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Makalah Magnet

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GENERAL VIEW In this paper, we will discuss about magnetism. Magnetism is refers to the properties and interactions of magnets that depend on which ends of the magnets are close together. It is called magnetic force. Then will be explained about magnetic poles, magnetic field and its line. Besides, this paper will show you about magnetic domain based on its theory. In addition, will be also described about atomic structure of magnetic material and non magnetic material, and differentiate atomic structure of magnet and magnetic material that have not magnet properties yet. There are two kinds of magnetic material, namely Ferromagnetic and Paramagnetic. Whereas non magnetic material is called Diamagnetic. Magnetic material can be made as a magnet by 3 possible way, namely by rubbing, inducting, electromagnetic. In the next part, this paper will explain the relation between magnetism and electricity that is known by Electromagnetic. Here, there are Oersted Principle and Faraday’s Law. After we learn about it, we can understand some application of electromagnetic principle that applied in Generator, Electric motor and Transformer.
Page 1: Makalah Magnet


In this paper, we will discuss about magnetism. Magnetism is refers to the properties and interactions of magnets that depend on which ends of the magnets are close together. It is called magnetic force. Then will be explained about magnetic poles, magnetic field and its line. Besides, this paper will show you about magnetic domain based on its theory. In addition, will be also described about atomic structure of magnetic material and non magnetic material, and differentiate atomic structure of magnet and magnetic material that have not magnet properties yet. There are two kinds of magnetic material, namely Ferromagnetic and Paramagnetic. Whereas non magnetic material is called Diamagnetic. Magnetic material can be made as a magnet by 3 possible way, namely by rubbing, inducting, electromagnetic.

In the next part, this paper will explain the relation between magnetism and electricity that is known by Electromagnetic. Here, there are Oersted Principle and Faraday’s Law. After we learn about it, we can understand some application of electromagnetic principle that applied in Generator, Electric motor and Transformer.

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Standard Competence :

4. Understand about magnetic concept and its application in daily life.

Basic Competence :

4.1 Investigate Indication of magnetism and how to make magnet.

4.2 Describe the utilizing of magnetism in technology products.

4.3 Apply electromagnetic induction concept to explain the working principle some devices that uses electromagnetic induction principle.

Indicator :

Based on basic competence above, wished students can:

1. Investigate indication of magnetism.2. Explain about magnetic force, magnetic field, magnetic poles.3. Explain the theory of magnetic domain.4. Differentiate the magnetic material and non magnetic material.5. Classify materials in surrounding into Ferromagnetic, Paramagnetic and

Diamagnetic.6. Analyze the atomic structure of magnetic material and non magnetic material.7. Analyze the atomic structure of magnet and magnetic material that have not

magnet properties yet. 8. Demonstrate how to make magnet by three possible ways.9. List some device or technology that use magnet for its performance.10. Explain the relation between magnetism and electricity based on Oersted

principle.11. Explain the relation between magnetic field, current through conductor and

force which is appeared based on Lorentz formulation.12. Explain the relation between magnetism and electricity based on Faraday’s Law.13. Explain the working principle of Generator, Electric Motor and Transformer as

application of electromagnetic induction principle.

Page 3: Makalah Magnet


This light display occurs when blasts of charged particles from the sun are

captured by Earth’s magnetic field. Atoms in the upper atmosphere emit aurora light

when they collide with charged

particles that result from the Sun’s


Auroras are indicators of

the connection between

the Earth and the sun. The

frequency of auroras correlates to

the frequency of solar activity and

the sun's 11-year cycle of activity.

As the process of fusion

occurs inside the sun, it spews high-energy particles (ions, electrons, protons, neutrinos)

and radiation in the solar wind. When the sun's activity is high, you'll also see large

eruptions called solar flaresand coronal mass ejections. These high-energy particles and

radiations get released into space and travel throughout the solar system. When they hit

the Earth, they encounter its magnetic field.

