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PART I (in Sub-Parts)


PART II-B (in Sub-Parts)

PART II-e (in Sub-Parts)





fitf the Census Publications of this State will bear series No. 10)

Census General Report including Su bsidiary Tables.

Census Tables on population.

Economic Tables.

Social and Cultural Tables.

Establishment Report and Subsidiary Tables.

Establishment Tables.

Housing Report and Tables.

PART V (in Sub-Parts) Special Tables & Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes.












Town Directory.

Special Survey Reports on selected Towns.

. Survey Reports on selected Villages.

Special Report on Graduates and Technical Personnel.

Administration Report-Enumeration.

Administration Report-Tabulation.

Census A t) as.

Administrative Atlas.


Village and Town Directory

VilJage and Town PrImary Census Abstracts

Analytical Report and Administrative statements & District Census Tables

(District Census Handbooks are published under Part X in 3 Parts-A, B & C for each of the 43 districts in the State. Parts A and B are published in one volume).



1. Preface i~ii

2. List of Abbreviations 1

,3. Alphabetical List of Villages 3-10

( j ) Depalpur Tahsil 3~4

( ii ) Sawer Tahsil 5-6

( iii ) Indore Tahsil 6-8

(iv) Mhow Tahsil 8~10


1. Explaaatory Note 13-26

2. Village Directory (Amenities and Land-use) 28-57

( i ) Depalpur Tahsil 28-35

( ii ) Sawer Tahsil 36-41

( iii) Indore Tahsil 42-49

( iv ) Mhow Tahsil 50-57

3. Appendix to Village Directory 58-59

,4. Town Directory 60~66

( i ) Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns 60

( ii ) Physical Aspects and Location of Towns 61

( iii) Civic Finance 62

( iv) Civic and other Amenities 63

( v ) Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities in Towns 64

(vi) Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 65

(vii ) Population by Religion and Scheduled CastesJ Scheduled Tribes in Towns 66

5. Appendix to Town Directory 67

f ii )



1. ExpJanatory Note 71~72

2. Figures at a Glance 73

3. Primary Census Abstract 74-161

District Abstract 74-81

Depalpur Tahsil 82-91 (Rural) 82-89 (Urban) 90-91

Sawer Tahsil 92-99 (Rural) 92-99 (Urban) 98-99

Indore Tahsil 100-145 (Rural) 1O()''107 (Urban) 108-145

Mhow Tahsil 146-161 (Rural) 146-157 (Urban) 156-161

Prior to the 1951 Census, there was no regular separate publication at the district level regarding the data collected, although the seeds of the District Census Handbooks can be traced to the 'Village Lists brought out for every district in 1901 and 'Village Statistics' of every district published in 1911 and 1941. No. definite answer is forthcoming as to why such publications, giving village-wise information of occupied houses, break-up of population into males/females and literates, were not brought out in 1921 and 1931 The reason could be transfer from 1921 of certain charges on Census previously met from the provincia. revenues to the Central revenues and the Government of India may not have considered it necessary to publish statistics up to the village level. 'Village Statistics' in 1941 were brought out by the Central Provinces & Berar Government and this practice of bringing out district-wise publications at the cost of the State Govern­ment has since been continuing.

2. The scope of the district-wise publications, now called the District Census Handbooks, has been under­going change with each successive Census from 1951. In 1951, the District Census Handbooks only contained the Primary Census Abstract and the Census tables. In view of the usefulness of separate publication for each district, improvements were made at the time of the 1961 Census by including non-Ceni:iUs data like climate, agriculture, co-operation, industry, education, etc. An 'Introductory Note' was also added to highlight the more striking features. Unfortunately, the desire to make district-wise Census publications very comprehensive resulted in late availability of the books to the users. Therefore, this time the District Census Handbooks have been divided into three parts in order to release maximum data, as and when finalised, so that the publications may have a useful life of about seven to eight years ofinter-Censal decennium. Part A will contain Primarily non-Census statistics, Part B the Primary Census Abstract and Part C various administrative statistics with a chapter titled "Introducing the district". It may be mentioned here that subsequently a decision has been taken to merge Parts A and B in one volume on grounds of economy.

3. Much of the delay in the publication of the District Census Handbooks after the 1961 Census was due to delay in collection of administrative statistics and the decision to write the Introductory Note in the head office. Separation of administrative statistics as Part C of the District Census Handbook and the kind Co­operation of the State Government, permitting Collectors of the 1961-71 decade to write the chapter on "Introducing the District," is likely to go a long way in early publication of all the parts of the District Census Handbooks. Another favourable factor this time is the early decision of the State Government to permit printing in private presses as and when the work-load on the State Government Presses is heavy and likely to result in delay in the bringing out of the District Census Handbook of any district. It would not be out of place to point out here that the work-load in connection with the District Census Handbooks is very much more this time, not only on account of wider coverage but largely due to the decision to bring out the District Census Handbooks in Hindi as well as English. In all, there will be 172 publications, 4 per district of which 2 will be in hindi and 2 in english. Advance action was taken this time to collect the non-Census data and it is hoped that the combined volume of Parts A and B of all the 43 distlicts would be out by the end of 1973 and Part C of all the districts by the middle of 1975. This would be a definite improvement on the 1961 performance when printing of the District Census Handbooks covered the period 1964 to 1967.

4. In his Preface to the 1961 District Census Handbooks, my predecessor, Shri G. Jagathpathi, had observed thus, "It was not possible at this Census to base all Census statistics on the development block as the unit mainly because in 1961 there were many areas not till then covered by blocks. The coverage had become complete by about the middle of 1963 and it is not unlikely that the 1971 Census will recognise the block as the basic field unit as much for purposes of presentation as for operational purposes.". It has not been possible to adopt the development block as the basic unit for operation and presentation in this Census for more than one reason. Firstly, the office of the Block Development Officer was abolished in December, 1965; its resurrection in the form of office of the Block Development Assistant from 2-10-69 had not taken firm roots up to the time field arrangements for the 1971 Census were finalised. Secondly, the tahsil as a unit of field arrangements has many more advantages, the most significant being the ready availability of that legendary functionary-the patwari-without whose active co-operation it would be a formidable task to determine whether a habited structure in a cultivated field is part of village X or Y. Even, otherwise, since village­wise figures are available, it should not be difficult for those in need of data for intermediate units between the village and the tahsil, like the development block or pa twari haIka, to compile it by adding figures of concerned villages. The tahsil has for long been a fixed unit of administration and, to my mind, should be retained in preference to the development block whose jurisdiction may undergo a change in accordance with the pace of future development.


5. tn conclusion, I would like to place on record my grateful thanks to the Government of Madhya Pradesh for having so kindly agreed to undertake the publication of the Handbooks in hindi as well as english

to the various government and semi-government offices for un-hesitatingly making available the non-Census statistics, and to the Controller, Government Press, and his staff for arI'anging early printing in the Govern­ment and private Presses.

BHOPAL : A. K. PANDYA 15 th Jugust, 1972.



f Civic Administration 32 Hospital H

1 Corporation C 33 T. B. Clinic TBe 2 Municipality M 34 Maternity and Child Welfare Centre MCW

3 Notified Area Committee NAC 35 Ayurvedic Dispensary AD

4 Cantonment Board CB 36 Nursing Home NH

5 Non-Municipal: Non-Town NM 37 Family Planning Centre FC Committee; Non-Panchayat 38 Veterinary Hospital YH

6 Gram Panchayat P

II Other Amenities (Sewerage & Drainage) V Electricity

7 Open Surface Drains OSD 39 Electricity E

8 Box Surface Drains BSD 40 Electricity for Irrigation HI 41 Electricity for Industry BIN

9 Sewerage S 10 Head Loads HL VI Drinking Water Supply

11 Wheel Barrow WB 42 Tap Water T 12 Bullock Cart BC 43 River Water R 13 Tractor/Truck TR/T 44 Nala Water NW 14 Septic Tank Latrines ST 45 Tubewell Water TW

46 Well Water W nI Educational 47 Tank Water TK

15 Primary School PR 48 Fountain Water F 16 Middle School Mid. S 49 Cana) C 17 Secondary High School

} 50 Over Head Tank OHT 18 Higher Secondary School Sec. S 19 Arts College A

51 Service Reservoir SR

20 Science College S 52 Pressure Tank PT

21 Commerce College C VII Communications 22 Arts, Science and Commerce College ASC 53 Pucca Road PR 23 Basic Primary School BPR 24 Basic Women Sewing Centre

54 Kutcha Road KR BWSC

25 Shorthand and Typing Training Sh.Type 55 Railway R

Institute 26 Vocational Training Institute V vm Post and Telegraph

27 University U 56 Post Office PO 28 Home Science College HM 57 Telegraph Office TO

IV Medical 58 Telephone Phon.

29 Primary Health Centre PHC IX Others 30 Health Centre HC 59 Information not available NA 31 Dispensary D 60 Others 0




SI.No. Name of Village Location SI.No. Name of Village LocatioR Code No. Code No.

1 2 3 2 3

Depalpur Tahsil 19/1 Oepalpur Tahsil-contd.

A 47 Chimankhedi 82

1 Agra 92 48 Chirakhan 171 2 Agradi 119 49 Chitoda 52

3 Ahirkhedi 78 D

4 Ahirwas 39 50 Dansari 126

5 Ajanda 123 51 Datoda 136

6 Akasoda 103 52 Daultabad 121

i Ako]ya 23 53 Deorakhedi 60

8 Ambakhedi 95 54 Depalpur Kasba 44

9 Ambalia 1 55 Dhannad 174

10 Ambapura 150 56 Dhanya 36 11 Amli 132 57 Dharawara 172 12 Araya 77 58 Dharmat 10 13 Arodakot 32 59 Dhureri 130 14 Ataheda 70 E 15 Atawada 102 60 Ektasa 33 16 Atyana 22 F 17 Aurangpura 161 61 Farkoda 49


18 Bachhoda 20 62 Galonda 162

19 Badipura 153 63 Gangajalkhedi 81

20 Badodiya 79 64 Gehunkhedi 71

21 Badodiya Panth 97 65 Ghadoda 12

22 Badoli Hoj III 66 Ghatabillod 142

23 Bagoda 175 67 Giroda 109

24 Bahirampur 14 68 Girota 2

25 Bajrangpura 173 69 Gohan 125

26 Banedia 87 70 Gokalpur 4S

27 Banyakhedi 75 71 Gudar 51

28 Bardakhedi 65 72 Gulawat 96

29 Baroda Panth 113 H

30 Beganda 42 73 Harnasa 107

31 Betma 154 74 Hasnabad 90

32 :Betma Khurd 166 J

33 Bhamakheda 26 75 Jala}pura 68 34 :Bhanwargarh 167 76 J a]odiya Gyan 9

35 :Bhidota 46 77 Jalodiya Panth 106 36 Rhi! Badoli 54 78 Jalodiya Par 25 37 Bijepur 169 79 Jamgoda 57 38 Billodagarhi 6 80 Jha1ariya 129 39 :Birgoda 86 K 40 :Boriya 156 81 Kadoda 63 41 :Borsi 157 82 Kai 62

C 83 Kakwa 66 42 Chandankhedi 56 84 Kalasura 151 43 Chander 112 85 Kalibillod 147 44 Chandkhedi 135 86 Kalmer 34 45 Chatwada 105 87 Kanwasa 55 46 Chiklonda 120 88 Karadiya 124

Sl.No. Name of Village

1 2




Location Sl. No. Name of Village Code-No.

3 --~--------- ----- -----

2 ------ -

Depalpur Tahsil-contd. Depalpur Tahsil-concld.

89 Karjoda 59 133 Palasyapar 90 Karki 40 134 Palsoda 91 Karwasa 144 135 Parinalwa~a 92 Katkoda 64 136 Pelampur 93 Khadi 108 137 Phulan 94 KhadoJya 73 138 PipJiya Jhagdu 95 Khajraya 41 139 PiPloda 96 Khandia 74 140 PirpipIiyr. 97 Kbanjarkheda 8 141 Pitawali 98 Khanpur 116 99 Kharsoda 17 R

142 Ralayta 100 Khatediya Sarang 152 Khatwadi 27 143 Rambadodiya 101 Khimlawda 67 144 Rampuria 102 Khireli 35 145 Rangwasa 103 Kishanpura 148 146 Ranmalbillod 104

105 Kulala 5 147 Rawad 106 Kundhara 24 148 Rayatpura

L 149 Ringanwas 150 ROlai 107 Lalendi 160 151 Rudrakhya 108 Limbodapar 30 152 Runawda 109 Londi~a alias Mohammadpur 101 153 Runji Gautampura M

110 Macha! 170 S 111 Manpura 133 154 Sagdod 112 Medat 134 155 Sa}ampur 113 Mendakwas 50 156 Sanawda 114 Methwada 139 157 Sangvi 115 Mirjapur 94 158 Sater 116 Mohna 168 159 Sejwani 117 Mothla 155 160 Semda 118 Mundipur 85 161 Shahawda 119 Mundla Kalma 69 162 Shahpura 120 Muradpura 164 163 Shivgarh 121 Murkheda 89 164 Sikandari N

165 Singawda 122 Nandra 84 166 Sironjya 123 Neori 104 167 Sumtha 124 Nogaon Khanjar 18 168 Sunala 125 Nogawan 98 126 Nogawan Surf 83 T 127 Nolana -19 169 Tajkhedi

0 170 Takipura 128 Osra 4 171 TalawaIi 129 Osrod 140 172 Tamalpur

p U 130 Padlya 11 173 UjaIiya 131 Paladi 93 174 Ushapura 132 Palasiya 127 175 Uttarsi

Location Code No.


28 53

7 37 3

163 88

145 48

21 137 158 122

146 128 165 29

159 58

38 16

118 149 131 143

47 138

31 114 76

117 99

100 15 80 61

141 110



72 91




DISTRICT INDORE . _._- ---~-- -------~~"

Sl.No. Name of Village Location SI.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No.

---~- ----------~~~" -~ ------_----- _._ .. -- ----------- ~------ ------ ---

2 3 2 3 ----------- -_ .. -.------ -- -- -- -----------------_----_-- -----

Sawer Tahsil 19/2 Sawer Tahsil-contd.

A 44 Ghankhedi 108

Ajnod "4 45 Ghatgara 46

2 Ajnoti 59 46 Gulawat 1

3 Alwasa 72 47 Guran 140

4 Amlikheda 104 H

B 48 Hansakhedi 145

5 Badarkha 65 49 Hariyakhedi 55

6 Baghana 6g 50 Hatuniya 142

7 Balghara 48 51 Hindoliya 16

8 Baloda 92 J

9 Baloda Takun 43 52 Jakhiya 78

10 Balria " 53 Jamburdi Sarwar 60

11 Bardari 79 54 Jamodi 27

12 Barlai 135 55 Jassa Karadiya 111

13 Baroda Arjun 132 56 Jetpura 106

14 Barodiya Ema 84 57 lindakheda 57

15 Barodiya Khan 18 K

16 Barodiya Panth 143 58 Kachhalya 147

17 Baroli 80 59 Kadwa 99

18 Basandra 61 60 Kadwali Buzurg' 123

19 Bawalyakhedi 19 61 Kadwali Khurd 122

20 Bhadakhedi 49 62 Kajlana 95

21 Bhangya 82 63 Kamalyakheda 41

22 Bhawrasala 81 64 Kankariya Bordiya 63

23 Bhondwas 126 65 Kankariya Pal 56

24 Bibikhedi 53 66 Katkya 89

25 Bijukhedi 115 67 Kayasthkhedl 34

26 Biloda Nayata 24 68 Khajunya 64

27 Bisakhedi 124 69 Khakrod 105

28 Bisakhedi 40 70 Khalkhala 148

29 Brabmankhedi 91 71 Khamod Anjna 45

30 Brahman Pipalya 101 72 Khamod KamaJya 38

31 Budhanya Panth 144 73 Khandakhedi 26

32 Budhi Barlai 136 74 Kharwakhedi 73

C 75 Khatediya Bajjat 51 76 Kithoda 17

33 Chimli 22 77 Kudana 31 34 Chitoda 2

78 Kumerdi 77 D

35 Dakachya 134 L

36 Darji Karadia 97 79 Lakhmankhedi 98

37 Dayakheda 7 80 Lalakheda 37

38 Deoli 90 81 Lasudiya Parmar 120

39 DhabI! 111 82 Lohagal 20

40 DhatUrla 42 M

F 83 Machhukhedi 139

41 Faraspur 125 84 Magarkheda 13 G 85 Magarkhedi 5

42 Gari Piplya 110 86 Maharajganj 28

43 Gawala 35 87 Makodiya 141




------ .-~------_-----_- ------ -------------- - -- --- -------_---

SI. No, Name of Village Location Code No.

SI. No. Name of Village Location Code No.

-~- ----~---------~-------- -- ------- -~~.-~---

2 3 2 3 -----------

Sawer Tahsil-contd, Sawer Tahsil-concld.

88 Malakhedi 14 133 Siloda Buzurg 94 89 Malikhedi 102 134 Siloda Khurd 25 90 Mandlawda 130 135 Silotiya 133 91 Mandot 9 136 Simrol 29 n Mangaliya Arniya 62 137 Sinnod 10 93 Mangaliya Sadak 117 138 Solsinda 88 94 Mata Barodi 69 139 Solsindi 30 95 Mawlakhedi 85 140 Sulakhedi 121 96 Melkalma 127 141 Surakhedi 32 97 Merkhedi 70 T 98 Mundlabag 118 142 Takun 39 99 M und la Husain 109 143 Tarana 96

100 Mukata 15 144 Thirakhedi 12 101 Muradpura 86 145 Titawada 11

N 146 Todi 107 102 Nagpur 8 147 Tumani 3 103 Naharkheda 58 U

p 148 Ugamkhedi 33 104 Padlaya Bajrang 113 V 105 Palasiya 129 149 Vyaskhedi 128 106 Paliya Haidar 75 107 Panchderiya 114 Indore Tahsil 19/3 108 Panchola 13 A 109 Panod 23

Ahirkhedi 13 110 Patwakhedi 100

2 Ambamolya 96 111 Pipaliya Kayasth 52

3 Ankya 146 112 Plplal 47

4 Arandia 62 113 Pirkaradiya 131

5 Aranya 142 114 Pitawali 67

6 Asakhedi 145 115 Potlod 146 7 Asrawad BUlurg 97 116 Puwarda Rappa 138 8 Asrawad Khurd 48 117 Puwatda Dai 131 B 118 Pliwarda JlInarda 74

9 Badia Hat 164 R 10 Badia Keema 102

119 Rahukhedi 119 11 Balyakhedi 68 120 Rajoda 93 12 Bangarda Bada 10 121 Ralamandal 6 13 Bangarda Chhota 20 122 Rampiplya 116 14 Bank 26 123 Rangkaradia 50 15 Baroda Daulat 78 124 Ratankhedi 54 16 Baroda Kara 77 115 Rawer 36 17 Baroda Sindhi 138 126 Rewati 16 18 Bawalya Buzurg 149 1 Z7 Ringnodiya 81 19 Bawalya Khurd 148

S 20 Begamkbedi 89 128 Sagwal 66 21 Berchha 114 129 Satlana 71 22 Bhangarh 61

130 Sawer 149 23 Bhicholi Hapsi 100 131 Shah ada 21 24 Bhicholi Mardana 99 132 Shahna 103 25 Bhingaria 162




S1.No. Name of Village Location Sl.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No.

1 2 3 2 3

Indore Tahsil-contd. Indore Tahsil~contd.

26 Bhokakbedi 79 ()(i .Thalaria 9{

27 Bihadia III K

28 Bijalpur 40 fi7 Ka bil khec1i IS 29 Bilawali 55

68 Kacharod 11:2 30 Bisankheda 82 Kajipalasiya 135 31 Bisnawada

fi9 31 70 Kakukhedi 153

32 Budhania 13 Ka1aria 33 Bllranakhedi

71 29 83

72 Ka1mer 4

C 73 Kampel 131

34 Chauhankhedi 98 74 Kanadia C)O

35 Chhitkana 84 75 Kapalyakhedi 117

36 ChikatiYa 125 76 Kelod Hala 63

D 77 Kelod Karta! 46

78 Keodiya 126 37 Dandalakhedi 147 79 Khajrana 57 38 Dehri 35 80 Khandel 158 39 Deoguradia 103 81 Kharadia 159 40 DhamnaY 115 82 Khatipiplya 73 41 Dharnawad 30 83 Khatrikhedi 85 42 Dhaturia 144 84 Khemana 81 43 Dhulet 143 85 Khudel Buzurg 134 44 Digwal 151 86 Khude1 Khurd 133 45 Dudhia 106 87 Kordia Bardha 22


46 Fatankhedi 53 88 Lasudiya Anant 155

41 Fulkaradiya 89 Lasurdiya Mori 66

G 90 Limbodagari 14

91 Limbodi 52 48 Gadrakhedi (Banganga) 19 49 Garia 80


50 Garipipalya 93 92 Machla 43

51 Gehli 152 93 Malikhedi 101

52 Ghudia 127 94 Mali Badodia 6

53 Gogakhedi 141 95 Mayakhedi 65

54 Gurda Khedi 5 96 Mirjapur 49

97 Moklai 37 H 98 Morad ~

55 Hansakhedi 94 99 Morodhat

56 Hatod 3 100 Muhadi

57 Higonya 88 101 Mundi

58 Higonya Khurd 11 102 Mundla Dosdar

59 Hukamkhedi 42 103 Mundla Jetkaran

J 104 Mundla Nayata

60 Jaglllal Pipalya 71 105 Musakhedi

61 JalodKeu 75 62 Jamburdi Hapsi 8 106 Nahar Jhabu

63 Jamnya Buzurg 124 107 Nainod

64 J amnya Khurd ]10 108 Narlai

65 Jani 74 109 Narwar





81. No. Name of Village Location SI.No. Name of Vi11age Code No.

Location Code No.


2 3 2 3 ---Indore Tahsil-contd. Indore TahsiI--concld.

110 Nawda Panth 24 154 Sukliya 11

111 Nayapura 130 155 Sukhniwa5 41

112 Nignoti 70 T 113 Nihalpur Mundi 54 114 Nipanya 59 156 Talawali Chanda 64

115 Niranjanpur 58 ]57 Talawali Kachw 31 158 Tigaria Badshah 16

p 159 Tigaria Rao 92

116 Palakhedi 12 160 Tillor Khurd 109

117 Palda 104 161 Tillor Buzurg 123

118 Panjaria 166 162 TiRchha 113

119 Panod 69 U

120 Pedmi 156

121 Phali 150 163 Ujjaini 118

164 Umri 45 122 Pipalda 122 165 Umaria Khurd 107 123 Piplaya Hana 56

124 PipalYa Kumar 60 166 Undel 160

125 Pipalya Tafa 9 167 Upadinatha 86

126 Piwday 132 Mhow Tahsil 19/4


127 Rajdhara 121 1 Ahilyapur 34

128 Ralamandal 51 2 Akawi 20

129 Ramgarh 95 3 Amba Chandan 121

130 Ramukhedi 137 4 Ambada 44

131 Rangwasa 38 5 Ambapura 80

132 Rau 44 6 Anwaliya 45

133 Rinjlai 33 7 Anwalipura 63

134 Rojadi 7 8 Asapur 102

9 Awlay 33 S B

135 Sahukhedi 128

136 Sahukhedi 87 to Badarkhan 110

137 Sanawadia 108 11 Badgaon 92

138 Sanwalyakhedi 34 11 Badgonda lOS

139 Sarolia 167 13 Badiya 165

140 Semalya Chau 76 14 Badkuwa 42

141 Semalya Raimal 157 15 Badoda Sindh 119

142 Setkhedi 140 16 Bai 140

143 Shahdadeo 161 17 Baika 151

144 Shakkarkhedi 67 18 Banjari 12

145 Shakkarkhcdi (Harankhedi) 72 19 Baradiya 8

146 Shiwni 163 20 Bardari 135

147 Sindoda 28 21 Barkheda 86

148 Sindodi 39 22 Barkheda 172

]49 Sinha sa 27 23 Basipipri 98

}50 Sirpur 21 24 Berchha 111

}51 Songir 2 25 Bhagora 120

U2 Songuradiya 120 26 Bhanbardi 152

153 Soaway 119 27 Bhardala 24




SI.No. Name of Village Location Sl. No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No.

---~ --_------ -_- --.~ - ---.--~-

1 2 3 2 3

Mhow Tahsil-rontd. Mhow Tahsil-contd. 28 Bhatkhedi 13 71 Jamanya 28 29 Bherughat 141 72 Jamanya 96 30 Bheslay 9 73 Jam Bm:urg 159 31 Bhicholi 43 74 Jam Khurd 168 32 Bhilani 87 75 Jamli 40

33 Bhoj Karadiya 47 76 Jhikadiyakhedi 161

34 Biram 46 77 Joshi Guradiya 132 35 Borkhedi 106 78 Julwaniya 59 36 Borkhedi (Harsoda) 123 K 37 Borkhedi 167 79 Kadwali 95 38 :8uraliya 166 80 Kalikiriya 65

81 Kamadpur 49 C 82 Kaneriya 72 39 Chasya 75 83 Kankariya 90 40 Chenpura 51 84 Kaparkheda 81 41 Chbapariya 84 85 Karadiya 17 42 ChikhIi 131 86 Kawti ,

43 Chodiya 115 87 Kekariya Dabri 103 44 Choral 139 88 Kelod 108 D 89 Kesar Bardi 21 45 DamaJi 162 90 Khardakheda 128 46 Datoda 125 91 KhedJi 109 47 Dhawadi~a 149

92 Khedi Istmurar S4 48 Dongargaon 15 93 KhudaJpura 50 49 Durjanpura 60 94 Khurda 82 G 95 Khurdi 73 50 Gadaghat 67 96 Kodriya 114 51 Gajinda 138 97 Kodiya 57 52 Gangaliyakhedi 113 98 Kolani 66 53 Gavhalu 137 99 Kulamba 22 54 Gawali Palasya 112

100 Kulthana 147 55 Ghodakhur 158 101 Kumti 53 56 Ghosikheda 130 102 Kuradakhedi 35 57 Gokanya 129 103 Kushalgarh 156

58 Gokanya Kund 74 104 Kuwa}i 39 59 Golkheda 91 60 Gond Kuwa 83 L ~1 Gopalpura 14 105 Lalpura 31 62 Gujarkheda 116 106 Lodhiya 15' 63 Gunjara 148 M 64 Guwadi 157 107 Madhawpura 168

H 108 Mahudiya Buzurg 26 65 Harniyakhedi S 109 Mahudiyapura 25 65 Harsola 124 110 Malendi 107 67 Hasalpur 48 111 MaIipura 61

I 112 Mangalya 169 68 1m llipura 145 113 Manpur 69

J 114 Matlabpura 52 69 Jafrabad 58 115 Memdi 121 70 Jakhukhedi 5S 116 Men 99




Sl.No. Name of Vi!1age Location SI.No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No.

1 2 3 1 2 3

Mhow Tahsil-contd. Mhow Tahsil-concld.

117 Mendal 142 141 Raskundiya 173 118 Men Mazra 100 148 Ratwi 1'3

N 149 Richhabardi 16 119 Nachambot 163

120 Naharkhedi 76 150 SadaJpur 175 111 Nahar Khodra 77 151 Sater 19 122 Nanded 37 152 Sejgarh 78 123 Nandgaon S5 153 Sendal 144 124 Nandlai 41 154 Shahda i7 125 Nawada 2 155 Sherkund 79 126 Nawadiya 150 156 Sherpur 62 127 Neu Guradiya 122 157 Shivnagar 136

0 158 Shrikhandi IS 128 Olani 64 159 Sihod 56

P 160 SiJotiya 32 129 Panada 3 161 Simrol 126 130 Panjariya 29 162 Sitapat 38 131 Patalpani 118 163 Sonway 10 132 Pathan Pipalya 133 164 Surtipura 143 133 Phaphund 30 165 Sutarkhedi 117 134 Phut Talab 68

T 135 Pigdambar 4 166 Telanbardi 97 136 Pipalya 164 167 Telan Mal. li4 137 Pipalya Malhar 7 168 Thawlay 36 138 Pipal Khut 23 169 Tihi 11 139 Pipalya Lohar 134 170 Tinchha 104


140 Raikunda .S8 171 Umariya 1 141 Rajpura 94

172 Umath 171 142 Rajpura 154 173 Undwa 89 143 Ramgarh Palasghat 170 174 Utediya 146 144 Rampuriya 101

145 Rampuriya Buzurg 71 y

146 Rampuriya Khurd 70 175 Yashwantnagar '3





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Prior to 1951 there were no separate Census publications for every district. But at the time of preparatory arrangemcnts for thc first Census of Independent India, it was felt that Census statistics should be made available for smaller territorial units basic to the needs of an administration wedded to welfare of the masses. Accordingly, the 5cheme of District Census Handbooks was conceived and imple­mented. . In view of the usefulness of ~eparate publi­cations for each district, further improvement was made at the time of 1961 Census by including non­Census data like climate, agricul (ure, co-operation, industry, banking, education, health, etc. An intro­ductory note was also added to highlight the more striking features. Unfortunately the desire to makc districtwise Census publication very comprehensive resulted in late availability of the books to the users. Therefore, the organisers of the 1971 Centenary Census decided in favour of spl itting the District Census Handbooks into thrce parts and thereby release maximum data, a~ and when available, so that the publication may have a useful life of seven to eight years of inter-censal decennium.


(a) Part A of the book is the Village and Town Directory. The Village Directory contains for each village particular5 of amenities available in the field of education, medicine, power supply, drinking water supply, po~t and telegraph facilities and communications. In addition, data relating to particulars of land use, weekly market, places of religious, historical or archaeological interest in the village has also been included. The Town Directory gives for each town in the district in the form of suitable 5tatemenb, the origin and status of the town administration, growth of population, functional category of the town, physical aspects and location, latest municipal financial statements, civic and other amenities, medical, educational and cultural facilities, trade, industry, commerce and banking facilities, population by religion, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The abbreviations used in the Directory have been explained separately.

(b) Part B contains for each village and town, the primary Census data incorporating area, occupied residential houses, number of households, total population and its break-up by sex, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population, literate population and working population by nine broad categories.

(c) Part C will mainly incorporate the adminis .. trative statistics pertaining to the district in all the fields of development. The other Census tables pertaining to the di~trict regarding language, religion, migration, etc., will also be reproduced. There will be a write-up indicating the changes in the socio­economic and demographic characteristics of the district in the last decade.

Village Directory :

This is in the form of one ~tatement. Important statistics for each village have been given under the main head -Amenities and Land use data. Other information regarding nearest town with distance, market, staple food and places of religious, historical or archaeological interest have also been given in separate columns. The information regarding "Ame­lIities" cover items like educational and medical in3titutioJ1s, power supply, drinking water, communi­cations and post and telegraph. Under "Land Use", the break-up of the total area of the village has been indicated under sub-heads forest, irrigated, unirrigated, cultivable wa~tc and area not available for cultivation.

( a) There arc 666 vl11agc~ In the four tahsils of the di!ltriet and the number of villages, tahsilwise, in 1961 and 1971 are as under ;-

-------_ ........ --------------S.No. Tahsil 1961 1971 Difference


2 3 4 5

Depalpur 174 175 +1

2 Sawer 148 149 +1 3 Indore 167 167

4 Mhow 176 175 -1

_----Total 66S 666 +1

It may be seen that there has been a net increase of one village in the district. The reasons for the

difference are as under :-

1. Depalpur Tahsil. -The revenue area of Depalpur town has been treated as a separate village in 1971 with Location Code No. 19/1/44.

2. Sawer Tahsil.-The revenue area of Sawer town has been treated as a separate village with Location Code No. 19/2/149.

3. Mhow Tahsil.-Mhowgaon village with L.c. No. 19/4/25 of 1961 Census has been treated as town in 1971 Census.

The distribution of the villages with reference to their area in acres is as shown in the inset table below ;-

Area (in acres)

50 acres or less

51-100 101-200


501-1,000 1,001-2,000


5,001 acres and above

No. of villages


,---------"---4 • 'T

13 80

212 251



-------------------------Total 666


Village Nahar Jhabua (L.c. No. 19/3/165) in Indore tahsil has the smallest area of J 1 .00 aCres and is located at a distance of 44.8 kms. from the nearest town, Indore, while viIJage Shiwni (L.C. No. 19/3/163) in Indore tahsil has the largest area of 7,587.00 acres and is located at a distance of 38.4 kms. from the nearest town, Indore.

Out of 666 villages; 212 villages are in the area range of 501-1,000 acres, while 251 villages are in the area range of 1,001-2,000 acres. Only 7 villages are in the of range 5,001 acres and above.

Maximum viUages in Depalpur and Sawer tahsils come within the area range of 1,001-2,000 acres, while in Indore and Mhow tahsils they come within the area range of 501-1,000 acres, as will be seen


from the following table containing tahsilwise data:----------------~ .. -------------Alea (in Jl:l'cs) DepalpUI Sawer Indore Ml>ow Total

2 3 4 5 6

50 aCres or less 3 4 51-100 4 4 101-200 3 9 13 201-500 12 11 17 40 80 501-1,000 45 55 6] 51 212 1,001-2,000 83 61 60 47 251 2,001-5,000 33 22 22 18 95 5,001 & above 3 3 7

Total 175 149 167 175 666

(b) Educational amellities.-The total number of villages having various educational, facilities, within various distance ranges from the nearest town, are as indicated in the inset table below:-

Number of villages having ,-----""'-------,

Total High or Coll- Others Dsitance from No. of Primary Middle Higher ege nearest town villages School School Secon"

2 3 4

dary School

5 6 7 ---_--5 kms. or less 64 37 7 2 6-lOkms. 115 86 12 2 11-15 kms. 119 76 17 1 16-25 kms. 268 124- 29 7

26-50 kms. 90 40 5 51-100 kms. 101-200 kms. 201 kms. & above ..

Total 666 363 70 11 2

Maximull111Umber of villages (268) lie within thc distance range of J 6-25 kms. and maximum number of villages having primary, middle and high or higher secondary schools also lie within this range. The number of educational institutions in villages of different tahsils is given below;-

--_"-----_ Number of Educational Institutions

~ _________ A -,

S. Ta h&il High or Middle Primary College Others No. Higher School School

Secondary School

---------------_ ... ----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Depaipur 2 ]6 ]21

:2 Sawer 3 16 86 3 Indore 3 21 102

4 Mhow 4 21 71 2

Total 12 74 380 2 --------------------"'----

Thirteen villages have two primary schools each and two villages have three primary schools each, while four villages have two middle schools each. Village Budhanya Panth (I..e. No. 19/2/144) in


Sawer tahsil has two higher secondary schools. The area of these villages with distance from the nearest town are indicated be1ow:-

..,._---------.--------------------__.----~--------- ........... __.------~----_ .. _-S. Name of village

No. Tahsil L. C. No. Area of

village (in :lcres.)

Distance from the nearest town in kms. with name

Educational Institutions and number (if more

than one) r----___.A..---___ -, Primar} Middle Higher School S!;hool ~econdary


----------------------....._ ............................. _---------------------------------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

------------------------------------.-..,-- ------~-------......--~ .............. --------Runji Gautampura Depalpur i9/1!16 3,109.87 Depa!pur 16.0 3 2

2 Ataheda Depa]puf 19/1/70 3,374.31 Depalpur 11.2 2 3 Banadiya Depa]pur 19/1/87 3,151.01 Depa]pnr 3.2 2

4 Sagdod Depalpur 19/1(118 2,940.77 Depa!pur 17.6 2

5 Betma Depalpur 19/1/154 1,997.41 Depalpllr 19.2 2 6 Machal Depalpur 19/1/170 1,689.72 IndOl'e 19.2 2 7 Dharawara Pepalpur 19/1/172 2,378.63 Indore 16.0 2 8 SOlsinda Sawer 19/2/88 2.220.00 Indore 16.0 2 9 Budhanya Panth Sawer 19/2(t44 989.00 Sawer 16.0 2

10 Bijalpur Indore 19/3/40 1,378.00 Indore 6.4 2 11 Khajrana Tndor~ 19/3/57 3.611.00 Indore 3.2 2 2 -12 Sater Mhow 19/4/19 775.00 Mhow 4.0 2

13 Gawali Palasya Mhow 19/4/112 3,220.00 Mhow 8.0 2 .. 14 Gujarkheda Mhow 19/4/116 294.00 Mhow 3.2 2 15 Amba Chandan Mhow 19/4/121 4,002.00 Mhow 8.0 J 16 Siroro! Mhow 19/4/126 4,563.00 Mhow 17.6 2 11 Joshi Guradiya Mhow 19/4/132 1,382.00 Indore 19.2 2

18 Shivnagar Mhow 19/4/136 1.576'00 Indore 16.0 2

---------------------------_..,-----------_....-_--------_._---Total 32 II 2


It may be mentioned that there is a Veterinary given in the following inset table:-College at village Harniya Khed i (L. C. No. 19/4/5) --------_--------which is at a distance of 4 kms. from Mhow town and S.No. Tahsil Total area No. of medical

a Degree College at Dongargaon (L.C. No. 19/4/15) (in sq. kms.) institutions of any kind per 100 sQ. kms.

which IS also situated at a distance of 2.4 kms. --_-_.--_--------_ ................ .._----from Mhow town. Both the colleges are in Mhow 2 3 4

tahsil. 1 Depalpur 1,022.09 0.9 2 Sawer 761. 54 0.7 3 lndore 891.05 2.2

(c) Medicalfacilities.-The availability of medi· 4 Mhow 779.43 3.3 cal facilities per 100 sq. kms. and, tahsilwise, is as

The above table will show that the villages of Mhow tahsil have, comparatively, greater medical facilities per 100 sq. kmc;;. The number of medical institutions, tahsilwise, is as indicated below:-

S. No. Tahsil No. of Medical Institutions ---,---_--

2 3 ---------------.-----

Depalpur 9

1 Sawer 5

3 Indore 20

.. Mhow 26

.----... ---_-Total 60


About forty-three per cent of the medical institu­tions in the rural areas of the district are in the villages of Mhow tahsil followed by Indore tahsil where the percentage is about 33.

(d) Power SUPP'I'·--The number of villages hav­ing electric power supply within various distance ranges from the nearest town are as indicated in the inset table below:-

Distance from the nearest town

~ kms. or len

6--10 kms.

It-H km~.

16-25 kms.



101-200 kms.

201 kms. and above

_--- -_. __ -_--Total No. of No. of villages

villages with electric power supply

2 3 -.---_----

64 35

125 58

119 54

268 84

90 1

------_._---, Total 666 238

It would be seen that about 36 percent of the total number of villages have electricity and all of them are in the distance range up to 50 kms. from the nearest-town. The number of village. having


electric power supply, tahsilwise, is as below:-

-~- -------S.No. Tahsil Total No. Villages having Percentage of

of villages clec,ric power villages covered supply by electricity

_...------------~---- .... ------2 3 4 5

DepaJpur 175 40 22.86

2 Silwer 149 50 33.56

3 Indore 167 78 46.71

4 Mhow 175 70 40.00

Total 666 238 35.74


The percentage of villages (about 36) having electric power supply in the district is much higher than the State average (about 7). Within the district, villages of Indore and Mhow tahsiIs have, comparatively, more of this facility.

(e) Communications.-The total number of villages and the number of villages connected by different types of communication, falling in the different distance ranges from the nearest town, are indicated in the inset table below:-

-------------Number of villages

connected by Pistance from Total r-------"----~

the No. of Pucca Kutcha Pucca Kutcha Oth-nearest town villages road road road road ers

& rail & rail (Rail)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

----~ kms. or less 64 J8 5 2

6-10 kms. 125 50 8 1 3

11-15 kms. 119 35 10 2 3

16-25 kms. 268 65 13 4 6

26-50 kms. 90 31 3 2

51-100 kms.

101-200 km~.

201 kms. & above

Total 666 219 39 10 15

About 34 percent of v ilJages are served by 'pucca' road. Out of 666 villages in the district, 268 villages are served either by 'pucca' or 'kutcha' roads. The number of villages served by 'pucca' roads, tahsilwise, and the total number of villages with percentages covered are as below :-

S. Tahsil No.

1 2


2 Sawer

3 Indore

4 Mhow


Total No. of








_ .. _------No. of villages Percentage having "pucca"


-----4 5

----....-... ------~











Comparatively, Mhow tahsil has better communi­cation facilities. Percentage of villages served by 'pucca' road in other tahsils ranges from about 22 to 35. Very few villages are connected by railway line.

(f) Post and telegraph. - The total number of villages in the tahsils of the district having post offices telegraph offices and telephone facilities are

--_----_ -----


given below:--

S. Name of Total No. No. of No. of No. of villages having

No. tahsil of villages villages having viHilge~ having telegraph

post officrs offices telephones

2 3 4 5 6

Depalpur 175 10 1 1 2 Sawer 149 13 2 3 3 Indore 167 17 2 4 Mhow 175 16 1 12

Total 666 56 6 17

The number of post offices per 100 sq. kms. area in each tahsil is indicated in the following inact table:-~-----------------.---

S.No. Name of Total area No. of post ofd(et tahsil (in sq. kms.) per 100 Iq. tw ••

2 3 4 ._----1 Depalpur 1,022.09 1.0

2 Sawer 800.96 1.7 3 Indore 76].54 1.9 4 Mhow 779.43 2.1

Comparatively, rural areas of Depalpur tahsil have less postal facility. Only 6 villages of the district have telegraph facility, while 17 villages have telephone facility. The names and particulars of these villages are as under:-

S. Name of Name of village having Name of village having No. Tahsil


Depalpur 2 Sawer

3 Indore

4 Mhow

telegraph office telephone ,-____ -A ________ , , _______ _A _______ -,

Name L.C. No. Name L.C. No.

3 -

Runji Gautampura Paliya Haidar Budhanya Panth

Hatod Ralamandal Manpur

-- -_ -------- - _-_-- -- -- ---- - ~- -


19/1/16 Runji Gautampura 19/1/16 19/2/75 Solsinda 19/2/88 19/2/144 Manga!iya Sadak 19/2/117

19/3/3 19/3/51 19/4/69

Budhanya Pauth 19/2/144 Hatod 19/3/3

Umal'iya Harniyakhedi Dongargaon Sater Jamli Manpur Asapur Kelod Gawali Palasya Kodriya Gujarkheda Harsola

19/4/1 19/4/5 19/4/15 19/4/19 19/4/40 19/4/69 19/4/102 19/4/108 }9/4/112 19/4/114 19/4/116 19/4/124



(g) Staple jood.-Wheat and "Jowar" constitute staple food in the bulk of the villages in the district. Maize is also important additional staple food in few villages of Mhow tahsil.

(h) Land use pattern. - (i) According to the village papers, about 7 percent of the area in the district is under forest. The percentage of the forest area, tahsilwise, is as indicated below:-------------------------

S.No. Name of tahsil Percentage of forest area

--------------~------2 3

---------------------2 3 4

Depalpur Sawer Indore Mhow


, 4.81

24.21 --------_____ ............ ....._ ___ .. __ --~_._4

Total 6.79


It may be noticed that, comparatively, less forest area is in Depalpur tahsil, while there is no forest area in Sa",er tahsil. A little less than one-fourth area of Mhow tahsil is under forest.

(ii) The net cropped area in the year 1969 increased by 15.57 percent as compared to the area in 1960-61. The percentage of area under irrigation to area under crops, during the years 1960-61 and 1968-69 comes to 2.91 and 4.09, respectively. The area under irrigation during this period increased by 62.29 percent.

(iii) The following inset table shows the percentage of average cultivable waste per village in different distance ranges from the nearest


Distance No. of Total cultivated Avrrage culti- Total Average culti- Percentage of vable waste average cultivable villages land vated land c;ultivable waste

per village per village waste per village to average culti-vated land per


2 3 4 6 7 -_ 5 kms. or less 64 58,780.04 918.44 12,676.48 198.07 21.57

6-10 kms. 125 136,126.80 1,089.04 21,235.93 169.89 15.60

11-15 kms. t 19 124,098.64 1,042.85

16-25 kms. 268 237,462.29

26-50 kms. 90 62,280.84

n-l00 kms.

101-200 kms.

201 kms. and above

Total 666 618.748.61

Ordinarily, the nearer a village to an urban area, the lesser is the proportion of cultivable waste, but the above table wjJJ show that the position is reverse, excect in the distance range 26·50 kms.



18,267.03 153.50 14.72

:10,959.8S 115. S2 13.04

10,309.04 114.54 16.~5


In the whole district, 93,448 acres (in round figures) of land has been classified as cultivable waste which constitutes about 11 percent of the total area. of the villages in the district. The table

below indicates the percentage of cultivable was.te

in each tahsil:-

S.No. Name of tahsil Percentage of cultivable waste

--_...._--------------.----2 3

----------------..... -------1












--------------.-.. -------_ ..... ._-

Total 10.93

-----_-----_...---_ __._._----------

It would be seen that comparatively, the percen­tage of cultivable waste in Mhow and DepaJpur tahsils is less (about 7 percent), while it is maximum in Indore tahsil (about 18 percent).

Town Directory :

(a) This is in the form of Seven Statemeni s. But before discussing the information collected in the Seven Statements, it would be better to first under­stand certain concepts which determines urban areas.

(i) Definition of towll.-A 'town' in the 1961 Census was either-(i) a Municipality, Cantonment or Corporation; or (ii) a habitation with a population of at least 5,000, with atleast three-fourths of the adult male population engaged in non-agricultural pursuits. Accordingly there were 219 towns in the State. However, seven towns did not satisfy either the minimum population criterion or the one relating to ratio of non-agricultural adult males being 75 % or more. But the list already finalised was not changed subsequently; the reason for not disturbing the ori­ginallist of towns was that as many as 14 habitations which did not satisfy one or the other of the criteria laid down earlier managed to get included in the list of towns as Municipalities and inclusion of seven more such towns was not supposed to introduce greater demographic distortion than what was already present. In the 1971 Census there was no material change in


the concept of town and a list of 247 towns was pre­pared originally. Three more towns were added in the list due to the fact that two places were declared as municipal and the third fulfilled the necessary criterion to qualify a place as urban and ultimately 250 towns were recognised in the State. All areas which are not towns have been included in the list

of villages.

(ii) Urban Agglomeration. - The concept of Urban Agglomeration has been adopted for the 1971 Census with the intention to present the population data in the District Census Handbook in respect of urban areas in such a manner that "deJacto urban agglomeration" is a recognisable entity, data pertain­ing to which will be the sum of the data of not only the de-jure(within Municipal/other statutory limits) urban area but also of its outgrowths in different directions which are obviously urban in character and form a continuous urban spread. This has been considered necessary so that future comparisons or studies of the particular urban agglomeration is factual and not vitiated by the time differential which exists between the delineation of municipal boundaries and the actual growth of the urban area.

(iii) Standard Urban Area.- This new concept has been developed for the 1971 Census and the essen­tials of a Standard Urban Area are :~

(1) It should have a core town of a minimum popu­lation size of 50,000.

(2) The contiguous areas made up of other Urban as well as rural administrative units should have close socio-economic links with the core

town, and

(3) The probabilities are that this entire area will get fully urbanised in a period of two to three decades. This concept has been developed to provide comparable data for a definite area of urbanisation continuously for three decades which would give a meaningful picture.

(b) The Seven Statements.-Very useful data regarding the towns have been given in the state­ments and they have been collected and compiled

(rom various agencies and ._,fficial publications. The source and period of the information has been indicated below each Statement. It would not be out of place to mention here that analysis of data col1ected from diverse sources has its own limitations, mostly due to sketchy and incomplete information. All the same, the data compiled and presented throws sufficient light on the present stage of progress in each town.

(i) Statement No. I.- This statement presents the basic data relating to population of the towns for each decennium from 1901 to 1971 'and the civic administration status in 1970. The civic administra­tion status of the town indicates the authority incharge of its administration. Thus a town could have a Municipal Corporation, a Municipality, a Cantonment Board, a Gram Panchayat, a Notified Area Committee, etc.

(ii) Statement No. II. - This statement contains information regarding location (latitude/longitude), annual rainfall, temperature, distance from the nearest city with population of 1 lac or more and State, District and Tahsil headquarters. Distances from Railway Station and Bus route have also been indicated.

(iii) Statement No. III. - The statement contains information regarding receipt and expenditure of local bodies under different main heads indicating the indebtedness and general financial position and expenditure on public utility works. The information has been furnished for the years 1968-69, 1969-70 and 1970-71 in order to have an idea whether the concerned urban body is improving financially or not.

(iv) Statement No. IV . -This statement contains information regarding amemties, e. g., road length, sewerage system, types of latrines, water supply. fire-fighting service, etc. in the different towns.

(v) Statement No. V.- This statement contains information regarding various important facilities available "in the town, l'iz., medical, educational, recreational and cultural.


(vi) Statement No. VI, - This statement throws light on the business and credit facilities commanded by the towns and contains information regarding trade, commerce, industry and banking.

(vii) Statement No. VII.-This statement contains data regarding population by religion and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes with male/female break-up for the year 1971. This is the only statement based on 1971 Census figures.


There arc four tahsils and the towns m Indore district as indicated below :-

----------____.-~---.--- ............. .,,_..-----S. Name of N~. tahsil




2 Sawcr

3 Indore

4 Mhow

Name of town


L.C. Class of No. Town

4 5


Depalpm 19/II V

Sawcr 19; I V

Indore 191m I

( i) Mhow Can!!. 19/IV II

( ii) Mhowgaon 19/V V

All the tahsil headquarters arc towns. Indore is the headquarter of the district and division, and continues to be recognised as a town since 1901. The only other town which continues to be a town since 1901 is Mhow Cantt. Depalpur and Sawer were recQ.gnised as towns for the firs~ time in 1961. Mhowgaon has been recognised as a town

in 1971.

Urban Agglomeration and Standard Urban Area:

The following are the urban agglomerations and Standard Urb] n Areas in "the district and their component units are mentioned in the

table below :-

S.No. Tahsil Urban agglomeration

2 3

1 Depalpur Depalpur

2 Sawer Sawer

3 Indore Indore City

4 Mhow Mhow Cantt.

S. No. Name of S. U.A.





Urban Agglomeratioll




( i) Banganga ( ii) Sukliya ( iii) Khajrana (iv ) Bijalpur ( v ) Hukamkhedi ( vi) Sirpur ( vii) Savind Nagar

(viii) Piplaya Hana (I ) Sater ( ii ) Harniyakhedi (IIi ) Gujarkheda ( i v ) Kodriya ( v ) Sutarkhedi

Stalldard Urban Area

Rural/Urban Component



( i) Indore ( ii) Piplaya Hana ( iii ) Sukliya ( iv ) Bij alpur ( v) Khajrana ( vi ) Savindnagar

(vii ) Sirpur (viii ) Banganga ( ix ) Hukamkhedi


( i) Bangaroa Bada ( ii ) Kabirkhedi (iii ) Sukliya ( iv ) Bangarda Chhota ( v ) Sirpur (vi ) Kordia Bardha (vii ) Abirkbedi (viii) Na lnod ( il[ ) Bank ( :r:) Bijalpur ( xi ) Sukhniwas ( xii) Hukamkhedi ( xiii) Rau (xiv) PiplaYa Hana (xv ) Kbajrana (xvi) Niranjanpur (xvii) Pipalya Kumar (xviii) Bbangarh ( 'Xix) Lasurdia Mod (xx ) Kumerdi (xxi) Palda (xxii) Musakhedi




Wholly Partly Partly Partly Partly Partly Partly

Partly Par:ly Partly Wholly Partly Partly

L. C. N().



19/3/19 19/3/18 19/3/57 19/3/40 19/3/4Z 19/3/21 J 9/3/561 19/3/57 j 19/3/56 19/4/19 19/4/5

19/4/tl6 19/4/114 19j4/t17

L.C. No.


19 JIll I q/3/56 19/3/18 19/3/40 19/3/57 19/3/56 J 19/3/57 19/3/21 19/3/19 19/3/42

19/3/10 1 ci/3/15 19(3118 19/3/20 19/3/21 19/3/22 1 q{3/23 19/3/25 19/3/26 19/3/40 19/3/41 19/3/42 19/3/44 19/3/56 19/3/57 19/3/58 19/3/60 19/3/61 19/3/66 19/2/77 19/3/104 19/3/105

--------------- -----.------------- --------

* Savind Nagar is formed by portions of villages Plplaya Hana and Khajrana having L. C. Nos. 19/3/56 & 19/3/57. respectively.


S. No. Name of S.U.A. Rural/Urban Component L.C. No.


2 Mhow



( i) Mhow Cantt. ( ii ) Mhowgaon ~ iii) Sater ( iv) Gujarkheda \ v ) Kodriya (vi ) Sutarkhedi ( vii) Harniyakhedl


(i ) Harniyakhedi ( ii ) :Baradiya ( iii ) Dongargaon ( vi) Shahada ( v ) Sater ( vi) Gangaliakhedl ( vii) Kodriya (viii) Sutarkhedi ( ix) Borkhedi (Harsoda)

Statement 1.-( i} The category of town admini-


19/IV 19/V 19/4/19 19/4/116 19/4/114 19/4/117 19/4/5

19/4/5 19/4/8 19/4/15 19/4/17 19/4/19 19/4/113 19/4/114 19/4/117 19/4/123

stration In 1970 has been indicated tn

During the decade 1901-11 Indore and Mhow Cantt. towns decrelsed in population due to viru­lent plague epidemic.· The slight fall in the popu­lation of Mhow town in 1921-31 may be due to the movement of military population as it is a canton­ment.

column 5 of the statement. Indore has municipal corporation, while Depalpur and Sawer have Municipalities. Mhow Cantt. has cantonment board and Mhowgaon has gram panchayat.

The population of the towns have, by and large, shown constant increase in every decade since their continued recognition as towns except as indicated below :-

S.No. Name of Dacade population Reduction ill town ,-___ ..A. __ , population

Year PopulatIOn

1 2 3 4

Indore 1901 97,804 1911 54,142 43,662

2 Mhow Cantt. 1901 36,039 1911 29,820 6,219

t 921 31,737 1931 31,177 560

. _----

(ii) Column 14 of the statement shows the functional classification of the towns in 1961 as indicated below in the following inset table:-

------------._-----_._--_ Functional cfltegory Total Number of


2 ------------_----_-_._--

Primary Activities Pc imary activiti es· cum· Services. Industry. Services.

Total 4

The above table is in respect of only four towns as Mhowgaon has been recognised as town in 1971 Census.

• Census of India 1961, District CenSllS Handbook, Indore District-Pageo-4 .

The method adopted for the functional classifica­tion is elucidated below:-

The nine industrial categories were grouped into the following five functional characteristics:-

(i) Primary Activities (Comprising Category I-Cultivation, II-Agricultural Labourer and Ill-Mining and Quarrying, Fishing, Live­stock, Hunting, etc.).

(ii) Industrial (Comprising Category IV -Hou:-.e­hold Industry, V -Manufacturing other than Household Industry and VI-Construction).

(iii) Commercial (Comprising Category VJI-Trade and Commerce).

(iv) Transport (Comprising Category VIH-Tram­port, Storage and Communications).

(v) Services (Comprising Category lX- Other services) .

The percentage of total workers under the above five functional characteristics were calculated for each town and the predominant function(s) of each town was/were determined. If one functional charac­teristic of a town absorbed more than 40 percent of the total workers the town was designated by that function. In case no single characteri~tic claimed 40 percent of the workers, two predominant charac­teristics together claiming a percentage of 60 or above w~re taken to represent the town. If these two failed to account for 60 percent of the total workers, the first three characteristics were taken to repres~nt the town.

Statement !I.-The physical and loeational aspects as in 1969 have been covered. 1 n the southern part of the district run some or the ranges of the Vindhyas entering the district from the south­eastern part of Indore tahsil and mainly occupying most of Mhow tahsil from south-west and touch t!1e southern part of Depalpur tahsil gr adually dimi­nishing in altitude and finally appear in interspersed small hillocks near Betma of Depalpur Tahsil. In the north-west of this hilly area of Mhow tahsil begins the Malwa plateau and the entire main block of district lies on this plateau. This is an almost entirely plain track known for its productivity and


richne~s of soil.. The district enjoyes an agree­able climate; it is temperate, neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter though on a few occassions the summer temperature is known to reach rather high levels. ** The temperature data of Indore city has been indicated for all the towns. Rainfall data of Mhow Cantt. has been indicated for Mhowgaon. Substituted data for the towns as indicated above have been mentioned because separate data for such towns is not available and the temperature and rainfall are more or less sim ilar to the towns, the data concerning which have been substituted. The towns get annual raillfall of ahout 70~ m. m. to h 53 m. m. The range of maximum and minimum temperature of the towns is from 31.3c C. to 17.5°C. The temperature data is based on daily average temperature.

All the towns except Mhowgaon are on bus route. Only Indore and Mhow have railway facility. Gautampura is the nearest rail head for Depalpur town, while Mhow Cantt. and Ajnod are the nearest railway stations for Mllowgaon and Sawer towns. respectively. The district headquarter town, Indore, is at a distance of 190 kms. by road from the State headquarters, Bhopal. Indore is the nearest city by

road from Depalpur, Mhowand Mhowgaon, while Ujjain is the nearest city for Indore and Sawer.

Statement Ill. -On the hasis of population in the 1971 Census, the towns of the district have been categorised as below :-

S.No. Name of town

1 2


2 Depalpur

3 Mhow

4 Mhowgaon

5 Sawer

Population in 1971













---------------------_._----* Census of India, 1961, District Census Handbook,

Indore District-page-I.

•• Ibid-Page-2.


The statement would show that the total expenditure IS within the total receipts of the local bodies except in the following cases :-

S.No. Name of town


Year of excess expenditure

Total receipt


Total Amount by which total Pereentage of excess expenditure expenditure is more expenditure to total

than receipt receipt

5 6 1 ------.... ---------------------------------------

1 2 3

Indore Depalpur Sawer

1970-71 1970-71 1969-70 1970-71

18,406,600 115,100 74,100


19,813,300 12),700 91.400


, .406,lOO 8,600

17,300 1,900

7.64 7.47

23.35 1. 81

-------_.---......... _------_.--_ ........... _----------------------Column 7 of the statement would show that the

percentage of excess expenditure to total receipts of the local body ofSawer town for the year 1969-70 is noticeably high. This is mainly due to substancial expenditure under the heads connected with general administration and pUblic utility works. Receipts through taxes etc. have also shown, by and large, an upward trend during these years, ecxept for the following cases:----------______ 0 ____ -

S. Name of town Year Extent of shortfall in No. receipt through

taxes, etc.

2 3 4

Depalpur 1969-70 500 2 Mhow Cantt. 1970-71 17,300 3 Mhowgaon t 969-70 1,400

The above table would show that the receipts through taxes, etc. of Mhow for the year 1970-71 has

decreased substantially as compared to the previous year.

The total receipts of the local bodies have, by and large, shown an upward trend except in the following cases:-

,-----------S.No. Local body in the town of Year


2 3


Mhow Mhowgaon Sawer


1970·71 1970· 71 1969·70

Government grants have substantially supple­mented the receipts of the local bodies. Loans have been obtained by the local bodiei of Depalpur and Mhowgaon. The per capita receipt and expen­diture under broad heads is as indicated in the inset table below :-

Per capita , __________ .......A-___________ __--, Class of town No. of

towns Year

Receipt Bxpenditure , __ ____.A... ____ ~ ,_____ .......A-___ ....,

Total Receipt Receipt from Total Expenditure Expenditure Expendltur. receipt through all other expenditure on Public on public on all other

taxes, etc. sources health Institutiont aspect. conveniences

---------------------------2 3 4 5

Class I 1968-69 27.22 22.87 1,00,000 & over 1969-70 30.23 25.44

1970--71 33.87 29.64 Class II 1968-69 32.18 13. 78

50,000-99,999 1969-70 32.63 16.16 1970--71 3]. 90 15.87

Class III 20,000-49,999 .. Class IV 10.000-19,999 "

Class V 1968-69 10.78 7.53 5,000-9,999 3 1969-70 11,65 7.72

1970-71 13.21 8.93 Class VI

Below 5,000 -------

6 7

4.35 21.09 4.79 23.77 4.23 36.46

18.40 28.48 16.47 31.13 16.03 30.71

3.25 8.18 3.93 12.25 4'28 13.70



6.19 7.03 8.84 15.69 12.75 12.28

1. 21 3.05 3.30


6.35 6.96 7.00

0.03 0.03 0.08

10 -14.90 16.74 27.62 6.44

11.42 11.43

6.94 9.07


The above table would show that the total per capita receipt matches fairly well with the total per capita expenditure and in a few cases the total per capita expenditure is higher than per capita receipt. The per capita expenditure on public health and con­veniences as against per capita receipt through taxes etc., is encouraging. In a good number of cases, the expenditure of the local bodies shown in column 15 of the Statement No. III under head 'Others' consti­tutes quite a high percentage of total expenditure.

