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Management Information System- Unit 1
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Management Information System-Unit 1

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Introduction to MIS

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ks3hezSIM !ea"th care in#ormation system 

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?

v=#$%&pwbvu'c In#ormation Systems

• “ The most precious resource in a

computer system is no longer itsprocessor, memory, disk or network, butrather human attention a research (roupat )arne(ie Me""on *niversity notes.

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!lobali"ation challenges andopportunities

• In +,- )o"umbus rea0rmed what astronomers were "on(sayin( 1 the wor"d was round and the seas cou"d be sa#e"ysai"ed. 2s it turned out the wor"d was popu"ated with peop"eand "an(ua(es "ivin( in iso"ation #rom one another with(reat disparities in economic and scientic deve"opment.

• In 445 6ourna"ist homas &riedman wrote an in8uentia"boo9 dec"arin( that wor"d was now 8at; by which hemeant that internet and ("oba" communications had (reat"yreduced the economic and cu"tura" advanta(es o# deve"opedcountries. &riedman ar(ued that the *S and <uropean

countries were in a (ht #or their economic "ives competin(#or 6obs mar9ets resources. his ("oba"ization presentsboth cha""en(es and opportunities #or business rms.

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• http://www.indiain#o"ine.com/Mar9ets/ews/State>an9>@#>India/5-5A4A++

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=+!BvuCn(vDEF SI In>touchdi(ita" centers

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I in !ea"th care

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2Sp'SAsto e"emedicine

•https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n<das"Gt<( wearab"e inte""i(ence

• http://wearab"einte""i(ence.com/industries/hea"thcare.htm"

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•  he te"emedicine service was started in the hospita" in theyear 44 to cater main"y to the rura" popu"ace in thecountry. he te"emedicine networ9 o# the hospita" connectsto countries "i9e Ma"aysia Mauritius and Ga9istan1 with mosto# the cases re#erred throu(h te"emedicine bein( cardiacones. <)H reports 2udio/isua" data ) scans >rays MBIsand their ana"ysis are eJchan(ed via the te"ephone "inebroadband connection or sate""ite.

•  he te"emedicine services provided by the hospita" are #reeand more than +444 cases have been re#erred usin( this


• arayana !ea"th is a"so a part o# he Karnata9a e"emedicine Gro6ect which was inau(urated on 2pri" D44 and "in9s two rura" hospita"s in Sara(ur Karnata9a

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• 2 management information system LMISprovides in#ormation that or(anizations reCuire tomana(e themse"ves e0cient"y and eNective"y.

• Mana(ement in#ormation systems are typica""y

computer systems used #or mana(in(.

•  he ve primary components:

• +. Hardware, 

• . Software, 

• 3. Data (information for decision making), 

• ,. Grocedures and

• 5. Geop"e Lindividua"s (roups or or(anizations

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MIS #$olution

• Kenneth ). Oaudon and $ane Oaudon identi#y ve eras o# MIS evo"ution

• + main#rame and minicomputer computin(

• persona" computers

• 3 c"ient/server networ9s

• , enterprise computin( and

• 5 c"oud computin(.

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Main#rame )omputers

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Main#rame )omputers

• Mainframe computers re#erred to as bi( iron arecomputers used primari"y by corporate and (overnmenta"or(anizations #or critica" app"ications bu"9 data processin(such as census industry and consumer statistics. Severa"manu#acturers produced main#rame computers #rom the"ate +-54s throu(h the +-74s.

•  he rst era was ru"ed by IM and their main#ramecomputers1 these computers wou"d o#ten ta9e up who"erooms and reCuire teams to run them > IM supp"ied thehardware and the so#tware. 2s techno"o(y advanced thesecomputers were ab"e to hand"e (reater capacities andthere#ore reduce their cost.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mG)v"r-PBIIMain#rame

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Second #ra

•  he second era %personal computer& be(an in +-A5as microprocessors started to compete with main#ramesand acce"erated the process o# decentra"izin( computin(power #rom "ar(e data centers to sma""er o0ces.

• In the "ate +-74s minicomputer techno"o(y (ave way topersona" computers and re"ative"y "ow cost computerswere becomin( mass mar9et commodities a""owin(businesses to provide their emp"oyees access tocomputin( power that ten years be#ore wou"d have cost

tens o# thousands o# do""ars.•  his pro"i#eration o# computers created a ready mar9et

#or interconnectin( networ9s and the popu"arization o#the Internet.

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Third #ra

• Third #ra , as techno"o(ica" comp"eJity increased andcosts decreased the need to share in#ormation withinan enterprise a"so (rewQ(ivin( rise to %client'ser$er&in which computers on a common networ9 access

shared in#ormation on a server. his "ets thousands andeven mi""ions o# peop"e access data simu"taneous"y.

