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Man and the Secrets of Nearness

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  • 8/8/2019 Man and the Secrets of Nearness



    Man and the Secretsof Nearness


    Goblet or Meter

    By Mawlana FaizaniCopyr igh t Maw lana Fa i zan i 2000

    Get Involved:The whole Mawlana Faizani collection, originally in Persian, is 52 titles and covers a very wide range oftopics. This valuable collection has been partly translated and printed in English up to now and hasattracted world-wide attention.The aim is to translate, publish and distribute the entire Mawlana Faizani collection in every language ofthe world. For this great global cultural effortplease consider contributing $20 US dollars (or more) forthis e-book and we will send you a copy of the printable e-file immediately. God Willing. This small feewill be used towards further promoting the works of Mawlana Faizani, which will allow us to continue to

    translate, publish, and distribute his works. In return we assure you of Gods unbounded mercy andcontinuous reward that will benefit you even after your death, which is when you will need it most.

    Who ever interveneth in a good cause will have the reward thereof (Quran 4:85)

    Mail check or cash to:Mawlana Faizani International

    P.O. Box 8461Rolling Meadows,Illinois 60008, USA

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    Chapter 1: Finding Glorious God's Greatness, Magnificence,and Perfection in Things

    Chapter 2: The Search for Man and his Real Substance

    Chapter 3: The Secret of Union

    Chapter 4: Arguments for Proving the Existence of Almighty God through Logic

    Chapter 5: The Observation of Glorious God's Greatness in Things

    Chapter 6: The Privileges of Man's Intellectual Position and the Secrets of his

    SuccessChapter 7: Man's Trajectory of Journey throughout Knowledge

    and its Reality

    Chapter 8: Soul We, and the Key to Other World's Truths

    Chapter 9: Some of the Signs of the Heavens in Mankind

    Chapter 10: What did We Do that We did not Experience?(Heedlessness)

    Chapter 11: The Characteristics and States of Soul in Man'sOuter and Inner

    Chapter 12: What They See In the Computer of the Heart

    Chapter 13: Conditions of the Heart (Qalb) and Its Secrets

    Chapter 14: Not Acting upon the Secrets of the Heart, What did we do?


    Chapter 15: Us and Vigilance, Ego and Deceitfulness

    Chapter 16: Ego and Its Plans

    Chapter 17: If these Things had Happened, What Things would not have Happened?

    Chapter 18: Get to Know Satan and His Satanic Ways

    Chapter 19: Man and Some of Satan's Plots

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    PrefacePraise be to God, Who hath guided us to this, We could not truly have been led

    aright if God had not guided us. (7:43 Quran)

    We do hope that by reading this Epistle, the intellectual faithful, will uncover, within the

    proposed questions, truths which may not be apparent to them from many readings of the books

    of the Interpretation of the Quran and Hadith.1

    Hence, before explaining each topic under its own particular heading within a few limited lines,

    we are trying, by God's willingness, to draw the reader's attention to separate headings. One

    after the other they will increasingly strengthen your ability to explore the eloquent secrets of

    this treasury of Insight into Almighty God.2 They have been prepared with the purpose of

    fortifying the Light of Faith in the reader and reaching and discovering the Forth Dimension (The

    World invisible to us).

    May God give us success!

    1 Interpretation of the Quran refers to Tafaseer, and Hadith or Ahadith is a narrative record of the sayings or customs

    of Muhammad, peace be upon him.2


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    Finding Glorious God's Greatness, Magnificence, and Perfection in


    While we struggle to unravel the truth of this secret (perceiving the Essence of His Being), we

    lack the words to describe it. How, then, can it be possible for us to achieve this goal? Namely,

    to perceive the Perfection and Glory of His Great and Eternal Being, with all the deficiencies of

    comprehension that we must endure.

    It is obvious that we can appreciate the station of a Force, only if at the very least, we

    have an equivalent capacity within ourselves, or if we know of its corresponding likeness.

    Whereas, if we merely ponder the amount of intelligence and understanding bestowed by

    Glorious God from the beginning of the universe up until our age, we shall experience nothing

    but perplexity and astonishment.

    For example: In order to comprehend, just consider the magnitude of understanding and

    intelligence that the Almighty Great Omnipotent Being has bestowed upon each human being,

    from the beginning to the end of the creation of the world. If we were to collect and lump it all

    together, it would come to hundreds of billions of tons, metaphorically speaking.

    Today's world population is upwards of four billion. Suppose that Almighty God has

    bestowed about an average of half a kilogram of intelligence and understanding upon each

    person. That would make about two billion kilograms, which, when converted to tons, would

    come to a rather staggering amount. At the end, we are plunged into a world of perplexity and

    astonishment. According to this standard, if one ponders on what quantity of intelligence and

    understanding has been bestowed upon mankind in each century or generation, from the

    beginning of the world up to today, it would be an astonishing and imperceptible issue. One

    would clearly find out that, Praise be to God, the Greatness, Perfection, Knowledge and

    Understanding of Him Almighty, Whose favors are indiscriminately abundant, is totally beyond

    our understanding and perception. Moreover, if you add the amount of understanding and

    intelligence of three other inhabited worlds on our side (i.e., of the Jinn, the Angels, and the

    Devils) to that of our world, what would it add up to?

    If one considered the five other sides along with this side3 encompassing eighteen

    thousand worlds, what could be reached? If one were to include the animals' instinct as well,

    what would then be the outcome, other than perplexity upon perplexity? The case can be

    compared to the situation where, for instance, one small ant had the task, according to its own


    In the 6th

    Goblet or the Alphabet of the Secrets of Quran, it is stated as follows: "Our perishing andpermanent worlds: one side from six sides." This indicates that the entire system consists of six sides ofprobably a cube, three thousand worlds on each side, making eighteen thousand worlds altogether.

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    ability, to do the statistical and organizing work of the president of a country. Could the ant ever

    accomplish such a task? No, never.

    Thus man, according to what we have said, is not at all able to perceive and fathom the

    Perfection and Force, and even to estimate the Plans of His Almighty Being. Therefore, whenKhidher was explaining to Moses while they were riding on a boat, peace be upon them, the

    limits of man's knowledge when compared to Almighty God's, Khidher pointed to a sparrow. The

    sparrow perched on the side of the boat, dipped its beak into the ocean, and then left. Khidher

    asked Moses:How much water did this sparrow take from the ocean by plunging its beak into

    it? Moses answered, Compared to the ocean's greatness, consider it nothing.

    Khidher replied: Similarly, you can imagine that the total of all of humanity's knowledge

    and understanding, from the beginning of the world until the end, does not amount to a drop

    from the ocean of Almighty's Knowledge and Understanding.4

    Thus the unworthy position of some among the underdeveloped, tempted by Devils, allows

    them to show off. Compared to more educated people or the inhabitants of other globes,

    however, they are zero plus zero. Furthermore, there are some people who might possess a

    limited knowledge granted to them by the Power of His Glorious Great and Unique Hand in the

    science of matter and technology. These people intentionally, unintentionally, and egotistically

    give themselves the permission of wishing to reach the Precious World (Proximity to His

    Almighty's Presence), without having acquired the proper means, or reached the proper path.

    This is illusion, absurdity, and insanity.

    Thus, primarily, we hereby draw your attention to a series of brief discourses on topics

    that may enlighten as well as explain the Perfection and Greatness of His Almighty.

    Second, we shall try to explain why man does not try to acquire this fortune, even though

    he is inclined by nature to acquire it.

    Third, we will briefly explain the methods one can use in making that effort.

    Search for Man and his Real Substance

    1. Question: Conceptually, why are the descendants of Adam called Insan?5

    Answer:Insanis an exaggeration noun.6 It is derived from the word Onss, which means

    easily adjusting or adapting to everything. It even applies to lodging, property, animals and

    other objects in the environment. After a while, man becomes so attached to these things


    This story is mentioned in Chapter Al-Kahf in the holy Quran, but this particular incident is narrated inHadith Al-Bukharee, chapter Kitab-ul-Tafseer5

    Insan is a Quranic word for man or human being.6

    Ism-e Mubalagha

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    God everywhere, observing the things, and hence finding His Glorious Artificer's Perfection

    and Magnificence.

