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MACC Message May | June 2014

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Issue #3 MACC Message is a collection of stories about the culture and events at Mid Atlantic Community Church.
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Ten years. That sounds like a long time, but we are just getting started. We have come so far as

a church and this is just the beginning of where God is leading us. This year is the biggest yet, and as the grand open-ing of our new church building draws closer we thought it was time for a new look for MACC. As we move forward as a church, we wanted to have a new banner to raise up and reflect what God has done for us thus far.

So why does a new logo and brand for

our church even matter? Why spend so much time and effort crafting something so simple? The answer is found simply in the fact that everything we create, and everything we look at, points to some-thing. When you think about Chcik-fil-a, Starbucks or Apple an image pops into your brain. It might be a chicken sand-wich or it might be an iPhone. When someone looks at our logo we want them to be pointed straight to Jesus.

All throughout Scripture, we see light used as a metaphor for God's righteous-

ness and glory. This light is described in Scripture when Moses asks to see God's glory (Exodus 33, 34.) Jesus says in the second "I AM" decla-ration, "I am the light of the world," and in Him there is no darkness (John 8:12.) The white "M" in our logo is meant to represent exactly that. He is the bright, beaming torch that our church family is carrying into the darkness of sin, re-flecting His light out into the world.

The wave at the bottom of our new logo is also intentional. We wanted some-thing that would represent "Where Friends Become Family." We also wanted something that would represent a change, starting with our salvation and continuing with our journey in be-ing sanctified each and every day. The wave signifies both changes in a believ-er’s walk with God and a believers rela-tionship with our church family. MACC has always been an open door for any-one to come in, be embraced and wel-comed into the family. Our prayer is that this not only be displayed as our church banner, but our church’s heartbeat as well.

In October 2003, nine couples devoted themselves to planting a church in Crofton. Dictionary.com defines devotion as profound dedication; an earnest attachment to a cause or person. This group had an earnest attachment to the person of Jesus Christ and a profound dedication to tell others about Him.

Acts 2:42-47 are the verses we chose as a model for MACC. I have read, studied and preached on them. Preparing for an upcoming sermon, I read them again. This time the first three words, written about the newly emerging church community, im-pacted me. They devoted themselves! “They” were the three thousand people who committed their lives to Jesus at Pentecost. These new believers, filled with the Holy Spirit, devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to each other, and to their world. The question became…is Acts 2:42-47 describing a church model to be copied or a culture to embrace?

God hasn’t changed. His purpose and His Word have remained the same for each generation. People are the only variable. My Bible tells me the church is the Bride of Christ. A building is not a church until the family of God enters in. The church is the people. Genesis 6:8 tells us “God found Noah,” sug-gesting that God had been looking for someone to partner with…as He always is. Do you think God

is calling MACC to partner with Him? The Acts 2:42 church is the kind of church I dreamed we would be…a devoted, deeply committed family with an undying love for Jesus Christ. This is a church where the passion, motivation, enthusiasm and commitment for life come from the people. No one has to challenge us to show up, serve, give, love or worship the Lord. That is the heartbeat of a de-voted follower of Jesus! And our goal hasn’t changed. We still and always will have an earnest attachment to the person of Jesus Christ and a profound dedication to tell others about Him.

We are preparing for an exciting sum-mer beginning with our tenth anni-versary celebration on Sunday, May 18. Following services, we will gather on our campus for a picnic, some fel-lowship and hard hat tours through our new building. I am thrilled to begin worshiping in our new facility. But the truth is, you…the MACC family, will be the best part of this build-ing. The campus will be a place where we live out our vision statement “to be an open door for all people to know Christ” and our goal “to be a place where friends become family.” Plans are underway for our first service in early August. Will you commit to make this an unforgettable event in the life of our church family? We want to say to our guests “Welcome Home” and have them feel it.

Like the Apostle Paul said in 1 Thessalonians, “Let us pray without ceasing.” Pray for the timely completion of our building, the resources to pay construction costs, and for the folks God will bring through our doors.

- Pastor Lew Schrumm Colossians 1:10

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to the prayers.” Acts 2:42

Photos taken from last summer’s baptism.

Called to be Devoted

W hat’s the first image that comes to your mind when you hear “summer?”

