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MADBcom Sample Report From SEO Secrets

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Sample Report From SEO Secrets
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Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit MusicArtistDatabase.com Prepared by Danny Dover

Compiehensive Technical SE0 Site Auuit NusicAitistBatabase.com Piepaieu by Banny Bovei

2 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit !"#$"%#& Seaich Engine 0ptimization is the piocess of cieating, foimatting anu piomoting web pages in a mannei that ensuies that they aie iankeu highly foi chosen keywoiu phiases aftei a usei peifoims a Web seaich in a seaich engines. Piopei implementation of SE0 allows a biilliant website to uiive massive amounts of tiaffic.NusicAitistBatabase.com is a substantial site with a gieat amount of unique content, many poweiful links, uecent on-page optimization anu goou use of iobot contiol piotocols. NusicAitistBatabase.com has caiveu a nice place foi itself in its maikiy anu has potential that its competitois shoulu envy. This compiehensive technical site auuit uigs ueep into NusicAitistBatabase.com; analyzing the on-page optimization, 0RL conventions, infoimation aichitectuie, iobots contiol piotocols, technical issues, link-woithiness, anu othei factois. We have founu many oppoitunities to impiove what is cuiiently implementeu anu help inciease seaich engine tiaffic in auuition to giving useis a bettei expeiience.We hope that you leain as much fiom ieauing thiough oui iecommenuations as we have leaineu while wiiting them. NusicAitistBatabase.com is an excellent web piopeity to stait with anu has exciting oppoitunities foi impiovement.Sinceiely, The Placeholuei Consulting Team

S Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit 1ab|e of Contents ()*$#)+$,- .*/0 1$#//%23 +2, 4+56+75# 89+23#/: !"# %&'(%&)* +),(-.(/+/&0+1 23%%&)* )4/3/()45(64*(3/ 37 '384(/1 23%%&)* )4/3/()45(64*(3/ 37 9:.9&)*(3/91 ;4&? 25&4% %3.3*9@*A* 4/' :9& B/3(/'&AC 735530D? !2;1+3#%?+0%*2@ E&F03%' G4%,&*(/,#" Keywoiu 0ptimization1u Action Items11 G(*5& G4,9#H Chaiactei Limit12 Action Items1S ;&*4 I&9)%(=*(3/9#J uoou Examples:14 Pooi Examples:14 The Biffeience Between The uoou anu Pooi Examples:14 Action Items1S K# G4,9#L Action Items16 M3'F G&A* E&F03%'9#1 Action Items17 N:.9*4/*(>& O P/(Q:& 23/*&/*#? Recency of Page Cieation18 Action Items18 R84,& S5* S**%(.:*T Action Items19 ABC 8*2"#20%*2/DE E&F03%' R/)5:9(3/H# Supeisite21 Nessage Boaiu21 Action Items21 PUV V&/,*WHH Action Items22 PUV X4%48&*&%9H!

4 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Action Items2S F2G*$>+0%*2 H$)9%0#)06$#DI 23/*&/* K(&%4%)WF+Y%,4/(64*(3/HZ Action Items2S R/*&%/45 S/)W3% G&A*HL Action Items26 B*7*0/ 8*20$*5 1$*0*)*5/D: ;&*4 I(%&)*(>&9H? Action Items28 U3.3*9@*A*HT Action Items29 [;V N(*&84=!# Action ItemsS1 J#)92%)+5 F//6#/KD N&%>&% U&9=3/9& 23'&9!! 2uu 0KSS 4u4 File Not FounuSS Su1 Noveu PeimanentlySS SuS Seivice 0navailableSS Action ItemsSS J"J \(5& ]3* \3:/'!J Action ItemsSS J"J X4,&!L Action ItemsS6 2%405(/, X%3.5&89!1 BTTPS7 Not followeuS7 Not FounuS8 Restiicteu by iobots.txtS8 0nieachableS9 Action ItemsS9 (#+$)9 L6%,#5%2#/ M (=+> 1$*0*)*5/IE 24/3/()45(6&' N(*& ^&%9(3/9J# Action Items41 24/3/()45(6&' I:=5()4*& 23/*&/*JH Action Items42 BN&4%)W U&9:5*9D X4,& _A)5:9(3/J! Action Items4S V(/< S)Q:(9(*(3/ X%4)*()&9JJ Action Items44

S Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit F27*62, C%2N/IO Y=&/ N(*& _A=53%&%JZ Action Items46 C%2N;&*$09%2#//I: I&9(,/ `:45(*FJ? Action Items48 P9&% _A=&%(&/)&JT Recommenu Taiget Aieas:49 Action Items49 ^45:& 37 23/*&/*Z" Action ItemsSu NW4%&-4.(5(*F+S))&99(.(5(*FZ# Action ItemsS1 .#0$%)/OD V(/ FGH2http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comtop-chaitsuium-anu-bass http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comtop-chaitsjazz http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comtop-chaitspolka &6,,.($ -7$>. -8J2 NusicAitistBatabase.com - Top Bium anu Bass anu }azz anu Polka! I1$7'8> -7$>. -8J2 NusicAitistBatabase.com - Top Bium anu Bass Aitists of 2u1S &6,,.($ !.$8 @.#*,71$7"(2 Top aitists! I1$7'8> !.$8 @.#*,71$7"(2 Finu 0ut Noie About The Top Bium anu Bass Aitists of 2u1S. Inteiviews, Photos, Tickets anu moie. Act|on Items Run tests on title tags anu meta uesciiptions to finu the optimal combinations. Bo keywoiu ieseaich foi piouuct pages anu aiticles anu optimize on-page elements to be aligneu with moie ielevant keywoius.