    5. Question: Who is man?Answer: Man is the being who is created for the purpose of observing the various secrets of

    things and for utilizing these objects. He is created thus so that he may better and more truly

    know the Creator of this entire open and hidden land and ocean, with all His Perfection and

    Glory. Man should still make requests for more favors by presenting humbleness and by

    pleading. He should make the necessary efforts to ensure peace for God's creatures in

    order to please Him, so that he may find higher and more valuable grants and favors.

    6. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who has rarely raised the question: for what reason, due to what

    mastery, and for what purpose, are all things given to him?

    Verily! All things are granted and accessible to him for the purpose of acquainting himself

    with Glorious God, the Almighty Creator, the Exalted Most Great, Almighty Artificer and the

    Perfectioner and Completer of this entire Order, Glorified and Exalted be He.

    7. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who, upon observing someone's accomplishment, gives out

    thousands of compliments and rewards. However, on seeing this Exhibition (the Universe)

    created by His Holiness, Glorified and Exalted be He, he makes no acknowledgement to His

    Greatness and makes no effort to find the truth of Insight with Exalted Him. Man has rarely

    paid any attention to seek this virtue.

    8. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who exerts effort, if accessible, toward getting acquainted and

    establishing a friendship with heads of companies and high authorities of society. But he

    makes no effort to get acquainted with or find out the Creator and Artificer of this entire open

    and hidden order Who is Almighty Great God of the land and the ocean in this world and in

    other worlds, and the rest of the universe. He does not make the effort of acquiring the least

    of Insight into Him.

    9. Question: Who is man?

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    Answer: Man is the being who, the more he becomes enlightened, the more he tries to

    fully establish relationships and get acquainted with enlightened people, even great

    statesmen. Unfortunately, concerning the establishment of a relationship with his Creator

    and Artificer, man, save for a few exceptions, has not accomplished this act. He did noteven create such ambition and love in himself towards this goal.

    10. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is such a being to whom Glorious God has given the ability and the

    perception to successfully invoke and contemplate scientific and spiritual secrets.

    Where man strives to delve, Glorious and Exalted God makes him discover the secrets and

    mysteries. But man never asks himself if all these successes originated from his own brain

    alone. There are billions likewise endowed with brains better and more efficient in every


    One can say that all man's efforts are merely a pretext and that the truth is the gift and

    grace of the most Gracious Almighty God. By making this thanksgiving, of course, more

    success will be bestowed upon the person and, given constancy, this will increase the

    person's relationship with the Almighty.

    11. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who gets angry with his inferiors, whoever they may be, should

    they appear to disobey his commands. Furthermore, he even beats and metes out other

    punishments as a tool for reform. But he himself is not obedient in front of those permitted

    and prohibited commands of His Almighty, which were created and established to the

    benefit of the social life. He does not believe in punishment from the Glorious Lord of the

    open and hidden.

    12. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who admits that there should be punishment meted out from high

    authorities to those who oppose them, but from the Great God Who has created him, Who

    has brought him into existence out of non-existence, Who provides him annually, wherever

    he may be, with life, and prescribes sustenance and other favors, he, being narrow-minded,

    still does not accept a law. He does not think of any punishment in cases of violation against

    Him Almighty, and he continues to disobey.

    13. Question: Who is man?

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    Answer: Man is the weak being who, in spite of all his self-importance and pride of wealth

    and capital, is vanquished by the smallest microbe.

    14. Question: Who is man?Answer: Man is the being of whom everything is afraid but who fears not his own self, even

    though all the harm to man, humanity and to others comes from man.

    15. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being whom every creature trusts. However, men themselves rarely

    trust one another without ulterior motives.

    16. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the model by which most of the characteristics and secrets of the animate

    and inanimate things of the firmament and earth are revealed. Therefore, some of the

    philosophers have called him the "Small Universe.

    "Then outwardly you are the small universe

    Then inwardly you are the great universe."



    Now we are somewhat introduced to the value of humanity's eminent position and we

    understand it. Basically, to some extent we have been ungrateful and have behaved in such a

    manner. By observing everything, wee have appreciated its maker, but by observing all these

    gifts and rewards, and the variety of creation in the world, we have not felt any responsibility

    towards the Greatness of the Great God. At most, we have tried to establish relationships with

    people of high authority, rank, and position; however, we have not wished to establish any

    relationship with the Creator and Artificer of this entire universe, though our creation has existed

    and exists for seeking this truth in this small, trial world.

    It is a question of demonstrating to His Almighty's All-Seeing Knowledge,8 whether we

    are to be so amazed by His handiworks that we forget Him Almighty altogether. Or that, during

    our involvement, we would behave in the Presence of the Exalted Evolver, revealing our own

    pull and attraction while doing good deeds and refraining from evil actions, or the opposite.

    In the end we conclude the following:


    'Ilm-e Mushahidatee

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    spread the monotheism,11 to acquire Insight into Almighty God,12 and to serve God's

    creatures for the purpose of His Happiness.

    3. Question: Who is man?Answer: Man is the being who, without the permission of gatekeepers or secretaries or

    even having received a credible identification card, never assumes the authority and power

    of approaching contemporary high ranking people, believing it impossible to do so.

    Surprisingly, without acquiring the acceptable purity and merit to the Presence of His

    Almighty, he considers himself to be worthy of acceptance to the presence of His Almighty

    Being by merely claiming to be worthy.

    4. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who, in order to reach worldly and figurative kings and

    presidents, obliges his own self to study for at least sixteen to twenty years and to serve for

    more that thirty years passing the stages of qualification. As for achieving the Nearness to

    Almighty God, however, he thinks he should achieve and unite it in the easiest way, even

    instantaneously, without qualification or merit.

    5. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who sees the effect of the Exalted and Glorious God's Powerful

    Hand in the transformation of all things, at all different levels.

    For example, he is able to perceive it in inanimate things such as animal wastes (fertilizer)

    changed into different trees, fruits and crops; in the change from hot to cold; from non-

    existence to existence, and vice versa, which are all set, are evident. If the servant should

    request for anything with sincerity and humility, in spite of all the worthlessness of that

    servant, Almighty God can grant him his request, He accepts the servant's apology and

    fulfills his needs.

    Consequently Almighty God will certainly improve the servant's life according to his

    ambitions, activities and intentions.


    Keep ambitions high, in front of God and people

    Your credibility will be in proportion to your ambitions




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    Arguments for Proving the Existence of Almighty God through Logic

    1. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who clearly knows that all kinds of artifacts seen around him and

    in his world are the result of the two hands of power,

    A. The imperceptible Hand of power of God, Mighty and Sublime be He, the Artificer of

    everything, has created and can still create any element from non-existence if He

    wants to, truly out of nothing.

    B. The secondary maker is man. He prepares and organizes the objects and things

    needed for himself and his contemporary generation out of the cooked and raw

    resources created by Almighty God.

    2. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the creature who does not accept and regards as impossible that anything

    devised by himself or his fellow creatures could exist without an artificer.

    Unfortunately, however, there are some people who think and accept that this entire

    exposed and hidden universe can exist without an Artificer.

    3. Question: Who is man?Answer: Man is the being who believes it to be impossible for any social order not to be led

    by either sound or unsound leadership and human administration. Yet he thinks of this entire

    exposed and hidden order on the land and in the seas to be without the Great Administrator

    and the Almighty Leader, and Artificer, Glorified and Exalted be He. He thinks all this exists,

    metaphorically speaking, without the engineering and organization of the Glorious, Great,

    Unlimited Omniscient. Some have believed in this way, Alas!

    4. Question: Who is man?Answer: Man is the being who believes in worldly laws, whatever be the power attached to

    them, and knows that they are enforced under the surveillance of some general organizer.

    Unfortunately, however, there are some people who, in spite of discerning the law of

    continuation of the universe, the earth, and the nearby galaxies, which according to their

    own word and estimation, have been and still are monotonously active in the eyes of every

    individual, during our lifetime and in past generations for billions of years, deny this

    undeniable truth and even call the existence of Almighty Artificer a superstitious theory.

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    On the other hand, some people deduce from it all, the existence of the Unbreakable

    Power and the Absolute Authority of His Self-Existent Being.13 They accept with sound faith

    and know that the aforementioned systems are indeed permanent and stable under the

    Surveillance of the Self-Subsisting,


    the Able,


    Exalted be He.This is faith and these are the perfect believers, provided they put it into practice.

