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Make it visible with a CrossbeamCrossBeam ® Full flexibility in choice of detectors for imaging...

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Make it visible with a Crossbeam Principle and potential in material science METZ, 12/05/2013 Smail Chalal Carl ZEISS sas
  • Make it visible with a Crossbeam Principle and potential in material science

    METZ, 12/05/2013

    Smail Chalal

    Carl ZEISS sas

  • 2








    Gemini column and final lens principle

    Ion Beam column


    Local charge compensation and Floodgun

    Large FOV and Fish eye

    AURIGA 40 concept

    7 SIMS

    8 Milling fonctionnality

    Npve, Atlas and Atlas 3D 9

  • 3

    Concept AURIGA 40

  • 4

    FIB column

    FE-SEM column

    Gas injection



    Basic Operation Modes

    FIB milling

    Sputtering of substrate

    atoms with high ion


    Imaging with SEM or FIB

    Chemical processes

    (deposition or etching)

    AURIGA® Introduction to FIB-SEM technology

  • 5

    Final lens principle

    La combinaison d’une lentille électromagnétique

    Et électrostatique crée une lentille achromatique

    Connu sous le nom de « Triplet ».

    Dans la lentille finale, les électrons incidents sont

    Déviés par le champ électromagnétique, puis par

    La lentille électrostatique retardatrice.

    La lentille électromagnétique axiale

    Permet de confiner le champ dans l’entrefer

    À l’intérieur de la lentille finale.

  • 6 1500XB, Gnk 6

    CrossBeam® Interaction double faisceau




    No magnetic field outside the pole piece

    Snorkel Type Magnetic Lens:

    Strong magnetic field in the specimen chamber

    Separation of the

    two Gallium




  • 7

  • 8 1500XB, Gnk 8


    Objective Lens

    Faraday Cup Blanking






    Liquid metal

    ion source (LMIS)




    UEx USup Suppressor

    Ion Optics


    Double quadrupole


  • 9

    Détectors Secondary electrons, secondary ions

    Corrosion inter granulaire dans super alliage Ni Numéro atomique

    η d



    n io








  • 10

    Détectors Inlens SE, ESB detectors

    Topographical information Compositional contrast

  • 11

    Détectors QBSD and YAG

    Large diode 22mm Ø

    Standard diode 10mm Ø

  • 12

    Detector arrangement in the specimen


    Final Lens


    STEM Detector Sample Holder

    SE Detector


    Détecteurs Détecteurs STEM

  • 13

    Detectors New STEM design

    New det ect or has an annul ar desi gn wi t h 1 BF

    ar ea and 3 DF Ri ngs

    New detector has an overall larger detection area

    ~200 mm² (new diode) vs. ~65 mm² (ol d di ode)

    0 1 2

    3 4

    5 6

    Ol d STEM det ect or :

    Al l f i ve avai l abl e segment s t hat

    can be combi ned ar bi t r ar y.

  • 14 14

    Stem images Aluminum Foil









  • 15

    surface discharging with Nitrogen all standard detectors can be used, no

    additional detectors required

    AURIGA Local Charge Compensation

    Sample: ZrO2

    EHT = 15kV

    CC off

    CC on

    Analytics Imaging

    CC off

    CC on

    cut-off voltage of bremsstrahlung

    („Duane-Hunt limit“)

    shifted down to lower


    Several emission lines show reduced


    Others are not visible at all

  • 16

    Milling / FIB-imaging of charging materials with Electron Flood Gun

    Low energy electron column providing high beam current (µAs) Charge neutralization of positively charging samples (insulators) Useful for FIB-imaging and milling

    AURIGA Solutions for Charging Samples | Flood Gun for Milling

    + + + + + +


    - - - - - - - - - - -


    + + + + + + +


    - - - - -

    - -




    - -

    - -

    - -

    - -

    - - -


    - - - - - -


    - -

    - - -

    - -


  • 17

    10 x 10 x 5 µm FIB boxes milled

    at 1nA on a glass Pyrex® sample

    Flood gun on Flood gun off

    13nA FIB current

    3nA FIB current

    Cross sections in Plexiglas®

    Milling / FIB-imaging of charging materials with Electron Flood Gun

    AURIGA Solutions for Charging Samples | Flood Gun

  • 18

    AURIGA Ease of Use Large FOV & Fish-Eye Mode

    Large FOV:

    5 mm for WD of 5 mm and

    5kV acceleration voltage

    facilitates fast SEM

    navigation within one

    sample or between samples

    Optional: Fish-eye Mode for

    complete overview of


  • 19


    Aim – to collect the sputtered ions from milling and

    analyse them by mass spectrometry to provide surface,

    image and depth profile information.

    Emission is from the upper monolayers of the material.

  • 20

    Secondary ions mass spectrometer from Hiden Analytical

    SIMS Maps of a TiN Electrode Array Copper Titanium Alloy Mass Spectrum

    Hiden EQS

    Hiden QMS

  • 21

    Milling fontionnalities

  • 22

    Milling fonctionnalities

  • 23

    NPVE, ATLAS and ATLAS 3D (Fibics)

  • 24

    NPVE, ATLAS and ATLAS 3D (Fibics)

  • 25

    ATLAS™ Summary

    Unique upgrade package to all SEM based Zeiss systems from EVO to CrossBeam®

    Full flexibility in choice of detectors for imaging including the STEM and BSE detectors for TEM-like images

    Highly automated, multi-site image acquisition process with automated stage motion, focus, stigmation, brightness and contrast adjustment as required

    In-built image tiling mechanism for acquiring multiple images at multiple sites to cover large sample areas at highest resolution

    Freely configurable individual image size from 1 k x 1 k to 32 k x 32 k pixels, also non-square image formats!

    Viewer software tailored to efficiently handle multi-gigabyte images and image mosaics generated by ATLAS™ including semi-automated stitching routines

  • 26



    1. available as upgrade for all SEM based systems

    2. hard- and software package with stand-alone PC

    3. exclusively available on Zeiss

  • 27

    ATLAS™ Application Example: Imaging of Brain Tissue

  • 28

    Extend your AURIGA CrossBeam system:

    ATLAS 3D is a package of hard- and software

    specifically designed for FIB nanotomography.

    Automatically create a 3D data stack at a

    resolution up to 32 k x 32 k pixels.

    Analyze thousands to millions of cubic

    micrometers of volume with nanometer scale

    resolution in all three dimensions.

    Intelligent software algorithms reduce the

    amount of data and the time needed for


    Drift correction, autostigmation, autofocus and

    adaptive and dynamic 3D tracking support

    give you fast and reliable results.

    ATLAS 3D Acquire Gigapixel 3D Images with Your AURIGA CrossBeam

  • 29

    Speed up image acquisition – get cross

    sections of your sample with a maximum

    resolution of up to 32 k x 32 k pixels in a single


    Use XFOV (eXtreme Field Of View)

    technology to capture your region of interest in

    a single tile, eliminating stage motion delay

    and overlap areas due to stitching.

    XROI (eXact Region of Interest) allows to

    image arbitrary shapes within your field of


    Get More Information in Less Time

  • 30

    Set up the necessary software parameters and

    image acquisition will run independently for

    hours and days.

    Dynamic auto-alignment of your sample,

    autostigmation, autofocus and drift

    tracking guarantee perfect reconstructions.

    Adaptive 3D tracking of both the FIB and the

    SEM beam results in an accurate and constant

    slice thickness throughout the entire

    acquisition process.

    Fully automated 3D acquisition

  • 31

    This 3D image shows a portion of a 22 nm Intel Tri-Gate integrated circuit, acquired with

    5 nm voxels.

    Sample courtesy of UBM TechInsights.with 5 nm voxels.

    ATLAS 3D at Work

  • 32


    Potential in material science

    Many accessories and detectors increase, as well, the potential of CROSSBEAM's:


    Cryo systems

    More than 20 sample holders

    Automatic Air-locks

    GIS, Micromanipulator……………….

    Plasma cleaner

    Control unit KF40 adapter

