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M ' BUDGEwhoT am PU I? N - fultonhistory.comfultonhistory.com/newspaper 8/Niagara Falls NY...

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T •.^r.-ToSV Monday, May -14, 1951 Prohibition phallcnged RAJAHUNDRY, South India W-± Dr. N. S. Rcddi of Rajahmundry pe- titioned the Madras high, court for legal permission to drink' whiskey- denied him by the state's prohibition act—on the ground that it relieved his attacks of-jlsthma. His affidavit to the court said •nhe only medicine that has been giving me relief in asthmatic attacks fa Scotch whiskey, and very ; often THE NIAGARA FALLS G'AZETTE Page, Seven -.v M it has acted as a preventive to ward off impending attacks." In ' response to his petition the Madras high court issued a writ of mandamas which raised the question of the validity Of. state prohibition for Madras. Dr. Reddi's appeal will be decided by the Indian Supreme court' Lou Limmer, rookie first baseman for the Philadelphia Athletics, re- pairs refrigerators'ih'the off season; Information Please "MILWAUKEE <tn—Mrs. Frank Larkin briefed her four-year-old son Joe for his first trip to the grocery store and sent, him 'for a' loaf of bread to be charged. Joe came back a few minutes later empty-handed and breathless. M We can have the \ bread all right, Mom," he said, "but who am I?" ' BUDGET PUN fe'UK-SWHrfcrfwiily Mgits AMD nrS A MOME/^AVER.TOai START NOW AND GET THE ' BENEFITS- OF SPECIAL BUDGET PRICES I Imagine how wonderful it will be to Rave your next win- ter's heat all paid for ahead of time! The 'blue coal' Budget Plan works just like a Christ- mas Club. Terms are easy to iuit you. No red tape. COME IN OR PHONE TODAY S^.i> LOOK AT THESE 3. BIG ADVANTAGES 1. 2. m <**C4fc ?!wly -M«& Wm <&,*. HtF BINGEHHEIMER COAL CO., INC. 9th Street & Grove Ave. Phone 5736 Niagara Falls, N. Y. Convenient S-P-R-E-A-D* out payments... easy terms to suit you. No worries! Coal is de- livered in plenty of time... you're all paid up before next winter. 3 Haody coupon payments • make household budgets run smoother all the year 'round. FREE FURNACE INSPECTION Let ui ihow you how you can urt money by bringing your furnace up-to- date. No obligation. L. E. SCHRACK, INC. 161 - 86th Street Phone 3701 Niagara Falls, N. Y. County Transcripts DON'T GAMBLE! 'blue COalV COLOR GUARANTEES YOU GET THE BEST TRY IT IN YOUR HOME 10 DAYS, FREE! SHOWN 304 MONTHS Entirely new in conception . . .'new in washing action . . . new in rinsing principles . . . the ABC-O-Matic out* performs them all. It's backed by 40 years of washer experience} and pro- duction. It was developed by industry men who helped pioneer the first power-driven washer, the first swing- ing wringer and other important, washing advancements. CleM* r WtsMnF -a* ****_-.- "ei* Over floytM Rlns* Phone 8201 Pine at l$th LOPEN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY TILL 9 f. M, Niagara County Clerk's Oflicc. May 1. 1931, MORTGAGES WcndeU 0. Skinner. Niagara. Falls, to Buffalo Savings Bank. M.500. Herbert L. and ElUabeth G. Michel. Town of Porter, to Farmer* and Me- chanics Savings Bank. tt.OM. Crosby t and Betty W. Steel. Lock- port, to Manufacturers and Traders Trust company,"$7,600. Emll G. and Mary S. Luscher. Buf- falo, to Farmers and Mechanics Savings bank. S6.0Q0. Roy M. and Edith M. Breckon. Village of Lewlston. to The Marine Trust com- paiiy. M.OOO. Clarence E. and Evelyn Halstead. Vil- lage of Nawfahe, to Harry A. and Selena C Shaw* W.000. . • James^A. Doyle. Niagara. Falls, ,to Duncan Motors. Inc.. $26,000. . John B. and" Evelyn R. Goetxman. Ni- agara Falls, to Power-City Trust com- pany, $1<.000. Frederick M. and Dorothy E. Toueh- ette. Niagara Falls, to Niagara. Perma- nent Saving and Loan association. $4,- 800. , Leigh O. and Onnalee' Clouser. Town of Wbeatfield to Raymond B. and Helen L Forte, $1,400. Leigh O and Onnalee Clouser, Town of WheaUleld, to Mary Jamleson. $3,000. Carl A. Slrlannl, Lockport, to John ObrochU. $1,000. Joyce R. Smith. Niagara Falls, to Buffalo Savings Bank. $6,350. Henry A. and Mary M. Mosolf. Ni- agara Falls to Niagara County. Savings bank. $1,000. Louis P. Luccbettl. Niagara Falls, to Buffalo Savings Bank. $10,100. James Sandonato.. Niagara Falls to Niagara County Saving* bank. $11,000. DEEDS Raymond B. and Helen T. Forth to Leigh Oden and Onnalee Clouser. Town of WheaUleld. Joseph C. and Michael S. Acnello to Louis P. Lucchetti. Niagara Falls. Katherlne Cirrito to Marion Clrrlto, Niagara Falls. Crescent Drive. Inc., to Wendell O. Skinner. Niagara Falls. , •George and Minnie Kitney. to Joyce R. Smith. Lewlston. John Obrochta to Carl A n t o n y Slr- lannl. Lockport. Frank and Lillian Muiso to Cyril A. and Alice P. Wlnterboume. Niagara Falls. Stanley Litwlnski to Matthew P. and Eleanore A. Darlak, North Tonawanda. Isabel Morrison and Mary Stuiven- verge to. Andre and Bernadette Ver- mrtte. Niagara Falls. Domanlc and Margaret Looei to Louis P. and Clara C. Indovlno. Niagara Falls. Chester O. Baysor. as treasurer, to Mn. Harriett* R. O'Brien. Wilton. Florence R. Irwin, to Richard Pas- saiamua, Niagara Falls. Wlllard H. and Josephine T. Harris to Crosby E. and Betty W. Steel. Lock- port. Richard J. and Mary E. Monett- to Emll G. and Mary E. Luscher. Town of Lockport James A. Doyle to Duncan Motors, Inc. Niagara Falls. June Howlett to James A. Doyle. Niagara Falls. Anna Schilling to Clarence E. Evelyn M. Halstead. Middleport. JUDGEMENTS Atlas Canning Company. Inc. Beniamln Sutherland. Model City 738.48. Arrowhead Souvenirs. Inc.. vs. James Taylor. 406 Portkabd avenue. Minne- sota, $156.80. and vs. $1.- Niagara County Clerk's Office. May 2. 1951. DEEDS Donald D. Everitt to Donald D. and Margaret L. Everitt, Town of Lewiston. Everett Skutt to Joseph V. Rackie- wlcz. Town of Hartland. Stanley V. and Genevieve D. Weso- lewskl to Alfred W. and Rose T. Pugh. North Tonawanda. John and Josephine Bucolo to Jan and Paula J. Bednarz. Lockport. Clifford R. and Frances L. Bradley to Wllford and, Blanche Berget. Wilson. • Harry A. and Pearl E. Hall, to Byron C. and Lorraine L. Thomas. Town of Lockport. Kenneth M. and Martha Fleming to Elvlo Moscettl and Anthony F. Zlto. Niagara Falls. Adolf Kelemen to Richard Wendlandt, North Tonawanda. Florlno Fiorentlnl to Fiorino and Fran- ces Floretlnl, Niagara Falls. Ralph A. and Irene S. Thompson to Emma Mary Tall, Lockport John rieluszak to LeRoy E. Fritz. Town of WheaUleld. Normai A. and Barbara J. Striffler to Alfred W. and Lillian R. Frost. Town of Royalton. Emma Mary Tall to Kenneth A. and Sophia H. Gudermuth. Lockport. Isabella M. Monln to Mary K. Jones, Lewlston. Harry and Theda Kromer to Harry Kromer, et at. Niagara Falls. Minnie Brunlng. et al to Arnold and Dorothy C. Brunlng. Town of Royal- ton. -\ Alb«rt H. -Brunlng. et al. to Arnold and Dorothy C. Brunlng. Town of Roy- alton. Albert H. Brunlng. et al. to Minnie and Lloyd Brunlng, Town of Royalton. William C. Moll to Charles R. Fox. North Tonawanda. Rose Mary Keough. et al. to May I. Lanlgan, Niagara Falls. Ruth