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MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions)

    The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY

    at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib

    Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions)

  • Public Documents of !faine:

    BEING TH~;

    A_-NN-u J\L 1-rB-=I)O HT'S

    OL> THg V Alt!OUS


    ~"Olt TB~; YEAH




    I 8 7 6.

    . ., i 1



    OF THE




    Fiscal Year Ending December 31st, 187 5.

    Published agreeably to a Resolve approved February 25, 1871.





    TREASURER'S OFFICE, t Augusta, December 31, 1875. f

    To the President of the Senate and

    Speaker of the House of Representatives:

    In compliance with section 66, chapter 2 of the revised statutes 1 I have the honor to submit to the two branches of the Legislature

    a printed report of the transactions of this office for the fiscal

    year ending December 31, 1875.


    Whole amount received into the Treasury during

    the year 1875 .............................. $1,568,775 43

    Balance in the Treasury January 1st, 1875........ 322,185 84

    $1,890,961 27


    Total amount of payments for the year 1875 ...... $1,513,867 43

    Cash on hand December 31, 1875............. . . . . 377 ,093 84

    $1,890,961 27

  • \


    Statement showing the monthly receipts and expenditures for the year 1875.

    l\fonths. Receipts. Expenditures.

    January ................. $341,000 41 $155,755 65 February ................ 157 ,474 85 ]51,976 12 March • • • • 0 .. • • .. • • .. • • ~ • • 117,308 75 144,468 08 April ................... 60,816 44 129,695 63 liay .................... 81,295 93 89,184 19 June .................... 198,130 87 76,440 36 July ................. _ .. 62,276 23 122,857 39 August .................. 71,686 12 158,637 84 September ............... 85,569 84 111,953 83 October .................. 53,587 69 56,927 43 November ............... 138,108 28 129,542 06 December ............... 201,520 02 186,428 85 Cash January 1, 1875 .... - 322,185 81 Cash December 31, 1875 .. - 377 ,093 84

    ----- -----$1,890,961 27 $1,890,961 27

    Statement showing in detail the Receipts and Disbursements of the Treasury during the past year, with the estimated Receipts and Expenditures for the ensuing year, together with a Statement of the Resources and Liabilities of the State.


    · To am't paid public debt ....................... . " Interest on public debt ............ . " Sinking fond, 1865 ................. . " Sinking fund, 1868... . . . . . . . ...... .

    " "


    " "

    Pay roll of council ................ . Pay roll of senate ................. . Pay roll house of representatives ... . Pay roll of constitutional commission. Salaries of pubJic officers . . . . . 1

    Clerks in sPcretary of state's vffice .. · I Clerks in treasurer's office .......... i Clerks in adjutant general's office .... f Clerk in office of i-uperintendent com-


    mon schools... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... I Clerk in library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -1 Insane state paupers .............. . Insane hospital . . . . . ............. .

    $24,000 00 423,930 00 123,775 90

    79, 733 21 3,996 00 8,658 00

    31,660 50 2,044 20

    61,766 98 2,987 73 3,816 67 2,500 00

    1,200 00 193 00

    36,908 13 24,988 00



    To am't paid Trustees insane hospital ........... . " Reform school.. ................... .

    Industrial school for girls .......... . " Portland female orphan asylum ..... . " Military and uaval asylum, Bath ... .

    Bangor children's home. . . . . ..... . Deaf dumb and blind .............. . Maine general hospital. ............ . State prison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Inspectors of state prison .......... .

    " State prison for books and schools ... . Costs in criminal prosecutions ...... . Reports of judicial decisions ....... . Expenses of attorney general .. . . . .. Arresting fugitives from justice ..... . Sheriffs and coroners .............. . Support of paupers in unincorporated

    places .......................... . Soldiers' pensions ................. . Military pensions .................. . Military purposes.. . . . . . ........ . School funds ..................... . School fund No. 40.. . . . . . . ....... . School fund No. 41. .............. . School fund No. 42.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. School mill tax No. 1. ....... , · · · · · · [ School mill tax No. 2... . . . . ·. · · · · · i School mill tax No. 3 .........•.....


    School mill tax No. 4 .............. . Interest on Madawaska school fund ..

    " Normal schools ................... . " East normal school ................ .

    West normal school ............... . Free high schools ................. . Teachers' institutes ............... .

    " Agricultural college ............... . Maine central institute. . .......... . East Maine conference seminary ..... .

    " Oak Grove seminary.... . . . . ...... . Houlton academy ................. .

    " Hebron academy .................. . Presq U(' Isle academy .............. . Foxcroft academy ................ . Expenses superintendent of common

    schools.......... . . . . . . ...... .

    " State library... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . Maine State year book ............. . •Publishing house journal. .......... .

    " Publishing sena,te jnm inti .......... .


    $1,165 50 18,000 00

    5,000 00 3,000 00 9,000 00 2,000 00

    11 ,637 50 10,000 00 12,000 00

    1,002 00 100 00

    2,356 52 5,400 00

    436 91 481 44 949 36

    4,144 57 22,536 66

    1,991 50 8,316 11

    536 88 6,941 44

    137,186 66 3, 702 27 2,014 69

    10,879 64 201,946 34

    1,079 39 251 75

    3,506 09 7 ,655 18 fi,812 04

    41,846 05 22 00

    10,500 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 120 00

    60 00 180 00

    60 00

    471 14 500 00

    1,000 00 250 00 250 00



    To am 't paid Penobscot Indians ................. . " Penobscot Indians, on leases ....... . " Passamaquoddy Indians ............ . " :Fish commissioners and wardens ..... . " Propagation of fish ................ . " Inspectors of steamboats ........... . " Surveying and marking line between

    Maine and New Hampshire ....... .

    " St~tu.e of General King ............ . Pr1nt1ng ......................... . ,, Advertising laws .................. .

    " Postage .......................... . " Stationery ........................ . ,, Binding and stitching ............. . " Indices .......................... . " Bank examiner, ................... . " Centennial exhibition . . . . ......... . " Contingent fund governor and council

    Cuutiugeut fuud uf treasurer ....... . " Sanford legacy .................... . " Aroostook county tax .............. .

    Miscellaneous items ............... . " Bounty on animals ................. .

    Interest on lands reserved for public uses ........................... j

    Forfeited lands .................... .


    " " Duty on commissions .............. . " Agricultural societies .............. . " Board of agriculture .............. . " Secretary board of agriculture ...... . " County taxes collected in 1874 ...... . " Furniture and repairs of public build-

    ings ........................... . " Fuel and lights ................... . ,, Night watch... . . . . .............. . " Transportation of documents ....... . " State tax, 1874 ................... . " Moose river bridge ...•...•.......•. " Mattawamkeag bridge .............. . " Town of Kingsbury road ........... . " Road from Abbot to Greenville ..... . " Road in Indian township .......... .

    Road from Limestone to Hamlin .... . " Silver Ridge plantation ............ . " South Haystack road .............. . " Bridge over Ouilette stream ........ . " Crystal plantation-road ........... . . , Bridge over Moose river .... , .••.... " Bridge at Fort Fairfield ............ .

    $7 ,679 70 4,855 92 4,305 00 3,021 05 1,225 25

    793 05

    619 48 4,000 00

    27,543 59 2,345 08 2,053 36 3,983 39 6,804 17

    150 00 1,235 00

    871 83 3,806 64

    600 00 42 00

    7 15 8,546 01

    145 00

    1,155 21 344 45

    10 00 5,279 59 1,552 15

    323 97 8,522 26

    3,637 14 3,000 00 1,500 00 1, 748 49

    14: 30 1,700 00 2,000 00

    500 00 1,000 00

    700 00 300 00 165 75 500 00 100 00

    1,250 00 500 00 500 00


    DISBURSEMENTs-Concl uded.

    To am't paid Lands reserved for public use ....... . " Town of Roxbury ................. . '' Cash .......................... .


    By amount received. " cash on hand January 1, 1875 ........ . " State tax 1865 ..................... . " ., 1866 ............. · · · · · · · · " " 1868 ..................... . " " 1871 .................... . " " 1872 . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . " " 1873 ............... . " " 1874 ..................... . " " 1875 ..................... .

    By amount County taxes. " Aroostook county ................... . " Franklin " ................... . " Hancock " ................... . " Oxford " ................... . " Penobscot " . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . " Piscataquis " ................... . " Somerset " . . ................ . " Washington " ................... . " Savings Bank tax No. 6 ............. . " " " No. 7 ...........•.. " " No. 8 ............. . '' tax on railroads ..................... . " tax on insurance companies ........... .

    Insurance Commissioner ............. . " interest on deposits ................. . " licenses to hawkers and pedlers ....... .

    duty on commissions ................. . '' redemption ofland sold for taxes ..... . " leases Penobscot Indians ............. . " permanent school fund ............... . " pay roll House of Representatives, re-

    funded by J. W. Lyman, $43 ; and Nathan Cleaves, $13 .............. .

    " Land Agent ........................ . " interest ............................ . " contingent fund of Treasurer ......... . " lands reserved for public uses ......... .



    $1,183 50 500 00

    377,093 84

    1$1,890,961 27

    $322,185 84 79 93

    133 94 16 08 35 51

    785 45 24,614 39

    983,670 10 41,036 09

    2,363 66 194 64 199 94 119 58

    1,145 45 1,896 27 1,373 88

    777 26 72,202 07

    148,185 22 151,463 34

    50,513 73 12,434 77

    1,367 56 4,667 13 1,860 50 2,451 00

    425 67 5,084 43

    30,674 91

    56 00 23,351 24

    1,289 07 210 75

    3,383 17

  • /


    I !



    By amount salaries, refunded by H. M. Plaisted., ..



    " school fund No. 41 .................. . " school mill tax No. 3.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " contingent fund governor and council .. " miscellaneous items ................. . " Moose River bridge .................. .

    Estimated Receipts for the Year 1876.

    Cash on hand January 1, 1876 ................... . Balance due on State taxes to and including 1874 .. Balance due on State tax 1875 . . . . . . ........... . State tax 1876 ................................. . County taxes ................................. . Tax on savings banks .......................... . Tax on insurance companies . . ................. . Tax on railroads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . Land office .................................... . Duty on commissions ........................... . Shore rents Penobscot Indians .................. .

    $570 00 55

    14 96 50

    102 57 24 12

    $1,890,961 27

    $377,093 84 29,050 18

    858,727 01 25,000 00

    8,000 00 290,000 00

    12,000 00 30,000 00 35,000 00

    2,000 00 5,000 00

    $1,671,899 63

    Estimated Expenditures for the Year 1876.

