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Magic Quadrant for Identity June 2015

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  • 8/19/2019 Magic Quadrant for Identity June 2015



    Magic Quadrant for Identity and Access

    Management as a Service, WorldwidePublished: 4 June 2015

     Analyst(s): Gregg Kreizman, Neil Wynne

    Large vendor entrants in 2014 began to make their presence felt. Web-

    centric but shallow-function services are in high demand. Vendors that can

    deliver deeper functionality for IGA and legacy application support, including

    niche vendors, may be the best for your needs.

    Strategic Planning AssumptionBy 2019, 25% of IAM purchases will use the IDaaS delivery model — up from less than 10% in


    Market Denition/Description A vendor in the identity and access management as a service (IDaaS) market delivers a

    predominantly cloud-based service in a multitenant or dedicated and hosted delivery model thatbrokers core identity governance and administration (IGA), access and intelligence functions to

    target systems on customers' premises and in the cloud.

    This Magic Quadrant rates vendors on their ability to be global, general-purpose identity and access

    management (IAM) service providers for multiple use cases. The vendors in this Magic Quadrant

    must provide some level of functionality in all  of the following IAM functional areas:

    ■ IGA: At a minimum, the vendor's service is able to automate synchronization (adds, changes

    and deletions) of identities held by the service or obtained from customers' identity repositories

    to target applications and other repositories. The vendor also must provide a way for

    customers' administrators to manage identities directly through an IDaaS administrativeinterface, and allow users to reset their passwords. In addition, vendors may offer deeper

    functionality, such as supporting identity life cycle processes, automated provisioning of

    accounts among heterogeneous systems, access requests (including self-service), and

    governance over user access to critical systems via workows for policy enforcement, as well

    as for access certication processes. Additional capabilities may include role management and

    access certication.

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    ■  Access: Access includes user authentication, single sign-on (SSO) and authorization

    enforcement. At a minimum, the vendor provides authentication and SSO to target applications

    using Web proxies and federation standards. Vendors also may offer ways to vault and replay

    passwords to get to SSO when federation standards are not supported by the applications.

    Most vendors offer additional authentication methods.

    ■ Identity log monitoring and reporting: At a minimum, the vendor logs IGA and access events,

    makes the log data available to customers for their own analysis, and provides customers with a

    reporting capability to answer the questions, "Who has been granted access to which target

    systems and when?" and "Who has accessed those target systems and when?"

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    Magic Quadrant

    Figure 1. Magic Quadrant for Identity and Access Management as a Service, Worldwide

    Source: Gartner (June 2015)

     Vendor Strengths and Cautions

    CA Technologies

    CA Technologies delivers IDaaS under its CA Secure Cloud brand. CA Secure Cloud includes Web

    application SSO, adaptive authentication and identity administration. The service supports user

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    provisioning to cloud and on-premises systems, including legacy applications. Self-service

    requests, approval workows and delegated administration are all supported. The service can be

    delivered completely from the cloud or in a hybrid model. CA has global regional partners that

    deliver their own branded versions of IDaaS, underpinned by CA Secure Cloud.


    ■ CA Secure Cloud provides greater functional depth for user administration than Web-centric

    providers. Solid delegated administration and provisioning workows are provided.

    ■ The Advanced Authentication SaaS provides adaptive authentication options.

    ■ CA has a history of successfully leveraging global partners to deliver its solutions and services


    ■ CA's extensive product and service portfolio, as well as its sales and support channels, favors

    the company in the Overall Viability criterion.

    ■ CA's portfolio of IAM software and IDaaS can be combined for complex functionality and use-

    case support, and CA has a broad set of user provisioning connectors to leverage for cloud and

    legacy application support.


    ■ CA has not gained traction in the market and is resetting its strategy. Customers have

    demanded customized implementations, which is not a design goal for CA Secure Cloud.

    ■ CA's pricing was above average for Web-centric pricing scenarios.

    ■ CA Secure Cloud does not yet support password vaulting and forwarding for SSO for targetsystems that do not support federation standards. This feature is roadmapped.

    ■ CA Secure Cloud lacks language internationalization, and the interfaces are provided in English



    Centrify's Identity Service includes Web-centric IDaaS and enterprise mobility management (EMM).

    The IDaaS portion of the offering provides Web application SSO using federation standards or

    password vaulting and forwarding, user provisioning, and reporting. The integrated mobility

    capabilities provide many of the features of stand-alone EMM vendors. Notable features includesecurity conguration and enforcement, device X.509 certicate issuance and renewal, remote

    device location and wiping, and application containerization.


    ■ The EMM features are the strongest in the IDaaS market, and Centrify has a strong relationship

    with Samsung. Centrify hosts Samsung's own IDaaS offering, and Centrify leverages the

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    Samsung Knox containerization capability. Centrify added ngerprint biometric support for

     Apple and Samsung devices in 2015.

    ■ Centrify added privileged account management as an IDaaS offering, and strengthened its

    support for on-premises applications.

    ■ Centrify signicantly expanded the set of applications for which it can provide user provisioning

    and license management.

    ■ The service and on-premises proxy component can be congured to keep some or all identity

    data on-premises in Active Directory and not replicate it to the cloud. Cloud identity storage is


    ■ Reporting and analysis features for all events handled by the service are wide-ranging and



    ■ Centrify does not provide business-to-consumer (B2C) or B2B IDaaS offerings.

    ■  As with other Web-centric IDaaS providers, Centrify does not provide user provisioning

    workow or identity governance features.

    ■ The user provisioning and identity synchronization components are in the early stages of

    maturity. Bugs have been reported, and Centrify is addressing them with xes.

    ■ Marketing programs have been signicantly bolstered in 2015; however, brand awareness in

    IDaaS continues to lag primary competitors.

    ■ Centrify is facing increased competition from larger vendors.


    Covisint is the longest-standing IDaaS vendor in the market. The company may not be well-known

    among prospects in some industries, geographies and small businesses due to its early focus on

    larger enterprises. Moreover, Covisint's functionality is often "white-labeled" by its customers.

    Covisint got its start in the automotive industry and provided integration broker, portal and identity

    services to support supply chain connectivity. The company has grown those lines of business into

    other industries. Its work in the automotive industry and in supporting vehicle identities also has

    helped it build foundation services that can be used in other Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In

    addition, the company has a history of working through tough integration issues with demanding



    ■ Covisint provides strong identity assurance features, with several ID proong vendor

    integrations and support for several authentication methods — its own and those from third


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    ■ Covisint IDM includes user administration workow abilities and capable administrative

    delegation, along with access certication features.

    ■ The vendor provides deep identity federation and provisioning integration functions using

    standards and proprietary techniques.

    ■ Covisint has shown leadership in support of IoT initiatives, particularly in the automotive

    industry, and IoT is stated as a strong focus going forward.

    ■ Covisint added a data center in Germany to support customers there, and to grow its presence

    in the region.

    ■ Covisint made its service granularly accessible through APIs; it has rearchitected the service to

    make it more easily implemented in public or private cloud, and to support white labeling.


    ■  Although it can support employee-to-SaaS scenarios, Covisint's focus on large customers withenterprise B2B use cases will make it a less likely choice for small or midsize businesses

    (SMBs) that are seeking only employee-to-SaaS use-case support.

    ■ The scenario pricing that Covisint provided for this research was high for most scenarios,

    compared with competitors.

    ■ Covisint is not protable and has had negative net income since completely separating from

    Compuware in 2014.

    ■  Although still selling through a direct sales team, Covisint's channel partner strategy to supply

    its platform as a service (PaaS) to other service providers as a white-labeled service — although

    it could be protable for the vendor — is risky because it could disintermediate Covisint fromcustomers.


    Exostar entered the IDaaS market when it was formed by a community of aerospace and defense

    companies to support their IAM needs related to supply chain. Exostar also created a secure

    collaboration platform based on top of Microsoft SharePoint, and now it delivers secure email, le

    transfer and WebEx services. The company augments its core services with identity proongthrough third parties, but also provides a video "in person" identity proong service using subjects'

    webcams for interviews. In addition, Exostar delivers public-key infrastructure (PKI) and one-time

    password (OTP) token credential management services. Exostar provides IAM that is fully cloud-based, or it can join community participants to the hub via a gateway. Exostar's target market is

    large companies with cross-organizational collaboration requirements. Exostar views IDaaS as a

    critical component of its offering, but primarily in the context of helping it to deliver its overall

    business collaboration capabilities.