The poles of the Earth's magnetic field lie near, but not exactly on, its geographic poles

(where the planet spins on its axis). Scientists believe that the Earth's liquid iron outer

core spins and makes the magnetic field. The field is distorted by the solar wind, getting

compressed on the side facing the sun (bow shock) and drawn out on the opposite side

(magnetotail). The solar winds create an opening in the magnetic field at the polar

cusps. Polar cusps are found on the solar side of the magnetosphere (the area around

the Earth that's influenced by the magnetic field). Let's look at how this leads to an


1. As the charged particles of solar winds and flares hit the Earth's magnetic field,

they travel along the field lines.

2. Some particles get deflected around the Earth, while others interact with the

magnetic field lines, causing currents of charged particles within the magnetic

fields to travel toward both poles -- this is why there are simultaneous auroras in

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both hemispheres. (These currents are called Birkeland currentsafter Kristian

Birkeland, the Norwegian physicist who discovered them -- see sidebar.)

3. When an electric charge cuts across a magnetic field it generates an electric

current. As these currents descend into the atmosphere along the field lines,

they pick up more energy.

4. When they hit the ionosphere region of the Earth's upper atmosphere, they

collide with ions of oxygen and nitrogen.

5. The particles impact the oxygen and nitrogen ions and transfer their energy to

these ions.

6. The absorption of energy by oxygen and nitrogen ions causes electrons within

them to become "excited" and move from low-energy to high-energy orbitals

(see How Atoms Work).

7. When the excited ions relax, the electrons in the oxygen and nitrogen atoms

return to their original orbitals. In the process, they re-radiate the energy in the

form of light. This light makes up the aurora, and the different colors come from

light radiated from different ions.

Note: The particles that interact with the oxygen and nitrogen ions in the atmosphere

don't come from the sun, but rather were already trapped by the Earth's magnetic field.

The solar winds and flares perturb the magnetic field and set these particles within the

magnetosphere in motion.

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Concept Map



Magnetic force

Based on its magnetic properties

Magnetic materials Non-Magnetic




Magnetic field

Interaksi dengan arus listrik


Oersted Principle Faraday’s Law


Electric Motor



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Figure 1. Magnets can be found in many devices you use everyday, such as TVs, video games, telephones.Headphones and CD players also contain magnets.


A. Magnets

More than 2000 years ago, Greeks discovered deposits of a mineral that was a

natural magnet. They noticed that chunks of this mineral could attract pieces of iron.

This mineral was found in a region of Turkey that then was known as Magnesia, so the

Greeks named the mineral magnetic. The mineral is now called magnetite.

Today, the word magnetism refers to the properties and interaction of magnet.

Many devices have been developed that rely on

magnets to operate.

Magnetic Force

You probably have played with magnets and might

have noticed that two magnets exert a force on each

other.Depending on which ends of the magnets are

close together, the magnets either repel or attract

each other. You might have noticed that the

interaction between two magnets can be felt even before the magnets touch. The

strength of the forcebetween two magnets increases as magnets move closer together

and decreases as the magnets move farther apart.

Figure 2 : Two magnets can attract or repel each other, depending on which poles are closest together

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Magnetic Field

A magnet is surrounded by a magnetic field. A magnetic field exerts a force on other

magnets and objects made of magnetic materials. The magnetic field is strongest close

to the magnet and weaker far away. The magnetic field can be represented by lines of

force, or magnetic field lines. Figure 2 shows the magnetic field lines surrounding a bar

magnet. A magnetic field also has a direction.

Earth’s Magnetic Pole. The north pole of a magnet is defined as the end of the

magnet that points toward the geographic north. Sometimes the north pole and south

pole of magnets are called the north-seeking pole and the south-seeking pole. Because

opposite magnetic poles attract, the north pole of a compass is being attracted by a

south magnetic pole. So Earth is like a bar magnet with its south magnetic pole near its

geographic north pole.