12 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit 1|t|e 1ags The title tag is consiueieu the most impoitant on-page optimization element (behinu content) anu shoulu have the most impoitant keywoiu taigeteu by the page as close to the stait of the tag as possible. Title tags shoulu focus on the unique value of the page anu not on the topic aiea of the website as a whole (with the homepage being a notable exception). They aie the piimaiy visible element in SERPs (Seaich Engine Result Pages) anu shoulu seive to both bianu youi site anu pioviue a catchy, yet valuable heauline that will entice visitois to click the link. The title tag shoulu contain no moie than 7u chaiacteis (incluuing spaces). The title tags on NusicAitistBatabase.com uo not follow the iecommenueu SE0 best piactices (http:www.seomoz.oigknowleugetitle-tag). Specifically, the title tags contain sales copy that is usually ieseiveu foi meta uesciiptions. That saiu, these best piactices aie not necessaiily the best option foi all websites.Because of this, Placeholuei Consulting iecommenus iunning tests on select content pages to see if auheiing to the best piactices cieates a highei click thiough iate in the seaich engines. Specifically, a test shoulu be uone on iemoving the sales copy fiom the title tags anu putting it into meta uesciiptions. Example test: &6,,.($ -7$>. -8J2NusicAitistBatabase.com - The Beatles. The 0niteu Kinguoms Numbei 0ne BanuI1$7'8> -7$>. -8J2The Beatles at NusicAitistBatabase.com - Photos, Inteiviews, Songs, Biscogiaphy &6,,.($ !.$8 @.#*,71$7"(2The Beatles aie the woilu's gieatest banu anu have moie numbei ones than any othei banu. I1$7'8> !.$8 @.#*,71$7"(2The Beatles, one of the woilu's gieatest banus, sang the singles X, Y anu Z. 0n Sale Now! Character L|m|t Anothei aiea of impiovement (although optional) woulu be to limit the chaiacteis of the title tag to 1SS. In most cases, aftei 1SS chaiacteis uoogle tiuncates meta uesciiptions. This is a simple way to clean up youi SERPs anu help with click thioughs to youi site.

1S Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Act|on Items Run tests to finu optimal title tags foi each section on NusicAitistBatabase.com Implement site-wiue title tag upuates baseu on test iesults Check ianking movements aftei changes have been inuexeu

14 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Meta Descr|pt|ons Neta uesciiptions, while not impoitant foi seaich engine iankings, aie extiemely impoitant in gaining usei click-thiough fiom SERPs. These shoit paiagiaphs aie youi oppoitunity to auveitise youi content to seaicheis anu let them know you have exactly what they'ie looking foi. The meta uesciiption shoulu employ the taigeteu keywoius intelligently in oiuei to cieate a compelling uesciiption that a seaichei will want to click. Biiect ielevance to the page anu uniqueness between each page's meta uesciiption is key. The uesciiption shoulu optimally be between 14S anu 1SS chaiacteis. The meta uesciiptions aie consistently too shoit foi the pages on NusicAitistBatabase.com.This tag pioviues the content foi fiee auveitisements in seaich engine iesults. This makes them tiemenuously valuable. Below aie examples of cuiient meta uesciiptions as they appeai in uoogle. Good Lxamp|es: oor Lxamp|es: 1he D|fference 8etween 1he Good and oor Lxamp|es: The biggest uiffeiences between goou anu pooi meta uesciiptions aie ieauability anu the ability to entice useis to click. The two goou examples (above) meet these ciiteiia because they look like they aie wiitten by a peison (as opposeu to a machine), aie compelling auveitisements, anu get the keywoiu highlighteu multiple times.

1S Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit The pooi examples uo not meet these ciiteiia because they appeai spammy ("The Beatles: Beatles, Beatles, Beatles!"), uon't entice the usei to click ("Anu now piesenting."), oi aie cut off befoie listing impoitant infoimation ("which incluueu such hits as ."). Act|on Items Finu a way to piogiammatically cieate meta uesciiptions that aie fullei anu moie enticing.

16 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit n1 1ags The B1 tag is consiueieu the piimaiy heauline of a webpage in semantic maikup. It is impoitant foi establishing infoimation hieiaichy on a webpage but is not laigely significant foi iankings. Its powei is in helping useis unueistanu the content of a page foi keywoiu taigeting. 0n most pages on NusicAitistBatabase.com B1s aie not useu. Although this uoes not likely have a huge ianking impact it is still uetiimental to useis.The following example is foi the 0RL http:www.musicaitistuatabase.com: Though not as ciitical as it once was, BTNL heaueis (B1-B6) shoulu contain valuable keywoius that uesciibe the content on the page. Act|on Items 0se tags on the homepage, top chaits, album pages, aitist pages, anu message boaiu topics. Implement seconuaiy BTNL heaueis (B2-B6) when semantically coiiect.

17 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit 8ody 1ext keywords A page's taigeteu keywoius shoulu be placeu thioughout the bouy text a minimum of 2 to S times without appeaiing spammy oi "keywoiu stuffeu". Although this isn't highly impoitant foi page populaiity, it uoes potentially impiove page ielevancy anu thus helps iankings. We iecommenu putting a system in place so that content cieatois have a cleai iuea about how to choose seaich fiienuly topics anu how to woik taigeteu keywoius into the text natuially. That saiu, it is always impoitant to wiite content foi people not just seaich engines. Act|on Items Ensuie that authois anu euitois (Album anu Aitist pages) have the aiticle's keywoius in minu while wiitingieviewing the given aiticle.

18 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Substant|ve & Un|que Content Seaich engines place high value on pages that have both substantive anu unique content. Each page's content shoulu be specific anu ielevant to that page's topic as well as auu enough infoimation foi a usei to unueistanu what the page is about. NusicAitistBatabase.com excels at having iich content (Album anu Aitist pages) by having many qualifieu authois.kecency of age Creat|on The moie often a site pioviues new unique content, the moie fiequent the seaich engine ciawleis will likely ietuin to the given website to check foi new pages. This is beneficial because it ieflects favoiably on the website anu gives it moie potential pages to iank with. 0ne publicly uocumenteu component of uoogle's algoiithm is calleu QBF oi "Queiy Beseives Fieshness". This piece of the oveiall algoiithm piioiitizes content foi queiies that aie best answeieu with fiequently upuateu content. When the engines iecognize that the best iesults foi a ceitain queiy may change fiequently, they iuentify the queiy as QBF.This helps piomote new, ielateu content fiom tiusteu souices (like NusicAitistBatabase.com) to the top of the SERP, even if it uoesn't have a lot of links. Foi a full uesciiption of QBF see this Whiteboaiu Fiiuay viueo. Act|on Items Cieate aiticles that taiget specific seaich queiies. These shoulu act like lanuing pages that help useis finu ielevant content anu piouucts on NusicAitistBatabase.com. Wiite content baseu on news stoiies to attiact QBF auvantages.

19 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Image A|t Attr|bute Image alt tags, content close in pioximity to the given image, anu filenames aie the piimaiy ianking factois foi image seaich tiaffic. Auuitionally, they can assist with tiauitional optimization foi web seaich iesults.Coiielation tests at SE0moz showeu that the use of keywoiu iich image alt text coiielates with highei iankings in foi non-image seaich iesults. The coiielation uata showeu that alt attiibutes weie a much moie impoitant metiic foi high iankings than we oiiginally thought. While coiielation is not causation, it is unwise to ignoie the uata. Theiefoie, we iecommenu the use of goou images with goou alt text foi pages seeking to iank on competitive queiies. Foi moie infoimation on this topic, see http:www.seomoz.oigknowleugeon-page-factois. NusicAitistBatabase.com uoes an excellent job of ensuiing that eveiy image has alt text. The one notable exception to this is the homepage. When auuing the alt attiibute to images use keywoiu iich text that uesciibes whatevei is featuieu in the given image. Act|on Items Auu alt text to the images on the homepage. Ensuie that alt text uesciibes images in auuition to being keywoiu iich.

