two Conferences Monday, Hamxft, *98* ssgammamm =3=3= j Mother's club of Canisius High school will meet this evening at 8:15 o'clock in the school. The Rev. Francis J. McVeigh will speak on "Foreign Missions." Mrs. Harold J. Chandler and Mrs. Maurice* J. Flynn, hostesses, will be assisted by Mrs. Edward S. Murphy, Mrs. Francis X. Winkler, Mrs. Lawrence Schubert, Mrs. Ed- ward 1Y,Zumpher. r Mrs. Norman P. McLeod, Mrs. John Schuler, Mrs. Stephen L. Wolczak, Mrs. John M. Egan, Mrs. James Hanavan, Research club met today in Tuyn's restaurant in North street, A paper on "American Bird Life" was read by Mrs. Thomas B. Ackley and a current article by Mrs. William B. Fry, Mr. George W. Benson, who has made a collection of crosses, spoke on "The Cross*-fts History and Symbolism" at today's meeting of the Monday Study club in. the home of Mrs. Milton C. Mumma, 271 Ontario street. Mrs. George B. Wildridge reviewed "The Amer- ican Doctor's Odyssey," Tyrian Chapter, O. E. S., Will install its new officers on Wed- nesday evening at 8 o'clock in Ty- rian Temple, 24$*East tJtica street. Mrs. Andr/w Guenther will be installed a / the new Matron, by Mr. Clarence H. Neal and Mr. Ray A. Stutzman. Elected officers will serve, including Mrs. Elmer A. Menig; associate matron; Mrs. Paul „C. <5ampbejl, treasurer; Mrs. Mary E. Jones, secretary; Mrs; William H. Simpson, conductress. Mrs. Thomas H. Simpson, associate con- ductress; Mrs, Oliver Abendschein, chap- lain; Mrs. Basil S. McMillan, marshall; Miss Maxlne E. Henry, assistant marshall; Miss Esther sohoenleln, historian, n Mrs, Charles B. Schmidt, musician;/Mrs. Frances E. Stesel, warden; Mr, Lyman Bralnard, sentinel; Miss Alvlra M. Sad- water, Adah; Mrs. Howard Barton, Ruth; Miss Ami* K. Malaee, Esther; Mrs. Elmer J. Bugmann, Martha; Mrs. Charles H. Cot- ton Electa; Miss IKHIISO A. •Suthoff, color bearer. Trustee, one year, Mrs. Fred Beck; two years, Mrs. Ernest O. Barton; three years, Mrs. Christian Boldt. The new organization of parents of Canisius, college students will have its first monthly business and social meeting on Friday eve- ning, Jan. IT, at 8:30 o'clock in Canisius Social auditorium, Main street at Jefferson avenue. Sup- per and cards will follow the meeting. The Rev. J. H. Kennedy, S. J„ will be in charge. Annunciation Altar society will- have its regular business and so- cial meeting at 8:30 o'clock to- morrow evening, in the Annuncia- tion social auditorium, Lafayette avenue and Grant street. Mrs. John Murphy, president, will be in charge. _ _ Modestla Lodge, No, 340, F. & A. M-. will install officers this evening at 8 o'clock in the Blue Room of Masonic temple, 4? Ni- agara street. •>•.! ' » » . # ,H> ' i LEAVE FOR FLORIDA Mrs. Albert G. Zittel and her son Albert of Winspear avenue leave today for Miami, Fl*. Annual Miss Teichmann Comes Sa> urday preceding Annual Meeting Monday. Our entire $tock is available for your selection and all coats are drastically reduced in prl<je. You have never attended an event of such importance to your budget. The styles are so new, so flattering, so indescribably lovely . . . the* pelts are so luxurious, so rich in beauty and long-wearing qualities! You'll be thrilled to find just the coat you've longed to possess, at a fraction of the price you expected to pay. /* VAJLUXJO IU UnUUoL I If UFA Persian Lamb Gr. y »«« B\»* $225 to $475 Caracul Coats suck ,nd B, 0 WI $200 to $450 • # • • • • • • . Squirrel Coals Muskrat Sliver and Silverrone , Hudson Seal Dyed Muikrar ''|H| , ||B fl^llH M JAM $175 to $300 $100 to $195 $195 to $275 $275 to $450 Mendoza Beaver o,.i KMI, $95 to $125 Krinuner Coats Sealine Coats D»«J MM Raccoon Full Furred Skins , . • • « • t • '* • •'- * $200 to $350 $ 90 to $128 $150 to $295 isa Our well known reputation for quality and work- manship is your guarantee of satisfaction. Budget Plan Arranged If Desired %/9 $n«u 389 Genesee St, at Pratt St. CL7.I0 ! Small Deposit RMAWM Selection "ts< , v> Miss Eloise Danforth will open her home in West Perry street next Monday evening to members of the board of directors of the Camp Fire Girls. Annual reports will be heard and objectives for the coming yea/ will be outlined. Results will be discussed also of meetings with Miss Ruth TeichV maim, associate field secretary of the National Camp Fire Girls, who will come from New Vork Satur- day to conduct an institute for guardians and to meet council members and group sponsors. {Women interested in leadership wjll meet for a three-hour train- ing course at 2 o'clock Saturday In the Buffalo consistory. Lunch- eon will precede the Institute at which the Guardians' association will be hosts' with Miss Grace ttaird, chairman of the associa- tion, presiding. That evening the Buffalo Council will give a dinner In the Consistory to which will be invited the sponsors of the city groups. Following dinner there will be a round table discussion led by Miss Teichmann. Mrs. Matthew R. Barcellona will preside. Ar- rangements are in charge of Mrs. George C. Laub and Mrs. J. Jay Fuller. The committee of awards, of which* Mrs. Fuller is chairman, will meet at 10 o'clock Saturday morning in the offices in the Buf- falo Museum of Science, . •• I . I ' « II •.i.H.i.i'>Hl< « J. JAY FULLER TO SPEAK Mr. J. Jay Fuller will be guest speaker at a luncheon meeting of the Buffalo League of Advertising Women at 12:30 o'clock Wed- nesday in Hotel Statler. A closed meeting, for members only, will be held at 6:90 o'clock on Wed- nesday evening, Jan. 19, in the Town club. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dreclufler of New York, formerly of Buffalo, spent the holidays in town stop- ping at the Hotel'Statler. They visited with their niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett W. Kavanaugh of Bedford avenue. Mr. Kevin O'Oorman has re- turned to Notre Dame after spend- ing tho holidays in town. Mrs. Byron Spelrs has returned to her home in Chicago, HI., after visiting her mother. Mrs. John H. Vought, of Hodge avenue. Mrs. Gertrude Watson, who the guest of Mrs. Langdor,, Clark Of Norwood avenue, has turned to her home in Mow Que, Dr. and Mrs. Victor S. Conschaf- ter of Pomeroy road, Eggertevllle, had as week-end guests, Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Erickson and their daughter, Barbara, of Detroit. Mrs. Grace W. MasOn of Ytsl lanti, Mich., is visiting her brother, Mr. John L. Warner of West De, van avenue. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bauer and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Conn hive been spending a short time New York. in , Buffalonlans leaving on a fiVe- day cruise to Bermuda and Nas- sau last week were Mr. and ^!rs. William C. Anderson, Miss Jean Andersen andt Mr. and Mrs. W. Colford Anderson, Mr. and 1/,'xs. George K.» Hambleton, CapUin Everett Hooker and Mrs. Hool:er. Mr. Roy W. Doollttle Jr. returns tomorrow to Ridley college, ••[St. Catharines, Ontl, after spending the holidays with his parents! at their home in Summer street. Miss Joan Dunbar of Bryant street returns this week to Miss Hall's school, Pittsfield, Mass.! Mrs. Sidney Sanderson of Jjew Brunswick. N. X, is visiting her mother, Mrs. August L. Domes of West Ferry street. Mrs. Lillian V. Brown of Elm wood avenue is visiting her son Mr. Robert V. Brown and Brown of Chicago, HI. M»rs, Mrs. Reginald J. Tresidder of Main street, Snyder, and her son,. Mr. Argus J. Tresidder, are in New York. Mr. Tresidder will re- turn to Harrisonburg, Va.. where he is professor of Dramatics and English at Harrisonburg State college. ^ . , — . . i»m i. > . Mr. and Mrs. Austin WUcock are leaving soon to spend some time in Florida. Mr. ahd Mrs. Charles N. Perrin of Lexington avenue spent New Year's In Java Center, where they were > the guests of Dr. and Mrs., Hal B. Brownell. Miss Barbara B. Chase, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Perrin for the holidays, has returned to her home in New York. Miss Helen T. Petersxm, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gale Peterson of Admiral road, returns to Wellesley college tomorrow. Miss Betsy McLeod of St. James place returns this week to Duke university, Durham, N. C. Mrs. Arthur H. Reimann and her daughter, Miss Jane Reimann, are spending a few weeks in Miami, Fla., and Cuba. After re- turning Miss Reimann will com- plete her senior year at William Smith college, Geneva. Mrs. John E. Reardon his re- turned from Maryland, whwe she visited her sister, Mrs. Charles T. Swan. Mrs. August L. Dorries and Mrs. Richard R k Fogelsonger leave Jan. 21 for New York and will sail on the S. S. Virginia for Pasadena, Cal., by way of Panama, where they will spend the Winter,' \ MRS. ROY CLARK SPKAKS TO GROUP ON WEDNESDAY "An Economio Approach to Peace" Will be Mrs. Roy H. Clark's subject when she speaks to members of the Women's society of Parkside Lutheran church, fol- lowing luncheon on Wednesday in the church hall. Mrs. Clark is a member of the public affairs com- mittee of the YWCA. Mrs, How- ard C. Braun will be the luncheon chairman and reservations may be made through the church office, Mrs> George Schaaf will be hostess to member,)} of the Ruth guild at 8 o'clock on Friday, Jan. 8, when new officers will be installed. The next meeting of the Young Peoples Forum will be held Sunday evening, Jan. 16, in the home of Mr. apd Mrs. Stanford Cone in Rodney avenue. / • TO ENTERTAIN BOARD Mrs. James W. Dougali win h* hostess to members of the jimw board of the Wheel Chair S. tomorrow evening in her horn. In, Bird avenue. For Skin-Itching, JMilJioiii Praise Zemo Zemo relieves the itching of Simnl* Rashes and Ringworm—soothes th« Itching Irritation of Eczema, Pimniei and similar skin ailments. For 30 years Zemo has been used and praised by millions as a clean, dependabk remedy for family use to relievs th« itching of skin irritations. A trial will convince you of its great merit Zemo should be in every home Approved by Good Housekeeping Bureau, 35c, 60c, $L A l l drugEi s MAY WE SUGGEST . . . a Personal Consultation for the Permanent Removal of ^ttpi>rfln0tt0 Hair in the near future—which, of course, is gratis, A. ,?/• Wliittletau, • - 4 722 Main S t at Tuppcr Twenty-Eight Yesrs fn Buffalo 1 WA. 8324 Hourtt 9 to I as- sess DRY CLEANING VALUES That'll Make You Buy! LadieV Plain Dresses, COATS — Men's SUITS This Week's Special! WOOL SWEATER 69 CASH AND CARRY 19 CASH AND CARRY m .Delivery Service l«e Additional r«r ArikU 5U1I55 - Phone GR. 3100 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
  • •II