• )"ient/server describes the re"ationship between twocomputer pro(rams in which one pro(ram the c"ientma9es a service reCuest #rom another pro(ram the

server which #u"""s the reCuest.• &or eJamp"e to chec9 your ban9 account #rom your

computer a c"ient pro(ram in your computer #orwardsyour reCuest to a server pro(ram at the ban9.

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• (lients are app"ications app"ications that run oncomputers.

• It re"ies on servers #or "es.

• <Jamp"e < mai" c"ient R an app"ication that enab"es you

to send and receive e>mai".• ) ser$er is a system Lso#tware and suitab"e computer

hardware that responds to reCuests across a computernetwor9 to provide or he"p to provide a networ9 service.

• Servers can be run on a dedicated computer which isa"so o#ten re#erred to as the server Servers arecomputer pro(rams runnin( to serve the reCuests o#other pro(rams the c"ients.

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•  he fourth era %enterprise& enab"ed by hi(hspeed networ9s tied a"" aspects o# the businessenterprise to(ether oNerin( rich in#ormation accessencompassin( the comp"ete mana(ement

structure.• . <nterprise computin( encompasses a"" the

various types o# enterprise so#tware inc"udin(database mana(ement re"ationship mana(ement

and so on. <nterprise computin( is usua""y seenas a co""ection o# bi( business so#tware so"utionsto common prob"ems such as resourcemana(ement and stream"inin( processes.

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•  he fth era %cloud computing& is the "atest .

• (loud computing is a phrase used to describe a variety o#computing concepts that invo"ve a "ar(e number o#computers connected throu(h a rea">time communication

networ9 such as the Internet.•  In science c"oud computin( is a synonym #or distributed

computin( over a networ9 and means the abi"ity to run apro(ram or app"ication on many connected computers atthe same time.

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I+ teams strike gold with InformationTechnology

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• )ric9et is a #ast paced and hi(h ener(y sport but it is a"so abi( business. Gro#essiona" teams that be"on( to IndianGremier Oea(ue pay each o# their p"ayers the estimatedva"ue that cou"d ran(e #rom 4 "acs to crores and so on..

• &or that amount o# money member teams eJpect a (reatdea" and are constant"y on the watch #or ways o# improvin(their per#ormance.

• <very nuance a coach can pic9 about a wea9ness in anopponentTs oNense or the shots o# one o# his own p"ayers wi""trans"ate into more runs on the scoreboard more wins and

u"timate"y more money #or the team.

•  raditiona" (ames statistics #ai"ed to capture a"" detai"s as aresu"t decision about chan(e in tactics/ strate(y rested on(ut #ee"in(

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•  he so#tware avai"ab"e with the Indian )ric9et was very(eneric and did not produce any ana"ytica" in#ormation.

• 2 company ca""ed Sports mechanics has #ound a way toco""ect and or(anize ne (rained statistica" data and

re"ate the data to associated video c"ips.• &or eJamp"e i# Ko"9atta Kni(ht riders 6ust "ost to

Ba6asthan Boya"s and (ave up too many runs Kni(htriders coach can use Sports Mechanics service to seevideo c"ips o# every Ba6asthan Boya"s battin(

per#ormance in the (ame.

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y<pdo2Ui!VPSports Science

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• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=#$%&pwbvu'c In#ormation Systems

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unctions of MIS

• .ata (apturing- is the process o# (atherin( data #romvarious sources.

• .ata Storage- is the process o# storin( the (athereddata in a database or a data "e.

• .ata +rocessing>is the tas9 o# (atherin( storin(transmittin( and processin( data into meanin(#u"in#ormation.

• .ata and Information .istribution- is the process o#de"iverin( time"y data and in#ormation to the ri(ht

person within the or(anization.• +rediction- with the he"p o# modern arithmetic

statistics. MIS can predict business trends usin(historica" data as a base.

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• +lanning R Beports are (enerated based inenterpriseTs need #or p"annin( to enab"e each#unctiona" department to wor9 e0cient"y.

• (ontrol-  MIS he"ps in monitorin( and trac9in(

operations a(ainst or(anizationa" p"ans. hedeviation between operation and p"an in terms o#the data pertainin( to diNerent #unctiona"departments is ana"yzed #or eJercisin( contro".

