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Make Me Heal

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Welcome to A Plan for Peace

Make me HealThis Make Me Heal page offers some information about a centre for natural healing, the construction of which is in progress in Yucatan, Mexico. Much more will be added over the next week or two.

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New Healing Centre in Mexico Now open for "Patients" & Volunteers. Come visit our Garden of Eden Community

A Plan for PeaceCOMING SOON


Thirty Day Awakening & Healing Plan to help awaken to the matrix and heal virtually all dis-ease. Sign-up for the free newsletter in the box below and i will send you a free copy as soon as it is published


i am very grateful to have met an 81 year old Cuban healer (Pedro Puhma Rios) who has a wealth of experience and knowledge and is regularly helping people cure themselves of cancer and many other diseases. i am now working with him to create the Garden of Eden Community. i am currently on day 17 of a 41 day fast (March 4th 2012) & am full of inspiration, have no hunger & am still quite energetic.Merida-Mexico

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Our Garden of Eden is in a beautiful place, 7kms from Tunkas, Yucatan, Mexico (located about 1.5 hrs from the Caribbean sea). This organic, healing & living community is set in 155 hectares of virgin jungle, with fertile red clay soil, an abundant supply of very clean healing water and plenty of timber and stone for building ecological accommodation.make me heal - make me heal - make me heal heal-your-life


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Find out more about the Peace Plan using the links below. Peace & Love pete, of the adams family

Our healing community aspires to follow the Yamas and Niyamas. For example and in particular: Ahimsa (non-violence) Satya (Truth) Asteya (non-theft) Aparigraha (non-possessiveness)

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Cure Cancer 90%+


Moving Overseas Home Page Homa Therapy, the ancient

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science of healing originating from Vedic heritage, purifies the air and the environment and has a tremendous healing effect on humans, animals and the plant kingdom. I have recently read three books about Homa Therapy; The Science of Agnihotra by Ish Narang, Homa Therapy The Ancient Science of Healing by Monika Koch, and Bringing Home Homa Organic Farming into the Mainstream of Indian Agriculture System by Dr. Ulrich Berk and Bruce Johnson (Ed.). i now believe Homa Therapy to be a very special science which will help our healing community to thrive. Please read more about it here Our intention is to become a full Homa Organic Farming Community. Agnihotra is currently being performed at sunrise and sunset every day, the ashes being used in fasting drinks, in fertiliser and in food. I feel that this has been a big help in my fasting process. As soon as we have sufficient members living here, we will start performing Om Tryambakam for four hours daily and for twenty four hours on full moon and no moon days. We also intend to establish a resonance point in the community to maximise the effects. Existing structures (as of March 2012) are as follows:


One small house - consulting office & living accommodation for Dr. Puhma (Doors, windows & decoration to be completed).


make me heal - make me heal

One accommodation block consisting 12 rooms (First level partially complete, requiring floor, ceiling, doors, windows and decoration). One palapa for use as communal eating area. Mosquito netting needed for completion. One kitchen area adjoining eating area. (part complete). (See picture at top of page). Toilet & shower block (partially complete). Amongst the many things either in progress or planned here are: Healing Centre - based mainly on fasting and raw foods for helping people heal from all illnesses. In this linked article, Matt Monarch of The Raw Food World writes about Raw Food and Colon Cleansing being a portal to the spiritual. The "emotional" root of the dis-eases will also of course be a part of the program, which will also be offered as a service to the public, helping to

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create income for the further development of the community and for the members. There will also be a Kayakalpa program for deep cell rejuvenation and reversal of aging.make me heal - make me heal - make me heal cleansing

Organic Fruit, Vegetable & Herb Production - for feeding & healing the community & the surrounding population. We are currently growing papaya, bananas, chaya (Mayan spinach), tomatoes, radishes, sunflowers, corn, chillis, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yucca, ginger, aloe vera, beans, pineapple and much more. An 850,000 peso state of the art Greenhouse is planned to enable production all year round without any insect or bird damage. This will also be a "profit" centre to ensure an abundance for the community.heal-broken-heart

Education Centre - As the community grows, there will inevitably be children living with us. Our intention is to "home school" the children in the real essentials of living in this meta-physical universe, as opposed to learning only about the physical world & being brainwashed to become slaves to the "elite". Children will be nurtured to express their true essence, to understand and practice the very real creative power of thoughts and feelings. The education centre will also cater for the adult members of the community as part of a personal transformation program. Yoga Hall - for daily meditation & yoga for community members & for classes offered to the public as part of a health program.

honey health benefits

Honey Bee Keeping - Raw Organic Honey Production is already in progress in the community. In the very near future we will be increasing the number of hives to one hundred, enabling us to sell honey outside the community to generate income for further expansion. The honey we produce is said to be one of the best in the world. It certainly tastes good to me :-).The Mexican states of Yucatan, Campeche and Quintana Roo have remained the most important producers of honey in Mexico.... ....Mexico continues to export some of the most highly sought after honey on the international market. ....a whopping 40% of all honey produced in the country comes from the Yucatan peninsula... from an article about Mexican Honey by Karen Hursh Graber

