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© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612 Twitter/MichaelTipper Facebook/MichaelRTipper MDRT 2012 Main Platform Mind Maps By Michael Tipper

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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MDRT 2012

Main Platform

Mind Maps

By Michael Tipper

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

Twitter/MichaelTipper Facebook/MichaelRTipper

My Million Dollar Round Table Main Platform Mind Map Notes

Hi this is Michael Tipper and if you, like me attended the MDRT 2012 in Anaheim, California you will

know what an awesome experience it was. I was one of the Focus session speakers and my session

was entitled:

5 Ways to Improve Your Memory and Boost Your Sales

In that session I talked about a number of things, one of them being the incredible Power of Mind

Mapping and as someone who likes to walk his talk, I took all my notes of the main platform sessions

using this powerful too and what I want to do is share them with you.

As a professional speaker, I am always looking for opportunities to share help others

get more from that grey matter between our ears and so please pass this on to

anyone who you feel would benefit from an interactive, engaging and impactful

experience. I am based in the UK but work internationally and my areas of specialist

interest are presented in the following sessions:

How to Read Faster and Remember More

5 Ways to Boost Your Memory and Improve Your Sales

Mind Mapping – If you don’t why you should and if you do, how to do it better

How To Create An Extra Productive Hour Every Day WITHOUT Working Any Harder

You can contact me here:


"Michael Tipper is an entertaining, informative and energetic speaker who is emerging as an

inspirational teacher of Mentally Literate principles" Tony Buzan, inventor of the Mind Map™

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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My Focus Session – How to Improve Your Memory and Boost Your

Sales Here is the first Mind Map I want you to have and it is the one that summarises my Focus Session. If

you were there then this will prove a really useful trigger and reminder of the experience and of the

things that I covered. If you were not, then it will give you an overview of my session.

How to Mind Map Mind Mapping is a very powerful tool and is a skill that can be easily developed. In very simple

terms, here is how to Mind Map:

1. Turn your page Landscape

2. Start with a central image that captures what the session is about

3. Capture the main themes and ideas with main branches emanating out from the central


4. Add detail to the main themes and ideas with smaller sub-branches

5. Use colour

6. Use Keywords

7. Where you can, use images

Of course Mind Mapping is far more than just a note taking device, it is actually a sophisticated

thinking strategy that harnesses more of the way the brain naturally thinks and organises

information. It has a multitude of applications too numerous to mention here and the best way of

describing how pervasive its use can be is by this statement:

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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“Every time you organise your thoughts on paper, then using

Mind Mapping will help you get far more out of the process”

To find out more about how to use this powerful tool for your benefit then please visit my specialist



What I will do with the rest of the Mind Maps is share them with you and highlight some of the key

messages I picked out from each session. I have only captured the sessions that were not industry

specific and that were of most use to me and so some of the MDRT members who spoke have not

been captured in mind map form here.

To capture these Mind Maps, I used my trusty ipad, a stylus pen and an

awesome note taking app called “Noteshelf”. Of course any note taking

app would do (though I have yet to find one better) and you could even

have used one of the many Mind Mapping Software Apps however I

always prefer the hand drawn variant of using the tool when I am taking

notes “live”.

All of these maps could also have been drawn using the pre-digital tools of paper and coloured pen

but as we are in the digital era and the technology supports it, capturing them digitally like this is the

way forward.

I trust you will enjoy the examples of Mind Mapping I share with you here and that they will serve as

a useful trigger to remind you of the main platform experience at this year’s Million Dollar Round


Please feel free to pass these on to your friends and colleagues who also attended.

2 Favours To Ask

1. if you did attend my session I would really appreciate any testimonial you can give me telling

me what you enjoyed the most, the thing you got most value from and how you are going to

use it – please send it to [email protected]

2. If you use Mind Mapping in your business, please share with me how you use it as I am

capturing examples of its use in your industry for a new programme I am creating.


Michael Tipper

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

Twitter/MichaelTipper Facebook/MichaelRTipper

MDRT Day 1

Monday 11th June 2012

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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Sekou Andrews

This was a really incredible start to what turned out to be an excellent few days of platform

speakers. Sekou started by saying - financial advice anyone can give that. What he did was call you

guys at MDRT alchemists or “puzzle put back together-ers” and called you “world reassembled-ers”.

He was really poetic in the way he shared his ideas and one of the things he said was that it's not

about us it's about them and when it's about them then it's about us.

I think the underlying message that he gave was is not the product that you're selling is that the

experience you give your client is the product and he ended his session by saying financial advisers

who sees don't call yourself financial advisers because you off for more than that.

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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Troy Hazard

Troy Hazard started his session by telling us about a really bad day. He lost a client, the bank wanted

to foreclose on his loans, the taxman decided he wanted to charge a big hefty tax bill. Not a good


Of course the upshot of this is that he had a problem however he realised that the problem he was

facing was his perceived problem and that actually he had led his business to the problem. This

meant he had to look deeper and find what the real cause of the problem was. He realised he had a

bad belief and he had no vision.

