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Parish News May 2013

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Rector :

Canon Ian Davenport

The Rectory, Church Street

Malpas. SY14 8PP

Telephone: 01948 860 922


[email protected].

Reader Emeritus: Brian Kimmitt 01948 860 309

Email: [email protected]

Church Wardens: Nick Toosey 01948 860 578

Bill Witter 01948 770 277

PCC Secretary: Carol Fletcher 01948 861 152

PCC Treasurer: Margaret Bennion 01948 861 109

Mothers Union: Pauline Plumb 01948 861 345

Verger: Bob Carter 01948 861 017

Church Wardens: Dicken Cracroft 01829 720425

Brian Jeffcoat 01829 782311

PCC Treasurer & Gift Aid: Mike Voisey 01829 782287

Organist Rachel Hall


The Revd Antony Dutton

7, Barnmoore Close,

Malpas SY14 8HR

Telephone: 01948 861 226


[email protected]

Director Of Music: Stewart Smith c/o 01948 860 922

Tower Bell Ringing

Tower Captain: Stan Lloyd 01948 860 637

Ringing Master Ben Kellett

Gift Aid Secretary: Brian Fletcher 01948 861 152

Friends of St. Oswald’s: David Brooks 01948 860 287

Flower Rota: Noreen Hodkinson 01948 860 371

PCC Secretary: Anne Cracroft 01829 720425

Mothers Union: Kate Holland 01829 261153

Flower Rota: Kate Holland 01829 261153




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Parish Letter for May 2013 From the Rectory

Dear All

May is going to be a special month and for several reasons. The first is that the church univer-

sal celebrates the The Ascension of Our Lord on the 9th and will we have a service at 10am at

St Oswald's and then we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost or Whit Sunday

which is on the 19th. We Christians don't live in the past (although we are part of that past)

rather we live in God‟s now and so His Holy Spirit is for us to-day just as it ever was for the

first followers of Jesus to whom we remember the Holy Spirit coming in great power on Whit

Sunday. There is a real empowering for us and so a sending out to be His agents in the world.

I have a marvellous bit of verse near to the front door at the Rectory which reminds me of the

transforming power of the Holy Spirit and it goes like this ” Troubler of the authorities chal-

lenge us, Bringer of new life enable us, Teacher by example inspire us, Stiller of the storm

calm us” Want to know more.......... come along to church on the 19th May!!

We have Malfest again from the 16th May and so there is an opportunity to come together as

a community and also to welcome visitors from outside our area to Malpas as well.

We are preparing as a community at Bickerton to stage another of their magnificent flower

festivals. Much hard work is going into this and we know that it will attract large numbers to

our lovely village church of Holy Trinity. The festival runs from the 31st of this month to the

Sunday 2nd of June and is in celebration of the Queens Coronation 60 years ago.

Revd. Antony is preparing to be ordained Priest on the 8th June at Chester Cathedral at 5pm

and then to celebrate his First Mass on the 9th of June at St Oswald's at 11am. Everyone is

very welcome to be at the cathedral and also most warmly invited to be at St Oswald's on the

Sunday for what will be a very special occasion for Antony but also for the whole area as we

welcome a new priest. Antony has made a tremendous contribution to the life of not only the

churches but the whole community in the year that he has been with us and we look forward

to his continued ministry among us and celebrate with Antony, Vicky and Elizabeth at this

special time.

So let us celebrate the transforming power of God‟s Holy Spirit and pray that power on

ourselves and our communities now and always.

Your parish priest,

Ian. Rector.

21st March Phyllis Taylor

25th March Quinton Minoprio

4th April Margaret Jones

Interment of Ashes

5th April Susan, Lady Barlow.

Interment of Ashes

15th April Joseph Walmsley

Eric Williams

16th April Arthur Kirkham

From the Registers. Funerals. May they rest in peace.

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The United Benefice of St Oswald Malpas, St John Threapwood, and Holy Trinity Bickerton

Services for May 2013 Morning Prayer is said from Monday to Thursday at 8 30am at St Oswald's.

