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Mafuku Story1

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Tf?!Mafuku’s Story Mafuku was born on Namek, along with his brother Piccolo. Katas, the father, sent Mafuku on a longer journey than his brother. He had bigger potential than Piccolo. Katas knew exactly where he sent his twin sons. When Piccolo reached Earth, he was not as old as Mafuku when he reached his destination. Mafuku was 5 years old. It was a long journey. He was found by a couple on the planet, who had 3 daughters. They were aware of the namekian race, and knew only men came from that planet. They decided to raise him as their own. They decided to name him Mafuku, after the great warrior guardian on their planet. When Mafuku was 11 years old, he learned how to levitate. By the age of 15, he had developed his own attacks. He was purely raised in a peaceful town and environment. The boy was peaceful by mind, but had a restless soul. He knew that he was from a different planet, and asked his foster parents about his race. They told him about the namekians. They also told him about a planet named Yardrat, and a mysterious technique. They didn’t believe it, but told Mafuku about it, because of his imagination. Mafuku asked them if he could travel there, and they told him he could go when he was 16 years old. He accepted this, as it was not many months to. When he was 16 years old, he was ready to go. He said goodbye to his foster family, and especially his little sister, who was born after he arrived. He had taken care of her a lot, and gotten her out of trouble more than twice. Celia: I love you, bi g brother. Come back soon. Mafuku: I will little sister. I love you too. Mother: It’s a long journey ahead. You should take breaks on other planets on the way. You will need it. Mafuku: Thanks, mother. Father: Take care, son! Mafuku: Thanks, father. And then he left. He had a 5 year journey on his agenda. Over the 5 years of travelling, he reached Yardra t. The habitats on the planet were friendly, and taught Mafuku the Instant Transmission technique. The technique his parents had told him about. Mafuku asked about Namek. They pointed in the direction, and for the first time, Mafuku gave Instant Transmission a go. He made it. He was on Namek. He landed in a village. A namekian approached Mafuku. It was a younger Moori, but Mafuku didn’t know him then.  Moori: You’re a namekian, but you arrive like a Yardratian. Mafuku: I just came from there. They taught me the technique. Moori: You are not evil. Mafuku: No. Moori: I will take you to Guru. Mafuku: Guru? Moori: Follow me. They flew an hour. They landed outside Guru’s house.  Moori: Go inside. Mafuku: You are not coming? Moori: No. You must face him alone.
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Mafuku looked at Moori for a second, and decided to go in.

Moori: Just say the word Enter in your native namekian.

Mafuku: All Right.

He went inside and came to a levitation platform. He said Enter in namekian, and the platform

levitated. On the second floor, an old namekian was sitting in a chair. Guru was not as big as he

would be, but was quiet old.

Mafuku: You must be Guru.

Guru: I must?

Mafuku: You are Guru, right?

Guru: Perhaps.

Mafuku: Moori told me… 

Guru: If Moori sent you, I am Guru.

Mafuku: Great. You need to tell me something… Guru: I know your face, or at least the one who birthed you.

Mafuku: You know my father?

Guru: I knew him. As far as I know, he is dead.

Mafuku: Oh.

Guru: Come closer, my son.

Mafuku came closer. He knew this being was peaceful. He felt safe. Guru laid his hand on Mafuku’s

head. For some minutes, he held his hand on Mafuku’s head, and then he withdrew it. 

Guru: I just read your life.

Mafuku: and what can you tell me?

Guru: Your father, Katas, as I thought, sent you on a long journey. He knew you would travel for 5

years, before you reached the destination. He, however, did not know who would raise you and

teach you about life.

Mafuku: That’s right. Anything else? 

Guru didn’t tell Mafuku about his brother, but did tell Mafuku a lot about his father and Namek’s

history. Mafuku left there satisfied, but didn’t know the whole story. 

Some 200 years later, he learned about another namekian, but he didn’t know where he was. He had

lived his whole life on his foster parent’s planet, which mysteriously slowed his age-span. The others

died naturally. His little sister lived for 150 years, and was the planet’s oldest original person. The

family gave birth too many children, and many of them where already dead, but the once who lived

with Mafuku, considered him their planet guardian. Mafuku had told every child the story of who he

was, and how he got to their planet. The namekian he learned about, was told to him by an old friend

named Noman. One day, they were talking in his cabin, and Mafuku learned about a threat to the

universe. This threat was Frieza, and his family.

Noman: King Cold’s wife gave birth to their second son a month ago. She died moments later. Cooler,

5 years old, and Frieza will start arguing over who is the strongest, and will fight for the universe.

Mafuku: The saiyans can take care of them, right?

Noman: I’m afraid not. Cooler is stronger than even their King. Only you and King Cold are stronger.

Mafuku: I am stronger, but I will not involve myself in this.

Noman: You can’t let them destroy the universe. 

Mafuku: Relax. Someone will come along, I’m sure of it.  

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Noman: You can say it, but will it happen?

And it would happen. 100 years later, a boy named Goku was sent to Earth. He was raised by Gohan,

and trained by Master Roshi. He defeated The Red Ribbon Army and King Piccolo. It was this name

Mafuku found interesting. Piccolo was namekian and meant Another World. He traveled to Earth,

using Instant Transmission. He looked for someone to talk to, but he soon realized he couldn’t revealhimself. He traveled back to Noman.

Noman: What did you find out?

