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Magazine denis and nadeen

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REGYAYour source for rome, greek, maya, and egytian knowledge!

Page 2: Magazine denis and nadeen

Food: The people here in our society have a variety of foods that we eat. Most people’s diet consists of cereals, vegetables, fruit, olive oil, milk, cheese, and meat (depending on your wealth). Our diet is called “Mediterranean diet”. The Mediterranean diet differs from each country. It depends on if you have access to water and if you have access to water to get fish. For example, the Greeks and the Romans diet contains of a high intake of fruits, more olive oil and olives, less milk but more cheese, more fish, and less meat. The mediterranean diet is a very health diet and helps lose weight. Some doctors say that it has vitamin E,vitamin C, and high amounts of fiber. The people also have a lower risk of cancer.

Meals: Now you might be wondering what are some of these meals that consist of the main ingredients of the mediterranean diet. The Romans usually had one main big meal. If they did have breakfast (ientaculum), It would be a small piece of bread. After that they would have their main meal of dinner (cena) around midday, and finally a small supper (vesperna) in the evening.

For the poor, their meals consisted porridge or bread and meat and vegetables if they could afford it. For the wealthy, the meal was divided into three parts of the day. The first meal was like an appetizer and it had eggs, fish, shellfish, and raw vegetables which was known as gustatio or promulsis. For the main meal (prima mensa),consisted of cooked meat and cooked vegetables. And for the last meal, was dessert. The dessert contains fruit/ sweet pastries (secunda mensa).

Photo Creds: http://epochproducts.com/pages/the-basis-of-the-mediterranean-diet/

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Photo courtesy of http://www.yucatan-holidays.com/featured-articles/the-6-principles-of-mayan-medicine/

Healer in Mayan

Dear Abby,My son has become sick, he has been having cramps all week now and I don’t know what to do. We live very far from the nearest place with a h’men (doctor), Tikal, so we cannot get medical help. Please tell us what to do.From,Yoltzin.

Dear Yoltzin,I would suggest finding a h’men, however, if you cannot find a h’men i would suggest you to begin feeding him some hot foods such as peppers, garlic, and onions. He should eat these because cramps, along with constipation and paralysis, are classified as cold diseases, and hot foods solve cold diseases. He could also be having this problem from eating hot foods while also eating cold ones, such as cheese, for example. Hoping this helps you and your boy,Abby.

Dear abby,I need to know what to do for cuts and physical injury. Can you help?Ah Puch.

Dear Ah Puch,To treat a cut, bbruise, or burn, many h’men prescribe using cacao bark, leaves, and oil for direct use on the injury. These have an effect that will lessen the likelyhood of infection. It will also help with pain and future complications.Hoping this helps,Abby.

This months edition of Dear Abby goes MAYAN!

Page 4: Magazine denis and nadeen

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This has been so useful for all of our endeavors, including mining, pillaging, and most of all, having celebrations.

火藥Gunpowder in Chinese.

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Page 6: Magazine denis and nadeen

Dear Editor,

I noticed that your last issue discussed my abilities as a leader, and while it mostly talked about my achievements and goals, it also discussed my faults, which i need to address. It said that I killed my own mother because she was bothersome, while this is true, there were other reasons, such as her resistance to my marriage to Acte. I upset that you included my personal life in your magazine, seeing as though i can have you killed in a second. I hope that you realize your mistakes, because i wont be so nice next time.


Emperor Nero.

Page 7: Magazine denis and nadeen

The Punic Wars were a series of conflicts fought between the forces of ancient Carthage and Rome between 264 BCE and 146 BCE.. As the history of the conflict was written by Roman authors, they labeled it 'The Punic Wars'. Carthage was know to be a rich and a powerful city in the Mediterranean region before 260 BCE. They had a powerful navy, a mercenary army and, through tribute, tariffs, and trade, enough wealth. Through a treaty with the small city of Rome, they barred Roman trade in the Western Mediterranean. Rome had no navy, therefor it was easy to enforce the treaty. Roman traders caught in Carthaginian waters were drowned and their ships taken.

Page 8: Magazine denis and nadeen

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Page 9: Magazine denis and nadeen

HE KILLED HIS OWN FATHER? According to Teiresias(an old blind prophet), Oedipus is a young male that has moved recently to a town called Thebs. On his way to Thebs, he got into some trouble with a man who wouldn’t move out of the way and Oedipus decides to kill the man. That man that Oedipus killed was his own father which Oedipus doesn’t know. His father is also the king of Thebs which he also doesn’t know. When he arrives at Thebs, there are some sphinx that are causing a lot of trouble. They ask you to answer a riddle and if you don’t answer the riddle they kill you.

If you get the answer to the riddle correct, you get to marry the Queen (Oedipus’ Mom). Luckily Oedipus is really smart and he got the riddle right. So he gets to marry the Queen (his mother). Oedipus doesn’t even bother to ask about what happened to the king or how he died. So then later Oedipus is determined to find out who killed the king. Teiresias tries to tell Oedipus that he killed his own father: “And he will turn out to be the brother of the children in his house—their father, too, both at once, and the husband and the son of the very woman who gave birth to them.

He sowed the same womb as his father and murdered him. Go in and think on this. If you discover I have spoken falsely, you can say I lack all skill in prophecy.” But of course, Oedipus is too ignorant and decides not to listen to Teiresias and continues on. Later on Oedipus discovers that he killed the King of Thebs.

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Talking to the Dead With : Julius Caesar

Reporter: Hello everyone! Today we will have a talk with one of the most important men in history which we all know as Julius Caesar!! Welcome Julius Caesar!! JC: Hello everybody. Reporter: Ok Caesar, so today we are going to talk about what happened between you and your “Friend” Brutus. How do you feel about how Brutus literally back stabbing you? JC: Well, I was really shocked to see my own friend kill me. I would of never imagined that to happen. Reporter: Yea I would be surprised too! So why did you say “et tu brute” before you died? JC: First of all , for those of you who don’t know what “et tu brute” means, it means “Even you Brutus?” And the reason why I said that is because, like I said before, I was astonished to see that Brutus was apart of this plan of killing me. Reporter: Oh, I understand. So your wife Calpurnia had a dream that you were killed and people were bathing in your blood. Your wife was really scared and didn’t want you to leave the house and you refused to listen. How do you feel about not listening to your wife and these warning signs/omens? JC: Well, At times, I sometimes do wish that I listened to my wife but everything happens for a reason. Reporter: I totally agree with you Caesar. Well, it was nice talking to you! JC: It was nice talking to you too! Thank you for having me! Reporter: Your welcome! And that’s it for today everyone! Stay tuned to read next weeks interview on Talking to the Dead!!

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