    Public debt ................................... . Interest on public debt...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . Sinking fund 1868.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . Balance due on school funds. . . . . . . . . . ......... . Balance due on school mill tax No. 1. ............ . Balance school mill tax No. 2 ................... . Balance school mill tax No. 3 ................... . Balance school mill tax No. 4 .......... " ........ . Penobscot Indians, shore rents .................. . Pay roll of council ............................. . Pay roll of senate ............................. . Pay roll of house of representatives .............. . Salaries of public officers ....................... . Clerks in secretary of state's office ............... . Clerks in treasurer's office ......•................ Clerks in adjutant general's office ............... . Clerk in office superintendent common schools .... . Clerk in land office ............................ .

    $31,000 00 365,000 00

    80,479 95 186,090 45

    1,066 49 1,290 04

    15,134 98 223,500 17

    5,045 43 4,000 00 8, 700 00

    32,300 00 62,000 00

    4,000 00 4,000 00 2,500 00 1,200 00 1,200 00


    Estimated Expenditures for the Year 1876-Continued.

    Soldiers' pensions .............................. . Reform school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . Insane state paupers ........................... . Trustees insane hospital. ....................... . Deaf, dumb and blind .......................... . Inspectors of state prison and jails ............... . Support of paupers in unincorporated places ...... . Bounty on animals ............................. . Co?ti?gent fund of governor and council ......... . Pr1nt1ng ....................................... . Advertising laws . . . . . . . . . . ................... . Reports of judicial decisions . . . . .............. . Expenses of attorney general ................... . Costs in criminal prosecutions ................. . Stationery. . . . . . . . . ......................... . Binding and stitching . . . . . . . . . ............... . Postage ................................... ·. · Library ...................................... . Free high schools ............................. . Interest on Madawaska school fnnrl ............. . Normal schools.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . Expenses superintendent of common schools. . . . .. Houlton academy ............................. . Preeque Isle academy .......................... . Hebron academy .............................. . Fo~croft acade.my: ............................. . Marne central mst1tute.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Oak grove Aeminary . . . . . . . . . ................ . East Maine conference seminary, (Res. Feb. 28, '67) Agricultural societies .......................... . Secretary of board of agriculture ................ . Board of agricultme.... . . . . . ................. . Contingent fund of treasurer .................... . Bank examiner.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . Sanford legacy ............................... . Penobscot Indians ............................. . Passamaq noddy Indians ........................ . Furniture and repairs of public buildings ........ . Fuel and lights ............................... . 1~ight watch ................................. . Transportation of documents .................... . Arresting fugitives from justice ................. . Fish commissioners and wardens. . . . . . . . . ...... . Military pensions ............................... . Military purposes ............................. . Rent of armories .............................. . Indices ...................................... . Journal of council ............................. .


    $23,000 00 14,000 00 :J8,000 00

    1,000 00 13.500 00

    1,000 00 5,000 00 2,000 00 5,000 00

    25,000 00 2,500 00 2,400 00 1,000 00 2,000 00 4,000 00 6,000 00 2,000 00

    500 00 50,000 00

    300 00 12,000 00

    500 00 120 00 ISO 00 60 00 60 00

    600 00 600 00

    10,000 00 6,000 00

    400 00 1,000 00

    600 00 1,200 00

    42 00 7 ,500 00 4,000 00 3.500 00 3,000 {)() l ,f:100 00 1,500 00 1,000 00 3.500 00 1,500 00 6,000 00 2,bOO 00

    150 00 150 00

  • \


    Estimated Expenditures for the Year 1876-Conc]uded.

    Sheriffs and coroners.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,200 00 Interest on lands reserved for public uses . . . . . . . . . 2,000 00 Lands reserved for public uses... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 00 Forfeited lands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 00 Railroad tax due towns.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,500 00 County taxes collected in 1875... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,063 53 Road in Crystal plantation, (Resolve 1875)........ 1,250 00 w· arrants drawn and unpaid.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,068 33

    Resources of the State.

    Cash in the Treasury January 1, 1876.


    .... · · · · · · · ·

    Balance due 011 State taxes .................... . Sinking fund, 1868 ............................ .


    Bills receivable .................... . School fund ...................... .

    $35,166 12 42,019 50

    1$1,353,490 30

    $377,093 84 887 ,790 49 676, 711 72

    77,185 62

    ,$2,018, 782 67

    Liabilities of the State Qf Maine January I, 1876

    PUBLIC DEBT. I Due and uncalled for, 187B.. . . . . . . . . $1,000 00

    1875.. . . . . . . . . 1,000 001 Due in 1876... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,000 00)

    " 1877....................... 46,500 001 1878 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 00 1880, bounty loan.. . . . . . . . . . . 307 ,000 00 1883, war loan . . . . . . . . . . . . 385,000 00 1889, war loan ..............


    2,330,000 00 " 1889, municipal war loan ...... 2,827,000 00


    Sinking fund, 1868 ................. . Permanent school fund ............. . Lands reserved for public uses ...... . Union mutual life insurance company. Agricultural college fund .......... . School district No. 2, town of Madison Foxcron academy fund ............ . Hebron academy fund ............. .

    ----1$5,951,500 00

    676,711 72 400,558 02 152,165 08 100,000 00 118,394 47

    1,000 00 1,000 00 1,00() 00


    Liabilities of the State of llfaine January l, 1876-Concluded.

    $3,ooo ool 2,000 00.1 5,ooo ooi

    73,828 48/

    TRUST FUNDS HELD BY THE STATE. I Presque Isle academy fund ......... . Houlton academy fund ............. . :Madawaska territory fund .......... . Penobscot Indian fund ............. .

    25,613 71 I 530 991

    Passamaquoddy Indian fund ........ . Soldiers' allotments ............... . Soldiers' bounty scrip ............. . 800 001 Granger turnpike fund ............. . 6,309 951 Normal school fund ............... . 2,533 9-11

    ------1$1,570,446 36 Balance due on school funds ........ · I 186,090 451

    " school mill fond No. 1. 1,066 491 " school mill fund No. 2. 1,290 Oil

    school mill fund No. 3 15, 134 98 " school mill fund No. 4. 223,500 17

    roll of accounts . . . . . 634 70 Interest due and uncalled ~or ....... · I ~2,387 00 \Varrants drawn and unpaid ........ · 1 il9,068 33

    ------1 489,172 16 .AMOUNT DUE FOR COUNTY TAXH:S COLLECTED! . I

    IN 187 5. I To county of Hancock .............. i 199 94:j

    " Washington.......... 777 2ti/ " Oxford.... . . . . . . .. . .. 119 58:· " Somerset..... . . . . . . . . 1,373 88

    Penobscot........... 1,145 45 " Piscataquis............ l,896 27

    :Franklin.. . . . . . . . . . . . l 94 64 " Aroostook . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,356 fi 1

    ?.063 53 i------1$8,019,182 05

    Amount paid fur claims due prim· to January 1, 1875 . .. __ School funds .................................. . Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . School mill tax, Nos. l and 2 ................... . Military pensions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . Miscellaneous items ........................... . Interest on Madawaska school fund .............. . Salaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . Soldiers' pensions ............................. . Continge11t fund governor and council ........... . Clerks in secretary of state's office . . . . ......... . Postage ............................. , ........ .

    $7, l l O 48 5,318 40

    12,337 74 98 00

    200 00 251 75 745 00

    18,~)22 66 366 01 196 06 2-!0 79

  • \


    Amount paid for clainis priur to January 1, 1875-Concluded

    ~i ilitary purposes .............................. I Free high schools... . . . . . ..................... . Sheriffs and coroners ........................... . Fish commissioners alld wardens ................ . Normal schools . . . . . . . . ..................... . Bounty 011 auim,als ............................ . 1 nspectors of state prison and jails ............... . J nsane state paupers ........................... . Teachers' institutes ........................... . Forfeited landP,. . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . Support of paupers in unincorporated places ...... . Furniture aud repairs of public buildiugs ......... . Maine central iustitute... . . . . .................. . Costs i11 criminal prosecutions .................. . Binding and stitching .......................... . ] nt-:pectors of steam boats ....................... . Board of agriculture... . . . . . ................. . Transporting documents ........................ . u " Y• 1~ A~~ m • .. A -.L.ldllJI\. t...;ACl.ollJJ.Uc:i.l •• • • •• • ....... • ... • •• • • •. •,. • • • ... • .. .

    Interest ...................................... .


    $1,819 82 39,341 53

    30 00 446 40

    3,506 09 145 00 337 45

    1,059 01 22 00 61 19

    1,108 09 42 00

    300 00 650 00 804: 17 410 55 313 95 500 00 , 'I~ AA 11.J vu

    17,350 00

    $114,149 14

    The close of the present year finds the financial affairs of the State in a sound and healthy condition. As we enter upon the centennial year of our existence as a nation, it is a sournt: of 11Jathi-faction to me that I am able to lay before the repref:-leutatives of the people, so favorable an exhibit of the financial standing of the State. 'fhe fiscal year 187 5 closes with a large cash balance in the Treasury. Not one dollar has been borrowed by the State the past year. Every !Pgal and proper demand upon the Treasury has been promptly met, and the public debt has been reduced. Our State bonds command a high premium and are regarded by investors of trust fund~ among the choicest and best securities in the market. A record so favt>rable as the one here presented can-not but be gratifying to every citizen who feels an interest in the credit and good name of the State.

    The receipts into the State Treasury from shore rents, for 1875, of several islands in the Penobscot river, now occupied by the Penobscot Tribe of Indians, was $5,084.43. This sum will be paid in January next, to the agent of said Tribe for distribution, as provided in the act of February 11th, 1873.


    There has been received of the Suffolk Bank for interest on deposits the past year, $4,667 .13. For interest on taxes, $1,289.07, making a total of $5,956.20 to the credit of interest account.


    The tax on railroad companies for the year 1875, was assessed by the Governor and Council as required by law, and committed to the State Treasurer for collection by the Secretary of State. The aggregate amount of said tax is somewhat less than that of 1874, by reason of a reduction in the valuation of the shares of the roads taxerl. Nearly all the tax assessed for 1875, and due July 1, except the tax due from corporations claiming exemption under their charter, has been paid into the State Treasury, the company that has not yet responded will soon make arrangements to settle their tax due July 1st and January I st, 1876.

