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Magascene April/May 2012

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April/May edition of Magascene: Issue 11
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Issue 11 April & May 2012 magascene New Stock Now In For a fantastic range of Mediterranean plants at wholesale prices including bamboos, hanging baskets; topiary, olive, orange and lemon trees Open Mon to Fri 9-4, Sat 10-1 See page 8 for more details @ Mediterranean Plants Abridge Road Theydon Bois
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New Stock Now In

For a fantastic range of Mediterranean plants at

wholesale prices including bamboos, hanging

baskets; topiary, olive, orange and lemon trees

Open Mon to Fri 9-4, Sat 10-1

See page 8 for more details

@ Mediterranean Plants Abridge Road Theydon Bois

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2 Magascene


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Editor / PublisherEditor / PublisherEditor / PublisherEditor / Publisher Jane Smith

ContributorsContributorsContributorsContributors: Sue de Nime Heather Waring Stephanie Smith V Norris

Email: [email protected] Telephone 01992 814621 Mobile 07738 383299 Web www.magascene.net

MagasceneMagasceneMagasceneMagascene is published independently by Jane Smith. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publica-tion is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party to loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any

other cause. The publisher does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form. otherwise – without the prior permission of the pub-lisher. Magascene is delivered to households in Epping, Theydon Bois, Loughton and Buckhurst Hill eight times a year. Copies can also be picked up from Morrisons Loughton and the following public areas: The Volunteer Waltham Abbey, Tikadi Theydon Bois, Tikadi Ongar, The Epping Bookshop, Epping Library, Belgique Theydon Bois and Epping.


6 Sue de Nime resorts to bribery6 Sue de Nime resorts to bribery6 Sue de Nime resorts to bribery6 Sue de Nime resorts to bribery

8 Front page focus8 Front page focus8 Front page focus8 Front page focus————fabulous exotic fabulous exotic fabulous exotic fabulous exotic

plants from Mediterranean Plantsplants from Mediterranean Plantsplants from Mediterranean Plantsplants from Mediterranean Plants

10 Jane Smith explores the benefits of 10 Jane Smith explores the benefits of 10 Jane Smith explores the benefits of 10 Jane Smith explores the benefits of

Laughter YogaLaughter YogaLaughter YogaLaughter Yoga

12 Stepping outside your comfort zone 12 Stepping outside your comfort zone 12 Stepping outside your comfort zone 12 Stepping outside your comfort zone

with Heather Waringwith Heather Waringwith Heather Waringwith Heather Waring

14 Domino’s Pizza opens in Epping14 Domino’s Pizza opens in Epping14 Domino’s Pizza opens in Epping14 Domino’s Pizza opens in Epping

14 Epping Bowls Open Day14 Epping Bowls Open Day14 Epping Bowls Open Day14 Epping Bowls Open Day

15 Local children run for Great Ormond 15 Local children run for Great Ormond 15 Local children run for Great Ormond 15 Local children run for Great Ormond

Street Hospital Children’s CharityStreet Hospital Children’s CharityStreet Hospital Children’s CharityStreet Hospital Children’s Charity

16 They survived the Dragon’s Den: 16 They survived the Dragon’s Den: 16 They survived the Dragon’s Den: 16 They survived the Dragon’s Den:

Victory for entrepreneurial Theydon Victory for entrepreneurial Theydon Victory for entrepreneurial Theydon Victory for entrepreneurial Theydon

Bois Primary School childrenBois Primary School childrenBois Primary School childrenBois Primary School children

18 V Norris reviews plans for St John’s 18 V Norris reviews plans for St John’s 18 V Norris reviews plans for St John’s 18 V Norris reviews plans for St John’s

Road, Epping Road, Epping Road, Epping Road, Epping

21 National tennis coaching award for 21 National tennis coaching award for 21 National tennis coaching award for 21 National tennis coaching award for

Epping’s Matt SmithEpping’s Matt SmithEpping’s Matt SmithEpping’s Matt Smith

22 Stephanie Smith explains how using 22 Stephanie Smith explains how using 22 Stephanie Smith explains how using 22 Stephanie Smith explains how using

our bodies will improve posture and our bodies will improve posture and our bodies will improve posture and our bodies will improve posture and


25 New charity shop in Epping to help 25 New charity shop in Epping to help 25 New charity shop in Epping to help 25 New charity shop in Epping to help

disadvantaged childrendisadvantaged childrendisadvantaged childrendisadvantaged children

26 St Clare Hospice26 St Clare Hospice26 St Clare Hospice26 St Clare Hospice————Fundraising NewsFundraising NewsFundraising NewsFundraising News

27 COMPETITION Win theatre tickets 27 COMPETITION Win theatre tickets 27 COMPETITION Win theatre tickets 27 COMPETITION Win theatre tickets

to see ‘An Evening of Burlesque’ to see ‘An Evening of Burlesque’ to see ‘An Evening of Burlesque’ to see ‘An Evening of Burlesque’

29292929----31 Clubs, Societies and What’s On 31 Clubs, Societies and What’s On 31 Clubs, Societies and What’s On 31 Clubs, Societies and What’s On


April / May 2012

27272727 18181818

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June Edition DeadlineJune Edition DeadlineJune Edition DeadlineJune Edition Deadline The deadline for advertisement bookings and submitting club or event listings is May 15th.

Visit our website @Visit our website @Visit our website @Visit our website @ www.magascene.netwww.magascene.netwww.magascene.netwww.magascene.net

For news, club, societies and events listings as well as publication dates,

deadlines and advertising rates



16161616 10101010

It all started in 2007….. This edition marks a significant milestone for me. Five years ago I began producing a local ‘Community Times’ magazine under franchise for Epping and Theydon Bois. Much has changed since then. For one thing, the number of copies has doubled as we branched out into Loughton and Buckhurst Hill. And it was bye bye Community Times and hello Magascene in 2011 I am particularly chuffed about the team of contributors we seem to have accrued over the years. ‘Team Magascene’ never fails. I usually choke when I read Sue de Nime’s contribution (and have to make sure I am not in a public place for fear of being locked up as I usually lose my faculties) and V Norris’s indefatigable approach to addressing local and emotional issues is always refreshing and enlightening. Heather Waring never beats around the bush and will tell you how it is and how to do it. Guest contributors also make their mark. Last edition’s anonymous ‘Playground Mafia’ article in particular drew many comments (most of them from agreeing parents) and to clarify, NO, I DID NOT WRITE THE ARTICLE. But flattered you thought I could have done.

I would especially like to thank Michael at Tikadi and Lorna from The Epping Bookshop. They gave their support from day one when every other business seemed to shut the door on me when I first started touting my wares! It’s been a pleasure doing business with you.

And I would like to thank you for taking the time to read the magazine and for responding to the businesses who advertise their services and products to you. Here’s to the next five years. Jane

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I swore I would never, ever bribe a

child of mine to get them to do

something. Obviously, I made this

pledge long before I actually had a

child, a promise to myself that joins

the ever-growing list of parental

pledges that I have been system-

atically breaking with bitter aban-

don ever since I gave birth.

It is just that there are certain stick-

ing points that seem to end up in

protracted, painful and inevitably

fruitless negotiation. And it does

seem that several of these are all

based around the theme of trying

to get the incalcitrant child out of

the front door. Whilst experience

has taught me that it is wise to add

at least twenty minutes to the

schedule to accommodate the last

fifteen foot of the journey out of the

house and over the threshold,

sometimes even this is not


Getting shoes on. Now there is an

innocuous enough activity that can

turn into a monstrous power strug-

gle of epic proportions. Or getting

a jacket on. ‘Give your child a

choice within a choice’ I have read

many times from a variety of par-

enting guides. You know the

books, they are peppered with

ridiculous photos of a diverse

range of young children all looking

suspiciously clean, with gleaming

complexions brought about by a

sickeningly varied diet of fruit and

vegetables, with the accompany-

ing text that seem to acknowledge

that parenting is hard, but with a

subtext that reads ‘but if you really

do find it hard then you are not fit

to be a parent and please take

your unfortunate off-spring to the

nearest social services’.

A choice within a choice. The aim

of this, I think, is to allow the child

a semblance of independence in a

controlled way. In reality, it is a

stark demonstration of the old

adage: ‘give them an inch and they

will push you and push you and

push you a mile, until you crack

and lie sobbing on the floor’. I may

be paraphrasing a little.

