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Malaysian Philosophy of Education

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CASSIDY LISUT TUBONG MALAYSIAN PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION 1.0 INTRODUCTION Education in Malaysia is consists five stages of education which are Pre-school Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education, Tertiary Education and Post-graduate Education. Pre-school is not universal because only affluent family can send their kids to profit the education in pre- school and the government just aid the rural that needed. The programmes in pre-school are run by religious groups and open to all kids around four and five years old. Meanwhile, primary education is consist of six years of education that referred to as Year 1 to Year 6 which is begin at six years old and ends at 12 years old. At the primary education stage, student is requiring to undergo the UPSR (Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah) that include the subjects of Malay Comprehension, Written Malay, English Language, Science and Mathematics. After the student has complete their education in primary school, they will further their next education in secondary school stage which consist of five years of education that referred to as Form 1 to Form 5. In secondary education, student is requires to 1
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Education in Malaysia is consists five stages of education which are Pre-school

Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education, Tertiary Education and Post-graduate

Education. Pre-school is not universal because only affluent family can send their kids to

profit the education in pre-school and the government just aid the rural that needed. The

programmes in pre-school are run by religious groups and open to all kids around four and

five years old. Meanwhile, primary education is consist of six years of education that referred

to as Year 1 to Year 6 which is begin at six years old and ends at 12 years old. At the primary

education stage, student is requiring to undergo the UPSR (Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah)

that include the subjects of Malay Comprehension, Written Malay, English Language,

Science and Mathematics. After the student has complete their education in primary school,

they will further their next education in secondary school stage which consist of five years of

education that referred to as Form 1 to Form 5. In secondary education, student is requires to

undergo two level of examinations which PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah) at end of

Form 3 and SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) at the end of Form 5. Then, the student that have

a pass result in their SPM examination will further their study either at the Form 6 or

Matriculation Programmes. So, at the ends of the student study at the Form 6 or Matriculation

Programmes, the student can further their own study again at the tertiary education which are

the universities programmes before the student can get finish their study at the post-graduate

education. Tertiary education is a programme that offers by public and private universities

which include of the degree program. Meanwhile, post-graduate degree such as the Master of

Business Administration (MBA) and the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) are

becoming popular and offered by both the public universities and the private colleges.


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1.1 Objectives of Essay

1. To learn about the Malaysian Philosophy of Education.

2. To learn about the vision and mission of education that implemented in Malaysia.

3. How to describe the 12 elements from the Malaysian Philosophy of Education.


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1.2 Malaysian Philosophy of Education

Basic for any education system must be based on the well defined philosophy that

becomes the core of the education system. Malaysia experienced an educational reform in

1980. The most significant feature of this reform is that it was based on philosophy of

education which was first documented in 1988. In Malaysia, the implementation of any

educational policies must be in line with the Malaysian National Philosophy of Education

that has been enacted. Malaysian National Philosophy of Education is express as follows,

“Education in Malaysian is an on-going effort towards developing the

potential of individual in holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce

individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically, and

harmonious, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is

design to produce Malaysian citizen who are knowledge and competent, who

posses high standard and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high

level of personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the betterment of

society and the nation at large.”

(Ministry of Education, 1988)

The statement of Malaysian National Philosophy of Education as outline above is

hoped that through education in Malaysia, the development of individuals or student will be

achieve in term of his or her human development in a well balanced personality comprising

the intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical element.


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1.3 Malaysian Education Vision

The vision of Malaysian education systems are,

1. To be leading education consultant and education consultant and education event


2. To provide Quality Malaysian Education services to foreign students and to

promote Malaysia as a centre for education excellent.

Malaysian Education Vision,

(Ministry of Malaysian Education)


“Sekolah Unggul Penjana Generasi Terbilang”

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1.4 Malaysian Education Mission

The mission of Malaysian education systems are,

1. To be a well established and reputable in the education industry.

2. To create awareness among colleges and universities on the importance and

relevance of global market exploration through Malaysian Education Fairs


Malaysian Education Mission,

(Ministry of Malaysian Education)


“Membangun Potensi Individu Melalui Pendidikan Berkualiti”

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1.5 Human Capital

Human capital is a set of skills which an employee acquires on the job, through

training and experience, and which increase that employee’s value in the marketplace.