    ■ Exostar is a long-standing IDaaS vendor, and is one of the few small vendors that is protable.

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    ■ Because of its legacy in highly secure markets, Exostar has strict audit requirements to ensure

    that conditions for security and industry compliance issues are met. The identity proong

    capabilities also are unique in this market, and Exostar's identity services are certied by the

    U.S. government and the SAFE-BioPharma Association.

    ■ In 2014 and early 2015, Exostar expanded its vertical industry support to the healthcare andairline industries, and within life sciences. Exostar is delivering similar sets of IAM and

    collaboration functionality to them, with an emphasis on these communities' needs for

    intellectual property protection.

    ■ The company has strong customer relationships, and reference customers report that Exostar is

    a solid partner for implementation, as well as for incorporating customer requirements into its


    ■ Exostar has strong B2B federation and administration capabilities, and it can handle data

    exchanges in support of complex business agreements for its established communities. In

    2014, Exostar added an entitlements management framework to enable user provisioning and

    the provisioning of application-specic features using customizable workow components.


    ■ The company and its offerings are not geared toward the broader general-purpose IAM market,

    which would focus on enterprise users' access to SaaS applications, or on consumers' inbound

    access to enterprises' applications as primary use cases. Rather, Exostar's target market is

    large companies with cross-organizational collaboration requirements.

    ■  Authentication and SSO integration features are limited compared with vendors that support

    general-purpose SSO use cases. Password vaulting and forwarding, as well as social

    registration and login, are not supported.

    ■ Exostar provides IDaaS functions to users in multiple geographies, but these users and their

    companies are predominantly using the services at the behest of Exostar's anchor tenants in

    aerospace and defense and in life sciences. Exostar picked up a customer in Japan, but

    otherwise, there is not a strong international presence for Exostar customers and data centers,

    nor is there broad internalization support.

    Fischer International

    Fischer International, a pure-play IAM provider, was one of the rst vendors to deliver IDaaS.

    Fischer's capabilities are available in IDaaS, dedicated hosted, managed or on-premises software

    delivery models. Fischer provides functionally deep user administration and fulllment capabilities,

    some governance functionality, privileged account management, and federated SSO.


    ■ Reference customers rate the product and support highly.

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    ■ Fischer's experience and technical capabilities enable it to support IAM functions for legacy on-

    premises applications in addition to SaaS applications.

    ■ User administration functionality is deep, with strong connector support to a variety of

    directories, databases and applications, and access certication features are included. Fischer

    International emphasizes conguration of out-of-the-box features rather than scripting andcustom development. This results in rapid deployment times relative to other deep functionality

    vendors. However, prospects must ensure that this type of implementation can meet their

    business process requirements.

    ■ Fischer's scenario pricing is among the lowest, and references nd that this provides solid value

    for the money.


    ■ Despite Fischer's long tenure in the IDaaS market, its brand recognition, market penetration and

    overall growth have been low compared with its competitors.■ The focus of Fischer's marketing and sales on the U.S. geographic market and higher education

    vertical industry has limited the company's growth in other geographies and vertical industries.

    ■  Access management is limited to SSO, without the authorization enforcement capabilities found

    in other IDaaS access services.

    ■ Native mobile application support is not included in the product.


    This is IBM's rst year on the IDaaS Magic Quadrant. In 2014, IBM purchased Lighthouse Security

    Group, a vendor that delivered its IDaaS underpinned by IBM software. Lighthouse Security Group

    was evaluated in the 2014 "Magic Quadrant for Identity and Access Management as a Service."

    IBM has rebranded the offering as Cloud Identity Service, which is provided in a multitenant model.

    However, components of the service can be delivered in a dedicated model. With the acquisition,

    IBM can bring its signicant resources and relationships to bear in order to advance Cloud Identity

    Service along with its other offerings.


    ■ IBM's functional offering is deep and aligns with the functionality provided by IBM's software

    deployed on-premises.

    ■ IBM's offering will be made deeper with the planned incorporation of the functionality obtained

    through the acquisition of CrossIdeas' IGA capabilities, as well as the integration of Fiberlink's

    MaaS360 mobile device management (MDM) capabilities.

    ■ IBM's acquisition of Lighthouse Security Group and its breadth of resources should appeal to

    customers that are risk-averse and have concerns with smaller vendors. IBM has geographically

    expanded its data center locations, and IBM's support and professional services organizations

    are supporting Cloud Identity Service.

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    ■ The company has some very large customers and can demonstrate high scalability.


    ■ Customers report that Cloud Identity Service can take signicant effort to go live. This is partly

    due to the complex nature of projects that IBM takes on for larger customers. IBM will need to

    deliver a service offering that is more congurable and easy to implement, without requiring

    signicant professional services, in order to compete down-market.

    ■ While indicators point to the growth of IBM's offering, new clients have not yet translated into


    ■ Despite pricing reductions in 2015, IBM's pricing for several use-case scenarios was among the



    Ilantus provides IDaaS in a dedicated hosted tenant model. The company began as an IAM system

    integrator, and has experience with traditional large-vendor IAM stacks. It offers four functional

    services: Identity Express for identity administration, Compliance Express for access governance,

    Sign On Express for SSO and Password Express for password management. This is Ilantus' rstyear on the IDaaS Magic Quadrant.


    ■ Ilantus' customer references gave the vendor high marks for implementation, support and rapid


    ■ Its solutions have been deployed by companies in most vertical industries, and its IGA functionality helps Ilantus support regulated industries.

    ■ Ilantus' feature set and pricing are strong for the midmarket, which is its current "sweet spot"

    for customer acquisition.

    ■ Ilantus' Sign On Express for SSO provides SSO to thick-client applications, in addition to the

    Web-architected applications that other vendors support.


    ■ The company has low penetration in the global IDaaS market. Ilantus has been in the U.S.

    market as a system integrator since 2000, but has not advanced its IDaaS offerings there or in

    Europe. However, Ilantus has good penetration in India, and has a foothold in other  Asia/Pacic

    countries in which English is widely spoken.

    ■ Similar to other small vendors, Ilantus lacks brand recognition, so it will need to step up

    marketing efforts and sales channel development in order to expand more rapidly.

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    ■ Ilantus demonstrates an understanding of market trends, but its roadmap plans are incremental

    and mostly designed to keep the service on par with current competitors' capabilities.

    ■ Building IGA connectors for custom applications is time-consuming and prolongs projects,

    according to reference customers.

    ■ Ilantus' federated access to Microsoft Ofce 365 SSO features lacks Microsoft's rich client

    support that other IDaaS vendors have. However, Sign On Express for SSO can provide this

    functionality for Windows clients.


    Netherlands-based iWelcome provides its IDaaS in a dedicated single-tenant delivery model to

    allow for customization and customer branding. Its offering is heavily based on open-source

    software and includes authentication, SSO, federation, self-service registration, and user

    provisioning support for on-premises and SaaS applications. iWelcome has a specic focus on

    larger enterprise customers with complex requirements.


    ■ iWelcome is the only established IDaaS vendor rated in this Magic Quadrant with headquarters

    located in continental Europe. As a result, it has an early-mover advantage in that region.

    ■ iWelcome has strong capabilities in access management — particularly in authentication

    method, federation protocol and identity repository support.

    ■ iWelcome has grown a signicant portion of its business by supporting B2C use cases, and

    owes this success to consumer-oriented features such as supporting multiple authentication

    methods, social registration and login, congurability of the user experience, and customerportal integration.

    ■ iWelcome expanded its API support for more functions and added attribute provisioning and

    validation. Customers can enable or disable these capabilities through the administrative


    ■ During 2014 and early 2015, the company made advancements in authentication method

    support, and added identity intelligence features, role administration and provisioning, and

    System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) support.