I hold two jackets up for my toddler

to choose from. Ha. A choice

within a choice. I have this nailed. I

hold all the cards (or the jackets, to

be precise) and he holds an illu-

sion of choice. He immediately

walks over to the coat rack and

pulls off his winter coat. “This one,”

he states. Wait a flipping minute.

That is a choice outside of the

choice. That’s not the rules. And

anyway, fifteen minutes in that

fleece-lined coat and his internal

organs will reach boiling point and

his eyes will melt.

‘No,’ I say firmly. ‘This one or this

one.’ I wave them toward him to

clarify, just in case he didn’t under-

stand the first time. ‘This one,’ he

repeats, waving the coat toward

me to clarify, just in case I didn’t

understand the first time. I think

one of the jackets I am holding is

squeaking until I realise it is the

sound of my teeth grinding to-

gether. ‘No,’ I repeat. ‘You are

wearing one of these two.’

‘This one,’ he replies and looks at

me with defiance. Several options

are open to me at this point.

Choices within a choice, if you will.

I can use brute force to get him

into a jacket, but past experience

tells me that this is inevitably a

lose-lose situation not dissimilar to

trying to get an angry octopus into

a small carrier bag. I can forgo the

jacket all together and teach him a

lesson by being outside in a tee

shirt, except my middle-class pa-

rental guilt will not allow this to

happen. I can carry on with the

‘you choose’ negotiation until there

is no oxygen left in the house and

we both fall over, or it gets dark

and the shops shut, whichever

happens first. Or I can employ a

strategic slice of bribery. Bingo.

‘If you put this jacket on, you can

have a packet of raisins.” Two

compliant arms shoot out and

stepping over the quickly dis-

carded winter coat, he navigates

himself expertly into the jacket. I

am a broiling mass of self-loathing

at my pitiful capitulation of my no

bribery rule, seasoned with a large

dollop of relief at having achieved

Mission Jacket-On without the

need of a second adult, a shoe

horn or a shouting match.

We cross the threshold of the

house as I slip a second packet of

raisins into my pocket. Bribery.

Now there’s the real choice within

a choice.

Sue de Nime also writes a blog Sue de Nime also writes a blog Sue de Nime also writes a blog Sue de Nime also writes a blog ---- check check check check

out out out out


And another

thing Sue de Nime

…….bribery—it’s your choice

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Five years of local magazine publishing

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A taste of the

exotic at Mediterranean Plants

We have already had a taste of summer with the blast of sun dur-ing March. Now you can get a touch of the exotic—whatever the weather– f rom Mediterranean Plants in Theydon Bois. Located on the Abridge Road, they are freshly stocked for the new sea-son, brimming with an exotic se-lection of trees, palms, bamboos and flowers to bring the Mediterra-nean into your garden. With a new entrance allowing even more off-road parking, what could be more convenient?

The family-run business, which has excellent contacts with suppli-ers all over Europe, regularly re-ceives fresh deliveries. All at un-beatable prices.

Olives, bamboo, fruit trees and buxus (topiary trees) are popular choices—ideal for sprucing up a patio, conservatory or garden. Jasmine, this hardy evergreen, is very popular with its fantastic scent and the permanent wall cover it provides. Exotic plants can bring interest, shape and colour to the smallest spaces, and work well in traditional English gardens and are easy to tend do. They do need good drainage, which be easily achieved by digging a hole with one third stones, then planting with good watering from a watering can. In addition to plants and flowers, Mediterrean Plants also stocks seasonal favourites such as hang-ing baskets.

Mediterranean Plants , Abridge Road, Theydon Bois. Telephone 07956 397365. Opening hours; Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm and Saturdays 10am to 1pm.

Butterfly Cakes By Sarah Barnes 07976 923126

Party cupcakes

Tiered cupcake towers

Giant cupcakes

Bespoke cupcakes made for any occasion

Wedding favours

Client / corporate gifts

Boxes of 6 and 12

Please mention Magascene when responding to adverts

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Call Sue 01992 523098 / 07961 168183 E: [email protected] www.petchums.co.uk

Dog Walking & Pet Sitting Your pets looked after in the safety & comfort

of their own home

Going away? We will come in to feed, water, walk, clean, cuddle &

play with your pets — giving house security too

Established since 2000

Fully insured and member of NARP (National Association of Registered Petsitters)

Five years of local magazine publishing

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7 days without laughter

I recently heard about Laughter Yoga and out of curiosity and a desire to see how it would make me feel, I went along to a couple of sessions locally in Loughton. The sessions are run by Jennifer Johnson who, as well as being a trained Laughter Leader, is a Per-sonal Change and Emotional Intel-ligence Coach. I knew I would be in safe hands. You will no doubt be familiar with the expression ‘laughter is the best medicine’. But what you may not know is that the mind cannot differ-entiate between real and pretend laughter—the physiological and psychological benefits are the same. Babies and small children have a natural ability to laugh a lot—a joyful ‘in the moment’ laugh that does not use the intellectual side of the brain. It is said that babies laugh around 400 times a day. But, as we are socialised (and no doubt condemned for laughing at inappropriate mo-ments) this is down to just 14 times a day by the time we reach adult-hood. It is almost as if the laughter has been knocked out of us. There is a growing movement of professionals who make a good medical case for daily laughter as a tool for improving health and wellbeing. Laughter Yoga is the brainchild of physician Dr Madan Kataria from Mumbai, who looked into the benefits of unconditional laughter. The research suggests that laughter for at least 15 min-utes a day – even when the laugh-ter is not real—is very good for us. From this he developed Laughter Yoga in 1995. There are now over 6,000 laughter clubs held around the world, in over 60 countries. With stress accounting for half of all visits to the doctor, the demand is certainly there.

The sessions combine laughter exercises with yogic breathing, believed to improve immunity, increase the supply of oxygen around the body and generally relieve stress by releasing endor-phins—otherwise known as ‘happy hormones’. Endorphins also re-duce pain and are also released when we clap—another feature of Laughter Yoga sessions. Jennifer was encouraged to train as a Laughter Leader after hearing about the positive effects of laugh-ter and was also influenced after watching Patch Adams—a film starring Robin Williams, based on a true story of a social activist and doctor who was devoted to creat-ing a change within the USA’s health system. He believed that fun and laughter formed part of the healing process. Jennifer’s sessions are very friendly and encourage a child-like propensity for playfulness with laughter exercises. The group is interactive without being intimidat-ing and eye contact is encouraged. It is said that laughter is the short-est distance between two people. However, Jennifer explained to me that laughter can be upsetting for some people, particularly if they

associate it with being laughed at in the past. Hence, the laughter is of the ‘laughing with’ and not the ‘laughing at’ variety. The exercises also combine varying types of laughter associated with different parts of the body, from high and giggly; through to hearty and the low, deep in the belly ho-ho-ho. And unlike a lonely hearts ad, no GSOH—good sense of humour—is needed. It is the act of laughter that it is important (‘fake it until you make it’). I have to confess the exercises did make me genuinely laugh at times. We revved up lawn mowers (replacing the engine noise with laughter) laughed at red traffic lights (instead of swear-ing in my case), tossed a giggle ball through the air and generally threw abandon to the wind. All interspersed with yogic breathing exercises. I thought I would feel self-conscious, but surprisingly, that wasn’t the case. The sessions conclude with about ten minutes of relaxation and visu-alisation. Bliss. For more information please visit www.laughterworkout.co.uk or call Jennifer on 020 8508 2134.

makes one weak By Jane SmithBy Jane SmithBy Jane SmithBy Jane Smith

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To advertise, please call 01992 814621

39 Woodland Way, Theydon Bois

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We believe EVERYBODY can learn

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For information ring Trish on