Mafuku: King Piccolo died. But he spat out an egg.

Noman: His reincarnation.

Mafuku: Yes. I will let him grow up, take part of Earth’s upcoming history and then when this is done,

I will contact him.

Noman: By then, Earth has had its destruction.

Mafuku: You are wrong. Earth will get through it, believe me. The saiyan boy will save it.

Noman didn’t reply, meaning he couldn’t say anything about it. 

Mafuku traveled back to his home, and spent 14 years living there, until Piccolo fused with Kami. He

could sense this reunion and traveled to Earth, to watch Piccolo fight Cell, twice. The second time

almost killing him. Mafuku had to do something. He secretly got into the water, and used his amateur

healing skills to keep Piccolo alive until Goku could save him, all of this without getting noticed by

anyone. He kept an eye over his “friends” on Earth, getting them out of trouble once in a while,

without revealing himself. He heavily consider helping when Majin Buu was reigning, but concluded

that they could take care of it. And he was right. And one day, after Majin Buu was destroyed, he was

called by Noman telepathically.

Mafuku: What’s up, Noman? 

Noman: You remember Frieza?

Mafuku: Yes.

Noman: He and Cooler had a brother.

Mafuku: What’s his name? 

Noman: Avalance.

Mafuku: Sounds… weak. 

Noman: He was. But he found one of the emblems.

Mafuku got a bad feeling.

Mafuku: Which one of them?

Noman: The one that will make you incredibly strong.

Mafuku closed his eyes, and traveled. He found Avalance on one of the planets close to a research

lab, who knew anything about almost everyone in the galaxy, dead or alive. He had a crew, and some

close friends there. One of them was a girl, who initially looked like a good person, but she couldn’t

be. For the next year, he kept an eye on them, not getting noticed once. However, one day, not long

before Mafuku would go see his brother, he made one little mistake. The Girl caught him and called

for Avalance. Mafuku knew he couldn’t escape now, because of the clue he had about Avalance’s


The Girl: You are in big trouble.

Mafuku: Listen to me. You are not evil!

The Girl: Shut up!

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Mafuku: Your family loves you. This is not you!

The Girl: Shut up!!!

She fired a bolt at him. He narrowly escaped it. The Girl however, knew he was right. And then

Avalance came.

Avalance: A namekian… 

Mafuku looked into his evil eyes.

Mafuku: Frieza’s brother. 

Avalance: Only a lot stronger.

Mafuku: I can’t change you. But I can change your crew.  

Avalance: Believe me, you won’t. They are fully committed to me. 

Mafuku: I sense misbelieve in this girl.

The Girl: Why won’t you shut up?! 

Avalance: “The Girl” is my reassurance. The Girl: Reassurance? That’s how you consider me? 

Avalance: What, you thought we were in love?

The Girl: I… 

Avalance laughed. A long evil laugh. The Girl was humiliated.

The Girl: You bastard.

Mafuku: I hope you understand now.

Avalance: Mafuku, is it?

Avalance walked over to Mafuku.

Avalance: Do you know if there are any saiyan alive?

Mafuku: I wouldn’t tell you. 

Avalance: Of course you wouldn’t. That’s why I’m going to the research lab on Vailor Planet. 

Mafuku: You do that, but I warn you. If there are saiyans alive, they will defeat you.

Avalance: Not with this little thing on my forehead.

Mafuku: The emblem is evil. You will die if you keep it.

Avalance: You might be right, but I value this thing too much.

Mafuku: That’s a mistake. 

Avalance: No matter. As I can’t get any information out of you, you must die.  

The Girl got in the way.

The Girl: You will not kill him, Avalance.

Avalance: You are wrong. I will.

The Girl fired a bolt at Avalance. He fired something into it, and the bolt returned to The Girl. It hit

her, but she wasn’t on fire. 

Avalance: You deserved that.

Mafuku had to act, no matter how important it was to get Avalance’s plan. H e grabbed The Girl and

used his Instant Transmission technique to get them out of there. The first planet he thought of was

Namek, and they arrived there. They fell to the ground.

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Mafuku: Listen to me!

The Girl: I’m going to kill him!!!!

Mafuku: LISTEN!!

The Girl looked at Mafuku.

Mafuku: What did he do?

The Girl: He sent one of his orbs into the fireball. When it hit me, it changed my molecules. I won’t be

able to control it.

Mafuku: Confidence!

The Girl: It has nothing to do with that.

Mafuku: Of course it has! You will see I am right.

The Girl: Who’s going to help me? 

Mafuku: You’ll see. Come on. There’s a village there. 

Mafuku started walking towards it. The Girl walked behind him. A few minutes later, they reached

the village. It was Moori’s village. 

Mafuku: Moori. Take care of this girl.

Moori: I can sense evil in her.

Mafuku: Please, listen to me. She is not evil. She is just lost… 

Moori: I don’t know, Mafuku… 

Mafuku: If she does something evil, just think of me, and I will come.

Moori: Okay.

Mafuku: She’s not staying long in any matter. 

Moori: She isn’t? 

Mafuku: No. Feed her, let her sleep, but when she wakes up, give her a spaceship and send her to


Moori: To Earth… 

Mafuku: Yes.

Moori: Mafuku. I wonder. We are both the same age, give or take a year.

Mafuku: Yes.

Moori: Why are you younger-looking?

Mafuku: Because of my adoptive family’s planet. It somehow slows my aging-process.