    It is well known to the Legislature that several of the railroad companies taxed under the act of March 4th, 1874, deny the legal right of the State to assess such a tax upon their respective cor-porations. A case involving the legality of this tax is now pend-ing before the United States Court, and it is expected that a decision will be reached in a few months; until that case is decided, I shall not enforce the tax assessed upon those corpora-tions for 1875, claiming exemption under their charter.

    The following table shows the roads taxed and the amount of tax assessed upon each:

  • TABULAR STATEMENT, Showing the amount ~f tax assessed upon each Railroad in the State whose stock has a marlcet value.


    ---- ----- --·------Atlantic and St. Lawrence ••..•••••..•••.••. 10,266 $100 $5,000,000 85 $4,250,000 $331,490 $1,900,754 $2,017,756 $30,266 34

    Boston and Maine ........................ . 70,000 100 7,000,000 llO 7,700,.000 426,850 5,500,000 1,773,150 26,597 25

    Dexter and Newport ••••••••••••••••••••••. 1,220 100 122,000 65 79,,300 None. None. 79,300 1,189 50

    Maine Central ........................... .. 35,836 100 3,583,600 48 1,720,128 380,580 None. 1,339,548 20,093 22

    Portland Horse., , •. , , ••. , •.•••.•• , •••• , ••. 1,576 100 157 ,600 50 78,,800 19,200 None. 59 600 894 00

    Portland, Saco and Portsmouth ....•....•..•. 15,000 100 1,500,000 100 1,500,,000 250,500 None. 1,249,500 18,742 50

    Portsmouth, Great Falls and Conway ........ . 7,672 100 767 ,200 45 345,.240 None. 321,701 23,539 353 08

    St. Croix and Penobscot •.••••••..........•. 1,000 100 100,000 35 35,000 13,700 7,167 14,133 ii 211 99

    - I - - I - - - - - $98,34 7 88


    RAILROAD TAX 1874.

    Since the date of my last report the following railroad companies have paid into the State Treasury the tax assessed upon their respective corporations for the year 187 4, to wit:

    Portland, Saco and Portsmouth ............. $22,428 00 Portsmouth, Great Falls and Conway........ 510 00 Boston and Maine, (balance)... . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 171 12

    Total.... . . . . . . .....••................ $36,109 12

    This sum added to the amount collected of that tax in 187 4, gives a total of $50,384.52 as the receipts into the State Treasury from the tax of that year, and will undoubtedly cover the full amount for the present, at least, that the· State will realize from the tax assessed upon railroad companies for the year 187 4.

    The following corporations have not paid their assessment for that year, and claim exemption under their charter:

    Atlantic and St. Lawrence .. _.· ............. $30,078 84 Maine Central ............................ 23,416 47 Dexter and Newport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,179 50

    $54,674 81

    The Legislature of 187 5 passed "an act to enforce the collection of taxes upon railroad companies." Immediately after the ap-proval of said act, steps were taken by the Treaeurer to collect of delinquent companies the tax assessed under the act of March 4, 1874. Before the necessary papers were prepared, George L. Ward of Boston, a stockholder in the Maine Central Railroad Company, filed his bill in equity in the Circuit Court of the United States, in substance alleging that the act of the Legislature of this State, passed March 4, 187 4, entitled "an act relating to taxation of railroad companies,'' "would, if enforced against said Maine Central Railroad Company, impair the obligation of the contract contained in the charter of said company, in this that it authorizes the levying and assessment upon said company of a tax other than that as provided in said charter." That the State Treas urer was about to enforce said act against said company, and prayed the court to enjoin the Treasurer from issuing and enforc-ing his warrant, or from taking any meaeures for the collection of the tax.

  • \ I



    The Treasurer was duly summoned to appear before said court and show cause why the injunction should not be issued. In the absence of the Attorney General, who was engaged in court in


    As provided in the third section of the act relating to the taxa-tion of railroads, I have apportioned to each city and town where shareholders resided, such proportion of the tax collected for 18'74 "as the number of shares owned in said city or town bears to the whole number thereof."

    The tax on shares returned as held by institutions whose invest-ments are exempt from taxation, is not included in the credit to cities and towns where such institutions are located, but is retained for the use of the State. The annexed table will show the credit to each city and town where shareholders resided at the date of return.


  • TABULAR STATEMENT. Showing the apportionment lo the several Cities and Towns of the .Railroad tax received for the year 1874.


    Alfred .•••••••••••••••••••.••••••.•••••.

    Atkinson •••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••.

    Augusta ••• , ••••••• , .•.•••• , •.•••.••....

    Auburn •. , ••.•.•.•••.•••.••.••••••• , •• , .

    Bangor ..•...•.••...•..•.••••.••..••....

    Bath ..•....•...••••...••.•...•• ·•••····

    Berwick ••••••••.••.. , .•••••..••..•.•.•.

    Belfast, .•••.•••••.......•••..••..•.....

    Baring •.••••••.• , ••• , •• , •..•..........•.

    Biddeford .....••..•••.•••• , •.•••.. , ..••.

    Bluehill .............................. .

    Bowdoinham .•.•..••..•••..•......••...•

    Bridgton ..•.••• , ••••.••••.••.•.•...•....


    0 ~ ... 0 = ZrJj










    469 I


    Tax, Amount

    $3 01

    1 13

    14 68

    7 53

    27 47

    7 80


    26 34

    3 01

    1 13

    176 49

    2 26






    Tax, Amount.

    $1 50

    89 71

    21J6 34

    10 47

    2 99

    154 01




    •rax, Amount.







    - I

    Tax, Amount.

    $1 70

    2 84

    10 78


    ..... .,; Of . = o..c:l Zoo


    Tax, Amount.

    $2 94



    $4 51

    I 13

    106 09

    7 53

    30 31

    19 50


    233 48

    2 94

    13 88

    4 12

    330 50

    2 26

    1-3 ~ t;;J > 00 q i:d t,:j

    ~ 00

    i:d t,:j "O 0 i:d ~

  • Brunswick... . . . . . • •••••..••.. , •..• , ..•. 36 13 iVi 30 I 4-i 8.5 1 07 - - - - I 58 47 . Bucksport ..•..••.•••••••..••...•.•••.••. 35 13 17 - - - - - - - - I 13 17 I Buxton ................................. - - - - - - 5 2 83 - - 2 83 Calais ..•..•...••..•..•••...•...•......•. - - - - - - - - 238 50 05 50 05 Cape Elizabeth .......................... - I - - - - - 12 6 81 - - 6 81 Carmel. •..••.....•••.••••.••..•.... , .... - - IO i4 95 - - - - - - 14 95



    Castine .................................. 337! 126 8'! - I - - - - - - - 126 82 ! 8

    Damariscotta ............................. 24 9 03 - - l 07 - - - - • 10 I ::d trj Deering ..........•....•..•...•..•...... 379 214 19 214 99

    ;;i., - - - - - - - : - 00 q I 1 38 5 1 05 1 43

    ::d Eastport ...•..•.•. , . , , , . · · · · · • • · · · ····I - - - - - - trj

    ~ '.Elliot ...•.•..•..• , ........... ·, ·. · • · .. ·, - - 20 29 90 - - - - - - 29 90 00

    ::d FarmingtoQ. ............................. 75 28 23 23 - - - - - - - 28 23 trj "C


    Freeport .. ·• . • . • . • .••...•. , .. , . • . . ...•••. - - - - - - 12 6 80 - - 6 80 ::d ~ Gardiner ..•.. : • ....••.••••••.••...•.•••• 124 46 fj6 - - 6 40 - - - - 47 06 Gorham ................................ ~ 23 7 l - - - - 25 14 18 - - 37 89 Ilallowell. ........... · .................... 25 9 41 - - 2 13 - - - - I 9 54 Kennebunk •..•.•.•••.•............••.•.. 281 105 'l4 41 61 30 1 07 - - - - I 167 11 Kennebunkport ..•.••................•. 103 38 76 46 68 78 - - ! 107 - - - -ICittery ...••. , ...••.•. , ...•....•....... - - - - 2 t~ - - 8 I G8 1 81 Lewiston ..•....•.•.•......•........••... IQ 3 76 3 761 "'""' - - - - "'.' ,,. - - ~

  • Apportiom'ttent to the several Cities and Towns of the Railroad tax-Concluded.


    Poa1sMoUTH~- PoRTLANr,, GREAT I PoRTLAND- I ST. Cao1x BosTON & MAIN!

  • Scarboro' . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . ..

    Skowhegan .................... , , . , . , , , ,

    South Ber willk ..•. , ......... , . , . , ... , . , ..

    Stockton ..••............... , . , , , ..•... , .

    Topsham ............................. .

    Thoma,ton •........ , ..• , . , ... , , . , . , , ...

    \V .1 ldohoro'. . .. . . .. .. .. . ....... .

    \Varren .... , .. , , . · ·, · · · · · · · · · · · ·

    Waterville ......................... ,

    \Veils ...... , .......... " ...... " "" .. ·

    \Vestbrook .................. , ... , .... .

    \Vhitefield... . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .

    \V iscasset ..•. , . . . . . . . , , . . ...... · . · , · · · ·

    \Vinthrop , , , · · · · · · · · · · · · ·' · · · · · · · · · · · ·

    \Vinslow . , ••.• , , · ·, • · • · • · · · · · · • · · · •· · · ·

    \Voolwich ..•.••........•... ,.,,,.,,, . , . ·

    York.. .. .. . • .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. ....... , ....



    73 27 47

    11 4 14

    7 2 63 I G2

    151 5 li4 !3

    48 i 17 74 I

    52 i HJ 57 I


    3 I l 13

    li7 25 21

    4 51

    l."> 5 64

    5 1 88

    38 2

    92 70

    17 94

    5 98

    2 99

    2 l)9 !



    30 1 99 29 46

    4 J.1

    20 9.J 53

    5 64

    1 13

    1-3 15 1 00 ! 18 H


    ~ t:rJ

    19 57 • ~ [/)


    17 !)4 ~ t:rJ ~

    28 15 88 17 01 'Ul ~

    5 98, t:rJ "'C 0

    28 20: !;c' t-3



    - I 5 64

    I F8

    20 3 57

    -----,--,---- ----

    $'.l,034 s:1 ---- --- ! l:) I

    I ~



    Under the provisions of the act of 1874, relating to the taxation of insurance companies, the Insurance Commissioner made hi8 first return to this office in the month of March last. 1'he net amount of premiums received by aJl foreign firP and marine companies and associations in this State during the previous year, accorrling to such return, wa8 $546 .454 80; the net amount Bo received by life and accident companies was $75,:298 21 ; upon these snms the Trea~mrer assessed a tax of two per cent upon the respecti \·e companies accordi11g to the provision of the act, the tax 011 fire a11d marine companies being $10,928.83, and that on lifP- and accident companies $ l,505. 94, all of which taxes were promptly paid, amounting in the aggregate to $12,434 77.