As a result he formed his own personal plan starting with him, his values what was important to him

and what he was proud of. He also looked at his family life and his friends. He started with what was

important to him and as soon as he had done that he then focused on his business because now it

has purpose. He then created the people plan to identify and find those who could help him put his

business together.

A huge fan of questions he would look back on each day and identify what he had learned from each

success and what help you needed to overcome the next challenge. The key phrase was change or

die. You need to recognise what you can change, what you have changed and what you can't change

and users questions to help yourself and to help others.

Continually ask yourself what have you done yesterday, what will you do today and what would you

do tomorrow?

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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David Meinz

David Meinz the great session on having 100 healthy birthdays. Longevity is getting better as time

goes on. In 1960 there were 3000 centenarians, today there are over 80,000, and in 2050 will be

over 1 million in the USA alone.

David Davis his six steps to ensuring that you too can live and have 100 healthy birthdays and these


1. healthy optimism

2. total engagement in a hobby or part-time

3. stay mobile through lots of activity

4. have a high adaption to the loss of loved ones

5. stay socially connected

6. have healthy habits

There were a few other key points that came out for me and one of the biggest things was that we

should strive to lose body fat as a way of ensuring our longevity. He pointed to the fact that Asians

are becoming more overweight because of milk, cookies, ice cream and soda. We should strive to

eat 80% full because it takes 20 min for our gut to tell our brain we are full. Gut fat is dangerous and

a good indication of our health is our waist size-no more than 35 inches for a woman and 40 inches

for a man.

The main quote to me is that age is a state of mind.

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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Derek Mills

Derek started off by telling us his story about after his mother died he couldn't speak. He

eventually overcame that by going to speaking classes and started a career in financial services.

However his career was blighted by failure and poor performance for many years. There came a

point in his life though where he had had enough and he decided to change.

He realised that when he changes then everything would change for him. He stopped setting

goals because he realised the goals were in the future and that meant there was a disconnect

between him and then. So he decided to set his standards high and lived by those standards on a

daily basis. As a result of that he turned his life and his business round.

The key for me is this setting of high standards and being accountable to those every single day.

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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Willie Jolley

Willie Jolly had a really powerful message and he talks about transformational attitudes because

when you transform your thinking you transform your actions and when you transform your actions

you transform your results. The key is to develop an attitude of excellence and he gave us five steps

to do that:

1. Wake up your dream every single day

2. show up excited and enthusiastic and with your stuff

3. stand up so that you work on the inside and use what you know and get better

4. step up so that you swing for the fences and do your best

5. think up and make your mind up to win

My favourite phrase from Willie’s session was “if the little dog keeps on yapping then big dogs will

soon hear him”

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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MDRT Day 2

Tuesday 12th June 2012

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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Keith Abraham

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Keith Abraham spoke on the main platform on Tuesday. His opening question was what are you

passionate about? And this was the theme that was woven between many of the keynote speakers

on the main platform. I got so much out of Keith session that I had to put it on two separate mind


There are a couple of quotes I really liked from Keith about passion and here they are:

“when passion is applied something ordinary becomes extra ordinary”

“until you know why the how does not matter”

Another key thing that came out for me from Keith session was this concept of wealth and that

external wealth is really only a reflection of your internal wealth and really what we should also be

focusing on is the eternal wealth that we create for others. If you do not love yourself then you

cannot create wealth for yourself or for others.

Keith had a process that started with identifying what is it that you want to feel by the end of this

year. With that in mind he stressed that we don't work towards goals because they don't work but

we should work towards feelings and he gave us his process that had the M alliteration of

meaningful, milestones, mindset and momentum.

He said we should look at 2012 and identify our goals or how we want to feel for the following areas:

our family, our career, our growth, our financial life, our fitness, our community, our lifestyle and our

adventure. So what is your best year look like?

He mentioned that Toyota operates the kaizen and principle which is continuous improvement. So

improvement is not about making big changes it's about the 1% ideas make a little difference. The

question is what do you have to do differently?

What do you need to do less of and what do you need to do more of?

What you need to start doing and what you need to stop doing?

And there were a couple of quotes right the very end of this session that really hit home for me and

they are:

When is enough enough?

If not now when?

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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Robyn Benincasa

Robin Benincasa was the amazing adventure racer who talked to us about how winning works. She

talked about human synergy where the outcomes are so much greater than my individual

performance and focused on the importance of teamwork. It starts with commitment which really

starts when the fun stops. And commitment is about planning, purpose, perseverance, and

preparation. Luck is really the meeting of opportunity and preparation.

