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VOLXVIH DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. VEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, MAY 5.1888. NO 93 1 >UU Of MtMOtimOl DTAIU- M.T II AOTMCI. VM »ata •UMlETIh, •EN'S FUMISHEM, 831 BROAD St. NEWARK,*. J. FOR WINTERUSE J. J. LANGDON, MT. PLEAMAIT, BaaHsAcibl, Donnplele wilb «poasMik •Mi I" WUIIIE HUTIOK, iMllliw Ml i UBDEBWEAB UBMIUmB AMD BUNIETN AHDBUHKEm aomoiiM.M. D. ones at na m i Mm, OMB. I.I, la nrlgiu (Baric, of I.U.I .t,ln, aid a mj fall BMarlaiaat or Beets and ghees Heels and Nheea iS Bnbbtr Wear RnWkei Wear -Of 1TUV BUOUPTUH,- -M HI 81114, atLUXa- PILLSBORn 8 S S S al ib I t m sutai DR. A-G. FREEMAN, l e a . A. . Babllc I., owttlt. iffNTartW miy iMMta Ui OOMI. DOfH, a. «W fort (NlM, la raaa »wr l e a . A. . . BB« laVllM .rtM*f th. Babll Mir fool «otk«t»o«ml»tria«. MrawuofcM alaarahMa"Tfi.BMtlaaStaafMtr Iaa*bl. tofMMMlrUMM aria of M a Ualllafa Ma " " oawof ikMBI. Dmt. laM M*a kw. von «h.*aBNNa*fcr " t W a n a . work w n a k M M«M4 a. aial MkMtoa.. of Marly at B iMBka BMlo MH, If kM- lw rtoB I km ASM *nrk, Dr. Preeaaa baa beat my own aal tamils cntiat aa alta for the Ioealli aid Martin yean. It him M n Dr. Preeaaa baa beat my own aal tamils Icntiat, aa alta for the Ioealli aid Martin oftbelaotiUMfiftbepaatuslveyean. It t i to hi oftbelaotiUMfiftbe * gnat pieaian to DOVER, N.J. i. 1..IOI.IIY, Proprietor. n—iiiinaiii mm. UARVIN —THE— PAINTER. J«U •Mi, m itolaa Ire of (a,. PAPER HAN6IN8 CEILING OECMATIONS, f work« i b. wan tt au u m 1 l DOTH. 1.4. ri.innimi.1. Dorai, i. j. B QV QMS' AMD 4 UH «f MUORWus Mum nCHUUIII. ' • » ROTUI ffOlUfl, PARK HOTEL. Bin •I'tBlli BtMOWAod Oak atatin w^a^l AA TbaBainllaf bnaeh i ab.li atritfli aapatla' Mdapairwdnplir il» tat olamaaaiai. Ia* a hir Mai of aw MM, » " wll .a- rto •ntBiMlorl nt;nil «lll mm Onceries ui Provident U tminntolf In Brian. J. J, LA»«DO». A RN D •UttEX tt QROCIR. •KkaMWn.iy.J. Dr. Vraevjaa kM t k . a u m a j i «f all oar al. law told. HiHPH. T. iMRkl. i. a r^...,*"" 0 ^ "•"*""• Dili Urn :-l ik.lltokapaf la ban pa aaa •• a»aia wiik atkaraMlav aasfeat. II IMtanHa>k.U*»a •• •»|Ud;M «lll MMMaraaDaw. HBuaillryaan, i. W. t u u a a , 1>. D, Da. Iui>u-O»r Wrl If Ik. •» a< SPECIAL SALE SHOES. sssi.i.2.W!ssss::ttr A f.w BMMM af U»rcr faapbj for vkoki 1 ton toaa wart la tto | M taMlfr v> lu f DuUAI tiitaar l Or.fraf.H.aacal Oat HaCraokaa, WHY NOT EVCRV M M OWN Nil OWN NONET TNI KIT OPNNTIMTV GROCERIES IWIMIWI, THOfl. JOHNBON. EnaWam" * apariakf BOB,- af a\ra SbaiaWdl Ma* Ii all llaatal iMaa, MINTCM. WILOOZ * BERBY. Inlnnll I . «. T. •. aUMM,) UNPENTEMiMIMLKNI, jiir Mt •yo*. uxiMurt •oiLDiaa, OaaiOaa* U. mi 1.1. HM, aa IIUUA111I * BII€M, MUVIM All HAM CiniM SALOON. ' SUSSEX STREET, KB WAGON FOB SALE. ,, laair«maA|»au,D.,ar,».J. larMtnsMttMFMCiai, !»• •, PROVISIONS aflkakaMaTadw ate rue*, rn OBAIK. Day <ari . " a i « f al MORRIS COUNTY M f & S R S S MACHINE ftlHONCa •Una, or aladaah am- la a.iia«uT • r Haw aa* baaatl'al oatalon. Im. ji.a. a,,',',,,••.M*iia««>i»i''a»»tii o r. Mam, »• ^ STANHOPE DRUG STORE « " » " « • O. CiuiMfOTKi, - • Proprietor. DBUOS, MEDICINES, CHEM- ICALS <ad PUSE WINES cmd LIQUORS . MlUiaaaX kMkltoaaUallka EUGENE BUCHANAN?. anus nun. oovn,». J. •UTI MMIM-Wtl DRAKE * KINO. OLIVER 8. FREEMAN. ttHS* MX. ABLWaTON HOTBL, Liu aoFATCosa,». i. , aaotunikioii, WHtak SMITH & JENKINS, WOOD ft SMITH, Estate Business Urn out urn £UUJU lomot.M. JOHN J. ECKHART, (•kMajaai H iHIk * lakMrt.) IAMI AID BUILinB. •klaaHtitBt »k4f»t»fcllfiril»k»l In •D1LBMOI, MUWMtf. DR. EDWARD'S TOWN LOTS! Tka Mkniu IMi WUI k* MM hMW awl •• *auf M( likml lamiWWt. M— It ilatwal I 3 large well graded lots on Randolph Are. Several on Blaokwell Street with sidewalk ourbed and flagged. About 60 lots in the violnity of Penn Ave. All these lots are well located and have been Improved. We will be glad to show any or all the above lots to any one desiring to purchase. Maps may be seen and all infor- mation obtained at the oflbe of SMITH &JENKINS, NMI Estate i lutrsMf Afta. oovuu n. t. ESTAMJSHCO CWJME E. TOOBUUW, e^^BWlP''SB#jB^B(pl^ 9 ^P^ ^ T P W^W In quoting prioes below many of our ous- tomers will certainly remember last August when we inaugurated a special tale of shoes at such marvelously lowprices that inquiry for them continued for months after every pair was olosed out. The shoes offered veri- fied the truth of our statement at the tinu and demonRtrated that when we advertised shoes at just one-half their oost, though i\ looked improbable, was absolutely true. The save may be said of this special sale, as not a single pair will be misrepresented. To commence we will offer about 500 pain of all kinds of shoes for Men, Women and Children, consisting of the stock that we purohased of Mr. James Cain, who recently removed from towoii at juit ezaotly one-half prloe. In addition we will offer W Jo. WOMD'I Kid Ballon fat «1.36 ; former price «3 IS. i •• " " " " 1.60; •' " 8.76. i " " Diagonal Top Ballon lor #2.00 ; former prioe M.II0. t" Minn Kid Button '• 1.00; •' " 1.00. 6 ' " 1.96; " " 9.50. IS " UliUd'a Kill »|irlcg H.tl, >iic 8 lo 10,, 11.00; lomer pin 11.75. V) " " Unit™, from i InB, 60a; foraor price 1120. 26 " iDlaut's Sliora, 80o.; former price 66o. And a large quantity of broken sizes and widths at just one-half their actual oost. An early oall will enable customers to obtain best selections. HEAGAN& CO. flPF.tt.LifDEPOT, IOTEB.I.J. C1BFETS —AND— PAINT8,OIL8,*O. MIWILTIML IMPliMEHTt SAFES AMD POAIJCB. TNC niVER CHIUEI P i t * ^ i aM a itBrilw A m >MUMrr. ITEAM nnuaa WORKS, SODA ASD MIMMJLAl WATMBI. CMEileMLLY. •Pnp'n. NEW QUAETEBS, Cac. tf lUaknU aal lawHa., COUGH murt oocus mop i OOUQB B l K b r l oouoa nsnpi HANDSOME TEA SET la Knllak FrlaMi CUu, MadaUat 1. laaaf waU trlltta aiarM pankaaanal Tea. u. BaMal Po««f. Tka •kola aal la jl,aa Vila aa. «aaa eaaa a< hkia« Pnafcr. Call BBi aa. oai laoaa aa< ftlootT AfiRICULTUML IMPLEMENTS •wit, ItotlliMrt, ITCCJUIWlor fam tt OwM. FURNITURE! LOW PRICE8. 73 MARKET STRSST, WiU Nil iVtoUowini Ooodi at the follow!** MOM: CARPETS! CARPETS! 93 pleoM of Vtlwt, regoW priw $1.60; redaeed to $1.35. 50 ncoM of Bodr Bnueli, itnltr pric*U.9O; reduced to 90c. 50 piece, of Tapestry Brands, n r a l u prioa SOc.; radnoed to 60c 50 pieoes offtU-voolIngrain, Kgidu pnce 80o.; rednoed to 60e. PARLOR SUITS. 50 Pirlor Soiti in pUin silk, embossed andntrbleiied Pluahei. ram- lar price I7fi; reduced to 150. 60 P«lor Bait* (seven pieces) wilnut fames, stoned Uok, ngulu 25 Walnut Bedroom Suit*, (eight pieces), marble top, regular price *«; reduced ta $60. F 25 Walnut Bedroom baita, regular price $50; reduced to $40. 35 Antique OakBedroom Suits, regular prioe $40; reduced to $27. 35 Ash Bedroom Suit*, regular prioe $S0; redvoed to $29. Good Antique Oak (Sideboard, only $15; Mixed Mattreu, $3. COMM, rQMTBkASB AIL MOM Ot Good Oaroet Bed Lounge, $7; Babj Carriage, $4.75. MATrWO-200 pieces of Mattiog from lfio. pet jard up. FOLDING BEDS, EXTENSION TABLES, MARBLE TOP TABLES, HALL STANDS, REFRIGERATORS, STOVES and R.ANGE8, AU AT REDUCED PRICES. STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK. (CBEDIT GIVEN IT DESIRED.) GOODS DELIVERED FUSE Of CBASOE TO AXT PART OF TUX STATE. . AMOS H. VAX HORN, 73 MARKET STREET, NEWARK, N.J. (BMTWtES WJSBISQTOir AND PLANE BTB.) mwirim* Buemi orIAJMUI HEKSON <iKTS TIIH HISTU'ICAIK FOR HOLDER—JL'DU* XAIJIK HEClUKrt THK no I Tl SKK UUTttlCT VOTKr* HUALLUB COUKTKU 1' IIIH, bur ciiAUAcrKHizei TUK KI.KCTIOK IK i UOW [ Tliere wan Kimdoltili IH!<I|II« iu tbu MurrU Comity Cum roamOK Moudey nioruiug when Judge Wi Majlis qwiied t.'uutt for tlie hearing of tbe Uuialolpb town»liiueunt«itcil elrotion oasci. Judge Migie pntpoHd lu take uj> tbe wbluh be Lad lint A^ivd lljfl papcra. M UaUlon Pitney stated tbat air. lhncti had a late hour uolilled blm to act fur IU j tereita, and aa tbe case of Clark against 4Ja 1 "" be preferred loIr.y that tirsl Home legal aparriuj[ of a yre Mail nary natur occurred between Messrs. fituey and (Jutli Senator Werta uc-ted will Mr. Cutler iu lie- bilfof tbt eoDtoaUata. In tlie 1'ierao* wue air, Cuter alloged errors ID Ike Hoard in iMtiuK ihe result »ud ol I Elecliuu Judgn iu B»t ultoitllijg to vnaut t reaiiltol (bettllfjiwl ekcliou iu tlie Boutbu let. Mr eiiuty iu nplf il»Qinl U ityof thB dpctiuii ID tbu Huiithnru l>i< trictaiid tnvr, IIMMINOLU tbnri'tur. to lite enw ol (luae Mr. J'itycj Mt u| tbu Hafm tbat tbe C'imrt HIM without juris diutlop In tun matter, for tbe reatou IU of tbe Peace were aut ouiiuty i tflwoih p ottcera, aud therefore vould D oome under tbo act under wblub tbew pn iefdlu|(a Lava been ttVttu. tonator Wurtu in tplf uiade a noBlcntioB to the contrary, ilainiiAK tbat offioers olecud by tlie tov ibi|»a alone, suua M Jualltsfs uf tbe IVaqe, n owmbip efficen. Tbe Judic»detiid«Ml to LOL idcr tlie point raised by Mr. J'ltley 1B tbi Juaiioe of tlie IVaco oMe, and u> Uke UD tfai eaie of Ibe ionle#t of I'ieraou a|(alHt Hani Peter V. Tutun wac tiefirst witoesa awora Heloldho* tlieoleelloniiB* beld of wliicl bs wu tt* JudKe. He bad a lUteineut ui Ibe result •• Ihatelrctim wbiulilieprtiseDted. Hi went to Dover on t'rldir w meet with tlie Igeaof tlie otber districts, wbs> threwbin u d would sot nceiTfi the retarss, Ho •aid tbe others ot tbe b"anl wen cbtueo that aij|bt, but eering tbo bad admission be bad aade, correoted bimaelf and*aid alteruoei On crou-etamiiiatioB lie said be waa cliotei lud|f« by tbe people ia tbe bonae abtiit hal past lin o'ulork la the afteruMi. It was ii my I owe There bad fceey some r__,_ g«ii>K and eoalDg all tbe day. Though tlitre mixhl hare Uen mure it certain tine. He understood Mr. Tleraon net a number lione, and Midi "Hoys, come back aid >ill bold aa eleclioa jet," H» said (hose who weDt sway weald »y, " We'll, ( don't think there'll be aoy uleoLlon yet." There seemedto lw Buuppoaitian to this. He |ot» cigar boi an<l afterwards was awon in. The ballut box gut there about one u'duvk but tUe< MBlda'tgetlloiveii. 1was swora into ofiue by Andrew Otr iu I learned afterward. When I WM b f o n the «lutlM hoard thought It WMa legs! election if Mr. Huwnia WMakfnloAver. Uaderatoodat the lime Uut I waa atom iu by Mr. Buwmaa (w mi the Mtb. Tbe cigar bn and bu shored ia Ihe bat Iota under the IM. Be did not know Charley Lewis and coaldBotUU whether be rrtfd. A poll Hat WM kept; ha thought thsre were 44 Damtaen tbe list aid tbat two ballots were rejected. Tbey ooaited l he voles ni tha counter «[ the old bv-rwu Be pat kta hud aod-r tke lid and Wok out one ballot at each linn. He tboagbt the two rejected billots were pu back iu Ihe ballot box bj themwives. He Jldo'tpay nil! attention to whether nny o WMUtadeunt after votes were collated. Qrit thought he •i(jtiid tlie return that nitfbt, bat afterward be chaDxed hi* mind rught It was made out a day or two after rarils. He said one return was sljtuadand mt in the box. lie waa prcient wbun this return shewn WM drawn ap, but couldn't tell Who drew It up. When this returnwas mule up tliej goltbu Danes andfigure*iron their nrmmiei. Thia waa auch a ridiculous Firot that nil tbe speotatwtUitgbod aid even Made eaaldo't ^aite maintain hla iravit?. Tbe witnm couldn't Justtollhow they got the figures. Be couldn't swear tbat Mr. Hanoe received BOTSUM, er tkat Mr. lage neelved H votes, Then WM BMtlen aj thaoe anoeat whether they had right ta urganlie M they did. lie IUM4 ahjeeted aid said •hrea, « l w er «re leaabllsua dMu't vote. Be nrged them ta vaU, sajlag If it woalds't cost aiythlH Ha IhlmMlftkatae didn't think tke eleetita woaM amtait to aartklif. He MakeHtultirktM he omld, and If It ap- pears low a ballot ould he shaken out er tin, then it bad been tampered with. Oa lirect euminalleu ha said the Clerk of the llectlm district was there aboat To'eiaek In mania*. Oeo. H. Wolfe, Inspeelor, got then it Marty 2 •'eloek. Wa. Melaol, S«D of Gee. Piersm, brought tbe ballot hot there. CM ud Wolfe wera t i n * it the atme time, bnt didn't preened toorgantte tbe beard. No attempt wai madetoepen the polls uatll be wuelwteaJadge. He uuidu't tell whether any af the people wbe weal away eaae n%tk mi veted. He thrnght anas Bepubllenns 'otei. He eoalds't tell bewaisay were there a Ibe tret lend ud went away. Then were other people then who went away, People kept dwindling down se then alghtaot have been men then three or fear left. JM. H. leash, w o n , twliRed thit he wu Towashtp Clerk. Be was elereal a return ef th* malt af Ib* SMtnera District Ut nfned to reeeire It, B« received tbe ballet box. rbhik bMi*t ben toupend with eiaot. Tfcn * mmet te> eanvaas the r*snlt on Friday. 'ItaiM pradneei tbe elgar ballet hex. The mult that day WMmade ep on the tolly abeeu furnished him br tbe Clerk* »t the Merthern and Central Dlstrets. Oee. Pier- Ma WM then aad WM represented by law- OoaiMt was n r w s t ei both tide*. Frank O. Hoddea, Rieelle* Inspector in •llfged etoetien Ii tbe Soitheri District, to maeh the same MJudge Tottan Mr, Wtlfe vu net then whea ha gat m. He did let beer auythiag Mid about [Bailing an clecUea. lie heard pe*ple aay they dldutbeliere then veuld be an elee- tlea. Mr. Tettoa eware wltoeM and Andy swore Tenet tn. Tbe ballot box now is aueh aa It did tbat algbt. Witness cth* ballot but to Mr. Beach the neit . H* tbeaght And* Orr awfe tbe ntoto- itMt. Ol CMMiualiitiM he MM be aat knew Charley Lewis ud did aet bear My oas object to anybody vatlag wh* WMRBJerag* WltaeM left than aad earn* ipleyee ot (lea. Plomou, temmed to MklDH Wolfe ud Coe to open 'to polls. William Hulbert teatlfied to fetutc aeut by Pieraau for Wolfe .ud toe. who n>fawd to eonie back It v u after four o'clock when tie went after tbea, kicliurd T Bowaan tsatifled that be waa oalUd tobolp organise the Boird. He toted M a moderator and thoee pneest roird alaost nnnimouly hi hold au election, aid elruUd offluera. lie re|<e«tiid what he could reaeni- ber ofthe oath h> Urr, wh» npeelod it tfl Mr. Totten. He eaulda't renenber wliethet Orr nreated all of It after fain. This completed tbe evidence for tbe plali tin'on tbe Walnut Qrovo eleciloo, aud oouu- Ml MbediobsTetbubexopened. Hr.Pitae; nrgned tbat upon the evident* ot tbe plalntiB" there had been no legal election ; tbat Ihe oonatitulwd officer- proeeut decliied with tbe tuitconieiitofKll pr*Mnt to buld au elec- tion i tfaat tfae peaple went awaj aad tbat oily thoH who w*re adbaniti *f Piernoa eame back, and nnch tlee nspeetlBg tke irregular way In which tne election WM beld. Mr. Cutler replied and attempted to suitoiu tbe validi'y of the eleotloa. Senator Werta followed in eu|tpert of the arguaent ot bis oolleagae, tbe drift or both being that the illegal natUi* of tb» eleotlon, beim caaeed by ignoranoe nf tbe law, aboHld not invali- date It. Mr. Pitney, In njelider, illaitrated the (act that not n single feature of tbe eleo- rion was regular, For the defesoe Geo.H. Wolfe wai tbe tint witn^aa iworn; Ufl wm one of tbe \eg»\ Inapecton. IIu got there at 8 o'clock aud raa there about u hour. There wera fifteen twenty then, uud he named quit* a large iinber ot then, who wen legnl voter*. Fliere WM n dltwusilon as towhether (bey •cull hold a legal election. Tber decided hat It w unot lei>l to hold in eliclUi. That WMthe opinion of n majority who were :ben. Tlien seven er eight of n went uny and Pieneu'e tea.m stertod away. Witaesa t<iMiuHoibnoa'a ntore that it WM decided f backaWoU o'dtch. When a* went nwny tnero won sen at tbo pvllo. Tbe tettimmy al Frank O. Heddea WM «jimed. The witieu hid heard ol ChM, ^ewls, bat waa net acoualntod with hla. fVltseeetoatlftedtbat ke went away tnm tbe rile with a load ef aea, bat enae back to •te. Tben WM nothing pirtleulnrl said befon they weit away aboit boidini an eltetion. He eonlM't MV wba detotatlned that the olelgh load sbeuM go. When be vent away be hnd no thought in bla mind whether then woald o<- wosld tot b* at eleetloi that day. aee-PiersoaBBettkemand Induced term to g« hack. Pieraos laid Turn roand. be**, ned go buk." He aald hey would hold anelectta, tome one told Im the polla had no-, been opesed. Tben raa one or two who said they couldn't hold in •tteltoa lawfally aad soae other* Mid they oontd. Martin Carreil did not veto; wuidn't saw whetta Charley Trowbridge oted. Ho did lot know whether Henry Wright vetoi. Wltuu tried togive the re- turns to the Clerk on Friday bnt he weutda'l Rthta. Re tbougbt tbs retirni wera out the » E t dny, but couMn't My whether It w the nut day ot tbe day after Andrew O. Orr, the olerk ot tbe election, latllei that he got to the polls about 10 iloek. Then wen about half a doicu pcr- ene tben. Nothing WM done toe-ard or* ganltlog. He westfaoaetodinner and came back about 4 e'oiock. The Board WMor- nyoae get elected bat hlmielf as Clerk, 'bey wuied him to swenr in Mr. Tutten, and • said be didn't underntaml tbe oatb. Mr. im uiil be bad been Jaatice and voniil I it Mr. Wotfe aud Mr. Coe hnd been snt for but wouldn't eoae, Tbe second tntevent of the mult, he said, wai made Bttheneitday. Tbe statement WM made it fna a ticket which Ellison Coe muleoot night of election. Ellison didn't get the role oi fraiudkeepers and that WMmade up rrem tneaery. Being croea-eiamtned he aald Pieraan wu tben ud otbera, but be mldn't tell bow they got then. He didint COM, Lewie vote, bat believed be pat bla ne en tbe lUt Bell* qaetttonedbyJudse gle WHHM ««td Mr, Tottaa rend thn Bath lo ibe Inspector*, but be couldn't recollect ;te form of onth which WM token by nny of Jacob Drake, tbe rtmalslng Inspeetor, told try mneb the s«»i» story as tbe other*. He iked Coe. tbe eltetiBUoleik, why he dtdu't >on and bold nn election, and he said he In't any ballot box. Thia wltneM tboagbt r oriftBind ibnit hmil-paat Ate o'clock. Orr didn't know wbm the form or osth )H lid Dowman repeated It for blm. Wit- Ms eoaldn't neolleet what tke form wan, but thought U e j did - tho boat the; eould us- be Canametweae." He told bow they oat tbs atatemat fna the ticket aud* ElliMB CM, as oitolder, who dMnt be. totiwbeerd. HaiaaMsU awnbtr who didn't tbiuk ibe ekution waa a lt)(iil ( Some tkiiniLt it w>s legal utid MHne thoujjbl it wuau't. ThiM Lrilliaot wltaeea eipreMe- the opinion that tiioite «iiO tbouuut ibe eke tion wiuu't Itgai wore gore b<ada. Uo wattn'l ijultc mire oluut what 1'ieraoii aaiil. Mr. Tattenauiil be swore tlie Bourd from emori* and told what »ort of iisili he wlajin- ternl. U« did tell tbo can Vilnius; Iwuil tbat Uowtnuu awaroLiui IDand wait miatukei Duaididu'lknaw wLntLerbo told rwop afterward thut he didn't tliiuk ttiu election George 1'icraou, the tandidato for Krue holder, laid lie got to tbe (mila nbout ba" at three o'duck. When iilioiit tbre«-tim •« of (.wile fMjui Mt. Freedom lie u»t the o lowis UOIDJDK back, aud thej told bii sv wuic't boldiai "nj * own mt'eliog. He laid tbeui toturn around; that tbey would iw titu*k and try to «ut orsuuireil. lie atsot H'ui. Unltwrt Or Wolfu and Coe, Imt tlii'j wouldn't come bick. Thuy tbea chose a Hoard out of tbe [wopta who wtro prtaeut He didn't tl [p it ?HWore tb»n mjuitrter h id b did' h past five. A fewtliere mid they ditlu't hi uy lU>|>ublicaa ticket* and didn't itlok ii FMlair. W« bad ton but o'lliom on Ikknti and uiuii livtb. OulieiitK <Ti)Ha-f\*iniueJ be uduiltted that tutui" olijenwJ bticiMUe tltej lad in. ballot bus: lie expecteil tl tlioie lowla to vottt for Iim. Wm. Pieraon, SOB of thn abore, teetifled to iking tliu ballot WE te tbu pull*. Crater, loJuOne, wu tiw ill togu. Hijmiokoto Mr, Wolle, IUB Inspector, andaskrd bin wb.r be didn't oriiuulKe liio board, and Ue replied ;bat he uouldn't net tfau bos o|>eo. CrusH- ^isniineil; Wltnen aald be went away soon after Wolfe. He didn't know tber* would be nn election Wolfe said there wouldn't ke any election and they all wont away. He knew Chat. Lewie, sodthought be voted. He did not bear Charley TrowbriJuG advise him oot to vute: wltneM did Lot tell him to ?ote. lie old net know why bowent away. Wit- KC8i taid be worked fur liia father part of the tiiue and wae in limioeM for liiinaelf part of the tin*, Nation Ferrr. no e> bare beeu prevented from attealauce by ibe iooletuent day. He laid tbe greatest streia uoon the failure of tbo ptwple to organiie the election at an earlier imur in Ibe day, when they had tbe opportunity t* do no. Therefore lit> ghuiilil direct Ibe orwoinuoi tho boi aid ibe lurjpectiou ol it* ooutonta, aid be abould uojuttle folen uiltMt tliero appeared to b* •ome reaaort wbj they should not be counted. flit: Judge tfaeu optsned tlie boi in tlie pres- eoi* of tlie, (Kiunael. Jacou Drake, f uipevtor, wa« cidltd Ui Uxtiiy lo tbe atatemeut or tbe mult, aud aithonjjti be WMa very fresh wit- neai tbeilay before, lie didn't appear to ks*w what tbepHperwMUDtiieoaohed bj the wan- < •el aufflcieytlj to net tbe matter through bis midille. He pertisUd In vatliuf tbeatatenent aflliowiug of majorities, And thia WM tbe cbup who on tbe aland tbo dny before auer- iugly alladed to aome other citizim M know- uiib, Tkeesliibltiuabeuadeafaewed that a little knowledge iu|wrtod to bia uilgbt bavebeuiia beuetit, Andrew Orr lileutiHod tbe poll IUt and tlie stitteauutotlUe result. Ha niadealiltlenis* tuke iumjiug tbat a put of tbe panerwaa at- wheu, wbicb judge Magit. lilnself kad at- mlii-d osly a few njlnat* 1 * Wore. Frank U. Heddeti ulenlilimi I be lialleU asd 'mirihi'il tfau uiiajinpr nl couuiiux, uto. I'nUir I'. Tottou went tlirougli I lie anae for- nulit of tfatirnouy. Mr. Totlcn also{[otoauitlit i Uatlfjlug that the paper tbeeleetiaa buard igued was pinned to the statement of mult, when the fact was tberu wiun't A pin bole in till Judge Magle aiade Me. According lo bis •tatemeot Mr. Heduea, lunecter, kept tke tally, anil not tUe Clerk Clerk Orr WM nualled aud uontradlcted Judge Tott-u by saying hakept tbe telly. Ilia sheet contained out totetoomanj.whkk be eiplulned by coufeming he bad a made a mi* take. Mr. Pitney objected to the votes kelag there w«nld he no election. Tbea at Haamel D. YsnBgt' he told binaad Dirld Yoaig and Martin Carrcll. Mr. Totten WBB ODOof thooe present who decided an election womld be illegal. ftamnol D. Yontga tootilod to hoofiax that t h i n wewM be do tioetioa tnm Mr. Welle a«d did not go. Ho aaw Cbt* B. Clatkand 0HH.C. DoHwtBM toM tbea there woald o ao oloothM. The aext day f>Mw C. Tot- tootoldwltMH that hi dida'l iblak tbe aloe- ttoa woald onannt to northiog. That they bold the oleetloi wk» Pirroon aad h|f MI got there, Oiaa.CMtoMhUMBlbenweaM aoeloetioB. Chu. E. Clark taid bo otarted tor tbe eloo- tioo, bit whea bo nubod 8anael V Yoooga loaned then wu BOelection boi ig held aad did i « t c " any fartb«r. Jowph IUBM leldbow ho waittothe polli vote, at 10 iVtloeh, and reaulBoi there till hatWHB 8 aid 4 I'oleek. Hie wo w u with hla. When bo woat away they doeMod It raatothto tt htM an eleetiii, wai Mtb ildoo eoBMitodtogo booM. Kraut C ooojho iBd Wm. Uatemaa went with hia. Tbey ipedlBtbaatei* u d tko dooieioa lot to luoleetloawaaUihedower. HedidaaH kenr that day thnt tke pail* *•» •**•**. Cku.Tn>wbrMg«tOBtil*i togoiag to the Illo Bt I o'elMk aad atayiij till 11. Bo went ba«k bit went away whea tbo Board wu onaiiied. He did Mt Tata beenaaa ho thought there wa« eaoaih witboat hla. Be MW Chu. Lmii, bat did not tay aaythlif o hla about-otlng. Bdwin f. Totlea. aoa of Paler C Tettev, oa pNMDt at tbo polllBg plau all day. At BOOB then won fro* 11toM) vaton pteMBt, who atald moot or tbea till abaat a o'clock. boaid diocBa»io>a aboM hotdiig tbe eloe- i, aid ho aadeimtoaa tbaaa to i|reetogo •e, which thay did, nil bat two, taklag ike : wUh tben. Ha WBB then wbea the ao- lled etoetioa waa opoaed. The pell* wen opened at e o,umer to eii. He had a GOB* vereatioa with bt« lather aftorthey hadde- cided to trgailao tke Board, He advlaed a not to terve. Hie father aaM if it waa '1*1 be night u well oerve; if it w u not gal It ww not orialaai. George Pienaa eaid he had oeoa lawyer Neigh Jmar aad law er 8alib, who toM hla ho eeald ermine Boleettm. They took the ballet bus away witk than ud brought It balk. Cbulw C. DcHnrt Willed tkat be nUtled the pollitovoto bit liaricd at Samel D. >BBga' then would bo » eleettoa. Ho did l that day that tha fib hat beet IB tbe auittor ofthe oeatoat of Clark agaiiat Oaga, Jnd|e Ma« ie nfaaot to iraat tha point of jurltdlttion ralaed by Mr. Pitaoy, bat gruted Liu a writ of certionri, which atoyi the cut uotill hla deoliioa oaa bo nvlowoa. *•#>• Arbor Bay telnvw. Aiaaberof KwipetpU vlaitol tbe»»blifl aohoel at thia plaoo laol Friday to ONthe ebildno go thni|h Ihfl Arb« Dar exorcioaa aad were well nwardod. The oseniau won apenoel abtat two Cfllock with oiaftai bythe aehool, after wUeh BOT. Mr. BlakeaUo aad* ft rover, Tb« « WM freely tBtanpemd with Btafing. The w h e l m aeeeued to m with aaci ether t* aaa wbawaaMtakatbMipwMbMk nrtteam twarMltatkaabywadks KaOtlpb, it mm No.«, aad Mamie Mattlaau, af i**m X*. 7, Edlibleilly.ofNoejMt,. 8 thfa tfjtri»M» pMitfcMH Arber Uaywhkik WMWrttteuby Miauls Pukar. •h*WM«Hk>«e4hf Must* Prnemaa,«fiaam]ra.0, Mereslagiag bttas Hhoel, tfur which Mettle Meliek, *f nem Na 10, read a eoaipMltiou wriHea by Esther Heimata, of tu* same rtoa Mr. Demiwat, th* principal, tbea latraduMd Dr. Magi*, the new C*mity Buperintsaasat, wh* anda a abort addma to the BCBOOI, **d ejaeawenad tbewh«Uf* ta regard to tim *f ditanal kinds, sMWisg thnufh difsv i Yownp went to the election in the meniig aad alald till abont 1. He w>nt baekagali bat did lot veto bteaiM he did tbiak tbe eltetloa legal. Thou tben at 'clock decided there woald bo no BIOBUOB. Martia I. Carrcll wenttothe polla and waa nwbei It wu decided to bald no olec- l. Hi went away aad nUraed but dM voto beeanio he tbooght It w u illegal. tboBgat it Ihe aaliioi or i eomdmble nnaiber •( the bystanden tbat tbo election Illegal. He naaod a aiaber who ci- aod tbe oplaton that tho e'wtloa w u aot gal, iBoiudtog Peter C. luttea. Henry 8. Wright wu preaeatat the alleged 'Ot>*g, bat did not Tele becanee he did not ik It w u Ifgal. It wu a quarter to aU wboi the polla wen opened. Mr. Pieraon klaoelfuid he didn't think it would aaoant t aaytulag, bit bo woild go throngli Ine m. John Blaekwcll walked three aiilea throagU ihe MOWtovowforGoo, Pkortei. Whei bo eat away ho lolentood there woald be BO When Coait aotviaed Mr. Fltaey made aa .rfunent respecting tbe mleeeadust of the ilectloii oBoen, which be claimed affect* bonsul'ofthfleleotioa. Judge Magle u l d he haa a gnat dfial or diffioully with this qaeition. nodWM inn to say that he was not dear Ibat the DMCIHIMB Bbad reached werr just. There wa» a war latbiideclsiori taiglit be reviewed and he iped that it would be eo reviewed. The eturn ef Ibe election board in the ftontharu liatrlut wae a wholly fictltioui *tt« and no ividenoe at all. Tbe6rat o,aMtioa was vlietfwr tha leaal voteru could elect a board tbe hour of 5:30 in tbe afteraeou and pro- d to bold n Ificsl election. He recalled fact of the failure ot the people to elect a ward during the day. Il eeenedj apparent :hat they were Ignorant cf their rights, but hat did not prevent tbea from oriaaiilng. lie was of tbe opinion tbat if these people lere tbo first who nude aneffort to organise bey were tntltlm] to do so, Tbe next qnet- lon la tbs conduot of tlie hoard, which he dd seimtd to be aade up of the groiaeat regularities. Th<-.r elected a Clerk, which iry had io tight to do. Tbey proceeded to iwenr tbiaielTea, and it iaquite evident :bat thry didn't tike the rtqilnd oatb, he importance of which WM ooameated oa ;ronglr. It wai evident tbat the Isspetton ere not aworn at all, beeaiae they took in oath adroiaiatertd by tht Judge. But the** wereoflcira at WACto aid the Irregu- larities he thought wonld not Invalidate their ion unites fraud *u proved. KteneoUug ballot bos Bied, there da»s not appear to naoh enntciUoD, aad it wai avldant they Id the bast they Mald. Caaeiraing tne ir- igalariUM, a* iffeotleg tba m i l t , ha aaW the • would apply U tbe diailiation of the teltlMeMoaUot*. anefthiM wu ink aU Judge Magls sail be thought this bat showed grosMrirregalaritiHthaMrertatvn, and lie waa iu eitrem* doubt whether th* vales uught to be counted, bat be would do eo. He characterised indignantly tbe attempt ts defraud by two double ballot* in »cb a small vote. Hetbenprocoededtooouat the votes ami fonud that all of tbe 11 were ruoorded for Mr.Pimon. Ir. I'itaev said if tleae U votes were intod for Mr. Meraoi they woald gin hla a majtritir. He called attention to the el traerdlnary featurei of the elMtieB—thafaoU there WM BO much fraud tbowu U snefa a •mull vote, that Ibe <-leetloa WM under the coutrol of Mr, 1'ierson, and WM M loaaely oouduoted. If there WMa breach of duty on the part of the pMple pneent earlier In the day iu not argauliiig na *l*ottn, what shall be said of the** men who acquiesced la the deciiioo not tc held aueleotioa, bat eame back earlier and rated after uepriviig ether people of tbi* votwt Upoa this pai*t he l<4id particular straw, aid renewed *e*M other poiste lu Ibe O%M. Judge Mngie UU1 tbat uleaj thia WMd*« with the launttolure voton away frem th* polla, It would *ot iavaliaale what tbay aid after they had bettor iaformatiM, The JBdg* then ordered tbat tbe votoebeeautod. Mt. Pitney WMwilling to admit tkat if Mia rot* WMcmated it would elect Mr. Piano*, If owiBial fur Mr. Pieraaa would atari! that If It WMnot eauated It waald elect Mr. Has**. Mr. FieiMi'i eoinael at Int declinedtoAa this, but afterward oh*ag*d bis aiai aad .•greed t* It, Judge Mafie tbea ordered that a oerttteate be given Mr. Plerson. In the matter of eato Judge Magie uttered these *lgulftoant word*: "I decline to allow ousts agalaat this defend- ant (Mr. Ilaace) beoaaee It doeo Bat that be had anything to do wltl that Hit Ihia ibouabont 11 thtboirngnW i tao aaoaki^ "Wah kow tbo wiedosa of God la naaanat la avory thug. Mr. Daaanet tboa eeiUd oa Mr. Lambert,DioMetCletk, who •aatafcwtw* aarka. As Arbor Day wu hnMta the aaai- rerae^ of Qrttt'aUrtMay thia year, Mahal Umhovl nadatf|ialUaa oa Oraat'* U*, which did gnat credit to tha writer, Maty Bira.fn|hoa. Br. Doatamt MM tbat the different txospetitioM woald bo left on tha desk for (he vuitorn to liapeet. The iiaMt •lereioao wen thoa oloatd with la«(lag, aad the Kholats nunbod Ml on eltaw rite af the Mhtol konu aad famed la elaam ta tao plByiroiBt. intjthNMMhalaMHtthi aokBolkaBM,oaBM book aad formal again, nftor which tbey u n h i d baek IB tbe othaal, twoclaaootata time, whea they won am* Biased lac the d«y. »nkeatown OBrnoaoodoBtaf the Mat*- attitowa Quttto aaja: I uwIB tha IBA that tbo iiioooBtlittw tnat auk«boo«tou llaraortoaonatffb. WoalaNnly wlohUat tome al Dtvefi elUsoaa wttM otay thin •ad no Iholr Watiag, andlying alao, aad eoaaa dowa ben on tbo uvaath tay nad •aaUai-B Afaua Mm Tht boot MIVO is tka world for onto, MM. hnioea, aloero, salt rbona, fcvtr aona, tot- tor, ebapfod hnnda, ehllblalaa, tana, aad all U l py , BO poy ntaind. II la gaaraatood to giv« perfort eathAHioa, or sjaanw infaadod. MooBUporboL Fer sal* b/Bttjtn Killgtft, &ovor. B. J. Mr. W. U. Morgai, m n h u t . take Otty, la^ waa takto with a aevon wa, attended wiih a diitmtiii oowfh ud r u i l i f lato oonaampliDa b ito first tUffw. Ha tried OD-alkd pnpnlar m i f h H M d i t t u d teadily grew woree, Wu ndandlaleok, bad dioValtv u breathing tnd wu liable to kep. riDillytrlMlDr.KlM'aKewDtoMTefT Tot ooMampUua ud fuoid ImmodiatoNbtc, itl after aalpg aboat m half doaea hottlea oadUMtll veil aad kaohadBonavnor Ibe diaeau. Ho other nmadr flta thow m fairHoTd of HW, u Dr. KingiWiw Ducovery for ODBoBaiptiou g a u u U e d t o da Inatvhultelnlmadforll. Trial botUs fro. BtB.Killgon'aDngBton. Mrs. PliiU aealoy, PoUrsoa, CUj Gouty, Iowa, tells tbe following nmarhablo Hoty, the Uulb of whloh ii vonchad br by the ntsdaaU of the town: "lam7Syi.>ws oli, have boon troofaled with kttuey complaint and Uaisasi for many yean; oould not drew atytelf with* oat help. Now I an free turn ail paii aad aoreoeot, and an able to do all myowa faoBM* work. I owo my thank* to Bleolrio Bittora for having renewed nyyoslb, and imnorad Ofinpletety all diseaae and pain." Try bot* tie, only 60c. at B. Kfllgon'a Drop Store. of pare Cod Liver Oil, i with HypopkeophlMo, l U l b l d W i D )y "Beott'a Emahloi ia tho On»t prepantm ot tba kind. IB afleatioai nf the lunge aod other wutiag dlteaaee. wi BUTconaldtr it o u autl nliablt agent, la aperfectly ologaat iad agreoabU Dtaaftdbvrin. Garden Tools, Hoes, Baku aad Sfndlag rorks at greatly ndBcod aricos it Borty Co'a Hardware Store, alga of tao Padlock, Dover, N. J. Why do yoa wear thai Shabby Hnnaoa, wheayoaeM dny a a«w oao tat MO at A. Taylor t Boa'a, Baatoi^ntnnt, Oovor, X. J. TotyUad ntbh* Btu