Statfment Jr.-All the towns have electricity. Electric connections have also been given for indus­trial purposes in all the towns and for commercial purposes in Indore. Street lights have been provided in all the towns. Water supply through taps is available in all the towns except Mhowgaon and Sawer. Fire brigade is available in Indore and Mhow Cantt. towns.

Statement V : (i) Medical facilities.-Hospital facility is available in Indore and Mhow towns. Besides hospital, there is a T. B. Clinic, Dispensary and Family Planning clinic in Indore city. Depalpur and Sawer towns have Primary Health Centres. There is no medical facility available in Mhowgaon town.

The number of beds per thousand population is as indicated in the inset table below :-

-----------------_._--Total No. of beds

in medical institutions No. of heds

per 1,000 population

2 ----------------------

1,239 2.0

(ii) Educational facilities -Indore city has the maximum number of educational institutions in the disirict and following deserve particular mention:­

(a) Fou r Arts Colleges (b) Two Combined Colleges. (c) One Arts and Science College. (d) Two Sanskrit College. (e) One Music College. (0 One Medical College. (g) One Engineering College. (h) One Polytechnic. (i) One University. (j) Forty-four higher secondary/high schools.


Mhow town is served by a combined collelo which is located in Dongargaon (L.C. No. 19/4/1S) at a distance 'of 2.4 kms. from the town. There is also a Veterinary College at Harniyakhedi (L.e. No. 19/4/5) which is at a distance of 4 kms. from Mhow town, The village has been treated a~ out­growth of the town. Depalpur, Mhowgaon and Sawer have no college facility. Higher secondary/higk schools are located in all the towns except Mhow­gaon. The number of higher secondary/high schools, middle schools and primary schools, per thousand population as shown in the following inset table. For a more realistic appreciation, the popUlation in the age-group 0-14 has been considered for primary and middle schools, while population in the age­group 15-19 has been considered for higher secondary/high schools.

---------------Number per 1,000 population

~ ~-----------, S. Name of the Higher Secondary Middle Primary

No. town or High School School School

1 2 3 4 5

Depalpur 1.7 0.8 0.4

2 Indore 0.8 O.S 1.0

3 MhowCantt. }.O 0.4 0.4

4 Mhowgaon 0.7

5 Sawer 1.8 0.7 1.1

(iii) Recreational and cultural facilities .-Indore and Mhow have Cinema facility. Public library and reading room facility i~ available in all the towns except Mhowgaon and Sawer.

Statement VI.-All the towns except Mhowgaon have bank facility. Agricultural Credit Societies are available in all towns except Mhow town. Non­agricultural Credit Societies are located at Indore city only. Cloth, grains, medicines, iron, oil, hardware, sugar and kerosene are the main items of import in the towns. The main items of export from the town§ are cloth, mawa, wheat, bidi, ., hides, grains, tobacco, chemicals, yarn, and J)otlriP. Cloth, carpets, chemicals and medicines, 'kevda' w~r, iron, and gud are the important items of 10,$1 ~nufacture.

Statement VII :-About 88 per cent of urban population is in Indore city followed by Mhow where the percentage of urban population is very insigni­ficant.

Majority of the urban population follow hindu religion; neAt come followers of islam religion. Townwise percentage of population following hindu


and islam religions is indicated below :-

S. No. Town Percentage in round figures r----A----~

Hindu Islam

2 3 4 -_- --- ------------_--" -~-~--- --~---

Indore 81 12 2 DepalPUr 70 24 3 Mhow Cantt. 70 24 4 Mhowgaoo 90 10 5 Sawer 75 21

Townwise percentage of population following different religions and percentage of Scheduled Castel and Scheduled Tribes is as indicated below :-


S. Name of town P E R C E N T A G B Percentage Percentage No. r----., -_---"-----'---------, of of

Buddhist Christian Hindu Jain Muslim Sikh Others Religion Scheduled Scheduled nol stated Castes Tribes

-_--_-_--_ - - _-_ --- -----~-------~--~-------

2 3 4 5 6

Indore 0.20 0.57 81.07 4.23

2 Depalpur 0.02 69.52 6.48

3 MhowCantt. 0.02 3.36 69.52 0.68

4 Mhowgaon 0.12 89.64 0.32

5 Sawer 74.85 3.50

The percentage of population following other religions is insignificant. Thepercentage of Scheduled Castes in Mhowgaon town is highest (about 20 per cent), while in other towns it varies from about 11

7 8 9 10 11 12 ~~~--~- -~-------- ---- ---_._ -~-"-~----

12.42 1.48 0.03 1}.07 0.04

23.66 0.32 11.50

23.94 2.48 13.56 0.61

9.77 0.15 20.45 0.08

21.39 0.26 13.92 0.07

-~--- -----_-- ----- -

to 14 per cent. There is no Scheduled Tribe popu­lation in Depalpur town, while in other towns the percentage is negligible.


28 VILLAGE Amenities and

DEPALPUR --~--- -------

Total Amenities available within the villages ,--------------"--------_._-------.

L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post . No. Name of viIlage the Supply ing niea- and

village '.vater tion Tele-(in acres) graph

~-~~----------~_~ ___ ~ __ ~ ____ u

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Ambalia 1,187.69 PR (1) EI w 2 Girota 4,422.24 PR (l),Mid.S.(I) H( I) w PO 3 Phulan 2,591.04 PR (I) E[ W R 4 Osra 830.58 PR (I) W R 5 Kulala 1,178.57 W 6 Billodagarhi 627.39 R R 7 Patinalwasa 1,562.71' PR (I) W 8 Khanjarkheda 577.68 W,NW 9 Jalodiya Gyan 2,149.10 PR (1) W,NW

10 Dharmat 1,594. Jl PR (1) W.R 11 Padlya 1,330.72 PR (I) W,R 12 Ghadoda 3,578.70 PR (1), Mid .S. (1) W,TW 13 Talawali 2,257.17 PR (1) El W 14 Bahirampur 635.99 PR (1) Ef W R 15 Sironjya 469.85 R R 16 Runji Gautampura 3,109.87 PRe 3), Mld.S.(2), Sec.S.() PHC(I ),D( 1) E W,R PR PO, TO, Phone 17 Kharsoda 1,405.54 EIN W PR 18 Nogaon Khanjar 63S.58 R 19 Nolana 1,373.55 PR (1) R 20 Bachhoda 1,715.58 PR (1) W 21 Ralayta 2,169.25 PR (1) W 22 Atyana 2,660.47 PR (1) EI R 23 Akolya 594.40 W 24 Kundhara I ,O~S. 23 EI R 25 Jalodiya Par 1,803.32 PR (1) l':I R 26 Bhamakheda 924.35 EI R 27 Khatwadi 1,035.19 PR (1) W,R 28 Palasyapar 1,077 .84 W 29 Ringanwas 293,14 R 30 Limbodapar 2.133.75 PR(t) R 31 Semda 1,861.n PR (1) W 32 Arodakot 1,208.29 PR (1) W 33 &.tasa 1,001. 29 PR (1) R 34 Kalmer 1,391.25 PR (1) W 35 Khireli 830.70 W 36 Dhanya 616.66 W 37 Pelampur 1,320.89 PR (1) W 38 Runawda 719.76 PR (1) W 39 Ahirwas 1,943.25 PR (1) W,NW 40 Karki 1,185.77 PR (1) W,R 41 Khajraya 1,181.05 PR (1) W 42 Beganda 1,721. 26 PRe!) W 43 Tamalpur 1,174.69 PR (1) R 44 Depalpur Kasba ':',675.48 45 GokaJpur 2,399.17 PR (1) E1 W PR 46 Bhidota 1,939.76 PR (1) EI R 47 Sater 1,682.67 PR (1) EI R 48 Pitawa1i 1,508.26 PR (1) E1 W 49 Farkoda 2,772.39 PR (1) EI W PR 50 Mendakwas 1,924.91 PR (l) E1 W PR 51 Oudar 1,063.52 PR (1) W 52 Chitoda 677.78 El W


Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks , weekly induding Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place

Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.e. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No.

and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi-land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Wheat, Jowar 40.64 970.58 80.98 95.49 Badnagar 16.0 Wheat, Jowar 19.83 3.647.83 429.33 325.25 Ujjain 19.2 2 Wheat, Jowar 17.21 2,225.07 119.66 229.10 Badnagar 14.4 3 Wheat, Jowar 5.96 651.29 43.80 129.53 Depalpur 28.8 4 Wheat, Jowar 4.43 843.19 154.\9 176.76 Depalpur 28.8 5 Wheat, Jowar 454.37 44.75 128.27 Depalpur 28.8 Ii Wheat, Jowar 3.17 I, 359. 39 50.29 149.86 Depalpur 25.6 7 Wheat, Jowar 0.38 484.85 42.76 49.69 DepalPur 22.4 8 Wheat, Jowar 3.95 1,703.89 235.84 205.42 DepaJpur 24.0 9 Wheat, Jowar I. 64 1,196.42 290.15 105.90 Depalpur 27.2 10 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 1,073.51 163.07 91.14 DepalPur 24.0 11 Wheat, Jowar 3,108.34 163.62 306.74 DepaJPur 22.4 12 Wheat, Jowar 7.94 \,975.03 127.80 146.40 Badnagar 17.6 13 Wheat, Jowar 9.30 417 .20 128.79 80.70 Badnagar 16.0 14 Wheat, Jowar 3.93 327.16 105.07 33.69 Badnagar 11.2 15 Wheat, Jowar 413.08 2,072 .48 218.34 405.97 Depalpur 16.0 Wednesday 16 Wheat, Jowar 29.15 1,120.07 170.10 86.22 Depalpur 17.6 17 Wheat, Jo,,"'ar 527.10 39.48 72,00 Depalpur 16.0 1& Wheat, Jowar 4.45 1,081.14 54.76 233.20 DepalPur 12.8 19 Wheat, Jowar 7.67 1,362.78 158.01 187.12 Depalpur 12.8 20 Wheat, Jowar 5.60 1,830.84 221.45 111.36 Depalpur 16.0 21 Wheat, Jowar 3.10 2,001.47 408.41 247.49 Depalpur J 9.2 21 Wheat, Jowar 494.67 23.43 76.30 Depalpur 20.8 23 Wheat, Jowar 15.28 834.02 64.41 94.52 Depalpur 14.4 24 Wheat, Jowar 1,339.53 209.67 25U2 Depalpur ]6.0 2' Wheat, Jowar 2.34 731.70 63.35 126.96 Depalpur 14.4 26 Wheat, Jowar 10.65 790.66 150.14 83.74 Depalpur 8.0 27 Wheat, J OWar 7.98 911.75 23.35 134.76 Depalpur 9.6 28 Wheat, Jowar 211.47 22.89 58.78 Dcpalpur 11.2 29 Wheat, Jowar 9.86 1,810.48 160.01 153.40 Depalpur 8.0 30 Wheat, Jowar 4.~5 1,483.64 133.25 240.08 Depalpur 9.6 31 Wheat, Jowar 3.15 921. 3~ 137.86 145.90 Depalpur 11.2 32 Wheat, Jowar 775.85 123.36 102.08 Depalpur 9.6 33 Wheat, Jowar 0.05 1,144.48 91.13 155.59 Depalpur 9.6 34 Wheat, Jowar 4.32 751.97 25.55 48.86 Depalpur 12.8 35 Wheat, Jowar 2.25 478.2(j 50.98 85.14 Depalpur 12.8 36 Wheat. Jowar 2.22 1.062.98 58.10 197.59 Depalpur t4.4 "!I7 Wheat, Jowar 0.72 582.65 40.84 95.55 Depalpur 14.4 38 Whe\it, Jowar 7.49 1,649.95 161.69 124.12 Depalpur 4.8 39 Wheat, Jowar 1. 51 918. Iii 136.73 129.37 Depalpur 8.0 40 Wheat, Jowar 17.63 844.96 89.59 228.87 Depa]pur 3.2 41 Wheat. Jowar 8.52 1,397.08 104.70 210.96 Depa}pur 8.0 42 Wheat, Jowar 0.96 907.80 118.32 147.61 DepaJpur 6.4 43 Wheat, Jowar 232.41 3,093.68 938.52 1,410.87 Depalpur 0.0 44 Wheat, Jowar 307.96 1,581.59 135.29 374.33 Depalpur 9.6 45 Wheat, Jowar 67.7<'. 1,406.49 307.52 157.99 Depa]pur 8.0 46 Wheat, Iowar 6.40 1,285.40 182.1I 208.76 Depalpur 11.2 47 Wheat, Jowar 21.99 1,328.01 51.36 106.90 J)epalPur 16.0 48 Jowar, Wheat 35.63 2,356.75 141.37 238.64 Depalpur 9.6 49 Wheat, Jowar 47.10 1,600.96 64.86 211. 99 J)epalpur 12 .8 50 Wheat, Jowar 2.49 940.2Y 32.53 88.21 J)epaJpur 25.6 51 Wheat, Jowar 13.89 569,8S 7.94 86.07 Depa]pur 19.2 52



L.C. No. Name of village


Total area of the village (in acres)

3 --------~--~---~---- -----

53 Palsoda 997.87 54 Bhil Badoli 2,681.83 55 Kanwasa 2,010.73 56 Chandankhedi 1,293.88 57 Jamgoda 861.93 58 Rudrakhya 1,212.31 59 KaJjoda 1,916.'32 60 Deorakhedi 864.48 61 Sunala 2,173.33 62 Kai 1,714.73 63 Kadoda 1.095.23 64 Katkoda 2,152.82 65 Bardakhedi 742.54 66 Kakwa 1,280.63 67 Khimlawda 1,925.59 68 Jalalpura 1,293.07 69 MundJa Kalma 768.60 70 Ataheda 3,374.31 71 Gehunkhedi 720.76 72 Ujaliya 1.015.47 73 Khadolya 930.04 74 Khandia 1,087.03 75 Banyakhedi ] ,008.30 76 Shahpura 1,152.85 77 Arnya 1,453.86 78 Ahirkhedi 1.112.55 79 Badodiya 698.01 80 Sumtha 1,990.75 81 Gangajalkhedi 1,227.07 82 Chimankhedi 1,431.84 83 Nogawan Surf 1.005.66 84 Nandra 1,703.16 85 Mundipur 855.49 86 Birgoda 1,782.56 87 Banedia 3,151.01 88 Piploda 1.685.58 89 Murkheda 2,556.20 90 Rasnabad 997.50 91 Ushapura 1,254.84 92 Agra 1,733.71 93 Paladi 2,106.82 94 Mirjaput 675.67 95 Ambakhedi 689.27 96 (Tu)awat 836.36 97 Badodiya Panth 1,004.02 98 Nogawan 668.42 99 Sikandari 1,708.10

100 Singawda 916.34 101 Londiya alias Mohammadpur 330.09 102 Atawada 2,973.64 )03 Akasoda 2,095.66 104 Nebri 2,376.08


Amenities available within, the villages ~-----------------~-----

Educational Medical Power Drink-Supply ing


4 5 6 7 ---~ -----~~--

Er W PR(n W PR (1) W


PR (I) W,R PR (I) W PR (I) W PR (I) W PR (I) W PR (1) W PR (I) W

W PR (1) W PR (1) W PR (I) W

W PR (2), Mid.S. (1) D(l) W

W PR (I) R PR (I) W PR(t) R

W PR (I) W PR (I) R PR (1) EI W

R PR (I) E1 W PR (I) W l)R (I) EI W

W PR (I) W

NW PR (1) W

PR (2), Mid.S. (1) E W,T PR (I) W PR (I) EI W PR (I) W PR (1) W

PR (I), Mid.S. (I) EI W PR (I) W


PR (1) W PR (I) W

W PR (1) W


PR (I) W PR (I) W

PR (I), Mid.S. (I) PHC(I) W









Post and Tele­graph








DEPALPUR TAHSIL -~ -.~---- ----_-_ -~.

Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks r----

.A.-_____ -----, weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest market, any place

Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No.

and cultiva- In in or grazing tion KIm. village archaeologi-land etc.) cal interest

--~- -- ------_ -~---~-- -_-----10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1

Wheat, Jowar 28.13 863.20 23.55 82.99 Depalpuf 17.6 33 Wheat, Jowar 4.30 2,375.03 106.83 195.67 Depalpur 24.0 54 Wheat, Jowar 20.48 1,587.34 276.73 126.18 Depalpur 16.0 55 Wheat, Jowar 33.00 1,002.78 132.98 125.12 Depalpur 19.2 56 Wheat, Jowar 648.11 125.26 88.56 DepaJpur 16.0 57 Wheat, Jowar 13.06 944.67 127 .42 127.16 Depalpuf 19.2 58 Wheat, Jowar 2.40 1,580.01 61.80 272.11 Depalpur 11.2 59 Wheat, Jowar 706.44 66.01 92.03 Depalpur 14.4 60 Wheat, Jowar 3.03 1,774.01 105.24 291.05 Depalpur 12.8 61 Wheat, Jowar 1.34 1,510.56 72.86 1.29.97 Depalpur 9.6 62 Wheat, Jowar 8.36 961.41 31.04 94.42 Oepalpur 12.8 63 Wheat, Jowar 2.81 1,767.90 89.37 292.74 Depalpur 9.6 64 Wheat, Jowar 1.37 589.91 51.84 99.42 Depalpur 12.8 65 Wheat, Jowar 1.50 1,033.31 90.83 154.99 Depalpur 8.0 66 Wheat, Jowar 1,679.33 48.65 197.61 Depalpur 6.4 67 Wheat, Jowar 13.52 1,043.06 54.65 181.84 Depalpur 6.4 68 Wheat, Jowar 33.46 613.22 62.54 59.38 DcpaJpur 4.8 69 Wheat, Jowar 48.62 2,779.73 94.46 45(.50 Dl!paJpur 1(.2 70 Wheat, Jowar 2.95 609.72 19.00 89.09 DepaJpur 11.2 71 Wheat, Jowar 12.92 834.89 69.71 97.95 Depalpur 19.2 72 Wheat, Jowar 12.44 754.46 89.93 73.21 DepaJpur 19.2 73 Wheat, Jowar 10.11 904.09 61. 81 111.02 Depalpur 19.2 74 Wheat, Jowar 18.65 750.99 60.00 178.66 DepalplIf 16.0 75 Wheat, Jowar 15.00 845.24 83.95 208.66 Depalpul' 16.0 76 Wheat, Jowar 0.78 1,187.37 85.31 18040 Depalpur 19.2 77 Wheat, Jowar 4.70 939.42 35.31 133.12 Depalpllf 16.0 78 Wheat, Jowar 0.35 552.24 41.27 104.15 Depalpur 19.2 79 Wheat, Jowar 26.42 1,610A3 66.27 287.63 Depalpur 16.0 80 Wheat, Jowar 4.78 1,030.51 33.39 158.39 Depalpllf 9.6 81 Wheat, Jowar 22.20 1.134.22 52.47 222.95 Depalput 8.0 82 Wheat, Jowar 7.53 826.96 21.05 150.12 Depalpur 12.8 83 Wheat, Jowar 5.07 1,446.65 68.61 182.83 DepaJplIr 9.6 84 Wheat, Jowar 49.82 637.68 43.40 124.59 Depalpur 4.8 85 Wheat, Jowar 363.50 1.108.73 92.60 217.73 Depalpuf 3.2 86 Wheat, Jowar 333.05 2,462.09 140.87 215.00 DepaJpur 3.2 87 Wheat, Jowar 3.01 1,344.35 120.32 217 .90 Pepalpur 11.2 88 Wheat, Jowar 20.88 2,155.17 58.02 322.13 DepaJpur 8.0 89 Wheat. Jowar 2.5t 825.92 44.98 124.09 Depalpur 9.6 90 Wheat, Jowar 4.83 449.48 6.03 794.50 Depalpur 17.6 91 Wh~at, Jowar 17.30 1,362.42 159.03 194.96 Depalpur 12.8 92 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 1,737.34 186.18 182.30 DepaJpur 14.4 93 Wheat, Jowar 457.71 55.30 162.66 Pepalpur 19.2 94 Wheat, Jowar 7.65 408.11 19.53 253.98 DepaJpur 17.6 95 Wheat, Jowar 0.02 498.75 33.53 304.06 Depalpur 19.2 96 Wheat, Jowar 8.66 775.97 94.39 125.00 Depalpur 16.0 97 Wheat, J owar 8.36 532.83 27.61 99.62 Depalpur 22.4 98 Wheat, Jowar 2.92 1,400.40 29.02 275.76 DepaJPur 16.0 99 Wheat, Jowar 3.18 587.25 39.32 286.59 Indore 16.0 100 Wheat, Jowar 1.27 262.3 7 25.82 40.63 Indore 17.6 101 Wheat, ]owar 14.61 2.601.97 103.64 253.42 Depalpur 16.0 102 Wheat, ]owar 0.10 1.659.59 159.49 276.48 DepaJpur 12.8 103 Wheat, Jowaf 8.84 1,927.61 86.57 353.06 Depalpur 11.2 104



Amenities available within the villages Total r- "-

L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Sypply ing nica- and

village water tion Tele-(in acres) graph

-- _-------

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --- _-_-- -~------------ --_- ---~

105 Chatwada 1,895.29 PR (I) W 106 Jalodiya Fanth 2,142.26 PR (1) W 107 Harnasa 879.73 PR (I) W PR 108 Khadi 1,059.66 PR (1) W PR 109 Giroda 933.09 W PR 110 Takipura 1,676.67 W,TW PR III Badoli Hoj 1,960.74 PR (1) W PR 112 Chander 4,370.48 PR (I), Mid.S.()) W,R 113 Baroda Panth 1,314.57 W PR 114 Shahawda 477.34 W,R ] 15 Uttarsi 667.40 R 116 Khanpur 1,292.35 W 117 Shivgarh 1,2l'Z.57 PR (1) R 118 Sagdod 2,940.77 PR (2)' Mid.S. (I) H(l) £1 0 KR PO 119 Agradi 476.61 W 120 Chiklonda 2,109.56 PR (I) W KR 121 Daultabad 2,194.20 PR (1) H W 122 Rangwasa 3,294.23 PR (1), Mid. S. (1) EI W PR PO 123 Ajanda 1,401.67 PR (1) TK 124 Karadiya 1,848.64 PR (I), Mid. S . (l) W 125 Gahan 1.581.15 PR (1) W 126 Dansari 867.03 PR (I) W 127 'Palasiya 861.09 W 128 Rawad 2,383.55 PR (1) EI W PR 129 Jhalariya 1,182.58 PR (1) W PR 130 Dhureri 1,133.11 PR (1) W PR 131 Sanawda 1,809.08 PR (1) W,TK 132 Amli 1,328.09 PR (1) R 133 Manpura 171. 89 EI W 134 Medat 352.08 R 135 Chandkhedi 350.57 EI W 136 Datoda 613.80 EI W 137 Rambadodiya 1,674.85 PR (I) W 138 Sejwani 1,933.19 PR (1) EI W 139 Methwada 3,074.10 PR (1) W PR 140 Osrod 862.39 R 141 Tajkhedi 306.66 EI W PR 142 Ghatabi110d 1.149.54 PR (1) R PR 143 Sangvi 960.73 0 144 Karwasa 915.19 W KR 145 Pirpipliya 929.36 W PR 146 Ranmalbillod 1,369,34 W PR 147 Kalibillod 2,077.95 PR (1), Mid.S.(l) W PR 148 Kishanpura 679.54 W 149 Salampur 1,859.10 EI W PR 150 Ambapura 311. 63 W 151 Kalasura 839.91 W 152 Khatediya Sarang 1,001.57 W,TK 153 Badipura 767.43 W PR 154 Betma 1,997.41 PR(2), Mid.S .(I), Sec.S. (I) H(l) E O,T pR PO 155 Mothla 749.14 W PR 156 :soriya 1,897.20 PR (1) W



Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ,--_____ ------A. ___ - ___ ~ weekly including

r Culturable Area not Neare·t Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. avaiJabl.! town & if any, of religious, L.C.

Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi-land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 .. ~------------ ---- . - - ~-----' --_----_ -_ ------_. . - ~------~ -----

Wheat, Jowar 0.32 1,614.69 72.90 207.38 Depalpuf 9.6 105 Wheat, Jowar 28.94 1,759.18 174.63 179.51 Depalpur 6.4 106 Wheat, Jowar 4.03 699.08 27.75 }48.87 OepaJpur 6.4 107 Wheat, Jowar 13.77 820.99 93.90 131.00 Depalpur 3.2 108 Wheat, JOwaf 9.10 772.34 55.65 96.00 Depalpur 3.2 109 Wheat, Jawar 4.82 1,127.76 69.56 474.53 Depalpur 1.6 110 Wheat, Jawar 4.95 1,545.64 36.16 373.99 Depalpur 4.8 111 Wheat, Jawar 8.74 3,640.54 217.65 503.55 Depalpur 11.2 112 Wheat, Jawar 3.73 932.96 114.79 263.09 Dt'palpur 6.4 113 Wheat. Jawar 0.23 352.51 63.79 60.81 Depalpur 14.4 114 Wheat, JawaI 478.52 66.98 121.90 Pepalpur 17.6 115 Wheat, Jawar 7.45 1,039.50 134.3 5 111.05 Depalpur 16.0 116 Wheat, Jawar 1.38 857.00 183.53 170.66 pepalpur 19.2 117 Wheat, Jawar 20.82 2,317.19 197.25 405.51 Depalpur 17.6 118 Wheat, Jowar 395.52 23.59 57.50 Depalpur 11.2 119 Wheat, Jawar 5.66 1,514.94 116.11 472.85 Depalpur 9.6 120 Wheat, Jawar 8.20 1,875.31 145.62 165.07 Depalpur 12.8 121 Wheat, Jowar 32.09 2,400.32 149.31 712.51 Depalpur 12.8 122 Wheat, Jawar 1.48 1,119.36 61.25 219.58 Depalpur 19.2 123 Wheat, Jowar 39.71 1,570.35 79.06 159.52 Depalpur 20.8 124 Wheat, lowar 23.55 1. 235.77 58.76 263.07 Depalpur 20.8 125 Wheat, Jowar .; 16.24 676.18 77.88 96.73 Depalpur 20.8 126 Wheat, Jowar 5.30 705.55 68.46 81.78 Depalpur 22.4 127 Wheat, Jawar 11.63 1,875.18 165.98 330.76 Depalpur 19.2 128 Wheat, Jowar 11.09 1,017.69 39.89 113.91 Pepalpur 20.8 129 Wheat, Jowar l.25 913.61 69.49 148.16 Depalpur 20.8 130 Wheat, Jowar 6.14 1,402.16 24.72 376.06 Depalpur 19.2 131 Wheat, Jowar 4.73 1,046.29 78.94 198.13 Depalpur 16.0 132 Wheat, Jowar 121.96 20.39 29.54 J)epalpur 17.6 133 Wheat, Jowar 15.49 269.35 7.28 59.96 Depalpur 16.0 134 Wheat, Jowar 286.36 26.21 38.00 Depalpur 19.2 135 Wheat, Jowar 502.93 20.31 90.56 J)epalpur 19.2 136 Wheat. Jowar 4.73 1,372.59 85.03 212.50 Depalpur 20.8 137 Wheat, Jowar 19.77 1,37&.53 133.15 401.74 Depalpur 17 .6 138 Wheat, lowar 55.07 2,443.31 243.35 332.37 Oepa)pur 28.8 139 Wheat, Jawar 16.96 652.49 72.68 120.26 Dhar 25.6 140 Wheat, lowar 2.58 212.56 41.92 49.60 Dhar 25.6 141 Wheat, Jawar 20.73 910.95 104.55 113.31 Dhar 25.6 142 Wheat, Jowar 0.89 780.43 48.29 131.12 Dhar 27.2 143 Wheat, Jowar 5.19 774.25 31.40 104.35 J)epalpur 24.0 144 Wheat, Jowar 0.20 771.29 56.91 100.96 Depalpur 22.4 145 Wheat, Jowar 15.06 843.96 74.41 435.91 J)epalpur 25.6 146 Wheat, Jowar 109.48 5.53 1,508.86 70.53 383.55 Depalpur 25.6 147 Wheat, Jowar 383.81 131.13 41.60 123.00 ])epalpur 32.0 148 Wheat, Jawar 16.13 1,383.65 157.25 302.07 Pepalpur 22.4 149 Wheat, Jowar 213.69 32.01 65.93 J)epalpur 30.4 ISO Wheat, Jowar 8.04 654.16 14.49 163.22 Depalpur 22.4 151 Wheat, Jowar 2.64 781.98 13.61 203.34 Oepalpur 22.4 IS2 Wheat, Jowar 6.74 642.41 40.94 77 .34 Pepa)pur 19.2 1S3 Wheat, Jawar 70.29 1,583.79 153.32 190.01 pepalpur 19.2 Friday 154 Wheat, Jowar 0.99 604.78 78.12 65.25 Depalpur 20.8 ISS Wheat, Jowar 1.88 1,5&1.07 119.47 194.78 Pepalpur 16.0 IS6



Amenities available within the villages Total r-- -~---"--- -,

L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Com1llu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and

vilJase water tion Tele-(in acres) graph


2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9

157 Borsi 1,461.23 PR (l) W J58 Rampuria 491.55 W

159 Rolai 1,673.31 PR (I) W 160 Lalendi 1,184.12 PR (1) W 161 Aurangpura 1,643.72 PR. (I) W,TW 162 Galonda 875.58 EI W PR 163 Pipliya Jhagdu 702.17 W 164 Muradpura 253.17 W,R 165 Rayatpura 1,227.16 PR (1) W 166 Betma Khurd 2,133.92 PR (1) NW PR 167 Bhanwargarh 438,35 W PR 168 Mohna 1,524.62 EI W 169 Bijepur t,058.12 W PR 170 Machal 1,689.72 PR (2), Mid.S.(l) VH(l) El W PR 171 Chirakhan 868.50 PR (1) W PR 172 Dharawara 2,378.63 PR (2) EI W,R 173 Bajrangpura 615.88 PR (1) W 174 Dhannad 1,400.08 PR (1), Mid.S.(l) H(l) EI W 175 Bagoda 774.18 PR (1) W

TOTAL 252,563.82 pa (113) D (4) 40 T (2) PR (44) PO (10) Mid, S. (15) See. S. (2)

H (4) o (1)

W (142)1 o (30)

KR (3) TO (1) o (1)


Souree:-Columns (1) to (5) & (7) to (18): Tahsildar, Depalpur.

Column (6) : Madh.ya Pradesh Electricity Board, Jabalpur.


DEPALPUR TAHSIL --- ---- -- ----- -- --- --_-------

Land use (i.e. area under different tyoes of land use) in acres Day of Remarks f------------~ weekly including

Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C.

Staple Food Forest Irrigated irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva· in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi-land etc.) cal interest

------_ ---------

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 _._------ ------

Wheat, J owar 11.75 1.173.61 140.65 135.22 Indore 16.0 157 Wheat, Jowar 9.72 392.44 20.03 69.36 Depalpur 20.8 158 Wheat, Jowar 19.34 1,130.59 59.99 463.39 Depalpur 22.4 159 Wheat, Jowar 3.16 836.82 106.77 237.37 Indore 22.4 160 Wheat, Jowar 30.82 1,319.74 152.04 141.\2 Indore 19.2 161 Wheat, Jowar 17.53 687.11 30.73 140.21 Indore 16.0 162 Wheat, Jowar 1.20 558.57 34.63 107.77 Indore 16.0 163 Wheat, Jowar 197.83 27.59 27·85 Indore 17.6 164 Wheat, Jowar 35.83 901.46 114.66 175.21 Indore 19.2 165 Wheat, Jowar 19.26 1,273.34 123.15 718.17 Indore 24.0 166 Wheat, Jowar 178.14 182.11 14.89 63.21 Indore 20.8 167 Wheat, Jowar 10.42 973.71 92.00 448.49 Indore 20.8 168 Wheat, J owar 65.)0 571. 55 68.42 353.05 DepaJpur 24.0 169 Wheat, Jowar 100,61 104.56 936.04 81. 48 467.03 Indore 19.2 170 Wheat, Jowar 66.39 491.77 56.59 253.75 Mhow 12.8 171 Wheat, Jowar 113.85 1,837.70 191. 80 235.28 Indore 16.0 172 Wheat, Jowar 2.03 348.72 15.71 249.42 Indore 24.0 173 Wheat, Jowar 106.83 995.39 93.99 203.87 Mhow 15.0 174 Wheat, Jowar 35.73 543.12 57.75 137.58 Mhow 17.0 175

--_ ------ -------------- ------

772.04 3,827.91 196,187.70 17,015.33 34,700.84



Total Amenities available within the villages

~-----------------A------------------, L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing niea- and

village water tioD Tele-(in acres) graph

---------~---- ~--

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Gulawat 648·°0 W 2 Cnitoda 1,330.00 PR (1) W PR PO 3 Tumani 427.00 W 4 Balria 1,664.00 PR (1) W PR 5 Magarkhedi 1,155.00 W 6 Ralamandal 1,344.00 W 7 Dayakheda 1,096'{)0 EI W 8 Nagpur 1,584.00 PR (I) EI W PR 9 Mandat 1,108.00 PR (1) EI W PR

10 Sinnod 840.00 W 11 Titawnda 1,327.00 PR (I) W 12 Thirakhedi 696.00 W 13 Panchola 1,649.00 PR (I) W PR 14 Malakhedi 1,088.00 W PR 15 Mukata 1,628.00 PR (1) EI W PR 16 Hindoliya 539.00 PR (1) W PR 17 Kithoda 960.00 PR (1) W,R PR 18 Barodiya Khan 1,970.00 PR (0 W,R PR 19 Bawalyakhedi 943.00 W,R 20 Lohagal 723.00 W,R 21 Shahada 811. 00 PR (1) W,R 22 Chimli 1,534.00 PR (1) W,R 23 Panod 2,340.00 PR (1) W. 24 Biloda Nayata 642.00 PR (1) W 25 Siloda Khurd 587.00 W,R 26 Khandakhedi 351.00 W 27 Jamodi 1,541.00 PR (I) W 28 Maharaj ganj 1,127.00 PR (1) W 29 Simrol 1,631.00 PR (1) W 30 Solsindi 1,386.00 PR (1) W 31 Kudana 1,652.00 PR (1), Mid.S.(1) H(1 ) EI W PO 32 Surakhedi 336.00 EI W 33 Ugamkhedi 431.00 EI W 34 Kayasthkhcdi 804.00 PR (1) W 35 Gawala 1.230.00 PR (1) W 36 Rawer 1,574.00 W PR 37 Lalakheda 555.00 EI W PR 38 Khamod Kamalya 1,482.00 PR (1) W 39 Takun 2,659.00 PR (1) W.NW 40 Bisakhedi 1,069.00 W 41 Kamalyakheda 829.00 PR (1) W 42 Dhaturia 1,306.00 PR (1) W 43 Baloda Takun 3,095.00 Mid.S. (1) W R 44 Ajnod 2,196.00 PR (1), Mid. S. (1) H(l) EI w PR PO 45 Khamod Anjoa 1,134.00 PR (1) W,R 46 Ghatgara 642.00 47 Piplai 1,161.00 R 48 Balghara 2,146.00 PR (1) W 49 Bhadakhedi 225.00 SO Rangkaradia 877.00 PR (1) R 51 Khatediya Bajjat 662.00 PR (1) W,R 52 Pipaliya Kayasth 1,100.00 PR (1) W


SA WER TAHSIL - - -----~-

Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks r--

___.A. ________ ----, weekly including

Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious. L.e.

Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing lion Kms. village archaeologi-land etc.) cal intere~t

---~-------- -

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 .. _---- .. -~~ - ~ -~------- ----- -~------~ -----

Wheat, Jawar 2.00 483.00 146.00 17.00 Sawer 6.4 1 Wheat, Jowar I,O.n .00 103.00 180.00 Sawer 9.6 2 Wheat, Jawar J .00 341.00 77 .00 8.00 Sawer 2.4 3 Wheat, Jawar 8.00 J,262.00 317.00 77.00 Sawer 9.6 4 Wheat, Jawar I. 00 985.00 145.00 24.00 Sawer 12.8 5 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 1,131.00 162.00 49.00 Sawer 12.8 6 Wheat, Jawar 21.00 951.00 100.00 24.00 Sa~r 9.6 7 Wheat, Jawar 39.00 1,290.00 109.00 146.00 Sawer 6.4 8 Wheat, Jowar 59.00 959.00 54.00 36.00 Sawer 6.4 9 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 688.00 120.00 28.00 Sawer 8.0 10 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 1.068.00 214.00 40.00 Sawer 8.0 11 Wheat, Jowar 7.00 549.00 123.01) 17.00 Sawer 8.0 12 Wheat, Jowar 19.00 1,456.00 109.00 65.00 Sawer 4.13 13 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 825.00 209.00 48.00 Sawer 4.8 14 Wheat, Jowar 67.00 1,266.00 137.00 158.00 Sawer 3.2 15 Wheat, Jowar 12.00 438.00 54.00 35.00 Sawer 8.0 16 Wheat, Jowar 7.00 747.00 157.00 49.00 Sawer 9.6 17 Wheat, Jowar 26.00 1,600.00 224.00 120.00 Sawer 3.2 18 Whc::at, Jowar 754.00 149.00 40.00 Sawer 9.6 19 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 561.00 118.00 43.00 Sawer 9.6 20 Whc::at, Jowar 657.00 120.00 34.00 Sawer 3.2 21 Wheat, Jowar 1,241.00 223.00 65.00 Sawer 6.4 22 Wheat, Jawar 2,054.00 '200.00 86.00 Sawer 4.8 23 Wheat, Jawar 523.00 82.00 37.00 Sawer 8.0 24 Wheat, Jawar 491.00 75.00 21.00 Sawer 8.0 25 Wheat, Jowar 265.00 69.00 17.00 Sawer 9.6 26 Wheat, Jowar 1,254.00 216.00 7(.00 Sawer 8.0 27 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 909.00 130.00 79.00 Sawer 4.8 28 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 1,340.00 219.00 67.00 Sawer 9.6 29 Wheat, Jowar 1,112.00 212.00 1i2.00 Sawer 9.6 30 Wheat, Jowar 91.00 1,274.00 lfi2.00 125.00 Sawt.:r 3.; 31 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 247.00 63.00 23.00 Sawer 6.4 32 Wheat, Jowar 10.00 324.00 55.00 28.00 Sawer 3.2 33 Wheat, Jowar 629.00 132.00 43.00 Sawer 3.2 34 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 989.00 198.00 38.00 Sawer 3.2 35 Wheat, Jowar 28.00 1,307.00 164.00 75.00 Sawer 1.6 36 Wheat, Jowar 32.00 393.00 78.00 52.00 Sawer 1.6 37 Wheat, Jowar 23.00 1,233.00 175.00 51.00 Sawer 6.4 38 Wheat, Jowar 31.00 2,159.00 331.00 138.00 Sawer R.O 39 Wheat, Jowar 7.00 767.00 144.00 151.00 Sawcr 4.8 40 Wheat, Jowar 15.00 722.00 52.00 40.00 Sawer 8.0 41 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 1,142.00 92.00 68.00 Sawer 9.6 42 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 2,658.00 288.00 146.00 Sawer 9.6 43 Wheat, Jowar 100.00 1,769.00 175.00 152.00 Sawer 11.2 44 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 898.00 166.00 69.00 Sawer 20.8 45 Wheat, Jowar 554.00 65.00 23.00 Sawer 20.8 46 Wheat, Jawar 2.00 964.00 157.00 38.00 Sawer 17.6 47 Wheat, Jowar 27.00 1,849.00 134.00 136.00 Sawer 11.2 48 Wheat, Jowar 175.00 35.00 15.00 Sawer 22.4 • 49 Wheat. Jowar 8.00 689.00 145.00 35.00 Sawer 19.2 ~O Wheat, Jowar 1.00 530.00 58.00 73.00 Sawer 16.0 51 Jowar, Wheat 6.00 883.00 186.00 25.00 Sawer 16.0 52


VILLAGE DIRECTORY -- ~~--- ~--- ---- ---~-- _- -~--- ------ - ------~--------

Amenities available within the villages Total ,----

L.C. area or Fducational Medical Power Drink- Cummu- Post No. Name of village the Surply mg nica- and

village water tion Tele-(in acres) graph

---- ---_-_"--- -_---- ~-- -----~--~---

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

53 Bibikheda 748.00 R 54 Ratankhed i 1,110.00 PR (I) W 55 Hariyakhedl 740.00 PR (1) W 56 Kankadyll Pa 1 2,()60.00 Mid.S. (1) W 57 .Tindakheda 1,737.00 PR (I) W PO 58 Naharkherla 723.00 PR (1) W 59 Ajnoti 1,267.00 PR (I) R,O ()O .lamburdi Sarwar 2,044.00 Mid.S. (I) W 61 Basandra 1,826.00 PR (I) W 62 Mal1galiya Arniya 817.00 PH. (I) W 63 Kankariya Bordiya 1.!l93.00 PR (I) W Ii4 Khajuriya 2,001.00 PR (1) W PR 65 Badarkha 797.00 PR (1) R PR 66 Sagwal 1,804.00 PR (I) W PR 67 Pitawali 549.00 W PR,R 68 Baghana 2,014.00 Mid.S. (I) El W 69 Mata Barodi 2,059.00 PR (l) W 70 Merkhedi 427.00 W 71 SatJana 653.00 BI W 72 Alwasa J ,008.00 PR (I) W PR 73 Kharwakhedi 272.00 W 74 Puwarda Junarda 1,769.00 PR (lj EI W 75 Paliya Haidar 1,859.00 PR (1), Mid.S.(l) W PR,R PO, To 76 Rewati 992.00 W 77 Kumerdi 621.00 W 78 Jakhiya 1,024.00 PR (1) EI W 79 Bardari 444.00 El W 80 Baroh 870.00 PR (1) Bl W 81 Bhawrasala 927.00 PR (I) EI W PR 82 Bhangya 851. 00 P-R (1) EI W 83 Magarkheda 1,281.00 PR (I) W 84 Barodiya Sma 885.00 BIN W PR 85 Mawlakhedi 751. 00 W,NW 86 Muradpura 1,592.00 l'R (I) W 87 Ringnodiya 964.00 PR (1) W PR 88 Solsinda 2,220.00 Mid.S. (2) Er W PR PO, Phone 89 Katkya 1,586.00 PR (I) W,NW 90 Deoli 1,053.00 W,NW 91 Brahmankhedl 497.00 W,NW 92 Baloda 7\6.00 W,NW 93 Rajoda 2,089.00 PR (1) BI W,NW 94 Siloda BUlUl'g 532.00 W 95 Kajlana 849.00 W PR 96 Tarana 936.00 W PR 97 Darji Karadia 1,806.00 PR (1) EI NW,W 98 Lakhmankhedi 723.00 NW,W 99 Kadwa 825.00 W

100 Patwakhedi 613.00 W 101 . Brahman Pipalya 1,244.00 PR (1) W 102 Malikhedi 402.00 EI W 103 Shahoa 1,729.00 PR (I) BI W 104 Amlikheda 887.00 TK


SAWER TAHSIL --~-- ----~- "-------- - ---.- -~~~ - - - ---- -----,....__---~~

Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ,.-----__________ .. A ___________ ,

weekly including Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place

Un- waste (i.t'. available town & If any, of religious, L.C. Staple Food Forest lrngated I frigated p:;'stUfC for distance held historical No.

and cultiva· in III or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi· land etc.) cal interest

, - -------~--------

10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Wheat, Jowar 3.00 569.00 130.00 46.00 Sawer 17.6 53 Wheat, JOwaI 2.00 860.00 193.00 55.00 Sawer 17.6 54 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 580.00 125.00 33.00 Sawer 16.0 55 Wheat, Jowar 11.00 2,158.00 429.00 62.00 Sawer 16.0 Monday 56 Wheat, JowaI 8.00 1,410.00 266.00 53.00 Sawer 19.2 57 Wheat, Jowiu 3.00 632.00 68.00 20.00 Sawer 19.2 58 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 ],057.00 146.00 59.00 Sawer 25.6 59 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 1,785.00 180.00 74.00 Sawer 22.4 60 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 1,569.00 199.00 54.00 Sawer 24.0 61 Wheat, ]owar 2.00 651.00 \35.00 29.00 Sawer 25.6 62 Wheat, Jowar 15.00 J.555.00 266.00 57.00 Indore 19.2 63 Wheat, Jowar 10.00 1,111.00 170.00 710.00 Indore 22.4 64 Wh~at, Jowar 2.00 652.00 1\6.00 27.00 Indore 24.0 65

Wheat, Jowar 9.00 1,536.00 157.00 102.00 Indore 19.2 66 Wheat, ]Owar }'.OO 447.00 61.00 40.00 Indore 16.0 67 Wheat, Jowar 16.00 1,691.00 227.00 80.00 Indore 19.2 68 Wheat, JOwal' 1.00 1,739.0() 201.00 118.00 Indore 19.2 69 Wheat, Jowar 5.00 358.00 52.00 12.00 Dha rampuri 17.6 70 Wheat, JOwar 1.00 537.00 85.00 30.00 Indore 16.0 71 Wheat, Jowar 37.00 737.00 175.00 59.00 Indore 14.4 72 Wheat, Jowar 187.00 76.00 9.00 Indore 17.6 73 Wheat, Jowar 83.00 1,449.00 174.00 63.00 Indore 16.0 74 Wheat, Jowar 73.00 1,416.00 233.00 137.00 Indore 17.6 75 Wheat, Jowar 8.00 456.00 360.00 168.00 Indore 9.6 76 Wheat, Jowar 43.00 445.00 106.00 27.00 Indore 4.8 77 Wheat, JOwar 54.00 826.00 111.00 33.00 Indore t 1.2 7l! Wheat, Jowar 4.00 380.00 56.00 4.00 Indore 8.0 79 Wheat, JOwar 4.00 661.00 167.00 38.00 Indore 11.2 80 Wheat, Jowar 45.00 708.00 138.00 36.00 Indore 8.0 81 Wheat, Jowar 136.00 600.00 86.00 29.00 Indore 4.8 R2 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 1.040.00 194.00 38.00 Indore 8.0 83 Wheat, Jowar 30.00 748.00 74.00 33.00 Indore 14.4 84 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 623.00 92.00 33.00 Indore 17.6 85 Wheat, Jowar 1.298.00 150.00 144.00 Indore 17.6 86 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 677.00 197.00 87.00 Indore 14.4 87 Wheat, Jowar 38.00 1,836.00 221.00 125.00 IndClre 16.0 Tuesday 88 Wheat, Jowar 39.00 1,210.00 195.00 142.00 Sawer 16.0 89 Wheat, Jowar 916.00 101.00 36.00 Sawer 9.6 90 Wheat, Jowar 410.00 61.00 26.00 Sawer 14.4 91 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 593.00 99.00 22.00 Sawer 12.R 92 Wheat, Jowar 6.00 1,696.00 275.00 112.00 Sawer 19.8 93 Wheat, ]owar 426.00 80.00 26.00 Sawer 9.6 94 Wheat, Jowar 28.00 632.00 10\ .00 88.00 Sawer 8.0 95 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 807.00 85.00 42.00 Sawer 9.6 96 Wheat, Jowar 103.00 1.379.00 208.00 116.00 Sawer 11.2 97 Wheat, Jowar 7.00 578.00 100.00 38.00 Sawer 9.6 98 Wheat, Jowar 731.00 62.00 32.00 Sawer 11.2 99 Wheat, Jowar 4.00 473.00 114.00 22.00 Sawel' 11.2 100 Wheat, Iowar 1.00 1,031.00 154.00 58.00 Sawer 14.4 101 Wheat, Jowar 54.00 263.00 62.00 23.00 Sawer 9.6 102 Wheat, Jowar 7.00 1.490.00 168.00 64.00 Sawer 12.0 103 Wheat, Jowar 703,00 141.00 43.00 Indore 16.0 104



Amenities available within the villages Total ,----------------------"---------------~

L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commtl- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing niea- and

village water tion Tele-(in acres) graph

----- - - -_ --- - ---~-

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

105 Khakrod 1. 544. 00 W 106 Jetpura 1,160.00 E W 107 Todi J,181.00 PR (1) E W,R PO 108 Ghankhedi 869.00 W 109 Mundla Husain 1,401.00 PR (I) EI W 110 Gari Piplya 1,097.00 PR (1) EI W 111 Jassa Karadiya ~O6.00 EI W 112 Dhabli 542.00 EIN W R 113 Padlaya Bajrang 1,046.00 W 114 Panehderiya 1,886.00 PR (1) W 115 Bijukhedi 439.00 EI W 116 RampipJya 1,336.00 PR (1) EI W 117 Mangaliya Sadak 1,639.00 PR (1), Mid.S.{!) H (1) E W PR,R PO, Phone 118 MundJabag 529.00 W 119 Rahukhedi 755.00 E W PR 120 Lasudiya Parmar 1,486.00 PR (I) EI W PR 121 Sulakhedi 1,246.00 PR (1) EI W 122 KadwaJi Khurd 2,144.00 PR (1) W 123 Kadwali Buzurg 1,439.00 PR (1) EI W PO 124 Bisakhedi 854.00 PR (1) W 125 Faraspur 851'00 PR (I) W.TK 126 Bhondwas 846.00 PR (1) W 127 Melkalma 1,524.00 PR (1) R,W 128 Vyaskhedi 649.00 PR (1) R 129 Palasiya 1,365.00 PR (1) EI W 130 Mandlawda 1,350.00 Mid.S. (I) EJ R 131 Pirkaradiya 688.00 PR (1) E W PR 132 Baroda Arjun 901. 00 PR (I) EI W PR 133 Silotiya 551.00 PR (I) R,W 134 Dakachya 3,177.00 Mid.S. (I), See.S. (I) E W PR,R PO 135 Barlai 3,649.00 Mid.S. (1) E W 136 Budhi Barlai 1,105.00 PR (1) E W PR PO IJ7 Puwarda Dai 2,006.00 PR (l) EI W,R 138 Puwarda Happa 1,580.00 PR (I) EI W,R 139 Machhukhedi 882.00 PR (I) EI W,R 140 Guran 1,433.00 PR (I) EI W PO 141 Makodiya 2,593.00 PR (I) EI R 142 Hatuniya 2,302.00 PR (I) BI W 143 Barodiya Pauth 975.00 W,R 144 Budhanya Panth 989.00 PR(l),Mid.S.( I ),S('c.S.(2) H (1) W,O PR,R PO.TO,Phone 14~ Hansakhedi 967.00 W 146 Potlod 4.026.00 Mid.S. (1) H (1) W KR 147 Kachhalya 3,417.00 Mid.S. (I) EI W KR 148 Khalkhala 2,010.00 PR (1) W 149 Sawer 2,716.00

TOTAL 188,177.00 PR (86) H (5) 50 W (137) P R (33) PO (13) Mitl.S. (lS) 0 (9) KR (2) TO (2) Sec. S. (2) 0 (3)

- ------~- -_ - --- ----------

5oIlm:-Columns (I) to (5) & (7) to (18) : Tahsildar, Sawer.

Column (6) : Madhya Pradellh BIectricity Board, Jabalpur.



Land use (i. e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remakrs ( ---A. --.. weekly including

Culturable Area not Nearest Market any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C.

Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cult iva- in in or Igrazing tion Kms. village archaeologi and etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 ------~

Wheat, Jowar 14.00 1,253.00 ]98.00 79.00 Indore 17.6 lOS Wheat, Jowar 7.00 938.00 184.00 31.00 Indore 17.6 106 Wheat, Jawar 7.00 940.00 171.00 63.00 Indore 17.6 107 Wheat, Jowar 640.00 195.00 34.00 Indore 17.6 108 Wheat, Jowar 13.00 1,193.00 146.00 49.00 Indore 20.8 109 Wheat, Jowar 3.00 858.00 187.00 4Q.00 Iodore 16.0 110 Wheat, Jowar 13.00 40~.00 52.00 39.00 Iodore 19.2 111 Wheat, Jowar 11. 00 392.00 71.00 68.00 Indore 20.8 112 Wheat, Jowar 12.00 887.00 96.00 51.00 Indore 20.8 113 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 1,516.00 242.00 126.00 Indore 16.0 114 Wheat, Jowar 30.00 334.00 55.00 20.00 Indore 14.4 115 Wheat, .1owar 4.00 1,155.00 120.00 57.00 Indore 19.2 116 Wheat, Jowar 54.00 1,297.00 195.00 93.00 Indore 12.8 Thursday 117 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 451.00 63.00 14.00 Indore 16.0 118 Wheat, Jowar 634.00 84.00 37.00 Indore 16.0 119 Wheat, Jowar 67.00 1,112.00 200.00 107.00 IndOre 19.2 120 Wheat, Jowar 11.00 1,026.00 147.00 62.00 Indore 19.2 121 Wheat, Jowar 76.00 1,698.00 209.00 161.00 Indore 24.0 122 Wheat, Jowar 31.00 1,194.00 125.00 89.00 IndOre 22.4 123 Wheat, Jowar 2.00 686.00 116.00 50.00 IndOre 25.6 124 Wheat, Jowar 662.00 121.00 68.00 Dewas 17.6 12' Wheat, Jowar 667.00 140.00 39.00 Dewas 16.0 126 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 1,239.00 208.00 76.00 Dewas 17.6 127 Wheat, Iowar 3.00 484.00 86.00 76.00 Dewas 16.0 128 Wheat, Jowar 22.00 1,143.00 70.00 130.00 Dewas 16.0 129 Wheat, Jowar 2}.00 1,065.00 134.00 130.00 Dewas 17.6 130 Wheat, Jowar 87.00 477 .00 73.00 51.00 Dewas 11.2 131 Wheat, Jowar 59.00 606.00 178.00 58.00 Dt"was 12.8 132 Wheat, Jowar 16.00 377.00 126.00 32.00 Dewas 14.4 133 Wh~at, J ow ar 46.00 2,602.00 158.00 371.00 Indore 17.6 134 Wheat, Jowar 38.00 3,013 .00 271.00 327.00 Dewas 12.8 135 Wheat, Jowar 66.00 725.00 193.00 121.00 Dewas 11.2 136 Wheat, Jowar 11.00 1,552.00 117.00 326.00 Dewas 11.2 137 Wheat, J owar 17.00 1,292.00 92.00 179.00 Dewas 11.2 138 Wheat, Jowar 736.00 13.00 113.00 Dewas 11.2 139 Wheat, Jowar 44.00 1,085.00 249.00 55.00 Sawer 12.8 140

3.00 2,226.00 328.00 36.00 Dewas 14.4 141 4.00 1,734.00 514.00 50.00 Sawer 16.0 142 1.00 766.00 148.00 60.00 Sawer 19.2 143

25.00 735.00 99.00 130.00 Sawer 16.0 Sunday 144 3.00 762.00 140.00 62.00 Sawer 19.2 14' 3.00 3,317.00 500.00 146.00 Sawer 14.4 146

76.00 2,789.00 414.00 138.00 Sawer 14.4 Tuesday 147 15.00 1,606.00 305.00 84.00 Sawer 19.2 148 93.00 1.858.00 371.00 394.00 Sawer 0.0 149

2,65S.00 150,90S.00 13,179.00 11,432.00


VILLAGE DIRECTORY -------- -~--- - - ~- -~ - - . - -~ -- -- --- -~--~--

Amenities available within the ... mages Total r- ---"-. -~

L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the SyppJy ing nica- and

village water tion Tele-(in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ._--------_-_ --~ -~---~~~ --~~------------ ------~

1 Fulkaradiya 751.00 PRo (1) EIN W PR

2 Songir 1,346.00 PR (!) EI W,TW 3 Hatod 4,659.00 Mid.S. (l),Sec.S.(l) D(l ) E T PR PO, TO, Fhone

4 Kalmer 1,981.00 Mid.S.(I) W,R. 5 Gurda Khedi 280.00 W

6 Mali Badodia 447.00 R 7 Rojadi 1 ,448~00 PR (1) Ef W

8 lamburdi Hapsi 3,096.'00 PR (I) W KR

9 Pipalya Tafa 380.00 ,

W 10 Bangarda Bada 2,825.00 PR (1), Mid. S. (1) MCW(l) E W,T PR PO

11 Higonya Khurd 609.00 PR (1) W 12 Palakhedi 1,823.00 PR (1) W 13 Budhania 2,426.00 PR (1) EI O,W PR

14 Limbodagari 1,881.00 PR (1) El W 15 Kabirkhedi 153.00 PR (I) EI W KR

16 Tigaria Badshah 1,188.00 PR (I) W KR

17 Narwar 682.00 W PR

18 Sukliya 1,961.00 PR (I) B(2) EI W PR

19 Gadrakhedi (Ban ganga) 159.00 EI PR . , 20 Bangarda Chhota 2,765.00 PR (1) EI W PR 21 Sirpur 3,086.00 PR (1) PHC(I) E w PR PO

22 Kordia Bardha 591.00 23 Ahirkhedi 1,449.00 PR (1) EI W PR

24 Nawda Panth 1,635.00 PR (1) E[ W PR

2S Nainod 2,163.00 PR (1) EJ W PR

26 Bank 1,148.00 PR (1) EI W PR

27 Sinhasa 1,318,00 PR (1) EI W PR 28 lindoda 1,455.00 PR (1) EI W PR

29 Kalaria t,119.00 Mid. S. (I) EIN W PR 30 Dharnawad 892.00 PR (1) W 31 Bisnawada 1,455.00 PR(l) EI W 32 Talawali Kachra 1,087.00 PR (1) EIN W PR 33 Rinjlai 1,443.00 PR (1) W 34 Sanwalyakhedi 590.00 35 Pehri 726.00 EI 36 NarIai 970.00 PR (I) EI 37 Moklai 600.00 EI 38 Rangwasa 2,582.00 PR (I) ,Mid.S. (I) DO) E W,T PR PO 39 Sindodi 743.00 EI 40 Bijalpur 1,378.00 PR(2), Mid .S. (I) D (5) E W,T PR,R PO 41 Sukhniwas 766.00 PR (1) HI W PR 42 Hukamkhedi 787.00 E W PR 43 Machla 1,336.00 PR (1) El W KR PO 44 . Rau 3,643.00 PR (l),Mid.S.(l),Sec.S.(1) D (1) E TW PR,R PO 45 Umri 925.00 W PR 46 Kelod Kartal 2,348.00 FR (1) EI W KR 47 Morod 2,338.00 PR (1) EI W KR 48 Asrawad Khurd 2,077.00 PR (1) El W PR 49 Mirjapur 888.00 PR (1) W PR 50 Mundla Nayata 1,649.00 PR (I) MCW(1) W 51 RalamandaI 1,491. 00 PR (I), Mid. S. (I) MCW(1),D(1) E w PR PO,TO .;2. Limbodi 1,001.00 PR (1) W "PR




Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks r----------"---------. w~ekly including

Cuhurable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C.

Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi-land etc.) cal interest

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 - - -- -----~--- --- ------.--~---

Wheat. lawar 20.00 435.00 63.00 233.00 Indore 20.8 Wheat. Jowar 10.00 1,114.00 136.00 86.00 Indore 19.2 1 Wheat, Jowar 326.00 3.471.00 582.00 280.00 Indore 16. O. Saturday 3 Jowar, Wheat 60.00 1,456.00 401.00 64.00 Indore 16.0 4 Jowar, Wh.!at 5.00 133.00 139.00 3.00 Indore 17.6 S Jowar,'. Wheat 2.00 351.00 78.00 16.00 Indore 16.0 6 Jowar, Wheat 3(>,00 1,221.00 151.00 40.00 Indore 16.0 1 Jowar, Wheat 17.00 2,607.00 414.00 58.00 Indore 12.8 8

Jowar, Wheat 4.00 334.00 34.00 8.00 Indore 14.4 9 J owar, Wheat 85.00 2,041.00 538.00 161.00 Indore 8.0 10 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 462.00 116.00 28.00 Indore 14.4 ]J

Jowar, Wheat 8.00 1,612.00 183.00 20.00 Indore 8.0 12 Jowar, Wheat 91.00 1,911.00 366.00 58.00 Indore 9.6 13 J owar. Wheat 25.00 1,498.00 306.00 58.00 Indore 9.6 14 Wheat. Jowar ' 172.00 320.00 177 .00 84.00 Indore 6.4 15 J owar, Wheat 14.00 1,449.00 108.00 217.00 Indore 6.4 16 Wheat. Jowar 10.00 471.00 108.00 93.00 Indore 6.4 17 Wheat, Jawar 464.00 608.00 713.00 176.00 Indore 1.6· 18

J owar, Wheat 21.00 37.00 76.00 25.00 Indore 19 Wheat, Jowar 95.00 2,095.00 479.00 96.00 Indore 4.8 20 Jowar, Wheat 151.00 931.00 1,858.00 146.00 Indore 3.2 21 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 561.00 26.00 1.00 Indore 3.2 22 Wheat, Jowar 74.00 746.00 546.00 83.00 Indore 6.4 23 Wheat, Jawar 47.00 1,027.00 290.00 271.00 Indore 9.6 24 Jowar, Wheat 98.00 1,738.00 246.00 81.00 Indore 9.6 25 J owar, Wheat 47.00 578.00 457.00 66.00 Indore 4.8 26 Jowar, Wheat 41.00 946.00 153.00 178.00 Indore 8.0 27 Jowar. Wheat 124.00 862.00 203.00 266.00 Indore 12.8 28 Jowar, Wheat 15.00 865.00 168.00 71.00 Indore 12.8 29 .lowar. Wheat 10.00 659.00 172.00 51.00 Indore 16.0 30 Jowar, Wheat 71.00 1,124.00 206.00 54.00 Indore 9.6 31 Jowar, Wheat 35.00 886.00 105.00 61.00 Indore 9.6 32 Jowar. Wheat 19.00 1,210.00 194.00 20.00 Indore 9.6 33

17.00 401.00 143.00 29.00 Indore 10.0 34 Jowar, Wheat 127.00 494.00 81.00 24.00 Indore 16.0 3S J owar, Wheat 21.00 764.00 154.00 31.00 Indore 16.0 36 Jowar, Wheat 27.00 459.00 99.00 15.00 Indore 17.6 37 Jowar, Wheat 473.00 1,229.00 715.00 165.00 Indore 16.0 38 Jowar, Wheat 42.00 630.00 60.00 11.00 Indore 14.4 39 Jowar, Wheat 511.00 357.00 282.00 228.00 Indore 6.4 40 J owaf, Wheat 29.00 324.00 183.00 230.00 Indore 6.4 41 Jowar, Wheat 187.00 392.00 113.00 95.00 Indore 8.0 42 J owar, Wheat 18.00 950.00 353.00 ]5.00 Indore 12.8 43 Jowar, Wheat 62.2.00 . 1,943.00 897.00 181.00 Indore 11.2 44 Jowar, Wheat 49.00 5.00 671.00 167.00 33.00 Indore 14.4 45 J owar, Wheat 188.00 \,396.00 659.00 105.00 Indore 9.6 46 Jowar, Wheat 550.00 171. 00 956.00 617.00 44.00 Indore 12.8 47 Jowar, Wheat 203.00 144.00 . 1,103.00 577.00 50.00 Indore 12.8 48 Jowar, Wheat 90.00 73.00 593.00 108.00 24.00 Indore 9.6 49 J owar, Wheat 199.00 16.00 1,159.00 227.00 4R.00 Indore 6.4 50 Jowai, Wheat 223.00 128.00 479.00 518.00 143.00 Indore 8.0 51 Jowar, Wheat 38.00 . 667.00 149.00 147.00 Indore 6.4 52



Amenities available within the villages Total r- --,

L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Dr,ink- Commu- Post No. Name of viIlage the Supply ing nica· and

village water lion Tele-(in acres) graph

- ----~~------- -------- ------~- -------- ----- ------ -- -- -- - ----~----

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ---- - ~ ~--- - - -_---

53 fatankhedi 817.00 W PR 54 Nihalpur Mundi 1,765.00 PR(l) EI W PR 55 Bilawali 489.00 E W PR 56 Piplaya Hana 1,347.00 PR(1) EI w PR PO 57 Khajrana 3,611.00 PR(2), Mid.S (2) D(I) EI W PR PO 58 Niranjanpur 1,372~OO PR{l ),Mid.S. (I) E1 W KR 59 Nipanya 1,633.00 TW 60 Pipalya Kumar 1,000.00 PR(t) EI w 61 Bhangarh 333.00 EI W KR 62 Arandia 1.062.00 PR(I) El w 63 Kelod Bala 909.00 PR(l) EI W 64 Tala waH Chanda 899.00 PR{t) EI w PR 65 Mayakhedi 719.00 PR(I) W 66 Lasurdia Mori 1,504.00 PRO) EIN w PR PO 67 Shakkarkhedi 455.00 EI W 68 Balyakhedi 1,476.00 PR(1) EI w 69 Panod 2,046.00 Mid. S. (1) EI W 70 Nignoti 890.00 W 71 lagmal Pipalya 1,289.00 PR(1) W 72 Shakkarkhedi (Harankhedi) 755.00 W 73 Khatipiplya 643.00 PRe!) w 74 Jani 551.00 PR(I) W 75 Jalod Keu 842.00 W 76 Semalya Chau 1,466,00 Mid.S.(I) W PO 77 Baroda Kara 793.00 El R 78 Baroda Daulat l, 72~ .00 PR(I) W 79 Bhokakhedi 531.00 PR(I) W 80 Garia 876.00 R 81 Khemana 1,577.00 PR(l) W 82 Bisankheda 1,129.00 PR(I) W 83 Buranakhedi 799.00 Mid.S.O) EI W PO 84 Chhitkana 331. 00 R 85 Khatrikhedi 356.00 W 86 Upadinatha 710.00 PR(1) W 87 Sahukhedi 455.00 W 88 Higonya 1,503.00 W 89 Begamkhedi 485.00 PR(1) El w 90 Kanadia 4,195.00 PR(1), Mid.S.(1) D(1),MCW(J) EI W PR PO 91 Ihalaria 1,129.00 PRCl) W 92 Tigaria Rao 343.00 93 Garipipalya 1,585.00 PRO) W 94 Hansakhedi 90l.00 pp.(1 ) w 95 . Ramgarh 746.00 W 96 Ambamolya 555.00 EI W 97 Asrawad Buzurg 1,562.00 Mid.S. (1) EI W PR 98 Chauhankhedi 1,057.00 PRO) EI R 99 Bhicholi Mardana 1,383.00 EI W KR

100 Bhicholi Hapsi 1,504.00 PR(1) EI W PR, 101 Mali Khedi 748.00 EI W KR 102 Badia Keema 2,063.00 PR(l) EI w KIt 103 Deoguradia 849.00 PRO) EI w PR 104 Palda 1,166.00 PRO) EI W PR


INDORE TAHSIL - ---~---- - ------ ------ - ---- -~-------

Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks r-----------..A..------~-, weekly including

Culturable Area not Nealest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of reli~iolls. L.C.

~taple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cult iva- in in or grazing lion Kms. village archaeologi-land etc.) cal interest

._--------- ~---~~~- -- --~- - -- __ T __ ~ ___

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 _---- _--- --------~.~-

Jowar, Wheat 32.00 139.00 45.00 601.00 Indore 6.4 53 Jowar, Wheat 143.00 1,065.00 472.00 85.00 Indore 8.0 54 Jowar, Wheat 101.00 237.00 84.00 67.00 Indore 3.2 55 Jowar, Wheat 297.00 500.00 440.00 110.00 Indore 4.8 56 Jowar, Wheat 122.00 2,672.00 686.00 131. 00 Indore 3.2 57 Jowar, Wheat 39.00 1,023.00 212.00 98.00 Indore 9.6 58 J awar, Wheat 1,476.00 113.00 4~.00 Indore 8.0 59 Jowar, Wheat 6.00 842.00 114.00 38.00 Indore 8.0 60 Jawar, Wheat 159.00 112.00 35.00 27.00 Indore 8.0 61 Jowar, Wheat 1.00 897.00 123.00 41.00 Jnuore 12.8 62 Jowar. Wheat 110.00 622.00 104.00 73.00 Indore 11.2 63 Jowar, Wheat 11.00 691. 00 112.00 85.00 Indore 11.2 64 J owar, Wheat 1.00 602.00 94.00 22.00 Indore 11. 2 65 Jowar, Wheat 26.00 1,211. 00 J78.00 89.00 Indore 9.6 66 lawar , Wheat 328.00 26.00 64.00 37.00 Indore 12.8 67 Jowar, Wheat 11.00 1,240.00 182.00 43.00 Indore 17.6 68 Jowar, Wheat 11.00 1,749.00 215.00 71.00 Indore 19.2 69 Wheat, Jowar 13.00 698.00 12-1.00 55.00 Indore 22.4 70 Wheat, Jowar 1,021.00 161.00 107.00 Indore 25.6 71 Wheat, Jowar 30.00 588.00 93.00 44.00 Indore 22.4 72 Wheat, Jowar 76.00 388.00 80.00 99.00 Indore 19.2 73 Wheat, J owar 396.00 124.00 31.00 Indore 24.0 74 Jowar, Wheat 3.00 667.00 119.00 53.00 Indore 24.0 7S lowar. Wheat 3.00 1,202.00 186.00 75.00 Indore 25.6 FridaY 76 Jowar, Wheat 2.00 622.00 121.00 48.00 Indore 19.2 77 Jowar. Wheat 1,362.00 231.00 130.00 Indore 22.4 78 Jowar. Wheat 399.00 11 0.00 22.00 Indore 25.6 79 Jowar, Wheat 660.00 154.00 62.00 Indore 25.6 80 Jowar, Wheat 1,269.00 178.00 130.00 ludore 19.2 SI lowar, Wheat 5.00 907.00 146.00 71.00 Indore 14.4 82 Jowar. Wheat 17.00 517.00 101.00 164.00 Indore 16.0 83 Jowar, Wheat 270.00 53.00 8.00 Indore 16.0 84 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 278.00 60.00 14.00 Indore 12.8 85 Juwar, Wheat 560.00 108.00 42.00 Indore 12.8 86 lowar, Wheat 342.00 86.00 27.00 Indore 14.4 87 J owar, Wheat 8.00 1,284.00 151.00 6.'J.00 Indore 11.2 88 Jowar, Wheat 21.00 349.00 87.00 28.00 Indore 12.8 89 Jowar. Wheat 74.00 3.395.00 553.00 173.00 Indore 8.0 90 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 902.00 175.00 47.00 Indore 8.0 91 lawai. Wheat 292.00 47.00 4.00 I"dore 6.4 92 Jowar, Wheat 25.00 1,383.00 117.00 50.00 Indore 16.0 93 lowar, Wheat 5.00 698.00 181.00 17.00 Indore 14.4 94 Jowar, Wheat 11.00 598.00 122.00 J 5.00 Indore 14.4 95 lowar. Wheat 53.00 427.00 56.00 19.00 Indore 12.8 96 Jowar, Wheat 24.00 1,211.00 268.00 59.00 Indore 11. 2 97 Jowar, Wheat 8.00 877 .00 141.00 31.00 Indore 14.4 98 Jowar, Wheat 58.00 968.00 322.00 35.00 Indore 4.8 99 Jowar. Wheat 85.00 972.00 400.00 47.00 Indore 4.8 100 Jowar, Wheat 61.00 421.00 229.00 37.00 IndOle 8.0 101 Jowar, Wheat 160.00 1,355.00 468.00 80.00 Indore 8.0 102 J owar, Wheat 6.00 18.00 633.00 95.00 97.00 Indore 8.0 103

JONM. Wne.it 274.00 63 J. 00 208.00 53.00 Indore 3.2 104


VILLAGE DIRECtORY ---- --_---- - - ~ - - ---- --~ -

Total ,-Amenities available within the villages ..-.-A.. _____________ .,

L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and

village waler' lion Telc-(in acrc~) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

105 Musakhedi 918.00 El W PR 105 Dudhia 507.00 PR (I),Mill.S.(I) ',' w PR PO 107 Umaria Khurd 1,194.00 PR (I) W 108 Sanawadia 2,286.0Q PR (I) E[ W PR 109 Tillor Khurd 3,429.00' Mid .S. (1) 0(1) r: W PR 110 J amnya Khurd 1,044.00 PR (I) EI W PR 111 Bihadia 1,379.00 PR (1) El W 112 Kacharod 1,179.00 PR (1)

113 Tinchha 1,134.00 W KR 114 Berchha 1,833.00 W 115 Dhamnay 852,()O PR (I) W PR 116 MundJa Dasdar 1,208.00 PR (I) W PR 117 Kapalyakhedi 681.00 W PR 118 Ujjaini 938.00 PR (I) W 119 Sonway 1,016.00 PR (1) W 120 Songuradiya 969,00 PR (I) EI W 121 Rajdhara 671. 00 W PR 122 pipalda 3,092.00 PR (1) EI W 123 Tillor Buzurg 2,275.00 PR (1) E R KR 124 Jamnya Buzurg 381.00 E[ 125 Chikatiya 438.00 126 Keodiya 971.00 W KR 127 Ghudia 441.00 W 128 Sahukhedi 772.00 129 Muhadi 685.00 W nO Nayapura 159.00 W 131 Kampel 7,272,00 PR(l) ,Mid.S. (I), See. S. (1) D(I) EI W PR PO 132 Piwday 3.658.00 PR (1),Mid.S.(J) EI w PR 133 Khudel Kburd t ,008.00 PR (I) EI W 134 Khudel Buzurg 1,982,00 PR (I) ,Mid.S. (1) E W PR PO 135 Kaj ipa lasiya 1,383.00 PR (1) £1 W PR 136 Mundla Jetkaran 1,076.00 W 137 Ramukhedl 532.00 W 138 Baroda Sindhi 1,509.00 PR (I) W 139 Mundi 357.00 W 140 Setkhedi 557.00 W 141 Gogakhedi 762.00 PR (1) W 142 Aranya 939,00 PR (1) W PR 143 Dhulet 1,417.00 PR (1) EI TK l'R 144 Dhaturia 632.00 W 145 Asakhedi 537.00 W 146 AnkYa 641.00 W 147 Danda1akhedi 190.00 R 148 BiwalYa Khurd 584.00 PR (1) TW PR 149 Bawalya Buzurg 594,00 150 Phali 709,00 PR (1) W PR 151 Digwal 994.00 PR (I) W 152 Gehli 594.00 PR (1) W PR 153 Kakukhedi 427.00 . .._ 154 Morodhat 1,990.00 PR (I) EI TK,TW PR 155 Lasudiya Anant 427.00 W,TW 156 Pedmi 5,001.00 PR (1) W


INDORE TAHSIL ----------~------- ---~----- _-----_-- -----~----------~ - ~ - ~-

Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks r------------"---------, weekly including

Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un. waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C·

Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cuJtiva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi-land etc.) cal interest


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 -~--~~~--

Wheat, Jowar 186.00 399.00 202.00 131.00 Indore 1.6 105 Wheat, J owar 105.00 234.00 139.00 29.00 Indore 11.2 106 Jowar, Wheat 102.00 70.00 523.00 476.00 23.00 Indore 14.4 107 Wheat, Jowar 208.00 995.00 999.00 84.00 Indore 11.2 108 Wheat, Jowar 307.00 474.00 1,572.00 955.00 121.00 Indore 16.0 109 Jowar, Wheat 109.00 87.00 471.00 356.00 21.00 Indore 11.2 110 J owar, Wheat 156.00 994.00 187.00 42.00 Indore 16.0 III Jowar, Wheat 355.00 37.00 545.00 216.00 26.00 Indore 19.2 112 Jowar, Wheat 662.00 18.00 295.00 126.00 33.00 Indore 22.4 113 Jowar, Wheat 1,252.00 442.00 2.00 137.00 Indore 24.0 114 Jowar, Wheat 22.00 22.00 626.00 138.00 44.00 Indore 12.8 115 Jowar, Wheat 216.00 5.00 616.00 :156.00 15.00 Indore 12.8 116 Jowar, Wheat 7.00 3.00 571.00 75.00 25.00 Indore 12.8 117 Jowar, Whe~t 82.00 9.00 645.00 188.00 14.00 Indore 12.8 118 Jowar, Wheat I LOO 799.00 151. 00 53.00 Indore 14.4 119 Jowar, Wheat 47.00 15.00 714.00 185.00 8.00 Indort: 11.2 120 ]owar, Wheat 59.00 15.00 402.00 176.00 19.00 Indore 11.2 121 Jowar, Wheat 65.00 69.00 2,233.00 534.00 191.00 Indore 27.2 122 J owar, Wheat 632.00 53.00 829.00 717.00 44.00 J ndore 24.0 123 Jowar, Wheat 325.00 23.00 31.00 2.00 Indore 28.8 124 ]owar, Wheat 10.00 190.00 225.00 13 .00 Indore 25.6 125 Jowar, Wheat IS.OO 304.00 624.00 25.00 Indore 19.2 126 lowar, Wheat 224.00 171. 00 44.00 2.00 Indor! 25.6 127 lowar, Wheat 284.00 342.00 141. 00 5.00 Indore 28.8 128 Jowar, Wheat 446.00 120.00 42.00 77.00 'Indore 20.8 129 Jowar, Wheat 148.00 6.00 5.00 Indore 25.6 130 Jowar, Wheat 290.00 4,598.00 2,128.00 256.00 Indore... 25.6 Monday 131 Wheat, ]owar 253.00 2,181.00 544.00 680.00 Indore 24.0 132 Jowar, Wheat 8.00 329.00 122.00 49.00 Indore 19.2 133 Jowar, Wheat 133.00 1,483.00 197.00 169.00 Indore 16.0 134 .lowar, Wheat 16.00 1,145.00 146.00 76.00 Indore 16.0 135 )owar, Wheat 7.00 887.00 101. 00 81.00 Indore 19.2 13. Wheat, Jowar 438.00 77 .00 17.00 indore 20.8 137 Jawar, Wheat 44.00 1,250.00 187.00 28.00 Indore 22.4 138 Jowar, Wheat 252.00 74.00 31.00 Indore 22.4 139 Jowar, Wheat 4.00 479.00 47.00 27.00 Indore 19.2 140 .lowar, Wheat 59·t, 00 77.00 91.00 Indore 20.8 141 Jowa" Wheat 8.00 69-l.00 151. 00 86.00 IndOre 20.8 142 Jawar, Wheat 14.00 1,189.00 126.00 88.00 Indore 19.2 143 Jowar, Wheat 499.00 100.00 33.00 indore 19.2 144 Jowar, Wheat 441.00 68.00 28.00 Indore 20.8 145 Jowar, Wheat 8.00 528.00 70.00 35.00 Indore 19.2 146 Jowar, Wheat 155.00 29.00 6.00 Indore 20.8 147 J owar, Wheat 43.00 369.00 34.00 138.00 Indore 25.6 148

444.00 107.00 43.00 Indore 22.4 149 Jowar, Wheat 583.00 73.00 53.00 Indore 25.6 150 lowar, Wheat 4.00 841.00 78.00 71.00 Indore 28.8 } 51 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 509.00 53.00 27.00 Indore 30.4 152

385.00 3.00 39.00 Indore 00.0 153 Jowar, Wheat 1,710.00 163.00 117.00 Indore 19.2 154 Jowar, Wheat 7.00 311. 00 55.00 54.00 Indore 19.2 155 lowar, Wheat 2,012.00 15.00 2,121.00 722.00 101.00 Indore 33.6 156


L.C. No. Name of village


Total area of the village (in acres)





Amenitit:s available within the villages _____ . .A. _____ . ___________ ,

Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post Supply ing nica- and

wat~r tion Tele-graph

5 6 7 8 9 --- _------- ---~- -------_--- ---~--~------- --------- ---- ---_ .. _---------_.

157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167

Semalya Raimal 1,050.00 Khandel 2,514.00

Kharadia 1,679.00 Undel 1,382.00 Shahdadeo 614.00, Bhingaria 537.00 Shiwni 7,587.00 Badia Hat 1,998.00 Nahar Jhabua 11. 00 Panjaria 800.00

Sarolia 597.00 ,--------~--~------~--- -

TOTAL 221,665.00

PR (1) PR (l) PR (I) PR (l)

PR (1) PR (I)

PR (100) MId.S. (20) Set. S. (3)

D (9) H(2) o (4)

Source: Columns <I) to (5) and (7) to (18) Tahsildar. fndore. Column (6) : Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board, Jabalpur.




T (4) PR (58) W (133) KR (14) o (19)

PO (17) TO (2) o (1)



Land use (i. e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remakrs r ------"- weekly including

Culturable Area not Nearest Market any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, of religious, L.C.

Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or 19razing tion Kms. village archaeologi and etc.) cal interest

----- -- -~- ~ ~~----~ ---~ --_ -~-----

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 -- -----_--- ---_ -----~~---

JOWJr, Wheat 935.00 52.00 63.00 Indore 25.6 157 Jowar, Wheat 873.0) 66.00 1, 310.00 218.00 47.00 Indore 40.0 158 lowar, Wheat 2.00 1,506.00 117.00 54.00 Indore 40.0 159 J owar, Wheat 9.00 1,098.00 221.00 54.00 Indore 28.8 160 Jowar, Wheat Sll.OO 59.00 44.00 Indore 24.0 161

499.00 26.00 12.00 Indore 35.0 162 48.00 -+,523.00 1,676.00 1, 340 .00 Indore 38.4 163

lowar, Wheat i 8. O\) 1,120.00 254.00 606.00 Indore 40.0 164 Jowar, Wheat 5.00 5.00 1.00 Indore 44.8 165 Jowar, Wheat 800.00 Indore 20.8 166 Jowar, Wheat 402.00 191.00 4.00 Indore 32.0 167


10,633.00 10,056.00 146,188.00 40,483.00 14,30S.00

- _---- ------ -- ---- ~--------



Amenities available within the villages Total ,- -----A.. ___ --,

L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply iog nica- and

village \\'ater tion T::le-(in acres) graph

.. ~-

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Umariya 744.00 PR (1) PRC (I) E W PR Hone 2 Nawada 862.00 PR (1) E W PR 3 Panada 1,110.00 PR (1) E W PR 4 Pigdambar 1,143.00 PR (1) E W PR PO 5 Harniya Khedi 73'(.00 College(l) VH (I) W PR PO,Phone 6 Kawti 630.00 EI W 7 Pipalya Malhar 595.00 W R 8 Baradiya 284.00 9 Bheslay 1,352.00 PR (1) W

10 Sonway 1,313.00 PR (I) E1 W PR 11 Tihi 1,420.00 Mid.S.(I) EI W KR PO 12 Banjari 409.00 W PR 13 Bhatkhedi 2,315.00 PR (1) E1 14 Gopalpura 468.00 PR (1) EI W PR 15 D)ngargaon 814.00 PR (1), College(l) E1 W PR Phone 16 Richhabardi 400.00 PR (I) TW FR 17 Shahda 579.00 PR (1) BIN W PR 18 Shrikhandi 774.00 PR (1) EI W KR 19 Sater 775.00 PR (2), Mid.S. (1) EI W PR,R PC,Phone 20 Akawi 1,006.00 E W PR 21 Kesar Bardi 437.00 EI W PR 22 Kulamba 821.00 E1 W 23 Pipalkhut 340.00 W PR 24 Bhardala 2,102.00 E! W 25 Mahudiyapura 327.00 EI W 26 Mahudiya Buzurg 768.00 EI W 27 Karadiya 567.00 EI W,NW PR 28 Jamanya 760.00 Mid.S. (1) W 29 Panjariya 712.00 W PR 30 Pha!Jhund 680.00 Mid.S. (1) EI W 31 Lalpura 333.00 W 32 Silotiya 673.00 W PR 33 Awlay 1,419.00 Mid.S. (I) EI W KR 34 Ahilyapur 966.00 El W KR 35 Kuradakhedi 264.00 W KR 36 Thawlay 798.00 PR (1) W KR 37 Nanded 1,126.00 PR (1) W KR 38 Sitapat 910.00 PR (1) EI W KR 39 Kuwali 1,073.00 PR (1) EI W PR 40 Jamli 1,382.00 PR (1) Mid.S.(1) PHC(I) EI W PR PO,Phone 41 Nandlai 1,035.00 El W PR 42 Badkuwa 1,715.00 EI W PR 43 Bhicholi 1,470.00 PR (I) EI W PR 44 Ambada 795.00 W PR 45 Anwaliya 398.00 EJ W PR 46 Biram 583.00 W PR 47 Bhoj Karadiya 379.00 W PR 48 Hasalpur 1,620.00 PR (I) ,Mid.S.(l) D(I) EI W PR 49 Kamadpur 2,732.00 PR (1) El W KR 50 Khudalpura 654.00 W "PR 51 Chenpura 1,062.00 R 52 MatIabpura 696,00 W PR


MHOW TAHSIL _. ____ ~_._~ ____________ ~ __ "_" __ ~_T __ ~ ________ ~" ___ ~_~ _____ ~_~ ___ ~ ____ ~~ __ ~

Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ,-----_._------"'- "\ weekly including

Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & if any, ofrl!ligious, L.C.

::iiaple Food Forest irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cult iva- in in or grazing tion Kms. village aIchaeo)ogi-land etc.) cal interest

-- -----------------------~--------- ------_- --~~-

iO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 --_ -_ ----~---~-~------_'-_ .. -----.~--'

Jowar, Maize 148.00 459.00 63.00 74.00 Mhow 6.4 1 J owar, Maize 107.00 570.00 102.00 83.00 Mhow 4.8 2 J owar, Maize 124.00 685.00 197.00 104.00 Mhow 8.0 3 Jowar, Maize 185.0::1 494.00 115.00 349.00 Mhow 8.0 4 Jowar, Maize 14.00 369.00 29.00 325.00 Mhow 4.0 5 Jowar, Maize 47.01 473.00 51.00 59.00 Mhow 4.8 6 lawar, Maize 30.00 471.00 32.00 56.00 Mhaw 8.0 7 Jowar, 4.00 212.00 42.00 26.00 Mhow 4.8 8 Jowar, 56.00 986.00 167.00 143.00 Mhow 12.8 9 JOWclf, 154.0() 1,045.00 63.00 51.00 Mhow 11. 2 10 Wllelt, lawar 66.00 962.00 249.00 143.00 Mhowgaon 4.8 11 Wheat, Jowar 295.00 Ill. 00 3.00 Mhowgaon 8.0 12 Wheat, Jowar 69.00 1,520.00 587.00 139.00 Mhowgaon 6.4 13 Jowar, Wheat 327.00 110.00 31.00 Mhow 8.0 14 Jowar, Wheat 29.00 500.00 133.00 152.00 Mhow 2.4 15 Jowar, Wheat 285.00 87.00 28.00 Mhow 3.2 16 J owar, Wheat 9.0J 429.00 74.00 67.00 Mhow 2.4 17 Jowar, Wl1eat 20.00 620.00 87.00 47.00 Mhow 4.8 18 Jowar, Wheat 119.00 431.00 84.00 91.00 Mhow 4.0 19 Jowar, Wheat 93,();) 670.00 149.00 94.00 Mhow 3.2 20 J owar , Maize 15.00 311. 00 97.00 14.00 Mhow 6.4 21 Jowar, Maize 76.00 50.00 553.00 119.00 23.00 Mhow 8.0 22 Iowar, Maize 35.00 11.00 228.00 25.00 41.00 Mhow 7.4 23 Jowar, Maize 13.0;) 1,699.0;) 311. 00 79.00 Mhow 8.0 24 Jowar, Maize 252.00 70.00 5.00 Mhow 5.6 25 Jowar, Maize Ih.OO 556.00 164.00 32.00 Mhow 5.6 26 Jowac, Wheat 45.00 1.00 470.00 17.00 34.00 Mhow 17.6 27 J owar, Wheat 6.00 26.00 411. 00 82.00 235.00 Mhow 12.8 28 J owar , Wheat 18.00 40. DO 424.00 10.00 220.00 Mhow 14.4 29 Wheat, Jowar 45.00 11.00 577.00 18.00 29.00 Mhow 16.0 30 Wheat, Jowar 1.00 258.00 49.00 25.00 Mhow 16.0 31 Wh~at, Jowar 33.00 2.00 522.00 43.00 73.00 Mhow 17.6 32 Wheat. Jowar 378.00 94.00 733.00 109.00 105.00 Mhow 11.2 33 Wheat, J owar 257.00 29.00 596.00 60.00 24.00 Mhow 14.4 34 Wheat, Jowar I. DO 212.00 24.00 27.00 Mhow 16.0 35 Wheat, Jowar 16.00 567.00 59.00 156.00 Mhow 11.2 36 Wheat, Jowar 222.00 83.00 560.00 91.00 170.00 Mhow 11.2 37 Wheat, Iowar 18.00 610.00 104.00 178.00 Mhow 12.8 38 Wh~lt, J0war 401.00 79.00 418.00 42.00 133.00 Mhow 14.4 39 Wheat, Jowar 171.00 188.00 615.00 246.00 162.00 Mhow 9.6 40 Wheat, Jowar 517 .O() 68.00 305.00 98.00 47.00 Mhow 11.2 41 Wheat, Jowar 1, 327.00 60.00 265.00 31.00 32.00 Mhow 16.0 42 Wheat, Jowar 370.00 78.00 832.00 123.00 67.00 Mhow 12.8 43 Wheat, Jowar 226.00 11.00 448.00 53.00 57.00 Mhow 24.0 44 Wheat, J owar 60.00 241.00 42.00 55.00 Mhow 14.4 45 Wheat, Jowar 19.00 475.00 36.00 53.00 Mhow 22.4 46 Wheat, J owar 25.00 272.00 17.00 65.00 Mhow 24.0 47 Wheat, Jowar 315.00 763.00 212.00 330.00 Mhow 19.2 48 Wheat, Jowar 134.00 2,032.00 169.00 397.00 Mhow 25.6 49 Wheat, Jowar 20.00 504.00 57.00 73.00 Mhow 24.0 50 Wheat, Jowar 9.00 939.00 48.00 66.00 Mhow 25.6 51 Wheat, J owar 18.00 504.00 84.00 90.00 Mhow 32.0 52


VILLAGE DIRECTORY --~~.-~--~-.---- _____. --~-----

Amemtles available within the vil:a~c., Total ,---------------" -------------------..-.,

L.e. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Po~t

No. Name of village the Supply ing I1ICa- and village I water tion Telc-(in acres) graph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

53 Kumti 851. 00 PR (I) W PR 54 Khedi Istmurar 1,538.00 W PR PO 55 lakhukhedi 500.00 PR (ll Er w PR 56 Sihod 2,159.00 PR (1) W PR 57 Kodiya 929.00 FI W PR 58 Jafrabad , 576.00 PR (1) W PR 59 Julwaniya 512.00 PR (1) W PR 60 Durjanpura 1,499.00 PR (I) W PR 61 Malipura 496.00 PR (1) EI w PR 62 Sherpur 1,199.00 PR (1) EI w PR 63 Anwalipura 395.00 W 64 olani 586.00 W 6S Kali Kiriya 1,692 .00 W f'R 66 Kolani 1,093.00 PR (1) W PR 67 Gadaghat 619.00 R PR 68 Phut Talab 592.00 W PR 69 Manpur 3,288.00 PR(1),Mid.S.( 1 )Sec.S.(l) PRC(I) EI w PR PO,TO,Phonc 70 Rampuriya Khurd 499.00 EI W PR 71 Rampuriya BUlurg 756.00 W PR 72 Kaneriya 3,294.00 W PR 73 Khurdi 482.CO PR (I) W PR 74 Gokanya Kund 1,340.00 PR (1) W PR 75 Chasya 794.00 W 76 Naharkbedi 824.00 W IJR 77 Nahar Khodfa 657.00 W PH. 78 Sejgarh 2,641.00 W 79 Sherkund 483.00 W ~O Ambapura 65.00 "

81 Kaparkheda 598.00 W 82 Khurda 1,790.00 PR (1), Mid.S.(1) PRC (1) W PR PO 83 GondKuwa 1,187.00 W 84 Chhapariya 1,144.00 W KR 85 Nandgaon 372.00 W 86 Barkheda 1,142.00 W KR 87 Bhilani 354.00 W PR 88 Raikunda 890.00 W PR 89 Undwa 740.00 EI W PR 90 Kankariya 1,396.00 PR (I) EI W PR 91 Golkheda 2,570.00 TW PR 92 Badgaon 1,618.00 W ~R

93 Yashwantnagar 2,330.00 PR (J) .El 'N PR 94 Rajpura 522'00 PR (1) II W PR 95 Kadwali 1,481.00 R,W PR 96 Jamanya 742.00 EI NW KR 97 Telanbardi 278.00 \V KR 98 Basipipri 2,221.00 PR (1) EI R.W KR 99 Men 1,383.00 PR (1) VH(I) W PR

100 Men Mazra 3,506.00 W KR 101 Rampuriya 1,169.00 EI W KR 102 Asil(lUf 770.00 PR (1) EI W PR Phone 103 KekariYa Dabri 26.00 R PR 104 Tinchha 937.00 PR (1) EI W PR


MHOW TAHSIL -~---. ---- --~------------~--------- ~~---~- -~- -- -~- _-_----_

Land usc ti .e. area under different types of land u~c) in acres Day of Remalks ~-------------~-----------~ weekly including

Culturable Area not NC3r~<t Market, any place Un· waste (i.e. availabk town & if llny, of religious, L.C.

Staple £loud For~~t Irrigated irrigat<.:d J')asture for distance held historical No. and cultil'a- In In or grazing tion Kms. village archaeologj. land etc.) cal interest

-----------_._--_._. .---------~ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

--- -_ - - --- - -------- ~~--~--~

Whe.1t, ]owar 54.00 649.00 62.00 86.00 Mhow 19.2 53 lowar, Maize 17.0() 1.2(11.00 87.00 173.00 Mhow 16.0 54 ]ow:tr. Maize 12.00 415.00 32.00 41.00 Mhow 20.8 55 lowar, Maize 21.00 1,724.00 128.00 286.00 Mhow 28.8 56 Wheat, Jowar 7.00 13.00 841. 00 9.00 59.00 Mhow 24.0 57 Wheat, Jowar 20.00 6.00 468.00 34.00 48.00 Mbow 27.2 58 Wheat, J oWar 201.00 297.00 3.00 11.00 Mhow 28.8 59 Wheat, ]owar ~5.00 1,250.00 58.00 166.00 Mhow 30.9 60 Wheat, J ow a1" 39.00 393.00 17.00 47.00 Mhow 28.8 61 Wheat. J owar 17.00 1,037.00 79.00 56.00 Mhow 27.2 62 Wheat, Iowar 67.00 1.00 291.00 13.00 21.00 Mhow 24.0 63 Wheat, Jowar 338.00 3.00 225.00 13.00 7.00 Mhow 26.6 64 .fowar, Wheat 976.00 15.00 247.00 59.00 395.00 Mhow 28.8 65 JOlVar, Wheat 445.00 34.00 5{9.00 59.00 36.00 Mhow 24.0 66 Jowal', Wheat 531. 00 4·1.. 00 2.00 42.00 Mhow 27.2 67 Jowar, Wheat 366.00 5.00 163.00 9.00 49.00 Mhow 25.6 68 Jowar, Wheat 1,8~6.00 48.00 954.00 70.00 360.00 Mhow 20.8 Tuesday 69 .lowar, Wheat 15.00 423.00 15.00 46.00 Mhow 22.4 70 .lowar, Wh.;at 240.00 2.00 451.00 16.00 41.00 Mhow 22.4 71 Jowar. Maize 2.842.00 419.00 11.00 22.00 Mhow 32.0 72 Wheat, Jowar 19.00 36·1. 00 11.00 88.00 Mhow 30.4 73 Jowar, Maize 1,026.00 25:' .00 13.00 49.00 Mhow 30.4 74 J,)war, Maize MO.OO 106.00 5.00 43.00 Mhow 32.0 75 Jowar. Maize 401.00 I.Od 352.0D 17.00 53.00 Mhow 27.2 76 Jowar. :'-,Ihile 391 .O~ 2t6.00 6.00 14.00 Mhow 27.2 77 J owar, M lizc 2,430.00 205.0ll 4.00 2.00 Mhow 35.2 78 lowar, Maize 266.00 178.00 3.00 36.00 Mhow 32.0 79 Jowar, Maize 3'\.00 I] .00 16.00 Mhow 30A 80 J owar, Maize 120.00 12.00 465.00 Mhow 32.0 81 Jowar. Maize 9] 1.00 I" .(1) 472.00 44.00 325.00 Mhow 28.8 Sunday 82 Jowar, Maile 5.00 250.00 IO.O!) 922.00 Mh1.11'/ 32.0 83 Jowar, Maize 411. 00 1.0() 201.00 10.O() 519.00 Mhow 36.8 84 Jawar, Maize 209.00 7.00 128.0n 8.00 20.00 Mhow 30.4 8' Jowar, Maize 770.00 llI.O\) 51. 00 j lO.OI) Mhow 32.0 86 Maize, Jowar 115.00 1).00 181.00 13.00 32.00 Mhow 30.4 87 Maize, Jowar -192.00 3.00 274.()(l 54.00 (0,7.00 Mhow 28.8 88 Wheat, Jowar 170.00 20.(1) 465. Oil 22.00 63.00 Mhow 22.4 89 Maize, Jowar 277.00 82.00 012.00 64.00 fil.OO Mhow 20.8 90 Jowar, Maize 2,323.00 3.00 196.00 12.00 36.00 Mhow 20.8 91 Jowar, Maize 1,509.00 1.00 99.00 4.00 5.00 Mhow 20.8 92 W.1eJt, Iowai' L 103.1)0 170.00 462.00 11)3.00 2R7.00 Mhow 17.6 93 Wlleflt, Jowar 180.00 2~W.OO 3fl.OO 63.00 Mhow 17.6 94 Jowar, Wheat 6-18.00 310.00 30.00 493.00 Mhow 22.4 95 Jowar, Wh-:di 299.00 8.00 410.00 7.00 18.00 Mhow 19.2 S. M.tile, J owa,' 127.0] ~ 08 103.0:) 2.00 43.00 Mhow 17.6 97 Maize, Jo·.var 34.00 1,324.00 71.00 793.00 Mhow 16.0 98 Wheat, Jowar 176.0U 930.011 ~l8. 00 189.00 Mhow \9.2 Monday 99 Wheat, Jowar J, !47.()O 205.00 19.00 135.00 Mhow 20.8 too Maize, Jowar 1J7.00 412.0:) 7.0n 653.00 Mhow 17.6 101 Maize, Jowar 231.00 28.00 323.00 158.00 30.00 Mhow 4.8 102 MJize, JOi\·ar 7.00 7.00 12.00 Mhow 4.8 103 Maize, Jowar 72.00 110,00 501.00 96.00 158.00 Mhow 11.2 104



Amenities available within the villages Total ,---~~-- ~"'"

L.C. area of Educational Medical Power Drink- Commu- Post No. Name of village the Supply ing nica- and

village water tioo Tele-(in acres) graph


- - ~--' -- ~- ---~

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

105 Badgonda 4.574.00 Mid.S. (I) H (I ) EI W PR

106 Borkhedi 428.00 W PR 107 Malendi 2.709.00 FR (I) EI W PR

108 Kelod 1,35\.00 PR(l),Mid.S.(I) El W PR Phone

109 Khedli 666.00 EI W PR

ltO Badarkhan 3,826.00 W PR 111 Berchha 1., 394 .00 PR. (I) EI PR

112 Gawali Palasya 3,220.00 PR (2), Sec.S. (1) D (1) E W PR PO,Phone

113 Ga ngaliyakhedi 87-t. 00 PR (1) ElN W PR 114 Kodriya 1,926.00 PR (J),Mid.S. (I) H (1) EJ TW,W PR PO,Phone

115 Chodiya 1,284.00 PR (1) E1 R 116 Gujarkheda 294.00 PR (2),Mid.S. (I) H (I) BIN W PR.,R PO,Phone

117 Sutarkhedi 378.00 f[ W PR lI8 Patalpalll 308.00 El W R 119 Badoda Sindh 543.00 EI W PR 120 :Bhagora 6,811.00 PR (I),Mid.S. (I) EI W PR PO 121 Amba Chandan 4,002.00 PR (3) MeW (I) E W PR 122 Nell GUradiya 1,029.00 PR (1) El W KR 123 Borkhedi (Harsoda) 861. 00 PR (I) H(l), MCW(l) El W KR 124 Hl\fsola 7,021.00 PR (1) ,Mid,S.(1) PHC(l),FCU), E R PR PO,Phone

Sec. S. (l) MCW(l), H(2) 125 Datoda 7,700.00 PR(I) ,Mid. S. (I) MCW(I), R,W PR PO

Sec. S. (1) FC (I) 126 Simrol 4,563. 00 Mid.S. (2) D(I),VH(I) E TW,W PR PO 127 Memd! 2,285.00 PR (1)' Mid. S. ( I) W PR 128 Khardakheda 527.00 W 129 Gokanya \ ,451. 00 W PR 130 Ghosikhcda 1 )16.00 W PR 131 Chikhli I , ~20. 00 W 132 Joshi GuradJya 1,382,00 PR (2) MCW (I) EIN W PR 133 Pathan Pipalya 1,042.00 W 134 PipalYa Lohar 41~.OO [1 W KR 135 Bardari 346.00 W KR 13" Shivnagar 1,5j6.00 PR (2) E1 W PR 137 Gavhalll 1,34LOO PR (1) W PR 138 <Tajinda 733.00 W 139 Choral 1,006.00 Mld.S.(I) p( 1 ).H(l) TW PR,R FO 140 Bai 478.00 PR (I) W PR 141 Bherughat 82.00 R R 142 Mendal 301.00 W,TW 143 Surtipura 239.00 R,W PR 144 Scndal 753.00 PR (I) R PR 145 Imalipura 125.00 R R 146 Utediya 207.00 R 141 Kulthana 901.00 PR (1) R 148 Gunjara 223.00 R R 149 Dhawadiya 67.00 R R ISO Nawadiya 24.00 R 151 Baika 304.00 R 152 Bhanbardi 197.00 R 153 Ratwi 120.00 154 _ Rajpura 258.00 R


MHOW TAHSIL -- -- ---- -------

Land U5e (j.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks r----------,-J...-----------, weekly including

Culturablc Area not Ncare,t Market, any placc Un- wast~ (i.e. availahle town & if any, of IcligiollS, L.C.

S:apk Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cult iva- III in or grazing tion K01;. \ iliage archaeologi-land etc.) cal interest

_.- ---- --- -- --- --- ----_--

10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ------- --- ---- --- - -- - -- ~ -- .-.-~-- ~--

Maize, Jowar 1,593.00 98.00 2,176.00 379.00 328.00 Mhow 8.0 Wedne,day 105 Maize, Jowar 41.00 287.00 92.00 8.00 Mhow 4.8 106 Maize, lowar 1,590.00 26.00 836.00 136.00 121.00 Mhow 6.4 107 Jowar, Wheat 130.0{) 258.00 617.00 271.00 75.00 Mbow 8.0 108 Maize 89.00 3~.O() 4]6.00 65.00 58.00 Mhow 8.0 109

Maize 3,743.00 2.00 82.00 Mhow 12.8 110 Maize 47.00 103.00 689.01) 91.00 46-1. DO Mhow 8.0 111 Maize 147.00 432.00 ].829.00 567.00 245.00 Mhow 8.0 112 Iowar, Maize \ 107.00 323.00 44.00 400.00 Mhow 1.6 113 Jowar, Maize 473.00 789.00 157.00 507.00 Mhaw [.6 114 Jowar, Maize 91.00 157.00 646.00 297.00 93.00 Mhow 4.8 115 IowaI', Maize 59.00 133.00 52.00 50.00 Mhow 3.2 116 Jowar, Maize 6.00 53.00 242.00 48.00 29.00 Mhow 4.8 117 Jowar, Maize 85.00 134.00 89.00 Mhow 8.0 118 Jowar, Maize 28.00 415.00 51.00 49.00 Mhow 3.2 119 Jowar, Maize 3,060.00 332.00 2,562.00 116.00 741.00 Mhow 6.4 120 Jowar, Wheat 767.00 226.00 2,387.00 404.00 218.00 Mhow 8.0 121 Jowar, Wheat 111.00 646.00 144.00 128.00 Mhow 3.2 122 lowar, Wheat 79.00 627.00 102.00 53.00 Mhow 4.8 123 Jowar, Wheat 180.00 741.00 4,961.00 142.00 997.00 Mhow 8.0 124

Jowar, Wheat 765.00 5,050.00 767.00 1,117 .03 Indore 16.0 125

Wheat, lowar 1,004.00 166.03 2,905.00 118.00 370.00 Mhow 17.0 Tuesday 126 Wheat, lawaI' 252.00 68.00 1,691.00 70.00 204.00 Mhow 14.4 127 Jowar, Maize 12.00 423.00 16.00 76.00 Indore 19.2 128 Jowar, Maize 39.00 932.00 250.00 230.00 Indore 17.6 129 Jowar, Maize 335.00 2.03 711.00 76.00 192.00 Indore 19.2 130 Jowar, Maize 170.00 7.03 1,365.00 64.nO 214.00 Indore 24.0 131 Jowar, Maize 74.00 734.00 381.00 193.00 Indore 19.2 132 Jowar, Maize 462.00 1.00 323.00 23.00 233.00 Indore 22.4 133 lowar, Maize 12.00 350.00 3.00 48.00 Indore 17.6 134 J owar, Maize 2.00 308.00 7.00 29.00 Indore 16.0 135 lowar, Maize 512.00 43.00 866.00 _ 39.00 116.00 Indore 16.0 136 Jowar, Maize 627.00 2.00 617.00 16.00 69.00 Barwaha 28.8 137 .Towar, Maize 29.00 572.00 20.00 112.00 Indore 33.6 138 .Towar, Maize 297.00 71.00 389.00 48.00 201.00 Barwaha 28.8 Sunday,Tuesday .. 139 Jowar, Maize 11.00 8.00 355.00 10.00 94.CO Indore 30.4 Sunday 140 Jowar, Maize 47.00 1.00 34.00 Mhow 17.2 141 Jowar, Maize 11.00 212.00 6.00 72.00 Indore 36.8 142 J owar, Maize 5.00 155.00 11.00 68.00 Barwaha 25.6 143 lowar, Maize 114.00 40.00 451.00 8.DO 140.00 Indore 38.4 144 Jowar, Wheat 36.00 29.00 60.00 Mhow 12.8 145 lowar, Wheat 92.00 3.00 112.00 Mhow 19.2 146 lowar, Wheat 57.00 576.00 58.00 210.00 Barwaha 32.0 147 Jowar, Wheat 53.00 15.00 155.00 Mhow 16.0 148 Jowar, Wheat 45.00 5.00 17.00 Mhow J 7.6 149 Jowar, Wheat 13.00 10.00 1.00 Mhow 20.8 150 Jowar, Wheat 11.00 196.00 43.00 54.00 Mhow 32.0 151 Jowar, Wheat 105.00 IS.00 77.00 Mhow 19.2 152 Jowar, Wheat 82.00 8.00 30.00 Mhow 28.8 153 Jowar, Wheat 173.00 5.00 80.00 Mhow 32.0 154



L.C. No.

155 156 IS7 158 159 160 161 161 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175

Name of village


Lodhiya Kushalgarh Guwadi Ghodakhur Jam Buzurg Jam KhurJ Jhikadiyakhedi Damali Nachambo! Pipalya Badiya Buraliya Borkhedi Madhawpura Mangalya Ramgarh Palasghat Umath Barkheda Raskundiya Telao Mal. Sadalpur


Tot<ll area of the village (in a(;res)


121. 00 385.00 I-W.OO 407.00 691.00

1,624.00 40.00

203.00 365.00 200.00 277.00

1,918.00 137.00

1,003.00 509.00

1,459.00 266.00 83.00

156.00 160.00 326.00


Amenitic~ availal'it. within til'; villages r----------.~----------.A.---.---~----.---,

Educatit'n3! l\kdical Power Ddnk- Cllmmu- Po'.:


PR (1)

PR (1)


- ---

PR (64) Mid.S. (20) Sec.s. (4)


D (9) H (6) o (6)

Supply ing nlea· and



w~!(er tion Tele-


w w w w w W R W,NW R W W R R W,NW NW W,R W


W (138) o (28)



PR (94) KR (20)



PO (16) TO (1) o (12)

Sourc:,:-Columns (1) to (5) & (7) to (18) : Tahsildar, Mhow. \ Column (6): Madhya Pradesh EJectricityRoard, JabaJpur.



Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use) in acres Day of Remarks ,..--.. weekly including

Culturable Area not Nearest Market, any place Un- waste (i.e. available town & jf a,lY, of reli~ious. L.e.

Staple Food Forest Irrigated Irrigated pasture for distance held historical No. and cultiva- in in or

grazing tion Kms. village archaeologi-land etc.) cal interest


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 ~--~----~----------~----- -- ---- -----~-~---- -----

Jowar, Wheat 7.00 56.00 7.00 51. 00 Mhow 22.4 155 Jowar, Maize 324.00 24.00 37.00 Mhow 25.6 Ud Jowar, Maize 107.00 1.00 32.00 Mhow 22.4 157 Jowar, Maize 83.00 128.00 1.00 195.00 Mhow 25.6 158 Jowar, Maize 35.00 494.00 42.00 121.00 Mhow 28.8 159 Jowar, Maize 1,172.00 1.00 309.00 9.00 133.00 Mhow 25.0 160 Jowar, Maize 35.00 5.00 Mhow 20.8 161 Jowar, Maize 181.00 5.00 17.00 Mhow 22.4 162 Jowar, Maize 50.00 31.00 71.00 213.00 Mhow 19.2 163 Jowar, Maize 179.00 4.00 17.00 Mhow 21.4 164 Jowar, Maize 2.00 144.00 15.00 116.00 Mhow 16.0 165 Jowar, Maize 996.00 234.00 3.00 685.00 Mhow 19.2 166 Jowar, Maize 51.00 86.00 Mhow 19.2 167 Jowar, Maize 891.00 76.00 1.00 35.00 Mhow 19.2 168 Jowar, Maize 355.00 22.00 132.00 Mhow 19.2 169 Jowar, Maize 1,254.00 130.00 1.00 74.00 Mhow 20.8 170 Jowar, Wheat 235.00 27.00 4.00 Mhow 19.2 171 Jowar, Wheat 54.00 2.00 27.00 Mhow 17.6 - 112 -Jowar, Wheat 125.00 20.00 11.00 Mhow 28.8 .. 173 lowar, Wheat 119.00 18.00 23.00 Mhow 22.4 174 Jowat, Wheat 308.00 18.00 Mhow 22.4 - 17,

46,637.008,746.00100,177.00 12,711.00 24,332.00


APPEN Tahsilwise Abstract of Educational,



SI. No.

Name of Tahsil

NATURE , _________ --_______________________________ --A

Educational Medical ,___ -A __________ --,, _______ ~ ______ ~

Primary Middle Higher Secon-School School dary School College Others Dispensary Hospital Others

, __ .A. ___ , ,-----A._, ,-A.----., ,-A_-., ,-A-----.. r---A---, ,-..A-._, ,__A.---.,

til C!.l (1)

..:;l :;: .... o ... C!.l


S ::l

Z ---------------------------------------.-~- ------------~



2 Sawer

3 Indore

4 Mho",'













100 102 20 21

64 71 20 21











9 10

2 2

----------------------------- ---- _-- _---- -_- .- -

Total 363 380 70 74 11 12 2 2

11 12 13




14 15 16












22 27 17 19

17 18

4 4

6 9

11 14

DIX Medical and other amenities



Power Supply , ___ __A. __ ---.,

Number of Villages where power supply is

, __ ---A... ___ -,

,!l .a

I) ~ .;u

:0 ;>

~ <: .(; .... ;> 0

-< Z

19 20

Drinking Water , __ _,.A.._~

Number of Villages having

, __ ____A._~

'" ... Q)

c. 1; ..c:: <tt

~ ....

E-< 0 --- ~------- -

21 22 23


Communications ,---"--~ Number of Villages

having ,--_--A.----,


"0 <'l 0

<U f:t 0 ~ ccl

..c:: t':l 0 0 (,j ;; :::I ~ ~

Postal & Telegraph ,-------"-._----,

Post Telegraph Office Office

,_--A..----'"'I r-__A..-~


'" > ,.l:: ~ (\I

,.l::'J:l P.

'" S rJ8 <IS

118 ... 0 coS co


~ o:l1:=: - ~O '" SO 0 '-..s:;: > ..... ~ >c. ..... '" ..... .....t':l .... 0° 0 0'" 0 ... ~ .... ... t>O .... 1IJeJ) U IIJU Q",

.0 .o"i:l .D8 ..ot: E'- e SE-< S·-:::J;> :::I :::I co :::I1:=: Z~ Z Z.E ZO

-~ --- -"- .--~~ --- ---------._ ~ ---~--"

24 25 26 27 28 29 --_--- ~------------ ---------------------- --_"

40 135 2 142 30 44 3 10 10

50 99 137 9 33 2 13 13 2 2

78 89 4 133 19 58 14 17 17 2 2

70 105 138 28 94 20 16 16 1

~ --~- ---- ----~.~- ----~------

238 428 6 550 86 229 39 56 56 6 6 --- -------- ---~----







8 15 o ... o ... IIJ

.D e :::I Z





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S. Name of No. Town


1 Mhowgaon

L.C. No.



Source :-Tahsildar, Mhow.


APPENDIX Land use at NOD-Municipal Towns


Land use (i. e. area under different types of land use) in acres r-----------------A-----Name of Total area Forest Irrigated Un-irri- Culturable Area not

Tahsil of gated waste (i. e. available Town pasture and for culti-

4 5 6 1 8

Mhow 3,704.26 345.73 2,071.44

grazing land vation and area under miscellaneous

trees and groves but does not in­clude orchards)








I. General:-In Part A, the picture of the district as revealed by non-Census data has been discussed. In this note, the progress made by the district in the 1961-'71 decade would be dealt with on the basis of information collected in the individual slip that was canvassed in the 1971 Census. Broadly speaking, the changes that have come about in the matter of total population. its growth-rate anJ density, sex­ratio, literacy, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, working population, occupied residential house" and number of households have been discussed.

n. Population.-The population of Indore district is 1,025,150 while the population of Madhya Pradesh is 41,654,119. The population of Indore district, thus comes to 2.46 percent of the State population. The rural population is 37.29 percent of the district population whereas the urban population is 62.71 percent as against the State percentage of 16.29. In other words, the district is urban in character. Highest percentage of the district popUlation is found in Indore tahsil (about 67 percent) and one of the reasons for this is that the popUlation of Indore City, the district head­quarter, which is the beggest town in the State, is included in Indore tahsil.

Indore district ranks 12th among the 43 districts of the State in popUlation. During the decade 1961-71, the district population*growth-rate has been 36.03 against the State growth-rate of 28.67. The area of the district is 3,1)10 sq. km. In other words, it has 0.88 percent of the State area and ranks 42nd in area among the districts of the State. The density of population per sq. km. of the district is 262 against the State density of 94 and the district ranks 1 st in density in the State. The sex-ratio, number of females per 1,000 males, of the district and the State is 880 and 941, respectively. Indore and Mhow tahsih have got ~ex-ratio lower than the district sex-ratio, while the remaining two tahsils have higher :,ex-ratio.

nI. Literacy.-(l) The percentage of literacy in the district comes to about 43 as against the State literacy percentage of about 22. In 1961 also, the literacy percentage of the district (38.23) was higher than the State percentage of 17.13. The district has made some progress to increase the rate of literacy during the decade 1961-71. Incidently it may be mentioned that Indore University is located at the district headquarter Indore.

(2) The literacy percentage among the males in the district (54.69) is much higher than the State per­centage of about 33. Among females also, the literacy percentage in the district (30.77) is much higher than the State percentage of about 11.

(3) Among the tahsils, Indore tahsil has the highest literacy percentage of about 51, while Depalpur tah<;il has the lowest percentage of about 22.

(4) The same pattern is seen in male and female literacy in the tahsils. Among males, Indore tahsil is at the top (about 61 percent), while Depalpur tahsil with about 35 percent comes last. Among females also, Indore tahsil leads in literacy (about 39 percent), while Depalpur tahsil with 7.18 percent comes last.

IV. Workers.-In the district, about 29 percent of the population comes under the category of workers (main activity) against the State percentage of about 37. The percentage of female workers to total female population (about 9) is lower than the State percentage (abeut 19). Within the district, comparatively greater percentage of workers (males and females) have been returned from Depalpur tahsil. Indore tahsil has returned the lowest percentage of workers (27.30). Among female workers also, Depalpur tahsil with 14.88 percent leads other tahsils of the district, while Indore tahsil with 6.43 percent cemes last. Among the workers in the district, about 20 and 16 percent are cultivators and agricultural labourers respectively, a5 against the State percentage of about 53 and 27. Under the category "other workers" the district percentage

(about 64) is much higher than the State percentage of 20.58 which clearly shows that the district is rela­tively more industrialised. Among females 1 the district percentage of other workers (about 38) is higher than the State percentage of about 10, while for cultivators ilnd agricuIturallabourers the district percentage (about 16 and 46) is lower than tb.e State percentage (about 41 and 49 respectively). Comparati­vely. highest percentage of cultivators (about 45) has been returned from Depalpur tahsil, while Sawer tahsil has returned highest percentage of agricultural labourers. Lowest percentage of cultivators (about 9) and agricultural labourers (about 7) have been returned from Indore tahsil. \

V. Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe.-The per­centage of Scheduled Castes to total population of the district (about 14) is higher than the State percentage (about 13). The percentage of Scheduled Tribes to total population of the district (0.09) is significantly lower than the State percentage (about 20). In the tahsils of the district, higher percentage (about 24) of Scheduled Castes is in Sawer tahsil, while lowest percentage (12.85) is in Indore tahsil. As regards Scheduled Tribes, highest percentage (0.36) is in Mhow tahsil, while the lowest with negligible per­centage (0.005)is in Sawer tahsil.

VI. Occupied Residential Census Houses.-The district has i42,829 occupied residential Census houses against the State figure of 6,822,767 which comes to 2.09 percent. Outing 1961, there were 108,369 occupied residential Census houses in the district


against the State figure of 6,230,854 which came to 1.74 percent. There has been slight change in the percentage during the decade, The number of households and persons per occupied residential Census house in 1961 and 1971 are indicated below:-

State! year No. of resi· No, of District dential house-

Census holds houses

2 3 4

No. of house- No. holds per of occupied persons residential per resi·

Census dential houses Census


5 6 -----_ .......... _---------------State 1961 6,230,854 6,615,580 1.06 5.2 Distt. 1961 108,369 146,097 1. 35 7.0 State 1971 6,822,767 7,740,289 1.13 6.1 Distt. 1971 142,829 180,397 1.26 1.2 -----------------------

It would thus be seen that the pressure on occupied residential Census houses has increased during the decade in the district as well as in the State. Compa­ratively, Indore tahsil (with about 65 percent) claims the highest percentage of occupied residential Census houses in tIle district.

vn. Villages and Towns.-There are 666 villages in Indore district, which comes to 0.86 percent of total villages in the State. The percentage of in­habited villages to total villages in the district is 97 again~t the State percentage of about 92. There are 250 towns in the State out of which the district claims five DepaJpur, Indore, Mhow Mhowgaoll and Sawer.