    ■ iWelcome lacks delegated administration. It also lacks core identity governance features (such

    as access certication and recertication), and its provisioning approval workow capabilities

    are minimal. iWelcome relies on integration with customers' established IGA toolsets.

    ■ The company's overall customer base is small compared with most competitors, although the

    company grew the business proportionately well for its size during 2014.

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    ■ In 2014, although iWelcome began to enhance its sales resources and marketing efforts

    internally and through partnerships in other European countries, these efforts will need to

    expand rapidly in order for the vendor to stay ahead.

    ■ Support resources and customer engagement will need to expand as well. Existing customers

    report that the platform is reliable and performs well, but that technical support could be moreresponsive.


    This is Microsoft's rst year on the IDaaS Magic Quadrant. Microsoft entered the IDaaS market in

    May 2014 with its business-to-employee (B2E)-focused Azure Active Directory services. There are

    three service levels; the Premium offering provides features that are in line with other Web-centric

    IDaaS providers, and includes licenses for Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) that are to be used with

    customers' on-premises systems. Microsoft also offers Azure Active Directory Premium as part of

    its Enterprise Mobility Suite, along with Microsoft Intune and Azure Rights Management.


    ■ Microsoft joined an established IDaaS market, and was able to leverage its current and

    substantial customer base — particularly Ofce 365 customers — to add Azure Active Directory

    to contracts. The company has broad and deep marketing, sales and support capabilities.

    ■ Microsoft already has demonstrated high scalability with Azure Active Directory. The service

    underpins other Microsoft Azure services.

    ■ Microsoft has a strong international presence for its service offerings, and continues to expand

    its infrastructure as a service (IaaS) presence worldwide.

    ■ The company is able to leverage data sources and machine learning to support intelligence

    functions, such as identifying known bad IP addresses and devices to help prevent fraudulent


    ■ Microsoft's strategy demonstrates a strong understanding of technology, socioeconomic,

    security and jurisdictional trends that will shape its offerings going forward.


    ■ Microsoft does not yet provide a B2C IDaaS offering. It is planned for 2015.

    ■ Microsoft's on-premises "bridge" components are Active Directory Federation Services and Azure Active Directory Sync. Customers must implement and manage these two components

    on their own. Microsoft's Azure AD Connect (similar to other IDaaS vendors' approaches), which

    will combine these functions, is now in preview.

    ■ While Azure Active Directory Premium includes access licenses for MIM, customers are

    responsible for managing that implementation themselves, or with the help of third parties.

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    ■ Microsoft can provide user provisioning to some cloud apps; however, Web-centric competitors

    have a lead in terms of the number of apps they can provision to, as well as the depth of SaaS

    fulllment that supports the provisioning of roles, groups and other attributes.

    ■ Microsoft can provide provisioning and SSO for enterprise users to social media sites, and has

     APIs and software development kits (SDKs) for social media support; however, the service doesnot yet provide packaged social registration and sign-on to Azure Active Directory or target



    Okta's IDaaS offering is delivered multitenant, with lightweight on-premises components for

    repository and target system connectors. IDaaS is Okta's core business. Okta delivers basic identity

    administration and provisioning capabilities, access management for Web-architected applications

    using federation or password vaulting and forwarding, and reporting. Okta also provides phone-as-

    a-token authentication capabilities. Okta added Mobility Management in 2014.


    ■ The company's marketing and sales strategies have been effective, as demonstrated by brand

    recognition and an increased volume of customers. Okta's customer base grew signicantly in

    2014 and early 2015.

    ■ Okta's continued investment in its API set has led to the delivery of Okta Identity Platform for

    developers to support integrations with customers' applications and workows.

    ■ Gartner again received numerous references, and has conrmed predominantly positive

    experiences. Okta's investments in mobility management have begun to bear fruit; customers

    are beginning to use the fundamental MDM functionality integrated with IDaaS to supportfunctions such as mobile SSO, device access policies and device PIN reset.

    ■ Okta has maintained high, if not perfect, availability.


    ■ Okta can synchronize identities from enterprise directories, and has added delegated

    administration functionality; however, the vendor does not have user provisioning approval

    workow beyond one level, nor does it have identity governance features.

    ■ Okta's canned and custom reporting capabilities are limited.

    ■ Okta does not yet support the use of social identities for registration and logon. These

    capabilities were in beta test at the time of publication.

    ■ Okta's current customer base is predominantly located in the U.S., as are its data centers, but

    Okta has invested in European and  Asia/Pacic expansion in terms of sales and data center

    location strategies.

    ■ Okta is facing increased competition from larger vendors.

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    OneLogin's service architecture is multitenant, and lightweight integration components are used for

    on-premises connections. IDaaS is OneLogin's core business. OneLogin also markets a federated

    search capability that allows customers to search for content across connected applications, and

    for these users to be authenticated automatically when search results are returned and selected.


    ■ OneLogin signicantly expanded its customer base in 2014 and early 2015, and has some large


    ■ OneLogin has taken a standards-based approach to native mobile application integration, and

    is one of the vendors that champions the OpenID Native Applications Working Group (NAPPS)


    ■ OneLogin has started improving its global sales by expanding its sales organization and

    developing its channel partnerships. OneLogin secured a third round of venture funding that willhelp it expand.

    ■ References were mostly solid, and appreciated the support they received from OneLogin.


    ■ OneLogin faces increased competition from larger competitors.

    ■ OneLogin lacks its own deep user administration and provisioning and identity governance


    ■ OneLogin had some issues with service availability in 2015. However, it handled those issueswell with customers and is improving the resilience of its service.

    ■ OneLogin maintains a singular focus on IDaaS, but has not developed a strategy for other

    product offerings. This could make it difcult to compete against vendors with broader


    Ping Identity

    The PingOne service is a multitenant Web-centric offering. Ping Identity provides a lightweight self-

    service bridge component to integrate a customer's Active Directory to the service, and also uses

    the well-established PingFederate product as the on-premises bridge component for customers

    when broad protocol and directory support are needed. In addition, PingAccess can be deployed to

    support proxy access to internal Web applications and APIs. PingID is offered to provide phone-as-

    a-token authentication methods.

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    ■ By leveraging the PingFederate technology for the bridge component, Ping can provide SSO by

    integrating with a variety of identity repositories, existing customer access management

    systems and target application systems.

    ■ Ping Identity has demonstrated support for multiple workforce and external identity use cases,

    as well as strong service provider support, via its many service provider customers.

    ■ Ping Identity has shown strong leadership in identity standards development, as well as

    openness in working with customers and competitors to evolve the standards.

    ■ Ping Identity has broad vertical and geographic market penetration through its value-added

    reseller (VAR) and system integrator partner networks; also, it has made inroads with managed

    service providers that can offer PingOne functionality.


    ■ PingOne is one of the services with strong access features, but very lightweight IGA 

    capabilities. User self-service access request, provisioning workow and most identity

    governance features are missing.

    ■ PingOne has lagged its primary competitors in brand recognition and customer adoption.

    ■ Ping Identity's reporting capabilities are weak compared with its competitors.

    ■ Language internationalization features for the administrative and user interfaces are lacking

    relative to competitors; however, they are improving, with versions becoming available for Ping

    Identity's target markets later in 2015.


    SailPoint IdentityNow was developed predominantly in-house, and features access request and

    provisioning, access certication, password management, and SSO service elements. The

    architecture is multitenant and can deliver services completely in the cloud, or it can be bridged to

    enterprise environments to support on-premises applications.


    ■ SailPoint's legacy of providing strong on-premises IGA has helped it deliver a subset of the

    functionality from the IdentityIQ product in IdentityNow. The more full-featured IdentityIQ can bedelivered as a hosted managed service through partners as an alternative. This helps SailPoint

    strongly support employee-facing use cases.

    ■ SailPoint's full complement of provisioning connectors provides fulllment capabilities to a wide

    variety of identity repositories and target systems, and signicant product updates have been

    made to the password management functionality.

    ■ SailPoint provides SSO options that include federated SSO and password vaulting and


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    ■ SailPoint has a broad geographic presence for sales and support as a foundation for selling its

    IDaaS, and it has added data centers in Europe and Sydney, with other  Asia/Pacic data

    centers roadmapped for 2015.