Moori: Well, we’ll take care of the girl, for you.  

Mafuku: Good.

Moori: What’s her name? 

Mafuku: Actually… I don’t know. 

The Girl: And it stays that way.

Moori: I could only touch her head, and I would know.

The Girl: Keep… Your… Hands… Of ME! 

Moori: I have to respect that.

Mafuku: I have to go.

Moori: Listen, Mafuku. Your brother, Piccolo… 

Mafuku: Yes… 

Moori: He fought Frieza here a couple of years ago, along with his saiyan friend.

Mafuku: I know.

Moori: He… seems lost. I can sense it.  

Mafuku: I can too. I will talk to him when the time is right, and it soon is. I only have to take care of 

something first.

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Moori: All right.

Mafuku: See you, namekian brother.

Moori: See you, Great Mafuku.

Then he used Instant Transmission. He arrived at Noman’s house. 

Noman: So, you had to take the girl with you… 

Mafuku: You didn’t see her expression when Avalance told her of.

Noman: You are right.

Mafuku: She is… Good, Noman. 

Noman: But you need to focus on something else.

Mafuku: Yes. The emblems.

Noman: You have one of them.

Mafuku: Yes, the most powerful one.

Noman: Exactly. Use it against Avalance!

Maf uku: No. It’s too dangerous. It could destroy everything around, including me. The best thing is to

get all three in the same place. That will destroy them, quietly.Noman: Fine. But where is the last one?

Mafuku: I have an idea, but I can’t go there. 

Noman: Why?

Mafuku: Neither can you. It’s not safe. 

Noman: Where is it?

Mafuku: The outer realm.

Noman: You’re right. I’m not going there. 

Mafuku: If I only could… 

Mafuku thought for a while.

Mafuku: It has to be done.

Noman: What are you talking about? You know I hate it when you talk in riddles.

Mafuku: I have to fuse with my brother.

Noman: First of all, you must keep an eye on Avalance. See what he does.

Mafuku: All right. I will.

Noman: Good.

Mafuku teleported to the planet he had just left. Avalance was not there. His crew was, but not him.

He tried to sense Avalance, but he couldn’t sense him. It took him almost a month to finally locate

him. He was on the research lab planet Vailor. The super-heroes of the planet had no chance against

Avalance, and Mafuku watched in horror as Avalance annihilated the heroes. This legion of Super-

Heroes was known throughout the galaxy for their heroic rescues. All of them was now dead. Of 

course, Mafuku was stronger than them, but Avalance was out of their league. Mafuku couldn’t save

them. Avalance continued on his way to the lab. He watched as Avalance went inside and outside in

5 minutes. He teleported back to Noman.

Mafuku: well, Noman. Avalance knows where Vegeta is.

Noman: You have to warn them.

Mafuku: I’m going now. 

Mafuku instantly teleported. He landed right below Vegeta and Piccolo.

Vegeta: What?! Another namekian?!

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Piccolo and Vegeta landed on the ground. Piccolo walked a little towards Mafuku.

Piccolo: Who are you?

Mafuku: My name is Mafuku.

Piccolo: Are you really a namekian?

Piccolo was in doubt.

Mafuku: Yes. And I come with a warning.

Piccolo: Really?

Mafuku: An enemy is on his way to Earth, as we speak.

Piccolo: Who is he?

Mafuku: His name is Avalance… He is the secret brother of Frieza and Cooler. 

Vegeta: Hah!

Mafuku looked at Vegeta.

Mafuku: What is so funny?

Vegeta: Frieza and Cooler were weaklings!

Mafuku: That might be true, but Avalance is even stronger than Majin Buu.

Vegeta now looked scared.

Piccolo: How do you know about Majin Buu?

Mafuku: Everyone in the universe knows about him. Glad he is gone.

Piccolo: He isn’t exactly gone. 

Mafuku: What?? Is he out there somewhere??

Piccolo: Yeah. Actually, he is on this planet.

Mafuku: How?

Piccolo: He is good now. His name is Uub. Goku is teaching him martial arts and to control his power.

Mafuku: Wow… I guess Yemma has done a good job then. 

Piccolo: You know Yemma as well?

Mafuku: I have known him for 200 years.

Piccolo: You are… over 200 years old?

Mafuku: Yes.

Piccolo: But you look so young.

Mafuku: I have lived on a planet that has a slow age-process.

Piccolo: Oh… So you don’t know the namekians on Namek? 

Mafuku: I have visited them. Quite recently actually.

Vegeta: But how did you arrive just now?

Mafuku: Instant Transmission.

Piccolo: So you’ve been on Yardrat? 

Mafuku: Yes. About 300 years ago.

Piccolo: Didn’t you catch the virus? 

Mafuku: What virus?

Piccolo: Goku got a virus when he learned Instant Transmission on Yardrat.

Mafuku: He couldn’t have got it there. They have cured all sickness. A long time ago. 

Piccolo: Allright.

Mafuku: But this Avalance… He is much stronger. The story is very similar to Goku’s. 

Piccolo: Tell us.

Mafuku: When Avalance was born he had about 5 in power level.

Piccolo: Whilst Frieza and Cooler had…? 

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Mafuku: About 5000.

Piccolo: That’s amazing. 

Mafuku: I know. As far as I know, only Broly have been born with higher level.

Piccolo: How do you know all this stuff?