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    VI Society xsr

    Sunday Supper Welcomes Year

    For Town Club

    i1 i i n i '

    BUFFALO E Y I N W * J£*WJ assas

    Mr*. Holt Extettas-Greetings as Members Entertain

    Their Friends.

    Mrs. George W. Holt, president, extended greetings for the new year to 130 members and guests at the Town club candlelight sup-per in the Delaware avenue club-house Sunday evening.

    y Red lighted tapers decorated the dining room, loggia and li-brary. , Two tall candelabra were on either side of the mantel in the reception hall. A lighted Christmas tree could be seen

    »through} the iron gate at the main entrance.

    Mrs. Bert R. Weldle, chairman^ received in plum colored velvet gown and Mrs. Holt was in blatk with rhinestone clips at the/nigh neckline. /* .

    Miss Arlyiji Stutasman played se-lections on the marimba, accom-panied at the piano by Mr. Ever-ett Adolf. Miss Jessamine Long led carol singing.

    Mrs. Weidle entertained a party of ten. Her guests were Miss Margaret Steppert and Mr. Harry Smith of Erie, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Milton 8. Finley, Mr. and Mrs. Rogert T. Thornton, Miss Marion Hayes and Mr. Ted Strauss.

    Mrs, Henry W. Brendel's 30 guests were seated at the large circular table and a long table in

    SMning room, nator and Mrs. John ley and their son, John Eden also were present.

    • • •

    Mrs. Ethel M. Braner, wo; matron of Highland Park chapter, O. E. 8.. entertained her officers and committee chairmen at dinner Thursday evening in the Park Lane.

    Women's Federation of First Methodist Episcopal church will hold its regular meeting Thursday morning, Jan. 6, at 11 o'clock in the parish house. Luncheon will be served at noon and followed by a program at 1 o'clock.