Knowledge Workers (K-citizens or K-Workers)

Knowledge workers are people who use knowledge as a significant part of their work

responsibility. They use research skills to define problems and identify alternatives. As we

know, knowledge workers is both across a variety of information technology roles and among

professional. For example, the knowledge workers among professional are lawyers, teachers,

engineers, scientists, nurses, physicians and architects.

Besides, knowledge workers also have benefits to organization which are,

1. Analyzing data to establish relationships

2. Assessing input in order to evaluate complex or conflicting priorities

3. Identifying and understanding trends

4. Making connections

5. Understanding cause and effect

6. Ability to brainstorm, thinking broadly (divergent thinking)

7. Ability to drill down, creating more focus (convergent thinking)

8. Producing a new capability

9. Creating or modify a strategy


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These knowledge worker contributions are in

contrast with activities that they would typically not be asked to perform, including

transaction processing, routine task and simple prioritization of work. Then, a set of

transitional tasks includes roles that are seemingly routine, but not require deep technology,

product, or customer knowledge to fulfill the function which are include providing technical

or customer support, handling unique customer issues and addressing open-ended inquiries.

Generally, if the knowledge can be retained, knowledge worker contributions will

serve to expand the knowledge assets of a company. While it can be difficult to measure, this

increases the overall value of its intellectual capital. In cases where the knowledge assets

have a commercial value, companies may create patents around their assets, at which point

the material becomes restricted intellectual property. In these knowledge intensive situations,

knowledge workers play a direct, vital role in increasing the financial value of a company.


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The Nation Education Philosophy we can see in details through the analysis that refer

to some of element. These are important elements which are contain in Nation Education



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2.1 Continuous process

Education is a process of getting and sharing the knowledge, skills, and competency.

The process of getting and sharing occurs in continuously and directly since our kids until the

ends of our life. Generally, pre-school is a beginning process to build and produce the kids

mind which around one to six years old. In the time, kids will learn a basically about the 3Rs

which are reading, writing, and arithmetic in Malay and English, before they move to primary

school. As a result, there are preparations for kids to continuous their learning and getting of

their knowledge before they move to primary education. However, in primary school

education, kids or children will learns more about the subjects like, Science and Mathematics.

In this case, Science and Mathematics is an important subject for student to develop and

improve themselves before they move to secondary school. Meanwhile, in secondary school,

students will be adding their others subjects to strongly their mind again before they can go

far to getting their knowledge. For example, during stay in primary school students just get

five to seven subjects only, but in secondary school they can choose they own subject based

on their academic achievement. Then, after students has been complete their study in

government school or formal school, they can choose either they want to getting the Diploma

courses, matriculation programme, and Form 6. So, after they got finish they study there, they

can improve their knowledge again in degrees programmes at the public or private

universities. After end of their degrees courses learning, they can complete their knowledge

in PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) level. Our individuality develops during our school time.

After the ends of school, every individuals can continuous their knowledge, skills and

morality. Besides, the education process is continuous to help the individual to appropriate

themselves with a variety of differences. (Chong, 2008)


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2.2 Develop individual potential

Every individual are blessed by God with talent, potential, and ability. So, the talent,

potential, and ability we can develop and increase. Talent, potential and ability can show

through the social interaction with others peoples and environment. Education should to give

opportunity to every individual to develop their talents, potentials and abilities. (Chong,



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2.3 Holistic and concept development

Talents, potentials and abilities cannot develop in separately. On the other hands, the

talents, potentials and abilities are circle because the talents, potentials, and abilities are

similarities to prevent the defiance among the intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and physical.

(Chong, 2008)


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2.4 Human well-balanced and harmonious

It is very important for individuals who have knowledge, a good personality, believe

in God and have good morals and good health. Balance between the above four aspects will

produce individuals who can live in harmony with oneself and others. Such individuals have

a resistance to face all challenges of life and willing to deal with any problems that arise.

Knowledge is socially constructed in collaborative atmospheres that higher relevant life

experiences to share and greater flexibility for faculty and students.

A good personality is about always thinking positively between their family and

friends. Furthermore, they have self confident, kind, generous, caring, and love their family,

so, give them well-balance in life. We should have good morals because we live in

community that has different thinking, races, and age. So, we learn the good moral that give

advantages when we communicate with them.

Good health’s we get from take the exercises and healthy food. For example, we

should know that what food suitable for our body and the nutrient we should take every day.

