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Madgearu Downfall RRH 1997

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  • 8/8/2019 Madgearu Downfall RRH 1997




    The following ittquity is based on the study of archaeologicaland numismaticcridencegathered rom Dacia Ripensis,Moesia Secundaand Scythial. Its purpose isb Er a general view aboul the chronology of the last period of the Late RomanArs sector between the kon Gates and the Danube Delta. We decided to excludellsia Prima from this suryey, because the sector of the Danube berweenSirgidunum and the Iron Gates does not belong to the Lower Danube, but to the\6ddle Danube. The limit between he two parts should be establishedat the Iron@es, because he communication between he two sectionsof the Danubewas verydfrcult before he modem times.

    According to the overview of the chronology of the Late Roman Danubianlines re,cxlrftly ublished by Al. Bamea2, the fourth phase of the limes is datedbeu,eenthe Ktrtriguric invasion of 559 and the reign of Maurikios; the fifth phase(dre ast one) is dated between he end of the sixth century and 613-615. M. Comsaproposedanother chronology of the last period of the Danubian limes. Shedivided itirro tfuee phases, dated between the end of the sixth century and the reign ofHeraklios. The most interesting contribution of her paper is the remark that tirefrontier did not fail at once3.t Thit ttrdy is an enlarged orm of the paper presanted t the "Third IntemationalSymposiumn heRoman rontier ttheLowerDanube", eld n BucharestndMurighiol lS-23,{ugust1996). publishednother tudyabortrheAvaro-Slavicnvasionsn Scythian "BalkanSrndies",37,1996, l:35-61: TheProvince of Sq.,thia nd the Avaro-Slavic nvasiotts 576-626).Both papers esunxe omeproblemsdiscussedn my doctoraldisseltationCultursl Contirnin andDiscontinuityat the Lower Danube,tr'Ilth- I'7IIth Centuries, rutainedon 26 March 1997.This onehasbeenust edited n Romanianwith an Englishabstract t theBucharest niversityPress.1997.- A. Barnea, acia,N. S.,34, 1990:288-289.'M. Co-$, nDie VcilkprSiidostanropasm 6. bis 8. Jaht*undert,hrsg.von B. Hiinsel,\ffrachen, 1987: 222-223.The problem was discussed lso by V. Velkov, in the same volurne(l{l-169). The paperof A G. Poulter,TheEnd of ScythiaMinor. TheArchaeological vidence tn

    $'nntium and the ClassicalTradition,ed. by M. Mullett, R. Scott,Birmingham, 98l: 198-204)

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    316 Alexardru Madgearu

    Now it is clear that the end of the Late Roman rontier wca d g'adualproeess.The dismantlementf fhe imescouldnot be rqgardedsa consequencefa singleevent the rebellion f Phokas f 6A2.Our intention s to givea more detailedand developed hronologyof the frnalperiodofthe Lower Danubianizes.The downfall of the Lower Danubian rontier was in the first place aconsequncef the barbariannroads.n thefirst threequarters f the Mth Century,the barbarian nvasionsn the Danubianprovinceswerescarceand did not havedisastrousepercussions. major changeoccurredn 573-574,when he Avarsgined their first victory over heByzantinearmy. The Avar khan BaianconqueredtheareanearbySirmiumandobtained lsoa payment f 80 000 solidi by thepeacetr@tyof 5754.The town Sirmiumremained nderByzantineauthority,btrt only forthenextseven ears.The significance f this eventwas he arisingof a nervwell-organisedilitarypower, which was able to fight in a long war and to strorgthenby treaties hemilitary victories.Theprevious ttacks f the KutrigursandSlavsweresimple aidsof pillage,not a clashbaween vvomilitarypowers.On he otherhand,he nvasionsbecamemore requert after 575.The first Slavic nvasion atedafter575 s mentionedy Johannesiclarensisin the eighthyearof the reignof theking Leovegildof VisigothicSpain, hat is in575/576.Thechronologrbased nthe reignsof theRomanemperorsivenby thesources wrong).The Spanishluonicler aid hat Sclavini n ThracianrultasurbesRomanorumpervadunt, qucs depopulatasvacuasreliquere.Avares litora nnriscaptioseobsidentet navibus itoraThraciae navigantibus atis nfestisunt5.As amatterof fact, it is moreprobablehat the so-calledAvars" rvereoo a groupofSlavs, ecause nly hese nes nerr he useof smallboats. !Other nvasionsareattested 5761577and 5781579.or the ninth yearofhng Leovqildus, the same ohannes iclarensiswrotethatAvaresTln'acias astdnt

    et regiam urbema muro longo obsidento.Tteigtrt dateof this attack couldbe5761577.he secondSlavic nvasiondated 578/579)was briefly mentionedy avery valuableByzantinesource,MenanderProtectorT.In 578/579,he Avarsaccepted ith pleasurehe aliance roposedy TiberiusII against he Slavs.The atter were ndeedhe major danger or the Empire.TheAvar warriors crossedby Dacia Ripensis,Moesia Secunda nd Scythia.Froma Me,nander rotector,Excetptade legationibus, rg. 34; Evagrios,V. ll; Theophanes.d.

    De Boor, I, 246-247;L. Harptmann,Byzantion,4. L927-1928:155;A Avenarius,Die Ay.arennEuropa,Bratislava,1974:87;W. Pohl,Die Awaren,Mihchen, 1988:64.' Johannis Biclarensis, Chronica, in lr,{onumentaGermaniae Historica. .-lt;ctoresAntiquissimi,Wl (ChronicaMinora saec. V, V, 14, 'II, d" Th. Mommsen),Berolini, 1894214.o

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    The downfall of theRoman rontier 317

    Scythia, they attacked he Slavs led by Dauritas who were hostile to the Avarhqemonys. The place where Avars crossed he Danubecould not be aroundDurostorum,but somewherenthe territory of the provinceof Scythia,at Carsiumor at Dinogetian.We could add also otherplaces:Capidavaor Troesmis wherethere arealsosomeords usedn Antiquity). This means hat the areadrvelledby thetribe of Dauritaswas somerpheren no(h-eastemWallachia or souttremMoldavia.The hiding of the coinhoardof Gropeni@raila county, n front of Troesmis), losedwith pieces rom 577578,was caused robablyby theseeventsro.The military operationagainstDauritaswas a big mistake or the imperialpolicy,becausethe lavsof Wallachiabecame ubjects f theAvar khan.The resultwas the increasingof the military power and of the human ressurcesof the Avarcoalition. TheAvarsextendedheir hgemony in the North-Danubisn erritory asfaras near the province of Scythia. In this way, the Avars obtaineda very strongstrateglcalpbsition. Moreover,the next inroads of the Walladlian andMoldavianSlavsbecamewell-organized,becausehegeneraleadershipwas tm&rtaken by theAvars.The Avars conqueredSirmium n 582, after a siegeof threeyears.This was aturningpoint in thehistoryoJ heBallan Peninsula.In he meantime, e'\' wavesofSlavic invasions avagedall the south-east uropeanprovincesbetween 81 and585/586rt.Thesentensive ttacls areattested y the hiding of several oinhoards,closedwith coins ssuedn 576-582.The following hoardswere discovered n theIimes and also nside he provincesDacia Riporsis,MoesiaSecunda nd Scythia:Tekija (Transdierna)12, latinskaRekar3,Koprivdzra, Galatars,Baniska, BjalaReka, GoliamaKotrtlovitzar6, xiopolistl Vtu;ghiol (Halmyris)tt.We could add