If you’re anything like me, you find yourself picturing a peaceful hammock in the back yard, a palm tree swaying in the light summer breeze, or the delightful hum of chattering and splashing at the local pool. For many of us, the summer season is a time to rest, relax, and recuperate. Our summer is a gift from God, and we must be careful to not waste it. So how can you make your summer mean-ingful? Dedicate extra time this summer and on vacation, to regularly reading the Bible. Second Timothy 3:14-17 gives us three reasons why the Bible is the secret to a good (and unwanted) summer.

First, the Bible has the gospel. The single important theme running throughout the entire Bible is how men are saved from their sin and reconciled to God. The Bible calls this the gospel, and constantly explains that Jesus took the pen-alty for our sins onto himself, giving his life at the cross, and giving us his righteousness. The Bible explains that this gospel message is “of first importance” (1 Corinthians 15:3, ESV), and easy to forget, which is why we need to remind ourselves of it constantly as we read the Bible.

Paul begins his words to Timothy, “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 3:14-15)

If you’re looking for peace and rest this summer, don’t look any further than the good news that your value and eternal salvation is not based on what you can do or earn, but that Jesus has completely finished and accomplished the work of your salvation. There is nothing you have to do to earn God’s love, because Jesus earned it for you. We are free to rest this summer in the peace of God.

Secondly, the Bible is the word of God.Have you ever found yourself longing for a word from God? Maybe you were looking for direction or clarity, or perhaps you had a ques-tion after a difficult experience. We’re all searching to hear from God, but we often forget that God has already spoken to us in the Bible.

Paul continues, “All Scripture is breathed out by God…” (2 Timothy 3:16)

The Bible was not written by people, it was written through people. God himself wrote the words of the Bible. We shouldn’t look for new revelation when we neglect the perfect revelation already given to us in the Bible.

Think about all the different people you will interact and socialize with this summer. Put Jesus on the top of that list, and make the Bible

a priority this summer, and for the rest of your life.

Thirdly, the Bible is good for us.One of my goals this summer is to get back in to the habit of ex-ercising regularly. The twenty-seven months of winter were able to convince me that it wasn’t worth going out for a run in the cold. As the weather warms up, I can’t wait to return to working out everyday.

Even if you aren’t looking for a physical tune up this summer, have you considered your need for spiritual exercise? Unlike our physical diet, a healthy spiritual diet only requires one food group: the Bible. How do you want to grow in your faith this summer? What sin do you want to overcome? What do you want to learn about God? The answer is in the Bible, because the Bible is good for us.

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness…” (2 Timothy 3:16).

Have you ever thought of the Bible as being “profitable?” If you want to grow spiritually this summer, don’t turn first to the advice of others or to other books, always look first towards the Bible. It is all we need to be complete as men and women of God.

Finally, the Bible is getting us to where we need to be. When I was in school, I always looked forward to completing massive summer projects, like making a movie, writing a book or learning to fly (two of those three were actually accomplished in summers past.) We all set goals, both for the long term and the short term, but the only thing that completes us and make us into the people that God has called us to be, is the Bible.

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for re-proof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

During the summer many of us like to take part in enriching activi-ties, like an art class or a volunteer experience. However, if you really want to be complete, you need the Bible.

John Piper, a Bible teacher and author, wrote, “Most Christians ne-glect their Bibles not out of conscious disloyalty to Jesus, but because of failure to plan a time and place and method to read it.”

Find a time that works for you, and set it aside every day. Don’t tell yourself that you don’t have time for the Bible - it is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Don’t waste your summer, spend it with Jesus; open the Bible.

- Written by Doug Hanna, youth leader at MACC.

Don’t Waste Your Summer

Can you trust the Bible completely? Kevin DeYoung is known for his scholarly, succinct and creative writ-ing that will engage you and deliver the profound to the understandable. In his latest book, Taking God At His Word, he does just that with the Word of God.

If the Bible isn’t true, than going to church is mean-ingless. If the Bible isn’t true, where can we find the answers to our questions? If the Bible is true, DeY-oung, in this brief, practical and accessible book, re-veals that Scripture is true and exposes how you can believe it.

From his introductory chapter, he explains that Scrip-ture is true, right and good, although he says “…it can feel dull at times, but taken as a whole it is the greatest story ever told, and those who know it best are usually those who delight in it most.” Don’t tell me you haven’t ever thought these things about the

Bible? That’s what I like about DeYoung. He doesn’t avoid the honest questions we ask our-selves about the Bible.