    5. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who finds himself obliged to surrender in front of people of power,

    wisdom and knowledge, especially if he finds that another person's special skills are more

    advanced or effective than his own. Unfortunately, however, after observing all kinds of

    Power and Perfection of His Supreme, Eternal and Self-existent Being, he still does not

    show the required respect, nor does he acquire insight into Almighty God. Except for a small

    number of people, the rest have not sought this goal. Moreover, some unfortunate people

    have ascribed partners to Almighty God, and some ignorants have totally denied the

    Existence of His Almighty.

    Dear Honorable Reader!

    Indeed, our honorable readers have felt an inner enlightenment after they have perused

    the above questions. As the Light of Certainty about this subject keeps growing brighter in you,

    the Nucleus of Monotheism16 or the Luminosity of Faith builds up. Here, according to the

    person's ambitions and activities, his relationship with Glorious God will become stronger and


    We must mention that, in the past, the path for noble servants in their approach to the

    Nearness was to extinguish or mortify the Ego,17 and that was fulfilled by going through hard

    and ascetic work. Until recently, this has been the path prescribed. Even so, some recent

    followers have exaggerated and practiced it in a very self-effacing manner. Fourteen hundred

    years have passed from the time of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. According to

    God's tradition, the path of approaching Nearness to Almighty God should have become shorter

    during these past thousand years or so, as the religious difficulties during the time of Moses,

    peace be upon him, and others, become gradually less difficult as we approach the time of the

    Prophet Muhammad, God bless him and grant him peace.





    Hasta-e Tawheed

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    Hereby, Great God through His Grace and Generosity has produced these Epistles.

    Just reading these Epistles and practicing accordingly will cause the Inner Light to grow instant

    by instant, and this will increase with every repeated reading. The proof of this state in you

    enthusiasts of faith, whether as reader or an audience, is that all at once, there will be ideas,


    appearing in your inner self as well.You should write them down and pass them on to the

    Instructors and Experts of this subject. Thisfortune is thereplacement for today's humanity for

    the exhausting mortification of Ego.

    With the Grace of Almighty God, the Generous, the Bestower!

    Hence, in the following section, ponder on a portion of the study of Almighty God's

    Greatness in things. Please contemplate it with ambition and serious attention.

    The Observation of Glorious God's Greatness in Things

    1. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who believes in the existence of either natural Soul or artificial

    Soul (electric), in every dynamic and static body, which has resulted either from his own

    hand or has been put there by the Power of Almighty God, its Creator. Even while seeing

    that the earth and most galaxies move in a prescribed direction and are rotatory, still, many

    people, through their own fictitious interpretation based on their false and corrupt

    imaginations, take the power of Almighty God's Hand as gravity, being sourceless. Namely,they deny Almighty God's Power and Control, whereas, the gravity in its correct sense is an

    example of His Almighty's Supremacy. We consider it as a part of the Almighty's Great

    Workstation, for we are less expressive about such things.

    2. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who well knows that no material particle could ever remain in

    space without support, but while observing and understanding all these hanging systems

    and galaxies, attributes it to something called gravity. We would like to mention that our goalis not to deny the existence of gravity in the galaxy systems. The point is that we accept the

    existence of rockets and their motion and principles as being guided from the earth, and that

    controlled by man, why then should we not accept the survival of objects and the various

    motions of the galaxies as being a result of the Control of the Greatness of the Unique

    Creator, God, Glorified and Exalted be He?



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    3. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who admits that the attraction and repulsion forces in magnetic

    fields result from peculiar molecular arrangements and alignments in the magnet. Butobserving all the disorganization pertaining to the molecular arrangements and alignments

    in the earth's main molecules, for instance, such as in mountains, oceans, soil, mines, etc.,

    none possess any apparent attraction-repulsion forces in themselves: To what then do they

    ascribe the forces which exist therein? Rather, they do not perceive that they, based on

    corrupt satanic paraphrase, call it imaginary gravity to make the truth of the Power of

    Almighty Hand disappear.

    "Their intention is to extinguish the Light of Almighty God's Greatness and Oneness

    by blowing with their mouths and nonsensical reasons. But Almighty God will

    complete His desired Light, even though the unbelievers may detest it."19

    4. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being, among whom only a small minority of the elite ones, find the

    Greatness of Glorious God, from the study of things and therefrom acquire perfect faith. But

    the same tool has become the means of deviation for the rest of them.

    5. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who is amazed by seeing the work and activity processes of

    some company or factory, or of machines, tools and instruments. But he never thinks about

    this fortune as being bestowed and the discovering power as being given to man's brain,

    thus enabling man to build. He does not make any thanksgiving to the Creator, and some

    people do not even know the Creator. What a pity is this misfortune and ignorance!

    6. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who would certify the ability of the leader and organizer of society

    once he sees the excellent organization and order of that society. But some of them do not

    understand this organized and ordered system which is proof of the Perfection of the

    Creator and Almighty Unique Artificer; moreover, they do not admit it.


    Ideas similar to the subject being studied, namely reflecting Glorious God's Magnificence andPerfection in His arts19

    As-Saff, Chapter 61, verse 8

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    7. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who smells a variety of fragrances from the earth through flowers,

    and feels pleasure in them. Unfortunately, however, he has not reflected that it was the

    Creator of this universe Who created all these pleasant aromas out of the worthless andhumid soil. Then what kind of pleasant aromas and goodness would His Excellency

    Almighty God Himself possess? Actually, the heart and brain can hardly perceive it now.

    8. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who feels pleasure in seeing beautiful faces, even though he

    knows that originally these existents, with all their beauty, were created from small sperms.

    What about the Magnificence and Charm of the Almighty Creator, Who has created and

    founded a myriad of beauties and charms such as these?

    For, it is obvious that if someone bestows gifts upon someone else, a thousand dollars for

    instance, then most definitely he himself owns hundreds of thousands of dollars. Then what

    Magnificence and Perfectionwould He Who has freely given all this beauty to everything

    and every one be possessing? Our perception is actually unable to approximate it.

    9. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who sees within the tiny mulberry seed, which is smaller than a

    millet seed, a strong mulberry tree with a trunk of ten to twenty meters of height, thick roots

    of five to ten meters in length, and branches with an upper volume of at least ten metes

    diameter. Likewise, the underground roots of similar or smaller size along with their essential

    factories are all neatly packed. And, all these secrets are contained in that small mulberry

    seed. But, he does not think of the Artificer that possesses all this Wisdom as having, of

    course, much more powerful and amazing Potency. Here we, with the help of God, have

    explained the smallest symbol of it.

    The perception of this truth conveys to us that in the same manner as He, Almighty, created

    the original matter of man's creation as a seed in a mother's womb, there is another seed

    leading from man's body into the earth which He, the Glorious and Exalted, could and will

    bring back to life and give shape to once again, through the Second Breathing.20


    "The second painting of the Painter, will come out better than the first one."


    Soul reentering the body

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    10. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who has seen a great deal variety of colors in the collection of

    direct and indirect artistry of the Almighty Sacred Being in the fashioning and creation of

    things. Bu he did not understand what Being was the Unique Glorious Owner of all thisGreatness and Perfection, what Potency, and what Perfect Mightiness possessing all kinds

    of Perfection and Glory. We do not have words worthy enough to explain it, or to praise the

    subject of these truths.

    11. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who considers it necessary to measure the heat intensity of an

    object from a certain distance. Seeing that, in spite of the distance of the sun from the earth,

    the sun's heat does still not vanish, he does not understand that this Power is the outcome

    of His Omnipotences Wisdom, Glorious and Exalted be He. Naively, man says that the sun

    is a fiery globe, which has not yet cooled down, or dismisses it as the mere burning of


    You will study, with the Grace of Glorious Evolver, the truths of this secret in the forthcoming


    The Privileges of Man's Intellectual Position and the Secrets of his



    Have you pondered how excellent man's original position is? Some superficial

    observers, however, as soon as they have acquired a limited knowledge for explaining and

    understanding some parts of biology and other sciences, think that they have arrived at an

    understanding of humanity's excellent station. This is itself a complete error. Becoming

    acquainted with the truth about humanity is quite a different thing.