VM »ata



831 B R O A D St.




BaaHsAcibl, Don nplele wilb «poasMik•Mi I" WUIIIE HUTIOK, iMllliw Ml




aomoiiM.M. D .

ones at na m i Mm,OMB. I.I,

la nrlgiu (Baric, of I.U.I . t , ln , aid a mjfall BMarlaiaat or

Beets and gheesHeels and Nheea

iSBnbbtr WearRnWkei Wear

-Of 1TUV BUOUPTUH,-- M H I 81114, atLUXa-

PILLSBORn 8 S S Sal ib Itm sutai


lea. A.. Babllc

I., owttlt.iffNTartW

miy iMMta Ui OOM I. DOfH, a.«W fort (NlM, la raaa »wr lea. A... BB« laVllM . rtM *f th. Babll

Mir fool «otk«t»o«ml»tria«. MrawuofcMalaarahMa"Tfi.BMtlaaStaafMtr Iaa*bl.tofMMMlrUMM aria of M a Ualllafa M a" " oawof ikMB I. Dmt. laM M*a kw. von

«h.*aBNNa*fcr " t W a n a .work wnakM M «M4 a.aial MkMtoa.. of Marly atB iMBka BM lo M H , If kM-lw rtoB I k m ASM *nrk,

Dr. Preeaaa baa beat my own aal tamilscntiat aa alta for the Ioealli aid Martin

yean. Ithim M n

Dr. Preeaaa baa beat my own aal tamilsIcntiat, aa alta for the Ioealli aid MartinoftbelaotiUMfiftbepaatuslveyean. It

t i to hioftbelaotiUMfiftbe• * gnat pieaian to

DOVER, N.J.i. 1..IOI.IIY, Proprietor.

n—iiiinaiii mm.


PAINTER.J«U •Mi , m i to laa Ire of (a,.

PAPER HAN6IN8CEILING OECMATIONS,fwork « i b. wan ttau u m 1 l

DOTH. 1.4.

ri.innimi.1.Dorai, i. j.


4 UH «f

MUORW us Mum n CHUUIII.' • » ROTUI ffOlUfl,


Bin •I'tBlli BtMOWAod Oak atatin w a l AATbaBainllaf bnaeh i ab.li atritfli aapatla'M d a p a i r w d n p l i r il» tat olamaaaiai.I a * a hir Mai of aw MM, » " wll .a-

rto •ntBiMlo rlnt;nil «lll mm

Onceries u i ProvidentU tminnto l f In Brian.

J. J, LA»«DO».


•UttEX t t QROCIR.

•KkaMWn.iy.J.Dr. Vraevjaa kM tk. a u m a j i «f all oar

al. law told.HiHPH. T. iMRkl.

i. a r ^ . . . , * " " 0 ^ " • " * " " •Dili Urn :-l ik.ll to kapaf la ban pa

aaa • • a»aia wiik atkara M lav aasfeat. IIIM tan Ha>k.U*»a •• •»|Ud;M «lllMMMaraaDaw. HBuaillryaan,

i. W. t u u a a , 1>. D,Da. I u i > u - O » r Wrl If Ik. • » a<



sssi.i.2.W!ssss::ttrA f.w BMMM af U»rcr faapbj for vkoki 1

ton toaa wart la tto | M taMlfr v> lu

f DuUAItiitaar l

Or.fraf.H.aacalOat HaCraokaa,





THOfl. JOHNBON.EnaWam" * apariakf BOB,- af a\ra

SbaiaWdl Ma* I i all llaatal iMaa,

MINTCM. WILOOZ * BERBY.I n l n n l l I . «. T. •. aUMM,)


jiir Mt

• y o * .uxiMurt •oiLDiaa,

OaaiOaa* U. mi 1.1. H M , aa






,, laair«maA|»au,D.,ar,».J.


!»• •,

PROVISIONSaflkakaMaTadw a t e

rue*, r n OBAIK.

Day <ari . " a i « fa l


M f & S R S S MACHINE ftlHONCa•Una, or aladaah am- la a.iia«uT• r Haw aa* baaatl'al oatalon. Im.

j i . a . a,,',',,,••.M*iia««>i»i''a»»tiio r. Mam, »• •

STANHOPE DRUG STORE « " » " « •O. CiuiMfOTKi, - • Proprietor.



MlUiaaaX H»kMkltoaaUallka

EUGENE BUCHANAN?.anus nun. oovn,». J.





MX. ABLWaTON HOTBL,Liu aoFATCosa,». i. ,



Estate BusinessUrn out urn £ U U J U lomot.M.

JOHN J. ECKHART,(•kMajaai H iHIk * lakMrt.)


•klaaHtitBt »k4f»t»fcllfiril»k»l In



TOWN LOTS!Tka M k n i u IMi WUI k* MMhMW awl • • *auf M ( likml

lamiWWt. M— It ilatwal I

3 large well gradedlots on Randolph Are.Several on Blaokwell

Street with sidewalkourbed and flagged.About 60 lots in the

violnity of Penn Ave.All these lots are well

located and have beenImproved. We will beglad to show any orall the above lots toany one desiring topurchase. Maps maybe seen and all infor-mation obtained atthe oflbe of

SMITH & JENKINS,NMI Estate i lutrsMf Afta.

oovuu n. t.



e^^BWlP''SB#jB^B(pl^ 9 ^P^ ^ T P W^W

In quoting prioes below many of our ous-tomers will certainly remember last Augustwhen we inaugurated a special tale of shoesat such marvelously low prices that inquiryfor them continued for months after everypair was olosed out. The shoes offered veri-fied the truth of our statement at the tinuand demonRtrated that when we advertisedshoes at just one-half their oost, though i\looked improbable, was absolutely true. Thesave may be said of this special sale, as not asingle pair will be misrepresented.

To commence we will offer about 500 painof all kinds of shoes for Men, Women andChildren, consisting of the stock that wepurohased of Mr. James Cain, who recentlyremoved from towoii at juit ezaotly one-halfprloe. In addition we will offer

W J o . W O M D ' I Kid Ballon fat «1.36 ; former price «3 IS.

i •• " " " " 1.60; •' " 8.76.

i " " Diagonal Top Ballon lor #2.00 ; former prioe M.II0.

t " M i n n Kid Button '• 1.00; •' " 1.00.

6 ' " 1.96; • " " 9.50.

IS " UliUd'a Kill »|irlcg H.tl, >iic 8 lo 10,, 11.00; lomer p i n 11.75.

V) " " Unit™, from i In B, 60a; foraor price 1120.

26 " iDlaut's Sliora, 80o.; former price 66o.

And a large quantity of broken sizes andwidths at just one-half their actual oost. Anearly oall will enable customers to obtainbest selections.






^ iaM a itBrilw A m >MUMrr.

ITEAM n n u a a WORKS,


CMEileMLLY. •Pnp'n.

NEW QUAETEBS,Cac. tf lUaknU aal l a w Ha.,

COUGH murtoocus m o p i


oouoa nsnpi

HANDSOME TEA SETla Knllak FrlaMi CUu, MadaUat 1. „laaaf w a U trlltta a i a r M pankaaanal

Tea. u . BaMal Po««f. Tka •kola aal lajl,aa Vila aa. «aaa eaaa a< hkia« Pnafcr.

Call BBi aa. oai laoaa aa< ftlootT


•wit, ItotlliMrt,ITCCJUIW lor fam t t OwM.


73 MARKET STRSST,WiU Nil iVtoUowini Ooodi at the follow!** MOM:

CARPETS! CARPETS!93 pleoM of Vtlwt, regoW priw $1.60; redaeed to $1.35.50 ncoM of Bodr Bnueli , i tn l tr pric*U.9O; reduced to 90c.50 piece, of Tapestry Brands, n r a l u prioa SOc.; radnoed to 60c50 pieoes of ftU-vool Ingrain, Kgidu pnce 80o.; rednoed to 60e.

PARLOR SUITS.50 Pirlor Soiti in pUin silk, embossed and ntrbleiied Pluahei. ram-

lar price I7fi; reduced to 150.60 P«lor Bait* (seven pieces) wilnut fames, stoned Uok, ngulu

25 Walnut Bedroom Suit*, (eight pieces), marble top, regular price* « ; reduced ta $60. F

25 Walnut Bedroom baita, regular price $50; reduced to $40.35 Antique Oak Bedroom Suits, regular prioe $40; reduced to $27.35 Ash Bedroom Suit*, regular prioe $S0; redvoed to $29.Good Antique Oak (Sideboard, only $15; Mixed Mattreu, $3.

COMM, rQMTBkASB AIL MOM Ot Good Oaroet Bed Lounge, $7; Babj Carriage, $4.75.MATrWO-200 pieces of Mattiog from lfio. pet jard up.












IK i UOW [

Tliere wanKimdoltili IH!<I|II« iu tbu MurrU Comity Cumroam OK Moudey nioruiug when Judge WiMajlis qwiied t.'uutt for tlie hearing of tbeUuialolpb town»liiueunt«itcil elrotion oasci.Judge Migie pntpoHd lu take uj> tbewbluh be Lad lint A^ivd lljfl papcra. MUaUlon Pitney stated tbat air. lhncti hada late hour uolilled blm to act fur IU jtereita, and aa tbe case of Clark against 4Ja

1 "" be preferred lo Ir.y that tirslHome legal aparriuj[ of a yre Mail nary naturoccurred between Messrs. fituey and (JutliSenator Werta uc-ted will Mr. Cutler iu lie-bilfof tbt eoDtoaUata. In tlie 1'ierao* wueair, Cuter alloged errors ID Ike Hoard

in iMtiuK ihe result »ud ol IElecliuu Judgn iu B»t ultoitllijg to vnaut treaiiltol (be ttllfjiwl ekcliou iu tlie Boutbu• let. Mr eiiuty iu nplf il»Qinl U

ityof thB dpctiuii ID tbu Huiithnru l>i<trictaiid tnvr, IIM MINOLU tbnri'tur.

to lite enw ol (luae Mr. J'itycj Mt u|tbu Hafm tbat tbe C'imrt HIM without jurisdiutlop In tun matter, for tbe reatou IU

of tbe Peace were aut ouiiuty itflwoih p ottcera, aud therefore vould Doome under tbo act under wblub tbew pniefdlu|(a Lava been ttVttu. tonator Wurtu intplf uiade a noBlcntioB to the contrary,ilainiiAK tbat offioers olecud by tlie tovibi|»a alone, suua M Jualltsfs uf tbe IVaqe, nowmbip efficen. Tbe Judic»detiid«Ml to LOLidcr tlie point raised by Mr. J'ltley 1B tbi

Juaiioe of tlie IVaco oMe, and u> Uke UD tfaieaie of Ibe ionle#t of I'ieraou a|(alHt Hani

Peter V. Tutun wac tie first witoesa aworaHeloldho* tlieoleelloniiB* beld of wliiclbs wu tt* JudKe. He bad a lUteineut uiIbe result •• Ihatelrctim wbiulilieprtiseDted.Hi went to Dover on t'rldir w meet with tlie

Igeaof tlie otber districts, wbs> threw binu d would sot nceiTfi the retarss, Ho

•aid tbe others ot tbe b"anl wen cbtueo thataij|bt, but eering tbo bad admission be badaade, correoted bimaelf and *aid alteruoeiOn crou-etamiiiatioB lie said be waa clioteilud|f« by tbe people ia tbe bonae abtiit halpast l in o'ulork la the afteruMi. It was iimy I owe There bad fceey some r__,_g«ii>K and eoalDg all tbe day. Though tlitremixhl hare Uen mure it certain tine. Heunderstood Mr. Tleraon net a numberlione, and Midi " Hoys, come back aid >illbold aa eleclioa jet," H» said (hose whoweDt sway weald »y , " We'll, ( don't thinkthere'll be aoy uleoLlon yet." There seemed tolw Buuppoaitian to this. He | o t» cigar boian<l afterwards was awon in. The ballutbox gut there about one u'duvk but tUe<MBlda'tgetlloiveii. 1 was swora into ofiueby Andrew Otr iu I learned afterward.When I WM bfon the «lutlM hoardthought It WM a legs! election if Mr. HuwniaWMakfnloAver. Uaderatoodat the limeUut I waa atom iu by Mr. Buwmaa(w mi the Mtb. Tbe cigar bn w»

and bu shored ia Ihe bat Iota underthe IM. Be did not know Charley Lewis andcoaldBotUU whether be rrtfd. A poll HatWM kept; ha thought thsre were 44 Damta entbe list aid tbat two ballots were rejected.Tbey ooaited l he voles ni tha counter «[ theold bv-rwu Be pat kta hud aod-r tke lidand Wok out one ballot at each linn. Hetboagbt the two rejected billots were puback iu Ihe ballot box bj them wives. HeJldo'tpay nil! attention to whether nny

o WMUtadeunt after votes were collated.Qrit thought he •i(jtiid tlie return that

nitfbt, bat afterward be chaDxed hi* mind

rught It was made out a day or two afterrarils. He said one return was sljtuad andmt in the box. lie waa prcient wbun this

return shewn WM drawn ap, but couldn'ttell Who drew It up. When this return wasmule up tliej goltbu Danes and figure* irontheir nrmmiei. Thia waa auch a ridiculousFirot that nil tbe speotatwtUitgbod aid even

Made eaaldo't ^aite maintain hlairavit?. Tbe witnm couldn't Just toll howthey got the figures. Be couldn't swear tbatMr. Hanoe received BO TSUM, er tkat Mr.

lage neelved H votes, Then WMBMtlen aj thaoe anoeat whether they hadright ta urganlie M they did. lie I U M 4

ahjeeted aid said•hrea, « l w er «re leaabllsua dMu'tvote. Be nrged them ta vaU, sajlag If it

woalds't cost aiythlH HaIhlmMlftkatae didn't think

tke eleetita woaM amtait to aartklif. HeMakeHtultirktM he omld, and If It ap-pears low a ballot ould he shaken out er

tin, then it bad been tampered with. Oalirect euminalleu ha said the Clerk of the

llectlm district was there aboat T o'eiaek Inmania*. Oeo. H. Wolfe, Inspeelor, got

then i t Marty 2 •'eloek. Wa. Melaol, S«Dof Gee. Piersm, brought tbe ballot hot there.C M u d Wolfe wera t i n * it the atme time,bnt didn't preened to organtte tbe beard. Noattempt wai made to epen the polls uatll bewuelwteaJadge. He uuidu't tell whetherany af the people wbe weal away eaae n%tkmi veted. He thrnght anas Bepubllenns'otei. He eoalds't tell bewaisay were therea Ibe tret lend u d went away. Then were

other people then who went away, Peoplekept dwindling down se then alghtaot havebeen men then three or fear left.

J M . H. leash, w o n , twliRed thit he wuTowashtp Clerk. Be was elereal a return efth* malt af Ib* SMtnera District Ut nfnedto reeeire It, B« received tbe ballet box.rbhik bM i*t ben toupend with eiaot. Tfcn

* m met te> eanvaas the r*snlt on Friday.'ItaiM pradneei tbe elgar ballet hex.

The mult that day WM made ep on the tollyabeeu furnished him br tbe Clerk* »t theMerthern and Central Dlstrets. Oee. Pier-Ma WM then aad WM represented by law-

OoaiMt was nrwst e i both tide*.Frank O. Hoddea, Rieelle* Inspector in

•llfged etoetien Ii tbe Soitheri District,to maeh the same M Judge Tottan

Mr, Wtlfe v u net then whea ha gatm. He did let beer auythiag Mid about[Bailing an clecUea. lie heard pe*ple aay

they dldutbeliere then veuld be an elee-tlea. Mr. Tettoa eware wltoeM and Andy

swore Tenet tn. Tbe ballot box nowis aueh aa It did tbat algbt. Witnesscth* ballot but to Mr. Beach the neit. H* tbeaght And* Orr awfe tbe ntoto-itMt. Ol CMMiualiitiM he MM beaat knew Charley Lewis u d did aet

bear My oas object to anybody vatlag wh*WMRBJerag* WltaeM left than aad earn*

ipleyee ot (lea. Plomou,temmed to MklDH Wolfe u d Coe to open'to polls.William Hulbert teatlfied to fetutc aeut by

Pieraau for Wolfe .ud toe. who n>fawd toeonie back It v u after four o'clock whentie went after tbea,

kicliurd T Bowaan tsatifled that be waaoalUd to bolp organise the Boird. He totedM a moderator and thoee pneest roird alaostnnnimouly hi hold au election, aid elruUdoffluera. lie re|<e«tiid what he could reaeni-ber ofthe oath h> Urr, wh» npeelod it tfl Mr.Totten. He eaulda't renenber wliethet Orrnreated all of It after fain.

This completed tbe evidence for tbe plalitin'on tbe Walnut Qrovo eleciloo, aud oouu-Ml MbediobsTetbubexopened. Hr.Pitae;nrgned tbat upon the evident* ot tbe plalntiB"there had been no legal election ; tbat Iheoonatitulwd officer- proeeut decliied with tbetuitconieiitofKll pr*Mnt to buld au elec-tion i tfaat tfae peaple went awaj aad tbatoily thoH who w*re adbaniti *f Piernoaeame back, and nnch tlee nspeetlBg tkeirregular way In which tne election WM beld.Mr. Cutler replied and attempted to suitoiutbe validi'y of the eleotloa. Senator Wertafollowed in eu|tpert of the arguaent ot bisoolleagae, tbe drift or both being that theillegal natUi* of tb» eleotlon, beim caaeedby ignoranoe nf tbe law, aboHld not invali-date It. Mr. Pitney, In njelider, illaitratedthe (act that not n single feature of tbe eleo-rion was regular,

For the defesoe Geo.H. Wolfe wai tbe tintwitn aa iworn; Ufl wm one of tbe \eg»\Inapecton. IIu got there at 8 o'clock audraa there about u hour. There wera fifteen

twenty then, uud he named quit* a largeiinber ot then, who wen legnl voter*.

Fliere WM n dltwusilon as to whether (bey•cull hold a legal election. Tber decidedhat It wu not lei>l to hold in eliclUi.That WM the opinion of n majority who were:ben. Tlien seven er eight of n went u n yand Pieneu'e tea.m stertod away. Witaesat<iM iu Hoibnoa'a ntore that it WM decided

fbackaWoU o'dtch. When a* went nwnytnero won sen at tbo pvllo.

Tbe tettimmy al Frank O. Heddea WM«jimed. The witieu hid heard ol ChM,^ewls, bat waa net acoualntod with hla.fVltseee toatlfted tbat ke went away tnm tberile with a load ef aea, bat enae back to•te. Tben WM nothing pirtleulnrl said

befon they weit away aboit boidini aneltetion. He eonlM't MV wba detotatlnedthat the olelgh load sbeuM go. When bevent away be hnd no thought in bla mindwhether then woald o<- wosld tot b* ateleetloi that day. aee-PiersoaBBettkemandInduced term to g« hack. Pieraos laid

Turn roand. be**, ned go buk." He aaldhey would hold an electta, tome one toldIm the polla had no-, been opesed. Tbenraa one or two who said they couldn't hold

in •tteltoa lawfally aad soae other* Midthey oontd. Martin Carreil did not veto;wuidn't saw whetta Charley Trowbridgeoted. Ho did lot know whether Henry

Wright vetoi. Wltuu tried to give the re-turns to the Clerk on Friday bnt he weutda'l

Rthta. Re tbougbt tbs retirni weraout the » E t dny, but couMn't My

whether It w the nut day ot tbe day afterAndrew O. Orr, the olerk ot tbe election,latllei that he got to the polls about 10iloek. Then wen about half a doicu pcr-

ene tben. Nothing WM done toe-ard or*ganltlog. He west faoae to dinner and cameback about 4 e'oiock. The Board WM or-

nyoae get elected bat hlmielf as Clerk,'bey wuied him to swenr in Mr. Tutten, and• said be didn't underntaml tbe oatb. Mr.

im uiil be bad been Jaatice and voniilI i t Mr. Wotfe aud Mr. Coe hnd been

snt for but wouldn't eoae, Tbe secondtntevent of the mult, he said, wai madeBttheneitday. Tbe statement WM madeit fna a ticket which Ellison Coe mule oot

night of election. Ellison didn't get therole oi fraiudkeepers and that WM made uprrem tneaery. Being croea-eiamtned he aald

Pieraan wu tben u d otbera, but bemldn't tell bow they got then. He did int

COM, Lewie vote, bat believed be pat blane en tbe lUt Bell* qaetttonedbyJudsegle WHHM ««td Mr, Tottaa rend thn Bath

lo ibe Inspector*, but be couldn't recollect;te form of onth which WM token by nny of

Jacob Drake, tbe rtmalslng Inspeetor, toldtry mneb the s«»i» story as tbe other*. Heiked Coe. tbe eltetiBUoleik, why he dtdu't> on and bold nn election, and he said heIn't any ballot box. Thia wltneM tboagbtr oriftBind ibnit hmil-paat Ate o'clock.Orr didn't know wbm the form or osth

)H l id Dowman repeated It for blm. Wit-Ms eoaldn't neolleet what tke form wan, but

thought Uej did - tho boat the; eould us-be Canametweae." He told bow theyoat tbs atatemat f n a the ticket aud*

ElliMB CM, as oitolder, who dMnt be.totiwbeerd. HaiaaMsU awnbtr who

didn't tbiuk ibe ekution waa a lt)(iil (Some tkiiniLt it w>s legal utid MHne thoujjblit wuau't. ThiM Lrilliaot wltaeea eipreMe-the opinion that tiioite «iiO tbouuut ibe eketion wiuu't Itgai wore gore b<ada. Uo wattn'lijultc mire oluut what 1'ieraoii aaiil.