    EMenanderProtector, rg. 48; L. Ilauptmann,op. cit.:155-156;A Avenarius, p. cit.: 87-89: W. Pohl, op.cit.: 67-69,140;C. Chiriac,ArheologiaMoldovei, 16, 1993:195-202.ec. chiri... op. cit.: 199.tolbid"., zPi-zoz.rr MenanderProtector, rg. 47;Johnof Ephesus, I. 25; E. Stein, Studien ur Geschichte esbyzantinischen Reiches vornemlich unter den Kaisent Justimts II und T;berius Constantinus,Stnttgart, 919:105;L. Harrytmann,p. cit.: l5Gl57: I. Nestor,RESEE, , 1963, -2: 50-53; A.Avenarius,op. cit.: 88-91; V. PopoviC,M6langesde I'Ecole Frangaise e Rome. Antiquit6, 87,1975,I: 449451; W. Pohl,op. cit.; 67,75,82-83.12V. Popovic. p.ci!.:467168." A. JovanoviC,M. KoraC,Cahiersde Portesde Fer, 2, 1984: 95; A Jovanovid,M. Korad,D. JankoviC,bidem,3, 986:382.to A. Mil""u, G. Draganov, rheologija, ofia, 4, 1992, :39,41." J. Jurukova,Byzantinobulgarica,, L966:225.' roEadem, n f'Congrds intemationald'archdologie love,6, Warszaw,1968: 136-137,nr.L2.24.32.

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    318 AlexandruMadgearu

    also the hoards discovered on the limes of Moesia Prima: Veliko Oraije, VelikoGradiSte Pincum), Boljain (Sntonta)leSome historians considered hat the sdtlement of the Slavs in the BalkanPeninsula began in 531-586. but this opinion has been rejected20.We must payattention to a fragment of the book of John of Ephesus, conservedby the Xmthcentury chroniclers Michael Syrus and Bar-I{aebreus, which tells that the Slavsretumedhomeafter tlreseattacks". However, he invasionsbetween581 and 586 ledto the destruction of many settlemants nd o a certain depopulationof the Danubianprovinces.After the conquest of Sirmium (582), the Avars started a new senes ofcampaigns n the Danubian provinces(in 584 and 586). In the summer of 584, theAvars conquered the following towns: Singidunum, Viminacium, Augusta andAnchialosz2. he purposeof this raid was to extard the Avar control over oneof themain roads of the Danubian provinces.Baian retumed home very soon becausehewas afraid of a Turkic attack from the North-Pontic steppe.The secondAvar raidfollowed the same way and destroyedthe tswns: Aquae, Bononia, Ratiaria,Durostorum, Tropaeum, Zaldapa, Marcianopolis and Panassa23.ts dating in theautumn ofthe year 586 results rom the succession f events elatedby TheophylactSinrocatta n chapters . 4,I. 6 and I. 8. Becausehe campaign described n chapterI. 4 occurred in summer584, the first embassyof Elpidius to Baian (L 4. 6) tookplace n the autumn of the 584 (threemonths ater, as we find out from the source).The second embassy of Elpidius (I. 6. 4) was the next year, therefore after 1September585. From I. 8. 1., we know that the next autumn the Avars started hene\r/war. So, the secondcampaigncould be dated n autumn 586. In this war, theAvars succeededo pillage l\t[oesiaSecwrda,althoug]rganeralComertiolus defeatedBaian near Tomis in Scythia Minor in 587. Baian won a big victory at $abulenteCanalion, in the eastempart of the l{aemus Mountainsa. The Slavic warriors ofArdagastpenetratedas far as Adrianopolis n the sameyar 58625. rdagast rvas heleaderof the Slavs dwelled n the areaplacedvis4-vis of Durostorum and near theriver Helibachia (Ialomit")'u. Th" invaderscrossed he Danube by Durostorumor byCarsium.

    The events presentedabove are confirmed by the archaeological esearches.The destructionof the castellumof SlatinskaReka (Dacia Ripersis) is proved by areV. Popovic, p. cit'. 467."" See specially.PopoviC,p.cit.:445-5M, hoproveshat hispointof view s wrong." I. Nestor, p.cit.:52-53: .Popovid,p.cit.:45L.'i Theophylactimocatta.. 4." Ibidem-r.8.^ Ibid"r'.tr.10-12.

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    The doumfall of the Roman rontier 3t9

    hoardclosedn 5751576,idden n the bumedevel27. quis(Prahovo)wasravagedin 58628. he sameAvar raid of 586 also ruinedRatiaria2e. escuswas destrovedtoo in this interval,probablyduring he invasionof 58630. bout fuemun we haveanother ind of eviderce.Theophylact imocatta II. 3. 6 specifieshepresencef abishop n this town, in 595. BecauseAsemumwas not a bishopric n the Mthcentury,we supposehatthis bishopwas he bishopof Oescus ho ook here efi.rgeafter the destructionof the neighbouredown Oescus. Sucidava(Izvoarele,ConstanfaCoruity)wasprobablyalsodestroyeduring he attackof 586,becausethemostrecent oindiscovered ere s dated n 584/58531. goldhoardclosedwithcoins issuedunderTiberius I wasdiscovered t Axiopolis, nto a bumed evelof achamberocatedbackside f the northemgate. ts hidingwas caused y the Avaro--Slavicattacksof around58032, t Capidava, destruction ccurred ometimefter572-57333. he coin currencywas interruptedbetweor578 and 587/588s.Thefortresf of Beroe s less known.However, he diggingsmade n a bumedbuildingshow hat this was destroyed fter 5751576thedateof themostrecnt oin)35.heterminuspost quemof a bumed evelof Troesmiss givenby a coindated n 571-573, found in a layer levelledafter the fire36. ike at Capidava,he coincurrencywas intemrptedafter 577/57837.he destruction f Halmyris around577/578sprovedby two coin hoardsclosedwith coins ssued n 5741575n. his momentmeans robably he endof the 1lth level,when t wasdestroyedhe westem ateofHalmyris3e.The evidence resented boveshows hat the irst period oJ thedownfullofthe limes took place behueen576 and 586. The destructionswere importantespeciallyn the westemsectionof the limes,bvt also n otherplaces.The Avars

    " A Jou.oouiC,M. KoraC,op. cit:195; A Jovanovid,M. KoraC,D. Jankovid, p.citi 3gZ.'o D. JankoviQ a patie danubiennee a rdgiond'Aquis au W sidcle et ou dibut du VIfsiicle. B*g:ad. 1981:213-214.']lVIV"it*, Eirene.Studiagraeca t latina,Praga, , L966:170.'u T. Ivanov,rnAlten des 11. ntentationalenKongras /986 n Carnuntum,2,Wien, 1990:92t.

