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Magazine 01 Readers'

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A Sample Magazine I made for my Reading Class. All where made with original photos. Feel Free, literally, to download, and i hope to publish more.
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Magazine Readers' Ghost Canoe Anne Franks Diary Stones I n Water Top 5 Books For Your Kids A News Article FEATURES:


Ghost Canoe

Anne Franks Diary

Stones I n Water

Top 5 Books

For Your Kids

A News Article



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1 | Readers' M agazine Apr 20 15

Ghost Canoe

Set in 1874 in Cape Flat tery W Hobbs clear ly descr ibes the North Pacif ic landscape and the custom s of the Makah I ndians that live there. 14 year old Nathan MacAllister, son of Captain Zachary MacAllister, helps his father run the lighthouse on the island of Tatoosh. He paddles his canoe back and forth deliver ing supplies to the island f rom the m ain land with his Makah f r iend, Lighthouse George. The boys have m any wonderful adventures together, hunt ing for whales and seals.

One n ight , the L.S. Burnaby crashes on the rocks near the lighthouse. All hands are lost , but m yster iously, there are footpr in ts leading away f rom the wreck. When the a body,of the captain , washes ashore, Nathan knows he m ust som ehow solve the m ystery. At f irst , he believes that som e m alevolent spir i t is som ehow responsib le for the st range things that begin to happen, but clues such as a nervous neighbor and t radesm an burying a box in the m iddle of the n ight , a st ranger with a kn ife, and a ghost ly skeleton handing in a Makah canoe hanging in the t reetops near the sea, gradually convince Nathan that i t is a person, and

Overview not a ghost that is som ehow responsib le. This story involves a t reasure hunt , in t r igue and m urder, and young Nathan m ust keep his head or he m ay just lose his li f e.

I n form at ion:

· Tit le: The Ghost Canoe

· Author: Hobbs, Will

· I SBN: I SBN-13: 978-0-688-14193-6

I SBN-10: 0-688-14193-5

· Publisher: Morrow Junior Books,

· Date: 1997.

· Website: ht tp:/ / www.willhobbsauthor.c

om / bookspages/ ghostcanoep

age.htm l

· Reading Level: ATOS: 5

.9; Reading Counts: 5.5; Lexi le: 900.

· I n terest Level: Teens. (Follet t Tit lewave recom m ends

this for grades 5-8,) I believe

that this is m uch too low. I t hink i t ' s m uch m ore appropr iate for grades 7-12.

Order Link

ht tp:/ / www.am azon.com /

Ghost -Canoe-Will-Hobbs/

dp/ 0380725371

A Port rait of Nathan

"A Good Book"

Worst Review

X _ _ _ _ 1/ 5 Stars

This book is about a lam e kid, Nathan, who thinks he sm art , but he is not . Af ter a bor ing f irst chapter, the book goes bad fast . Will Hobbs should t ry to do som ething he is good at . Sheesh!

X X X X X 5/ 5 stars

First of f , t his review will be som ewhat b iased as Mr. Hobbs was a teacher of m ine three years in a row. I f t he love of reading is a f ire, Mr Hobbs is the spark. He kindled the desire to read in count less chi ldren dur ing his years as a teacher, part ly because he knew us so well, and that is what m akes him such a terr i f ic author in his current work- he knows what will get kids to read and keep them reading. My children both read his books, and I read m ost everything that they read, just to stay in touch with what they are doing. I actually en joy reading Mr. Hobbs' books as m uch as they do, the characters are real, the exper iences are f resh, and the stor ies are enough to m ake m e dream of m y own youth. I recent ly m oved to the Seat t le area, and have explored the area in which Ghost Canoe is set . Mr. Hobbs has done a m arvelous job of captur ing the m ood and m ystery of this beaut iful corner of our world. His port rayl of the Macaw t r ibe is t rue to li f e (as i t was) and helps shed som e light on the recent events in their t r ibe. That alone m akes this book a great read for just about any preteen.

From A Parents Point

3 | Readers' M agazine Apr 20 15

Stones in Water by Donna Jo Napoli ? ? ? ? ? 5/ 5

Stones in Water is a wonderful, histor ical f ict ion, novel by Donna Jo Napoli . I n this book the m ain character is Roberto, and his f r iend Sam uel. Taken to a forced labor cam p, af ter watching an Am erican m ovie, he is sent to the wrath of the Nazis. Roberto and his f r iend Sam uel are m oved to the Ukraine and have to guard one of the m ost secret of secrets between them , Sam uel is a Jewish boy.