Mr. Tattenauiil be swore tlie Bourd fromemori* and told what »ort of iisili he wlajin-ternl. U« did tell tbo can Vilnius; Iwuil

tbat Uowtnuu awaroLiui ID and wait miatukeiDuaididu'lknaw wLntLerbo told rwop

afterward thut he didn't tliiuk ttiu election

George 1'icraou, the tandidato for Krueholder, laid lie got to tbe (mila nbout ba"

at three o'duck. When iilioiit tbre«-tim•« of (.wile fMjui Mt. Freedom lie u»t theo lowis UOIDJDK back, aud thej told biisv wuic't boldiai "nj *o w n mt'eliog. He

laid tbeui to turn around; that tbey wouldiw titu*k and try to «ut orsuuireil. lie atsotH'ui. Unltwrt Or Wolfu and Coe, Imt tlii'jwouldn't come bick. Thuy tbea chose aHoard out of tbe [wopta who wtro prtaeutHe didn't tl

[pit ? H Wore tb»n mjuitrter

h id b did' hpast five. A few tliere mid they ditlu't hiuy lU>|>ublicaa ticket* and didn't itlok iiFM lair. W« bad ton but o'lliom on Ikknti

and uiuii livtb. OulieiitK <Ti)Ha-f\*iniueJ beuduiltted that tutui" olijenwJ bticiMUe tltejlad in. ballot bus: lie expecteil tl

tlioie lowla to vottt for Iim.Wm. Pieraon, SOB of thn abore, teetifled toiking tliu ballot WE te tbu pull*. Crater,loJuOne, wu tiw ill to gu. Hijmiokoto

Mr, Wolle, IUB Inspector, andaskrd bin wb.rbe didn't oriiuulKe liio board, and Ue replied;bat he uouldn't net tfau bos o|>eo. CrusH-^isniineil; Wltnen aald be went away soonafter Wolfe. He didn't know tber* would benn election Wolfe said there wouldn't keany election and they all wont away. Heknew Chat. Lewie, sod thought be voted. Hedid not bear Charley TrowbriJuG advise himoot to vute: wltneM did Lot tell him to ?ote.lie old net know why bo went away. Wit-KC8i taid be worked fur liia father part of thetiiue and wae in limioeM for liiinaelf part ofthe tin*,

Nation Ferrr. no e>

bare beeu prevented from attealauce by ibeiooletuent day. He laid tbe greatest streiauoon the failure of tbo ptwple to organiie theelection at an earlier imur in Ibe day, whenthey had tbe opportunity t* do no. Thereforelit> ghuiilil direct Ibe orwoinuoi tho boi aidibe lurjpectiou ol it* ooutonta, aid be aboulduojuttle folen uiltMt tliero appeared to b*•ome reaaort wbj they should not be counted.

flit: Judge tfaeu optsned tlie boi in tlie pres-eoi* of tlie, (Kiunael. Jacou Drake, f uipevtor,wa« cidltd Ui Uxtiiy lo tbe atatemeut or tbemult, aud aithonjjti be WM a very fresh wit-neai tbeilay before, lie didn't appear to ks*wwhat tbepHperwMUDtiieoaohed bj the wan- <•el aufflcieytlj to net tbe matter through bismidille. He pertisUd In vatliuf tbeatatenentaflliowiug of majorities, And thia WM tbecbup who on tbe aland tbo dny before auer-iugly alladed to aome other citizim M know-

uiib, Tkeesliibltiuabeuadeafaewedthat a little knowledge iu|wrtod to biauilgbt bavebeuiia beuetit,

Andrew Orr lileutiHod tbe poll IUt and tliestitteauutotlUe result. Ha niadealiltlenis*tuke iu mjiug tbat a put of tbe panerwaa at-

wheu, wbicb judge Magit. lilnself kad at-mlii-d osly a few njlnat*1* Wore.Frank U. Heddeti ulenlilimi I be lialleU asd'mirihi'il tfau uiiajinpr nl couuiiux, uto.I'nUir I'. Tottou went tlirougli I lie anae for-

nulit of tfatirnouy. Mr. Totlcn also{[otoauitliti Uatlfjlug that the paper tbeeleetiaa buardigued was pinned to the statement of mult,

when the fact was tberu wiun't A pin bole intill Judge Magle aiade Me. According lo

bis •tatemeot Mr. Heduea, lunecter, kept tketally, anil not tUe Clerk

Clerk Orr WM nualled aud uontradlctedJudge Tott-u by saying ha kept tbe telly.Ilia sheet contained out tote too manj.whkkbe eiplulned by coufeming he bad a made ami* take.

Mr. Pitney objected to the votes kelag

there w«nld he no election. Tbea at HaamelD. YsnBgt' he told bin aad Dirld Yoaig andMartin Carrcll. Mr. Totten WBB ODO of thooepresent who decided an election womld beillegal.

ftamnol D. Yontga tootilod to hoofiax thatthin wewM be do tioetioa tnm Mr. Wellea«d did not go. Ho aaw Cbt* B. Clatk and0HH.C. DoHwtBM toM tbea there woaldo ao oloothM. The aext day f>Mw C. Tot-

too told wltMH that hi dida'l iblak tbe aloe-ttoa woald onannt to northiog. That theybold the oleetloi wk» Pirroon aad h|f M Igot there, Oiaa.CMtoMhUMBlbenweaM

aoeloetioB.Chu. E. Clark taid bo otarted tor tbe eloo-

tioo, bit whea bo nubod 8anael V Yooogaloaned then wu BO election boi ig held aaddid i«tc" any fartb«r.

Jowph I U B M leldbow ho wait to the pollivote, at 10 iVtloeh, and reaulBoi there till

hatWHB 8 aid 4 I'oleek. Hie wo w u withhla. When bo woat away they doeMod Itraa tot hto tt htM an eleetiii, wai Mtbildoo eoBMitod to go booM. Kraut C ooojhoiBd Wm. Uatemaa went with hia. Tbey

ipedlBtbaatei* u d tko dooieioa lot toluoleetloawaaUihedower. HedidaaH

kenr that day thnt tke pail* * • » •**•**.Cku.Tn>wbrMg«tOBtil*i togoiag to the

I l l o Bt I o'elMk aad atayiij till 11. Bowent ba«k bit went away whea tbo Boardw u onaiiied. He did Mt Tata beenaaa hothought there wa« eaoaih witboat hla. Be

MW Chu. Lmii, bat did not tay aaythlifo hla about-otlng.Bdwin f. Totlea. • aoa of Paler C Tettev,oa pNMDt at tbo polllBg plau all day. At

BOOB then won fro* 11 to M) vaton pteMBt,who atald moot or tbea till abaat a o'clock.

boaid diocBa»io>a aboM hotdiig tbe eloe-i, aid ho aadeimtoaa tbaaa to i |ree to go•e, which thay did, nil bat two, taklag ike: wUh tben. Ha WBB then wbea the ao-

lled etoetioa waa opoaed. The pell* wenopened at e o,umer to eii. He had a GOB*vereatioa with bt« lather af tor they had de-cided to trgailao tke Board, He advlaed

a not to terve. Hie father aaM if it waa'1*1 be night u well oerve; if it w u notgal It ww not orialaai. George Pienaa

eaid he had oeoa lawyer Neigh Jmar aad lawer 8alib, who toM hla ho eeald ermineBoleettm. They took the ballet bus away

witk than u d brought It balk.Cbulw C. DcHnrt Willed tkat be nUtledthe polli to voto bit liaricd at Samel D.>BBga' then would bo » eleettoa. Ho did

l that day that tha fib hat beet

IB tbe auittor ofthe oeatoat of Clark agaiiatOaga, Jnd|e Ma« ie nfaaot to iraat tha pointof jurltdlttion ralaed by Mr. Pitaoy, batgruted Liu a writ of certionri, which atoyithe cut uotill hla deoliioa oaa bo nvlowoa.

* • # > •Arbor Bay telnvw.

Aiaaberof KwipetpU vlaitol tbe»»bliflaohoel at thia plaoo laol Friday to ON theebildno go thni |h Ihfl Arb« Dar exorcioaaaad were well nwardod. The oseniau wonapenoel abtat two Cfllock with oiaftai by theaehool, after wUeh BOT. Mr. BlakeaUo aad*

ft rover, Tb« «WM freely tBtanpemd with Btafing. Thewhelm aeeeued to m with aaci ether t* aaawbawaaMtakatbMipwMbMk n r t t e a mtwarMltatkaabywadks KaOtlpb, it mmNo.«, aad Mamie Mattlaau, af i**m X*. 7,Edlibleilly.ofNoejMt,. 8 thfa tfjtri»M»pMitfcMH Arber Uaywhkik WMWrttteubyMiauls Pukar. •h*WM«Hk>«e4hf Must*Prnemaa,«fiaam]ra.0, Mereslagiag bttasHhoel, tfur which Mettle Meliek, *f nemNa 10, read a eoaipMltiou wriHea by EstherHeimata, of tu* same rtoa Mr. Demiwat,th* principal, tbea latraduMd Dr. Magi*, thenew C*mity Buperintsaasat, wh* anda aabort addma to the BCBOOI, **d ejaeawenadtbewh«Uf* ta regard to t i m *f ditanalkinds, sMWisg thnufh difsv

i Yownp went to the election in themeniig aad alald till abont 1. He w>ntbaekagali bat did lot veto bteaiM he did

tbiak tbe eltetloa legal. Thou tben at'clock decided there woald bo no BIOBUOB.

Martia I. Carrcll went to the polla and waanwbei It wu decided to bald no olec-l. Hi went away aad nUraed but dMvoto beeanio he tbooght It wu illegal.

tboBgat it Ihe aaliioi or i eomdmblennaiber •( the bystanden tbat tbo election

Illegal. He naaod a aiaber who ci-aod tbe oplaton that tho e'wtloa w u aot

gal, iBoiudtog Peter C. luttea.Henry 8. Wright wu preaeatat the alleged

'Ot>*g, bat did not Tele becanee he did notik It wu Ifgal. It wu a quarter to aU

wboi the polla wen opened. Mr. Pieraonklaoelfuid he didn't think it would aaoantt aaytulag, bit bo woild go throngli Ine


John Blaekwcll walked three aiilea throagUihe MOW to vow for Goo, Pkortei. Whei boeat away ho lolentood there woald be BO

When Coait aotviaed Mr. Fltaey made aa.rfunent respecting tbe mleeeadust of theilectloii oBoen, which be claimed affect*bonsul'ofthfleleotioa.Judge Magle uld he haa a gnat dfial or

diffioully with this qaeition. nod WM inn tosay that he was not dear Ibat the DMCIHIMB

B bad reached werr just. There wa» a warlatbiideclsiori taiglit be reviewed and heiped that it would be eo reviewed. The

eturn ef Ibe election board in the ftontharuliatrlut wae a wholly fictltioui *tt« and noividenoe at all. Tbe 6rat o,aMtioa wasvlietfwr tha leaal voteru could elect a board

tbe hour of 5:30 in tbe afteraeou and pro-d to bold n Ificsl election. He recalledfact of the failure ot the people to elect a

ward during the day. Il eeenedj apparent:hat they were Ignorant cf their rights, buthat did not prevent tbea from oriaaiilng.lie was of tbe opinion tbat if these peoplelere tbo first who nude an effort to organisebey were tntltlm] to do so, Tbe next qnet-lon la tbs conduot of tlie hoard, which hedd seimtd to be aade up of the groiaeatregularities. Th<-.r elected a Clerk, whichiry had io tight to do. Tbey proceeded to

iwenr tbiaielTea, and it ia quite evident:bat thry didn't tike the rtqilnd oatb,he importance of which WM ooameated oa;ronglr. It wai evident tbat the Isspettonere not aworn at all, beeaiae they took

in oath adroiaiatertd by tht Judge. Butthe** wereoflcira at WACto aid the Irregu-larities he thought wonld not Invalidate their

ion unites fraud * u proved. KteneoUugballot bos Bied, there da»s not appear to

naoh enntciUoD, aad it wai avldant theyId the bast they Mald. Caaeiraing tne ir-igalariUM, a* iffeotleg tba mi l t , ha aaW the

• would apply U tbe diailiation of the

teltlMeMoaUot*.anefthiM wu ink aU

Judge Magls sail be thought this batshowed grosMrirregalaritiHthaMrertatvn,and lie waa iu eitrem* doubt whether th*vales uught to be counted, bat be would do eo.He characterised indignantly tbe attempt tsdefraud by two double ballot* in »cb a smallvote. Hetbenprocoededtooouat the votesami fonud that all of tbe 11 were ruoorded forMr.Pimon.

Ir. I'itaev said if tleae U votes wereintod for Mr. Meraoi they woald g in hla

a majtritir. He called attention to the e ltraerdlnary featurei of the elMtieB—thafaoUthere WM BO much fraud tbowu U snefa a•mull vote, that Ibe <-leetloa WM under thecoutrol of Mr, 1'ierson, and WM M loaaelyoouduoted. If there WM a breach of duty onthe part of the pMple pneent earlier In theday iu not argauliiig na *l*ottn, what shallbe said of the** men who acquiesced la thedeciiioo not tc held au eleotioa, bat eameback earlier and rated after uepriviig etherpeople of tbi* votwt Upoa this pai*t hel<4id particular straw, aid renewed *e*Mother poiste lu Ibe O%M.

Judge Mngie UU1 tbat uleaj thia WM d*«with the launt to lure voton away frem th*polla, It would *ot iavaliaale what tbay aidafter they had bettor iaformatiM, TheJBdg* then ordered tbat tbe votoebeeautod.

Mt. Pitney WM willing to admit tkat if Miarot* WM cmated it would elect Mr. Piano*,If owiBial fur Mr. Pieraaa would atari! that IfIt WM not eauated It waald elect Mr. Has**.Mr. FieiMi'i eoinael at Int declined to Aathis, but afterward oh*ag*d bis a ia i aad.•greed t* It,

Judge Mafie tbea ordered that a oerttteatebe given Mr. Plerson. In the matter of eatoJudge Magie uttered these *lgulftoant word*:"I decline to allow ousts agalaat this defend-ant (Mr. Ilaace) beoaaee It doeo Batthat be had anything to do wltlthat Hit Ihia ibouabont11


i tao aaoaki^ "Wah

kow tbo wiedosa of God la naaanat la avorythug. Mr. Daaanet tboa eeiUd oa Mr.Lambert,DioMetCletk, who •aatafcwtw*aarka. As Arbor Day wu hnM ta the aaai-rerae^ of Qrttt'aUrtMay thia year, MahalUmhovl n a d a t f | i a l U a a oa Oraat'* U*,which did gnat credit to tha writer, MatyBira.fn|hoa. Br. Doatamt MM tbat thedifferent txospetitioM woald bo left on thadesk for (he vuitorn to liapeet. The iiaMt•lereioao wen thoa oloatd with la«(lag, aadthe Kholats nunbod Ml on eltaw rite afthe Mhtol konu aad famed la elaam ta taoplByiroiBt. i n t j t h N M M h a l a M H t t h iaokBolkaBM,oaBM book aad formal again,nftor which tbey u n h i d baek IB tbe othaal,twoclaaootata time, whea they won am*Biased lac the d«y.

»nkeatown OBrnoaoodoBtaf the Mat*-attitowa Quttto aaja: I u w IB tha I B Athat tbo iiioooBtlittw tnat auk«boo«toullaraortoaonatffb. WoalaNnly wlohUattome al Dtvefi elUsoaa wttM otay th in•ad no Iholr Watiag, and lying alao, aad

eoaaa dowa ben on tbo uvaath tay nad

•aaUai-B Afaua M mTht boot MIVO is tka world for onto, M M .

hnioea, aloero, salt rbona, fcvtr aona, tot-tor, ebapfod hnnda, ehllblalaa, tana, aad allU l py ,

BO poy ntaind. II la gaaraatood to giv«perfort eathAHioa, or sjaanw infaadod.

MooBUporboL Fer sal* b / B t t j t nKillgtft, &ovor. B. J.

Mr. W. U. Morgai, m n h u t . take Otty,la^ waa takto with a aevon w a , attended

wiih a diitmtiii oowfh u d r u i l i f latooonaampliDa b ito first tUffw. Ha tried

OD-alkd pnpnlar mifh HMdi t tudteadily grew woree, Wu ndandlaleok,

bad dioValtv u breathing tnd wu liable tokep. riDillytrlMlDr.KlM'aKewDtoMTefT

Tot ooMampUua u d fuoid ImmodiatoNbtc,itl after aalpg aboat m half doaea hottleaoadUMtll veil aad kaohadBonavnor

Ibe diaeau. Ho other nmadr flta thow mf a i r H o T d of H W , u Dr. KingiWiwDucovery for ODBoBaiptiou gauuUedto da

Inatvhultelnlmadforll. Trial botUs fro.BtB.Killgon'aDngBton.

Mrs. PliiU aealoy, PoUrsoa, CUj Gouty,Iowa, tells tbe following nmarhablo Hoty, theUulb of whloh ii vonchad br by the ntsdaaUof the town: "lam7Syi.>ws oli, have boontroofaled with kttuey complaint and Uaisasifor many yean; oould not drew atytelf with*oat help. Now I an free turn ail paii aadaoreoeot, and an able to do all myowa faoBM*work. I owo my thank* to Bleolrio Bittorafor having renewed ny yoslb, and imnoradOfinpletety all diseaae and pain." Try • bot*tie, only 60c. at B. Kfllgon'a Drop Store.

of pare Cod Liver Oil, i with HypopkeophlMo,l U l b l d W i D

)y "Beott'aEmahloi ia tho On»t prepantm ot tba kind.IB afleatioai nf the lunge aod other wutiagdlteaaee. wi BUT conaldtr it o u autl nliabltagent, la a perfectly ologaat iad agreoabU

Dtaaftdbvrin.Garden Tools, Hoes, Baku aad Sfndlag

rorks at greatly ndBcod aricos i t Borty •Co'a Hardware Store, alga of tao Padlock,Dover, N. J.

Why do yoa wear thai Shabby Hnnaoa,wheayoaeM dny a a«w oao tat MO at A.Taylor t Boa'a, Baatoi^ntnnt, Oovor, X. J.

TotyUad ntbh* Btu

timrtifitf t h m r

a;i« will knur iner

an*fromlirfriL Liiu;

" - 1 " ' " l i . r a w * lh t r t f c*« i r*« . • •


.iiut Sfmet f-nn. TJi*rTl ,>-'• •'fr^PT. r ' f u ( • » • • • • tui. - . ^ j r i f i d i i ^ r r i n • t i t P»*f »f ti^l mlfiMP 1 171 * w l *-,:*, ^nl~-K«i-l*«^'4h<ftW''%V!tfiHVIlHwW" It BHMOVgLTTSS

<i.,.:a , . ,«t«ik»t»U t i m w H f f l W a n a ffOT'AiaHHQKIITEIol

. i.. h»ili in* Knnnitan t'nai. L,

P. nfl i

V, Vft AX f!7

»>w'. tint, i innt i tc ...f n u r t i : T r m ; . h n t . tt»M n n t w a »r« n


i<'i>n«nl tin.i nf Htapi* ill ii.ln—II. UrdMWI'J. I M I T M M I M . ( *>W^»KTe«IW»*etltiA *w fur Einnlf A ntf ^nMf^MtuM^L- ____^_ *_. _»_ ..*. .. . • • ' ^ • ' • • • K ^ M I •


oomuns MBiurn tutTkiBaiBrOtbafVllaT. •


ttuu or HMUMWIM.T ur m i m ,



831 BROAD 8t.

IM 11

N « MM


I am.


mm urn



hat atowked hie Don replete with ajoodi Mil-Bale** W U T U H i m , Including Ml



anverfchaa.I Inlloa a eateao ef tba tattle


AID tfaouun a TBB n u m n(if Mia-ia.... |Teja'|B*fl

w i n •* m rut worm.


fabric, of laleel ttilae, tad • w rMlaaeertaiutaf

Bests •**"*aal 'awf 'WW'w WaYaWwew)


• ULM.





Rubber WaarBnnnei Wear




at Ike lawtst aarkal qattetioBa, aad a n t t .thing In the line . f

" h l l M U baa M M • ; • • • tag ball;l « U , m U > l i l l k > tamllr aal aaManof tblaaUHUalar the par* twill* jean. Iiiea great tMaaatata mtmmmA Umtt a

tMlBtWM«iALor** a period w



Dr. Pmeaaa hM tlM iMtnataa of all oarftailr af Halthi at Wauriaa, tad « »la>hla treat utma la bis ataatld.

BMtDBl. T. i K i n .

•unon, Me; ak, lnr.1 O I U B U IDill Ha :-l dull ka I n n to have laa

" • »»• • ! ! • i f * *ktn_u;iaia.goil . I Itea kaTi Haekollalewa we ate

• • M lguTroawll





DOT1B, B. I.a u m or oiasim BUUAIJ,

m m «r uw.• laftef

wliiili(knMkIIb>tliMMM •J.elt.,id»«pl<,,lb. bnl olMkuia.I Mk • M r M ot i f ihiutf » • will »•tororto •yraoUlo plNNBrslMoan,« M l l " « —111 « • « Koa»>»<>•«••:

i TIIHD rag Beari

AR N DironuB


i,rosa5u*Da. r iauui—Dnr airi U Ik. mm af

i t « r s r fDt. Wm. a. Ooedile,





• » « , , laitoaiar, Alabaaiaa, Dra. mmlii sal IwW Btaata, tgga-^h^^l^luu,!.

TH06.hjj ^BaakOtnMl w

wSLtettfaa kaade BB'BB tkia at[all taaraaM. ft " '




PAINTERS, WILOOX& BERRY.(• i i i i im i» M. T. «• • » — • ) ,


filial klllB MjUtaittoekUeiteaeied

umtun iDiuno,.teOn*!*, wl B. 1. Itat, Imm m k ».

ouxac B. J.




ICE WAGON, •' > - roasAUt.t l M ataa sant Mian a*, uai kj la



mi UQV0R8 .AMUkwoCPat-

K T l '





a*., iBMkaaHMIk,

DRAKE e% KING.aeBatt'awiafan

*?! *"* .nw*Ttbtng mw<alnawaj T ^ J J * .



M S M I M M ^ B U I L O E R


D.ICHiJrUkiOW. • •

" ^ ^ f f ^ B B ^ ^ ^ T r P — A ^ A B oamtdA tgVf-f-k



TOWN LOTSITha (witarar/Uii lota w i l l ka aaM)IBB*|I gtadl aw saat amf likam!t«wSa wr/rMta tlBaa 11 allltww I

3 luce wall gradedlot* oa Randolph Are.Several on filaokwell

Street with aidewalkonrbedand flagged.

•boat 60 lota in theTiolnity of Penn Are.All these lots are well

looated and have beenimproved. We will beglad to show any orall the above lots toany one detiring topurohaae. Maps maybe teen and all infor-mation obtained atthe olloe of

SMITH I JENKINS,tHl Estate a Isswaaif ants,

oovava. tt. j .

wjutB,,,D.D., in quoting prices below many of our oue-tomers will oertainly remember laat Augustwhen we inaugurated a speoial .ale of shoesatauoh marrelously low prices that inquiryfor them continued for months after everypair was closed out. The shoes offered veri-fied the truth of our statement at the timeand demonstrated that when we advertise*:shoas at just one-half their cost, though iilooked improbable, was absolutely true. Thesame may be said of this speoial sale, as not asingle pair will be misrepresented.

To oommenoe we will offer about 500 pairsof all kinds of shoes for Men, Women andChildren, consisting of the stock that w<purchased of Mr. James Cain, who recentlyremoved Iron. town, at just exactly one-halfprioe. In addition we will oner

W dog Women's K'.l Ballon (or $1,16; farmer price tt 30.

i •' •• " •' " 1 5 0 ; •' " 8.75.

1 " " Piiigoiwl Top Ballon lot wllW ; former prioe M.IM.

5 " k l i n a KM Button " 1.00; " '• 2.1)0.

5 ' « •• 1.J6; " » a.50.

iB •• UliUd's Kill Spring Hoel, sfzs 8 lo 10|, wl.03 : lonaor prim 11.75.

10 " " Billion, from 1 lo 8,«0c. i former price »1,25.

95 " Infatil'H Shoei, 80c.; former price 65o.

And a large quantity of broken sizes andwidths at just one-half their actual ooStT Anearly call will enable customers to obtainbest selections.





.Karaites and Real

at allof total aal

wtnoB-Billwi.l Balaa atai awHdttg.•.t.tarBB. aae.B.Jarua..










n M an w fat* la kaammaatwiTlhl



NEW QUARTERS,Oar. af lU.k.«U aal laam Bu.,




73 MABHS? STR2ST,WiU BtU ttu tUlowlnf Goods at the following Price.:

CARPETS! CARPETS!Si pieeas of Vttat, regular price 11.60; redneed to I1.3S.60 pitoM of Body BmneU, tegikr pric. I1.S0 j ndnwd to 90c.JO piece* of TapMtt; Bnuwh, rarailw prioa tMc.; reduoed to 60cCO pieces of «ll-»ool Ingnii, reguUr price 80c.; redaoed to <Oo.

PARLOR SUITS.SO Parlor Suite in plain ailk, enboued and nubleiied Plushes, rejra-

Ur prioe 175; redneed to $50.SO Parlor Huito (mm pieces) mhut frames, rtuffed back, regular

BIW bi taa wsjaf a


Mated China, .WMUftig if M

Teas aad Baku»g Pewur. The whato sat la.d i n with enw Jstei ewe* *>f awaking h t a t r .


tali, rwtlllMn,

•nrlavtoln aM



priCwtfO; ONLY.Wain... Bedroom Huts, (eight nieces), marble toil, regular price

•B0 induced to t60._ WaUat Bedroom bnits. regular price .$50 [ reduoeJ to $40.

35 JUtique Oak Bedroom Hints, regular prioe $10; reduced to $27.86 Ash Bedroom Suite, regular prim $80; redaoed to $23.Good Antique Oak Sideboard, only $15; Mixed Mattrew. $3.Good Garnet Bed Lounge, $7; Babj Carriage, $4.75.HATHNO-aOO pieces of Matting from 15c. per jard up.











m anm auennn uninFIEtSON <JKH Tilt: CtJtTlf'ICAIK fUK


Tliere wu a cinniilor«lile catlierioj,wtaHdollib )H!u|il(i iu the Mom4 t'ouuty (Juuroom oa Moudajr niuruiui when Judge Wm. .1Magic dfwiiail Court far tlie lieu ling of tinttaudolpa townwliiiJ au«l«.,ed elrotiooJudge Mugb propoted lu take Up liieiwbiubbe bid lint tifiuixi tbe )taper*. MiMafalon Pitney nUted that Mr. llanoe had 1a late bunr uotilieil bint to aet for Iliaterenta, and aa the evte of Clark agnlaat O* u adauilttr tie preferred to try tbat UrstHome legal iparriugur a prellniiiiar; aatuovcarred betwtwu Mewra. fltuey ami Cut!

Worts ucteii mlb Mr. Cutler in 1«lie wnioitanta. Ia tbe PierMtii 1

Mr. Cuter alleged errant 10 the Ilo*hCaef Wawrn in uMtmic the remit and olElecUoii JuJjjfi in aol *vluiit1iujj to vaant II

itt ol lt>« HllPHetl elettlmi in (be Htiut|rid. Mr I'ltu.y In reply <l«ni(>d tl

legality .1!" I'M' Rlt'otiim iu too Hmitbern Hiit Bitd n»\a liia wmiiim tb*r< lur. lur.l to tins cuuo of <liij{« Mi-. 1'jlhcy MIuUiiii Ibat tliu firurt wai without jurii

diutiav in ilia matter, for tbe reaaou tbtof tbe Peace were ant ouuuty 1

j> offluers, aud tLerefore uould mcome under the act uDder wbicti tlna piuiifdlnita tiiive Imeu laktiu. Sauivtur Wun»

-pi; inade a <wnlenliun to tbe eontrarlaiaiiDtf tbtvt oAkiers olevtcd by the tvwiiijtinloue, Hunlia*. JmtiwiuftbelVace, HItnriiali.p offli«ri. Tbe Judxe-dculdnti 10 euo-der tliti point raiaee kj Mr. 1'itBe; ia tbelaiioe of tbo feaco caae, aud to take up thewe of tbe cunlest of Pieraou BKi-Ut Hanci}.Peter O. Tutten was Ho tint wituiti tola how tba eleclion wu teld of wlilc!

he was tkn JU.IK*. He bad a lUteaentthe nwult ol that elrction vbick b« ptvtonUlie ireut to Deter on Frldar ta neut with tbt.Judges of tbe otber distrluti, wiit threwout aad would uot reveirv tbe retarna. . .auld tliD other* ol tbob^anl wen cluseo tbat

iglil, but aa-iDit tbe bad admlsiloD be badiadtj, corrected hioiself and naid alteruooi

Oa crtws-eumiloat.oii be naid be WM olioseiJudio bj tbe people in the bowe about faalf-paat UTO p'olwk in the afternoon. It waa inID; bgnse. There liad been tome people

..aod owing all tbe day. Though tLnremight have l*«a uuro nt ceruitt tine. Heunderstood Mr. Plenum aaet a number goluhone, aud uld i " Boy., couia back and wiboltl aa olectioa jet." Ha aald those whoventaK-arwoHltlwjr. "We'll, 1 don't MIILtlieru'll be ncy election jat." Tkere iceiiied tibe ao opposition to tbia. He got a cigar bosmid altorwaidn was awori' ia. Tbe balbibox got ttien about ape u'ulouk but tbercouldn't yet It open. I waa nwara into oflueby Andrew Orr aa 1 learned afterward.Wawa I *aa before the eleetloa boardtbottgkt it wai a l«f»' election If Mr. Buwinanaaaalegalolloer. luudorateodat the tlnMtbat I was sworn iu bj Mr. Buwaua;be read the oath. Tbe cigar box was•pea and kti aboved fa tbe ballota underthe lid. He did not know Clj.rlr, L.wla nndco«ld DDt tell whetber be voted. A poll listwaakent; be tfaouubtthere wereituamaaontbe Uit and ibat tiro bsllota were rojecled.Tbej MBDtetl ibe votea nu ttaeooanter or tbeold barraeu H« pal fels baud noder tha Udand took out oue ballot at each tiiau. Hethought tbe two rt?j«oted ballota w«ra putback in the ballot box br tfaemselvei. Hedidn't pay any attcatloo to whether auyrtv[urn was made out after votes were counted,

first tbonght be iigt«d He return thatiljtbt, bnt afterward be ehooged bis mind

it wag made out a day or two after-He said one return was BIKUCJ and

put in the bos. He wai prcwvl when tbinretain ibown w u drawn np, but oouldn'tell who drew it np. When tbis return waamade np tliey got tbu names and flguret f torntbe.rtnfMnr.«s. This was such a ridiculous

tbat all the apectatonlaiigfaod and Mealadgo Marie couldn't oatte. ma-ntaln hia

gravity. The wUneen couldn't ju#t tell hawthey got the figure.. He doaldn't swear thatMr. Hanee rmeired no voten, or that Mr.[lage. neeived 10 votes. Then wu aowe(MaUon by ikoeeafMMt wbothar they bad> rigkl to orgaaiH M tli»T did. U« naawd

•aveial wk« ttijeeted aid ul*) anbablythree, ar Ittr w Are Reaanliuas dWa'trott. Haarffet] that, te veto, tajioi If itwun't right It welds' , eost sartalag Ha•Ight han said hisueir that ba dlde'l thlaktbe eleettM woald .nuant to aayttilig.MaletSltutlithtM b» could, ana If It **•aaan • • * • ballot oeald be afcakea mt or

ID, thea It bad beet tampered with. OiIreet enainatloa be uid th* L'lerk of tb<

Eleelioa district wan the-e aboat 1 o'doek lathe .noniBit. G». H. Wolfe, Inepector, gotthenataearlrttaVltHk. WM. Herwn, mrfOea. Pwraoa. brought tke ballot Wi thai*.C M and Wolfe wen thfre at tke aatwtiaM,bit didn't pnwaM to eivMlMtiMbfrard. Mo

• a t waa made to open tke polls ttatll keelect*. J.df«. HeeoRMn'ttellvkotkerof the nMnle who wett away eaivoted. Ha Uoaiht awe lefiaileaaa

otcd. Be eMldn't tell bew aiuy w m tkena the f rat load and wcat away. Then werarlber people tken who weat away. Peefle[eat dttiadling down so then night not hare

MOM than three or fear left.Jaa.ll. B«*vth, sworn, testiled that ke wu

Towaihlp Clark. He was oaVred a n t o n oftha n u l l of tha Boattern District bit retmaedto reeelre It, He neeivsd tke ballot box,rhres k u lot baen tawnjared wltk since. Thetadges Met to caavau the r-snlt on Friday.ihe wltavu arodieed the cigar ballot bos.

Tbe r*Hit that day wu Made ap on the tollysheets faraieaed hit. br the Clerks at tkeNorthern and Central DlHtret*. Oe». Pier-

«aa there aad wu represented by la*'1. VMBWI WU present oa both sides.