    ■ The company is protable, and Thoma Bravo became a majority owner in SailPoint, thereby

    bringing additional resources to the vendor.


    ■ SailPoint's IDaaS market share is growing, but still small.

    ■ IdentityNow does not support social identity use cases.

    ■ IdentityNow is limited in its ability to support delegated administration for B2B use cases, but

    this feature is roadmapped for 2015.

    ■ SailPoint has strong VAR and system integration partner sets, but it is just beginning to leverage

    them for IDaaS market penetration.


    Salesforce provides Salesforce Identity as part of its Salesforce PaaS. It sells Identity as an

    independent service offering, but also includes Identity for established Salesforce customers.

    Identity Connect is Salesforce's on-premises bridge component that is sold separately. The service

    includes the baseline functionality required for inclusion, as well as social registration and login,

    federation gateway functionality, and deep access request and user provisioning workowfunctionality.


    ■ Salesforce is able to place commoditization pressure on the market by including IDaaS

    functionality in its core offering, thereby providing incentives to keep its substantial customer

    base from being drawn to alternatives.

    ■ Salesforce Identity takes advantage of the deep access request and approval workow

    functionality inherent in the Salesforce platform.

    ■ Salesforce's strategy demonstrates a strong understanding of technology, socioeconomic,

    security and jurisdictional trends that will shape its offerings going forward.

    Salesforce Identity has strong social media and identity standards support.


    ■ Salesforce does not support password vaulting and forwarding capabilities for SSO.

    ■ Salesforce Identity does not provide proxy-based access to on-premises Web applications.

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    ■ The bridge component of Salesforce Identity does not provide the ability to synchronize cloud

    directory changes to enterprise directories. Professional services are needed to deliver this


    ■ Despite Salesforce's considerable PaaS market presence and recent awareness campaigns,

    Salesforce Identity's brand is not yet well-known in the market. The service is in its second yearof availability.

    Simeio Solutions

    Simeio Solutions provides a mixture of dedicated hosted and on-premises managed service

    offerings. Its services are underpinned by products from other well-established IAM software

    vendors, which allows Simeio to provide Web access management (WAM), identity administration,

    access request, role and compliance, privileged account management, data loss prevention, risk

    intelligence, IT governance, risk and compliance services, and directory services.


    ■ Simeio's use of major IAM stack vendors' technologies provides it with an arsenal of products

    that delivers deep functional support for Web and legacy applications. The same vendor

    partnerships provide referrals to Simeio for customer acquisitions. Simeio also became Dell's

    exclusive as-a-service provider for Dell's IAM offerings.

    ■ Simeio's Identity Intelligence Center provides actionable insight into patterns of usage among

    users that may exist across multiple vendor identity sources and other security systems.

    ■ Simeio's history as an integrator has given it the experience to help customers plan, design and

    integrate their IDaaS offerings. A signicant portion of Simeio's staff serves in professional

    services roles. Simeio continues to enhance its administration and user interfaces asabstraction layers among the multiple underpinning vendors' technologies to help with

    consistency and time to value with implementations.

    ■ Simeio's service-based roots have enabled it to have a positive cash ow since its inception. A 

    recently announced private equity investment should allow Simeio to further accelerate its


    ■ Simeio has a good spread in its vertical industry and geographic representation; references

    highlighted Simeio as a good partner and rated it highly overall.


    ■ Simeio's organization and its overall customer base grew in 2014 and early 2015, but not as

    rapidly as we would have expected, given its relationship with Dell.

    ■ Simeio's use of OEM software requires the incorporation of these third-party vendors' software

    licensing costs in its offerings. This tends to make Simeio's pricing high, even for pure Web

    application use cases.

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    ■ Simeio is still relatively unknown in the IDaaS marketplace, but is slowly building its customer

    base and brand awareness, thanks to vendor partners, some of which are also competitors.

     Vendors Added and Dropped

    We review and adjust our inclusion criteria for Magic Quadrants and MarketScopes as marketschange. As a result of these adjustments, the mix of vendors in any Magic Quadrant or

    MarketScope may change over time. A vendor's appearance in a Magic Quadrant or MarketScope

    one year and not the next does not necessarily indicate that we have changed our opinion of that

    vendor. It may be a reection of a change in the market and, therefore, changed evaluation criteria,

    or of a change of focus by that vendor.


    Microsoft, Ilantus and Salesforce were added to the Magic Quadrant this year. Also, IBM was added

    because it acquired Lighthouse Security Group.


    Symplied's intellectual property and some of its people were acquired by RSA, The Security

    Division of EMC; therefore, Symplied was dropped from the Magic Quadrant. RSA has just

    announced its Via offering, which leverages Symplied's technology, but RSA did not meet

    customer and revenue inclusion criteria for this Magic Quadrant.

    In addition, Lighthouse Security Group was dropped because it was acquired by IBM.

    Other Vendors of Note

    There has been some Gartner client interest in two vendors that specialize in social identity

    integration: Gigya and Janrain. However, neither one met the IAM functional inclusion criteria for this

    Magic Quadrant, notably in the IGA functional areas.

    Pirean and Wipro did not meet the nancial or market penetration criteria for this Magic Quadrant.

    However, these vendors have functionally deep IAM offerings, and also have international

    headquarters, which may help them to be considered as alternatives to U.S.-based companies.

    Bitium offers a Web-centric IDaaS, but it did not meet the revenue criteria for inclusion in this Magic


    Intermedia offers AppID, but it did not meet the customer and revenue criteria for inclusion in thisMagic Quadrant.

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    Inclusion and Exclusion CriteriaThe vendor must provide a minimum level of functionality in all the IAM functional areas outlined in

    the Market Denition/Description section.

     Vendors that deliver only one or two of these core IAM functions as a service, such asauthentication only, were not covered as part of this research. The following additional inclusion

    criteria were used.

    ■ Longevity of offering: Each IDaaS offering has been generally available since at least 31

    December 2014 and is in use in multiple customer production environments.

    ■ Origination of offering: The offering is manufactured and operated by the vendor, or is a

    signicantly modied version obtained through an OEM relationship. (We discount any service

    offering that has merely been obtained without signicant functional modication through a

    licensing agreement from another vendor — for example, as part of a reseller/partner or service-

    provider agreement.)

    ■ Number of customers and end users (including customers of third-party service providers

    and their end users): As of 31 December 2014, the vendor had:

    ■ More than 20 different active customer organizations using its IDaaS offerings in a

    production environment.

    ■ Revenue attributed to fees for IDaaS service usage that was greater than $4 million for the

    year ending 31 December 2014.

    ■  Verifiability: Customer references must be available.

    Evaluation Criteria

     Ability to Execute

    Product or Service

    ■ The service's overall architecture, with emphasis on the service's global availability and

    resiliency features, and its exibility to support on-premises identity repositories and cloud-only

    implementations. The level of support and expertise required by customers to help maintain the

    components. The extent to which a service's functions are exposed via APIs for customers'system integration.

    ■ Security and privacy: The physical and logical controls implemented by the vendor and any

    underpinning IaaS provider; security for on-premises bridge components and connections

    between the bridge and the IDaaS; controls for data security, particularly regarding personal

    information; and vendors' third-party certications received for the services.

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    ■ The variety of on-premises identity repositories that can be supported, and the quality of

    integration with same.

    ■ The depth and breadth of IGA functionality:

     Access request.■  Access approval workow depth and functionality.

    ■  Access certication.

    ■  Attribute discovery and administration.

    ■  Administrative access enforcement — for example, to identify, alert and prevent

    inappropriate access.

    ■ Provisioning create, read, update, delete (CRUD) user identities and entitlements to target


    ■ Conguring target system connectors.

    ■ The depth and breadth of access functionality:

    ■ User authentication methods supported.

    ■ Breadth of SSO support for target systems.

    ■ Federation standards.

    ■ Support for mobile endpoints and native mobile application integration.

    ■  Authorization enforcement.

    ■ The depth and breadth of identity monitoring and reporting:

    ■ Canned reporting.

    ■ Customized reporting.

    ■ Data export to on-premises systems.

    ■  Analytics.