No one is sure what produces Earth’s magnetic field. Earth’s inner core is made

of a solid ball of iron and nickel, surrounded by a liquid layer of molten iron and nickel.

According to one theory, circulation of the molten iron and nickel in Earth’s outer core

produces Earth’s magnetic field.

A compass needle aligns with the magnetic field lines of Earth’s magnetic field.

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

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Magnetic Poles

Look again at Figure 2. Do you notice that the magnetic field lines are closest together at

the ends of the bar magnet? These regions, called the magnetic poles, are where the

magnetic force exerted by the magnet is strongest. All magnets have a north pole and a

south pole. For a bar magnet, the north and south poles are at the opposite ends.

Figure 3 shows the north and south poles of magnets with more complicated

shapes. The two ends of a horseshoe-shaped magnet are the north and south poles. A

magnet shaped like a disk has opposite poles on the top and bottom of the disk.

Magnetic field lines always connect the North Pole and the south pole of a magnet.

The magnetic field lines around horseshoe and disk magnets begin at each magnet’s North pole and end at the south pole.

Magnetic Materials

Magnet can attracts objects in its surrounding. But, does magnet attract all

objects? What kind of objects can be attracted by magnet?

You might have noticed that a magnet will not attract all object surround them.

Based on the magnetic properties, the objects can be divided by two kinds namely

magnetic material and non magnetic material. Non magnetic material is object which is

made by material can not attract by magnet. It is known by Diamagnetic. The example

for this material are bismuth, silver, gold, copper, aluminum and zinc. Diamagnetic

materials are those made of atoms that do not have permanent magnetic moments.

Whereas magnetic material is the object which is made by material that can

attract by magnet. There are two kind of magnetic material, those are Ferromagnetics

and Paramagnetic. Ferromagnetic is object that can be attracted by magnet strongly,

such as iron, cobalt or nickel. Paramagnetic is the object that can be attracted by magnet

Figure 4 :

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weakly, such as silicon and germanium, and platinum. Both Ferromagnetic and

Diamagnetic are made by atoms that have permanent magnet.

Remember . . .

Every atom contains electrons. Electrons have magnetic properties. In the atoms

of most elements, the magnetic properties of the electrons cancel out. But in the atoms

of iron, cobalt, and nickel, these magnetic properties don’t cancel out. Each atom in

these elements behaves like a small magnet and has its own magnetic field.

Even though these atoms have their own magnetic fields, objects made from these

metals are not always magnets. For example, if you hold an iron nail close to a

refrigerator door and let go, it falls to the floor. However, you can make the nail behave

like a magnet temporarily. Figure 5 below is shown the difference of atomic structure

between magnet and nail.

How to Make Magnet

Magnetic material such as Ferromagnetic and diamagnetic can be made become

temporary magnet by 3 possible ways, such as :

1. By rubbing, rubbing the end of permanent magnet to the magnetic

material surface. For example, iron is rubbed by magnet with the same

direction continually.

2. Induction, bringing closer the magnetic material (nail, etc.) with

permanent magnet so that object will has magnetic properties.

3. Electromagnet, flowing electric current to the coil that in its middle is

placed iron core or a big nail. Magnet that is produced by this way is

temporary magnet. It means, the magnetic properties just present only

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when the coil is flowed by current. Magnetic poles which is produced by

using Right hand role of Oersted principle (will be explained in the next


Magnetic Domains – A Model for Magnetism

In iron, cobalt, nickel, and some other magnetic materials, the magnetic field created by

each atom exerts a force on the other nearby atoms. Because of these forces, large

groups of atoms align their magnetic poles so that almost all like poles point in the same

direction. The groups of atoms with aligned magnetic poles are called magnetic

domains. Each domain contains an enormous number of atoms, yet the domains are too

small to be seen with the unaided eye. Because the magnetic poles of the individual

atoms in a domain are aligned, the domain itself behaves like a magnet with a north

pole and a south pole.