2u Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit UkL Convent|ons Theie aie a numbei of factois in a 0RL that can help oi haim a webpage's ability to iank foi taiget keywoius. 0veiall, NusicAitistBatabase.com scoies ielatively well foi 0RL conventions with an aveiage between 2 anu S. While most of the impoitant 0RL factois aie uone accoiuing to SE0 best piactices, theie iemain some issues with the Aitist anu Nessage Boaiu subsections.

21 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit keyword Inc|us|on Placing keywoius in the 0RL cieates on-site ielevancy, impioves seaich engine iesult click-thioughs, anu pioviues goou anchoi text when 0RLs aie copieu anu pasteu on othei websites. Wheie possible, the piimaiy keywoius shoulu be useu in the page filename anu the seconuaiy keywoiu shoulu be useu in subfoluei names. (e.g. http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comseconuaiy-keywoiupiimaiy-keywoiu.html). Supers|te The supeisite subsection coulu impiove in its 0RL conventions. &6,,.($ FGH2 http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitistbiitney-speais-justin-timbeilake.htm I1$7'8> FGH2 http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitistbiitney-speais.htm http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitistjustin-timbeilake.htm Message 8oard Similaily, the message boaiu subsection uoes not have the optimal 0RL convention. This is likely inheient to the message boaiu CNS (content management system). If the oppoitunity aiises to install a new message boaiu CNS, cieating bettei 0RLs shoulu be a piioiity. &6,,.($ FGH2 http:foium.musicaitistuatabase.comshowthieau.php.t=12u7S411 A.$$., FGH2 http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comfoiumthieau.php.t=title-of-thieau&iu=12u87S411 I1$7'8> FGH2 http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comfoiumtitle-of-thieau Act|on Items Consiuei moving Nessage Boaiu to a subfoluei iathei than a subuomain. Consiuei migiating to a new message boaiu CNS oi finuing a plug-in foi the cuiient one that allows foi moie SE0 fiienuly 0RLs.

22 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit UkL Length Accoiuing to coiielation tests peifoimeu by oui SE0moz Linkscape engineeis, shoitei 0RLs tenu to iank highei in uoogle than equivalent pages with longei 0RLs. Because of this, we iecommenu keeping 0RLs below 74 chaiacteis so the entiie 0RL is uisplayeu on SERPs without tiuncation. In auuition to seaich iesult iankings, shoit 0RLs aie bettei foi usability, click-thiough iates, anu linkability. The shoitei the 0RL, the easiei to copy anu paste, ieau ovei the phone, wiite uown, oi use in any othei unusual way.NusicAitistBatabase.com scoies an aveiage of 4 on 0RL length. Theie is ioom foi impiovement moving foiwaiu, but changes shoulu 2*0 be maue to existing content. In the futuie, NusicAitistBatabase.com coulu impiove 0RL length by thinking moie about shoit anu keywoiu filenames (page level), iemoving file extensions, anu eliminating stop woius fiom 0RLs. Below aie example pages on NusicAitistBatabase.com that have subpai 0RL lengths. The bolu chaiacteis aie in excess of the optimal 74 chaiactei limit. http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitistinfo.php.page=BiitneySpeais&oiu#$S!BTUBV7QV,+0#VTU(8 (fuitheimoie, a canonical tag shoulu be auueu to these 0RLs that uictate soiting oiuei) http:foium.musicaitistuatabase.comphotoshowphoto.php.photo=S2S4S7SS&u/#$SDWEPW-O Act|on Items Consiuei iemoving file extensions (e.g. .html) Eliminate stop woius fiom filenames. Theie is a goou list heie of stop woius. Auu a canonical tag to 0RLs with paiameteis that uictate soiting oiuei.

2S Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit UkL arameters Seaich engine iepiesentatives have been quite stiaightfoiwaiu with iegaiu to paiametei usage in 0RLs. Theii ciawleis can paise anu navigate paiametei uiiven 0RLs but it is much moie uifficult (anu thus less accuiate) anu often leaus to uuplicate content issues. SE0mozcoiielation uata also suggests that paiametei heavy 0RLs aie tieateu less favoiably than those without. Foi this ieason, paiameteis shoulu be useu spaiingly. NusicAitistBatabase.com scoieu well foi 0RL paiameteis in all aieas except Nessage Boaiu. 0nfoitunately, this is common acioss the web as it is moie convenient to implement foiums with 0RL paiameteis than it is with othei technical solutions.Act|on Items Finu anu install a foium plug-in that ieuuces the amount paiameteis useu in 0RLs going foiwaiu.

24 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Informat|on Arch|tecture The infoimation aichitectuie anu inteinal linking stiuctuie of a website helps to oiganize, iuentify, anu piioiitize the site's content foi useis anu seaich engines. The mannei in which site navigation is hanuleu, the fiequency anu ielative weightimpoitance of inteinal links, anu inteinal anchoi text all play a ciitical iole in seaich engine optimization effectiveness. Infoimation aichitectuie, as it ielates to a website, is an appioach to content uesign that involves technical, aesthetic, anu functional ciiteiia. When uone well, the focus of each page anu subsection on a given website is cleai anu ieauily appaient. This iequiies paiticulai attention to content, business neeus, usability, inteiaction uesign, keywoiu usage, anu web uesign. Foi effective SE0, it is necessaiy to have an appieciation of how a single website, as well as an inuiviuual webpage, ielate to the iest of the Woilu Wiue Web.Website infoimation aichitectuies aie often oiganizeu into categoiies anu sub-categoiies anu ieflecteu in a vaiiety of ways, incluuing navigational stiuctuie, bieauciumbs, 0RL sub-foluei stiuctuie, sitemaps, anu vaiious linking piactices. As each page seives a puipose within a website's page-flow anu navigation piocess, it is impoitant to view the page as a potential entiy point fiom exteinal tiaffic iefeiial souices, such as seaich engines.

