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  • 8/6/2019 Machine Lit


    PunjabEngineeringnterprisesHydraulic CompressorMachine100 Ton Capacity

  • 8/6/2019 Machine Lit


    Electricity Is the Light and Life ofa day. lt was {he time about halfa century ago thateoBperwasonly metal introduced n Electrical lndustry. But as fast as the demandofElectricity increased, o fastly the costofcopper rose high. This cauesda great problemfor electricity engineers o getrid ofthis increased carecityof raw material for electro-productsand they fought battel to find their way out it by introducing the Aluminium asthebest substitutc.This was really agreatstep owards he economicprosperityoftheage.All Aluminium andACSR Conductorshavenotonly cut short t}te cost ofproductionalone,theyhaveprovidedaccesso the small scale ndustryunits towards heirmanufacturealso. The ratio of weight of aluminium conductors o that ofequivalentcopper onductors orksoutsas 0.4882:1.00which s theprincipalcharactristic fswirchingover to aluminiumconductors.

    ABOUTOURSELVESPunjabEngineering nterprisessNamewhich s now very well known o StateElectricity Boards ike PunjabStateElectricity Board (PSEB), BhakraBeasMangementBoard(BBMB) etcWe areSpecialistsn manufactudng f A.C.S.RHydraulicCompressorMachines100Ton Capacityandcsmpressiondies.we are manufacturhrghis iteff lor the last twectyyears.We havesuppliedmaohineso P.S.E.B,HaryanaStateElectricityBoard,HimachelStateEltriityBoard andBhakraBeasManagementBoard&Otherprivate contractors.On The Basesof goodperformanceofour machine,PunjabStateElectricity Board(P.S.E.B) asstandardizedur firm for the supplyofthis item.This machine asbeendevelopedo meet he requirement fvarious StateelectricityBoard's n the country,whichare engagedn the erection and maintainaoeof high tensiontansmission lines upto 440KV. This is usd for applying Mid"SpanJoints anddead EndJoints n the transmissionines.Thejointsappliedwith our rnachine evelopshe samemechanicalstrengthand electricalconductivity as that of parentconductorprovidethatthe oints are of standardmake.This can be used br making wire ropeshalings forthis,separateetofdie is required.for FreeLiteratuteAnd Any QueryWrite Use-mai [email protected]

  • 8/6/2019 Machine Lit


    GeneralDescriptionThismachine asbeen evelopedo meet he equirementf various tate lectricityBoard'sn thecountry whichareengagedn theerection maintainancefhightensionransmissioninesupto44oKvlhis is usedor applyingMid-Span oints& DeadinJloint, in the ransmissioninesThe ointsappliedwith ourmachine evelopshesamJ-"cnani*t strength Electrical onductiviiy s hatof.Parentonductorrovidedtfturifr.join,tareof sta'ndardake.Thiscanbeujed for makingwire rope halings'orthis, separateetofdies s required.

    Thedescript iorr1' t l re ainbody sas ol lorvs-L Main Bodr ' - Mainbody s rnanufacturedLlt f oncpiece ol id arbon teel lock'i i ] l a"rul ia oinrxcrcrs1' lhc oci l ,ar.eonrainraincdhar r can vithstandoadUpro

    125M. Lrpo \vlrrc lrs cslccl 00 ir l rcs cl i rrc ispatch'hisbodv sborcdocorrect ize& grindct l cr lect l l 'sos oaccornlrodatcatn2. PumoBlocl

  • 8/6/2019 Machine Lit



    upto1100 glcmsqr .e hrust f 125 on.Thiss theultimate ressureptowhicl thismachines t;sted.Theseumpsaremanufacturedromhigh tensile lloy steel.Piston& cylinderof the pumps re grindedperfectly.Their atchings so perfect hatcandevelop esired ressure.

    RELEASt VALVE :- Release alve s used o releasehe pressure f machine, t-y doir"d l,oud.Its manufacturedrom alloy steelheat reated& Givengroundfinish.Itcanbeoperatedimplyby handpressure.sAr.ETY VALVE :-Thisvalve s used o presethemachine t desiredoad.As oon* tt", t""d..".h*,this valveoperatesutomatically load s released.Thisalveprovides afety o themachineromover oading.we setourmachine t oadof ll0iuI.Tb.for" dispatch.Saferyalve s manufacturedromstainlessteelconformingoAISI-304.


    g. PRESS,UREGAUGE:- Pressuregauge s providedin the machine,whioh moasutestt"rrtE t"". jt t"t"tload that comeson theram of machinedirectly'9. OIL SEAL :- Canvas mpregnated ynthetic ubberseal ,which havehigh resistanceto brakeoil & highpressures used n thismachine'With nesealwe canapplyabout100 oints approiimately.When oil startcoming rom the top of ram ,it means hatthesealhaswom out. t canbe replacedbyaking heRamout as ollows:-