Mafuku: I have lived a long time, seen kings and leaders come and go all over the universe. I was

there when Frieza blew up planet Vegeta.Vegeta: How did you survive?

Mafuku: Instant Transmission, as I told you I have.

Vegeta: Anyways. How do you know who Piccolo is?

Mafuku: Because I am his twin brother.

Piccolo and Vegeta were shocked.

Piccolo: My… my… my brother? 

Mafuku: Actually, I am Kami’s brother, but since you and Kami fused, I consider you my brother. But

in the future it doesn’t really matter. 

Piccolo: What are you saying? Are you dying?Mafuku: No. Relax. Im not going to leave you.

Piccolo: What? Are you going to fight alongside us against this Avalance?

Mafuku: You could say that.

Piccolo: What do you mean?

Mafuku: Piccolo. You will know me in and out in just a couple of minutes.

Piccolo: No… please… don’t tell me you intend to fuse with me? 

Mafuku: I was going to, but I sense you don’t like the idea? 

Piccolo: Mafuku, no offence, but being fused with someone else is really annoying!

Mafuku: What are you talking about?

Piccolo: I have no problem with Nail, but Kami is a pain.

Mafuku: How can you say that? You are the same being.

Piccolo: It’s not that easy when we have been apart for hundreds of years.  

Mafuku: You may be right, but you need to settle the score with Kami, because the future looks


Piccolo: You seem like an intelligent being, so how much more will my power level rise?

Mafuku: I might be intelligent, due to my age and experience, but I was born a fighter.

Piccolo: Well, none the less… I need to think about this. 

Mafuku: Take your time, but not too much, all right?

Piccolo: I wonder… Are you stronger than me?  

Mafuku: Yes.

Piccolo: Really?

Mafuku: I would say I am stronger than Vegeta as well.

Vegeta: That’s the most ridiculous thing I have heard! 

Mafuku: Try me!

Vegeta transformed himself to SSJ. Mafuku got into a stand. Vegeta attacked, and they fought evenly

for a while. Piccolo watched. Then Mafuku used an unknown attack, though similar to Piccolo’s

Demon Wave. Vegeta blocked, but Mafuku foresaw this and attacked head on. Vegeta was without

chance. He was beaten badly. But he was not finished.

Mafuku: Just give up.

Vegeta: Not yet!

Vegeta powered up to SSJ2.

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Mafuku: I see. Your move.

Vegeta attacked Mafuku. He blocked every attack. And finally, Mafuku used Instant Transmission, got

behind Vegeta and beat him to the ground. Mafuku silently landed on the ground.

Piccolo: Pretty good. I bet Goku could beat you.Mafuku: Possibly. Majin Buu would kill me.

Vegeta finally got up. He exploded in rage and flew off.

Mafuku: What’s with him? 

Piccolo: Never mind him.

Mafuku: Well. Are you convinced?

Piccolo: Yes. But that attack you used. It was very similar to mine.

Mafuku: It’s called Wave of the Demon. 

Piccolo: Mine is called Demon Wave.

Mafuku: I learned it from a guy on a planet far away.Piccolo: Oh, I learned it from myself.

Mafuku: I know. King Piccolo… 

Piccolo: Yeah. I had a bad couple of years.

Mafuku: Indeed. What changed you?

Piccolo: Gohan. I taught him Martial Arts.

Mafuku: In all fairness, you don’t have to tell me anything, as we are going to be one.

Piccolo: I told you I have to think about it.

Mafuku: Yes. But I have to go now. I will be back in 3 days. We can talk then.

Piccolo: 3 days should be plenty.

Mafuku: Good.

Mafuku then disappeared. He went back to Noman.

Mafuku: I told him.

Noman: Good. Now he has three days.

Mafuku: So do I. SO I need to go see Nana.

Noman: Talk to me before you go fuse with him.

Mafuku: I will.

He put his fingers to his forehead and teleported. He was back at his old planet. He walked over to

Nana’s house. He knocked. She opened. 

Nana: Mafuku! Come in!

Mafuku: Hi, Nana. Thank you.

Mafuku walked inside. He looked around in the small house.

Mafuku: I can’t believe I grew up here all those years ago. 

Nana: It’s many years ago.

Mafuku: Nana. Can you find the big book?

Nana: Of course. What do you need it for?

Mafuku: I need to speak to my little sister.

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Nana went into the other room and up on her loft. She came back not long afterwards. She gave the

book to Mafuku. He found a page, and said some weird words. He went into a trance. In the trance

he saw his little sister, who was long gone.

Celia: Big brother… 

Mafuku: Celia, I need to speak to you.Celia: I know what is going on. You want to fuse with your brother.

Mafuku: The fact is. I am a little in doubt about this. It is permanent.

Celia: Brother. You always taught me that good always beats evil in the end.

Mafuku: Yes.

Celia: And this is the only way to let good beat evil.

Mafuku: You are right. Good must prevail.

Celia: Yes.

Mafuku: Thanks sister.

Celia: You will always be in my heart, Mafuku.

Mafuku: I love you so much, Celia.

Celia: And I love you.

So the trance ended. He was looking at Nana again.

Mafuku: Yes. It’s the only way. 

Nana: What?

Mafuku: Oh, yes. You don’t know. I am leaving, Nana. 

Nana: Leaving?

Mafuku: Yes. Into Piccolo.

Nana: Piccolo?

