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    486 American Family Physician www.aap.org/ap Volume 87, Number 7 April 1, 2013

    Management o Chronic Tendon InjuriesMARC A. CHILDRESS, MD, Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, Fort Belvoir, Virginia

    ANTHONY BEUTLER, MD, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland

    Chronic tendon injuries are com-

    monly presented to the primary

    care physician,1,2 and have a sig-

    nicant impact on the ability

    o patients to work, exercise, and perorm

    routine daily activities. Because most o

    these conditions are attributable to overuse,

    patients may improve with rest, appropri-

    ate protection, and activity modication.

    However, patients with chronic symptoms

    (lasting longer than six weeks) oten require

    urther care or a return to ull, pain-ree

    unction. Although general approaches may

    be helpul, the location and precise anatomic

    diagnosis determine specic management o

    chronic tendon injuries.


    Bleeding and subsequent infammation playan integral role in the acute response to many

    sot tissue injuries, but not in chronic tendoninjuries. Overuse or chronic tendon injuriesclassically occur in tissues with poor bloodsupply and eature collagen separation andcollagen degeneration rather than the typi-cal cellular and protein responses related tothe classical infammatory cascade.3 Neovas-cularity is seen consistently in symptomaticportions o the tendon structure.4 Chronicpain in the tendon and surrounding tissueappears to be mediated by glutamate andother non-prostaglandin pathways.5,6 These

    tissue changes and pain generation pathways

    are not well described by traditional clinicalterms such as tendonitis and epicondyli-tis. More importantly, these terms may pro-mulgate a undamental misunderstandingo the pathology underlying chronic tendoninjury. These conditions are more accuratelyreerred to as tendinosis or tendinopathy.

    General Principles for Steroid

    and NSAID Use

    Despite widespread use, there is little evi-

    dence to support the use o nonsteroidal

    anti-infammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to treat

    chronic tendon injuries.7 Many patients are

    unaware o the risks o long-term NSAID

    use, including gastrointestinal toxicity, renal

    damage, and increased cardiovascular risk.8

    The long durations o chronic tendon inju-

    ries may result in higher rates o adverse

    eects rom NSAIDs.9

    For noninfammatory degenerative tendoninjuries such as rotator cu tendinopathy10andwrist extensor tendinopathy at the elbow (lat-eral epicondylitis),11 corticosteroid injectionsmay provide short-term pain relie. However,the evidence is inconsistent or longer-termrelie and ultimate restoration o pain-reeunction resulting rom steroid injections.12Additionally, case reports suggest that steroidinjections may predispose tendons to ruptur-ing, particularly the tendons o the hands andin weight-bearing joints such as the patellar

    tendon and the Achilles tendon.13 Thereore,

    Chronic tendon injuries present unique management challenges. The assumption that these injuries result rom

    ongoing inammation has caused physicians to rely on treatments demonstrated to be ineective in the long term.

    Nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drugs should be limited in the treatment o these injuries. Corticosteroid injections

    should be considered or temporizing pain relie only or rotator cu tendinopathy. For chronic Achilles tendinopa-

    thy (symptoms lasting longer than six weeks), an intense eccentric strengthening program o the gastrocnemius/

    soleus complex improved pain and unction between 60 and 90 percent in randomized trials. Evidence also supports

    eccentric exercise as a frst-line option or chronic patellar tendon injuries. Other modalities such as prolotherapy,

    topical nitroglycerin, iontophoresis, phonophoresis, therapeutic ultrasound, extracorporeal shock wave therapy, and

    low-level laser therapy have less evidence o eectiveness but are reasonable second-line alternatives to surgery or

    patients who have persistent pain despite appropriate rehabilitative exercise. (Am Fam Physician. 2013;87(7):486-490.Copyright 2013 American Academy o Family Physicians.)

    Downloaded from the American Family Physician website at www.aafp.org/afp. Copyright 2013 American Academy of Family Physicians. For the private, non-

    commercial use of one individual user of the website. All other rights reserved. Contact [email protected] for copyright questions and/or permission requests.

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    Chronic Tendon Injuries

    April 1, 2013 Volume 87, Number 7 www.aap.org/ap American Family Physician 487

    in cases o noninfammatory chronic tendinopathy, ste-

    roids should be used sparingly and primarily to provide

    short-term windows o pain relie to allow patients to

    engage in curative rehabilitative therapy.

    Achilles Tendinopathy

    Achilles tendinopathy classically presents with pain dur-

    ing and ater prolonged walking or running, typically

    in the area directly between the myotendinous junction

    and the insertion on the calcaneus. To distinguish this

    more common presentation rom insertional Achilles

    injury, these injuries are reerred to as midsubstance

    Achilles tendinopathies (Figure 1).