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Is the term ‘comfort zone’ a familiar one to you? What does it mean to you? Basically it is your normality - the things that you do, the people that you know and relate to and with regularly, the places you go. The interest-ing thing is that it is not neces-sarily where you are happy or comfortable. Confused? Well how about a scenario where someone is unhappy in a relationship but they can’t or won’t move out of it. They are scared to step outside their com-fort zone and the reasons behind this can be many and varied. Staying within your comfort zone can be rather ‘rut like’ and al-though the alternative is appeal-ing, getting there is rather scary. In our society change is all around. The majority of people do not like it as it means doing things differently and things be-ing unfamiliar - it means moving outside the zone. Think about how you view change? Do you welcome it or hate it? How do you manage it? The change that needs to happen is in all aspects of our lives be that home and dealing with things like children leaving home, the upheaval of a move or major work in the house and also in work such as chang-ing jobs, redundancy or perhaps having to look at new directions for your business or making a speech. What would it take for you to choose to step outside the zone. What is the worst thing that could happen? How would you feel if you managed to achieve

what you wanted? Would it have been worth doing? As a coach, much of my work is supporting people as they take those steps and I often need to step outside my comfort zone too. Often I choose to as I know it will move me forwards but just this week I had to do it and I didn’t want to. A situation had arisen which was difficult and involved whether I wanted to continue to do business with a client. On one side it would have been easier to say ‘this is not working’ and walk away. How-ever, how would I feel? Would I feel I had given up so should I stay with it or would that result in even more hassle? In a session with my coach, he helped me explore both sides. It became clear that whatever the outcome I would have to talk to the person. Was that going to be the worst part? I felt really nerv-ous. It became clear to me though, that if I took the easier option I would feel that I had let myself down. I would also not be being authentic. ‘When are you going to do it then’ I heard my coach ask. ‘Sooner rather than later’, I re-plied. ‘So when’? – I could feel the pressure and knew I had to make a commitment otherwise I would never do it. ‘Tomorrow morning, first thing’ There was now no going back, so I sat down and thought about what I wanted to achieve, what I needed to say and how to do it. At nine o’clock the next morning, feeling really uneasy, I stood up

(you come over more strongly when you do this) and made the call. ‘Fine’ was the response and it was all over. WOW! How good did I feel? Not just because I got what I wanted but more importantly I did what was right, I hadn’t taken the easy option and now was really proud of me, I felt invincible. The things that cause the great-est pain are the things that take us further forward and that we get the greatest benefit from. Why not try it? If you need some help give me a call on 0208 220 6919, email at [email protected] Or get more information from me through www.waringwell.com and download a free audio which will help you if you are in busi-ness. Please visit my new website www.waringwell.com and also my blog www.waringwell.com/blog

Are you in or out of

your Comfort Zone? By Heather Waring

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13 Magascene



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There are four bedrooms all with en-suite facilities, one of which is a fully disabled facility. All rooms are decorated to a very high standard and include a

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Five years of local magazine publishing

Call the Golf Shop Professional Team for

further details on 020 8529 4367

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Epping Bowls Club Open Day Sunday May 6th, 11am—4pm

In this Olympic year, shake off the shack-les of the winter with some healthy out-door exercise. Bowls is a good way of keeping fit and healthy without doing too strenuous an exercise and can be en-joyed by all ages. The EBC is seeking new members, whether experienced or complete beginners and they are invited to come along to the club ‘OPEN DAY’ on Sunday May 6th, between 11.00am and 4.00pm in Lower Bury Lane, Epping. The minimum age for membership is 12 years old and there is no upper limit, so the whole family can be involved. Please wear flat soled shoes/trainers. A reduced membership fee is available for the first year and regular coaching sessions are provided on Friday afternoons. So come along and meet our members in the friendly, sociable atmosphere of the club-house.

For further information contact Edward Panter on 01992-571714.

Domino’s, the pizza delivery service, opened a new store in Epping last month. Located on the High Street, the tasty outlet comes as a welcome boost to the area with the creation of 25-30 new jobs. Domino’s always recruits from

the surrounding area, and with an additional focus on develop-ing strong community links, aims to delivery more than just great tasting pizza. The company supports Special Olympics Great Britain (SOGB), which provides people with learning difficulties opportunities to take part in year-round sports train-ing and competition. Franchisees of the Epping store, Amir Zarinabad and Ajaz Mirza, said; “We have a skilled team of pizza makers, customer service representatives and delivery experts. The response from customers so far has been great—Epping certainly seems to be a town of pizza lovers!” 95 High Street, Epping CM16 4BQ, telephone 01992 577111. You can 95 High Street, Epping CM16 4BQ, telephone 01992 577111. You can 95 High Street, Epping CM16 4BQ, telephone 01992 577111. You can 95 High Street, Epping CM16 4BQ, telephone 01992 577111. You can also order online at www.dominos.co.uk or by using Domino’s iPad, also order online at www.dominos.co.uk or by using Domino’s iPad, also order online at www.dominos.co.uk or by using Domino’s iPad, also order online at www.dominos.co.uk or by using Domino’s iPad, iPhone and Android apps.iPhone and Android apps.iPhone and Android apps.iPhone and Android apps.

Domino’s Pizza Comes to Epping– order by App!

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Brother and sister race for

Great Ormond Street Hospital

On Sunday 24 June 2012, George and Claudia King from Theydon Bois will be joining a few thousand runners and celebrity supporters in Battersea Park to take part in this year’s RBC Race for the Kids.

The King siblings will run the 5km distance to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) Children’s Charity, to help towards a major refurbish-ment and essential redevelopment programme estimated to cost around £50m a year. Last year, George (11) and Claudia (7) ran with their cousins Alex and Lucy (pictured above) as they will do again. All four hope to beat their time this year. GOSH looked after Lucy when she was a baby, so there is an extra special reason why the family is keen to raise funds for this amazing charity. The RBC Race for the Kids is Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity’s flagship mass

participation event, which will be followed by a picnic, fun activities and entertainment for all the family. To sponsor George or Claudia, please visit the web-site at www.rbcraceforthekids.co.uk and ‘select a friend’. All donations are gratefully received to help keep the magic alive for very ill children and their families. To register for the event, please visit www.raceforthekids.co.uk or contact the RBC Race for the Kids team on 020 7239 3164.

Lucy, Claudia, Alex and George following last year’s Race for the Kids 5km charity run

Registered Charity No 303473

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Theydon Bois Primary School pupils put their busi-ness brains to good use to win a School Enterprise Challenge “Dragon’s Den” competition in March, after turning £20 into a profit of nearly £400. Nine other schools reached the final, which was held at Chelmsford City Football Club, with each team giving a five minute business presentation to a panel of four ‘Dragons’. The school was given £20 which was split between three classes. The pupils then had to come up with business venture ideas to make as much money as possible from their investment. One of the Theydon Bois Primary School classes ran a stationery stall and sold knitted Easter chicks and bracelets. Another

class held a February Family Fun Friday with stalls and games, while the other participating class came with up with Eggheads—selling grass seed which then had to be grown in a decorated egg shell. Theydon Bois Primary School deputy head teacher Kim Williams said: “They did fantastically well. Their presentation was really good and they were confident speakers. We are delighted that they won.” Congratulations to the year 5 and 6 children who represented the school, pictured above left with their trophy. BACK ROW left to right: Georgia Shreeve, Beth Wilkin, Harry Cook, Ruby Warrington. FRONT ROW left to right: Stanley Drew, Adam Sagoo, Ella David and Ella Barnes.

‘Dragons’ Den’ victory

For Theydon Bois

Primary School

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IIIIn conjunction with local groups,

Epping Forest District Council has

proposed plans to redevelop part

of St John’s Road in Epping, on

the site of the former school and

are currently seeking the public’s

input in considering their propos-

als. This they claim is a once in a

generation opportunity to help

shape our future town and contrib-

ute to what the Council claims will

make the area more attractive,

viable and sustainable longer term.

Residents have until 23 April to

express their views of the pro-

posed plans.

The Council’s main objectives for

the proposed site are that the

development needs to be strongly

integrated with the High Street and

the rest of the town centre; the

area should include a sustainable

mix of uses and create high quality

public streets and spaces; any

development should respect and

complement the historic character

and scale of the town centre with

buildings of the highest quality;

and the ideas for development

should maximize the development

opportunity while still remaining

practical, deliverable and afford-


The Council has proposed 4 plans,

each presenting a distinctive op-

tion for the St John’s Road site.

The first would be dominated by

retail, and a food store in particular

with improvements planned to

enhance community facilities (e.g.

the library). The second option is

more leisure orientated, and would

see the replacement of facilities

currently located at Hemnall

Street, in addition to extra housing

and improvements to community

facilities. The third option would

combine both retail and leisure

uses, incorporating both the food

store and a new leisure centre. A

fourth option would be purely resi-

dentially orientated with minimal

retail/community facility enhance-


Speaking to local residents, the

views people gave me did not

seem to favour the retail option.