Mafuku: He is my identical twin brother. I have to fuse with him to save the universe.

Nana: Oh.

Mafuku: Piccolo will contact you later. He is a good person, Nana.

Nana: I know you are good, so he must be too.

Mafuku: He is now.

Nana: Good.

Mafuku: Nana, I really care about you. You are my only relative. Adoptive, of course.

Nana: Yes, and I am afraid… The family name dies with me.  

Mafuku: No, Nana. The family name will live on with me.

Nana: But Piccolo will eventually die, won’t he? 

Mafuku: Yes, but not for centuries yet.

Nana: But eventually, he will die.

Mafuku: Yes, but that time, I am sure he has lots of kids.

Nana: Oh, yeah. The egg thing.

Mafuku: Yes. But not only. Namekians can also have kids with other races.

Nana: But he isn’t much for love, is he? 

Mafuku: He will be.

Nana: Are you sure?

Mafuku: You will see. But, Nana. I have to go.

Nana: I know.

Mafuku: I will be watching over you.

Nana smiled. Mafuku smiled. Then he disappeared. He went to a unnamed planet. This was

Avalance’s old home planet. 

Mafuku: I need to find you, Boni.

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He looked for power levels. He found one. He teleported there. The appearance of Mafuku scared

the young being he found. It was Vilar.

Vilar: Who… Who are you?! 

Mafuku: Don’t worry. I’m here in peace. Vilar: How can I trust you?

Mafuku: You can’t, but you need to. I have to find Boni. 

Vilar: Boni.

Mafuku: Yes.

Vilar: Do he know you?

Mafuku: No.

Vilar: But how can I know you won’t kill him? 

Mafuku: Listen, young boy. Have you heard of Avalance?

Vilar: Yes… 

Mafuku: He is the being who is currently threatening a planet named Earth. And the universe for that

matter.Vilar: I know. Avalance was Boni’s old apprentice, but something went wrong.

Mafuku: No, everything was a game for Avalance. He was born evil. He was born to King Cold, a

terrifying being who has threatened the universe more than once.

Vilar: King Cold. Yes. Frieza and Cooler as well.

Mafuku: Yes, so you have heard of them.

Vilar: Boni told me all about them.

Mafuku: Good.

Vilar: So, stranger. Do you have name?

Mafuku: My name is Mafuku, and I am a namekian.

Vilar: Namekians. They are a pure people.

Mafuku: Yes.

Vilar: Then I can trust you.

Mafuku: Yes, you can trust me, considering I have less than three days left.

Vilar: Why is that?

Mafuku: I am going to fuse with another namekian named Piccolo.

Vilar: Piccolo… I have heard of him. 

Mafuku: Really?

Vilar: Yes. A saiyan talked about him.

Mafuku: Who?

Vilar: I don’t know his name. 

Mafuku: Appearance?

Vilar: I don’t remember. 

Mafuku: All right.

Vilar: I will telepathically call Boni.

Vilar concentrated for a moment. Then he opened his eyes again.

Vilar: He will be here soon.

And shortly, Boni was there.

Boni: So, this is the namekian.

Mafuku: My name is Mafuku, and… 

Boni: Yes, yes. I know.

Mafuku: Well… 

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Boni: You are here because of Avalance.

Mafuku: I am.

Boni: No matter what, I don’t want anything to do with it. 

Mafuku: You are misunderstanding.

Boni: How so?

Mafuku: I come with a warning.Boni: Warning… 

Mafuku: Avalance will in the future turn to this planet and take whatever it is worth.

Boni: Meaning?

Mafuku: He will kill most of the planet’s beings, send the rest away, and sell the planet. 

Boni: Really? How do you know?

Mafuku: I have seen the future.

Boni: I heard you namekians can do that.

Mafuku: No, we can’t, but I can. 

Boni: How can you?

Mafuku: I lived on a planet with beings who could do… well, unexpected things. 

Boni: Like?Mafuku: Like seeing the future, understand all types of language, create planets, and such.

Boni: Like the great Tramirot.

Mafuku: Yes. Like him.

Boni: There was a saiyan here.

Mafuku: Vilar told me.

Boni: His name can’t be known to the being you are fusing with. 

Mafuku: Why is that?

Boni: Because it will crush him.

Mafuku: I don’t think… 

Boni: Listen carefully to me. Let Piccolo find out for himself that this saiyan is alive.

Mafuku: Boni… 

Boni: Promise me!

Mafuku struggled with the decision.

Mafuku: All right!

Boni: Good. Now, this saiyan was named Nappa.

Mafuku: Nappa.

Boni: Yes, but he was not alone.

Mafuku: Who was with him?

Boni: Tarat.

Mafuku: Who is he?

Boni: The unknown brother of Tramirot.

Mafuku: This could mean the end.

Boni: Yes, so I don’t worry about Avalance.

Mafuku: So there are more threats.

Boni: Yes.

Mafuku: Look. Vilar is really strong, I can sense it. He might even be stronger than Gohan and Vegeta.

Boni: Saiyans?

Mafuku: Yes. Gohan is the son of Kakarot.

Boni: Kakarot… Another saiyan was here with a boy.

Mafuku: A dark-skinned boy?

Boni: Yes. He called himself John, and he called the boy Timmy.

Mafuku: John and Timmy? Why?

Boni: I don’t know. 

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Vilar: This John you talk about. He showed us his strength. He showed us his SSJ3 form.