    The annexed schedule exhibits the gross and net receipts as returned by the companies reRpectively, and the tax asscsserL From the sc!iedu!e it appears that the gross amount of preminms received by fire and marine companies during the year, was $988,693.37, :ind by life a11

  • TABULAR STATEMENT. Tax returns of Fire, Fire-Marine and Marine Insurance Companies authoriz'ed to do bus1:nes..;; in this State for the

    year ending December 31, 187 4, as returned lo this office by the Insurance Oum missioner.


  • Tax returns of Fire, Fire-Marine and JJfarine Insurance Companies-Continued.



    ---------------1-------------Citizens' •... , •...•.•••...•..•...•...• · 1 Newark, N. J.. . . . . . .. $8,.536 43

    Clay ( Fire and Marine).... . . • • . • . .. . Newport, Ky . . . . . • . . . . . 3,.537 83

    Commerce ....•....•.••..........••.... 1

    Commercial Union .•.•.•...••.••.•..... • 1

    Connecticut ( Fire) .••••• • • . · • • . • · • · · · · 1

    Albany, N. Y .......... .

    10 Pine St., New York ..

    Hartford, C,mo •..••....

    Continental (Fire). . . • • . . • • . • • • . . • • . . . . New York City •.••••••.

    Dwelling IIomie .•••••••••••.•• , • . • • . • • • Boston, Mas~ •...•••.•..

    Equitable ( Fire and Marine) •....••..• · 1 Providence, R I ..••..•.

    Fame..... • • • • . • . . • • • • • . . • • , ..••.••. , Philadelphia, P.t ..••....

    Faneuil Hall ...••• , . . . . • • . . . . . • . . . • • Boston, Ma~s •.. , •••....

    3,3t5 47

    7,:321 26

    5,080 92

    8,241 28

    263 75

    980 02

    2,864 18

    3,967 51

    Farmers' and Drovers'....... . • • • . . . • . . • . Louisville, Ky...... . . . • Withdrawn.

    Farragut (Fire). . . . • . • . • • . . . . • . • . • . . • • New York City •.•••..••

    Fire As~ociation........ . • . . . . . . . . . • . . • . Philadelphia, Pa ..••....

    }"ireman's Fund ...•.•••..•..... , . . . . . • . San Francisco, Cal • • . • .

    First National ( Fire).. . • . . • . • . . . . • . . • • \V orcester, Mass .•••..•.

    315 75

    11,939 5(l

    4,7.Jl 47

    8,292 96

    __ ~>~nucTIONS. __ J 'Total Amount I

    Paid for Return I Deductions Taxable. I Losses Premiums.

    -~~~ $2,416 441 $3,246 44 $5,289 99: I l,750 00 976 75 2,726 75 871 08

    23 00 168 60 191 60 3,123 87

    1,847 04

    4,592 10

    l,50t 2:3

    4,067 42

    355 00

    7,702 70

    334 89

    377 65

    47- 49 I

    11 80 i

    129 66

    261 00

    489 16

    714 82

    2,181 93

    4,969 75

    l,f,75 72

    ll 80

    129 66

    261 00

    4,.5.'>6 58

    1,,069 8:l

    7,,702 70

    5, 139 33

    111 17

    (;,265 56

    251 95

    850 36

    2,864 18

    3,706 51

    315 75

    7 ,382 98

    3,681 65

    590 26


    $105 78

    17 42

    62 47

    102 78

    2 22

    125 31

    5 04

    17 00

    57 28

    74 13

    6 31

    147 65

    73 63

    1l 80

  • Franklin ............................. .

    Franklin ............................ .

    Franklin (Fire) .••.••......•••........ 11"-

    French Insurance Corporation ..•...•.• , .

    German American ••.•..•••• , .••....•...

    Germania (Fire) .................... .

    Girard ( Fire and Marine) ............ ..

    Boston, Mass .......... , I

    Wheeling, W. Virginia ... ]

    Philadelphia, Pa ••.••... ,

    121&1238 FourthSt.Phila[ I

    New York City ........ · 1

    New York City ....... ..

    Philadelphia, Pa ....• , .. I

    Globe •..•.••••..•.......•••••.....•.•. / Chicago, Ill ............ :

    Gloucester (Fire) ................ , • • . I Gloucester, .Mass ... , ... .

    Hanovtr (Fire) • . • .. .. . . • . • • • • . . . . .. . . New York City., .......

    Hartford (Fire) . . • . • • • . • • • . . • • • . • • • • • . Hartford, Conn ••.••.•••

    Hoff man ( Fire ) . • ..•............••... , New York City .• , , • , ...

    Holyoke Mutual (Fire) .....•.. Salem, Mass ........... .

    Home (Fire) .......................... / New York City ........ .

    Home Insurance and Banking • . . . . . . . .. \ Galveston, Texas ....... .

    Howard .. ,............................ New York City •........

    Hudson ............................. I ,Ter8ey City, N J ...... .

    Humboldt •.......................... ! Newark, N. J ......... .

    1,654 92

    2,469 74

    34,785 70


    10,207 15

    3,052 41

    15,069 75

    13,643 30

    7,538 35

    15,159 92

    76,911 36

    2,227 82

    9,422 88

    78,827 74


    1,696 10

    10,446 63

    2,316 24

    Insuranc~ Company of No1th America .... ; Philadelphia, Pa......... 20,064 52

    Irving ........................... ,, •. \ New York City ....... . 848 50

    7 70

    18,435 59


    2,863 11

    1,611 30

    5, 737 45

    8,632 44

    2,058 63

    397 30

    32,205 60

    355 50

    5,705 45

    26,636 50


    2,911 24

    2,430 61

    51 15

    2,755 71

    749 76

    735 00

    991 22

    911 46

    162 39

    104 85

    7 ,029 83

    8 00

    1!)7 73

    1,483 33

    36 53

    58 85

    21,191 30

    3,612 87

    1,611 30

    6,472 45

    8,632 44

    3,049 85

    1,308 76

    32,205 60

    517 89

    5,810 30

    33,666 33

    8 00

    3,108 97

    3,913 9!

    36 53

    1,596 07

    2,469 74

    13 594 40

    6,594 28

    1,441 11

    8,597 30

    5,010 86

    4,488 50

    13,851 16

    45, 705 76

    1,709 93

    3,612 58

    45,161 41

    1,688 10

    10,446 63

    16,150 58

    811 97

    31 92

    49 39

    271 88

    131 88

    28 82

    171 94

    100 20

    89 77

    277 02

    914 11

    34 20

    72 25

    903 23

    33 76

    208 93

    323 01

    16 23

    1-3 ~ t;j

    > m c::l !;,:j t;j ~ di i:,:'l t;j "ti 0 ~ :-3

    ~ 01

  • Tax returns of Fire, I!'ire-JYiarine and Marine Insurance Companies

    NAME OF COMPANY. I LocATION. l, Premiums l __ ~)EDUC~--' Total Amount TAx. I I Received. I Paid for I Return I Deductions. Taxable.

    -------------1--------1----1 Losse,s. i Premiums. 1---- ---- ----Kansas ..•..•.•.....•.......••..••..•. Leavenworth, Kansas .... I $3,598 37 \ $221i 00 I $826 71 $1,051 71 $2,546 66 $50 93 Liverpool, London and Globe ............ 24ExchangePlace,Boston 27,089 01 I 4,02il 281 807 70 4,830 98 22,258 03 445 16

    London Assurance Corporation,.......... 88 Wall St. N. Y. City .. 5,676 40 I · 5,676 40 113 53 Lycoming (Fite) ...................... Muncy, Pa............. 4,301 85 212 84 212 84 4,089 01 81 78

    Manhattan ( Fire ) ..................... New York City ......... 6,641 65 2,798 13 2,798 13 3,843 52 76 87

    Manufacturers' ......................... Newark, N. J .......... 1,130 68 1, 130 68 22 61

    Manufacturers' ( Fire and Marine ) •.•.••. Boston, Mass , . • . . • . . ... 8,345 58 4,12& 29 315 92 4,445 21 3,900 37 78 00

    Merchants' •••.•.•....•...•••••.•. • ••••. Newark, N. J .......... 7 ,638 22 990 26 152 09 1,142 35 6,495 87 129 92

    Merchants' .•••.•.•..••..• , ..•......... Providence, R. I ........ 10,572 66 3,437 'i8 1,130 35 4,568 13 6,004 53 120 09

    Meriden (Fire) .... .. ............... West Meriden, Conn ..... 3,259 04 635 91 465 44 1,101 35 2,158 59 43 17 Millville Mutual ( Fire and Marine) •.... Millville, N. J .......... 41,187 09 11,470 51 11,470 51 29,716 58 594 33

    National ( Fire ) •.•••• , .••••..••.••.•.. Hartford, Conn • ....... 8,943 70 4,863 92 591 17 5,455 09 3,488 61 69 National ( Fire ) •.•.••••••..•• , .•••••.. New York City ......... 88J 57 55 00 55 00 828 57 16 57

    Newport ( Fire and Marine) ..••.••••... Newport, R. I .......... 473 87 18 75 18 75 455 12 9 10

    North British and Mercantile .•...••••••. 54 William St., N. York. 39,650 55 I

    41,624 83 3,551 75 45,176 58

  • Northwestern National.. ............... · 1 Milwaukee, Wis ..•••••. 2,779 99 I 3,090 25 - 3,090 25 Orient ( Fire ) ...••............••• , .••. [ Hartford, Conn •••••.••• 8,902 60 I 4, 148 15 - 4,148 15 4,754 45 95 09 Penn (Fire) .........................