    " 8. Mitro, Dacia,N. S.,10,1966: 14,nr. 61.ll C. fo*r--Bordea, R. Ochegeang p. cit.i 177-184.33Z. Covacef,Pontica,l-22, 1988-1989:9l, 19+195.* c. Chitir.. op. cit.: I99.]l O. Vat.".nu, A. Bamea,SCIVA,26,1975,2:210-215.'o V. rL Baumann. euce.8.1980:172." C. Chiriac.oo. cit.: 199.ll C. Opri1" p.' cit.: 458,477481." The destructionof thewestemgatewasdemonstratedy the archaeologicaliggingsmade

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    324 AlexandruMadgearuconqueredhe regionwest of Oescus.Their dominationextendedover DaciaRipernsisor a few ime, n 584-588{. Therestof theDanubianimes survtved fterthe attacksof 576-586 and even ts westemsectionwas to a certain extentreoccupied fter few years.Reconstructionsatedbetrpeen86and592ateattestedat SlatinskaRekaar ndPrahovoa2.he same atecouldbe supposedor the buildingof the ittle fortressocatedn thesouth-easternomerof Capidavao3.he revivalofcoin currency n 588 at Capidava ouldbe considereds a consequencef thisrestoration f the ort.The evolutionof the coin currencyconfirms he conclusionsnferred rom theanalysis f thewriten and archaeologicalour@s. fig5.2-6 we arepresentingstatistics f the bronzecoinsdiscoveredn Dobrudja.Our statisfics oncems nlyDobrudja becausewe did not have enor.rglrnformation or the restof the Danubianprovinces. hemethod f computinghenumberof nummia'foreachyear s moresignificant than the countingof the number of coins.Gh. Poenaru-Bordeamadeseveral imilarstatisticsa, ut thegrowingof thenumberof piecesmakes ecessarya new ondt. We also ncludeddata or the years573-575,because e neededshort period of reference efore 576. It could be observedhat the coefficientnurnmia year peakedout in 576. A recoveryof the coin curre,ncy ccurredn 586*587,after he erdofthe waveof invasions.After the inroadsof 576-586, he crisiswas overcome lsofrom the militarypoint of view. TheophylactSimocattaI. 8. 6) mentions commanderrlyepc6v)who had he missiono defendhe Scythicsector f theDanubian rontier(in 586).The defencesystem emainedstill well organised,at least on the sector east ofOescusin MoesiaSecunda ndScythia).Thesecond nterttalof thedownfall of the imes begmtn 593when he Avarsrecommencedhe campaigns n the Danubianprovincestr.The chronologyof thissecond eriesof the Avaro-Byzantine ars is still discussed.We coqldnot insisthereon it, but it wouldbenecessaryo give he essential iecesof informatiorlonthisproblem.Thesingle ertaindatinggivenby Theophylact imocattas thatof therebellion f Phokas. his is a guidemark for the datingof the previousevents.G.Labudawas riglrt whenheputthis into evidencdaT.

    * So D. JanlcoviC,p. cit:201, for the areanearPrahovo.{r A Jovanovid,M. KoraC.op. cit: 191196;A JovanoviC, . KoraC,D. JankoviC,p. citi 383.-'D. JankoviC.p.cit'. 213-214.a3About he chronoloryof thisfortlet, seenow Z. Covacef, p. cit.:191-195and . C. Oprig,in Cronica cercetAilor arheologice.Campnia /99J, Satu-Marc,1994:L2-13.* G. Po*"*-Bordea, i Artrs ai Xf Congris InternationaldesEtudesByzantines.W.Bucarest,L976:2Q7-208; G. Poenaru-Bordea, Popeea,SCIVA, 27, 1976,2:226'. G.PoenarllBordea, Ochegeanq CIVA 31, 1980.3: 389-390.ai S"e also my paper n "Balkan Studies", or all the period576-617. I add here some

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    The dorufall ofthe Roman rontier 321We triedto establish_theatingof the events ccuredbeforeNovember 02,

    -accordingo TheophylactSimocatta.n thepreviousatrtumngeneralpetrusnrovdhis army n Dardania.lherefore,heseeventselatedn thechlpterVItr. 5. 5-7 aredated in arrumn 601. There had been peacebefore,during the lgth year ofMaurikios' reign(vm. 4. 9). As the rgth yearbqganon 14August600, he eventsrelatedbeforeshouldbe datedbeforeAugust600. The consequences that theretreat of Comentiolus rom Novaeto Constantinople ould be datedonly i1 thewinter 599/600andttrat the precedingoffensiveof Priscus n the rqion of Tisa(VItr. 2-4) mustbe datedn thesummer f 599.Therefore,hepeace oncluded neyear before(vtr. 15. 12-14) shouldbe dated n the summer^of 9g. This pea;treaty followedafterthe Avar winter campaignelatedn VII. 13-14.Ttrerefore,hiscampaignwas led during he winter of 597and he springof 59g.The prwiousperiodof about 18monthsof peace houldbe datedbeiw; the springof 596andthe autdnn of'597In this way we arecomingo theconclusionhJt theoffensive flri.scusat singidunumelatedn vII. 7 andMI. l0-L2 occuredn thespringof 596.This conclusiondrawnfrom the analysisof the sourceits verywell with tf,at of V.Popovii, wtro reachd the samedatingby meansof the nurnismatic videncethelatestcoins ound n the fortressesf thekon Gates qion are ssuedn sq6l&. Th"previousnorth-Danubianampaigns f Parus and Priscusshouldbe datecin theautumnof 595(vtr. 2-5) andbetweenhespringand heautumnof 594 vI. 6_10).As the offqrsiveedby Priscusookplace henextyearafter hegreatAvar invasionrelated n vI. 4-5, it results hat this invasion-usi b" datedn s93.Thisfinal conclusion f our analysis grees gainwith thenumismaticnquiryof V. PopovidevAo provedhat hecrisisoftneCinstrnti"opotitrn int n Sg3/5g4wascausedby this inwsion that hadreachedhe neighbourhobdf Constantinople).Themost mportant onsequencefthe attacks f 593-598was hedestructionof the fortresses fthe kon GatesandTimoc rqions (IlajdudkaVodenica,Karatas,slatinska Reka,Prahovoand others)5o. lthoughthe'Byzantinearmy defeatedheAvars n the offensive f sfo at Singidunum,hedefenceystem f ]iacia Riparsisy,as ost.The bridgeheadf Sucidava-Celeiasprobablydestroyedoo in SgTtSgg.(A coin issued n 596/597was discoveredn the bumed evelof the church nSucidava)srThere/oret is in this second eriod that thesectorof the limeswestof Ratiatia wasdestroyed.In the Scythicsectorof the inrcs,Troesmis ndDinogetiawerevery probablypillagedby a Slavic invasion n 593. (The most recentcoinsdiscover"an t oti'fortresses redatedn sgr/592)". It seemshat this inroadof 593hadmajoreffects

    a8v. Popovic, p.cit.: 476-/tgs.:; I9._., ComptesRendusde ,AcaddmiedeInscriptions I97g,3: 623.-" V. PopoviC, 975:476486." D. Trdor, arcnia ronand.Buc'resti r97g: 466;V. M. Brftrariq BSN& 77_79, 9gil9g5