W. Beggs to Albert K. and Lottie M. Flelg. Lewiston. Ralph J. Kirsch to Lillian M. and Ar- thur R. Gursllng. North Tonawanda. .Llnwood Homes. Inc. to Walter A. and Audrey Zimmerman, North Tona- wanda. V Louis H. and Louise Rossi to George E. Eudora Bancroft. North Tonawanda. Max M. Oppenhelm Realty Company. Inc.. to John T. and Eva M. Sarglnson. Niagara Falls. Charles Markowltz. Adam J. Dwor- zanskt. to Allene M. Vona. North Tona- wanda. MORTGAGES , Arnold and Dorothy C Brunlng. Town of Royalton to Minnie and Lloyd Brunlng and Carl Brunlng, Town of Alabama, $3,000. LerOy E. Fritz. Town of WheaUleld. to Franklin and Miriam Stolzenburg. $8,000. May 1 Lanlgan. Niagara Falls, to Rose Mary Keough. et al. $1,300. Alfred W. and Rose T. Pugh. North Tonawanda, to Marine Trust company, $3,000. Jan and Paula J. Bednarz. Lockport. to Manufacturers and Traders Trust company, $4,300. Allene M. and James Vona. Tona- wanda. to Niagara Savings and Loan association. $3,000. John T. and Eva M. Sarglnson. Niag- ara Falls, to Niagara Savings and Loan association. Tonawanda, $7,500. Tonawanda. to Niagara Savings and George E. and Marie Motley. North Loan association. Tonawanda. $4,000. Richard Wendlandt, Buffalo, to Adolf Keleman. $17,000. Walter A. and Audrey Zimmerman. Tonawanda. to Niagara Savings and Loan association. $6,300. Lillian M. and Arthur R. Gursllng. North Tonawanda, to Niagara Savings and Loan association. Tonawanda, $8.- 800. Clement M. and Josephine P. Joyce. Tonawanda. to the Prudential Insurance Company of America. $10,000. George and Eudora Bancroft. North Tonawanda. to Niagara Savings and Loan association, $3,000. Florlno and Frances Fiorentlnl. Niag- ara Falls, to Niagara County Savings bank. $12,000. Blaine A. and Naomi A. Shaw, Niag- ara Falls, to The Western Savings Bank. Buffalo, $3X00. and Mildred A. Whltcdmb. North Ton- awanda. Anna Polek to Joseph Polek. North Tonawanda. Elmer W. Rosebrook and William F. Volkstadt to Stephen A. and Agnes A. Sass. North Tonawanda. Lulgi and Pauline Salicocioll to Frank and Mamie Marlgllo. Niagara Falls. Harold E. .and Theresa B. Kelly to Martin F. Wright, Niagara Falls. Albert H. Merritt to Wall** and Staphania Pyda. Niagara Falls. George E. and Mary Miller to Roger E. -and Edna M. Hidlebrandt. Lockport. George F. and Laura L. Freatman to Elton. K. and Gertrude I. WlDcins. Town of Cambria. Myron E. Jeffords to Myron E. and Beatrice Jeffords. Youngstown. •Louise Selbel to Cordelia Bushman. Town of WheaUleld. Cordelia Bushman to Louise Selbel. et al. Town of WheaUleld. Edward W. and Ruth E. D. Storms to Michael N. and Alberta M. Corrlere. Lockport. 7 _ _ Victor J. and Margaret E. Traux to Leon L. Patterson, Jr., and Helen W. Patterson. Newfane. . , .._._, Helen K. Burt and Adeline H. Robin- son to Roman W. Wallace. Lewlston. Milton E. Switxer. as commissioner. to Carl M. and Paulina Stolzenberg. Newfane. .. Ronald D. McDonald to Harold W. and Lillian B. Terryberry. Niagara Falls. JUDGMENTS Acme Builders Supply and Fuel Com- pany. Inc.. vs. Bowie and Son". Inc.. 1319 Eighteenth street.-Niagara Tails. $33X81. F. L Herbert company vs. Relerh Ca- nosa. 339 l*Uth street. Niagara Falls. $93.33. Industrial commissioner vs. Walter H. Page "and Fred Drew. 108-114 Niagara street. Niagara Falls. $36.77. . Industrial commissioner vs. Robert Sadler. 708 Ninth street. Niagara Falls. $73.79. Industrial commissioner va. Thomas B. Savage. 321 Fourth street, Niagara Falls. $293.61. Jean DePalma vs. Vernon Bump, RFD 4. Albion. $61.35. ' William H. Rayburn vs. Armeda and John Brennan, Medina, $45.40,. Niagara County Clerk's Office. May 4th. 1931 MORTGAGES Frank J. and Adele M. MoUtor. New, fane, to The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S.. $7,000. Herbert W. and Jean».H. Wagner. Lockport. to Wyndham Lawn Home For Children. $1,824.93. Helen Butynski. Niagara Falls, to Ni- agara Permanent Savings and Loan As- sociation, $7,000. Loren and Sybil G. Balcom. Youngs- town. to Niagara Permanent Savings and Loan association. $3,000. Stanley M. and Marian F. Mayes. Ni- agara Falls to Niagara County Savings bank. $5,000. ^Fiorino and Frances Fiorentlnl. Ni- agara Falls, to Niagara County Savings bank. $7,300. Wallace M. and Mary Remaley. Niag- ara Falls to Marine Trust Company of Western New York. $8,300. Fiorino and Frances Fiorentlnl. Niag- ara Falls to Niagara County Savings bank, $7,300. DEEDS Fred D. Fitts to James R. L. and Anna Harriett Cole. Somerset Adoniram J. Richardson to Robert L. Molyneaux. Wilson. Adoniram J. Richardson to Robert L. Molyneaux, Wilson. Lockport Realty Corporation to An- gelo A. and Audrey M. Tomalno. Lock- port Harriet A. Fanning to J. Lloyd and Elranor S. Poland. Royalton. J. Max Allen to Richard Ixr and Ro- berta M. Carr. Lewlston. John and Helen Gallle to Anthony Gallic Cambria. John and Helen Gaille to Leonard Gallic Cambria, Victor Talarico and Lulgl Talarico to Wallace M. and Mary Remaley. Niag- ara Falls. J. F. Henry DeLange to Ada I. Moss. Porter. Ada I. Moss to Stanley M. and Mar- ian F. Mayes. Porter. Ida Carter Davey to Stanley M. and Marian F. Mayes, Porter. LeRoy Rohring. Sr.. to Edward F. and Rose Daniels. Somerset JUDGMENTS J. N. Adam and Company vs. Marie Orleman. 7003 Buffalo avenue. Niagara Falls. $238.56. Thomas J. Mullaney vs. Elmer E. W!Uon. 427 West avenue. Lockport $921.25. Knack-Sinclair Corporation vs. Frank Seed. Strand Theatre Building. 19 Falls street. Niagara Falls, $65.20. Ro-Al Home Equipment Comoany. Inc., vs. William and Dorothy Dolotes, 345 Gooding street. Lockport. $133.81. Household Finance Corporation vs. Willis S. Sherman. Olcott. $168.00. Lincoln Rochester Trust company vs. Anthony F. Clements, 357 First street, Rochester. $2,060.67. Shedd Brown Manufacturing Company vs. Norman G. Burton. 56 A. Central anc. North Tonawanda. $72.69. " Howard and Amnld Ferris vs. James Beaver. Wilson, $105.22. G. A. Young vs. Pat Winters. Pine avenue and Sixty-fourth street. Niagara Falls, X131.44. Th» Travelers Insurance Companv vs. Donald J. McDowell, no address. $934.31. MECHANIC LIEN Jack G. Brown vs. Samuel J. In- fantine, M15.00. Jack G. Brown vs. Aldred J. Bax. et al. Niagara County Clerk's Office. May 3, 1931 MORTGAOES i Duane N. and Robert W. Kraute, North Tonawanda. to Hill Mortgages corporation. $8,350. Duane N and Robert W. Kraute. North Tonawanda. to Hill Mortgage Corooratlon. $8,330. Walter and Stephanla ,Pyda. Niagara Falls, to Niagara Permanent Savings and Lo»n association. $2,000. Myron E. and Beatrice Jeffords. Youngstown. to - Manufacturers and Traders Trust company. $4,300. Roman W. and Helen C. Wallace. Niagara Fall*, to Niagara permanent Savings and Loan association. $6 500. Walter and Stephanla Pyda. Niagara Falls, to Albert H. Merrllt. $1,300. Michael N. and Alb-rU M. Corrlerl. Lockport. to Lockport Savings and Loan association. $3,400. Lawrence S. and Jul!* M. Dlrpartl. Niagara Falls, to Erie County Savings bank. $8,230. Belarm'no and Norma J. Valllna. Ni- agara Falls, to James H. Bums. $11300. Julius J. and Eileen F. Soharfcl. Ni- agara Falls, to Marine Trust Company of Western New York. $3,000. Auruit and Stella Riuta. Niagara Falls, to Niagara County Savings bank, $11.