    1 Philadelphia, Pa .•• , ..•. 2,719 58 . 966 62 - 966 62 1,752 96 35 06

    Pennsylvania ( Fire), ••........••••.•.. Philadelphia, Pa.... • .. 22,216 58 11,516 46 2,014 25 13,530 71 8,685 87 173 72

    Peoples ........•.........•..•.•• , , .••. Newark, N. J .......... 3,057 85 - 50 33 50 33 3,007 52 60 15 Phenix ....•..••....••....•..•..•.•... 173 Broadway, N. York .. 19,986 23 8,534 21 1,229 93 9,764 14 10,222 09 204 44

    Phcenix •....•..... ................... Hartford, Conn .•...••.•. 23,810 81 7 ,962 07 - 7 ,962 07 15,848 74 316 97 Planters' ••.••••...•.•.....•.••........ Memphis, Tenn .....•.•. J ,996 16 l,GOO 00 434 06 1,434 06 I 562 10 ii "! .-3 ;,;, t;J Prescott .•..•..•..••••••.•.•••....••.. Boston, Mass .. , .•...... 196 75 - - - 196 75 3 93 ;>, m

    c: Providence Washington •..• ............ Providence, R. I ..•.•... 1,583 20 163 26 113 78 277 04 1,306 16 26 12 ;,;, t;J

    216 Broadway, N York .. ~ Queen ( Fire ) .•.••••.•.•.••.•••.•..•••• 19,367 63 5,723 63 1,751 57 7,475 20 11,891 98 237 84 r.n ;,;,

    Quincy Mutual ( Fire ) .....•...•.....••• Quin,·y, Mass ....•....•• 1,769 47 1,000 00 238 80 1,238 80 530 67 10 61 t,;] .._, 0

    Ridgewood ... ....................... 1 184 Broadway, N. York. 599 00 - - - 599 00 ll 98 ;,;, !-3 Rochester German ••..• , ...•.•.•... ... ~ Rochester, N. Y ........ 3,397 0 l 1,218 95 - 1,218 95 2,178 06 43 56 Roger Williams ........................ Providence, K I ........ 16,362 24 8,36 l 00 764 !)2 9,125 92 7 ,236 32 144 73

    Royal ..........•.•• , .................. 53 Devonshire St , Boston 31,449 47 8,050 44 2,230 36 10,280 80 21,168 67 423 37

    Royal Canadian ....................... 24 Congress St., Boston .. 6,420 44 1,273 00 - 1,273 00 5,147 44 102 94, Scottish Commercial ...•..........•..... New York City •........ 1,701 19 - - - 1,704 19 34 08 Security .........•..••.••..•••..•...•. New Haven, Conn •..... · 1 1,746 65 - - - 1,746 65 34 93 Shoe and Leather ...................... Boston, Mass . . . . ...... 5,155 04 4,'200 28 - 4,200 28 954 76 10 08 / t-:) --1

  • Ta.x returns of Fire, Fire-.11:farine and Marine Insurance Companies-Concluded.


    St Nicholas....... . . • • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . New York C,ty •...•.•.. I,843 09 591 78 $207 78 799 35

    St. Paul ( Fire and Marine)......... . . . . St. Paul, Minn ....... .. 6,301 38 l,750 19 876 23 2,626 42

    Standard ( Fire').. • .. . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . .. . Trenton, N. J .... , ..... 697 80

    Traders' ........•••...........•.•...... Chicago, Ill .••....•.... 2,000 29

    Traders' and Mechanics' ............•• , • Lowell, Mass ..•..• , ....

    Westchester (Fire) .................... 112 Broadway, N. York ..

    Western Assurance Company ..•....•...• , Toronto, Canada ....... .

    Total ..•.•......•........•.•.•..•.

    Unincor•porated Associations. We~lfeet (Marine) .....................


    , Well~eet, Mass •.•....•.


    $19,317 671 $5,851 37 i $209 23 Union................. . .. • .. . . .. . • . • . . Provincetown....... . . • . 1,182 66 20 92


    $6,060 60 I $13,257 071 - 1,161 74 I


    $.t67 77

    20 88

    73 49

    13 96

    40 GO

    24 76

    $265 14

    23 23

  • TABULAR STATEMENT. Tax returns of Life and Accident Insurance Companies, authorized to do bu~iness in this Stale for the year ending

    December 31, 1874, as returned to this office by the Irisurance Commissioner.

    . Premium I DEDUCTIONS. NAME OF COMPANY. LocATION. I i ----------

    I Received. Paid for I Legal I Losses Reoerve.

    I JEtna (Life) •••• ,, .••••• ,, •.••.•••.•. · 1 Hartford, Conn ......... : $67,563 42 $13,[,69 00 [ $50,118 87

    American Popular...................... New York City .......... 1 5,338 51 - I 3,864 61

    Berkshire •..••••••.•••.••••••••••••.•• i Pittsfield, Mass •..•• , ..• No

    Brooklyn •••••••••.•.•..•••••••.•••••• I New York City •.•.••..• 1,901 05

    Charter Oak •••••••.••••• ,,, ••• ,.,. . . • • Hartford, Conn • . . . • • . . • 5!,263 59

    Connecticut Mutual..... . • . • • . . . . • • • .. • • • . • . • . . • • 86,580 43

    Continental (Life),.................... .... ..... 16,316 41

    Continental (Life). .. • • .. • • .. • • . .. • .. .. New York City • • .. • . .. • 48,665 31

    Equitable .............................. [ • .. .. . . . 4-i,192 61

    Germania •.•••..••.•••.•••••••••••.••• 16 30

    Globe Mutual ........................ . 981 26

    Homooopathio Mutual ................. . 69! 53

    John Hancock Mutual. ................. I Boston, Mass ........... : 12,457 42


    25,000 00

    36,547 00

    10,300 00

    7 ,500 00

    18,980 00

    13,000 00

    in 1874.

    801 05

    29,844 00

    38,938 00

    14,960 42

    33,224 00

    22,882 90

    9 44

    781 00

    555 63

    Total Amount I TAx. Deductions. Taxable. ______ , ______ , _____ _

    3,864 61 I 1,473 90

    $63,487 87 I $4,075 55 $81 511

    29 48

    801 05 1,100 00 22 oo I 54,&4! 00 -

    74,485 00 12,095 43 241 90 I

    25,260 42

    40,724 oo I 7,941 31

    41,862 90 2,329 71


    158 83

    46 59

    9 44 6 86 14

    781 00 200 26 4 00

    555 63 138 90 2 78

    13,000 00 I

    >-3 :;:i:i t'j p.. 00 q t;:x:, t'j

    ~ U,

    !;:,: t'j .._, 0 :;:x:l ~

    t..:) l:.O

  • Tax returns ~f L{fe and Accident Immrance Companies-Concluded.

    NAME OF C0:.\1PANY. LOCATION, Premiums

    i Received.

    _______________ ! ________ ----

    Massachusetts Mutual.. . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • Springfield, Mass • . . . . . . $27 ,649 68

    Merchants' .......••••.....•.•..••••.••

    Metropolitan ......................... .

    Missouri Valley .••..•••..••••• , ••. , ..•.

    Mutual ............................. .

    Mutual Benefit ........... , ........... .

    National ............................ ..

    National of United States of America •....

    New York City, .... ···· I I

    Leavenworth, Kansas ....

    New York City •..•...•.

    Newark, N. J ........ " I

    Montpelier, Vt ..••.....

    157 & 159 La::ialle St., Chi.

    13,487 28

    3,104 78


    101,271 69

    60,499 78

    2,99-1 01

    3,262 90

    New England Mutual................... Boston, Mass............ 90,176 21

    New Jersey Mutual . . .. •. .. .. • . . .. . . . . . Newark, N. J ......... . 1,832 24

    New York............. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. New York City......... 43,320 65

    North Western Mutual. .. • . ... . .. .. ... • Milwaukee, Wis .. , .....

    Penn Mutual....... . . .. .. .. . • • • .. .. • • .. Philadelphia, Pa ....... .

    3,187 78

    410 56

    Phrenix Mutual .. .. .. . .. • . . . .. .. .. .. .. Hartford, Conn • .. .. . • • • 40,196 57

    Security Life and Annuity . . .. .. . .. . .. . New York City, ....... . 7,709 85


    Paid for Legal Reserve.


    Deductions. Amount I Taxaole.



    ----·------1--$21,600 00 $21,014 00 $42,614 00 - -

    4,000 00


    36,966 00

    57 ,666 00

    35,400 00

    21,410 00

    12,250 00

    4,000 00

    8,562 00

    1,817 00

    in 187 !

    40,509 00

    40,000 00

    1,517 07

    2,5!5 80

    47,596 71

    20,278 00

    2,378 39

    270 00

    34,923 00

    2,853 00

    12,562 00

    1,817 00

    77,475 00

    97,666 00

    1,517 07

    2,5-15 80

    82,996 71

    4l,68S 00

    2,378 39

    270 00

    47,173 00

    6,853 00

    $925 28

    1,287 78

    23,796 69

    1,476 94

    717 IO

    7,179 50

    1,832 2-1

    1,632 65

    809 39

    140 56

    856 85

    $18 51

    25 75

    475 93

    29 54

    H 34

    143 59

    36 64

    32 65

    16 19

    2 81

    17 14

  • State Mutual. ......... , ............... 1 Worcester, Mass ....... . 2,908 85

    Travelers' ............................ "\ Hartford, Conn • . . . • . • · 1 40, 737 49

    United States.......................... New York City......... 2,725 41

    15,700 79

    1,000 00

    1,008 61

    28,476 61

    1,725 41

    1,008 61 I 1,900 24 38 00

    44,177 40

    2,725 41

    Universal •......••......••.••..•••....

    ,, 1,1s1 74 I - 5,242 67 I 5,242 67 I 1,939 01 I 38 1s 2,579 26 5,667 '5 I - 6,667 " I - I -" Washington ...... , ....


    Accident Hartford Accident • , ••...••.•• , .••..•• • 1 Hartford, Conn •..••.•. • j

    Railway Passengers ... "' .. . . .. .. • . . . . . • ........ 1

    Companies. $632 00 I _


    810 20

    ' I

    $632 oo I

    810 20 I $12 64

    16 20

    ~ ~ t,;J > w q ~ trj ::d d3 ~ trj '"d 0


    ~ t-l



    On the first day of January, 187 5, the bonded debt of the State was $7 ,088,400; deducting the amount of sinking funds at that date, it was $5,574.378. On the first day of January, 1876, the bouded debt of the State will be, after deducting the sinking fun

  • Cl

    TABULAR STATEMENT, Showing the amount of the public debt of the State January 1st, 1876, date of authorization, when due, and for

    what purpose created.




    1 IOutstand-: PAR VALUE, 1

    Where I WIIEN I I Issued. I Rate. When Paya'ble. I PAYABLl!l.