The general view was that the only

gap in the local market for an

additional supermarket would be

one suited to the more value orien-

tated outlets. While this might

present an attractive opportunity

for cheap bargains – it was feared

that this could result in an un-

wanted, down market feel to the

area. While the findings of the

Council’s survey found that most

non food shoppers tended to go

elsewhere, it is difficult to imagine

how a new food outlet would

address this imbalance. How

would a new supermarket be in

keeping with the town’s historic

character? And how exactly could

a new supermarket be built to

reflect construction of the highest

quality? Residents are so against

the idea that some of them have

even taken to signing a petition

requesting the removal of this


The majority of people that I spoke

to seemed to be more in favour of

the site being used for enhanced

leisure facilities. A new leisure

centre would provide activities and

health promotion for a wide range

of local people, producing long

lasting benefits not just health

related but socially too. These

plans would involve replacing the

existing site at Hemnall Street.

Whilst the cost of this could be

partly met through the sale of the

existing facilities, the Council

would still need to find several

million pounds to pay for the devel-

opment of the new facilities. This

they say is likely given the imprac-

tical nature of such a vast invest-

ment in the current financial cli-

mate. What is interesting is that

£135 million is being provided by

Sport England for local authorities

to fund new sports facilities and

cement the legacy of the Olympics

– why are the Council not taking

advantage of this?

Readers are invited to submit their

views via email at

[email protected] or on

Magascene’s Facebook page.

A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

to Shape Our Town V NorrisV NorrisV NorrisV Norris

Page 19: Magascene April/May 2012

19 Magascene

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Page 20: Magascene April/May 2012

20 Magascene

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21 Magascene

National Award for Epping

Tennis Club Head Coach

Epping Tennis Club Matt Smith received the AEGON Coach of the Year title in the British Tennis Awards. Fellow recipients included Andy Murray for Player of the Year.

Matt was presented with his award by HRH Duchess of Gloucester at the ATP Finals in November at the 02 in London (as pictured).

Matt, 25, joined Epping Tennis Club in 2009 and has transformed the club’s programme—the recognition for which was a significant factor in his award win. Turning the coaching programme on its head in-volved implementing many innovative concepts, such as Cardio Tennis for adults and Timed Tennis for juniors. Cardio Tennis is ideal for non-tennis players or those wishing to return to the court after a break. It is a non-traditional, fitness-based fun activity and as the activity is offered to non-members, it has helped attract a wider audience to the club.

Matt completed his Senior Club Coach qualifications last May, which has helped him develop and deliver an inspired programme, working with the club’s other coaches to improve teaching technique and player

interaction. Epping Tennis Club runs programmes for all ages and abilities and is a well-established, family-orientated club. They recently held an Open Day in April, offering Cardio Tennis taster sessions as well as social mix-in play and mini-tennis. The summer season starts on April 21st with Satur-day morning tennis lessons for juniors, from 3yrs to 11+. For more information on the full coaching programme for adults and juniors, visit www.mattsmithtennis.com. Club information can be found at www.eppingtennisclub.co.uk



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Five years of local magazine publishing

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22 Magascene

Most of us are conscious about our posture. We may slump a little or have rounded shoulders. And at times we do think about sitting or standing up straight to correct this. But most of the time we are guided by what we see and what's expected of us. When we look in the mirror or shop window as we pass by we think about how we see the outside of our body. Posture is not just about the outside, it's also about the inside of your body. Most of us know that poor posture can have a dramatic effect on our health and well being. It contributes to all manner of muscular problems, such as a painful back or stiff neck. And this in turn leads to tension. But did you know that carrying a lot of tension creates pressure on our internal organs affecting our diges-tion, circulation and breathing? Alexander Teacher, Stephanie Smith explains: "We make attempts to improve our posture using a variety of equipment – a shoulder brace to hold our shoulders

back, a body belt to support the lumbar spine, insoles to lift the arches of our feet. And we alter our environ-ment with special mattresses, support pillows, kneel-ing chairs, ergonomic keypads. The list is endless. "All of these aids are worthless if we do not change the way we 'Use' ourselves." Good 'Use' is all about inner harmony of mind and muscle, the way we adapt to our environment and situation, our flexible nature and ability to organise ourselves well. It allows us to carry out our tasks in an effortless, balanced way. By contrast, poor 'Use' makes us exert lots of effort when it's not really needed. We grip our neck mus-cles and hunch up our shoulders even during the most ordinary tasks such as breathing and walking, even when washing up. It also interferes with the balance of our head and neck and the relationship to the rest of our back. By stiffening our neck and pulling our heads back we literally shorten the length of our backs. In turn the rest of our body stiffens. Sometimes we can see the result; we catch a glimpse of ourselves in a mirror or feel ourselves slumping in a chair. But often it goes unnoticed. Stephanie says: "Most people think their neck starts just below their ears and finishes at their shoulders. But our necks have an inside and outside. Our vocal organs and swallowing mechanisms are in our neck area so it's easy to see why a stiff neck can affect speaking and singing. Muscles run from behind our ears to our collar bones and from the back of our skull to the middle of the back. Our body is a complex system that needs to work in harmony." The Alexander Technique can help you learn how to 'Use' your body in a good way. Stephanie adds: "A simple way to lengthen you body is by standing on two feet, lengthening up from feet to head, asking your back to widen. Think about whether you are evenly balanced over both feet or standing more to one side." Stephanie Smith is a Member of the Society of Teachers of Stephanie Smith is a Member of the Society of Teachers of Stephanie Smith is a Member of the Society of Teachers of Stephanie Smith is a Member of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (MSTAT). She has been teaching the Alexander Technique (MSTAT). She has been teaching the Alexander Technique (MSTAT). She has been teaching the Alexander Technique (MSTAT). She has been teaching the Alexander Technique for 18 years and has a practice in the Alexander Technique for 18 years and has a practice in the Alexander Technique for 18 years and has a practice in the Alexander Technique for 18 years and has a practice in Theydon Bois. She can be contacted on 01992 812189, by Theydon Bois. She can be contacted on 01992 812189, by Theydon Bois. She can be contacted on 01992 812189, by Theydon Bois. She can be contacted on 01992 812189, by email at email at email at email at [email protected]@[email protected]@thealexanderpractice.co.uk or through her or through her or through her or through her website website website website www.thealexanderpractice.co.ukwww.thealexanderpractice.co.ukwww.thealexanderpractice.co.ukwww.thealexanderpractice.co.uk

Posture – making the best Use of your body Stephanie Smith MSTAT

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23 Magascene

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24 Magascene

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25 Magascene

A new charity shop in Epping is drawing eager bargain hunters and raising the profile of a lesser-known charity that provides respite for disadvantaged children.

Located on the High Street oppo-site Tesco (in the former West End Furniture store) ‘Allsorts’ raises money for the children’s charity, CCHF All About Kids. Currently, this is the only charity shop in the UK dedicated to the charity. The shop is managed by Pamela, who has been involved with CCHF All About Kids for 38 years and has seen first hand how the money raised makes a difference to children’s lives.

The shop is positively bursting with goods, from clothing, accessories and jewellery, through to baby goods, toys, electrical items and soft furnishings. The stock is thoughtfully presented too so it is easy to find what you want. As the

shop is a good size, it feels as if you are entering a bazaar. The range and quality of the stock is very enticing.

Established in 1884, CCHF All About Kids provides disadvan-taged children with residential activity and respite breaks. Since then it has helped around two million children, mainly from London, to take a break from the destructive factors that impact upon their lives and help them recognise their potential in a safe and happy environment.

The charity focuses on children of primary school age who may live in a family subsisting on low income; have witnessed or experienced abuse; are the victims of crime or gang culture; live in inadequate housing where their natural play areas are dominated by violence, crime or drugs; care for a sibling or parent or have suffered a bereave-

ment. Not surprisingly, many of the children lack confidence or have low self-esteem. Children are offered at least two activity breaks a year which focus on the benefits of being in the countryside and by the sea. Interestingly, the charity was originally called “The Children’s Fresh Air Mission (Off to the Country)”. The programmes are designed to build self-confidence and improve self-esteem. The children return home more able to cope with their every-day lives.

‘Allsorts’ is a very welcome addition to Epping and is open Monday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm.