    To better pay attention to and sooner understand the spirit of this discourse, can anyone tell us

    please how man, with all his intelligence, can be malevolent at one time and benevolent at


    Why does this happen? What insidious things still drive this faultless being to the pit of

    cruelty, cannibalism, and other atrocities?

    In order not to be intimidated by lengthy discussion, it is appropriate to say that man has not

    known his own self yet.

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    Do you consider it as a result of knowing humanity's station, that at least four to five

    thousand airplanes, millions of tons of explosive materials and other mechanized weapons were

    consumed in wars in Korea, Vietnam and so forth? The expenses wasted there were double or

    triple the capital capable of enriching all the poor people on earth. They destroyed millions ofliving creatures including man. Can this be considered as indicative of knowing humanity's

    station? Of course not!

    We should say that man has not tried to censor his corrupt desires and has not subdued them.

    Therefore, man's offspring should not be able to fulfill humanity's wishes for peace and

    happiness, through the progress achieved in secular sciences unless they have really perceived

    the divine knowledge.

    1. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who, through the Special Grace and Favor of Mighty and

    Glorious God, has surpassed the two primary categories of beings, which are in greater

    quantity and quality.

    These two classes are:

    First: The Inanimates: sand, rocks, mountains, planets, stars, and galaxies, etc.

    Second: The Animates: from the microbe on up to the elephant on the land; from the

    mosquito to the ostrich in the air, and from the smallest fish in the ocean up to the largest

    mammal, the whale.

    Through His Grace, man has surpassed all these tens of thousands of machines. He

    Almighty, through His Mercy, has created man in the most proficient human form.

    2. Question: What is the Muslim's station?

    Answer: Almighty God has bestowed additional mercy upon the faithful one. He Almighty

    has created him from the beginning under the initial conditions in the circle of Mercy,

    especially in the Militant Academy21 as followers of Quran, jurisprudence, and the

    confession for monotheism. More especially, God has graced those who, during the time of

    Islam's poverty, make great physical, economic, and verbal efforts to spread Truth. They do

    it with high ambition, as did the first followers of Islam, based on scholastic reasons, logic,

    and good deeds.

    3. Question: Who is man?


    The struggle against Ego and Satan

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    Answer: Man is the being who knows everything by a name and title. If the thing does not

    have a name, immediately he gives it a name; according to

    "Almighty God taught to his holiness Adam, peace be upon him, the names of allthings (the secrets of all things)" etc.22

    4. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is in possession of a brain which can store in its memory up to one or two

    hundred thousand words, and more.23 He can transfer its contents from his brain to his

    tongue, like onto the cassette of a cassette player, though without any rotation.

    5. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who upon hearing the names of things can remember the

    corresponding things with some of their specifications and perceptible qualities. He is able to

    understand and perceive them either in brief or in detail.

    6. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being, to whose heart and brain, blessed by,

    "Almighty God taught to his holiness Adam the names of all things (the secrets of all

    things)" etc.,

    Exalted God has bestowed the ability to discover all things and the power to understand

    their secrets and natures. He has bestowed this upon man, so that he may benefit from

    other things, that He may make him indebted, and that man may obtain the exalted

    knowledgeable station. Most deprived people, however, consider this ability to be an

    outcome of their own thoughts, and they deny it as being bestowed to them by the Glorious


    7. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the only being who can express his heart through drawings and writing, and

    Morse codes24 etc., to others, regardless of a persons presence or absence. In the


    Al-Baqarah, Sura 2, verse 31, Quran23

    the massive storage capacity of man's brain is scientifically estimated to be about 100 trillion bits ofinformation24

    The International Morse Code is a system of dots and dashes that can be used to send messages by aflash lamp, telegraph key, or other rhythmic devices such as tapping finger. There are, of course, manyother similar modern codes systems serving the same purpose.

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    presence of the person, he can convey his messages even through the motions of the eye

    and the eyebrow, or with special phrases and words.

    8. Question: Who is man?Answer: Man is the only being for whose use, the best kinds of fruits, trees, minerals,

    grains, and all other things, including animals, are created. Man sees his domination being

    established in all these things. Almighty God has granted all His favors to man, but man

    unfortunately has not fulfilled the required servitude and has not acquired the necessary

    Insight into Him.

    9. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the secondary artificer of things on the earth. He builds the necessary

    things out of the raw materials first created by the Sacred Supreme Being, and puts them to

    his own use.

    10. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the only being who, besides having the best and ultimate use of things on

    the earth, has access to the sealed inner reservoirs of the earth as well. Man has made and

    is still making amazing and necessary utilizations of these minerals.

    11. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being whose continuation of works and different thoughts, provided

    they are worth following, will often be completed by sound successive generations.

    12. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who needs a social life in order to secure mutual well-being. This

    has brought him much comfort. If man can generate this social life worldwide, it will be much


    13. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the only being who must concern himself with family and tribal

    relationships, and even with wider relationships at the national and international levels. He

    has these concerns, for he has therefrom his inward and outward purposes.

    14. Question: Who is man?

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    Answer: Man is the only being who can be an imitator of most voices and motions. He

    can reflect them, either directly with his own organs, or indirectly by means of tools and


    15. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the only being who, besides the inherent gifts and the formal and spiritual

    discoveries, can benefit from anothers experiences.

    16. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who can illuminate the inner darkness of everything by using

    artificial or natural light in whatever way he wishes. But often he has failed to illuminate the

    dark depths of ignorance, unawareness, and cruelty with the light of guidance.

    17. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who is capable of making the unpleasantness of heat and cold

    agreeable to himself, or even of making it moderate and pleasant, through instruments. But

    he is not easily able to control the coldness of anger and the heat of lust, or at least to

    temper them.

    18. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who can express either in detail or in brief his outward and inward

    pain, or pinpoint the agitated area and describe it. But, he has rarely been able to know or to

    express the pain of remoteness from the Nearness of Almighty God's Presence.

    19. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who, contrary to other living creatures who defend themselves

    using their mouths and teeth, eliminates opponents often by using different tools. But he has

    not built tools or instruments for his defense against the inward enemies, which often disturb


    20. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who can use his species' understanding and experiences to

    improve his own life and that of the succeeding generations. This action has caused much


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    21. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is able to consume not only soft edible things but also has domination over

    many kinds of small and big mines. He extracts these minerals completely, makes different

    uses of them for himself and then eliminates them, but he cannot eliminate the oceans,mountains, the planet Earth and his firmament.

    22. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who has always made use not only of visible and large pieces of

    material things, but of tiny parts of animate things, such as microbes, and of inanimate

    things, such as the atom, etc. He has built astonishing things out of them. Sometimes, he

    has made and is still making advantageous use, and at other times, disadvantageous use

    for himself and his contemporaries.

    23. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the only being among all living creatures who, in order to improve his

    future, expects the cooperation of his generation, his children, and his grandchildren, in

    order to secure his living. In a way, he is making an error.

    24. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is inwardly a box containing the two principals of the Soul25 and the Ego,26

    and the computer of Intellect.27 But outwardly, he is the cemetery of all the animals of the

    earth, including elephants and dolphins. Those animals, whether on the land, in the ocean,

    or in the air, are all his property, and sometimes, he uses them in one way or another for the

    better organization of his life. When these animals used by man reach adulthood, man eats

    them. In fact, the mobile cemetery of all animals is the stomach of mankind.


    In this chapter the following was elucidated: the ingenuity and masteries that the being named

    man or the vicegerent28 of Almighty God of the earth and time and all the hidden and exposed,





    Vicegerent or Khalif: Having or exercising delegated power; acting by substitution, or in the place ofanother.Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc

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    possesses. It was also well clarified as to what purpose he was created and the reasons for

    which he has come to be here on earth.

    On the basis of this criterion, please ponder for what task, and with what ability and

    mastery, have we arrived here? Now, we have changed the trajectory of the journey; and whaterrors we have committed! Instead of finding the Artificer, we are lost in an insignificant portion

    of artifacts. Finally, what level this heedlessness is at or will reach? What is all this insanity,

    despite our intelligence and the claim for civilization? Are all these tools for killing and all the

    plunder of mankind the results of sound intelligence? No never!