    I ized. ing I Payable.


    1---1---1---!-----I--- --1---Resolve Ft!b 8, 1858, Renewal of Aroost'k war loan I $30,000 $30,0001 $8,0001.500 and 1,000 6 per cent. I March 1 & s_ ept. Boston ... 1


    Mar. J, '76 I I I I

    Resolve Feb. 25, 1859, Same •..••...........• I 30,00011 30,000j 21,000]•. l,000,6 per cent. I March 1 & Sept. 1. Boston ...


    Mar. I, '76 I I ' I

    Resolve Jan. 20, 1860, Same ................... : 51,000, 51,0ool 46,500:500 and 1,000 6 per cent. I Feb. 1 & Aug. 1. .• Boston ... Feb. 1, '77

    ! i ! I i 'I Resolve Feb. 5, 1861, Same......... ... . • . . . . . 30,0001 30,000 25,ooo; l,OOOl6 per cent. I March 1 & Sept. I. Boston ... Mar 1, '78

    Resolve Jan. 31, 1863,1, War loan for aid to families~ i 525,0001

    1 525,000 385,0001500 and 1,000 6 per cent. March l & Sept. 1. Boston .. Mar. l, '83

    i & Sta.te bounty .to volunt'rs 51 ~ "'. I ' Resolve Mar. 26, 1863, Bounty to soldiers......... 415,000I 410,000 307,000: 1,000 6 per cent. Feb. 15 & Aug. 15. Boston ... I Aug 15, 80

    Resolve Mar. 19, 1864, Bounty~~ soldiers and aid~ 3,000,00012,832,500 2,330,000


    1500 and I,OOOl6 per cent June 1 & Dec 1 Boston ... 1 June l, '89 to families .•..•..••... · 5 I j

    I 1100,200,~ 1 Act March 7, 1868, , Equalization of municipal l 3,500,00013,084,400 2,827 ,000! 300, 500, 6 per cent. April I & Oct. 1 S Bostoll or Oct. 1, '89

    war debts ••..•••••.•.• 5 -----I & 1,000, ( Augusta. 5,949,5001

    DATl1] OF FoR WHAT PunPoSE

    ~ ::0 trj

    > w c:: ~ trj

    ~ w ~ trj "d 0


    (!;!) (!;!)


    Coupon bonds amounting to the sum of $215,000 have been re-ceived the past year and cancelled, and a like amount of registered bonds issued therefor. And the sum of $33,000 in registered bonds have been assigned and surrendered by the holders, and new bonds for the same amount re-issued to other parties.

    There is still outstanding a hond of the State for one thousand dollars, due in 1sn; and a bond for a like sum, of the loan due July 1st, 1875, which have not been presented for payment.

    In the month of January last, the Joint Standing Committee on Finance, by order of the Legislature, carefully and fully examined the acco•rnts of the State Treasurer for 187 4, and as appears by their report on file in the Treasurer's offi~e, found the same prop-erly vouch~d and correctly cast. Said committee destroyed, by burning, all bonds and coupons redeemed during 'that year, amount-ing to the sum of $361,794:, viz., in bonds $50,000, and in coupons $3ll, 794, bei11g the whole amount of interest paid in 1874, exclu-sive of thl:' :i.mnnnt. pairl nn rP,e;iRt.PrP.rl hondR_

    The same committee, on the 19th day of January, 187 5, after examining and finding them correct, destroyed, by burning, all bonds and coupons thereto attached that had been converted into registered bonds by the Treasurer during the year 187 4, amount-ing to the sum of $349,000, together with n~gistered bonds re-ceived by the Treasurer for re-issue, amounting to $1,253,000, a record of which is on file in this office.


    It has been somewhat difficult the past year to purchase such New England securities, as an investment for the Sinking Funds as the law authorized, without paying therefor a very high pre-mium. The law restricts the State Treasurer to the purchase of Government bonds and the bonds of either of the New England States, as an investment for these funds.

    'I1he amount necessary to invest the past year, on account of the sinking fund of 1865 and 1868, was $301,429.00. There has been expended of this sum in the purchase of State of Maine bonds, $155,186 00; in the purchase of bonds of the State of New Hamp-shire, $46,347.00; and for Government securities, $100,031.00. The remainder is in cash on hand uninvested. There has been paid for premium on bonds purchased the past year, $22,943.25.

    Had it been possible to obtain, at reasonable prices, the bonds of our own State or those of New Hampshire, the investment in


    5-20 bonds would not have been so large. I cannot regard it as good policy to invest largely in Government bonds, on account of said funds, at their present market value; the bonds purchased have only about ten years to run, and are liable to be called in be-fore they mature, and a bond bearing a less rate of intere8t substi-tuted therefor. Unless the law is amended, invei,.trnents for the sinking fund must lJe in future largely in United States securities at a high premium. In my judgment, the law should be amended. The State Treasurer should have authority, in addition to securi-ties now authorized, to invest in the municipal bonds of cities in New England having a population of fifteen thousand and upwards. Such securities can be ohtainPd at nearly their par value, and are as reliable and safe to hold as Government bonds.

    If securities such as the law au thodzes as an investment for the sinking fund, continue to command in the market the high pre-mium that they have for the past two years, the sum annually raised by taxation ($80,479.95) for the sinking fund of 1868, will have to be increased, or this fund will not amount in 1889 to a sum sufficient to meet, at maturity, the mmiicipal war debt due Octo-ber 1st of that year.

    The aggregate amount of the sinking fund represented in this report, does not .3how its actual cost to the State, the par value of the bonds only is represented in the statement.

    RENEWAL OF w AR LOANS. The act renewing a portion of the public debt, approved Febru-

    ary 27th, 187 5, authorizes the State Treasurer to issue new bonds for the purpose of renewing and extending the bonds of this State maturing in 1880, 1883, and June 1st, 1889, the payment of which was provided for by the sinking fund established in 1865, the bonds to be executed and issued only as they can be substituted for at least an equal amount of the outstanding bonds of ihe State which they are intended to renew and extend. I have not had en-graved or issued any bonds under this act, not deeming it impor-tant or ne~essary that they should be issued the present year, as no part of the public debt which said bonds are intended to renew and extend falls due until 1880, and only $307 ,000 at that date.

    An exchange of our State securities for bonds having a longer time to run can, in my opinion, be more readily effected with the holders at a date nearer their maturity than at the present time.

  • \


    It would seem that the small amount of the public debt that ma-tures in 1880 and 1883, might be provided for at maturity without recourse to bonds authorized under this act.

    There has been added to the sinking fund of 1868, by the trans-fer of U. S. bonds and cash, over one hundred thousand dollars. This fund has been further benefited by the cancellation of $256,-900 of the bonds of the State mat.i_1ring October 1st, 1889. It is a question worthy of consideration, whether or not this transfer of $100,000 of U. S. bonds should be allowed to remain on deposit in the sinking fund of 1868, until October 1, 1889. There is due in 1880, $307 ,000 of the war loan of 1863. The funds transferred were raised in part for the payment of that debt, and it would be but just to the tax payers of the State that it should be so applied. I would therefore suggest that the indebtedness of the State maturing in 1880 be met by appropriating the one hundred thou-sand dollars deposited with the fund of 1868, and by raising in 1879 Ly LctxaLiuu, for tlie payment of the pubiic debt, the sum of $100,000, and in 1880 a like sum for the same purpose. In this manner the debt could be cancelled without recourse to new bonds and with but a slight increase of taxation for those years.

    By reference to the Tabular Statement, showing the bonded indebtedness of the State, it will be seen that the payment of the loan due March 1, 1878, cancels the indebtedness of the State for bonds issued prior to 1863. After the payment of the war loan due in 1880, the next payment by the State, on account of bonds issued, will be in 1883, and the next following in 1889. The intervening years between 1883 and 1889 the State will not have to raise one dollar on accout of the public debt, and if so disposed, could pay the loan due in 1883 by raising for that purpose by tax-

    ation, the sum of $100,000 each year, commencing with the year 1882. Anticipating the receipts from taxation for the years 1883, 1884 and 5 by temporary loans.

    The debt due June 1, 1889, can be provided for in the manner set forth in the act of February 27th, 187 5. The amount of bonds to be issued would not be large. The sinking fund of 1868 pro-vides for the payment of the war loan due October I, 1889. The debt due in 1~80 and 1883 provided for by taxation, there remains only $2,330,000. With so small an indebtedness and the high financial standing of the State, the Treasurer would find no diffi-culty in disposing of Maine bonds at a premium, or in exchanging them for bonds issued under the act of 1875.


    SINKING FUND 1865.

    On the thirty-first day of December, 187 4, the sinking fund of 1865,

    Amounted to the sum of. ........................ $1,037 ,586 4 7 And has been increased during the year,

    By receipts from taxation ....................... .

    " interest..... . . . . . ............. . " premium on gold interest ........ .

    123, 77 5 90 67 ,596 00

    474 37

    $1,229,432 7 4

    The charges to this fund for the year to December 7, 1875,

    have been: For premium paid on U. S. bonds purchai-;ed ...... .

    premium paid on State of Maine bonds purchased accrued interest paid on Maine bonds purchased brokerage paid on bonds purchased .......... .

    $9,568 75 3,717 75 1,672 69

    49 50

    $15,008 69

    The amount of this fund Dt)cem ber 7, 187 5, was .... $1,214,424 05 And was invested as follows :

    In State of Maine registered bonds ............. $1, 110,000 00 State of Maine coupon bonds..... . . . . . . . . . . . 2,900 00 United States 5-20 bonds..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,000 00 United States new 5s ....................... . 20,000 00

    1,524 05 cash on hand ........................... .

    $1,214,424 05

    The bonds and cash invested in this fund have been disposed of according to law, and the fund closed on the 7th day of Decem-ber> 1875.

    TRANSFER OF u. s. BONDS. In compliance with the act approved February 27, 187 5, abol-

    ishing the sinking fund of 1865, I transferred, on the 7th of the present month, to the sinking fund of 1868 all government bonds and cash invested in and belonging to the fund which this act repeals.

    Amount of U. S. bogds transferred was ......... $100,000 00 Amount of cash transferred was... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,524 05 The bonds transferred are registered, and payable to the

    "Treasurer of the State of Maine or his assigns." The cash

  • \\


    transferred was the balance on hand belonging to said fund De-cember 7th, unin vested.