If you are interested in volunteer-ing, please visit the shop for more details or call Pamela on 01245 248533.


New Charity Shop for Epping Helps Disadvantaged Children

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26 Magascene


Support hospice with

Queen’s Diamond

Jubilee celebrations ORGANISERS of street parties and other events to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee are being encouraged to support St Clare Hospice at the same time. St Clare Hospice currently only receives 24 per cent of funding from the NHS towards its £2.7 million annual running costs and so relies on the fundraising efforts of the local community to help it provide its much-valued services. Dave Bishop, one of the hospice’s community fundraisers, said: “If you are part of a community group planning a street party for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee how about combining your celebrations with a little fundraising for St Clare Hospice? “The hospice’s fundraising team will provide you with everything you will need to make your collec-tion a success, including tins and

t-shirts. We will also provide pro-motional posters and you may even make the local press, so you can tell everyone about your event.” To register your interest and re-ceive your collection tins, posters and t-shirts, please ring the com-munity team on 01279 773747 or email: [email protected]

In-patients offered

therapeutic therapies In-patients at St Clare Hospice are being offered therapeutic activities to help them with their symptoms and express feelings.

While some patients may have difficulty speaking about their con-dition the pilot three-month pro-gramme - which offers a range of activities from creative writing to art - can help them express their emotions and how they feel in various ways, not necessarily through talking. The project, which has received initial funding from the National End of Life Care Pro-

gramme, is already being hailed as a success. So far about seven patients have made use of the activities. Beth Burton, the hospice’s day therapy manager, said: “We had a lady who did a piece of art. She cut it in half. On top was a beautiful beach scene and underneath there was groundwork and mud. On the surface everything was rosy. This is what she wanted her family to see, but underneath and inside she was all muddy and murky. “This was a way of her expressing herself, communicating through her art and gaining some release.” Beth added: “These activities help patients relax and give a sense of wellbeing and comfort.” Creative therapies are used in palliative care to assist individuals in coming to terms with their ill-ness, coping with their symptoms, to help them relax, raise their self-esteem and improve quality in their life. “No-one has to be an artist to do it,” Beth said. “The activities may just take their mind off their symp-toms for a while and give a sense of achievement.” Katy Hepburn, who has a back-ground in palliative care occupa-tional therapy, helps as a volunteer at the Hastingwood hospice for two sessions a week. She said: “We want to help individuals to identify what is meaningful to them - to build up their self-esteem and confidence. For me it is all about seeing each patient and under-standing how I can support them in a way that’s meaningful." Beth added: “We use this pro-gramme as a complement to medi-cal and other treatments and ser-vices we provide.”


Hospice community fundraisers Dave Bishop and Camilla Whitby dress as King and Queen (with costumes kindly provided by Fancy Dress Boutique, Old Harlow)

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27 Magascene


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Win tickets to an Evening of Burlesque Harlow Playhouse May 11

Direct from London’s West End, tantalising yet taste-ful, camp yet colourful, the fascinating art form of Burlesque is coming to Harlow on May 11th. We have teamed up with the producers of this superb production to give away a pair of tickets to see the show at the Harlow Playhouse on Friday 11th May at 8pm. “An Evening of Burlesque” is a brand new theatre production that recreates the tradition of Burlesque, giving it a modern-day twist.

“The show brings variety back to the theatre, combining com-edy, magic and vocal harmony with couture costumes, breath-taking choreography and a fabulous score,” says show producer Michael Taylor. The stars of the show have been playing to full houses regularly in London’s West End. “We thought it time the

rest of the UK joined in the fun.” says Michael. To win tickets to this amazing show, just answer this simple question: In which French city In which French city In which French city In which French city is the Moulin Rouge is the Moulin Rouge is the Moulin Rouge is the Moulin Rouge to be found?to be found?to be found?to be found? The first entry drawn will win a pair of tickets to the show. Email your answer along with your contact details to [email protected] or post to: Magas-cene, 4 Woburn Avenue, Theydon Bois, Essex CM16 7JS. Closing date May 4th, 2012. No cash alterna-tive. Editor’s decision is final. To buy tickets for the show at Harlow Playhouse, visit www.playhouseharlow.com or telephone 01279 431945.

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28 Magascene

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Page 29: Magascene April/May 2012

29 Magascene

Breatheasy in Harlow & Epping ForestBreatheasy in Harlow & Epping ForestBreatheasy in Harlow & Epping ForestBreatheasy in Harlow & Epping Forest The first Monday of the month at the Jack Silley pavilion in Epping between 1pm and 3pm. Contact branch secretary Mrs C Carr on 01992 573387 01992 573387 01992 573387 01992 573387 for more details. Breatheasy is the support group of The British Lung Foundation www.blf-uk.org

Epping Music SocietyEpping Music SocietyEpping Music SocietyEpping Music Society, Friends Meeting House in Hemnall Street, Epping. Contact Secretary Margaret Gracey (01992 572167) or Treasurer Frank Bill (01992 574704) for informa-tion regarding concerts and membership.

Theydon Bois Music SocietyTheydon Bois Music SocietyTheydon Bois Music SocietyTheydon Bois Music Society, Theydon Bois Village Hall. 8pm. Contact secretary Doreen Snell on 01992 812645 for informa-tion regarding concerts and membership.

Piano ClubPiano ClubPiano ClubPiano Club————Loughton Methodist Church. Wednesdays 10Loughton Methodist Church. Wednesdays 10Loughton Methodist Church. Wednesdays 10Loughton Methodist Church. Wednesdays 10----12noon. 12noon. 12noon. 12noon. Contact Rea Camus on 01992 571773. We are a group of keen amateur pianists who enjoy making music together and having fun. All standards welcome.

The Epping Horticultural SocietyThe Epping Horticultural SocietyThe Epping Horticultural SocietyThe Epping Horticultural Society Share gardening tips and enjoy our social events throughout the year. Annual membership £1 and discounts available at the trading hut on the Meadow Road allotment site (Sunday mornings10am to 12pm). Contact Shirley Lewis on 01992 01992 01992 01992 573687573687573687573687.

Loughton Astronomical Society (LAS). Loughton Astronomical Society (LAS). Loughton Astronomical Society (LAS). Loughton Astronomical Society (LAS). New members wel-come. Meets Thurs 8pm at Scout Hut, Theydon Bois. Tel. 01992 815804. www.las-astro.org.uk. Also, junior section, Theydon Bois AstroKyds Theydon Bois AstroKyds Theydon Bois AstroKyds Theydon Bois AstroKyds for 6-14 year-olds meet 2nd Friday of month (term time), 6.30pm to 8pm at St. Mary’s Parish Hall, Theydon Bois. Same contact details as above.

West Essex Flower Club, West Essex Flower Club, West Essex Flower Club, West Essex Flower Club, Thornwood Village Hall, Weald Lane. Meet 2nd Monday of each month (except January and Au-gust) From 1.45pm. Visitors and new members always wel-come. Contact the Club Secretary for further details on 01992 01992 01992 01992 577036577036577036577036

Epping Forest & District Stamp ClubEpping Forest & District Stamp ClubEpping Forest & District Stamp ClubEpping Forest & District Stamp Club. Meet 2nd Tuesday of month at the Dining Room, Roding Valley High School, Lough-ton. New members and beginners always welcome. Keith Smith 020 8505 5620.

Forest Creative Writers 12.45pmForest Creative Writers 12.45pmForest Creative Writers 12.45pmForest Creative Writers 12.45pm----2.45pm, Thurs2.45pm, Thurs2.45pm, Thurs2.45pm, Thurs Loughton Library. Intending new members invited to first free taster session. Contact Pete Relph on 0208 508 6313.0208 508 6313.0208 508 6313.0208 508 6313.

Lee Valley Friends Rambling Association GroupLee Valley Friends Rambling Association GroupLee Valley Friends Rambling Association GroupLee Valley Friends Rambling Association Group Specialising in short weekend walks—mainly in West Essex and some London walks. Call for details 020 8529 1602 or visit www.leavalleyfriends.org.uk.

West Essex Ramblers. West Essex Ramblers. West Essex Ramblers. West Essex Ramblers. Walk every Wed, Thurs, Sat & Sun. Most walks countryside, some London. About 10 coach rambles Apr-Oct. Each yr have a British & foreign walking holiday. For a sample programme, call 020 8502 1628.