Frank O. Htddea, election Inspector inthe alleged eleetloa la tbe Boithen District.teatifladto Bteh tke um» as Jttdffl Tottta

Mr. Wolfs wu u t then whoa h* got. He did not-ear anvthlna said aboutiliiag aa tlMtiea. He heard puple isr

they didat believe tbwo would be an else-Uoa. Mr. Totton swore witness and AndyOrr swore Tottei la. Tke ballot box nowJocks « u h u It did tkat light. WitieutooktM ballot has to Mr. Bauk tbe nest

U*|J»M|ktAidr()rr nude tbe stato-«.. . Oa eraat-oiaMlaatiH ke said be

did a«t kaaw Charley Lswis and did notM t r a r e N object to twykody Tottag whowaa ttader afe Wltwua left them aad eanMhMkabMti o'etMk. Wbea ha wait away

Mart tin pall*.

sworn; lie was one of tke legalInspectors. He got there at 3 o'clock andwu there about an hour. Tbere were 6 fteen

mty tbero, aud be uained quita a largeDumber ol tbeai, who wen legal voter..There wu a discussion as to whether theycould bald a legal election. Tber decidedthat It was not legal to bold an eleclion.I'bat wu tbe opinion of m Majority who wentbere. Then seven ar eight of i s went awayand Piernon's team started away. Witnesstold in Hnghson's store tbat it wu decidedtbere weald bo noeleotioi. Then it NaMuelD. Youngs' be told hi* aid David Yoang aid

[artin Carroll. Mr. Totten wu one of theseeseot wko decided aa clectiea woald be»ial-Banul D. YOMIH teatiled to kaariig that• » woKld M MI ilecliot fntJ Mr. Wolled did aot go. Ha saw Ohas. E Clark awl>u. C. DeHirt aad loVd tbea tk*n weildM elMtioa. The. text diy Pet«r O. Tot-

tea told wltairst that ba aida't think tba «lae*tkw WMU amount to anything. That (keyIwldtheelefiKot when PieraH awd bio mngot tbere Cbu.CeoMlahWiwitiwr* waaM

The tMtiaray of Frank O. Hediea waansiMcd. The wllnees kad heard ul C»u.Lewlt, tmt waa Mt acqnalated wit. him.Witieea tottifled tk»t be went tw*y troM the

Us with a Itttd tf n»*B, bat eaaw buk toite. Tbere w u Mthlig aarticilarl laid

before they went away aboit holding aaolectita. He emldd't u r wbo delermtaed

t h aleigk load sbtald go. Wkei becutaway be bad no thought in hit tniadrbetker then woald or would not be an

ttton tkat day. Qee, Plnraoa nMt ta«>M aad>daoed tbeM to go buk. Pifnai asld• T i n round, boya, aad go back." He naldIhey woald hold an eleetloa. HOBW one toldhill the polls bud ao> been opened. Thereru one or two wko uld they eonlda't bcldn oketloi lawfully aid none others n*id

Ibey ooiid. Martia Carrel) did not vote;couldn't Raw wkelker Charley Trow bridgervted. Ho did not know whether Henry

fright voted. Witaeis tried to give tbe re-turns to the Clerk OR Friday bat be wouldn'treceive tken. He thongbt tbe return, wenmade oat the text day, ant cotilJn't say

(wither it wu the next diy or the day afterAndrew O. Orr, the clerk ol tbe election,

teatited tbat he got to the poll, about 10o'clock. Then wen about balf a doion per-

BUS then. Nothing w u dune toward or-gailiiog. He went home to dinner and camek*ek about 4 o'clock. Tke Board w u or-ganised at 5 or • little after. II* didn't ananyose «et elected but himself at Clerk.'bev wanted bin. to nwear in Mr. Tutteo, and• said be didn't nndorstand tbe oath. Mr.awmav uid he had liceo juiticp aui wotiltlpeat it Mr. Wolle and Mr. Coe bad beenmt for bnt wouldn't eone. Tbe second:atc»ent at the result, be said, WM madeat the next day. The atateaient was madeit from a ticket which Elliton Coe made cnteiixbt of election. Elllscn didn't g » theite 01 nomdkMpera and that wan made np

rnm memory. Being croM-eximlDed he uidEko. Pieraau wu there and othera, but be

ildn't tell how they got there. He did aotCOBS. Lewie vote, bat believed he put his

amen tbeUtt. Beina: qaesttsnrdbj Judgelnfiew.t.»u«aidMr.Tt>tUa read the oath

1 laeatetort, bat be malda't reeollecti n ol tMtk which wan taken by »j at

lacob Drake, tbe remaining Innatotor, toldry nneh tke snno ntorj as tbe otkers, liekedCoe.tkeelectioieleik, why he didn't

go oa and hold an vlectma, aid be uid hehadn't aay ballot bos. This wltneu tbeightthey artwiaed -boot hall-put Aro o'clock.

Ir. Orr didn't.no. «bat the fnns of enthru u d Bowman repeated it for kirn. Wit-aw couldn't ncollcov what the form waa, kit

thoggnt, they did - tba but the- M*M «••M ctwinjitanwi" He told how theyoat tbe etattMtnt ( m tko ticket Made

EIUHI CtM, aa omlaiisr, wtw dUa't k*»iotlM board. HsusHda B U I U I wka

didn't tbiok tbe election «psa s IVIHI oue.Bome tboujitt it wai legal uud wme tboitfliit wasn't. TUio brilllnnt wftn^si oipres't-..tbe o|)ioioB tiiat tbtrtie »i Lo tbonglit the e,\tvtion wiuu't Icgul were sore beads, llo wtwn'quite sure ut.ont wlint Piarsoit -aiil.

Mr. Totton nuiil Le -wore the Board frometuorj and told wliat «ort ot i».1u lie adiiitcred. He dlil tell tha MnnuBinx IMM

that Bowman nwiirtbiw In and watt iniMtnken.Witnus* dida'l know whether bfl told peopleafterward tb.t ke didn't tbiuk tlm election

George Pieraou, the candidate for Free-bntder, salil he got to the polls itliout b.lf-

it tUreu o'eloclt. Wben ub»ut Ibree (ju.rter« of M aiilo from Mt. roedem be wet tbi

loads cuiuiDtc back, aud tbey told fainthav Wii»u't boidibg uny town meeting. He

il<l ibeni to turn sroaud, that Iticjr would) buukaatt try to tint organized. He sent

Wiu. Ilulbcrt fjr Wolfe and Coe, but tbeywouldu't come back. They tben chose alloatrd out of tbe people wlio were ureseut.He didu't tbluk It witi more tbanaijuurtpan five. A few tbere mid tbey didu't baany Ii<>i.ublic*u tluket* uud didu't tliiok

Wo bail tbn best o' tie in ou tli'kiln-tb, OulteiiiKKtliut a«lyi> ohjectedll )f H

tbeyibail im ballot ]iuf. He eip«iii43<l Hie luoiiii

tbise IOUIH to volt for bitn.Wm. Plersoo, son of tbe above, tcstifled to

taliujtuo ballot bus to the pulU. CruUr,wu t(Mi ill to go. He (poke tobo Judice, 1

Mr. Wolle, tl. :lio Inspector, and aiked ultu wli.vhGdidu'torgauiKetue boHnl, and kt) repliedthat he couldu't get thi> bus op^n. Oro.a-ciinilned: Wltncu s-vid he went away soonafter Wolfe, lie didn't know tbero would beHDcleullou Wolle said tbere wouldu't beany election and tLey all went away. Heknew Cbu. Lnwi., and HiouKht he voted, lieill') not bear Cliarloj TrowliriJgo advise bim

did not know why be weut awaj. Wit-it Raid he worked fur bis Ititber part of tbe

time and was In bnsloeu fur hiiuiulf part oftbe tine.

Nntton Ferry, an employee ol tieo. plonou,teuiaed to ukiug Wolfe and Coo to np«nthe pull*'

William Ilulbert teilllled to beiag ieut byPieraou fur Wolfe aud Con, wbo refused tocome back- It was after four o'clock whenbe went after then,

Hiohard T Bowman testified the* be w ualled to help orgsulte the lloard. He acted

as a moderator and tbose preeeat voted almoatnnanlswasly to bald au ekvtlao. and elvoUdoffioen. He reiMsted That he uonld reaieio-ber of tbe oath to Orr, wbo repeated it to Mr.Totton. He couldn't remember whether Orrrepeated all of it after him.

TbU completed tbe evidence lortbeplilntilTo&tbe Walnut drove election, ami wun-•el naked to hare tliu box opened. Mr.Pltnevargned ibat upon tbe evident* ol the p1nintilf

h d b l l l t i b

have been prevented from atuii&uce by theinclement day. He laid the greatest stressupon tlie raiinre of tlio pcoplo lo organise tkeeloctlou at an earlier baur In the day, whMthey bsd tLoopporlBuitc to done. ThereforeIn* should direct tie opdnias of tbe box andtlie iDHpeutlou tit IU content-, and be shouldununt tb» *«t«4 unless iliero •purtand to be

DUIB reaann wby they should not be ucuntod.The Judge then opened tlie boi in tbe prei-

noool the ceuneel. Jacob Drake, Iu*peuU>r,a« ualied tv testily to tbe sUtoMent of tbs

result, and altkouftn ho was » very insb wit-ness tbo day before, he didn't appear to knowwhat tbe paper wa.UQtilcoacbed by tbeooia- •ael suffiyiently to get tbe Matter tbrougb hismddle. lie perilated in ualliog the staiemeit

a.buwiug of Msjonlies. And tbia wu thecbftp wbo on the stand tUe day before aas*r-fuglj alluded to some otber citliensu know-inctoouueh. Theexbikltbnhemadeahowed

, little knowledge isapaitod to uimmight have been a benrtlt.

Andrew Oir ideotltlcd tbe poll list aad lbsatutenentot tbe reeolt. He uwdsallttleniaaUkti in saying tbat a part of tbe pansr wu at-'aVobed.wlilcU Judge Magie binuelf had at-lafibr-d oaly • lew tuitmtea Wore.

Fratik O. Heddeu iilenliued the ballets andilpaorilii'it Ibu uiiiuDiT of couutlugf utu,

I'eUir C. 'i'ttttou went tbrnugb tlie tajae for-mula of UMlnaiiy. Mr. Totten olio got canglitin teitilyiuK iti.t the paper tlie election board•igned waa pinned to the statement of nsult,wbeu tlie taut wu there Run't a pin bole inittillJndge Magie made »ae. According U>liis iUtemvot Mr. Heddea, Inspector, kept thetally, and not the Clerk.

IHerk Orr wu recalled aud veatimdlctodudKe Tolt-u bj saying ke k.j.t lUe tally.In sheet contained one rota too auviy, whiche explained by uonfewing ha had a made a

Mistake.Mr. Pitney objected to the votu behia;

counted.Judge Magic aaid be tktwght Ibii bat

•.bowed grosser Irmgilarltiai tbaiover before,aud lie w u iu extreme doubt whether Ik*vote, might to be oouated, bit ke wmdd do ae.' thiinctoriaed lndigt.a>-,(,iy the atleMat to

defraud b; twu u't H h

g ; t t a p t tablc utlloto lu .Boll ataall


had been no legalennstitutod officers 1

plcotiun ; tuat tdeolln I with tbe

ladt consent of all present to bold au eleo'lion; tkat the peepl* went awaj and tkatoily these who won adherents of Pioruntasae back, and mioh else nsputina tkairngalar way in wkicfa tfae eleetioi wu held.Mr. Caller replied and attempted to auttoiuthe validity of the .Iwtioa. Bcnator Wcrtafollowed ia support of th« srguaientol hlacolleagtw. the drift or both being tkat t ieillegal natmi* of tbe election, being oaaaedby ignorance of tbe law, shonld not iuvall-

te it, Mr. Pitney, 1« rrjsiader, IllastratedifactthatnotaniBgU feature of thcelee-

ion w*s regular.For the defence Ga ,H. Wolfe w u tbe Brat

:hu. K Clark aald ho atorted lor tke «lae-1, bat wkei he reached Hunael I> YoHga

leaned then w u noeloetloa being held aiddid aet 1* aay farther.

Josefk ta»M told how ae wnt to tko Mils> vote, at lO0'elo«k, H d nwuiied there till

^wscnAaad «o'«Wk. Hlaoai wu witki.M. Warn U w«at iway they dseided It

wu too lata to twld in ehwttoi, aad Mtbaides eoiuatod to go kmo. Cnwel C I M Maad WM. Lanterns* weat wltk hi«. They

ted Ii ska aton u d tbo awhioB aot toI aaetecilMwu talked over. BadidM*

kear tkat day tkal tbe polls wan waeiod.Cfaaa.TnwhrMg«tMt»ed to g*(ag to th*

•mils at f o'clock and ataylng till 11. Bo•Met »it wcat away wan tba Board

w u orgailied. Ba did tut vnto bMiau betkoBjht tben w u eioogk without kirn. Beknew Cku. Lowis, bit did not u y sajthlagoklM about *otlif,Kawli f. Tsttei, a BM or Piter C. Tetten,

wupmetit at tso polling plue all day. At•ooitbenwsnfnnaUtoaOroton itcunt,'hoatatd Bott of them till abawt 3 o'claek,

bawd disonsaions aboai heldiig tbe eler-tloa, and he •aderstoed tbtti to ifree to gc

-ie, which they did, all bit twe, Ukiag thewlJi the*. He w u there when tha a*>

od flection wu oMied. The poll, wereopened at a aaarter to six. Ho had a coi*vtrutio* with hla father alter they had de-cided to orgavfae th. Board. He advlsodhiM not ta mm. His fatber said if it wulegal ke night u Well serve, If It w u lottefal H wu not criaj.eal. George Pieremwid he had BMU Uvryer Neigl ooar aid lawrer Smith, wko told him ha oeald orgaaii*II election. They took the ballet box awajIth them aad towtaht It buk.Charles C. DeHart teatiled that he started»tke polls to veto Wut ltaned at Samael V.Dongs' tken woald bo aa el*et(oa. He did

leva ttwt daj that the paUa kad beennod.

David T4«ig. weat to tke efMthm la tk*moniBg aid -laid till aboat 1. He w-atbackagili bit did lot vote beeaiu be didnut think tbe eWtloi legal. Tbooatnenit

o'clock decided tken wonUd bo ao olwttM,Martia B. Carrcll weat to tbe pella and was

n whei It w u decided to hold ao cloc-1. Ea went away u d retimed bat did: vote because h- thoaibt It w u illegal,thought it the oBialaa af 1 coutderable•Wr of the byitaeders tkat the electiona illegal. He aaaud a anmber wbo «x-used the opinion that the eleelion wu not

gut, laclnding Pct«r C. Tutten.Henry 8 Wright w u preuit at tk* alleged

ng, bat did lot vote because be did notik it w u legal. It w u a qBarter to six

rbei the IMIIB were opened. Mr. PierwnlaHdiraaid be didn't think it would amount1 Myttalig, bit he would go tkruttgb tke

M.John Blackwell walked throe miles through

the slow to vats for (too. Piersoi. When h*went away ho ulenteod than woald be • •

TUMOAT'I rlOCUDtllOB.Waea C»mt aonvened Mr. Pitney made aa

nt respeeting tbe Mlsooadiet of theItoltoo oncers, wkkb be clalHed affectod

ncal'of the election.Judge Magle uid he had a great deal of

lificnlty with this question, and w u free toay that be w u not clear tbat the ewclasioas

bad ranched were just Then wai a wayt bis deoialon Might be re tie wed and be«d that it woald be u nvlewed. Theirn of the election board in the Southern

iittict w u a wholly tetitious on« and noridence at all. The lint question wai

tfae leu.l voters could elect a boardit tlie hour oi 5:30 In the afternoon and pro-**d to hold a legal election. Ho recalledbe fact ol tbs failure ot the people to elect aoard during the day. It aeemed appannt

Itnry wen Ignorant of their rights, but:d.id not prevent them from organising.wu of tbe opinion that if these people

were the Drat who made aa effort to organisethey wcrecnlillftdtodoso. The next qaes-

m la ibe conduct of tbe board, wbiol. be•.Id aeemed to be made in of tbe grossutirregnlaritlca. They elected a Clerk, whichthey had aoilgkt to do. Tbey proceeded to

iar Ibemselves, and It Ia qalto evldeatt ttwy didn't take the reqalnd oath,Importance of which wan commented ontngly. It w u evident that the Inspectors

in not nwon at all, beeaau they tooktn oath admlitatemii by the Jwdgv. Battbese wera oMotrs Dt ricro and tbe irref a>arltiea be thought would not Invalidate theirttion unless frand w u proved. Htspectiag

1 ballot box weed, then ds** not appear tonnoh cantnntioM, aad It was evldnt they

id th* best they eoatd. Coaetnlag the )r-igaliritiaa, u sActlag thantilt, be aaid the

would apply If the diminution or thara of voting wucsased by U* imgvJar-jattheelartkw,aaneiri. He shewed that

m e t these wtM tttk H 4 the etht* Might

afClarkafalietOwe, Jaif e Ba<ie re f«d to itaat tk. falat»f Jiirltdlolloa nleed br Mr. Piteaj, kit•ruled biatawritefoerllorarl, •k lok .Uj .tk« oaea iintlll 111. deoMoa « ke mlawad.

artaiBariaBmt.AaaBkeradawapeeple TiilUd tkeaakllo

•elaal at Uli alaee leu fiMw la ate IkeihiMrea |a lanatk tke Arker Da; eierotoee•ad were well rewarded, Tke aierelraa waraepeaal abeat twa a'elaek wltk elaiiai kj Ike•skeal, alter wkiek ae>. Mr. Wakedaa a l l .a m « Tata eaaM Ike taeaktaf wkMm ftwalj taUMtanat aitk eeMtaf. Tee•ekelara Mend to m wltk Mek etaer to arawkewaaM take Ikalr part, keat Plreteia*tw. r.ill.Hea. k; iadto Baaaalpa, aT ramHo. I, aad Maala aUNIeaa, af taaal He. 7,Idllkaallj.afiwiaillo. i Ikea na> aaasf•taiaMaaAtkacUarwklak watwikaMkrMlaale Patker. Ike n WMwi ar Mtaala

•Iron.•!. .>. • a m l a | l a i s n a alur wklek Battle M.bea, at raaai

* » U, real a roaipadtlaa wrltua bj aMkerB l fBeleua, of Ike ek l ltka priaelpal, tktt ItHalaaal Ot. Mafia, tke

tew Caaatr aapitiateadeat, wbo Bade a

tboecbeuaa la tagarl U ueaa af dlweraa,kitas, akawiag tkiwaik dilainat UlwaBwataihaw laa vrtedoa af Had to a m t i t l it avatj-thieg. Mr Otauiaat tbea called aa Br.Uakon, Dletriet t k r t , who aade afaw ta.atrka. AaArkor DaywM hoUaathaeaai.•arattr at Oraal'a hMMa, tka par, MakalLsaasxre td i i i a i i i l l l i a aaOnafa Haw,which did ftaat etalit to tks writer, Matj•Iraiaihaa. Mr. Oaaanu etld tkat tatdiaVraat aaajsatltlaM waaM be left oa Ikadeekfatlke tiallara to laaiml. Tkt haakjsnereiaaa wera Ikea eVaoai wllk eiafits. aaaIkencnolan Bunked aat aa illkar alda IfIke Mkanl koeje ai lara.d la aUtaea aa tkapla;groaad. The; thea BirakW ireiad the

k l k kk d t d l;gMkMlkaaat,ef

; to B l ataallote. He then proceeded to oonat tha tatee

ind fouud that all of tUu It wore recorded for"r. Pi rsoti.Mr. Plttev i.ld If theee U VOIM weremt tod for Mr. 1'iereoB tbe; woald give bha

a BudMftf. He celled altantioa to tha os-tnot dinar; feature, of tke electiea—tkaftotothen WM w ancb fraud abova ia aaoh a

mil -ote, thtt tbe election wu I • Ibecontrol :•' Mr. Pienoi, u d WM M leaaet;oondtoud. irtherewMabratebafdut;eatbe part of the pMnle preaeat aarliar fa thecUv ie not argaBliiBg ia aleetin, what thallbeaaldeftboMi wbo leqiiMoed it tbedeelelou not to held ia eleoUoa, batback curlier and vated after depHtlai atkarpeople of this VOIM I Upoa tkit aalat kebid particular strou, tad reviewed eaanother poilU lu the etM.

Jadie Magle held that lakae tbi. waa deaowltk tke latest to late totare awtf fraat Ikapoll., it woald aol lavalldato what Ika; didalter Ihe; bid bettor liforBatlea. TkaJedg. thea ardered tbtt Ike totoe be eaaaud.

Mr. Pitne; WM willllg lo adail that If tkia>ole WM ceaated it woald oloot Br. Plereoa,If oaauul for Br. Pieraoa would adail laat IfIt WM ael eaunted II waald eloel Mr Hiaea.Mr. Pleraot'i ci I « l n l decliMd to daIhl., l>al alUrward vbeaiel bl. alaa aaaaf reed te II.

Jadle Mafw Ikea anlored Itat a oertlieatebe ilraa Mr. Plereei. Ia tbe aiatMr oTeaeUJadge Hegie uttered tneee elgninoeat werde:" I deoliee t« ellew eueu egaiaet tkfe aXead-

it (Mr. Haac.) b.caa.e It daee aot aaaaarllhtkelrraialar-bad anything todoi

it this incumbent."

Mr. Deewaft,l O M i k

;kaek tad tstaed agtlt,

k d b k i h, t gtt,

•ftor which lha; amksd baok ia the tehaal,Iwaelaaaaaata tine, wkaa tker wata die.


etlitawa Ou. i l . M.T. : I eaw la lha B utkat tha liaeoeal llltla treat Boku kapetoakaraafaoaaimli , Wa atoeeeal; wiek tkMa n a af Oarafi elUaeaa waakt ate; thanaad do taoir troaUig, aad lyhuj alee, aat•oteooaadawB ken aa tka MTCathwa/tad

Tbe bert salve ia tbeweridnr Kla,aene,braises, .Ome.adtrlMwa.fcmaBfM.M-tor. tihaipBl haida, shilhlsiaa, Mtw, amd aU•Jaiaen^tieae,aad twettinly «e»uiikie,a«M pay iwtjtiiew. II la aTMfiitwed to fhwperfect i«tiLwutiem, w M M * tif lwli lPriMMesaMpMhM. Ver saie b j BahwrtKtUgwKaDevwr.M.J.

Mr. W. H. Borgia, aerokaal. take OUT,lie., waa lakin wllk a anire end, MawMwith a dielraHiBt onafk aal ratilaf i a uooosnsipUos a i u tot auuree. Ba tried•ninr exMaUed pnpabv magk taaBtdiea tad•Ic.l.lj grew worn. Wu redaeedli look,bad diBcullr ia brealhlaf tad wu aiaale to•kep. I.nilliUlcdm. UBi'llewDkwoTtfTlor eoaeampllca tad fbaad Iraaadlato nkaf,mil illor aelig .bolt a kail loaca kotllettaadkiaatlf Bell aal aMkadaoreaBraefIhe dketae. Bo other n a t a l aaa skew nagttBdareaord ol aarta, u Dr. Eiag'aiftwDiacovei; for anaaBBBHiu gBaiaatael la da

Jn.t Bhtlitalaiaaa for II. Trill kptUa bea•I B. Klllgon'a Drat l i e n ,

Bn. Phabt Oktalw, Paunoa, Ola,; Onult,Iowa, te l . tlic following reaarkabU rlorj, t ieiralb of wbitk lnvoackedbrb;rke netdtatoor the towu: "I l a n jean oU, hire boratranbled with lidue; complaint tad l iumeafor man; ; e t n ; oould not dren atrailf witb-ont kelp. Sow I Ka m e ftaB til pall tad

mil am able todo ail a;owa bwork. 1 owe a ; Iba&ka to Blaatria BlUanfor bariOR renewed B ; ;oitfa, and nttnvaliMnplatel; iU <llK.se u d Bain." Tqtabot-k, oolj Uc at B. Killgor.'. Dn> llara.

of pare Cod Liver oil, withlorLansTreabtoatdWafMwbiaeaaaa. Dr.J. Biaoaiad, Mow OrleaacU., eavi: "Seatl'eEaalaioi iatke I . e . ! prepantioa el tka kind,ia ittotiBBe af tke liagl aad etker WMtiag

we BtveonildetiliaiauatraHakla•gent, la a Btrfeell; alaaaat a i afnaakla

aiuBafa. twain ,tjirdei Taala, Heat, BakM aal taadlaf

Fork! at greill; ndaead priou at Sen; kCo'e Hardware Stars, alga af Ika Padlock,Dover, B. J.

Wk; de ;aa i r tkallbaab; Hamet,wkea;aneaB da; a aaw aaa Jar-alS at A.T l * » ' laaaiatresl, Datar.X. J.

naaiaktllaaBf I) ttwtjkM at laa B u

Th« Dotu rriating Company

gaturdtiy, M«y 5,188*.


JVnnn for llif oiliif of FirriioMcr Uim.-Jin.!ieSlii|:i<>imM Ur :iinl Ti-^lny. It i*

tue iLxllDjC j'-b Wbifh Ml. P.tlWB 'eliBi-

Jjiititti'II Hie ottii'i* nJ Kreebuldi-r. While JmfgeMagic allowed tlie volt* oi1 tliiit fleclioit to Lieeouut^J, ufler txiirf-siii^' doubt u« to HIPcoiwtotan of bis .iuJpiinso., tliu way iu uliicblie t burse teri/eil ttie prow irr^ularitira (batmarked all the proceed in iff, uakei hii ileds-iomactWc n moral viotury tat the BcjmbU-fHim. Mr. rierson obtained tbe cUi-iiion upontbc narrowi'it margin jioaaible, an<l Mil/

k1 llii: w e r e i i>f iiotof i-riiniual iuteuf. H

Vein,. liPiil; tbat tbe election officer* wtreirreuularly sworn iu ati luiproper way auddid nut laku the legally fimiTibcd Oitb ; tbatthe return they made was -o groM\y irregularttiul it wtti aa ibhitiue DulUiy anil c«nlil nutfor a nioiuuut ba m-n^d; ami tbat millvu»eirre|[ulatitiL-a cxitted iu lbe roiiiuntacjiHit y^m- «lf iioMtcil iu lbe Wtoi boi. Tlieonly tbing ttiit tiavnl Mr. !Vr»oD't>rii«f waatfiut Hi- j.K.plft ill lh«- .mil* i-;nliiT in ill. dayvt .r i , uimmir.: »f ili<-ir ri-flif-i in tliu aWn.•« oftlicK-aallj foiwlitutnl L-lcctiuii oilier*, uudllm* fuili-itcd tUui. Kveu iLou.)mltc<,-H;i;ieIriiuktv tspressed bindt.s!f tbat lie •ru* notfully fturt tin" t^t cuuvtutiiau be liml ttatlwtiVtti- jur-i, mid cij-itfafJ tlie li»|>c tlmt tlieej-jiortmiily iur a rtticK of tin dfceUiunwould liBiVftilL-dnf, (bat tins dilViouU pointIllicit iirluliy wtilwl. Tliat t in will eviTlMJiliiir' m ilu nut twliuaf, beuaiie* Iht Ni-|iul>>i-raun ha.l iio olijwt in (liin content bfljimil ajadiulat -tcfUimi ti|tcin n must i-ompl.fi.uU,

tin* leant iliiiilit lli;il .Iwlgu Mujjk' uiade fltistletirtiou Vairi.v aiul tmi.ailii.lly. Hi* (.Hmc-

tUeui tbat they w m fully j u»l i lit-il iu joint; totlie Courta iurju f lliif* Kind ol u Bfttli nieiit.

iuu I lie fool i.fluttlit nii- ibv lilt urui frog] (Li;


,a4w>tVr*ul»ok.B|0i.tuMb« tew i

t umriiiiij:. lie wa» bH i l l d

In* uU«i> iti mutton...v. >lr. llri>.!iiri»tl, of Dowr.di.f miti-oiii*

IIM-J), for 11K- .inlif." "I tin' W. r. T. 1".. ul;l1.-(Si'Hil»«i.cK.-l"l.rujt:iiilJ r«.urn un tfiiudnjtfmoon. Mr*. O tt'. Aluwr W , Mr«. W.i. lUiWy ivfiivid iirnjet, Hri. C M. Amliisoncud ilic bL-rintiifca and tbi' li-iUor.; of tbeiiue w», o^ajjifd liy U I' Uaturc Crank)'Seil aad Mfh. lUldttio. It was a vtrj (t«odiitieting. Mr. V , H. BuiTev will lead nest•uudajr I1. M.Tbnre i« a boy be re who i» ubout nvc y

ild aod wear* » 71 bat If be lives tu he I'rea-ilwit of tlivw U uit«d SMitfs ln» won't, b« ableo take oft'faUthirt witbout UDbnititning it atl>r nt'ek..fimciiti Hatley In liuil-lini aa wUitmn t.. hit

IOUHC. A\ot\fj tuikty » bating tbe «ti?ncli-sri'd oil Ilia \ui. C K. tlfrrick i- \iuil"

a litiudc on Lta lot in Allentowu. EFITJIaynnkiiiR i(»rU'1ii.'ylieuH.Cruuoii li*» i!»«e to Yotk, or

L.I L!« ru.J of Iii« Cro

nili •.!»•>w

nry r themply j

oml c

«iat Uiv. U.-|iU'.»tiea« iuvclient rfwttU!

in lift wav n-tyouHMi' Jor I tie im^ulm*l..rb liitv* oHM.'d tiim Irom ln« »«irp.

itut Hir most si-iilif.riOi; outuumn of tli*conttsi i. Ilie Tirtml jusLiHraliou of ibicleetiuu Juil^iol tbu Nuriliern ami CentralDUtricts iu ilia oacftu tiny iiimued la B«lrcceiiiu^lliii IIOKUI rolurnnol tliin irrtgulaittlui'tlon in tlie Sou tli em Uittrict. Fur Veekiffees ti»vo Iw-eu Httjiuiaiired u " Duglwstiji'and l>nwlisnarde*l iu tbe mo.t villajaouHljyLT«oimliuauuerbr • lovr obeel, vbma abaeucti ot tuiirt<ny u only Mjuakd by infgnariiiicf, bftau-i! Ibiy ntasui lo aerepi|he»e rtiliirm u$ le^i'l. Vet Judge Uauit' >tliis rulint* Upoo tbc eviiltucu itiuwed tbatfli«r^inciw«[ tUis i>kctlua *er« not 1«|guadcout; tbat they were tliejoiat |iru«rBouc(ipurca t<pt on a tirhot by an oul-siiler »Bii ilia memory oi 1 ue .inJgee two dajiattcrtbi-I'l.fMou; in («ut tliui tlip»i' rtturni"/um ab*uln[«ly IMJII UIJII Toid, unit uawiirilij

/uunidmitiuu For ;t uium.'iii by uuyboily.

Tbisir ilntr iiiti'UJufiitJy uud tbat

tbc real Dug Wry,'or know all oi tltn IM«Ci» \\m lt.nrkQii»r4 «'!>(> IIA* WID villiljinitbfin for nut ircciviiiB H <l«iciiu)t'at wbieli «JndjfDofilii' Hujiri'iiie Ciwirl of >'«• Jemej

not woftlij uf not im.Tbe rvlileuce liven will amuncall wbobfic

baea Katiutuuml to electSODK eonJatted LJIOI.atollijttjt iiwil Ksuliiv fiiluvipVea, u U lb•oral i-Bft-t of butb tbe evIJem-e aaii tbderision will tbow tliat tbe UVjiublirmtLioughDut uavp atli-rf |u»tinablj and iatelligently. A good iiutooiat at tha whale matteperbaj* will lie an inneatire to condsct elettloua upon an Jalellijvnt and hooeat laa/i.

Another tliiag tbat tbe tviiknte tUoweileooi-IuWTely WUM a riolitiop of gooi lailb onthe part of Mr. I'irraoD'i follower.. Tbe firstload of tatsc «u» at ibd palla #»rt.Fi- la tbeday anil were aa ro«[»n»tble for aot opeitbe polla u anybody. Thejr talked the mat«er oyer with tlio Jicp«l'!icani, nuioallyagreed with tliem that no ? Irrticm would bei f l d and started (ot their liitiurs abnul tbeaauetime ilu> Bfpiiblirani did. On tbe waythlti Io»d w»t. K>H by Mr.tb-tn lo gJ liaik ami lUej- would liuld HOelWtioo yet. Xumuera of tlaieaten wera Mr..1'ieraon's emplujwi aud »t fan fclddiaf the*turned back aud held *u electton. The Oe-pa!*l.c»n« «ere tritked into Ihr belief lliatXtuit woolil lie no oltctioD and did not getback. (atbUwty Ht. l'wnon waa a.tctet.,and 'ureiT L? fair niludrd aiaa vill bei;mifain as otHve Dlilaited unJer nanh circi•tancc.. It abosU U-kto our MopablbIrienda, bowe-er, not Ui place any faith isPauocratic

He « M * g W ta aee Mr. A. Anmeriuta, afWewark, .u oiiraiidit lail Sanilaj.

Mr, Oca. Cuter it learning tbe paintrad* witli Mr. Tbftbterat Morriilown.