    The amount of State of Maine bonds cancelled, under said act, was $1,112,900.00.

    The following schedule will show the loan, number and denomi-nation of each registered and coupon bond 'cancelled under the act of 1875. The bonds cancelled are retained in the Treasury, subject to the order of the Legislature.

    A register of the numbers, &c., of bonds cancelled is filed in the office of Secretary of State, as provided in the act.

    Loan. No. When due. Hegistered or Coupon. Am't cancelled,

    June l, 1864, 391 June l, 1889, Registered. $417,000 00 do 404 do Same 44,000 00 do 432 do Same 13,000 00 do 435 do Same 4,000 00 do 445 do Same 4,000 00 do 464 do Same 14,000 00 do 469 do Sarne 2,000 00 do 488 do Same 4,000 00 do 2,273 do Coupon, 500 00

    ------$502,500 00

    Oct. 1, 1869, 379 Oct. 1, 1889, Registered, 2,000 00 do 381 do Same 1,000 00 do 389 do Same 1,000 00 do 392 do Same 132,000 00 do 408 do Same 6,000 00

    do 422 do Same 12,000 00 do 444 do Same 8,000 00 do 465 do Same 42,000 00 do 471 do Same 37,000 00 do 467 do Same 2,000 00 do 487 do Same 13,000 00 do 804 do Coupon, 300 00 do 255 do Same 300 00 do 101 do Same 200 00 do 811 do Same 100 0()

    ------$256,900 00


    Loan. No. When due. Registered or Coupon. Am't cancelled.

    March 1, 1863, 393 March 1, 1883, Registered, 131,000 00

    do 405 do Same 4,000 00

    do 463 do Same 2,000 00

    do 489 do Same 3,000 00 ------

    $140,000 00

    Aug. 15, 1863, 394 Aug. 15, 1880, Registered, 156,000 00

    do 406 do Same 5,000 00

    do 446 do Same 2,000 00

    do 462 do Same 2,000 00

    do 470 do Same 2,000 00

    do 259 do Coupon, 1,00~ 00 ------

    $168,000 00

    July 1, 1857, 399 July 1, 1875, Registered, 5,000 00

    March 1, 1858, 400 :\·I arch 1, 1876, Same 22,000 00

    do 401 do Same 9,000 00 -------

    $31,000 00

    Feb. 1. 1860, 402 Feb. 1, 1877, Registered, 2,000 00

    do 407 do Same 2,000 00

    do 6 do Coupon, 500 00 --- -----·-

    $4,500 00

    March 1, 1861, 403 March 1, 1878, Registered, 4,000 00

    do 400 do Same 1,000 00 -------

    $5,000 00

    Recapitulation of State of l\I aine bonds cancelled under the act of February 24, 187 5.

    Loan of June 1, 1864 .......................... . October 1, 1869 ........................ . March 1, 1863 ......................... . August 15, 1863 ....................... . July 1, 1857 .......................... . Mar:ch 1, 1858 ......................... . March 1, 1860....... . ................. . March 1, 1861 ......•......... , ....... .

    $502,500 00 256,900 00 140,000 00 168,000 00

    5,000 00 31,000 00 4,500 00 5,000 00

    $1,112,900_ 00

  • )



    On the thirty-first day of December, 1874, the sinking fund of 1868 amounted to the sum of ............... , ... $476,436 33

    And has been increased during the year 1875: By receipts from taxation ....................... .

    receipts from interest ....................... . receipts from premium on gold interest ........ . lost b1md to this account per order of Governor

    and Council. ............................. . receipts of cash transferred from fund of 1865 .. receipts from U. S. bonds transferred from fund

    of 1865 ................................. .

    79,633 21 29, 760 00

    189 75

    100 00 1,524 05

    100,000 00

    $687,643 34

    And the charges to this fund for the year 1875, have been for: Salary deputy commissioner, January 1, to February

    24, 1875 ................. , .................. . Accrued interest paid on bonds purchased ........ . Premium paid on United States bonds purchased .. . Premium paid on New Hampshire and Maine bonds

    purchased ................................... . Brokerage paid on bonds purchased .............. .

    $275 00 954 87

    7,456 25

    2,200 50 45 00

    $10,931 62 -------

    Present amount of this fund is.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $676, 711 72 And is invested as follows:

    In U. S. 5-20s, 1867, registered bonds ....•........ U. S. 5-20s, 1868, do . . . . ...... . U.S. 5s, do ........... . New Hampshire coupon bonds..... . . . . . ..... . State of .Maine registered bonds, due in 1876 ... .

    same do " 1880 ... . same do 1883 ... . same same

    do June, do Oct.,

    " 1889 .... ,, 1889 ....

    same coupon, Oct., " 1889 .... same certificate of Governor and Council·

    for lost bonds ..••.................... cash on hand ......••...•....................

    $110,000 00 25,000 00 20,000 00 44,200 00 10,000 00 25,000 00 35,000 00

    187 ,000 00 219,000 00

    600 00

    600 00 311 72

    $676,711 72



    The amount apportioned to cities, towns and plantations the past year for school purposes, was $392, 708 44. Amount ex-pended by the State for Free High and Normal Schools $56,2'23 84, for Agricultural College $10,500, and for other Educational Insti-tutions $2,500 00, making the total expe11diture for educational purposes $461,932 28.

    In order to show the number of towns and plantations in the State whose school funds exceed their State tax, I give in the table showing the apportionment of Rchool funds the State tax of each city, town and plantation for the year 1875.

    The reductioil of the State tax to four mills on the dollar brings, the State in debt to a large number of towns and plantations on account of school fonds due them from the State Treasury.

    The town that receives the largest surplus of school funds from the ::-,tate Treasury, in excess of their State tax, is Frenchville, Aroostook county. This town draws from State Treasury for school purposes the sum of $2,306 70, including $500 fur Free· High School, and $7 7 31 the town's proportion of the "l\lada-waska Territory Fund." State tax $365 80. The amount ex-

    . pended by the State for "Free High Schools" is not included in. the annexed schedule.

    The Governor and Council, acting under section 5, item 1 of the school laws, adopted an order March 22, 1875, directing the State 'freasurer to withhold further payment from the State Treasury of school moneys on account of school fund and mill tax to such town, as by evidence from the State Superintendent of Common, Schools, shall appear to have neglected a faithful expenditure of school moneys as required by law.

    Under this order, the State Superintendent of Schools furnished to the Treasurer November 30th, 187 5, a list of eighty towns who, have thus neglected to expend the money raised for school pur-poses. As directed by the Governor and Council, the Treasurer will withhold further payment to such town from the State Treas-ury on account of the State school fund and mill tax, as appears by the return of the State Superintendent, guilty of such neglect, until the town so reported shall Ratisfy the Governor and Coui1cil. that it has expended the full amount required by law for common school purposes.


  • \ I


    Although the list is large and embraces some of the best towns in the State, it does not include all the towns that are g~ilty of neglect in that regard. The State Superintendent reported only those towns who are dt:ficient in thf'ir school expenditures fifty per cent. of the amount received from the State. Further legisla-tion seems necessary in regard to the distribution and supervision of the expenditure of school money.

    The sum apportioned by the State for school purposes is large; if it cannot all be judiciously used and faithfully expended for the advancement of the common schools, it would be wise for the Legislature to reduce •the amount that the State annually dis-tributes to cities, towns and plantations for such pur..poses.

    I respectfully renew the recommendation made in my last report, that the law in relation to free high schools should be so amended as to authorize the State Treasurer to



    TOWNS. No. of I School I Mill Tax. : Scholars.


    }fond. j

    Auburn................... 2,247 $l,692 211

    ! $2,260 31 Durham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 403 303 50 405 401


    East Livermore ....•... ·.: •. • 29,'>! 222 l 7j 296 75. areene .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . 3641 274 1:;


    366 Hi L~wiston ..... . .. .. . .. . •. .. 6,~~~I,, 4,~ll 531 6,~27 OOj Lisbon .................... , 1091 t>716l 16352



    Leeds .................... ' 3\131 295 97 395 :13

    Minot . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . . .. . 6201 466 92 62:l 69 Livermore............ • .. . 4531 341 Jti


    , 455 70'1

    Poland................... l,005j 756 87 1,010 \:111 Turner . .. . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . 7581 570 85! 762 52! Wales................. .. 1~9! 1~4 8}1 18~ 15! Webster.................. 360 211 121 362 14,

    COUNTY OF AROOSTOOK. Amity ................... . Blaine .....••..••...•.•.•. Bridgewater ...•.........•. Dalton ..•.......•.•.•.•.•. Haston .......•......•...•. Fort }



    - --- TOWN.5.- I No. of [ School j Mill Tax. I Total ! Amount of IScholars. I :Fund. ' I 1


    . State Tax. -------------- --- --- _____ , ______ _ No II, R. l plantation .... ! 117 $11? 71 $147 97[ $258 68: $81 89 Oakfield " .. "I 2o9 190 06 260 5-1: 455 60

    1, 101 43

    Perham " . . . . 56 42 18 56 3-tl 98 521

    51 88 Pleasant Ridge . . . . 79 Ml 50 79 46J 138 96



    Portage Lake . . . . 59 44 4-1 59 35 103 79 Reed . • . . 2 1 15 8 I 21 13 36 94 Silver Ridge .• . . 86 64 77 86 51 151 28j St. Frauci~ .. . . 146 109 9u 146 97 256 87


    St. ,John •• • . 80 60 25 80 471 140 721 Wade . . . . 34 25 6u 34 201 59 801 WallaD'rR.o.q . . . . 175 ]~ I ~o 17(; I~, ~07 ~:l• Westfi:ld-- : : : : I 441 33 131 -44 26] -77 3~1 Woodland .... - 112 84 35 112 76 1!)7 11 Viin Buren ••. · I 470 353 961 472 791 826 751 No. 9, H. 6 .. . . - - - l - I

    COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND. Baldwin •.••••.••••••.•••.