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    322 AlexandruMadgearu

    in Scythia, ecausehenwas destroyedhepFse IV B of Histria. (We agreewiththepointof vie$/elqressed y A. Suceveanu)53.he coinhoard ound at "Terme "in lilstria is closedwith piecesof 5921593 r 593/594 the year of the reign ofN{awikios s not sure)*. The first north-Danubianffensiveof Priscus springof594):5 adprobably hepurposeo punish he Slavic nvasionof 593. Thestatisticspresentedn fig. 2 confirmsagain he written sources, eqausen 593-594 beganmcther period of diminishingof the coin circulation.Another Slavic invasion inScythiaoccurredn 595,when herewerepillagedhe towns Zaldapa,Aquis andScopis Theophylact imocattaVII. 2. 2). Recentdiscoveriesmadeat Tropaeumshow hat his ortress oo wasbumedagrai:n,n 592or in 595(a hoardclosedwith acoin rom 5g}/5gl was discoverednto a bumedevelat the owernr. 4)56.Scythiawas again attacked n 597/598,when the Avars besiegedTomis(TheophylactSimocattaVIL 13. 1). We think that the town of Tomis is thepresent-dayConstanlaand not the small fortressTomeaof Dacia Mediterraneaproposedby G. $tefan57.t resultsfrom the source hat the Byzantine affny rantowardsScythia,not towardsDacia Mediterraneass.The second ntewal of the downfall of the limeslasted during 598, when atreaty beween the Empire and the Avars was concluded5e.he peacewas soollbrokenby the Byzantineoffensiveof 599. In the next three years,the Byzantinearmy defeatedhe Avars and the Slavs n a seriesof North-Danubian ampaignscarried n the rlon bcween the kon Gatesand Singidunum.Unfortunately, herebellionof Phokas November602) put an end o this revival of the Byzantinemilitary power.The nterval 599--602was oo short or reconstructinghe fortressesofDaciaRipensis.The idea of the fall of the limes just in 602 is now obsolete.Thishistoriograpttrc lichd was basedon the negative mage of Phokascreatedby theByzantinechroniclers, who put him into antithesiswith the e*emplar emperorHeraklios.Theperiodof Phokasmustbe studiedwith closerattentionandwithoutany preconceiveddeas imposedby the cluoniclers favourable to his uremy,Heraklios.

    " Al. Su""uonu, C. Scorpan,Pontica,4, l97l: Lsg,162,164;Al. SuceveanuSCIVA, 33.1982, : 83: dem,Histia VLLes hermes omaines, ucharest-Paris,982:9l-92.I G. Po*r*-Bordea, in ActesduXII| Congris...:209; dem, rn Histria VL l58.55Theophvlact imocatta.Vl.7-9.tul. noiat-Cit;nisiu, inCt'oniaacercetirilorarheologice. ompania995.Br6lla, L996:2(forthcomingn SCN, 2).'' G. gtefan,Dacia,NS, lL,1967: 253-268.The hypothesiswas accepted y I. Barnea,(R. Vulpe, . Bamea,Din istoia Dobrogei,Il, Bucure$ti, 968:436437) andalsoby M. Sirnpetru,SCIV,2"2, 97l, 2: 239-240 foohote 99) andV. PopoviC,975: 478.'" Seealso:V. Velkov,Cities n ThraceandDacia in Iate Antiquity (Studies nd A,[ateials),

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    The donnfall of the Roman rontier 323The rebellion of Phokas meart orly the uprisuig of the comitatercis army(or, of apart of it) and of the Constantinopolitanplebs.We do not know if the civilian pmple ofthe provinceswere also involved. Becauseof this, the effeds in the Danubianprovincesshould not be . Evidace abod destructionsaround 602 is gver only by the

    archaeolqgical researchesmade at Sacidava and perhaps at Novae and Iatrus. AtSacidava,he bumrg of the levelII has as termimnpost quem a coin from 599/600.Because he next level lastedarotrnd 614, the destructionof the level tr could not beplaced too late after 60060.We consider that Sacidava was destroyed in thecircumstancescreated by the rebellion of Phokas.Novae was destroyedsometimeafter 599/6006r.The level D 2 of the fortress Iatrus was destroyed oo around60062.Because the rebellion of Phokas began near Securisca and Asemum, it is notsurprising that Novae and Iatrus wereprobably pillaged in thosecircumstances.In 602 began the third interual of the downJall of the Danubian lintes. T'heByzantine'Avar tre'aty concludedby Phokas n 60463 ould be consideredasthe endof this sfiort interval. It was sgpposed hat this treaty followed after a new Avarinvasion, occurred in 603-604*, because he latest commortary of Miracula st.Demetrii showed hat the Avar siegeof Thessalonic elated n chapter . 12 must bedated n 60465. s a matter of fact, the date s not sure.Another source, he chronicleof John of Nikiou, gives the year 609 for a major Avar invasion in the BalkanPorinsula in the time of Phokas66.t is also possible that both everltsbe real. Theperiod of Phokas is less known and the archamlogical and nurnismaticevidence snot able to clear up this chronological problem. However, it seems hat the Avarsrespectedfor some years the treaty of 604, becauseno other Avar and Slavicinvasions in the time of Phokas, excpt that of 609 were reported.F. Barisii wasprobably rigft whar he remarkedthat the Avar warriors neededa period of peaceafter the long war of the 90s67.The reign of Phokaswas not an age of crisis, at least not for the province ofScythia, whose frontier was still in a good shape.The coin currency tumed to thehigh valuesattestedbefore he invasionof 593.uo C. S"o.p.o, Limes Scythiae. Topogrophical and Stratigraphical Researchon the l-ateRoman Forttficatio,Ts on the Lower Danube, Ortord,1980: 66, 74. l}g.o' The existence of Novae until 599/600 results from Theophylact Simocatta, VItr. 4. 3-4.The destruction could be dated arormd 602, but there is no precise terminus ante quem.ut J H".r.r* . tn latras-Krivina. Sptitontike Befestigung und fri)hmixelalterliche Siedlungan der unterenDonau,I. Berl in. 1979.14.o' Theophanes1. 292(a. 6096)l A. Avenarius,op. cit.'. I l0; R J. Lilie, Siidost-Forschungar,{4. 1985: l8: W. Pohl. op. cit.: 238.*

    W.'Pohl. oo. "t., 23g.ut P. L"-"rt", Les plus ancien recaeils des Mimclq de Saint Dindmu a h p)ndtration dessar-es &zs Iq tullnns,I. Paris, 1979 l2o-129; L l98l: 69-73. Seealsow. pohl, ap. cit.:240-241."" Chrcnique deJeon, ev1que de Nibioa, ed-H Tntaberg n Noticeset exhaits desmamucils de'''t tsbltalryue i-oriotnle

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    1r '24 AlexandruMadgearu

    The invasion of 609 took place in the circumstancesf the rebdlim ofHerakliosagainstPhokasand prepared he forthcomingnvasionsof 614-619Previousstudiesmadeespecially y VladislavFopovii showedhat the wavesofSlavic and Avar attacksof 614419 were catastrophicor the whole BalkanPeninsula. his was the inal period of the dismantlementf the Danubian inres.Archaeological ndnumismatic ata rom MoesiaPrima,DaciaRipensis ndDaciaMediterranea eregathered y Vl. Popovii n hispapers f I975 and 97868.We couldaddhereagereralsurveyon theDobroudja. he coin currencywasintemrptedaround614 n almostall the townsand ortresses f ScythiaMinor, onthe imesand nside heprovince.Although here s no cleararchaeologicalvidencefor destructionsexceptfor the "Building with Mosaic" at Tomisut, t could besupposedhat around614 all theprovinceof Scythiawaspillagedby the invadersand that this was tlv fnal point of the urban life and of 'theRoman-B)zantinefrontier. The latest coinsdiscoveredn the main cities are dated around 614:612/613 (I{almyrism,SacidavaTr),13/614 (I{istriaz, AqyssusT3),614/6T5(Axiopolis a,Uhntum?5,ibidal.A kind of Byzantrne ontrol over he Danubewas ater established, uring thereignof ConstantineV (668-685)andalso n theeighth ,orrtury77,rf ttris doesnotconcemhepresortpaper.We saw n this study hat the downfall of the Danubianimeswas a long andgradualprocesshat bqan arourd576.Tlteprocess ad our stages: 76-586,593-598,602404,61M26. Thebarbaian inroadsdid not caused sudden ndoJ heDanubian rontier. Two ganerationsf inhabiantssufferedhese nvasions.Theirway of life tumed rom a developedrbansocietynto a ruralizedoneduring hesefive or six decades.This transition permitted the habituation with, the nett)circumstances reatedby the settlementof the Slws on the territory of theDanubianprovinces.