Boni: Yes, and He told us the boy would be even stronger.

Mafuku: Well, he is completely right.

Boni: You won’t tell us who the boy is? 

Mafuku: I can’t. If Goku wants to be anonymous, I shouldn’t even have told you his name. I have said

too much about them.Boni: The saiyan Nappa, he was quite weak.

Mafuku: He is a weak saiyan.

Boni: But he was able to become SSJ1.

Mafuku: Nappa? A super saiyan? But… He is bold. 

Boni: Nappa wasn’t bold. 

Mafuku: He had hair?

Boni: Yes.

Mafuku: Weird.

Boni: Tarat must have done something.

Mafuku: Probably.

Boni: But, Mafuku. I can sense you are good.Mafuku: I told you.

Boni: So I am going to tell you something about your fusion.

Mafuku: Do tell.

Boni: It can be changed.

Mafuku: It can?

Boni: Yes, even Kami and Piccolo’s fusion can be undone.

Mafuku: How?

Boni: I can separate you.

Mafuku: I can’t let Piccolo know that. 

Boni: Why?

Mafuku: If he thinks I am too much, then he must decide for himself.

Boni: But if he thinks there is no way back, why would he want that?

Mafuku: Piccolo knows there is always a way.

Boni: I can telepathically give him the message if you want.

Mafuku: No. Don’t do that. I can’t leak it once we are fused either. I can hold something for myself,

and then he will never know of it.

Boni: Kami can’t? 

Mafuku: No, this is another technique of my adoptive home planet.

Boni: They could lots of things.

Mafuku: Yes.

Boni: But Vilar can’t fight alongside you. 

Mafuku: Well, I figured.

Boni: You need to go.

Mafuku: I do.

Boni: We have to get back to training, Vilar.

Mafuku: Bye.

Mafuku just teleported. He teleported to Noman.

Mafuku: So, I spoke to Boni.

Noman: Old Boni.

Mafuku: He told me about the fusion.

Noman: What about it?

Mafuku: It can be changed.

Noman: Really?

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Mafuku: Yes. I am really disturbed by this.

Noman: Mafuku. It is just a little over 2 days until you go to Earth again. I want you to help me with


Mafuku: Fine.

Noman: Come on. Follow me into the cabin.

They walked into the cabin. Noman picked up a paper from his desk.

Noman: Look.

Mafuku: What is this?

Noman: This is the outlands.

Mafuku: Why?

Noman: We are going there.

Mafuku: I figured, but why?

Noman: An old friend of mine needs help with something.

Mafuku: I know where this is.

Noman: Fine. Let’s go. 

Noman teleported. Mafuku as well. They landed on a dark planet.

Noman: This is it.

Mafuku: It looks devastating.

Noman: Yes. Someone is roaming the planet and killing all the people. I fear my friend is dead,

because I can’t feel his power level. 

Mafuku: Maybe he is suppressing.

Noman: Maybe.

Noman started flying.

Noman: Follow me.

Mafuku flied and followed Noman. They had flown for a while when they saw a person beating

another person.

Noman: Look. Let’s take care of it. 

They landed.

Noman: You there!

The villain turned around.

Villain: Me?

Noman: Who else, scum?

Villain: Haha! Scum, I like that. You got guts!

Noman: Guts, yeah, well. This is supposed to be a peaceful planet.

Villain: Apparently not.

Noman: What’s your name? 

Villain: Why do you care?

Noman: Tell me your name.

Villain: No!

Noman: NOW!

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Noman used one of his techniques in his voice. It made the villain tell Noman his name.

Villain: Barud.

Noman: Thanks… Barud. 

Barud: How did you do that?!Noman: No matter. Where is your boss?

Barud: What’s it to you? 

Noman: Just tell me.

Again he used the technique.

Barud: He is in the king’s castle. 

Noman: Thank you. Mafuku, kill him.

Barud: But I told… 

Noman: You told me because I made you!

Mafuku blasted him. He died.

Noman: Come on. Let’s go to the castle. 

Noman and Mafuku flew to the castle. They entered it. They could hear someone screaming. A


Noman: Come on, let’s hurry! 

They ran up to the throne room. A small guy was sitting in the throne chair while three of his

henchman was torturing an old man. There was a woman standing in the corner of the room and



His friend, Omin, was badly beaten. The henchmen were looking at Noman and Mafuku. Mafuku

could sense the three henchmen’s power levels. They were pretty weak compared to Mafuku and

Noman. The other one in the throne chair was suppressing his power.

Mafuku: The one in the chair looks small, but he is really dangerous.

He was whispering to Noman.

Small guy: Welcome, my friends.

Noman: We are no friends of criminals!

Small guy: I can’t sense Barud’s power level anymore.

Noman: That’s because we killed him! 

Small guy: Impressive. My name is Tomy. I am the boss of these henchmen.

Noman: Mafuku, get ready to fight.

Mafuku: The henchmen are weak.

Noman: Yes, but the small guy is strong.

Mafuku: I know.

Noman: Take care of the henchmen, and I will attack “Tomy”. 

Mafuku got into a stand. Noman teleported to behind Tomy.

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Tomy: Instant Tranmission… 

Noman: You know of it?

Tomy teleported to behind Mafuku.

Tomy: Yes, I do!

Mafuku then teleported to Noman.

Tomy: Both of you know of it?

Mafuku: We both went to Yardrat.