Holy Communion is celebrated each Wednesday at 10am at St Oswald's and on Major Days

St Oswald’s Church

Sunday 5th

May 6.30 pm







Sunday 12th

May The Sunday

after Ascension Day 8 am Holy Communion at St Oswald's

9 30am Parish Communion at Holy Trinity

11 am Family Service with Baptism at

St Oswald's

6 30pm Evening Prayer at St Oswald's

Tuesday 14th

May St Matthias

7 pm Holy Communion at St Oswald's

Sunday 19th

May Pentecost

(Whit Sunday) 8 am Holy Communion at St Oswald's

9 30 am Holy Communion at St John's.

11 am Parish Communion at St Oswald's

11 am Parish Communion at Holy Trinity

6 30pm Evening Prayer at St Oswald's

Sunday 26th

May Trinity Sunday 8 am Holy Communion at St Oswald's

9 30am Parish Communion at Holy Trinity

11 am Parish Communion at St Oswald's

12 30pm Baptism at St Oswald's

6 30pm Evening Prayer at St Oswald's

Thursday 30th

May Corpus Christi 7 pm Holy Communion at St Oswald's

Wednesday 1st May Sts Philip and

James 10 am Holy Communion at St Oswald's

Sunday 5th

May Rogation Sunday 8am Holy Communion at St Oswald's

9 30 am Holy Communion at St Johns

11 am Mattins at Holy Trinity

11 am Parish Communion at St Oswald's

12 30pm Baptism at St Oswald's

6 30pm Choral Evensong at St Oswald's

Thursday 9th

May Ascension Day 10 am Holy Communion at St Oswald's

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Revd Antony’s Ordination as Priest

It is a year since Revd Antony was made Deacon and he becomes a priest on June 8th at

Chester Cathedral at 5pm. His First Mass is on Sunday June 9th at 11am. All are very wel-

come at both services. What does a priest do some ask, the answer is given at the ordination

service when the Bishop reads out the declaration below.

Priests are called to be servants and shepherds among the people to whom they are sent.

With their Bishop and fellow ministers, they are to proclaim the word of the Lord and to

watch for the signs of God's new creation. They are to be messengers, watchmen and stew-

ards of the Lord; they are to teach and to admonish, to feed and provide for his family, to

search for his children in the wilderness of this world's temptations, and to guide them

through its confusions, that they may be saved through Christ for ever. Formed by the

word, they are to call their hearers to repentance and to declare in Christ's name the abso-

lution and forgiveness of their sins.

With all God's people, they are to tell the story of God's love. They are to baptize new dis-

ciples in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and to walk with

them in the way of Christ, nurturing them in the faith. They are to unfold the Scriptures, to

preach the word in season and out of season, and to declare the mighty acts of God. They

are to preside at the Lord's table and lead his people in worship, offering with them a spir-

itual sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. They are to bless the people in God's name.

They are to resist evil, support the weak, defend the poor, and intercede for all in need.

They are to minister to the sick and prepare the dying for their death. Guided by the Spirit,

they are to discern and foster the gifts of all God's people, that the whole Church may be

built up in unity and faith.

The Bishop then addresses the Deacons and asks them to make their own declarations and

promises about the life they will lead as priests

We trust that long ago you began to weigh and ponder all this, and that you are fully de-

termined, by the grace of God, to devote yourself wholly to his service, so that as you daily

follow the rule and teaching of our Lord and grow into his likeness, God may sanctify the

lives of all with whom you have to do.

And now, in order that we may know your mind and purpose, you must make the declara-

tions we put to you.

We pray God‟s richest blessing on Antony as he prepares for his priestly ministry.

Ordination service in Chester Cathedral on Saturday 8th June at 5.00pm

First Mass on Sunday 9th June at St Oswald’s at 11.00am.