    ■ Integration with Microsoft Ofce 365, Microsoft SharePoint, customers' on-premises VPNs and

    WAM systems.

    ■ Deployment requirements, such as speed of proof of concept and deployment, customerstafng requirements, and factors that add complexity and may affect speed to deployment and


    Overall Viability

    ■ Overall nancial health.

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    ■ Success in the IDaaS market in terms of the number and size of customer implementations.

    This aspect is heavily weighted.

    ■ The vendor's likely continued presence in the IDaaS market.

    Sales Execution/Pricing

    ■ The vendor's capabilities in such areas as deal management and presales support, and the

    overall effectiveness of the sales channel, including VARs and integrators.

    ■ The vendor's track record in competitive wins and business retention.

    ■ Pricing over a number of different scenarios. This aspect is heavily weighted.

    Market Responsiveness/Record

    ■ The vendor's demonstrated ability to respond, change direction, be exible and achieve

    competitive success as opportunities develop, competitors act and market dynamics change.

    ■ How the vendor can meet customers' evolving IDaaS needs over a variety of use cases.

    ■ How the vendor has embraced standards initiatives in the IDaaS and adjacent market

    segments, and responded to relevant regulation and legislation.

    Marketing Execution

    ■ The clarity, quality, creativity and efcacy of programs designed to deliver the vendor's message

    in order to inuence the market, promote the brand and business, increase awareness of the

    products, and establish a positive identication with the product/brand and organization in the

    minds of buyers. This mind share can be driven by a combination of publicity, promotionalinitiatives, thought leadership, word of mouth and sales activities. For example:

    ■ Marketing activities and messaging.

    ■  Visibility in the press, social media and other outlets.

    ■  Vendor's appearance in vendor selection exercises, based on Gartner-client interactions.

    ■ Brand depth and equity.

    Customer Experience

    ■ Customer relationship and services.

    ■ Customer satisfaction program.

    ■ Customer references: This evaluation subcriterion was weighted heavily and included input from

    vendor-supplied references, as well as unsolicited feedback from Gartner-client interactions.

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    ■ People — that is, the size of the organization and the track record of key staff members.

    ■ Quality and security processes.

    Table 1. Ability to Execute Evaluation Criteria

    Evaluation Criteria Weighting

    Product or Service High

    Overall Viability Medium

    Sales Execution/Pricing High

    Market Responsiveness/Record Medium

    Marketing Execution Medium

    Customer Experience High

    Operations Low

    Source: Gartner (June 2015)

    Completeness of Vision

    Market Understanding■ Understanding customer needs: Methods, the effects of the Nexus of Forces (cloud, mobile,

    social and information) and the IoT.

    ■ The future of IDaaS and the vendor's place in the market. Also, the vendor's views on top

    technological, nontechnological and regulatory changes in the market.

    Marketing Strategy

    ■ Communication and brand awareness: The clarity, differentiation and performance management

    of the vendor's marketing messages and campaigns.

    ■ The appropriateness of the vendor's use of events, social media, other online media andtraditional media as part of its marketing efforts.

    Sales Strategy

    ■ The vendor's strategy for selling its IDaaS offerings that uses the appropriate network of direct

    and indirect sales, marketing, service and communication afliates, which extend the scope and

    depth of market reach, skills, expertise, technologies, services and the customer base.

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    Offering (Product) Strategy

    ■ The vendor's approach to developing and delivering its IDaaS offerings, which meet customers'

    and prospects' needs with respect to their key selection criteria, the needs created by the

    Nexus of Forces and other market dynamics. Also, the vendor's ability to exploit the Nexus of

    Forces to improve its IDaaS products and services.

    ■ The strength of the vendor's roadmap, and how the vendor will increase the competitive

    differentiation of its IDaaS and ancillary services.

    Business Model

    ■ The soundness and logic of the vendor's underlying business proposition:

    ■ The vendor's views of key strengths and weaknesses relative to competitors.

    ■ Recent company milestones.

    ■ Path chosen for future growth.

     Vertical/Industry Strategy

    ■ Customer breadth and penetration into various industries and sizes of customer organizations.

    ■  Views of industry trends and special needs.

    ■ Strategy for expanding IDaaS adoption in different industries.


    ■ Foundational technological and nontechnological innovations.

    ■ Recent and planned innovations.

    ■ Organizational culture and how it affects innovation.

    Geographic Strategy

    ■ Global geographic reach of customer base and trends.

    ■ Strategy for expanded geographic customer acquisition.

    ■ Global nature of technical support and professional services, and language internationalization

    for administrative and user interfaces.

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    Table 2. Completeness of Vision Evaluation Criteria

    Evaluation Criteria Weighting

    Market Understanding Medium

    Marketing Strategy Medium

    Sales Strategy Medium

    Offering (Product) Strategy High

    Business Model Medium

     Vertical/Industry Strategy Low

    Innovation High

    Geographic Strategy Low

    Source: Gartner (June 2015)

    Quadrant Descriptions


    Leaders in the IDaaS market generally have made strong customer gains. They provide feature sets

    that are appropriate for current customer use-case needs. Leaders also show evidence of strong

    vision and execution for anticipated requirements related to technology, methodology or means ofdelivery. Leaders typically demonstrate solid customer satisfaction with overall IDaaS capabilities

    and/or related service and support.


    Challengers also show strong execution, and have signicant sales and brand presence. However,

    they have not shown the Completeness of Vision for IDaaS that Leaders have. Rather, their vision

    and execution for technology, methodology and/or means of delivery tend to be more focused on or

    restricted to specic functions, platforms, geographies or services. Challengers' clients are relatively

    satised, but ask for additional functionality, more timely support and higher service levels than are

    currently delivered. There are no Challengers in this Magic Quadrant.


     Vendors in the Visionaries quadrant provide products that meet many IDaaS client requirements, but

    they may not have the market penetration to execute as Leaders do. Visionaries are noted for their

    innovative approach to IDaaS technology, methodology and/or means of delivery. They may see

    IDaaS as a key part of a much broader service portfolio. They often may have unique features, and

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    may be focused on a specic industry or specic set of use cases. In addition, they have a strong

    vision for the future of the market and their place in it.

    Niche Players

    Niche Players provide IDaaS technology that is a good match for specic use cases. They may

    focus on specic industries or have a geographically limited footprint, but they can actually

    outperform many competitors. Vendors in this quadrant often have relatively fewer customers than

    competitors, but they may have large customers as well as a strong IDaaS feature set. Pricing might

    be considered too high for the value provided by some niche vendors. Inclusion in this quadrant,

    however, does not reect negatively on the vendor's value in the more narrowly focused service

    spectrum. Niche solutions can be very effective in their areas of focus.

    Context Vendors rated in this Magic Quadrant come from distinctly different backgrounds. Their pedigrees

    vary greatly, as do their abilities to provide IAM functional depth and support for different use cases.

    Their aspirations for servicing customers by geography, industry and customer-size segmentation

    also vary.

    Clients are strongly cautioned not to use vendors' positions in the Magic Quadrant graphic (see

    Figure 1) as the sole source for determining a shortlist of vendors. Vendors were evaluated with

    regard to their ability to provide a general set of IAM functionalities across multiple use cases, and in

    multiple geographies and industries, and to do so by providing solid value for money as perceived

    by their customers. All vendors covered in this Magic Quadrant have succeeded in providing

    customers with services that meet their needs. However, client requirements — particularly those

    for IAM functional depth, speed to implementation, geographic coverage and price — are most

    likely to strongly affect their choices for a shortlist:

    1. Clients focused on Web-architected application targets, employee-to-SaaS and consumer-

    facing needs should strongly consider Centrify, Microsoft, Okta, OneLogin, Ping Identity and

    Salesforce. These vendors also have experience with SMBs, even as they aspire to move

    upmarket to serve larger clients and have begun to do so. Currently, however, these vendors

    have limited IGA abilities. They tend to lack multilevel provisioning approval workows, as well

    as identity governance features such as access certication, segregation of duties violation

    detection, or role engineering and certication. These vendors' provisioning connectors for

    legacy application targets also are lacking.