Population Total



Percentage of urban population to total population Decennial population growth rate 1961-71 Area in Sq. Km. Density of population per Sq. Km. Sex-ratio (No. of females per 1,000 males) Total literate and educated persons with literacy percentage.

Total No. of workers (Main activity) with percentage of workers to total population shown within brackets.

Break-up of workers with percentage

( i) Cultivators

(ii) Agricultural Labourers

(iii) Other workers

Scheduled Castes with percentage to total population

Scheduled Tribes with percentage to total population

No. of occupied residential Census houses

No. of Villages

No. ot Towns

Persons Male!l Females

Persons Males Females

Persons Males Females

Persons Males Females

Persons Males Females

Persons Males Females

Persons Males Females

Persons Males Females

Persons Males Females

Persons Males Females

Total Inhabited Uninhabited

Madbya Pradesh

41,654,119 21,455,334 20,198,785

34,869,352 17,823,411 17,045,941

6,784,767 3,631,923 3,152,844

16.29 28.67

442,841 94

941 9,223,081 (22.14) 7,016,649 (32.70) 2,206,432 (10.92)

15,295,663 (36.72) 11,529,092 (53.74) 3,766,571 (18.65)

8,084,743 (52.86) 6,537,112 (56.70) 1,547,631 (41.09)

4,062,338 (26.56) 2,228,064 (19.33) 1,834,274 (48.70)

3,148,582 (20.58) 2,763,916 (23.97)

384,666 (10.21)

5,453,690 (13.09) 2,810,175 (13.10) 2,643,515 (13.09)

8,387,403 (20.14) 4,198,509 (19.57) 4,188,894 (20.14)


77,090 71,059* 6,031**


*Indudes 176 inhabited villages which have been treated as urban outgrowth of nearby city/town. **Inc1udes 67 villages of which abadi areas have been merged in nearby city/town. tIncludes 3 inhabited viIIages which have been treated as urban outgrowth of nearby city/town.

ttlncludes 1 village of which abadi area has been merged in nearby city/town.

Indore District

1,025.150 545,413 479,737

382,251 199,269 182,982

642,899 346,144 296,755

62.71 36.03 3,910

262 880

445,888 (43.49) 298,268 (54.69) 147,620 (30.77)

298,102 (29.08) 255,711 (46.88) 42,391 (8.84)

59,870 (20.08) 53,113 (20.77) 6,757 (15.94)

48,348 (16.22) 29,011 (11.35) 19,337 (45.62)

189,884 (63.70) 173,587 (67.88) 16,297 (38.44)

146,559 (14.30) 76,931 (14.11) 69,628 (14.51)

883 (0.09) 495 (0.09) 388 (0.08)


666 644t 22tt 5


L.C. No.


District/Tahsil/Town/ Town Agglo.


19 Indore District

I Depalpur Tahsil

Depalpur (M)

2 Sawer Tahsil

Sawer U. A.

( i) *Sawer (M)

(ii) Rawer1 (OG)

3 Indore Tahsil

Indore U.A.

(i) Indore (MC)

( ii) Banganga2 (OG)

( iii) Suk}iya3 (00)

( iv) Khajrana4 (OG)

( v ) Bijalpur5 (OG)

( vi) Hukamkhediil (OG)

(vii) Sirpur7 (OG)

(viii) Savind NagarB (OG)

( ix) Piplaya Hana' (OG)

Area in Km2



Occupied No. of residential house-Houses holds

4 5

Total Population (Including institutional and

houseless population) ,-----"----,


6 7 8

Scheduled Castes ,_.....,J... __ ,


9 10

Total 3,910.0 142,829 180,397 1,025,150 545,413 479,737 76,931 69,628

Rural 3,824.3 58,305 63,9.25 382,251 199,269 182,982 36,991 34,018

Urban 85.7 84,524 116,472 642,899 346,144 296,755 39,940 35,610

Total 1,022.2 16,772 17,666 105,096 54,077 51,019 9,494 8,959

Rural 1,021. 5 15,728 16,622 99,078 50,974 48,104 9,154 8,607

Urban 0.7 1,044 1,044 6,018 3,103 2,915 340 352

Urban 0.73 1,044 1,044 6,018 3,103 2,915 340 352

Total 761.5 13,180 14,078 86,135 44,543 41,592 10,560 9,937

Rural 760.4 12,185 13,022 79,915 41,278 38,637 9,958 9,414

Urban 1.1 995 1,056 6,220 3,265 2,955 602 523








995 1,056

922 979

73 77

6,220 3,265

5,792 3,032

428 233










950.3 92,706 123,533 682,531 365,047 317,484 46,235 41,490

Ilural 891.6 17,718 20,608 121,595 63,920 57,675 12,544 11,433

Urban 58.7 74,988 102,925 560,936 301,127 259,809 33,691 30,057

Urban 58.72 74,988 102,925 560,936 301,127 259,809 33,691 30,057



















12,877 99,352

17 39















543,381 291,433 251.948

146 77

2,521 1,474

1,300 683



















31,744 28,401











" ,'1 • ~

Scheduled Tribes

r---.A.-~ M F

11 12


























Literate and educated persons ,----~


13 14

291,268 147,620

73,911 15,346

224,357 132,274

19,069 3,661

17,287 2,973

1,782 689

1,782 689

17,374 3,293

15,479 2,542

1,89j 751

1,895 751

1,777 733

118 18

221,874 124,003

26,125 5,928

195,749 118,075

195,749 118,075

189,613 114,424

39 8

603 171

531 435

922 818

5 3

130 101

528 112

3,378 2,003



(I-IX) I

Total Workers Cultivators ,------"---~ --,

M F M F District/Tahsil/Town!

Town Agglo. L.C.


15 16 17 18 2 1

25!,711 42,391 53,113 6,757 Total Indore District 19

101,095 27,649 51,371 6,499 Rural

154,616 14,742 1,742 258 Urban

28,16& 1,591 14,484 1,730 Total Depalpur Tahsil 1

26,741 7,315 14,185 1,658 Rural

1,420 276 299 72' Urban

1,420 276 299 72 Urban Depalpur (M)

21,356 4,961 11 ,402 621 Total Sawer Tahsil 2

20,974 4,805 11,116 615 Rural

),382 156 286 6 Urban

1,382 156 286 6 Urban SawerU.A.

1,270 154 244 6 Urban ( i) *Sawer (M)

112 2 42 Urban (ii) Rawerl (OG)

165,881 20,418 15,486 1,537 Total Indore Tahsil 3

32,137 7,390 14,614 1,430 Rural

133,744 13,028 872 107 Urban

133,744 13,028 872 107 Urban Indore U.A.

129,131 12,588 825 101 Urban ( i ) Indore (MC)

44 6 Urban ( ii) Banganga2 (OG)

655 47 24 2 Urban ( iii ) Sukllya3 (pG)

332 34 2 Urban ( iv) Khajrana' (OG)

477 86 8 2 Urban (v ) Bijalpur5 (OG)

5 Urban (vi) HUkamkhedi6 (OG)

121 26 Urban (vii) SirPur7 (OG)

499 2 Urban (viii) Savind Nagar8 (OG)

2,480 238 13 Urban (ix) Piplaya HanaD (OG)




II III IV V Manufacturing, Processing,

Servicing & Repairs r-----"--------..

Livestock, Forestry, (a) (b) Fishing, Hunting & , Other than

Agricultural Plantation, Orchards Mining and Household Household Labourers and allied activities Quarrying Industry Industry

L.C. District/Tahsil/Town/ ~ r-___.A..-~ ~--.. ,----.---A-----, .-----"---------. No. Town Aggio. :M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

19 Indore District Total 29,011 19,337 4,484 265 309 192 7,698 1,598 52,817 2,508

Rural 27,906 18,705 2,863 186 261 162 4,153 717 2,813 269

Urban 1,105 632 1,621 79 48 30 3,545 881 50,004 2,239

1 Depalpur Tahsil Total 7,858 5,264 968 86 8 3 1,507 279 296 8

Rural 7,718 5,}58 890 80 8 3 1,367 240 184 5

Urban 140 106 78 6 140 39 112 3

Depalpur (M) Urban 140 106 78 6 140 39 112 3

2 Sawer Tahsil Total 6,360 3,946 616 28 1 991 138 447 37

Rural 6,184 3,889 582 28 1 851 129 353 34

Urban 176 57 34 134 9 94 3

SawerU.A. Urban 176 57 34 134 9 94 3

(i) *Sawer (M) Urban 135 55 34 127 9 94 3

(ii) Rawer1 (OG) Urban 41 2 7

J Indore Tahsil Total 9,072 5,122 1,973 108 264 163 3,845 983 50,0402,389

Rural 8,490 4,801 751 51 235 149 1,243 204 1,865 208

Urban "582 321 1,222 57 29 14 2,602 779 48,175 2,181

fndore U.A. Urban 582 321 1,222 57 29 14 2,602 779 48,175 2,181

(i ) Indore (Me) Urban 506 285 1,144 54 11 2,569 774 46,671 2,125

( ii ) BangangaS (OG) Urban 1 1 31 3

( iii) SukIiya8 tOO) Urban 42 10 15 14 401 23

( iv) Khajrana4 (00) Urban 7 62 3

( v ) Bijalpurl) (OG) Urban 4 4 84 6

( vi) Hukamkhedi6 (OG) Urban

( vii) Sirpur7 (OG) Urban 23 24 8 4 17

(viii) Savind Nagar8 (OG) Urban 1 2 1

_ (ix ) Piplaya Hana9 (OG) Urban 8 1 43 18 13 10 4 907 20




WORKERS -----~----------->


Transport Storage &


Trade and Communi- Non-Construction Commerce cations Other Services workers r---.A.-, r------A.---, ,----"'---, ,-_--"'-__ -.., ,-_---A.-----.., District/Tahsil/Town

Town Agglo. M F M F M F M F M F

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2

5,193 449 36,864 1,425 13,968 236 52,254 9,624 289,702 437,346 Total

868 128 3,023 107 1,246 3 6,591 873 98,174 155,333 Rural

4,325 321 33,841 1,318 12,722 233 45,663 8,751 191,528 282,013 tlrban

Indore District

155 16

135 16



173 2S

153 2S





988 37

746 26

242 11

242 11

699 24

504 13

195 11

195 11

194 11






1,706 168 25,90943,428 Total DepalpurTahsil

1,363 129 24,226 40,789 Rural

343 39 1,683 2,639 Urban

343 39 1,683 2,639 lIrban DepalpuI (M)

210 3 1,457 139 22,187 36,631 Total SawerTahsil

159 3 1,065









69 20,304 33,832 Rural

70 1,883 2,799 Urban

70 1,883 2,799 tlrban Sawt:lr U .A.

70 1,762 2,606 Urban (i) *Sawer (M)

121 193 Urban (ii) Rawerl (OG)

4,221 389 32,7381,219 11,506 205 36,736 8,303 199,166 297,066 Total Indore Tahsil

382 74 1,224 40 678 2,655 433 31,783 50,285 Rural

3,839 315 31,5141,179 10,828 205 34,081 7,870 167,383 246,781 Urban

3,839 315 31,514 1,179 10,828 205 34,081 7,870 167,383 246,781 tJrban Indore U.A.

3,629289 30,8911,148 10,30419432,5817,617 162,302239,360 Urban (i) Indore (MC)


12 1


179 25








343 22



58 4










2 494





347 6 612 146









63 Urban (ii) Banganga2 (OG)

1,000 Urban (iii) Sukliya3 (00)

583 Urban (iV) Khajrana4 (OG)

1,010 Urban (v):Bijalpur5 (OG)

8 Urban (vi) Hukamkhedi6 (00)

162 Urban (vii) Sirpur7 (00)

210 Urban (viii) Savind Nagar8 (OG)

4,385 Urban (ix) Piplaya Hana9 (00)

L.C. No.








L.C. No.


District/Tahsil/Town/ Town Agglo.


Area in Km 2


Occupied No.of residential house-

Houses holds

4 5

Total population (Including institutional and

house1ess population) ( __ .A._~_-----.,


6 7 8 ---_--

Scheduled Castes

r---A.-~----. M F

9 10

4 Mhow Tahsil Total 804.5 20,171 25,120 151,388 81,746 69,642 10,642 9,242


( i ) Mhow Cantt. (ii) SaterH) (00) (iii) Harniyakhedi ll (00) (iv) Oujarkheda12 (00) (v) Kodriya13 (00) (vi) Sutarkhedi14 (00)

Mhowgaoll (NM)

NtJte.-( 1) M. =Municipality.

Rural Urban


Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban


U .A. = Urban Agglomeration. O. O. =Urban Outgrowth. M. C. =Municipal Corporation. Cantt= Cantonment. Neg. =Negligible.

N. M. =Non-Municipal.

(2) Urban Outgrowth:-

779.3 12,674 13,673 25.2 7,497 11,447

10.23 6,644 10,331

10.05 6,119 9,507 0.01 213 322 0.12 40 68 0.04 103 174

Neg. 96 148 0.01 73 112

15.00 853 1,116

1 Village Rawer, L.C. No. 36 of tahsil Sawer is wholly included.

81,663 69,725


59,037 1,803

442 877 814 766


I Village Banganga, L. C. No. 19 of tahsil Indore is wholly included. a Village Sukliya, L. C. No. IS of tahsil Indore is partly included. 4 Village Khajrana, L. C. No, 57 of tahsil Indore is partly included. 5 Village Bijalpur, L.C. No. 40 of tahsil Indore is partly included. 6 Village Hukamkhedi, L.C. No. 42 of tahsil Indore is partly included. 7 Village Sirpur, L. C. No. 21 of tahsil Indore is partly included.

43,097 38,566 38,649 31,076

35,470 28,269

32,846 26,191 1,015 788

305 137 455 422 445 369 404 362

3,179 2,807

8 Savind Nagar is formed by parts of villages with L. C. No. 56 and 57 of tahsil Indore. II Village Piplaya Hana, L.C. No. 56 of tahsil Indore is partly included.

10 Village Sater, L. C. No. 19 of tahsil Mhow is partly included. 11 Village HarniYakhedi, L.C. No.5 of tahsil Mhow is partly included. 12 Village Gujarkheda, L.C. No. 116 of tahsil Mhow is wholly included. 13 Village KodriYa, L .C. No. 114 of tahsil Mhow is partly included. 14 Village Sutarkhedi, L.C. No. 117 of tahsil Mhow is partly included.

5,335 4,564 5,307 4,678

4,645 4,116

4,252 3,754 182 171 40 30 68 52 24 24 79 S5

662 562

(3) Town treated as such for the first time in 1961 Census which continues as town in 1971 Census has been sbown with an asterisk (*) on its left.

(4) Town treated as such for the first time in 1971 is Printed in Italics.

(5) The total area figure given for the district is provisional 'Oeographical Area' as supplied by the Surveyor General of India.

(6) The urban area figures are those supplied by the local bodies. (7) The rural area of the district has been derived by subtracting the urban area figures lIufplied by local bodies from

the total area figure of the district. (8) Total area figures of tahsils are aCCording to village papers as supplied by the Director of Land records.

Madhya Pradesh. Tahsilwise area figures exclude 292.4 Kml of forest area in th~ district since tahsilwise break-up is not available.

Scheduled Tribes

,--_ ..... _---, M F

11 12

307 237 100 11 207 166

203 165

196 163 I 5 2

4 1

Literate and educated persons

.. _--.A. __ ---,



WORKERS ,------_--A _______ _

(I-fX) I

Total Workers Cultivators , __ -A ___ , ,-_-A __ ,


--~-~-~-~- ----~-----~---

13 14 15 16 17 18

39,951 16,662 39,306 9,421 II ,741 2,869 15,020 3,903 21,236 8,139 11,456 2,796 24,931 12,759 18,070 1,282 285 73

23,299 12,161 16,682 1,048 175 37

21,560 11 ,297 15,732 912 85 625 317 381 69 30 15 276 80 72 7 3 297 154 158 2 8 280 184 176 23 8 4 261 129 163 35 41 18

1,632 598 1,388 234 110 36

Total Rural Urban


Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban



District/Tahsil/Townl Town Agglo.


Mhow Tahsil


( i ) Mhow Cantt. (ii) SaterlO (OG) (iii) Harniyakhedi1 (OG) (iv ) Gujarkheda12 (OG) ( v) Kodriya13 (OG) (vi) Sutarkhedia (OG)

Mhowgaon (NM)

L.e. No.





II III IV V Manufacturing, Processing,

Servicing & Repairs ,_-A_ Livestock, Forestry, ( a) (b) Fishing, Hunting & Other than

Agricultural Plantation, Orchards Mining and Household Household

District/Tahsil/Town/ Labourers and allied activities Quarrying Industry Industry

L.C. , __ .A.._---.. ,----"----, ,--"-----,_ ,__.A.._ ----, , __ A----. No. Town Agglo. M F M F M F M F M F ~-~--~----~.~--'-- ~- --_-_- -- ---- --.--~.-- ---_--- ----_ --- -- -- ~----

1 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 ---- --_---_----- --- -- ----

4 Mhow Tallsil Total 5,721 5,005 927 43 36 26 1,355 198 2,034 74 Rural 5,514 4,857 640 27 17 10 686 144 411 22 Urban 207 148 287 16 19 16 669 54 1,623 52

Mhow U.A. Urban 103 59 217 12 618 29 1,456 44

( i ) Mhow Cantt. Urban 37 19 200 12 587 27 1.351 41 (ii ) SaterlO (OG) Urban 18 18 8 4 66 3 (iii) Harniyakhedill (OG) Urban 1 1 (iv) Gujarkheda12 (OG) Urban 30 2 15 (v) Kodriya 13 (OG) Urban 2 7 6 3 2 9 (vi) Sutarkhedi14 (OG) Urban 15 15 24 14

Mhowgaon (NM) Urban 104 89 70 4 18 15 51 25 167 8





Transport, Storage &

Trade and Communi- Non-Construction Commerce cations Other Services workers ,..-_~_"-\ ,..--..A-__ --., ,..----"---, ,--..A--,

,-__ ---A. ___ --., District/Tahsil/Town/ L.C.

M F M F M F M F M F Town Agglo. No.

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2

644 19 2,439 145 2,054 28 12,355 1,014 42,440 60,221 Total Mhow Tahsil -4 198 13 549 28 257 1,508 242 21,861 30,427 Rural 446 6 1,890 117 1,797 28 10,847 772 20,579 29,794 Urban

441 6 1,756 99 1,713 27 10.202 734 18,788 27,221 Urban Mhow U.A.

420 4 1,692 97 1,548 27 9,811 685 17,114 25,279 Urban ( i ) Mhow Cantt. 10 27 58 160 33 634 719 Urban ( ii) SaterlO (00) 1 1 1 64 7 233 130 Urban (iii) Harniyakhedill (OG) 1 9 37 56 1 297 420 Urban (iv) Gujarkheda12 (OG) 6 22 2 43 77 6 269 346 Urban (v) Kodriya13 (OG) 3 5 26 34 2 241 327 Urban (vi) Sutarkhedi14 (OG)

5 134 18 84 645 38 1,791 2,573 Urban Mlwwgaon (NM)



Area of Oeeu- No. of Total Population Literate ,------village in piad HOLlse- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Schl'ouled educated Total

Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C Town/Ward! Ward in houses ,_--A._-, ,--A.-, ,--"---, ,--"--, r-- ---"-----., No. Ulbail Block Km 2 P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ' 10 11 12 \3 14 15 16

19/1 Depalpur Tah~il (Rural) 1,021.5 15,728 99,078 48,104 8,607 6 2,973 7,315 16,622 50,974 9,154 5 17,287 26,748

1 Ambalia 1,187.69 88 88 463 253 210 39 31 85 1 151 103 2 Girota 4.422.24 259 259 1,510 788 722 210 197 314 90 430 266 3 Phuhn 2,591.04 122 122 605 304 301 107 121 105 5 159 126 4 Osra 830.58 50 50 369 186 183 30 34 62 6 108 4 5 KuJala 1,178.57 50 51 338 173 165 54 48 40 9 92 6 6 Billodagarhi 627.39 60 61 369 187 182 83 87 49 6 95 4 7 Parinalwasa 1,562.71 97 97 519 265 254 47 52 93 14 154 15 8 Khanjarkheda 577 .68 31 33 194 96 98 20 21 16 1 57 I 9 Jalodiya Gyan 2,149.10 167 161 994 512 482 155 132 150 18 272 97

lalodiya Gyall 120 120 702 366 336 136 109 131 18 198 79 Kheda 47 47 2~2 146 146 19 23 19 74 18

10 Dharmat 1,594.11 143 143 873 449 424 31 20 146 23 251 9 11 Padlya 1,330.72 59 61 419 215 204 77 67 62 23 96 4 12 Ghadoda 3,578.70 163 172 977 498 479 134 136 228 14 260 210 13 TalawaIi 2,257.17 155 165 944 478 466 75 59 124 4 265 151 14 Bahirampur 635.99 133 139 783 419 364 51 34 187 48 207 78

Bahirampur 53 53 321 178 143 21 9 58 6 99 44 Gautampura Road 80 86 462 241 221 30 25 129 42 108 34

15 Sironjya 469.85 22 22 121 62 59 9 31 20 16 Runji Gautampura 3,109.87 1,066 1,144 6,3753,3653,010 433 394 .. 1,811 552 1, 634 510

Rllnji Gautampura 1,002 1,078 5,9723,1502,822 413 375 .. 1,731 547 1,523 456 Mahllrajganj 64 66 403 215 188 20 19 80 5 111 54

17 Kharsoda 1,405.54 59 59 324 171 153 12 5 29 1 97 53 18 Nogaon Khanjar 638.58 13 13 81 42 39 8 18 19 Nolana 1,373.55 87 87 468 241 227 86 69 46 8 123 89 20 Bachboda 1,715.58 108 112 625 328 297 58 60 51 3 116 52 21 Ralayta 2,169.25 113 113 677 321 350 50 66 98 8 160 9 22 Atyana 2,660.47 154 159 987 476 511 52 75 131 23 285 78 23 Akolya 594.40 24 24 118 90 88 8 11 17 4 46 10 24 Kundhara 1,008.23 47 47 307 151 156 24 27 29 1 81 27 25 Jalodiya Par 1,803.32 105 107 644 334 310 82 88 95 3 171 81 26 Bhamakheda 924.35 38 39 223 114 109 36 36 13 70 41 27 Khatwadi 1,035.19 81 81 431 220 211 48 38 52 7 124 6 28 Palasyapar 1,077.84 54 54 305 152 153 23 20 47 3 Q6 4 29 Ringanwas 293.14 15 15 99 54 45 13 39 6 30 Limbodarar 2,133.75 J07 109 561 278 283 33 36 91 9 167 53 31 Semda 1,861.32 127 131 794 407 387 83 67 123 1 237 27 32 Arodakot 1,208.29 64 70 394 181 213 28 36 48 7 117 101 33 Ektasa 1,001.29 64 69 415 219 196 14 12 24 145 105 34 Kalmer 1,391.25 99 99 552 267 285 37 51 120 7 146 41 35 Khireli 830.70 44 44 296 158 138 2 3 34 2 96 6 36 Dhanya 616.66 29 29 178 92 86 16 57 8 37 Pelampur 1,320.89 70 70 397 203 194 47 42 54 4 102 25 38 Runawda 719.76 50 50 306 156 150 24 27 29 4 77 28 3.9 Ahirwas 1,943.25 80 82 378 203 175 39 31 58 3 ]02 11 40 Karki 1,185.77 71 73 444 227 217 75 69 78 8 131 5 41 Khajraya 1,181.05 76 76 503 270 233 70 59 115 5 135 35 42 Beganda 1,72l.26 75 7S 475 239 236 37 43 87 4 120 J8 43 TamaJpur 1,174.69 43 43 227 118 109 41 43 36 1 69 26 44 Depalpur Kasba 5,675.48 27 27 160 74 86 4 3 18 37 23

, i I

-~- ~--____,.------ -- _-_-,...- -



-- --- ----~-- -_--- ---------- - -------~- -- ---- -----~ ~ - -----WORKERS


Non-Workers ,_.A.._, ,_.A..---"1 ,_.A.._, ,__A__._." ,~ ,_.A.._-, ,__..._~ ,......_..A..---, ,......_-A.---, ,~ ,......--A._, L.c.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F N. ~ ____ ._r_


17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

1,658 5,158 80 3 240 5 16 26 129 40;189 19/1 14,185 7,718 890 8 1,367 184 135 746 152 1,363 24,226

82 59 58 44 7 4 .. 102 107 179 63 187 194 2 21 5 2 10 28 2 358 456 2 84 69 67 57 2 1 4 145 175 3 43 1 33 2 19 9 1 2 78 179 4 25 2 43 3 17 2 3 81 159 5 29 41 3 8 2 2 3 1 9 92 178 6 51 84 14 2 12 4 .. 111 239 7 21 16 10 2 2 5 39 97 8

154 11 71 83 25 1 8 2 3 3 1 7 .. 240 385 9 98 5 62 7J 22 1 4 2 3 1 I 7 .. 168 257 56 6 9 12 3 4 2 72 128

164 34 9 42 2 4 1 4 .. 198 415 10 39 30 3 15 5 3 1 3 · . 119 200 11

130 94 98 115 14 6 2 2 2 6 .. 238 269 12 188 89 68 62 5 1 2 1 .. 213 315 13

63 25 28 45 12 8 1 8 2 3 28 4 44 13 .. 212 286 14 53 19 20 23 10 2 2 2 5 5 2 79 99 10 6 8 22 2 1 8 1 6 1 23 4 39 11 .. 133 187 15 8 12 11 2 1 1 1 31 39 IS

294 38 356 355 77 11 1 . . 293 52 27 16 2 270 11 38 , . 262 411,7312,500 16 267 25 335 325 71 9 1 . . 282 45 21 12 2 266 11 26 .. 242 391,6272,366 27 13 21 30 6 2 11 7 6 4 4 12 20 2 104 134 77 38 19 15 1 74 100 17 18 24 39 18 67 37 45 50 4 5 2 1 1 · . 118 138 19 98 10 58 40 9 3 2 2 4 2 .. 152 245 20

119 3 31 5 5 3 1 1 .. 167 341 21 163 4- 103 74 9 2 2 1 4 .. 191 433 22

35 I 11 9 44 78 23 56 5 24 22 1 70 129 24 95 5 69 72 6 4 .. 163 229 25 33 3 34 38 3 44 68 26 70 4 51 2 1 2 96 205 27 80 3 12 1 3 56 149 28 29 9 6 1 15 39 29 97 4 61 49 4 1 4 · . III 230 30

141 1 70 26 3 11 3 8 .. 170 360 31 50 53 32 41 9 1 25 7 64 112 32 76 59 41 29 1 27 17 74 91 33 92 2 43 38 5 2 4 .. 121 244 34 84 11 6 1 62 132 35 27 30 7 35 78 36 55 38 25 7 2 .. 101 169 37 43 22 26 11 1 79 122 38 61 33 10 2 1 1 4 .. 101 164 39

111 18 4 1 1 96 212 40 94 5 37 30 2 1 .. 135 198 41 95 20 18 3 2 .. 119 218 42 43 20 18 4 7 2 49 83 43 20 11 23 2 2 37 63 44



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Lit<:tate ,------_ village in pied House· (induding institu- and (1·IX) Acres and resi. holds tioua! and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Village/ of Town/ dentia! less population) Castes Tri,bes persons Workers L.e. Town/Ward! Ward in hOllses ,_----A.._----., (_----A..---., ,----A..---.., ,___...A.----, ,._.....__~ No. Urban BlocK Km 2 P M F M P M F M F M P

~----------~------- -.--~- -- - - - ~--~----- _-._ 2 3 4 .: 6 7 8 - 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

45 Gokalpur 2,399.17 184 184 1, III 571 540 174 163 189 33 321 87 46 Bhidota 1,939.76 93 93 531 285 246 66 45 51 3 140 14 47 Sater 1,682.67 89 89 557 284 273 85 87 45 J 141 6 48 Pitawali 1,508.26 97 97 566 278 288 65 71 89 6 160 77 49 Farkoda 2.772.39 139 139 832 434 398 47 47 129 10 248 15 50 Mendakwa, 1,924. Ql 68 68 489 2-)9 230 29 26 98 6 139 106 51 Gudar 1,063.52 72 92 570 300 270 11 18 92 5 114 36 52 Chitoda 677.78 41 46 274 135 139 46 38 41 3 68 31 53 Palsoda 997.87 20 20 101 54 47 18 2 31 3 54 Bhil Badoli 2,681. 83 159 188 1 ,111 578 533 42 37 239 32 329 248 55 Kanwasa 2,010.73 82 86 523 254 269 46 57 60 22 145 35 56 Ch.andankhedi 1,293.88 117 129 840 435 405 38 31 79 221 24 57 Jamgoda 861.93 39 39 306 167 139 21 19 40 9 85 19 58 Rudrakhya 1,212.31 108 118 647 328 3]9 42 3] 51 4 180 32 59 Karioda 1,916.32 128 210 784 395 389 62 68 129 10 216 72 60 Oeorakhedi 864.48 73 92 419 206 213 83 76 64 209 108 67 61 Sunala 2,173.33 154 154 808 423 385 53 68 149 20 232 10 62 Kai 1,714.73 122 122 679 332 347 25 25 123 16 186 63 63 Kadoda 1,095.23 64 64 445 233 212 27 21 53 6 127 78 64 Katkoda 2,152.82 123 123 707 356 351 70 62 ISO 10 222 23 65 Bardakhedi 742.54 38 38 245 123 122 42 46 H 3 70 45 66 Kakwa 1,280.63 68 69 373 193 180 34 40 88 10 104 46 67 Khimlawda 1,925.59 68 68 478 247 231 41 39 105 5 122 29 68 Jalalpura 1,293.07 72 73 468 218 250 58 56 48 6 122 41 69 Mundla Kalma 768,60 31 32 199 96 103 34 35 14 8 47 22 70 Ataheda 3,374.31 278 284 1,641 837 810 102 111 359 54 433 9S 71 Gehunkhedi 720.76 28 29 179 85 94 15 10 37 47 4 72 Ujaliya 1,015.47 63 63 496 248 248 79 78 62 9 128 51 73 Khadolya 930.04 64 69 449 234 215 71 62 52 1 128 35 74 Khandia 1,087.03 51 51 338 174 164 53 38 55 5 87 13 75 Banyakhedi 1,008.30 62 62 305 156 149 24 24 35 1 83 47 76 Shahpura 1,152.85 74 74 430 213 217 29 29 58 5 111 46 77 Arnya 1,453'86 86 88 519 285 234 47 4t 66 1 129 i4 78 Ahirkhedi 1,112.55 81 81 432 221 211 53 39 79 4 94 17 79 Badodiya 698.01 25 25 152 84 68 6 1 25 43 80 Sumtha 1,990.75 113 113 639 330 309 43 43 134 1 183 5 81 Gangajalkhedi 1,227.07 58 58 380 205 175 45 45 58 4 101 8 82 Chimankhedi 1,431.84 46 48 334 175 159 4 4 73 8 86 8 83 Nogawan Surf 1,005,66 55 55 336 176 160 7 9 43 1 88 4 84 Nandra 1,703.16 102 102 626 316 310 56 60 131 15 166 11 35 Mundipur 855.49 27 30 219 108 111 34 29 31 20 51 16 86 Dirgoda 1,782.56 91 148 863 440 423 36 35 178 14 236 150 87 Banedia 3,151.01 418 440 2,751 1,447 1,304 135 99 593 70 705 200 i8 Piploda 1,685.58 86 86 499 246 253 29 39 106 2 127 42 89 Murkheda 2,556.20 171 176 ],035 533 502 89 104 193 13 279 1 90 Hasnabad 997.50 57 57 466 236 230 7 5 67 3 117 10 91 Ushapura 1,254.84 80 80 442 224 218 19 20 110 11 122 13 92 Agra 1,733.71 117 137 659 340 319 125 132 127 10 166 103 93 Paladi 2,106.82 71 67 378 187 191 69 67 70 19 98 36 94 Mirjapur 675.67 46 46 259 131 128 57 60 35 1 69 5 95 Ambakhedi 689.27 13 14 120 67 53 6 7 27 5 33 1 96 GUlawat 836.36 51 54 318 177 141 38 27 45 8 98 18





Workers ,--A..---, ,-.-A..___" ,----"--, ,---A--.. ,-~ ,-~ (-~ ,--A....-.., ,---A....-.., ,---A--., ,---A------., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

156 4 83 1 91 96 25

167 73 58

120 46 20

190 177 75 2

166 6 57

130 5 117 6 32 1

167 4 120 8 100 66 149 17 42 24 51 1 95 4 72 19

284 16 36 1 56 53 55 28 63 2 61 2 59 5 23

107 4 60 58 67 89 28 97 24

329 19 91 23

144 I 102 8

81 2 60 50 2

38 23 58 3

122 83 42 9 45 6 41 51 67 13 33 43 13 35 20 30 6 3

69 70 48 31 29 18 16 19 35 25 49 63 60 61 40 6 47 53 13 8 52 3 20 21 43 43 20 25 38 40 20 22 59 67

9 3 38 51 44 32 23 12 51 47 38 44 50 12 25 12 19 62 32 7 23 8 9 3

53 11 23 15 95 124

J63 122 21 17 90 13 2 14 7 83 100 30 34 18 .5 5

29 15


19 29

1 4

26 4 7 1



.5 7


31 17

I 2

1 2

2 4

II 80


4 4 2


1 49

17 10

J 5

11 3

11 1

16 8 8 6

10 5 .5

10 10 8

14 I 2 3 3


9 1 2 5 2 2


7 4

9 28 8


10 9




2 4 1


2 3 3

1 4 3



4 2






8 1




4 2

1 9






3 2

8 I 6 1





1 1 7

4 21 3 1

5 4 I 3



2 I J

25 4

2 3 7 1


18 8 8 5 5

10 8 8 7 5

3 2 2 4 2 1

47 2 3 2 5 1 2 8 2

3 1 4 2 9

19 67 4


7 7 7 4 1 4

250 453 45 145 232 46 143 267 47 J 18 21] 48 186 383 .49 120 124 50 126 234 51

67 108 52 23 44 53

249 285 54 109 234 55 214 381 56 82 120 57

148 287 58 179 3J7 59 98 146 60

]9! 375 61 146 284 62 106 134 63 134 328 63 53 77 65 89 134 66

125 202 67 96 209 68 49 81 69

9 404 715 70 38 90 71

120 197 72 106 180 73 87 lSI 74 73 102 75

)02 171 76 156 220 77 127 194 78 41 68 79

147 304 80 104 167 81 89 151 82 88 156 83

150 299 84 57 95 85

204 273 86 2 7421,104 87

119 211 88 254 50t 89 119 220 90 102 205 91 174 216 92

89 155 93 62 123 94 34 52 95 79 123 96


L.e. No.

97 98 99

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146

Name of Village! Town/Ward/ Urban Block


Area of village in Acres and of Town!

Ward in Km2


Badodiya Panth 1,004.02 Nogawan 668.42 Sik andari 1 ,708 . 10 Singawda 916.34 Londiya alias Mol1ammadpur 330.09 Atawada 2,973.64 Akasoda 2,095.66 Neori 2,376.08 Chatwada 1.895.29 Jalodiya Panth 2,142.26 Harnasa 879.73 Klladl 1,059.66 Giroda 933.09 Takipura 1,676.67 Badoli Hoj 1,960.74 Chander 4,370.48 Baroda Panth 1,314.57 Shahawda 477 . 34 Uttarsi 667.40 Khanpur I ,292. 35 ShlVgarh 1,212.57 Sagdod 2.940.77 Agradi 476.61 Chiklopda 2, 109.56 Daultabad 2,194.20 Rangwasa 3,294.23 Ajanda 1,401.67 Karadiya 1,848.64 Gohan 1,581.15 Dansari 867.01 Palasiya 8(i1.09 Rawad 2,383.55 Jhalariya 1,182.58 Dhureri 1,133.11 Sanawda 1,809.08 Amli 1.328,09 Manpura 171.89 Medat 352.08 Chandkhedi 350.57 Patoda 613.80 Rambadodiya 1,674.85 Sejwani 1,933.19 Methwada 3,074.10 Osrod 862.39 Tajkhedi 306.66 Ghatabillod 1,149.54 Sangvi 960.73 Karwasa 915.19 Pirpipliya 929. 36 RanmalbiUod 1,369.34

Ranmafbillod Cliamdipuf'a


Occu- No. of Total Population pied House- (including institu-resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Sch(!duled

dential le~s population) Castes Tribes house ,--------"---., ,_J\._, 1-"----,


52 28 7')

42 17

128 123 lSl)

99 111

65 97 52 50

108 200

64 42 16 52 84

211 30

112 186 165

81 98

JOO 71 54

106 65 56

100 83 13 12 12 35 60 72

148 47 19

117 48 40 iii 72 49 23


5 6

53 314 29 214 75 471 52 316 17 105

128 758 123 688 159 941 99 622

111 725 65 452 97 686 52 329 50 371

108 662 200 1,112

64 424 42 228 16 5(>

112 317

93 567 216 1,432 30 117

112 707 189 1,034 165 99R 82 98

512 654

100 581 71 417 54 ZR2

106 680 65 367 56 320

100 553 85 497 13 102 12 76 12 88 35 236 67 448 72 472

157 975 48 258 1(j 113

121 715 49 328 40 209 62 364 72 485 49 336 23 149


IS6 112 234 157 56

392 353 481 317 367 220 343 158 182 341 583 211 110

58 101

288 732 79

358 555 546 264 333 307 217 149 355 190 174 283 268

53 39 38

130 220 240 484 }34 48

375 171 115 197 253 178



158 102 237 159 49

3A6 335 460 305 358 232 343 171 189 321 529 213 118 54

156 279 700

98 349 479 452 248 321 274 200 133 325 177 l46 270 229 49 37 50

106 228 232 491 124 65

340 157

94 167 232 158 14

8 9 II 12

25 14 35 28 30 33 15 11

74 67 142 144 42 73 43


32 55 31 15

106 110 44 4l) 29 17

67 121 105


47 49 18 28 9

41 7

36 73 54 85 92

201 210 80 62

150 rn 29 22 64 63 65 65 17 15 52 46

159 147 33 42 56 45 49 33 77 65 12 14 5 5 4 4

44 31 64 55 69 55 46 65 16 17 11 17 74 59 59 51 78 60 26 17 70 60 70 60

5 6

Li,erate and

educated persons ,_J._---.,


,..----(I-IX) Total

Workers (~ M F

13 14 15 16

41 20 62 21 7

117 139 188 9[

152 107

47 23 32 88

153 41 34 6

29 76

203 16 65

217 237

71 129 49 45 32 62 71 58 80 50 JO 8 4

39 77 81

212 43 14 65

132 3 J

47 78 71 7




1 ! 16 18 9

11 4

4 14

3 14 28 2 .3

21 21



5 5 6 5 5

1 3

27 169 22

3 2

20 4 1 7 6 1

78 56

119 91 31

227 180 240 143 179 128 171


97 178 342 138

66 29 87

146 394 41 174 267 288 145 177 152 112

81 156 93 80

154 148 30 22 23 67

110 126 251 87 26

201 83 58 93

128 86 42

30 4

23 28

1 89 ]5 13 4 5 2

21 1

19 12 97 20 4

14 87

117 13

5 67 34 53 80 37 20 40 23 48 6l 38 24 1

1 4

36 51 70 11 14 82 11 28 20 55 33 22



--------~-----------~----------- -----------------------

II nr

r- __ A ___ , r-_.A_~



IV V(a)

,'--"-', r---'---., M F M F

-----, V(b) VI VII vnr IX X

Non· Workers

r---"---"I r--..J,-.-, ,..-.--"---, ,._ft_--, ,--"---., ,·--'----,LC. M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 '23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

38 ~

39 I 80 6 37 I 24 1 82 3

110 5 173 6 57 4 82 3

113 2 109

59 33

127 2 209 11

71 4 39 11 3 55 52 63 43

194 4 26

108 175 24 173 13 97 10 88 14 92 7 92 10 35 76 2 33 4 44 31

100 12 91 23 6

12 , 44

67 :5 1

150 5 47 9 14

82 4 34 20 65 53 42 11

30 11 24 ]8

5 135 45 40 59 81 10 53 32 61 42 86 62 22 8

24 55

1 I~ 10 42 69 90 45 72 49 14 39 SO 46 31 32 46

7 16 10 16 38 63 90 38 14 60 46 36 .,.., _I

54 28 26

27 3

17 27

82 10 6



18 10 Q! v-. 16 4 9

32 67


3 43 19 42 66 30 9

39 21 39 29 20 '22


33 50 65 II

74 11 27 19 51 29 22

'2 2 ')




5 3 6


8 , -'



6 3 3



4 9

13 15 13 1 8

5 16 2 3

1 7


19 lR 9 2 5 6 '2 5

5 I 3 8


2 6

3 II '2

6 6


1 1



4 4





1 1


1 I





2 7

3 10







3 4 2 3 5

JO 10

2 4

2 3 2

15 3 2

10 33 1 4 2

15 I

12 3 4

I 4 3

5 2 3 3 2 3 7

7 5 2

78 128 97 56 98 c:8

IJ52'4 °9 66 I J I 100 2S 48 101

InS 277 102 173 320 103 241 4-17 1O.J. 174 301 105 188 353 106 92 210 107

2 172 322 108 65 170 109 85 170 110

163 309 111 2-1I 432 112

73 193 113 44 114 114 29 40 115

2 74 69 116 5 142 162 117

338 687 118 38 98 119

184 344 120 288 412 ]21 258 4]8 122 119 195 123 156 241 124 155 237 125 105 180 126 68 93 127

199 302 128 97 129 129 94 85 130

129 232 131 120 205 132

23 48 133 17 37 134 15 49 135 63 102 136

110 192 137 114 181 138 233 421 }39 47113140 22 51 141

174258142 88 146 143 57 66 144

104 147 145 125 177 146 92 125 33 52



- - - -- --- ---- --- -- ---

Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,,----village in pied House- (including instim- and (I-IXl Acre~ and resi- ho!d~ tiona! and hou<;e- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota

Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in home ,-______.}.... ,___.A..---, ,--"-----. ,__.).,_----. ,_.A.----. No. Urban Block Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F

- --- --~

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

147 Kalibillod 2,077.95 103 103 669 378 291 41 25 81 32 195 96 Kalibillod 66 66 429 236 193 41 25 74 32 122 51 Sindhipura 37 37 240 142 98 7 73 45

148 Kishanpura 679.54 18 18 98 51 47 5 2 26 10 149 Salampur 1,859.10 45 46 280 149 131 51 4 75 22

Sa/ampur 6 6 28 14 14 8 4 10 2 [nayatpura 7 7 58 33 25 8 17 Shankarpura 31 33 194 102 92 35 48 20

150 Ambapura 311 .63 Uninhabited .. 151 Kalasura 839.91 41 41 254 137 117 12 14 33 3 15 42 152 Khatediya Sarang 1,001.57 51 51 303 154 149 21 14 46 86 5 153 Badipura 167.43 18 18 132 70 62 3 7 18 2 27 20 154 Betma 1,997.41 677 853 5,121 2,6372,484 160 135 .. 1,408 559 1, 278 184 155 Mothla 749.14 36 37 220 104 116 31 41 26 8 56 7 156 Boriya 1,897.20 67 90 589 292 297 33 36 88 6 151 31 157 Borsi 1,461.23 66 73 551 290 261 71 59 74 145 31 158 Rampuria 491.55 17 20 107 52 55 5 31 27 159 Ro1ai 1,673.31 83 86 551 283 268 97 98 66 13 166 89 160 Lalendi 1,184.12 77 109 819 427 392 52 48 68 2 211 66

La/end; 40 54 376 [95 181 52 48 25 1 97 38 Pura 37 55 443 232 211 43 1 114 28

161 Aurangpura 1,643.72 126 136 819 428 391 67 52 166 11 248 48 162 Galonda 875.58 47 47 241 132 109 19 18 47 80 15 163 Pipliya Jagdu 702.17 6 6 27 17 10 11 5 7 9 2 164 Muradpura 253.27 16 16 92 45 47 16 26 5 165 RayatpLlra 1,227.16 rt2 123 635 310 325 42 48 66 9 175 47 166 Betma Khurd 2,133.92 48 53 297 143 154 20 21 41 7 71 11 167 Bhanwargarh 438.35 16 16 117 65 52 31 26 12 25 4 168 Mohna 1.524.62 33 40 239 130 109 22 12 26 63 13 169 Bijepur 1,058.12 60 63 365 187 178 30 45 69 88 5 170 Machal 1,689.72 215 220 1,287 663 624 65 70 278 45 337 122 171 Chirakhan 868.50 70 92 639 316 323 74 68 109 5 168 23 172 Dharawara 2,378.63 150 207 1,324 694 630 108 94 295 26 354 51 173 Bajrangpura 615.88 37 37 235 117 118 71 68 13 I 63 174 Dbannad 1,400.08 251 259 1,512 788 724 207 184 341 58 383 16 175 Bagoda 774.18 55 64 445 227 218 39 38 69 15 118 36



WORKERS ------------- -_.

--A. _____

I II nr IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X Non-

Work<!rs ,-__.A.._, r_.A.-, r--"---. ,~~ ,---"--, r-~ ,--"--. ,-~ ,--"--, ,--"--, ,....--"--, L.C.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2,g 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ---- ---- --- -_----- ----

54 1 122 95 :7 183 195 147 46 I 57 50 17 1 114 142 8 65 45 69 53

11 15 10 25 37 148 37 30 21 2 1 3 2 74 109 149 4 2 1 2 1 2 4 12

17 16 25 16 28 20 3 1 54 72

" Uninhabited ., 150 40 17 27 25 5 3 62 75 151 76 2 10 3 68 144 152 6 8 10 3 2 8 10 43 42 153

350 26 283 138 11 .. 156 6 29 33 . . 198 7 30 . . 187 6 1,359 2,300 154 27 20 7 3 4 2 48 109 155 85 5 50 26 8 2 6 141 266 156 87 5 44 26 3 8 2 145 230 157 13 18 27 21 28 158 74 86 88 1 3 2 117 179 159

135 51 65 11 2 1 6 5 216 326 160 55 27 38 8 1 3 3 98 143 80 1 24 27 3 1 1 3 2 118 183

117 56 40 38 12 8 6 5 13 180 343 161 42 18 13 3 3 1 2 6 .;. 2 52 94 162 2 1 4 2 8 8 163 7 14 5 5 19 42 164

97 3 52 43 14 4 1 4 3 135 278 165 37 3 15 2 1 14 8 72 143 166 11 9 3 1 4 40 48 167 30 18 5 4 6 4 7 67 96 16& 72 2 2 1 12 3 99 173 169

186 36 55 "1 _'7 5 2 59 59 4 5 10 2 11 326 502 170 114 1 28 20 16 2 4 1 1 4 14& 300 171 192 7 95 40 9 3 17 2 7 3 7 7 14 340 579 172 40 6 17 54 118 173

262 7 70 9 1 25 4 8 1 12 405 708 174 55 4 23 20 3 26 12 4 1 6 109 182 175



Area of Occu· No. of Total Population Literate ,--_ .. -village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX)

Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota) Name of Village! of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers

L.C. Town/Ward! Ward in houses ,--__.I...-~ ,_.A._~ ,--A---., ,--"--, ,_.A._~

No. Urban BlOCK Km l P M F M F M F M F M F ------- - - - -~~-~---

___ ~ __ ____________ ~~_m

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -----_-- -_-'_-- _- ~ -- ~--~~---_--- - ~-- - _-- - _- - ~ _-- _-- --_- - -- - - -- _--


19/II Depalpur (M) 0.73 1,0441,044 6,0183,1032,915 340 352 .. 1,782 689 1,420 '1.76

19/1l/1 Ward No.1 251 251 1,309 699 610 11 9 495 219 336 13

Block No.1 124 124 625 336 289 262 127 159 6 Block No.2 121 127 684 363 321 11 9 233 92 177 7

19/[[{1 Ward No.2 232 232 1,312 646 666 250 251 300 171 312 120

Block No.3 139 139 687 332 355 12 12 225 159 140 14 Block No.4 93 93 625 314 31\ 238 239 J5 12 172 106

19/Ili3 Ward No.3 220 220 1,215 622 593 12 23 363 81 284 28

Block No.5 121 121 604 314 290 8 12 188 54 148 23

Block No.6 99 99 611 308 303 14 11 175 27 136 5

19/11/4 Ward No.4 163 163 1,063 '69 494 30 31 320 105 235 30

Block No.7 92 92 534 282 252 167 90 116 18 Block No.8 71 71 529 287 242 30 31 153 15 119 12

19//1/5 Ward No.5 178 178 1,1]9 567 552 27 38 304 113 253 ~5

Block No.9 81 81 544 279 265 24 34 158 53 130 8 Block No. 10 '7 97 575 288 287 3 4 146 60 123 77



-~~~- ------~- ---- -- --------WORKERS

-"-- ------, II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X


,_--A.~ ,.-__.A.---.., ,.-• ....A.--., ,.~ ,---"--'1 ,---"---, ,--"'-~ ,---"--'1 ,. . ....A...---., ,'-"----" , __ J.-__ -., L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No,

_,"------ - - --- ---_- - ~ ---- -----------_-- --~~--------- - -~--------------~

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 -----~~------~-~~ --~--


299 72 140 106 78 6 . . 140 39 112 3 20 .. 242 11 46 " 343 39 1,683 2,639 19/11

17 39 21 33 3 1 .. lIS 5 10 " 100 5 363 597 19/11/1 3 2 9 18 62 4 9 56 2 177 283 1


14 37 12 15 3 53 1 44 3 186 314 2 27 67 76 25 6 67 29 12 2 49 1 7 56 8 334 546 19/II/2 8 3 21 5 11 2 41 1 6 48 8 192 341 3

19 67 76 22 6 46 24 1 8 1 8 142 205 4 52 2 21 7 2 . 24 7 53 15 42 .3 12 63 9 338 565 19/11/3 37 21 7 17 5 13 7 13 2 3 37 8 166 267 5 15 2 7 2 40 8 29 1 9 26 1 172 298 6 89 6 19 14 9 24 .3 4 2 19 6 63 7 334 464 19/1//4 27 3 15 14 1 16 1 4 H 4 38 166 234 7 62 3 4 8 8 2 2 8 2 25 7 168 230 8

114 64 33 9 .3 4 10 17 2 11 61 10 314 467 19/11/5 52 1 19 3 2 7 10 7 30 6 149 257 9 62 63 14 8 2 3 7 2 4 31 4 165 210 10




Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Lit~rate ,----~.-

village in pied House- (including institu~ and (I-IX) Acres and re~i- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name ofVillagcj ofTownj dential les~ population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.e. Town/Ward! Wilrd in houses ,-_"_/- ,---A...--, ,.._J,..-----., r------'---, ,_----A._ '-, No. Urban Block Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 (\ 7 8 9 10 11 . 12 13 14 15 16

19/2 Sawer Tahsil (Rural) 760.4 12,185 79,915 38,637 9,414 2,542 4,805 13,022 41,278 9,958 15,479 20,974

1 Gulawat 648.00 61 61 348 175 173 ]8 13 47 4 94 34 2 Chitoda 1,330.00 78 78 611 318 293 160 146 104 12 134 36 3 Tumani 427.00 10 ]0 69 37 32 13 3 20 3 4 Balria 1,664.00 113 113 673 346 327 72 55 148 35 171 50

BalrUJ 75 75 413 220 193 72 55 90 15 112 37 ShivPura 38 38 260 126 134 58 20 59 13

5 Magarkhedi 1.155.00 34 34 298 149 149 61 67 47 2 77 5 6 RalaroandaJ 1, 344. 00 59 59 370 191 179 75 77 65 3 90 40 7 Dayakheda 1,096,00 43 42 238 129 109 80 64 38 2 59 6 8 Nagpur 1,584.00 130 136 851 423 428 107 108 172 (I 215 49 9 Mandat 1, 108.00 82 94 564 277 287 80 85 135 11 138 70

10 Sinnod 840.00 33 33 218 111 107 19 20 38 2 58 17 11 Titawada 1,327.00 78 78 461 252 209 67 60 70 5 123 16 12 Thirakhedi 696.00 52 52 205 99 106 17 16 11 1 51 8 13 Panchola 1.649.00 128 128 583 319 264 18..1- 146 85 29 150 60 14 Malakhedi 1, 088. 00 32 32 219 III 108 19 14 43 ') 62 38 ..

Malakhedi 25 25 179 93 86 19 14 35 1 51 29 Kishanpura 7 7 40 18 22 8 1 1 J 9

15 Mukata 1,628.00 70 75 492 260 232 60 50 105 15 133 31 16 Hindoliya 539.00 78 78 507 236 271 60 61 79 4 104 43 11 Kithoda 960.00 53 53 401 203 198 119 lID 49 88 65 18 Barodiya Khan 1,970.00 137 137 773 391 382 21 20 141 23 18Z 99 19 Bawalyakhedi 943.00 60 60 342 178 164 78 81 52 3 94 48 20 LohagaJ 723.00 32 32 216 115 101 19 17 14 2 64 49 21 Shahada 811.00 58 58 368 179 189 42 43 72 1 95 54 22 Chimli 1,534.00 63 70 389 189 200 41 44 57 5 104 31 23 Panod 2,340.00 81 90 561 289 272 91 100 113 if; 137 58 24 Biloda Nayata 642.00 103 113 684 335 349 89 75 131 22 183 84 15 Siloda Khurd 587.00 15 20 139 67 72 13 17 15 33 8 26 Khandakhedi 351.00 6 11 71 30 41 25 37 8 16 1 27 Jamodi 1,541.00 94 113 704 361 343 140 145 150 12 201 4 28 Maharajganj 1,127,00 51 60 398 209 189 88 84 83 5 96 23 29 Simrol 1,631.00 101 116 671 348 323 75 83 181 27 178 50 30 Solsindi 1,386.00 44 51 291 152 139 46 46 41 79 4 31 Kudana 1,652,00 323 349 2,407 1,234 1,173 153 151 574 176 569 129 32 Surakhedi 336.00 24 28 181 93 88 26 19 35 1 50 28 33 Ugamkhedi 437.00 25 26 346 179 167 138 116 43 81 38 34 Kayasthkhedi 804.00 61 62 354 174 180 105 109 69 5 82 1 35 Gawala 1,230.00 87 90 676 339 337 58 59 126 4 162 36 36 Rawer 1,574.00 Included in urban area as urban outgrowth 0/ Sawcl' Town 37 Lalakheda 555,00 37 37 281 141 140 31 28 29 71 38 Khamod Kamalya 1,482.00 50 50 351 186 165 50 47 42 13 88 42 39, Takun 2,659.00 119 110 616 326 290 23 19 55 275 193 3 40 Bisakhedi 1,069.00 26 31 229 118 111 58 48 35 .2 67 21 41 Kamalyakheda 829.00 66 81 519 272 247 19 20 151 15 139 35 42 Dhaturia 1,306.00 91 96 623 317 306 83 77 111 3 187 28 43 Baloda Takun 3,095.00 113 141 809 413 396 121 116 136 28 212 84

44 Ajnod 2,196.00 282 381 2,329 1,199 1,130 132 149 561 82 652 121 45 Khall10d Anjna 1,134.00 98 101 603 297 306 115 122 104 13 165 70

Khamod Anjl1a 80 83 482 237 245 55 61 80 13 135 46



WORKERS --"---------------------, V(a) V(b) VI VII VlII IX X


",--,,--; ,--"----., r~ r_./~ r~ ,---"-"\ ,.-__..I....--, LC. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F N.

17 18 J9 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

11,116 615

63 2 55 4 11

88 I 47 1 41 39 1 41 4 43

127 90 23 34 68 34 I 52 2 43 20 39 20 4

70 56 3 41 22 R9 42 2 48 40 45 3 49 M-80 6

25 11 J

123 3 42 :;

133 5 4R 1

313 25 33 17 26 44


14 60 24

11+ 1 22 3 94

126 3 81 5

412 13 76 6 68 4

6,184 582 1 3,889 28

19 32 39 19

9 :3

9 5

53 42 15 41 30 13 12 12 2 28 4 1 34 36 9 14 () 50 48 18 37 47 23 17 28 14 14 17 7 86 58 17 18 11 9 6 9

48 31 43 40 38 43 2 69 99 3 49 46 15 9 41 51 25 31 20 47 54 15 3 96 78 7 7 4

67 1 49 18

32 45 2 26 3 J 99 99 13 J 2 J 1 3 7 7

23 I 3 49 35 1

857 353 153 129 34 25

5 2 7

2 I 3 4 1 1 1 4 1 2

2 2 ti 3





2 2 2 J


7 J

54 2




2 , ...

4 4


20 5 6

Included in urban area as urban olltgrowth of Sawer Town 40 14 1 2-1. 18

35 2 26 40 18 37 29 45 24

100 74 5 79 76 30 4 76 61 54 3~

12 3 (1 6

11 1 17 5 Jl I':) 5 .2 7 4 l) 3 9 3





I 2


6 4

2 2 I



1 2






18 1


1,065 .;


9 8 I 3 2

12 7

2 2 I , l

5 ..t I 7 1

.2 4 3

5 4 2



5 5

2 3 4 2 2 3

6 46 3 3

10,304 19/2 69 33,832

81 139 1 8 184 257 2

17 29 3 J 75 277 4 108 156

1 67 121 71 144 5

iOi 139 6 70 103 7

208 379 8 139 217 9 53 90 10

129 193 II 48 98 12

169 204 13 49 70 14 41 57 7 13

127 201 15 132 228 16 115 133 ]7 209 283 18

84 116 J 9 'it 52 10 84 135 21 85 169 22

152 214 23 152 265 24 34 64 25 14 40 16

[60 339 27

113 166 1$ [70 273 29 73 135 30

3 665 1,044 31 43 60 32

6 98 129 33 n 179 34

177 301 35 36

70 140 37 98 1 ~3 38

133 287 39 51 90 40

133 712 41 130 278 42 20[ 312 43 547 1,009 44 132 236 45 10] 199



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,-----village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi· holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castc~ Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in hou~es ,._---A __ , ,--....-A..---.., (.~-\ ,-A--,

,.. _ __.A.. __ -,

No. Urban Block Km ~ P M F M F M F M F M F ~ -~-----------~~---

2 3 4 5 6 7 R 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 -~. -~----~-~- --~~-~--.