    (a) Firstopen he closingbar & remove hedies.(b) Removeall the four spnngs.(c)Closethereleasevalve&operatebothpumpswithhandsothattheramcomesout alongwith carrierplate.;Whenil sealbecomes isible o the nakedeye' thestoppu;ping & opcn he release alve& Lift the ram alongwith die carrier&hold he ramln the nverted ositionwith die carrierplateat theplateform.i e onthe woodenbox.Removehi lock nut & lock plate& replacehe sealwith newone& lock it again& then einsertheRam .n heposition.Placehedies& closetheclosingbar.Rfterthisthemachineisagainreadyforuse.Thereplacementooi l seals l iouldnor rakenrore han enminutes.eplacementf oi l sealshal lbedemonstratedo the nspecting fficerduring he nspection f the machine'

    i0.CLOSINGBARI-Ciosingbarisprovidedatthetopofmachine' I t ,s funct ionistotake hehorizontal t resshatdevelopsn themachtne hen t t s oadeoo lt ls veryimportanro c lose heclosing arbeiore perat ing achine' otherwiseheupperaw(wherediesare nserted) ill getdamaged errnanently'11.SPRINGS :- 4 nos.coiledspringsmanufacturedrom-spring teelwire are,providedin the machine.The,rpurpose s io U;ng back the ram (Piston) o it's original positionautomatically s soonas the load is r-emoved'Theyan be replaced ery easily fdamaged.

  • 8/6/2019 Machine Lit



    12.ErEs i Dics ae mfidacrtured from carbonsteelor spccial lloy steelrhe die.sarebef tete4 to hqrikrec of sbsEt40 ta 45 ro**re*L Fielty rte dies m gri#prfectlywith sErbcegrhder so bd thcy matuheerfeotlywith easfioftr & ftth diecarricr plate.13. OI_LFILLING EOLE & RESPIRAITORYVALVE :- Oil filling hole providedunder.the carier plaie & respiratoryvalvo is fitted on itun lor normal workingcmditim, t1r req@ory vahlsfrcEps&Dieg6 fu ,*r&m fte oit f6*. derrcr he oil leveldecreasestherespiratory alve s opened& air is .fiIledthrroughheoil filling hole&.respiratoryvalve gain fitted in positioo

    It is mostessertial o close heclosingbarbeforeoading hemachinaMac$iuemuerbe leradedy t e|ritg the die ;c ax*tio*.If qexed witb diesnot inposition,Ran can bc li*d belond specified imit.This candarnagehe machinebyoverextension.Beforeuseof maehine,t is very importan o cheok he oil level.lf oil level is lcss,kindly make up the desiredoil level by frlling it through the oil filling hole asdescribed above.Pleasealways use hydraulic oil of 32116g o of Indian oileorporatim.'\Ve eco*rrnwd draugecf oil after apptyingwery l0O joints or aftereverysix months.Kindly keepthe machineneat& clean by regularlyeleaning t & keep it alwayscoverd with cmvasccvedsteelcover whichare suppliedalongwith machine whinmachines not in use.Thiss very mportant or proper imctioningof mac.hlrte-

    Manufactureand supply of double pump Hydraulic compre$sormaehine 100 ToncapaeitystetluFto125M.T completewitb oil ta* ,plateformoperating andle& setofspanners.SPB,CIFICAfiON$ OF DIE $ETS :-Manlflcture & supply of die setmanufrcturd rom alloy steel suitable for pressingaluminiumsleeves& SteelSleeves.{Name heconductor or whichdie is required



  • 8/6/2019 Machine Lit




    1. Overal l ength f Plat toml2. Overal lWrdthof Plat fornr3. OverallHeightof machine iom platfolnlbase4. No. of Pumps5. Capacity fLow Pressure umP6. Capacity f High Pressure umP7. Diameter f Ram8. Lenglhof OPeratrng andle9. WorkrngFIuid10. TotalWeighlof nlaclrincwith PlatfonnwrthoutUre5elI l. weightof Die Scl i r t ASCR 1 Nos)

    Weght f dieSet orearlhwrre 2Nos)S.W.L SafeWorking oad)Machine Tested at Load

    75Omnapprox)355mmapprox)420mmapprox)2 Nos,45Ton Totaload n Ram)100Ton(Totaload nRam)108mm745mmapprox)Hydraulic il 32168oofIndianOil CorPoration95 Kg (approx)l8 to 9 Kgs aPProx)ordi f fs izes9 to9.5Kgs apProx)100Ton125 on

    OneNos.2 Litres.anl SealHydraul ic Oi l

    l. RingSPanners/2"* 18"2. Double nded Panner2*36nos3. L- Key or 3/8"diaL- keYBolt4. Operating andle5. Canvas over

    t2 .13.)4.

    l .2.


    NOTE:- We haveevery lght to changehedimensions design f the nrachinen theviewofitifrnt tt improvement requirement f customer'

  • 8/6/2019 Machine Lit


    Gontactus at : -PunjabEngineering nterprisesG.T.Road,ByePass,Near ndianOil Gomplex,JalandharGity,Punjab.Phones 0181-2420814(offie), 2440693( es dence)Mobif : 9876122795,9888022795E-mail : [email protected],[email protected]

  • 8/6/2019 Machine Lit


    Gontact s at: -PunjabEngineering nterprisesG.T.Road,Bye Pass,Near ndianOil Gomplex,Jalandhar i ty,Punjab.Phones 0181-2420814(offie), 2440693(Resdence)Mobile : 9876122795,888022795E-maif [email protected],[email protected]