Tlio gray team of Heaim. Itliodct k. TippettTU away la't week, bat mt ut glad to njtbat aoaerioui tlimagv WM 4OM,

Isn't it to*bail that tfaere iirTt eaongii pNekiu oar jouBg men to orsaniro a band fur the4x.tu.0g campaign I it is to bad I ilerlare,f icny , can't you vane 'e» up!

J an glut to nat« lliat tbe CooKregatiotialSunday Hcbwl tUdojceedlnnly well br fleet-ing Mr. KiKr «a Kup<riQteivt«(vt. He i . »•mart, eaertteticyaangauB, and ii well worthy ol the poaitian.

How aboat tbe Ootctmial bell clapper 1Jtd(Waa'ta«e4Ba wiliUtit to Mir it up dueiit 1 Mat by a good deal. I gveaiit ia wound1

Up ao tigbt tbat il will nerer run tlowa, bjtbe way It KUDOY

Mr. Chaa. Daobaaiao* wife ret«t»4 boneMotMaj aight froa. tbrir w^Jlag torthe way, * • liatfdijr kaew CharlM vtth hitUgh ailk kit, which afased r«ry WMMIIK4ahin.

Kaw it the t l m ta tltas op your doorjartti•ad gai^iai aad give jour imaliei as ia-vltlag apfamaee, aa i whei itraaienAtftoni nt they wilt ha*e a gootl '•if our town.

Mr liaUh Voortieca, tie popular drngjiit• f White Home .Stalioit, ww in town Tocadajeftbiiwerk.

Mr. R- V. Vrxitt I»T» he las got t\>* win.• I l l bora*, aUbotHfb it ia not tlie «oit taite.ta\ loahing; bat it ueti tli«r« all the (aw,He ears be tan <Jrt-« (nm Ch««Ur to MurrWtewnia«ae bour. Who r»n beat tbat f II« y vat can, l«t m War from Via.

A troupe of gTpaiea pawed Ibroagb toRUTntidar nail are tiroiunj; n*nr For fit Hill.

All ttreecf ou* toicishnvc oltUlood licenseagain aa uioal.

Tbe t>rew feai.B.ry «lee Clab g*vo in anlaterMtinc «f taing of enjuj»eat at \be M. £.

jAltnoat CTtrjrbmly will attead tb« rlafc

Vfidaj erenlng 1 aippoM, to »M MOAIUIUC'ISHrwvl^on tlewt, wkich I barn ia doibtvill be wdl wotth the ndmi.iioa fH MMy1awi.

T«a Moore N W I lo be dlt»layitg bia art•ia tha lltw «f nrrttg* vwWiu v«rj nath. Itoll J H Taa kuwi kow la Jo iL

Mr. Ja#«b Kcdiager baa bwa i w i p n ghiabuWr abap «aely with a fmh ewt atjwJnt « d Hf»r.

Th«tVUil State Bi»rtH fo. w*at io«lect May Ut Mr. Marrar It M I tbe aceatl t d f r i f J k i

flea. K. CaaaTar hu tin fl»««t aatura. iwall napar ia tawa. Tana;.

tmuiiun.ffonatamafaia tbii »eeUaa »re rfUy to

fftaateora.Pavia Lataa kaa g«a« ta walk « the H. R.

uaar H. OWeil, aacttoa bou,HOMJ Ua^a Bated laat week aear where

kia Matter livai, Betwalej'a Mt.JobaC. Welih, £tq., kH pat a aeal Iran

K*a( m hu itora haaw o» tha corner.Mr. Join. Bnlaar bm. placed a a*at Iran

leaea batwaci hit bout* aad tlie railroaJ.Iaaae Doriaad fattett tbrongh bere laat

waekearaalata Owtrgia, wban ha will aa-»attaltn4tha warkau «aloj«l at AMMM-b]jmm h. II TrioiBer'i HW Mill.

Mr. Haegtriibt U " palliag 4owa " tbe aidJhowt shara tha *utlo»,

WarkaNB wau repairing tbe nor al tbeMatUaafewtUjiM*- Wa woald bagf ' '•ha a t Co. vaaid UUk itiaiiaa.

J«a4«ntM*J Je*. Fanow ecpeeUto •«•" Aickejdarlagffaeatiai.

iwdayiaca. HeM afarMiaaa at1

Z, X.aaid had ha aioanted t


eWI a t a W i t l Mart. Cia.il. Ha- 33,Chawa Vrlaadte, attaaied tha third aaainn-my * HalMf Caaaeil, K*. II, af OoTer»«aHMduwnaitf

Mia ataitad U the waada a4jaiii>f Mr.CatUa'i Cam, aa UM Whiaw*a/ raad, laatfthtaw. Watdwaaaaat bata aad Wa*ala»vlaa Majbaa Caa^asj aad laitfiataat MaaaC ^ T * - * ' ' Mi |at (at In M.

k JLa\aV '

Cftiriu f ittingtr, »bout If yetr* "Id, main-look to jump on train 331 *t Hopatcoas ai«-

n tbc Wtli of A|>ri?, mi«n(,J bit grip «u<ll t f ri II

, „ , . .„_. f«ira*>Kg bare it would be atbail, if uti. won*, thin. U* weaale epiutttic »

«- warn agu,M». Uitkenoa aud berdauabtu. MID- Ar-

jac Dau^lwe, wen »UUIBR »tSCt».L»*d»8'»bo latter part of last w*#k.

- JDB Frayer h •eriouely ») at tbU

At tb<i a<.baol uirehiitf OIJ ia*t Saturday uigLtlbe bill* vert approved aad tbe debt* « » -

*pted, mill unjiaiJ, asJount lo about ttSlit dollar*.W'unJer wUftt It i« al<«u( attiutu* tb&tilki a'i Ilie w«j from Dover to tbaiirriilHialcai gatlifi1 it! Welt, evrrriiudT !• we

trainj) tbe Hrriibi all uvi-r if tbey dfriire, theyWODI tlr,d uuy tre»j>**a boards iMkvH oa lobv m t i , but pteui; of btnil wd fc!»ckiDake.. Hut juat let m* drop you a MnLjioDtpaUspnll tbe root* aitb lb«low«r, farwe don't wauttbe rluwer eiiermin»t«4.

Am«etiiigofibeM K. 8.8 Hoard will beoehiou tiatnroay aigbttodeL-UewhaDli' ~;bn «usd»y School, wkxtbar •owiagat

May Ut «ur tr*U, Mr. Y I . DlebatMa.

d i ex1, is T

it. W. KiiiB'« bur t. di«d tbe otber day.I lieur tbat tlie fiwo nlio wai luudeit iu (iro-

laimiPK tt'E »HtH-t)ty of tlie S*bbatU and tell-i)| tbat be wan nucutifii'd and roulJ not (in,

eiii-MVtld «it<T In'iivi'ii, now Uwp* a tifvlloon, UIMOUP* ami f*!to*v« Itihai-rn, l»ut* tinnltk tu tits iiniKlilJorf' li|i«. Jtlnyn tbe (Mdti> ilanrcfl, Bwe.irs wor*u ttiau S^int IVlorereiid, and K<»e» (iiliins on SntiJay. " Aln«! foroor liauiMitj, u'«, sorrun- ami ii'i vauity.

Alas!",J Lit mrn liave tbe tea

iwituh from l'«rt Hntri. yard lo ti.e new ironiridye at tJoiiJti-i>n([ station about balf Itiitt will tsafe tlie r'uroiltj l'uwder CoBi|iiiDy nouhidurxililii #um ia carU^o «f raw tauterearly. And if Ilie railriml company olioTir Like a DOIIUD lu t>ui)<l a railroad tu tromrt gue»i« to l.uki View H»u*o or (lie H(irfHlin it ban onlv to tbrow in iron brliuTowilitvauttlon a Un\ wi'b tl« wunty.rid,;<.- Jiiiil lbe runt ic ea».T.

it-irt;l!,l juesa «i-miisUt call it HuTUville,is (icorcc llurtt U'us the original acitlnr—bar-ugboasbl 1b£ j.lMct- frr.ui Mr. Hloll tetorc beold [Im fjrtti loIIit^U Alien, wha by [lie wutIIIK tbe part (.•oniaiuiug Li.' baru feucjd in unJ

r live Indie

York c

li^ t" tlit t'liiititl

ft beuit elerlc<Iinfiirotupol; held in Snir biiity HL

lirtbrrliK-yw.lllireaati-. Kelt, ftl'.r not.' tiitint f'd.i(jili'iiilid |.n Hi'licfi Imt bf *u" mtbil>i)[V »n llio wotnno ijiittlloii, lie utvi

1'raurtn Willnrd, Uarion fi^rlmid. HaBPdier ftlowe, ,:miiy Pniiljfull, HUH.

U. Anthony, Mrs. Huiitii-xurth oornnwy %•other Jadiei wbt> (or eiihure and rtfliiemoimi Ut llli any oBioe iu ttiu cburoli etcept lbe" ' i'a. IbelieTe it in Inid iluwn ia ttiu

[bat » Di«lm|i nball l«lli« Luiliand„ Jn—whif h ni enurse a luty could >o11

The Uetundiat UIUIMII at NUub«i>e hue Mr*.Baldwin among it* Stewards ami il tlii' €•

:* chow to tcad bcr as a (kScjaU: to tbcr»I Coofereiuvi wbo shall i| den lion tbcii

riCl»UDnilut'Uir William WaRitiiHC- Ian niored tutb Ht.oliopo in order to bv neur tbf newitist bikTKlt \>\ wliiili he is a n>«ful om. He \» uu eioolleut ttingiT audtalk like it (irosflier if be WHIIU la. IJiit>U«Jotiu tlritttni's [iun»y wliitli Ktiul

ir t'olui•tcilwliiK fin- in tlie woo<]»ieday liui.wei.-k, tt I'llor MUtt -Susio Or.ifl, Jnlm

/iwler-i. Him ami A HIM Will., tttwrgo Miitvhai nml (HhiTs. Tb» fiirinen tu Iliati>-iKiiborlioad fviniit flri all day Sunduy andtwulatfiou Piswlay ii'. tit belort'llit-y git IKbUlU'l).,I*»me»Mr(Jurd»o.d a pk'ce of land lo Cal,

if Feet a abort time aiw oa wtikU wat a log..bin. Ju tbti Irii eabia lived a uiau. hia wife

»ml nine tbiUlren. The en bin ia not fit lo II vtin but Mr. Me Cord alloired tbe man and lamily to fltcupy It rent irte im nomeyear*. Howilifi man think* Iicnwm it 1 e^ptetaml re-

ta vacitfl tlin jiremlsM. Mr.Me* '(tent a poital lo MuDord tin? other day Iimore tlie man and liia f*»ily from tli« log,-abla bm Mr. Mt'Curd *aj« ht, aold the whole

lodt? witb it.Tbereiia iasilr lifiog noawwbero alang

the renenour vlltw lather t*a Btxng, healtn yman wlio pia*t b*$e tad a i]uarre1 witb work

' B l<? was young nad tbef nerer atade opc. Tk*f iar lie .teaejiea Vis cbildres tuI and biivi't} iloca wbat work (her* is' Vy the f.toi.r. I iiippone tbe nan got

lott Ircnitbp lani tribe i<f lodUng vliarhaacdlbe deer arnuad Ilopiiti'ttiiR. aud tlie cbaoeei

Ii* TCII. \\w&% long »nthe vanttoriag Jew,tlirclmji *bo wai wruund HUSbopB lait

•reel trying lo tolled mittty tat then tobate a geuarat «crw on nlweti his tnwk,fliey aretoi* well inowa. ]/big Indian aiaithave fire water he mmt wofk Bad enru theurkoolit |ik« wLitefalki.

I am glad to iay tbat Mr. gtuylort littlesift, waa bM bean v> rtfj Rick. >• nearly sut

' 'linger w i aad be ttiiake ufae wil/ pullttirough. Mr. Birder, wbMA arm w u .catodtuthcahoiilderby a fall froaitha topifaboxcaria tbetuoael « abort ti«e ago,«; • h« think' lie will be alia U> go t« *»rkigaia in a couple of w w t i (Jeorje We«d«r

baa recorered Iraai hii tantile too and ii ~ntk.»'* have no saloon* ia Port Morrl* io I caa't

t#U yuu tfbut effect tha new high liceuie lawitlbftva. 1>.I.

Calf in l'itlrnger, who wai i njvc*4 « hiag or Hu|.«woujj Btttbn Uat week ana•I lii» injurim in the hoapitat, I M a juuagwan ppiweied of good intelieoiuil h#wrrt,

ealtle in wanncn aid WM ainck m i i e t d

where lie lived. Veri.jf " death lorei a ahia-io/ mark."

Quit* a natuber froa thia utwi aaatesi'attending the <joadreapial Oeaeral Caaler-encs of tba M. K. Ufaarvfa BOW being h«)d )•\«w Voik city. The; could go to ao belttrpUce perbapi Ui we fepreaeutim from aearlfevery ^onrter of tb* globe.

U'e hear aa aiorc af the "GoaaviUaiia." Dur a.erohaat» »<ttt hare tmi-•aued tbetu *g cheap price.. HQW is thatfor law t

We a n glad to l*ara Uiat tha Btaabooepaper ii g-Nii to retail i u Jifij Biaie u d• a y it aoar higher aid grow larger tilj JtthtJl tMch the m i t t ol la g.Mj amtt] 'atari.

irg* qnaiUtlM ot piakeraj w«ra UkMrroia tba Staahoae (ara«e« »NU1 latt «•»*.Tbey caagW theai bj tbe tha baral. Haw Iitfaktfor a short firt •t»rj, IbMfh It ia M Mto be true I

Uo, Wright, who hat beea la the employ alweiiuc bntfaet. u teamiter, will leave that

Hra and mnve to Mucruaniva aad work foranother party,

Xoab Maring U>a intived. with hi* Mxnireito KCERTJ.', wliere te will drirc aa

the nave Viutiaect.f a d e " Stere Cnwatii ba* more* hia

ulovn flituretaad houMbold goaili to StwVortcity where be will keep a reiUii

Uev. K. Meaclieai bai left off preaching oatbe ten eonmaadamnu t'eiruap* those old•ovaiandiBeiiU ale to alalfl for tbla plae«.Wn woader bow aany to .tb« baBdred ca»repeat tboia, area in Obriitiaa Ua4».


•T UKM.Tbn caitract for tba bmtdlag al laaac MM*

darilk'a H I c«tag« lu* beea gitm io B. M.Maltoi, orEackaway.

Mr. ArtbarPwwa,ofKockawar,iadeearat-mg tb* fui»n af 8.0uk«rM»'« bataa ni it-painting aereral houiei leonhed bj the latefir*,

I had tha plMMTe of lUUaiag Iwt Baada*aiorniagto * itrj able aersioa wklta WMd«l.«fnd bj the Ktf. )Jr. Tinabawer, afD«D*iUe. He la a ?erj toe sad cloqaaatprFacber aad wonld w#ll reaay a Joerney to-nrhlia.

How do yoor reader* lika the folbwiagtiekrt which hat beaa tailed "TfaeEattaadWV.t of III" c. M. Dep» w tm Preudaat aadL. Sianfnrd for Vioo Preaideat. I thlak itwaald prate a wiaaer.

We ara now al work Slllig the naaru d an psmpiai »bool three fett of water aday. Mr. George JSnaaell, of Koekaway, ta

1 teapotarilj In charge vt the eaglae.I urn wrDTlMtl at tb* action at.jcartala

jaaag • * B wbo reside tear htrt, and wUd«riTc « coafartilile incaaja tr*m werl aathe iroaid*. bat penirt la doing *» la M raaw«r ta lajare tha plane. A wprwtothe tiatit nfficleat-

_ cannot tkaak jaar Dearille eenaaaaa»dent too heartily lor lafamiag ae «f tha betthat I am well kaowt ia hit town. It Ii la-dced an ha-wr, which ike praadatt aigbtwitet, lobe well known ia Hck aoaaaiaaltf.In wply to kia attack «a m» ia joat tutwerk'i edition, let •» Mk aim to naieaberthat hit well tar people wha Ufa la glaaa


CWrual U*« K bact AlNCtlj and proaJHlj oa tha ll eratamach mterUg tb* cauUaatad argau la

! Maltk? Mtif itf and ara a paalUra aad f*r-«Mtl« aafa e«ia far CaaalifaliN, Urai Caa-

ditfoa af tba Hvar aU ataaaak. Tkajarapaialj nawihli B»4 ilnwaly aagat lailil,• U n d ^ M

aaent at Like Hopateoig. wai traai'arMlfrom tbat place and awiguad to a aaalifM i»the Train Mailer', ollica at High BrU0t aaanuiHUDt operatur and ul*rk. Wa hear wanttu1ua*iotli.iiDn» ot fr'red'i railrwatl aUlity aadwe bop* to iee him ititnd as the bigh«at raandof tbe railroad Udder ao«e time We jail bianub? (ttettl* in viihing hiw wceeta ia kUnew aior«tio».

I uoderataw) that Mr. Will «peBcar,a]B(Me-•ille, SUMCI Co., waa warned 8* tUturdtj

jiuht io Mini I.Hie Mtitei, alio of KoaiiillWtll bw many lri»di about ibia place andbe rumor U inie, we wub bin a hijifj **Un tbi! inatrimnnlal eaual lioat.

Attiar Ita^WKK^hMivcdattUpublcaclioBlIT planting a In*-, a Ulk about trees by th«[earlier, Mr. L'.ia*. *iir|jnla«, aad t>y Madingeby Mi««ea llnttie Tbaraf, | j » i f fcobitwifl,Master J. WlllardFarr«w»nd»lb«ra. A B K B -brr of treci wee planted by «iffcr»at cit^eaa

i various part* ol the village.Tee fouro'clock oiail train oa !••( Friday

afternoon aat tbe *«* . on fire afthtrt dlauae*op the tw^k Iroa Iheitatlon, wbfeb qmeklj»pread over to entire Held a»d tticn got ererinto lbe fouag aproatl and bnuh under thaniouDlain, ttbereltgulaaeattartiutbedeatlleaf ea aad ww aom turalag at » frlghlfattHe: Tue eeutian BieB came to tbe icea* ofaft ion and a>adc a gallant flibl of it.hit the Irawax a litiln too bl | fur tb«n tocopewitb. fi-nally lbe gravel train mn caae to tbe rwcaeand'alter an boar1* bard lighting got iba lireout

We bail tbe )>leanan ol attending a IBL..able at Mr. Harrington'*, ftufCa»ODni, enTufiday iiigbt. Kacli lady brougtit a ball nl

witb tieraaraeihmk oa lbe billlh*o tlie icenLleaw* bad tbe op-

portunity of jiurL-haiiug a ball for half a dol-lar, and laidU(( tbe jouug Ia4y wbote naniewax on tlio hall to tern. pi U« balta f ere of all

ripen, color* aud •fo**; Iron aaptierc to aln-roiil, Wtli priilalc ami otlale. All rotoraire tbere rtpreneot^d, tlie montning 'or tbairried, wbiib w« knaw tif eiperience, aadu litijiM, gay tulora (ot tbe joanj TWH '

naideo* {lbe old majd* geneia.lf UMname color*). In »i»etli* balli rnn tnm agunio tgt w to* diaieuloni of a lellow'a beadthe pett wuruing after a b-n-i-l. MoaxwharcalMint MVi«ty-l*B or eight/ wen prcMBtuud I think all dad m gaad flaw: at laaat 1

m ttutbfully » > tliii until far tbe ^lander*ion, Aboat twtavj-thraa asllaia waaI fruai lbe u le at the bail*, and |>rob.lei-ii ball* r««aiM<I aatold. Tbe prt>ill go to carpel thaMaauiilaJ cbayal.

Tlie youD« people wba were pwaeat froaibi* plaue detire tothauk Mr. Carey Iar hi*iutineie in takim Ibea lo auch a treat.I bearaminorofaleup year party to taka

•We In llio near (otare. Huny it atoag girl*tu'vi' been t'aitbfnl tbre*1 year*.I uuderefpnd tbut Mi. Deeiuer li titk at

bin writiaK.Mr. Henry Uriaen, of Mewarlc, WH In Iowa

Mlflttl.A rerT interesting giine of ball * u played

m oor new «routid»oL Salordaj laat betwaea•ome of our bome ley*. Kighwr and Pirker

* i n tue btmry on oae itda, while_ ^eraua and DIokernoB filled lbe pointoaatbs Dpoatle tide, tkore )2l(ilJ. Theypliy

'umaaHntutdij.Uuv. Mr. 1'ruaibowcr preerbed aa able atr-

Bioii'to tlie young nea oa Hmdaj eraaiaglaat.

Tue Vuting Pcople-i Clifrcb BocW UalaaU*Y6 Vi*ir lait eDlartainMBt at the rattdeuw•I Mr. Kiebard Vaadf rh^f aa Friday ar«a-

iog Ipit. iboat fftj weia preaeat, u d fjgood time wueolaytd bj til.

Weilnttday ereaing, Mi/ J(J. bimuht la-•tt-r a large galaenBg af mlall'M aadtead* at the h«ae at Mr. art Mn. K. ft.

K*t)t; tbe oeevln beiag the tWMly-lltbBBiTanar* of their wedding lepreeeataUte*wen prcaent frna Newark, Motrbrtawa,Hockaway, Nt Fteedoa, Moat-ill*. Littleton,aid ,b*ii B»H* imwli Ira* Daat.Ua. Avery pteaaaai two WM aaeat bj all, aa4 all I<ljd aaiplu Jyatice la the aiMkat upperwliii-h. « u aetv«d Mr. tad Mn. KarU, wara jlbe KfipjeBtii of aiaay ha*4aoaa sad tala-inle preieat*, inciadlng >lher caka bwkata,union, tpouei. tjf uertupooai, apaaa baldata.mgar bowl. iMfkio ring*, butter knife, MgarIIKWBI, wi t of giasi ware, laaiaa, Uata

apreada and ather article! taa MBBV to »M>tluo. Wejainlheiraianr friend* In wlahiaglturn luany leag y tanal h«a>pit«M.


Pent FleMMtCtablMt WL.nr, wtlh Ihala,!• * MUiac • • • • a.«b bMH «t Uk«

_ , _ w a g , TaajiwntwBBdatmt eflaaiaa tha afaore •( the like, Htfl wltl ea*> thai*

mmwtr. Tfa* aottage BOW oa taa a wwill ba M*d M • dlBiBg-roaa. Bad

n , aal a ebb baaaa wilt probabif baUill next HIWU. AnonK the toeaibcn oftlii club are Abram JoraJeuoo, sennal 1>lian, Waara E. Jfanedlct, H W.Tbovpaaa,D. A. Kichola, W. L DoagUas, J- Ward,

a Woollr-f, M. H. TbunpaoD aad I. M.IWa-r. ^

S.IQ« bartlan .In began o|ntat!i». ioS I M D I Motil.J I.I.U, bin »p-a taaaafala .be talllMd d»BOl on Taiaaar alfkl Ikar

4 . a «Rca of lb< aif. .ad aladon •" la> |ildlal, aad »»l KB l» I..art tlnai.

'I aaraakaaaa laaala,"ctM>a»aialiaalaatalai ftiaviat)aiaaduaaiB|Wai aa aaadnt-ii(kad. «»ala..»a>«Hd, "aatlal Wall,•jaaelaat tm, !•* Ufa ailaiMa, aalil laaaai ariaia a Mlla al lalntea Oil. laaa•III aaa *ka ataa tfca day."

ratu, II ia aaU. i w d , aaiaaif aaaatalljaialaalaald. laaa>Kaall7aaaaMaal!at>la In. nacam. kal <aaa Mtrn la Ika fiaa•M ,1 Dr. «all'aCa<ia »J>a». aa tt aaatataiimai llaaa.

e aad a fa. rala aa , .. .(irabeaad talaia itff alealf; aad U waa>ucb >n«nl, aa Ik. (naai) Dai a n * ran'dpf.

TaoiaB«aala«aa««ni» aaeb a aaiif fca•k«l tMr Wlal.r laaMla aa lalalda; aadSaodaf, war* ilad larrawl lala taaM Malaoa Tondar. l|alyia aaddta ikaaje U laawaatber.

f bai. waa a *ai7 wait, lraat n TaandajBoniaa; M plopl. aaad aot a* U aaea aburr with taelr cardaai, ar aarkapa tbaMwla pla«l»l aiaj | . t ai»M wbaa V»«IB|tbrongfa tbe arouad.

We vfn tn.tcd to two .alarlalBMBU latba ball tbU caak, wall wvrtli tba prka iX

iailaMlaa.V. D. SLbbeaa repRaaato asr towa at

COHK tk1! web a. Oraad Jutor.TbaOimaa Vallt; Baad rlajnl Iar Ika

Kial of tb» m n at tba Cawar akaUafrial liftoatardv .vanlal.

vammuMtdiaan Klag ii NilBf tba litlla Bridge M

ffaahiagtoa V«rge, wbiaa kai baaa Ii a *Hewn* coadiltau foi aevtral naatba.

JM. riiiharbart kaa left tke aaBlav oTJ. A.Toae fc 8oa. aid gata to wart oa hia awtbar'afara. '

HlxRm.bJ.HMkl. ia qtlto ill, bat weaaf* aat djaga ratal >«•.

•aaHofavjaapg ladkM ara aaahan afiba f «a»g I'eoaW. Ltlanr* Uagaa.

AM*»«arth«jwauladltaf iM j ih pf eppto^d at the part Uraa aith Bill.JoaaiaadakaaiaiBiMadfa health aad iaaitlDa: hia aajteri* Vatamft.y W l l i hk i i

faar year al l aaltBtapbaa t'arvath bai beat wtn ilak. bat we

hope to aee hia well aaaa. He aiawato to Ia f t t KMWI Vanaea with hit Iktbar.


t uita a llttla aauitcawat waa eraatad banon Friday of laal wt«k V a Ira aa W. E.CtAM tnm. M taa road Itadlac. Iraw) riaaa-aat Hill lo Baceaaaaaa. Hia taaaat, Mr.W». kwmaat, waa baralai braab, wbai tbaarau aod aubbla in .tba fldd btcaaa laattadaid apnad rap>dly aba j lbs /earn, Ibiaal-«Dia( to d « t » , «arytbla| !• lu way aad 1ga«u lacnoMtri vary wall, far all tba faaeMwe» aoaat goaf, elaar ta lbe Beaaar a*awriaadan.

•ra. 8. II Laak, ar Obtalar, waa tfca faaat•I bar aaa tea a few iajaWavaek.

H V. Hawaii baa baaa aaltiai Ml • t tpeaeb orobaai. A f apanja.

AaaaW af laalkawa fiaal Harriatawaatuadad Iba Inaia Clank laattaaday anaIan aad apako aaaa tba aakjaat al ajajaar.

Mr lillea baa lail a nlubU tana. • •tblak. lta dealb waa aaaaad ky aaaaHblaf laIlifead.

Aaasbwafyani raapla rraaj Iraala at-Uadtd tba Cbnmik.tfafriak laal hMlaafavealag aad caiayad a gaad tiaM.

Mr. Babart BaadaraMi kaa baaa war/ | M ,tat wa an »>d tt uy la twilif tatbn.

AaAa aaKniaiag articta aa Dararaad tieai

j, wrlttaa i j Mr. V. B. Laa, alTrwataa, aaai•abliabad ia tfaa Gaadaa Daily Caarkr.ewa-elada* ai follow!: - In a big park, ii vboae•ran; l a in ara efrlajlug tba anUi«t,araprtof «9W«frr-««t a tewm with aaiat* paia,bat aa atd-fatbiaBad yan) wltfc aa* kaaki»nae bail, hyMlath*-iaaaa lawan aa taertai

aadalllaa«au-ataada taa aldaat aaaaa la!>.!•«. ltiaaf>aatBami,wMbwldailaw ealllaia, faaaaaa la bMorlaal aaaaail.laa|ilalbanoai wban Aadm Jutaaa.Jaba C.Calbaaa aad atbatdatMfaiabadaaanpoaad; If Ibat n u l l far aaabl, aad lacbatailat a «lua ta ffaaetal laaaa aaaM wiaaUMatt. Tbla ia Iba baaa af a<Jad|a Maa-aaa at Mania aaaaty, aPaaamlaflaarMirata, a aua wbaaa aalllka, Uadaaaa afbaart, aad graclaa* koapftali'y ara f«i *"«4a»raVla. JaallcawbaniaitMladaKaafartaaladra, whaaa •aaaara a(a laaaaal a

Ibaraia OraadMa. aad wbaaaraakawwk tbat at a laiar IMC, . .

tbalbaiahVwanar , ( tba nvw a v a J w a T a a a a f r h j tb rfrapartaBjitiJtWawwhWhkhhaUragardadUfaai, Daw aadtae to4fa*a»aiB *m\\taaaga I — a aaata lamyaa, wwaldaiWtaaaT





M I L L I N E R Y ,

To obtaiB waalth aaa Bait Irat h« baaltk/,a»a U abtaia bealtB take CklpaHi'a Task

n. Mold bj all


Ifyoaair.ooair yet waul a tffiouwaaltn . .If you wain MatlreMoaII you raat Canaia Pobu.If yoa WIDI Carpel IIIBJU .If yoa aaat litraitoB Tabta." ' -ilWiodowHadaa.

vRXesei*.Cpbolalner, Blaekwrll m., Dover, N. J.umn

talk* P*M••«••< Dmat.a.J,i..m»M,tm.

Joba Alllan, " '"Htikk C l iJ. H H

a. o. uwuua. r. m.

HI11.1.I1'8-»OIIEI(»A-U CkHtw. AprMil. bi «n. rruk A. M i x , WiilE

illllju cud « u ; Btibnu. tola •! DwnIb. 1're.kjy l«r. 0*1.

IfENUKII-BTirEa-la IM.r, iprtl Wtb.or S I I . Fnd. Mooaj, Wllllaa iMaaat; afIIS"', aad Elliaiatk «lilaa, af Uwaar.

nUl »|S- JUBM»0»-4t Daakarlan, 4aHIHia. b, R>r Ckae C. Mtbraa, BaV|aala9. Karria, af Hackaway, aad liaiaHMT.

MBO.m s r i m t - u «t on,., ipMi nit, in

ttmvu •wfbi'M. it»d BIMI M r*«n.OHXlnX-Ainil 1Mb, .1 ( lrkn.d, III,.W«. U. JtthlMQ, (atawttj 14 Hitma t»«..ablp, HUH.S couty, I* !•• Htb jttt H • »


HTBEET, DOVER, K. 1il I llfll Mil MlfftW}! DltM ID fjhUW

Ofttw to MMJ «il», ud Ice V

NOTICE.The aaeail aiMliac of tae itoetboktonot

The Mew JetUf Iroa MtaiBg Oaaipaay a>* tbeuction al a aaw boud of thiMtort, will

T« IraMtr* «f HtftN.

•EC1 NMEV. H f t ,ItmantwItaltMliMilb,


nurcux rum t mmn.

>wd m mil— mpiim

0. H. Fovttut.B.P.0UH.

•oonAn * m i l ,





Md diU, «W Mk, w<

at • • • M CMM.




I, Ow.D. KMbw, CtaUw of the »iMM«IMUd


ut-j--'s vrsst. 'six.nr •olaal 00.KOI, a.i Mr. Tnaakyia aauorlaed ID mile all aalUia la


iMlU <*•••• <U«>il«

i UMO uttZimLtat or


Flair, Feed, *cGin •« * csll tod .walu BTIMP md fM*.

rtla .III «Mk r« b w .•M. 1110. M l



i at PaMnM.




A water viteqHalett for britliaitcy(ltd purity.

2**e /airtom mttri of

bNe or earh>mti)igpitri»>**'

ntilwl )»v)vrtlaforHibc)i troubleand fatni Mil it).

We ilmll mill lo our many Inamliof the Motf celitii-utni Isuyrt i% HetuarM (he Rorltenler Dcktmian BenHit union, « nir load being m therand ww/or Dover wtich mil tornbe tvaty for mmpling. We (ton'dance " mnmljitldle" to any om, biPI* hqmil Ihf (fimlilil of our umls.kill mtf few titit the leM.