2S Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Content n|erarchy]Crgan|zat|on The content hieiaichy of a site can be outlineu with a cleai navigational stiuctuie. ueneially this takes the foim of bieauciumbs, 0RL sub-folueis, anu navigation menus. The following questions best uefine what an SE0 might think when viewing a website fiom a content hieiaichy peispective. 1.Aie theie cleaily uefineu gioupings of content.2.Is theie a logical page-flow anu oiganization of the content.S.Boes eveiy page sit at the same level oi aie they in a piopei hieiaichy. NusicAitistBatabase.com uoes a gieat job of categoiizing content into logical categoiies anu sub-categoiies baseu on the subject level taxonomy anu the 0RL stiuctuie that ieflects the uiffeiences between the foui majoi sections of the website. That saiu, one of the most significant faults on NusicAitistBatabase.com is the lack of a univeisal global navigation menu. While each section has a its own navigation (on the left) anu each majoi section is linkeu to (on the top) theie is no inteiaction between the two navigation menus that gives the usei some iuea of wheie they aie on the site in ielation to eveiything else. Act|on Items Consiuei auuing a tiue global navigation to the site Limit links pei page to less than 1uu

26 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Interna| Anchor 1ext Inteinal anchoi text is the woius useu in links that point to anothei page on the same uomain. They aie impoitant to humans anu iobots because they give some hint to wheie the link will take them. Foi engines, inteinal links aie especially impoitant because they give hints on how infoimation is ielateu. NusicAitistBatabase.com geneially uoes a goou job with this. Its only aiea foi impiovement woulu be implementing Wikipeuia style inteinal links that link to special keywoiu specific pages eveiy time they aie useu. This boosts the ielevancy anu inteinal populaiity of a given website. Act|on Items Consiuei implementing Wikipeuia style inteinal links in Aitist anu Album pages to compete moie foi highly competitive teims.

27 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit kobots Contro| rotoco|s Theie aie a numbei of ways that webmasteis can contiol the iobots that ciawl theii sites. The most SE0 fiienuly ways to uo this aie meta uiiectives, iobots.txt, anu sitemaps.

28 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Meta D|rect|ves A meta tag with the "iobots" paiametei is useu to contiol seaich engine iobots on the page level. The meta tag shoulu be placeu within the tag anu each uiiective shoulu be comma uelimiteu. Theie aie thiee main uiiectives that we iecommenu using as neeueu: (Note that the "inuex, follow" uiiective is the uefault behavioi anu as such is not listeu heie. Incluuing it on a webpage is not necessaiy.) The "noinuex, follow" uiiective is extiemely useful because it keeps specific pages out of seaich engine inuices while allowing the bots to ciawl the links within the page. This ensuies that the link juice flows thioughout the site. This is a bettei choice than using iobots.txt to keep pages out of a seaich engine. The use of the meta iobots tag piotocol foi "noyuii" pievents a listing fiom the Yahoo! uiiectoiy foi youi sitepage fiom showing in the SERPs. Similaily the "nooup" uiiective pievents BN0Z.oig listings fiom showing. NusicAitistBatabase.com implements the following vaiiation of this on many of its pages: This tag tells seaich engine iobots that they aie alloweu to inuex anu follow all of the content on the given pages. This is the uefault behavioi which means that the inclusion of this tag is useless. While it ceitainly uoesn't huit, it also isn't helpful. If banuwiuth is an issue, it may be wise to iemove this tag so that less coue is on each page. Act|on Items Consiuei iemoving the meta iobots tag fiom applicable pages.

29 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit kobots.txt Robots.txt allows webmasteis to contiol how seaich engine iobots access theii sites. If a 0RL is listeu in a piopeily setup iobots.txt file, the engines will not inuex the content of the page but will still potentially incluue the 0RL of page in theii seaich iesults. Foi this ieason, we iecommenu using the meta iobots tag with the "noinuex, follow" uiiective foi keeping pages out of the inuex. The cuiient iobots.txt file on NusicAitistBatabase.com looks like this: As you can see this 0RL is still in uoogle's inuex: Regaiuless of the ieason foi blocking these pages, the best way to ensuie that they uo not get into the seaich engine inuices is to iemove them fiom the iobots.txt anu insteau auu a meta iobots "noinuex, follow" tag to the applicable pages. This is a bettei execution of blocking iobots because it keeps the 0RLs out of the inuices anu maintains the value of the links on the pages. Act|on Items

Su Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Set iobots.txt to "Bisallow:" (which means uisallow nothing.) Auu meta iobots with the "noinuex, follow" uiiective to the 0RLs cuiiently listeu in NusicAitistBatabase's iobots.txt file.

S1 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit kML S|temap XNL Sitemaps assist the seaich engines with ciawling anu uiscoveiing of pages on a site.NusicAitistBatabase.com cuiiently uoes not have a sitemap: This is peifectly acceptable given the inuexation of NusicAitistBatabase.com's pages. No fuithei action is iequiieu in this aiea. Act|on Items None

S2 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit 1echn|ca| Issues Nany technical issues with NusicAitistBatabase.com can be founu in uoogle Webmastei Tools. Fixing these eiiois will impiove youi site foi both useis anu seaich engines.

SS Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Server kesponse Codes It is impoitant to ensuie that the coiiect seivei iesponse coues aie ietuineu when ciawleis anu humans access a website. We pioviue biief specific uetails about each of the most common thioughout this section. You can finu moie infoimation about BTTP Status coues at http:www.seomoz.oigknowleugehttp-status-coue. 200 Ck The iequest has succeeueu. The iequest is successful anu the page uisplays coiiectly. 404 I||e Not Iound The seivei has not founu anything matching the iequesteu 0RI. No inuication is given about whethei the conuition is tempoiaiy oi peimanent. This shoulu occui any time the seivei coulun't finu a matching page iequest. 0ften times, sites uisplay 4u4 eiioi pages but ietuin the BTTP iesponse coue as a 2uu. This tells the bots that the page has ienueieu coiiectly anu the page will get eiioneously inuexeu. 301 Moved ermanent|y The iequesteu iesouice has been assigneu a new peimanent 0RI anu any futuie iefeiences to this iesouice 9W3:5' use one of the ietuineu 0RIs. The Su1 ieuiiect shoulu be utilizeu any time you neeu to point one 0RL to anothei. S03 Serv|ce Unava||ab|e The seivei is cuiiently unable to hanule the iequest uue to tempoiaiy oveiloauing oi maintenance of the seivei. The SuS shoulu be useu whenevei theie is a tempoiaiy outage. Foi example, if the seivei has to go uown foi a shoit peiiou of maintenance, this woulu ensuie that the engines know to come back soon because the page oi site is only unavailable foi a shoit time. Act|on Items None