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B. Electricity and Magnetism

Current can Make a Magnet

Magnetic field are produced by moving electric charges. Electrons moving around the

nuclei of atoms produce magnetic fields. The motion of these materials, such as iron, to

be magnetic. When electric current flows in a wire, electric charges move in the wire. As

a result, a wire that contains an electric current also is surrounded by a magnetic field.

The common element between electrostatics and magnetism, directed the research of

many scientist, among them William Gilbert and Hans Christian Oersted. Oersted made

an important discovery. Summarized in Oersted’s principle.

a.Iron particles show the magnetic field lines around a current carrying wire.b. Magnetic field produced around a wire that carries an electric current.

Mapping the magnetic field allows you to predict the direction of the electromagnetic force from the current. Scientist have developed several hand signs to help you predict how magnetic force act. They are called right-hand rules.

Figure 6.

Oersted’s Principle. Charge moving through a conductor produces a circular magnetic field around the counductor.

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Lorentz Force

Conductor carrying current that placed inside magnetic field will produce

magnetic force. The magnetic force on the conductor is observed by Lorentz so

that the force is called Lorentz Force. Further observation shows that the

magnetic force on the conductor is proportional to the magnetic field strength

and also proportional to the length of the conductor within the magnetic field.

The amount of Lorentz force can be formulated as follows.

Note :

F = Lorentz force (N)

B = Magnetic field (T)

I = current strength (A)

L = the length of the conductor (m)

Right-hand rule#1 for conventional current flow:

Grasp the conductor with the thumb of the right hand pointing in the direction of conventional, or positive (+), current flow. The curved fingers point in the direction of the magnetic field around the conductor.

F = B. I. l

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Faraday’s Law

Experiments conducted by Michael Faraday in England in 1831 and independently by Joseph Henry in United State that the same year showed that an emf can be induced in a circuit by changing magnetic field. The result of these experiments led to a very basic and important law of electromagnetism known as Faraday’s law of induction.

Figure 7. (a) When a magnet is moved toward a loop of wire connected to a sensitive ammeter, the ammeter deflects as shown, indicating that a current is induced in the loop. (b) When the magnet is held stationary, there is no induced current in the loop, even when the magnet is inside the loop. (c) When the magnet is moved away from the loop, the ammeter deflects in the opposite direction, indicating that the induced current is opposite that shown in the part (a). Changing the direction of the magnet’s motion changes the direction of the current induced by that motion.

Some Application of Electromagnetic Induction

The mechanical energy associated with the motion of the wire loop or the

magnet is converted into electrical energy associated with the current in the wire. The

magnet and wire loop must be moving relative to each other for an electric current to be

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produced. This causes the magnetic field inside the loop to change with time. In

addition, if the current in a wire changes with time, the changing magnetic field around

the wire can also induce a current in a nearby coil. The generation of a current by a

changing magnetic field is electromagnetic induction. Some device that apply

electromagnetic induction as its working principle, such as Electric Motor, Generator

and Transformer.

a. Electric Motors

On sizzling summer days, do you ever use an electric fan to keep cool? A fan

uses an electric motor, which is a device that changes electrical energy into mechanical

energy. The motor in a fan turns the fan

blades, moving air past your skin to make

you feel cooler.

Figure 8.

All the devices shown here contain electric motors

Electric motors are used in all types of industry, agriculture, and transportation,

including airplanes and automobiles. If you were to look carefully, you probably could

find electric motors in every room of your house. Almost every appliance in which

something moves contains an electric motor.

A Simple Electric Motor

A diagram of the simplest type of electric motor is shown in Figure 9.