SALE.•• Jmartoum Hit01 lbe lul »11 ud mil.

y MrlM of ih. tbon elited aril of aatlwlBBy auda,lahall rxpoaa fur atlo al

•C«Mf, Ui. Ma day of fHt!t


•ten meitioMd wttm t i«cft tbn.I «•' bgm few akilat u


lin wlik )MI>MUdtarti4<fM Uib*

IW K«l IMi i^nja ! •« . 'kMI'l u •<>••> «na>a lb

idlUMM I)J mill IplHMIUUioldnK kMIl • > «na>a l bli tnMMtil idlUMM I)J mill IplHMI4MWM Ad I'tMa-VMIW ««Mfitw«l tatia.'111 lEjd . . l** ,Wl . i> i#oro . (road.

Ibnn()) lOtlb i l l l f l .o drum. • • ] iblrl.l a W a M II % Si. olMteilaidaaiataailiatt tet antloaHriTapla laaa« tkult U> 1 •late uditMMa! Ibauw (•) portli la'nr-aii* drgnMaaa JIlMa •laiWi eaal 1» • Me. allt aaj.i.IM TnabrUai latin chalia i u m t t nIllbl 'o lb. atM. of bafaalat, m " 'M t r l a d l I I 4 o aaadndte.'

l lloaattfl brgloaiBi al a atata and


awatiaataaWMlnaaa eaaiaa aad ae*a*.j UBha M n a a w haaiifa-liaai tkaaaa

I) aaaia and Jaaaian'i liaa aanih aatmiaa

ass&sn•Hani lama ll> HMb lonj^a. a i maidlBiia aWaatt. aaai • ««a tbalai aal

..tan i . a5ak.teja.ua.amfaiM M aaaad kr I. • . Bialar;(I) aba« aalA baa aaata ftalran.

l S f l b l d «Kn

Mrtb laaalf arpaal aaai Ibraaaaalaa: lkaa<><«BonbtUrlyal|btd>tieeaaad fcMyeit i l a l a I M alt tbalaa aadIbirllt', lialaU tk> a«iBala>. aoaulaiafIwrabJw ann aid tklny budndib. rfaaaata, naaauai Ikanoal tba mat Mat



FOB BALE4 ealaate I n af Id terra attuM k w

•IMafroa Daaar. aaa alia fraa l»aa>ln


UM«'« T

M llcbaU ga Idddaiaal




TcaatoCMb*. U«tct Clethi,

i l l the aew ihalet ia CMhaere

aad rede h

n m m oounmi.






•lick w« I'aifM aim Hnla ••« MMnMia* U tetrad Hl«d.



CAUOOB, It*., 4c.

pnOE iwomtiiT.

«ao(ATM ANP t»«U (flAIN

AMP aoiaa aiaaraa,


TaWe llamv Nirkln,

Hi«|f ud ta|nk Tiaw*,

Geitlemeii's f inist iu HARDWAREGahrawfztd Pourty l t n i |

EABL & Wiuow's Collanand Cuff.; DENT'S KIDGLOVES, and a fine liae ofSearfa, H aad kerchief*, Sui-Matters, &e; Uundered andDalatiiMiered Sblrti.

BOOTS AND SHOES!Otiratock of Boots, Shorn

and Slippers is the .Biand finest we have evershown. We have all kindsof Shoes for Ladies, BUssesand Children; Men, Boysand Youths, at the lowestprices at which good goodscan be sold. Ladies' PatentLeather Tipped Kid ButtonShoes #2.00 per pair.

Ladies' Patent LeatherTipped Kid Lace Shoes $i.

Children'* Tipped SchoolShoes, new goods, solidleather throughout, sires 8to 101-2,75 ets.

We h»ve ju»t peeked §line of L«41eY TippH KMButton Shoes, m»de on tbeWaqkennbastlastawhloh arevery stylish and comfortable,

Men's and Boys' Shoesmade by Stacy, Adams &Co., and other first-classmanufacturers, in the lateststyles, with broad, mediumtint) narrow toes, at from|l.gfl to |3,W per pair.








Uie-Aitl-frietloBwDttr Hugen,


FI8HING TACKLE.A Ml UM of ««tyt«liafct Uunn.

BODS, O0TIOM,IiLirgllHdUUUNM; FLICS at til •.•)«;

Artiletel Bt^lMtaa, tt.,





an or mn w* •> lniin. auxwta, OOID, HLTB. nnvnmtMooiruDoraacMwoiK. w«Mtkt • « • ! « « • . i

PE TlUiTia toMM jam' mutai iHa la tkt M|| ItaMM to Wa aMin • I S t a l

AmBrican Watchoa.

FlAZEtCWNETlDcfa - I ra | ^ m—*. HarafjfjmW any "MVAw WJTwt


WAao.<« MAKaaa,



A. JDD0QH 001,

Bit B. F


Tula Ilimiil ail.i.iaai! l a *•«•• h> MlmHa« •*•!. taalk a . |a U



I T laaalriai • ( t a . Walaka a aaataltr.


ma. a «wrfBM,


j c y t f V s i ]

*BN*Tkrw Sni Wwk Ntmi,



UtTtk*IHD«bn«W« u l rittai; Ikwlril too i . .U & . O M . j t i . M tapcttat pri STSk, ud tf Ikp* « . jwo or


rial iku4 ito I M M to «hla tW M S S * tar it a n lo Ml tWa »Smm, Tkal On amwta aval b» tSanJhly pal InmlVii, AalIKHJ. to ifcow mJTt ntWi «f atjha mTSSUm lha* **} intoauv ba ia«M. We d w i adutta tUOafaa. iliiiauHo»rflimwii H iroaM i»i» oar wpatilloa. Ia aMaaoa or hM « M wealdwwlTditft away > o w » mot* nnnauMf k i t W t g o a i l o w u

rria Iltat t *fa fwwlTdtft away > o w » mot* nnnauMf k i t W t g o a i l owadan » p*ie» « * « * • » witti aarrita. Iltait oatj a oaa*fa•otih wtttat, hat a « • « » • «i wlH»ti»t art «Rre<trtlc%I I W t t l b & ^ U B ' d C U t e - D

pik«>,tt;lM»aaktarUk AlaoH*•

ad, aad we an <okU»l that la tW HnidaU wit* h

4 COf|850 4 852 IMAI STREET,




«fll be doort ml • ! . auat^anjlaw k Oa Vm» ta fnnt*


" • » . • • I


Chatter iliwlea B.U Beatay.Oer. Onea toe elgael a» aew lawa.Tba aartia, awik af April wae IU nal;

,1 Ulillll.' • " X A. B, tak

TW BrBahlliaa ami la I M O n •


tb. I . r. On* • < tan/MM>1 iriMM.mniii.iir.•iiiluilliniilif'-iifn--•- i " "

• f l • . * Wall Miami toBe fnej Can-

e ' " •

BnililaiiMi|BfAia.lab.la,.,A.f,BalA. U, MU WI IUBI I I enaiaf.

TWBIB.I1 aflMHtia tanlawa.'. Hell kt iiafflga toadeeenore.

Tlitin"i'T * - ^-** *™—-u


TtoPreMUIkalek will bold a caaca. le-Bight.

JaaUoaC. B. flap bee neailat Vie e t »

W. 8. TaBpklaa, ef Boealn, baiwrcboetdceal aad luator yard al Mealcklr.•Ir. Bartea balth tea arid hit laa gray

to Br. C. C. DtBart, of tteckx.y.Wa. II. Keller,-, of PkillUekarg, Bepsrat.

" it oflrie Barrio CBBBI, diet tail attar-

Waekiagtaa Her eeideaoea tke proa-taaityaftto aaw BaaagiiBaat la an ealarge Jfara.

Tbe charier eleelka ighl ia Boealaa to-anenw-aatarlay^will to Unaa. or aaUeeae*.

•r. I. J.Palaark kalMiag twa laa reel-aa laadfeH etraH. tookettteBeettl

I.E.Okank.Jake K.Bel.l hat eaUUktol

k tte lueineat aaler tto nataaraat of.A.Jaikeai.

On. "Board rwrga pnenn It Mil ell kkf at Btaakr aat laka ap a peraaaeat

wdotaee ia Sanaa.I l li eipaelal tkata l aw aal pewarlal

crgaa wiU anea to pantoaad far ttoH.ECkartk.

Ttor iM Prtokykrlaa Gkank tf Hank-iwa hat eilcwded a call u Bar. Joba ate-

Ib eat B » I . • . t M , of HI. Tator tele-ddk I t a t abrant tkoir Bint weddlag aa

Tat Balk at Ito Barer ekartareketka M i lHealaywrltoeatatnalA B, le t in »•

Calbwa k etaarka.la, eolle a bulWag

WIII.B WblkIto tra, eknaf C. I . Dalryaak, Mania,Iowa.

Tto Bane af tto rlrer Peaeaaaeeka) tto lad

Tto M «n» rInw attar tto eel taw war eettalalj a Ben-

layad ttolr aarriea. laat VrHay.Tto paaUn af laa oofkae ctantoa ta teaa

ihaaBlariultapntek UBpenaet atr-aaat ea Baaday eeaatag, May «tk.

Tto Ber. Br. Aaelenao, of Boclawar. willla Ua Pnebyutlaa Charcb auaday

aataleg 1>) eieheage with Mr. HeUeway.That. Ktliy.iyoaag tea afHr.ioka Kelly,I Hie Hill, Hot Thanday ereakg af pete

afler aa illaen of akaa' twa weeka,Elwart E Derragt, an ef Hr. Jcha K.

Darngk, ktd Ito akfortaat la tore Bflaael« efie kk father'a Uto Itelary la Banna.

TheBfloataB Ina at l W M I Coapaay'1

alll alert ap tee BorBlna Iroa work, aeitMoatar lerUamtaaftetan at bar iraa aal

ler. Or. 1. • Baekky, ef Merrktowt.Ito epaoaUioa le tto alBkoloa allekgBMe la Ito BclbodUl Oeatnl

*lh> k M M Ha awMlw a kaw tarDr. M i «.Da.ll I. la. Ml Haaa Anaaa•il l ' i lr '"*

rkul BaaUaiafaM bail af Iia.k.laanmatmtv. rkt aaw tari wiu « iub.wWilMiir .

If IW Dam faat aaha 1|U la aat aatllelM tha *n iimtm U a. Mnbl) wamkftkaWkalJilj.

Mtwaaaawanlalawaak taabaalatk.H«aiMaHtlatl,la.lana«aa«>»allaal•Hkah-ltiw.

J.Mra*tklll,a>lfnaat, kxnajanl la<a» taaa* «aa> taas Mat Uaal ma la tk.-laa«k«T. lallllu '' t l H a » » » m « iaa. I . flteM iaa-lw

Ilia atwkakla tkal «>a.Jaka W. qriwBJI ta aM «t Mw a*»»i« l l « . MIVp U t tt

Tarkatllllalla attaalaa la law TartI M i l l l N a U « «>t,af

tta.nimttlawv.i anal Miaxri.1 m.»~ WM f

|l<iiail af B J M aMtaua, >inbla>a,km rHaajr.!»...«.

Mr. In lM lawla, al Haaiaaa, ka> aaearlaa• pattkaaaalaekalatk » Bltaarta, laaik*Ca'a«an,U>«aJa.

Tkall. ArilaiM, Laka Hc*.l».f, winafxftM Daaafalba Day Cat gaaau, aad tb«•MalSnallaaaJaaatM.

A kaaalifal Ktlkt Baaalai I'eiaai I m a•Ilka mitaaia al Hn. Bwck. aa Onaaraaua«,la«ril«a/ aiaalaf.' Dr. Waat,'waa ka. kaaa ManiH la Mai-•taHTI. |iaa iifar k m t»k a ia «a ka life,U k i k a a |< •am af Ma.lfka Bajla » « aMkH k) tiur Ika kaa>

kail akaaalmtla, Taa aka»*l«k« af

• n , B. ?. lawkwaal aaa aaM kar alawliTiri - — ••---•—•— aafWW altka law Oat. tiuaa. h i • * « .

Tk. law af |laa> krakaa la tka Man af MrMlkiatl la aa. Wkk Mart aa» akaa. H »laaaaaal»Wa>aWaala«wat<.

l l t l ' •

5u, Tka Uml m ailkaa a M a i rafahaa

K a>> Oanr « r akaaa, aa M U U taa laiai la

P,al Ika atmapakajila tkla iMa-

af IMaaaa.. Ui awaait k t l H

Mart.D » U B. VUrakM kaa fabj ikm aam at

M M M k a j aaHa»« a> Mania MaM u•aa. E iaf-aaa, aat tkm aam H OaL * .r.Oat,

•aa » * ! • • » » , 0«-*«alta-0A.«..at Miw tmm. aa. atnlml Km.tm. HW, ai taka, aa aaMrawa »aaaat. Ha*.

Aataawaaaaala.iwBartaalMli.UIU..la M M a. aanM. mi M l

B l

i (akk. af Laka, tS|akiaUt

1 * ww5k

•aaaMa•«>•»>,» aa ta

tS|ak > ,1 a * , w w 5 k i » aaa taaUatat

t . Utkar iiaMll. af Uatkapa, l»ira-UraaHaw aa ka tawaat .Matfaa (MaOaMaklaOallaja, waar. M ka. kaaa at*.,-


aiiaalaaltktrr la aa lajal ftaaaa IW laaaaattawal <•«*• ta tka fMaaial Cr-^-<M.ara>>M.(.Ckaral.

Mr . . , . Mm M i • LHUa, af BvkMta-|a lilnlllttanaWaiwiawlaiaalk.• a t m, m. lAUla la a kanaar al Tka»

H ' M k

r | > a a » a M |M M a a am Ma k* |« aaDam, aatr Ita rttat M.» Ck

Bar.f. f. laaaaH, Ika aaw tmM«lBUM «ka aiaarkai la Ika flax M C.(MHk kat taUaj ajanaa, aaAa a laij

HyWaM. a anil kaawa l a X M . waa

aaakaatlkaOnaahal Brt.1 a aaakorpjMtaUaaMlka aH »araar1 Bart•aiftaMKaaluaMaajaaaiilaaaa.

• a i l WB1 ka | M la kaaw ttat Bat. •Okfaakm, wtaia baaa aaiaan wnaM.WI! aiaaaaai, wM nata a ~ r t la ISaCkaMaallTkanawaHaial1 ' ' taa VaaV,," f n , a » . la laa

ManMawa aa Waaaaaia; ataa-

anykaikraa Warrahnreet, wtoralaaehat.I j j l i l i a i f l ' r - - *— *al to aarraf la IkataMBaaaar. aWlf ateBMagaf a liberal

fapreatBB. *' f t o tallare u paHkk tka aatkt of

aaav J2«£\lk.aaaaiakMafla.panr aaMaCaa

U a f l k . l f » l « T »

Tto B~.ua Baal wa. highly eeapH-k

Weiahnmrftkalllitinltaf Ml. 1. Aaw Oilerllne i|.l.<l tkt Oataiaki Club,a baatlai »rl.«»|», ka. baea aeolatalaatkla.

Mllloa fl. HIHer, a well kvowa loealal Ika M. t Ckarck. awl at M

haae It Bleealagdak oa Beaday, f n a e llakrael eater.

Vhai. r. Hepkiet Bad Baeeh 0. Byen wen• lelantaa fraat Boaalat u Ue Bi

Bute CeareMlot i Betori WlleoaOer. W. Biler, Blwraatn.r. Onear lektar ka, aaeeaaaal tto nra af;nrBrae. la tto aeaagiBiBtef tto wellwa Urakarilk Haul, ead will leuatkae

•re a lerge lana)ar Dttnatta.dr. Jai. 4. N n k n accepted aa iapert-

peiitka Witt tto TkpBproaBeamalltnrle fcujtl t o , iBtlaliag laa geaanl

aeal ef tkr|r batlaeea ta •at.rtea.i tbe ehad eaatn I . apaa a. ta all Ikbeeae glory, II nay to aerial la hanwa raw r|g, II awallowel IB tlae, will

•cetatlly attack a koao feaknel la Ike

r. aai Mil Jaka H, falUa, forworiy efpl.M, kal a e . af aoarte, aet Hot week

I tbe terible Ion ef two cbildnB, whulal aearkt toler. They wen barhi It.

.eoMa.(be BbaBWhe el tke Pott O n a Silk Mill:ata dekatrdlueYuung Men ol Port Ore«baae bell kit latorday; More, i» to St.

.uemretla t r . rcnly to ular an.r dob eibetweea tbt a i t . of I t end IS

The Boutti .tract PieabyterleB Ilkank elMnrrietowp nlaed (tot rear p\m for eea-•reiitlolal eipenaet ant tW.Otl for toa.ro-

par|«««. The Church be. MS aektor.tbe laadey eeaoal 119 Beaten.ceee Uodc Ward, a well kiowe elllara ol

Line, died lulSBteniay, I . Ito "J year aloae ttofeltor of > . U>l» l>

r.M.elr)ewerk H I . I I I I H M '.oaeaMlh.af hk loMea waddli, laat rebra

BjardtrofBlekep Wlrgtr, then will hrcanto! w>ntMa ia all Ctthalle Cbantoa eltta Onatat lariag Ito aaath of Ha/, taraarrke will to held whan It la praattea) toda ee, ekber la tto awrnlag altar nnt,ar1e

A.r inlbrBellaa glria aueeralBg Bl»leek Matt, af BHw Hilt, who left tor. burnt,a Mday, April IHk, M will to Ihaah-.11, iee.iredb;Jeeefc Bell, Mle. Hill. Sherwea tart Wat draa. aal gray tack tadH ebon heir,Mn, H. BlaeeUai, of lh» ataee, ta. u h nre Clerk Bate, ot Aetory Path eel wUIera it ler tto eeaua Jane let. Tke koaje keery Baa aae, la a eeaneadltg leeatkt

aaler Hit. Blaaekud'a anaataaaal koant.BOwelli.pt

Ike laaag Mee'a Calkork Aanaiallaa, t frktawt, l i l l n l . a utkaltatawlUtpaaa-kaananakeaa Mealay, Ue haataaaatoildlei wkkk ttoy here ereeled la Ual

city. Ilkaalapoalaglkne etary etraeUtabaill efkriek, aad aa arcalteotirtl ereaaeatte tto eoaely aaat, wkile IU lakrkr erraaga-aeeta ara rapku lar tto c"Bfert aal aajey-

ofUeBeBbeoolltoAeaoelalioa. The•oor front coaUlna taa line etena Ue

natal al wblcb will aaeletto seel tto raaattgL'aee tto I n t loer rrer aad baee-

aeet. are a billiard reoB, with two takke,jailer, gyBBeeiuei, kltcben, etc. Upoa

eonee! leer era a parlor, farakhod toea-tifelly wltbutlclee caatrlhutet by irkada,reneptioa roouu, belh roeaaaal claeete, aada aalte af apartaea'a for Jealter Batt. Lowe.nttotklrdtoHanalaneaneBlily raon,Ighud alU ekelnelty, library aad reallageeabOBoblngeod bat naaa, ale Tkk k

la faaeral aalliaa al the arnngeaaBBk,detail, af wbltb ere eoaplelo I . erary par

Tto hetldwi Iknagtoal I . fanla aetml eeb. . I U eehadld wltdlag etak-eaaxeeeaeeilagalllbe loon, plaablag afaaatanipkUehaneUr, laab wailen, aaterery i p p i U l a m l . tto way of ramkbiog.eftoraryaaakotardar. ItkaaaleBdIdhoae

Ito aaalUlal aaeaeaHat aad beeoH afBeaton of Ito Anneltlka, tad lupro.era arete to bljbly oeapllaealed apaa

te gaal wetk they hare teeoapHeted.Tto opaalBg oienuee wen aiteaded by

aaey pwaieaal people froa abretd, eal byleaoltg oltlteae ef Merrktowa, ef all nllg-leaadeaoaiaetiene, ahe had eoaetoaireaBeartraBpnralaftbe eoal work. PnallialCtoa M Kaight proakkl aad lairatatat ttoapnhert, who wirrHer. Dr. Twlnlag, af Ue'nebyterka Cburcb, Bar. J. M Only,'neldBBI ol Ito Xalloaal Ualat I f If. B.:awolk Aawota kte, Ber. Ho. algaar Daaaa,r Kewark, Br, Tbea. O'Brloe, Beyer (teorp

Weru ead Ber. Walter Elliott Thnaih-tbo eaerckn Bear coogralaktiaae wen

ohowend apea Ber. ratber 11,1a aat t u tt'haa. B. Kilgbl for Ue apleadld work

7 ked tcae. Tke epeeubea wen later.wl-b a a i k b j tto Ven antoaaa, al

[awtrk, e.d a epkadll opllalloa, toned iaMgyaaaaian, waaBBeatattractlrakatanA ap-aiol Irele I n a Hew York broBgblaaay

diatUialebed people eod ctteen ef Celbalkaauelatlono fnm Xew York, aal tbe Berralkerc at the Cbaroh froa all alaag UeHat, Bkbop Wigger coBld Bet topteMtt, eatceaaetolillaon, .ed Her. K.BJ.I-J Twla-l.gllledkie place on tbe prognnae la a

ry nappy menacr. Tbe helldlag waaroeaad wilb goetle till In 1>. M.,Mdaao.ftproaiaeitaltlMeof KorriitcWB pneeBI

aen Her. Dr. Talelng, Btclan Began aadBaRitt of tto Epkeopal Cbarubet, and

Paapally, Thuruaa, Bully, Baarlpb, Boron, Qrelg, Ward, Uaeria, lunb,fwk) aat atkara tat Baay for neallaa.Ua HrlBeeley aeaauhl a rery Haa toll

wee keM k Ibe AataaWj team, which wee1 ky atoal IW aaahlt. ef Ue Aaeotla-

Ikatelalleaellltlkdlee. The tapper wa>

algal la tow tto ta) awra nag, aal ia a< a w wat te-Tatkenttwa.

Ikat Baataa BHtyatat, a tlae yearal Mr. Wa. Heyaaaa, waa Wat

free her heaa. ibo la both leaf aal disk,tbe 'act the! a .bill tta. atllout .hoaluloft, awakened the gnaleat efapatny.

[te child bed atreyed eway aeoa oiler dlaaerber ptrenta bad Incel tor a. far aa

loldee Coracra, and tbea back ky way ellaw Bill toward Dorer Tto laet ten ol

waa oa the read to Bt. Mari'a Cbnrcb,it waa feartd eke bad altrapled te cnaeaeaetala aear Ibe ellk Bill aad bad be-* kwl i« tbe war that the Pulawre cbilti

tee, wto died la tbi. noaouia ta IMS.rcbiag pertiae were an their way te gwr tto BnanUiB vrtiea a neond riaging albell celled U f a back, that brief tie

lal Bgnad apaa IB can Ibe eblld we.

fcaa akhdkB4alV dUaBflHal amf t f c a | HaBSBahllf lMBB VfaBBaTal

PfJ avBJpa rBJB/rgokBBiJBJB Baa a w w BwoaaaamB iaTfBBB VWBBiai

tba lawa af Daoar waa held la Mellar'an Maaaa bal aaealaf. ana a large aea

b afpaapla arrant Wa. H UBbect wa.• M e l Chaliaua aad Joka I . aiboaa Samlarr. Tiara wera faaaVaalqieal; aaadaalrdaaataata fcT a)! tbe afore Baited, Wa. Burlaamriai thai far Beearder aai Wa. B. MaaaItatlar Aldaniia' taa rate for tae Caae-

a e a w » » D alaaa, laka I bhbannda. Deaaldete aaiag aelatanl. Jlr. Of

IT'la earn, aaa Qaa. B. iHeker. wee weeaeit aaa, baa alara boea aabellMlad la

bkplaao, TaalkkUMbaritnlfrrkrlkr.BeaaUWHB out M..A.J will ItaManataaal

WllllaBUenla. .Ale>ra>ea-Wlllia»II.M.«.Cee.ellaoa-Joh. J. lekkarl aad (reorga

AlltkeaaalMataa aaate aaaW an wallkaawa etUerae aed baaraeai aaa af Ik. tawaafBam. Taajinall'^aafrtlawaala M<araauartawa ta l a waltaia af Ike tawa, eodwill witkaal deobt aapU Iheaaelrea ta oea-llaalag Ika aoai wranBeal wbkk kaa•arhtd Ike aaraawka af Oarer aader Be-paWtua adBiaWalkae. Ta. Iowa kH ae-

aalgnat ntpaaiiUllv la ttoiturwarli, aal B « to ealkl u aanaata-

n la Ue InUadaetkaaf elerlrk Hlble.in neaa Ue Beat of ceatieael euelalaeeaJeaoaaaiyaadwetolkre Ito peapk era

fllkatll awan af Uair iBpanaaaa n areli farttorarakg ta taapart IM wkak IkkMUelaltneleaf goad eat etnff prara-

aat.Tto IXsetreU her. Bade ae Bare leeoa-

Mate e Metal Ibk Jear aed II ta a,tlenlaalttwywIIIBMttBO. TkelreUWtleakloaaieallied a eearat far laejllhl, bat umaabtralU their Boreatet will to If Bay e f c * ae i l

i laewB Ik.l ealy a altarlly of Ua OaaaaBalato okoted I lk .ear. Waat wa wealllike le iBpnaak tto taager af •aawllllaiapalky.wlliana.llai.aikii Ureegt ant raaata.aaklatafaaaiatuai. Bleollaaaaiaaatori

ik laara will ae aa doakl akaa.1 taatk. Itanhlkae tlakat u <kk aBaag «oa.b


w lMr. J. t. Weadk.ll. Ika grajer. aai ra-

aafal bit kaalaaa. ta Ika awn faraerlraana»lk>CaalA>M<Mlllr aat 1 . W«U

k we arara baww U.« Dtaaaraaa'•aank. we adrigaalaataia. Ta. elm kaa be-later-M M aat i u < aa la reed aka»a far Mr.ftaodfaall, wha lavHte all bU old eaetoamaaad aaw oaea ta eall aad eea ak laa d aplarlaalgeade aatlalalag ta tka gaaaarr I n *trkkk are told a. akeaa aa V t a ; drrjor

Va.B. MeDaril pmMad a.1 C. B. Oaga«loarattrj af laa kUalelp. Tawaahlp le-

paklreaai ariaMT keU la Molfcrt OaataBaae. aa Wadaealar enalat, W», 8. U ab«eodaUkle.Plta..wmek.udoela1alt.I . Ike BepaWleaa Saua Canaalka ta ba keMat TieMea adU Wedaeedaj aad Frri. IItkaik aai Oa»D. Meeker ware arlretai

Baytto MatalewMilWhir,. "BfaryWUpWi

k.eyaW.lg.lt. ;

. . . eal eanleaa bat FrUay alKraaaa,whlk all baekan waa aMpiadal, aal Uepeople tonal oat la rarioae eopeeltka Io aela perBtaaal Bark far aa ereal of gnat bk-nrlc iBlenet to Ib. oil Colonial lUnlowa ofhecoBBlyofMonii. rlB2>wenarerywk.n'erlng.tlielroaleorttobaalncaeaail pablie

ballllaga wen adorned wllb bantlni endepareprlalc aoUae w<n dlaptayel In ttowkdowe. TaoArBoldbaildlBg, which Berk.beerlaafttoaU "Aiaelt Taeara," wken'•ehttgtoa paaaed Ue tot wltlar to tprat•arrialawB, wae alaraad WIU a Baa-t pertnltof Ibe greet cuaeoder of Ikt

:.ol..i.l araka. Ttocaaoe fortkkaaaiiee-or petriotk bell.I aal oalbaalaea,

'ea a eneere bkek af Baw Janay graalu,idghlag fear leaa, whkh waa netlag aa a

Bade feaalelka apoa Ua BBBail af Uei BOBaiele la tto nat al tto Merrk

CaaatyVaartHaaaa. laewllag It k yat leto ae>a a eaeaeealaa af magalal rllgae,whlet wen aaea tto hartoHa liata af a fet-Uteetieo. Cbkekd apoa tto faaa af Ito

Bow earant wita a ttft wen

-. "Thkalaa. Barkatto rtteafrorl Maanaat, aa earttwerk brtlt by ttoJeaUaealaiAray la Ito Wlalor af W i ntnatat ey tto Wanlaataa Aenalatieii afBew Jereey, I M " Tto kalf hoUday badeaea ante le eeri.1 Ito Wethieilea AeatolB-tka lededleue Uk aeaorkl la a Illiai

•a, aeedod k j a CaallaaaUl Draa Carpekeann 1 tka Aaerloaa aai rraieh

aadardai a alee, of artlllerr, naaaled,1MB Weranglaa Meadaaartan, aad Ibe

lldraaof Ike aublit acboel. The ele-lta.draa eoire, eoBpriatl of tha falrohlldlaaill>,HdoladlathebBl aai klae of Ibat'oatiaeBtel iuirom, B»le aa appropriate

emptaioiMfeititt. of the PMwte. Mr.W. Been, wlio ban tba Aaerleae Hag,

iad Mr. W. H K Ka«».. . wba eurled tb.••r.«rt,otloti, wrret^B attlrel ta the m\-

of the Rorolntloaerj periad, eadat If Ilie. bed |atl rieppad aai af aoau

pletarta Bade In tttM da;. Thebd b k f taarebod Ibnagb, aaae of the

prinelptl otreeu ead ieall/ aanealed IbeaoaBtala to Ito em af Vorl MtateaM, Beceaiptlaed by amral tbllaaal aaaak.Arrirlag Iton tto llaea af tto nrltai ar.•aalBMko. wen wooed aal tto Wertlegleelenaiatka lied betweea tkaa aal teak

atoattkt tuaa. Tkt ikw frat ttot u BMtlleeal aat eipaaalre la erery

dtnctlaa, aal tto flat lia.aliae af ataploaearBBlettkenatataaBlapnlalail utrlet-

* . Botork, Eo|, Pmldaal ef Ue Waebat Aaroetalloa, preakUd, B.I Ito eaer

aieM wan apeeed wilk a famat anyor,of .nl ky Her. Pr. Albe:! Brtaaa. Aflerihla caaii a brief a l l n n by PnallealBoberte, wbo eald we hot aot ton to OOB

HtaMUe deede of Ito aaa aad weaeueklldtea of K-velalkaary dayo, aad to

leate tkcae youth la leaeeae ef patnitiaaItreal coiatry. Ho then go.**-, at at-it ol tbe aoreaeet wbich bad nenllat itobaerrenea. Mr. H. W. Miller had died

tbeaotweef the Kiecatlrn CoBBlttee olue Wathlagteu AaeooUlon tto fact that U.lan of tbe old fori wen becneilagoblluratoil

Uar4 kU U u tbt littl* wtwderer ta,CMIA git* M weaut »f aenril

her to k«d lor the light. The>u h t i i pnbak><r a eblld W)»rt«lkiwMHl wt (tpafM «ka k»n btH in

i b r t d k

Mr. Jaha I . MIIMr, a aall kaaaa illlua alBaekawu, aad a Mother ta laat. See. B.

• ef Ua aitorou Mna Ballratd, dlat IBladaraaay fnej tto oaahlael eieek al

aeeralik aal Uaad pelanJo,. Mr Millarwaa ton al Dn^erflk bu.1 raBaeal to Beak-way abaat llty yean a|p. Uariag Ua nag

'tee there to had woa Ito aelreraal ta-il all Ito people by kk ralaabk eat aa

aMaadag tn?u of character, iaaenl aar-ertaa (111 to told it tin Beakawar Pnaby-orltaOhBnbeaBetarday.attwaP.M.Mn Ptota Higglaa, wile ol DaalalO. »lg-

aad daak Ji -r of Ike late Adaa Bekker,al tot nwilaaie ia BeUktoa), Pa, oa

'atanoay ataBlBg, at U0 a'ekek, atot SI•to waa atleeked with panOyak aar-

oral yean ago tad tot Ilia elaee thai Hae hadk m at. of each gnu eel.n.g Uat aeetk

tora kan a welMBe relief, ( to l ln tnU her bally la Herat a eaahaf af yean

waa well kaawa le all Ito oiler reeldeaUaftakpleeo. •erkoaeead, Iweaeo.aadeeodaaghlar aare-lre tor, Ito lalkr toiag ttowile i f i r Wa B. Pallard. raearal nr-rlere will to told e| tor keae al ^a'rtaeh

• „ tatay-rrld.y-^aad Ike IBIIII to aaae at iockewey at lawi .'cleat, aoot.

lalarder, al

I I Beerj'. PepalarPnBita Hlaalnk,aawill to ana he aaaaaaKBeal ea Ito apanlupanatekaakel tatpttarla laBorOpm

aa aril WodaeMer areaug. I l k a<aaapauMa>parlarajen, with a loafblktod rrBalBtraaataMalltoanlajla-

etnl argaakellaaa Inreliag. Ttoy tnralaat lira ia ttolr awl apeeBl total, dlereg•aaajaat akaalaf ear, wkkk af ItasH k aaorally aal will errlre la tawa at • a'ekekiattoaeralaf. Ttoannafttoeaatlrytoanaaal wllk aetleet af Iha r einlkteowkanetrttoy ton tapatn^, ead ell wtoaatr ttoa , ( l l wie. i b a to eaat to Uararaftla.' BHur lhaa all Itoy b.re atepaMpapal*, arkaa tkat |il Ueir beatee orory-wkan. TkattaaalpMltaatN otata, tat

ante Bay to eecand at Klllgan'a

Akar tto trylaa.We k i n baea nat, with a rrqaeet to pak-

, eaBBBBkatleB fnat Ibe Beard afllaBB|B3nattaeaulBCharr>lee Aid Aaaocia-Uao el Hew Jeraey, Ike atjeet or wbkh It to

• n aablle lelcteil, CM., in tto laro.lV-a ef IM aUn'of life kont. Plane Aej.

laa. Wa tolkre Ike peapk are alnady la-t-mtad ta ttk ia>aatt|atk|, ee well Bittenwto ot. eeadaatlag II, aad Hat all Ito ItrU»«ruleU| tbereio will to allied kakn II keaaolntet.