    68V. Popovid,1975:493-502: . PopoviC,1978:627-630.o'SeeM. S6mpetru.p. cit.:221225.I 'C. Opaig p. ci t . ;473.w.?3.^ C. Scorpan,p.cit.:70.'' C. Preda, L Nubar,Histia III. Descoperiile monetare, 911-1970, Bucuresti, 1973:227.w.2042.t' A. Op.ig Pontica,L0,1977:309.'* G. Poenaru-Bordea, Ochegeanu,. Nicolae,SCN,9, 1989:72,nr.209.tt B. Mitro, Dacia,NS.,10,1966: 13,nr. 60.'oA OpaigSCTVA5 2, 9gl, l-2: 54.

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    u Thedownfell of the Roman rontier 325Fig. I - Thechronologyof the destructionof some ortressesofthe Lower Danubianhnes



    POST-MILITARYCIVILIANSETTLEMENTIlaidudkaVodenica ? 593-596 YESKaratas Diana) 593-596 593-596 NOInsulaBanului , 593-596 ?) NODonie Brtorke 57G584 ?) 593-596 ,,SlatinskaReka 576-578 593-596 NOPrahovo Aquis) '586 593-596 YESArdar (Ratiaria) ? 586 YESGisen(Oescus) t 586 NOSviitov (Novae) ? 602 YESKrivina Oatrus) 6020. 2\ Q\ YESIizuoarcle Sucidava) ,| 586 ?) ,|Durareni (Sacidava) 602(N. II) 614(N.I) YESAxiopolis 582-584. 614 ?) ,,Capidava 576-584 614(?') thefortlet) ,PiatraFrecitei (Beroe) 576-584.? 57G584 ?) YESTurcoaia Troesmis) 578-584 593 ?Garvin (Dinoeetia) (55e) YES mtil 593)Muridiol Glalmvris) 578-584N.tr s78-584 . 1t YESFig. 2 - The coin cwrency in Dobrudja, 573-617(bronzepieceswith knouar ssuedate)

    Year Site Colns Value BiblioEaphy573/574 Adamclisi L 20 R OcheseanqCN, l, 1995 199t-%,;;qinformationromR OcheseanundA pooescu573/571 Adamclisi u 40 A Vertan,G. Cushnea, ontica, 3, t9g0: aSS,no.184 R OchereanrqCN, l, 1995 1997):176,nos.26,27,40,41; informationrom R OchegeanundA Popeqqu573/574 Capidava I 40 A Veften,G. Custurea, ontica,2l-22, lggLlggg:380,no. ?92573/571 Constanp I 20 G. Poenaru-Bordea. Popescu,SCIVA, 27J9ZA218. o.8l5 t-3t371 Greci I 40 B.Mihea.Dacia. S, 5. l97l: 4l ). no.105:73t571 Histria 2 40 C.Prede,L Nubar,Flrrrir ll, BucurEti, gZt l t Olno.1834,835s73i:71 Isaccea I 20 A Pope, Pqcg 4, 1973-197:178, o.2lJ73/57{ Is.ci 2 40 A Popeea, euce,4,1973-1975,p.it, no. ZO;CPoenaru-Bordea,. Mcolag A popescgSCN, ll,

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    326 AlexandruMadgearu L25741s75Adamclisi 4 40 R O&qemg SCN ll, 19E.51997):176,nos.42-43: nformationromR Ocheseaou d A Popescu574t575 Adamclisi 8 20 R OcheleangG. Papuc,Pontica,6,1973:376,no.2401'R OcheteanqSCN, 11, 1995 1997):176,nos. 30-31; information rom R OcheqeanuandA Pooescu574/575 Capidava J 40 A Vedd, G. Custruea, ontica,2I-22, 198&-1989:380.nos. 12%-1295s74t575 Capidava t z0 A Vertaq G. Custurea, ontica,2I-22, I98V1989:380.no.1296574t575 Constanla 5 20 G. Poenaru-Bordea, Popeea,SCIVA 27, 1976:218. os. 2-74-80.82574t57sCostinesti I 40 f fimian,SCN l, 1957:192574t575 Fnisala tL 20 A Vefie, G. Custurea, ontica,19, 1986:300, no.

    1084; G. lvfinucu.AdamegteangE Oberlinder-T6moveaouPeuce. . 1984:352.no. 17574/575 Garv5n I 20 B. Mfrea,Pontica,7,1974:68,o.49574t575 IISrgova I 20 A Vertan,G. Custuea, Pontica, 19, 1986:301,no. 1095574/575 Histria 6 20 Histria III: 2ll-212, nos. 1848, 1858, 1859,1860; G. Poenaru-Bordea, n Histia 't,'1,Bucuresti. 982:158. os.166.167574/s75 Histria 6 40 Histria II:210-.213, os.1836,1837,1875,1881;Hishia W: 165, no. 87; A Vertan, G. Custurea,

    Pontica. 6.1983: 11.no. 748574t575 Isaccea I 40 A Vertm, G. Custrnea,ontica, 5, 1982:284,no.531574t575 Isaccea 20 G. Poenaru-Bordea, Nicolae, A Popescu,SCN,11.19951997):37.nos.3941574/575 Murishiol 2 40 C. Opait, euce, 0, 99l:472,no.105, 125741575Unknovm 2 2A A Vedan, G. Custurea,Pontica, t$ 1986: 302,no. ll28; G. Poenaru-Bords, V. Baumann,Peuce. . 1973-1975: 54. o. 16574/575 Unknoum 2 40 G. Poenaru-Bordea,V. Baumann, Peuce, 4,I973-L975:154.nos.15.33575t576 Adamclisi 40 information rom R Ocheoeanu ndA Popescu5751576 Histria ,, 20 Histria : 212-213, os.1861, 877575/576Histria I ? M IonescqBSNR,6749,1973-1975: 31,no. 14575t576 Histria J 40 Histria II:2l0.nos. 1838. 839. 885575/576 MIcin I 40 I. Win-kler.A. Hopirtean, M. Milea, AMN, 9,1972: 83. o. 13575/576 Mhail Ko-gElniceanu/cT)

    I 40 G. Poenaru-Bordea,C. Popa, BSNR, 7V74,197G1980: 37.no.16575t576Muriftiol I 20 C. Opait,Peuce, 0, 99l: 472,no.1155751576Troesmis I z0 E Oberldnder-TSrnoveangeuce,8, 1980:278,no. 307

