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Magento Search Extension Apache Solr · used to change the value of the attribute for each view of...

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Page 1: Magento Search Extension Apache Solr · used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global” you'll be able to share the value of the attribute
Page 2: Magento Search Extension Apache Solr · used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global” you'll be able to share the value of the attribute


magento.evozon.com 2 [email protected]

Magento Search Extension Apache Solr


CHAPTER 1 .............................................................................................................................................................. 3

1. SETTING UP THE PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES FOR SEARCH ................................................................. 3

1.1 How to create different types of attributes ................................................................................. 3

1.2 What does each type of flag do? ................................................................................................... 11

1.3 How to attach attributes to an Attribute Set ........................................................................... 14

CHAPTER 2 ........................................................................................................................................................... 16

2. PRODUCT MANAGEMENT AND SEARCHING ..................................................................................... 16

2.1 How to create categories ................................................................................................................. 16

2.2 How to create different types of products ............................................................................... 20

2.3 Your first Search ................................................................................................................................. 36

2.4 Navigating the Product Catalog .................................................................................................... 38

2.5 Searching Products with Quick Search ...................................................................................... 50

2.6 Searching products using the Advanced Search .................................................................... 54

CHAPTER 3 ........................................................................................................................................................... 56

3. SEARCH EXTENSION EXTRA FEATURES ............................................................................................. 56

3.1 Sort out of stock products last ...................................................................................................... 56

3.2 Use search results rescoring .......................................................................................................... 59

3.3 Use fulltext search suggestions..................................................................................................... 63

3.4 Enable search suggestions .............................................................................................................. 65

3.5 Logging ................................................................................................................................................... 69

3.6. Quicksearch autocomplete ............................................................................................................ 71

3.6.1 Autocomplete with category scoped phrases ................................................................ 81

3.6.2 Search in category dropdown .............................................................................................. 86

3.7 Layered navigation features .......................................................................................................... 91

Page 3: Magento Search Extension Apache Solr · used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global” you'll be able to share the value of the attribute


magento.evozon.com 3 [email protected]


1. Setting up the product attributes for search

1.1 How to create different types of attributes

Types of attributes:

1. Text Field 2. Text Area 3. Date 4. Yes/No 5. Multiple Select 6. Dropdown 7. Price

1. Text Field

For Text Field attribute we’ll use the Name attribute which is already created (Magento Default).

In order to access the attribute you must Log in to Magento Admin and access: Catalog →

Attributes → Manage Attributes and search for “name” in Attribute Code search field.

2. Text Area

For Text Area attribute we’ll use the Description attribute which is already created (Magento Default).

In order to access the attribute you must Log in to Magento Admin and access: Catalog → Attributes → Manage Attributes and search for “description” in the Attribute Code search


Fig 1.2

Fig 1.1

Page 4: Magento Search Extension Apache Solr · used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global” you'll be able to share the value of the attribute


magento.evozon.com 4 [email protected]

3. Date

For Date attribute we’ll use the Date of Manufacture attribute which must be created.

In order to create a new attribute you must Log in to Magento Admin and the follow these steps:

1. Access Catalog → Attributes → Manage Attributes

2. Click on the Add New Attribute button

3. On the new attribute page, the following information must be completed or changed (Fig 1.3):

Fig 1.3

a. Attribute Code: date_of_manufacture

b. Scope: By default is set to Store View. This property is important if you want to set up a multistore/store(s) with different store views based on language. The “Store View” option is used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global”

Page 5: Magento Search Extension Apache Solr · used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global” you'll be able to share the value of the attribute


magento.evozon.com 5 [email protected]

you'll be able to share the value of the attribute across all stores. The “Website” option is used to set a different value for the attribute in each of the stores

c. Catalog Input Type for Store: select Date from the dropdown

from Fronted Properties we will keep everything with default values (Fig 1.4).

Fig 1.4

4. Click on the Manage Label/Options from the left side menu and complete Admin field with “Date Of Manufacture” value. This value will appear on the frontend and in the product settings, on the backend (Fig 1.5).