    Mrs. Charles H. Roth, past president of Buffalo Council of Parent-Teachers association, will speak on "Community-Minded Mothers," and Senator Walter J. Mahoney Jwul discuss "Citiaen-ship." Mrs. Norman % Kinsman is cha^paan of devotions.

    and the Misses Mary Oalmbacher, Caroline Bouwhuls, Anne Crehan, Margaret Kemp, Mary steudle, Sarah Coonly, Elizabeth Nash and Aliee Lowe will pour.

    w: of

    Voters League > Program Opens

    i mi l " " "

    Year's Activities Start in Mrs. Fred's Home.

    Amherst branch of the Erie County League of Women Voters opened the month's program with a meeting today in the home of Mrs. Thomas S. Frey.

    The education committee will meet at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow in the Mohawk street YWCA, the Orchard Park branch ivill con-vene at 10:30 o'clock Thursday in the Town hall.

    At 1:30 o'clock Monday, Jan. 10, the foreign policy committee will meet in the YWCA for a study on collective action; Mrs. Lyle J. Tillou of South street, East Aurora, will be hostess to the East Aurora branch on Tuesday, Jan.

    11. A board meeting at 10 o'clock

    of the local league on Wednes-day, Jan. 12, will be followed by a general meeting at 10:30 and housing discussion inline Iroquois room of Hotel Statler. Speakers at 11:30 o'clock will Include Mr. Jerome C. Prodoehl, executive sec-retary of the Buffalo Real Estate board, and Miss Janet A. Scott, executive secretary of the Buffalo Tuberculosis association.

    ». Louis C. Slesnick will in-stall the new officers of Highland Park chapter, O. E. 8., tomorrow evening in Highland temple, 2456 Main street: He will be assisted by Mrs. Ethel M. Braner, acting grand marshal; Mr. Frank, R. Spitznagel. acting assistant grand marshal; Mrs. Alberta M. Peffer, acting grand chaplain,

    Officers to be inducted are: Mrs. lrm» J. Boebel, worthy matron;

    Mr. John T. Williamson, worthy patron; Miss Laura Mlranu, { associate matron; Mlsa Minnie Rankin, treasurer; Mi&s Emma Thompson, secretary, ' Miss Florence O. Schoenthal, conduc-tress; Mrs. Dorothy Nystrom, assistant conductress; Mrs. Lela Williamson, chap-lain; Mrs. Caroline Williamson, marshal; •Mrs. Kthel Abercromble, assistant marshal; Mrs. Orace E. Morrison, color bearer.

    Mrs. Anna E. Rodger*, historian; Miss Cola Smith, organist; Mrs. Julia D. Frei-berg, warden; Mr. Frederick A. Clark, sentinel.

    Mrs. Florence ft Dominic, Adah; Mrs. Nordy c. Mimms. Esther; Mrs. Naomi C. Hoffman, Ruth; Mrs. Dorothy E. Doerfler, Martha; Mrs. Elizabeth 8. Miller, Electa.

    Mrs, Braner. Mrs. Bertha C. Qalst'er and Mrs. Alice Williams, trustees, «

    By ANNE CAMPBELL T>ETTY and the babies " A r e a pretty sight! Such a girlish mother

    Taking her delight In the babies' welfare,

    In their clothes and tooC Ministering angel

    To her little brood!

    Betty and the babies! Dawn finds her astir

    Often I, arising, Pause to think of her;

    Envying a little * •* Days that cannot last!

    Missing my own babies, And the Joyful past!

    Miss Sophia E. Friedman, gen-eral chairman of the annual sup-per dance of the Sacred Heart Academy alumnae association be-ing planned for Saturday, Jan. 15, at 10 o'clock in the Buffalo Trap and Field club, is being assisted by Miss Regina M. Werder as co-chairman and Miss Mary E. Keirnan, honorary chairman.

    Committee chairmen include Miss Frances C. Stahl, arrange-ments; Miss Ruth Marie Haffner, reservations; Miss Frances B. Bruicknern, music; Miss Marianne F. Leeb, program; Mrs. Raymond J. Hartl, patrons; Miss Helen J. Lesswing, publicity..

    Mr. Oswald M. Schutrum will Install the newly elected officers of Olive chapter, O. E. S. Thursday evening, Jan. 6, at 7:30 o'clock in Buffalo Lodge temple, 212 Caze-novia street.