- 300. ••Douglas M. and Margaret F. RAberlson. Niagara Tails, to Sarah B. Krtmtrs. $HMXX>. Leslie W. Lett. Nlarsra Falls. toXlsr- sra Permanent Savings and Loan asso- ciation. $7,400. Norman W. and Hilda Mallesrm. VII- lare of Wilson, to Cornelius. A. and Ada A. SoUsbury. $7300. John Krawszyk, Niagara Falls, to Buffalo Savings bank. $9X00. . Archie Harold mis. Niagara tails, to Buffalo Savings hank. $9300. DEEDS Jotenh C and Michael 8. Agnello to John Krswctyk. Niagara Falls. Joseph C and Michael S. Agnello to Archie Harold Thets. Niagara Falls. Nc-rrtt P. Hills to Belarmlno and Nfrma J. Valllna. Town of Niagara. Cornelius A. and Ad« A. SnlUbury to Norman W. and Hilda Matteson. Town of Cambria. John C and Josephine Dimlflo to Carman Cagglano, Niagara Fall*. ' Vlrgllla I^one to Lawrence Salvstore. and Julia M. Dlrpartl. Nlsgsra Falls. Thomas and Florence M. Salt 4rt Ho. bert C. and L. Deri* Baker. Nlagar* Falls. Stella HaihatowsM to August and Stella Sluta, Niagara Fall*. Mildred A. Whltcomb to Kensett D. and Mildred A, Whltcomb, North Ton- awanda. Mildred A. Whltcomb to XtnMtt D. pany of Western New York. $9,000. Stanley J. and Agnes Olewln, Niagara Falls, to Frances M. Koltham. $3,630. Stanley J. and Agnes Olewln. Niagara Falls to Edith V, Meland, $3,630. Anthony F. and Margaret Zlto. Niag- ara Falls to .Niagara Permanent Savings and Loan association. $1,600. Charles Y. Fowlle. Jr. and Margaret C. Bennett Niagara Falls, to Niagara^ Permanent Savings and Loan assocla Hon.- $7,000. Carl W. and Lucille Foss. Niagara Falls, to Niagara Permanent Savings and Loan association. $5,200. Elmer E. Schaal. Ranumville. to John Golebrioski. $1,800. f Martin H. and M. verna Burns, to Glenwood Cemetery association. $2,400. Ransomville Implement and* Supply company. Ransomville. to Glenn H. and Bernice Foote. $3,000. " '• Ransomville Implement and Supply Ctunpany. Inc.. Ransomville to Clarence E. and Ora B. Cornell. $2,000. Bruno J. and Mary L. Swleca. Niag- ara Falls to Niagara Permanent Savings and Loan association. $8,000. DEEDS Crescent Drive, inc., to Josephine Rudy. Niagara Falls. William R. and Eleanor C. LandU to Robert F. and M#ry Louise SchulU. Niagara Falls. DeVeaux School to Mario J. and Margaret Vlolante. Niagara Falls. Edith V. Meland. et al to Stanley J. and Agnes Olewln. Youngstown. Maurice C and Catherine M. Murphy to Walter L Sweet Lockport Leonora E." Johnson ' and Truman A, SehwarlzenhoU to John R. and Grace Reeves. North Tonawanda. Elizabeth Florke to Milton.E. SwlUer as commissioner. Lockport. Ruth C. Gruraweig to ' Otis F. and Evelyn. A.. Wollenberg, North • Tona- wanda. William F, and Eleanor J. Frank, to Louis W. and Rose V. Hird. Wheatfleld. Becker. Moore and Company. Inc.. to International Filler Corporation. North Tonawanda. Peter J. lannuzzl to Domenlck A. lan- nuzxi. Niagara Falls. Robert W. and Marie Elizabeth Perry to Brunnon C. and Genevieve V. Nor- mand. Niagara Falls. Walter M. MacDonald. Jr., and Ianthe R. MacDonald, to'Clifford E. and Reglna E. Utter. North Tonawanda. Carl E. and Eva L. Hakes to Charles Y. Fowlle. Jr.. and Margaret C. Ben- nett. Niagara Falls. Joseph C. and Laura G. Ruh to Don- ald W. and Olyve W. Andrus. Wlhon. Joseph N. Harbatowskl to Hooker Electrochemical company, Niagara Falls. Esther W. Smith to Martin K. and M. Verna Burns, Newfane. John Golebloski, et al to Elmer E. Schaal. Hartland. Martin K. Burns and M. Verna Burns, to Esther W. Smith. Middleport Clarence E. and Ora B. Cornell, et al. to Ransomville Implement and Supply Company, Inc.. Porter. Clarence E. and Ora B. Cornell to Ransomville Implement and Supply Company. Inc.. Porter. JUDGMENTS F. Gellman and A. Gellman. G. and G. Home OuUitters Company vs. Harry Smith. 321 Twelfth street. Niagara Falls. $92.09. F. Gellman and A. Gellman. G. and G. Outfitters Comoany vs. Emll and Madeline Lutz. 1133H Michigan avenu*. Niagara Falls. $76.16. New York Telephone Company vs. Peter J. Inzana. 647 Ninety-sixth street, Niagara Falls. $31.04. Leroy Keesler vs. Frank Hill. 342H Tenth street. Niagara Falls, $196.05. Associate Discount Corporation vs. Duane Granville. Newfane. $84.17. Practical Enterprises. Inc.. v*. Peter and Hattle Decontle. Sanborn. $47.95. JOIN OUR BLANKET CLUB Now! 1.00 Down • 1.00 Month SAVINGS FOR YOU! Niagara County Clerk's Office. May 3. 1951 MORTGAGES George and Marilyn Panoslanr Nlag- Falls to Erie County Savings bank, $9,500. James H. and Phyllis A. Noon»n, Ni- agara Falls, to Erie County Savings bank. $9,500. Robert W. and Betty M. Kimmel. Ni- agara Falls to Erie County Savings bank. $10,000. James A. and Anita M. McCarrek. Ni- agara Falls to Erie County Savings bank, $9,500. DEEDS James A. Cook to Joseph and Albert LaDuca. Niagara Falls. Angelo DeMunda l" Joseph N. Har- batowskl. Niagara Falls. Joseph N. Harbatowskl to James T. Sandonato, Niagara Falls Otlo H. Wltklns to Arlehe Bowler. Pendleton. Phllln Ebbele to James A. and Anita M. McCarrMl. Niagara Falls. Angelo DeMund» to James Atwood and Anita M. McCarrel. Niagara Falls. Arthur W. and Madelln* D. Hexlmer to Samuel J. Infantino, Nlagar* Fells. Netta Cowe to John LaVla, Niagara Falls. Thomas PetraVI* to G*nr*e and Mar- ilyn Pannslan. Niagara Falls. Edmund F.. and Ethel*n E. Stevens to Robert WlUon and Betty Kimmel. Lewlston. Anaelo D^Munda to James Harold and Phyllis A. Norman. N'ar.ra Falls. JUDGMENTS Eaton Office Sunplv Company. Inc.. »t. David Mo'sn. 1458 Genesee street. Buffalo, $100.22. Interstate Floor Covering Coroora- tion vs. Ralph S. and Ruth W. Kemp. 100 Allen street. Lockport. $238.46. Niagara County Clerk's Office. May 7lh. 1951 MORTGAOES Bo!** and Helen Chenkau«kas. Niag- ara Falls to The Marine Trust com- pany, $2,000. James M. and Cecelia B. Lloscomb. Niagara Falls. t« William A. and Helen H. Wllklns, $3,000. % Anthonv Prlncevalle. Niagara Falls, to Niagara Permanent Savings and Loan Association, $4J0n. DEEDS Nellie M. Van Slvke to Louis and Jo- sephine Malone, North Tonawanda. Dare* E. and Jean Hilts to Darcy E. Hilts. North Tonawanda. Lillian M. and Patricia Anne Schwlch- ler to' Louis and Josephine Malone. North Tonawanda. Anna M. Murph*- la' Loul* and Jo- sephine M»lon». North Tonawanda. Edward F. Messing to *ouls and Jo- seohlne Malone. -North Tonawartda. Cltv of North Tonawanda »n Edward F. Messing, North Tonawanda. Willis A. and Helen H. Wilkin* to James M. and Cecelia B. Lipscomb. W"«oa. Burt A. and Evelm L. L«wls to Alvln Human. North Tonawanda. George W. Phlilln*. Jr.. to Burt A. and Evelyn L, Lewis. North Tonawanda. Guttav and Lucy Demler to George E. Phillies, Jr., North Tonawanda. Manr D. Greenbush to D'rkmn H. and Eleanor J. Aseltlne. Lockport, Leo J. and Bernice A Roxan to Kay »V. Wyrauch. Niagara Falls. Richard Rutkow»Vl to Kay V. Wy- ranch. Niagara Tails. Amanda R, Slrsitan to Kay V. Wy- rauch. Niagara Tall*. Richard Rutkowskt to Tall* Develop- ment Company, Inc.. Lewiston. Marie Earle FJe*elherrer to Kay V. Wyrauch. Niagara Falls. Joseph N. Harbatowskl and Xay V. Wyrauch to Thomas and Rotalee Caltsta. Niagara Fall*. Rubin Jaeobi to Richard Pasulacqua. Nlarara FalU. Marie Vogt TomoMns to Guy La Gsmha. Niagara Fall*. Lewiston Estates. Inc., to Crescent Drive. Inc., Lewiston. John H. Northrrro bv executor to Angela DeMunda. Niagara Fall*. Minnie Vevlrito to Henry A. and Carmel I* Martu*. Lewlston. Je«*r>h P. and Mary Margaret Tearc* lo Arthur* J. Andem*. Lewiston. Raymond P. and Betty 8. White to Charles J. and Ida Barrancotto, Royal- ton. Niagara County Clerk'* Office. May Ith. 103] MORTGAGES Brufinon'C and Genevieve V. Nor- mand. N'»**»ra Falls, to Buffalo Savings Bank. $9,000. John B. and Grace Reeves. Buffalo, Carl R. and Leonora F-. Johnson. 