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Magazine Poster: Audience Feedback and Analysis

Date post: 09-Jan-2017
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Print Products Audience Feedback and Analysis
Page 1: Magazine Poster: Audience Feedback and Analysis

Print Products

Audience Feedback and Analysis

Page 2: Magazine Poster: Audience Feedback and Analysis

Having drafted 5 varying copies of our magazine poster print product and having received some feedback on this, my group and I sought to find more feedback in order to finalize our end print product for our magazine cover.

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To achieve this, I drafted some in-depth surveys for a new focus group (one that had not yet seen any of our work) as to gain a fresh insight on our work. On the whole the feedback was very positive and did not differ too greatly from what we had received prior in terms of audience feedback.

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We selected 30 participants and showed them the following images. We then asked them to complete a questionnaire individually. Participants were shown the following images in the following order…

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on 1

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on 2

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on 3

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on 4

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on 5

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The following is an example questionnaire (scanned image) from an anonymous participant. We asked each participant which of the posters they liked most and least, and why. We asked whether the music video and the digipak looked professional and if all the products were synergetic. We also asked how this could be improved upon and how for future reference. We would apply this knowledge to any future projects and make any necessary changes to our final print product.

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From our questionnaires we concluded that there was very little that we could do to improve our work, given the time frame. However, the general consensus was that Option 1 was the most professional and aesthetically pleasing. Hence, this is the one we have selected to be our final print product. Likewise, 3 and 5 were evenly voted as the least favourite with options 2 and 4 gaining mixed reviews.

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Following the audience feedback I feel that the print product is very effective and I am very proud of my work. Looking back on my work I feel that there is of course always room to improve, however, given such a short time frame it would be unrealistic to make time to improve on our print product. Considering the efforts made for the photoshoot, the editing process and the audience reviews, I believe that the end product is professional and one that I can be proud of.