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The motor principle describes the force produced between a magnet and an

electromagnet. The most important application of this principle is the electric motor, a

device that directs electric force full circle, without stopping part way. The main parts of

a simple electric motor include a wire coil, a permanent magnet, and a source of electric

current, such as a battery. The battery produces the current that makes the coil an

electromagnet. A simple electric motor also includes components called brushes and a

commutator. The brushes are conducting pads connected to the battery. The brushes

make contact with the commutator, which is a conducting metal ring that is split. Each

half of the commutator is connected to one end of the coil so that the commutator

rotates with the coil. The brushes and the commutator form a closed electric circuit

between the battery and the coil.

b. Generator

Most of the electrical energy you use every day is provided by generators. A generator

uses electromagnetic induction to transform mechanical energy into electrical energy.

The mechanical energy is provided by turning the handle on the generator. An example

of a simple generator is shown in Figure 10. In this type of generator, a current is

produced in the coil as the coil rotates between the poles of a permanent magnet.

Figure 10. The current in the coil changes direction each time the ends of the coil move past the poles of the permanent magnet.

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Switching Direction. As the generator’s wire coil rotates through the magnetic field of

the permanent magnet, current flows through the coil. After the wire coil makes one-

half of a revolution, the ends of the coil are moving past the opposite poles of the

permanent magnet. This causes the current to change direction. In a generator, as the

coil keeps rotating, the current that is produced periodically changes direction. The

direction of the current in the coil changes twice with each revolution, as Figure 10

shows. The frequency with which the current changes direction can be controlled by

regulating the rotation rate of the generator.


A transformer is a device that increases or decreases the voltage of an

alternating current. A transformer is made of a primary coil and a secondary coil. These

wire coils are wrapped around the same iron core, as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Transformer can increase or decrease voltage. (A) A step-up transformer increase voltage.

The secondary coil has more turns than the primary coil does. (B) A step down transformer decrease

voltage. The secondary coil has fewer turns the primary coil does.

As an alternating current passes through the primary coil, the coil’s magnetic

field magnetizes the iron core. The magnetic field in the primary coil changes direction

as the current in the primary coil changes direction. This produces a magnetic field in the

iron core that changes direction at the same frequency. The changing magnetic field in

the iron core then induces an alternating current with the same frequency in the

secondary coil. The voltage in the primary coil is the input voltage and the voltage in the

secondary coil is the output voltage. The output voltage divided by the input voltage

equals the number of turns in the secondary coil divided by the number of turns in the

primary coil.

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Huge generators in power plants produce electricity by moving magnets past coils of wire.How does that produce an electric current?

Real-World QuestionHow can a magnet and a wire coil be used to produce an electric current?

GoalsObserve how a magnet and a wire coil can produce an electric current in a wire.Compare the currents created by moving the magnet and the wire coil in different ways.Materialscardboard tube scissorsbar magnet galvanometer or ammeterinsulated wire

Safety PrecautionsWARNING: Do not touch bare wires when current is running through them.

Procedure1. Wrap the wire around the cardboard tube to make a coil of about 20 turns. Remove the tube from the coil.2. Use the scissors to cut and remove 2 cm of insulation from each end of the wire.3. Connect the ends of the wire to a galvanometer or ammeter. Record thereading on your meter.4. Insert one end of the magnet into the coil and then pull it out. Record the current.Move the magnet at different speeds insidethe coil and record the current.5. Watch the meter and move the bar magnetin different ways around the outside of thecoil. Record your observations.6. Repeat steps 3 through 4, keeping the magnet stationary and moving the wire coil.

Conclude and Apply

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1. How was the largest current generated?2. Does the current generated always flow in the same direction? How do you know?3. Predict what would happen if you used a coil made with fewer turns of wire.4. Infer whether a current would have been generated if the cardboard tube were left inthe coil. Why or why not? Try it.

Compare the currents generated by different members of the class. What was the value of the largest current that was generated?How was this current generated?