110.000. Josephine Rudy. Lewiston. to Marin* Trust Company of Western New York. $3300 Robert F. and Mary Louise Sjfhultt. Niagara rails, to Matin* Trust Com- Nlagnra County Clerk's Ofifce May 9th. 1951 MORTGAGES Lawrence A. Alexander. Niagara Falls to Bufalo Savings bank. $9,250. Robert Herman Winker. Nlaagra Falls to Buffalo Savings bank. $9300. Robert Adamson. Niagara; to Buffalo Savings bank. $9,000. Leroy G. and Jaynette B. Foss. Niag- ara Falls to Walter and Martha C. Frantz. $7,000. Anthony and Adeline Arone. Niagara Falls to Niagara County Savings bank. $9,500. Constant J. and Josephine N. Topolskl. North Tonawanda to Niagara Saving* and Loan Association of Tonawanda. $3,800. Dolly M. Flay, Niagara Falls to Nia- gara Permanent Savings and Loan as- sociation, $9,000. Melvln A. and Florence Gaude. Burt to The Farmers and Mechanics Savings bank. $6300. Robert L. and Beatrice V. Fackler. Middleport to Middleport Savings and Loan association, $1,700. Llnwood Homes Inc.. North Tona- wanda to Niagara Savings and Loan Association of Tonawanda, $7,600. Juliette G. Goupil. Niagara Falls to Ernest L. and James B. Strong. $11300. Macrena M. Dickie. Niagara FalU to Erie County Savings bank. $9,000. Edwin E. and Dorothy Brierley. Nia- gara Falls to Erie County Savings bank, $9,400. Edward and Frances Odrzywolski. North Tonawanda to Niagara Savings and Loan Association of Tonaw.'.nda, $10,000. Richard J. and Kathryn J. Kalin- owski. North Tonawanda to Niagara Savings and Loan Association of Tona- wanda. $9,000. Bernard .F. and Jenny Lesnlewski, WheaUleld to Niagara Savings and Loan Association of Tonawanda, $3,600. Homer and Edna Marie Hooper. Nia- gara Falls to .Max M. Oppenhelm Realty company. $4,000. Frederick and Genevieve Skurskl, Niagara Falls to Basil»and Agatha O'Dara, $11300. Thomas S. and Lottie V. Bonk. Nia- gara FalU to Reah M. FUher. $3300. Llnwood Homes Inc.. North Tona- wanda to Niagara Savings and Loan Association of Tonawanda, $7,600. Myrtle E. Swtck. Nlaagra Falls to Florence H. Chapln. Nlaagra FalU, $3,000. DEEDS Crescent Drive Inc. to Lawrence A. Alexander. Niagara Falls. Crescent Drive Inc. to Robert Adam- son. Niagara Falls. Crescent Drive Inc. to Robert Her- man Winker, Niagara Falls. Szczepan and Brontslawa Slkora to Edward and Frances OdrzynoUkl, North Tonawanda, Arthur and Florence C. Slsson to Richard J. and Kathryn J. Kallnowski. North Tonawanda. Bruno G. and Mildred A. Schultz to Frederick and Genevieve A. Skurskl. Wheatfleld. David M. Flay Jr. to Dolly M. Flay. Niagara Falls. A. Russel Leone to Juliette J. Gou- pil. Niagara FalU. Norman L. and Marie D. Bathrlck, et al to Lloyd W. and Edna Jesson, Somer- set. Anna Swlnluch, et al to Joseph Stan- ley and Mary W. Swlnluch, North Tonawanda. -John LaVla to Edwin E. and Dor- othy Brierley. Niagara Falls. Mary S. McNulty to Macrena M. Dickie. Niagara Falls. Raymond W. and Mary A. Peete to Wlllard N. Belden. Niagara. Wlllard N. Belden and Hazel Belden to John and Caroline Gudz, Niagara Falls. Marie Slack to Norman E. Belden, Niagara. Bfunnon C. and Genevieve V. Nor- mand to Fred A. and Charlotte M. De- Lorenzo. Niagara Falls. David' Brown to Anthony and Adeline Arone. Nlaagra Falls. Walter and Martha C. FranU to Le- roy C. and Jaynette B. Foss, Niagara Fall*. John LaVla to Thomas B. and Lot- tie V. Bonk. Niagara Tails. Max. M. Oppenhelm Realty Com- pany Inc. to Homer and Edna Maria Hooper. Niagara TalU. Eugene W. Smith Jr. to Richard E, and Rose B. Gladow, Newfane. Dorothy M. Schank to Mary Miller, Newfane. Mary C Lehman to Kay V. Wyrauch. Niagara Falls. John Clay Miller and Minnie M. Mil- ler to Melvln A. and Florence Gaude. Newfane. JUDGMENTS Home and Auto Loan Company Inc. vs. Buddy J. Fleming, 336 Spring street, Buffalo, $211.40. J. F. McGowan vs. Eloti* and Ste- phen Lawson, $93.31. H. H. Butler Stores Inc. va. Marcus Thomas, 3334 Ely avenue. Niagara Falls. $218 33. .1 Associates pwetivint corporation va, Leland Wood. 13 Adam street Ti wanda, $279.63. ["ona- |t Pigeons Thrive on Rum SYDNEY, m — Newc*$tle'$ pig- eons won the first round ot the rum- soaked wheat bane. You may have read of the bright idea of Newcastle Parks Supervisor M. Sivert to feci the city's pigeons with wheat soaked in rum. The idea was that the pig- eons would become staggcry and easy to catch. The pigeons were—• and siilf are—unpopular because they are eating up the young poppies and panties sown for a big flotal display. The Newcastle people fed the pig- eons plain wheat for two days. The third day they laced the wheat with rum. From nearby roofiops the pig* eons swooped down into the park. They ate heartily. They flew back to the rooftops in steady formations. Now there's talk of soaking Wheat in stronger rum for t week before feeding the pigeons. " —a READ THE GA2ETTE WANT A M !::•«! Gannon 100% Wool 72x90 Blanket Replacement Price 22.50 $ 17 50 Luxurious, soft, beautiful quality 100% blanket—treated to resist moth damage. Assorted pastel colors — bound with slummering rayon satin binding. Chatham - 72x90 (Camillia White 1 ' medium weight) BLANKET 72x90 - Replacment Value 19.95 $ 16 00 1 White 011$ . . . a medium weight (only 4 lbs.) but. just right for proper warmth and healthful sleep.' BEDDING SECOND FLOOR 6 98 Brass Table LAMPS $K,69 : 5- Well designed brass bases in the "classique-manner/* topped with attractive Parchment shades that use a brass nail studding for trim. A beautiful lamp for your living room — library or study. $9.50 «Velva-ray" DRAW DRAPES $r7.88 v-"3 7 New* effect cord weave with a leaf design contrasted on colored grounds of blue, wine, green, cherry, gray, broWh and lime. Pleated, ready to hang. They're easily clean- able. 48 inches wide by 90 inches long. If you have a wider space, add another pair to serve your need. Jutt Unpacked "KENNY" (Adjuitable) Traverse Rods * * $1.69 l 69 and •$0.49 \ '-••. :• H- Two sfces—28 extends to 48 inches .> . 48 fc extends to 86 » jnches. Heavy x gauge metal and serviceable. Positive | easy action. Perfect for your windows and airways. The ' 28 to 48 inch rods are $1.69 — the, 4S to-66 inch fbdii are $2.49. Many have been waiting for this shipment. Bcttir order or get yours at once. ^iiMkMy&^'>.:'-•'' JENSS HOME FURNISHINGS — r^RTrf"ftSbft! 5 !'?»'.& .v» $ .8: Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