(This is the only service in the Benefice on the Sunday morning)

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St Oswald’s Flower Rota May

High Altar

5th & 12th

Elma Ebben

19th & 26th

Marion Randles

June 2nd

Karen Kirk

Table & Shelf

5th & 12th

Jane Toosey

19th & 26th

Cate Howell

June 2nd

Pauline Plumb

Brereton Chapel

5th & 12th

Doreen Leek

19th & 26th

Noreen Hodkinson

June 2nd

Nora Thomas


St Oswald‟s Mothers‟ Union has just com-

memorated 75 years of activity. Over the

years there has been a strong membership

(giving long years of service and support)

working steadily to spread the work of the

MU in prayer, fellowship and fundraising.

Traditionally the Mothers‟ Union has had its

membership mainly around mothers. How-

ever, it is a little known fact that all are wel-

come. It is inclusive to all who care about

children and families in need in the UK and


There are over 4 million members around

the world with like minds, who care deeply

about children‟s needs, family issues and

individual communities who suffer indigni-

ties, abuse, hunger, thirst and unnecessary

illness, (much being fatal) trying to do what

they can to alleviate such problems. Work-

ing with other groups e.g. Child Poverty,

Citizens Advice, Royal College of Mid-

wives etc., we campaign against sexualisa-

tion of children, for valuing maternity and

to challenge legislation that neglects the

vulnerable! We have programmes where we

try to meet the needs of families and people

at all levels in our communities, such as

parenting skills, health education, prison

work etc. We work worldwide on these is-


From 2013 Comic Relief will be helping

MU to train more facilitators for literacy

and numeracy skills in Burundi.

I am sure that we would all agree that we

would wish this good work and Christian

support to continue for another 75 years in


It is our challenge to “love mercy, seek jus-

tice and walk humbly with our God” (Micah

6:8) One of the ways that we are doing this

in 2013 is by encouraging the younger gen-

eration to join us in our endeavours, by

providing the opportunity to attend evening

meetings. I personally would like to say

how I recognise and respect all the hard

work this branch has achieved and main-

tained over the years.

Well done EVERYONE!!

If you are interested in supporting or learn-

ing more about the main projects that the

Mothers‟ Union is involved with, or would

like to come along to one of our meetings,

please contact:-

Pauline Plumb (Branch Leader) 01948

861345, Ann Welby (Secretary) 01948


Rose Roberts (Treasurer) 01948 820414


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Julian Meeting 2nd April 2013

Last week on Maundy Thursday we celebrated one of the

greatest mysteries of our faith; the inauguration of the


Eucharistia is a Greek word meaning thankfulness, first used of

the sacrament by Ignatius in the early second century. To un-

derstand the Eucharist you have to understand our place in the

creation. The Bible sets out to show that we are intended to re-

ceive the creation as we receive our lives, thankfully, as a gift,

holding them on trust, offering them daily back to God from

whom everything comes. The form that offering is to take is

thanksgiving, which doesn‟t just mean learning to say thank

you, but also implies a way of being and a frame of mind that

is trusting rather than anxious, grateful rather than grudging,

compassionate rather than judgmental, and outgoing rather than selfish. But this is not how

we are. Human nature is strangely perverse, and we tend to see the world as an end in itself,

using and abusing it as we wish and regarding each other with a guarded, often critical eye.

God is not so easily diverted. He has created us for himself and he knows “our hearts are

restless until they rest in him”. And so the Word becomes flesh in order that our eyes may

be opened to truth. At the end of his life Jesus did two things that, more than any other,

lodged in the minds of his friends. The first, the washing of their feet, spoke as no other ac-

tion could, of the plain, unromantic, down-to-earthness of the love God both shows and asks

for. The second has proved even more meaningful in the 2 millenia that have passed since

Jesus first took bread and wine and did with them four deeply significant things.

He took bread into his hands; thanked God for it; broke it; shared it. And he said: “This is

my body, my blood. This is me.” He is showing them the profoundly simple pattern of this

one totally good human life: a life taken and lived in complete openness to the Father and so

“offered”. A life lived thankfully at every point by one who saw God‟s hand in everything.