Page 19: Makalah Magnet


1. A magnetism field surrounds a magnet and exerts a magnetic force.

2. All magnets have two poles: a south pole and a north pole.

3. Opposite poles of magnets attract; like poles repel.

4. Groups of atoms with aligned magnetic poles are called magnetic domains.

5. Diamagnetic materials are those made of atoms that do not have permanent

magnetic moments. Ferromagnetic and Diamagnetic are made by atoms that

have permanent magnet.

6. Magnetic material such as Ferromagnetic and diamagnetic can be made

become temporary magnet by 3 possible ways, such as : a. by rubbing ;

b. induction; c. electromagnet.

7. The groups of atoms with aligned magnetic poles are called magnetic domains.8. Oersted’s Principle. Charge moving through a conductor produces a circular

magnetic field around the conductor.9. Conductor carrying current that placed is inside magnetic field will

produce magnetic force called Lorentz force. The amount of Lorentz force can be formulated as follows

10. The magnet and wire loop must be moving relative to each other for an electric current to be produced.

11. Some device that apply electromagnetic induction as its working principle, such

as Electric Motor, Generator and Transformer.

12. The most important application of this principle is the electric motor, a device that directs electric force full circle, without stopping part way.

13. A generator uses electromagnetic induction to transform mechanical energy into electrical energy.

14. A transformer is a device that increases or decreases the voltage of an alternating current.

F = B. I. l

Page 20: Makalah Magnet


Choose the word or phase that best answer the question.1. The characteristic of a magnet is....

a. Have two poles that’s north and south pole

b. Can attracts all thing around it

c. In all condition, always point to the north and south direction

d. The same poles will attract each other

2. Look at the picture!

The event as shown in picture called...a.Electromagnet

b.Magnet induction

c.Magnetic field

d.electrical current

3. If a bar magnet cut into 3, then the center part will...

a.Not magnetic

b.Only has north pole

c. Only has north pole

d.Have north and south pole.

4. In this below here is the reason why magnet’s north pole always show the north

pole of the earth!

a. Around the north pole of the earth there is Earth’s magnetic north pole

b. Exact the north pole of the earth there is Earth’s magnetic south poke

c. Exact the north pole of the earth there is magnet’s north pole

d.Around the north pole of the earth there is magnet’s south pole

Page 21: Makalah Magnet

5.Current induction in coil can be generated by the way...

a. put the coil above a bar magnet

b Put a bar magnet in the coil

c.insert and take out a bar magnet in the coil

d. move a bar magnet


The correct picture of magnetic line’s pattern is number

a.1 and 2

b. 1 and 3

c. 2 and 4

d.3 and 4

7. What can iron fillings be used to show?

a. magnetic field

b. electric field

c. gravitational field

d. none of these

8. What will the north poles of two bar magnets do when brought together?

a. attract

b. create an electric current

c. repel

d. not interact

9. How many poles do all magnets have?

a. One c. three

b. two d. Four

10. From these materials, which is not include to magnetic materials?

Page 22: Makalah Magnet

a. Glass

b. Iron

c. Cobalt

d. Nickel

11. From these tools, which one use magnet for it’s performance?

a. Fan

b. Camera

c. Microscope

d. Telescope

12. The length of conductor is as long as 2 meters in the form of coil within the motor of

toy car magnetic field. If the wire is flowed by current 0,5 amperes, how much is the

Lorentz force spinning the motor? The magnetic field strength is 100 Tesla.

a.100 N

b. 50 N

c. 150N

d. 200

Essay 1. The definition of magnetic field is...2.Given these materials

- Iron

- Steel

- Nickel

- Cobalt

- Zinc

Classify those materials into paramagnetic, ferromagnetic,

and diamagnetic catagory!

3. Two wires with the configuration like this picture below!

Page 23: Makalah Magnet

Determine the magnitude and direction of magnetic force work on the wire II for the

length of wire 0,5 meter!

4. What is the working principle of generator?

5. What is the working principle of transformator?

6. What is the working principle of electric motor?

7. Iron isn’t magnet, if it rubbed by strong magnet finally it becomes magnetic. Explain

what happened into iron;s magnet elementary along the process!