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The Systems )pproach

• System approach stresses on a systematic process o#prob"em so"vin(. Grob"ems and opportunities are viewed in asystems conteJt. he #o""owin( becomes an or(anizedsystem o# inter>re"ated activities such as:

• 1/ .e0ne a problem'opportunity in a systemscontet/

• 2/!ather data describing the problem or opportunity/

• 3/Identify alternati$e solutions/

• 4/#$aluate each alternati$e solutions/

• 5/Select the best solution• 6/Implement the selected solution

• 7/ #$aluate the success of the selected solution/

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• #lectronic data interchange L#.I is an e"ectroniccommunication system that provides standards #oreJchan(in( data via any e"ectronic means. y adherin( tothe same standard two diNerent companies even in twodiNerent countries can e"ectronica""y eJchan(e documents

Lsuch as purchase orders invoices shippin( notices andmany others. <'I has eJisted #or more than 34 years.

• #-commerce- re#ers to the use o# internet and the web totransact business dea"s. It invo"ves transactions betweentwo or(anizations or individua"s over the internet. <

commerce not on"y invo"ves the buyin( and se""in( o# (oodsand services but a"so the entire on"ine process o#deve"opin( mar9etin( se""in( de"iverin( servicin( andpayin( on"ine.

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•  he e> commerce that was restricted to 6obs andtic9etin( ti"" 447 has eJp"oded since then. Startin(#rom appare"s #ashion accessories shoes e"ectronicspharmaceutica"s insurance.

•  oday India ran9s third in the wor"d behind on"y )hinaand *S2 in the number o# users. Vith mobi"epenetration increasin( drop in prices o# smart phonesand tab"ets.

• +ayment options-increase in payment options has

been another bi( enab"er. esides debit and credit cardpayments "i9e e"ectronic trans#ers mu"tip"e on"inepayment (ateways mobi"e wa""ets cash on de"iveryhave become a rea"ity now.

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• 8nline )nalytical +rocessing- is an approach toswi#t"y answer mu"ti dimensiona" ana"ytica" Cueries.2na"ytica" processin( re#ers to the activities invo"ved insearchin( the wea"th o# data residin( throu(hout and

enterprise #or trends opportunities and prob"em areas. ypica" app"ications o# @O2G inc"ude business reportin(#or sa"es mar9etin( mana(ement reportin( bud(etin(and #orecastin( nancia" reportin( etc.

• @O2G invo"ves severa" operations inc"udin( data

consolidation, drill down, and slicing and dicing/• (onsolidation- &or eJamp"e we can conso"idate sa"es

data #or various sa"es o0ces re(ions zones andcountries.

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• .ata 9arehousing- "ar(e or(anizations are p"a(ued withthe prob"em o# ever increasin( amounts o# data that isindispensab"e.

• 'ata Varehousin( re#ers to a sin("e centra"ized and uniedrepository o# data that wor9s across the enterprise . Suchdata is co""ected throu(hout the "i#e o# or(anization and isscattered and stored in "ar(e but incompatib"e datarepositories.

• 2ccordin( to Oaudon a data warehouse is a database thatstores current and historica" data that is o# potentia" interestto decision ma9ers throu(h out the company.

•  he data ori(inates in core operationa" transaction systemssuch as sa"es accounts manu#acturin( and payro"" and mayinc"ude data #rom web transactions.

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.ata Mining- 9hich one is .ata Miningor which one is not :

; Mining ; Mining

)ertain names "i9e Mattoo 'harGandit hatt Kau" Sapru aremore preva"ent in KashmirL tryin( to estab"ish a re"ationship

between p"ace and names

<Jtractin( a phone number whichis o# use to you #rom a phonedirectory

Puery a web search en(ine #orin#ormation about In#osys;

Data Mining applications – remote sensors on a satellite, telescope scanning

the skies

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• Gsycho"o(y says the "on(er someone i(nores an emai"be#ore na""y respondin( the more re"ative socia"power that person has.

• Map these response times across an entire

or(anization and you (et a remar9ab"y accurate charto# the socia" standin(.

•  he boss "eaves emai"s unanswered #or hours or days1those "ower down respond within minutes.

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• (<M- (ustomer <elationship Management Systems- areprocesses and techno"o(ies that are used #or mana(in(re"ationships with customers across business #unctions.

• (<M systems he"p capture and inte(rate customer data #roma"" over the or(anization conso"idate and ana"yze the dataand then disseminate the resu"ts to various systems and

contact points in the customer va"ue chain. 2ccordin( toOaudon Ve"" desi(ned )BM systems provide a sin("eenterprise view o# customers that is use#u" #or improvin( bothsa"es and customer service.;

• (<M systems invo"ve the use o# I to create cross #unctiona"enterprise systems to automate and inte(rate customercentric business processes such as contact and accountsmana(ement sa"es #orce automation mar9etin( customer"oya"ty pro(rammes post sa"e services.

• https=''www/youtube/com'watch:$>?Mt$6sbmdc (<M

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