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    l3 The dovrafall of theRoman iontier 327576t577 A&mclisi z 20 infomeation finm R f)ehxm,. *,r576ts77 Adamclisi J 40 It_ txhleoq G. Papuc,pontica,5, 1972:47g,no.97; nformationromR Ocheqemud A popescu576/577 Constanfa I 40 R ochegeanq . rairuc@no. 630576/577 Garvin I 4A . Mrtrea,Pontica7, 1974: 9,no.55s76/577 Histria 4 40 ! !MoAtZtUZtZ,@IZ 165.no.88577/578 Constanfa I 20 ti poenaru-Bordea,A pqrcea, SCIVA 27, 1976:218.no.75577/s78 Histria I 40 Histria III:210, no. lg42577/578 tlistria 3 20 Histria III:212 nn. 'lfr|l le(? leAA577ts78 Isaccea I 20 rt- vertan, G. Custues, pontica, 16, l9g3: 312,no.772577t578 Troesmis I 20 .c,.uberlender-T6moveanu" euce, g, I9g0: 267,no.75578/579 Adamclisi I 40 mtomoatlol from R OchepeauuandA popescu578/579 Capi&va 1 40 l: Vertan,G.Custnea,q6sa,2l_22;19![ffi380,no.1300578/579 GarvIn I 20 ts.Mrhea,Pontica, , 1974:69,no.57s78/579 GarvIn I 40578/579 .Hrlrgova I 40 rL venan, (i . Cushuea.pontica, 14, lggl: 342.no.329578t579 Histria I 40 ITtstria II I: 2L7, no. l9l9578t579 Isaccea I 40 G Poanaru-Bordea, Ni*U",; p6Wll, 19951997):38,no.49578/579 Muriphiol 2 40579/580 Histria 4 40 n$tna til: )15,2I7,nos.1909, 920,L92L;231,no. 5580/581 Adamclisi 2 40 information from R flchxm,,.-,r580/581 Histria 6 40 Hrstria II:216, no. 1909,1913,1914,1915, . 22i,no.8,p. 41, no.6

    581/s82 Histria 4 40 ni$rio IA: 216-217,nos,9l0,l9lg,p.23eno. 12"1358I/582 lsacces I 40 G Poenaru-Bordea,E@lI,I995 (1997):138,o.51581/582 Tulcea 1 40 L Dimian,SCN, ,lgJ7:2-0O582/583 Constanta I 40582/583 Constanla I ('. roenaru-uordea, popeea,SCIVA 27,1976:219.no.10258U583 Constanla I 10 rt ucnqe:mq p. Dicn,BSll& 75_76,198l_1982:447.no.3L58U583 Garv5n I 4A B. Mitea- Ponticr i-7oti-n58A583 Isaccea 2 20 x" UberEnder-T6moveou,ance, , l9g0:50g,no.llli 9: PoenanrBordea, NicotagA popescu,SCN,l, 19951992):38, o.545t2/583 thknouar I 40

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    T4?8 AlexandruMadgearu583/584 Adamclisi 2 40 R eou,SCll, l, 195(1991):.177,ncr,.46,49583/584 Constanla I 20 G. PoenanrBordea, Popeea, CIV,\ 27,1976:218.no.89J83/584 Garv5n I 20 E Obedender-TimoveauPorce. 1!)8O 07.no.102583/584 116rgova I 2A A Vertan,G. Cu$urea,Pontica,19, 1986:301, no.1099583/584 Histria I 20 Histrio IIi 218.no. 1935583/584 Isaccea ) 20 E Oberlinder-Tdmovqmr! euce,8, 1980: 508, no.t27- t29583/584 Ulmetum I j V. Pirvan, Caatu Umdum, IV[ Bncurqti, 1914:304.no.43584/585 Adamclisi I 20 A Vertq G.Cu$lrca Pmica, ?5,192: 384,ro.1393584/585 Constanfa I 20 G. Poeaaru-Bordea, Popeea,SqV,\ 27, 1976:.218. o.90584i585 Hishia I 40 Histria AI: 220- no. 1956584/585 Histria 2 20 Histria II:218. 220.nos.1936. 955584/585 Murishiol 2 40 C. Opau,Peuce, 0,1991: 73,ros"120, 2l584i585 P6rioaia I ? B.Mitrea.Dacia.NS. 10.1966: 14.no. 61584/585 Unknovm I 40 G. Poenaru-Bordea,V. Baumann, Peuce, 4,1973-1975: 54.no.17J85/586 Adamclisi I 20 A Vertan,G. Custurea,Pontica, 25,1992:384,no. 1394585/586 Constanfa I 20 G. Poenaru-Bordea, Popeea, CIVA 27,1976:

    220-no.4J85/586 Garvdn t 40 B. Mitrea,Pontica,7, 1974:69,no. 59585/586 Garv5n I 20 B. Mitrea.Pontica, .1974:.73. o. 65585/586 Histria I 20 Hishia III:2L9. no. 1946J85/586 Histria 4 40 Histria III: 217, nos. 1922-1923;229,no. 14,p.231-ro.7585/586 P6cuiul luiSoare I 2 B. Mitrea, n Pbuiul lui Soare, I, pucureqti,L972:89,no.54386/587 Adamclisi I ,| G. Poenaru-Bordea,acia,NS, 12,1968: 10586/587 Adamclisi 1 40 infonnation rom R Ocheseanu ndA Popescut86/587 Constanfa 5 z0 G. Poaarudordea, A Popeea,SCIVA 27, 1976l.21V219.no. 91-93, 103;B. Mihea,Dacia,NS, 5,1961: 9l.no. l586/587 Fnisala I 20 G. Minucu-Adamelteanu, E. Oberlinder-Timoveanu Peuce.9. 1984:352. no. 20586/58? Histria 2 40 Histia I II:2L7. nos.1924, 9505861587 Histria I 20 Histia III: 219- no. 1947586/587 Isaccea 2 20 G. Poenaru-Bordea, . Nicolae, A PopescgSCN. l. 19951997\:138.o.55586t587 Muritriol I 20 C. Opait,Peuce, 0,1991: 83,no. 0586t587 Niculitel I 20 E Oberlinder-TimorauPo&e 8,1980: 09,no.136586/587 Sacidava I ? C. Scoman.limes ct'thiae. ;ford.1980:70J86/587 Unknonm I 40 G. Poenaru-Bordea,V. Baumann, Peuce, 4,

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    l5 The doumfall of theRoman rontier 329586/587 Vicareni I 20 G. PoeaanrBordea,R Ochegeoq BSl.l& gGg7,1992-1993:88. o. 5587/588 Capidava I 40 A Vedaa,G. Custunea,ontica,2l-2tJ9gg-19SC380,no.1301587/588 Constanla I 40 B. Mihea,Dacia,NS, 7, 1963:597,no.9587i588 Histria 5 40 Histria III: 2I7,220, no. 1925, 95l:L952@,229,no.15587/588 Hiskia 4 20 Histria II:218,no.1y37, 938,.ng, "" g; nO,no.16587/588 Isaccea 2 20 G. PoeaanrBordea, Nicolag A. pq*"q SCNll, 1995 197): 138, os 6l-62587/588 Muridriol I 20 C. OpailPeuce10,L9Fl: 473,no,122587/588 SlavaRusI I 40 E Oberlioder-Timoveanu, euce,l, [email protected]/589 Capidava I 40 A Veda4 G. Cb$urea,Pontica,2lA, LggLlgSgl

