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8Campaigns and Elections Democracy in Action

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8Learning Objectives



Assess the implications of election rules in the United States

Identify problems associated with administering elections and evaluate proposed solutions to those problems

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8Learning Objectives



Explain how congressional elections work and why they are generally not competitive

Describe the stages in U.S. presidential elections and the differences in campaigning at each stage

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8Learning Objectives



Evaluate the influence of money in American elections and the main approaches to campaign finance reform

Assess concerns regarding presidential elections and reforms that have been proposed

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Elections: The Rules of the Game Regularly Scheduled Elections Fixed, Staggered, and Sometimes Limited Terms Term Limits Winner Take All The Electoral College


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Regularly Scheduled Elections Elections held at fixed intervals

Party in power cannot change date Congressional elections held on the

Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even-numbered year Presidential elections every four years


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Fixed, Staggered, and Sometimes Limited Terms Fixed Terms of Office

U.S. Representative = 2 years U.S. Senator = 6 years President = 4 years

Staggered Terms of Office All House members run every two years Only 1/3 of Senate also run every two years


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Term Limits

President limited to two terms Twenty-Second Amendment

Efforts to limit terms of state legislators State-level limits largely adopted in 1990s

Proposals for federal office limits defeated by Congress and Supreme Court


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Winner Take All 8.1

Plurality of votes wins Majority is not required Favors moderates

Single-member districts Usually only one winner per office In combination with winner-take-all system, virtually guarantees two-party system

Proportional representation in other countriesSeats are given to candidates from a party based on thenumber of votes they receive.

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The Electoral Collegewas devised by the Constitution’s framers because they didn't trust the choice of president to a direct popular vote. (described in Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution)


Electoral system Number of electors is the same as the number of

representatives and senators Electors vote for candidate who wins plurality in state Candidate with majority of electoral votes wins If no majority, House of Reps. chooses

Electoral College influences politics Candidates must win in most populous states 2000 Election – Al Gore lost the election even though

he won the popular vote

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In two of the four elections in which winners of the popular vote didn't become president, the electoral college didn’t decide the winner.

The 1824 election was decided by the U.S. House of Representatives.

Peculiar elections 8.1

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2004, 2008, and 2012 battleground states 8.1

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8.1 Which office is limited to two four-year terms?


a. U.S. Representativeb. Chief Justicec. U.S. Senator d. President

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8.18.1 Which office is limited to two four-year terms?

a. U.S. Representativeb. Chief Justicec. U.S. Senator d. President

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Counting Votes

Different types of ballots – paper, electronic, punch cards, touchscreens Subject to miscounts – election officials have to judge


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Hanging Chad 8.2

In the presidential election in 2000, Florida was plagued with vote-counting and ballot problems. Several counties used punch cards, and some voters failed to make their vote clear by successfully punching out the “chad” for the choice selected. In other counties, the format of the ballot itself was confusing. The Florida problems led to passage of the Help America Vote Act.

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Counting Votes

Absentee ballots and mail voting Importance of poll workers They need training Direct people to the right location Determining who can vote - In 2012, some states

began to require photo IDs to make sure that illegal immigrants can’t vote.

Provisional ballots are allowed for those not on the rolls and later confirmed to be registered.


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8.2 If registered voters are challenged, what are they allowed to cast?


a. Provisional ballot b. Absentee ballotc. Ballot by mail d. Write-in vote

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8.28.2 If registered voters are challenged, what are they allowed to cast?

a. Provisional ballot b. Absentee ballotc. Ballot by mail d. Write-in vote

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Running for Congress

The House of Representatives Most House races are not competitive Popular incumbents who’ve held the seat for many terms are

said to hold safe seats. Safe seats limit competition Partisan gerrymandering – redrawing voting districts in

ways that favor incumbents



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When officeholders don’t have to fight for their seats, are elections performing their role?

FIGURE 8.1: Safe and competitive House seats, 2000–2010


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Running for Congress

The Senate Better financed than House races Midterm elections - candidates sometimes get more votes

when they belong to the same party as a popular president


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FIGURE 8.2: Seats gained or lost by the president’s party in midterm elections, 1974–2010


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The House of Representatives Mounting a primary campaign

Fundraising Personal organization Media visibility

Campaigning for the general election More voters than primary Partisanship is more important

Name recognition for incumbents and funding


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The Senate

Higher profile Six-year terms

Higher cost of Senate campaigns Interest groups often commit more money to

competitive races in smaller states


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Figure 8.3: Rising campaign costs in congressional general elections


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The Senate

Incumbency advantage Not as great as U.S. House


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8.3 Which of the following is more likely to be elected?


a. U.S. Senate challengerb. U.S. Senate incumbentc. U.S. House challenger d. U.S. House incumbent

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8.3 Which of the following is more likely to be elected?


a. U.S. Senate challengerb. U.S. Senate incumbentc. U.S. House challenger d. U.S. House incumbent

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Running for President

Stage 1: The Nomination Stage 2: The National Party Convention Stage 3: The General Election


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Stage 1: The Nomination

Presidential primaries Delegates and superdelegates

Delegates are chosen by local partisans to represent them in the nomination process. Superdelegates are usually party leaders and do not have to be elected. May vote for whomever they wish.