Tomy: I see. The Yardrats isn’t the only people who knows it. 

Noman attacked Tomy head on, while Mafuku quickly disposed of the henchmen. Mafuku then

helped Omin and the girl out.

Omin: Thanks for saving me and my daughter.

Mafuku: No problem. I need to go back and help Noman.

Omin: Yes, you do that!

Mafuku teleported back into the room. Noman was in trouble, as Tomy had transformed into his final

form. Mafuku stood there watching for a moment, and suddenly Tomy kicked Noman into the wall,

knocking him unconscious.

Tomy: Your friend was helpless!

Mafuku: You will find your match in me.

Tomy: I hope so!

He attacked. Mafuku proved himself to Tomy. Tomy seemed to be a lot weaker. After a tight match,

Tomy hopped back.

Tomy: You are too strong!

Tomy moved his fingers to his forehead. Mafuku knew he would teleport. He locked on Tomy’s

power level. Tomy teleported, and Mafuku followed. He teleported back to the castle and ran to

Noman. He was gaining consciousness again.

Noman: What happened…? 

Mafuku: Tomy kicked you unconscious.

Noman: Where is he?

Mafuku: Somewhere in space.

Tomy was drifting through the space. He was dead, choked to death. Back in the castle Omin and his

daughter came in the throne room.

Omin: You took care of him… Thanks, old friend… 

Omin approached Noman.

Noman: Don’t thank me. Mafuku killed him. 

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Omin looked at Mafuku one more time.

Omin: Your apprentice, eh?

Noman: I see him as one, but he isn’t. He is my friend. 

Omin: Well, thank you both, the planet are saved!

Noman: Omin. The planet might still be in danger.Omin: How?

Noman: A guy named Avalance is threatening the universe. The planet is safe for now, because he is

targeting Earth.

Omin: Earth?

Noman: You don’t know of it, Omin. 

Mafuku: We need to go, Noman.

Noman: I am sorry, Omin. I will visit you soon.

Omin: Oh, I am sure you will.

Noman: See you soon, friend.

Then they teleported. They were outside Noman’s cabin. 

Mafuku: That guy. Tomy. I think he was someone else.

Noman: How so?

Mafuku: Do you know of Zarbon?

Noman: Zarbon?

Mafuku: He was a servant of Frieza.

Noman: And?

Mafuku: Tomy looks a little like him. He’s the same race, but obviously smaller and considerably


Noman: I understand.

Mafuku: It’s a mutant race. It was a race more like the humans, but something happened to the

planet, making the people of it sick and some of them died. The once that survived had changed their

appearance forever.

Noman: All right.

Mafuku: You don’t seem to care? 

Noman: I don’t. It doesn’t really matter, Mafuku. 

Mafuku: But I just… 

Noman: Mafuku. Information is good and all, but too much is too much, you understand?

Mafuku: Yes...

Noman: I will teach you a technique that allows you to delete contents of your memory.

Mafuku: Is it… safe? 

Noman: Yes. But we only have just enough time before you need to go to Earth.

Mafuku: Let’s practice! 

Mafuku was eager to learn a new technique. Over the couple of days that was left, Noman taught

Mafuku the technique. Right before Mafuku went to Earth, he erased some of his past experience.

Mafuku: Hopefully, this will be enough.

Noman: So, what did you erase?

Mafuku was blank.

Mafuku: I don’t know. 

Noman: Good, then its working.

Mafuku: I guess so.

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Noman: Well. This is good-bye then.

Mafuku: I suppose.

Mafuku was sitting on the floor of Noman’s cabin. He got on his feet. 

Noman: I have to tell you, Mafuku, knowing you have been the greatest pleasure.Mafuku: Likewise, old friend.

Noman: I must admit, I had my doubts when you first knocked on my door.

Mafuku: Really?

Noman: Yes. I liked your race, but you seemed… very immature. 

Mafuku: I proved you wrong.

Noman: Yes, you did, and I am glad.

Mafuku: Noman. You have been my greatest support since my family past away.

Noman: I am touched.

And he really was. He had a tear in his eye.

Mafuku: You are my closest friend.

Noman: Was.

Mafuku: NO, I will continue to live inside Piccolo, and he will know of you.

Noman: I suppose.

Mafuku: He will contact you.

Noman: I hope so.

Mafuku: But be cautious. Don’t trust anybody. Make him prove himself. 

Noman: Good advice. I taught you that.

Mafuku: Yes, and a lot of other things.

Noman: But you need to go now.

Mafuku: Yes. Good-bye, Noman.

Noman: I will miss our friendship.

Mafuku: So will I, so will I.

They hugged. And then Mafuku teleported to Earth. Mafuku arrived, and saw Piccolo with The Girl.

Mafuku: Nice to see you take an interest in turning bad guys into good guys.

Piccolo turned around.

Piccolo: Mafuku. Nice to see you again. Has it been 3 days already?

Mafuku: Indeed it has. Why do you hang around with her?

Piccolo: I’m trying to learn her to control her power.  

Mafuku: Yes. I know Avalance overpowered her with too much power instead of killing her. To

punish her, so to speak.

Suddenly both Piccolo and Mafuku sensed a powerful being approaching them. It was Vegeta. He

landed in front of them.

Piccolo: Vegeta. What are you doing here?

Vegeta: You and me. Right now!

He pointed at Mafuku.

Mafuku: As you wish.