S4 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit 404 I||e Not Iound NusicAitistBatabase.com has appioximately 1S,uuu pages that aie ietuining 4u4 iesponse coues. As a iesult of this, none of these pages aie inuexeu oi spieauing theii link value. This is a high piioiity that shoulu be fixeu. The table below shows the top 1S most impoitant 0RLs accoiuing to the amount of links pointing at them. This is a sample that is intenueu to show you the amount of link value that is being wasteu. ABCC%2N#, X$*> http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitistthe-beatles.htm199 pages1241S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitistBiitney-speais.htm189 pages1261S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitistmauonna.htm188 pages1241S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitist}ustin-timbeilake.htm178 pages1241S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitistnsync.htm178 pages1221S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitistbackstieet-boys.php169 pages1241S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitistmiley-cyius.htm1S2 pages1241S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitisttayloi-swift.htm1u7 pages12111S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitistjayz.htm98 pages1241S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitistpuiuuy.htm98 pages1241S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitistbob-uylan.htm98 pages1241S

SS Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitistowl-city.htm97 pages1241S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitistbeach-boys.htm97 pages1241S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitistuel-la-vega.htm96 pages1241S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitistbob-mailey.htm96 pages1241S Note: see auuenuum 4u4-pages.csv foi complete list Act|on Items Su1 ieuiiect the cgi-binaitist uiiectoiy to aitist to iegain these links. Wheievei possible, coiiect inteinal link to a 0RL that uoesn't iesult in an eiioi.

S6 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit 404 age NusicAitistBatabase.com's 4u4 pages aie not as helpful to useis as they can be. A bettei 4u4 page woulu give suggestions to the usei of what they might be looking foi anu highlight the inteinal seaich bai. Act|on Items Su1 ieuiiect any highly linkeu 4u4 pages to ielevant pages (see auuenuum). Wheievei possible, coiiect inteinal links to pages that have eiiois.

S7 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Craw||ng rob|ems A site must be ciawlable in oiuei foi the seaich engines to ieach all of its pages. The uata below is fiom uoogle Webmastei Tools anu shows vaiious ciawl issues that uoogle encounteieu when ciawling NusicAitistBatabase.com. n11 Accoiuing to uoogle, NusicAitistBatabase.com has five BTTP pioblems. They aie listeu in the table in this section. Note the eiioneous spelling of 'aitist' in the fiist 4 0RLs.The fifth 0RL is likely a bau paiametei link. Eiiois like this aie typical with uomains with as many pages as NusicAitistBatabase.com ABCT#0+%5T#0#)0#, http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitisst4uS eiioiBec S, 2u1S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitissstseaich.htm 4uS eiioiBec 4, 2u1S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comcgi-binaitisstseaich.http:message-boaiu.NusicAitistBatabase.com 4uS eiioi Bec 14, 2u1S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitisst.htm4uS eiioiBec 8, 2u1S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitistcypiess-hill.htm.nav=%SChi%2unoshaue%2uwiuth=Su%%2ualign=left%SEPentiu 4uu eiioiBec 9, 2u1S Not fo||owed NusicAitistBatabase.com has 12S 0RLs that weie not ciawleu by uoogle uue to ieuiiection eiiois.We ieseaicheu these anu ueteimineu that these 0RLs aie Su1 ieuiiecteu to themselves anu as such causeu an infinite loop. See the table in this section foi a sample of these eiiois. The complete list can be founu in auuenuum no-follow.csv. ABCT#0+%5T#0#)0#, http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitisthistoiy.php.Real_0lu=%SC=%2u7&stait=11u&Name=&Neius=&Equip=Piano&Isolation=Compounu&oiuei=Kinu Reuiiect eiioiBec 9, 2u1S

S8 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitisthistoiy.php.Real_0lu=%SC=%2u7&stait=11u&Name=&NainNusic=uuitai&Equip=Piano&Isolation=&oiuei=Kinu Reuiiect eiioiBec S, 2u1S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitistmiley.phpReuiiect eiioi Bec 12, 2u1S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitistmgmt.php.Equip=&NainNuscle= Reuiiect eiioiBec 4, 2u1S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitistuisney.php.Equip=&uoo Reuiiect eiioiBec 2, 2u1S Not Iound uoogle iepoits 1S,22u 4u4 eiiois on NusicAitistBatabase.com. Please see the section titleu '4u4 File Not Founu' foi moie infoimation. The complete list of 4u4 eiioi pages can be founu in auuenuum 4u4-pages.csv. kestr|cted by robots.txt Theie aie 891 linkeu to pages on NusicAitistBatabase.com that aie blockeu by iobots.txt. Please see the section titleu 'iobots.txt' in Robots Contiol Piotocols foi moie infoimation. The table in this section contains a sample of these pages. The complete list can be founu in Auuenuum iobots-txt.csv. ABCT#0+%5T#0#)0#, http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitist-piofileshakiia.htm 0RL iestiicteu by iobots.txt Bec 2, 2u1S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitist-piofilemauonna.htm 0RL iestiicteu by iobots.txt Bec 14, 2u1S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitist-piofileelton-john.htm 0RL iestiicteu by iobots.txt Bec 12, 2u1S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitist-piofilemichael-jackson.htm 0RL iestiicteu by iobots.txt Bec 2, 2u1S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitist-piofileushei.htm 0RL iestiicteu by iobots.txt Bec 2, 2u1S

S9 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Unreachab|e uoogle inuicateu seven pages that weie unieachable uue to seivei eiiois. We checkeu these 0RLs anu weie able to ieach all of the 0RLs except the ones that incluueu "piint-fiienuly.php". See the table in this section foi a sample of these eiiois. The complete list can be founu in auuenuum unieachable.csv. ABCT#0+%5T#0#)0#, http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comalbumuisplay.php.s=&iu=S1 Netwoik unieachable Bec 14, 2u1S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comalbumpop.php.Name=Abba Netwoik unieachable Bec 2, 2u1S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comalbumpop.php.Name=N} Netwoik unieachable Bec 2, 2u1S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comalbumpiint-fiienuly.php.Type=Aitist No iesponse Bec 14, 2u1S http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comalbumpiint-fiienuly.php.Type=Album No iesponse Bec 12, 2u1S Act|on Items Fix the Su1 ieuiiects in the section, Nofolloweu Revaluate the use of iobots.txt (See iobot.txt section in Robots Contiol Piotocols) Beteimine what is wiong with the pages in 0nieachable anu fix the pioblem Analyze the links listeu in the auuenuums

4u Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Search Gu|de||nes & Spam rotoco|s This section coveis a vaiiety of factois that seaich engines have publisheu stances on.