A life spent in the costly love of others and finally broken on the Cross. A life totally shared.

Those four actions of offering, thanking, breaking and sharing, together show the pattern of

what self-giving love means, and are the only definition of God we need to know. This is

why the Eucharist properly stands at the heart of so much Christian worship. It encapsulates

the very essence of the Christian way of life.

But it does more. For it is as the bread and wine which represent our lives and our work are

offered; it is as we give thanks for everything we value in them and for all that God has

shown us; it is above all as we share with others, known and unknown, the bread that has

been broken, that we are identifying ourselves with the way of self-giving love. It is as if we

are saying to God in return: “This is my body: take me.”

Next meeting is on 7th May at 7.30pm in the Rectory. Come and join us for a period of

peace and quiet followed by a cuppa! Brian Fletcher Tel. 861152

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Malpas Farmers Market

is held in The Jubilee Hall

on the third Saturday of the


Malpas Bowling Club

& Social Institute

Bowling, Snooker and Social


For further details contact Sue

Jones on 01948 770 482

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Holy Trinity Notices

NEEDED FOR THE FLOWER FESTIVAL Donations towards the flowers would be very welcome! Also could anybody lend us a silk

kimono, a large piece of coral, a vintage camera and a TV for the displays. Would all be well

looked after. Kate Holland 01829 261153

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May Ann Cracroft -01829 720425


May Joan Sharman-01829 720340

If any of these dates are inconvenient it would be a great help if you could arrange to swap

with someone else on the rota or contact Joan Sharman .(Tel 01829 720340) Many thanks.


Members from the four branches of the

Malpas Mothers' Union Deanery (Malpas,

Bickerton & Bickley, Waverton and

Farndon) met in Bickerton Village Hall on

April 10th for a slideshow and talk by

Angela Klabou, the Chester Diocesan

president, entitled " Help us Grow " The

Chester Diocese has the second largest

membership in the country after Blackburn

but the numbers have fallen slightly in re-

cent times so we are looking for new mem-

bers to join us in Christian fellowship and

help to raise funds for local and overseas


On Wed. May 8th at Mosswood we look for-

ward to welcoming the Revd Antony Dutton

speaking on " My Christian Journey so

Far “ and answering any questions you may

have for him.

Everyone is welcome to come along to any

of our meetings with no obligation.

Kate Holland 01829 261153

SPRING LUNCH 12.30pm for 1.00pm

May 19th

In the Village Hall, Bickerton

£15 includes wine

In aid of Holy Trinity Bickerton church repairs

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Don‟t forget the Mothers‟ Union Jumble Sale

on May 11th.in the Village Hall. Doors open at 2.00pm .

Contributions of jumble to Pam 01829 782144

All proceeds to MU overseas fund

Bickerton Toddlers group meets on Monday

morning term time only at 9.30am, ring

Gemma 07793 889 467.

On Tuesdays after school (also term time on-

ly) there are ballet classes at various grades,

ring Alyson Hanlon 01948 820791.

Every Wednesday Bickerton Youth Music

Group meets at 7.15-9.00pm. This is led by

musician and band leader Daren Poyzer and

is for 11-18 yr olds. Guitars and drums are

available to use so if you are interested ring

Carol Shadbolt 01829 782 392 .

Finally the Theatre School meets on Satur-

day morning from 10-11am. More details

from Mike 01829 260310 or Nigel 01829



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At Bickerton Village Hall


These will be held in Bickerton Village Hall

on May 6th and May 27th from 12noon -2.00pm.

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The Whitchurch Podiatry Practice 7/8 Watergate Arcade, Whitchurch, SY13 1DP

Emma Coley BSc(Hons), M. Ch. S., S.R.Ch HPC Reg. Podiaist

General Chiropody, Nail Care, Ingrowing Toenail Surgery, Diabetic Footcare & Advice

Verruca Treatment, Gait Analysis & Orthosis

Home Visits Available Enquires Welcome

Tel. 07976 242 096 Give Your Feet A Treat. Call Today

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Telephone MALPAS 860433

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FREE 6 WEEK COURSE If you have Type 2 diabetes and have already been on the „Diabetes Essentials

Course‟ offered by the Countess of Chester Hospital. If not, call 01244

365234 to book onto the „Diabetes Essentials Course‟ FIRST.