    He will be assisted by Mrs. Mu-riel O. Schutrum, Mr. James W, Hickey, Mrs. Muriel Frankenstein, Mrs. Ethel Reck and Mrs. Ade-line Frank.

    Those to be inducted are Mrs. Nelle Brun-dage, worthy matron; Mr. Norman Weap, worthy patron; Mrs, Martha Brook-hart, associate matron; Mrs. Sarah M. Shaffer, treasurer; Mrs. Mabel D. Harper, secretary.

    Mrs Sadie Spauldlng, conductress; Mrs. Lenora Lllley. associate conductress; Mrs, Hazel •Whltelock, chaplain; Miss Helen Brundage, marshall; Hiss Ruth Appleford, assistant marshall; Miss Mildred Harpst, color bearer.

    Mrs. Mabel Overtruf, historian; Mrs. Fannie Reese, musician; Mrs. Lillian Koepf. warden; Mr. William Sohlottman, sentinel; Miss Doris Eggleston, Adah,

    Miss uuiiiiio Overturf, Ruth; Mrs, Genevieve Oolley, Esther; Mrs. Edith Rob-inson, Martha; Mrs. Margaret Richard-son,' Electa; Mrs. Schutrum, trustee for three years; Mrs, Hazel Duncan, social secretary.

    Spiritual iLife group of the Women's guild, North Fresbyte-rian church, will meet for a des-sert luncheon tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock in the home of Mrs. Ernest M. Holmes. Mrs. Frederick W. Danforth will ctonduct I the study, which is on Ahe general topic for the year, "Thought."

    Canisius College Alumnae asso-ciation will hold its annual tea Sunday afternoon, Jan. 9, from 3 to 5 o'clock in the college.

    Miss Nellie Casten is chairman

    Miss Betty Bleichfeld is the new-ly elected president of the Ladles' auxiliary of Buffalo post, Jewish War Veterans of the United States. Other officers are:

    The Misses Elizabeth Bobys, senior visa president; Bather Landsman, junior vice president; Sara Breien.^treasurer; Mildred Wecksler, secretary; Esther Stromberg, chaplain. •'

    Ida Helper. Judge advocate; Fanny Oohen, conductress; Ruth Barman, associ-ate conductress; Elizabeth Kahn, patriotic instructor; Qoldie Kirstein, Tillie MUtle-man, Ann, Winner, Leah WeUsman, color bearers.

    Sara Ascanazr, 0am. Feldtnan, Rosa Oerson, trustees.

    Installation of officers is planned for Jan. 17 at 9 o'clock in .the 106jth armory.

    Campiirt Girls' Leaders to Have Two Conferences

    Monday, Hamxft, *98* ssgammamm = 3 = 3 =

    j Mother's club of Canisius High school will meet this evening at 8:15 o'clock in the school. The Rev. Francis J. McVeigh will speak on "Foreign Missions."

    Mrs. Harold J. Chandler and Mrs. Maurice* J. Flynn, hostesses, will be assisted by Mrs. Edward S. Murphy, Mrs. Francis X. Winkler, Mrs. Lawrence Schubert, Mrs. Ed-ward 1Y,Zumpher. r

    Mrs. Norman P. McLeod, Mrs. John Schuler, Mrs. Stephen L. Wolczak, Mrs. John M. Egan, Mrs. James Hanavan,

    Research club met today in Tuyn's restaurant in North street, A paper on "American Bird Life" was read by Mrs. Thomas B. Ackley and a current article by Mrs. William B. Fry,

    Mr. George W. Benson, who has made a collection of crosses, spoke on "The Cross*-fts History and Symbolism" at today's meeting of the Monday Study club in. the home of Mrs. Milton C. Mumma, 271 Ontario street. Mrs. George B. Wildridge reviewed "The Amer-ican Doctor's Odyssey,"

    Tyrian Chapter, O. E. S., Will install its new officers on Wed-nesday evening at 8 o'clock in Ty-rian Temple, 24$*East tJtica street.

    Mrs. Andr/w Guenther will be installed a / the new Matron, by Mr. Clarence H. Neal and Mr. Ray A. Stutzman.

    Elected officers will serve, including Mrs. Elmer A. Menig; associate matron; Mrs. Paul „C. ' i

    LEAVE FOR FLORIDA Mrs. Albert G. Zittel and her

    son Albert of Winspear avenue leave today for Miami, Fl*.


    Miss Teichmann Comes Sa> urday preceding Annual

    Meeting Monday.

    Our entire $tock is available for your selection and all coats are drastically reduced in prl
