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Magazine+Analysis Finished

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By Matthew Persell- Thompson
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By Matthew Persell-Thompson

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Overall a Widerange of colours, to

make it standout, and appeareye catching.

Big bold masthead to addressthe reader clearly whatmagazine it is.

The word ³KERRANG!´, just by looking at itimplies to the reader it is a magazine based on

the genre of rock. This is because µKerrang¶ isthe term used when one strums a guitar withforce, in which to create a louder sound.

Lots of selllines. aroundthe outside,this is to getthe readersinterested, inwhat they areoffering. Forexample if theyaren't particular

drawn to theheadline. Thesell lines areused as a backup to attractthe reader to

buy it«The main story, is standing out fromeverything else on the front cover of themagazine. This is simply because this issupposed to the first thing which encouragespeople to buy it. Due to this they have made

the writing large, changed the font and madeit a completely different colour to everythingelse on the page, to make it more eyecatching and easier to notice.The Models of the band are

all wearing, traditional rockstyled clothing.

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The Contents page is a lotdifferent in comparison to thefrom cover. This can beidentified from various pointsabout the contents. For examplethe contents page has a

completely different lay outcompared to the front cover. It

is not as busy looking, and doesnot consist of a vast amount of images, or brightly colour text.This is because the contentspage to this magazine, hasbeen produced for a purpose,

and that purpose, as appose totrying to catch the eye of somebody.

Instead there is a lot more wording involved,this as because now the magazine hasattracted the reader it now has the job toprovide the reader with what the issue isoffering.

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In this double spread article, the main thing, which canbe noticed, is the sudden change, in the use of colouring. There is now a colour scheme to it, whichcould imply that it has settled down, as the reader isnow into the magazine, and no longer has the need touse bright, eye catching colours

A Quoted is embedded at the bottom, of the picture. This quote is short, snappyand makes sense and is therefore easyfor the reader to understand. The quotealso stands out, from the picturepositioned behind it.

The Title of this article is

also a quote, from theband. The quote iswritten in large font, asthis is the first thing that

the readers eyes shouldcome across. Also

 ³BEST´ is written in adifferent colour, to therest of the quote. This isused as they want toimply how BIG the best isgoing to be, and due to

this will make the readerwant to read on, and find

out about what theydefine as the best.

This page in the magazine, differs from both the contents andfront page, act the fact that the writing in scripted is a lot moreorganised and layed out a lot better to make it easy to read.The first letter of each paragraph of the article starts with the firstletter being a lot larger in terms of size. They also made them adifferent font and colour. This is to catch the readers eye of thedifferent parts of the article, in which there is to read about.

Half of this double spread page consists of a very humorous imageof the band, on which the article is about. The style of clothingworn in this picture, is similar to the clothes worn by the popularband the beastie boys. This is used to make the reader feelrelatable to the article. This style of clothes can be matched up tothe era of the 70¶s whereby these clothes were considered

fashionable . This was also around the time the mafia wasverymuch involved society especially in countries such as Italy. The

fact the fact they are all wearing big moustaches, could alsosuggest the theme of their upcoming releases. This image

therefore drawsthe reader inand encouragesthem into

wanting to knowmore aboutthere stuff. Asby the picturethey get avague idea, but

not a fullunderstanding .

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The front cover to this issue of the magazine µQ¶ iscompletely unlike the issue of µKERRENG!¶. This isbecause the colour lay out is not as bright and eye

catching, despite the fact of it being the front cover.This is because although they are both based about thegenre of indie/pop, they are both aimed at completelydifferent generations. ( one is based towardsteenagers, and one more around adults. This can beseen straight away just by looking at the front cover.The band Oasis, are a lot older than bands on thefronts of µKerrang¶, and are a lot more retro.We can identify there retroness easily by just stating

that the picture is in black and white, which suggestsand older time period of something. There is very littlecolouring used in the front cover, the sell lines used arenot particularly noticeable, and are written in black andgrey, as appose to brightly noticable colours,. This of course is to draw more attention the plain simpleimage of the face of the leader singer, who appears asthe µface¶ of the band Noel Gallagher. They don¶t useeye catching characteristics on the magazine as the

target audience for this are a lot older, and moremature and don¶t really need it.The only part of the front cover which stands out is thetitle µQ¶ and this is only written in a different colour asthis is the theme of the magazine(red,white,black)

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The date and name of the

page is written right at thetop. This is so it can easilybe seen.