    Bridgton ........•......••. Brunswick . . . . . . . . . . • . .. 8,IpA l,~liz,ihP.th ........... . C11sco ....•..•.•.••........ Cumberland .............. , Deering....... . ......... . Falmouth .......•....•.... Freeport •......... , ..... . Gorham . . . . . • . . . . . ..... . Gray ................... . Harpswell. ............... . Harrison .....•..•.....•••. Naples .......•........•.•. New Gloucester ..•...••••.. North Ya.rmouth •.......•.. Otisfield . . ...... , ....... . Portland ................. . Pownal ................... . Raymond ................. . Scarboro' •....•••....•..•. Sebago ..•............•... Standish .....•............ ,r cstbrook . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. Windham ...........••.... Yarmouth .............. ,

    3621 8:35 1,8.30 1.811

    '375 564

    1, 174 542 668

    1,031 598 572 355 405 483 290 320

    10,101 290 480 612 260 629 929 765 613

    COUNTY Avon ...•...•••••• , ••••••• Carthage •..........•.•... Chesterville ..•............ Farmington .............. .. Freeman ••...•...•...•••. Industry ....•••.••••••.•.. Jay ...............••••. Kingfield .•.....•.••••••.. Madrid .......•...•..•.••. New Sharon .•.....••..... New Vineyard ............ . Phillips ................. .. Rangely ..•..••.•.••••.... Salem .......•......•..... Strong ................... . Temple ....... , .......... . Weld •..•••••••.•.••.•.•

    194 166 327

    1,007 232 258 500 186 165 430 291 455 153 104 181 194 367

    272 63j u28 84 1

    1 378 17 1 ':1fi:-l 8n -,282 42(

    424 75! 884 14 408 18 503 07 776 44 450 35 430 78 267 36 305 00 363 75 218 40 240 97

    7,607 06 218 40

    361 491 460 90 195 80 473 70 fi99 631 576 13 461 65

    364 15[ 839 97;

    1,840 901 1 R'll 781 -,31'{ 221

    567 361 1,181 081

    545 23

    671 981 1,037 15 601 56 575 401 357 11

    407 411 485 87 291 72

    321 901 10,161 37

    291 72 482 851 615 64 261 55' 632 74/ 934 531 769 561 616 651


    146 101 195 14! 125 02 167 091 246 261' 3 28 94j 758 :n 1,013 001· 174 72 233 38, 194 30 259 54! 376 55 502 98]

    ~~~ ~~ m ~ii 323 83 432 46/ 219 151 292 7311 342 671 457 70 115 23 154 001

    78 32 104 71 136 31 182 07: 146 101 195 24i 276 39 369 08

    636 781 1,468 81 3,219 07 3,!85 64

    659 64 992 11

    2,065 22 953 41

    1,174 05,. 1,813 59 1,051 91 1,006 18

    624 47/ 712 411 849 621 510 12 562 871

    17768 43' '510 121 844 34

    1,076 54 457 35

    1,106 44 l 634 16 1:345 69 1,078 30 1

    341 24[ 292 11 575 20

    1,771 37 408 10 453 84 879 53 3 27 18/ 290 35 756 29 511 88 800 37 269 23 18:l 03 318 38 341 341 645 471

    110 26

    47 34 83 65 58 26

    186 80 77 65

    i,027 82 3,427 46 9,232 38 7,149 39

    968 52 2,051 67 8, 785 99 2, 758 54 3,624 15 5,791 81 1,927 43 1,822 77 l,221 61 l,077 36 3,399 69 2,094 56 1,197 02

    117 ,835 27 l,516 06

    919 15 2,827 01

    704 41 l,976 29 4,394 19 4,064 91 4,142 02

    600 18 385 48

    1,155 82 5,802 47

    585 94 839 09

    1,991 70 445 02 224 f4

    1,929 63 917 14

    1,505 95 301 70 258 44 884 83 649 48 983 65


    TOWNS I No. of i School j Mill Tax. I Total. I Amount of !·, I F d I I I s T i::;cho ars.; un


    1 , tate ax. · --------1- , . , . --- ... i----, , .,

    Wilton.................... 460 $3!6 4.3 $462 141 $809 17 ;iii2,38a 44 Coplin plantation. .. .. .. 38 28 61 38 23 I 66 84 93 25 Eustis " . . • • • • . 138 103 92


    138 92


    241 84 231 U3 Letter E .. , .... 10 7 53 IO 06 17 59 51 93 Perkins .. .. . .. 64 48 201 ti4 38 112 5~ 94 18 Rangely , , • . . • . 19 14 31 19 02


    33 33 -No. 6 .. • ..•. l~ If ~1


    l~ ?2


    3:~ 33 61 12 Dallas .. • .. .. 66 4.l 101 66 39 116 09


    Sandy. River . . • . . • . 2=. 18 071 2~ O~i 42 11 Washrngton . . • . . . . 2t> 18 82 2;> lo, 43 97 Lang . . • . . . . 12 9 OJ 12 07J

    1 21 11

    Green Va.le . . • . . . . 14 10 55 14 08 24 63

    COUNTY OF HANCOCK. Amherst ......... Aurora •.•..•..•.......••. Bluehill ..............••. Brooklin .................. . Brooksville ..•...•... , •••. Bucksport •...... , ....•••. Castine ... , ..•.........•••• Cran berry Isles ...•..•.•••• Deer Isle ..........•....... Dedham ................. . Eastbrook..... .. . . . ..... . Eden .......•.•.•... Ellsworth ................ . Franklin... . . . . . · .. · · .. ··I Oould~boro' ..•....•••.••• · 1 Hancock ................ . Isle au Haut ......•.•..... Lamoine .............•.... Mariaville ............... . Mt. Desert .............. . Orland........ . . . . ...... . Otis ..................... . Penobscot •...•..•.........


    Sedgwick ................ . Sullivan .................. .

    ~~;:~~t·:.:::: :::: ::::::::I Trenton ................. . Waltham •..•...•......... Verona ................ .. Long I~land ...........•... Swan Island •...••••.••••.. No 7 .................. .. No. 10 .................. .. No. 21, M. D ....... . No. 33 ......•....••.•....

    f ~~I 6301 3551 5101

    1, 12711

    433 1331

    1,407! lUO'

    70! 455!

    2,038' 432: 5861 365

    92 236 138 35!) 574! 110 1

    536 1

    381 ! 286] 42i' 773 2C3 ]33 ]55


    2211 21

    41 241 45

    139 33 77 57

    474 45 274 89 384 08 848 74 32C 09 JOO 16

    1,059 61 120 50 52 72

    342 67 1,534 81

    325 34 441 32 274 89

    69 29 177 73 103 92 270 37 432 28

    82 84 403 66 286 93 215 39 317 05 582 Hi 198 07 100 16 116 74

    51 21 170 95

    15 80 3 00

    18 07 33 89

    186 091 103 71 633 75 367 07 513 04

    1, 133 81 435 58 133 89,

    l,415 3811

    161 05 70 41

    457 71 I 2,050 04!

    4:H 571 589 49 367 071

    92 541 2:37 41 138 92 361 00 577 41 110 651 539 10i 38:3 26 287 70 423 51 777 60 264 57 133 89 156 02

    68 41 228 35

    21 13 4 02

    24 14 45 27

    COUNTY OF KENNEBEC. Albion .................. .. Augusta .................. . Belgrade ................. . Benton ....•••..•....•.... Uhelsea ......... , .... , ... . China ................. .. Clinton ................ .. Farmingdale... . ....... .. Fayette .....••••••••..•• , •



    Gardiner ................. .

    406 2,274

    499 423 270 61 J 672 227 300


    305 761 1,712 551i

    375 80 318 561 203 34! 460 14 506 091 170 95i 225 93 986 56!

    408 42 2,287 64

    501 96 425 52 271 69 614 64 676 00 228 35 301 78

    1,317 90

    325 421 181 28 1,108 20

    641 96 897 12'1

    1,9.'12 55 761 67 234 O.'>

    2,4 74 99 281 55 123 13 800 38

    3,584 85 759 91

    1,030 81 641 96 161 83 415 14 242 84 631 37

    1,009 69 193 49 942 76 670 19 503 09 740 56

    1,359 75 462 64 234 05 272 76 119 62 399 30

    36 93 7 02

    42 21 79 16

    714 18 4,000 19

    877 76 744 08 475 03

    1,074 78 1,182 09

    399 30 527 71

    2,304 46

    20 52 79 81 42 31

    229 99 128 69

    l ,594 80 750 12 959 17

    4,887 56 l,847 95

    246 92 1,554 50

    412 07 157 64 788 89

    4,943 77 675 58 906 02 658 06 121 83 571 36 264 06 634 54

    1,501 63 106 23 912 71 795 56 569 92 8:39 38

    1,053 60 474 79 231 83 205 JO

    20 oo 112 21

    49 32 31 20 52 00 93 60

    1,510 39 19,541 62

    1,849 61 995 59 741 67

    2,607 92 1,737 48 1,550 65 1,133 31 8,726 67



    TOWNS. \ No. o;l,1- School -I Mill Tax. /J Total. / Awount of ___________ Scholars! l 321 915 42! 1,600 74! 7,422 6i Union ..................... 584 43\:J Rl I

    587 471 1,021 2sj 2,138 96 Vinalhaven ..•••........•. 1,043 785 48 1 1,019 22 l,834 701 1,06:3 tl6 Warren ..••••.••••.•.••.. 690 519 641 694 IO 1,213 74 3,343 38 Washington •.••.••• , •.•••. 450 338 901 452 68 791 58: 1,162 72 Matinicus •.•• , ..........•. 103 77 571 103 70: 181 211 78 92 Muscle Ridge plantation •••. 29 21 841 29 17' 51 01 1 83 58


    Alna ...................... , 243 183 00 244 45 427 4,5 936 43 Boothbay .................. 1,145 8li2 30 1,151 92 2,014 22 2,578 54 Bremen ..•..•••••••...... , 345 259 82 3!7 05 606 87 651 77 Bristol. ................... 1, 120 843 47 1, l 2(i 7 I 1,970 18 l ,U59 33 Damariscotta .....•.•.•.... 425 320 07 427 5:{ 747 tiO 2.GRl 61 Dresden ........•..•...... 272 204 85 273 61 478 46 1,269 35 Edgecomb ................. 360 271 12 362 04 633 16 812 00 Jefferson .•.••............. 666 501 57 669 97 1,171 54 1,684 17 Newcastle •.•..•••••••••••• 566 426 26 569 38 995 64 2,795 44 Nobleboro' ................. 445 335 13 44 7 6[1 782 78 1,154 29 Somerville ......•••..... " . 164 123 54 16,j 07 288 61 347 84 Southport ................. 254 191 291 255 51 446 SU 598 45 Waldoboro' ................ 1,404 1,057 35. 1,412 26 2,469 61 4,ti68 29 ,vestport •......•••••••.... 245 1s, 461 246 46 430 92 723 33 Whitefield ................ 553