    2. Clients that need more functional depth in IGA and legacy on-premises application targets

    should strongly consider CA Technologies, Covisint, Fischer International, IBM, Ilantus, Simeio

    Solutions and SailPoint. European clients especially may be interested in iWelcome. More of

    these vendors also provide dedicated hosted instances of their offerings as options.

    3. Clients that need IAM served as part of a community of interest or an industry consortium

    should strongly consider Covisint and Exostar. These vendors have a history of providing IAM in

    a hub conguration that is designed to support collaboration among participants, or to serve

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    the community's common business partners for access to a set of community-owned

    applications. Exostar also is recommended for clients that need secure collaboration services

    on top of IDaaS.

    Clients generally should expect more complex, time-consuming and costly implementations when

    they have requirements for IGA functional depth, and when they have legacy (non-Web-architected)on-premises application targets. These requirements generally indicate a stronger need for IAM

    process and data modeling and target system integration functions, such as connector

    development and conguration. System integrators have been needed when clients implemented

    traditional IAM software suites with these types of requirements. Several of the vendors listed above

    in No. 2 come from system integration backgrounds. IDaaS customers should expect best practices

    and operational excellence from these vendors due to their familiarity with the software components

    that underlie the solutions. There should be some deployment and integration efciency gains

    relative to do-it-yourself approaches. However, customers should not expect to easily "forklift" an

    existing, complex IAM implementation with multiple IGA workows and many legacy system

    connectors to the cloud without signicant integration work and quality assurance testing.

    Dedicated per-client IAM infrastructure also drives up the cost of the offering relative to multitenantofferings. The cost of underlying IAM third-party software licenses also may drive up the overall

    costs of the implementation.


    Gartner clients rightly express concerns with regard to data security and protection of enterprise

    users' passwords when IDaaS is being considered. The following are generally true for IDaaS

    security practices, with some exceptions:

    ■ Some user identity data will be held in the cloud. Most commonly, this data includes rst and

    last names and email addresses. Some vendors, such as Centrify and Ping Identity, require nouser attributes to be held in the cloud, with the assumption that all data needed for provisioning

    users to SaaS application targets is held in the on-premises directory and can be accessed by

    the vendors' bridge components. Centrify offers on-premises-only or hybrid cloud

    implementation, and the hybrid implementation requires some identity data to reside in the

    cloud. Ping Identity's solution works similarly. Generally, as the number of attributes needed to

    provision users' accounts grows, that data must at least pass through vendors' IDaaS services

    in order to be provisioned to SaaS targets. A cloud-only implementation of IDaaS must hold all

    these attributes.

    ■ Data is encrypted in transit over networks. However, one exception is that passwords are sent

    in the clear during transmittal to target systems when federation is not supported and Secure

    Sockets Layer (SSL) is not used between the browser and target system. This is essentially the

    same as when a user's browser interacts directly with an application without IDaaS controlling

    the access. Also, SSL usually is used for SaaS sign-on ows, whether an IDaaS is brokering the

    access or not.

    ■ Identity data in the vendor's cloud is encrypted at rest. Vendors have different strategies for

    managing encryption keys. Most vendors generate different encryption key pairs for each

    customer's instance of the service, and there is variance in how those keys are managed.

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    Technically, the keys may be under the customer's strict control, or the vendors' operations staff

    may control the keys. In the latter case, the vendors claim that their personnel will have other

    controls in place to ensure that there is no inappropriate use of the keys.

    ■ On-premises bridge components will use SSL/Transport Layer Security (TLS) to communicate

    with the service, and many of the vendors will require no inbound rewall port to be opened tosupport this. Communications are initiated outbound from the bridge.

    ■ With few exceptions, providers use IaaS providers, rather than their own operations centers, to

    host their offerings. All vendors maintain some type of third-party security certication, as do

    the IaaS providers that host the IDaaS. SOC 2 is common. ISO/IEC 27001 is becoming more


    No security is perfect. Ultimately, prospective customers must decide whether vendors' stated

    control sets are sufcient for their needs. IDaaS vendors give signicant attention to ensure the

    security of their platforms. Based on the number of enterprise security breaches that have been

    made public, and the lack of any such breaches for IDaaS providers, Gartner believes that IDaaS

    vendors are more likely to provide better security for IAM services than their customers could do for



    The use of IDaaS may introduce a single point of failure. IDaaS vendors generally have taken care to

    architect their services with network and system redundancy features, and to host their services on

    an IaaS that has been provisioned with sufcient redundancy to guarantee adherence to IDaaS

    vendors' service-level agreements. Also, IDaaS vendors have generally architected their on-

    premises bridge components to be implemented redundantly, if the customers choose to do so.

    Nevertheless, a major system failure with the IDaaS has the potential to temporarily leave customerswithout access to the applications that IDaaS serves. Some vendors had outages during 2014 and

    2015 that lasted a day or less. These events were isolated and rare. Organizations face similar risks

    when they manage their own IAM services, and when components such as federation servers fail.

    Clients that choose to accept the risks of using IDaaS should have an emergency business

    continuity process in place that includes these steps:

    ■ Bring up any available in-house federation technology and federate to key target systems, if


    ■ If federation services are not available, then temporarily turn off federation at target systems and

    fall back to password-based authentication.

    ■ Issue temporary passwords for all target application accounts that can support password-

    based authentication.

    ■ Fall back to manual user provisioning processes.

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    Data Residency

    Most of the vendors covered in this research are U.S.-based. Gartner clients from other countries

    may have concerns about employees', business partners' and customers' personal data that could

    be held in the cloud. Despite the use of local or regional data centers to host services and data,

    international clients still may be concerned about the U.S. government's ability to get access to thedata. This is currently a risk that clients must evaluate, and then determine whether it is acceptable.

    We recommend the following for clients that intend to use IDaaS, but have concerns about U.S.


    ■ Have the vendor prove Safe Harbor certication, or, preferably, require the vendor to sign the

    EU's model contracts on privacy.

    ■ Require your sole ownership of encryption keys, if possible, and evaluate the controls

    associated with the development and operations staff, and their access to the keys.

    If these recommendations do not provide enough comfort, then Gartner recommends that clients

    evaluate IDaaS providers in suitable jurisdictions.


    Gartner asked vendors to provide "street" price quotes for several use-case and volume usage

    scenarios. Vendors were cautioned against providing list prices. However, several vendors chose to

    respond with list prices. Vendors were asked to provide all costs, including startup costs, over a

    three-year subscription period. Three of the most commonly required scenarios are included below,

    with a range of costs and averages. Gartner clients should use the gures below for budgeting

    purposes. However, clients should expect to pay signicantly less (on average) than these gures

    would indicate, due to the inated prices that some vendors chose to deliver for our surveys.

    Gartner's observations of the price quotes submitted by our clients have corroborated this nding.

    Scenarios 1 and 2: 1,000-Employee and 10,000-Employee Workforces, Web-Architected


    ■ Number of users: 1,000 in the workforce ("any" staff) who use the service several times daily.

    ■ Endpoints: Company-owned PCs; approximately 60% Windows Active Directory and 10% Mac

    OS X, 30% mix of Apple and Android tablets and smartphones.

    ■ User location: Could be anywhere — a mix of on-premises corporate LAN and external use


    ■  All identities and attribute data are held in Active Directory.

    ■ Support to: Five externally hosted (SaaS) applications and ve internal Web application targets.

    ■  Allow the company's administrator to directly manage users' identities, and provision these to

     Active Directory. Subsequently and automatically provision accounts to the ve SaaS

    applications, with the assumption that there is an available provisioning API for all ve, and that

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    the vendor already has created provisioning connectors for three of the ve applications. Two of

    the applications need connectors created for the customer.

    ■ User self-service application access request, administrator approval, subsequent provisioning

    as described above, and user self-service password reset.

    ■ User authentication to the service and SSO to all target applications, three using SAML

    federation and two using password vaulting and forwarding; support for identity-provider-

    initiated federated SSO to your service, based on an Active Directory authentication; and

    service-provider-initiated redirect authentication for an externally located user who connects to

    SaaS rst, and to support authentication against your service and corporate Active Directory.