    Midsubstance Achilles tendinopathy exemplies the

    shit away rom traditional treatment such as NSAIDs,

    ice, and stretching. For chronic midsubstance Achillestendinopathy (symptoms lasting longer than six weeks)

    the preerred rst-line treatment is an intense eccentric

    strengthening program o the gastrocnemius/soleus

    complex.14 Good-quality randomized controlled trials

    indicate that eccentric strengthening programs provide

    60 to 90 percent improvement in pain and unction.15

    The basic protocol or eccentric rehabilitation o the

    Achilles tendon is detailed in Table 116 and is demon-

    strated in Figure 2.

    Therapeutic modalities such as ultrasound, electrical

    stimulation, iontophoresis, and massage and stretching

    are inconsistent in helping patients achieve long-term

    return to unction.17 Surgical techniques exist or severe

    or recalcitrant cases,18 but are inconsistently successul

    and carry additional risk.

    Insertional Achilles tendon injuries are distinct rom

    and less common than midsubstance tendinopathies.

    Typically, insertional Achilles tendon pain is more di-

    cult to treat. Eccentric rehabilitation may be helpul,

    but this type o therapy does not show the same degree o

    utility as in midsubstance injuries, with rates o improve-

    ment closer to 30 percent or insertional injuries.19 Shock-

    wave therapy is another option or insertional Achilles


    Clinical recommendation


    rating References

    Eccentric exercise should be

    the rst-line treatment or

    chronic midsubstance Achilles


    A 14, 15, 19

    Corticosteroid injections, bracing,

    and nonsteroidal anti-infammatory

    drugs are not eective in providing

    long-term relie or chronic

    degenerative tendon injuries.

    B 25, 31

    Rehabilitative exercise is an eective

    therapy or chronic tendon


    B 14, 15, 19

    A = consistent, good-qual ity patient-oriented ev idence; B = incon-

    sistent or limited-quality pat ient-oriented ev idence; C = consensus,

    disease-oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case

    series. For information about the SORT evidence rating system, go

    to http://www.aafp.org/afpsort.xml.

    Table 1. Eccentric Exercise Protocol for Rehabilitation of the Achilles Tendon

    Frequency Progression Duration

    Three sets o 15 exercises, twice

    daily (total o 90 repetitions)

    Use same weight or rst 1 to 2 weeks to

    achieve relative comort with recommended

    daily requency, then add weight (e.g., loaded

    backpacks, weighted vests) as comort allows

    Typical regimens last 12 weeks

    Goal is a return to pain-ree unction with

    provocative activities, such as running

    Information from reference 16.

    Figure 1. Location o pain in midsubstance Achilles ten-dinopathy (red) and insertional Achilles tendinopathy


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    Chronic Tendon Injuries

    488 American Family Physician www.aap.org/ap Volume 87, Number 7 April 1, 2013

    tendon injuries, but urther studies are needed to estab-

    lish benet.20 Because cure rates are similar and eccentric

    exercise is much less expensive than shock wave therapy,

    the preerred initial therapy or chronic insertional

    Achilles tendon pain is eccentric strengthening ollowing

    our to six weeks o immobilization in a walk ing boot.

    Patellar Tendinopathy

    Patellar tendinopathy, or jumpers knee, can persist oryears without a reliable response to conservative thera-pies.21 Evidence supports the use o eccentric exercise as a

    rst-line option or chronic patellar tendon injuries. Sev-eral specic protocols have been published or these exer-cises; most show positive eects in long-term studies.22Figure 3 demonstrates a typical eccentric exercise regi-men. Exercise protocols vary but are generally similar tothose or Achilles tendinopathy(Table 116).

    Surgery has been the traditional option or recalcitrant

    cases. However, a recent study showed that eccentric

    exercise resulted in greater improvement than surgery.23

    Sclerosing agents such as polidocanol have been used to

    diminish the pain based on the presence o neovascu-

    larity in injured tissue. Although injections

    o sclerosing agents may diminish pain, the

    pain relie is no greater than that achieved

    with arthroscopic techniques.24

    Lateral Epicondylitis

    Lateral epicondylitis, or tennis elbow, is

    characterized by pain in the lateral elbow

    which is exacerbated by attempts to extendand supinate the wrist and hand against

    resistance. The injury involves the origin o

    the common extensor tendon on the lateral

    epicondyle o the humerus. The multiplic-

    ity o possible treatments is indicative o the

    oten contradictory and constantly changing

    evidence regarding the treatments relative


    Physical therapy that emphasizes stretch-

    ing and strengthening consistently demon-

    strates superior symptom relie over rest,

    NSAID use, steroid injections, or bracing

    Figure 2. Eccentric exercises or midsubstance Achilles tendinopathy. (A) Patients begin with a straight leg and theankle in fexion. (B) The ankle o the injured leg is then lowered to ull dorsifexion and returned to its original positionwith the assistance o the uninjured leg. (C) The exercise is repeated with the knee bent to approximately 45 degrees.