    Do you realize that the Muslims and all the monotheists on earth are the first ones to be

    responsible for this? For, they knew the truths of monotheism's light but they made no effort to

    spread it. We refer especially to the followers of Islam, to whom all secrets of the path of Union

    are explained in detail, in more than 250029verses in the Holy Quran.

    Unfortunately however, some group of human and jinni-devils30 has been driving

    mankind to become addicted to these deviations, one after the other, and has considerably

    narrowed his wide perspective. This is worth pondering.

    Now, it will be wise to further examine what will happen to this being. Where is he heading?

    Man's Trajectory of Journey throughout Knowledge

    and its Reality

    1. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who, like a rocket, has come from the Sacred World31 to Earth to

    observe the variety of God's artifacts and to gain Insight into the Almighty Unique Artificer.

    Meanwhile, he is equipped with both the discerning vision of the microscope and the

    encompassing vision of a telescope and the properly ordered computer of the heart,

    intellect32and brain. And he is the owner of even greater masteries and secrets than this.

    2. Question: What will be the result of all these processes of man's life?

    Answer: Outwardly the final rocket stage of each individual reaches to the edge of old age.

    In reality however, he has been sent in this direction by the Intention of his Launcher and


    The whole Quran consists of 6666 verses out of which 2500 verses are about Fikir or reflectingGlorious God's Magnificence and Perfection in the creation30

    Devils are generally of two kinds: of the species of jinn who are invisible creatures, and the species ofmankind who physically are human beings but spiritually are as corrupt as devils31

    'Alam-e Quds32


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    Bringer (His Highness, the Glorious Supreme Being). This can last up to whenever God

    may will; namely, the appointed hour of death.

    3. Question: When would his stay here on earth end?Answer: As soon as it is proven to the Observationary-Knowledge33 of His Holiness, the

    Exalted and Glorious Supreme Being, that man has chosen one of the two paths: Glorious

    God, or the world (or both), and that it has become his ultimate goal, then He will make this

    being return.

    4. Question: Why are some people eliminated during their childhood?

    Answer: There are many secrets to this. One of these secrets is that some parents may be

    released from torture through these children's intercession, and also, in order to make the

    children of the same age thankful that they were not taken away but were allowed to

    survive. These children who pass away would be grateful seeing the distress of mothers,

    fathers, relatives and other brothers in the Gathering Place of mankind on the Day of

    Judgement. They would be thankful that they themselves did not reach maturity to get into

    all these troubles, and that they did not have the chance of committing sin and ignorance.

    Again through His Grace, they were made of the people of forgiveness and intercession.

    Likewise, there are many other secrets behind it, and if you ponder, you may find them.

    5. Question: Are there any more of these important points?

    Answer: The important secret here is that if Almighty God had given the same life

    expectancy to everybody and if the instances of natural or sudden death were not different,

    then man would have been very aggressive, since he knew that he had not yet approached

    the threshold of death. This would have caused greater laziness and ignorance. Meanwhile,

    the meaning of trial or rather its truth, would have disappeared.

    6. Question: What is the effect of the death of young children of unbelievers and


    Answer: For the fathers and mothers, by observing these children, to discover that if they

    were left at least with their inborn faith, without denial of confession for the existence of

    Almighty God's Oneness, they would deserve this favor (Paradise). Hence, they would be

    saved from the tortures, and have a shelter in Paradise or in the Ismuth.34


    'Ilm-e Mushahidatee34

    Barzakh: the abode located between Hell and Paradise

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    7. Question: What kind of people would be released by Intercession?

    Answer: The people in whose hearts is left a particle of either inborn faith or acquired faith.

    8. Question: Who is man?Answer: Man is the being who, contrary to the fruit-bearing and strong trees, has diminutive

    portion of branches growing above the surface of the earth, while his main and most

    powerful roots are all growing bigger and bigger beneath the surface.

    9. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being whose roots are beneath the ground, but he himself is situated on

    earth, while he passes his tangible and intangible stages of growth. In other words, two or

    three of his ancestors are on the earth while most of the others are underground. This

    means that the main infrastructure of his ancestry has been residing beneath the ground for

    thousands of years. In this way, the great and greater members of a tribe or ethnic group

    are always increasing more and more beneath the ground.

    10. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who, from cradle to grave has to abide by either his man-made

    laws or heavenly law.

    11. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who has seen and does see the life expectancy (the mortality and

    the survival) of most things, yet considers this material world's life to be everlasting. For,

    each individual's life perishes while the perishing of the world cannot be seen during his

    lifetime. This is similar to an example where ants reside for generations and generations

    beside a strong palm tree, thinking of the tree as a permanent thing because they have seen

    it standing there for hundreds of their own generations.


    In the contents of this chapter, after perceiving the substance of man as well as

    searching for and showing the approaching path to the Almighty Creator of this universe, it

    would not be out of place to draw your attention to a portion of those truths which most certainly

    shall shed light on the existence of the Permanent World35 and the Visitation with Exalted and

    Mighty His Holiness Supreme Being. The perception of this precious fact is of course, a


    'Alam-e Baqa

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    convincing sign of the existence of the Fourth Dimension. Or, it is a guide for everybody,

    especially for the faithful ones, in finding the secrets of Union and the mysteries concerning it.

    Fortunately in our age, Almighty God has opened the doors of all these outward favors,

    through inventions of technological and scientific tools and instruments, allowing them to beaccessed by man in such a way that their likeness has rarely been made available; in the past,

    probably only to kings.

    Ponder this: it was prophet Solomon's miracle to spend one day flying a distance which

    would otherwise have taken one month.36 Now, however, it is made available, to any auspicious

    or inauspicious person, to travel by plane a distance of one or two months or more in just one

    hour. There are hundreds of other similar examples.

    Observing the abundance of such favors bestowed upon all children of mankind, we place such

    hope in His Unique One Being, the Almighty Absolute Bestower,37 and you may say Amen and

    undertake practical efforts so that He may soon give to all mankind the success of having His

    favor of the fortune of faith globalize through the leadership of this humblest servant, and all

    assistants, and the noble ones of the world. So that the sun of Oneness will be shining all over

    the earth; and the notional and practical Insight of Islam would radiate; and that justice would be

    worldwide to its highest degree, such as has never occurred in the past and would not be seen

    in the future.

    Hoping for the favor and grace of the Generous, the Bestower, and the Most


    1. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who, after passing the best time of his life (youth), remembers

    that period for the rest of his life and regrets that it has passed. By paying a little attention he

    will come to understand this fact as well that the Exalted God, Who bestowed on him more

    or less twenty to thirty years of youth and a pleasant time, has indeed the power to bestow

    upon him this fortune for billions of years in a place where there would be no trouble or

    distress (Paradise).

    2. Question: Who is man?


    it can be further researched in Arabic (Ibn-Kathir), Persian (Huseini), Urdu, or other detailedInterpretations of Quran in the following Chapters: AL-Anbia 21 verse #81, Saba 34 verse #12, Sad 38verse #36; or in some other Islamic books37


    al-Kareem, Wahhab, and ar-Raheem

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    Answer: Man is the being whose perceptions, when taken from a text, especially if the

    hidden truths about the eternal world are contained in it, are at different levels. For example,

    the perception of the above mentioned factual truth is not a problem in the view of wise and

    clear-sighted people.The scientists for instance, are certifying the age of the planet of the earth as being

    approximately more than millions of years.39 Could not the Creator and Owner of all this

    power then, bestow upon us billions of years of lifetime in Paradise?

    The answer is Yes, but there are those who can rarely understand this fact.

    3. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who likes a few fixed months, the best time of the yearspring

    and summer. Routinely, His Almighty Unique Being has granted these seasons to be

    specific periods of time. Then why do they not think that the Generous Almighty God can

    also bestow upon us billions of years of continuous spring and marvelous seasons in

    Paradise, even though the ultimate purpose of man's creation for sound and modest

    activities in this world seems somewhat perishable and fictitious, and he is basically created

    for over there (Paradise)?

    4. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who well knows that a person or company builds a machine or

    instrument lasting one or a few years, he could always make it last longer by improving its

    efficiency, thus allowing the tool to work longer. Man believes this, but he does not

    acknowledge that Glorious God Who has given him twenty to thirty years of youth, could

    also grant him billions of years of youth in the Permanent World. Indeed, this is not a


    5. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who fully believes in the theoretical and experimental grounds

    proving the existence of Almighty God and the Almighty Unique Creator. He sees that

    Almighty God has given all these colors, odors, values, secrets, and beauty to the earth's

    products from the soil, water, and invisible energy of sunlight.