The titles of the chapters clearly suggest what he is doing in this book, for example:

Chapter 3 - God’s Word is EnoughChapter 4 - God’s Word is ClearChapter 5 - God’s Word is FinalChapter 6 - God’s Word is Necessary

With each chapter, DeYoung clearly shows us in the same way why Jesus is enough and neces-sary, the Bible is enough and necessary. He also shows us how Christ validates Scripture in His teachings and how He used it to defeat Satan’s desert assault. DeYoung’s writing will move you to crave reading your Bible, understanding it better and listening to God.

This book is a manageable read that will more than manage to answer your questions about the Bible. At the end of the book, DeYoung provides an appendix of 30 books on the Bible to continue your growth in your ability to de-fend the sufficiency, clarity, authority and ne-cessity of Scripture.

-Written by Bill Craig, Missions, Sports, and Outreach Pastor at MACC

Here are a few albums that have just been released that I have really been enjoying lately. - Writtien by Brendan MacBride Technical Director and Newsletter Graphics

NEEDTOBREATHE - Rivers In The Wasteland

NEEDTOBREATHE has always been a rock band that isn’t afraid to be honest and write songs that tell of the real hardships they have been through. Bear Rinehart, the band’s lead singer, has a powerfully unique voice that immediately draws you in. From straight up rock and roll songs like Feet, Don’t Fail Me Now to more traditional worship songs like Multiplied, this album has an impressive variety of songs. They have their own distinct southern rock flare that reflects in all of their songs. If you like Switchfoot or Bruce Springs-teen, you need to hear this record.

Favorite Tracks: Wasteland, Difference Maker, Multiplied

Rend Collective - The Art Of Celebration

The Art Of Celebration is Rend Collective’s first big label release, that comes with no shortage of banjos, foot stomp-ing and jingling johnnys. If you don’t know what I mean you definitely need to check out this album as well as Rend Collective’s last al-bum, Campfire. Celebration is filled with their own brand of Irish folk rock that is reminiscent of Mumford & Sons, The Lumineers and Fleet Foxes. This record is their grandest yet. Just as the name implies, this collection of songs is a huge celebration of Jesus. I really think you should check this out if you haven’t already. It is a beautiful album that will definitely bless you.

Favorite Tracks: More Than Conquerors, My Lighthouse, Burn Like A Star, Create In Me

Loud Harp - Asaph

I always try to include an album from an artist that most of you have probably never heard of. Asaph is probably different from anything you are used to, but I encourage you to check it out. Each song title has a corresponding numerical reference that refers to a Psalm, chapter in ro-mans or chapter in Revelation that inspired that song. These songs are a collection of modern personal psalms that speak of God’s greatness, victory and nearness. This is a great album to listen to while reading, writing or just resting in God’s presence.

Favorite Tracks: The Nearness of You, I’m Yours, You Heard Me

MACC’s 10th Annual Golf Classic brought in over $10,000. The money raised from this event will ben-efit our sports program and students attending our sports camps in 2014. This year, along with preparing our new sports facility and keeping the cost down for all of our campers, we will also be offering scholar-ships to children of families whom we have helped through Crofton Christian Caring Counsel and Walk the Walk Foundation. We will also be teaming up with our missionaries in India to run a basketball camp for poor children in local villages this November.

In the future, the Golf Classic will assist us to not only run a growing and expanding premiere sports pro-gram at our new campus, but will also provide youth sports camps in low-income communities around our area and around the world in locations such as Haiti and Peru. Imagine a lacrosse camp in Haiti or a soccer camp in the inner city of Baltimore, all while sharing the love of Jesus!

This Golf Classic has traditionally been held during the start of spring, prior to the kickoff of our summer sports camps. The tournament was held for the first time in its 10-year history at the Crofton Country Club. CCC is a private country club, which boasts a challenging course and luxurious amenities. The chal-lenging course turned confident teams into scram-bling-best shot makers for 18, fun holes.

Chick-Fil-A catered our breakfast for the first time in our event’s history. CCC catered our lunch with a delicious buffet that was enjoyed during the presenta-tion of some great prizes. The prizes included gift cer-tificates from Chick-Fil- A, Ledo Pizza, Nando’s Peri Peri, Four Seasons Grille, Hops and Vines, Chesa-peake Grill, Dickey’s BBQ, Irish Channel, Applebee’s, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Bass Pro Shop, LAB Fitness Labs, Group Fit Boot Camp and CCC Pro-Shop. Grand prizes included Baltimore Orioles tickets with a parking pass and a Georgia Mountain Golf pack-age, which were provided by the Snyder and Craig families.