Bhamod Khadan 18 18 121 60 61 60 61 24 30 24 46 Ghatgara 1i42.00 Uninhabited .. 47 Piplai 1,161.00 48 48 317 166 151 7 8 41 93 32

48 Balghara 2,146.00 69 73 487 245 242 64 57 117 12 ] 26 31 Balgharu 66 66 473 236 237 57 53 Jl5 12 120 31 Railway fail 3 7 14 9 5 7 4 2 6

49 Bhadakhedi 225.00 Uninhabited .. 50 Rangkaradla 877 .00 ti2 62 4")1

~~ 217 205 22 24 40 3 114 ]9

51 Khatediya Bajjat 662.00 55 62 390 197 193 26 32 48 1 95 5

52 Pipaliya Kayasth 1,100.00 62 72 430 232 198 57 55 90 6 ] 21 42 53 Blbikheda 748.00 51 65 334 153 181 47 52 42 7 97 33 S4 Ratankhedi 1,110.00 76 86 509 254 255 37 34 93 6 132 21 55 Hariyakhedi 740.00 25 30 237 124 113 57 47 42 8 64 20 56 Kankariya Pal 2,660.00 208 208 1,379 133 646 125 95 246 34 367 17 57 .Tindakheda 1,737.00 107 107 647 321 321i 79 75 87 12 172 60 58 Naharkheda 723.00 56 56 331 167 164 6 2 34 85 6 S9 Ajnoti 1,267.00 56 56 359 190 169 27 27 71 4 &2 60 .Tamburdi Sarwar 2,044.00 91 96 521 269 252 52 63 110 7 142 66 61 Basandra 1,826.00 106 106 696 363 333 53 37 104 15 179 47 62 MangaliYa Arniya 817.00 57 57 352 175 177 36 45 43 9 78 2 63 Kankariya Bordiya 1,893.00 91 103 628 317 31J 86 97 96 165 6 64 Khajuriya 2,001.00 92 103 531 282 249 58 44 110 144 6 65 Badarkha 797.00 73 77 443 220 223 92 90 71 20 107 51 6(j SagwaI 1,804.00 71 73 473 235 238 77 64 84 7 98 33 67 Pitawali 549.00 40 41 187 86 101 52 69 41 12 42 3 68 Baghana 2,014.00 j 51 151 1,022 527 495 J29 124 209 29 278 10 69 Mata Barodi 2,059.00 128 130 717 369 348 50 44 157 15 192 52 70 Merkhedl 427.00 28 29 190 102 88 8 15 20 54 I 71 Satlana 653.00 42 46 218 105 113 74 78 22 49 5 72 A\wasa 1.008.00 108 117 723 389 334 114 100 119 33 213 40 73 Kharwakhedi 272.00 I 2 15 6 9 3 4 2 74 Puwarda Junal'da 1,769.00 74 84 529 267 262 76 81 83 JO 14~ 8f 7~ PaliYa Haidar 1,859.00 224 281 1,574 810 764 293 291 412 129 385 129 76 Rewati 992.00 49 63 283 160 123 74 56 52 4 88 42 77 Kutnerdi 621.00 23 24 113 60 53 31 30 11 32 8 78 Jakhiya 1,024.00 62 68 401 220 181 33 30 83 23 96 9 79 Bardari 444.00 16 17 199 99 100 10 6 29 6 43 18 80 Baroli 870.00 60 64 414 208 206 85 71 72 2 87 11 81 Bhawrasala 927.00 60 65 419 232 187 19 10 75 17 93 82 Bhangya 851. 00 97 101 667 347 320 141 134 ]46 12 163 14 83 Magarkheda 1,281.00 102 82 646 336 310 98 90 90 169 24 84 Barodiya Ema 885.00 34 28 183 100 83 63 S5 24 45 18 85 Mawlakhedi 751.00 35 35 179 90 89 33 34 25 50 11 86 Muradpura 1,592.00 96 96 594 296 298 80 86 103 4 164 23 87 Ringnodiya 964.00 75 64 470 262 208 99 72 80 9 134 48 88 Solsinda 2,220.00 164 210 1,112 563 549 137 140 266 67 326 111

Solsinda 109 159 875 440 435 131 136 188 25 254 99 Dharampuri 55 51 237 123 114 6 4 78 42 72 ' 12

89 Katkya 1,586.00 16 85 493 280 213 68 44 81 4 140 63 90 Deoli 1,053.00 44 4-l- 266 135 131 86 88 19 18 1 91 Brahmankhedi 497.00 57 73 338 175 163 26 35 42 87 42 92 BaJoda 716.00 27 27 221 104 117 16 30 46 2 56



WORKERS ________________________ ~..A._ _________________ ...__~

If IH IV Via) V(b) V[ VIr vrrr IX X Non-

Worhrs ,---'~--., L.e.

;-'1 F No.

17 18 J920 21 22232425262728293031 323334- 3536 37 38

8 2 22 22

72 3 18 2q 74 1 40 30 74 1 40 30

84 28 19 79 3 5 48 5 33 33 48 5 27 26

108 10 17 9 39 24 20

238 ]2 63 5 91 9 ~3 3 81 2 3 4 38 1 38 77 14 34 48

104 3 51 35

38 33 1 91 2 62 4 55 2 62 3 52 1 34 47 47 ]0 44 23 20 2 13 1

152 2 62 ~

109 3 59 49 46 6 1 10 29 4 87 7 101 33

2 81 41 48 39

115 6 105 115 31 19 15 20 10 ]6 8

35 38 9 13 21 18 38 5 24 6 52 27 62 57 10 78 78 24 17 22 18 24 3 20 7 85 2 49 21 66 3 54 45

126 6 78 102 121 6 73 92

5 5 10 54 3 72 59 59 17 1 48 30 39 40 12

23 12




4 3 6

3 2

9 9


'2 2

I 3


Uninhabited .. I

4 f,


" Uninhabited ., I 1

9 6

4 5 2

1 16 9 48

4 4 3 2

13 4 2 4 1 9 6


35 5 3

4 5 D

3 2 9 30 1 3 28 3

4 2 1


8 2 5

14 19 2 3 6 2 2 3

18 5 5

26 1 4 18 1 8 ..f 8

3 1


2 12



4 2


5 1 .f

'2 3 1

6 7

1 5


3 27



4 I

2 3

34 4

30 1


1 2

44 4

2 3 1 2


2 2

1 6 4 2

42 9 1 1 6 4 2 2 2 7 4 4

25 3 1 4 3

2 40

2 5 6 9

3 9


3 4

41 27 14 4 2 4




30 37 46

73 119 47 119 211 4B 116 206

J 5 49

103 IlI() 50 102 ISS 51 111 156 52 56 148 53

122 234 54 60 93 55

366 629 56 149 266 57

g2 158 58 108 168 59 127 186 60 184 286 61 97 175 62

152 305 63 138 243 64 113 172 65 137 205 66 44 98 67

249 485 68 177 296 69 48 87 70 56 108 71

176 294 72 6 7 73

122 181 74 425 635 75

72 81 76 28 45 77

124 172 78 56 82 79

121 195 80 139 187 81 184 306 82 167 286 83 55 65 84 40 78 85

132 275 86 128 160 87 237 438 88 186 336

51 ]02 140 150 89

57 130 90 88 121 91 48 117 92



---~ ----~- --- - -_._ .. -- --- - -_---- .. -----------~~- -- ----~-- -- ---- -- --- .

Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,-----village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-TX) Acres and re,i· hold, tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Villatc/ of Townl dential Ie"" population) Castes Tribe, persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in bcu<e ,~. _.._.A._------., ,~ ',-'---., ( ___.A...---., ,---"----., No. Urban Block Km P M F M F M F M F M F

- --- - _- -- -- - ----- ---- - , - ~ - -- -

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 t6 ____ ~L ______ ~ __________ • ____ -- ---~- .. - - ---- ----_--------- - -------

93 Rajoda 2,089.00 lJ9 13.~ 726 397 329 86 91 91 4 198 126 94 Siloda BUZl!r~ 532.00 2~ 2g 218 111 107 25 17 13 54 2 95 Kujluna 8~9.00 23 34 224 120 104 82 68 33 49 16 96 Tarana 936.00 56 50 298 151 147 32 28 34 4 73 22 97 Darji Karadia 1,806.00 146 163 1.002 538 464 90 69 199 21 248 26 98 Lakhmankhedi 723 .00 31 26 193 98 95 66 64 51 6 43 10 99 Kadwa 825.00 48 90 655 342 313 3S 32 tOO 3 187 50

100 PatwaHedi 613.00 47 47 313 165 148 21 15 41 10 85 3 101 Brahman Pipalya 1,244.00 103 105 633 '312 321 74 75 94 19 177 79 102 Malikhedi 402.00 47 47 385 194 191 81 75 122 10 107 24 103 Shahna 1,729.00 177 104 668 355 313 126 111 116 14 157 11 104 Amlikheda 887.00 31 32 191 105 86 6 3 20 67 2 105 Khakrod 1,544.00 108 131 662 327 335 108 115 112 14 177 32 106 Jetpura 1,160.00 69 76 431 226 205 26 29 52 7 117 4 107 Todi 1,181.00 129 94 539 2S1 258 52 47 115 11 150 49 108 Ghankhedi 869.00 53 53 306 155 151 70 71 34 96 43 109 Mundla Husain 1,401.00 63 63 372 192 180 59 50 23 11 102 34 110 Gall Piplya 1,097.00 6\ 69 454 233 221 106 9S 65 5 134 44 III Jassa Karadiya 506.00 31 33 232 127 105 67 49 25 5 64 31 112 Dhabli 542.00 35 55 355 181 174 68 82 62 14 84 34 113 Padlaya Bajrang 1,046.00 46 53 308 162 146 44 34 16 1 70 114 Panchderiya 1,886.00 82 87 496 259 237 97 SI 20 119 1 115 Bijukhedi 439.00 32 36 227 121 106 36 34 13 68 30 116 Rampiplya 1,336.00 64 75 427 220 207 69 72 93 6 130 41 117 Mangali)" a Sadak 1,639.00 189 286 1,579 822 757 172 193 424 187 412 124 118 Mundlabag 529.00 11 11 89 46 43 7 17 119 Rahukhedi 755.00 16 19 96 53 43 22 18 33 7 33 8 120 Lasudiya Parmar 1,486.00 74 R3 517 263 254 79 79 97 22 146 43 121 Sulakhedi 1,246.00 ·9:-\ 98 650 338 312 80 67 125 5 153 4 122 Kadwali Khurd 2,144.00 149 160 898 475 423 108 108 211 16 213 83 123 Kadwali Buzurg 1,439.00 130 142 831 431 400 23 23 249 30 230 106 124 Bisakhedi 854.00 40 42 294 154 140 44 39 54 9 76 20 125 Faraspur 851. 00 45 51 386 200 186 47 43 101 9 104 67 126 Bhondwas 846.00 50 58 396 202 194 42 19 88 4 100 22 127 Melll.alma 1,524.00 62 73 442 232 210 81 71 118 24 126 91 128 Vyaskhedi 649.00 56 67 454 231 223 23 17 122 14 125 3 ]29 Pala~iya 1,365.00 98 108 720 382 338 38 43 196 18 216 5 130 Mandlawda 1,350.00 91 101 749 411 338 29 23 187 11 18l 5 131 Pirkaradiya 688.00 67 82 581 300 281 15 15 171 23 126 8 132 Baroda Arj un 901.00 72 72 427 195 232 38 37 86 11 109 8 133 Silotiya 551.00 46 46 320 171 149 27 23 67 9 85 3 134 Dakachya 3,177.00 355 355 2,0591,092 967 100 95 594 67 535 18 135 Barlai 3,649.00 269 288 1. 588 818 770 157 142 407 39 447 40 136 Budhi BarJai 1,105.00 150 182 995 524 471 82 71 264 81 262 31 137 PuwardaDai 2,006.00 <)~ 124 835 422 413 112 114 188 6 211 50 138 Puwarda Happa 1,580.00 110 110 672 371 301 86 64 87 4 206 24 ]39 Machhukhedi 882.00 77 86 555 278 277 '73 78 80 L2 10 140 Guran 1,433.00 154 156 1,110 560 550 121 122 217 25 270 44 141 Makodiya 2,593.00 89 93 565 272 293 66 69 85 21 142 33 142 Hatuniya 2.302.00 101 99 580 321 259 71 50 137 9 178 5 143 Barodiya Panth 975.00 45 49 280 145 135 23 29 " 41 3 81 41 144 Budhanya Panth 989.00 255 346 1,873 983 890 213 202 416 238 450 37






Workers ,.-A.----... ,.-A.~ ,--"----. ,.--A..-... ,-"-..... ,--"----. r-~ ,_A___" l--~'----, ,~,------"--, L.C M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ~- -- ---- - ----~------- ------------------------- -----------

97 30 27 43

168 3i

101 43 65 64 91 40 64 62 51 26 58 88 21 20 21 32 24 82 91 12

9 52 99

114 145 57 65 69 75 80

164 90 85 76 68

336 198 126 138 107 136 158

81 114 40 49

57 1 1

3 12

2 2 3 1

2 2


1 1

10 2

1 3


2 7 3 2


2 3

3 3

83 22 17 28 57 13 40 35 80 42 61 25 62 50 53 48 40 28 33 23 46 84 20 38

121 4

16 71 36 70 35 18 33 28 47 20 37 76 15 21 14 94

193 50 48 36 24 71 51 50 33 56

69 1

15 19 13 10 49

3 77 24 11


43 39 32 44 31 33

1 28 36


7 42

3 72

102 20 67 21 91 2 2 4 5 8 1


36 19 41 19

8 29 33 2

38 4




23 15

4 4 7

7 1




9 39

8 7

2 4








10 2 2 2 3 3

1 2 6


6 6

15 18


2 3 3

10 9 4

23 18 14 7


13 3 9



2 1







8 1 3

1 24

3 5


2 1 6 3


8 1 2














2 11 5 4 3



5 4





3 1 2 2





1 2



18 7



89 3

1 1








3 .. 199 2 57

71 1 78 9 290

55 .. 155

2 80 7 .. 135

87 . . 198

2 38 4 .. 150 3 .. 109 6 .. 131 3 59 1 90 1 99 2 63 3 97 3 92 1 .. 140 5 53 1 90

62 2 410 1 29 5 20 6 .. 117 7 1 185

13 1 262 7 1 201 1 78 2 96 1 .. 102 1 .. 106

10 .. 106 8 .. 166 5 .. 230

14 " 174 5 86 2 86

59 557 15 1 371 39 3 262 4 .. 211 4 1 165 2 .. 116

12 4 290 6 .. 130 4 .. 143

64 .. 130 21 533

203 93 105 94

88 95 125 96 438 97

85 98 263 99 145 100 242 101 167 102 102 103 84 104

303 105 201 106 209 107 108 108 146 109 177 110 74 111

140 112 146 113 236 114

76 115 166 116 633 117 43 118 35 119

211 120 308 121 340 122 294 123 120 124 119 125 172 126 119 117 220 128 333 129 333 130 273 131 224 132 146 133 949 134 730 135 440 136 363 137 277 138 267 139 506 140 260 141 254 142

94 143 853 144



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,----village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and res I- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name 0 fVillage/ of Townl dentiaI less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in house ,---A. ,~ ,~ ,--~ f__.l,.~ No. Urban Block Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Budhonya Panth 37 37 205 113 92 38 32 27 2 57 3 Budhanya Chandrawatiganj 200 271 1,491 772 719 152 155 330 197 348 34 Chandrawatiganj Rly. Station 18 38 177 98 79 23 15 59 59 45

145 Hansakhedi 967.00 37 39 313 167 146 48 44 57 2 108 24 146 Potlod 4,026.00 314 260 1,540 808 732 158 132 245 25 427 47 147 Kachhalya 3,417.00 270 298 1,868 947 921 185 181 304 37 463 76 148 Khalkhala ,2,010.00 208 117 640 337 303 85 71 210 12 207 27 149 Sawer 2,716.00 .. Merged in Sawer Town


------ ---- ---------- ____ ~_T_~

SawerU.A. 1.11 1,056 3,265 602 1,895 1,382 995 6,220 2,955 523 4 751 156

19/1 Sawer(M) 1.11 922 979 5,792 3,032 2,760 432 374 4 1,777 733 1,270 154

19/1/1 Ward No.1 179 210 1,220 660 560 30 34 426 175 286 31 Block No.1 108 108 631 355 276 3 273 131 149 12 Block No.2 71 102 589 305 284 30 31 153 44 137 19

19/1/2 Ward No.2 151 177 1,150 602 548 59 42 308 100 261 24 Block No.3 73 84 564 300 264 36 31 140 30 133 10 Block No.4 78 93 586 302 284 23 11 168 70 128 14

1911/3 Ward No.3 198 198 1,074 567 507 4 5 401 203 226 23 Block No.5 93 93 507 272 235 183 92 103 6 Block No.6 105 105 567 295 272 4 5 218 111 123 17

19/1/4 Ward No.4 206 206 1,181 601 580 210 188 4 298 177 241 33 Block No.7 106 106 596 296 300 99 91 4 160 137 113 19 Block No.8 100 100 585 305 280 III 97 138 40 128 14

16/1/5 Ward No.5 188 188 1,167 602 565 129 105 344 78 256 43 Block No.9 110 110 691 358 333 88 71 211 43 140 34 Block No. 10 78 78 476 244 232 41 34 133 35 116 9

19/1/- Urban Outgrowth 73 77 428 233 195 170 149 118 18 112 1 Rawer 73 77 418 233 195 170 149 118 18 112 2 Block No. 11 73 77 428 233 195 170 149 llll 18 112 2


SA WER (U. A.)



Workers ,--"---., ,--"---., ,-__.A,.--., ,-~ ,---"--. ,-_.A.., ,--"----.. ,-• ..A. •• , ,-_-"---., ,-~ ,---"----. L.C.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F N.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

25 1 25 2 4 2 1 56 89 24 31 2 7 60 7 34 1 11 84 3 7 90 21 424 685

1 1 3 1 39 53 79 52 1 33 23 13 5 1 3 1 59 122 145

277 12 107 33 18 1 • 4 20 1 381 685 146

283 5 82 70 1 23 14 4 25 2 29 .. 484 845 147 127 1 63 26 1 7 7 2 .. 130 216 14i

.. Merged in Sawer Town 149


286 176 34 134 94 20 195 51 392 1,883 6 57 9 3 11 70 2,799

244 6 135 5S 34 . . .. 127 9 94 3 17 . . 194 11 48 .. 377 701,7622,606 19/1

41 20 8 8 28 19 3 67 3 11 89 20 374 529 19/1/1 18 17 6 10 9 1 39 2 6 49 4 206 264 1 23 3 2 8 18 10 2 28 1 5 40 16 168 265 2 65 4 1 15 23 2 1 28 1 12 .. 111 22 341 524 19/1/2 40 1 12 14 20 1 2 44 9 167 254 3 25 3 3 9 2 8 10 67 13 174 270 4

37 3 5 1 2 28 3 8 1 49 2 16 81 13 341 484 19/1/3 14 1 1 1 12 5 25 11 34 5 169 229 5 23 2 4 1 16 3 3 1 24 2 5 47 8 172 255 6

32 13 6 9 19 6 49 2 3 32 5 5 79 14 360 547 19/1/4 13 1 1 4 10 6 34 3 15 4 3 30 8 183 281 7 19 12 5 5 9 15 2 17 1 2 49 6 177 266 8

69 3 93 39 29 16 10 18 4 17 1 346 522 19///5 42 2 50 32 22 4 5 10 1 6 .. 218 299 9 27 1 43 7 7 12 5 8 3 11 128 223 10

42 41 2 7 3 1 3 15 .. 121 193 19/1/-42 41 2 7 3 1 3 15 .. 121 193

42 .(1 2 7 3 1 3 15 .. 121 193 11



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Lj,erate ,----village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Sch~duled educated Tota}

Name of Village! nfTown! dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward! Ward in house /----"---, /...J\..-, /~ .--"-~ /~ No. Urban BloCK Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 - - -- - --- - - --- -----------~--~ '--------- --------- _-_- -----

19/3 Indore Tahsil (Rural) 891.6 20,608 63,920 12,544 66 26,125 32,137 17,718 121,595 57.675 11,433 38 5,928 7,390

1 Fulkaradiya 751.00 ';9 89 349 193 156 44 39 60 5 102 7 -2 Songir 1,346.00 55 55 427 ~6 201 126 109 61 6 120 15 3 Hltod 4,659.00 714 953 4,635 ,3602,275 439 452 .. 1,316 591 1,131 157 4 Kalmer 1,981.00 184 191 1,218 635 583 74 80 233 38 329 30 5 Gurdakhedi 280.00 33 34 220 110 110 45 41 47 2 54 7 6 Mallbadodla 447.00 41 41 235 129 106 15 9 36 3 54 9 7 Rojadi 1,448.00 n 99 626 332 294 23 15 153 II 159 23 8 Jamburdi Hapsi 3,096.00 1:6 176 1,075 546 529 85 71 191 25 258 13 9 Pipalya Tafa 380.00 19 20 94 53 41 21 1 24

10 Bangard.l Bada 2,825.00 337 426 2,445 1,2741,171 63 56 648 198 625 103 Bada Bangarda 94 104 750 319 371 55 48 II7 13 205 64 Pilter Station 83 113 637 346 291 4 2 127 8 165 23 Gandhi Nagar 160 209 1,058 549 509 4 6 404 177 255 16

11 Hi~ooya Kllurd 609.00 60 61 402 217 185 81 1 110 12 Palakhedi 1,823,00 109 120 714 359 355 109 121 117 6 203 4 13 Budh~nia 2,426.00 113 122 707 377 330 80 77 229 3 180 10 14 Limbodagari 1,887.00 118 123 705 376 329 91 86 92 4 182 16 tj Kaoirkhedi 753.00 154 292 1,422 if 806 616 316 216 6 3 293 84 404 143

Kabirkhedi 87 207 960 555 405 [80 ill 6 3 173 44 298 120 Jagannathpuri (Raidas Nagar) 67 85 462 251 211 136 105 120 40 106 23

16 Tigaria Badshah 1,788.00 101 102 640 345 2<;15 156 132 117 12 173 49 11 Narwar 682.00 3S 35 226 121 105 44 40 53 7 56 17 18 . Sukliya 1, 961. 00 259 275 1, 962.d ,043 919 404 330 385 62 552 125

Sukliya 105 115 652 345 307 178 166 134 35 171 64 Khatipura III 117 884 466 418 37 25 196 17 226 16 Sukliya 43 43 4'26 232 194 189 139 55 10 155 45

19 Gadrakhedi (Banganga) 159.00 .' Included in urban area as arban oatgrowth of Indore (MC) 20 Bangarda Chhota 2,765.00 164 173 1,127 596 531 7 7 198 17 297 7 21 Sirpur 3,086.00 487 756 3,8542,058 1,796 299 317 967 587 953 131

Sirpur 2()6 314 1,615 839 776 249 257 468 174 429 81 Huzurgallj Havai Adda (BiJa~an Road) 92 131 765 427 338 15 91 177 159 18 Hukumchand Colony (HuzlII'ganj Naya) 91 191 860 463 397 40 40 211 132 213 21 Chhotelal colony (Babu MUl'Clj Colony) 98 120 614 329 285 ]0 5 ]97 104 152 1J

11 Kordia Batdha 591. 00 Uninhabited .. 23 Ahirkhedi 1,449.00 56 80 440 235 205 52 55 106 9 135 64 24 Nawda Panth 1,635.00 83 89 503 249 254 62 55 103 6 142 46 25 Nainod 2,163.00 113 119 747 405 342 SO 59 136 18 1R8 5 26 :Bank 1,148.00 155 173 986 497 489 182 174 147 11 260 83 27 Sinhasa 1,318.00 181 214 1,140 599 541 220 203 157 16 364 121

Sinhasa 87 102 600 314 286 161 153 81 7 179 42 Jawahar Tekri 94 112 540 285 255 59 50 76 9 185 79

28 Sindoda 1,455.00 62 90 609 316 293 45 37 141 16 164 4 29 Kalaria 1,119.00 102 114 768 391 377 50 62 153 31 186 52 30 Dharnawad 892.00 63 64 445 227 218 16 14 28 1 136 8 31 Bisnawada 1,455.00 126 127 752 384 368 141 132 158 13 203 52 31 Talawali Kachra 1,087.00 58 69 434 235 199 39 29 99 7 122 44 33 R.injlai 1,443.00 67 67 440 234 206 57 46 38 8 145 42 34 Sanwalyakhedi

I 590.00 Uninhabited ..

35 Dehri 726.00 4 4 12 7 5 2 6 3 36 Narlai 970.00 71 71 449 225 224 46 S3 50 126 51



WORKERS ..A. ---,

II III IV V(a) V(h) vr VII VIII IX X Non­

V/orkers r--.A..__" ,-A.--, ,_.....JI.---, ,.....JI-.-,,.~,~ ,---"---. ,-"-, ,--"---; ,.~ ,--"----, L.C, M F M F M F M F M F M F IV! F M F M F M F M F No,

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

14,614 8,490 1,430 4,801

29 2 33 4 43 14 40

273 23 274 94 203 11 85 19 23 11 7 35 4 18 4

105 1 34 21 162 3 24 9

19 5 204 3 99 70 110 2 59 62

74 1 22 3 20 18 5 97 12

102 3 52 t 97 4 68 6 88 5 64 11 76 9 40 69 68 7 35 49 8 2 5 20

56 3 56 46 10 12 16

146 7 68 62 23 4 51 57

123 3 17 5

llS 96 80 3 3


44 80

108 82 55 50

5 93 81

109 99 52 78

2 63

2 8 8

2 4 1 1 3 2 1


n 4

119 49 42



33 25 63 32 42 39

3 58 63 23 74 55 61

2 50

3 44 40 4

53 39 4

19 19 15 4 4

44 8

46 39 42

3 48


11 25 51

3 1


3 2

9 9


17 10 7

2 22 16 3 3

15 4

6 11 13 4 3


-~- ------ --- ---------------------

235 1,243 1,865 51 149 204 208

5 512

23 (17 3 49 12 3


4 9 12

2 55 2 35 4 5

114 1 5U 2 26

3 7 5

4 11 4 205 64

.. 141 64 4 1 64 2 31

25 2 4 237 51 1 58 1 1 4 36 7

.. 143 43



t 8 1







1 5 2 3

! 1

1,224 74

.. 135


4 12

3Y 3 6


14 7 7


12 4 8

678 40

3 31



6 1 5 1

1 6 1 2


2,655 31,783 19/3 433 50,285

17 I 91 149 1 3 106 186 2

.. 203 101,2292,118 3 21 306 553 4 11 56 103 5

75 97 6 10 173 271 7 35 288 516 8

29 41 9 .. 153 25 649 1,068 10

23 174 307 55 18 1~1 26~

75 7 294 493 1 107 185 11

35 156 351 12 8 197 320 13 8 194 313 14

45 402 473 15 35 257 285 10 145 188 1 172 246 16 8 65 88 17

61 2 491 794 18 22 174 243 28 240 402 11 2 77 149

Included III urban area as urban nllfgl'Oll'th of 1mlm'e (Me) ., .. 19 1 299 524 20

31 1,105 1,665 21 15 2 7 I 5

1 26 I 1 303 31 39 2 83 3 (j I 1 12 8 118 12 20 2 40 29

3 2

79 59 86 54 18 11 68 43

5 1 53 4 7 1 4 7 1 78 9 II 2 I 54 6 8

.. Uninhabited " 2 10 5

3 9 16

15 ! --+ 2 10 1 5 42815


2 12 2 5

18 4 :I 1

.. Uninhab:ted "

6 J

4 3

21 28 15 1 30

4 5

12 14 9

5 3


3 4


I 4

21 19 6


243 71 78 62 32

II 410 695 8 268 320 9 250 376 3 177 274

" 22 18 100 141 23 12 107 208 24

217 337 25 12 1 237 406 26

" 112 42 235 420 27 27 II 135 244 85 31 100 176

5 152 289 28 9 205 325 29 4 91 210 30 5 181 316 31 8 113 155 32 5 89 164 33

.. 34 2 2 35 4 99 173 36



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,-----village in pied House- (induding institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tiollai and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Village! of Townl dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.e. Town/Ward/ Ward in homes ,_..-.A. ,---"-----. ,----"---, ,---A-___" , __ ~~

No. Urban BlocK Krn 2 P M F M F M F M F M F -_ --- -~---- ------ ------~- _- ---_- ---. - - ---------~-~

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

37 Moklai 600.00 21 21 124 69 55 3 2 45 24 38 Rangwasa 2,582.00 402 504 2,973 1,578 1,395 461 415 781 252 842 250

Rangwasa 301 365 2,2091,1781,031 459 413 555 159 618 184 Gittikhadan 101 139 764 400 364 2 2 226 93 224 66

39 Sindodi 743.00 31 . 31 179 'X7 92 22 2,0 23 48 16 40 Bijalpur 1,378.00 572 712 4,8492,516 2,333 142 118 .. 1,272 219 1,208 191 41 Sukhniwas 766.00 102 139 743 393 350 68 53 188 14 169 98 42 Hukamkhedi 787.00 36 44 155 89 66 4 5 23 5 55 18 43 Machla 1,336.00 90 90 590 330 260 149 107 148 42 156 9 44 Rau 3,643.00 907 983 5,535 3,004 2,531 452 401 .. 1,677 61l 1,429 295 45 Umri 925.00 49 49 320 163 157 44 46 38 9 83 9 46 Kelod Kartal 2,348,00 185 ] 89 1,215 603 612 141 148 201 41 295 143

Kelod Kartal 87 88 614 304 310 41 56 108 14 148 74 Tejanagar 98 101 601 299 302 100 92 93 27 147 69

4-1 Morod 2,338'00 161 }65 ],022 532 490 323 299 132 7 252 109 Morod 84 84 530 268 262 70 78 79 5 126 40 Nehru Bangram 77 81 492 264 228 253 221 53 2 126 69

48 Asrawad Khurd 2,077.00 164 169 1,083 571 512 176 99 238 37 295 96 49 Mirjapur 888'00 85 100 625 329 296 134 116 109 13 156 26 50 Mundla Nayata 1,649.00 188 216 ],298 711 587 108 88 153 }O 339 12 51 Ralamandal 1,491. 00 134 266 1,184 543 641 147 137 19 6 243 281 261 240

Ralamandal 67 82 461 248 213 66 54 19 6 89 18 118 46 Kas/lIrhagram 67 184 723 295 428 81 83 154 263 143 194

52 Limbodi 1,001.00 105 107 618 329 289 32 39 118 14 16} 102 53 Fatankhedi 817.00 9 16 71 37 34 12 8 14 7 ;4 Nihalpur Mundi 1,765.00 108 115 816 436 380 43 40 169 6 217 23 55 :Bilawali 489.00 19 20 119 57 62 14 17 20 2 32 56 Piplaya Hana 1,347.00 171 219 1,271 693 578 108 91 300 34 333 106 57 Khajrana 3, 61I. 00 542 701 4,2992,281 2,018 347 331 941 263 1,163 328 58 Niranjanpur 1,372.00 223 223 1,007 547 460 123 99 203 19 277 60 59 Nipanya 1,633.00 55 55 337 184 153 40 3 89 6 60 Pipalya Kumar 1,000.00 90 105 450 235 215 4 3 85 22 120 6 61 Bhan,arh 333.00 76 89 -'195 247 248 82 74 62 12 135 106 62 Arandia 1,062.00 64 70 433 217 216 63 46 79 37 120 37 63 KeIod Rala 909.00 90 99 664 341 323 64 71 113 22 178 74 64 TalawaIi Chanda 899.00 86 93 542 279 263 106 95 101 44 138 40 65 Mayakhedi 719.00 39 39 264 129 135 58 64 29 1 74 23 66 Lasurdia Mori 1,504.00 166 166 1,022 660 362 188 173 261 17 478 11

Lasurdia Mori 108 108 683 344 339 179 170 144 12 174 7 Chokigo do Wit 58 58 339 316 23 9 3 117 5 304 4

67 Shakkarkhedi 455,00 3[ 32 185 97 88 26 22 25 58 29 68 Balyakhedi 1,476.00 51 65 466 242 224 55 46 71 4 138 51 69 Panod 2,046.00 73 87 519 266 253 72 72 2 3 111 18 147 69 70 Nignoti 890.00 43 52 328 160 168 17 16 100 1 80 9 71 Jagmal Pipalya 1,289.00 62 79 518 244 274 45 43 76 3 129 10 72 Shakkarkhedi (Harnakhedi) 755.00 75 75 424 216 208 24 25 65 10 75 1 73 Khatipiplya 643.00 71 71 487 260 227 47 41 133 5 135 13 74 Jani 551. 00 60 60 30l 156 145 8 3 48 4 75 48 75 Jalod Keu 842.00 57 57 336 175 161 5 2 78 87 SO 76 Semalya Chau 1,466.00 ]43 146 912 485 427 162 154 212 58 211 58 77 Baroda Rara 793.00 40 44 294 151 143 7 13 67 10 82 29 78 Baroda PauIat 1,723.00 53 62 429 207 222 37 30 79 22 106 50



WORKERS ----------- ----- _----A .. ___ _


Work.:;rs ,--"----. ,-_.A..----, '-" ~ 1---"---. r---"---, , . ...11._....." r------"--~ I·.....A--.., I-...A...:, ,.------"--'I--"-~~ L C.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 1\1 F Ivl F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 -_-----

13 396 270 126 34

(>51 67 15 97

:n 58 292 37 235 21 57 3 14

47 230 26 43

18 3 9

440 3 357 36 1 40

135 8 110 94 4 50 41 4 60

140 41 55 78 7 2 62 34 53

153 25 97 96 3 48

219 51 50 1 92 45 1 56

5 36 49 46 60

7 3 176 29

15 10 110 2 81 403 107 382

20 1 151 73 2 13 88 13 32 22 77 70 4 21 60 83 20 3 88 44 4 4 69 1 49 67 1 47 2 2

18 39 82 18 41 73 9 46 53 2 21

114 4 8 53 1 13

109 2 13 56 40 11 76 46 10 92 10 54 44 2 30 58 4 33

2.4 185 143

42 13

137 53 11

253 8

128 68 60 35

35 . 68

23 11 94 45 49 55


98 174 47

4 6

83 32 73 34 18 6 5 J

29 33 58 7


11 7 4

47 27 46

1 1

26 3

4 7


5 7 7


2 11 1

10 4 1

1 5


2 5 6





3 1 4


18 11


15 6

27 18



69 I

11 2 9 3

.1 13



1 1

4 27 2

7 7

6 4 4 2 7 7 4

37 '1 8

21 15

I 6

2 52 2 3

2 13 110

2 17

J 17 3 2 1 4 8 9

II 4 7 5


41 33 119


2 7 4 :2 9 5

61 35 26




6 6


I 1 1


1 3 2 1


6 6

1 5




40 30 10

2 46 7 5 1

.. 146 2 3 1 2

3 :2 3 1

1 3 1

8 8

8 6


22 102


5 4

8 I

47 6


6 I 1 2

4 1


6 :2

1 4



I 1 3 97

1 1 1

1 3


I 7 3 23


2 I

3 2

1 206 1 5

.. 101

24 31 31 53 4 7361.145 38 41 4 560 847 12 176 ]98

39 76 39 95 26

4 41

;I 1,3082,142 40 1 224 252 41 I 34 48 42 5 174 251 43

. . 185 22 1,5752,236 44 1

13 1

n 39 34

80 1·18 45 4 308 469 46 1 156 236 3 152

30 280 30

233 381 222 159



9 2

142 138 276 416 48 173 270 49

28 372 575 50 80 145 11

282 401 51 130 167

69 145 152 234 168 t 87

3 7 23 27 219 357

25 62 5 360 472 7 1,1181,690

11 270 400 95 147

115 209 112 142 97 179


2 6

61 53 57

8 5 3 6 3 :2

39 7


3 5 1 3 2 1 2

163 249 141 223

55 112 3 182 351

170 332 3 12 19

39 59 104 173 119 184 80 159

115 264 141 207 125 214

80 97

52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

1 88 111 75 14 274 369 76 5 69 114 77 3 101 172 78



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,-----village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and res i- hold, tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Village) ofTownj dential Ie,s population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward! Ward in houses ,------"'----------, ,----A.----, ,-_A._, ,-_---A..----, ,----"---"\ No. Urban Block Km2 P M F M FM F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -~-- .~-------

79 Bhokakhedi 531.00 39 44 262 133 129 26 27 51 16 62 S 80 Garia 876.00 35 42 259 131 128 47 51 36 4 73 15 81 Khemana 1,577.00 72 72 415 207 208 92 84 74 3 100 2S 82 Bisankreda 1,,129.00 72 72 523 271 252 87 74 98 5 137 13 83 Buranakhedi 799.00 72 87 575 278 297 63 77 143 35 142 21 84 Chhitkana 331.00 5 5 87 44 43 18 16 3 22 15 85 Khatrikhedi 356.00 35 35 265 136 129 35 24 30 3 67 6 86 Upadinatha 710.00 51 51 336 114 162 49 47 64 5 85 12 87 Sahukhedi 455.00 31 34 277 145 132 25 15 27 15 66 4 88 Higonya 1,503 .00 51 51 295 155 140 57 61 58 93 16 89 Begamkhedi 485.00 46 46 317 162 155 29 18 86 3 90 9 90 Kanadia 4,195.00 330 350 2,236 1,119 1.117 234 277 500 82 657 191 91 Jhalaria 1,129.00 90 103 638 339 299 72 65 113 30 lS6 79 92 Tigaria Rao 343.00 Uninhabited 93 Garipipalya 1,585.00 127 128 767 412 355 67 78 193 13 234 23 94 Hansakhecti 901.00 76 76 589 331 258 41 34 135 60 156 10 95 Ramgarh 146.00 5 5 26 10 16 1 1 7 4 8 1 96 Ambamolya 555.00 72 74 482 248 234 24 ]7 146 13 134 41 97 Asrawad Buzurg J,562.00 106 1 J 3 664 364 300 113 106 145 21 158 26 98 Chauhankhedi 1,057.00 77 77 453 231 222 100 99 163 2 114 38 99 Bhicholi Mardana 1,383.00 112 126 898 483 415 172 133 9 5 123 245 3

100 Bhicholi Hapsi 1,504.00 97 97 786 390 396 124 131 2 3 135 18 238 110 101 Mali Khedi 748.00 23 26 150 88 62 38 27 42 33 40 1 102 Badia Keema 2,063.00 J 8 18 111 60 51 15 13 36 19 25 4 103 Deoguradia 849.00 74 83 477 240 237 68 67 114 31 82 22 104 Palda 1.166,00 236 317 1,737 949 788 223 198 1 1 431 105 420 110

Palda 120 170 951 YJ7 444 195 171 I 1 221) 63 241 19 Kumharbhatti !I6 147 786 442 344 28 27 21I 42 179 91

105 Musakhedi 918.00 164 198 1,333 720 613 181 134 343 42 339 2S 106 Dudhia 507.00 281 290 1,852 976 876 76 64 474 168 496 36 107 Umaria Khurd 1,194.20 173 173 771 402 369 54 50 97 7 199 21 lOS Sanawadia 2,286.00 147 147 980 527 453 115 99 209 35 247 25 109 Tillor Khurd_ 3,429.00 353 488 2,891-1,537 1,354 149 125 770 251 780 199 110 Iamnya Khurd 1,044.00 65 68 416 225 191 66 55 66 16 109 4 111 Bihadia 1,379.00 60 66 360 185 175 25 18 57 15 95 8 112 Kacharod 1,179.00 70 79 467 264 203 14 15 95 27 124 11 113 Tinchha 1, 134.00 22 22 135 74 61 23 23 23 5 32 6 114 Berchha 1,833.20 32 36 181 99 82 8 1 38 I 115 Dhamnay 852.00 149 149 583 299 284 78 7 200 143 116 Mundla Dosdar 1,208.00 81 81 500 269 231 83 87 125 30 138 13 117 Kapalyakhedi 681.00 21 21 126 74 52 11 9 7 37 8 118 Ujjaini 938.00 46 46 312 163 149 71 55 63 24 90 47 119 Sonway }.016.00 77 83 477 239 238 58 54 108 9 121 45 120 Songuradiya 969.00 72 72 411 219 192 82 69 65 4 116 67 121 Rajdhara 671. 00 36 36 228 119 109 52 49 24 4 64 11 122 Pipalda . 3,092.00 265 329 2,I21-J,1211,000 115 118 6 3 511 31 525 19 123 Tillor Buzurg 2,275.00 127 205 1,120 595 525 224 197 21 14 124 32 292 81 124 Jamnya Buzurg 381.00 .. Uninhabited 125 Chikatiya 438.00 .. Uninhabited

~ .....

126 - Keodiya 911.00 6 6 30 11 13 2 8 127 Ghudia 441.00 9 10 66 31 35 17 128 Sahukhedi 772.00 2 3 13 5 8 4



WORKERS _________________________ ~A

-----, I II III IV Vea) V(b) VI VII VIII IX X


,---A..--"\ ,-__.A..--., ,---"--....... ,-~ ,-~ ,-"'''-----"'I ,-_J----, ,~ ,---A-, ,-_-.J\-_ ....... ,---A----., L. C • M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

... 26 27 5 4 5 71 124 79 32 _33 13 4 3 2 58 113 W 4S 21 23 21 11 1 107 183 81 57 1 70 12 5 1 1 3 134 239 82 80 3 43 17 9 4 3 3 136 216 83 5 15 13 1 1 22 28 84

45 15 5 4 1 69 123 85 50 18 12 10 2 4 89 150 86 43 21 4 1 1 79 128 87 54 15 15 13 8 2 1 62 124 88 52 18 8 13 1 1 2 2 72 146 89

269 22 130 129 80 2 56 23 19 2 J 4 48 2 6 411 7 462 926 90 80 1 70 77 9 7 2 9 9 153 220 91

.. Uhinhabited .. 92 134 3 51 17 23 1 7 3 2 5 11 178 332 93

83 1 65 9 2 4 2 175 248 94 6 1 1 2 15 95

82 3 38 38 6 8 114 193 96 90 4 49 22 1 4 6 7 206 274 97 77 4 27 34 1 1 1 7 117 184 98

126 2 91 1 3 12 3 9 238 412 99 101 4 105 94 2 4 1 2 23 12 152 286 100 22 15 1 2 1 48 61 101 13 10 3 1 1 35 47 102 12 21 21 4 16 16 1 4 9 158 215 103 69 8 72 20 13 2 39 39 111 36 3 33 3 19 60 2 529 678 104 57 61 14 4 64 3 26 3 8 18 2 266 425 12 8 Jl 6 9 2 1 39 39 47 36 7 11 42 263 253'

157 38 21 11 6 21 3 46 14 11 35 1 381 588 105 212 3 157 28 18 9 39 2 11 18 1 31 2 480 840 106 174 20 25 1 203 348 107 144 1 56 10 16 13 7 4 8 2 10 1 280 428 108 403 34 260 135 4 27 3 9 18 18 22 5 32 7 757 1, IS~ 109

62 1 37 3 3 1 3 1 2 116 187 110 49 1 26 6 13 2 3 2 90 167 111 54 1 61 16 1 5 1 2 140 186 112 16 14 6 1 42 55 113 25 13 1 61 81 114

111 72 55 59 2 9 3 21 10 99 141 115 100 1 23 10 7 1 7 1 131 218 116 15 14 8 5 .. 1 2 37 44 117 24 1 65 46 1 73 102 118 41 3 47 39 11 4 4 8 2 118 193 119 42 67 73 1 103 125 no 34 2 18 9 8 1 2 1 55 98 121

390 4 91 14 3 21 2 4 14 1 596 981 122 ' 96 9 161 61 7 6 1 17 10 5 303 444 123

.. Uninhabited .. 124

.. Uninhablted .. 125 7 9 13 126 8 9 14 35 127

4 1 8 128


L.C. No.

Name of Villate/ T.o:vn,'W~r~/ U; 01n B ""K

Area of y;l13ge in Acre's :1nd of Town I Ward in KI~l


O,;cu- "\0. of Total Popul:ition pied Houie- (inc:ludlng instltu-res i- holds tiona, and house-dential less population) pouse ,----"----..,

P 1\1 F

LirGat~ and

Scheduled· Scheduled educated Castes Tribes persons

,....A-...., r-..J---., r----"----., M F M F M F

r-----(I· IX) Total

Workers ,-A-----.,

}'1 F ~-~----- - - --- -- ---- -- - ------~-- - -------_- - ----- ---------


129 Muhadi 130 "'1' ly:-t pura 131 K"'l1~1e1 132 P,.vJ,y 133 K I [, f,~1 Khmd 131- K :1" :: i 8 I'll rg

135 K li:'.r" d

136 ~r u 1,1'~ ,1c:karan 137 Ran ':',J;edi 138 B \[I),'a Slf\dhi 139 f-.(undi 140 Setk hedi 141 GJ;!~khedi 142 Aranya 143 Dhulet 144 Dhaturia 145 AsaktJedi 146 Ankya 147 Dill 1dallkhedi 148 B.lwal~J Khurd 149 B.lwal}a Bllwrg 150 Phali 151 Digwal 152 Gehli 153 Kakukhedi 154 Morodhat 155 Lasudlya Anant 156 Pedmi

Pedmi Jelpura Te{yak~edi

157 Semalya Raimal 158 Khandel 159 Kharadia 160 Undel 161 Shahdadeo 162 Bhingaria 163 Shiwni

SMwni Puwadlll Kheda Garhi Janakpur Ban;ari Madhakya

164 Badia Hat Badia Hat Arrlajhiri

165 Nahar Jhabua 166 Panjaria 167 - Sarolia




7, 27~.OO 3.F~.OO

, 1 • Iii Iii .11i)

1 . lJ. _: (III

1 . I \ ~ . 00

1, 7.i'j .00

1,50'l.(;O 357.00 557.00 762.00 931.).00

1,417.00 632.00 537.00 641.00 190.00 584.00 594.00 709.00 994.00 594.00 427.00

1,990.00 427.00


1,050.00 2,5l4.00 1,679.00 1,382.00

614.00 537.00



11.00 800.00 597.00


12 n 5~4

365 57

:>q 1-1[ 47 26 7~

It 25 4.l 63 43 38 40 44


34 61 85

98 5

222 157 39 26 115 103 107 38 26

391 102 22 35

125 Jl 40 16 61 51 10

7 8

14 82 39 43 24 113 56 57

66S 3. ~4 2 014 1.730 4~7 2.4'/ll,2f4 1,214

L) : ~ 1

2-7 1, 7111 1,6 1, ,.IS

51 2'11 27 209 87 525 11 61 25 1-(0

43 315 65 335 54 268 44 275 30 234 44 268

:: -~ 6 1)7<)

5S3 J59 106 277 28 80

172 176 138 148 126 137

21 15 8':::2 555 132 luJ

2-1-8 33 60

1-+3 159 130 127 108 131

Uninhahited 185 1,011 503 ,SU8

34 206 78 424 85 564

106 579 11 58

268 1,504 170 985 70 344 28 175 127 738 114 631 107 521 47 317 26 107

Uninhablkd 105 101 211 213 199 265 Uninhabited 302 277 30 28

793 711 516 469 192 152 85 90 388 350 327 304 264 257 170 147 54 53

Uninhabited 427 2,620 1,385 1,235 116 672 352 320 31 199 105 94 40 294 147 147

125 761 398 363 59 346 192 154 40 224 124 100 16 124 67 57 63 379 192 187 51 330 162 168 12 49 30 19

Uoinhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited

9 10 II ! 2 \3 14

1<;1 IH 1'7 h~

.;5 :-:2 101 ~3

CJ7 lil; 13 15

76 67 1 3

17 1-1-62 45

13 15 40 31 81 77 45 44 35 35

81 70

21 26 33 42 34 30

59 60 22 22

181 142 117 95 64 47

69 S5 6 5

21 20 44 37 9 15

177 10 18 25 45 42

2 2 7 6

20 13 18 18 67 57

5 .. 1,(\73

6~+ ;. 5

426 21,:1 47 35 86 ')

28 72 (1)

42 27 26 53


44 84 90

126 10

213 179


115 160

86 62 12

373 95 36 42

101 77 8

14 11 8 3




'15 3';

8 :1 ].

6 11 3

22 2 4 1


2 10 19

17 4

44 42


16 24 2 6


38 19


14 3

3 3

J 5

19 30 951 6~5

1:-+ 414 ::_~ 8

77 '7


45 78 96 f4 77 68 'i5


53 108 150

157 12

413 258

98 57

188 162 128 70 34

737 177 58 68

230 115 64 25

109 90 19


3 88

347 12

135 ~8 ,;6

2-+ 34

P 38 5

14 27 42 39


2 8 5

1 11

235 173

15 47 26

6 8


189 1I3

8 11 6

39 12

1 1



---, - - --------_-

WORKERS -A-_____________________ -,


Workers ,_A_, ,--A._, ,.~ ,--___.I\.._~ ,...)'--. ,~ ,...)'-------, ,~ ,~r--_)~" ,.---'----, LC M F M F M F M F M F :1'.1 F M F M F M F M F M F N'

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3ll 31 '1 J_ 33 3"1 35 36 37 38

15 3 20 43 129 8 21 3 1 26 54 130

581 14 162 57 10 71 2 21 9 12 37 3 51 2 1,063 1,642 131 392 171 143 136 2 52 34 9 6 1 29 5 649 867 132 58 51 10 9 2 .. 2 4 102 193 133

223 83 75 50 2 32 7 8 20 5 42 2 455 681 134 71 17 77 70 5 6 8 5 31 10 45 325 467 135 44 22 16 14 15 2 82 96 136 36 9 18 15 3 49 79 137

107 2 49 32 1 119 214 138 19 I 2 6 33 139 32 13 12 35 48 140 36 33 38 8 1 94 105 141 56 27 4 2 6 3 80 154 142 21 37 14 3 3 74 116 143 35 25 27 17 71 100 144 17 51 42 58 66 1..j.5 31 34 39 2 2 6 62 92 146

.. Uninhabit ~d .. · . 147 131 5 55 37 2 29 1 1 1 8 7 269 465 1..j.8

.. Uninhabietd .. · . 149 34 15 2 4 52 99 150 64 2 12 6 7 20 5 103 205 151 74 39 3 12 5 6 13 1 149 260 152

" Uninhabited .. · . 153 80 54 I 2 9 1 2 2 7 145 276 154

3 9 10 18 11 155 169 62 167 152 31 7 24 9 1 5 16 4 380 476 156 85 61 97 91 31 7 24 9 1 5 15 4 258 296 80 1 17 14 I 94 137 4 53 47 28 43

112 12 51 12 2 15 2 1 7 200 324 157 102 46 4 2 1 7 165 304 158 94 24 6 4 4 2 136 251 159 45 20 7 2 2 100 139 160 11 21 12 1 20 41 161

.. Uninhabited .. .. 162 488 73 196 101 5 9 2 6 16 8 5 1 12 3 648 1,046 163 92 44 56 56 5 4 1 2 8 8 2 1 8 3 175 207 34 21 8 1 2 47 86 38 2 17 9 4 1 8 79 136

163 66 6 1 168 357 90 25 18 12 1 3 3 1 77 115 49 2 15 10 60 88 22 3 42 57 65 1 41 3 83 186 164 53 1 37 72 167 12. .. 4 3 11 19

" Uninhabited .. .. 165 .. Uninhabited .. I 166 " Uninhabited .. .. 167



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,---village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled' Scheduled educated Total

Name of Vilbge/ of To\~n/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward In houses , _ _____.A. ,_.A.-------, ,-_---"-_, r--..A.------. ,.__""__-, No. Urban Block Km 2 P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Indore (U. A.) 58.7274,988 560,936 259,809 30,057 103 118,075 13,028 102,925 301,127 33,691 117 195,749 133,744

19/m Indore (MC) 55.8472,877 543,381 251,948 28,401 101 114,424 12,588 99,352 291,433 31,744 114 189,613 129,131

19/Ill/1 Ward No.1 2,311 2,747 13,560 7,3276,233 929 801 2 2 4,7492,5813,343 250

Block No. t 101 135 595 339 256 57 55 198 88 164 6 Block No. 2 90 113 639 340 299 182 141 146 83 150 27 Block No. 3 98 121 629 328 301 5 3 244 155 156 17 Block No. 4 74 96 514 278 246 36 29 170 106 135 3 Block No. 5 110 134 616 347 269 49 34 211 99 164 14 Block No. 6 87 120 5n 329 258 14 6 2 206 90 135 2 Block No. 7 153 183 823 446 377 95 81 24:- 108 222 11 Block No. 8 57 88 458 239 219 49 53 140 69 107 5 Block No. 9 144 165 744 387 357 70 66 238 130 199 27 Block No. 10 96 126 602 316 286 27 27 214 133 153 9 Block No. 11 105 138 647 369 278 33 17 227 136 163 5 Block No. 12 108 126 585 314 271 32 23 215 113 142 4 Block No. 13 116 135 695 376 319 90 81 238 121 165 11 Block No. 14 114 133 777 422 355 1 .. 1 302 104 168 5 Block No. 15 90 106 562 301 261 191 110 135 14 Block No. 16 98 114 592 314 278 26 33 216 139 145 14 Block No. 17 72 94 607 314 293 101 93 169 80 128 40 Block No. 18 121 124 583 315 268 59 52 160 85 138 6 Block No. 19 140 149 691 361 330 288 104 165 9 Block No. 20 109 112 558 311 247 252 167 138 7 Block No. 21 134 138 714 393 321 3 6 326 239 167 9 Block No. 22 94 97 332 188 144 147 102 104 5

19/Ill/2 Ward No.2 2,3322,761 13,032 7,173 5,8592,4012.069 8 6 3,6591,3533,392 414 Block No. 23 111 124 588 320 268 91 63 182 65 155 35 Block No. 24 117 133 621 335 286 92 74 189 52 172 21 Block No. 25 97 111 629 347 282 213 185 205 50 141 34 Block No. 26 109 122 487 274 213 72 51 137 46 135 9 Block No. 27 118 121 669 345 324 230 222 208 69 160 46 Block No. 28 102 123 632 358 274 142 ]11 3 2 186 79 15;\ 13 Block No. 29 225 257 1,217 653 564 340 300 3 3 190 97 308 44 Block No. 30 192 219 980 545 435 229 200 278 99 252 42 Block No. 31 100 123 604 321 283 234 204 173 45 147 24 Block No, 32 50 71 324 181 143\ 58 41 .. .. 87 33 84 7 Block No. B 138 171 673 405 268 55 3S 2 1 204 58 218 16 Block No. 34 96 III 498 273 225 32 23 ISO 79 128 13 Block No. 35 125 138 675 394 281 15 20 275 114 187 16 Block No. 36 107 146 567 339 228 30 21 231 103 173 6 Block No. 37 98 116 600 333 267 31 27 183 90 166 6 Block No. 38 1 ]6 139 608 328 280 15 12 196 95 159 3 Block No. 39 93 112 523 278 250 27 35 168 95 134 10 Block No. 40 97 108 555 307 248 132 117 66 16 124 6 Block No. 41 80 101 477 252 225 111 93 92 17 114 6 Block No. 42 91 115 585 303 282 182 165 114 22 14(f 36 Block No. 43 70 100 515 282 233 70 10 145 29 136 21 -

19/ Ill/ 3 Ward No.3 1,7162,03610,0895,3884,7013,7713,422 4 4 2,917 1,1122,331 503 Block No. 44 86 99 630 325 305 311 295 171 . 63 119 62 Block No. 45 96 105 590 317 273 302 265 1·84 64 132 56



WORKERS ------- ---.


Workers ,..-A.~ ,........-A._, ,-~ ,......~ ,......_,._, ,-A.-...., ,-~ ,-__,.,__,_.., ,......~ ,_J--, ,--A.--.., L.C.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38


872 582 1,222 29 2,602 48,175 3,839 31,514 10,828 34,081 167,383 107 321 57 14 779 2,181 315 1,179 205 7,870 246,781

825 506 1,144 11 2,569 46,671 3,629 30,891 10,304 32,581 162,302 19/Ill 101 285 54 1 774 2,125 289 1,148 194 7,617 239,360

15 2 2 7 12 I 14 2 2,073 92 63 2 293 16 233 1 638 1273,984 5,983 19/Illj/ 2 119 2 1 7 4 31 4 175 250 1

66 5 10 7 2 12 55 20 190 272 2 5 91 5 6 2 16 5 9 29 4 172 284 3

2 81 1 5 16 5 25 2 143 243 4 · . 120 8 4 11 2 7 21 4 183 255 5

· . 102 10 4 18 1 194 256 6 7 139 , 11 13 50 6 224 366 7 .)

3 65 3 5 15 2 5 13 .. 132 214 8 2 · . 126 13 8 18 1 9 38 11 188 330 9

1 2 103 1 16 9 21 6 163 277 10 3 89 2 2 24 15 29 2 206 273 11

1 97 2 I 13 13 17 1 172 267 12 1 .. 113 5 2 12 10 27 5 211 308 13 1 96 2 3 17 19 32 3 254 350 14 1 74 10 2 26 5 27 3 166 247 15 2 1 · . 103 8 4 4 9 22 5 169 264 16

2 3 76 12 2 6 5 37 25 186 253 17 1 121 3 2 2 5 8 2 177 262 18

94 5 23 14 3J 4 196 321 19 89 16 11 21 7 173 240 20

1 87 2 1l 15 51 7 226 312 21 22 2 12 35 33 5 84 139 22

5 2 4 3 13 1 1 50 222,313 160 90 12 228 32 136 17 552 1653,7815,445I9/Ill/2

· . 117 11 4 2 II 7 6 7 17 8 165 233 23 2 · . 123 5 2 8 3 5 ~1 12 163 265 24

.. 105 19 5 5 5 7 5 19 4 206 248 25 87 5 3 15 16 13 4 139 204 26

122 22 3 2 1 7 3 25 18 185 278 27 4 6 99 2 4 12 3 13 20 1 205 261 28

1 2 213 19 7 18 3 10 58 19 345 520 29 00 7 2 169 8 12 .. 13 4 5 44 27 293 393 30 1 00 · . 123 ]5 12 3 . . 1 3 9 4 174 259 31

1 63 5 5 7 .. 4 4 2 97 136 32 .. I · . · . 176 12 . . 7 2 5 29 2 187 252 33 1 2 2 · . 80 5 I 11 4 6 25 4 145 212 34 1 8 2 128 12 4 23 .. 7 16 2 207 265 35

.. · . 1 103 I 2 20 2 .. 48 2 16fi 222 36 1 8 · . 109 1 1 16 5 26 5 167 26. 37

· . 110 I 3 15 10 . . 21 2 169 277 38 3 · . 79 4 1 17 8 1 26 5 144 2~ 39 2 2 · . 78 2 7 12 2 21 4 183 242 40

00 .. 1 1 84 1 2 . . 5 4 18 4 138 219 41 1 1 7 3 70 6 11 2 4 .0 4 48 25 157 246 42

10 4 75 4 1 7 2 9 34 11 146 212 43 2 3 9 3 34 39 1,443 ll8 81 9 199 27 67 496 304 3,057 4,198 19/111/3

.. 66 6 3 2 8 1 5 37 53 206 243 44 3 6-l OJ 9 3 1 5 50 44 18~ 217 45



Area of Occu No. of Total Population Litelate ,---vi1lage in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Village! of Town! dential Jess population) Castes , Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Wald in hou~es , __ _____..__~ ,__.A.--., ,__.A.--., ,_--A.._-, r----'-.-"", No. Urban Block Km 2 P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Block No. 46 110 119 606 318 288 306 286 2 189 69 123 23 Block No. 47 150 ] 76 533 282 251 273 240 2 4 180 78 116 45 Block No. 48 87 91 539 274 265 272 265 164 S5 111 35 Block No. 49 96 102 561 302 259 299 256 ]44 31 110 12 Block No. 50 91 109 582 314 268 300 255 173 66 127 22 Block No. 51 93 109 624 320 304 319 303 119 73 122 68 Block No. 52 92 126 599 300 299 230 240 140 52 143 41 Block No. 53 90 108 558 297 261 167 149 175 67 141 18 Block No. 54 132 136 590 332 258 116 96 186 53 144 29 Block No. 55 90 111 618 319 299 91 83 177 Ql 146 17 Block No. 56 88 112 570 326 244 50 41 121 75 150 8 Block No. 57 108 146 583 348 235 81 55 188 72 176 14 Block No. 58 90 118 635 335 300 290 271 200 5S 151 9 Block No. 59 100 127 597 325 272 107 83 177 70 141 12 Block No. 60 117 142 674 354 320 257 239 229 78 179 n

19!1lI!4 Ward No. 4 3,3764,14220,86411,2089,6565,4344,930 7 8 5,614 2,3375,121 521

Block No. 61 102 135 673 363 310 201 173 163 53 171 10

Block No. 62 98 116 630 338 292 294 272 136 26 155 16 Block No. 63 106 129 584 316 268 261 227 111 19 147 15 Block No. 64 88 106 583 314 269 284 237 110 29 128 8 Block No. 65 90 113 609 307 302 258 250 139 30 125 5 Block No. 66 96 114 634 344 290 325 276 137 12 152 19 Block No. 67 99 116 614 322 292 190 184 164 59 151 21 Block No. 68 70 95 577 300 277 293 269 137 35 131 31 Block No. 69 89 98 557 293 264 258 240 122 18 123 25 Block No. 70 99 113 565 293 272 207 209 130 39 i43 12 Block No. 71 127 150 550 321 229 114 88 161 50 173 21 Block No. 72 92 1[2 563 285 278 273 264 58 39 123 39 Block No. 73 J 16 127 676 347 329 346 328 156 42 143 27 Block No. 74 99 124 551 270 281 264 270 107 46 121 27 Block No. 75 80 113 567 284 283 207 2]0 136 40 130 37 Block Ny. 76 108 139 650 348 302 68 56 163 67 166 6

Block No. 77 167 185 713 395 318 72 58 S 4 174 104 220 7 Block No. 78 108 127 518 289 229 130 78 110 47 154 6

Block No. 79 121 144- 565 303 262 23 14- 114- 40 160 11 Block No. 80 102 134 600 327 273 98 95 152 47 153 8 Block No. 81 128 162 627 343 284 103 88 169 56 184 24 Block No. 82 80 95 546 297 249 192 155 I2l 25 115 42 Block No. 83 110 113 585 319 266 100 89 126 113 134 13 Block No. 84 90 107 593 316 277 155 140 229 114 143 12 Block No. 85 90 108 632 339 293 127 120 20~ 87 147 15 Block No. 86 93 109 645 349 296 183 ]69 3 246 99 147 16 Block No. 87 85 108 563 308 255 133 123 186 77 145 6 Block No. 88 70 91 561 305 256 42 44 223 119 137 5 Block No. 89 132 164 869 477 392 III 98 246 130 204 6

Block No. 90 101 104 613 339 274 18 JO 261 146 157 7 Block No. 91 81 87 492 276 216 9 15 186 101 107 1 Block No. 92 99 105 604 324 280 17 12 207 116 142 Block No. 93 101 107 567 316 251 24 23 186 91 144 Block No. 94 59 192 988 541 447 54 46 3~6 221 246 22



WORKERS --.A.. _______ _ ----,


Workers ,_A.~ ,.--A..----, ,....A-...., ,....A-...., ,....A-...., ("-....A-...., ,-"---. ,.-.....1<--, ,....A..........., r~ ,--A..--., L.C.