    Indeed, from a material thousands of times better (Paradise), He could produce things more

    perfect and amazing, that being Paradise and its Gardens.


    The life of the earth is estimated to be 4.6 billion years

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    Basically this period of being an Actor in life for each individual is for the purpose of

    completing the "movie" of his life. As soon as the Soul is out of the body, according to its

    summary of good and bad deeds, it will be placed in one of the Paradise(s) or Hell(s).

    Therefore, death is the minor resurrection and the Day of Judgement is the majorresurrection for the union to the Permanent World with positive acknowledgement (seeing).

    6. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who sees the differences in the variety of fruits, metals, and many

    other things. He knows that even though the things within each classification outwardly have

    the same name, for example, all tree products are called fruits, however, the taste and

    quality of each fruit is different. Likewise, all metals are called minerals, but the values of

    uranium, platinum, and gold, etc., are distinct, compared to other metals due to their special

    qualities and secrets.

    The same principle is applicable to globes and galaxies, in comparing the heavens' globes

    and galaxies to others; and when considering the soil, the heavens' soil is hundreds of times

    more valuable than the unworthy, massive soil of the earth.

    7. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who sees the variety in creativity and providence,40 which exist in

    different ways. He sees a cycle41 being used therein, yet being weak, he cannot feel with the

    inner enlightenment that Exalted and Glorious God is the Creator of this entire Order, and

    that He can create in other forms and ways as well. This will be better understood in the

    following Epistles.


    We, and the Key to Other World's Truths

    In the preface to the chapter on Soul and the corresponding questions, from the outset we

    felt the necessity to qualitatively propose two questions with their answers. After studying these

    two questions, you will well perceive the truths pertaining to finding the excellence and value of


    Khallaqiyat and Razaqiyat41

    The cycle, cyclic order or Interconnecting-Order (Nezam-e Tasalsulee):An example would be WaterCycle, where water starts off as the sea then, by being warmed by the sun it slowly turns in to vaporwhich rise to form clouds. These clouds then travel over the land and when they burst it starts to rain,snow or hail. Most of it then filters down through the hills and rivers until it reaches the sea again. Thereare many other systems working in the same order. Another example would be the earth's productsconsumed by man, and the wastes going back to the earth. Further discussions on this can be found inthe Sixth Goblet by the same author.

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    the human Soul, and the high intact position of the Quran and the guidance of the Messenger

    of God, Muhammad, peace be upon him.

    Hereby, within two items, we present the reasons substantiating the existence of Soul.

    Afterwards, we will draw your attention to its essence, and then we will briefly mention sometopics about the attributes, which man has carried along by inheritance from his first parents,

    Adam and Eve, peace be upon them. In turn, we would like to talk about heedlessness and

    clarify some vices associated with it. Finally, we will draw your attention, God Willing, to matters

    concerning the finding of the positive and negative spiritual customs.

    1. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the creature who has built a telescope to look at the stars, a microscope to

    see the microbes, a voltmeter to measure electric voltage, a thermometer to measure the

    temperature, and so forth. He could never make true experiments with the aforementioned

    quantities, until he had build the mentioned tools, such as telescope, microscope, various

    meters, and thermometers.

    Pertaining to the perception, understanding, and observation of the Fourth Dimension,

    especially the Nearness to the Sacred Omnipotent Almighty Being, though man thinks of

    using only his unworthy, simple, and unrefined brain and heart. The brain and heart that can

    be destroyed through only one pill, or get lost in daydreams about a beautiful face, and so

    forth. Still, he wants to establish the relationship with the Almighty Creator and Artificer, in

    spite of this denseness and abundant laziness.

    2. Question: Are the tools for finding the secrets of the Fourth Dimension found within

    the person?

    Answer: Sure! First: Soul, second: Knowledge (Intellect)42 and third: Heart.

    If man fortifies his spiritual power and is always acquiring Insight into God, worshipping Him

    Almighty and serving God's creatures for the happiness of His Almighty, then the Ego will be

    improved from the stage of Enjoining-unto-Evil43 to the stage of At-Peace.44

    Indeed, the Heart will be really filtered out of the "affection for anything other than

    Almighty God", and the Soul's True Eye, with its other main attributes, will become active.


    'Ilm ('Aql)43



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    There, the person becomes able to observe God's Glory and Perfection45 through the eye

    of the inner or Soul.

    It is right during this occasion that the person's hand, eye, ear, foot and all his motions

    and domination shall belong to His Almighty's particular Hand of Power.The Messenger of God, Muhammad, peace be upon him, reports from the Almighty

    Nourisher in a direct divine transmission.46

    "Glorious Godstated: ...The servant makes perseverance in performing volunteer

    prayers,47 until, through this, he finds nearness to Me so that I shall make him My

    Beloved. Thus, the Signs of My Excellency's Nearness to man are that he hears

    through Me, he sees through the power of My Exalted Sight, and grabs with My

    Imperceptible Hand, walks with My Particular Power which is not possible for others"


    This servant's disturbance is the Disturbance of God; his happiness would be the fulfilling of

    Almighty God's Satisfaction.

    "Glorious God stated: Whosoever shows enmity to someone devoted to Me, I shall be

    at war with him." etc.48

    These servants of God are the true believers49 and have succeeded in finding the real

    position of Islam and humanity.

    Hence, what the Holy Quran has been trying to teach is this great secret of approach to

    Almighty God through the establishment of the relationship of the servant to His Holiness

    Almighty Supremacy.

    If the main purpose in this trial abode were not the relationship of mankind to Almighty God,

    then why would the Holy Quran explain the secrets of Satan's distractions in more than 156

    verses? Why would faith and practice in 625 verses synonymously convey the requirements of

    practical Islam, and may other similar secrets? Among those secrets for example, why would

    the domination of Solomon, peace be upon him, and his companions be mentioned; where they

    brought the Throne of Queen of Sheba50 by just a blink of an eye, from the long distances of

    more than two months of travel?

    Why are similar occurrences mentioned? Take, for example, the following scenarios: a few

    birds, cut into pieces and mixed, came back to life and rushed towards Abraham, peace be


    Glory (Jalal) and Perfection (Kamal)46

    Hadith Qudsee:Those messages directly conveyed from Glorious God to the Messenger47


    (The complete Hadith can be found on page 104 of the book FORTY HADITH QUDSI, by Imam an-Nawawi). (Hadith Qudsee, Bukharee)49


    Queen of Sheba or Belqis (Quran: chapter Al-Naml (the Ant #27), verse #40)

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    upon him, when he called them.51 Jesus, peace be upon him, and his companions built

    statues out of mud, and the statues came to life; there was a revivification of the dead in their

    hands,52and hundreds of other examples.

    Why and for what purpose are these occurrences mentioned?Consider the true meaning of what the Messenger of God, Muhammad, peace be upon him,


    "The practicing religious scholars among my followers are comparable to the

    prophets of the Children of Israel."53

    What does this mean?

    If we understand what secrets and mysteries are contained in this narration, then we will clearly

    realize that the practicing and learned believers of this Islamic nationcould also have inner

    secrets and masteriespossessed by the prophets of the children of Israel.

    While reading these questions you might ask once again; why did Muslims not make any efforts

    to perceive and find this fortune?

    We cannot deny their efforts; they discovered secrets many times better in terms of

    quality and quantity.

    There are books, such as Muslim Saints and Mystics54 and some other writings, which

    mention the narration and truths about those people who, were devoted to the Truth.

    However, the reason why most of our contemporary believers have fallen short in this

    search can be accredited to the laziness of our Muslims.

    Now, however, through the special Grace of the Glorious Being, the opportunity has arrived

    where this fortune can be acquired with a lot of ease and simplicity, and without all kinds of hard

    spiritual work or mortification of Ego.55

    The easy methods and the short path are only related to the excellent perception and

    knowledgeable understanding of the Analysis of Man's Atom56and this is it.


