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Machine Learning for Robotics Intelligent Systems...

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Machine Learning for Robotics Intelligent Systems Series Georg Martius MPI for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany April 19, 2017 Georg Martius Machine Learning for Robotics April 19, 2017 1 / 10

Machine Learning for RoboticsIntelligent Systems Series

Georg Martius

MPI for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany

April 19, 2017

Georg Martius Machine Learning for Robotics April 19, 2017 1 / 10

Organizational structure of the lecture

Teaching language is English, although you can ask in GermanMondays 12 c.t.–14:00 LecturesThursdays 12 c.t.–14:00 RecitationsExercises:

exercise sheets have to be returned in the following weekNeed 50% passed sheets to be eligible for passing the courseLater in the course we will have projectsfinal exam will most likely be a presentation of the final project

Lecture notes: mostly black board, but there will be background materialto readWebpage: georg.playfulmachines.com/course-machine-learning-for-robotics

Next week Monday (24th) is canceled (moved to today)

Georg Martius Machine Learning for Robotics April 19, 2017 2 / 10

Machine Learning OverviewMachine learning is not voodoo,it is about automatically finding a function that best solves a given task.

Three different classes of tasks:

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Machine Learning Overview

Supervised Learninggiven: {x, y}i ∼ D with data point x ∈ Rn and label y ∈ Y and D the datadistribution.What to find function h(·) such that

h(x) = y ∀(x, y) ∼ D

To measure quality of h and to be able to optimize something: Define lossfunction

J(h) = ED[dist(y, h(x))]

(distance between true label y and predicted label f (x))

Task: find function that minimized loss: h∗ = arg minh J(h)

Math can be so easy ;-)

We will see why this is not so easy in practice.

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Supervised Learning – ExamplesClassification: Y is discrete

Examples:Recognize handwritten digits:

(MNIST)Classify pathology images:

(Mitosis in breast cancer)

Regression: Y is continuousExamples:

Predicting Ozon levels

Predicting torques

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Machine Learning Overview

Unsupervised Learninggiven: {x}i with x ∈ Rn

What to find function f (·) such that f (x) = y where y low dimensional, e.g. acluster number

Much less clear what is the objective.Many algorithms but no unifying theory.

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Unsupervised Learning – ExamplesClustering: discrete y

Examples:Genome comparison:

(by Tao Xie)

Both cases are expecially useful forhigh-dimensional data

Dim. reduction: continuous yExamples:

Finding descriptors for faceexpressions

(by Sam T Rowels)

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Machine Learning Overview

Reinforcement Learninggiven:

system to interact with: st+1 = S(at, st) where st is the state and at is theaction.reward/utility function: rt = U(at, st)

What to find function f (·) (policy) such that a = f (s) and E[r] is maximized.

In general: stochastic systems formulated as Markov Decision Processes.

Need to simultaneously learn f and potentially models of S and U.Reward can be sparse (e.g. only at the end of an long action sequence)

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Reiforcement Learning – Examples

Robot Control

(by MPI-IS)

Deepmind AlphaGo


Improve performance by learning from experienceand exploring new strategies.

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Rough plan of the course

Supervised learninglinear regression, regularization, model selection, . . .neural networks

Unsupervised learningClustering: k-means, spectral, DBSCAN?, . . .Dimensionality reduction: PCA, ICA, LLE, ISOMAP?, Autoencoder, sparsecoding and learning representations

Reinforcement LearningMarkov Decision Processes (MDPs) and backgroundBellman equations and TD learning, Q-Learning, . . .Continuous Spaces:

Actor-CriticReinforcement Learning with parametrized policiesEpisodic RL as parametrized optimization problem

Bayesian optimization for RL?

if there is time: Artificial Curiosity, . . .

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