The first place team included Rick Howarth, Greg Welch, Dan Howarth and Mark Raulin. The second place team included Rob Genzel, Eric Wright, Mike Green and Gregory Fincham. The third place team included Jim Meehan, Chuck Sweeney, Billy Miles and Gary Carpenter. Rick Polm, Danny Polm, Su-san Donhue, Rob Genzel and Brian Shay claimed the “closest to the pin” and the “longest drive” prizes, re-spectively.

The funds were raised by the 64 golfers who par-ticipated in the tournament and the event and hole sponsors listed below:

Event & Hole Sponsors:Polm Companies, LTD.Six FlagsEpiphany FinancialBB&THarold & Jeanne PadgettMetro Sports LeagueChick-Fil-ALKC ConstructionJames Blackwell RealtorsEpiphany Financial AllstatePrintcomm PartnersLaw Offices of Gibbs and HallerVista Pro Landscape and Design

10 YEARS Golfing for Campers

Tell us something random about yourself that people might not know about you?

I graduated from Auburn University (just kidding, everyone knows that.) I am a sponsor mom to several USNA midshipmen (fantastic young women, class of 2015).

Give us an idea of what a typical work week looks like for you.

My typical work week can include (but is not limited to) recruiting, praising and scheduling our awesome volunteers; planning curriculum implementation; attending meetings; setting up classrooms and tak-ing them down on Sundays; and lately, researching resources for our new preschool and nursery spaces in the new building! I also get to teach two-, three-, and four-year olds for a total of 21 hours a week in my other job.

Name three of your favorite things.

My three favorite things to do for fun, in no particu-lar order, are reading for pleasure, being outdoors (as long as it’s warm) and hanging out with my sons.

Tell us about your family.

My family includes my sons, Joey (16) and James (14), two of the greatest teenagers I know. My family tree kind of looks more like a large, tangly bush - and I consider that a huge blessing - so I have lots of ex-tended family members with whom I am close as well.

Get to Knowour Family

Sheila Robinson Preschool and Nursey Coordinator since March 2013

Favorite Scripture and why:

My favorite verse changes every time I open the Bible! It’s hard to pick one. The ones that come to mind right now are Philippians 1:21, John 10:10, Isaiah 43:18-19, Romans 8:37 and Galatians 6:9. All of my favorites are ones that ultimately address the issue of purpose and perseverance. God is constantly telling me, “Keep going, girl! We got this!”

Have you visited themacc.org, lately?

Did you know you can download sermon audio to listen to on your drive to work or watch a sermon over a lunch break?

Dig into God’s Word, find out about our upcoming events, get connected with our ministries and much more!

MACC MissionsThe missions team just had their eighth mission lunch of the year on Sunday, April 27. Missions lunches are open to the entire church family. With free lunch and childcare, the team provides opportunities to meet new friends and missionaries, to learn about global and local missions, and to have fun. Also, look for our Missions Team Nights, where we will be planning our upcoming mission events and Kindness in Progress events. Please be praying for our missionaries around the world and our India and West Virginia teams as they are gearing up for an exciting summer and fall. For more information about missions, contact [email protected].

IndiaOur India missions team has already met with our missionaries serving in India, and is learning how to assimilate into a culture that is ripe for harvest, but also hostile toward the Gospel. Recently, one of our missionaries shared such a story:

“Three of our Good Life ministry team members were arrested Friday evening when they were bussing chil-dren home from VBS. We are praising the Lord for their release a few hours ago. Our young men were accused of ‘abducting children with the intent to con-vert them to Christianity.’ Our God is able to deliver!

We praise the Lord for our neighbors, who live around our school, whom the Lord used to speak out on our behalf. On Saturday morning, this group of neigh-bors, who are not Christians, went to the police sta-tion to let them know that they appreciate who we are, what Good Life has done for the community, and convince them that we are not forcing what we believe on anyone.

When they arrived at the police station they realized that the situation was more than what they could handle, as there was not just one group that had come out against our young men, but there were now four different groups of people standing against us. God moved in the hearts of our neighbors to go to a very important, influential and highly respected leader in the community and ask him to come and advocate on our behalf.