The Word µdrummer¶ iswritten in big bold text,so the reader instantlycan identify it, and will

no what is it about.

The page numbers are in abigger font, and arecoloured red, this is soreaders can easily see thepage they want to go to

There are some pictures on

the contents page which areused to represent pages inthe magazine, instead of wording. This is because it

makes it easy, more andmore interesting ad


Page numbers are brightly corned onevery picture, to allow the reader to turnto this page quickly and easily

The main picture in thispicture is black and white,which links to the main textwhich is black and white

background. Also links withthe smaller picture besidethe main text.

Colour SchemeThe colour scheme of thiscontents page isblack/white/red. The white andblack are more plain colours,

which is used as it makes thered stand out on top of them.The connotations for black are;elegance, style, depth. Theconnotations for white are: light,simplicity. Connotations for red

can follow as: power, energy,fire and strength

Regular features in the magazine persuade themto buy it, as if the readers have a favouritesection they would like to keep an update on,

and will therefore buy every issue to read about


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y At the top of the double page spread there is a banner running across the top. Initially, the banner is red, however itchanges colour after the headline µARCADE FIRE¶, it then goes on to say µBAND OF THE YEAR¶. This little section iswritten in black. Both texts are written in san serif font. The banner then continues but is now black. This makes theheadline seem to stand out more. The house style is still the same so readers know they are still reading the samemagazine.

y At the bottom of both pages, there is a kicker. It has the website of the magazine and a smaller icon of the magazinename. This is shown throughout the magazine and links the pages together subtly. Most of the first page is covered

with a picture similar to the front page¶s main image. The women is wearing similar colours as the house style of themagazine where as the man isn¶t. This makes it seem as if the man is more important because the colours he wearsstand out from everything else on the page. The poses they are doing are quite fun and it looks as if they are having agood time. This attracts a wide variety of audience as both genders can relate to it.

y In the middle of two columns, there is a big red block with a red San Serif font pull quote underneath it. This catchesthe readers attention as it stands out and the reader may feel intrigued by whats written in this article due to thequirky comment.

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InstitutionInstitutionFounder of µQ¶ Magazine:.Mark Ellen

.David HepworthEditor . Paul Rees

Q was first published in October 1986, setting itself apart from much of the other musicpress with monthly production and higher standards of photography and printing.

Q magazine is published by Bauer Media group, based in Hamburg, Germany.

The magazine is very popular, and sells thousands of copies monthly , having a totalcirculation of 88,240.


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Half Page



DPS PlusProduction

EntertainmentEmpire £14,640 £7,705 £10,016 £3,853 £65cpt £45cpt £18,682 £4,500

Kerrang!£9,092 £4,785 £6,220 £2,607 £65cpt £45cpt £12,130£4,500

Mojo £9,291 £4,890 £6,357 £2,445 £65cpt £45cpt £12,396£4,500

£17,396 £9,156 £11,902 £4,578 £65cpt £45cpt

The magazine has a close relationship with the Glastonbury Festival, producing both a free daily newspaperon site during the festival and a review magazine available at the end of the festival.Q has a history of associating with charitable organizations, and in 2006 the British anti-poverty charity Waron Want was named its official charity.

Magazine Advertising R ate CardThis graphs shows how much money is made by thecompany due to advertisements used in comparisonwith other leading magazines

Summary Advertising R ates

There are various advertisements used in each issue of Q magazine. Each of which are directed at the sametarget audience, reading the magazine. Advertisements used in parts of the magazine such as Home insurance,from companies moneysupermarket etc. in which they are trying to find another market, it is still directed at

people of that age group to who of which may be reading..

