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NUCLEAR PHYSIC PAPER Radiation Effects Of Thouchsreen Phone On Skin By: Melinda (RSA1C312018) Uswatun Hasanah (RSA1C312008) Suci Isro Meyliani H. (RSA1C312016) Lecturer : Dra. Jufrida, M.Si PHYSICS PGMIPA-U PROGRAM MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE EDUCATION

NUCLEAR PHYSIC PAPERRadiation Effects Of Thouchsreen Phone On Skin

By:Melinda (RSA1C312018)Uswatun Hasanah (RSA1C312008)Suci Isro Meyliani H. (RSA1C312016)

Lecturer: Dra. Jufrida, M.Si


1.1 BackgroundIn this time, many emerging technological sophistication. We call it one of the products that is loved by all people. Not only the upper class, which is also located in major cities. It is also experienced by people from the lower classes, even those who do not live in the city. This products are often called cellular phones or mobile phones.Today, the using of mobile phones is increasing rapidly. In the modern society, the phone has become a primary need. Whereas the use of the phone itself turned out to cause enough radiation harmful to health. On the phone there is a transmitter that converts sound into a continuous sinusoidal wave is then emitted out through the antenna and it fluctuates over the air waves. Wave RF (radio frequency) is causing an electromagnetic radiation.Lately a lot of different models and brands of mobile phones on the market. This product is marketed diverse and increased sophistication every time. One type of mobile phone that is currently widely used even until the global mobile phone is shaped touchcreen or can be called a touch screen. Touchcreen phone model is no longer using the buttons on the foreground. The menus are desired on the phone screen, where we can directly click on the menu on the screen. Thus, of course, we'll touch screen phone every time.Beside the technology growing, are there will be no impact will arise on its users? Therefore, we would like to review what impact that would arise from the usage of touch screen phones to our skin that affected by radiation every day.

1.2 Problem Formulation1.2.1 How the historical development of the mobile phone or phones?1.2.2 What was actually causing of radiation by handphode or cell phone?1.2.3 What the hazards of the touch-screen mobile phone radiation on our skin every day?

1.3 Purpose1.3.1 Knowing the history of the development of the mobile phone or phones.1.3.2 Knowing what the radiation caused by mobile phones or cell phones.1.3.3. Knowing the the hazards of from radiation touch screen phone on our skin every day.


2.1 The Meaning Of RadiationRadiation is radiant energy through a material or space in form of heat, particles or electromagnetic waves / light (photons) from the radiation source. There are several sources of radiation that we know in our lives, for example, is a television, lighting, heating food (microwave oven), computers, and more. Radiation shaped of electromagnetic waves or also called photons is a type of radiation that do not have mass and electric charge. For example is the gamma and X-rays, and also includes radiation looks like a light, sun, wave microwave, radar and mobile, (BATAN, 2008).

2.2 Type of Radiation

In outline, the radiation is classified into ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation, (BATAN, 2008).

a. Ionizing RadiationIonizing radiation is a type of radiation that can causing ionization process (the formation of positive ions and negative ions) when interacting with matter. Each kind of radiation has a special characteristic. Which are included in the ionizing radiation such as alpha particles (), beta particles (), gamma (), X-rays, neutron particles.

b. Non-Ionizing RadiationNon-ionizing radiation is a type of radiation that will not causing ionization effect when interacting with matter. Non-ionizing radiation are there around of our lives. Which are included in this type of non-ionizing radiation such as radio waves (which brings information and entertainment through radio and television); microwave (which is used in microwave ovens and cellular phone transmission); infrared light (which provide energy in the form of heat); visible light (that we can see); ultraviolet light (which is emitted by the sun).

2.3 Nature of RadiationThere are two kinds of radiation properties that can be used to find out where a radiation source in a place or materials, are:

a. Radiation can not be detected by human senses. So to recognize it, we need a detection tool called a radiation detector. There are several types of detectors which specifically has the ability to track the presence of certain types of radiation such as alpha detector, detector gamma, neutron detectors, etc.b. Radiation can interact with the material that passes through the process of ionization, excitation and others. By using these properties can be used as a base of making the radiation detector.

2.4 Sources of RadiationThere are various sources of radiation that can be distinguished on the outline are:a. Natural Radiation SourcesNatural radiation can come from cosmic rays, gamma rays from the earth's crust, radon decay products and thorium in the air, and various radionuclides contained in foodstuffs. In some countries such as India, Brazil and France are areas that have the higher natural radioactivity than other countries.

b. Artificial radiation sourcesArtificial radiation is radiation arising out of or related to human activity; such as radiation in the medical field, radioactive fallout, radiation that obtained by radiation workers in nuclear facilities, radiation that comes from activities in the fields of industry: radiography, logging, factory lamps, etc.2.5 Radiation Quantities and Units