    380no.1302588/589. Constanfa I 40 A Vedm,G C\r$urea,onticqZS, ggZ 3nliit436588/589 Enisala I 40 G. lvftnrnrAdamegeoq E Ob*li"d"-Tdmovemu,Peuce9, 1984:352.no. lg588/589 Hishia 3 20 HistriaW:218, no. 1939, . 229,no.n: nlctn" W:158,no.170588i589 Histria J 40 Histria III:218,\o. 1926,p.229, os. fl l588/589 fsaccea I 40 A Popeea, euce, ,1973-1975: 79.noJ5588/589 Mangata I 40 G.PoenanrBordea,acia,NS,37,19...fI3.3I6,noJ4588/589 Troesmis I 20 C. Chiriac,O. BormegrgPeuce,l, @$lS102,no.7588/589 Ulnrefum I 40 V. P6rvan,CetateaUmetum,n, Bucrr.f[ lglt281.no. 6589/590 Garv5n I 20 B. Mte4 Pontica,7, 1974:73,no. 6l589/590 Histria 5 20. Histria I II: 219,nos. 194O-1944589/590 Histria 4 40 Histria III:2L8,no. 1927, . 230,no. U, p. Z:t,nos. .9589t590 Isaccea I 40 G. Poenaru-Bordea,E Nicolag f, poperclr,SCI.I, l, 1995 197): 138, o.53590/59i Adamclisi I ? I. Bogdan-Cittrniciu, Cronics "er"rtdrilorrheologice.Camwnia 99f,Brlila, 1996:2590/591 Adamclisi 2 40 G. PoenanrBordea,acia,NS, 12, lgOg:+10,no15; nformatim romR OchesemundA popescu590/591 GarvIn t 40 B. Mitrea,Pontica,7, 1974:73,no. 605901591 GarvIn 2 20 B. Mitrea,Pgntica,7, I974: 73,nos.6i4590t591 Histria J 40 Histria I: 2l8, nos.1928, 929; .J3o,n;JI'590t59r Histria I 20 Histrio III:220, no. 1958590159r Unknown I 40 A Vertan,G. Custruea,ontica,qlDf'&- @no. l33594/591 Unknoum I 40 G. PoeaanrBordea,V. Baun*nn, Perrc, q,, I}TT1975:154.no.1959V592 4&qrgfr.s I 40 B.!eqF6i.DaciaNg 1 l%3: 5gt,m.sg(Ceoaval"l

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    L630 AlexandruMadgearu39u592 Capidava 2 20 A Verta4 G. Custnrea, ontica,2l-22,198&-1989:380.nos. 303.130459y592 Constanfa 2 40 G. PoenaruBordea, CN 4, 1968:400 G. Poenaru-Bordea.A Popeea. CIVA"27. 1976:218.no. 8859v592 Constanfa 5 20 G. PoenanrBordea, Popeea,SCN,\ 27, 1976:218-219. os.9,1-96.O+10559u592 Garvtrn I 20 B. Mitrea.Pontica.7.1974:73.no. 6459v592 Hisfria 3 40 Histria II:218.220.nos. 1930. 931. 195359v592 Histria 3 20 Histria II:230, no. 19:'HistriaZ; 158, o. 7L,l7259v592 Isaccea J 20 A Popea, euce, , 1973-1975:.79,lio.27i G.Poenaru-Bordea, . Nicolae, A Popescu,SCN,ll. 19951997\:138.o.5359v592 SlavaRusE t 40 A Opait,C. Opai1, . Btrnictr, MI, 59, 1990,l:28.no.2l59v592 Troesmis I 20 E. Oberlinder-TAmoveanq Peuce, 8, 1980: 274,no.17759L1592 Unknown I 20 A Vertan,G. Custurea,Pontica 19, 1986:302,no. l l359v592 Unknouar I 40 G. Poenaru-Bordea,V. Baumann, Peuce, 4,1973-1975: 56.no. 3459U593 Axiopolis I 20 G. PooanrBordea, R OchegeangE Nicolae, SCN,9, 1989: 2,no.2065921593 Constanfa z 20 G. Poenaru-Bordea, Popeea, CIVA,27, L976:zMlg.no.97-10659U593 FI6rgova I 40 A Verlan,G. Custruea,Pontica, 19, 1986: 301,no. l0059?/593 Histria 5 20 Histria III: 219-220. no. 1945, 1948, 1959;Histria W: l58.no. 173.174592/593 SlavaRusI I 20 A Opart,C. Opait,T. Blnictr,BMI, 59, 99Q l: 28,ro.20593t594 Histria 2 20 Histria III: 220,nos.1960,196.1593t594 Histria I 40 Histia W: l58.no. 175593/594 Isaccea I 20 G. Poenaru-Bordea,E. Nicolae, A Popescu,SCN, l, 1995 1997):138, o. 585931594Silcioara,TL I 20 M. Minrpu-Adamefteanq G. Poenaru-Bordea,BSNR,8Gl87,1992-1993:25, no. 1l594lsgs Constan[a I 40 G. PoenanrBordea,A Popeea,SCIVA 27, 1976:2l9.no. @5941595 Histria 4 40 Histria I : 218, 220,no.1932,1954;p. 230,nos.20,2I594t595 [saccea 2 20 G. Poenaru-Bordea, Nicolae, A PopescqSCN,ll. 1995197): 138.nos.59.63594t595 Niculitel I 40 E Oberlinder-Thmorieanuerce8,1980: 09. o. 1355941595 Sacidava I 2 C.Scorpan,ZmqSqtthiae,Otrond,1980:70596t597 Capidava t 40 A Vertan,G. Custurea,Pmtica, 2l-22, 198&-1989:380.no.1305596ts97 Constanfa I 20 G. Pooanr-Bordea,A Popeea,SCIVA 27, 1976:

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    17 Thedovmfallof theRoman rontier JJ I596/597 Hisbia t 40 Histria nl. ? 9 -^ r o596/s97 Histria I 20 Histrio II:219. ;o. 1949596/597 Sacidava I ?596/597 Unknov r I 20s97/598 Adamclisi 2 40 _, _ _---: v! : !, _, rzuo. {u JR^OchEemqG. papuc, ontica,6,l9A,JA;239: infamati- sa* D n^r-^s97/s98 Constanp I .40 . _Y.. rL vwutqru an(l A I.ODSCU^ y:TA, (i. Custures,ontica,25, D9t 3gS,no.1439597/598 Enisala I 20 :: rvrzulucu-Adame$teanu,E. OberldndEramoveanu,euce.9. 1984: i? -^ loHistin lll. 17O ^^ r"97/598 Histria I 40599/600 Constanta I 20 ^ y:1t1n,G.Custurea,*t-idJttrlz=ss,no. 1440599t6A0 Sacidava I 2600/60I Capidava I 20 ^ y:p, G.Cusrurea,ontGffi, tteZ, :sO,no. 1409600/601 Constanp 2 20 u. r vqaru_ooroee,A yopeee,SCIVA,27,1976:218, os. 3.108:nltmaIIr .r