Various types of primaries – caucus and convention “Front loading”


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Primary debate 8.4

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Stage 1: The Nomination

Caucuses and conventions Delegates selected by party members - The states have

different means of determining delegates: proportional representation, winner-take-all, superdelegates, or selection via presidential poll.

Strategies Appeal to partisanship in primaries Appeal to moderates in general elections


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Stage 2: The National Party Convention The party platform

Defines the direction a party wants to take on policy The vice presidential nominee

Choice attracts wide media attention The value of conventions – a time for parties to galvanize a party

program and to build unity and enthusiasm. Candidates define themselves in positive ways.

Nomination by petition Must meet each state’s ballot access requirements


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Senator Marco Rubio at 2012 Republican convention


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Stage 3: The General Election Presidential debates

“Joint appearance” instead of true debate Television and radio advertising

More aggressive in battleground states Target ads to specific audiences


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8.4Romney ad

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Stage 3: The General Election The Outcome

State of the economy probably most deciding factor of who wins


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8.4 When is the party platform determined?


a. In primaries b. In caucuses c. At the national conventiond. After presidential nominee is chosen

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8.4 When is the party platform determined?


a. In primaries b. In caucuses c. At the national conventiond. After presidential nominee is chosen

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Money in U.S. Elections

Efforts at Reform Continuing Problems with Campaign



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Efforts at Reform The Federal Election Campaign Act

limited amounts that candidates for federal office could spend on advertising and required them to disclose sources of campaign funds.

Followed by creation of the Federal Election Commission Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) Largely banned party soft money Soft money - money raised in unlimited amounts by political parties for party


Hard money – contributions to candidates

Contribution limits and disclosure - Interest groups have tried to get around contribution limits or disclosing the names of donors by using ads that advocate for issues, not candidates.

Independent expenditures - must be independent of a candidate and must be disclosed


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FIGURE 8.4: Presidential primary cumulative receipts, 2011–2012 (millions of dollars)


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FIGURE 8.5: Super PACs and million dollar donors


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Continuing Problems with Campaign Finance

Costly campaigns only for the wealthy Incumbents have the advantage PAC money goes to incumbents


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Average campaign expenditures of candidates for House of Representatives, 1988–2010 general election


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How PACs and others allocated campaign contributions to House candidates, 2009–2010


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Continuing Problems with Campaign Finance

Candidates’ personal wealth Growth in individual contributions and

use of the Internet to fund campaigns


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8.58.5 What kind of contribution is limited, must be disclosed, and is given directly by a donor to a candidate?

a. Soft moneyb. Hard money c. PAC money d. Super PAC money

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8.5 What kind of contribution is limited, must be disclosed, and is given directly by a donor to a candidate?


a. Soft moneyb. Hard money c. PAC money d. Super PAC money

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Improving Elections

Reforming Campaign Finance Reforming the Nominating Process Reforming the Electoral College The Importance of Elections


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8.6Reforming Campaign Finance Regulation of presidential campaign

contributions More aggressive reform than BCRA

Some reformers suggest reigning in PACs and restricting the influence of foreign corporations and those doing business with the government.

Reform of the FEC – both sides agree it needs to be changed, but won’t agree on how to change it.

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Reasons for reform Disproportionate influence of the early primary states

8.6Reforming the Nominating Process

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FIGURE 8.7: Voter turnout in the 2008 presidential primaries


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Reasons for reform Strong ideological bias of primary voters Difficulty in producing a clear winner Proportional voting Role of superdelegates - the use of unelected superdelegates in

determining nominees raises concerns about their role in a democratic process.

8.6Reforming the Nominating Process

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Direct popular election of president Most frequently proposed reform Would give every voter equal weight

Opposition to reform Would undermine federalism Encourage unrestrained majority rule Would hurt most competitive states

8.6Reforming the Electoral College

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Video:ND Expert: Changing the Presidential Primary System

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8.6The Importance of Elections Elections are complex

The rules of the game affect how it is played Rules can be changed

Elections are central to democracy Outcome must have legitimacy Elections have undergone structural

and institutional improvements Participation still most important aspect

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8.6 What is central to the functioning of a constitutional democracy?


a. A system of fair electionsb. A two-party systemc. A single-member district winner-take-all

electoral system d. A proportional representation electoral


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8.6 What is central to the functioningof a constitutional democracy?


a. A system of fair electionsb. A two-party systemc. A single-member district winner-take-all

electoral system d. A proportional representation electoral


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Discussion Questions

What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the electoral process? Has the way we elect a president been compromised by PACs and Super PACs?