T •.^r.-ToSV

Monday , May -14, 1951

Prohibition phallcnged RAJAHUNDRY, South India W-±

Dr. N. S. Rcddi of Rajahmundry pe­titioned the Madras high, court for legal permission to drink' whiskey-denied him by the state's prohibition act—on the ground that it relieved his attacks of-jlsthma.

His affidavit to the court said •nhe only medicine that has been giving me relief in asthmatic attacks fa Scotch whiskey, and very; often

THE N I A G A R A FALLS G'AZETTE Page, Seven -.v M

it has acted as a preventive to ward off impending attacks."

In ' response to his petition the Madras high court issued a writ of mandamas which raised the question of the validity Of. state prohibition for Madras. Dr. Reddi's appeal will be decided by the Indian Supreme court'

Lou Limmer, rookie first baseman for the Philadelphia Athletics, re­pairs refrigerators'ih'the off season;

Information Please "MILWAUKEE <tn—Mrs. Frank Larkin briefed her four-year-old son Joe for his first trip to the grocery store and sent, him 'for a' loaf of bread to be charged. Joe came back a few minutes later empty-handed and breathless. MWe can have the

\ bread all right, Mom," he said, "but who am I?"

' BUDGET P U N fe'UK-SWHrfcrfwiily Mgits




• Imagine how wonderful it will be to Rave your next win­ter's heat all paid for ahead of time! The 'blue coal' Budget Plan works just like a Christ­mas Club. Terms are easy to iuit you. No red tape.





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9th Street & Grove Ave. Phone 5736

Niagara Falls, N. Y.

Convenient S-P-R-E-A-D* out payments... easy terms to suit you.

No worries! Coal is de­livered in plenty of t ime.. . you're all paid up before next winter.

3 Haody coupon payments • make household budgets

run smoother all the year 'round.

FREE FURNACE INSPECTION Let ui ihow you how you can ur t money by bringing your furnace up-to-date. No obligation.

L. E. SCHRACK, INC. 161 - 86th Street Phone 3701

Niagara Falls, N. Y.

County Transcripts






Entirely new in conception . . .'new in washing action . . . new in rinsing principles . . . the ABC-O-Matic out* performs them all. It's backed by 40 years of washer experience} and pro­duction. It was developed by industry men who helped pioneer the first power-driven washer, the first swing­ing wringer and other important, washing advancements.

CleM*r WtsMnF

- a * * * * * _ - . - " e i *

Over floytM Rlns*

P h o n e 8201 Pine at l$th


Niagara County Clerk's Oflicc. May 1. 1931,

MORTGAGES WcndeU 0 . Skinner. Niagara. Falls, to

Buffalo Savings Bank. M.500. Herbert L. and ElUabeth G. Michel.

Town of Porter, to Farmer* and Me­chanics Savings Bank. tt.OM.

Crosby t and Betty W. Steel. Lock-port, to Manufacturers and Traders Trust company,"$7,600.

Emll G. and Mary S. Luscher. Buf­falo, to Farmers and Mechanics Savings bank. S6.0Q0.

Roy M. and Edith M. Breckon. Village of Lewlston. to The Marine Trust com-paiiy. M.OOO.

Clarence E. and Evelyn Halstead. Vil­lage of Nawfahe, to Harry A. and Selena C Shaw* W.000. . • J a m e s ^ A . Doyle. Niagara. Falls, ,to Duncan Motors. Inc.. $26,000.

. John B. and" Evelyn R. Goetxman. Ni­agara Falls, to Power-City Trust com­pany, $1<.000.

Frederick M. and Dorothy E. Toueh-ette. Niagara Falls, to Niagara. Perma­nent Saving and Loan association. $4,-800. • , Leigh O. and Onnalee' Clouser. Town of Wbeatfield to Raymond B. and Helen L Forte, $1,400.

Leigh O and Onnalee Clouser, Town of WheaUleld, to Mary Jamleson. $3,000.

Carl A. Slrlannl, Lockport, to John ObrochU. $1,000.

Joyce R. Smith. Niagara Falls, to Buffalo Savings Bank. $6,350.

Henry A. and Mary M. Mosolf. Ni­agara Falls to Niagara County. Savings bank. $1,000.

Louis P. Luccbettl. Niagara Falls, to Buffalo Savings Bank. $10,100.

James Sandonato.. Niagara Falls to Niagara County Saving* bank. $11,000.

• DEEDS Raymond B. and Helen T. Forth to

Leigh Oden and Onnalee Clouser. Town of WheaUleld.

Joseph C. and Michael S. Acnello to Louis P. Lucchetti. Niagara Falls.

Katherlne Cirrito to Marion Clrrlto, Niagara Falls.

Crescent Drive. Inc., to Wendell O. Skinner. Niagara Falls. ,

•George and Minnie Kitney. to Joyce R. Smith. Lewlston.

John Obrochta to Carl A n t o n y Slr­lannl. Lockport.

Frank and Lillian Muiso to Cyril A. and Alice P. Wlnterboume. Niagara Falls.

Stanley Litwlnski to Matthew P. and Eleanore A. Darlak, North Tonawanda.

Isabel Morrison and Mary Stuiven-verge to. Andre and Bernadette Ver-mrtte. Niagara Falls.

Domanlc and Margaret Looei to Louis P. and Clara C. Indovlno. Niagara Falls.

Chester O. Baysor. as treasurer, to M n . Harriett* R. O'Brien. Wilton.

Florence R. Irwin, to Richard Pas-saiamua, Niagara Falls.

Wlllard H. and Josephine T. Harris to Crosby E. and Betty W. Steel. Lock-port.

Richard J. and Mary E. Monett- to Emll G. and Mary E. Luscher. Town of Lockport

James A. Doyle to Duncan Motors, I n c . Niagara Falls.

June Howlett to James A. Doyle. Niagara Falls.

Anna Schilling to Clarence E. Evelyn M. Halstead. Middleport.

JUDGEMENTS Atlas Canning Company. Inc.

Beniamln Sutherland. Model City 738.48.

Arrowhead Souvenirs. Inc.. vs. James Taylor. 406 Portkabd avenue. Minne­sota, $156.80.


vs. $1.-

Niagara County Clerk's Office. May 2. 1951.

DEEDS Donald D. Everitt to Donald D. and

Margaret L. Everitt, Town of Lewiston. Everett Skutt to Joseph V. Rackie-

wlcz. Town of Hartland. Stanley V. and Genevieve D. Weso-

lewskl to Alfred W. and Rose T. Pugh. North Tonawanda.

John and Josephine Bucolo to Jan and Paula J. Bednarz. Lockport.

Clifford R. and Frances L. Bradley to Wllford and, Blanche Berget. Wilson. • Harry A. and Pearl E. Hall, to Byron

C. and Lorraine L. Thomas. Town of Lockport.

Kenneth M. and Martha Fleming to Elvlo Moscettl and Anthony F. Zlto. Niagara Falls.

Adolf Kelemen to Richard Wendlandt, North Tonawanda.

Florlno Fiorentlnl to Fiorino and Fran­ces Floretlnl, Niagara Falls.

Ralph A. and Irene S. Thompson to Emma Mary Tall, Lockport

John rieluszak to LeRoy E. Fritz. Town of WheaUleld.

Normai A. and Barbara J. Striffler to Alfred W. and Lillian R. Frost. Town of Royalton.

Emma Mary Tall to Kenneth A. and Sophia H. Gudermuth. Lockport.

Isabella M. Monln to Mary K. Jones, Lewlston.

Harry and Theda Kromer to Harry Kromer, et at. Niagara Falls.

Minnie Brunlng. et al to Arnold and Dorothy C. Brunlng. Town of Royal-ton. -\

Alb«rt H. -Brunlng. et al. to Arnold and Dorothy C. Brunlng. Town of Roy­alton.

Albert H. Brunlng. et al. to Minnie and Lloyd Brunlng, Town of Royalton.

William C. Moll to Charles R. Fox. North Tonawanda. •

Rose Mary Keough. et al. to May I. Lanlgan, Niagara Falls.

Ruth W. Beggs to Albert K. and Lottie M. Flelg. Lewiston.

Ralph J. Kirsch to Lillian M. and Ar­thur R. Gursllng. North Tonawanda.

.Llnwood Homes. I n c . to Walter A. and Audrey Zimmerman, North Tona­wanda. V

Louis H. and Louise Rossi to George E. Eudora Bancroft. North Tonawanda.

Max M. Oppenhelm Realty Company. Inc.. to John T. and Eva M. Sarglnson. Niagara Falls.

Charles Markowltz. Adam J. Dwor-zanskt. to Allene M. Vona. North Tona­wanda.

MORTGAGES , Arnold and Dorothy C Brunlng.

Town of Royalton to Minnie and Lloyd Brunlng and Carl Brunlng, Town of Alabama, $3,000.