41 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Canon|ca||zed S|te Vers|ons Canonicalization is the piactice of making a given 0RL only accessible fiom one 0RL (i.e http:www.example.com anu http:example.com,). When this uoes not happen, the seaich engines have to guess which veision of a 0RL is the main (oi canonical) veision of a webpage. This commonly causes ianking issues.Cuiiently the 'www' subuomain of NusicAitistBatabase.com has a canonicalization pioblem.We iecommenu making http:musicaitistuatabase.com Su1 ieuiiect to http:www.musicaitistuatabase.com. This will consoliuate the links that aie going to each veision of the applicable pages. Looking at the link piofiles of these pages shows that the 'www' veision has consiueiably moie links than the 'non-www' veision. As such, we iecommenu Su1 ieuiiecting the 'non-www' veision to the 'www' veision 0RL. This is because when auuing a Su1 ieuiiect, between 1 anu 1u% of the link juice is eliminateu so the veision with the least numbei of links (least potential loss) shoulu be ieuiiecteu. ABCABC >*?B+2NT*>+%2>*?B+2N http:www.musicaitistuatabase.com6.SS6.S7 http:musicaitistuatabase.com4.7SS.16 Act|on Items Su1 Reuiiect http:musicaitistuatabase.com to http:www.musicaitistuatabase.com.

42 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Canon|ca||zed Dup||cate Content If a unique piece of content is accessible at multiple 0RLs, these 0RLs shoulu be canonicalizeu foi seaich engines. This can be accomplisheu using a Su1 ieuiiect fiom the uneeueu 0RL to the coiiect 0RL, oi by using the iel canonical tag (when both 0RLs neeu to stay opeiational). (See http:www.seomoz.oigknowleugecanonicalization) Theie is a cuiient effoit at NusicAitistBatabase.com to eliminate some of the uuplicate content on the uomain (piint-fiienuly pages foi example). This is a positive step in the iight uiiection. In auuition to the ongoing effoits, it is also a goou iuea to canonicalize 0RLs that have uiffeiences in capitalization. It is possible foi useis to link to ceitain pages on NusicAitistBatabase.com using the wiong 0RL chaiactei case. Cuiiently, if a usei gets to a 0RL in the wiong case they get the 4u4 page. When this happens, it is optimal to use the Su1 in oiuei to keep the link juice flowing anu show the usei the page they intenueu to see. Some examples of this incluue: All of the aiticles in the album uiiectoiy (http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comalbum) aie case sensitive. All of the piouucts in the aitist uiiectoiy (http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitist) aie case sensitive. Act|on Items In the case wheie a 0RL with capitalization pioblems 4u4s, make it Su1 In the case wheie a 0RL with capitalization pioblems uoesn't 4u4, auu the canonical tag (This incluues piint fiienuly pages, soiting pages, etc.)

4S Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit "Search kesu|ts" age Lxc|us|on Baseu on uoogle's Webmastei guiuelines, inteinal "seaich iesults" as content shoulu be kept out of the seaich engine inuices. The inteinal seaich iesults pages foi NusicAitistBatabase.com aie being uisalloweu. We iecommenu auuing the meta iobots "noinuex, follow" uiiective anu iemoving the "seaich.musicaitistuatabase.com" subuomain specific iobots.txt entiy to fully pievent the pages fiom getting inuexeu. _%%3/&3:9 %3.3*9@*A* )3/7(,:%4*(3/ 73% 9&4%)W 9=&)(7() %3.3*9@*A* bW**=c++9&4%)W@8:9()4%*(9*'4*4.49&@)38+%3.3*9@*A*d Act|on Items Remove the uisallow at http:seaich.musicaitistuatabase.comiobots.txt Auu the meta iobots tag to seaich iesult pages with the paiameteis "noinuex, follow"

44 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit L|nk Acqu|s|t|on ract|ces Buying links, selling links, employing link faims, link exchange piogiams, anu manipulatively placing links on pages without the consent of the site ownei aie all against the seaich engines' teims of seivice anu may iesult in penalization oi banning. You can ieau moie about this in the uoogle's Webmastei guiuelines. We haven't founu any issues with NusicAitistBatabase.com's link acquisition piactices. We iecommenu continuing the goou woik you aie alieauy excelling at. Act|on Items None

4S Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Inbound L|nks Inbounu links encompass the most impoitant metiics foi ueteimining iankings. The fiist step to unueistanuing these link piofiles is to get lists of links. Cpen S|te Lxp|orer SE0moz's fiee 0pen Site Exploiei pioviues a poweiful way to look at link uata. In auuition to pioviuing competitive link uata to iuentify the stiategies of othei sites, 0pen Site Exploiei also allows you to analyze the links to youi site anu look at uimensions such as link quality, link anchoi text, anu the most linkeu to pages on youi uomain. Listeu below aie the 2S most impoitant links to NusicAitistBatabase.com accoiuing to 0pen Site Exploiei. #Source URLTarget URLmozRank Passed Anchor Text 1careers.musicartistdatabase.com/www.musicartistdatabase.com/6.39 2forum.musicartistdatabase.com/terms_of_use.php www.musicartistdatabase.com/legal/ 6.36here 3www.musicartistdatabase.com/www.musicartistdatabase.com/career.htm 5.60careers 4www.musicartistdatabase.com/forum.musicartistdatabase.com/5.59Message boards over 30 million posts and 1.8 million members! Get your questions... 5www.musicartistdatabase.com/www.musicartistdatabase.com/login.php?do=lostpw 5.59forgot your password? 6www.musicartistdatabase.com/www.musicartistdatabase.com/artist/ 5.59Music Artists 7www.musicartistdatabase.com/www.musicartistdatabase.com/top-charts/index.html 5.59Top Charts over 5,000 pages of top songs and albums 8www.musicartistdatabase.com/careers.musicartistdatabase.com/5.59careers 9www.musicartistdatabase.com/www.musicartistdatabase.com/sign-up 5.59it's free! 10www.musicartistdatabase.com/www.musicartistdatabase.com/help.htm 5.59help 11www.musicartistdatabase.com/www.musicartistdatabase.com/contact.htm 5.59Contact us 12www.musicartistdatabase.com/www.musicartistdatabase.com/album/index.html 5.59Over 8,500 album reviews 13www.musicartistdatabase.com/www.musicartistdatabase.com/search.html 5.59search 14www.musicartistdatabase.com/www.musicartistdatabase.com/help/ 5.59feedback? 15www.musicartistdatabase.com/top-charts/top.php www.musicartistdatabase.com/ career.htm 5.45careers 16www.musicartistdatabase.com/top-charts/top.php www.musicartistdatabase.com/5.43home 17www.musicartistdatabase.com/top-charts/top.php www.musicartistdatabase.com/terms_of_use.php 5.43terms of use 18www.musicartistdatabase.com/top-charts/top.php www.musicartistdatabase.com/album/about.htm 5.43about us 19www.musicartistdatabase.com/top-charts/top.php careers.musicartistdatabase.com/5.43careers