Page 6: Magento Search Extension Apache Solr · used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global” you'll be able to share the value of the attribute


magento.evozon.com 6 [email protected]

Fig 1.5

5. Click on the Save Attribute button, and the attribute will be created.

4. Yes/No

For Yes/No attribute we will use the Bag attribute. This must be created.

In order to create a new attribute you must Log in to Magento Admin and the following steps need to be followed:

1. Access Catalog → Attributes → Manage Attributes

2. Click on the Add New Attribute button

3. On the new attribute page, the following information must be completed or changed (Fig 1.6):

a. Attribute Code: bag

b. Scope: By default is set to Store View. This property is important if you want to set up a multistore/store(s) with different store views based on language. “Store View” option is used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global” you'll be able to share the value of the attribute across all stores. The “Website” option is used to set a different value for the attribute in each of the stores

c. Catalog Input Type for Store: select Yes/No from the dropdown

Page 7: Magento Search Extension Apache Solr · used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global” you'll be able to share the value of the attribute


magento.evozon.com 7 [email protected]

Fig 1. 6

from Fronted Properties we’ll keep everything with default values (Fig 1.4).

4. Click on the Manage Label/Options from left side menu and complete Admin field with “Bag” value. This value will appear on the frontend and in the product settings, on the backend. (Fig 1.7).

Fig 1.7

5. Click on the Save Attribute button, and the attribute will be created.

Page 8: Magento Search Extension Apache Solr · used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global” you'll be able to share the value of the attribute


magento.evozon.com 8 [email protected]

5. Multiple Select

For the Multiple Select attribute we’ll use the Sold By attribute which must be created.

In order to create a new attribute you must Log in to Magento Admin and follow these steps:

1. Access Catalog → Attributes → Manage Attributes

2. Click on the Add New Attribute button

3. On the new attribute page, the following information must be completed or changed (Fig 1.8):

a. Attribute Code: sold_by

b. Scope: By default is set to Store View. This property is important if you want to set up a multistore/store(s) with different store views based on language. “Store View” option is used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global” you'll be able to share the value of the attribute across all stores. The “Website” option is used to set a different value for the attribute in each of the stores

c. Catalog Input Type for Store: select Multiple Select from the dropdown

Fig 1.8

from Fronted Properties we will keep everything with default values (Fig 1.4).

Page 9: Magento Search Extension Apache Solr · used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global” you'll be able to share the value of the attribute


magento.evozon.com 9 [email protected]

4. Click on the Manage Label/Options from left side menu. The following information must be completed or changed:

a. complete Admin field with “Sold By” value. This value will appear on the frontend and in the product settings on the backend.

b. Click on the Add Option button and add the following options for the attribute: Amazon, Apple, DHGate, eBay and QuiBids (Fig 1.9). In the “Position” field you can specify in which order the options will appear in drop-down, in frontend, and in the product settings in backend.

5. Click on the Save Attribute button, and the attribute will be created.

6. Dropdown

For Dropdown attribute we’ll use the Color attribute which is already created (Magento Default).

Fig 1.10

For this attribute you must add color options. In order to access the attribute you must Log in to Magento Admin and access: Catalog → Attributes → Manage Attributes, search for “color” in Attribute Code search field and Click on the color row from search results.

Fig 1.9

Page 10: Magento Search Extension Apache Solr · used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global” you'll be able to share the value of the attribute


magento.evozon.com 10 [email protected]

Fig 1.11

After the Edit Product Attribute “Color” page is open, click on the Manage Label/Options from left side menu, click on the Add Option button and add the following options for the attribute: Black, Blue, Gray, Red and White (Fig 1.11). In the “Position” field you can specify the order in which your options will appear in drop-down, in frontend, and in the product settings in backend.

After that, you must click on the Save Attribute button, and the attribute will be updated.

7. Price

For Price attribute we will use the Price attribute which is already created (Magento Default).

In order to access the attribute you must Log in to Magento Admin and access: Catalog →

Attributes → Manage Attributes and search for “price” in Attribute Code search field.