    (Quran: chapter Al-Baqarah (the Cow #2), verse #260).52

    (Quran: chapter Al-Imran (the family of 'Imran #3), verse #49)53

    This important Hadith can be found in the books of Sheikh Al-Siuti and Sheikh Al-Manawi. SheikhQonawi quotes it in his book of al-BariqaSharhal-Tariqa page 16. It is also mentioned in the books ofTadhkirat ul-awlia' and Mazhar ul-ajaeb wa Mazha by Shaeikh 'Atar.54

    Tadhkirat-ul-Awlia: The famous book about short biographies of great Muslim saints written by SheikhFarid uddin Attar in the fifth century A.H (Islamic calendar) translated into English by A.J.Arberry.55


    Tajeziya wa Tahleel-e Atom-e Insan or Analysis of Mans Atom The series of highly advanced booksof Madrasa -i- Tawheed, written by Mawlana Faizani, dealing with detailed explanation of man's spiritualanalysis and solution.

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    Praise be to God, the basic teachings and Epistles of this knowledge with all its ultimate

    principles, are fully organized, with the help of Great God. They are drafted in accordance with

    the current age and modern epoch, with a broad worldview. Hence, they are accessible tothose

    interested in the true Islamic movement, so that they can receive them one after the other. Letus hope for the quickest openings in the near future and the gathering of seekers of His

    Almighty, on land and in the ocean and even on other globes.

    With the Grace of Almighty Generous

    Amen! O' Cherisher of the Worlds!

    1. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is a creature who accepts the existence of many invisible things within

    objects, with the help of mediating tools and instruments, or by observing their activities.

    Such invisible things, for example, are the electric currents in electric wires or batteries, or

    the sound and pictures in the air, noticeable via radio and television. However, some unwise

    people and those who deny the Truth do not accept the existence of the Soul in the body.

    2. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the being who accepts the storage of electricity in huge transformers and

    giant electric condensers, even though the electricity itself has no heaviness or lightness of

    any type which could be regarded as proof of its existence. There are still such deniers

    however who greatly deny the existence of the Soulin the body, even though the Souls

    existence and activities are settled in the body until the last instant of life. After its departure,

    the body, with all its former qualities such as youth, power, and beauty, becomes totally


    3. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is the vicegerent of Almighty God on the earth, according to the auspicious

    verse of -

    "I will create a vicegerent57 on Earth" etc.58

    However, blessed by his Soul, the discovering Intellect, and the Ego that may have

    reached the station of At-Peace, man's full dominance (statues of vicegerency59) will

    indeed prevail over all material and spiritual things.


    Vicegerent or Khalif: Having or exercising delegated power; acting by substitution, or in the place ofanother.Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc

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    4. Question: Who is man? What is the nobility of man's Soul over the other animates'


    Answer: This is an undeniable truth that the verse -"I breathed something from My Holiness, called the Soul, into man"etc.,60

    is clear evidence of the human spiritual superiority over animals in that Glorious God has

    ascribed man's Soul to Himself.

    Therefore, blessed by this Soul, and the nobility of Knowledge, man rules over all


    5. Question: Would you please clarify a bit more the superiority of man's Soul!

    Answer: Sure! Mans Soul at the beginning, in its natural state, can be equivalent to that of

    an angel's and of those residing in that station. After purification, however, it rises with the

    energy of the Ego' atom,61 which is not available for the noblest of angels. Therefore, the

    Messenger of God, Muhammad, peace be upon him, deigns the common faithful of mankind

    to be superior to those of the common of angels, and the noble faithful of mankind to be

    superior to the nobles of the angels.

    6. Question: Are there more stations of Soul?

    Answer: Truly the Soul is at the level of Jaann62at birth. Thus, the angel associates with the

    infant during its suckling period, when its body has not yet reached the proper physical

    stature of eye and ear, and the mental stature of alertness and intellect. Most of these

    associations can be observed in both the asleep and awake states of the child, when he

    reacts to them with laughter or cries in his cradle.

    From here on, however, due to some families' bad education or a corrupt society, Ego may

    elevate; then Jaannwill be transformed into Human-Soul.63 And if Ego keeps elevating, then

    58 Al-Baqarah, S.2., verse 3059

    The position, function, or authority of a vicegerent.60

    (Al-Hajir, S.15, verse 29)61

    Egos atom: The analogy is made with the rocket's ascension, where it needs a particular or at least adifferent fueling system than the regular airplanes travelling only within the earth's atmosphere. For therocket to go beyond the earth's atmosphere, something more powerful or radioactive or probablysomething similar to atomic energy is needed. Similarly Soul, after a certain degree of ascension, needsthe assistance of the at-Peace (Mutma'inna) Ego to head towards the Proximity of Glorious God,otherwise spiritually it always remains within the inferior world's atmosphere due to the impurities of theEnjoining-unto-Evil (Ammarah-bis-Soo) Ego and the Accusing (Lawwama) Ego.62

    The third and highest state of Soul63

    Human Soul (Rooh-e Insanee) The second and lower level of Soul

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    the Human-Soul will be transformed to Animal-Soul.64 Hence, in such a case, man is in

    the cloth of humanity; he is, however, worse than wolves or other savage beasts, with all

    kinds of deceitful morals, hundreds of times more cunning. Even when this person knows

    that he will certainly be departing from this world toward the Permanent World, still, for hisown comfort and pleasure, he makes efforts which cause distress to individuals or society.

    On the contrary, he does not pay enough attention to undertaking actions which are fully for

    the benefit of social welfare and for the purpose of Almighty God's Happiness, as

    recommended in the Islamic intact jurisprudence of the Holy Quran.

    7. Question: If man's nobility is due to his Soul, then why have animals, all of which

    have Soul, not had this nobility bestowed upon them?

    Answer: Man's nobility is not only due to his excellent Human-Soul, rather, it is due to his

    God-given exploring Intellect.

    We should, however, know so much that man's Soul is not of the same kind as that of

    animals, and it cannot remain in that form, unless he leans toward corruption in which case

    his Soul is called Animal-Soul or even worse; according to

    "But they are more misguided and miserable than beasts, and they are heedless of

    practicing upon the truths of the commands of the intact Quran of Islam."65

    Even though, in its complete form, the above verse is for identifying those signs, which

    describe the unaware believers of men and jinn,66 we mention this portion of it as proof of

    what we have said before, and that is it.

    8. Question: What is the difference between the Soul of mankind and the Soul of


    Answer: To think of human Soul as similar to that of animal's psyche is a complete mistake,

    and it comes from narrow-mindedness. For further clarification, it would be appropriate to

    pay attention to the following example in order to compare the real value of man's Soul to

    that of animal.

    As you know, all mineral substances that have metallic properties are called metal. None,

    however, is as valuable as white and yellow gold.


    Animal-Soul (Rooh-e Haywanee): The lowest level of Soul65

    (Al-A'raf, S.7, verse 179)66

    Creatures of the unseen world, invisible to us

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    9. Question: Would you please give another example explaining the difference

    between the Soul of mankind and animals!

    Answer: Likewise among the stones, other stones are not as precious, nor do they have

    such cherished qualities as turquoise, lapis, ruby, and garnet, even though apparently theyare also stones, or from the same class and category of stones.

    10. Question: Would you please give another example so that the value of the human

    being's Soul can be understood more clearly?

    Answer: Likewise, opium and its likeness are from the family of plants and grasses. Do

    other plants have the same qualities and values that they have? No, never!

    There is also a kind of plant observed along both the Mississippi and Amazon Rivers in

    North America which, as an animal touches it, sticks to the animal, and melts and digests

    the animal right away.

    11. Question: Is it possible to give us one more example please?

    Answer: For thousands of years67 there have been stars and planets, but they do not have

    the qualities and properties of the solar stars.68 Rather, the properties of other firmaments'

    suns are much better, in their essence, than other stars, whereas they are apparently all

    spherical, sometimes elliptical, or other forms.

    In the same way, the station of mankind's Soul and those of other animals is clear in the

    view of wise people.

    12. Question: What is the ultimate frontier of man's growth?

    Answer: Man is a being who, while bearing limited physical growth, has unlimited growth of

    egotistical69 and/or spiritual powers.70 The growth cycle for the egotistical and/or spiritual

    powers will continue even after death; in some cases it continues and strives towards

    perfection until the day of resurrection.