    ■ Reporting for all administrative and access events.

    We requested pricing for two variants. Scenario 1 included support of the above requirements for

    1,000 internal users. Scenario 2 included support of the above requirements for 10,000 users, and

    with the added requirement that 5,000 of those users be provided with SMS or voice-based OTP

    authentication. Here are the results:

    ■ The average three-year cost of the 1,000-user scenario was $144,216.

    ■ The average three-year cost of the 10,000-user scenario was $611,269.

    In both scenarios, vendors that had signicant gaps in the required functionality were removed from

    the average calculation, as were the high pricing and low pricing that were signicantly out of line

    with the other vendors' pricing.

    Scenario 3: 100,000-User Consumer-Facing and Business-Facing Implementation

    ■ 100,000 external consumers (50,000 individual consumer users and 50,000 business partners'users from 100 companies).

    ■  Average usage: Once per month per user.

    ■ Endpoints: Any endpoint with a Web browser from any location.

    ■  Access to three internal on-premises Web applications, and two SaaS applications.

    ■ Identity data for the on-premises applications to consume will be held in an on-premises LDAP-

    exposed directory.

    ■ Self-service user administration and password reset.

    ■ Delegated user administration for business partner administrators to serve their own users.

     Administrators can grant or deny user access to any of the ve applications.

    ■  Automated user provisioning to any approved application, with the assumption that all targets

    have a provisioning API available, and that the vendor has not yet created a connector for any

    of these applications.

    ■ User authentication and SSO for all users to all applications.

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    ■  Acceptance of Facebook and LinkedIn identities for initial consumer registration, account

    linking, and subsequent login to the service, and also subsequent SSO to a customer's


    ■ Five of the largest business partners must have support for federated authentication to your

    applications using SAML, and be based on user authentication at the business partner's internalidentity provider.

    ■ Reporting for all administration and access events.

    There was wide variance in the pricing for this scenario. However, there also was wide disparity

    between two groups of vendors. There was one group of seven vendors that could deliver the

    functionality for an average price of $307,423. The other higher-priced group of seven vendors

    averaged a price of $1,610,575. Pricing for consumer-facing implementations is in its early days,

    and vendors are at various stages of maturity in responding realistically to these requests from


    In all cases, clients are strongly encouraged to understand their own total costs of ownership formanaging the same IAM functions in-house, so that these costs can be compared with IDaaS

    pricing. Gartner also collected pricing data for other scenarios, including those requiring more in-

    depth IGA functionality and legacy on-premises application support. Pricing was highly variable for

    these implementations. Clients interested in these scenarios should contact Gartner for more



    What key trends are shaping the IDaaS market, and how will the market evolve?

     Acquisitions and IaaS and PaaS Vendor Momentum Are Changing the Competitive Forcesin the Market

    Microsoft made Azure Active Directory Premium generally available in May 2014. Since that time,

    Microsoft's sales organization has been very active in its customer base, and has been offering

     Azure Active Directory Premium during renewals and as augmentations to existing contracts.

    Microsoft also has the extensive and rapidly growing Ofce 365 customer base to sell to. To

    paraphrase multiple Gartner clients, Microsoft is selling on the idea that, "You already have your

    organization's identities in Azure Active Directory for Ofce 365 or other Azure services. Why not

    take advantage of the broader feature set of Premium?" Other Web-centric IDaaS vendors are now

    repeatedly identifying Microsoft as the vendor that is "showing up" most often in competitive


    Salesforce became more active in the IDaaS market in 2014 and early 2015. It also makes the case

    to its extensive customer base that IDaaS is built into the Salesforce platform, and therefore, is easy

    to take advantage of. The vendor currently offers Salesforce Identity free to licensed users of

    Salesforce products; this has helped it to build continued loyalty to the platform, and opened up

    opportunities to sell Salesforce Identity to nonlicensed users.

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    In 2014, IBM acquired Lighthouse Security Group, which provided a relatively full-featured IDaaS

    that was underpinned by IBM's software, and IBM was Lighthouse's key partner. Therefore, the

    acquisition was highly synergistic, and it was the latest of three IAM acquisitions by IBM; the others

    were Trusteer (Web fraud detection) and CrossIdeas (IGA). IBM already has an extensive service arm

    and the SoftLayer IaaS. IBM is now poised to deliver deep IDaaS functionality to the broader


    RSA acquired the intellectual property of Symplied and hired some of its employees. In April 2015,

    RSA announced Via, its rebranded IDaaS offering that features access management as well as user

    administration and identity governance functionality, which was originally obtained from the Aveksa


    Intermedia, a provider of hosted Microsoft products and unied communications services, acquired

    IDaaS vendor SaaSID in 2013. Intermedia has incorporated the acquired functionality into AppID, a

    service that can be purchased stand-alone or with other Intermedia services.

    In "Microsoft and Salesforce.com Make Waves in the IDaaS Pool," we predicted that, "By 2019,40% of IDaaS revenue will accrue to PaaS vendors, up from less than 5% in 2014." The acquisitions

    and competitive strategies highlighted above continue to support this prediction. Furthermore, the

    incorporation of IDaaS into PaaS offerings exerts a considerable commoditization force on the Web-

    centric IDaaS markets. While there is plenty of business to go around, and stand-alone IDaaS

    players aren't in immediate danger of extinction, these vendors will need to continue nding ways to

    differentiate themselves in this highly competitive market.

    Web-Centric IDaaS Leads the Market in Terms of Customer Acquisition

    Web-centric IDaaS vendors continue to make solid gains in the market. Gartner estimates that 85%

    of client interactions on the topic of IDaaS indicate a need for Web-centric solutions to support B2ESaaS target system integration and consumer-facing use cases. Ten percent of interactions indicate

    a need for more full-featured B2E IDaaS with legacy on-premises application support and IGA 

    needs. Five percent of interactions indicate specialized needs for B2B Web-centric requirements,

    such as those needed by SaaS providers to serve their customers, or hub-and-spoke congurations

    to support collaboration and supply chain requirements.

     As Web-centric vendors have moved upmarket, they nd that larger organizations tend to have

    existing IAM software solutions in place. These prospects, which may wish to extend their current

    implementations with IDaaS, or which are hoping to replace their on-premises solutions, tend to

    have needs for deeper IGA functionality than the Web-centric vendors typically provide. These

    prospects also tend to require customization and integration with legacy architected systems aswell as a variety of directories and databases. This is forcing shallow-function, Web-centric IDaaS

    vendors to add deeper functionality and integration capabilities to their roadmaps. Web-centric

    vendors have begun to develop these features, such as multilevel access approval workow and

    access certication, but, mostly, they have not been delivered to the market yet.

    Conversely, the IDaaS vendors with deeper IAM functionality and integration capabilities tend

    toward implementations that are larger and more complex, and they do not have their offerings

    price-tuned for rapid handling of the down-market Web-centric use cases. These vendors will need

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    to provide a streamlined, rapidly deployable offering for these use cases if they wish to gain a piece

    of the SMB market.

    Mobile Support Continues to Improve

    IDaaS vendors' native mobile application support remains a frontier capability, particularly for

    authentication and SSO. Most IDaaS vendors support a portal-like interface on mobile devices for

    Web applications that are under IDaaS management. IDaaS vendors' support for customers' and

    third-party native apps is nascent. IDaaS vendors began supporting customers' mobile apps by

    offering SDKs. Customers can develop their apps using the IDaaS vendor's SDK, which will provide

    authentication to the IDaaS vendor's service. However, this is generally a proprietary approach that

    would require some rework, should the customer switch IDaaS vendors.

    Centrify provides this approach, but it also supports a containerization approach, and provides

    MDM features as part of its offering. Okta released Okta Mobility Management in 2014, and it

    includes MDM features. The product also includes Mobile Connect, which provides SSO for native

    mobile apps using SAML.