M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. - --- - -- - -- ---- ------~-

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

7 5





1 1

1 43


4 9 I 2

1 2

2 4 6






6 I 9 2

62 76 51 75 79 91 68 97

18 105 1 75 1 101 3 109

.. 107 2 90

7 9

14 9 6

17 1 6 3 3 2 4 3


10 5

10 6 5 3


1 12 3

5 13 127 9

37 20 3,229 166 104

2 102 2 2 .. 129 11 1

92 6 10 7 96 3

82 .. 101 5

84 10 13 4 81 14 2

93 15 2 89 7 7

96 5 4 80 9 5 79 4 2 89 16 2

2 3 80 7 5 .. 113 2

122 2 11 96 3

.. 112 6

88 2 7 84 J 7 40 4 4

2 57 5 82 10 5 64 5

2 2 75 7 2 3 66 3 2

79 3 2 ., 123 2 4 2 2 123 I 1

93 1 119 128

2 192 5

4 1 3 5 1 5 6 3 8 1 4 4 4 1

13 2 12 2 5

14 5 7 19 6 9 25 2 5 30 2 6

4 12 1 4 13 6 19 1 1

17 348 24 250

15 3 2 8 5 8 2 3 2

13 5 6 3

19 1 3

10 3

16 2 11 6 12 2 1 3 2 2 1 7 6

13 2 6 14 9

5 2 372

7 3 5 16 2 8 354

14 2 27 20 15 20 27 17 22 17 30 10 19 18 19

8 2 4 1 2

2 3 17 2 8

44 15 195 265 46 25 33 166 206 47 39 18 163 230 48 20 3 192 247 49 34 16 187 246 50 23 51 198 236 51 50 38 157 258 52 20 8 156 243 53 15 I 188 229 54 37 6 173 282 55 17 3 176 235 56 18 5 172 221 57 13 1 184 291 58 28 .. 184 260 59 26 9 175 288 60

4 1,098 283 6,087 9,135 19/m/4

48 5 192 300 61 2 12 3 183 276 62

32 6 169 253 63 17 5 186 261 64 24 5 182 297 65 41 14 192 271 66 44 10 171 271 67 23 8 169 246 68 30 10 170 239 69 23 3 150 260 70 46 15 148 208 71 24 26 162 239 72 55 22 204 302 73 26 10 149 254 74 30 27 154 246 75 31 3 182 296 76 60 2 175 311 77 48 6 13' 223 78 31 5 143 251 79 44 6 174 265 80 53 15 159 260 81 61 35 182 207 82 36 4 185 253 83 18 2 173 265 84 34 10 192 278 85 31 5 202 280 86

_ 27 163 249 87 28 2 168 251 88 36 3 273 386 89 21 3 182 267 90 9 .. J69 2J5 91

20 .. 182 280 92 8 1 172 250 93

27 12 295 425 94



Area of Occu- No. of Tatal Population Literate .----village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX?

Acre5 and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers

L.e. Town/Wardl Ward in house ,___.A.. ,___._~ ;"'__A.~ ,__A.----. ,----A-___.., No. Urban Block Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 11 12 13 14 15 16

19/111/5 Ward No. 5 1,884 2,172 12,045 6,501 5,544 326 269 8 5 4,784 2,8002,800 197 Block No. 95 ]02 121 586 308 278 6 5 214 111 143 9 Block No. 96 90 105 576 320 256 35 29 245 157 142 16 Block No. 97 90 107 616 321 295 2] 16 249 157 150 5 Block No. 98 83 102 607 328 279 13 10 222 118 123 11 Block No. 99 98 121 616 347 289 285 163 153 12 Block No. 100 80 95 565 300 265 9 5 226 154 124 10 Block No. 101 95 10[ 581 311 270 7 3 228 138 130 9 Block No. 102 92 96 578 310 268 21 20 231 152 126 5 Block No. 103 98 104 623 339 284 10 18 268 152 141 3 Block No. 104 64 73 427 235 192 155 93 97 7 B!ock No. 105 t 02 135 682 350 332 23 22 283 110 168 46 Block No. 106 87 96 544 301 243 8 6 228 128 118 8 Block No. 107 110 128 645 361 284 43 23 5 2 249 123 158 9 Block No. 108 105 128 594 317 277 35 27 205 114 155 9 Block No. 109 85 94 569 318 251 31 21 3 3 242 139 127 4 Block No. 110 95 104 591 316 275 32 25 216 140 133 8 Block No. 111 113 119 743 397 346 282 184 155 2 Block No. 112 90 103 612 332 280 8 4 251 154 137 6 Block No. 113 97 106 598 319 279 18 24 246 153 149 8 Block No. 114 108 134 672 371 301 6 11 259 160 171 10

19/Ill/6 Ward No.6 1,742 2,125 10,5225,7034,819 689 617 16 17 3,2701,7222.612 266 Block No. 115 60 78 460 253 207 4 5 159 91 100 5 Block No. 116 76 98 519 287 232 7 5 16 17 180 91 118 5 Block No. 117 40 55 262 154 108 96 40 68 2 Block No. 118 ]66 169 707 402 305 201 160 190 5 Block No. 119 107 123 622 333 289 13 20 215 14J 146 10 Block No. 120 80 97 554 284 210 23 15 163 102 119 17 Block No. 121 115 140 681 370 311 73 59 195 110 176 5 Block No. 122 81 93 565 322 243 253 141 122 7 BIQck No. 123 106 119 662 334 328 69 83 236 167 1'52 4 Block No. 124 94 122 606 310 296 13 19 168 81 }52 25 Block No. 125 150 180 995 548 447 217 190 294 87 246 35 Block No. 126 58 89 368 198 170 9 8 110 49 102 20 Block No. 127 105 126 60S 323 282 60 40 162 72 148 15 Block No. 128 126 148 623 342 281 20 18 201 90 172 32 Block No. 129 104 129 661 366 295 33 32 179 75 173 33 Block No. 130 110 142 546 295 251 29 21 140 63 148 27 Block No. 131 96 115 538 280 258 72 66 142 85 138 10 Block No. 132 68 102 548 302 246 47 36 176 78 142 9

19/1II/7 Ward No.7 2.6593,274 14,042 7,655 6,387 2,0681,844 7 2 3,887 1,5503,814 309 Block No. 133 125 154 797 414 383 196 189 191 71 198 16 Block No. 134 85 99 474 254 220 126 119 132 48 113 5 Block No. 135 150 ] 94 543 334 209 45 27 194 79 210 3 Block No. 136 98 llO 492 272 220 117 107 103 11 125 Block No. 137 229 261 668 356 312 232 191 3 171 54 191 25 Block No. 138 129 167 593 361 232 37 27 202 77 211 20 Block No. 139 82 \05 441 240 201 78 81 120 55 122 9 Block No. 140 ]25 146 611 350 267 53 45 129 88 183 5 lUock No. ] 41 99 122 552 305 241 25 19 141 67 159 8 Block No. 142 114 138 593 346 247 64 42 194' 73 178 12 Block No. 143 88 130 550 293 257 122 117 168 67 156 7



WORKERS ------------- -_ .. ---------'-----

I II III IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VllI IX X Non-

Work<!rs ,.-_..A~ ,-.A.-----, r--A---.., ,._A--., r--A---.., ,-"-, r--A---.., ,~ r-A---., ,-,,----- ,--__...A..__.., L.C.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ')"' _I ~il 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ~---~----~-----~---~---~-

3 1 10 9 14 92,094 41 16 .. 145 9 144 1 373 1283,701 5,34719/Ill/5 1 98 4 14 2 13 16 3 165 269 95

1 5 116 6 9 4 11 4 178 240 96 2 2 ., 113 6 9 20 3 171 290 97

95 3 4 7 17 8 205 268 98 1 2 99 17 10 25 9 194 277 99 2 1 1 84 l3 11 13 6 176 255 100

2 2 " 107 2 6 2 13 5 181 261 101 · . 109 3 4 2 11 2 184 263 102 · , 119 1 4 5 12 3 198 281 103

83 3 2 2 9 3 138 18~ 104 72 5 4 5 21 65 41 182 286 105

,. 102 1 3 2 11 7 183 235 106 · . 118 2 1 10 2 6 22 5 203 275 107

3 4 95 1 3 15 1 12 27 3 162 268 108 .. 114 4 1 2 7 3 191 247 109 " 115 5 1 6 3 8 3 183 267 110

" 134 4 2 15 2 242 344 III

· . 114 2 3 2 17 4 195 274 112 "

109 4 8 26 6 170 271 113 1 1 7 98 2 3 12 21 28 8 200 291 114 7 1 11 20 2 32 31,701 93 60 26 245 14 138 1 398 1263,0914,553 19/III/6

2 51 2 16 1 10 18 4 153 202 115 9 66 3 28 2 5 6 1 169 227 116

39 1 11 6 9 2 86 106 117

" 155 3 2 9 4 19 2 212 300 11& 2 4 3 54 2 1 15 10 57 8 187 279 119 2 58 4 5 3 21 6 27 8 165 253 120

4 1 81 14 1 31 11 34 3 194 306 121 · . 109 3 1 3 1 8 3 200 236 122 · . 110 1 1 11 13 17 2 182 324 123

1 · . 118 3 3 6 6 18 22 158 271 124 4 7 164 14 1 9 3 17 43 18 302 412 125

77 10 2 2 11 12 8 96 150 126 · . 110 9 13 2 8 5 . 12 4 175 267 127

1 2 128 14 3 4 19 7 14 12 170 249 1Z8 1 " 109 15 6 8 18 14 25 10 193 262 129

1 1 2 95 5 3 5 16 5 4 26 11 147 224 130 94 3 16 1 4 23 6 142 248 131

9 10 83 6 6 1 4 30 2 160 237 132 68 3 20 7 37 4 1 35 142,318 117 69 1 385 22 211 2 670 1393,8416,078 19/111/7

2 4 · . 122 4 16 19 34 11 216 367 133 2 75 2 9 6 21 1 141 215 134 1 · . 185 1 2 3 5 14 2 124 20') 135

4 80 1 7 13 20 147 220 136 11 129 7 2 3 4 52 7 165 2117 137

3 2 · . 160 9 8 14 4 12 14 4 150 212 138 2 97 5 5 1 5 12 3 118 192 139 1 · . 125 3 6 31 7 12 2 167 262 140 1 8 95 4 26 9 19 3 146 239 141 3 · . 103 8 1 32 11 28 4 168 235 142 3 · . 103 3 4 15 10 20 4 137 250 143



-~~~--~~ -~---~~-~-~-------~~~---~- -_------_- ~--- -- -~~ - _-_- -----~---~

Area of Occu- No, of Total Population Literate ,------vill<lge in pied House- (induding institu- and (I-IX)

Acres and resi- holds tioml and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total Name ofVillagej of Town! dential Ie,s p::lpulation) Castes Tribes persons Workers

L.e. Town/Wardl Ward in houses ,---__,._--~ ,--"---., ,---"--.. ,_.J.. __ -, ,----"---.... No. Urban Block Km' P M F M 'F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 i4 IS 16

Block No. IH 91 115 543 270 273 168 157 117 51 132 18 Block No. 145 97 135 605 326 279 151 147 US 77 168 18 Block No. 146 93 116 624- 326 2(j8 135 137 2 196 65 167 15 Block No. 147 J19 141 615 :127 288 32 22 156 55 133 4 Block No. 148 101 133 627 3S0 277 20 23 194 66 163 17 Block No. l49 98 1[6 537 282 255 77 78 112 63 132 21 Block No. 150 40 63 275 lSI 124 76 70 8', 29 64 2 BIo..k No. 151 160 164 788 441 347 28 21 301 97 193 14 Block No. )52 146 180 857 464 393 IDS 93 267 102 224 8 Block No, 153 130 174- 668 365 ,03 71 59 ISO 68 197 15 Block No. 154 145 i72 852 448 404 101 73 124 84 222 58 Block No. 155 115 13Sl 731 380 351 2 223 103 173 9

19/ Illj8 Ward No.8 1,5691,977 10,4535,5964,857 133 97 4 3 3,838 2,1802,443 207 Block No. 156 100 118 623 344 279 257 161 158 4 Block No. 157 84 99 603 313 290 230 147 130 9 B:ock No. 158 )39 161 786 438 348 208 107 198 8 Block No. 159 95 118 642 332 3JO 28 24 183 99 158 26 Block No. 160 94 118 707 452 255 241 130 153 16 Block No. 161 119 149 858 456 402 9 6 335 146 200 19 Block No. 162 110 149 878 455 423 6 3 3 357 193 220 23 Block No. 163 94 129 627 333 294 2 251 192 156 18 Block No. 164 111 111 604 327 277 3 253 167 135 6 Block No. 165 90 109 606 326 280 276 122 136 10 Block No. 166 113 139 564 275 289 232 126 118 9 Block No. 167 92 128 572 305 267 15 19 179 86 146 8 Block No. 168 99 138 638 324 314 34 23 214 153 148 Block No. 169 90 108 649 344 305 23 13 248 142 146 23 Block No. 170 69 105 614 316 298 15 9 198 103 133 21 BJock No. 171 70 98 482 256 226 176 106 108 7

19j1IIj9 Ward No.9 1,945 2.554 13,671 7,1456,526 J48 477 .. 5,395 3,965 3,201 561 Block No. 172 ISO 198 1,117 615 502 19 21 373 287 264 32 Block No. 173 83 106 582 311 271 14 11 232 169 141 18 Block No. 174 100 131 771 415 356 4 4 314 228 201 21 Block No. 175 III 132 598 320 278 12 15 25i! 190 126 13 Block No. 176 90 100 497 250 247 1:1 18 162 142 III 12 Block No. 177 91 161 585 313 272 268 226 144 9 Block No. 178 121 168 644 353 2QI 311 218 161 18 Block No. 179 80 106 550 308 242 753 188 130 18 Block No. 180 90 125 603 326 277 273 122 148 16 Block No. 181 100 \34 569 290 279 13 19 246 210 145 20 Block No. 182 96 114 643 352 291 240 163 152 11 Block No. 183 84 122 680 369 311 300 245 221 84 121 64 Block No. 184 78 111 572 310 262 272 224 138 7 Block No. 185 97 112 570 286 284 237 215 113 11 Block No. 186 J 12 151 685 374 311 23 23 238 144 184 21 Block No. 187 81 J06 582 294 288 258 138 128 22 Block No. 188 119 149 644 362 282 286 169 175 25 Block No. 189 89 101 530 266 264 1 208 180 118 18 Block No. 190 50 73 531 215 316 8 2 172 264 100 22 Block No. 191 123 153 1,718 816 902 142 117 573 404 401 183



WORKERS _J.__ __ _

--, II TIl IV V{a) V(b) VI vn YJH IX X


r----A--, ,---"--, ,-_,'-----. ,~ ,--A---., ,_l\---., ,--'L." ,-.-'~ (.-_;'~-, ,---'"---, ,--"---, L.C M F M F M F M F .M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No,

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 13 J-l 35 36 37 38

1 8

39 18


3 3 1



2 2

7 I 3 2






1 1

10 4












1 3 3 1 5

47 2

20 9 1 3 4 5

1 1

65 6 4 7


5 3

3 4

10 4 <)





1 1






2 13


23 1 9







88 .. 125 " lOa

92 .. III

85 48 52

.. 123 81 80 59


78 2 39

.. 116 2 76

60 H 73 62 44-46 46 84

., 120 80 96 57

11 5 8

4 3 I I 2 4

29 t

64 1 2 3

12 4

2 2

1 4

15 13 4

3 604 19

1 109 2 37 1 46 7 9

25 15 16 1 39 3 25 4R 9

18 26 47 5 12 32 2 36 3 8

2 40

2 4 3 1 6 2 2 2 3 3





1 2 3 5 4

1 2 1


15 8

10 4

3 4

10 3 1


20 2 10 18 6 2 20 8 16 6 It 6 4 7 6

36 1 24 41 2 8 24 2 24

8 3 20 12

3 565 21 145 1 5 t 5 1 49 5

54 6 30 2 11 33 4 20 44 3 11 54 1 8 38 2 1 I 34 7 48 2 13 41 2 8 13 11 6 7

29 1 () 15 2 2 26 11

2 773 29 251

34 2 21 27 2 18 47 8 10 3 16 19 65 17 89 4 14 70 5 II 45 3 20 58 2 8 47 3 4 19

55 8 22 2 16 35 1 15 30 2 3 31 11 27 2 7 34 6 27 24

12 17 24 17 23 34 6

65 45 61 8[


3 471

20 26 21 19 30 66 79 35 36 23 23 29 9

25 17 13


1 78 46

1 90 1 105

67 24 42 31

1 34 39 48 89 54 38 70 68 80 41 51

1 191

5 138 255 144 5 158 261 145 5 159 283 146 2 194 284 147

11 187 260 148 17 150 234 149

87 122 150 11 248 313 151 4 240 385 152 9 168 288 153

23 226 346 154 6 207 342 155

105 3,153 4,650 19/111/8

2 186 275 156 3 183 281 157 4 240 340 158 8 174 284 159 8 299 239 160

14 2:'6 383 161 19 235 400 162 13 177 276 163 4 192 271 164 7 190 270 165 6 157 280 166 3 159 259 167

176 314 168 7 198 282 169 5 183 277 170 2 148 219 171

492 3,944 5,96519/1I1/9 26 351 470 172 14 170 253 113 19 214 335 174 12 194 265 175 10 139 235 176 9 169 263 177

13 192 273 178 12 178 224 179 9 178 261 180

17 145 259 181 10 200 280 182 63 248 247 183

7 172 255 184 9 173 273 185

14 190 290 186 20 166 266 187 19 187 257 188 13 148 246 189 22 115 294 190 174 415 719 191



Area of OCCU. No. of Total Population Literate ,.-~-----

village in piad House- (including institu· and (I-IX) Acres and tesi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scht'duled educated Total

Name of Village! of Town/ dential less popUlation) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C Town/Ward! Ward in houses ,------"-----., ,-...-A--, ,-......-A..-, r......A--, r'- ~---" No. Urban Bleck Km2 PM F MF MF M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 .-~---~-----~- -------

19/1II110 Ward No. 10 1,186 1,563 10,2565,4074,849 423 368 .. 4,026 2,608 2,238 248 Block No. 192 92 121 708 375 333 20 13 307 115 151 23 Block No. 193 14 14 555 300 255 32 22 200 119 125 13 Block No. 194 74 100 645 366 279 252 144 144 6 Block No. 195 66 97 546 291 255 6 6 197 114 124 33 Block No. 196 72 87 537 281 256 33 27 192 143 124 19 Block No. 197 64 78 537 292 245 225 152 119 11 :alock No. 198 79 87 669 346 323 278 212 146 5 Block No. 199 108 121 718 375 343 310 118 169 10 Block No. 200 80 1 \ 1 603 325 278 13 11 261 182 125 11 Block No. 201 86 109 709 378 331 272 155 ]72 4 Block No. 202 114 162 917 468 449 67 53 349 253 185 12 Block No. 203 76 84 611 316 295 134 120 201 135 124 20 Block No. 204 50 83 513 269 ,244 64 66 211 127 120 22 Block No. 205 111 177 1,186 5% 590 51 48 467 419 229 39 Block No. 206 100 132 802 429 373 3 2 304 220 181 20

19IIIl!! 1 Ward No. J1 2,128 2,771 15,441 8,430 7,011 934 850 19 31 5,435 3,144 3,658 429 Block No. 207 74 96 555 273 282 8 12 3 4 205 153 110 20 Block No. 208 12 87 564 307 257 28 18 218 142 125 7 Block No. 209 60 94 587 299 288 206 152 144 12 Block No. 210 98 133 657 336 321 4 5 260 177 155 8 Block No. 211 88 115 648 35J 297 6 261 182 153 7 Block No. 212 84 118 818 428 390 59 54 312 219 169 11 Block No. 213 50 80 567 292 275 97 88 191 156 129 9 Block No. 214 104 131 683 386 297 323 115 156 12 Block No. 215 89 107 648 347 301 10 9 221 127 154 12 Block No. 216 60 103 465 253 212 134 59 142 6 Block No. 217 115 155 784 466 318 46 43 215 87 184 19 Block No. 218 98 121 747 432 315 242 210 ]56 4 Block No. 219 109 149 655 362 293 55 47 15 14 192 85 173 7 Block No. 220 87 105 687 374 3J3 106 101 198 64 ]62 5 Block No. 221 97 113 595 332 263 55 50 185 73 144 45 Block No. 222 84 117 669 355 314 272 154 160 19 Block No. 223 22 31 776 427 349 44 26 11 11 338 140 189 39 Block No. 224 80 98 459 245 214 167 106 109 16 Block No. 22) 127 167 772 436 336 133 116 237 138 199 45 Block No 226 128 168 864 471 393 274 274 155 87 219 84 Block No. 227 118 165 810 445 365 1 317 135 215 15 Block No. 228 198 212 943 524 419 2 386 278 190 14 Block No. 229 86 \07 488 289 199 6 5 2 ZOO lOS 121 13

19/Ill/J 2 Ward No. 12 3,2134,069 21,808 11,966 9,842 1,087 989 5 .. 7,644 4,269 5,102 751 Block No. 230 103 118 606 338 268 300 123 132 18 Block No. 231 117 163 690 370 320 315 159 150 22 Block No. 232 81 105 534 271 263 119 129 127 48 127 31 Block No. 233 16l 203 1, 191 625 566 130 103 4J3 144 241 119 Block No. 234 126 164 818 425 393 359 223 180 26 Block No. 235 247 284 1,458 993 465 48 34 698 233 446 42 Block No. 236 93 112 700 367 333 18 16 227 155 159 10 Block No. 237 86 99 607 326 281 18 10 163 97 116 14 Block No. 238 117 151 729 384 345 46 32 200 71 185 11 Block No. 239 96 106 673 368 305 199 90 150 15 Block No. 240 84 101 530 286 244 150 88 125 16



WORKERS -------,---- , ___ .A. ------,


Workers r--_A._--, ,. .. A.._, ,. . ..J-.-., , • ..J......, , • .J_., (~, . ..J......, ,.-A...., ,.-A-., ,.--A-...., ,·---"-----.,L.C.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19

11 3

1 2



1 1

91 18 80

13 2 1 2

24 3 5 23 1 29 12 12 28 116

10 9



50, 29113 2

•. 51 28 27 30


1 2


4 28 2 6


28 fi8


20) 21 22 13 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

20 5


1 7



2 2

I 1 2 3

1 7

10 1 3

95 1 2 ;; 5

3 2 5 4 4 2 6



76 4 1 7 4

19 8

10 1 3 2 4

13 38

3 2

8 2






1 2 4

5 576 11 36

1 33 49 36 7

2 35 1 3 48 2 7 28 18 34 6 15 39 70 47 30 64

2 30 2 814

2 1 1 2

3 2

3 2 1 1

21 22 22 4 26 14 1 27 2 27 49 35 34 74 2 56 10 5 10 59 41 41 19 23 14 73 9 53 3 65 26 1 16 1

II 1,038 28 176 19 3 19 2 27 2 30 22 42 3 22 2 51 8

4 39 3 15 78 2 28 59 5 5 36 2 5

.. 728 58 30 47 52 36 45 73 82 23 89 43 10 23 46 71

2 754 47 33 63 54 40 59 40 54 20 28 14 8 14 10

12 37 21 14 21 16 46 78 25

21 820 39 28

7 10 17

57 26 17 10

3 16 20 16

25 164 2 11 2 18 3 9 2 11 4 12 2 3 2 2

8 12

8 15 13 14

2 19 4 9

]8 361 3 10 1 2

11 8

28 7

2 10 27 4

1 12 1 12



8 23 31 15 36 11 12 5 7

24 18 40

39 487 I 17 2 26

4 22

2 4 1 10 2 16

17 21

4 23 24

2 624 38 26 32 17 21 42 27 29 65 33 52 48 45 97 52

21,460 26 64 53 60 54 52 42 40 30 42

.. 143 .. 127

40 27 34 47

.. 114 66 97

.. 132 70

61 39

42,292 51 73 33 86 71

375 60 26 36 41 36

205 3,169 4,601 19/Ill/10 19 224 310 192 11 175 242 193 3 222 273 194

27 167 222 195 13 157 237 196 9 173 234 197 3 200 31B 198 9 206 333 199

10 200 267 200 2 206 327 201

11 283 437 202 19 192 275 203 22 149 222 204 34 367 551 205 13 248 353 206

323 4,772 6,582 19/1II/1l 16 163 262 207 6 182 250 208

11 155 276 209 7 181 3D 210 6 198 290 211

11 259 379 212 7 163 266 213

11 230 285 214 5 193 2S9 215 5 III 206 216

12 282 299 217 4276311 218 4 189 286 2[9

212 308 220 3 188 218 221

16 195 295 222 30 238 310 223 14 136 198 224 36 237 291 225 81 252 309 226 13 230 350 227 13 334 405 228 12 168 186 229

493 6,864 9,091 191Ill/12 16 206 250 230 19 220 298 23! 2 144 232 232

13 384 447 233 24 245 367 234 27 547 423 235 8 208 323 236 7 210 267 237 5 199 334 238 5 218 290 239

12 161 228 240

11 S


~--- - ---- ~--- - _c - -- - - --~----'"~.--

Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,----village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Village! of Townl dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Worker L.e. Town/Ward/ Ward in house ,____A.. __ ,

r-...JL-., ,~ ,--"---, ,--"-~ No. Urban BJork Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 ]0 J ] 12 13 14 15 16

Block No. 2-1-1 92 116 632 334 298 30 34 208 114 168 12 Block No. 242 92 137 675 372 303 3 ., 170 74 170 12 "-

Block No. 243 142 165 892 460 432 6 5 207 153 213 23 Block No. 244 98 122 71~ 379 334 4 2 4 298 229 185 35 Block No. 245 84 1]8 667 373 294 20 13 269 185 159 15 Block No. 246 78 99 675 405 270 35 45 305 127 126 31 Block No. 247 180 228 898 576 322 84 49 295 128 144 IS Block No. 248 94 118 567 310 257 25 32 219 105 137 7 Block No. 249 96 118 674 357 317 62 64 266 190 149 38 Block No. 250 72 116 772 379 393 43 46 260 220 146 48 Block No. 251 60 89 502 261 241 31 33 129 75 119 10 Block No. 252 52 65 290 145 145 106 100 8 4 80 39 Block No. 253 32 49 230 132 98 38 34 78 49 59 26 Block No. 254 61 81 492 252 240 9 12 195 156 107 14 Block No. 255 93 123 699 371 328 241 148 157 10 Block No. 256 70 90 455 238 217 201 169 106 10 Block No. 257 87 109 047 369 278 J 1 5 265 176 152 12 Block No. 258 101 137 694 363 331 19 23 244 185 184 23 Block No. 259 100 117 758 419 339 3 1 288 175 196 17 BI()ck NJ. 260 103 l32 664 353 311 100 92 156 75 161 17 Block No. 261 110 134 676 365 311 79 73 189 101 173 13

J9/Ill/13 Ward No. 13 769 1,093 7,718 4,382 3,336 299 264 3 2 3,052 1,854 1,936 91 Block No. 262 58 86 639 420 219 359 171 153 2 Block No. 263 58 85 619 338 281 190 171 3 2 235 136 124 17 Block No. 264 72 106 614 339 275 6 4 265 173 150 2 Block No. 265 108 146 859 493 366 3 2 345 216 236 11 Block No. 266 114 197 J, 193 686 507 440 262 342 8 Block No. 267 70 90 503 272 231 222 151 127 2 Block No. 268 70 90 564 323 241 6 281 194 126 15 Block No. 269 72 118 580 317 263 221 128 135 7 Block No. 270 69 86 551 287 264 94 87 94 45 135 8 Block No. 271 58 89 J.596 907 689 590 378 408 20

19jIIIjl4 Ward No. 14 1,238 1,723 9,4895,0494,440 1,313 1167 · . 2,667 1,205 2,341 146 Block No. 272 92 126 611 333 278 68 62 229 ]S7 143 14 Block No. 273 92 126 583 310 273 105 87 · . 175 87 144 14 Block No. 274 84 133 608 332 276 135 116 227 116 153 7 Block No. 275 64 106 579 308 271 70 65 208 119 159 9 Block No. 276 56 77 490 264 226 11 2 195 126 134 1 Block No. 277 lOS 141 750 380 370 80 90 186 80 175 S Block No. 278 87 105 663 337 326 256 264 149 29 150 14 Block No. 279 104 144 760 419 341 165 132 236 67 208 26 Block No. 280 92 117 639 348 291 77 56 173 60 161 5 Block No. 281 76 100 616 308 308 7 7 173 90 142 6 Block No. 282 62 80 560 293 267 66 15 143 Block No. 283 62 73 570 299 271 I 1 135 53 128 5 Block No. 284 88 120 664 357 307 145 127 173 46 171 6 Block No. 285 96 148 718 392 326 62 62 140 53 180 8 Block No. 286 78 127 678 369 309 131 96 202 ]07 150 25

191IlI/15 Ward No. 15 1,7492.31612,5746,6755,899 796 697 · . 4.269 2,461 2,872 420 Block No. 287 .. -...

Block No. 288 90 117 628 337 291 22 18 259 178 145 14 Block No. 289 101 139 640 340 300 1}5 104 147 48 161 ]9






IV V(a) V(b) VI

,~ ,~ ,--"---, ,~ M FM FM FM F

_~ __ -_-~----- _- -_--_-_-__ -------- _-- ---


...... VII VIII IX

,-A-.... ,--"--, ,----"'---. M F M F M F

X Non-

Workers ,...A-... L.C. M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

6 5


1 2 1


2 I 1 2 1


4 7 3 I


1 • -1 ..

.. 20


. ~ ..

.. ' 2


3 .. 1 ..





2 5 6 6 3


2 4 2

1 8 3 6 2 2


3 13

4 3 4


2 2 4

1 33

1 I





3 3





3 2 3

20 I 3

I 2 3

7 I


" 125

5 6

50 2 2 71

35 5 30 3 37 ]6

6 1 822

12 34 2 " I


3 5

I 8

47 6 20 3 45 2 4 14 41

4 59 50

3 480 25 46 53 75 48 J7

4 2 9

13 1 11 3 47

2 I 4 2

12 2

17 9

39 3 35 6

3 125 6 II 906 22 79 2 73 5 3 5 66 6 3

85 4 78 4 33 2 58 1 2

2 92 4 4 1 63 1 7

57 8 48 4 58 6

44 6 59 13 55 11 37 2

52 759 3() 166

26 11 3 71 :! 15

25 25 36 43 53


12 II 37

2 17 16

2 25 57 29 38 44 20 31 14 25

.. 708 96 38 48 8(1

.. 212 60 51 23 14 86

3 367 27 23 11 30 36 27 21 34 23 20

7 2-+ 41 16 27

13 634

1 46 3 18

24 2 9

15 1 23 1 14

10 19 ].5

4 6


8 10 3 :2

41 2 15

8 2 2 1 25

4 21 3 22

13 197 I -J. 2 8 1 12 4 30 4 13

4 15 23 II 77

22 323

2 15 2 13 2 21

20 45 45

3 6 5 J5 2 20 1 22

24 26 15 23

2 13 67 282

1 17 I 24

61 62

.. III 75 49 87 98


10 166 286 241 10 202 291 242 22 247 409 243 31 194 299 2-1-4 13 214 279 245 30 279 239 246 14 432 307 247 7 173 250 248

32 208 279 249 86 28 233 345 250 52 10 141 231 251 74 38 65 106 252 25 24 73 72 253 16 J2 145 226 254 33 9 214 318 255 29 42

136 80 41 63

3 451 26 31 27 35 53 40 33 37 63

2 106 616

22 35 31 26 J 8 40 23 78 46 37 46 26 42 75 70

.. 860

38 26

7 132 207 256 8 217 266 257

21 179 308 258 12 223 322 259 9 192 294 260 8 192 298 261

68 2,446 3,244 19//11/13 1 267 217 262

14 214 264 263 1 189 273 264 7 257 355 265 4 344 499 266

145 229 267 13 197 226 268 7 182 256 269 6 152 256 270

14 499 669 271 83 2.7(18 4.294 19/ Ill/ 14

5 190 264 272 1 166 259 273 4 179 269 274 7 149 262 275 I 130 225 276 3 205 365 277 4 187 312 278

16 211 315 279 1 187 286 280 4 166 302 2S1 1 ISO 266 282 4 171 266 283 1 186 301 284 6 212 318 285

22 219 284 286 256 3,803 5,479 19!11I!15

287 12 192 277 288 10 179 281 289


L.C. No.


Name of Village/ Town/Ward/ Urban Block


Block No. 290 Block No. 291 Block No. 292 Block No. 293 Block No. 294 Block No. 295 Block No. 296 Block No. 297 Block No. 298 Block No. 299 Block No. 300 Block No. 30[ Block No. 302 Block No. 303 Block No. 304 Block No. 305 Block No. 306

19/IlI/16 Ward No. 16 Block No. 307 Block No. 308 Block No. 309 Block No. 310 Block No. 311 Block No. 312 Block No. 313 Block No. 314 Blo:k No. 315 Block No. 316 Block No. 317 Block No. 318 Block No. 319 Bleck No. 320 Block No. 321

19jIII/17 Ward No. 17 Block No. 322 Block No. 323 Block No. 324 Block No. 325 Block No. 326 Block No. 327 Block No. 328 Block No. 329 Block No. 330 Block No. 331 Block No. 332 Block No. 333 Block No. 334 Block No. 335 Block No. 336 Block No. 337 Block No. 338 Block No. 3~9

Area of village in Acres and of Townj

Ward in Km 2



-~ ---~----~--~--

Occu- No. of Total Population Literate pieJ House- (including institu- and (I-IX) resi- hoids tiona I and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers house~ ,_----A_~ ,-A.-, ,-A.~ ,_-A..-, , _ ___A._~


4 5 6 7 8

116 164 680 350 330 126 126 682 365 317 112 134 685 365 320 128 168 759 377 382 90 114 641 349 292 72 109 604 305 299 90 132 643 356 287 81 108 724 402 322 58 99 596 322 274 72 99 554 298 256 76 99 669 359 310 67 91 593 322 271 70 92 574 293 281 92 124 560 301 259 99 128 723 387 336 78 111 678 349 329

131 162 941 498 443 1,324 1,7979,246 5,053 4,193

70 105 587 329 258 91 117 630 345 285 99 139 622 343 279 76 123 630 358 272

108 133 550 309 241 82 106 555 297 258 70 104 606 340 266 73 97 579 313 266 80 110 612 312 300 92 129 578 308 270 84 108 580 295 285

101 130 686 373 313 86 120 671 383 288

116 140 694 390 304 96 136 666 358 308

3,189 3,91021,716 1J ,478 10,238 106 139 726 389 337

83 99 ~54 335 319 127 148 816 426 390 62 71 521 261 260

171 192 501 256 245 94 110 553 284 269 106114634 321 313 76 90 543 293 250

112 147 668 377 291 89 101 643 364 279

104 135 701 399 302 95 126 710 396 314 71 96 623 327 296 96 123 637 337 300

103 139 629 331 298 103 139 640 309 331

24 40 331 117 214 59 64 259 144 ] 15

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

192 175 92 84

] 26 105 74 59

5 2 II 7

14 14 145 129 208 194

21 21 1 2

6 7 12 4

11 13 46 44 43 35 68 68

385 323 38 36

142 122

4 3 72 57

2 2

3 11 9

3 9 3

145 33 193 68 139 38 184 56 112 31 173 51 209 101 177 11 254 172 150 21 241 173 119 10 276 170 146 29 255 149 164 14 200 129 129 12 247 185 114 3 293 131 140 8 255 192 113 17 238 187 105 6 229 175 125 9 274 148 168 27 225 107 144 20 271 114 222 25

.. 3,5422,280 2,167 143 278 165 112 10 262 129 139 14 256 159 167 18 285 155 144 8

77 99 146 13 226 120 126 5 286 170 128 10 230 142 126 5 237 190 124 4 270 199 125 9 211 145 124 6 243 128 181 9 247 129 180 3 131 144 196 17 303 206 149 12

1 7,8485,0474,861 533 285 184 185 24 218 136 124 314 204 177 13 178 131 110 1 160 87 129 10 138 46 104 93 218 143 142 32 158 107 122 1 171 79 170 11 304 208 122 15 302 201 141 10 324 221 161 6 266 111 141 8 243 184 143 7 160 74 142 8 240 238 122 35

67 145 53 26 69 25 72 21




I II III IV ------------------------ -------------.,

V\a) V~b) VI' Vll Vlll IX X Non-


r----'-~ ,-__A,,~ ,-_..A.----, ,-__)....____, r_J~ f--"--' ,_.A.._--. ,---'-----.., ,---"-----, ,-~'---. ,----"-- --. L C .M F M F M F M F 1\1 F M F \1 F :-"1 F M F M F M F N

l7 18 19 20 21 22 13 2-1 25 26 27 2K 2'1 jll 31 32 33 3-1 3.) 311 37 3~

3 1 57 7 29 7 30 12 22 51 35 157 262 290

19 9 25 4 53 1 38 10 7 42 32 181 261 291 4 1 52 5 18 1 27 8 19 51 36 192 269 292

4 45 1 8 37 2 10 73 8 200 371 293

3 4 6 46 2 1 35 11 49 13 199 271 294 10 27 1 33 3 9 39 7 186 289 295

I 20 9 30 2 1 34 19 41 15 210 258 296 2 30 10 32 1 15 27 57 4 238 308 297

3 2 2 53 3 27 6 38 7 193 262 298 1 7 2 20 20 7 56 3 184 253 299

3 3 21 39 14 60 8 2.19 302 300 " 14 3 38 2 21 34 14 209 254 301

4 16 2 48 15 20 6 188 275 302 34 2 2 29 15 44 7 176 250 303

1 13 2 54 4 43 17 12 40 7 219 309 304 1 5 3 62 4 35 8 6 31 9 205 309 305 2 74 13 42 2 21 70 23 276 418 306

12 1 6 27 1 72 5 656 20 55 .. 419 24 248 1 678 85 2,8854,050 19/Ill/16 1 35 2 17 1 10 48 7 217 248 307 2 4 52 6 1 28 4 16 36 4 206 271 308

1 21 2 55 3 4 28 7 16 42 6 176 261 309 3 35 3 1 29 22 53 5 214 264 310

6 2 49 2 4 39 2 18 34 2 163 228 311 54 9 18 8 36 5 171 253 312

1 36 2 6 18 15 51 6 212 256 313 8 3 28 2 29 2 23 33 3 187 261 314

1 1 41- 4 28 10 36 3 188 296 315 2 1 28 2 26 11 55 9 183 261 316

6 2 39 9 15 15 40 4 171 279 3]7 69 4 54 17 36 8 192 30~ 318

1 11 44 5 32 25' 62 3 203 285 319 4 29 39 34 5 29 60 10 194 287 320

3 2 49 2 24 1 13 1 56 10 209 296 321 108 2 55 38 85 25 16 766 36 157 131,742 33 473 41,450 391 6,6179,7(/5 19/1IIj17

3 1 3 31 2 10 5 59 1 22 57 14 204 313 322 2 6 4 17 73 8 14 211 319 323

7 32 2 95 13 2 35 4 249 377 324 16 68 10 16 1 151 259 325

3 3 7 20 2 3 33 23 44 1 127 235 326 1 11 91 93 180 176 327

2 28 8 6 33 14 59 24 179 281 328 4 19 4 58 7 29 171 249 329

63 10 23 3 17 56 7 207 280 330 11 20 11 78 15 242 264 331

3 22 4 45 12 54 9 258 292 332 1 16 6 95 12 31 6 235 308 333 1 19 2 66 3 36 17 5 186 288 334

7 8 14 5 30 1 42 37 5 194 293 335 18 50 2 5 7 3 10 52 3 189 290 336 2 15 1 4 35 2 3 62 32 187 296 337 5 6 1 18 7 5 16 19 64 188 338

3 2 12 S 13 8 5 31 13 72 94 339



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population L1,erate r village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.e. Town/Ward/ Ward in house ( _ __A._~ ,-.....)'----1 (~ ,.--A.----., ,-----"---., No. Urban Block Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 ------~

Block No. 340 132 166 789 429 360 3 341 255 168 10

Block No. 341 90 129 682 356 326 275 115 150 9 Block No. 342 95 98 750 381 369 35 24 238 189 170 16 Block No. 343 85 tOl 614 326 288 289 218 140 12 Block No. 344 58 82 675 344 331 7 6 295 244 130 8 Block No. 345 106 134 734 393 341 11 6 270 189 171 39 Block No. 346 92 113 717 400 317 21 18 230 85 160 18 Block No. 347 195 223 1,189 636 553 3 318 191 288 ' 33 Block No. 348 125 147 688 379 309 308 82 145 9 Block No. 349 80 99 603 332 271 256 145 122 7 Block No. 350 93 125 918 4Q9 419 366 236 224 41 Block No. 351 87 107 656 333 323 211 151 146 2 Block No. 352 86 96 625 324 301 194 146 149 Block No. 353 82 108 666 346 320 18 18 237 167 150 4 Block No. 354 102 109 621 334 287 11 8 205 110 188 4

19/Ill/18 Ward No. 18 1,3901,761 10,9366,4154,521 215 153 .. 4,4522,638 2,258 287 Block No. 355 109 139 702 374 328 284 195 177 21 Block No. 356 97 130 666 328 338 272 157 153 23 Block No. 357 78 98 609 316 293 9 7 258 202 134 18 Block No. 358 92 127 609 321 288 246 171 141 17 Block No. 359 11 25 525 267 258 225 188 120 18 Block No. 360 125 155 754 389 365 39 45 271 157 193 22 Block No. 361 86 92 521 282 239 28 14 197 128 111 25 Block No. 362 74 96 588 302 286 17 13 239 149 121 10 Block No. 363 118 129 590 308 282 3 3 258 18~ 141 17 Block No. 364 96 125 595 318 277 61 51 206 123 128 7 Block No. 365 97 113 673 367 306 282 207 163 11 Block No. 366 96 127 646 352 294 287 225 146 16 Block No. 367 110 135 640 339 301 12 12 268 200 149 30 Block No. 368 11 12 1,431 1,410 21 39 556 18 89 Block No. 369 76 118 640 350 290 289 220 134 27 Block No. 370 114 140 747 392 355 7 8 314 116 158 25

19/1Il/19 Ward No. 19 1,1121,393 6,937 3,759 3,178 56 53 .. 2,6871,6521,738 160 Blo~k No. 371 72 115 600 330 270 258 142 162 18 Block No. 372 75 105 565 300 265 18 12 211 131 137 14 Block No. 373 92 108 o~3 331 302 2 1 265 195 155 13 Block No. 374 112 144 606 329 277 57 64 127 16 Block No. 375 112 122 625 334 291 282 110 148 15 Block No. 376 101 13 1 625 317 308 9 12 239 183 144 20 Block No. 377 70 91 578 306 272 3 3 219 152 142 18 Block No. 378 104 150 689 373 316 321 233 162 28 Block No. 319 51 86 501 277 224 224 166 112 1 Block No. 380 183 200 848 459 389 13 12 343 172 217 9 Block No. 381 140 141 667 403 264 11 13 268 104 232 2

]9/111/20 Ward No. 20 960 1,313 7,923 4,207 3,716 654 598 '. 2,741 1,5071,782 241 Block No. 382 74 93 654 334 320 226 232 202 86 132 65 Block No. 383 55 86 622 339 283 182 165 265 107 115 24 Block No. 384 72 110 612 301 311 62 55 210 131 127 24 Block No. 385 94 127 602 334 268 67 60 226 99 158 10 Block No. 386 91 132 655 364 291 32 23 210 105 163 18 Block No. 387 68 96 592 329 263 9 6 226 136 154 10 Block No. 388 102 142 836 434 402 194 104 1~1 1


,~ ,¢




WORKERS __..__ ~


Workers ,--"'_~ r-_....~ ,-........_.., ,~ ,--A---., ,-........._, ,-A---., ,--"---. ,.-"--.., ,-"---, ,_....~ L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 1\1 F 1\1 F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

3 34 16 36 21 58 8 261 350 340 44 8 58 6 34 9 206 317 341 30 10 8 104 9 17 8 211 353 342 11 6 67 22 33 12 186 276 343

1 1 1 18 6 73 13 18 6 214 323 344 1 30 28 4 3 30 12 34 17 40 8 22~ 302 345

31 3 5 2 25 2 4 10 82 12 240 299 346 50 4 2 5 55 10 67 10 97 19 348 520 347

28 71 5 39 8 234 300 348 7 21 3 4 58 8 24 4 210 264 349

2 23 7 93 11 80 41 275 378 350 16 2 88 23 19 .. 187 321 351 15 5 93 20 15 .. 175 301 352 12 5 " 100 12 21 3 196 316 353

1 15 2 13 13 9 24 19 94 2 146 283 354 27 2 10 1 2 31 7 684 48 39 1 678 25 118 2 669 201 4,1574,234 19/111/18

2 4 1 48 4 3 45 1 10 65 15 197 307 355 48 2 7 46 2 7 45 19 175 315 356 36 2 2 54 2 3 38 14 182 275' 357 54 1 4 31 1 6 46 14 180 271 358 34 1 7 46 33 17 147 240 359

3 7 58 5 3 53 6 12 57 10 196 343 360 4 1 49 11 22 7 27 13 171 214 361 5 1 54 7 1 26 10 24 3 181 276 362

1 65 2 2 29 3 9 35 12 167 265 363 1 35 1 3 25 1 9 5S 4 190 270 364 2 47 2 63 4 45 9 204 295 365

9 1 28 3 3 67 2 7 32 10 206 278 366 1 2 1 2 29 2 40 1 9 67 23 190 271 367

15 20 17 11 25 ., 1,321 21 368 44 4 57 4 6 26 19 216 263 369

8 3 35 1 57 2 8 49 19 234 330 370 17 6 2 9 1 12

" 570 30 15 '. 384 8 52 1 677 114 2,0213,018 19/11//19 2 2 7 . , 108 4 2 24 1 4 15 J 1 168 252 371

74 1 2 33 2 26 13 163 251 372 1 I 28 2 78 6 40 10 176 289 373 5 3 1 26 2 5 53 2 35 11 202 261 374

1 73 3 2 31 2 7 34 10 186 276 375 4 2 3 72 9 1 33 2 27 9 173 288 376 I 63 5 54 8 16 13 164 254 377 2 63 3 3 54 3 1 I 28 22 211 288 378 1 2 49 21 1 4 35 5 165 217 379

2 2 10 4 ' . 198 9 242 380 380 4 1 3 2 .. 223 1 171 262 381

4 49 35 811 82 29 " 332 13 165 3 392 114 2,4253,469 19/1Ilf20 5 39 10 4 15 1 13 60 49 202 255 382

2 35 2 20 3 20 36 21 224 259 383 1 1 61 13 4 27 1 6 28 9 174 287 384

22 3 90 4 21 1 7 18 2 176 258 385 2 11 84 3 1 36 2 11 28 2 201 273 386 5 5 76 3 1 24 1 18 30 1 175 253 381

14 1 75 2 18 1 23 40 3 253 395 388



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,----village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and res i- holds tiona 1 and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name 0 1 Village/ of To\\nJ dential less popUlation) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward! Ward in house ,------'- ,--"----.' ,~ ,_.-J'-----, r--"-~

No. Urban Block Km2 P .M F M F .M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ~--"-~ ----~--------~ _-_ _~~u_~~_~ ______ ~ __

Block No. 389 76 99 712 356 356 19 13 230 174 149 19 Block No. 390 74 95 664 370 294 33 26 237 156 168 1~

Block No. 391 77 92 581 315 266 236 158 124 1 t Block No. 392 103 103 622 336 286 3 6 235 151 140 12 Block No. 393 74 138 771 395 376 21 12 270 100 171 35

19/Ill/21 Ward No. 21 1,590 ] ,955 9,269 5,1004,169 375 306 3,5722,]782,275 300 Block No. 394 98 108 581 291 290 253 132 124 11 Block No. 395 96 123 636 354 282 296 196 172 16 Block No. 396 90 108 682 365 317 260 180 142 13 Block No. 397 92 137 632 348 284 267 178 158 8 :Blcck No. 398 80 95 494 237 257 3 5 }70 139 110 20 Block No. 399 97 137 626 331 295 51 52 192 116 165 23 Block No. 400 96 120 729 396 333 45 27 289 170 167 40 Block No. 401 70 105 556 304 252 17 20 207 118 133 4 Block No. 402 108 138 657 354 303 49 41 256 141 186 31 Block No. 403 96 127 619 .~31 288 62 48 208 145 158 37 Block No. 404 100 112 554 302 252 2 198 147 142 16 Block No. 405 61 99 349 218 131 13 5 98 46 71 8 Block No. 406 120 120 546 317 229 4 263 144 138 11 Block No. 407 97 97 563 325 238 54 52 286 153 170 47 Block No. 408 203 243 592 388 204 40 17 165 80 145 8 Block No. 409 86 86 453 239 214 34 37 164 93 94 7

19j1lI/22 Ward No. 22 1,1401,564 8,5894,4334,156 896 837 " 2,902 1,733 1,935 169 Block No. 410 70 87 607 310 297 58 53 223 194 126 Block No. 411 90 102 617 326 291 105 100 261 135 111 9 Block No. 412 90 105 583 280 303 182 180 182 109 129 19 Block No. 413 66 89 642 331 311 186 159 189 92 122 3 Block No. 414 68 85 600 306 294 150 159 202 123 130 31 Block No. 415 55 81 605 321 284 127 108 181 87 146 17 Block No. 416 252 301 570 282 288 22 22 153 95 144 7 Block No. 417 90 101 669 342 327 3 7 215 148 153 9 Block No. 418 18 34 483 252 231 185 129 108 4 Block No. 419 76 121 666 355 311 16 13 242 143 144 17 Block No. 420 123 193 992 517 475 12 2 244 101 225 44 Block No. 421 70 127 741 392 349 35 34 301 209 165 8 Block No. 422 72 138 814 4r9 395 324 168 172 1

19/111j23 Ward No. 23 1,623 2,199 12,9936,8466,147 702 658 .. 3,367 1,868 3,188 159 Block No. 423 80 97 650 335 315 9 19 188 106 143 2 Block No. 424 118 158 937 475 462 36 31 212 104 232 7 Block No. 425 94 123 647 326 321 135 139 156 11 Block No. 426 106 135 713 383 330 167 62 190 10 Block No. 427 89 107 704 357 347 1 1 165 66 188 16 Block No. 428 92 129 596 319 277 69 69 121 67 145 9

1310ck No. 429 86 119 583 310 273 193 170 21 8 155 1 Block No. 430 91 103 565 291 274 149 147 133 51 160 6 Block No. 431 122 155 707 379 328 101 84 129 39 193 21 Block No. 432 103 134 615 334 281 156 40 J70 12 Block No. 433 111 ] 22 623 311 312 96 95 111 66 149 20 Block No. 434 80 101 700 376 324 34 29 136 49 149 4 Block No. 435 83 103 712 385 327 2 1 293 167 169 4

Block No. 436 67 84 669 366 303 242 176 151 2 ;. , Block No. 437 ! 60 117 646 347 299 188 94 168 4 11

.,'-:~ ~,



II I1I IV V(a) V(b) VI


--------_, VII VlII lX X


..------"--, ,--"--, ..-~--, ,-_..JL-. ,-~'I._, r-...A...--.. (-~.____" ,~ ,~ ..-~ ,--"--, L C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M f M F M F· No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38





1 3 2

1 1 ..


1 .. It

3 .,


1 1




3 9 59 6 .. 103 11 4

39 1 70 8 1 80 27 4

34 39 723 49 24 36 1 38 1 1 51 3 4 71 I 2

2 1 46 4 2 5 2 84 II 5 69 11 1

54 2 7 20 99 I 2

11 14 88 11 1 1 67 6 2

6 9

4 2

1 107 15 688

46 26 42

79 2 45

78 6577

57 46

2 54 18 6 38 16 4 53 32 37

5 36 76 14 1279

58 21 3 103

65 11 6 85

72 55

2 1 21 19 2 61

73 67 40

7 46 I 4


73 73

6 36 62

2 1 4 7 8 1 2

15 7 5 9 2 2 1 6 2 2 2 5

7 5 3

32 259 21 13

3 4

4 9 12

12 6

2 8 4 ]0 1 22 2 3

28 26

4 11

37 14 36 35 39

515 43 83 52 37 23 34 47 28 51 21 39

29 11 5


3 615 47 75 12

2S 23 29 60 66 16 33

3 73 57 99

2 7).1 32 40 21 41 59 28 93

45 44 25 35 18 23 42 42

2 15 16 8

12 1 16

20 274 9

2 7 7

12 1 8 2 13 5 16

11 2 2 5 16

7 3

5 . . 117

40 32 110

10 2 8 8 5 2 4 5 7

9 11

2 8 4

2 17 10 12

1 4 11

44 336 18 32

6 34 3 16 4 12 6 25 1 24

7 4 5 6 14 5 18

18 17 10

2 22

28 31 40 21 32

2 691 34 40 26 36 27 28 29 37 24 21 26 30

. . 117 . _ 156 2 13

47 3 345

21 16 24 44 15 14-14 27 30

3 32 61 30 17

3 506 12 23 30 32 33 25

2 7 20 59 41 50 32 22 1~


8 207 337 389 1 202 281 390 9 191 255 391 3 196 274 392 6 224 341 393

1892,8253,86919/111/21 9 167 279 394-

13 182 266 395 8 223 304 396 7 190 276 397

14 127 237 398 8 166 272 399

24 229 293 400 4 171 248 401 8 168 272 402 7 173 251 403 8 160 236 404 8 147 123 405

11 179 218 .:106 47 155 191 407

6 243 196 408 7 145 207 409

80 2,498 3,98719/Ill/12 184 297 419

6 155 282 411 4 151 284 412

209 303 413 11 176 263 414

7 175 267 415 5 138 281 416 6 189 318 417 2 144 227 418 4 211 294 419

27 292 431 420 7 227 341 421 1 247 394 422

64 3,658 5,988 19/111/23 1 192 313 423 2 243 455 424 2 170 310 425

193 320 426 2 169 331 427 1 174 268 423 3 155 266 429 2 131 268 430

13 186 307 431 5 164 269 432

13 162 292 433 4 227 320 434 2 216 323 435 2 215 301 436 2 179 295 437



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,----~-

village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house· Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Village) of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward! Ward in houses , __ ____.A.. ,.__.A....._...., ,.__.A...---., ,-.__.A....---., ,-.___.<..._""",

No. Urb:;m Block Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. - -~--- ----

Block No. 438 54 84 640 355 285 200 103 143 4 Block No. 43l.:1 56 94 576 300 276 12 12 174 176 139 2 Block No. 440 56 76 579 309 270 191 91 142 5 Block No. 441 56 88 578 298 280 229 145 114 7 Block No. 442 19 70 553 290 263 176 119 132 6

19/Ill/24 Ward No. 24 756 1,084 7,204 3,961 3,243 10 8 .. 2,2681,2271,946 61 Block No. 443 62 94 583 319 264 4 42 63 146 10 Block No. 444 52 67 522 272 250 237 191 117 Block No. 445 48 77 6]8 346 272 309 132 149 4 Block No. 446 58 76 535 295 240 249 171 144 4 Block No. 447 115 149 840 483 357 253 153 243 18 Block No. 448 54 100 589 342 247 6 7 205 86 180 6 Block No. 449 54 77 569 321 248 221 137 151 3 Block No. 450 70 89 626 323 303 149 56 141 4 Block No. 451 68 111 719 373 346 194 90 200 10 Block No. 452 72 97 557 296 261 46 7 164 2 Block No. 453 45 72 533 281 252 152 55 116 Block No. 454 58 74 513 310 203 211 86 195

19/11I/25 Ward No. 25 9181,510 9,6805,0654,615 144 120 .. 3,443 2,264 2,203 284 Block No. 455 69 101 579 296 283 224 145 122 16 Block No. 456 57 86 524 265 259 175 102 111 6 Block.No. tl57 58 100 582 315 267 148 78 145 13 Block No. 45S 50 97 637 334 303 223 146 144 14 Block No. 459 17 17 597 319 278 233 150 145 I7 Block No. 460 50 95 566 301 265 256 183 123 15 Block No. 461 69 97 632 316 316 248 206 122 11 Block No. 462 . 72 96 560 275 285 230 183 121 24 Block No. 463 72 115 653 345 308 24 25 237 245 147 20 Block No. 464 56 102 627 327 300 12 6 ]88 95 139 35 Block No. 465 64 118 631 323 308 7 11 217 lIS 144 21 Block No. 466 66 94 560 313 247 199 92 131 9 Block No. 467 52 95 611 312 299 9 4 228 166 126 17 Block No. 468 58 85 587 304 283 181 104 131 11 Block No. 469 52 lOS 623 341 282 6 13 223 103 175 35 Block No. 470 56 104 711 379 332 86 61 233 148 177 20

19/Ill/26 Ward No. 26 898 ],393 7,931 4,191 3,740 87 87 .. 2,617 2,043 1,837 210

Block No. 471 78 100 623 312 311 244 170 134 6 Block No. 472 78 130 645 345 300 2 269 181 159 20 Block No. 473 56 104 591 306 285 233 170 138 8 Block No. 474 63 130 726 376 350 285 218 178 7

Block No. 475 64 100 639 318 321 8 8 53 ~~ 135 15

Block No. 476 62 III 589 330 259 283 123 16 Block No. 477 50 86 617 324 293 248 192 148 21 Block No. 478 104 137 788 412 376 4 3 318 241 \90 23 Block No. 479 96 132 944 526 418 171 117 231 48 Block No' 480 120 172 657 359 298 4 4 8] 166 131 17 Block No. 481 63 107 585 305 280 36 30 245 185 140 12 Block No. 482 64 84 527 278 249 34 40 187 118 130 17

19/1II/27 Ward No. 27 713 1,194 7,156 3,706 3,450 36 32 .. 2,8431,9621,562 116 Block No. 483 74 99 655 361 294 310 1]5 153 8 Block No. 484 56 107 611 329 282 284 204 141 6 Block No. 485 56 118 649 334 315 23 21 244 159 140 16


INDORE (U. A.) -~.-~ -_ --- -----~--~-~ --- -_._- ----------- ~------~~ -

WORKERS --"----

II IJI IV V(a) V(h) VI vn VIII IX X Neon­

Work<:rs ,_.A._-., ,_.A._-., ,L' )'--., ,~ r--".-, ,'--"---, ,_...__A__-., , _ __...__-., ,_-"-:-., ,_-A-_-.... ,_-"-_-., L.e. M F M F l-r F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. ~-~-~---~~~-" -

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38




2 1

6 1 2

1 5 2

4 ..