    13. Question: What kind of people are these majestic ones whose inner perfection

    continues after death as well?

    Answer: They are those majesties who have insured the peace of God's creatures through

    the spreading of Monotheism, the establishment of justice, and other good deeds in the light


    some new astronomers have estimated the age of the universe to be about twelve billion years, butthere are always newborn stars, therefore, thousands may cover them all68

    all those stars which have similar properties as the sun69

    powers associated with Ego

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    of Theism. Or, they might have bestowed Sound Children or Continuous Charities71 upon

    society; and they might have enlightened people, outwardly and inwardly, through excellent

    Islamic teachings.

    The founders and promoters of those Continuous Charities and Ongoing Reward


    aregranted their rewards to the extent that God may will, even after death, so long as their

    beneficial job lasts. It is given more especially to the doers and promoters of this kind of

    effort in the present age.

    14. Question: Is there any equal punishment for the founder of evil customs?

    Answer: Corrupt actions and unlawful traditions harm individuals or society, instantaneously

    or in the long run. These actions may be imitated by successive generations. This,

    according to the verses of the holy Quran, is the proof of the evil-mindedness of people who

    originated or founded them, and the Hadith states the following about it -

    Whosoever introduces a good practice in Islam, there is for him its reward and

    the reward of those who act upon it after him, without anything being diminished from

    their own rewards [until the day of judgement]. And whosoever introduces an evil

    practice in Islam, will shoulder its responsibility and the responsibility of all those

    who will act upon it after him, without anything being diminished from their own

    responsibilities [until the day of judgement].73

    Of course that person is responsible for the equivalent punishment of the number of his

    followers. So long as that evil custom lasts, the punishment of the founder keeps increasing

    and multiplying. The worst of the evil customs ever to be established are, respectively, the

    denial of Almighty God, polytheism, and the like.

    This is actually categorized more accurately by the Islamic jurists.


    Now, you are informed about the inherent substance of the Soul and a portion of its

    authorities. Next, it is necessary to know why human beings, in particular Muslims, have not

    appropriately used this super power, possessing all kinds of authorities along with the


    powers associated with Soul71

    a good deed, which continuously benefits people and other creatures72

    Thawab-e Jaree: an accomplished job which remains as time runs, thus its rewards run as well, suchas building a school, etc.73

    (Hadith Muslim)(This Hadith can be found in the chapter Innovator of Doing Desirable Deeds orReverse of the book RIAAD AS-SAALEHIN. Compiled by Imam Yahya bin Sharaf-ud-Din An-Nawawi.)

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    battery of faith which man has had from birth. Hence, it has caused all this backwardness.

    In answer to this question, you must pay attention to the two main factors of this


    First: Since Satan is the obvious enemy of mankind, he is always trying to drive mankind

    from the right path into the dungeon of deviation. He does this through any means and

    methods. This is according to the commitment he has made and the oath taken in the

    Presence of Almighty God.

    "Satan said:I swear by Thy Greatness and Glory O! Almighty God! That I will

    indeed make them all rebellious and violent."74

    Finally, Satan will either cause those actions and obediences of man, which could have

    taken him to God's Proximity to deteriorate, or he will deprave them in the form of discrete


    If Satan succeeds, he will try to bring man into total denial of Almighty God's Existence.

    As we see, this corrupt and malicious immorality is intensifying in our age through the

    cooperators of Satan in a variety of ways and through different tools.

    Second: On certain occasions, Soul has made the body impatient and aware of searching

    for the Gifts of the Permanent World. The Soul has roared in these occasions and has called

    up the person to search for Almighty God and the righteousness. Man is still not facing

    these wishes of the Soul. What is the reason?

    It is because, from the beginning, the person had not fortified his spiritual power. Ego,

    therefore, with the help of Satan, has used these opportunities to draw his attention, like that

    of a child, toward this perishing world, instead of making efforts to search for the pleasures

    of the Permanent World's favors. Finally, Ego and Satan try to deceive the person here and

    there by making use of whichever source, in any possible way.

    For this reason, capitalists and people of authority are somewhat uncomfortable,

    nostalgic, and more distressed. For gathering the worldly materials through unlawful ways is

    deluding man and the Muslim's spirituality.

    The fact was mentioned that man's Soul notifies him occasionally to search for the

    secrets of Proximity to His Presence and to seek the Favors of the Permanent World. This is


    Sad, S.38, verse 8275

    Shirk-e Khafee: A simple and brief definition would be covertly or subconsciously associating partnerswith God, in terms of intention, fear, hope, and reliance etc. For instance, in a good action, where the

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    due to Souls having seen that Place and those Favors at the beginning of the creation of

    Adam, peace be upon him.

    For this reason, man has distress in his inner76 to prompt him to search for that Place

    and those Favors, but Satan, using this situation, draws man's attention to the fulfillment ofthe person's proper requirements of Ego. Namely, Satan makes a kind of parallel inversion

    and draws man's attention to worldly favors and pleasures. For example, instead of reaching

    for the Houris77 and Palaces in the Everlasting Heavens, Satan will make man become

    obsessed with looking for women, building apartments, and possessing gardens in this

    world. But the difference is enormous. The person will still not find his heart's satisfaction

    from these worldly favors; that is, if he ever acquires them.

    Hereby, we will explain some of the spiritual characteristics of the Heavenly World,

    which have journeyed with man to this world. These qualities always create an inner

    discomfort for man to obtain them. Ego and Satan make a variety of uses out of these

    situations. They draw man's attention towards gathering worldly property and wealth through

    let alone legitimate as well as, often, illegitimate ways. By these means, Ego and Satan

    bring man under their control and domination. These kinds of people are namely human

    beings in appearance, but savage wolves in spirit.

    Some of the Signs of the Heavens in Mankind

    1. Question: Who is man?

    Answer: Man is a being who has a natural and inherent love of leadership, flying, and being

    on water. He like to ride animals, such as horses, camels, and so forth, and to ride in

    vehicles, such as motorcycles, cars, airplanes, and the like. He is fond of a vast array of

    foods, drinks, and clothes. He is fond of music and songs. He covets huge gardens and

    orchards and has a penchant for the best and highest possible apartments and castles. He

    wishes to be everywhere with his spouse. Also he has a tendency to seek out different

    natural landscapes so that he might enjoy them as well.These, along with other inherently developed perceptions which are carried by him, are all

    transferred in essence to him from his father ancestor Adam, peace be upon him.

    The reason behind all this is that all future offspring of Adam, peace be upon him, existed in

    a special reservoir within Adam's body while he was in Paradise. They, too, were benefiting

    intention is something other than His Almighty's happiness, such as fame, authority, and other personalgains.76


    Lady companions for the dwellers of Paradise

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    6. Question: Could you elucidate the previous question a bit more?

    Answer: Basically, the young and handsome generations of the Holies79 were busy serving

    Adam, peace be upon him, in Paradise. Pertaining to this nucleus, his children are also

    naturally interested in having this authority in receiving and giving service to the samespecies.

    7. Question: What other additional secrets and wisdom would be behind this?

    Answer: Some heedless and mean people of this world will have inferior positions in the

    Everlasting World, due to their nonsensical past deeds. Some of them will even beg to be

    among the servants and devotees of the noble people, because they would be saved from

    torture by the intercession of these noble people.

    8. Question: Why does man want to use various inner means, the effect of God's

    Names,80 the verses of the Holy Quran, and so forth, besides the physical tools and

    the power that he already has, in order for his commands and desires to be fulfilled

    and to miraculously acquire the things he wants?

    Answer: Because the commands of his ancestors Adam and Eve, peace be upon them,

    were carried out not just by the paradise Houris and Ghulman and other Cherubim, but also,

    by using some secrets of God's Names. At the moment that the Heart longed for something

    in Paradise, that thing was instantaneously within their grasp due to the blessings of reciting

    God's names.

    9. Question: Why does man want his commands to be executed as influentially and

    promptly as possible?

    Answer: Because the commands of his ancestor Adam, peace be upon him, were enforced

    and possible to be fulfilled immediately. Having inherited this attribute, man pays as much

    attention to the execution of his desires as to their fulfillment. Also relating to his nature

    according to -

    "man is created in haste, namely having qualities such as rashness and quickness"81

    man, by essen