Long story, short, because of this man’s position and influence, he was able to sign for the release of our men with his word that our men would come back Monday to do legal work.”

Be praying for our India team as we prepare emo-tionally and spiritually for this trip. The previous story took place in southern India where they are more receptive to Christians. Our team will be go-ing to northern India where it is not so receptive to Christians. Pray for the cities of New Delhi where we will be hosting sports camps, VBS, and working with villagers and church planters. Pray for the city of Lucknow where Pastor Bill will be addressing 1,000 church planters gathering together for a conference. Pray for our missions teams as we continue to raise money for our trips and our missions programs.

West VirginiaOur family missions trip to West Virginia will take place July 8-13. We are still assembling families who will be assisting a small church in reaching out to their community with the love of Christ. We will be staying at a local campground, camping in RVs, and enjoying evening worship, tubing and swimming in water holes. You can contact the office or go to our mission web page to find out more information. We are still looking for additional team leaders for a mo-bile “MOPS” group, construction team, VBS, food teams and a Kindness in Progress team. (Once we are on our own church campus, we can look forward to our own Kindness in Progress events that will launch from our campus into the surrounding area display-ing the love of Jesus Christ through various service projects each month.)

New at MACC and wonder what’s next? Join us for our new members class Wednesday, May 14 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Warehouse. Dinner and childcare will be provided.

Have questions? We will answer them!How did the MACC begin?What are MACC’s beliefs?

What are MACC’s values and pillars?What is the structure of leadership?

What’s this “Good News”What’s involved in membership?

Please contact the office to RSVP, [email protected] or (410) 451-5110. Please let us know if you are bringing children. Don’t forget you Bible!

An Exciting Summer to Come...Events, Camps, News, and More!

This summer we are praying for more POP-UP Life Groups! Don’t let the summer get in the way of God’s Word continuing to

take root in you! (Colossians 2:7)

Studies should be approximately 4-6 weeks long. Got a short study you want to

lead? Let us know! Contact Pastor Dave, (410) 451-5110.


MACC Financials Fiscal Year ... January 1, 2014Fiscal Year Giving Goal ... $1,203,146January - April Giving Goal … $393,336YTD Received … $362,245YTD Actual vs. Goal … 92.09%

Building Pledges for 2014 … $485,428January-April Pledge Goal … $161,809YTD Building Donations received … $64,839YTD Actual vs. Goal … 40.07%

Estimated Total Expenses for 2014 … $1,381,981

Please be sure to designate ‘Building Fund’ on memo line for Capital Campaign and church building donation checks.

It’s almost time to move into our new MACC build-ing! But before we do, why not shake things up a bit? This summer, all of our nursery through 5th grade rooms will need to shift to a new area of Crofton Middle School. Please keep an eye out for more de-tails, as we get closer to this change.

The Club House - K-5th gradersDo you have a best friend? What does a friend look like? Are you a good friend? This summer our Club House Kids will be looking at what the New Testa-ment letters have to say about friendship. Each week we will take a look at a new principle that will give us a framework for loving others the way God loved us. To help bring these important truths to life, we’ve wrapped them in a summer-long story all about…you guessed it…friendship!

If you would like to join the fun this summer at the Club House, please email [email protected].

MACC Kids “Friend Sunday”On Sunday, July 27, 2014 we will end our summer series on friendship with our own MACC Kids Friend Sunday! Kids are encouraged to invite a neighbor, classmate, cousin or teammate to the Club House (K-5th Sunday morning programming) for this special day. This will be an exciting Sunday where your child

Sunday Mornings

will get the opportunity to use what they have learned about friendship all summer, as well as play some fun games and experience some cool friend activities! We are planning for this to be an indoor and outdoor event.

The Tree House - Older 2 - 4 years oldAhoy, mateys! Are you ready for the Tree House Pirate Adventure? We are so excited about these next two months where your preschoolers are going to learn that the Bible is better than gold. Each week we will introduce preschoolers to a different snippet of truth from God’s Word and unpack what that means to them.

During our Pirate Adventure, preschoolers will dis-cover this amazing treasure—God’s “teachings are worth more to me than thousands of pieces of gold and silver,” Psalm 119:72, NCV. As they hunt for Bible treasures, they will learn that they were wonder-fully made, that God loves them all the time, and that they are part of God’s family.