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In this particular issue of µQ¶ magazine published in 1987,The editor has decided to place four images of sir PaulMcCartney on the front cover. Each of which he is pulling adifferent pose (standing differently, different facialexpressions, different hand gestures etc.) This could have

been done to give an impression to the readers, that thereare many different aspects and sides to this person. This

could encourage the reader, and therefore give them theincentive to read into it, and get more information, as he is

a very famous artists and is one of the greats. We can tellthis from his dedication to the music industry has earnedhim a knighthood, as he is addressed as µSir¶. We can also

tell his importance, simply by his clothing. He is dressed insmart and formal clothing, to fit his status.This clothing used is traditional, as it is the same styleclothing used by the popular band The Beatles to who of which he was a part of; active throughout the 1960s they

have been classified as one of the most commerciallysuccessful and critically acclaimed acts in the history of 

popular music.The colours of the clothes he iswearing, can also represent theretroness of himself, as he as aperformer has been active since 1957-Present.

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The music magazine that I am creating is going to be aimed at a specific audience of the public. Peoplewho will read my magazine are going to be aged between 16 ± 25. Both genders will read my musicmagazine, however the quantity of males reading it as appose to females will be greater. My magazinewill be aimed at social classes C & D. The students in social class E will also read my magazine. Thiswould potentionally mean those who are going to read my magazine are outgoing, lively and anextrovert. They will attend parties regularly, and attend events such as concerts, music festivals etc.The bands that they see in concerts and gigs will feature in my magazine. They will be living everyday

to the max, and generally have an attitude which can come across as being upbeat, and joyful.They would be interested in socialising, dancing, going to clubs/pubs taking care of their physicalappearance but most importantly rock/indie music. Most of the readers will be drinkers.

They will be passionate about music and what they do in their life.They will be into play stations, and technology. They will use the internet and have face

book/myspace/twitter etc. , to meet people and social with friends when they are not out.

As I have mentioned they will take pride in their appearance. They will style their hair according towhat their favourite bands look like and they will wear items of clothing such as skinny jeans andconverses. However others maybe more casual about their clothing Their favourite shop would be

Topshop/topman and HMV, River Island, and fast food restaurants, such as McDonalds, Burger Kingetc.

They will also have a slight interest and knowledge of what's going on in the world and in the news.

A high percentage of the readers of my magazine will be in university and living away from home.Others may be in Collages. They enjoy their freedom, and their independence, and take advantage of that. They are responsible for themselves.

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When creating my magazine, I will take into consideration that it will be aimedWhen creating my magazine, I will take into consideration that it will be aimedat a specific age group.  I will be aiming it at a specific genre.  I will be aiming at a specific age group.  I will be aiming it at a specific genre.  I will be aiming it at the age group of  late teenagers/young adults. The music genre in whichit at the age group of  late teenagers/young adults. The music genre in whichthe magazine will be based upon, is Rock/Indy music. the magazine will be based upon, is Rock/Indy music. However going into this particular market is a risk, as there are severalHowever going into this particular market is a risk, as there are severalmagazines which are also based on this genres. Magazines such as magazines which are also based on this genres. Magazines such as QQ,,NME NME etc.etc.Particularly in Later years, theParticularly in Later years, the sector has become increasingly competitive with a sector has become increasingly competitive with a series of high profile launches that saw the number of  titles in the market expand toseries of high profile launches that saw the number of  titles in the market expand toseven magazines all fighting f orseven magazines all fighting f or market sharemarket share!. !. 

One of the main competitors I would be facing, would be Q magazine.Q magazine are published by the Bauer Media Group, who are has a total circulation of 88,240,making them very popular, in the industry, selling magazines monthly. They have been up andrunning for 25 years having sold their first issue in October of µ86.Q magazine retained the top spot as the biggest-selling music monthly in the first half of 2008,despite having lost 17,000 sales, or 13.1% of its circulation year on year, according to the latestABCs. The title had an average sale of 113,174 copies in the first half of 2010. Most music andentertainment titles suffered heavy declines over the period.