The „Cook Well for Diabetes‟ course covers: two cookery demonstrations per week, new

recipe ideas, food labels, portion sizes, glycaemic index and a healthy diet

Please ring 0151 356 6970 for further information and to book your place.



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The next meeting of

the Field Club, is on

Wednesday 8th May at

the High Street Church

(SY14 8PR), starting

at 7.30 pm (to include

the Annual General

Meeting). The speaker

will be Professor Cyn-

thia Burek (University of Chester) who

will present an illustrated talk entitled

‘Geodiversity & Geoconservation in the

Malpas area: An exploration of our local

landscape’. This talk on our local geolo-

gy will be followed up with the annual

Outdoor Meeting on Wednesday 12th


(meet at the Jubilee Hall at 7.00 pm), when

Professor Burek will lead an excursion

‘Walking through the past in the Malpas

area‟. Both meetings are open to all.

For information about Field Club member-

ship and activities please contact David

Hayns (secretary) on (01948) 860486 da-

[email protected]


The Ladies‟ Choir is currently rehearsing for

two concerts in May. The first is its own an-

nual concert, which had to be postponed due

to unforeseen circumstances from April 23rd

to Tuesday May 7th. Entitled ‘As long as we

have music’, the concert programme will

present a variety of music, including popular

songs, country music, religious items and

music from the opera. Highlights will be

‘The chorus of the Hebrew slaves’ and ‘You

raise me up!’ The concert is at Malpas High

Street Church (7.30 pm), with tickets at

£5.00 (under 16s free) from choir members.

The following Tuesday, May 14th

(7.30 pm),

the choir will be singing at Brown Knowl

Methodist Church, as part of the Methodist

Women‟s Network anniversary celebrations.

Admission is by programme at £5.00, availa-

ble from Mrs Margaret Cox (Tel: 01829


For information about the Ladies‟ Choir

please contact the conductor David Hayns on

01948 860486 [email protected]

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Now the gardening season is well underway, our talks are geared to help us all with every

gardening challenge. At our meeting on the 9th of May at Malpas High Street Church, our

Chairman Doris Bamforth will advise us on Shade Planting in her own inimitable and jolly

way, which will be a delight to all. Meetings start at 7-30 pm, ad-

mission is £1 members, £2 non-members, this includes a free raffle

and refreshments. Do not forget your flower of the month, and the

competition is a good luck charm (we all need those for the weath-

er!) We look forward to meeting members and visitors to our local

friendly club. Do not forget our popular Plant and Produce sale

which takes place on Saturday the 11th of May, in the Jubilee Hall

Malpas at 10am until 12noon, admission 50p, including tea/coffee

and biscuits. Come along and pick up a bargain. For further infor-

mation contact Alan or Paul on 01948 770522.


It was good to welcome Kate Russel to our

March meeting as her previous visit had

been in 2006. The title of her demonstration

on this occasion was “Out of the Attic”

which not only lead to interesting finds but

also to fascinating tales connected to them.

Kate‟s first arrangement was an all white

shower on a pedestal. It should have been

on a nymph statuette but this sadly had been

broken. We heard interesting accounts of

Lord and Lady Leverhulme and their con-

nections with her family. She passed round

a dazzling diamond brooch which had be-

longed to them and had been bequeathed to

Kate by an aunt who had received it as a

gift. The second arrangement was illustrated

by a Blue Mountain pottery fish and used

yellow flowers. The third was a spring bas-

ket and the fourth red gerberas in a diagonal

position with grouped roses and chrysanthe-

mums. A huge brass charger held red spray

carnations, roses and alstrameria in the fifth,

and finally an ancient suitcase was

produced to be filled with a riot of iris,

carnations, tulips, amaryllis, gerbera and

roses. Stunning.