LerOy E. Fritz. Town of WheaUleld. to Franklin and Miriam Stolzenburg. $8,000.

May 1 Lanlgan. Niagara Falls, to Rose Mary Keough. et al. $1,300.

Alfred W. and Rose T. Pugh. North Tonawanda, to Marine Trust company, $3,000.

Jan and Paula J. Bednarz. Lockport. to Manufacturers and Traders Trust company, $4,300.

Allene M. and James Vona. Tona­wanda. to Niagara Savings and Loan association. $3,000.

John T. and Eva M. Sarglnson. Niag­ara Falls, to Niagara Savings and Loan association. Tonawanda, $7,500. Tonawanda. to Niagara Savings and

George E. and Marie Motley. North Loan association. Tonawanda. $4,000.

Richard Wendlandt, Buffalo, to Adolf Keleman. $17,000.

Walter A. and Audrey Zimmerman. Tonawanda. to Niagara Savings and Loan association. $6,300.

Lillian M. and Arthur R. Gursllng. North Tonawanda, to Niagara Savings and Loan association. Tonawanda, $8.-800.

Clement M. and Josephine P. Joyce. Tonawanda. to the Prudential Insurance Company of America. $10,000.

George and Eudora Bancroft. North Tonawanda. to Niagara Savings and Loan association, $3,000.

Florlno and Frances Fiorentlnl. Niag­ara Falls, to Niagara County Savings bank. $12,000.

Blaine A. and Naomi A. Shaw, Niag­ara Falls, to The Western Savings Bank. Buffalo, $3X00.

and Mildred A. Whltcdmb. North Ton-awanda.

Anna Polek to Joseph Polek. North Tonawanda.

Elmer W. Rosebrook and William F. Volkstadt to Stephen A. and Agnes A. Sass. North Tonawanda.

Lulgi and Pauline Salicocioll to Frank and Mamie Marlgllo. Niagara Falls.

Harold E. .and Theresa B. Kelly to Martin F. Wright, Niagara Falls.

Albert H. Merritt to Wall** and Staphania Pyda. Niagara Falls.

George E. and Mary Miller to Roger E. -and Edna M. Hidlebrandt. Lockport.

George F. and Laura L. Freatman to Elton. K. and Gertrude I. WlDcins. Town of Cambria.

Myron E. Jeffords to Myron E. and Beatrice Jeffords. Youngstown.

•Louise Selbel to Cordelia Bushman. Town of WheaUleld.

Cordelia Bushman to Louise Selbel. et al. Town of WheaUleld.

Edward W. and Ruth E. D. Storms to Michael N. and Alberta M. Corrlere. Lockport. 7 _ _

Victor J. and Margaret E. Traux to Leon L. Patterson, Jr., and Helen W. Patterson. Newfane. . , . . _ . _ ,

Helen K. Burt and Adeline H. Robin­son to Roman W. Wallace. Lewlston.

Milton E. Switxer. as commissioner. to Carl M. and Paulina Stolzenberg. Newfane. . .

Ronald D. McDonald to Harold W. and Lillian B . Terryberry. Niagara Falls.

JUDGMENTS Acme Builders Supply and Fuel Com­

pany. Inc.. vs . Bowie and Son". Inc.. 1319 Eighteenth street.-Niagara Tails. $33X81.

F. L Herbert company vs. Relerh Ca-nosa. 339 l*Uth street. Niagara Falls. $93.33.

Industrial commissioner vs. Walter H. Page "and Fred Drew. 108-114 Niagara street. Niagara Falls. $36.77. .

Industrial commissioner vs. Robert Sadler. 708 Ninth street. Niagara Falls. $73.79.

Industrial commissioner va. Thomas B. Savage. 321 Fourth street, Niagara Falls. $293.61.

Jean DePalma vs. Vernon Bump, RFD 4. Albion. $61.35. '

William H. Rayburn vs. Armeda and John Brennan, Medina, $45.40,.

Niagara County Clerk's Office. May 4th. 1931

MORTGAGES Frank J. and Adele M. MoUtor. N e w ,

fane, to The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S.. $7,000.

Herbert W. and Jean».H. Wagner. Lockport. to Wyndham Lawn Home For Children. $1,824.93.

Helen Butynski. Niagara Falls, to Ni­agara Permanent Savings and Loan As­sociation, $7,000.

Loren and Sybil G. Balcom. Youngs­town. to Niagara Permanent Savings and Loan association. $3,000.

Stanley M. and Marian F. Mayes. Ni­agara Falls to Niagara County Savings bank. $5,000. ^Fiorino and Frances Fiorentlnl. Ni­

agara Falls, to Niagara County Savings bank. $7,300.

Wallace M. and Mary Remaley. Niag­ara Falls to Marine Trust Company of Western New York. $8,300.

Fiorino and Frances Fiorentlnl. Niag­ara Falls to Niagara County Savings bank, $7,300.

DEEDS Fred D. Fitts to James R. L. and

Anna Harriett Cole. Somerset Adoniram J. Richardson to Robert L.

Molyneaux. Wilson. Adoniram J. Richardson to Robert L.

Molyneaux, Wilson. Lockport Realty Corporation to An-

gelo A. and Audrey M. Tomalno. Lock-port

Harriet A. Fanning to J. Lloyd and Elranor S. Poland. Royalton.

J. Max Allen to Richard Ixr and Ro­berta M. Carr. Lewlston.

John and Helen Gallle to Anthony Gal l ic Cambria.

John and Helen Gaille to Leonard Gal l ic Cambria,

Victor Talarico and Lulgl Talarico to Wallace M. and Mary Remaley. Niag­ara Falls.

J. F. Henry DeLange to Ada I. Moss. Porter.

Ada I. Moss to Stanley M. and Mar­ian F. Mayes. Porter.

Ida Carter Davey to Stanley M. and Marian F. Mayes, Porter.

LeRoy Rohring. Sr.. to Edward F. and Rose Daniels. Somerset

JUDGMENTS J. N. Adam and Company vs. Marie

Orleman. 7003 Buffalo avenue. Niagara Falls. $238.56.

Thomas J. Mullaney vs. Elmer E. W!Uon. 427 West avenue. Lockport $921.25.

Knack-Sinclair Corporation vs. Frank Seed. Strand Theatre Building. 19 Falls street. Niagara Falls, $65.20.

Ro-Al Home Equipment Comoany. Inc., vs. William and Dorothy Dolotes, 345 Gooding street. Lockport. $133.81.

Household Finance Corporation vs. Willis S. Sherman. Olcott. $168.00.

Lincoln Rochester Trust company vs. Anthony F. Clements, 357 First street, Rochester. $2,060.67.

Shedd Brown Manufacturing Company vs. Norman G. Burton. 56 A. Central anc. North Tonawanda. $72.69. " Howard and Amnld Ferris vs. James Beaver. Wilson, $105.22.

G. A. Young vs. Pat Winters. Pine avenue and Sixty-fourth street. Niagara Falls, X131.44.

Th» Travelers Insurance Companv vs. Donald J. McDowell, no address. $934.31.

MECHANIC LIEN Jack G. Brown vs. Samuel J. In­

fantine, M15.00. Jack G. Brown vs. Aldred J. Bax.

et al.

Niagara County Clerk's Office. May 3, 1931

MORTGAOES i Duane N. and Robert W. Kraute,

North Tonawanda. to Hill Mortgages corporation. $8,350.

Duane N and Robert W. Kraute. North Tonawanda. to Hill Mortgage Corooratlon. $8,330.

Walter and Stephanla ,Pyda. Niagara Falls, to Niagara Permanent Savings and Lo»n association. $2,000.

Myron E. and Beatrice Jeffords. Youngstown. to - Manufacturers and Traders Trust company. $4,300.

Roman W. and Helen C. Wallace. Niagara Fall*, to Niagara permanent Savings and Loan association. $6 500.

Walter and Stephanla Pyda. Niagara Falls, to Albert H. Merrllt. $1,300.

Michael N. and Alb-rU M. Corrlerl. Lockport. to Lockport Savings and Loan association. $3,400.

Lawrence S. and Jul!* M. Dlrpartl. Niagara Falls, to Erie County Savings bank. $8,230.

Belarm'no and Norma J. Valllna. Ni­agara Falls, to James H. Bums. $11300.

Julius J. and Eileen F. Soharfcl. Ni­agara Falls, to Marine Trust Company of Western New York. $3,000.

Auruit and Stella Riuta. Niagara Falls, to Niagara County Savings bank, $11.-300. ••Douglas M. and Margaret F. RAberlson. Niagara Tails, to Sarah B. Krtmtrs . $HMXX>.

Leslie W. Lett. Nlarsra Falls. t o X l s r -sra Permanent Savings and Loan asso­ciation. $7,400.

Norman W. and Hilda Mallesrm. VII-lare of Wilson, to Cornelius. A. and Ada A. SoUsbury. $7300.