Radiation unit there are several kinds. The radiation unit depending on usage criteria, namely (BATAN, 2008):a. Unit for radiation exposureRadiation exposure expressed in units of Rontgen, or often abbreviated to R alone, is a unit that indicates the magnitude of the intensity of X-rays or gamma rays which can produce ionization in the air in a certain amount.The using of Rontgen units is limited to determine the amount of radiation exposure to X-rays or gamma rays in the air. Rontgen unit can not be used to determine the amount of exposure received by a medium, in particular by human skin tissue.

b. Unit dose absorption mediumIonizing radiation on the medium will deliver energy to the medium. In this case the radiation absorbing medium. To determine the amount of radiation absorbed by a medium used unit of absorbed radiation dose or Radiation Absorbed Dose abbreviated Rad. So the absorption dose is a measure of the amount of energy supplied by ionizing radiation to the medium. In SI units, the unit of radiation dose absorption is called the Gray, abbreviated Gy. In this case 1 Gy equal to the energy given to the medium of 1 Joule / kg. Thus:1 Gy = 100 RadWhile the relationship between the Rontgen and Gray are:1 R = 0.00869 Gy

c. Unit dose equivalentUnit doses equivalent to more widely used with regard to the effect of radiation on the human body or other biological systems. Equivalent dose was originally derived from the sense of Rontgen equivalent of man or abbreviated with brakes which later became the name of the unit for the equivalent dose. The relationship between the dose equivalent to the dose absobrsi and quality factors are:Dose equivalent (Rem) = Dose absorption (Rad) X QWhile in SI units, the equivalent dose has the sievert unit that shortened to Sv. The relationship between Sievert with Gray and Quality are:Dose equivalent (Sv) = Dose absorptive (Gy) x QBased on calculation1 Gy = 100 Rad, then 1 Sv = 100 Rem.

2.6 Maximum Dose RadiationUnited States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is one source of official information which is used as a standard in some countries for the establishment of guidelines on radiation protection. NRC has stated that the maximum radiation dose exposed individuals is 0:05 or 5 brake Sv / year. Although the NRC is the official body with regard to ionizing radiation exposure limits, but there are other groups who also recommend the same thing. One such group is the National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP), which is a group of government scientists who regularly meet to discuss the latest research and update the recommendations of radiation on radiation safety.According to NCRP, the purpose of radiation protection are:a. To prevent important clinical radiation, by following minimum dose limits.b. Limit the risk of cancer and hereditary effect on society.The maximum dose allowed is the maximum amount of absorption of radiation to the entire body of an individual, or as a specific dose at a specific organ that is still considered safe. Safe in this case means the absence of evidence that individuals get the maximum dose has been established, where sooner or later the effects of radiation can be harmful to the body as a whole or a particular section. Recommendations for the upper limit of exposure have been established also by the NCRP as a guide in the work related to the radiation. Recommendations NRCP include:a. Individuals / operator is not allowed to work with radiation before 18 years old.b. The effective dose for each person should not exceed 50 mSv (5 rem) every year.c. For the general public, radiation exposure (excluding of medical use) should not exceed 1 mSv (0.1 rem) every year.d. For workers who are pregnant, the fetus or embryo exposure limits should not exceed 0.5 mSv (0.05 rem). Thus for women who are pregnant worker is not recommended to working until her pregnancy is completed.

2.7 Effects of Ionizing Radiation Over Human BodyIonizing radiation is radiation capable of causing ionizing radiation on a material that is traversed. The ionization caused by the absorption of radiation energy by the material exposed to ionizing radiation. Thus the large number of ionization depends on the amount of radiation energy absorbed by the material (BATAN, 2008).Cells in the human body is composed of cells and somatic cell genetics. Genetic cells are egg cells in women and sperm in men, while the somatic cells are other cells in the body. Based on the type of cell, the effects of radiation can be distinguished on the effects of genetic and somatic effects. Genetic effects or the effects of inheritance is the effect felt by the descendants of individuals affected by radiation exposure. Instead somatic effects are radiation effects felt by individuals exposed to radiation (BATAN, 2008).When reviewed from the dose of radiation (for the sake of radiation protection), the radiation effects are distiguished by thedeterministic effect and stochastic effects. Deterministic effect is the effect caused by cell death due to radiation exposure, while the stochastic effects are effects that occur as a result of radiation exposure at a dose that causes changes in the cell (BATAN, 2008) . According Sumarsono (2008) deterministic effects on reproductive organs or gonads is sterility or infertility. The radiation exposure of the testicles will bothering the process of forming sperm cells that eventually will affect the number of sperm cells to be produced. The radiation dose of 0.15 Gy is the threshold dose temporary sterility because it has resulted in a decrease in the number of sperm cells for several weeks. The effect of radiation on the egg is very dependent on age. The older, the more sensitive to radiation because the fewer eggs remaining in the ovaries. In addition to sterility, radiation can cause early menopause as a result of hormonal disorders of the reproductive system. Threshold dose of sterility according to ICRP 60 is 2.5 to 6 Gy.At a younger age (20s), permanent sterility occurs at higher doses, reaching 12-15 Gy. Meanwhile, according Iffah (2009) damage to the reproductive organs (sterility) occurs on exposure to 150-300 rad for men and