It was a memorable afternoon and the

large audience of members went home

happy and recalling their own memories.

Our chairman, Janet, has commenced

lessons with a small and enthusiastic

group of members on the basics of flow-

er arranging and is more than pleased

with their progress.

June Davies, our Outings Secretary, has

arranged a visit to Thursford in Norfolk

to experience the famous Christmas

Spectacular. This will be by coach with

two overnight stays in a hotel and will

cost in the region of two hundred

pounds. Seats are still available and June

can be contacted on 01948-860861.

Hope you are enjoying the beautiful

Spring sunshine.

Audrey Schofield

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Wright Manley

Auctioneers – Valuers – Surveyors – Land & Estate Agents

A complete professional service to all sectors of real estate based at five offices

And one of the county’s largest livestock markets at Beeston

providing a comprehensive service to the whole of Cheshire, North Shropshire, and

North Wales

Residential sales of urban and rural houses conducted by private treaty or by public


Surveys for Building Societies, Banks and major lending institutions RICS House buy-

ers Reports by Chartered Surveyors

Rural estate management department specialising in the sale of farms, estates and land

by public auction and private treaty.

Valuations for probate, compulsory acquisitions, tax purposes, planning, tenant right and other allied purposes

Negotiations with the Valuation Offices as required

Regular sales of stock, horses and implements at Beeston which

operates four days a week

Monthly sales of Pedigree and Unregistered Holstein and Friesian dairy cattle. Large

Herd dispersal sales conducted throughout England and Wales at individual farms

Collective sales of antiques and modern furniture at Beeston

Other aspects appertaining to land, stock and chattel ownership

A complete professional service from modern, progressive firm of independent specialists



Tel: 01829 731300 Fax: 01829 733878

Other offices at:

Beeston Livestock Market: Tel 01829 262100

6/8 Watergate Street, Chester: Tel 01244 317833

137 Nantwich Road, Crewe: Tel 01270 255396

56 High Street, Nantwich: Tel 01270 625410

16 Watergate, Whitchurch: Tel 01948 662281

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High Street Church Malpas

Our Sunday morning services are at 10.45am

followed by coffee. Or visit our coffee mornings at 10-11.30 on the 1

st Saturday of each month.

Rev’d Jenny Arthurs (01829 771820)

Messy Church Enjoy crafts, food and fun, with family and

Friends at our next Messy Church on Sun 19th May from 4.00-5.30pm. All welcome! Led by members of High Street Methodist/URC

and Malpas Elim Community Church (Call 01829 771820 or 01948820056 for more info)

Lollipop Lady/Man Required

Malpas Alport Primary School need the above for school mornings and afternoons; 8am-

9am and 3pm-4pm. Sensible pay and I would imagine good fun.

Please phone 01244 620222


GoOnLine is a new service aimed to help older members of the local community become

confident in using computers and accessing the internet. It will commence in early May,

and is a free drop-in service on a Thursday afternoon from 2pm – 4pm. in Malpas Jubilee

Hall. There will be volunteers available to assist each individual in using the computer and

accessing the internet.

Anyone over the age of 65 is welcome and no previous experience of using a computer is

required so complete novices need not be worried about coming along. Anyone interested

can call me on the mobile number below and I will be pleased to answer any questions.

Jean Toyn.(07563 156 220).

Malpas library are also offering a computer course called BBC First Click. This will cost

£12 for a six week course. Ring 01948 862021 for more details.

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The Carden Arms Chess team have won

Division 3 of the Chester & District Chess

League in their first season of existence.

They beat Chester 7 at home on Monday

(April 1) 3.5-0.5. The Carden Arms still

have two outstanding matches, but cannot

be caught.

The team started the season with a 2-2

draw with Penyffordd 2 on October 1 and

lost their second match 3-1 to Chester 6 a

week later. After this inauspicious start, the

team proceeded to win all their matches.