    Some vendors are choosing to support OpenID Connect NAPPS. The OpenID Foundation NAPPS

    continues to develop a standards-based approach to supporting authentication and SSO for

    multiple native apps. Ping Identity and OneLogin have been heavily involved in the evolution of the

    NAPPS specications. The work is moving along slowly; however, if this working group is

    successful, then customers should have a standardized approach for getting authentication and

    SSO functions for native mobile apps; also, they should have easier portability for these apps in

    terms of switching IDaaS vendors, or even moving to on-premises access managers that support

    the standards. Containerization approaches will remain proprietary, but will offer customers security

    protections beyond authentication and SSO, such as data security, jailbreak detection and security

    policy enforcement.

    IDaaS vendors are in various stages of maturity in providing API-based access to their services. We

    are also noting that several IDaaS vendors tout their services' directory integration with other

    sources of identity, such as Salesforce, Google, Microsoft and Workday.

    Thus, IDaaS has a future of supporting traditional enterprise needs as well as service-to-service

    needs — for example, use cases wherein enterprise CRM systems call an IDaaS to create an

    identity, and then provision that identity to several systems within the enterprise and on SaaS

    applications (see "Provisioning User Accounts to Cloud Applications").

    Several IAM functions will commoditize. SSO to Web applications is a commodity, and IGA andintelligence functions will take a bumpy and winding road to commoditization. User self-service

    access request and prole management, password reset, access approvals and account

    provisioning to Web-centric targets, and canned and customized reporting are on the way to

    commoditization. More advanced IGA and analytics features will take longer, or will remain as

    differentiators for some vendors. Clients should expect overall downward pricing pressure in the

    market for the next three years.

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    On-Premises Replacement

    Wholesale replacement of traditional on-premises IAM software stacks, which are serving multiple

    use cases for large enterprises, has been relatively rare. These on-premises implementations are

    long-standing, tend to be well-staffed and have been deployed to support legacy architected

    systems — not just Web-architected and SaaS apps. Nevertheless, there are vendors that cansupport multiple use cases, have software with deep functionality that can be cloud-delivered, and

    are capable of replacing legacy on-premises IAM tools. These vendors have been conservatively

    building businesses to do these things, and more customers are starting to use these vendors.

    However, these kinds of deals are an order of magnitude less in number than the more popular and

    easy-to-deliver Web-centric IDaaS deals. Full-featured IDaaS implementations that support legacy

    applications can be deployed more rapidly, and can remove some of the complexity of traditional

    software deployments. Integration with legacy systems, multistep approval workows, access

    certication, and other IGA functions that are prevalent in mature IAM implementations still take

    time to plan, design and implement, and they add costs to implementations. Decisions to outsource

    complex IAM implementations aren't made easily.

    Therefore, enterprises that are considering a "build" or "extend" versus "outsource" decision should

    focus on two key areas.

    1. Inhibitors to successful on-premises IAM adoption, or issues with the current implementation

    that would potentially be alleviated or circumvented by the move to IDaaS, such as:

    ■ Inappropriate stafng levels or skills

    ■ Organizational battles over duplicative IAM implementations obtained through mergers,

    acquisitions or independent organizational buying decisions

    Insufcient planning prior to tool selection and implementation■ Project scope creep

    ■ Poor operational efciency by IAM, resulting in too much time taken for IAM functions

    ■ Poor operational effectiveness by IAM, resulting in audit ndings for access violations

    With the exception of inappropriate stafng levels or skills, these inhibitors will not be

    automatically removed by switching to IDaaS. There often are root causes for these inhibitors

    that have nothing to do with the delivery model for IAM, and these issues must be addressed

    with solid IAM program management and governance. IDaaS simply may help to go around the

    problems, or alleviate some of them.

    2. Total cost of ownership. There is no free lunch. Clients that judge IDaaS to be too expensive

    may not have done their homework in terms of understanding the full costs of managing on-

    premises IAM. These costs include:

    ■ Fully burdened staff costs for implementers, operations staff members and a portion of the

    help desk personnel

    ■ Software investment costs and ongoing maintenance

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    ■ Estimated patch and upgrade costs

    ■ Infrastructure and operations for resilient implementations and business continuity

    See "Use Business Drivers and Cost Analysis to Make IDaaS Versus On-Premises Software Delivery

    Model Choices."

    Market OverviewThis Magic Quadrant underscores a market that is still in its early days and is largely driven by Web

    application use cases.

    Competitive forces have increased due to PaaS vendors entering the market, and because of

    acquisitions by IBM and RSA. Salesforce and especially Microsoft are beginning to have profound

    effects on the market in terms of competition and downward price pressure. These also are the

    reasons why this Magic Quadrant features fewer Leaders and Challengers compared with the 2014version.

    The IDaaS market originally was fueled by SMBs that made SaaS the predominant application

    delivery model. Most of their applications already were in the cloud, and they preferred to buy rather

    than build infrastructure. In turn, SaaS applications became new identity silos, each with their own

    administration, authentication and event-logging capabilities.

    IDaaS vendors can create connections one time to SaaS vendors for the purposes of

    authentication, SSO and account management (when SaaS vendors provide APIs to enable this).

    These connections can then be reused for new clients. This relieves the IDaaS customers of having

    to create these connections themselves. IDaaS vendors also can bridge to customers' on-premises

    identity and authentication services, and use data held or removed from there (such as directorygroup or organizational unit membership) to provision and deprovision accounts on SaaS targets.

    This automation saves customers the effort of manually provisioning and deprovisioning accounts,

    and also can help with avoiding orphaned and active accounts on SaaS that can leave enterprises

    vulnerable and paying for unused accounts.

    In the past few years, vendors with the ability to broker all the functions between enterprise users

    and SaaS have become appealing to organizations of all sizes. Cloud security and data residency

    concerns, however, often are key factors in evaluating IDaaS vendors. The growth of the IDaaS

    market has been driven by the following factors:

    ■ The need to instill IAM disciplines for managing identities for SaaS applications

    ■ The need to gain faster time to value over traditional on-premises software

    ■ The desire to avoid IAM implementation failures

    ■ The desire to reduce IAM talent costs in design, implementation and support

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    Gartner estimates that the market size for multifunction IDaaS at year-end 2014 was $283 million.

    We estimate that 2015 revenue will be approximately $400 million. The 2014 estimate does not

    include revenue from vendors that provide single-function IDaaS offerings — for example,

    authentication-as-a-service vendors. However, revenue from authentication-as-a-service vendors

    was believed to be approximately $480 million in 2014 — that is, 20% of a $2.4 billion user

    authentication market. Authentication as a service is a simple function to deliver, compared with

    multifunction IDaaS. Over the past few years, Web-centric IDaaS vendors have made solid gains at

    the lower ends of the market, supporting the employee-to-cloud use case. As these vendors have

    moved upmarket, they nd that larger organizations tend to have IAM solutions in place, and have

    deeper IGA functionality needs than Web-centric vendors can provide. These prospects also require

    integration with legacy architected systems. This is forcing shallow-function, Web-centric IDaaS

    vendors to add deeper functionality and integration capabilities to their roadmaps. Conversely,

    IDaaS vendors with deeper IAM functionality and integration capabilities tend toward larger,

    complex implementations, and do not have price-tuned offerings for rapid handling of Web-centric

    use cases. These vendors will need to provide a streamlined, rapidly deployable offering for these

    use cases if they wish to gain a piece of the SMB market.

    The employee-to-cloud use case drove growth in the early IDaaS market, and it still predominates.

    B2C use cases have grown in importance as organizations look to replace a mixture of custom-

    developed IAM products and traditional on-premises IAM products. Some larger organizations also

    are "peeling off" the part of their IAM needs that are served by IDaaS, even when they may own IGA 

    and access tools that could be extended to the cloud. For this use case, IDaaS is being viewed as a

    quick win, and sometimes as a way to standardize a solution for one part of the enterprise IAM

    problem space.

    (See the Context section above for a deeper analysis of market trends, a closer look at security and

    data residency concerns, and information on pricing.)

    Gartner Recommended ReadingSome documents may not be available as part of your current Gartner subscription.

    "How Markets and Vendors Are Evaluated in Gartner Magic Quadrants"

    "Microsoft and Salesforce.com Make Waves in the IDaaS Pool"

    "Use Business Drivers and Cost Analysis to Make IDaaS Versus On-Premises Software Delivery

    Model Choices"

    "Magic Quadrant for Us