John Krawszyk, Niagara Falls, to Buffalo Savings bank. $9X00. .

Archie Harold m i s . Niagara ta i l s , to Buffalo Savings hank. $9300.

DEEDS Jotenh C and Michael 8. Agnello to

John Krswctyk. Niagara Falls. Joseph C and Michael S. Agnello to

Archie Harold Thets. Niagara Falls. Nc-rrtt P. Hills to Belarmlno and

Nfrma J. Valllna. Town of Niagara. Cornelius A. and Ad« A. SnlUbury to

Norman W. and Hilda Matteson. Town of Cambria.

John C and Josephine Dimlflo to Carman Cagglano, Niagara Fall*. ' Vlrgllla I^one to Lawrence Salvstore. and Julia M. Dlrpartl. Nlsgsra Falls.

Thomas and Florence M. Salt 4rt Ho. bert C. and L. Deri* Baker. Nlagar* Falls.

Stella HaihatowsM to August and Stella Sluta, Niagara Fall*.

Mildred A. Whltcomb to Kensett D. and Mildred A, Whltcomb, North Ton­awanda.

Mildred A. Whltcomb to XtnMtt D.

pany of Western New York. $9,000. Stanley J. and Agnes Olewln, Niagara

Falls, to Frances M. Koltham. $3,630. Stanley J. and Agnes Olewln. Niagara

Falls to Edith V, Meland, $3,630. Anthony F. and Margaret Zlto. Niag­

ara Falls to .Niagara Permanent Savings and Loan association. $1,600.

Charles Y. Fowlle. Jr. and Margaret C. Bennet t Niagara Falls, to Niagara^ Permanent Savings and Loan assocla Hon.- $7,000.

Carl W. and Lucille Foss. Niagara Falls, to Niagara Permanent Savings and Loan association. $5,200.

Elmer E. Schaal. Ranumvi l le . to John Golebrioski. $1,800. f

Martin H. and M. verna Burns, to Glenwood Cemetery association. $2,400.

Ransomville Implement and* Supply company. Ransomville. to Glenn H. and Bernice Foote. $3,000. " '•

Ransomville Implement and Supply Ctunpany. Inc.. Ransomville to Clarence E. and Ora B. Cornell. $2,000.

Bruno J. and Mary L. Swleca. Niag­ara Falls to Niagara Permanent Savings and Loan association. $8,000.

DEEDS Crescent Drive, inc. , to Josephine

Rudy. Niagara Falls. William R. and Eleanor C. LandU to

Robert F. and M#ry Louise SchulU. Niagara Falls.

DeVeaux School to Mario J. and Margaret Vlolante. Niagara Falls.

Edith V. Meland. et al to Stanley J. and Agnes Olewln. Youngstown.

Maurice C and Catherine M. Murphy to Walter L S w e e t Lockport

Leonora E." Johnson ' and Truman A, SehwarlzenhoU to John R. and Grace Reeves. North Tonawanda.

Elizabeth Florke to Milton.E. SwlUer as commissioner. Lockport.

Ruth C. Gruraweig to ' Otis F. and Evelyn. A . . Wollenberg, North • Tona­wanda.

William F, and Eleanor J. Frank, to Louis W. and Rose V. Hird. Wheatfleld.

Becker. Moore and Company. Inc.. to International Filler Corporation. North Tonawanda.

Peter J. lannuzzl to Domenlck A. lan-nuzxi. Niagara Falls.

Robert W. and Marie Elizabeth Perry to Brunnon C. and Genevieve V. Nor-mand. Niagara Falls.

Walter M. MacDonald. Jr., and Ianthe R. MacDonald, to'Clifford E. and Reglna E. Utter. North Tonawanda.

Carl E. and Eva L. Hakes to Charles Y. Fowlle. Jr.. and Margaret C. Ben­nett. Niagara Falls.

Joseph C. and Laura G. Ruh to Don­ald W. and Olyve W. Andrus. Wlhon.

Joseph N. Harbatowskl to Hooker Electrochemical company, Niagara Falls.

Esther W. Smith to Martin K. and M. Verna Burns, Newfane.

John Golebloski, et al to Elmer E. Schaal. Hartland.

Martin K. Burns and M. Verna Burns, to Esther W. Smith. Middleport

Clarence E. and Ora B. Cornell, et al. to Ransomville Implement and Supply Company, Inc.. Porter.

Clarence E. and Ora B. Cornell to Ransomville Implement and Supply Company. Inc.. Porter.

JUDGMENTS F. Gellman and A. Gellman. G. and

G. Home OuUitters Company vs. Harry Smith. 321 Twelfth street. Niagara Falls. $92.09.

F. Gellman and A. Gellman. G. and G. Outfitters Comoany vs. Emll and Madeline Lutz. 1133H Michigan avenu*. Niagara Falls. $76.16.

New York Telephone Company vs. Peter J. Inzana. 647 Ninety-sixth street, Niagara Falls. $31.04.

Leroy Keesler vs. Frank Hill. 342H Tenth street. Niagara Falls, $196.05.

Associate Discount Corporation vs. Duane Granville. Newfane. $84.17.

Practical Enterprises. Inc.. v*. Peter and Hattle Decontle. Sanborn. $47.95.


CLUB Now! 1.00 Down • 1.00 Month


Niagara County Clerk's Office. May 3. 1951

MORTGAGES George and Marilyn Panoslanr Nlag-

Falls to Erie County Savings bank, $9,500.

James H. and Phyllis A. Noon»n, Ni­agara Falls, to Erie County Savings bank. $9,500.

Robert W. and Betty M. Kimmel. Ni ­agara Falls to Erie County Savings bank. $10,000.

James A. and Anita M. McCarrek. Ni­agara Falls to Erie County Savings bank, $9,500.

DEEDS James A. Cook to Joseph and Albert

LaDuca. Niagara Falls. Angelo DeMunda l" Joseph N. Har­

batowskl. Niagara Falls. Joseph N. Harbatowskl to James T.

Sandonato, Niagara Falls Otlo H. Wltklns to Arlehe Bowler.

Pendleton. Phllln Ebbele to James A. and Anita

M. McCarrMl. Niagara Falls. Angelo DeMund» to James Atwood

and Anita M. McCarrel. Niagara Falls. Arthur W. and Madelln* D. Hexlmer

to Samuel J. Infantino, Nlagar* Fells. Netta Cowe to John LaVla, Niagara

Falls. Thomas PetraVI* to G*nr*e and Mar­

ilyn Pannslan. Niagara Falls. Edmund F.. and Ethel*n E. Stevens

to Robert WlUon and Betty Kimmel. Lewlston.

Anaelo D^Munda to James Harold and Phyllis A. Norman. N'ar.ra Falls.

JUDGMENTS Eaton Office Sunplv Company. Inc..

»t. David Mo'sn. 1458 Genesee street. Buffalo, $100.22.

Interstate Floor Covering Coroora-tion vs. Ralph S. and Ruth W. Kemp. 100 Allen street. Lockport. $238.46.

Niagara County Clerk's Office. May 7lh. 1951

MORTGAOES Bo!** and Helen Chenkau«kas. Niag­

ara Falls to The Marine Trust com­pany, $2,000.

James M. and Cecelia B. Lloscomb. Niagara Falls. t« William A. and Helen H. Wllklns, $3,000. % Anthonv Prlncevalle. Niagara Falls, to Niagara Permanent Savings and Loan Association, $4J0n.

DEEDS Nellie M. Van Slvke to Louis and Jo­

sephine Malone, North Tonawanda. Dare* E. and Jean Hilts to Darcy E.

Hilts. North Tonawanda. Lillian M. and Patricia Anne Schwlch-

ler to' Louis and Josephine Malone. North Tonawanda.

Anna M. Murph*- la ' Loul* and Jo­sephine M»lon». North Tonawanda.

Edward F. Messing to *ouls and Jo-seohlne Malone. -North Tonawartda.

Cltv of North Tonawanda »n Edward F. Messing, North Tonawanda.

Willis A. and Helen H. Wilkin* to James M. and Cecelia B. Lipscomb. W"«oa.

Burt A. and E v e l m L. L«wls to Alvln Human. North Tonawanda.

George W. Phlilln*. Jr.. to Burt A. and Evelyn L, Lewis. North Tonawanda.

Guttav and Lucy Demler to George E. Phill ies, Jr., North Tonawanda.

Manr D. Greenbush to D'rkmn H. and Eleanor J. Aseltlne. Lockport,

Leo J. and Bernice A Roxan to Kay »V. Wyrauch. Niagara Falls.

Richard Rutkow»Vl to Kay V. Wy-ranch. Niagara Tails.

Amanda R, Slrsitan to Kay V. Wy­rauch. Niagara Tall*.

Richard Rutkowskt to Tall* Develop­ment Company, Inc.. Lewiston.