1 .• 3

3 ..

1 ..

1 ..

1 ..



17 5 2

1 2

1 4



3 1 1 2

4 4 1 1 1

12 5



.. 131


48 70


53 1 1 6 3

10 2



3 3

16 29 11

3 I 4



4 45



58 30 48 23 54 13 64 6 83 6 3

4 471 5 27 29 2 34 15 27 22 38 32 53

4 32 99 41 49

23 666 48 44 48

1 58 2 36


2 5 8 3

3 82 24 6 2 5 4 3 2 1 4 2

31 1 1 33 4 I 53 12 1 60 22 5 66 10 3 32 I 25 3 2 18

7 47 10 12 30 1 11 505 27 41 2 29

58 4 5 24 64 36 2 41 4 25 3 6 31 1 5

7 47 9 14 44 2 2 49 2

1 57 2 7 5 504 20 28

32 3 2 45 J 4 70 3

31 26 30 27 18

.. 7i7 94 76

.. 116 92 87 36

.. 63 7

11 10

9 .. 116 .. 868

31 36 39 44 60 38 66 50 60 42 47 61 66 77 71 80

1 665 60 59 65 67 52 40 76 75 78 32 40 21

I 578 74 55 24

2 12 I 13 2 23

3 13

10 129 2 6

3 3 2

S 57 16 8 4

15 3 4 8

53 145 8

10 7 11 1 7 4 7 3 6 1 4 4 4

5 6 10 7 4 5 8 3 9 4 6 4 26 2 20

36 98 2 4 5 6

8 ] J

3 5 2 2 4- 4 7 10 8 6 3 17

7 2 18

11 108 9 9

2 14

12 21 22 12 15

.. 455 14 4

15 23 7S 68 39 21 69 51 57 19

2 424

29 18 37 29 25 40 20 29 23 19 23 24 23 27 28 30

1 464 29 26 36 30 39 38 2'3 64

212 281 438 161 274 439

2 167 265 440 6 184 273 441

.. 158 257 442 422.015 3,18219/m/24 8 173 2'4 443

155 250 444 3 197 268 445 4 151 23(i 446

12 240 339 447 5 162 241 448

170 245 449 ]82 299 450 173 336 451 132 259 452 165 252 453

2 2 4 2

" 115 203 454 124 2,862 4,33119/m/25

8 174 267 455 3 154 253 456 1 "170 254 457 8 190 289 458

10 174 261 459 10 178 250 460

9 194 305 461 16 154 261 4f2 8 198 288 463 7 188 265 464 4 179 287 465 3 \82 238 466

11 186 282 467 6 173 272 468

14 166 247 469 6 202 312 470

134 2,354 3,550 19/1JI/26 2 178 305 47]

10 186 280 472 8 168 277 473 7 ]98 343 474

12 183 306 475 10 207 243 476 14 176 272 477 15 222 353 478

76 23 295 370 479 35 11 228 281 480 42 10 165 268 481 21

.. 282 23 21\ 29

12 148 232 482 79 2,144 3,334 19JIlIJ27 5 208 286 483 5 188 276 484

10 ]94 299 485



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,...------\ ilJage in pied House- (in;luding institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tioual and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Villagel (If Townl dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C, Town/Wardl Ward in houses ,_-A ,-A----, ,---'---., ,_"----., , __ ..A..~ No. Urban Block Km 2 P M F MF M F M F M F

--------------------- - .----~---- ~-- -_-----_--------- --' 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 . 13 14 15 16

--'~--~---- ------- - _--- - - - - - - - -- - --------_-- -------- .---~-- -----~-------- ------.-----~.

Block No. 486 1i0 116 613 336 277 241 132 136 19 Block No. 487 51 9~ 536 272 264 200 158 123 6 Block No. 488 66 98 596 301 295 223 170 126 3 Block No. 489 54 102 605 31) 294 278 117 130 5 Block No. 490 74 90 530 261 269 198 150 112 5 Block No. 49) 54 105 611 311 300 238 180 128 21 Block No. 492 72 104 652 343 309 13 II 222 154 166 14 Block No. 493 51 80 598 302 296 229 175 110 4 Block No. 494 45 80 500 245 255 ]76 148 97 9

19/Ill128 Ward No. 28 1,1771,81310,3955,5364,859 583 566 .. 3,7232,458 2,569 450 Block No. 495 .8 121 662 348 314 284 201 152 15 Block No. 496 58 99 587 300 287 235 180 110 14 Block No. 497 95 124 677 346 331 150 167 163 113 159 95 Block No. 498 66 101 5'!.7 293 234 238 164 12R 26 Block No. 499 102 135 775 403 37'1 331 263 150 21 Block No. 500 80 111 835 521 314 378 194 308 9 Block No. 501 74 113 671 346 325 52 46 217 130 157 11 Block No. 502 62 9R 578 302 276 15 11 206 137 136 23 Block No. 503 84 142 655 354 301 35 29 242 }70 187 8 Block No. 50'4 78 103 ('29 337 292 12 13 175 77 166 33 :Block No. 505 78 128 698 352 346 117 123 198 169 159 55 Block No. 506 68 108 580 316 264 173 141 141 62 173 65 Block No. 507 66 118 725 386 339 289 188 169 11 Block No. 508 60 107 680 372 308 7 242 140 153 12 Block No. 509 72 109 637 317 320 28 29 216 147 148 28 Block No. 510 56 96 479 243 236 168 123 114 23

19/11I/29 Ward No. 29 660 988 6,325 3,297 3,028 .. 2,528 1,766 1,473 36 Block No. 511 60 113 680 347 333 248 207 159 5 Block No. 512 75 102 613 336 277 277 182 151 6 Block No. 513 60 78 638 320 318 234 183 165 Block No. 514 78 129 711 ~71 340 285 194 151 5 Block No. 515 78 110 724 373 351 292 191 174 2 Block No. 516 80 1e8 671 359 312 277 109 139 3 Block No. 517 69 110 566 299 267 198 87 135 2 Block No. 518 63 90 621 319 302 267 211 132 6 Block No. 519 64 90 673 376 297 304 228 178 6 Block No. 520 33 58 428 197 231 146 174 89 1

19/ 1lI130 Ward No. 30 1,1331,66010,3345,4774,857 .. 4,144 3,033 2,362 56 Block No. 521 94 110 690 398 292 246 180 148 5 Block No. 522 56 86 516 259 257 222 179 111 4 Block No. 523 54 111 647 341 306 237 148 146 12 Block No. 524 98 109 589 321 268 249 150 157 4 Block No. 525 60 80 567 315 252 258 175 157 5 Block No. 526 60 113 593 323 270 252 194 119 6 Block No. 527 46 76 478 250 228 210 167 93 Block No. 528 62 87 565 312 253 227 ]46 134 6 Block No. 529 62 84 613 302 311 267 217 146 1 Block No. 530 74 91 670 359 311 264 202 150 'Block No. 531 59 83 641 324 317 246 221 154 2 Block No. 532 67 98 673 347 326 249 236 157 Block No. 533 56 75 569 284 285 2ft 210 145 Block No. 534 63 84 558 300 258 252 171 123



WORKERS -----~- ~-"-- ,


Workers r-._..A..~ r._..A..~ ,.-_-A-_, ,.-~ ,.---A--., ,.-_.l~ ,.---A--., ,.-~ r--A-, ,.-_-A-_, ,_A.---, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

5 41 3 58 2 8 21 16 200 258 486 2 50 5 40 6 20 5 149 258 487

6 38 1 43 8 29 3 175 292 488 2 1 63 2 36 8 18 5 181 289 489

25 1 19 1 37 2 5 24 2 149 264 490 2 2 44 2 1 39 4 8 34 13 183 279 491

57 6 6 40 26 35 1 177 295 492 22 3 2 69 6 11 192 292 493

1 23 1 63 1 10 7 148 246 494 5 49 " 121 142 603 38 75 2 475 39 268 2 973 227 2,967 4,4~9 19/111/28

6 1 44 2 44 17 38 15 196 299 495 1 26 2 2 3~' 1 14 37 10 190 273 496 3 32 48 10 4 4 54 45 7 48 28 187 236 497 4 26 39 8 50 26 165 208 498

34 39 1 23 54 18 253 351 499 1 48 6 15 2 15 .. 221 7 213 305 500 6 59 7 2 26 1 23 39 3 189 314 501 2 52 2 1 19 3 IS 47 18 166 253 502

15 7 12 19 .. 134 8 167 293 503 2 39 8 7 21 1 13 84 24 171 259 504 1 18 38 41 5 15 24 2 31 '29 10 193 291 505 1 59 45 31 15 7 11 49 20 143 198 506 3 57 5 38 3 14 52 8 ~17 328 507 3 5 4 46 3 51 2 8 37 6 219 296 508 3 4 5 39 3 6 32 3 40 24 16 169 292 509

1 13 2 36 6 24 5 10 30 10 129 213 510 2 2 4 37 . . 355 2 16 1 794 3 66 .. 197 301,8242,99219!Ill/29

1 43 2 1 90 5 18 3 188 328 511 1 30 7 92 4 17 5 185 271 512

47 2 99 3 14 " 155 318 513 16 42 1 67 3 22 5 220 335 514

1 12 58 3 75 8 17 2 199 349 515 1 36 80 2 19 2 220 309 516

30 56 24 25 2 164 265 517 16 89 2 24 5 187 296 518

2 28 .. 105 10 33 5 198 291 519 2 6 25 2 41 5 8 1 108 230 520

8 3 3 78 9 743 8 29 .. 1,088 6 66 .. 344 333,115 4,801 191111/30 2 2 3 33 4 63 9 32 5 250 287 521

33 69 9 3 148 253 522 2 3 55 2 2 53 1 32 7 195 294 523

78 2 2 45 5 27 2 164 264 524 2 2 36 1 57 4 57 2 158 247 525

36 3 58 3 18 5 204 264 526 49 34 9 .. 157 228 527 40 75 3 2 16 178 247 528 41 92 3 9 156 310 529

4 1 7 27 2 94 1 14 ,. 209 311 530 1 2 59 78 1 14 .. )70 315 531 5 42 1 90 4 15 .. 190 326 532 6 3S 3 91 3 7 1 139 284 533 2 43 66 1 10 1 177 257 534



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,------village in pied House- (including irlstitu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled 'Scheduled educated Total

Name of Village/ of Tow_n/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward tn houses r------A--, .. -"--, ,--_ ....... -'-1 r-'.A.-, ,-_--A.. __ '-I No. Urban Block Km 2 PM F M FMF M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16

Block No. 535 79 116 635 337 298 248 160 156 3 1310ck No. 536 53 109 526 271 255 202 i25 96 2 Block No. 537 42 79 (20 229 191 128 S3 92 2 nlock No. 538 48 69 384 205 l79 145 99 78 2

191m/31 Ward No. 31 8301,207 7,9084,2133,695 3 .. 3,146 2,032 1,849 94 alack No. 539 72 110 715 391 324 311 206 153 7 Block No. 540 72 102 775 401 374 353 271 170 9 Block No. 541 60 96 553 293 260 249 170 126 5 Block No. 542 66 90 S70 300 270 242 203 134 9 Block No. 543 76 93 627 347 280 274 201 155 8 aJI,:'Ck No. 544 64 93 663 360 303 215 110 160 7 Block No. 545 84 85 654 343 311 228 91 179 10 Block No. 546 68 69 431 226 205 160 111 97 5 Block No. 547 70 109 680 359 321 260 144 144' 9 Block No. 548 50 105 599 314 285 234 176 129 4 Block No. 549 sO 110 637 344 293 3 265 170 161 5 Block No. 550 58 84 488 255 233 199 109 111 9 Block No. 551 40 61 516 280 236 156 70 130 7

1911lJ/J2 Ward No. 32 1,132 1,679 9,3474,9674,380 18 11 .. 3,634 2,551 2,185 108 Block No. 552 76, 103 621 322 299 269 213 136 3 Block No. 553 66 114 616 338 278 233 147 135 12 Block No. 554 75 113 701 364 337 9 8 258 148 173 4 Block No. 555 76 105 615 319 296 271 218 133 16 Block No. 556 91 191 556 288 268 235 185 124 7 alack No. 551 95 141 686 377 309 279 111 178 11 Block No. 558 93 85 624 332 292 234 174 123 2 Block No. 559 79 95 646 349 297 9 3 195 98 174 2 Block No. 560 78 109 687 364 323 262 191 149 6 Block No. 561 87 124 588 314 274 252 181 141 13

Block No. 562 88 111 640 347 293 278 118 155 12 Block No. 563 66 117 642 356 286 224 154 172 6

Block No. 564 58 93 592 314 278 232 169 140 4

Block No. 565 50 86 572 310 262 263 199 126 3 Block No. 566 S4 86 561 273 288 149 185 126 7

1911IIj33 Ward No. 33 1,087 1,600 9,2624,818 4,444 .. 3,682 2,935 2,062 115

Block No. 567 74 94 576 312 264 267 194 122 6 Blook No. 568 66 106 633 308 325 225 202 158 2 Block No. 569 82 116 724 380 344 205 220 177 14 Block No. 570 58 90 570 292 278 254 201 113 3 Block No. 571 84 129 728 399 329 268 213 1·43 4 :Block No. 572 66 99 684 348 336 304 217 ]52 8 Block No. 573 80 102 593 3B 280 276 200 132 5 Block No. 574 69 104 639 325 314 271 210 141 4 Block No. 575 89 120 637 341 296 265 197 145 9 Block No. 576 66 94 568 306 262 261 196 134 6 Block No. 577 56 94 618 309 309 251 212 133 5 Block No. 578 102 166 627 330 297 231 144 142 7 Block No. 519 54 88 585 309 276 213 144 124 15 Block No. 580 90 125 648 318 330 213 203 147 17 Block No. 581 51 73 432 228 204 166 122 99 10





Workers ,..-___A",----., ,..----"--. ,..--'-----. ,..---A..--., ,~ ,--A..--., ,..- . ...J'-, ,...A-, , ---"---, ,--"-----, ,___..A.--., L.C.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

8 52 4 52 9 30 2 181 295 535 32 22 2 18 3 19 2 175 253 536

4 1 36 1 32 10 10 .. 137 189 537 6 26 2 21 1 7 16 1 127 177 538

14 6 4 .. 108 13 525 11 19 1 806 13 87 .. 280 562,3643,601 19//11/31 1 10 45 2 68 8 19 7 238 317 539

53 2 2 79 1 2 34 5 231 365 540 25 1 73 1 11 16 3 167 255 541

5 29 1 85 2 4 15 2 166 261 542 11 6 1 17 1 97 3 19 8 192 272 543

53 1 3 88 3 8 7 20U 296 544 66 5 67 3 2 38 2 1 5 .. 164 301 545

2 6 26 1 40 2 3 19 3 129 200 546 19 36 1 48 6 34 8 215 312 547

54 60 1 13 4 185 281 548 45 2 63 23 27 3 183 288 549

6 25 32 10 37 9 144 224 550 1 50 3 2 35 7 35 3 150 229 551

10 15 48 4 657 14 60 .. 752 8 144 .. 499 822,7824,272 19/1ll/32

36 2 47 3 46 3 186 296 552 18 48 3 3 29 8 29 8 203 266 553 3 64 1 3 52 21 30 3 191 333 554

48 3 2 47 2 34 13 186 280 555 2 33 5 60 6 18 6 1(J4 261 556 5 49 2 61 2 11 50 9 199 298 557 1 8 29 3 34 19 29 2 209 290 558 1 1 77 5 18 24 48 .. 175 295 559

11 36 1 67 2 32 6 215 317 560 3 2 37 3 3' .. 38 9 49 10 173 261 561 2 2 45 2 14 48 6 38 9 192 281 562 I 4 64 5 36 1 23 39 4 184 280 563 3 31 5 75 1 5 21 2 174 274 564

4 31 77 1 4 10 184 259 565 29 7 63 1 26 6 147 281 566

1] 16 57 12 531 13 66 .. 944 II 89 2 347 772,7564,329 19/ Ill/33

31 2 71 3 17 3 190 258 567 63 1 77 5 12 2 150 323 568

3 45 1 5 88 2 7 29 11 203 330 569 19 1 2 66 4 20 2 179 275 570

11 36 3 60 9 24 4 256 325 571 20 3 97 2 29 7 196 328 572

1 38 65 1 27 4 181 275 573 1 42 5 62 1 8 23 3 184 310 574 ? 51 2 1 52 2 5 34 4 196 287 575

1 43 3 60 5 22 5 172 256 576 3 10 30 2 65 6 17 4 176 304 577

3 9 41 2 31 36 3 5 16 2 188 290 578 18 2 JO 2 6 40 2 14 16 9 185 261 579 19 7 24 2 3 60 9 32 8 171 313 580

1 18 45 6 29 9 129 194 581


Area of Occu- No. of Total POpul:1tiOll Literate .---village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX,

Acres and resi· holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers

L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in house ,------"- ,--"----., ,----"-----. ,----"-----. ,-A.-----., No. Urban Block Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

19/m/J4 Ward No. 34 1,202 1,750 9,736 5,158 4,578 144 109 3 23,282 1,983 2,353 189 Block No. 582 66 90 629 326 303 230 150 156 12 Block No. 583 63 100 602 338 264 6 7 178 87 139 4 Block No. 584 72 107 635 339 296 19 10 190 106 142 10 Block No. 585 75 111 619 330 289 205 128 150 5 Block No. 586 72 100 612 313 299 24'+ 198 141 11 Block No. 587 75 111 594 297 297 197 141 145 6 Block No. 588 100 145 665 355 310 10 4 225 135 177 17 Block No. 589 92 122 670 357 313 267 176 153 18 Block No. 590 86 126 635 332 303 32 29 110 65 147 15 Block No. 591 72 111 595 314 281 10 9 234 151 144 27 Block No. 592 75 112 599 307 292 205 120 149 10 Block No. 593 66 90 568 299 269 30 20 176 86 143 4 Block No. 594 74 112 665 364 301 33 27 206 110 170 32 Block No. 595 78 110 596 319 277 4 2 237 118 142 6 Block No. 596 84 114 638 347 291 1 214 109 152 9 Block No. 597 52 89 414 221 193 3 2 164 103 103 3

19/III/35 Ward No. 35 1,313 1,907 9,456 4,998 4,458 112 103 .. 4,047 3,053 2,020 329 Block No. 598 62 119 610 302 308 246 231 134 24 Block No. 599 78 120 571 306 265 266 220 127 18 Block No. 600 70 111 605 330 275 23 23 253 140 142 27 Block No. 601 86 117 597 314 283 19 8 253 215 121 29 Block No. 602 96 140 572 289 283 249 229 120 19 Block No. 603 86 106 467 249 218 209 166 112 20 Block No. 604 61 115 572 291 281 244 178 121 27 Block No. 605 82 128 909 583 326 515 210 155 26 Block No. 606 99 146 621 326 295 273 248 141 24 Block No. 607 82 132 701 357 344 292 255 133 45 Block No. 608 98 168 788 394 394 335 328 184 29 Block No. 609 62 103 413 220 193 11 13 176 141 100 19 Block No. 610 9S 95 495 257 238 12 12 189 125 123 10 Block No. 611 56 98 436 222 214 7 4 152 92 87 5 Block No. 612 99 99 531 272 259 31 30 195 125 105 3 Block No. 613 101 110 568 286 282 9 13 200 150 115 4

19/11I/36 Ward No. 36 1,0891,732 9,200 4,863 4,337 35 37 .. 3,564 2,615 2,072 311 Block No. 614 70 117 588 294 294 263 236 139 28 Block No. 615 60 96 560 285 275 224 183 126 13 Block No. 616 74 108 563 287 276 224 108 126 9 Block No. 617 84 108 595 306 289 155 218 151 13 Block No. 618 56 103 596 325 271 281 222 138 20 Block No. 619 64 102 517 283 234 241 182 111 14 Block No. 620 56 119 618 316 302 251 207 155 20 Block No. 621 56 99 619 338 281 254 183 110 13 Block No. 622 56 84 604 305 299 182 105 120 10 Block No. 623 78 120 598 330 268 204 138 128 24 Block No. 624 91 145 675 363 312 270 173 1~5 29 Block No. 625 72 122 696 369 327 35 37 239 144 155 17 Block No. 626 71 128 605 333 272 287 213 143 28 Block No. 627 127 176 813 428 385 248 137 193 59 Block No. 628 74 105 553 301 252 241 166 122 14






III IV V(a) V(b)




~---~----- -_--- ~-- --------_--------- - ---


-., IX X

Non. Workers

,---,,---> ,__.._~ M F M F

L.C. No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38




1 1





1 1


1 1

2 1

1 ..


1 4

2 2


1 3 1 2

2 1

25 1 1 1 3

3 2 1 3


1 16

5 1 1

I 2

2 2 1




2 1 4

1 3 9

19 9

1 13

6 3



7 1


22 826 39 56 23 1 3 48 2 4 40 3 10 65 6 52 2 2 69 2 6 74 9 73 8 53 3 3 64 7 2 69 3

1 47 5 20 38 5 1

36 57 18

.. 439 25 26 50 22 29 28 33 40 31 33

1 2 1

36 49 1

1 6 2 1

5 4 3

2 5

3 7

2 4 62 7 9 23 4 13 8 14 5 3 7 3

4 545 19 80 31 3 41 1 20 2 35 9 46 8

25 7 51 2 22 4 57 2 51 36 1 3 38 3 6 25 6 9

3 21 2 21 46 3 2

2 479 27 199 21 1 9 26 9 37 2 13 26 16 37 15 24 1 12 36 10 9 38 8 54 3 17 20 2 15 29 11 24 2 15 25 3 18 18 2 9 39 15

3 487 45 38 33 28 41 34 25 41 56 38

1 63 36

3 3 2 1

4 604 55 38 61 59 34 25 40 44 25 25 46 32 38

4 52 30

20 3

31 89 2 7

2 7 8 4 3 10 1 7 3 3 1 10 3 12 2 5 2 8

3 4 5

1 6

36 125 3 4 3 12 1 5 3 5 4 9

7 9

2 4 4 7 6 6 3 13

26 11

5 5 1 2

5 717 .. 100

51 38 34 31 31 44 32 20

2 41


31 42 66 58 33

93 2,805 4,389 1911I1134 10 170 291 582 2 199 260 583 4 197 286 584 4 180 284 585 8 172 288 586 3 152 291 587 7 178 293 588

10 204 295 589 9 185 288 590

16 170 254 591 8 158 282 592 I 156 265 593 3 194 269 594 3 177 271 595 4 195 282 596

1 65 1 118 190 597 4 911 253 2,9784,129 19111I/35

55 22 168 284 598

43 13 179 247 599 46 17 188 248 600 51 19 193 254 601 39 18 169 264 602

1 . 39 14 137 198 603 I 46 25 170 254 604

58 22 428 300 605 39 21 185 271 606 49 40 224 299 607 44 21 210 365 608 32 15 120 174 609

.. 104 64 98

2 134 228 610 135 209 611

3 167 256 612 1171278 613

244 2,791 4,026 19/11I/36 " 104

4 675 45 34

23 155 266 614 10 159 262 615 7 161 267 616

10 ISS 276 617 16 187 251 618


38 38 39 45 14 172 220 619 53 18 161 282 620 33 II 228 268 621 28 6 185 289 622 43 17 202 244 623 50 24 208 283 624 50 13 214 310 625 51 20 190 244 626 81 45 235 326 627 41 1 0 179 238 628



Area of Occu No. of Total Population Litemte .-----village in pied House- (including instilu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Villa~el of Townl dential les~ population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward! W31d in homes , __ --A. ___ """,\ ,---A.---, ,-_.A.----.., ,-_.....--A-_--, r-___.)...'-' No. Urban Block Km 2 p M F M F M' F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

191ml37 Ward No. 37 8891,444 8,857 4,7054,152 320 318 · . 3,0791,8152,013 253 Block No. 629 62 100 565 301 264 203 149 141 33 Block No. 630 62 105 592 310 282 212 125 129 16 Block No. 631 49 87 421 218 203 110 ~9 101 6 Block No. 632 79 111 622 311 311 261 119 133 13 Block No. 613 40 88 603 316 287 15 17 210 119 121 3 Block No. 634 76 106 596 323 273 195 118 133 10 Block No. 635 87 114 640 349 297 270 175 130 12 Block No. 636 62 104 593 321 272 252 191 135 10 Block No. 637 12 114 626 332 294 266 178 153 12 Block No. 638 63 117 1,267 682 585 509 355 2,96 33 Block No. 639 63 108 571 317 254 16 18 167 67 146 19 Block No. 640 46 79 447 244 203 13 14 117 34 105 8 Block No. 641 60 122 702 376 326 30 29 154 55 172 5 Block No. 642 68 89 606 305 301 246 240 153 41 1]8 73

19/ ml38 Ward No. 38 960 1,628 9,033 4,804 4,229 34 31 · . 2,9421,9132,186 128 Block No. 643 68 133 714 374 340 232 125 173 12 Block No. 644 86 130 609 340 269 131 51 157 12 Block No. 645 70 107 647 342 305 8 5 210 126 153 10 Block No. 646 72 III 657 339 3]8 220 207 174 10 Block No. 647 66 106 587 300 287 98 120 143 8 Block No. 648 80 176 857 461 396 26 26 316 151 208 26 Block No. 649 45 90 594 327 267 209 128 153 1

Block No. 650 62 106 669 366 303 150 138 155 6 Block No. 651 60 112 637 332 305 233 122 142 6 Block No. 652 59 98 583 308 275 235 165 125 8 Block No. 653 50 104 601 312 289 226 156 150 4 Block No. 654 79 120 626 345 281 233 135 154 10 Block No. 655 71 114 662 349 313 241 146 163 4 Block No. 656 91 121 590 309 281 208 143 136 II

1911I1139 Ward No. 39 1,5352,08210,9315,9424,989 273 229 · . 3,9322,2582,760 154 Block No. 657 72 112 619 349 270 21 15 224 106 165 10 Block No. 658 56 80 615 341 274 222 146 138 6 Block No. 6;9 86 103 715 369 346 259 164 139 1 Block No. 660 71 126 645 352 293 56 41 221 114 169 10 Block No. 661 82 95 665 345 320 22 28 207 120 148 13 Block No. 662 79 112 528 293 235 215 124 140 22 Block No. 663 91 ]35 602 330 272 10 8 235 129 167 11 Block No. 664 114 118 625 326 299 30 27 235 136 171 12 Block No. 665 80 112 570 325 7.45 115 94 196 80 159 11 Block No. 666 78 116 599 322 277 195 108 150 3 Block No. 667 87 121 624 337 287 230 135 ]60 3 Block No. 668 80 106 581 31I 270 242 142 134 Block No. 669 93 129 657 358 299 267 165 157 6 Block No. 670 98 138 695 387 308 268 138 181 17 Block No. 671 66 101 492 252 240 160 117 115 6 Block No. 672 94 94 412 222 190 44 87 104 Block No. 673 208 284 1,287 723 564 19 16 512 247 363 23

19/m140 Ward No. 40 2,996 4,219 19,48710,8338,654 1,5171,204 18 18 6,1202,901 5,268 363

Block No. 674 72 144 656 364 292 226 125 187 7 R10ck No. 67S 98 169 749 428 321 63 35 215 76 207 5 Block No. 676 104 150 698 385 313 28 17 228 -, 103 184 6


17 18 19


,-. ..J..-.., ,-~ M F M F



WORKERS -A ______________________ -,

V(a) V(b) VI VII VlTl IX X Non-

,---"'-, M F

Workers ,-~ ,-_)\_-, ,----A.-., ,----A.-., ,--"-.--.., ,-_ __,.A._._.--.., LC. M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 -----_ --------. - -- -----~--- -----~ --~--- ------- --------



1 2


3 3


1 42







5 3


1 1 16 17

5 2


1 3

5 1 4

1 2

18 3 I 2




4 13



2 35





2 1



6 13 15 6 6

12 14 4 4


3 7 3 I 8

I 9 3 1


3 25 4

4 5

3 2 3

111 4 7 7

205,652 30 39 51 4 56 5 2 30 3 2 36 2 1 44 5 23 f

5 38 30 2 43 3 2 83 4 5

9 45 4 7 4 30 I

44 6 12 I

13 707 19 87 68 I 2

3 61 4 7 5 50 9

55 4 2 39 2 7 79 2 3 56 3 44 11 47 2 6 37 2 1

2 47 I 14 48 1 5

1 42 10 1 34 7

15 994 31 80 69 4 2 46 1 36 3 71 4 13 48 5

10 39 2 3 3 62 5 10 2 85 1 4

.. 108 5 8 .. 103 5

8i 2 79 2 37 ] 57 3 4 25 6 5

43 1 16 73,213 165 156

99 2 6 .. 130 2 4 .. III 5 2

.. 556 42 25 2-+ 55 40 IJ 30 42 49 96 31 29 63 17

5 542 34 20 16 33

2 43 33 35 57 50 38 42 45 4R 48

12 474 39 30 39

3 34 22

3 37 33 29 2

15 19 21 49 39 30

4 35 10 401

27 28 21

18 167 5 14

11 9 8

7 15 5 6 6

3 16 4 21 2 19

24 6

16 344 I 28 1 35 2 59 1 52 3 25 2 21

17 12

] 11 2 7

12 19 28

2 17 18 376


26 34 21

4 62 3 36

28 21

3 15 10 24 II 12

4 24 I 14

3 17

28 388 17 15 13

3 581 182 2,692 3,89919/J1lj37 34 24 160 231 629 32 10 181 266 630 33 3 117 197 631 33 10 178 298 632 19 I 195 2~-I- 633 62 8 190 263 634 41 5 219 285 635 44 9 186 262 636 45 8 179 282 637 80 26 386 552 638 28 2 171 235 639 19 13~ 195 640

2 29 2 204 321 641 82 73 187 228 642 432 752,6184.10119/][[/38

38 9 201 328 643 28 4 183 257 644 10 2 189 295 645 27 5 165 308 646 26 1 157 279 647 60 21 253 370 648 40 1 174 266 649 30 6 211 297 650 17 2 190 299 651 38 4 183 267 652 34 I 162 285 653 27 8 191 271 654 34 3 186 309 655 23 8 173 270 656

3 780 643,1824,83519flIl/39 33 6 184 260 657 33 22 25 16

2 22 32 26 21 17 29 19 52 52 38 95

.. 248 4 905

33 18 27

5 203 268 658 1 230 345 650 2 183 283 660 4 197 307 661 2 153 213 662 2 163 261 663 4 155 287 664

166 234 665 2 172 274 666 3 177 284 667

177 270 668 4 201 293 669

10 206 291 670 4 137 234 671

118 190 672 14 360 541 673

130 5,5658,291 19jIlI/40 4 177 285 674 1 221 316 675 1 201 307 676



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,.------village in pied Hou~e- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Villate/ of Town/ dential lc~s population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Wardl Ward in bouse r----A. ,---A......; ,.J<.-., ,.~-, ,~-,

No. Urban Block Km P M F M F M F M F M F - -- ----_ ~- ~-- - - -~---------------_- "

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ------ "_---

Block No. 677 118 152 691 377 314 81 77 216 69 188 17 Block No. 678 100 150 649 379 270 25 14 214 73 191 17 Block No. 679 110 175 655 380 275 42 33 199 61 194 23 Block No. 680 100 136 628 356 272 75 50 211 101 179 8 Block No. 681 78 124 621 329 292 9 5 241 158 147 7 Block No. 682 91 124 613 333 280 231 123 148 5 Block No. 683 195 227 1,047 578 469 27 18 342 177 289 21 Block No. 684 124 154 680 375 305 24 21 206 93 177 20 Block Nd. 685 77 154 601 345 256 254 114 191 6 Block No. 686 128 175 774 427 347 11 13 248 245 207 19 Block No. 687 95 138 700 391 309 51 52 229 75 172 4 Block No. 688 lI2 152 626 352 274 55 46 202 111 174 5 Block No. 689 98 128 662 365 297 97 82 200 76 180 4 Block No. 690 129 190 764 433 331 115 83 182 47 235 32 Block NO. 691 96 126 659 327 332 7 10 228 177 141 12 Block No. 692 125 179 797 414 383 289 185 189 30 Block No. 693 71 86 760 405 355 166 146 163 35 214 25 Block No. 694 71 105 521 307 214 65 43 4 4 196 81 122 6 Block No. 695 68 85 388 210 178 12 9 161 yOO 99 11 Block No. 696 96 143 659 364 295 19 21 218 112 169 3 Block No. 697 97 127 60ci 335 271 100 80 1 208 64 149 5 Block No. 698 82 118 604 346 258 90 69 3 4 151 102 149 4 Block No. 699 120 159 638 365 273 106 104 149 57 195 10 Block No. 700 90 129 511 300 211 86 59 136 35 167 5 Block No. 701 83 119 610 331 279 29 18 171 68 170 9 Block No. 702 168 201 920 532 388 134 99 9 8 206 58 254 37

19/IIl/41 Ward No. 41 1,9872,901 17,2499,2707,979 817 743 .. 6,076 3,442 4,296 341 Block No. 703 66 81 600 320 280 225 132 127 2 Block No. 704 72 117 725 372 353 128 111 198 121 155 13 Block No. 705 77 100 619 320 299 27 27 226 157 141 13 Block No. 706 62 95 683 349 334 107 157 143 4 Block No. 707 88 134 697 376 321 4 3 284 160 169 4 Block No. 708 74 102 641 335 306 18 16 222 150 140 13 Block No. 709 34 77 488 243 245 156 108 108 9

Block No. 710 44 96 614 326 288 155 52 134 5 Block No. 711 52 114 687 365 322 95 68 239 57 150 7 Block No. 712 48 100 600 322 278 26 14 224 130 139 10 Block No. 713 98 149 802 424 378 233 125 178 21 Block No. 714 78 107 681 331 350 13 8 217 148 158 10

Block No. 715 90 113 614 313 301 135 134 180 72 142 7 Block No. 716 60 t 12 694 359 335 149 164 180 88 144 40 Block No. 717 72 112 666 334 332 6 7 211 117 138 10 Blo.:;k No. 718 98 130 689 362 327 122 10:> 219 74 170 27 Block No. 719 100 100 597 309 288 109 131 129 fi

Block No. 720 80 107 567 319 248 248 170 145 5 Block No. 721 74 84 692 506 186 6 9 448 104 402 5 Block No. 722 42 58 495 344 151 4 10 268 68 245 14 Block No. 72~ 72 98 648 313 335 257 219 139 10 Block No. 724 62 90 586 310 276 240 195 136 20 Block No. 725 78 115 599 329 270 6 5 272 182 123 7 Block No. 726 96 131 736 404 332 . . .. 324 238 165 1 Block No. 727 94 148 731 405 326 5 9 282 164 165 12 Block No. 728 176 2Jl 1,098 580 518 73 56 252 123 311 60




__._ ---~---



r---'----"\ ,--'----,,\ ,-"---, ,-"---, ,~ ,-"---, ,.....JI.---., ,--'L--, ,--'L--, ,_A.....-., ,--"--","", L.e. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ----~-.

2 132 13 19 3 4 18 13 1 189 297 671

9 3 124 1 9 6 1 6 34 14 188 253 678

1 2 1 147 17 4 7 4 11 20 1 186 252 679

4 13 122 6 3 13 10 13 2 177 264 680

74 I 3 22 1 10 38 4 182 285 681

3 6 75 4 3 14 1 9 38 185 215 682

5 13 163 10 9 35 3 23 41 6 289 448 683

1 6 94 8 14 7 55 12 198 285 684

2 127 2 5 8 1 4 45 3 154 250 685

4 11 3 135 7 1 10 3 ' 1 34 5 220 328 686

3 22 108 1 4 5 12 18 1 219 305 687

1 137 2 1 10 14 11 3 178 269 688

1 2 115 3 1 11 12 37 1 185 293 689

8 3 10 3 4 171 20 5 12 12 17 1 198 299 690

3 71 5 4 25 18 1 19 6 186 320 691

3 86 5 9 20 1 9 1 61 23 225 353 692

4 141 10 9 2 2 1 7 50 11 191 330 693

11 1 30 1 67 13 5 185 208 694

1 15 4 1 78 11 111 167 695

3 3 95 2 2 20 11 35 1 195 292 696

2 89 3 2 8 8 40 2 186 266 697

2 90 6 9 4 38 4 197 254 698

1 1 2 157 5 3 5 14 14 3 170 263 699

1 1 128 5 1 10 18 8 133 206 700

2 1 .. 105 7 9 1 19 34 1 161 270 701

3 5 4 1 1 161 18 11 1 41 11 8 23 3 278 351 702

32 17 4 J 22 1 .. 128 27 1162 73 130 10 773 29 381 11,663 181 4,974 763819/ 1Il/41

36 1 1 17 34 39 1 193 278 703

75 1 12 19 4 21 28 8 217 340 704

2 64 6 10 22 4 24 17 2 179 286 705

1 44 1 1 26 2 25 46 1 206 330 706

1 1 49 2 3 12 14 89 2 201 317 707

2 5 45 3 7 1 44 1 18 24· 3 195 293 708

7 21 4 S 1 31 1 15 29 3 135 236 709

38 1 3 22 22 48 4 192 283 710

5 2 62 2 4 42 9 27 2 215 315 711

11 3 29 3 30 30 36 6 183 268 712

2 62 8 1 40 2 24 49 11 246 357 713

5 1 7 67 7 5 30 9 34 3 173 340 714

4 30 54 3 6 14 2 16 18 2 171 294 715

2 16 1 35 2 18 2 13 58 37 215 295 116

54 2 7 31 4 16 30 4 196 322 717

14 ]5 1 73 3 6 2 18 2 7 52 4 192 300 118

24 1 1 4 7 92 4 180 282 719

2 1 14 1 3 126 3 174 243 120

2 2 6 2 2 386 5 104 181 721

2 2 5 20 5 2 1 1 208 11 99 137 . 722

3 8 1 18 1 4 74 7 25 8 174 325 723

.. 11 27 1 4 76 6 22 7 174 256 724 10 1 12 .. 1 64 8 28 6 206 263 725

,. 2 13 . . 37 1 12 50 7 44 6 239 325 726

2 .. , . 10 1 60 2 3 .. 26 .' 7 .. 57 9 240 314 727

1 1 2 .. 1 2 136 24 24 1 59 2 36 1 51 29 269 458 728



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r------village in piad HOllse- (including institu· and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes ' Tribes persons Workers L.C Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,___,I,_ __ -, ,---"--, ,__..A.~ ,__A..-, ,. _ __A._~ No. Deban Block Km 2 P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

19/11I/42 Ward No. 42 91I 1,585 9,1024,8024,300 17 12 .. 3,7952,780 2,102 81 Block No. 729 78 112 655 338 317 235 177 162 1 Block No. 730 66 92 626 330 296 273 207 134 4 Block No. 731 66 100 592 314 278 253 162 133 4 Block No. 732 60 119 622 326 296 276 204 155 10 Block No. 733 47 100 593 309 284 251 191 126 2 Block No. 734 19 39 523 265 258 216 144 122 4 Block No. 735 65 128 668 349 319 280 212 168 8 Block No. 736 48 98 595 311 284 250 220 143 6 Block No. 737 106 196 590 315 275 243 183 138 3 Block No. 738 57 102 564 311 253 225 150 148 5 Block No. 739 84 128 776 433 343 14 7 350 235 183 4 Block No. 740 53 96 572 307 265 2 3 250 186 134 8 Block No. 741 58 103 619 325 294 239 153 125 8 Block No. 742 54 96 583 310 273 2 246 185 112 7 Block No. 743 50 76 524 259 265 208 171 119 7

19j1I1/43 Ward No. 43 1,120 1,803 10,0985,3794,719 266 250 ., 3,412 1,976 2,362 257 Block No. 744 50 101 560 289 271 36 28 162 179 118 9 Block No. 745 66 97 536 299 237 14 13 206 91 124 14 Block No. 746 74 134 620 325 295 11 15 241 138 145 15 Block No. 747 71 97 538 268 270 14 13 167 107 122 18 Block No. 748 76 109 591 325 266 51 43 202 106 135 6 Block No. 749 72 105 633 336 297 211 145 144 4 Block No. 750 72 118 576 306 270 6 9 183 78 149 5 Block No. 751 60 96 577 297 280 164 84 142 25 Block No. 752 60 92 573 315 258 207 94 130 8 Block No. 753 51 90 574 314 260 19 26 239 132 126 16 Block No. 754 63 103 628 331 297 278 195 128 8 Block No. 755 56 78 545 306 239 204 112 116 2 Block No. 756 84 122 661 341 320 6 l2 208 103 162 8 Block No. 757 58 107 588 319 269 233 147 122 Block No' 758 145 266 1,321 700 621 107 86 2"3 133 345 114 Block No. 759 62 88 577 308 269 2 5 214 126 154 5

19/1II/# Ward No. 44 1,8822,89913,666 7,348 6,318 556 515 .. 4,6123,352 3,277 3$0

Block Ko. 760 46 94 576 312 264 235 140· 130 3 Block No. 761 70 121 734 388 346 90 193 178 9 Block No. 762 48 116 690 350 340 4 197 114 159 25 Block No. 763 56 99 562 302 260 259 183 125 3 Block No. 764 77 117 651 335 316 283 225 139 15 Block No. 765 52 90 587 296 291 239 203 111 8 Block No. 766 46 87 541 283 258 244 208 121 5 Block No. 767 74 131 746 391 355 321 253 153 13 Block No. 768 56 98 496 285 211 244 160 102 7 Block No. 769 70 97 618 342 276 290 230 147 9 Bloclr No. 770 103 113 624 352 272 6 7 275 194 147 14

Block No. 771 71 88 603 ~03 300 265 222 126 3 Block No. 772 93 112 593 326 267 63 50 138 57 159 29 Block No. 773 66 93 60S 330 275 231 139 146 18 Block No. 774 85 86 598 319 279 302 279 164 50 111 81 Block No. 775 88 110 603 320 283 174 168 --l80 99 125 47 Block No. 776 73 99 612 329 283 55 198 131 13 Block No. 777 94 110 618 329 289 169 189 154 , 8



WORKERS .-------,

I II III IV V(a) V(b) V[ VII VIl! IX X Non.

Workers ,-_.A..~ ,-_..A ........ c--.J.---, ,...-A---, , • .J~, ,-~ r--~ (.-"----, (.-"--, c-__"____' ,__.A..---,L.C.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. ---~---- , - --- --~-- - _ _ --_ -- - - . - ~- - - ---_-----_-

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

11 6 · . 10 11 5 491 9 38 31,053 10 147 1 333 53 2,7004,219 19/1II/42 5 47 3 74 17 16 1 176 316 729

4 .. 6 1 19 2 83 7 13 2 196 292 730 1 1 1 26 1 79 6 19 3 181 274 731

24 1 90 11 29 8 171 386 732 3 2 · . 14 73 1 32 2 183 282 733 1 20 1 4 57 17 22 2 143 254 734 2 27 3 86 2 15 38 3 181 311 735

3 19 1 98 4 19 4 168 178 736 39 2 59 14 24 2 177 272 737

2 69 1 2 38 23 15 3 163 248 738 77 4 66 13 22 4 250 339 739 22 3 81 1 2 26 7 173 257 740

2 2 42 6 44 1 5 26 4 200 286 741 3 31 3 3 50 1 9 16 3 198 266 742 2 16 I 7 75 1 3 16 5 140 258 743

3 6 00 22 93 16 669 35 96 6 584 15 450 91 439 94 3,017 4,462 19/1II/43 3 38 2 4 23 32 18 6 171 262 744

43 7 6 2 22 33 18 3 175 223 745 1 o. 5 39 2 12 32 15 . .. 41 13 180 280 746

2 47 3 4 20 3 12 37 12 146 252 747 1 41 2 5 27 18 43 4 190 260 748 1 10 39 2 4 44 24 22 2 192 293 749 1 5 47 1 9 32 21 33 4 157 265 750 3 9 35 8 6 33 14 42 15 155 255 7.H

2 2 42 3 39 3 15 27 5 185 250 752 2 · . 3 2 24 2 6 50 6 35 11 188 244 753

34 3 3 61 2 11 19 3 203 289 754 2 11 47 2 34 1 11 9 1 190 237 755 6 6 44 6 41 22 37 7 179 312 756 3 39 4 37 20 19 197 269 757

2 · . 1 19 11 56 3 18 2 45 2 174 90 30 6 355 507 758 21 2 54 4 44 1 22 9 2 154 264 759

25 14 2 22 2 80 19 666 20 166 401,232 18 352 .. 718 2514,0715,96819/Ill/44 2 3 6 28 5 46 18 21 3 182 261 760 4 26 1 42 3 22 39 1 17 28 4 210 337 761 1 5 9 56 5 36 3 30 26 13 191 315 762 3 3 18 7 70 4 19 2 177 257 763

1 1 19 2 69 7 40 15 196 301 764 1 3 3 11 5 71 4 16 5 185 283 765 3 1 13 1 5 68 10 22 3 162 253 766 1 33 1 2 80 13 24 12 238 342 767

1 2 1 21 2 37 3 35 7 183 204 768 1 1 27 4 77 9 28 9 195 267 769

1 1 11 20 10 84 6 24 4 205 258 770 1 ., 3 12 8 6 76 2 18 2 177 297 771

4 2 27 20 9 23 56 29 17 167 238 772 2 9 43 48 6 16 28 12 184 257 773

1 8 .. 102 81 208 198 774 1 2 10 26 17 30 2 54 30 195 236 775 S 1 · . 19 4 4 66 7 28 9 198 270 776

2 33 3 65 32 17 7 175 281 777



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate village in pieL! House- (including institu- and (l-IX) Acres and resi. holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Village/ of Townl dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in houses ,.-_----"'-_-, (--A.~ r--A.---., ,_--"-_--, ,_--A.--.. No. Urban Block Km 2 P M F M F 'M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Block No. 718 S3 68 381 202 179 6 3 78 27 103 14 Block No. 719 86 136 625 339 286 4 .. 182 86 175 11 Block No. 780 200 258 836 508 328 214 49 314 Block No. 781 275 576 767 407 360 259 133 221 IS

19/111/45 Ward No. 45 1,0461,63210,0525,2874,765 5 4 .. 4,1022,838 2,307 150 Block No. 782 90 124 707 382 325 5 4 292 194 166 11 Block No. 783 66 154 741 391 350' 285 155 179 21 Block No. 784 70 113 677 359 318 244 lSI 167 9 Block No. 785 97 131 902 467 435 330 241 196 15 Block No. 786 87 118 748 391 357 268 173 177 5 :alack No. 181 50 89 583 316 261 276 201 136 11 Block No. 188 63 92 581 320 261 264 178 125 12 Block No. 789 60 92 591 321 270 265 187 131 3 Block No. 790 54 86 636 321 315 249 161 141 9 Block No. 791 55 87 591 329 262 236 144 124 6 Block No. 792 65 116 618 321 297 251 194 157 4 Block No. 793 52 18 527 266 261 226 166 115 6 Block No. 794 62 95 566 288 218 254 208 126 Block No. 795 60 lIt 618 324 294 274 199 154 16 Block No. 796 19 91 600 308 292 246 170 131 18 Block No. 791 36 55 366 183 183 142 110 82 4

19/ IlI/46 Ward No. 46 1,447 2,241 12,5396,5565,983 805 774 .. 3,5001,9732,870 333 Block No. 798 75 126 726 394 332 12 15 274 161 165 1 Block No. 799 66 107 650 346 304 244 157 124 13 Block No. 800 54 102 623 331 292 10 13 229 128 158 20 Block No. &01 52 III 547 277 270 197 124 121 16 Block No, 802 70 91 575 302 273 44 35 151 69 124 17 Block No. 803 67 119 696 362 334 194 164 175 90 182 58 Block No. 804 56 89 553 284 269 56 63 175 90 115 11 Block No. 80S 86 ]23 680 364 316 220 119 174 18 Block No. 806 48 88 579 298 281 194 132 127 3 Block No. 80~ 54 99 620 309 311 86 5,( 124 11 Block No. 808 102 139 689 365 324 252 157 145 15 Block No. 809 108 169 767 415 352 72 67 167 124 179 38 Block No. 810 82 121 586 312 274 33 28 156 57 150 17 Block No. 811 90 110 540 302 238 102 28 146 17 Block No, 812 80 129 628 323 305 20 19 163 94 163 37 Block No. 813 51 89 587 299 288 157 152 139 69 127 4 Block No. 814 38 51 445 217 228 158 170 93 28 94 3 Block No. 815 74 86 698 351 347 100 39 156 2 Block No. 8J6 86 106 663 345 318 12 11 175 120 151 11 Block No. 817 108 180 637 360 327 37 37 208 133 145 15

19/1II/47 Ward No. 47 966 1,565 9,464 5,013 4,451 117 103 .. 3,0671,757 2,231 124 Block No. 818 48 99 631 315 316 185 91 146 6 Block No. 819 64 122 675 344 331 216 114 151 7 Block No. 820 46 91 568 304 264 199 104 138 3 Block No. 821 57 126 787 409 378 200 105 198 4 Block No. 822 76 113 143 398 345 215 102 167 3 Block No. 823 52 101 610 314 296 9 9 202 119 148 3 BI(/Jck No. 824 66 109 663 344 319 239 136 173 6 Blpck No. 825 60 97 553 298 255 173 ,_ 77 135 1 Block No. 826 64 88 598 322 276 26 19 173 84 141 3





IX X Non-

Workers ,-_A._, ,..---A-.., ,..-...JI..--, (~ ,..--"--, ,..-~ ,..-.....A--., ,..---"---. ,..-~ ,........__, ,~ L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. -------~---~--

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ------~

38 2 11 4 15 4 1& 21 4 99 165 77& 1 63 11 41 3 32 27 7 164 275 779 2 99 1 .. 145 23 44 194 328 780

4 9 2 4 5 2 46 6 5 46 35 67 5 186 345 781 10 12 23 10 655 32 71 1 898 21 179 1 459 85 2,9804,615 19/Ill/45 2 2 43 1 74 5 15 29 6 216 314 782

1 5 7 38 3 3 55 2 44 33 9 212 329 783 1 45 1 3 64 1 21 33 7 192 309 784 2 3 2 10 8 9 69 2 13 30 3 271 420 785

3 SO 3 20 S3 1 16 35 1 214 352 786 J •• 29 3 2 19 2 3 23 5 180 256 787

2 2 33 3 .. 47 7 30 11 195 249 788 3 25 1 55 4 44 2 190 267 789

54 2 2 44 13 27 6 180 306 790 50 1 4 34 9 1 26 3 205 256 791

3 5 25 1 4 93 5 22 3 164 293 792 29 2 3 55 2 4 24 2 151 255 793 26 2 70 3 25 162 278 794

3 60 6 36 1 7 42 15 170 278 795 2 49 6 7 43 3 7 23 9 177 274 796

3 29 1 2 27 8 13 3 101 179 797 9 2 2 41 55 .39 816 .30 232 10 696 76 328 2 691 174 3.686 5650 19/1lJ/46

2 46 1 8 2 45 21 43 4 229 325 198 1 8 27 1 45 1 6 36 12 222 291 799 1 13 4 36 t 11 3 48 6 22 27 5 173 272 ROO 1 1 25 6 4 31 1 21 32 9 156 254 801 3 9 5 3S 1 1 29 6 23 21 .5 178 256 802 1 5 11 65 2 14 44 31 22 31 14 180 276 803

3 3 25 5 27 3 15 37 7 169 258 804 2 6 3 24 2 10 43 4 36 50 10 190 298 805

2 1 27 2 71 1 13 12 171 278 806 1 4 17 1 81 7 7 13 3 185 300 807 4 35 9 19 20 57 15 220 309 808

1 8 9 13 46 1 12 38 2 15 50 20 236 314 809 2 64 20 13 5 13 38 10 162 257 810 2 44 6 12 6 76 17 156 221 811

1 1 3 5 41 6 37 2 34 7 15 31 17 160 268 812 2 3 56 3 20 5 40 1 172 284 813

58 1 6 7 3 20 2 123 225 814 44 32 31 27 22 2 195 345 815 53 2 11 34 2 24 28 7 194 307 816 45 1 31 18 14 27 14 215 312 811

5 4 9 .. 109 8 864 22 37 4 677 13 216 1 310 76 2.782 4327 19JIII/47 1 .. \ .. 1 74 4 3 53 10 4 1 169 310 818

2 62 2 43 17 1 25 4 193 324 819 1 62 1 41 21 11 3 166 261 820

5 75 3 63 2 26 26 1 211 374 821 67 .5 52 1 19 24 2 231 342 822 66 2 7 36 1 21 18 166 293 823 77 2 62 2 17 16 2 171 313 824 58 33 17 27 163 254 825 62 3 46 11 ]8 2 181 273 816



------ - --~-~ --- - ~~--- -_ - - -~-~-- - - -----~ ----- ~~---- -------------------_

Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,----village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Village! of Townj dential less population) Castes 'Tribes persons Worker L.C. Town/Wardj Ward in house , _ __A.._---, r----"---., ,_...___, ,--A.----., ,--A.--.,. No. Urban Blo('k Km2 P tv! F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Block No. 827 99 149 580 318 262 213 170 154 26 Block No. 828 65 87 623 314 309 6 10 199 131 141 24 Block No. 829 70 93 562 307 255 48 4S 208 148 139 21 Block No. 830 72 93 627 341 286 28 20 219 126 127 6 Block No. 831 68 92 604 343 261 211 103 146 5 Block No. 832 60 99 640 342 298 215 147 127 6

19/1II/48 Ward No. 48 1,085 2,620 15,796 8,348 7,448 1,103 1,162 .. .. 5,7383,4533.558 383 Block No. 833 118 143 710 397 313 43 37 273 ]57 166 44 Block No. 834 76 104 613 324 289 11 12 201 113 141 14 Block No. 835 126 152 910 483 427 135 117 309 168 21.2 33 Block No. 836 76 76 594 310 284 14 8 284 119 130 5 Block No. 837 98 129 833 406 427 J 2 254 199 190 42 Block No. 838 35 50 591 312 279 233 187 124 5 Block No. 839 63 88 593 297 296 248 208 139 6 Block No. 840 77 97 732 377 355 293 227 149 5 Block No. 841 81 106 656 339 317 220 13S 140 7 Block No. 842 47 62 372 193 179 50 54 113 33 96 7 Block No. 843 82 176 929 526 403 16 16 310 156 242 22 Block No. 844 77 108 484 255 229 74 76 135 74 112 17 Block No. 845 100 138 612 343 269 6 6 244 128 175 15 Block No. 846 70 107 651 347 304 212 110 155 11 Block No. 847 64 89 587 313 274 241 154 146 7 Block No. 848 110 147 864 455 409 326 199 161 8 Block No. 849 80 88 615 323 292 280 215 118 ] 1

Block No. 850 76 84 573 290 283 227 181 120 7 Block No. 851 129 129 828 469 359 27 3 399 276 149 23 Block No. 852 95 95 561 296 265 238 156 116 14 Block No. 853 124 143 652 335 317 21 27 268 177 156 14 Block No. 854 99 109 687 366 321 347 310 174 21 148 15 Block No. 855 107 107 665 328 337 200 278 134 37 141 23 Block No. 856 75 93 484 264 220 258 216 102 23 112 28

19jIIl/- Urban Outgrowth 2.88 2,1113,57317,5559,6947,861 1.947 1,656 3 1 6,1363,6514,613 440

(i) Baflkanga O.Oj J7 39 146 77 69 39 8 44 6 Block No. 857 17 39 146 77 69 39 8 44 6

( ii) Sukli),a 1.59 305 610 2,511 1,4741,047 211 174 603 171 . 655 47 Block No. 858 20 105 381 243 138 130 22 76 9 Block No. 859 63 153 585 338 247 26 26 159 42 184 12 Block No. 860 119 162 843 504 339 71 56 114 40 185 13 Block No. 861 103 190 712 389 323 114 92 200 67 210 13 -(iii) Khajrana 0.31 166 200 1,300 683 617 7 9 531 435 332 34

1. KhaJrana 4 4 16 10 6 7 3 4 Block No. 862 4 4 16 10 6 7 3 4

2. Shrinagar 66 93 441 228 213 7 9 165 141 110 18 Bluck No. 863 66 93 441 228 213 7 9 165 141 110 18

3. Saket Colony 71 79 743 391 352 324 270 188 15 . Block No. 864 72 79 743 391 352 324 270 188 15 :

4. Kanodiya Road H 13 69 38 31 21 1/ 10 Block No. 865 13 13 69 38 31 '-21 11 20

5. Vivtkanand Nagar 11 11 31 16 IS 14 10 10 1 Block No. 866 11 ) 1 31 16 15 14 10 10 1


WORKERS ------~,----------------------II III IV V(a) V{b) VI vn vm


-------. IX X


17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 :8

1 29

2 1





1 15 7 2


1 1

4 t







60 24 73 9 9 4 637

11 7 3 2 4 5

4 6 2 9

22 4

4 6


1 1

17 4 4

76 36 78

J I 1

42 }O 15 5 1 5 3 1 3

31 7 1 316 1 7

1 1

4 4


2 2

15 2 41 51 17 25 21 164 236 827 45 7 70 1 5 13 23 173 285 828 1 2 71 9 6 29 2 6 25 8 168 234 829

19 36 1 2 32 11 26 3 214 280 830 19 46 3 43 1 ~ 25 2 197 256 831 6 60 1 23 I 9.. 27 4 215 282 832

3 37 13 822 26 180 431,150 25 ]98 2 1,009 243 4,7907,065 19/!I!/48 31 3 6 38 2 .. 7S 31 231 269 833 39 1 1 15 8 65 10 183 275 834

I 58 2 23 2 77 3 Ii 41 17 261 394 835 3 28 5 55 3 33 5 180 279 836

23 31 30 69 9 49 8 216 385 837 37 2 2 80 2 3 2 188 274 838

3 16 I 2 105 3 13 2 158 290 839 31 2 I 112 2 2 3 228 350 840 35 1 3 6') 4 19 3 199 310 841

2 12 20 1 16 14 6 97 172 842 13 68 3 13 2 -63 5 30 51 12 284 381 843 1 2~' 4 1 29 4 9 33 12 143 212 844 4 4 21 2 55 5 14 79 6 168 254 845 6 5 59 5 43 14 28 5 192 293 846 3 37 3 61 16 24 6 167 267 847 2 31 71 19 37 6 294 401 848

23 7 3 54 3 30 8 205 281 849 21 1 71 2 24 6 170 276 850 10 6 10 6 99 21 320 336 851 27 5 1 t 4 65 14 180 251 852 39 12 30 9 62 13 179 303 853 57 4 17 3 5 8 60 8 218 306 854 58 4 14 1 6 3 38 14 187 314 855 34 2 16 I 1 6 65 25 142 192 856

3 ]8 13 33 51,504 56 210 26 623 31 524 11 1,500 253 5,081 7,421 19/111/-

31 3 4 8 2 33 63 (i) 31 3 4 8 2 33 63 857

1 14 1 401 23 5 30 1 35 1 89 7 8191,000 (ii)

5 33 6 2 1 11 14 167 129 858 9 1 115 6 1 11 14 27 1 154 235 859

.. 102 2 11 I .. 22 4 319 326 860 ] 51 11 2 6 9 26 1 179 310 861

1 62 3 12 1 102 2 58 4 87 13 351 583 (iii)


18 28

32 32

2 2

3 3


6 6

2 2

3 3

29 29 68 68 4 4

1 1 1

3 6 6 1. 3 6 6 862

36 3 16 12 118 ;95

2 ~ ~ .~: ~~ ~~~ ~~~ 2 16 59 11 203 337

5 .. 5 ..