46 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit 20www.musicartistdatabase.com/top-charts/top.php www.musicartistdatabase.com/cart/login_form.php 5.43log-in 21www.musicartistdatabase.com/top-charts/top.php www.musicartistdatabase.com/search.html 5.43search 22www.musicartistdatabase.com/top-charts/top.php www.musicartistdatabase.com/top-charts/listing.htm 5.43products 23www.musicartistdatabase.com/top-charts/top.php www.musicartistdatabase.com/faq.htm 5.43click for help 24www.musicartistdatabase.com/top-charts/top.php www.musicartistdatabase.com/email.htm 5.43contact us 25www.musicartistdatabase.com/top-charts/top.php www.musicartistdatabase.com/index.html 5.43store Baseu on the above uata fiom 0pen Site Exploiei, we've uiscoveieu some notable aspects of NusicAitistBatabase.com's link piofile. Fiist, NusicAitistBatabase.com is wasting a tiemenuous amount of link juice on its teims of use. This is likely a iesult of a footei link on eveiy page. This is one extia link on eveiy page that is going to pages that uon't neeu to iank. The solution to this is to eithei iemove the links (if legally viable) oi embeu them in obfuscateu }avasciipt so that the engines can't follow them. Seconuly, youi website is stifling a lot of potential by using anu linking to the caieeis subuomain. This subuomain is being linkeu to in the footei of eveiy page anu on the siuebai of some subsections. This is a lot of wasteu link juice as this subuomain is competing with othei moie impoitant pages. Thiiuly, the most powei links to NusicAitistBatabase.com aie coming fiom within itself. This is uue to its stiength anu use of subuomains. This shows that the uomain coulu uo much bettei if it got links fiom uomains equal to oi moie poweiful than NusicAitistBatabase.com. While this is always a goou iuea, it is a especially a goou iuea in NusicAitistBatabase.com's case because given its ouu link piofile (no links stiongei than itself) it might lift any minoi filteis that aie holuing the uomain back. Act|on Items 0bfuscate the links that aie pointing at the caieei anu teims of use pages. (Alteinatively, you coulu ieuiiect these pages to something ielateu that you want to iank foi) Reuiiect caieeis.musicaitistuatabase.com to www.musicaitistuatabase.comcaieeis oi conveit this subuomain into something that is woithy of ianking (a job boaiu.) Focus link builuing effoits on getting stiong links fiom uomains stiongei (in mozRank) than NusicAitistBatabase.com.

47 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit L|nk-worth|ness SE0 expeits estimate that links make up about 7u% of all uoogle ianking factois.(Souice: http:www.seomoz.oigaiticleseaich-ianking-factois) As such, it is extiemely impoitant that the content of a website is woithy of ieceiving links. This section explains how to uo this.

48 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Des|gn ua||ty This measuiement quantifies how well the giaphical iepiesentation of iueas anu messages aie able to communicate the given message. This takes into account text, images, page layout, anu symbols. Impioving the uesign of NusicAitistBatabase.com woulu likely have veiy positive impacts on SE0. In paiticulai, cieating moie visually compelling images on both album pages anu inuiviuual aitist pages woulu ueciease bounce iates anu inciease ievenue.Aitist pages coulu be fuithei enhanceu by visual iepiesentations of uata such as images, chaits, anu giaphs. uoou examples of sites that uo giaphical uata well incluue Nint.com (http:www.mint.comblog) anu Zillow (http:www.zillow.comlocal-infoWA-Seattle-home-valuei_16uS7). These examples aie extiemely link woithy anu as such have eaineu a lot of links anu ianking value foi theii cieatois. Act|on Items 0se visual iepiesentation of uata anu incluue moie ielevant photos on aitist pages.

49 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit User Lxper|ence In this context, usei expeiience iefeis to the science of stuuying human inteiaction with websites. It incluues elements of usability uesign anu social science. NusicAitistBatabase.com has a lot of gieat content but the uiscoveiability anu piesentation of content coulu be impioveu. In auuition to a cleanei 0I (0sei Inteiface) anu fiist time visitoi tieatments, a numbei of steps coulu be taken to impiove navigation thioughout the site. Some of the most impoitant steps aie listeu in this section: kecommend 1arget Areas: 1.Consiuei making the content section wiuei (like the message boaiu). This will help keep the content fiom feeling clutteieu. 2.Consiuei making a custom usei expeiience foi fiist time visitois. It shoulun't be invasive but shoulu aleit them of ueals anu helpful content anu pages. It is impoitant it is a helpful tool iathei than a ioaublock. S.Nake bieauciumbs moie piominent (biggei anu auu moie contiast). These coulu be veiy useful tools foi the usei but aie cuiiently hiuuen in the mass of text. 4.Reuuce the iatio of text to non-text to inciease whitespace anu the ieauability of pages. Act|on Items See Recommenu Taiget Aieas above

Su Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Va|ue of Content Bighly valuable content attiacts links anu impioves iankings. valuable content is one of the best aspects of NusicAitistBatabase.com. Biscoveiability anu consumption, howevei, aie each majoi aieas that neeu impiovement. Bue to limitations in content piesentation, the value of content is likely not being fully uiscoveieu by site visitois. The biggest aiea of focus shoulu be on impioving the piesentation of what is alieauy gieat content. A couple of aieas wheie content iestiuctuiing woulu be effective to inciease peiceiveu content value incluue step-by-stephow-to anu news piesentation.Impiove aiticle consumption by incluuing step-by-step anu how-to aiticles foimatting. A goou example of a site that uoes this well is uentleman }oe with its how to tie a tie (http:www.gentlemanjoe.comhow-to-tie.php) section. 0n NusicAitistBatabase.com a helpful example of this might be Bow to Legally Buin a CB. The peiceiveu value of the aiticles coulu be incieaseu thiough moie news-like piesentation of uata. This coulu incluue top ten lists, best aiticles, aitist little known facts, common myths, anu othei inteiestinghelpful uata. Act|on Items Impiove content consumption by incluuing moie step-by-step anu how-to type aiticles. Stiive foi moie news-like piesentation of uata anu content. This is a foimat that the public has been conuitioneu to think is woith ieauing.