On Board 1 Peter Lovatt from Malpas

scored 8 wins and one loss for the season.

On Board 2 Charles Higgie from Malpas

scored 9 wins and one draw, the best re-

sults by any player in Division 3. Other

players who have scored points for The

Carden Arms are Celeste McCrann from

Bickley with 6.5 out of 9, Arthur Banks

from Whitchurch with 2 out of 4 and Peter

Brown from Whitchurch with 2 out of 2.

Captain Charles Higgie said "The Tilston

pub has proved to be an excellent venue

and we would like to thank Bill and Jon

Beresford allowing us to play our home

matches there."

Next season The Carden Arms will play in

Division 2 of the Chester & District league

and also will enter the Wirral Chess

League. For both league they will need 5

players for every match rather than the 4

players they need at the moment. The team

therefore is looking for new players to add

to their squad. Anyone interested in play-

ing should contact the captain, Charles

Higgie on 01948 860083, Mobile:

07981074373, e-mail

[email protected] or Charles

Lowick Higgie on Facebook. The team

will play its home matches on Tuesday

nights next season.

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Registered Charity No 1078000

Entertainment Licence for Malpas Youth Centre

Opportunities occur from time to time to provide entertainment at the Youth Centre for

which a licence is required. One example would be live music put on in support of Malfest

but dance programmes and filmshows also can require a licence.

Following advice from Cheshire West and Chester Council we are making an application

for a permanent licence. This will save making separate temporary event notifications. The

process involves public consultation and details of the application can be seen officially at

the Licensing Team Office, CWAC Council, The Forum, Chester CH1 2HS. However, for

the benefit of local residents, an additional copy is lodged at Malpas Library. The closing

date for any comment is Wednesday 8 May 2013.


At our meeting on 1st April, we looked for-

ward to summer activities, although the

winter hasn‟t left us yet! Our speaker for the

evening, Diana Mather, was unable to

come, so John Boaden gave us his account

of a life in television as an actor and direc-

tor and his meetings with celebrities.

There are meetings for new members of the

Federation at W.I. house in Chester in May,

since membership has increased recently

and these meetings are a useful way of find-

ing out how the organisation works and how

it brings benefits to women in Cheshire. We

join other WI.s in our area in their meetings,

such as Tushingham and No Mansheath,

Marbury,and Iscoyd, and recently to

Worthenbury W.I, which is in the Shrop-

shire Federation. This enables us to enjoy

other speakers and to see how they manage

their meetings!

The W.I. also helps in providing refreshments

at the Cheshire Show, which is on June 18th

and 19th this year, so volunteers were request-

ed to act as stewards. Marjorie Dakin had sug-

gestions for trips later in the year and we

chose to go to Bryngwyn hall, an interesting

house and garden, at Llanfyllin, Powys. Our

walkers will be taking part in the sponsored

walk in Erddig park on May12th, and we all

support the coffee morning at “the Rowans”

in Threapwood on June 12th

Next month, on May 1st George Hughes will

tell us his experiences as a private investigator

and our competition will be for your choice of

a character from history deserving investiga-

tion and why.


Come and join us at Cheshire Wildlife Trust headquarters at Bickley Hall Farm 11.00am-

4.00pm. Children‟s activities, guided walks around Bickley Hall Farm estate and a BBQ

using our own conservation grazed meat. Free entry, info from Tracey Gibson 01948

820728 or email [email protected]

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THE BEECHES PRE-SCHOOL Edge Village Hall, Edge, Nr Malpas

We are a community-based, OFSTED registered pre-school

in a wonderful rural setting, accepting children aged 2-5

years for early years care and education.

We offer a play-based, inclusive curriculum in a


safe and secure environment.

Open 8.30-3.00 Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday and till 1.00 Monday.

We have an experienced staff, led by a qualified teacher. Our children come from

a wide local area, and we feed into all the local schools.

For further information please contact Sue Anderson on 01948 820 775 or

07506 994 550 or feel free to call in for a visit at any time.