J .. 1 ..

6 6

3 3

18 31 18 31

6 14 6 14

2. 863

3. 865

4. 865

5. 866



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r-----village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IXl

Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota

Name of Village/ of Townl dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Wardj Ward in houses , __ ___A.._--, ,..J....-, ,--"----.. ,_.A.._ . ..., ,_...A.---., No. Ulban Block Km' P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

( iv) BIJalpur 0.52 115 419 1,327 1,1J1 1,096 912 818 477 86

1. Agra Bombay Road 21 21 95 51 44 38 9 23 Block No. 885 21 21 9~ 51 44 38 9 23

2. Rajendra Nagar 146 390 1,18) 1,1491,034 868 799 444 83

Block No. 887 60 103 534 267 267 . 138 221 105 24

Block No. 888 55 99 503 272 231 229 177 109 18

Block No. 889 59 75 566 290 276 246 218 114 22

Block No. 890 72 113 580 320 260 255 183 116 19

3. Dhanwantri Colony 6 6 37 23 14 8 6 8 2

Block No. 891 6 6 37 23 14 8 6 8 2

4. Parashar Colony 2 2 11 8 4 8 4 2 1 Block No. 892 2 2 12 8 4 8 4 2 1

(v) Hukamkhedl 0.01 5 Jl 16 7 9 5 3 5 1

Block No. 886 5 11 16 7 9 5 3 5 1

(vi) Sirpur 0.03 35 108 416 238 188 9 4 2 1 130 101 121 26

1. Bijasan Road 16 34 147 78 69 9 4 49 15 39 3

Block No. 893 16 34 147 78 69 9 4 49 15 39 3

2. Kalanl Nagar 19 74 279 160 119 2 1 ; 81 86 82 23

Block No. 894 19 74 279 160 119 2 1 81 86 82 23

(vii) Savind Nagar 0.01 23 23 836 624 212 27 9 528 112 499 2

Block No. 895 11 II 512 303 209 10 6 228 112 183 1 Block No. 896 12 12 324 321 3 17 3 300 316 1

(viii) Piplaya Hana 0.38 1,2851,163 9,983 j ,36{) 4,623 1,693 1,460 1 1 3,378 2,003 2,480 138 1. Savinanagar 186 215 833 447 386 55 36 244 107 216 29

Block No. 867 186 215 833 447 386 55 36 244 107 216 29

2. Bad Gwalgali 686 1,145 5,987 3,228 2,759 1,6381,424 1 1 1,753 1511,520 168

Block No. 868 77 130 633 332 301 238 211 1 171 87 178 10

Block No. 869 56 127 579 317 262 236 198 115 49 150 15

Block No. 870 81 124 546 280 266 228 229 167 74 152 11 Block No. 871 55 135 588 324 264 182 147 190 18 157 29 Block No. 872 49 111 569 294 275 84 81 200 110 135 18

Block No. 873 46 98 49; 272 223 63 55 214 108 99 14 Block No. 874 53 96 596 322 274 153 133 138 30 151 7 Block No. 875 49 118 603 337 266 64 55 199 72 146 17

Block No. 876 76 120 539 295 244 165 134 114 49 136 10

Block No. 877 105 131 596 323 273 209 168 169 64 147 30

Block No. 878 39 55 243 132 111 16 13 76 30 69 7

3. Tifak Nagar 413 703 3,1631,685 1,478 .. /,381 1,145 744 41

Block No. 879 64 98 507 261 246 228 197 116 6

Block No. 880 66 125 560 296 264 240 198 142 9

Block No. 881 62 162 500 275 225 234 180 120 4

Block: No. 882 62 98 512 270 242 216 186 118 7

Block No, 883 75 106 530 287 243 253 206 129 11

Block No. 884 84 114 554 296 258 210 178 119 4



WORKERS -----.

I Il 1lI IV V(a) V(b) VI VII VUI IX X Non-

Workers r----A----., ,-A.----., ,-A----., ,......~ ,~ , • .A._, ,_.A.._, , __ .A. __ , , _ ___.A..---., ,~ ,_.A..----., L.C.

M F M F M F M F 1\1 F M F M F M F M F M F M F N.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1

, 2 1 4 1 4 84 6 13 .. 128 j 69 .. 166 72 7541,010 (Iv)

·4 1 6 9 .3 28 44 1. 4 1 6 9 " · . 3 28 44 885

" J 1 4 1 3 78 6 13 .. 118 j 68 .. 157 70 705 951 2. 1 1 I 22 1 5 35 3 11 .. 29 20 162 243 887 1 1 3 24 3 4 30 16 .. 31 14 163 213 888

15 2 3 31 1 16 ., 49 18 176 254 889 1 2 I7 22 1 25 .. 48 18 204 241 890 1 1 1 1 · . 5 J 15 12 3.

1 1 1 · . 5 1 15 12 891 J 1 1 6 .3 4. 1 1 1 6 3 892

1 " 4 1 2 8 (v) 1 " 4 1 2 8 886

I 23 24 8 4 17 1 20 8 .. 40 1 111 162 (vi) 1 2 4 1 10 1 7 3 · . 13 39 66 1. 1 2 4 1 10 1 7 1 .. 13 39 66 893

23 22 4 3 7 13 j " 27 1 78 96 2.

23 22 4 3 7 13 5 · . 27 1 78 96 894 1 2 1 2 .. 494 1 125 210 (vii) 1 2 2 · . 178 .. 120 208 895

.. · . 316 1 5 2 896 13 8 1 43 J 18 13 10 f 907 20 179 25 34] 21 347 6 612 1461,8804,385 (viii)

1 6 78 4 22 6 39 6 28 .. 41 13 231 357 1. 1 6 78 4 22 6 39 6 28 .. 41 13 231 357 867

11 6 1 35 1 17 13 10 4 60J 15 131 19 168 13 191 4 348 981,708 2,591 2. 1 4 74 2 13 2 21 t 20 ., 39 5 154 291 868

1 .. 68 2 8 2 19 9 .. 38 11 167 247 869 2 76 1 13 2 17 4 19 · . 24 3 128 255 870

69 22 7 16 3 13 · . 37 19 167 235 871 2 5 58 3 7 7 1 26 · . 30 14 159 257 872 1 6 31 2 2 12 1 13 .. 34 11 173 209 873

7 1 3 1 4 58 9 19 2 25 .. 26 3 171 267 874 3 3 3 53 1 12 3 15 27 · . 33 10 191 249 875 4 2 l 45 2 18 1 6 17 2 42 S 159 234 876

3 13 13 50 2 23 2 14 18 2 26 11 176 243 877 2 1 2 21 4 16 4 · . 19 6 63 104 878 2 2 1 .. 226 1 26 .' 136 J 128 2 223 35 941 1,437 3 . 1 34 .. 4 19 19 1 39 j 145 240 879 1 53 6 26 23 · . 33 9 154 255 880

47 3 19 1 18 · . 33 3 155 221 881 38 1 5 30 1 19 25 5 152 235 882 30 3 24 22 50 10 158 232 883

2 24 5 18 27 · . 43 3 177 254 884



No. of Total Population I

Literate Area of Occu- ,-----village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name 0 j Village/ of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in house ,---A. r-~ . ,_,.___" ,--"---, ,--"-....-....., No. Urban Block Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

19/4 Mhow Tahsil (Rural) 779.3 13,673 43,097 5,335 100 I!, 020 21.236 12,674 81,663 38,566 4,564 71 3,903 8,139

1 Umariya 744.00 126 127 831 434 397 57 48 115 63 219 73 2 Nawada 862.00 71 81 552 294 258 34 31 134 27 161 10 3 Panada 1,,110.00 61 64 471 252 219 55 38 77 11 134 4

4 Pigdambar 1,·143.00 160 173 1,216 668 548 54 51 410 79 323 30 5 Harniyakhedi 737.00 14 14 97 56 41 12 7 13 3 25 5 6 Kawti 630.00 i6 86 553 294 259 14 17 48 154 11 7 Pipalya Malhar 595.00 43 43 255 138 117 13 10 55 14 73 3 8 Baradiya 284.00 6 6 46 28 18 22 16 9 14 I 9 Bheslay 1,352.00 112 112 711 382 329 130 130 153 8 202 7

Bheslay 22 21 138 11 67 63 59 15 38 1 Ramnagar 90 90 573 311 262 67 71 138 8 164 6

10 Sonway 1,313.00 132 146 969 508 461 88 77 224 12 255 83 II Tihi 1,420.00 144 150 850 450 400 48 41 191 31 236 152 12 Banjari 409.00 14 15 117 66 51 2 1 47 34 20 13 Bhatkhedi 2,315.00 159 170 1,103 594 509 12 12 179 20 320 150

Bhatlchedi 111 116 744 400 344 12 /2 . 130 19 217 95 Samriya 8 8 40 18 22 13 10 Karondiya 40 46 319 176 143 49 1 90 45

14 Gopalpura 468.00 40 41 399 215 184 16 15 84 13 104 1 15 Dongargaon 814.00 145 145 854 444 410 153 130 183 58 188 32 16 Richhabardi 400.00 37 37 248 134 114 12 14 75 10 79 2 17 Shahda 579.00 52 57 317 170 147 37 36 59 5 93 50 18 Shrikhandi 774.00 58 58 332 169 163 27 25 79 22 100 10 19 Sater 775.00 70 80 579 322 257 118 92 154 47 145 58 20 Akawi 1,006.00 32 32 202 114 88 60 50 12 53 7 21 Kesar Bardi 437.00 37 37 316 153 163 43 44 22 78 22 Kulamba 821.00 20 20 109 59 50 24 4 23 Pipalkhut 340.00 17 17 110 63 47 6 41 2 24 Bhardala 2,102.00 44 44 253 124 129 24 26 .,' .. 17 65 25 Mahudiyapura 327.00 3 3 45 l8 27 10 7 26 Mahudiya Buzurg 768.00 21 21 152 88 64 4 1 9 47 21 KaradiYa 567.00 32 32 204 102 102 23 21 44 3 56 10 28 Jamanya 760.00 30 32 211 101 110 16 17 48 I 56 37 29 Panjariya 712.00 60 60 302 166 136 41 40 74 8 91 47 30 Phaphund 680.00 115 115 674 370 304 52 37 219 10 206 16 31 Lalpura 333.00 Uninhabited .. 31 Silotiya 673.00 36 36 221 107 114 16 17 38 60 9 33 Awlay 1,419.00 69 69 459 240 219 11 17 .74 2 135 2 34 Ahilyapur 966.00 Uninhabited 35 Kuradakhedi 264.00 27 27 170 87 83 34 32 17 48 36 36 Thawlay 798.00 50 50 302 146 156 33 31 52 6 79 55 37 Nanded 1,126.00 64 64 486 259 227 43 39 96 21 115 95 38 Sitapat 910.00 91 91 527 292 235 42 35 91 6 160 8 39 Kuwali 1,073.00 63 63 394 204 190 \ 5 8 76 16 102 27 40 Jamli 1,382.00 202 207 1,323 i45 5i8 127 121 350 134 370 174 41 Nandlai 1,035.00 1 1 5 3 2 2 1 42 Badkuwa 1,715.00 18 18 86 54 32 12__ 4 19 5 43 - Bhicholi 1,470.00 84 84 414 223 191 5 3 47 1 102 9

Bhicholi 74 74 3M 194 170 5 3 45 93 8 Nand/ai Cholci 10 10 50 29 21 2 9 1





Workers ..-~~ '~-"-l ,.----'~ ,.--~ ,.--~ ,.--~ ('-~ ,.---A-.., ,.--~ ,.--_"'----, ,.--_....A.-, Le. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

11,456 5,514 640 17 6S6 411 198 549 257 1,508 21,861 19/4 1,796 4,857 27 10 144 2.2 13 28 242 30,417

68 2 38 37 10 3 .. 22 4 3 18 1 7 50 29 215 324 1 114 2 35 2 3 3 1 6 5 133 248 2 80 1 31 1 6 1 2 13 3 118 215 3

147 3 26 7 5 8 23 7 14 1 11 82 19 345 518 4 10 .. 2 5 1 3 2 1 1 4 31 36 5

119 .. 19 11 1 2 13 140 248 6 54 ,- 5 3 5 1 8 65 114 7 5 " 2 1 7 14 17 8

129 5 12 1 32 10 1 1 6 2 10 180 322 9 20 1 4 5 6 1 2 33 66

109 4 8 1 27 4 1 6 2 8 147 256 160 4 "17 19 2 6 3 6 253 378 10 156 96 33 44 30 11 6 2 9 214 248 11

31 18 3 2 32 31 12 208 66 SS 55 4 38 29 3 12 274 359 13 159 58 44 37 2 12 183 249

9 .. j 10 1 5 11 40 8 8 8 3 36 29 3 86 98 27 1 38 13 2 12 2 10 111 183 14 20 " 2 10 16 10 19 7 11 2 14 88 19 256 378 15 34 .1 22 12 11 55 112 16 42 .. 28 47 10 1 3 1 11 77 91 17 43 5 24 1 8 2 3 1 19 4 69 153 18 64 1 29 55 10 2 11 1 2 3 23 177 199 19 27 ., 18 7 6 1 1 61 81 20 47 " 28 2 1 75 163 21 15 .. 5 4 3 1 35 46 22 23 " 4 2 13 22 4S 23 04. ... 13 3 1 59 129 24 7 \ 11 27 25 ..

29 '., 13 4 1 41 64 26 43 1 10 P 2 1 46 92 27 33 3 18 34 3 2 45 73 28 48 2 40 45 2 1 75 89 29

122 3 30 13 5 26 5 5 13 164 288 30 Uninhabited 31

53 4 6 5 47 105 32 94 ., 38 2 3 105 217 33

Uninhabited 34 46 34 2 2 39 47 35 48 18 29 37 1 1 67 101 36 70 60 39 35 3 3 144 132 37

130 .. 29 8 132 227 32 62 8 31 19 3 3 1 1 1 102 163 39

178 81 109 89 9 11 04 3 6 1 5 45 3 375 404 40 2 1 1 1 41

7 , . 9 5 1 1 1 35 27 42 54 1 46 8 1 1 121 182 43 S4 1 38 7 1 101 161

8 1 20 20



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate ,-----village in pied House- (induding institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tioual and bouse- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Village/ of Town/ dential le~s population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.e Town/Ward/ Wardin houses , __ ..A.._--, ( __ ..A...-, ,--"----, ,--"--, , __ ..A...__"

No. Urban Block Km ll P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

44 Ambada 795.00 2 2 13 9 4 2 5 4 45 Anwaliya 398.00 5 5 19 17 2 4 11 1 46 Biram 583.00 29 36 179 95 84 2 4 54 41 41 Bhoj Karadiya 379.00 19 19 144 70 74 10 39 35 48 Hasalpur 1,'620.00 332 367 1,992 1,054 938 43 37 479 174 456 107 49 Kamadpur 2,732.00 217 255 1,401 722 679 126 137 213 14 380 119 50 Khudalpura 654.00 8 8 22 15 7 4 1 7 8 6 51 Chenpura 1,062.00 42 42 254 121 133 43 39 36 4 71 74 52 Matlabpura 696.00 33 35 234 127 107 24 10 34 1 62 62 53 Kumti 851.00 57 57 372 173 199 7 4 58 8 101 112 54 Khed Ismurar 1,538.00 129 129 756 400 356 23 20 119 8 183 18

Khed lsmurar 112 1I2 647 341 306 23 20 J19 8 156 17 Junikhedi 14 14 87 48 39 22 1 Badiya 3 3 22 J1 11 5

55 lakhukhedi 500.00 72 72 493 267 226 53 1 160 136 56 Sihod 2,159.00 122 122 647 336 311 64 48 71 5 179 79

Silwd 96 96 533 270 263 43 3S 69 5 144 61 Balaimohalla 13 13 48 28 20 21 13 '2 15 8 Tana 13 13 66 38 28 20 10

57 Kodiya 929,00 33 33 194 94 100 35 8 31 25 Kodiya 17 17 96 45 51 28 8 23 7 Gadbadi 16 16 98 49 49 7 28 18

58 Jafrabad j76.00 81 81 476 240 236 37 7 133 8~

lafrabad 36 36 196 105 91 36 7 j2 U Saglakhedi 45 45 280 135 145 .. 1 81 71

S9 lulwaniya 512.00 56 56 337 159 178 17 87 81 60 Durjanpura 1,499.00 81 81 626 309 317 29 12 74 12 144 84

Durjanpura 47 47 341 173 168 29 12 56 10 83 29 Nayapura 34 31 285 136 149 18 2 61 55

61 Malipura 496.00 32 32 276 140 136 56 53 33 5 71 28 62 ~herpur 1,199.00 78 78 496 245 251 5 5 130 40 126 123 63 Anwalipura 395.00 20 20 134 61 73 35 24 64 Olani 586.00 43 43 266 140 126 2 69 33 65 Kali Kiriya 1,692.00 21 21 209 115 94 15 61 38 66 Olani 1,093.00 45 45 244 126 118 4 4 32 63 30 67 Gadaghat 619.00 7 7 35 17 18 9 4 68 Phut Talab 592.00 32 32 186 94 92 53 37

Phut Talab 24 24 130 64 66 36 26 Mali 8 8 56 30 26 17 11

69 Manpur 3,288.00 449 585 3.097 1,650 1,447 145 125 999 629 687 204 70 Rampuriya Khurd 499.00 38 38 235 131 104 37 32 13 5 74 48 11 ' Rampuriya Buzurg 756.00 16 16 107 54 53 35 27 71 Kaneriya 3,294.00 63 67 413 211 202 4 108 72

Kaneriyo 47 51 316 166 150 j 80 47 Khasikho 16 16 97 45 52 1 28 15

73 Khurdi - 482.00 66 68 406 247 159 100 50 85 38 74 GokanyllJ Kund 1,340.00 32 33 196 99 97 14 1 59 57 75 Chasya./ 794.00 24 24 136 72 64 40 41 76 Naharkhedi 824.00 53 56 325 171 154 1 86 44 -,

77 Nahar Khodra 657.00 38 39 263 138 125 72 45 78 Sejgarh 2,641.00 38 38 253 124 129 1 76 75

SeJgarh 29 29 195 97 98 1 60 58





Work~rs r-.A.-, ,--A._, '-.-~ ,~ ,--'---, ,-_..o.__, r-~ ,.--A-... ,.-A-:., r-.-A-., ,-___...A._., L.e.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

1 3 4 1 4 44 3 1 10 4 1 45

14 24 33 8 7 5 1 3 41 43 46 lS 13 35 1 31 39 47

209 3 144 93 2 35 6 3 4 29 2 29 3 598 831 48 334 11 24 17 6 9 3 19 2 86 28 342 560 49

5 5 1 1 2 7 1 50 42 40 25 34 4 50 59 51 42 45 19 17 1 65 45 52 74 81 22 29 2 2 3 72 87 53

103 3 48 10 19 5 1 4 1 7 217 338 54 91 3 33 9 19 .5 1 4 1 7 185 289

9 13 1 26 38 3 2 6 11

159 136 1 107 90 55 82 13 53 58 31 8 '. 1 10 157 232 56 77 11 46 48 11 1 1 I 8 126 202 5 1 7 7 1 2 13 12

3 20 7 18 18 37 12 14 H 43 15 57 17 3 6 4 22 44 20 9 8 9 21 31 91 41 85 1 107 151 58 41 10 14 1 53 77 50 31 71 j4 74 74 1 13 80 72 91 59 87 8 52 76 1 1 2 1 165 233 60 54 7 14 22 1 1 2 1 90 139 33 1 28 54 75 94 35 1 33 27 2 1 69 108 61

117 1 4 122 2 3 119 128 62 20 20 9 4 S 1 26 49 63 47 11 10 22 9 3 71 93 64 53 1 8 37 54 56 6S 42 18 18 12 63 88 66

9 2 2 8 14 fJ7 43 29 6 8 3 1 41 55 68 26 20 6 6 3 28 40 17 9 1 13 15

156 64 6S 72 37 51 14 56 6 11 .. 132 9 32 .. 147 38 9631,243 69 13 10 47 38 4 4 2 3 57 56 70 IS 12 17 15 3 19 26 71 73 26 34 46 1 103 130 72 53 1 26 46 1 86 103 20 25 8 17 27 51 1 31 37 1 1 162 121 73 36 21 57 2 40 40 74 ,9 11 41 32 23 75 62 13 23 31 1 85 110 76 56 4 16 41 66 80 77 44 32 75 48 54 78 34 26 58 37 40



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Li,erate , village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Villagel of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in house ,--.A ,-"-l ,-"--. .---J'---.. ,~ No. Urban Block Kmll P M F M F M F M F M F --~----------~.--.--~.---- .... ------- .-

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 ____ ~ __ ~~_~ ____ ~ ___________________________ 4 ~~~ _____________________


Jamanjhiri 9 9 58 27 3J 16 1'1 79 Shcrkund 483.00 18 18 125 70 5S 4 32 31 80 Ambapura 65.00 1 2 8 3 5 2 1 81 Kaparkheda 598.00 18 19 109 63 46 31 12 82 Khurda 1,7~,OO 108 117 621 306 315 22 13 78 27 149 65

Khurda 91 94 523 262 261 22 13 78 27 116 49 Chawdipura 5 8 25 13 12 6 5 Bawadiya 12 15 13 31 42 17 11

83 OondKuwa 1,187.00 43 43 283 145 138 1 60 6S 84 Chhapariya 1,144.00 43 43 278 147 131 6 69 68 85 Nandgaoo 372.00 20 20 124 63 61 36 31 86 Barklaeda 1,142.00 31 31 176 88 88 1 51 40 87 Bhilaoi 354.00 33 33 192 91 101 1 48 40 88 Raikunda 890.00 44 44 297 161 136 2 70 66 89 Undwa 740.00 28 28 168 92 76 6 30 32 90 Kankariya 1,396.00 140 140 711 353 358 2 4 33 6 138 158

Kankariya 74 74 410 206 204 19 80 89 Rol 66 66 301 147 154 2 4 14 6 58 69

91 Golkheda 2,570.00 33 33 258 131 127 5 73 14 92 Badgaon 1,618.00 9 9 49 27 22 10 9 93 Y ashwan to agar 2,330.00 127 127 681 356 325 18 10 78 20 186 27

Yashwantnagar 76 76 315 191 184 18 10 12 18 108 19 Kawatiyajhiri 51 51 306 165 141 6 2 18 8

94 Rajpura '22.00 102 102 583 193 290 3 96 19 162 91 RaJpura 16 16 113 49 64 9 2 32 26 Dalea; 14 14 75 36 39 2 24 2,5 Ku!i 72 72 395 208 187 3 1 85 17 106 40

95 Kadwali 1,481.00 39 39 266 119 U7 5 69 3 Kadwali 12 12 70 35 j5 20 2 GlIwadi J 3 20 11 9 6 Gular Choki 10 10 8} 41 41 5 19 1 Guiaripura 14 14 94 42 52 24

96 JamllDya 742.00 1 1 4 2 2 1 I 97 Telanbardi 278.00 23 23 140 73 67 38

Telanbardi 18 18 124 62 62 3j Pandupani j j 16 11 .5 5

98 Basipipri 2,222.00 84 86 572 299 273 5 1 47 11 117 1 Basipipri 40 41 254 134 110 5 1 42 II SO 1 LaMea Tanda 39 40 262 133 129 J 55 Gajbardi 5 j 56 32 14 12

99 Men 1,383.00 140 148 863 441 412 28 16 48 15 159 128 Men 78 82 413 204 209 47 15 124 49 Dand ., J 27 18 9 12 " Bhllrimasant 7 7 54 13 31 10 7 Klwdra 3 3 25 11 13 7 5 Chak 21 28 181 104 83 64 32 Lalmal· j 6 47 27 10 14 10 Bar; walakuwa 2 2 20 10 10 1 5 j

Somnek;mal 11 12 60 26 34 28 16 ...... 17 12 Watwalakuwll 3 J 30 17 13 6 .5

100 Man Mlzra 3,506.00 16 16 146 72 74 2 37 1 Guralmal 1 1 8 ., ., 2



WORKERS -----.,

I 11 III IV V(a) V(b) VI vn VIII IX X Non-

Workers ,-_ ..... ---., ,--A---.., ,---"1---., ,~ ,-~ ,--'---1 ,-'---1 ,--A-, ,,_}\_""", ,-....JI.--., ,-_A_-., L. C. M F M F M F M F M F M F 1\1 F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 .~--~- ----"" -----------.. --_

10 6 17 11 14 24 7 31 38 24 79 2 1 1 4 80

30 10 1 2 32 34 81 120 43 6 14 4 3 1 1 5 1 I 9 6 157 250 82 97 30 6 1I 4 3 1 1 5 J 1 9 6 136 212

6 1 3 7 7 17 11 14 31 47 13 65 85 73 83 25 44 68 78 63 84 8 2 28 29 27 30 85

29 22 40 37 48 86 31 2 17 38 43 61 87 18 52 66 91 70 88 22 1 7 31 1 62 44 89 97 36 158 1 4 215 200 90 U 24 89 1 1 126 115 4J 12 69 3 89 85 63 10 13 58 11J 91

8 2 9 17 13 92 118 1 60 25 2 6 170 298 93

45 2 55 17 2 6 83 165 73 5 8 87 133 78 18 70 70 4 3 2 2 6 131 199 94 13 7 19 19 17 38 6 .5 18 20 12 14

59 6 33 31 4 3 2 1 6 102 147 64 2 2 1 60 134 95 19 1 1 1 Jj 33 6 5 9

15 1 1 1 21 40 24 18 52 1 1 1 96

38 35 67 97 33 29 62

.5 6 5 80 30 1 2 2 2 1 182 272 98 27 17 1 2 2 1 1 84 119 43 11 1 78 129 10 2 20 24

143 59 SS 60 40 10 6 2 3 3 6 182 294 99 67 JO 33 34 8 < 1 2 3 3 6 80 }60 6 4 .3 3 6 .5 7 5 1 2 2 13 24 .5 4 2 1 .5 7

30 17 10 15 24 40 51 9 7 4 3 1 13 10 2 3 3 5 7

12 7 1 .5 4 9 22 .5 .5 1 11 8

36 1 35 73 100

2 2 4



Area of Occu- No. of Total PopUlation Literate r------village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi· holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Village} of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward! Ward in houses ,-_--A.. r__.l...--, ,-~ ,-_.......A-_--, r--_.).".-"",

No. Urban Block Kmt P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10· 11 12 13 14 15 16

Rasaniya 9 9 8J 38 45 11 1 Ilhalatalai 6 6 55 30 25 2 14

101 Rumpuriya 1,169.00 53 56 375 188 187 89 3 Rampuriya 21 24 160 85 75 39 1 Telan Mal. \ 3 3 25 12 J3 .. 4 1

Sabru Ka Tanda 29 29 190 91 99 46 1 102 Asapura 770.00 30 36 244 134 110 48 8 57 3 103 Kakariyadabri 26.00 3 3 14 7 7 5 104 Tinchha 937.00 55 55 396 209 187 12 10 S3 2 86 38

Juna Tinchha 15 15 ]06 53 53 2 21 4 Nayapura 20 20 187 99 88 5 6 48 2 43 17 Pate/pura 20 20 103 57 46 7 4 3 21 17

105 Badgonda 4,574.00 180 185 1,101 595 506 12 11 303 101 280 37 106 Borkhedi 428.00 14 14 97 48 49 15 23 3 107 Malendi 2,709.00 95 96 579 291 288 11 11 90 4 142 1 108 Kelod 1,35l.00 258 270 1,706 904 802 517 95 481 419 109 Khedli 666.00 23 26 18..f 87 97 3 45 110 Badarkhan 3,826.00 Uninhabited "

111 Berchha 1,394.00 93 94 549 268 281 126 107 62 3 131 2 112 Gawali Palasya 3,220.00 583 592 3,421 1,803 1,618 334 268 875 323 867 591 113 Gangaliyakhedi 874.00 58 61 401 210 191 65 56 102 26 98 26 114 Kodriya 1,926.00 433 520 2,983 1,585 1,398 344 310 825 268 707 266 115 Chodiya 1,284.00 122 146 772 420 352 69 50 175 51 216 92

Chodiya 90 106 615 337 278 43 35 136 31 178 92 Patafpani Radhera 32 40 157 83 74 26 15 39 20 38

116 Gujarkheda 294.00 117 Sutarkhedi 378.00 66 86 580 316 264 132 102 176 56 115 8 118 Patalpani 308.00 8· 14 65 33 32 4 1 12 2 17 1 119 Badoda Sindh 543.00 17 17 121 73 48 4 2 49 10 36 1 120 Bhagora 6,811.00 369 426 2,480 1,3161,164 165 134 482 147 679 238

Ilhagora 308 365 2,054 1,099 955 165 134 468 143 565 203 Kat"hedi 42 42 265 129 136 11 4 70 30 Karondiya 12 12 105 57 48 2 29 4 Naharkhodra 2 2 15 7 8 1 5 Bhayyakheda 5 5 41 24 17 10 1

121 Amba Chandan 4,002.00 254 262 1,624 867 757 217 206 423 93 452 362 122 Neu Guradiya 1,029.00 127 176 676 373 303 7(} 59 146 13 175 7 123 :Sorkhedi (llarsoda) 861.00 33 33 300 155 145 43 30 64 5 72 3 124 Harsola 7,021.00 624 752 4,653 2,4492,214 368 306 .. 1,230 345 1,223 286 125 Datoda 7,700.00 693 740 4,486 2,341 2,145 435 339 826 137 1,239 661

Datoda 560 577 3,6331,8711,761 176 149 7'38 121 975 492 Kanau 133 163 853 469 384 259 190 88 14 264 169

126· Simrol 4,563.00 443 477 2,506 1,338 1,168 230 184 568 188 698 254 Simrol 330 349 1,824 972 852 154 125 482 177 475 82 Jagjivangram 34 34 178 98 80 44 39 13 65 48 Talkhainaka 51 53 274 149 125 14 II 34 4 85 60 Baldafarm 17 23 116 62 54 1 1 1 24 5 34 26 GomaUhedi 11 18 114 57 57 17 8 15 2 39 38

127 Memdi ,: 2,285.00 156 159 917 528 389 52 39 151 17 180 8 Memdi 116 119 624 369 255 52 39 141 17 127 6 Ilagoda ·40 40 293 159 134 9 53 2

128 Khardakheda 521.00 3 3 14 8 6 " " ., 4 " 3 .,





Workers r-...-Jo.---., ,-___.t..-. ,-.J....-..,,-~,---"----. ,--"--, ,-~ ,-~,-~ ,---"----. ,---A~ L.C.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

21 1 13 1 89 3 39 1 4 1

46 1 26 10 Z 4 1

67 2 8 33 18 4 4 33 2 1 12 16 3 17

121 3 95 25 11 7 3 60 1 69 6

251 289 120 124 37 8

8 1 353 271 20 5

224 93 94 37 91 37 3

7 1

29 290 41 219 26 33 14 20 1 1 7

211 175 40 1 43 1

682 41 712 366 629 301

83 65 315 127 206 32 57 42 24 18 9 9

19 26 133 3 89 2 44 1 2

121 1 304 307

31 21 268 164

43 52 41 51 2

6 6 5 I 3

234 188 185 168 37 16 9 3 1 1

164 )~I

113 6 19 2

285 224 253 265 161 175 92 90

229 1()2 141 32

50 41 18 17 20 12 3S 5 21 4 8 1



2 1 7 3 I


19 5 8 1


48 48


I 33

101 46 55 26 10 7 8 1

I 1


2 2






1 1 7

1 16


II 26 26


I 33 33

22 3 3

33 53 40 13 17 16 1


1 2 16


2 26

.. Uninhabited .. 1

2 22 3 11 41 1 4

2 24 9 4 41 3 15 2 3 3


1 3 3

5 4 1 3

4 41 13 33 6 25 7 8 1 12

1 11



3 I 2 1 I

12 2

19 8

16 16

10 2

5 6 3 3 9 8


5 6 5 6


2 40 1 23

21 2

18 18


1 1


12 1

22 22 3



7 3

3 1 6 2

11 6 5 1 3 2


2 2

17 44 16 25 99 184 101 46 74 8 12

45 98 77 107 102 2 7 103

6 3 123 149 104 31 49

6 3 56 71 36 29

28 6 315 469 105 2 25 46 106 7 149 281 107

38 423 383 108

1 66 36

.. 100 13 13

42 97 109 .. 110

137 279 111 6 9361,027 112

112 165 113 1 878 1,132 114

204 260 115 159 186 45 74

.. 116 17 201 256 117 2 16 31 118 2 37 47 119

42 2 637 926 120 42 2 534 752

59 106 28 44 2 8

14 16 26 415 395 121 14 198 296 122 3 83 142 123

93 14 1, 216 1.928 124 52 13 1,102 1,484 125 45 8 897 1,269 7 5 205 215

69 17 640 914 126 63 16 497 770

33 32 1 1 64 65 5 28 18

18 19 7 348 381 127 6 242 249 1 106 132 1 5 6 128



Area of Oecu No. of Total Population Literate ,----village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Vil1a~e I of Townl dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Wald in homes r-__.A..-----""'I r~--' r-.A.~ ,..-___j...---, r-~----, No. Urban Block Km 2 PM F M F MF M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

129 Gokanya 1,451.00 24 27 131 83 48 5 52 29 130 Ghosikheda 1,316.00 57 60 274 153 121 28 2 80 I 131 Chikhali 1,820.00 58 60 234 129 105 5 89 H2 Joshi Guradiya ,1,382.00 118 121 702 374 328 32 30 129 32 193 161 133 Path an Pipaliya 1,042.00 25 31 120 65 S5 5 1 47 134 Pipalya Lohar 346.00 49 49 254 140 114 40 27 31 1 72 19 135 Bardari 413.00 19 19 114 57 57 4 9 15 6 26 5 136 Shivnagar 1,576.00 92 93 571 281 290 76 89 III 12 179 142 137 Gavalu 1,341. 00 65 121 332 184 148 28 21 42 12 104 5 138 Gajinda 733.00 43 43 358 196 162 24 20 5 56 2 139 Choral 1,006.00 259 303 1,419 742 677 48 29 5 10 341 143 363 138

Clwral 190 234 980 502 478 22 10 254 128 262 101 Gawa/ipura 69 69 439 240 199 26 19 5 10 87 15 101 37

140 Bai 478.00 20 20 562 324 238 92 82 66 13 119 31 116 6 141 Bherughat 82.00 5 5 30 16 14 3 3 7 142 Mendai 301.00 60 60 463 249 214 12 12 2 2 4 116 24 143 SUrtipura 239.00 45 58 189 104 85 3 3 2 62 7 144 Sendal 753.00 69 69 376 210 166 30 15 15 15 40 8 105 4 145 Imalipura 125.00 1 1 4 3 1 2 146 Utediya 207.00 28 28 145 72 73 12 10 5 1 42 7 147 KuIthana 901.00 78 78 435 238 197 25 28 39 14 121 ...

Kulthana 30 30 157 85 72 8 11 14 8 46 2 Nayapura 43 43 249 137 112 17 17 24 6 66 1 Dand 5 5 29 16 13 1 9 1

148 Gunjara 223.00 56 72 314 168 146 3 8 151 27 74 17 Gunlara 20 27 141 73 68 9 1 34 15 Kala Kund 36 45 173 95 78 3 8 142 26 40 2

149 Dhawadiya 67.00 7 7 52 23 29 10 150 Nawl1diya 24.00 1 1 9 7 2 2 151 Baika 304.00 45 47 285 147 138 5 3 71 6 152 Bhanbardi 197.00 10 10 57 26 31 2 15 1 153 Ratwi 120.00 9 9 61 . 31 30 13 1 154 Rajpura 258.00 31 31 213 118 95 7 3 4 56 3 155 Lodhiya 121.00 11 II 121 70 51 2 22 6 156 Kushaigarh 385.00 16 16 127 61 66 4 5 3 27 2 157 Guwadi 140.00 16 16 132 70 62 33 158 Ghodakhur 407.00 31 35 177 97 80 38 159 Jam Buzurg 692.00 56 56 366 188 178 2 2 33 76 16 160 Jam Khurd 1,624.00 47 47 291 153 138 20 21 55 7 70 17 161 Jhikadiyakhedi 40.00 . . Uninhabited .. 162 Damali 203.00 .. Uninhabited .. 163 Nachambot 365.00 30 30 222 107 115 7 4 3 49 4 164 Pipalya 200.00 27 27 210 113 97 1 46 3 165 Badiya 277.00 32 33 181 87 94 40 166 Buraliya 1,918.00 27 27 198 113 85 7 32 2

167 Borkhedi 137. CO 2 3 24 13 11 5 168 Madhawpura 1,003.00 ", 7 45 24 21 3 9 169 Mangalya 509.00 50 56 426 222 204 3 88 17U Ramgarh Paiasghat 1,459.00 30 30 216 113 103 '~ 042 3 171 Umath 266.00 31 31 216 103 113 57 5 172 Barkheda 83.00 16 16 104 54 50 10 20 7 173 Raskundiya 156.00 15 15 95 44 51 21 7



WORKERS ---A----__________________ -,


Workers r---A..~ ,.-A..-, ,. • .....A-, ,-~ ,-~ ,---"----. ,--''--"-l ,.-A-, ,--~ ,._)I_---, ,----"----, Le. M F ..M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

22 7 30 22 31 19 129 40 39 73 120 130 47 41 1 40 105 131 99 85 74 70 3 9 3 2 5 3 181 167 132 33 14 18 55 133 56 2 1-4 17 2 68 95 134 9 16 5 31 52 135

116 61 45 81 1 3 5 111 148 136 64 2 32 2 3 1 1 2 80 143 137 35 21 2 140 160 138 93 6 137 117 12 25 10 5 2 31 21 22 17 1 379 539 139 52 4 96 91 12 1 16 1 5 2 25 19 1 22 15 1 240 377 4/ 2 41 26 9 9 6 2 1 139 162 66 2 22 2 4 24 208 232 140 5 1 1 9 14 141

58 1 3'9 21 19 2 133 190 142 34 5 18 2 9 42 78 143 50 49 4 3 2 105 162 144 2 1 1 145

29 7 6 4 2 30 66 146 87 3 29 1 5 117 193 147 12 1 }9 1 5 39 70 57 1 9 71 111 8 1 1 7 12

17 1 5 7 3 1 1 1 36 10 8 94 129 148 17 2 5 7 J 1 1 1 8 6 39 53

2 36 2 2 55 76 10 13 29 149 2 5 2 150

63 3 4 2 4 76 132 151 13 1 11 30 152 13 1 18 29 153 51 2 5 1 62 92 154 is 5 7 48 45 155 24 1 3 34 64 156 33 37 ()2 157 38 59 79 158 46 26 15 4 112 162 159 34 31 17 2 2 83 121 160

Uninhabited 161 Uninhabited 162

43 6 4 58 111 163 45 3 1 67 94 164 39 1 47 94 165 26 6 81 83 166 5 8 11 167 7 2 15 21 168

87 1 134 204 J69 ]5 7 3 71 100 170 51 4 3 2 1 46 108 171 8 2 1 2 2 7 4 34 43 172

16 3 4 4 23 44 173



L.C. 1'0:"0.

Name of Villate/ Town/Ward! Urban Block

Area of village in Acres and of Town/ Ward in Km

Dccu- No. of Total Population pied House- (inciuding institu­res i- holds tiona! and house-dential :·:~s population) peuse r-- ----"----,


Literate ,----­and

Scheduled Scheduled educated Castes ' Tribes persons

,----"-,,---A-..., ,---->-.--, M F M F M F

(I-IX) Total

Workers ,-___.k.~

M F ~~------~~-'-~~-~~- ----~ -~ _------ ------- -_


174 Telan mal 175 SadaJpur

MholV (U, A .)

19!IV MholV CaDit.

19/IV!1 Ward No.1 Block No. Block No.2 Block No.3 Block No.4 Block No.5 Block NO.6 Block NO.7 Block No.8 Block No.9 Block No. 10 Block No. 11 Block No. 12 Block No. 13 Block No. 14

19!IVj2 Ward No.2 Blo.;k No. 15 Block No. 16 Block No. 17 Block No. 18 Block No. 19 Block No. 20 Block No. 21 Block No. 22 Block No. 23 Block No. 24 Block No. 25 Block No. 26 Block No. 27 Block No. 28

19!IV!J Ward No.3 BlDck No. 29 Block No. 30 Block- No. 31 Block No. 32 Block No. 33 Block No. 34 Block No. 3S Block No. 36

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16

160.00 326.00 2 3

10.23 6,(~4 10,331

10.05 6,119 9,507

709 1,094 30 34 25 44 47 81 49 75 34 61 68 107 41 76 39 47 8~ 86 48 75 73 WQ 73 109 47 82 50 117

897 1,393 44 76 44 116 54 84 57 80 91 155 88 128 84 167 71 104 60 64 60 68 69 115 61 91 53 80 61 65

. . Uninhabited 9 5 4 4 3

fi3,'7:9 28,1£9 4.116 35,470 4,645

59,037 26,191 3,754 32,846 4,252

7,3723,784 3,588 129 107 196 92 104 268 115 153 2 6 475 239 236 474 259 215 377 194 183 751 379 372 516 261 255 319 166 153 555 295 260 6 6 523 282 241 739 391 348 43 :B 687 334 353 55 43 583 305 278 4 1 909 472 437 19 18

8,9334,7174,216 105 92 545 285 260 5 4 647 341 306 527 269 258 14 9 460 214 246 3 2 899 463 436 789 406 383 2

1,134 634 500 734 333 351 8 3 492 260 232 395 220 175 2 7 707 385 322 5 3 628 335 293 II 7 584 321 263 27 21 392 201 191 28 36

1,028 1,8081,1581 6,1065,475 1,477 1,287 57 76 557 312 245 102 92 69 117 719 359 360 156 158 34 59 417 223 194 10 6 43 107 640 332 308 50 48 30 47 335 183 152 27 18 51 67 378 187 191 17 15 63 112 715 381 334 32 32 60 106 793 428 365 126 119



165 12.161 1,048 203 23,299 16,682

163 11,297 912 196 21,560 15,732

2,724 1,795 1,536 83 79 74 37 3

100 95 62 1l 202 161 94 13

203 132 94 3 151 113 79 2 250 189 172 6 208 160 105 4 132 45 72 4 225 158 105 4

222 140 110 6 209 103 153 6

242 187 127 9 217 125 121 9 284 113 205 3

.. 3,2502,1621,832 104 221 181 82 16 300 233 151 8 210 166 lOS 7 177 157 101 4 346 281 208 15 283 90 177 5 352 209 278 9 240 177 170 3 220 152 90 3 151 89 4 4 161 72 149 7 226 130 134 8 20Q 137 111 10 154 88 72 5

.. ., 3,442 1,7732,538 184 188 91 118 4 200 110 157 J 1 136 60 103 t 204 127 159 13 114 75 77 9 130-, 116 86 8 192 86 149 5 114 29 146 14



WORKERS .A.- ----,


Workers ,-_A.~ '----"""--"1 ,---"--, ,-....A..., ,-~ ,-..... A_, ,-~ ,~ ,-__A_, ,.--"'--, ,--A---., L.e. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 _~ ____ ~ __ ~_~_~. ____ .~_~.~~ u ___ ._~ --- --- __ . -- ~~-- - ---- . ~ ----- - -

.. Uninhabited ., 174 3 2 3 175

URBAN AGGLOMERATION -----~- . - -- ------- - _------_ -~-~- --- --~-- -------- -------_---

175 103 217 1 618 1,456 441 1,756 1,713 10,202 18,788 37 S9 12 1 29 44 6 99 27 734 27,221

8S 37 100 1 587 1,351 420 1,692 1,548 9,811 17,114 19/IV 19 12 27 41 4 97 27 68S 25,279

3 14 3 106 2 226 7 199 385 11 112 491 60 2,248 ~,505 l~/IV/l 4 4 18 1 10 3 55 101 1

4 23 I 33 10 53 142 2 18 28 2 10 38 10 145 223 3

3 21 23 9 38 2 165 212 4 5 14 25 6 28 2 115 181 5 Q 60 29 17 57 5 207 366 6

12 6 51 2 4 31 1 156 251 1 10 17 2 29 3 13 1 94 149 3 12 17 31 2 12 33 2 190 256 9 27 9 1 46 5 21 3 172 235 1()

2 9 19 3 50 9 61 5 238 342 11 11 10 3 9 15 2 21 57 7 207 344 12

4 19 2 44 9 7 38 6 184 269 13 15 .. 140 8 8 33 3 267 434 14

5 1 8 95 9 337 12 33 .. 495 4 159 1 700 77 2,8854,112 19/n',," 5 3 8 10 56 15 203 244 n 8 8 51 16 68 8 190 298 ]6 5 2 13 21 18 47 5 ]64 251 17

12 1 23 15 50 3 113 242 13 1 I 8 30 2 64 24 80 II 255 421 19 1 3 6 16 53 20 78 4 229 378 20

9 123 4 2 68 10 66 4 356 491 21 1 56 64 16 32 .. 213 348 22

2 " 11 47 6 21 3 170 229 23 ... I I 3 3 216 171 24-

4 39 15 25 1 5 61 6 236 315 25 25 1 10 2 12 26 8 53 5 20t 285 26 22 2 1 36 5 48 7 210 253 27 4 1 16 I 8 6 37 3 129 186 28

6 4 5 52 2 219 7 460 19 118 2 293 18 177 1 1,109 1303,568 5,291 19/IV!3 8 7 3 36 10 54 4 194 241 29

26 13 5 14 5 18 81 6 202 349 30 7 16 2 9 15 54 1 ]20 193 31

32 19 23 16 69 11, 173 295 32 9 8 2 28 7 22 7 106 143 33

9 5 14 11 47 7 101 183 34 46 2 20 15 11 2 ]6 41 1 232 329 35 20 13 23 2 16 72 12 282 3~1 36



Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r-village in pied House- (including institu- and (I-IX) Acres and resi- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Total

Name of Village! of Town! dential less population) Castes . Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward! Ward in houses .A-__ , ,..___A.~ ,,--..........A--, ~ ,.....~-. No. Urban Block Km 2 P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Blo-:k No. 37 46 82 571 295 276 102 90 120 61 109 9 Block No. 38 45 66 462 246 216 38 48 140 55 107 4 Block No. 39 74 144 9:=2 497 455 163 82 337 197 202 15 Block No. 40 7S 139 832 422 410 194 180 278 176 165 6 Block No. 41 65 114 728 415 313 50 34 289 165 164 9

Block No. 42 64 133 937 481 456 6 12 308 173 224 8 Block No. 43 85 149 737 374 363 56 67 179 95 153 23 Block No. 44 73 130 766 401 365 106 97 198 84 173 31 Block No. 45 56 91 603 328 275 219 174 176 36 143 8 Bleck No. 46 38 69 439 232 197 23 15 139 37 103 6

19!IV/4 Ward No.4 920 1,460 8,654 4,563 4,091 588 581 .. 2,943 1,879 1,885 154 Block No. 47 63 94 582 312 270 15 12 140 59 106 5 Block No. 48 48 108 679 378 301 5 3 236 125 136 2 Block No. 49 75 144 1,004 540 464 168 151 347 174 203 27 Block No. 50 54 110 700 348 352 97 102 223 138 184 16 Block No, 51 58 127 740 396 344 31 26 263 155 173 17 Block No. 52 68 105 647 337 310 11 19 106 173 139 6 Block No. 53 152 155 824 419 405 23 28 287 205 171 27 Block No. 54 87 139 762 398 364 18 20 317 199 177 17 Block No. 55 99 126 753 381 372 88 91 265 174 144 3 Block No. 56 73 130 670 351 319 98 9S 277 187 136 21 Block No. 57 86 86 331 186 145 8 5 148 86 94 Block No. 51 57 136 962 517 445 26 29 334 204 216 13

19!IV/5 Ward No.5 956 1,104 6,229 3,337 2,892 457 404 187 161 1,827 1,081 1,349 185 Block No. 59 70 73 336 191 145 12 16 143 85 85 16 Block No. 60 69 69 338 179 159 28 30 7 5 81 26 83 14 Block No. 6t 19 19 206 112 94 15 12 62 21 49 Block No. 62 152 155 856 428 428 112 105 335 253 165 24 Block No. 63 222 205 1,108 598 510 4 3 178 156 458 317 234 28 Block No. 64 92 117 484 266 218 82 63 172 124 118 31 Block No. 65 67 172 904 503 401 140 112 2 233 118 212 12 Block No. 66 44 60 550 289 261 3 5 62 2 114 18 Block No. b7 47 68 673 364 309 81 3 146 32 Block No. 68 174 166 774 407 367 61 58 200 132 143 10

19!IV/6 Ward No.6 6721,133 6,877 3,565 3,312 679 667 .. 2,0321,3241,379 99 Block No. 69 53 87 733 404 329 157 6 204 12 Block No. 70 46 118 774 405 369 57 3 144 3

Block No. 71 65 65 466 231 235 174 188 135 60 77 13 Block No. 72 70 173 1,004 520 484 77 64 392 286 173 21 Block No. 73 101 110 603 321 282 50 56 217 120 103 1 Block No. 74 40 163 909 493 416 131 138 309 162 190 2 Bleck No. 75 65 65 539 313 226 20 27 245 118 99 8 Block No. 76 10 51 436 121 315 16 10 93 293 48 12 Block No. 77 96 96 325 174 151 9 10 131 100 75 11 Block No. 78 38 84 402 211 191 (9 65 93 68 99 9 Block No. 79 16 47 189 104 85 25 25 63 36 54 4 Block No. 80 72 74 497 268 229 108 84 140 72 113 3

19/IV/- Non-ward Area 937 1,515 9,391 6,774 2,617 817 616 9 2 5,342 1,183 5,213 103 Block No. 81 42 88 710 580 130 71 46 496 37 465 3 Block No. 82 48 69 828 772 56 30 7~4 27 742 1 Block No. 83 90 190 908 625 283 15 5 7 2 489 125 491 2 Block No. 84 146 147 469 267 202 23 10 181 III 171 6


MHOW (U. A.)


n III TV V[ VI[ vm IX X Non­

Workers ,__.,_--"'\ ,__..______ ,-"---, ,--"-----., ,--"----, ,...JI._-., ,--"----, ,-A--." ,-A....-., r--"--, ,.---"---, L.C.

Yea) V(b)

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

1 4



42 2 5

19 3



}9 5 2


6 2




1 2, "

3 2

22 7 1 2 3 4 1

9 5 2 1

I 2


7 4 3 2


20 25 9

2 3


1 2 4

8 9

87 31 48 2

1 3





5 4 1



18 12 31 II 9

2 19


II 27 22 3



32 28

8 7



21 4 4

I 10


4 12 26 24 37 99 38

4 29 46 40

6 160 27 26 28 22

2 14 6

2 2 10 8 4

2 ,


13 63

6 3 5

10 10

S 7

14 1 100

30 30 5

8 3 3 8

13 1 5

2 2

7 5

3 8 7

12 17 4

2 29


3 4 2 6 3 1 3

5 1 20

1 4

2 8

2 3



1 5 2

1 4


II 7

12 22 31 16 3 9

15 '}

1 342 34 42 56 19 27 32 37 16 8


54 I 122

12 9 8 6

13 15

5 18 34 2

48 II 3 2

1 3 3 3

11 2 9




17 13 26 25 20 35 16

57 60 98 74 54 56 88

" 106

5 186 267 37 4 139 212 38

12 295 440 39 6 257 404 40 6 251 304 41 7 257 448 42

20 221 340 43 17 228 334 44 6

8 2

49 185 267 45 27 3 139 191 46

13 265 1 2 2 6

4960 1282,6783,93719/IV/4 42 4 206 205 47 58 242 299 48

1 1 3

7 108 25 337 437 49 II 36 27

4 20 38 27 44

1 I 46

46 202 15 9

118 62 47

108 97 98 63 93

2 66 5 824

.10 43

7 6 11 124

9 188 5 85

15 168 13 5 77 32 5 87

121 5 6 5 524 16 563

27 96 22 35

5 29 24 149

91 163

17 3 8 2 3



14 I

23 12 24 55 37 58 75 48 76

.. 5164 459 741 4QO 169

15 164 336 50 12 223 327 51 5 198 304 52

19 242 378 53 16 221 347 54 3 237 369 5S

21 215 298 56 92 145 57

8 301 432 58 1231,9882,70719!IV/5

14 106 129 59 13 96 145 60

63 94 61 22 263 404 62 28 364 482 63 31 148 18764 7 291 389 65 3 175 243 66

218 277 67 5 264 357 68

702,1863,21319/1V/6 7 200 317 69 1 261 366 70 6 154 222 71 7 347 463 72

218 281 73 2 303 414 74 8 214 218 75

12 73 303 76 11 99 140 77 9 112 182 78 4 50 81 79 3 155 226 80

97 1561 251419!lV/ • I 115 127 8l 1 30 5~ 82 2 134 281 83 6 96 196 &4



_------ -------~- ~~----------

Area of Occu- No. of Total Population Literate r-

village in pied House- (including institu- and a-IX, Acres and res i- holds tional and house- Scheduled Scheduled educated Tota

Name of VilIagej of Town/ dential less population) Castes Tribes persons Workers L.C. Town/Ward/ Ward in hOU5e ,-_________.A.. ,---A.------., ,-___.A.------., ,---A.------., ,..--J-----, No. Urban Block Km2 P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Block No. 85 136 148 1 t :~~,~ 848 392 356 296 658 179 583 20 Block No. 86 6 6 . ~ 97 5 97 4 95 ! -

Block No. 87 81 81 426 279 147 4 3 2 232 80 118 3 Block No. 88 31 90 430 250 180 58 66 177 81 150 19 Block No. 89 14 48 186 120 66 3 85 31 74 Block No. 90 51 5+ 545 445 100 24 3 338 60 386 8 Block No. 91 48 48 476 381 95 310 76 308 2 Block No. 92 36 100 537 323 214 3 11 233 104 203 10 Block No. 93 9 19 137 105 32 2 1 99 11 99 Block No. 94 28 52 324 249 75 14 9 220 37 213 9 Block No. 95 34 203 819 444 375 91 79 124 195 213 14 Block No. 96 23 33 493 445 48 12 5 438 34 423 1 Block No. 97 114 139 161 544 217 106 82 461 91 419 5

19/IV/- Urban Outgrowth 0.18 525 824 4,102 2,6242,078 393 362 7 2 1,739 864 950 136 Sater 0.01 213 322 1,803 1,015 788 182 171 1 625 317 381 69 Block No. 98 32 48 327 237 90 3 2 223 67 44 22 Block No. 99 88 124 705 366 339 116 112 251 114 168 35 Block No. 100 93 150 771 412 359 63 57 1 151 136 169 12

Harniyakhedi 0.12 40 68 442 30.5 137 40 30 5 2 176 80 72 7 Block No. 101 40 68 442 305 137 40 30 5 2 276 80 72 7 Gujarkheda 0.04 103 174 877 455 422 68 52 297 1.54 ]58 1

Block No. 102 35 53 299 155 144 4 2 91 45 69 1 Block No. 103 68 121 578 300 278 64 50 206 109 89 1

Kodri,a Neg. 96 148 814 445 369 24 24 280 184 176 23 Block No. 104 96 148 814 445 369 24 24 280 184 176 23

Sutarkhedi 73 112 766 404 362 79 85 1 261 129 163 35 Block No. 105 73 112 766 404 362 79 85 261 129 163 35

------------ _- ----~-- - ------- -~- _- - - ----_ --- - -- --- - ---~---


19/V/- Mhowgaon (N. M .) 15.2 853 1,116 5,9863,1792,807 662 562 4 1 1,632 598 1,388 234

Block NO.1 72 105 560 279 281 30 46 185 91 120 25 Block No.2 120 120 608 328 280 86 75 197 66 146 62 Block No. :' 101 103 754 401 353 62 56 132 18 176 46 ' Block No. ' 78 78 522 261 261 81 95 4 Block No.5 96 101 701 375 326 160 132 116 16 171 SO Block No.6 119 194 645 333 312 32 21 221 152 132 12 Block NO.7 103 179 843 453 390 87 64 4 245 76 220 15 Block No. g 75 133 760 419 341 205 168 233 44 184 8 Block No.9 89 103 593 330 263 222 129 144 12

161 MHOW (U. A.)




Workers ,-_A.--.., ,--"-----... ,_..J.-_-., r-~ ,~ ,..J.--., ,--"-----, r---"-, ,_-A.-_, ,-A-., ,---"--, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 ~----- ~ --- ----------~~------~-------

2 · . 581 19 265 372 85 95 2 5 86

1 · . 177 3 101 144 87 4 2 · . 145 17 100 161 8S

74 46 66 89 2 · . 382 8 59 92 90

· . 308 2 73 93 91 2 1 · . 197 9 120 204 92

99 6 32 93 3 3 5 3 1 · . 197 9 36 66 94

· . 213 14 231 361 95 1 · . 422 22 47 ~6

1 1 2 · . 415 5 125 212 97 90 37 66 40 17 1 31 2 lOS 3 21 2 64 2 165 .. 391 491,6741,94219jIVj-30 15 18 18 8 4 66 3 10 27 58 · . 160 31 634 719

1 1 1 1 41 21 193 68 98 14 15 3 15 2 4 40 2 3 12 30 60 3 198 304 99 16 15 2 5 25 1 6 15 28 59 9 243 347 100 3 I I 1 1 64 7 233 130 3 1 1 1 I 1 64 7 233 130 101 8 30 2' .. 15 I 1 9 37 56 1 297 420 <4- .. 29 6 6 7 17 86 143 102 4 1 2 9 1 3 30 39 211 277 103 8 4 2 7 6 1 3 2 9 6 1 12 '1 43 77 6 269 346 8 4 2 7 6 1 3 2 9 6 1 22 2 43 77 6 269 346 87

41 18 15 15 1 24 14 3 5 26 34 '1 241 327 41 18 15 15 24 14 3 5 26 34 2 241 327 88


~ ---~ - -- -~~-~- ___ or _____

~ -- ... ~ ------_._---- _____ • -~ _______ c_

110 36 104 89 70 4 18 15 51 25 167 • 5 ., 134 18 84 1 645 38 1,7912,573 19/Y/-

11 1 9 9 5 4 4 8 6 2 77 9 159 256 1 26 27 12 24 2 8 3 16 1 S 2 73 4 182 218 2 32 54 44 2 3 45 1 6 2 32 225 107 3 23 1 1 2 8 1 54 7 1 166 257 4 9 6 4 3 29 2 16 15 15 13 36 1 20 5 3 37 6 204 276 5 3 3 1 3 4 10 16 2 9 87 5 201 300 6 2 5 14 3 25 6 2 16 2 1 154 5 233 375 .,


2 4 19 1 20 43 1 99 3 235 333 8 2 22 ~ 7 1 2 11 9 2 11 79 5 186 Z51 9