When Roberto escapes out of the cam p his journey hom e begins. He m ust bat t le rough terrain and harsh weather as well as Nazi soldiers storm ing cit ies to get back hom e to those he loves. With Enzo dead f rom the cold Roberto thinks he has nothing to lose anym ore. While t raveling through Russia t ry ing to get to the Mediterranean Sea, t r icks Sam uel gave him , and t r ies to survive in this deadly cold.

A story of a young gir l by Anne Frank ? ? ? ? 4/ 5

A t ruly am azing capture, of a gir ls li f e. Fi lled with rom ance, li f e, and death.

Anne Frank is neat ly 16 teen and is in hiding. With the Nazis on way, i t is im portant for her to live, to adult hood. Assaulted by hat red, The Franks go in to hiding, along with the Van Danns. The Diary of a Young Gir l is a book of the writ ings f rom the Dutch language diary kept by Anne Frank while she was in hiding for two years with her fam ily dur ing the Nazi occupat ion of the Nether lands.Anne is falling in love with Peter, but her relat ion ship will never be com plete, the Nazis are com ing.

Anne Frank

1 . I n Search of Lost Tim e by Marcel Proust

I m age of I n Search of Lost Tim e

Swann's Way, the f irst part of A la recherche de tem ps perdu, Marcel Proust 's seven-part cycle, was published in 1913. I n i t , Proust in t roduces the them es that run through the ent ire work. The narr ...

- Publisher

2 . Ulysses by Jam es Joyce

I m age of Ulysses

Ulysses chron icles the passage of Leopold Bloom through Dublin dur ing an ordinary day, June 16, 1904. The t i t le parallels and alludes to Odysseus (Lat in ised in to Ulysses), the hero of Hom er's Odyss...

- Wikipedia

3 . Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes

I m age of Don Quixote

Alonso Quixano, a ret ired count ry gent lem an in his f i f t ies, lives in an unnam ed sect ion of La Mancha with his n iece and a housekeeper. He has becom e obsessed with books of chivalry, and believes th...

- Wikipedia

Top 5

5 | Readers' M agazine Apr 20 15

4 . Moby Dick by Herm an Melvi lle

I m age of Moby Dick

First published in 1851, Melvi lle's m asterpiece is, in Elizabeth Hardwick's words, "the greatest novel in Am erican li t erature." The saga of Captain Ahab and his m onom aniacal pursuit of the white wh...

- Publisher

5 . Ham let by William Shakespeare

I m age of Ham let

The Tragedy of Ham let , Pr ince of Denm ark, or m ore sim ply Ham let , is a t ragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been writ ten between 1599 and 1601. The play, set in Denm ark, recounts how Pri...

- Wikipedia

6 | Outdoor M agazine Oct 20 14

For Your Kids

com es short again and again , because there is no ef fort w ithout error and shortcom ing; but who does actually st r ive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasm s, the great devot ions; who spends him self in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the t r ium ph of high achievem ent , and who at the worst , i f he fai ls, at least fai ls while dar ing great ly, so that his p lace shall never be with those cold and t im id souls who neither know victory nor defeat ."

Set your own childs li f e to fun, teach them to draw with these sim ple guides. - ->

InspireThere are people in your li f e whom you unknowingly inspire sim ply by being you.

This is f rom a power speech by Theodore Roosevelt , t hat you should tell your chi ldren

"I t is not the cr i t ic who counts; not the m an who poin ts out how the st rong m an stum bles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them bet ter.

The credit belongs to the m an who is actually in the arena, whose face is m arred by dust and sweat and b lood; who st r ives valiant ly; who errs, who

7 | Readers' M agazine April 20 15

1. Have you chi l d st ep i nt o wet pai nt .

2. Have your chi l d pr ess hi s or her f oot on a pi ece of car d st ack.

Let t hi s dr y f or an hour .

3. Si mpl y have your chi l d col or , and or cut out shapes t o pl ace ar ound t he f oot pr i nt t o make i t l ook l i ke a r ocket . Her e' s mi ne f r om ki nder gar den. And ot her s t o t he Ri ght and Down

9 | Outdoor M agazine Oct 20 14






Readers M agazine

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