We are looking for some actors and actresses to help bring our Pirate Adventure to life. All interested adults, middle schoolers and high schoolers are encouraged to please contact Sheila Robinson at [email protected]. Help us teach our preschoolers that God’s word is better than gold!

Get ready

Parents, get Connected!Parents, have you checked out the Parent Cue App yet? You can have everything that your kids are learning on Sundays, right on your phone - verses, Bible stories, music and more. It even has parent blogs and resources right at your fingertips. Don’t miss out on this easy app that will keep you up-to-date on everything your kids are learning on Sunday mornings! (Deuteronomy 11:18-19, check it out!)


July 14 – 18Preschool (3 years old by 9/1/13) 9:30 – 11:30 AMK – 5th (Grade just completed) 6:00 – 8:30 PM

Register online today, themacc.org/kick ! KiCK will be $25 per child or $55 per family of three or more children. Prices will increase on July 1. Don’t delay, sign up today!

Kids in Christ Kamp is our MACC Kids sponsored high-energy and high-fun, summer camp! During the week of KiCK, your child will experience God’s word in many exciting ways! Kids will spend time learn-ing about unsung heroes of the Bible, interacting with great leaders, working together on team challenges with new and old friends, creating cool projects (no paper plates and popsicle sticks here) and having a blast, all while playing crazy games and singing at the top of their lungs!

Calling all VOLUNTEERS……big and small, 6th grade to 100 years old! We’d love your help with KiCK this summer! We are looking for group leaders, EMTs, nurses, snack ladies OR gents, parking attendants, registration people, greeters, sports enthusiasts and craft lovers. Contact Lisa Leitch at [email protected] if you are interested in helping at either or both camp times!

Stay Connected with xREVOxxREVOx Student Ministry offers a variety of ways to stay connected for parents and students. Parents can receive weekly emails about the ministry, youth group topics, upcoming events, helpful parenting articles and more. Contact [email protected] to sign up for the email list.

Students and parents, like xREVOx on Face-book and follow xrevoxstudents on Instagram. Feel free to contact [email protected] or [email protected] with any questions.

What’s Coming Up at xREVOx Student Ministry

Summer at xREVOxxREVOx Student Ministry is excited about the sum-mer and will continue throughout the summer. Stu-dent life groups and Bible studies will end the last weekend of May. For specific dates, ask your child’s group leader.

This summer our xREVOx nights will have a movie theme that will be announced soon. The team is also planning a movie night on the church property in June to kickoff the summer series.

There will also be opportunities for students to serve at MACC and in our community. Details will be an-nounced at xREVOx Nights.

The student team is also planning a camp retreat for incoming ninth graders and high schoolers at the end of the summer. Details will also be announced at xREVOx Nights.

Jesus had just healed a paralyzed man at the pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem when He said this to those watching. “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise. For the Father loves the Son and shows him all that he himself is doing. And greater works than these will he show him, so that you may marvel.” John 5:19-20

My grandfather was the grounds keeper at Green Hill Golf Club in Salisbury, Maryland. He would take me out on the course and hit balls. I remember the day I watched my grandfather hit a hole in one. At the age of five, my eyes must have been as big as golf balls. My grandfather also showed me how to read the Bible. Ev-ery morning and every night my grandparents would sit in their over-sized leather recliners and read their Bibles. My grandfather passed down his golf bag and Bible to me. I use both to this day. My grandfather loved golf, he loved me, and he loved Jesus even more.

I can see our MACC sports program being a place where children and adults will come to find men and women who love to play and coach sports. It will be a place where we will raise up teams to go into clubs and leagues to compete with excellence. It will be the place where we all will come to see and love Jesus in the game. It will be a place where kids will find people who love sports, love people and love Jesus and His gospel even more. It’s a place that will hand down those things from generation to generation, as my grandfather did for me, and as I’ve done for my sons.

-Written by Bill Craig, Missions, Sports, and Outreach Pastor at MACC

Kid gym will run June 23-26, from 10 to 11 a.m. Kid Gym will be for children ages 2 to 3 years old. We are looking for volunteers and coaches to help pull this mini-city marathon-themed week together. Kid Gym is $15 per child for the week, with a maximum of $35 per family.