Besides that, we also take the exercises three times a week to get the stamina and maintain

our fit body. (Chong, 2008)


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2.5 Belief in and devotion to God

Acknowledge the existence of God because the creator of this universe is our God.

When we know about the existence of God, we will afraid to do any problem that causes of

our sins. Acknowledge God as the creator of man and nature. Recognized that legal and

natural phenomena. So, we should thanks and appreciate what they give by our God. The

rules set by God. So, accept what happens to us is the needed by our God. For example, if

one of our families is passed away, we cannot bring that person live again whatever we do.

Furthermore, a couple can’t have own children, they can try other alternative to have children

such as adopted child.

In our own religion, we learn about what is bad and good deed. If we make a bad

deed, we will get punished by God compare than when we do the good thing we will receive

benefits by our God. Practice the teachings of all religions they chosen. In Islam, religion told

that we should pray five times per day. But, we just pray three times per day so, we should

practice what the religion needed. (Chong, 2008)


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2.6 Malaysia people are knowledgeable

We should love knowledge without knowledge we are nothing. So, parents realized

the important knowledge nowadays that gives benefits to their children in the future. The

characteristics of Malaysia people who have knowledge is love to read, always try to add

knowledge for instance take the course, seminar, and continuing their further study. Try to

find the knowledge culture effort because to achieve vision 2020. Furthermore, our economy

will increase when we have knowledge people to develop our country. Society should have

bread and open minded because it easy to improve our education and expand our knowledge

from learns from other countries that have different ways how to develop their country.

(Chong, 2008)


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2.7 Malaysia people with noble character

The society should have good character and hold on to values and moral principle as

life. Moreover, we should take the task in dedication, perfect and efficient. It also gives

advantages that will produce quality product and believe from the customer if we give good

service to them. We can also manage time and work in efficiently to produce good quality.

We can manage time by doing own schedule and ask someone what we want to do. (Chong,



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2.8 Responsible people should reliable

Aware in every task and responsibility is trust, clean and efficient. Comply with

regulations and country laws. Effort to improve self, family, community, religious, race and

country because we should all of have own weakness but we can improve self by continuing

learning in our life. Furthermore, we can add information from experience and perceiving in

our life. (Chong, 2008)


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2.9 Malaysian people are able to achieve well-being

So, they should think critically and quiet when face any problem or make any

decision in life. It is because we have own solution to solve this problem. For instance, when

we want to accept offer from any university, we should think how much the finance and

which course suitable for you to take in that university. Besides, they have strong resistance

to facing the challenges of life. When they face any challenges such as debt that should pay in

months so, how face that problem. The solution is find any job that high salary, borrow from

friends and sell something valuable and so on. They cannot give up easily because of this

barriers and life must going on. (Chong, 2008)


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2.10 Malaysia people who can contribute to

harmony and prosperity of society and country

They should strive to foster national unity through the nature tolerant, belonging,

respect and so on. Strive to promote national economic policy based on the set. When we can

achieve develop economy help to change the life of our community. Often maintain political

stability and national security. Nowadays, we use democracy systems in the country so,

society have power to choose who want to become a leader. In addition, our development

have own security to protect our country from war and propaganda. Comply with the

constitution and the rule of the country. As a Malaysian people we should obey the rules of

our country. Defend our dignity, profession, religion, race and nation because to show that we

are serious to develop the country and achieve vision 2020. (Chong, 2008)


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2.11 Effort to achieve self-prosperous that have

high physical and mental power

If they want ability struggle in life they should have physical and mental power to

defend any problem or challenging. We should have own style how to face our problem by

get advice from other else and take the counselling. (Chong, 2008)


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2.12 Contribute to harmonious and prosperous in family, society and country

Our life is guideline by used the Rukun Negara. It is provide understanding around

the family and love our country. In addition, follow the norm of society because give them

realize that we are same didn’t care of colour skin, races, rich and poor. In Malaysia, we have

different races but we are united because we are under one nation. (Chong, 2008)


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As a result, education is a process of built and produce our personality and

individuality to be human capital that have good ethical and characteristics before the

individual can success in their life. In education, individual can learn a variety of knowledge

which includes many courses. So, education is as a key to produce someone be a good human

capital. Education is lifelong learning process because we getting the education through the

knowledge and the knowledge are getting since we born until the ends of our life. Besides,

education also prepares ourselves with philosophy that can aid us to achieve our successful

life, meanwhile also improve our skills to develop our potential.