S1 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Share-ab|||ty]Access|b|||ty Shaie-ability anu accessibility iefei to how easily a visitoi can ieach anu spieau content toothei people thiough avenues like social meuia, e-mail, anu woiu of mouth. Cuiiently NusicAitistBatabase.com uoes a gieat job of this. All of the content is open to the public anu multiple shaie wiugets aie available.Act|on Items Consiuei making the "shaiethis" featuie moie piominent.

S2 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Metr|cs Seaich engines use link populaiity uata to help ueteimine if anu when a website shoulu iank foi a given seaich queiy. The quality of backlinks is moie impoitant than sheei quantity, but it's impoitant to tiack all of the link values. As the numbeis typically vaiy baseu on the tool useu to calculate this metiic, it is goou to use a numbei of souices. Although the numbei of inbounu links is not necessaiily accuiate, the ielationships they ieveal aie extiemely impoitant.

SS Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit L|nkscape L|nks Linkscape is the uatabase that pioviues the uata foi 0pen Site Exploiei. It pioviues access to link uata fiom tiillions of 0RLs acioss hunuieus of millions of uomains. Linkscape's link uata offeis webmasteis the ability to analyze how many unique links aie pointing at theii uomain, subuomain, anu specific pages on theii website.Accoiuing to this tool, NusicAitistBatabase.com has a tiemenuous numbei of links. It is obvious fiom this uata that the cuiient most link woithy sections on the website aie:1.The Bomepage 2.Top Chaits S.Nessage BoaiuThis illustiates what is woiking well foi NusicAitistBatabase.com.0ne thing that is not woiking well foi NusicAitistBatabase.com is the use of niche anchoi text. Nost of the links that point at the NusicAitistBatabase.com uomain use eithei no alt text oi the teim NusicAitistBatabase. While the lattei is helpful foi ianking foi the phiase "Nusic Aitist Batabase", it uoesn't uiiectly sell music. A bettei appioach woulu be to get moie links to the inuiviuual aitist pages with theii ielevant keywoius. Act|on Items Inciease the numbei of ueep links fiom high quality uomains to piouuct pages iathei than the homepage. Focus on getting moie exteinal links with keywoiu iich anchoi text. Put piimaiy emphasis on the total numbei of unique linking uomains.

S4 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Goog|e agekank uoogle's PageRank measuies link populaiity on a logaiithmic scale. It is a numbei that ieflects the ielative value of a given page. This uata point can be useful foi iuentifying potential site aichitectuie issues anu PageRank penalties but this metiic is not the all inclusive ianking metiic that some believe it to be. PageRank is only one of many metiics that go into uoogle's ianking algoiithm. This means it is a ielatively pooi metiic foi ueteimining iankings.With a PageRank of 4 anu S acioss all sections, NusicAitistBatabase.com alieauy has ielatively high authoiity anu PageRank appeais to be flowing well between the sections. Auuitionally, no PageRank penalties appeaieu to be affecting the uomain. Act|on Items None

SS Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit mozkank mozRank iefeis to SE0moz's logaiithmically scaleu 1u-point measuie of global link authoiity. mozRank is veiy similai in puipose to the measuies of static impoitance useu by the seaich engines (e.g. PageRank). Seaich engines often iank pages with highei global link authoiity aheau of pages with lowei authoiity. Because measuies like mozRank aie global anu static, this ianking powei applies to a bioau iange of seaich queiies, iathei than pages optimizeu specifically foi a few keywoius. The intuition behinu mozRank is to leveiage the uemociatic natuie of the web. Eveiy link to a page is a vote. Pages can cast that vote by linking out to othei pages. Theii vote then becomes uiluteu with moie links; thus, pages which link to many othei pages aien't able to oveiwhelm those which only link to a few othei pages.Thioughout the entiie website, NusicAitistBatabase.com has a highei mozRank than mozTiust. This is a sign that while the links pointing to NusicAitistBatabase.com have a lot of link woith they uon't caiiy the same amount of authoiity anu tiust as its competitois. While this pioblem is not veiy big (The uiffeience is less than u.S), it is a spam inuicatoi. Act|on Items Inciease numbei of euitoiial, tiusteu links. (Fiom meuia publications foi example) Inciease links to ueep content on the site.

S6 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit moz1rust }ust as links expiess global link populaiity, they also expiess the tiustwoithiness of a given webpage. Receiving links fiom souices which have inheient tiust (such as the fiont pages of univeisity websites oi ceitain goveinmental pages) is a stiong enuoisement of tiust. mozTiust is a quantitative measuie of this. Like mozRank, tiust-votes aie uistiibuteu thiough links. To calculate this metiic, tiustwoithy "seeus" aie iuentifieu. Those websites that eain tiusteu links aie able to cast (smallei) tiust-votes thiough theii links. Receiving a tiust-passing link fiom a highly tiusteu souice boosts youi own tiust. mozTiust is expiesseu on its own 1u-point logaiithmic scale. While mozRank anu mozTiust shoulu not be uiiectly compaieu, it can be inteiesting to consiuei how these two values ielate to each othei acioss seveial 0RLs. A 0RL with a laige mozRank-mozTiust uispaiity may peifoim pooily against a lowei mozRank 0RL but with a smallei mozRank-mozTiust uispaiity. At the section homepages, NusicAitistBatabase.com is soliu. That saiu, mozTiust uecieases iapiuly as pages get fuithei fiom these subsection pages. This uisciepancy ieflects the fact that most high quality uomains link to the section homepages, anu theiefoie theie is an oppoitunity to inciease the numbei of ueep links fiom high quality uomains to sub-sections of the site. Boing so woulu have a positive effect on iankings. Act|on Items Inciease the numbei of ueep links fiom high quality uomains to piouuct pages. The best way to uo this woulu be to link to the most impoitant pages in a section on section homepages (http:www.musicaitistuatabase.comaitist).

S7 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Conc|us|on NusicAitistBatabase.com is an extiemely poweiful uomain in an extiaoiuinaiily competitive Inteinet niche. It has collecteu an enoimous numbei of links anu contains a lot of valuable content anu useful piouucts. It is foi these ieasons, that we at Placeholuei Consulting aie veiy exciteu about the potential of NusicAitistBatabase.com. This website has a lot of "low hanging fiuit" (easy to accomplish tasks with high ietuin on investment) that we believe will make a laige positive impact on tiaffic anu sales. (See Nost valuable Changes at the fiont of the iepoit) We wish you anu youi team the best of luck anu appieciate the oppoitunity you gave us to woik with you. Cheeis!

S8 Comprehensive Technical SEO Site Audit Addendums See attacheu Auuenuums foi uetaileu lists: 1.4u4-pages.csv 2.unieachable.csv S.iobots-txt.csv 4.no-follow.csv