Sports camps begin June 23 from 6 to 8 p.m., and run through August. At this point, all of our camps will be held on our new church campus with the ex-ception of our softball and baseball camps, which will be held at Crofton Park. Sports camps will be $65 per camper kindergarten through fifth grade, with a maximum of $80 per family.

Family Color RunEach camp is four days long because all the campers, along with their parents, will be in-vited back for day five on Au-gust 22, for a Family Color Run on our church campus. The run will be $2 per person, and will benefit missions at MACC.

Please consider joining our Sports Ministry Team here at MACC to invest in a child’s life, just as my grandfather did in mine. Imagine the thousands of children looking back and

Summer SportsCamps

being able to have a love for sports, a love for others and a love for Christ that started with MACC and you. Let’s show our city and region what the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ can do. For more informa-tion, contact Pastor Bill, [email protected].

Camp ScheduleJune 23-26

Kid GymFootball

Girls Lacrosse

July 21-24 Soccer

Field HockeyGolf

July 28-31Boys Lacrosse


August 4-7Cheer Camp

August 11-14Basketball

August 18-22Volleyball

August 23 Color Run

Pick up a card at the sports ministry table on Sunday mornings or visit themacc.org/sports-camps-signup

to sign up.

Everyone is invited to MACC’s 10 Year Anniversary Cel-ebration on the MACC property on May 18, after church. Enjoy lunch, games, moonbounces, a sand pile for the kids, and even a hard hat tour of the new building!

Make sure you sign up for your spot for the hard hat tour. Tours will run every 15 minutes and will be an exciting journey through the progress of our future church home. At the end of the tour, there will be an opportunity to write favorite verses on the ce-ment floor of the worship center before the flooring is laid. Don’t miss this exciting day as we look back thanking God for His great blessings and look forward to the adventure to come. The celebra-tion will begin after the 11 a.m. service (12:15 p.m.) and last until around 4 p.m. Bring lawn chairs or blankets for seating. If you would like, bring a dessert to share for our potluck desserts!

The MACC property and home of our future church campus is located at 2485 Davidsonville Road, Gambrills, MD, 21034. (About a five-minute drive from Crofton Middle School where we hold Sunday services.) For more details, visit themacc.org/10years.

Are you a mom who has kids that haven’t entered kin-dergarten yet? Are you looking to connect with other moms in your stage of life? MOPS, Mothers of Pre-schoolers, is the group for you!

MOPS is where moms have a chance to socialize with other moms, hear great teachings, have beneficial dis-

cussion time and participate in creative activities. We just wrapped up a great year discovering our Beauti-ful Mess and how to embrace it. Don’t worry, even though we are on summer break, we have plenty of great activities planned that will be chances to get to-gether and have a good time.

Some events MOPS will be partici-pating in and planning are Relay For Life on May 30, a book study in July, numerous park play dates to be an-nounced and Mom’s Night Out eve-nings to be scheduled.

Our regular meetings will start back up on Friday, September 5, and will be the first and third Friday of each month throughout the fall, winter and spring. Be You Bravely will be our theme for the year. Our membership fee for the year is $75.

If you are looking for a spot to serve within MOPS, we have a variety of ar-eas for you to jump into ranging from our craft team to our hospitality team. For more information about our group, please contact Amber Kyler at [email protected]. We look forward to meeting you this summer, and getting to know you better this

The women’s ministry team will showcase some new faces going into the summer!

Cindy Haycock and Christina Padgett are now head-ing up the women’s ministry team at MACC. Cindy is a Coast Guard wife of Mike and the mom of Noah, Wesley and Jocelyn. She is an RN, currently work-ing part-time at Ginger Cove. This past year, Cindy served as Jill’s right hand woman and was a discussion group leader at Thursday morning Bible study. Christina, wife of Scott and mom to Peyton and Teagan, enters this ministry with great enthusiasm. Christina has championed the MOPS ministry and now looks forward to this new endeavor.

The pair is excited about having old and new friends surround and support them. They embrace the quote from Woodrow Wilson, “We should not only use all the brains we have…but all that we can borrow.”

During the summer, we will be more intentional about connecting with one another. Occasional cof-fees and get-togethers are in the making for June and July. Please contact Cindy at [email protected] to get involved.

Our Thursday Bible study team is currently planning our exciting fall study that will start back up again on September 18. Make sure you stop by our table at the Life Group Sign-up fair on September 14 to pick up the materials for this study.