We are planting other pollen producing plants such as Neem trees, and the San Diego vine which flowers year round, to ensure a continuous supply. Not all the honey is removed from the hive, and additional foods we give to the bees will be natural like raw sugar cane syrup or raw sugar. An extract from the book High Raw by Kevin Gianni:"I believe that raw honey is the best sweetener because it is the most natural." "When it comes to raw honey, Im not talking about the honey in the little bear. Im talking real,

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unprocessed, raw honey. Raw honey contains enzymes, phytonutrients, resins and propolis, which is bee glue. This unique combination of properties makes it versatile not only as a food, but as an anti-bacterial agent. As a food, raw honey can raise antioxidant levels in the body, restore muscle glycogen after a workout and help lower cholesterol and the risk of certain cancers. As a topical substance, it can decrease infection and work just as well as alcohol solutions. Used as a sweetener, you can put some in your teas or your water, or just have a small spoonful for a quick pick me up. If you want the full benefits of raw honey, just be sure not to heat it to a high temperature. Heat will destroy many of its best qualities."

Temezcal (Sweat Lodge) /Steam Room Sweating is a very useful method of detoxification and has been used for thousands of years in many ancient spiritual traditions combined with ceremony. We intend to build our Temezcal / Steam Room from natural materials available on the property. Dual Purpose Swimming Pool & Reservoir.-to provide an extra back-up water supply for the plants in case of failure of the well water pump or solar panels / batteries, as well as for therapeutic (eg. water massage) and leisure purposes. Livestock - We will likely be keeping goats, cows and chickens. Organic raw milk, raw cheese & raw yoghurt will be produced. Livestock will not be used for meat consumption as we practice Ahimsa.heal-pain

Dairy / Honey processing area - a construction designed specifically for processing of food products will be built on site to ensure top hygeine standards are maintained. Organic Pharmacy - in the closest villages (and very likely in Merida) we will open shops selling organic fruit, veg, & herbs alongside offering free healing information.heal-teeth

Workshops - Workshops will be offered in many areas including Organic Farming, Homa Therapy, Natural Healing, Adobe building (using the red clay soil, cow manure, hemp etc.), Yoga, Meditation retreats and much more.

make me heal - make me heal - make me heal

Back-packers Hostel, Raw Food Restaurant, Art, Craft & Organic Food Shop In the more distant future we would like to further expand the site to include an operation including the above. As we are located between two major tourist attractions: Chichen Itza and the city of Merida, we feel such an operation will bring many benefits both to the village of Tunkas and to the community.


We intend to operate the community as a co-operative, equally owned by all members and to use an internal "monetary" system (which i am calling Cambios ) to be used for exchange of goods/services within the community and eventually spread to the wider communities of Tunkas & Dzitas (and eventually to the

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world :-). Investment Opportunities. In these days of very uncertain economic chaos, many are shifting their capital into gold and silver due to the likelihood of world fiat-monetary system collapse which could wipe out all non physical assets. Although holding gold and silver is a far better bet than holding electronic blips on a computer or even rapidly depreciating paper cash, i believe that a better investment could be one which would ensure your survival if something does happen. Our self-sustainable community could be the right place for you to invest & even to live. Although the creation of the community is already in progress it is not dependent on outside investment, which would enable us to progress at a faster pace. Ideally, those able to invest money into the community would be credited in our planned internal exchange mechanism (cambios), able to be spent within the community, but we will be glad to consider and discuss your requirements.

We are currently inviting "guests" for healing and "members" for living and working on a very limited basis until further accommodation has been completed. Please send me a message if you would like to apply as a guest or member.make me heal - make me heal - make me heal


Members of the community. We are currently inviting a limited number of people who are serious about transforming mind, body and soul to release the full potential we have for living in joy and abundance. A transformational healing & awakening program will be tailored to individuals.

Members living in the community will have food & accommodation provided and will "work" around 25 hours a week to ensure the smooth & efficient operation. The initial twelve members (including Puhma and myself) will mastermind and co-create the community to enable us to open it up for more living members and for paying guests in need of healing. There will be ample opportunities for members for "income" by expressing their passions creating goods/services (such as those mentioned above) which will be offered to the public, thus ensuring members are able to sometimes leave the community to travel or visit family etc.


The community is vegetarian, aiming for raw vegan if / when individuals are ready. It is also tobacco, alcohol, drug & processed food free. Our aim is for everything we eat to be grown within the community, to ensure self-sustainability. All members will be a part of a family circle of twelve to ensure all physical, emotional and spiritual needs are met and nurtured.

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Please contact me if you would like further information. Peace and Love pete, of the adams family.

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Noelle Bridge Works at Doing my part to contribute to the world. love (to all of you). Reply Facebook social plugin

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