In her adventure racing experiences and adversity management was a key part of her success with

the team and that is all about choosing your attitude during adversity. You need to focus on your

future and look past the obstacles and remember you don't win by focusing on not losing.

A lovely quote was never left the pursuit of perfection get in the way of progress.

And perhaps the key quote for me was that no one wins alone our thinking shouldn't be about me

our thinking should be about we and the key is to seek synergy and strategic alliances with others.

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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Scott Brennan

Now Scott Brennan’s sessionimpacted me personally in a number of ways. As you will see from the

mind map all I have done it capture some of the beautiful full quotes that he used throughout his

presentation that I will repeat for you here:

Happiness is a choice

Great soldiers are never created in peace time

Plan B is to make sure the plan A works

Today is the only day we have control over

Success is going from failure to failure without losing faith

The depth, width and height of my life is my choice

When the student is ready the teacher will appear

Life is just an exchange of emotion

The amateur practices until they get it right the professional practices until they can't get it


character consists of what you do on the third or fourth attempt

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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Sally Hogshead

Sally's session was fascinating because it was all about fascination and she told us the lamb brain is

hardwired for fascination. When we are fascinated our thinking requires less effort and actually feels

like Joy. When we are successful in helping people become more fascinated with us we can attract

more clients, build a relationship and close the deal.

Sally tested her ideas out in the most competitive market in the world which is on line dating. The

problems in that world are the competition and what research has revealed is that our attention

span is less than nine seconds which is less than the goldfish!

My favourite quote from Sally session was being the best is not enough if nobody notices or cares.

We have to start being fascinating right from the very first introduction because remember it is not

how you see the world it is how the world sees you.

Sally shared with us seven primary and then the seven secondary options the trigger passion giving

us a matrix of 49 possibilities. Her final quote from me that I found really important was that you

don't learn how to be fascinating you just unlearn how to be boring.

And remember, this is how Ed managed to capture her heart.

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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Jeremy Gutsche

Jeremy started his session with the quote it's not the questions that changed but the answers that

do from Peter Drucker. He then said why should the marketplace choose you. And not for the first

time did we hear the fact that it's not about the product it is about the experience.

Through his case studies of Smith Corona and the “don't mess with Texas” campaign he said that

when you create something that connects your message it will travel like never before.

Obsess about your story and make it irresistible.

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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Mike Rayburn

The final session of the Tuesday main platform was the fabulous Mike Rayburn. He talked about

accessing your potential and that the brain needs to change. The way we think is merely the process

of asking questions and Mike likes to ask really good questions. His favourite question is:

“what if..?”

And he demonstrated how he has applied this question to some excellent songs and variations on

different genres of music. The Devil went down to Georgia was an awesome rendition of this

fabulous tune.

On the subject of change he said create it and don't manage it. We all have time poverty and we

don't have enough time to do everything but we do have the time to do the important things.

Become a possibility thinker, ask what is, master what matters and remember that your purpose the

reason why, is the most powerful motivating force in the world. The

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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MDRT Day 3

Wednesday 13th June 2012

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Jerry Linenger

Jerry is an amazing man and this is probably the closest I've ever been to an astronaut who has been

into space. Gerry spent five months in the space station with two Russian colleagues and as a result

of his experiences of looking down on the earth for that time he's got a different perspective on life

and the challenges it presents to us on a daily basis.

As a result of the fire on board the space station and the prospect of facing his own demise, he

realised that he hadn't left anything behind for his son and so that made him determined to see his

son again.

Being in space for so long and experiencing the potential loss of oxygen because of the fire, he

realise that every time we are able to take a breath of fresh air into our lungs, we should count our


Being able to put a space centre into space or even sending men to the moon is an incredible feats

but with the right systems, the right technology, the right people and a specific goal, anything is


A big lesson for him is to start what you finish and perhaps most importantly the relationships are

what really matter.

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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Mike Schlappi

Wow what an amazing story Mike had. From having his friend shoot him by accident, to becoming a

paraplegic, to winning for Olympic medals, Mike's story was an incredible journey for us all listened

to it. There were a couple of amazing quotes came from Mike's mum which she remembers from the

time that he was adjusting to the consequences of being shot through the spine and these were:

Everyone is a good person just because they are alive

Just because you can't stand up doesn't mean you can't stand out

he talks about giving himself attitude therapy to deal with his circumstances and situation and he

learned to forgive himself as well as others.

After losing one of his Olympic medals because of a drugs cheat in his team his quote was ever think

you do affects the team.

Perhaps the most moving medal Mike wears is the bullets with his friend Tory shot him with. He has

now come to terms with what this bullet has done with him in his closing message was find your

bullet and wear it, it does not mean you are weak it means you are strong.

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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J.P. Pawliw-Fry

JP talked about emotional intelligence and how that after studying successful people there is the

17% moments which is when though comfortable high performers are at their best and don't

succumb to the natural impulses of the brain.