Epping Forest HP (Walking) GroupEpping Forest HP (Walking) GroupEpping Forest HP (Walking) GroupEpping Forest HP (Walking) Group. We are a walking group who walk in Epping, Redbridge and sometimes London each week. Walks start at 10.30am. There is no charge to join walks, optional membership at £4. Social evenings, coach trips and holidays. www.efhfg.org.ukwww.efhfg.org.ukwww.efhfg.org.ukwww.efhfg.org.uk. Email [email protected]@[email protected]@efhfg.org.uk

St John AmbulanceSt John AmbulanceSt John AmbulanceSt John Ambulance————Epping Community First Epping Community First Epping Community First Epping Community First Responders Responders Responders Responders help to save lives. Full training given. Please contact Sandra Newman on 01992 572545 for more details.

Friends of Swaines Green. Friends of Swaines Green. Friends of Swaines Green. Friends of Swaines Green. Conservation days on the second Sunday of every month. Contact Ian Anderson for further details on 01992 574909 or log on to www.swainesgreen.org.uk

Epping Forest Group of the Alpine Garden Epping Forest Group of the Alpine Garden Epping Forest Group of the Alpine Garden Epping Forest Group of the Alpine Garden Society Society Society Society Non-members are welcome. For further information

please contact the Group Secretary: Keith Ballard, Tel: 01992 813231 or email [email protected].

EppingEppingEppingEpping----Eppingen Twin Town AssociationEppingen Twin Town AssociationEppingen Twin Town AssociationEppingen Twin Town Association. Exciting cultural, school, musical and personal exchanges with our active and friendly twinned town in southern Germany. Contact Uschi Jesson 01992 577603 or Tony Church 07725 608368.

St Thomas Moore Dancing ClubSt Thomas Moore Dancing ClubSt Thomas Moore Dancing ClubSt Thomas Moore Dancing Club—Ballroom and sequence for the over 60s. Wednesdays 2-4pm at Thomas Moore Church, Willingale Rd, Loughton. Tel. 020 8504 0998. £1.50 including tea and biscuits.

Loughton Camera ClubLoughton Camera ClubLoughton Camera ClubLoughton Camera Club, Lopping Hall, Loughton. Meet every Wednesday 8-10pm. New members welcome. Contact John Banks 020 8508 4199.

Parkinson’s UKParkinson’s UKParkinson’s UKParkinson’s UK————Harlow & District Branch. Harlow & District Branch. Harlow & District Branch. Harlow & District Branch. Meet at the David Livingstone Club (behind Livingstone House), 11 Potter Street, CM17 9AE every Wednesday 11am-3pm. On the first Wednes-day of each month there is a speaker from 1 to 3pm (replacing the Monday evenings at Latton Bush Centre). For more information contact Secretary Corinne—Branch mobile 07982 094194 or email: [email protected]. All welcome.

Woodford and District Floral Arrangement GroupWoodford and District Floral Arrangement GroupWoodford and District Floral Arrangement GroupWoodford and District Floral Arrangement Group. We meet every third Monday of the month in the Churchill Room at Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall Road E11. Doors open at 6.45pm for a prompt 7.30pm start. Guest floral demonstrator every month, raffle and refreshments. Visitors always welcome to join for a small fee of £4.

Alpine Garden SocietyAlpine Garden SocietyAlpine Garden SocietyAlpine Garden Society————Epping Forest GroupEpping Forest GroupEpping Forest GroupEpping Forest Group. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month at Theydon Bois Village Hall CM16 7ER at 8pm. www.alpinegardensociety.net/groups/Epping-Forest.

WEA Loughton & Epping Branch WEA Loughton & Epping Branch WEA Loughton & Epping Branch WEA Loughton & Epping Branch Details from www.wea-essex.org.uk, leaflets in the libraries, e-mail: [email protected] or phone Bettie Bock, 020 8508 4919.

ALALALAL----ANON FAMILY GROUPS ANON FAMILY GROUPS ANON FAMILY GROUPS ANON FAMILY GROUPS For friends and relatives of alcohol-ics www.al-anonuk.org.uk Email: [email protected] Helpline 020 7403 0888 (10amHelpline 020 7403 0888 (10amHelpline 020 7403 0888 (10amHelpline 020 7403 0888 (10am————10pm)10pm)10pm)10pm)

Guitar LessonsGuitar LessonsGuitar LessonsGuitar Lessons————Learn to play guitar. Learn to play guitar. Learn to play guitar. Learn to play guitar. All ages, abilities and styles. Experienced local teacher. Individual and group teaching. Christian Karlsson 07958 471083. Email: [email protected]

Epping Forest Centenary TrustEpping Forest Centenary TrustEpping Forest Centenary TrustEpping Forest Centenary Trust. We can provide practical conservation sessions in Epping Forest for groups, including special needs groups, community groups and youth groups. Call Epping Forest Centenary Trust on 0208 508 9061, email [email protected] or visit www.efct.info.

Chigwell & Epping Forest Orienteering ClubChigwell & Epping Forest Orienteering ClubChigwell & Epping Forest Orienteering ClubChigwell & Epping Forest Orienteering Club. Bored with just running, in pain from too much running on roads? Try running through forests and having to work out where to go. There is a local event approximately once a month. For more details ring Helen on 020 8502 1629, or visit chig.org.uk.

Loughton Folk Club Loughton Folk Club Loughton Folk Club Loughton Folk Club meets every Thursday from 8pm at Lough-ton Club, 8 Station Road, Loughton, IG10 4NX. Parking front and rear. Email [email protected] or call Jill Coombes 0776 214 6623.

Rotary Club of Loughton and Buckhurst Hill Rotary Club of Loughton and Buckhurst Hill Rotary Club of Loughton and Buckhurst Hill Rotary Club of Loughton and Buckhurst Hill - meet at The Academy, Langston Road Loughton IG10 3TQ. On Thursdays at 1 pm (1st and 3rd Thursday) and 6.30 pm (2nd and 4th Thursday). For further details call A Harvey on 01992 572867 or visit www.loughtonrotary.org.uk


Community p


Clubs & Societies

Page 30: Magascene April/May 2012

30 Magascene

Book ClubBook ClubBook ClubBook Club————meet locally once a month. meet locally once a month. meet locally once a month. meet locally once a month. Call Linda on 01992 571178.

Epping Forest Rotary ClubEpping Forest Rotary ClubEpping Forest Rotary ClubEpping Forest Rotary Club—Meet Garnon Bushes, Coopersale on Tuesday evenings for meal and regular speaker. If you want to join other business and community minded men and women please contact [email protected] Telephone 01992 814105 www.RIBI.org

Epping Art SocietyEpping Art SocietyEpping Art SocietyEpping Art Society—Art Appreciation evenings, 2nd Wednes-day of the month at Pelly Court, Hemnall Street, Epping. Call Robin 01992 572077. Members £2, non-members £3. Practical evenings are run the first Friday evening of the month, at 7.30 for 2 hours at the Methodist Church Hall, Epping

Herts & Essex Architectural Research SocietyHerts & Essex Architectural Research SocietyHerts & Essex Architectural Research SocietyHerts & Essex Architectural Research Society. Meet on the fourth Friday of the month at 8pm, Church Hall, Loughton Methodist Church, 260 Loughton High Road. Call 020 8508 2512 for more details or visit www.westessex.net/hears_info.php

Epping Forest District Badger GroupEpping Forest District Badger GroupEpping Forest District Badger GroupEpping Forest District Badger Group—meet on the 3rd Monday of the month at Hemnall Street Social club, Epping at 8pm. Find out more about the existence and secret life of badgers, and their preservation. Contact 01992 756038. www.eppingforestbg.org.uk

Sports Centres & Fitness StudiosSports Centres & Fitness StudiosSports Centres & Fitness StudiosSports Centres & Fitness Studios Epping Sports Centre Epping Sports Centre Epping Sports Centre Epping Sports Centre 25 Hemnall Street 01992 564 564 Waltham Abbey Swimming Pool Waltham Abbey Swimming Pool Waltham Abbey Swimming Pool Waltham Abbey Swimming Pool Roundhills, Waltham Abbey 01992 716 733 Loughton Leisure CentreLoughton Leisure CentreLoughton Leisure CentreLoughton Leisure Centre Traps Hill, Loughton 01992 564 574 Concept Fitness UK Concept Fitness UK Concept Fitness UK Concept Fitness UK 224b High Street, Epping 01992 579050 01992 579050 01992 579050 01992 579050 www.conceptfitnessuk.com Functional Fitness Functional Fitness Functional Fitness Functional Fitness Mobile Personal Training 01992 570999 01992 570999 01992 570999 01992 570999 www.funcfit.co.uk