Are you wondering where and how to get more in-volved in women’s ministry events? We are always looking for new faces and fresh ideas. At the Life Group Sign-up Fair this fall, we will have sign-ups for a variety of areas to serve at our events and dinners including but not limited to making food, welcoming ladies at check-in, coming up with centerpiece ideas for our hostesses and much more.

And a note from Nancy Schrumm…“Many, many, many thanks to Jill Teigen for her years of service on our women’s ministry team. She worked tirelessly, put others first, and always strived for excellence. Her mantra was connecting women. It is with great sadness (seriously!) that we release her to be MACC’s ambassador to Dallas, TX. She leaves here equipped to minister and disciple wom-en! As one of her beloved friends, I send her off with Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians 2:8, “Having such a fond affection for you, I gave you not only the

gospel but my life as well!”

Here is your assignment for the summer months. Search and watch Write Your Story by Francesca Bat-tistelli on Youtube. Ask God to make you willing to for Him to write His story on your heart. May your testimony be His work of art. After all, He tells us in Ephesians 2:10, we are His masterpiece. We are anxious to spend time with you and get to know each of you this summer!

Above: Cindy, Mike, Noah, Wesley and JocelynBelow: Christina, Peyton and Teagan (Scott, not pictured)

- Women’s Ministry -

Above: Cindy, Mike, Noah, Wesley and JocelynBelow: Christina, Peyton and Teagan (Scott, not pictured)

Allowing God To Change Your Life, So You Can Change Your Church, Your Family and Your World!

GET IN - When a man commits to pursuing and deepening his male friendships in a safe group con-text, he will sustain momentum to grow spiritually and achieve personal changes faster than he ever could on his own.

GET HEALTHY - Men need to go after core health in their own character and relationships. Through open discussion where men share who they are and what is really happening in their lives. If the most real and relevant issues remain unaddressed and un-touched, the rest of what a man may learn or accom-plish through his connection with other men will be short-lived in both his life and church contexts.

GET STRONG - The natural progression from per-sonal transformation in a man’s life is active leadership training. Men will feel themselves going to the next level of commitment personally, spiritually and prac-tically in ministry. Strong spiritual formation leads to strong spiritual expression of the Great Command-ment and Great Commission.

GET GOING - Healthy, strong, trained men are deployed to serve the church and their mission in the world to aggressively share the Gospel. A church that empowers transformation of men helps itself by winning the loyalty, energy and expression of its men toward the larger needs, mission and vision of the church. The Bible requires of a man core health and strong leadership, as described in the first two stages of the pathway, prior to selection for church leader-ship. The spiritual pathway must be supported at each step with the right connective funnels, the right tools and resources, and the right relationships to be successful. When implemented in conjunction with these other elements, a solid leadership engine can be built in any church that will accelerate the mission and vision for the pastor.

(Pastor Kenny Luck, Every Man Ministries, everymanministries.com)

Men’s ministry here at MACC is in search of men who have a desire and passion to help other men get in, get healthy, get strong and get going! Is that you? Feel inspired? Contact Pastor Dave, (410) 451-5110 or [email protected].

Hebrews 6:10 says, “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”

Soon, the parking lots will fill up, our church family will converge and many new people will visit God’s new house. Sunday mornings are about to change and grow. You can help make a difference by serving in a ministry that contributes to making a great, Godly first impression! Here are some areas at our church where this will happen:

Parking – providing a safe, warm and welcoming start to families’ arrival on Sunday mornings

Ushers – greeting people as they enter into the worship center, helping individuals find seats as the service starts, and collecting the offering

Greeters – being an affirming handshake and smile, offering a ‘good morning’ that everyone needs to help get focused for worshipping our Lord and Savior

Hosts – taking new visitors on a short, guided tours of the church, assisting them with checking in their children, and answering questions about MACC

Hospitality – providing a refreshing cup of coffee or morning refreshment to lighten up someone’s morning

Info Center – serving at a station where ques-tions about MACC, our ministries, our life groups and more can get answered

In June, we will be offering a time of fellowship, vi-sion casting and training for each of these areas as we walk through the new church. If you’re interested in serving on any of these teams, be on the lookout for training dates and times. To get involved, contact Pastor Dave Dent, (410) 451-5110 or [email protected].

Men’s Ministry - equipping Men for iMpact

Godly First Impressions