In comparing IQ, technical skills and EQ it has been found that emotional intelligence is more

important and that what tends to happen with high performers is they extract 3 to 4 times more

information from every opportunity

There are two parts of the brain the amygdala which is the emotional memory and where we feel

from and then there is the neocortex which is where we think from. Because of the way we are

hardwired in motion comes before thoughts and we get an amygdala rush which confuses and

distorts our thinking.

Otherwise advice came from this session was when dealing with people don't confuse impact with

intent and that you should build bridges by seeking their understanding of the situation before you

map on your understanding of it.

He referred to the marshmallow study where children were given the option of having a

marshmallow now, or if they waited they could have two. The third of those who were willing to

wait ended up performing much better in school, were more emotionally balanced, and were more

successful than those who weren't able to delay their gratification.

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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Linda Larsen

Linda's message was wrapped around quite a harrowing story from her youth when she was

kidnapped at gunpoint at what was coincidentally one of the lowest points in her life.

She says that you are in a movie called the adventures of you and that you are the director, the

script writer, the producer and the star. So how do you want your movie to be?

Beware of the movies playing in your mind because they will become your reality. Using this idea

Linda was able to escape from the gunman unscathed because she rewrote her reality.

Mentally rehearse how you want your life to be and when you are ready simply shout lights!

Camera! Action!

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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And Finally Sekou Andrews Again….

This last session was just another one of those where you just wanted to let it wash over you and

suck it all in and so I didn’t take mind map notes of what Sekou shared with us. I did though take

note of a few of the things he said that really struck a chord with me….

“Able is not Ready….”

“Your future is not a goal anymore – it is a standard”

“There is no can’t, there is only will or won’t…”

“When our ready is able our will be done…”

“You can, you are able and you will because you must….”

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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Michael Tipper

Michael Tipper is an experienced speaker, facilitator, presenter and writer specialising in the practical business and educational applications of Accelerated Learning principles and techniques, Mind Mapping, Creativity, Speed Reading and Memory Improvement. Nearly 100,000 people have directly experienced his live presentations and trainings, and more than half a million children and young people have benefited from programmes he has developed for schools and colleges. As well as speaking at MDRT 2012, his corporate clients include EDF, IBM, Shell, The MOD, Grant Thornton, Eircom, The Prudential, Royal Sun Alliance, John Sisk, The Chartered Institute of Professional Development and Smith Williamson as well as hundreds of schools and colleges across the UK.

"I first met Michael when he was featured as a main platform speaker at the Personal Finance Society Conference. I'm sure most participants at the event would have regarded his subject matter as little more than a motivational sideshow, of minimal relevance to them ... before they heard him speak.

He has a fantastic and very sincere presentation style and did a fabulous job, keeping over 1000 Financial Advisers enthralled throughout. I personally thought that Michael's was the best talk of the entire conference, and told him as much. As the person responsible for marketing the event, I had access to all of the feedback on all of the speakers at the event.

Sure enough his performance was very highly regarded and his talk met or exceeded the expectations of 98.7% of participants — better than any other main platform speaker. He is not only a top rate speaker and presenter, with an arsenal of stories to illustrate the points he wants to communicate, but he is a genuine person who truly wants to help other people, and it shows straight away when you meet him.

I am therefore delighted to recommend him very highly."

Robert Clay Founder & CEO, DSP Solutions UK Ltd.

© Michael Tipper 2012 All Rights Reserved www.MichaelTipper.com [email protected] +44(0)777 553 2612

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The author of five books - “Memory Power Up” (Duncan Baird Publishers), “The 77 Habits of Highly Effective Students” and “Super Speed Study Skills – the Secrets of Successful Students”, “Easy Memory Improvement For You”, Easy Memory Improvement for Financial Professionals and “Finding an Hour A Day”, his 15 minutes of fame includes appearances on The Big Breakfast, The Guinness Show, Sky News and Amazing People and has featured in articles in The Daily Mail, The Guardian and The Times. He regularly appears on Local BBC radio shows around the UK. A Chartered Engineer by profession and 16 years service in the Royal Naval Submarine Service, Michael developed his practical use and understanding of effective thinking tools like Mind Mapping and Speed Reading in a dynamic and ever changing operational and then business environment. He entered and came second in the World Memory Championships in order to demonstrate that anyone can take simple concepts about how to use the mind more effectively and get much more from it. Michael achieved the coveted Grand Master of Memory award, ran and managed the World Championships for two years and is now considered to be one of the leading exponents of memory improvement techniques in the UK. Michael’s strength comes not only from his deep knowledge of his subject but from his enthusiasm and ability to convey relevant ideas and concepts to people at all levels in an entertaining, enjoyable and practical way. Contact Michael now to find out how he can help make your event even more memorable:

[email protected]

+44(0)777 553 2612