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Mafuku undressed, and was ready for fighting. Vegeta transformed into SSJ3!

Mafuku: What is this? You are stronger.

Vegeta: Yes, I am!

Vegeta attacked. Mafuku was totally unprepared. Mafuku was beaten badly. Vegeta was going to kill


Piccolo: What has gotten into you, Vegeta?!

The Girl had stopped meditating and looked at the match. She was frightened. Piccolo was scared

too. Vegeta pounded Mafuku to the ground, and attacked head on. Mafuku narrowly escaped him

and used Instant Transmission. He transformed to Piccolo and The Girl’s location and took them with

him and teleported away. Vegeta smiled.

Vegeta: Coward. I will find you.

On another planet Mafuku had teleported them too, he let go off Piccolo and The Girl. They soon


Piccolo: Where are we?

Mafuku: My home planet.

Piccolo: It’s so… dark. 

Mafuku: It was Avalance. He searched for a man.

Piccolo: Who was that man?

Mafuku: My father.

Piccolo: Adoptive father I presume?

Mafuku: Yes, of course. He wanted my family’s heirloom. 

Piccolo: Did he get it?

Mafuku: No. I have hidden it. But as I did, I sealed my family’s fate. 

Piccolo: But how are you fully healed?

Mafuku: It’s because of this uniform. It heals me.

Piccolo: I don’t want that when we fuse. 

Mafuku: So you have decided.

Piccolo: Yes. But we keep my mind and appearance.

Mafuku: Agreed.

Piccolo: How can you just throw your life away like that?

Mafuku: I have lived a full life. I have seen much sorrow. I want to help Earth.

Piccolo: I understand. But I think you can do that separated from me.

Mafuku: No. With your mind, I can help not only Earth, but the Universe.

The Girl: Excuse me!

Piccolo and Mafuku stopped talking and looked at The Girl.

The Girl: What the hell is going on?

Mafuku: I’m sorry. You know me. 

The Girl: Yes. Mafuku. We fought you.

Piccolo: We?

The Girl: Yes. Avalance, me and his gang. Mafuku put up a good fight.

Piccolo: And I presume he teleported out of there when he knew he didn’t stand a chance. 

The Girl: Not before he changed my mind.

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Mafuku: I actually brought her with me.

Piccolo: Where did you go?

Mafuku: Namek as a matter of fact.

The Girl: the namekians gave me a spaceship, and I came to Earth.

Piccolo: But the namekians can sense evil.

The Girl: Mafuku told them to trust me.Piccolo: You did that?

Mafuku: She is a good person. She’s just… a rebel. 

Piccolo: I sensed evil in her when I first met her.

The Girl: I have… grown to not dislike you, Piccolo.

Mafuku: Can you excuse us, Piccolo? I need to talk to her alone.

Piccolo: All right.

Mafuku: And since I know you have excellent hearing I will teleport us to another planet.

Mafuku teleported himself and The Girl to his adoptive home planet.

Mafuku: Listen… The Girl: What do you want?

Mafuku: I know who you are.

The Girl: Really? Tell me then.

Mafuku: Your name is Meagan.

Meagan: That’s right. 

Mafuku: You come from a planet with only cat-people on it.

Meagan: Yes?

Mafuku: You left the planet to see Korin, but Korin sent you away. You then met Avalance and joined

his crew. You fell in love with him, and hoped for a future with him.

Meagan had a tear in her eye now.

Mafuku: You didn’t like his killing, but you would to anything for him and his love.

Meagan: Stop! Please!

Mafuku: I know of your past.

Meagan: You have proven yourself, please, stop!

She was crying now.

Mafuku: Hey, hey… Don’t cry. 

Meagan: What will I tell Piccolo?!

Mafuku: Listen. You will tell him when you are ready.

Meagan: But… I am really starting to like him. 

Mafuku: That’s good. He is a good guy. A lot better than Avalance. 

Meagan: I… I know… 

Mafuku: So… Stop crying now. Let’s go back to him. 

Meagan: Okay.

Mafuku: And promise me, stay close to him. He will protect you.

Meagan: Are you sure?

Mafuku: What do you believe?

Meagan: Yes… He will protect me. 

Mafuku: Good. Now. Let’s go back. 

Mafuku touched her and teleported them back to Piccolo. Piccolo was meditating. He stopped when

they arrived.

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Piccolo: So, did you speak?

Mafuku: Yes.

Piccolo: I assume I will know about it momentarily.

Mafuku: No, as a matter of fact. I am holding this for myself.

Piccolo: Can you do that?

Mafuku: Yes, and that’s not the only thing I am holding for my self. Piccolo: Well, I have to respect that.

Mafuku: Good.

Piccolo: But, Mafuku. Vegeta needs to be stopped.

Mafuku: Yes. You can do that.

Piccolo: I can’t do that. I can’t even beat a Super Saiyan 2! 

Mafuku: Put your hand on my chest.

Piccolo: Now? You want to fuse, now?

Mafuku: Yes. No time to waste.

Piccolo: But we keep my appearance?

Mafuku: Yes, of course.

Piccolo: Allright… 

Piccolo reluctantly lay his hand on Mafuku’s chest. It started glowing. Just like when Piccolo fused

with Kami. Then an intense light. And it was over. Piccolo was feeling more powerful than ever.

Mafuku was now a part of Piccolo, and continued his quest, this time with a close friend and family

member at his side.
