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Make learning sticky: 8 principles of learning

Date post: 15-Jul-2015
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8 principles for effective learning
Page 1: Make learning sticky: 8 principles of learning

8 principlesfor effective learning

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So follow these simple8 principles to makelearning stick.

And enjoy building apassion for learning in

your organisation

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1. Keep it SAVIHelp learners to learn through:

●Moving and doing (somatic),

● Listening and talking (auditory), and

● Seeing and picturing (visual) – often at the sametime!

This caters for individual preferences as well asmaking stronger memories. To turn these memoriesinto real learning you need to add:

●Reflection and problem solving (Intellectual) -so people can and will do something as aresult.

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Think about…

Team activities likeThe Number Game toget people working

together, sprinkle a bitof competition, chal-lenge assumptions

and reflect

Process maps wheresteps in a process areeach on separate cardand they have to piece

it together in thecorrect order

Building a collage ormodels to represent


State managementactivities like this one tohelp learners recogniseand articulate how theyfeel about something

Case study packs inwhich you add all

sorts of informationsome relevant and

some red herrings andlearners have to piece

together what hashappened

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2. LearningthroughC.P.R.

Not all learning in real life happens through 'reading themanual'. Instead we often just plunge in and learn in theprocess. Our own responses to situations also provideus with learning opportunities if we stop to think aboutthem.

We can replicate this in the trainingroom by sharing information ( ,creating experiences ( ) andhelping people learn from their ownreactions. ( )

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Think about…

Using great questionsto help people reflect

on what they arelearning. Here is more


Use relevant quotes tohelp people reflect onwhat this quote means

to the what they areprocessing. Here are

some of our favourties

Don’t overfill learningwith content. Ensureyou allow ample time

for reflection andaction planning

Think about the 80/20rule. You don't need togive learners everything

you know. Keep itsimple and give themthe skills to access

additional information ata time and place they

need it.

When designing thinkabout how you can

build core skills learn-ing into the processe.g. communicationskills, planning skills,decision making and

team skills.

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3. Get in thelearningzone

People learn more and remember more when theyare in a good physical, mental and emotional state.

We can help them achieve this by keepingthem mentally challenged, physically activeand encouraging an emotional connection towhat they are learning.

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Here’s short activity to tryto help people understand

how they feel in eachzone.

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4. Apply the 4P’s learningcycle

Help learners to maximise the learning potential ofany learning through:● Preparation – where learners explore what they

will learn, what’s in it for them and buildexcitement and curiosity.

● Presentation – where new information isuncovered in a stimulating, active way.

● Practice – so learners develop comfort andconfidence with their new skills.

●Performance – to make sure learners can applywhat they have learnt and receive feedback whichwill help them to continue to develop.

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Think about…Pre work that can bedone speedily that

focuses their attentioneasily on the topic.

Encourage partners tojoin to discuss prework.So they already have a

‘friend’ in the group.

Your welcome in thetraining room - makethem feel wanted and

give them something todo whilst they are

waiting for others toarrive - no more of that

sitting in silence!

Creating a sale envi-ronment for practice

and setting people upto succeed not fail.

Your connection withmanagers.. The more

you help them easily toget involved the morelikely learners are tocarry through withconfidence) their


Dividing time into 20minute slots of

content so you canchange state easilyand maintain energy

and focus.

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5. Promotediscovery

People learn more when they discover it forthemselves rather than being spoon-fedanswers. And when they have found their ownanswers they are more likely to put them intopractice.

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Remember it’s not about youand how clever you are. It’sabout them and what youhelp them to do!

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6. Mirror reallife

People need to be able to relate what they'velearnt to their own life, work and experience.Otherwise they might learn some great newinformation or new skills but not know how touse them in the real world.

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“There is no such thing as anenergiser without meaning.Fun is not the end result; it’sa wonderful by-product.”Caroline Esterson

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7. Set up, standback andpull together

Great facilitators make sure learners are clearabout the purpose and output, and then getout of the way whilst they learn.

Facilitators then need to step in again to helplearners make sense of what they havediscovered so they can take action as aresult.

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Think about…

It takes confidence torelease control and letthem get on with it. But

remember its theirlearning not yours.

Use instrumental musicin the background

whilst they arecompleting activities

and gradually increasethe volume when youwant them to refocusback as a main group.

For meatier activitiesgive out activity cards

that walk learninggroups through an

activity step by step.

Sometimes givedifferent groups

different activities tocomplete and then

share their findings. Thisgives ultimate control tothe groups as they are

teaching each otherunder yourguidance.

Give instructions oneat a time and write itupon flipchart too, If

you can’t bullet point itthen they will struggleto understand what

they need to do.

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8. Layerlearning

We learn through repetition. The more oftenwe encounter new information and practicenew skills the better we get. It works best tostart simple and build the complexity.

And remember the brain is a multi- processor- it is stimulated by challenge so don’t spoon-feed.

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Think about…

Scaffolding or integratinglearning. What’s the

simplest thing they needto know? Then build

from there.

Focus on the outcomeand work backwards.

Give the group aproblem to solve but

give differentmembers additional

information.Remember there can

always be a redherring too!

Make large conceptsvisually.. In big.. On thewall and use string orribbon to link relevant

pieces together.

Look at a situation indifferent ways…Conceptually,

practically, from thecustomer perspective,

from the organisation orwhat about from themanager’s viewpoint.

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