Ber.t.C laaag. poorer ol tVe Mt-OHreBaplM Ckarek, kaa rioeeagM hk tera alkUBBaa,laaMwaB Ce, Witt Br.C.1 Jee-aalartto lauarw preportjtad eterc bael-aon aa Bkakwall atnee. Mr. Jeaeea winlaani l i Blipai aal Bar. Mr, Taaag willabaaa kk roabkaee pVfffi aal eeadaet

itoaon. BkTeaaTj. Alton l f « « , . I I I bemnilill l wttkhJou We tlfAlkatt panktwtUaeolwHt iBMillla ttalraawbai'

•r . Beaijr Ttoan, tea at Ber. laaaaTbaaat, wto waa atrktea W't» a>nlyak elim i igkl ilia n i f t Inl wit'T- i n - ' - r - r -iwa woeke a«a, tititlag hk atoer, Mn. V. B.Been. There waelbae a preopoHalkk lealnaawry.aat wlthU * • pan fcw day. tobaebodatrerel atnkn af peralyekea thantt eide eat k Baw Ijkg at kk beau la Pat-•aa la a rery critical eeadlwn.

i,Then w|ll ka apeelal aarrlen ia Bt, Joat

Cb.reb, Dem. aa Thandai, Mar U»k, thataabjgtaeFaaalaf tkaAaeoaiioa. TkeHeljOaaaaakawlUkaaakbwaad at 1MA.M.,aedfell»be<alemle.et7:«)P.M. At laaUateerrle.tb.Bar. (1. M. CarieUu. Betteraf One. Chank, Xewtrk, will preeik'tu

We kere aa .Manaiat el flnoKHe BeraeeotiaaUSa*. »aw la laa « M te bnj. C.ll

T l b ^ i a

aaye aa Iraa Aak Vipreae Wagal at4 Ce'e Harlwan Wan, Bill ef Ua Patlaek,

rat naawatal aktalan Bead to ».T U a J

m ow A aoasaan •« auaa twaaA i D o u m m i t roaTinorior.

•a aeay people kal eeae froa ottorlaen to witMea tbe eaatBOaioe. Taoetory[ the eraat ceBBeaankl k toll la Ibe adeeanflrotla tto oenrn 1 Iba pnceee>a.>t a a'ekek aa iapeelBg aaaeeaaittB wea

nraat at fatal af tto Pint PnabjtarkAIkank, la tto Wkwlag order: Bo.ro ofIn rVartaat: Tarken Peat afltoo. A. B.,

Att ay ttok lata. Vlala aat Oraa Cora.;Board af Bagnaan aal fariaai tea-

•oka af tto Merrklewa f i n napartaeat,'aahtafteaBaglae OaBtaay toleg toaaeir tto Biiaka Baati Ika Taaaf Mea'e

laaiii l l it I tto Waeblegtea Aen-

, a t t they an af gnator iaporlaaoe k• a n y tkaa la Earopa. PalriollaBkBall lain I by rl.Kjieg oad keepingwhat aar anoeaton did on tbtee aoan-

ley>. Ne.er did tbgtoXematawBtlenlipriBK-

Oea. Wiade replied to tbe boe*tuaander that ko would dine In

MarrktowB that ley, tbet if be l>lt> dino luMerrktewa he wauld tup In a place wbenjttoapeaker toped none of bk hearere wunld

aaae Ulak Uat Waahingvaa aarernuciltkk earttwark Port Noneeea.. Tbe aiK-akorWeat «a to anew Ibet Wuiiiogtoo liail H ke«u

of baaor Bad aero e anaiber of IDCI-aaaneratag hhu to prere it. It waeaaaagk tkat Oea. WaahmgtOB ibculd

Baae U k place Fart Noneean, for wbo dor.keowttalA little aeancae aow aad tke.la n l . k . l ky Ito wkeet aet I

Tto aatkt. wktehkaekr<»fbtaauitlil..potk « eaaatrral true patriotlea la conaea-aratlaf Uaaa eteau. aad ia edncliug tbe

| . kVeaeagral&lBtetttotoclft).ndthek a l Marrktewn oa tbia CCCUIOB. H*

eaagratalalal tto baelton BOB one hadi akak plaeea for tide petriotio oere-

Boalal, Ua tetaraae of Ue late war, theearteae ergaaiietioie npreeeatol, aad the

ef wboB here ooiuo uoreIbao ifty Bike to lake part la tbla celebre-liea. Tto neaaaeiit k not loll, but il la

tort/ loot hlaner Ibaa tte grnt Waeb-•a BBBBIMat BI tbe aetlenal cepltol,ae tknaMol a loenauie. more than

>en ba.dred loot hlgber Ibaa Ika >ca levelI naghBBM aptly Illutrete. Ue toogbne*.

rllto tiam whea.Uie fort wte boll-. Ut.nackky claatd witb anae word, to tbow

wba were affareifiieilraction. Hi .tf ojlitn the fengalig la but a talel

aatlaparfeataBtliaa,waitoertllyapplaadedthraaghoataal at lie clon Ua epeehar waaaeraly eoagretaUtel

Tto aUllrat al tto public eibcol tbeaereead tto aotnaeBt aad ung tbeAaatkB," la wblek aaoy of Ibo

aalkaat alee jaiaal. Thea tto bend, lor-akhotaatriatio mooy, Bad while e telute el

gaa. waa balag end ater of ibepeopk l l l i a t l Ibtd by tto aoaaaeet to talea look at It Bit reol'tbe iuustiptioa.

H. W. Millar, Eeq., w n Ib. aeiurafoer-aBB»lca,aBlUaBntlaaMea.wbkbettriiled

reryBkaBtBt aal pnttubla naBtaiaa Itlae to kla ta t the ueaber. ol Ue Eiecutirc

lillee ar Ibe Weabiuglon AawMlatioii,bo an aleatra. J. W. K»»erU, 0«> 0. Kin,I. U. Monk, Ber.Wyool Vanderpoel, I I . W.ller t a l Alton H.Vernaa.

waall he loat aalee*g

o afort werea l a elede to aark Ua epot. MeJ. I- P. larlerirat dnw aa oatlina aap aftaas whlek we.

iW-at DffoB a tree aear Ike •peaker. Mr.ae, tke ewaar af ta. areaartr, oeagealed

laa aarkiag af tha aNa, aal eaatrlhatH toupeaa.. Meam. The.. 1, aat Magb

llea dsuled the iraaila auae fraa tkall'etorka o.aarrka aat deUr.nl H al wtorrk-wa. Mr. U. H. Dark planet taa laairip.

[Joe ea the etoae, Mr. Jaka Deaaaa eartad ntbailK, u d Mr.Jeha D, VaUlaa Bate aink feaadeU.. aat pueel II laereaa.tkan tealkaen had uetr|belel their

Mrrienwrtaoataaabariik.aitaeotaaawaa atreewlll aad patriotseeXfeg, le tkkra-

Iha aaeahol dotlred to eaj that Ikeaaalagtea Awwieetaa aanr takee a lallarto Btote Aaprapnttiea lar aar atker

iipwae thai tbe eare ael aaialeaaaea ef tbefarlen All Ito eipraan al their

iktalkaa. llaaere. am. wereaefraved k;f t l. .

ajeakon of tha taaalaliaa.At tkk palat fear titlla aeja, eaaa af I

ben ef Ike tieeaUroCaalBlllataflke Weak-Aaaeeiatam, aaraVet tke

ralU tke people eheerataal tee toad far-ileoad aaek. The kaj. wba portanaed tkla

Hoe wen Meauie Ween O. kla, WraaalVaalerpaol, Baharl Taraeail aal A

Bar. Dr. Jaa. I . Beetky, Ika enter af Uer, wta ialredeeed aal BOtBIW Ito K maBBtaar BrwaaBllk BBB^BaBaBblaanawV #VftwnT wewl a t M U '

tamtaelai/, la Ib. «aant of wkkk toeat ta BeAo all Iffr kha, to epetoek

eaaatly af tta waraHJaaU <lew wMktf ntikai away ea aoarf ahk treat ttk eaa-aaadlaf alk, (y tke tank ef klaarr towaallUlwalttttk attaa WiU a lliktsaaenggeawraltoBlktlafttkarlfkltay. Leakwklck wayyaa will fna ttk apMtal yaa

at ata a kill wklek toe aet tola Ula-I ky tto BlfBtttaf Monk Vaaalr aatrl-i. Ha tack, of the gnath el the eeaaly

ta l Ito tert l .panlH maleoniead otterreaoeron. Das. Waahlaglaa caw late Ukeewly ut to year I7i7farltoi.nl line, laa kuar wrlttot by kia to Molat taal bo haderdeead Ito teoope feaa Tleaalaraga tore a.eeeeortie Ua people, tat thai M . JaeahPart, Jr., bat K» Bllwa tore. Beea attarthk GeL Part'a Man. were aagaged al

T>^w>i'4Mlnal«akkl .k,

... laaaaUbk toaib. Blfbl dayalore, kk felaor t k t awt qaa. Wi 'attaattt tka taaanla «f kaU. <>wgtea thai Jaaa Bade kk teeaaejerten reIto tooaa at tta Waat ttte af Ito from which

rWaahajgHa0ea.WtMd l

rra>M tolHleg, Waoklagtat waa aat Ikaa

plaeeed wllb tke beatka Bare, bat to after-ward ehaagel hie aiad aaleeae baek.

Dr. Baekler aaata al Ito iatonal ill.chrd> tbe aaradotoe af Main. Ce..tr pelrMlea

l be feaal la the "UeUaaaM Celk«llee."poblubrJ kr Ito Kul'aal'alter aakliea.ileae. Aaati then wen aaan at tke Boat

lereotl.g Benletloaur iaeMewa to katar read. le bk aalarlalala| war to rt-

eeutedtaaatberei ttae. taeetetne, leWegf tbe brare Rapt. Ttoapaaa, af Moadaawj I

Oea. Wlale, af Barkewa', waeae pranralertto Ca-twattet are| oaeU to aeart aleaner of a alto i al DarM Bkaaa, wto kitak bar waata la Ike aoMoad akaaMand kkaaawtoa to beard the bttg. aad naadaaMarrkaeaatr fhraan wtokt l tn ia lU I laUa aaae war I aal af blare Aaaa Klleaall,al Maaarar, wkaaaH In Oa wjaaea1".!! laaSol ef battle. e>e, Bat eare air 'aa wo wiUluewillUenet,'eadefwhM, II wee talletowarttorlnagettaMa/ltoataMlalUfaatllr.

WotklaHeataenadrUthentotaalatto•auaraan af Moraaaar, ITU, .boa to to-aaaa tk. gaeal af Ika wMaw af Cal, /anekTaat.li. TtoaaMkatHnaudnee.alikeBriretteaao! the lenebk witter tail lelloaed,what a tUeavrt, rerj Beak Ilka taat reaeallreiperieuedbrlto cnwallei panel Merne-towa, piled Ikt BMW tott. I . feet high. The

Maraika fna ton, aa tto Kkahall ana-arty, wkanaa lata aa UH ttt'taiaa at |i

•teat a i r a pbeWoaiM to anaWiUla' I .OapMUwti aoull aaaee. Ttoreagh leg bate W.I. tterrltot. UaaUnr wltktto arlntlaat wktak tto laaatoa eadirol.

a*rwa tkiot tto ayaaber aaaal to ameldrrtto ralat af keel kkury aal laeal Rail.tiaaa. lataHtton-wanUatnaatlaBaiVaway, lieMertknwa. 5 bt Caatkaaaad taaatortlatwhan ia tWeaaaty wto naea-handUerkrelBtka. Tto epatkafa father,wtown a alakoar la Ckalkaa, kal afbnboard atapk talk aaaat I t Tratltka atyeIkat tton waa a ran aa Uk afet aat tkatSea. Wartlirtaa pa t il Ut aaaaaf-

m. A tretllle. aaa) toto lea .enrol. Ua iralk. If Ua

nniga fat kat got eaanttat af Ok analttoy eaall ererloek aU IM Itrnaadrag aaaa-k>, aat aw aaa eaa an tkat tta (enee«(.pylag tkk petal efre.lag.ee.HproleetXerrlatewa.' TntttVea. larUet w i t thatWaebtagteaaet tke aaa tt war* ton lercelyunaianHbavaatHpranrraUelrhaalllr.DOB. WaaUagtaa, oka all greetkaew UU wart Wat a toallky aatalatalopnend aakUaal a w Uat-tar tot


apeeial BOaUag of the Boart ef Free-waa krll aa Wedteaday, wllb all Ibe

iben arceett. Tbe nitulee ef tbe laatBMaliait wen read and approred.

Tto Kiaaeea GoewlUaa nporled bilanecaad recelpkaaoantfigtaHaW M; eipeniu,

babHice, IMTlai. A aunbot ofwala BMk. They ked epprared

IlkWatoMwatefiaillllT.Tto Oaart fotee aal Jail CtBaiUet te-

/pearod to the aaooat ortiuu 65.af aakjaaan al la.1 nport. U! eleoelit) tkekargei 15; pmeat aaator IT

Tbe raw Beaae Coatnlten wen anable toaa their laaUenler tnaetltg I. yet toI. .

Tto Laaaey GaaBittae pnaeated tbf ir an-naart, Tto atator of Morrii coaaU

• I I la Ito eaylaa Vab. 1SU, laaT we. Wallot eel llrewalri. V.rlB. tbe jeer

hare tkd, I hare been dlesbargeil end Iffire keaa ilnilted, aaklBg Ibe .umber Kl

Veb. IKh, law. The total eotl for Ibe« for tout, itiBpUea, « « . , • « t l t . in •>...Beeliag Ue eaae of Aane Bretherton, ber

pnperu, ky bar fatber'a will kdenledtotlieetnty af ajenat, aat laa. H. HnltMar,aiaetttor, bat pkoed la Ike bale el the Sar-rogete, ia BortiegM, each, et«.( tbo inn of

la regard 10 their Itreeligeiloe re-epeotlag tto uaataeol af Morrk cotlty lo-

• ki tto oaylta taty d.ullej wkel li»dbeea taae, aat Meomiaealal that the eaceeetiag eaaalitn to leetneted to follow np

iBTiaalgBUdB. Ttoy alee neamoundedhantlaf af aCaoaly Aaylaa, la ceaaee-

tka WUb tto Aha. Hoaaa, wblek would ataanlathataaatyttol2 percaptta alloweiBjltoWakLwwkh wilk lea aaoaotli aow•ark tto aeaat/ weaki aaabk it to knp ik

'BjBBatoaaartkkB wtw, and underaal totter niatatkic than Iboae ia

al Ua«a»tA.yl.Bj. «U «l wblok wenrecikt. Tbe caajeaUUa atneaaaedol tktl

« to raked nrthe Uoaey appnprif•en watt yeaaiwakh wHI tto Bntkeruaarraty weaM ante a ratal eaareprleuee afatoui latw To.report wo.aeaepted wiU

le Aeeaaata raaoltet bilk approeed uanootl.l f in. lt , aat aara a

f Itoir araeeallagi tar the year.Tha aaaaal reporla. tto Ueart entaa) aat

Jail C.aaitue lar the year akawat raniattla an aaataal ef HtSIHi;, e(paa<ae,»llMft

•ee,aiaiti. raanwapaneaeaeneoa-at te tke teaaty Jtti tarlag Ito yeariwenaaosrttoa#al U- f aa»aat7

Paaik. A MWltw aaaaela ttoeeattr to• teriarealk aat

aala arktaen, aal tto Una kt. arrirel'tot ether ealaniaetlt are aade aeaaaerr.

Tto aaMltlet ttoraAn . . t . U e . d H U .beiWta. Ikll i m af a u < kaaea Kr ttoIkorir, teereafotelai|olbleaanet<«>iutare

jell aal otter parBoett. Bit a aew baiU-t O l H l C

paetweet tte OaaflI bk

e awl Ceaarrl lHell, allot wklek era tetarltot la aa inlcle

pahllebodeleiwton. Tto> neaaaeaded Uarabaag af aa tppnarlatka tf mjXD lei Ibk

>, aal aV»» tor tka etnait eitnneltttoaa|agyear.Tb.Beaber.alUe Boart wan rxantet

U lira aa ntlaue af Ito aaaatk aeeael IBIto rarleaa towaeUaa Ito oealag year for ttoMildlBf Badrepelrcf knagaa. Te. lakw-lag eauaatot wen glTOBt Boeataa, an i ;UkaUaa, HIM); Ctoater, W, Hnorar,

• l Jrbnoa, «JW| Hoadkaa, 11,100;Maa»1lk,|9.ans Marrk, K W ; Bt.flllvs,«m, hank . IMaa, Boaaalab, H«aa,B«Uwey,«, i«; la^b^ry,at*), w«kra»-taa,a|W Titol aawaal ttoafbt


ajaatariatol Igtl je.r

raaawar aeeartad tola Im Mdaj allara*M.Warrea Sareearaar, a raa.g aaa ef Uleplat., eat two •aaj ( Mka wan aal rMi.gaoleleaaedet Baker Tooagt'ee aaa af ttol t i M t M V j b kb Dlatin wtaMtxM aaae

f t o kkb. Dan-

bt_ ._ aataatif ttoaankieaal wae aboetaatkt Ue ladle, to alight whoa Ue torn

Ueaaafrltk»«t aat eurtetdawa t U rail-naltnek. A. tto ton. tuned ito yeatgaaa aale a eptiag ta* taagbt Ue kridk aatBtitgtltattoii tto karntawa BJ Ito waterteak. Vtokelaoltaa.eell i .Tirj likelythat Ua taata waaU tore kaaa kilki or

Tto aaaaal aeotrag af Ito Vaiena «e-aarkl AtBHlHtoa af Baiharr will be told at

H'e Ball, laeeteaaav at Mjaday erea-taf, May 7U, at wkkk edbnri k t ih. .aealagjeer an to be tkfMl, aej pnlkilaary Mepa,

' tewerda tlatiiaf tha m e t obiara-a7 t|iB)nlB>l Av* AH TtliraB. at tba

laat war, who VNtfeea ar aaw reelde la•aiwarl or ataar tawaohlpe, wktot al ttolianefUewuwa. a peltef BaaHry.anlarltel to etvndUk aeeth,, ead Hit tto

l l l i rani l U HHak kkloana.Jaka Laraer, a» Mlae HU1, rklled Derai

lb l llaat latartard b Ato

tal aaaagel te gek kdraab. Abaalehrhla'akekto fat eal k the

a W k af Ito atraH la heal of fao Cut.Bo«laatba|ealanitBa,tli|at|s|>aeob. AMead triwt W gat v S tt «• jtae, but kewea doleraitael. 10 MV aal la'.b kk .pneh.Banket Kelly eat Ajaklaal Mar.bel Byaatoarl ihaaelaeaadaathlBiatlelockiptontoi ap, ^

TkrewalnaiakVaiaa.Bartoa lallb, al thfe |laa>, We. oatrleel Satdaj taaeaiaf,wtoa kk tonerlHagleal Ee.dty .

aoa»Kfn|bUaetealaUrted to raB away.Sana ap aa Itoatlawalk bwtwaat Ike PerkIMaleodUreryotahtoaalttnwMr. DrjiUeat at tae wetoe. He MM ._. t i the ikat,bewmr.aiUI owe 04 tto Battle re eaagkl Itotri l l , tat toil the tare, lotto etoklc.

kr(M.H.MewlatketiaeleBn; agwd ( a t k>r>

aen far tf.tt ttTarlar fc ieaX Btnei,

Belief Caaaeil. Ke. 31, ef tbe Order of.._ i-nWdi, oboaned the ttird aaal-

wenary of lb.lt oruoiioH-e bj a r.ry fleee-aalealorteiaBoal la Baker Opera Bone, laet

eieaing. Ttohoaee wnecotDpletely^•lib took tarried Meal., wbo f nerulenoel ky tbelr epphun Itowbkb the proceedioK. Rare tbea.

;ounclller Edward A. Taylor [>re.ldet andoadacled tbe exerciote rery effectively. Tbe

waa tet with the paraphernalia of tbo, nnd urlng Riled will' Bemlier. of Uaan<l tbcirlwlyfnenda, prceentcd a rery

prettyeflert. Thu cxerclMM tana, willi tlieol Ibe opwnintt ode by the order, and

Inv. W. K. Hl^otlea offered n lerrcot andwproprlatepnyer. Mn. Wileou.olNeauk,

I tbe aolo, "TtoPlewerdirl," and waemealy applauded. Hr. £ E. Potter

ire an iatenetiBg hietary ot Belief Cnanoil,91, pnfechg I I wllb naarka npoa tbe

tbjvct M d ralaa af tto ergAtfzalien. Thia^uooll wee orgoaked April 6th. 1H», aid

Ito BfraoaeatargiaiMtioB waeen'ectcdBaabaret » etortar aasaen. I B . H.

letter wee tto trot Coaavllkr, ead to waela tara ky B. E. Potter, Je>. Kowa,

aa#E!wart A. Taylor. Ibe other pneeataeaben of Ue Coaacll, all ol wboa were

Ighly eeaaealel by tke apaeker for fh.liLawk Laauon, Vice Cons.

Her; 0. B. Weelereeil, ioeretery; Eogena•reu.i8aaaelWlllieaie, Warding

d*«d Wlllkawea, Marahal; Wai. B.'right and Jae, Bowe, Feel Coanclllore. At. tint ettftlfetUiTy tbe Conuell repotted 13'Ulbert, bo ding aw.UMI in cerlllloale., wboI |ieid «74 411 to the BuprooH Council. AtKonndennirenarj then were 11 aem-f, holding W3,{M> in ctrlllloale., wbo had-d 11,127 to the Hnprouio t'oanull. Tbe

Council now aeabera m BtBban, loldlnf,1*0 in certiflcetee. During the past year

bey bare paid |3,523H0 to tbe flupnate•eoncll, atd beve drewa K.OOI, Ibe mm torrbleh tbe late Cbaa. E. Wutmelt wae In-

d. Incoaolnaica beepoke elMiaently afdeoeeaed aewber aad adriaed all ta

aarl afalaat tbe lieal eoalltgeasi. Me .wale kk'beola a a t M n . B C . Vreelaal rat-lend In eiCTll.nl roloe Ibe laet, " U t U e

oa tbe Baale" anl wen hcerllly Bp-udid. tnpinaoCinnDlller U. I I . Mono,

I' New York city, wee tbe aett epeaker andlode a aioet eieelleat and inUreettaK ed-

upon Ue olileek end aurlte of tkerder, wkiek BOW uoalier. a7,0OI Boabere,ud ba. dlatrlliuted 13,000,000 ta ik aoble

ik. Mra. B. C. Vrcelanil eang rery aweetlrwlo, " Sweet to tke Milkmaid tbe Hongh-

' . Hong," end wae gl.ee e.Inccreerldeaoo1 epurorel Thou owae a banjo dart byIn John TelBuulgt and Mr, Ed. Hatee. ao

ipaakd t»! Br, h e t . gettiat'a gaitar a t !John Blckky'a l»nj.. Tbl. wae an ca.

ualBMtiL-allv applauded, tbat two additionalwere wule neceieery, Ml . . Annie

ibnrd. lauit Ibe beanllml "Old llonio-d" arreagenentnf " Heae, Saeet Haue,"inch a oleu pun VOKM tbat all were

larami atd atowad Itolr eppnalltka, Mr.llaai,ofM.nrk,aBtiUaokakgaddran,

ih we. erakaatarf af Ito ehjeeta al ther, ead Mn. Wlaaa naderad atatbtr eale.rooal eclectkaa were accoapanlet by

In. Wa. a.8paafkr, Jr., ptaakt, with torwaatoard .kill aat aeeaney. Jaetbcton

cotelaeke. Coaaeillar T.jl<n etpnaBBttuaake of tbe Conaell la Ueaudkaee andIbeeewhobtdaanntodlo aake tto anal-

«atry MHib a gnat . .COM, tad Be*. Vatt.a proaoanced the beaedlelion.

m Btw wWBn BTHJOBI.By enr rrnoboldcra' prcceedia|. It will to

tbal the Court Heun aad Jail fJomailt-1. In aocord.ntc • M i tke public aeceeal-

id with a recent law requiring tbeafiurealk arleoaere, tore neaB*

inled Ue eoaetruetloa of Bew bHlllnge oaeouoty property Bt Morrletown, the eeU-

lated ee.t of which will b. «s l ,» .Tbe plena, wblcb bare bean drawn by

Irckltcct l.oel. R. Honlllne, ooaumplataral a aew throe atety brick natdeaee far

iberW, elont Mi ls leet la eke, build iaColonial atjle or archlleetan to humta-

tewllk the Ctan Horn WMitgt. I k boatne. la parallel wllb Hatef Ib. Court B.eie

it will to eaaBectrd witb I I by a paaage1. i t will eke ban a fnataaWoaterB

rce.e. I I will ka a rtryunalyBed.Bb-illal atractara aal Bill to teratel eicla-

rely to Ito reelde.ee ef the Iharlf. Atooted kitckea la tte rear will eaaBoellib both tto notlaan aal tto Jell.

llrlac auenere ef to aeeriffI . Ibe C a n Uouec will to d.reled to Jailpurpoaea, Jary raoau, etc. The reer fw t ofIke I n l tear will eoataia a woaaa'a pHeeadalfhlaill i , aal Ito parlor will to Baleita iury reatn Wtore tto pneaat woaea'a.anen Bn will ba anaagel laar aecara

fto May Una of Monk County CoarUMl 00 Taoedoj with Jadge Magk proeil-ead Jadgee Cblld, qulaby Bad Hardle

1 tkB Beacb. The foUowief wen oalkl:. a. Wllk, Vueroea, Heleoa Wltliaae,liea W. Pkrenlr, Oeo.B.M!lkr,'rclorick Xl.bwlti, Jobn I I . Polbeume,Idwerd V. Tuebeud, PcUr 1 . Tool.,

i». M. '.annum, Uliea. »'• llopbioa,-ron V. Ouerin, Henry J. Mleel,

ene Carrel!, laaac W. Hearing,II If jer, Qeo. MuCrackeu,1H Milledgc, Hngb Allen,1 llnll.iii, r'rad, l>. Ilepbeta,[. flillitnil, Jube » Eren..

1. Punchier. Benry P. Drake..11 en.wcrcd to tboir mmeti aad were .warni»pt Tbeo. Baldwin.In bi. brief charge Judge Mag'e eaid thutIb tbe County of Morrii and tbe Jury wen

> to floogntuletcil that Ible wee the tintireBdJory aoeenbled ia twe rear, befon

which tuere waa not . charge of crtaiaotheoiMde Io be leld. He wn alet kappy Ioaneonacetbat Ibare wen hat lew Mate to

before ttteat, and BOB. of etwatsjaBeBBiabtae Darid Maaderllle aat AaUceHighwenaelootedto atteal tto Jury.

Mt. Hope hoalclde cam ws. i t o l forielonWednaeday, ateyBlli.Tbe fellowiug larera liceneaa wen gnatad:aluaoa BOH, J. Warna Celeaaa, Week-Itoa; Alex Gillead, Ttoe. F. Coz> JBBOOiraa., Piiiuaaaoe; L. Brigbt, Jefonoa

re. T. t'allorton, Wa. Myer, Heoneer;Jobn Blgiott, Joe, I I . Brooke, Bockewey;Hoary B. Vanaler, Baodolpb; Peter Taoker,

KoBOUee, Montvllle i Fred. W. £uul,iwlal Cbaplaln, BoibuiT; 17a. H. Itann-.11, Jobn 8. Dufferd, kit. O l tn ; F ruk r.

[or, Poter V. l'etty, Uaakl Hugbaon, Cbea-:. Andnw Fagaa.olHaaerer.waagraatedlaloat lioean.

naotatnace waa praantel NtiBtt theppllcatian for a botel llceues br Boger I*

•lla,rl Haaarer. end oounnl Oftgt W.mklna attted be bad been Indicted for koep-gndlegrderlybounetlhtleetterB. U l drer till Prldey.Wtoa Ito aawliaatloa of George M. Brack-

.. eftta Hotel Brealla, Leke Bopateeag,predated, oouaeel Jaa. C. yoaugbload

ed he hat noeired a reliant to bare Itever for a few deya, atanaoaatreaat

rould br precepted. Judge Magie oaid theale wa. to bare tbe ren metnaoe proaeatod»tret day ol coo A Kr. Toaagttaat ttoaikrpoecd the objuctioa tbat the applioaat

not * naluent of the place, aal tbe ap-• . leHo.tr lill Friday.

following additional appllcatioai forwere aleo luid orer till Friday :

toene-Cbe.. I I . Merrill, BtoUwey 1 Ooe.naa, Pequnnnoo 1 Letuue] X.ybert, Meat-. i Jail I I fawger, Boeaua i Elbert C.1, Merrk; Jobu 0. Kellej, Baaaelah.

-Deakl CaKagkta Jrfenen i Ckaa.len, I.ydle A. Toy, Keuy C'ltlua, Jcka

Ittella, Joba Hen, Job. c. tU.l l . , Bock-nay 1 Cha.. E. Tippett, Cheater j E l tioaik-i, Margaret Wwe, Baatalph', K.ery Mar-

Boeatoa.1 Ue awpmae Court Ike kUewlag aam

an aldat to Ito HallJae. J. Uorry to. Hn. Ooaatto ead Jae. J.

Barb,Tto aret weat erer far tto tara, th.ateaad

to pawhlBly triad.Tto ealu an brought for daaagoa hr

alkaallag tto drwUcaa al kk win.The aaly can tried la Ito Ciroait Caalt wae

ttat of Chan Ballaaal Baak I . Haary Ika.Tble'wae a aakktoagkl aaiwa obetH,«a«ariWIaat Ito ether far W, which Din ra-

ta pay. They wen dated ia Vabnary,>7, anl bed beta renlrel by the batkfna

1 banklof hoan out weet. Jadfaeat waamttnd In natomt af «Ho far BlalBtld bati ruk wa* entered to .how cann why aaetber

1 abonll aol be grenled.bt Bnud Jurycaue laThaMlay fonaeaab tlx leiHotaeok. TbefelleaiagpareoaB,

der lncictnient, wen brought befon tbeeurt, and pleaded >• followe 1Wa. Baker, aenull aid battery, at Horrla.