Another Key competitor I will face would be NME (New Musical Express).Which also specialises in the similar market. They have a circulation of 

33,875 and has been running since 1956. The releases of the magazines areevery week, so keen readers are sure to own many copies of this magazines.However NME was the biggest faller among music and film magazines for thesecond successive six months in the first half of 2011, with a 14.3% year-on-year circulation decline.Mojo, the largest paid-for music magazine, shed 4.8% of sales compared tothe first half of last year. The Bauer Consumer Media title decreased 7.8% incirculation period on period to 87,262.NME recorded a 9.8% circulation decline on the previous six months, fallingbelow the 30,000 mark, to 29,020.

Various other

competitorswouldconsists of Mojo, IPC ,The Fly etc.

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If I am going to start up a magazine business, I will have to acquire variouspeople to take part in various roles in the production of each magazine.For example every magazine company consists of editors. Editing is theprocess of selecting and preparing written, visual, audible, and film mediaused to convey information through the processes of correction,condensation, organization, and other modifications in various media,performed with an intention of producing a correct, consistent, accurate, andcomplete output. This makes it one of the most vital and important jobs

when producing magazines.Other roles of the magazines would consist of responsibilities such asresearching stories to include inside the magazine. This would be meanresearching online, and visiting places and talking to specific people.Interviews are also commonly included inside magazines. So I wouldtherefore need to have somebody perform the role of an interviewee.Other jobs which would have to be notified are the photographers of the

magazine. Who would travel to

various places (e.g. Festi

vals, Gigs etc.)

Orarrange meetings with certain people in which to have a photo shoot. This

would be to snap shots of the musician/bands to use on the front cover of the magazine, and which would be scattered across different segments of the magazine. (Articles, Contents page etc).

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y As a summary of everything I have researched and analysed, I have discovered various qualities in which a magazine consists of.For example, most successful magazines consist of a Front cover, with big bold text, and a image in which would cover most of the

page. I have analysed these in my primary research. A magazine also consists of a detailed contents page in which, would list thedifferent segments included in the magazine. The front cover of my magazine would therefore have to be very brightly coloured,initially to catch the eye of the audience.

Having carried out research I have also established that I will have a number of competitors for my magazine. These magazines include

Q,NME,MOJO etc. All of which have a large circulation and are successful. µQ¶ being the leading magazine out of the three. This canbe a risk to therefore produce my magazine, as this means it can go one of two ways.

As part of my audience research I produced a survey which would help give me a better idea of my target audience. I have asked

questions such as µWould You be willing to subscribe to a magazine of your interest¶ and µHow often do you read magazines towhich you take an interest in¶. I have then addressed questions such as µWhich age group do you belong to¶ etc. I also included thequestion : µWould You be willing to subscribe to a magazine of your interest?¶ The results for this question showed that the majorityof the respondents WOULD subscribe to a magazine to which they were a fan of and enjoyed reading. (17/20 people). This shows

that they would always be dedicated, and motivated to reading their favourite magazine.

Gathered from the results received from my questionnaire I was able to therefore produce an accurateassumption of what my target audience wil l be. My assumptions were that my target audience were most likely to be people of theyoung generation preferably around the ages of 16-25 (due to the results of my survey), and are very outgoing, lively and are

extroverts. They will be people who very often go out with their friends and socialise, and will often go to music venues and attendgigs and music festivals (Reading, Glastonbury). As well as this they will also go to places like nightclubs, pubs and will also be

very conscious about the state of their physical appearance. This will also mean that my target audience wil l have their hair styled

to fit their favourable genre of music.

As part of my product research I investigated the different roles in which a

magazine company would have to consist of many . As a result I found out that

my magazine production would have to involve photographers, editors and

various other important roles, this would consequently mean I would ha

ve to putmore money aside to hire people to fill these jobs.

As a summary I believe the research I have carried out will help me create andproduce, and magazine which will for fill and meet the desires of my targetaudience, and will as a result satisfy there needs.







