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Main Ppt Portfolio

Date post: 10-Apr-2018
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  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


    1. Invest in wide range of assets

    2. Invest in different types of mutual funds

    3. Diversify Internationally4. Assess your overall financial position

  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


    Offers more opportunities than a purely domesticportfolio.

    Attractive investments overseas Impact on efficient portfolio with diversification


  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


    y Systematic Risk : can not be eliminated

    y Non-systematic Risk : can be eliminated bydiversification

  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


    y Security returns are much less correlated acrosscountries than within a country.

    This is so because economic, political, institutional, andeven psychological factors affecting security returnstend to vary across countries, resulting in lowcorrelations among international securities.

    Business cycles are often high asynchronous acrosscountries.

  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


    y National stock markets have wide differences inreturns and risk.

    y Emerging markets have higher risk and return than

    developed markets.y Cross-market correlations have been relatively low.

    International diversification pushesout the efficient frontier

  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


    y Attitude of Consumers in the Host Country

    Some consumers may be very loyal to homemadeproducts.

    y Attitude


    ost G




    The host government may impose special requirementsor taxes, restrict fund transfers, subsidize local firms, orfail to enforce copyright laws.

    y Blockage of Fund Transfers

    Funds that are blocked may not be optimally used.

  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


    y Currency Inconvertibility

    The MNC parent may need to exchange earnings forgoods.

    y War Internal and external battles, or even the threat of war,

    can have devastating effects.

    y Bureaucracy Bureaucracy can complicate businesses.

    y Corruption Corruption can increase the cost of conducting business

    or reduce revenue.

  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


    y Current and Potential State of the Countrys Economy A recession can severely reduce demand.

    Financial distress can also cause the government to

    restrict MN

    C operations.y Indicators of Economic Growth

    A countrys economic growth is dependent on severalfinancial factors - interest rates, exchange rates,inflation, etc.

  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


    y An unexpected adverse movement in the exchangerate. Exchange risk includes an unexpected change incurrency regime such as a change from a fixed to a

    floating exchange rate.y Economic theory guides exchange rate risk analysis

    over longer periods of time (more than one to twoyears).


    In the short run, risk for many currencies can beeliminated at an acceptable cost through varioushedging mechanisms and futures arrangements.

  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


    y A government becomes unwilling or unable to meet itsloan obligations, or reneges on loans it guarantees.

    y Sovereign risk can relate to transfer risk in that agovernment may run out of foreign exchange due tounfavorable developments in its balance of payments

    y It also relates to political risk in that a government maydecide not to honour its commitments for politicalreasons..

  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


    y The risk arising from a decision by a foreigngovernment to restrict capital movements. Restrictionscould make it difficult to repatriate profits, dividends,

    or capital.

    y T ypical measures include the ratio of debt servicepayments to exports or to exports plus net foreign

    direct investment (debt/interest service ratios), thestructure of foreign debt relative to income (variousdebt/GDP ratios), foreign currency reserves divided by

    various import categories (import coverage).

  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


    y Spill over effects caused by problems in a region, in acountrys trading partner, or in countries with similarperceived characteristics.

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    y Achecklist approach involves rating and weighting allthe identified factors, and then consolidating the rates

    and weights to produce an overall assessment.y The Delphi technique involves collecting various

    independent opinions and then averaging andmeasuring the dispersion of those opinions.

  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


    y Quantitative analysis techniques like regressionanalysis can be applied to historical data to assess thesensitivity of a business to various risk factors.

    y Inspection visits involve traveling to a country andmeeting with government officials, firm executives,and/or consumers to clarify uncertainties.

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  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


    Despite the potential benefits of internationalportfolio diversification, most investors tilt theirportfolios toward domestic securities.

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    y Tilt toward more domestic assetsy Domestic stock portfolios can hedge domestic inflation



    Banks and insurance companies with domestic liabilitieshave an incentive to hedge with domestic assets

    y Tilt toward fewer domestic assetsy Labor income is highly correlated with other domestic

    assets, so investors portfolios of tradable assets shouldbe tilted away from domestic assets

  • 8/8/2019 Main Ppt Portfolio


    y Financial market imperfectionsy Market frictions

    - Government controls

    - Taxes

    - Transactions costs

    y Investor irrationality

    y Unequal access to market prices

    y Unequal access to information