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    l832 AlexandruMadgearu605/606 Unknovm I 40 A Popesct! Opncula Numismatica, UniversitateaBucrnesti 1989:2426(5t607 Caoidava I 40 G. Custwea, ontica, 9,1986: 77,no.16061607 Constanfa I 40 R Oc.hqemqP. Dicq BSIIR, 75-76, 9Jl-1982:447.no.32606t607 Corbu deSus.CT I 40 R OchEeanqG. Papuc,Pontica,8, 1975;4436A6t607 Histria 4 40 Histria III: 225-226, nos. 2029, 2033, 2038;Histriq W: L55.no. 1126061607 lsaccea I 40 G. Poenaru-Bordea, . Nicolae, A PopescqSCN 1f, 1995 1997):138,no. 68606t607 Unhovm I 20 G. Poenaru-Bordea, Donoiq BSN& 75-76,198l-1982: 37.no.L606/607 Unknonm I 40 G. Poenaru-Bordea, V. Baumann, Peuce, 4,1973-1975:155.o. 20607/608 Capidava I 40 A Vertan,G. Custrrea,Pontica,2L-22,I988-1989:380. o.1306607t608 Constanta 1 40 A Petre, acia, S, 7,1963:597 ,no.49607t608 Unknonm I 40 G. Poenaru-Bordea.CN.4. 1968:406608/609 Adamclisi I 20 A Vertan.G. Custurea. ontica.15. 1982:281608/609 Constanfa I 20 G. Poaaru-Bordea,A Pqreea, SCIVA 27, 1976:2l9.no.12660916t0 Fnisala 1 40 G. Minucu-Adame;teanu, E Oberlinder-Timoveanu Peuce.9. 1984:352-no.22610/611 Constanfa I 40 G.Poenaru-Bordea,Popeea. CIVA 27,1976'.2l9-no.129610/61 Nufrru I 20 B. Mitrea,Dacia,BS, 1966: l2,no. 566II/6t2 Constanfa I 40 A Vertan,G. Custurea,Pontica, 25,1992:388,no. 14416LL/6tZ Constanfa 20 G. Poenaru-Bordea, Popeea, Cry& 27,1976:2I9.no.132 ,6tv612 Unknoum I 40 G. Poenaru-Bordea,V. Baumenn, Peucq 4,1973-1975: 57-no.376ru613 Mansalia Ir 40 R Ocheseanuontica. 4.1981: L2.no.26tu613 Muridriol I 40 C. Opait,Peuce, 0, 99L: 473,no.1236L3t6t4 Argamum I ? M. MInucu-Adamepteanu,Cronica cercetdilorarheolosice.Camwnia 1 995,Brdrla. 1996:706t3/6t4 Axiopolis 1 40 G. Poenaru-Bordea, R Ochegeanr4 E. Nicnlae,SCN.9. 1989:72-no.2096t3t614 Constanta 1 40 M. Simpetru"SCIV, 22, l97I:2256t3l6t4 Constanta ) , M Simpefru,SCIV,22, l97I:2256t3t6t4 Ilistria 2 40 Histria III : 227. no. 204I. 20426t3t6L4 Sacidava I ? C. Scorpan,linesScythiae,Otrord, 1980:706t3l6L4 Tulcea I 40 E Oberlinder-TimoveanuSCN.7 1980:163.no. I6l4t6t5 Axiopolis I 40 G. Poenaru-Bordea,R OchegeanqE. Nicolae,SC}{.9.1989:72.no.2086r4t615 Slava RusI I ,| A Opait,SCIVA, 42,l99I: 546t4t6t5 Ulnletum I 40 B. Mitrea,Dacia,NS, 10, 1966: 12,no. 60

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    l9 Thedoumfallof theRoman rontier JJ J6t5t616 Constanta I 40 G.Poenaru-Bordea, popeea,SCIV{ 27J97A219, o. 1306t6l6L7 Unknonm I 20 G. Custurea,ontica, 9,1986:277.no,5

    Fig 3 - Coinswith rmcertainssuevearYear Site Pieces Value Bibtiography578-582 Constanla I 10 G.Poenaru-Bordea, Popeea,SCWA 27, fg7e218, o.85578-.582Constanfa 2 20 G.Poenaru-Bordea, popeea,SCIVA"22, lgZA218,nos.86,87s7v582 Garvin I 20 B. Mihea,Pontica,Z, 1924:69,no. 5g578-582 [1619ova I 20 A Vertan.G. Custurea, ontica, 19, ltg6: 301.no. 1098578-582 Histria I 40 Histria III: 2L6,no. 1916578-582 Pirioaia 2 2 B. Mitrea,Dacia,NS. 10.1966:414 "" 61s78-582 Unh,oum t ,| A Vertan,G. Custurea, ontica, 19, 19g6:30ano. l12579-s82 Histria 3 20 Histria III : 216,nLos.9II, L9IZ, lgn582-402 Cq$eta I 40 G.Poenaru-Bordea, porpeea,SCM, 2il9ZA2l9,no. l l582-602 Cmstola 2 20 G-Poenaru.Bordea,A popeea,SCIVA" 27, l97A2l9,no- LIZ; A- V{ten,G. Cushuea,pontica, 16,l9til: 310,nro.746582-602 ConstanIa 4 l0 G.PoeuruBorde+ A popeea,SCIVA 27J97A2L&-2l9,nos9101, ll0582-602 Garv5n 2 20 B. Mirea. Potic+ T,1974:ZO, os OCOZ582-602 Histria I 5 Histria IIi: 22I. no-L966





    Histna II I : 218, nos. 1934,1963,1964Hitmott t tzWHtttrioW,WAPopeea,F@APopeea,Bm602-610 Argamum I ,) cronics cercethlor *n"a@n1994,ClufNapoca.1995:48602-610 Constanfa 2 40 B. Mitrea,Dacia,NS, 10, 1966:4n, "o4g.. G.Poenaru-Bordea,. Popeea,SCfVA, 27, L976:2I9.no.125602-610 Constanta l0 20 G. Poenaru-Bordea, popeea,SCIVA-7, l97A219, nos. ll,+-119, 122-124;A popeea,BSN&67-69,1973-1975:19. no. 3

    602-610 Constanla 2 l0 G. Poenaru-Bordea, popeea,SCIVA,27, 19761219,nos.120-l2L602-610 Isaccea II 4U2 x Popea,Pevc,e,4,1973-1975:79, o.30,tPet",l'"ffi

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    Ji 4 Alexandru Madgearu 20602-610 Unknown J 2A G. Poenaru-Bordea,. Baumann,Peuce,4, 197}-1975: 55. os. l-23603-610 Argamum I ? $. Coja,BMI, 41,1972,3,40603-610 Axiopolis I 20 G. Poenaru-Bordea, , OchEeanq E. Nicolae,SCN,9, 1989:72,no.207603-610 Histria 2 40 $i11y!aII: 226,nos. 035,2037603-610 Histria 6 20 Histia III: 225,nos.2030-2032,2039-2040:G.Custurea, ontica,19, 1986:277.no.2603-610 Unknoum I 20 A Popescq Opuscula Numismatica,IJniversitateaBucuregti, L989:243603-610 Unknoum I 20 G. Custurea,ontica, 9,1986: 77.no.3

    Fig:4- The averageoincirculatiq duringwery reign includes lso hecoinswith r.urcertainssue ear)EMPER,OR NUMMTA(TOTAL) NUMMIA/YEARJustin tr (the last five years,s73-578) 3160 632Tiberiustr (579-582\ 1060 265Maurikios (the whole reign,582402') 5015 257,50Maurikios, 582-592 3570 357Mawikios,59X02 1100 1t0Phokas602-610) 1800 225Heraklios (the first sevexryears,610-617) 580 82,95

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    335l The doutfall of the Roman&uocr


    Fig.5-Tbe cdnmqin Dobrudjanrmia/pal

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    2236 AlexandruMadgearu


    Fig.6 - Thecoincurrencyin Dobrudja, ieces year