8. Why explorer that inexperienced in using compass can lost near the geographic pole

of the earth?

9. Explain how to make magnet by three possible ways!

10.List some device or technology that use magnet for its performance!

Page 24: Makalah Magnet

Magnetic Force on


Conductor flowed by Current1. Provide the following device and materials : two 1,5 volts batteries, cable,

electric switch, alumunium, U magnet, and board2. Arrange the device as in the below figure

3. Connect the electric switch, and then see what happens to the alumunium foil4. Repeat the steps number 2 and 3, but change the current or exchange the pole

of the magnet. Draw a conclusion.5. Related between Lorentz force, magnetic field and current direction stated by

right hand!6. Thumb show the direction of

Fore finger show the direction ofMiddle finger show the direction of


1. The force experienced by a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field is


2. The magnitude of the Lorentz force can be formulated as follows:

F = ……………x …………… x ……………..


F = ……………….with unit …………….

B = ……………….with unit …………….

Page 25: Makalah Magnet

I = ………………..with unit …………….

l = ………………. With unit …………….

Domain of Psychomotor objectives

1. Imitation : Demonstrated an observed action

- Teacher : Demonstrate how to arrange tools and materials to do Magnetic

Force on The Conductor Flowed by Current experiment.

- Students : Imitate what teacher have done correctly to arrange tools and

materials to do Magnetic Force on the Conductor Flowed by Current


2. Manipulation : Performance in action

- Teacher : Teacher ask the students to change the current and exchange the

pole of the magnet.

- Students : Write the variables of the experiment

Independent variables : The direction of current and magnetic field

Control Variable : The length of wire ( m), the magnitude of magnetic field (T)

Dependent variable : The direction of Lorentz force

3. Precision : Performance in action with accuracy

- Teacher : Teacher ask students to write the data of observation by


- Students : Draw the observation result

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No Magnetic field direction Current direction Lorentz force direction

1 To the right To the right

To the left

To the bottom

To the up



To the left To the right

To the left

To the bottom

To the up



To the bottom To the right

To the left

To the bottom

To the up



To the up To the right

To the left

Page 27: Makalah Magnet

To the bottom

To the up



inside To the right

To the left

To the bottom

To the up



outside To the right

To the left

To the bottom

To the up



4. Articulation : Performs a coordinated acitivity in an efficient and

coordinated manner

- Teacher : Ask the students to evaluate the relation of variables,

hypothesist and the result of the experiment.

- Students : Make evaluation about the relation of variables, hypothesist and

the result of the experiment.

Page 28: Makalah Magnet

Affective assesment

No : .......................... class: ......................Name : .......................... value: ......................

No Aspect 4 3 2 1

1. Student’s


2. Prepare to do


3. Activity


4. Discuss

Sum of score


Student’s present :

1. Come to the class on time (score 4)2. Come to the class late 5 minute (score 3)3. Come to the class late 10 minute (score 2)4. Come to the class late more than 10 minute (score 1)

Prepare to do experiment:

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1. Students sit down with their groups, bring their equipment to do experiment, put their bag in the place. (score 4)

2. Students put their bag in the place, bring their equipment, but do not sit down with their group. (score 3)

3. Students do not bring their equipment to do experiment. (score 2)4. Student do not prepare their experiment, they just present in the class

(score 1)

Activity Participation:

1. Students give respond the teacher demonstration, active in working with their group, give a good contribution for their group. (score 4)

2. Students give respond the teacher demonstration, active in working with their group. (score 3)

3. Student active in working with their group. (score 2)4. Student just give respond the teacher demonstration. (score 1)

Discussion :

1. Students in groups are asking and answering actively. (score 4)2. Students in group just active asking or answering. (score 3)3. Students in group only one active. (score 2)4. Students in group never ask or answer. (score 1)