Two lndictn.au. All (arlka t i t. Heal guilty.

aartk (Iretchel. dkorlerly bean. Pleatetiallty,JudeeaMilW, who lire, aeor BoaaMa,!*

for rope, plead a.taalltT.Tto fallawlagktto appeal llubrtaatani:- W a . A. Ultk, appellaat, aat Williaa H.

e.11. (er uardenn aal da eriBlulilaaattomHtlowafttaatonra pneeal,.arlen will to aeraagel noae ferttocea-rkeiaeat af janaik iriaante, letanal wit-

aallekton.Aaothtraew alraeltn will to areelelea

tto Caart etreet aide, totweea tbe CourtBoaea aal Oeeety Ball, whkk will B)ake aeoaipku froal aa Ikat etnt| it will to af

, to Belch I V « j a el Ito tojldiaa>• if WiU eeeeeit. |a alee II will tof h a a f d . Tb.lrel leer will oeeulB

hr tto Batrl af FreetoUen,I7.M la tin. Tto ncead tear will eaaaeellth tto promt atari naa, aal will eaatola

Ihree aaartaeata. Tto nrrtwlll to a rataNkg ram lor ito Jadgta liislt) fc«l, withlellel rooB eal light well. Tto aeil will

altw library roaa, ll.jH loot, ead the

I a eVeeettert reea •:,>>• Metto pkna alas coateraplete an exleteka af

Ibe (all halldlagea tbe Waatera Areaae ilde,b t ae Ito attor arraagHteek atora aatel

II girt aaala arkaa aecaaaaodaliat torae tlae to tarn tto Ceanlttea kere de-

elded Bet to neeSBeal at tkla tlae tkliUitgof tkkttraetan. la feet, *>J artttoaplalaalhttaa et,ttaiUB af tto pna.

atttolldtlg awuM hf aawlat, aad that whea« J rUH tj *tta la Ikk «lreetka tkt metaltaiuai ttoaid to tondeni aat kaiii aaaw.


Mr. Jea. H. IM l a a l Mr.Oee D. Meeker wae Bnreury af tto aariekaeellaf la Ito Darar i-reakytertu Charekaa WotMaaeyeraMat TtoajaartafTma-.anr I . T. lallk atowel Ito yeartj ree»lett to.tora ban Hlottrl aal Ua aipaalltan.M.IMU Teeniibjkkilal i I pew nttoto

• .aaaal a f » . I M » Dr. (. W. Cattlet,It kakalf ef ID. iWatoaa, .hewed tkat |er |reyeueltoere'egekeeaKf>wpewre.taweeaaowaaj|r)aWt»ta.«aaoBlale eolketka.

N, T,aw aaaaal aeetaga eipaiara w.niM«, learlag aa aaaael detail af aeaet Wo,

whlth kaa aeeamd yew aher year, glrlagUe Traitnt tniiak aai oan la ttonklag

it hr aae ak k

uer aaattor. Itwaehepalrtbk aretkg waall to eeaitUni to rtli.ee

W l to lIa tto eleelka far Traelen)r I. W. Cawdkt, Joba C. Bebnler, Joka B.Piiraea, t. T. llBlth aBd Bobert BUlganwere etona, It wae elated Uat Qr. Ooadkl

dtoeaeTre..tMlor3lj..ti. Itoawtartke dkpota) af tto OMU h i Iba eamal

Tnr aid IhU el the t a . H l dtltclt win eoa-hiaalaBlntj wawtkly amagelky l i e .latka ttal atoajaaiBl oeeapaaU ef pewttola tto prlrllego ef rataiaiagttoB, tal Uatito rate el aeamaaat he iantaaet » parn i l . XatrlyallttoBetnkttoahankwsnnuiuetat tba atraBeal nte ead Ue ted-cteic/pnrlaetlar. Altar tbe baoiaenant.Ing a Tory plataaat ankUa wat toM la tkekclan naa aadai tta aaauna af Ito Laliee'bilBlolaly aaokty. Belnabaaak waneerred aal aa aaUrtaialeg ananaau al•aeal tad laallanualal aMf^ waa raatantby Ito yaauf poap a ol tto. oeBfraiatlaa aat

PtnalMardtrwB.AaaagiaehatnalttoOleadea Ina COB-

pony at Barttfwa took bra .boot II o'oieci artBaaday aaratai aal wea coaplitolj bunel.Tka f n wat eaaead hjr t l aipleeka efleap. It U ao,l lalli.ol ttal Ito aacklaeryla Ibe kBlWag k Back daaaied, kat a. Itotaildhw eoaui.nl the paraplag ee| l«,»oeron Ina k raralred ky tke dlieblln.- af ttoeafiae, wkkk alone tto pu.apiag, Una per-aittiag tka water to. aoennaleto la Ibe Hart

iiaeaadeiareitlagttowaikiatafUealiTaetror^afnaalillBf waBalaacatogu,•leader, aad n wta Uoagkt Uat tb* woitpuapl.g waafd to mooted to-lay, batwill take aboatlwe. wnke to nlkro Itoal tto Watoi tbat tot aiaeetaeaateaanii^tokened eagiae baan wn balll ia IKS,aadbad Uanlanateot a gnat Baay 1feraaeaglaakeaaa.

Afallliae el Traake, Balcnel. and HandBag. at tto kweet prlon at Tvlor dr.»».

ellthla.ataVwry k Co'e Marlwan Slara,l f V | a D




Caruar ting State.






aapellae. Jary.-Tbe.. Haaghrigkl, Onuliea af Jaka B.Kaukntht,anelUal, aal Wlllkat Gelt-e n , appellee, {an.-Oeorge W. Mraerd, appallatt, aal JeheC. iBilhkOa., epaaUere. Oeert.-J .aea Bereaat, apptUaal, aal Batla-Blawmtppalke. Jary.- T t o BUdk Valley Ina tk., appallaau,aad Wa.Flt l t . appellee. Cart.- T b . Millie Valky Ina Co.. appellttto,and Oca. W. Taylor, appellee. Coerl.-TboWddle Volley 1 ~ .end m i l l Bend.robot, ep|- T t o M U l k Valky tree Co., appellaak,aal L ». BalBtt, taaeilea. Caan.1-LewU W, Weltaa, eapellaat, aal JtaepBB. aWaaar aad Wileoa J. Petan. apptllen.

C. Preeaaa, oppollaat,




Caraer Drag Store.




Corwr Drag Store.


Coraer Drag Man.






DRU66IST.Dorer, Sew Jenef,




















Spring Styles





J L B Q U A B T B B S-rom-

•f.lallh.aaaelka. Jary.1-Bara.t L.rae, aaatllaal, aaw OktiltkUMretle, eppellaa, Caart.

I-MOBBM I . Oeaaag, a ta i , *a.,ofElk-atolk Ocaaeg, ajaaflaal, aat Ttoaua B.riagkr, apaolke. (MM.k-luak J. Allee, apnallaat, aat leraal B.Vik, appellee. Coart.L-Ttoaae Hewky, appelUal, tat WUIItBMa.tt .rr , appellee. _

A tea Ttkta a Matt laaa.Whlk BOBO workmen WBH etgagel apoa

roala aa the UU tt Hltonta katweekicy wen fnally aarprket to aw a largeray fat. appareatly frightoaet, raaaiaf to>

' ttoo aenat Ue Cattolle kerylei, Whoa tto aalaal nw Uea toeodd.aly aal j.wped what to erl-

taatlj tkaajal wat a leaet ant ky. Ttama! heat, kewerer, pMret to to aa•aara far ta aaaaal akaft tat ta wattallBtkttaa>alWhel. Tke ae . wellalMakafl tat gat kk raaaia. aa Prl-

Hcpnred Hta a rerylarfl aal kaat-taaiBOlefbU


Tto aew Board ef FnetoMart, wikh willaaVahrtwa Jaan, will argaaln aatt

KTrdBeelay. It k geaeraUw aeBoolal tkatKroner Wa. t Klag, Ckrt Jaa. C. Mtaaa

* Ceaaeel JaakaaaalBaa will tomkalal,rorCalleekt Uera an

tlBBtoiaf nadBlitai, aat tte epraioB taUat tta aaeo will Ik tatweea Mdlea Hoag-latt, 8r, tta laeaBhoat, aat Ota. Me-Cnotaa. af Derar. Tta Bew law apaelanthat tta Clark aal Ceunl .kail kaU aftalartwayaan, katdoee aet lea*, tta toraaef Director eel Ulleeke.



I i

• i i

Break hrBilnata.Cwu. I . Maaeaa aal Ja>. P. MeUak, Ita

riral eaadHatn for the Dorer part atjea,wenoa Wedejedej eleated lekgaln IranMaadolpk Uwe.klp la Ita Deaetratk WtUCoareatlaa. Bolh wanofeoarae lajaat ttoproffer fnaa al aied to aappart CkralaateMee»wH«tto*B«laaal Caaieatka, batttUpeeeohle that aaeartoth will be ol a lecHollydlgenat eptake la tta await eaa-

A rakw Bajart Qarraakt.Itkaa kaaa npettot Uat I U yeaeg naBairn (IMeager, trkatna fatally iejarat atutkag alatiaa, waa tnak. Tkk k ael traa,a k aaamraly kta wa by Ua bntkoMa-law

aa l etton wko were wltk hia kal a fewBoant i hefen the aaclilaat ena in l , aal

y all who hare kaowa Wet elan childhood,Uat he Barer got drank..



Dress Goods, Trimmings,NOTIONS, SHAWLS, JER8EYS,

Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, Underwear, Parasols,

UCES, SlUS, SATINS, VELVETS, PLUSHES,T»ble linens, Towels, Sheetings, Spreads,



A Bike IU barrel ban aeoerted Uat oaly eerlala

ialtkewenlieeaaalaepla.nbor. to up ttaaole. ef tec Dorer Wanr Co., I lealn toBay that I boll aaa al Ito Irat llceeiet kauadsi uM coajuy, tatet OcV 1*1, ttH.aai aapreparea la do all work ia tba way aT water

tug. ft K. aannnTT.

Tato Cajaaeii H kforlMtrta, Bilkaaaaae, Sick Healaeba 111allllanara arleng Irar a lloaraonl lirer

BeUb, yowrdnukl.

Baileg ebMhed a Ikeaaa fraa tta DorerWater Oa., • aatwrepand to to all BtanMafn. eoaatetka ttonaith. P. 8. Atv

ilaktatalHanaB!A fall aad eaaplete BaaoMaaat eaa to

tonal Bl tto itore of t.Tayler t 80a, Baa-ni.tnat,Denr,M.J,

GBOUM KTTCS.This deptrtment i< leplesidied dtUy with the choioeB. foodf in in»


• F u m produoe taken in •xehtage tor goodm.



BrkkDngBten. Aniiaalaaaattt BWJDragaaatMolielaoa.


StamnbaiT, SaMle Bock ai4 Mwrti Ctre Oratara,

KulHttitawt A n a l l y IM light.Jt,e UnketutewaEltctrie i-lghi Co»p

)iu been orgsolud wiib a c»piui! oi 4C,OuOno-i will nlojit llit: Hruler ijtictQ for lijjbt-IIJ^. Tb» ciJtnpanj- bt* nifule a {-ru[><>«)(W the Council w lijjiit ibe tonu

fort* |II r j * -

iliitittitfactiuu IP tiU-oJed ul.lurj(.l», Mini.\hn titl.er Is dautolilT lUpportiUK itle tchtmi


A l*v«» Jcciieui... W Itmrnprou. uf iWi>i>U)dr. u.tU

*1*T, uiel witli quilt » «• rictus uccititntuix),.)- before I'M wliiii: on Their WBJ.m.rli. Vfbfn ii'ar lli« vill.i^ of l U u d U

\ Ifmhtf-o.-il ty II"- fttl ol a. UoJtrtLtl lu J i:,iriiajjt pii:ce JiUi' t IJCHJ, -jira

ut of thr. r>u'l, onrmri i 'd tin- bujuji HEII]

in DIM* l.ri.k.u, while Lin ii»t*ftscstj^d willfr.tr tiih- <>r il»S tolliif .lOr.f.-Jfcrwjrjia.

V k « Baby -aa atck, M g m bar Cart-*Tina aba ma a> Child, tfca im< fa f/Mlirifc


April IGili. 1««.lli-ii (jr.biii.l bv tW Ma.n.r, llen.iril.;r,Al-

.Ii nil. II aii'l Cmmi'im L'.iiiiiLiIii.tri ol iiovir.

Kn,.- I ii, i;..i. i, l,..tHi..-u tli,- l,.mr..clo.Jk in il.i. fui. I,. anil »ui»tt inart.iii'i'rii, 1'JI-i K<«,r,!.r, »w- AM rn.au ami

' Si...! 2. Tliiit Willi.m H. O.llanl, Fr . i .k

li.'r." i.r* j i n l ^ V n f tfir "rtl'i'tiVii'. [irnviili.'il Ii

to I", i.tlVi llur Vi.U-. ("ni.lll.t Oil; ilicti 'ill

Bliall I'.t./ori- tln-v upiii Hi.- ("ill n.v.rally tak.

anil tiuiLirliall:., t i Mnnlr tin (Inly UMIIHUV-

'.VUIV'I'U j.Vin.11 -.iVlH- It'lur" V*ii'''iVlonk"!tlir f.,|i-l|..<.li nf JLllliiaJ, .May Tltl next,nml ill Hi j I'bmi iliMt'iialeil in mi'iiini lir»l ort l tu Uiil'imiii''.. tnHki nr tn i« t I" In- IIl.uiiiir jrimlimiatioii liial llu ii'-ll i» 'i|i.fm tin. H<. [ . I I , . I I of w t . n ami -l.all ronti

tin till.*' ..I ritiiM-l in III. arni'iiii'iii .il tieuuinr il.iv an.i in. | . .nK .r. anil that II,,- f*.ll,

!«..:. I. Tii.it it >.l.:illl". Hi. iliih i.filn. Tn«i

liUtlC oF nlV i. 'd. ' i 'k it. if..' I.TMHIOI, ,,{ IN.- i. ' I rl.-.'1'h.li l>Il.M^,i.), mill til. I, H | . . | llt..r.<liV'i- a l-itltifiil '.ri.l full n - | ; i - l iy "f tiii^ uuifit Ui>: f i t 1-- » l « . flirtil Mil. , Allii sl,,i]]I bl ip ..|, l||.- I".II ](>! UK (,(*••• "t t'<'"iilrllv<

li j i f : in ,n i n l i n e , f.ii.I .-very

il tiliti !i" n-i-lirf, aii.l n an^i^fusi! to uiutv tin' *tAimi< nl itf'ir.iuiil, t invuii: ' .fsutli pi-Mi.;i Mini! mil Wn-a ivul ;*MI1in tl.» iilrtt-in-f ur.li-ni.itih -r HifTmvi incrkit hli.-ill I." 1 ]jr ilufy <.f niul It^lxct'Tfi "Jmlgiv nr alii |iv.) i',\ Hi.-iu ii, n|i|>'ijut M»IIHlit Htlll C>.|,|j* |,.|li |.it'».<> (r. (|lMliaa'C tlH(intied of 1'i'Uii O r l , |..r the UnV, ulul 11 J•t-l«rk M1I»I1 l.»-ft,n- In: nuU-- ni t ry '.f anv <«tt-titkc an '.:il!i ,ir niiiniiiili'iu tuitlifullv muimparti;Jlv, In m-rv- i^devh «if nuili iWU"1unil vx.cuu, MJL .luii'-. i.i|iiii<il "f Mm l»l |Ui

Six. 0. 'MmI ilii' <'t'Ti> ..r Hai.l'l.i 'll 'in, uu-. k r Hie iiiMiirtti.li "f tin.- ir i ' inenn - 'irJu<l^'Haforcwld.dr anv tw.i of iliftn, HIIUII mtko HcLTIiltcuIn ()ril|*!j(criiii|i* (r|fi:lril ud-t tn wjiutuffieu, n-!.iifi'li»vJv; «hu*lt vcrliiUul'1 »lta.ll lnt•i^nvtl liv HM' n;ui] Ii.Hixt-N.fH nr J.iik',--, »r»iry («-,. «( Uuiii u* nfoiv-iiiii, mul iitti.*i.-t| UMtti.l flrrJi, win. »!iall <]. I'v.r tli'- urnut to ili''iOminwn Gmiiml >>f Ot,\,T iii it« n t s t nifdiiiKnft'T Haiti i.<tc<:iioii, t<> l-i- lili-l uilli HK- r<-cunlstt>{ Utf Oi»iiii»ii Cuiim-ii.

Hi.«. Ii. Tli:tt t h - NUHI IiiHiU't'lDrtnrJuil^Hof rl.'ciinti mil) t leUh-rk »li:ill !>it c n t i l M t-in'i'vivi> fortlicir M'H'ii'i'4 MM KIWI i>f lour dul-l*r« r a d i ,

«El>QW(UK H. HEKNETT, Mijor.ATTEST: JOHN H.Qmton. O!c-rk. 21-3w




r. gcbenelVr


1 f r m l n t I ; i n I i > U


SPECIAL OPENINGWtimtfty mi TkirWty,

A P R I L 25th and 26th,— o r -


Millinery Goods!The l*tK«H kbd Un d«aiHiitt twotltnttit of

J ualtinmid

Hals and Bonnetstut «tn In Dovat,

• r A tltli ot icttucUoo it nnnerteil.


fiifekir YalTi GIU P u iDOVER, N.J.

Ii ClMMnr tf N«w Jeruy.TO |J)*AU T. >MDI.

rraaind to ippeir mil plMd, (ICBL.vt n m t (o UII oompUiunt'i psUtiaa, onor barnra !•• rlt.rnll, ,1.. o/ Jnnt n i t .uv tb» nld p«»Uon mil l>e uke* H coafMKil

HrtM i«ld p»Ulkm u filftd sitsiiut fog for •Jltotw M Inn booil of micrlinoii,;

B.UdAp.n.JJj.-.Solicitor or CotnplilUBt.

•or rt* Oo»tr, S, J,

FOR SALE.Two A M HHeh Owt, «tth ejf*» bj their

.tJ«, m «O« OOMlBf 1« ) • «•?, «H» ODD pfttrot workliotMt. A l w u u o u . w t ttthtr&i'M

t SO Lefbon. lPlynoalh Sock an

-Hsfcai&&illllUAL MBETIHO"

•rike I'ilwTiroll.CV .ill



•M a n a amm, m MM M ft T.




THE CHICAGO KIP BOOTind <ht Celebrate* Pert lirvlt Mint l o t tt 13 N.


All-wool Henrietta Vlotk, Fine Blackand Colored I'anhmeres, All-wool Flan-nel Suiting)) and Humner fiergev, FawrPlaidn, tit,; Seersucker*, Wklpeordi andtUnKhains, Hosiery, Underwear, Fancyand Gentti' Furnishing Goods, Groceries,Provhlonw, Flour, Feed and Meal.



ENUINU A1111L ir.ia, 1»«8.

From Will. H. Lambert, late TreaHtirer, .liolel, naltinu anil billiard HCGUHCH,uliow and concert liueiiiii;«,

till! |"WIWN "tluo'fl im|iowil hy Pulice JuulioeH u d H*yer....wl"H of cracked KlotibPurer Witter Co., for leHtoriuK klre«ta .....£. I) H«l<«, for work on HcFiulu n M >lUndolpk Tovmbip. for clewing HOOVW. B. H^yioBi], for broken slnwt lampM. lloa}(l«titl. County COIIHSIOT, rUilrotd tax . . .II. !.. Duobui, Ool. >peoi>l rotd l u relurued .


(liorgs MaCnckon, Collector, ciljf l u , im,

D.i.i.l H. Allen.Collector, U>ta of HSM, City,' . . . . ' . ." •• " • ' • • " 1 8 8 5 , ••

ToUl Keceipta

. t 37028

. 1,0450181 WlDOW)*>0O900

105 007:111.

478 M17 50:lntr»


H.M9I4103 saliwoo

8TBEET8 AND HIGHWAYS.Pftltf Strwjt Oonttuiwioaei »ni p»j » l i i

Oeu. C. Erny, iMnp licfaur,•HUtttmJ " "JatMolUaii, " "Jot.Ha.w.11, •• ••llao. HiekardatL'o.oU, «telaa. P. Kdlef, claving .nowJotoC. Korw, '• "taak 1. OiM, aettlog crt ing . n l fu«|ia. ..IMnri Kinauda, loading metD.r). All«n, npalring laatpi, an

W«. A. Dickuraon, aaanMiai laola, at.M«rl.Ooaalj ateoliiaaaad Iron Conpaay, reprjra, tie...Donr Liimbar Ooatpaar, lumbar, coal, tcOn. O. Kill, luring bollwCbvl.f II Elgin, .Uipenlug India, ticH. H. Vondil, noiirdlniidaad.II. M. 11. U. Co. frelgbl on rookMiiUi.ll Houltud. Kninloertuaa.Bco. 0. II. K. of N. J., frelgbton nek8. 11. Iknliatt, Oil, AcAndrew llodarer, rigbt of wai u d b.lldOj. of dralHI. W. Buipaon, tallow

FIUE DEPARTMENT.Paid Wa. King, Janitor,

P. aurloon, "[>o..r Lumber Co., <•".«! •odlumbtrEogineCo. ho. 1, .ppropruilioD,Englu Co. Ko. S, "Proltclion H.* l . . Co. '•D. and F. D.W.r, olewlng u d oHlai ao>Wa. vr. HUi,m»lII. Holler, tatlaa ap aoa. MUr I ni»a P. KfUej, walohm.o emplojad altar I nBwidaUuliaWwttWilaol * Barrr, repair.W. 8. S . .m» . , "laa. P. Kail.;, awa awipkiradlo la*iog a ;druuOw. Hiehard. at Co., aidrut ndaCHa, tOH, aUOaniara 1 Allan, nia lr . la l a r a mOUa. 0 . Orlawa,|wi!aii>lMekW. F. Nn iu i i , till.tal.iarok.rraa- »i»tn TT;(Ua, W. Ttiln, rtpkin . . .• a . Hag. ok» lMN(baDoNt Walar Co., llirM BMI. _ terrant... .HanbDoutl Macklu mi Iroa Co., npataa, ..die. 0. Hill, Itniag roof of aagiaaawaa•halaalat Buck, painllng a j a a a a iFrank J. (lie., repair, lo " "Duiel Deklar, cbaaing " "W. 8. Collud, njiairiag aaglue koaM fllg


I3,n« D7sum100 00

10040 00



125 00en



300It 707 7J

• 3 911



(ton 00woo

HIM75 007500IMOOSI!1150in9 50


95 60nowr»70TOWUKMMKir,


15080a »US*»00

-ferattPsidlauieaP. Ktllrj, >Ur«L.I

" W. W. Hill, coal ,Bmeial Polioe, clnoa daja, ole .D. PtUer, daulnglockup

54 a)woo5 00


Paid H. L. Oaakaa, OolleeMrJaa. 8. Htlick, AaaeaeorHabloa Piloe;, AttornejJohn B. Gibum, Oltrt, Ac , .

.. (imoo

.. 114 40

.. 150 00


MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS.Paid National Unioo Ba»k, Dlacoall

1. 8. Jollej, alaction board ditaara ..Freeraaa woad, la« —naafcl • • - -.I. A Ooadtla*8oo, dlaiafeclaaaaPonr 1'rinllog Co., adterllai>gaa< piiMiag .B. L. OaakitZ laaoraraHaamalatTilliar.adnttaliigMcDa>UPoat,0. A. K, aoproprkUomiad^eaud Clsrk of Eladloa

. S00

. MSI7*

. 7115

B k c o H s i a t a s k , .

1 0 051UMO



.11,10111Mrna, • . » . , > . .KorriaCov.tj. f *•*•JOHN 8. UIB8ON Mv dalj .won .wording to l»w o . Uaaatkan i t lw l la .

•brnaaWaaMtUoormtaadtn.. JOBM B. OIMO*.THaamr of Ik. Iww» of Daw.

Sworn and aufcaeribod tola lBat*JT «• April, 1»W,UIM.B. (

MAHLON PITMEV, MMer la Ohaaetri 1 H » lam; .AHUT-JA8. W. CABBELL. )

JOHK 1. ECKHABT, Finuoa CuaaltlH.J. i. TBIELtRD. •


o o v u , r». j .stop oa Dnioa S... opp. Dnwr Inaber ivd.)

ared to taka ana .laeala all eoa.A for aaiidlagi, and fa.ri.taa nulaiUU,

•JtMUl indlralllui, wboi aWrad.Mala lootag dooa lo ika keU aiuaw u <

oillitkaaealauurlali.tbt uio, ud aianlad promptly

flaraaaarnui win «. T. •• laorlai.1

a rariibl. Iwitkti

WANTED.hntr lo imt «r tD k t &


Warrta «„ Dew,l.tllM IM Mala M Dmr aad iienH> ia•aaiolaiiirUwla Ik. karana lia. at *UIandrnalM" •• - •• fullluoal

tolkngblas«kaar>. WBIT* ot atari nr|.etjaiadUio. loraibamrrBulalalaH.lion wko aapa laa law Bai. Canlan WUr.,•likUfan'iMHal, atopurlag Ml aillx a)' aalllf •nntklg la h a l l .




Duplex Automatic

' aaagfutand b j tk< DopUi Bleaa «•>"•Co., or Ko. 10 Batelar Hi, Kew Vark. Tbat

; MM »ad« oi wvwagat bullar iron, bate contri tua . u d claka aapariorit; in tbe followlaf


Ummi la FMI,

I s !

No Long Fluei or Betting Horfua DiakiH to K M P Clean. EM* toHuuge. Ko Cod to lilt to tb. Top of • Large


Plumbing, Roofing and Sheet Iroa Work

Satisfactory Exceited.

In lUxk at aU timt IT0TM mi IOT AU rCUACH »1

0LOflll.OAlrRI.tto. bkl(h . r t fcmtoa Coal. Laafa,FaiaU. Olla. Vairkaak'a (toalM, I«ft'ala»k»t Chain P

A GRAND TREAT.Something to pleue tlie cliildren and when they are glad everybody




FREE! FREE! FREE!OoniBvemiiiu SATUBDAV, MAY iith, and contiuuiug tlirnngli tlie

following woet. Each awl ererj- pnrchaaer of half a pound of Tea orBaking Powder or one pound ot Coifed Milt In pirmitfj with theabove mentioned gift.

FREE TO ALL.Yog receive .your check* alto. Come ever}body and do..'t fo

that the eloraia



BUTTER! BUTTER!Btrrrm T U N IVIR ! Out new Spring Batter iff here.

fiue.totthe.eMou; Kc. a pound.

raousa Steal Beam Chilled Plow.



Utkt,Jas, S. Melick, %


Xext to Bewiea'a Meat Market, HaaMx 8 t , Defer.

SEGA'RS AND TOBACCOS.' . r f tatea.ua.

MMMy ana awvay rtpafs




Extending their Business!


Bum TODV nantn * m

E L DUNHAM,ilia, tba kallal ftja «• *a«-

ha. Mgage*. la the eeal baalRMa, m« will ket* the

hwtgrattaafGOALerallklBii. Therwlllalaaketf

fire, Ceama aal Preat Brick. Um, Plaeter. 8km

(Saa4, Cnaeat. *t*m' •atariala. FertWien. *•.akin.




HARRIS,tba PW.IW S«««ler of Darw, da«[tMte rill >H atUalln al taa aaalk !• a .t( Ik. tonaM Mork. af t u r l H t.Kgnb.ni N*w Un»j, ooasruilaK la.odabnud KoaUord walck, wa«k aa>.•uroaaad tba public alad. Al» Jl u>Mbr badtu irada, Ho«ard, tliia,Waltbu. DariajtelaVkc, waul I aaaillln. .1 in.r«. to At avary w . . CrilHdawlbai, tafar. b.jl.a . l H .b«».CLOCK. 1. larte rarlwjr. Wlr.r »«e,a |Md dlaplaj for waaaeatol Md ubl.aw. Jewelry .1 .rerj dawriafaH.Specueka t« <t all ai|bla. Ia oir K.palroepartaanlw.li.r..nr*aM*'Hd amllMea .pnaiaarr .mi ia*w —lo uS Ibaa. laara w. fa.1 a*U4aat


ROBERT C. VREEUNDl a . aabllo UiU »• Ua- .Barwa'afc*

• m m T«I nuuiQTii,MU.1I.



F£lS?St£KWahr MftoilM loaf l

• la


THE PUCE TO BUTnmaiNtNttatoi

JMaauI Pvpmt.

h. ». NlWiaU,nan irutr, OOVBB, B. J.

kaaVafuMparlaanajk* laa. U M u I I I * r ftOaa.

WH. WUHM,. lailnilnaliaafllaalal


Mat. kaZS

wai. wimii.Hot OMf •• Mate* «|Mtm

i. i. VEEKLAND,BPrmikaaaraenB.B.1.

FOR SALE ITlMk«aaa<u>aaaM'«tWdH«faraaa


io»r roa n .Ml alao o n . • (goalr HWtuaal ol

F i i L T CRQGBUB8,.at will karatw ta arwalW a j l a:

aa wtata of ail e«*»»ra la Itaw UM. *'l M l n J l a " — -•


laprtwtf FltrMa Iteua Heater

fWM, Mrrun t ram a n nartir,»mco«, 1. r

•t»i.«lllH>»t.ll«»Uo.. OoapHI. foartt..U f H t o l f c a t b b j l . i . iMttu (MM

yA.kaD,aso.lt. lalaakrf«ln . l a .uud aalai of all nambli aoaaab.il'

X'00 a ACTVkt/VeZ, all «l.in. la.aaliaracllOD. Head for eattlq««a. M l .

act. draraacaakm.l(jalllM.ll'Loeal rareraao. of Ilioa. .liny Mo r M H

dward Wtiaa.Ckra.nTallei, li.J.



riser Goons,•aHftah Ht *•—w Wtfc.


TMe Uaea. TmHat, <».


Blaokwell Street

Bova», x. 1.



^ OYSTERS->a aM Mil at *MMla


-:GLOTHIHCI:-« • * " la <Mj<»laW». U i t i a M


A. B . 8QCON,ff. lakir Sfere HMM,



Wiirea f t , Oenr, H. J,

Bar. la tka >1aa. la ( H J.M

WtfdK SMHi Af 75 6tLJ(mir«, Cbob, Muiat



••ALma r

ital 110.000.000

Aaaoaiati— f


l« * . «ui •*•«. mnam. m. J,


annadomarall. itaw MarKHate lm.ua n a . l t a w l i M . Z !

ra <<frM awl a%Uara atalH tad 111,,tana UaU t . t M n i l l a l a a b a a i l«i. 0(II aorlb tft;M<a(M>«alM|M<taiu.,]w r a > awtatoto tk>Va>a ot IM i r n ,pua ol Iba « m l . CtajTTii-~ HI >!«!,

aloe, of laa aalj toMaf nlk aulh .In,.datma.n4inMaBlaalii.WMIiiKb.iia

l U ^ Uu t i k l


s.;«iSr»v:vj2f.TDMAI, rUtWAH » " . UN, «IW




Bo.4 laua tun*, Poraa,». J.


CtrprtWiawmdOyifMl « »-i J.- ai i a.«ji'_-

H mqWH Wwi 1WD{|


oovca, R. j .

CUaalaji aai Befalriaf






Pump*, * c






PlM,«Ma>taa.toMlf• • 1 Ira ruaai

•Bwttw aHA ft W M t t ej; vaata eeiWftear» a l a » » af Ia. (jraal,.ail kafl«




S&HRSI:BUM Ball Snppliaa

and Oroqnet Seta,




J. J. BACKOFFmmmmn-4S*sgxs&:triaS "«n

Tgg•akarrkaaj, w a



an daitm. .rrfiKm BlaMi M w S ia/S'U'.bt;. dJliW, SS.ttl'ttoil'b!aid M Mia anatt«naa a i m , ,.,„,"alaau.iatHlwaMdl. ImmaliiUli,«,c« M.a aM ikrHl4ta UaM.I. au „'.


8HBB1TPR 8 1 U .

IHBU la ar i.aalk IrtaHriaoMtoiB.H Mae Tnm, alAa Cant Am, iliorii'Uwa, K.J ,aa

H0H1UI, law l«a dw af attT anl,. ( . M L b w r n a t l ~


S^lalt'iwMJtaraat taa., TAUaa taawwaw- awrww; iwawoaII) aorta iklrtr^wo lad larattarth. oViraa. wM M a aaaiaa u d tkMMa. IkkaM o M k a l u a H t Ucwarrkw,M. m**iIkMM (•) Milk attfcUM aa«raa. Wat Iracbtl.aaadaifklrall Nat. I k a an Vaa MIbaakUa o? aia ( .al l . m i T r i d l a , ana

Adnxinlatrator'a Saleoruuamn.

iaMaWtfaii laf MM I11 M U

ajBT aTHVnaa • • f l paaaVBiL' ftaaB

OMtnl Bithiai if Iwr J«M*<

a.a. k.m.t.a.t.a.»

*.*A.Ma aVB. * • • • • . S.V.S.