Inspect our “Good” OFSTED report at www.OFSTED.gov.uk

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Will You Join Us?

The village of Malpas should be represented by 11 Parish Councillors and we

hope to fill the current vacancy at our next monthly meeting on May 13 when

the 10 current Members formally co-opt a willing volunteer.

Have you ever considered offering your services for the benefit of the local

community? Or have you previously served as a Parish Councillor and been

considering a return?

Information about who is eligible to be a candidate and what you should do if

interested can be obtained from the Clerk, Ruth Jacks, whose contact details are

given on the official Notice board outside the laundry.

The elections for all 11 Parish Councillors will be held next in May 2015.

“Helping Life Flow Smoothly”

This is the slogan that United Utilities hopes will become very familiar to eve-

ryone in Malpas as its work to upgrade over 100 miles of the Vyrnwy Aqueduct

between Oswestry and Prescot is undertaken through the village as far as the

reservoir near the cemetery.

The original cast-iron pipe was constructed under local land in the 1880s, with a

second being laid alongside some 20 years later and a third, in steel, in the mid-

dle of the last century.

Together they carry over 200 million litres of water every day to almost 1 mil-

lion people. And the company's representatives assured the Parish Council in a

briefing that our supplies are to continue without disruption.

But some short-term temporary traffic lights will be needed while access points

are created onto private land in the coming weeks. The work itself is not due to

begin until February 2014 and will take a year. The upgrading of the next sec-

tion beyond the reservoir will follow.

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Planning Matters – Latest

Both unsuccessful applicants have appealed against the recent decisions by

Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council (CWaC) to refuse planning per-

mission for seven dwellings off Greenfields Lane in Malpas and the develop-

ment of up to 140 on the neighbouring land.

Neither proposal was supported by the Parish Council and we have agreed to re-

peat our opposition to the independent inspectors who will make the final deci-


Marking Another Year …

The annual Parish Meeting is due to be held on May 7 in the Jubilee Hall when

key village organisations were invited to outline their priorities and ambitions

for the coming year – in the hope that this would help identify common aims on

which they could work together.

The agenda for the Parish Council's annual meeting, scheduled to follow this,

includes the election of the Chair and Vice Chair for the next 12 months, and the

appointment of the Parish Council's representatives on various bodies.

Diary Dates

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council will be held on May 13 and June 10

(Mondays) but others will be arranged if necessary to meet the deadline for

comments to CWaC on important planning applications.

Two of our Parish Councillors will be available at the Jubilee Hall between

10am and noon on May 4 and June 1 (Saturdays) to discuss any local issues or

concerns you have. Alternatively drop a note in the special mail box in Londis

on top of the cash machine near the Post Office counter.

Councillor Adrian Waddelove


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Page 40: Malpas, Threapwood, and Bickerton | Church of England


Page 41: Malpas, Threapwood, and Bickerton | Church of England



Joan Jeffcoat 01829 782311

Email: [email protected]


Marion Randles:- 01948 860 598

Email: [email protected]

Distribution for Malpas :

Helen Ravenhill:- 01948 861 166

Distribution for Bickerton :

Brenda Harvey:- 01829 260170


The Reprographics Department

Bishop Heber High School

Malpas SY14 8JD

Tel:-01948 862 027

Publicity Officers

Ann Welby 01948 861 475

Carol Fletcher 01948 861 152

Email: [email protected]

Copy Deadline for :

June 2013 Edition


Monday 13th May 2013

The Parish News has been produced under

the control of the Rector and the

Parochial Church Council who bear

ultimate responsibility for the contents.

Parish News Production Team

Don’t forget to check out the web-

site, www.malpaschurch.co.uk. A

fuller version of the magazine is

available there as well as more in-

formation about the churches in the

benefice. Editor.

Whitchurch Shropshire

1st Walking Festival Friday10th-Sunday 12th May

Half & full day walks, a history walk,

Mares and Mosses walks, a ceilidh

and other entertainment. For up-to-

date information on the programme &

bookings tel 01948 663069 or


[email protected]

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