Fig 1.12

Page 11: Magento Search Extension Apache Solr · used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global” you'll be able to share the value of the attribute


magento.evozon.com 11 [email protected]

1.2 What does each type of flag do?

In order to access the attribute flags you must Log in to Magento Admin and access: Catalog →Attributes→ Manage Attributes → click on the desired attribute. On the Edit Product Attribute page, from Properties left side menu, go to Frontend Properties section (Fig 1.13).

Fig 1.13

The Frontend Properties determine how an attribute can be used in your store. You can specify how attributes are used in search, layered navigation, product comparisons, price rules and sorting.

Property Description Use in Quick Search Select “Yes” if you want to be able to search

by the value of this attribute, using the quick search bar. Available options: Yes / No

Quick search weight Assign a value from 1-5 to weight the search.

Use in Advanced Search Gives shoppers the ability to enter their search criteria through a form. Available options: Yes / No

Comparable on Front-end Select “Yes” to include this attribute as a row in the Compare Products report. Available options Yes / No

Page 12: Magento Search Extension Apache Solr · used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global” you'll be able to share the value of the attribute


magento.evozon.com 12 [email protected]

Use in Layered Navigation Includes the attribute as a filter in the layered navigation section and can be configured only if the attribute type is Multiple Select, Dropdown, Price. Available options:

No – the attribute is not used in layered navigation.

Filterable (with results) – the value of the attribute will be displayed in layered navigation, only there are products that match that value.

Filterable (no results) – the value of the attribute will be displayed in layered navigation, even there are no products matching the value.

Use in Search Results Layered Navigation Can be configured only if the attribute type is Multiple Select, Dropdown, Price. To include the attribute in the layered navigation for search results, select “Yes”.

Available options: Yes / No Use for Promo Rule Conditions To make the attribute available for use in

price rules, select “Yes”.

Available options: Yes / No Position Can be set only if “Use in Layered

Navigation” option is set to filterable. Determines the position of the attribute in layered navigation in relation to other filterable attributes.

Visible on Product View Page Front-end To include the attribute on the Additional Information block in product page, select “Yes”. Available options: “Yes / No”

Used in Product Listing Depending on theme, includes the attribute in the product summary that appears in catalog listing.

Available options: Yes / No Used for Sorting in Product Listing Depending on theme, includes the attribute

as a “Sort By” option for catalog listing.

Available options: Yes / No

Page 13: Magento Search Extension Apache Solr · used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global” you'll be able to share the value of the attribute


magento.evozon.com 13 [email protected]


1. Use in Quick Search: Date, Yes / No and Price are not handle by module in this version. You can search by Date, Yes / No and Price using the Advanced Search.

2. Use in Layered Navigation: Dropdown, Multiple Select and Price input types are hadle by the module.

3. Used for Sorting in Product Listing: Text Area and Multiple Select are not handle by module in this version.

4. Use in Advanced Search: all attributes are handle by the module

Page 14: Magento Search Extension Apache Solr · used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global” you'll be able to share the value of the attribute


magento.evozon.com 14 [email protected]

1.3 How to attach attributes to an Attribute Set

In order to be able to use the attributes, you must add them to an attribute set. To attach an attribute to an Attribute Set you must Log in to Magento Admin and access: Catalog → Attributes → Manage Attribute Sets and click on the Default row from Manage Attribute Sets page (Fig 1.14).

Fig 1.14

After you will click on the Default row, Edit Attribute Set 'Default' page will be opened (Fig 1.15).

Fig 1.15

In order to attach an attribute to an Attributes Set you just have to drag and drop the desired attribute(s) from Unassigned Attributes column to Groups column (Fig 1.15). We will add Color, Bag, Sold By and Date of Manufacture attributes to General group after description attribute (Fig 1.16). The added attributes will appear after description on New Product page.

Page 15: Magento Search Extension Apache Solr · used to change the value of the attribute for each view of the store. If you select “Global” you'll be able to share the value of the attribute


magento.evozon.com 15 [email protected]

Fig 1.16

After that you must click the Save Attribute Set button and the attributes will be added to the Default Attribute Set.

sample*: Thanks for viewing this sample! The full text manual is included in the

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