Marie Earle FJe*elherrer to Kay V. Wyrauch. Niagara Falls.

Joseph N. Harbatowskl and Xay V. Wyrauch to Thomas and Rotalee Caltsta. Niagara Fall*.

Rubin Jaeobi to Richard Pasulacqua. Nlarara FalU.

Marie Vogt TomoMns to Guy La Gsmha. Niagara Fall*.

Lewiston Estates. Inc., to Crescent Drive. Inc., Lewiston.

John H. Northrrro bv executor to Angela DeMunda. Niagara Fall*.

Minnie Vevlrito to Henry A. and Carmel I* Martu*. Lewlston.

Je«*r>h P. and Mary Margaret Tearc* lo Arthur* J. A n d e m * . Lewiston.

Raymond P. and Betty 8. White to Charles J. and Ida Barrancotto, Royal­ton.

Niagara County Clerk'* Office. May Ith. 103]

MORTGAGES B r u f i n o n ' C and Genevieve V. Nor-

mand. N'»**»ra Falls, to Buffalo Savings Bank. $9,000.

John B. and Grace Reeves. Buffalo, (« Carl R. and Leonora F-. Johnson. 110.000.

Josephine Rudy. Lewiston. to Marin* Trust Company of Western New York. $3300

Robert F. and Mary Louise Sjfhultt. Niagara rai ls , to Matin* Trust Com-

Nlagnra County Clerk's Ofifce May 9th. 1951

MORTGAGES Lawrence A. Alexander. Niagara

Falls to Bufalo Savings bank. $9,250. Robert Herman Winker. Nlaagra Falls

to Buffalo Savings bank. $9300. Robert Adamson. Niagara; to Buffalo

Savings bank. $9,000. Leroy G. and Jaynette B . Foss. Niag­

ara Falls to Walter and Martha C. Frantz. $7,000.

Anthony and Adeline Arone. Niagara Falls to Niagara County Savings bank. $9,500.

Constant J. and Josephine N. Topolskl. North Tonawanda to Niagara Saving* and Loan Association of Tonawanda. $3,800.

Dolly M. Flay, Niagara Falls to Nia­gara Permanent Savings and Loan as­sociation, $9,000.

Melvln A. and Florence Gaude. Burt to The Farmers and Mechanics Savings bank. $6300.

Robert L. and Beatrice V. Fackler. Middleport to Middleport Savings and Loan association, $1,700.

Llnwood Homes Inc.. North Tona­wanda to Niagara Savings and Loan Association of Tonawanda, $7,600.

Juliette G. Goupil. Niagara Falls to Ernest L. and James B. Strong. $11300.

Macrena M. Dickie. Niagara FalU to Erie County Savings bank. $9,000.

Edwin E. and Dorothy Brierley. Nia­gara Falls to Erie County Savings bank, $9,400.

Edward and Frances Odrzywolski. North Tonawanda to Niagara Savings and Loan Association of Tonaw.'.nda, $10,000.

Richard J. and Kathryn J. Kalin-owski. North Tonawanda to Niagara Savings and Loan Association of Tona­wanda. $9,000.

Bernard .F. and Jenny Lesnlewski, WheaUleld to Niagara Savings and Loan Association of Tonawanda, $3,600.

Homer and Edna Marie Hooper. Nia­gara Falls to .Max M. Oppenhelm Realty company. $4,000.

Frederick and Genevieve Skurskl, Niagara Falls to B a s i l » a n d Agatha O'Dara, $11300.

Thomas S. and Lottie V. Bonk. Nia­gara FalU to Reah M. FUher. $3300.

Llnwood Homes Inc.. North Tona­wanda to Niagara Savings and Loan Association of Tonawanda, $7,600.

Myrtle E. Swtck. Nlaagra Falls to Florence H. Chapln. Nlaagra FalU, $3,000.

DEEDS Crescent Drive Inc. to Lawrence A.

Alexander. Niagara Falls. Crescent Drive Inc. to Robert Adam-

son. Niagara Falls. Crescent Drive Inc. to Robert Her­

man Winker, Niagara Falls. Szczepan and Brontslawa Slkora to

Edward and Frances OdrzynoUkl, North Tonawanda,

Arthur and Florence C. Slsson to Richard J. and Kathryn J. Kallnowski. North Tonawanda.

Bruno G. and Mildred A. Schultz to Frederick and Genevieve A. Skurskl. Wheatfleld. •

David M. Flay Jr. to Dolly M. Flay. Niagara Falls.

A. Russel Leone to Juliette J. Gou­pil. Niagara FalU.

Norman L. and Marie D. Bathrlck, et al to Lloyd W. and Edna Jesson, Somer­set.

Anna Swlnluch, et al to Joseph Stan­ley and Mary W. Swlnluch, North Tonawanda. -John LaVla to Edwin E. and Dor­

othy Brierley. Niagara Falls. Mary S. McNulty to Macrena M.

Dickie. Niagara Falls. Raymond W. and Mary A. Peete to

Wlllard N. Belden. Niagara. Wlllard N. Belden and Hazel Belden

to John and Caroline Gudz, Niagara Falls.

Marie Slack to Norman E. Belden, Niagara.

Bfunnon C. and Genevieve V. Nor-mand to Fred A. and Charlotte M. De-Lorenzo. Niagara Falls.

David' Brown to Anthony and Adeline Arone. Nlaagra Falls.

Walter and Martha C. FranU to Le­roy C. and Jaynette B. Foss, Niagara Fall*.

John LaVla to Thomas B. and Lot­tie V. Bonk. Niagara Tails.

Max. M. Oppenhelm Realty Com­pany Inc. to Homer and Edna Maria Hooper. Niagara TalU.

Eugene W. Smith Jr. to Richard E, and Rose B. Gladow, Newfane.

Dorothy M. Schank to Mary Miller, Newfane.

Mary C Lehman to Kay V. Wyrauch. Niagara Falls.

John Clay Miller and Minnie M. Mil­ler to Melvln A. and Florence Gaude. Newfane.

JUDGMENTS Home and Auto Loan Company Inc.

vs. Buddy J. Fleming, 336 Spring street, Buffalo, $211.40.

J. F. McGowan vs. Eloti* and Ste­phen Lawson, $93.31.

H. H. Butler Stores Inc. va. Marcus Thomas, 3334 Ely avenue. Niagara Falls. $218 33. .1

Associates pwetivint corporation va, Leland Wood. 13 Adam s tree t Ti wanda, $279.63.

["ona- |t

Pigeons Thrive on Rum SYDNEY, m — Newc*$tle'$ pig-

eons won the first round ot the rum-soaked wheat bane. You may have read of the bright idea of Newcastle Parks Supervisor M. Sivert to feci the city's pigeons with wheat soaked in rum. The idea was that the pig­eons would become staggcry and easy to catch. The pigeons were—• and siilf are—unpopular because they are eating up the young poppies and panties sown for a big flotal display.

The Newcastle people fed the pig­eons plain wheat for two days. The third day they laced the wheat with rum. From nearby roofiops the pig* eons swooped down into the park. They ate heartily. They flew back to the rooftops in steady formations.

Now there's talk of soaking Wheat in stronger rum for t week before feeding the pigeons.

" — a



Gannon 100% Wool 72x90 Blanket Replacement Price 22.50

$ 17 50

Luxurious, soft, beautiful quality 100% blanket—treated to resist moth damage. Assorted pastel colors — bound with slummering rayon satin binding.

Chatham - 72x90 (Camillia White

1' medium weight)

BLANKET 72x90 - Replacment Value 19.95

$ 16 00 1

White 011$ . . . a medium weight (only 4 lbs.) but. just right for proper warmth and healthful sleep.'


698 Brass Table LAMPS

$K,69 :5-Well designed brass bases in the "classique-manner/* topped with attractive Parchment shades that use a brass nail studding for trim. A beautiful lamp for your living room — library or study.

$9.50 «Velva-ray" DRAW DRAPES



7 New* effect cord weave with a leaf design contrasted on colored grounds of blue, wine, green, cherry, gray, broWh and lime. Pleated, ready to hang. They're easily clean-able. 48 inches wide by 90 inches long. If you have a wider space, add another pair to serve your need.

Jutt Unpacked

" K E N N Y " (Adjuitable)

Traverse Rods * *

$1.69 l 6 9 and •$0.49 \ '-••. :• H-

Two sfces—28 extends to 48 inches .> . 48fcextends to 86 » jnches. Heavy xgauge metal and serviceable. Positive | easy action. Perfect for your windows and airways. The ' 28 to 48 inch rods are $1.69 — the, 4S to-66 inch fbdii are $2.49. Many have been waiting for this shipment. Bcttir order or get yours at once. ^iiMkMy&^'>.:'-•''

JENSS HOME FURNISHINGS — r^RTrf"ftSbft!5!'?»'.&


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