Doctors SurgeriesDoctors SurgeriesDoctors SurgeriesDoctors Surgeries The Limes Medical Centre, The Plain, EppingThe Limes Medical Centre, The Plain, EppingThe Limes Medical Centre, The Plain, EppingThe Limes Medical Centre, The Plain, Epping Appointments/Emergencies/Cancellations 01992 573 838 Theydon Bois BranchTheydon Bois BranchTheydon Bois BranchTheydon Bois Branch, Thrifts Mead 01992 812 450 (surgery times only) North Weald BranchNorth Weald BranchNorth Weald BranchNorth Weald Branch, 67 Wheelers Farm Gardens 01992 524 383 (surgery times only) Dr Lowry & PartnersDr Lowry & PartnersDr Lowry & PartnersDr Lowry & Partners, High Street, Epping 0844 5769797 OsteopathOsteopathOsteopathOsteopath—Epping Osteopathic & Sports Injuries Clinic, The Limes Medical Centre, Theydon Bois 01992 815 166 Craniosacral Therapy ClinicCraniosacral Therapy ClinicCraniosacral Therapy ClinicCraniosacral Therapy Clinic, The Limes Medical Centre, The Plain, Epping. Contact Liam Hurley on 07941 621887

HospitalsHospitalsHospitalsHospitals St Margaret’s Hospital, Epping St Margaret’s Hospital, Epping St Margaret’s Hospital, Epping St Margaret’s Hospital, Epping 01992 561 666 Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow 01279 444 455

NHS Direct 0845 4647NHS Direct 0845 4647NHS Direct 0845 4647NHS Direct 0845 4647

Personal Trainer Personal Trainer Personal Trainer Personal Trainer (mobile & gym based) / Nordic Walking Nordic Walking Nordic Walking Nordic Walking Instructor—Tanya Hurley 07941 233880 www.tanyahurleyfitness.com

Family Care Counselling ServiceFamily Care Counselling ServiceFamily Care Counselling ServiceFamily Care Counselling Service We provide affordable, professional counselling in the Epping Forest area Tel: 01992 788499 www.familycarecounselling.org.uk Registered Charity No: 1118296

Yoga (Vinyasa & Hatha), Yoga (Vinyasa & Hatha), Yoga (Vinyasa & Hatha), Yoga (Vinyasa & Hatha), Private classes in Epping & Buckhurst Hill 07725 653682.

Yoga Club, Potter Street, Harlow. Yoga Club, Potter Street, Harlow. Yoga Club, Potter Street, Harlow. Yoga Club, Potter Street, Harlow. Monday afternoon 3.30 to 5pm. Cost £5 per session to pay our fully qualified teacher and cost of the hall. New members welcome. For more details call Linda on 01992 575135.

Iyengar YogaIyengar YogaIyengar YogaIyengar Yoga, Lindsey Street, Epping. Monday evenings from 6pm. Please contact Dorothy on 01992 574623.

Beginner's yoga classes Beginner's yoga classes Beginner's yoga classes Beginner's yoga classes in Epping on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Call Amy on 07841 378364. See http://amybrambleyoga.blogspot.com for more details on yoga classes and events in Essex and London.

PhysiotherapistPhysiotherapistPhysiotherapistPhysiotherapist—JC Physio. Jenny Chapman practicing at The Therapy Centre. T. 020 8508 4733

Station Road Wellness Centre, Station Road Wellness Centre, Station Road Wellness Centre, Station Road Wellness Centre, Osteopathy, Chiropody, massage, reflexology, Reiki. 12 Station Road, Epping. Tel. 01992 570003.

Epping Football Club, Stonards Hill, Epping Epping Football Club, Stonards Hill, Epping Epping Football Club, Stonards Hill, Epping Epping Football Club, Stonards Hill, Epping If you are interested in joining the club, contact Steve Allen on 07932 532694, Graham Sly on 07973 530148 or Tracy Wilkinson 07738 089251 Email:[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] or visit www.eppingfc.co.uk www.eppingfc.co.uk www.eppingfc.co.uk www.eppingfc.co.uk

Epping Bowls Club, Lower Bury Lane. Epping Bowls Club, Lower Bury Lane. Epping Bowls Club, Lower Bury Lane. Epping Bowls Club, Lower Bury Lane. New members welcome to join our friendly, local club. Regular tuition sessions take place for beginners. Contact Anne Munro: 01992 561164.

Epping Tennis Club Lower Bury Lane Epping Tennis Club Lower Bury Lane Epping Tennis Club Lower Bury Lane Epping Tennis Club Lower Bury Lane Four all weather courts (3 floodlit). New members welcome—Lessons and coaching available. Visit www.eppingtennisclub.co.uk or call 01992 572230 or 07940 183596 for membership/general enquiries. To contact Matt Smith (LTA Senior Club Coach), call 07743 378055 or visit www.mattsmithtennis.com

Life Club (Group Coach and Mentoring)Life Club (Group Coach and Mentoring)Life Club (Group Coach and Mentoring)Life Club (Group Coach and Mentoring) Once a week group session to give your life focus. Call Ruth on 07734 709467 for more details.

BodyworksBodyworksBodyworksBodyworks exercise classes for everyone Loughton Tues 10.30am, Buckhurst Hill Mon 8-9pm and Thurs 9.30-10.30am. Call Jan Hall on 020 8508 3346.

GymnasticsGymnasticsGymnasticsGymnastics—Mondays 8pm at the Football Academy, Sports Pavilion, Langston Road, Loughton. Beginners welcome. Call Ivana on 07968 356884 Badminton Club Call for Players Badminton Club Call for Players Badminton Club Call for Players Badminton Club Call for Players We are looking for (mature) players to join our badminton club. We meet on Monday evenings at 8pm at Debden Park High School’s Sports Hall. Please contact Alan on 020 8508 6306.

Epping Cricket ClubEpping Cricket ClubEpping Cricket ClubEpping Cricket Club—We are looking for new members of all standards for the 2012 season. Three Saturday sides and a Sunday team and colts cricket for boys and girls. Contact Matthew Barrett 07877 923151 or email:[email protected] www.eppingcc.hitscricket.com

Petanque (Boules). Epping Horizons Petanque Club Petanque (Boules). Epping Horizons Petanque Club Petanque (Boules). Epping Horizons Petanque Club Petanque (Boules). Epping Horizons Petanque Club meets on Saturdays and Mondays at 1.30pm on Stonards Hill Recreation Ground. New members always welcome. To arrange a taster session call Peter Lumb on 01992 571744 or visit www.ehpetanque.co.uk

The Avenue Lawn Tennis ClubThe Avenue Lawn Tennis ClubThe Avenue Lawn Tennis ClubThe Avenue Lawn Tennis Club—18 The Avenue, Loughton, Essex IG10 4PT. Four artificial grass courts. Membership-balls, court hire included; social programme & licensed bar. Club sessions: Men—Thursday 5.30pm and Sunday mornings; Ladies—Tuesdays at 5.30pm; Mixed—Thursdays 11am to 1pm, Fridays 6.30pm, Saturday and Sunday 1.30pm. The club has teams in both the South West Essex (men’s, ladies and mixed) and Essex leagues (men). Contact Lynda Wyles Membership Secretary on 0208 505 4704 or email [email protected]

Exercise with me: Exercise with me: Exercise with me: Exercise with me: Exercise for Free!!! Power walking group in Buckhurst Hill, weekday evenings, meet outside The Toby Carvery, 5k distance approx. Call/text 07766 700 666 or go to www.exercisewithme.co.uk for further details

Zumba FitnessZumba FitnessZumba FitnessZumba Fitness—Mondays St Michael’s Church, Loughton 8-9pm; Tuesdays Theydon Bois Primary School 7-8pm; Fridays Loughton Club 10-11am. Email [email protected] or call Laura 07581 673998 or Lisa 07775 553722.

Clubs, Societies, Health & Sport

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Buckhurst Hill openBuckhurst Hill openBuckhurst Hill openBuckhurst Hill open----mic Jazz Jam Session. mic Jazz Jam Session. mic Jazz Jam Session. mic Jazz Jam Session. Every Sunday at the Sports & Social Club, 50 Queens Road IG9 5BY 8pm start. Admission £3. Visit jazzjam.co.uk to check dates.

Farmers’ Market Farmers’ Market Farmers’ Market Farmers’ Market organised by the Loughton Loughton Loughton Loughton Residents AssociationResidents AssociationResidents AssociationResidents Association on the first Sunday of the month. Centric Parade, High Road, Loughton. 9am-2pm.

Music at Marigolds Jazz Club Music at Marigolds Jazz Club Music at Marigolds Jazz Club Music at Marigolds Jazz Club Harlow Cricket Club, Chippingfield, Old Harlow, CM17 0DJ. Enquiries 01279 01279 01279 01279 414174 / 421763. 414174 / 421763. 414174 / 421763. 414174 / 421763. Doors/bar opens 7.30pm www.musicatmarigolds.co.uk. Price guide £7-£8. April 27 The Clive Fenner Quartet May 13 The Eric Ranzoni Trio May 25 Heads South

FABFABFABFAB————Fabulous and BeautifulFabulous and BeautifulFabulous and BeautifulFabulous and Beautiful. If you are undergoing chemo-therapy or have recently finished treatment, charity FAB, which runs a three hour session on the first Monday of the month at St. Margaret’s Hospital in Epping (11am to 2pm) may be just the tonic. Please call Laura Jones on 01279 827396.

Epping Forest Group of the Alpine Garden SocietyEpping Forest Group of the Alpine Garden SocietyEpping Forest Group of the Alpine Garden SocietyEpping Forest Group of the Alpine Garden Society, 8pm at Theydon Bois Village Hall CM16 7ER (2nd Tuesday of the month). Group visits being arranged between June and September. Non-members welcome. Please call Keith Ballard for further information on 01992 813231. www.alpinegardensociety.net/groups/Epping-Forest

SmartNet Essex SmartNet Essex SmartNet Essex SmartNet Essex ———— Meet 2nd Thursday of the month. Meet 2nd Thursday of the month. Meet 2nd Thursday of the month. Meet 2nd Thursday of the month. 12-2pm at The King’s Oak, Paul Nursery’s Road, High Beach, Loughon IG10 4AE £15 to include lunch, soft drink and tea/coffee. Pay-as-you-go networking group. Call Julie to book on 07843 260 186 or email [email protected]

EppNetEppNetEppNetEppNet————Business Networking. Meet every Wednesday morn-Business Networking. Meet every Wednesday morn-Business Networking. Meet every Wednesday morn-Business Networking. Meet every Wednesday morn-ing for breakfast, 7.15 to 9am at The Bell Hotel, Epping. ing for breakfast, 7.15 to 9am at The Bell Hotel, Epping. ing for breakfast, 7.15 to 9am at The Bell Hotel, Epping. ing for breakfast, 7.15 to 9am at The Bell Hotel, Epping. £40 per month for regular members, or one off annual fee for infrequent visitors (plus £10 fee per meeting). For more de-tails email [email protected] or call Vincent Goode on 07931 580031.

Harlow PlayhouseHarlow PlayhouseHarlow PlayhouseHarlow Playhouse—Box Office 01279 431945—Full details and booking details at www.playhouseharlow.com .

Lambourne End Open DayLambourne End Open DayLambourne End Open DayLambourne End Open Day————Sunday April 22nd, Sunday April 22nd, Sunday April 22nd, Sunday April 22nd, 11am-4pm. Manor Road, Lambourne End, Romford RM4 1NB. Adventure climbing, low ropes course, caving, kayaking. Launching zip wire! Farm animals and their babies. Pony and cart rides. Free to look around farm, small charge for activities (age require-ments apply). £3 for all day parking. For more info visit www.lambourne-end.org.uk or call 0208 500 3047.

Epping Bowls Club Open DayEpping Bowls Club Open DayEpping Bowls Club Open DayEpping Bowls Club Open Day————Sunday May 6th, 11am to 4pm, Sunday May 6th, 11am to 4pm, Sunday May 6th, 11am to 4pm, Sunday May 6th, 11am to 4pm, Lower Bury Lane, EppingLower Bury Lane, EppingLower Bury Lane, EppingLower Bury Lane, Epping. The EBC is seeking new members, whether experienced or complete beginners and they are invited to come along to the club ‘OPEN DAY’. The minimum age for membership is 12 years old and there is no upper limit, so the whole family can be involved. Please wear flat soled shoes/trainers. A reduced membership fee is available for the first year and regular coaching sessions are provided on Friday afternoons. So come along and meet our members in the friendly, sociable atmosphere of the clubhouse. For further information contact Edward Panter on 01992-571714.

St Mary's Church Theydon BoisSt Mary's Church Theydon BoisSt Mary's Church Theydon BoisSt Mary's Church Theydon Bois May Fayre 2012May Fayre 2012May Fayre 2012May Fayre 2012—Monday 7th Monday 7th Monday 7th Monday 7th May 201May 201May 201May 2012 from 11am-4pm at St Mary's Church Hall, Theydon Bois. Lots to do for all the family with refreshments, BBQ, bouncy castle, children's sideshows, bric-a-brac, books, plants and much more besides. Please come along and join in the fun! For further details, or to donate items for the Fayre, please phone Phil or Amanda Simmance on 813732.

Haven House Summer FayreHaven House Summer FayreHaven House Summer FayreHaven House Summer Fayre————Sunday 20th May, 11amSunday 20th May, 11amSunday 20th May, 11amSunday 20th May, 11am————3pm. 3pm. 3pm. 3pm. Food, crafts, treasure hunt, animals from Paradise Wildlife Park,

fire engine, bouncy castle, mini rugby at Wooford FC. Sug-gested entry price £2. Why not join in early at 10am with sponsored walk Woodland Walk—dress up as a hero. To register for walk, contact [email protected] or call 020 8506 3837.

Theydon Art Group (TAG) 51st Annual Exhibition 2012 Friday Theydon Art Group (TAG) 51st Annual Exhibition 2012 Friday Theydon Art Group (TAG) 51st Annual Exhibition 2012 Friday Theydon Art Group (TAG) 51st Annual Exhibition 2012 Friday May 25th 7 May 25th 7 May 25th 7 May 25th 7 ---- 9pm. Saturday 26th May 10 9pm. Saturday 26th May 10 9pm. Saturday 26th May 10 9pm. Saturday 26th May 10 ---- 5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm. Theydon Bois Village Hall, Coppice Row, Theydon Bois CM16 7ER. Entry £1. Refreshments. Free parking. Wonderful opportunity to view and purchase a range of art work by local artists. Information Show Sec; Mr D. Springham 0208 504 0584.

Theydon Bois Open Gardens' Day Theydon Bois Open Gardens' Day Theydon Bois Open Gardens' Day Theydon Bois Open Gardens' Day ---- June 24th 11am to 5pm. June 24th 11am to 5pm. June 24th 11am to 5pm. June 24th 11am to 5pm. Tickets on the day from Village Hall, Coppice Row. Tickets £4.50 - accompanied children free. No dogs. Lots of lovely gardens will be open. Ploughman's lunches served 11.45am to 2pm and afternoon teas from 2.15pm in Village Hall. Free parking on the green and free minibus to outlying areas. The Churches will lead a "Songs of Praise" accompanied by the Salvation Army Band on the village green at 5pm. For further information please email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] or visit www.theydon.org.uk If you are interested in opening your garden, please contact Karen on 01992 812295 or email [email protected]. Want to help on the day? Please call Thea on 01992 815982.

Theydon Bois 25th Donkey Derby 2012 Theydon Bois 25th Donkey Derby 2012 Theydon Bois 25th Donkey Derby 2012 Theydon Bois 25th Donkey Derby 2012 ---- Sunday 15th July Sunday 15th July Sunday 15th July Sunday 15th July. Join in the fun for the Donkey Derby’s Silver Jubilee year. The Green, Theydon Bois noon until 4.30pm.

Please submit your listings for the June edition by May 15th—thank you.

What’s On Visit www.magascene.net for all the latest listings

Community P


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Furniture Clinic Epping, Hobbs Cross Business Centre, Theydon Garnon, Epping CM16 7NY