    A B C

    Figure 3. Eccentric exercises or the patellar tendon. (A) Patients areinstructed to begin in an extended position and (B) to slowly bend the

    knees to approximately 45 degrees, then return to an extended position.

    A B

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    Chronic Tendon Injuries

    April 1, 2013 Volume 87, Number 7 www.aap.org/ap American Family Physician 489

    alone at six weeks to one year ater treatment initiation. 25

    Given its simplicity, proven eectiveness, and minimal

    potential to cause harm, physical therapy emphasizing

    wrist extensor strengthening and stretching is the cor-nerstone o lateral epicondylitis treatment. However, it is

    unclear i physical therapy or any other lateral epicondy-

    litis treatment provides superior outcomes to simple rest

    and activity modication ater one year.26,27

    Local steroid injections provide short-term pain relie

    or chronic lateral epicondylitis; however, the improve-

    ments seen with steroid injections do not last. Moreover,

    a recent large randomized trial showed poorer long-term

    cure rates with steroid injections than with physical ther-

    apy or rest.27 In the absence o steroid injections, patients

    appear to have similar long-term improvement in pain

    regardless o treatment.Numerous studies have suggested that autologous blood

    and platelet-rich plasma injections can be helpul.28,29

    Additionally, a single study showed improved outcomes

    with the application o a nitroglycerin patch in patients

    with persistent lateral epicondyle pain who were undergo-

    ing continued physical therapy.30 Further study is needed

    to better identiy a role or these treatments. Counterorce

    bracing near the elbow and extension block splinting at

    the wrist may provide short-term improvements in pain

    and unction, but have limited evidence or long-term

    relie.31 Surgery is an option or recalcitrant cases, despite

    a lack o controlled evidence o its eectiveness.32

    Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy

    Rotator cu tendinopathy is characterized by pain withliting, pain with overhead motions, and discomort atnight. Most cases are not the result o trauma, but canoten be traced to provocative activities such as throw-ing, liting, and repeated overhead motions. Patientswith signicant trauma or the onset o unctional weak-ness with mechanical loss o motion warrant urtherevaluation or ull thickness rotator cu tear or adhesive

    capsulitis. Physical therapy that ocuses on achieving aull range o motion, strengthening the rotator cu, andstabilizing the scapula is the mainstay o treatment.33

    Steroid injections are commonly used to treat rotator

    cu tendinopathy, but controlled studies have demon-

    strated modest benet, particularly in the long term.34

    Steroid injections should be reserved or patients who have

    discomort that would limit them rom engaging in reha-

    bilitative exercises. Injections into the gluteal muscle versus

    guided injections into the subacromial bursa have dem-

    onstrated similar levels o pain relie.35 Surgical options

    are available or patients with persistent symptoms, or or

    patients in whom unction cannot be maintained.

    Additional Therapies

    Local injections o dextrose, autologous blood, and

    platelet-rich plasma represent orms o prolotherapy,

    in which irritants or proinfammatory substances areinjected into degenerative or damaged tissue in an attempt

    to induce a urther healing response. The evidence or

    these methods var-

    ies broadly based

    on the target tissues

    and the substances

    being injected into

    the body.36 Other

    modalities include

    topical nitroglycerin, iontophoresis, phonophoresis,

    therapeutic ultrasound, extracorporeal shock wave

    therapy, and low-level laser therapy. Current data on theeectiveness o these modalities are mixed, and gener-

    ally consist o small or poorly controlled studies.17,37-39

    Ater conrming the diagnosis o chronic tendon pain,

    these interventions may be considered as less invasive

    and less costly alternatives to surgery or patients who

    have persistent pain despite appropriate rehabilitative

    exercise. However, the evidence does not currently sup-

    port the use o these modalities as rst-line treatments

    or any type o chronic tendinopathy.

    Data Sources: A PubMed search was completed in Clinical Queries

    using the key terms chronic tendon, tendinosis, tendinopathy, tendini-tis, tendon and NSAID, tendon and steroid, Achilles tendinitis, patellartendinitis, lateral epicondylitis, and rotator cu. The search includedmeta-analyses, randomized controlled trials, clinical trials, and reviews.We also searched Essential Evidence Plus, the Agency or HealthcareResearch and Quality evidence repor ts, Bandolier, Clinical Evidence, theCochrane Database o Systematic Reviews, the Database o Abstract s oReviews o Eects, the Institute or Clinical Systems Improvement, theNational Guideline Clearinghouse database, and UpToDate. Search date:May 1, 2011.

    The views expressed are those o the authors and do not reect the of-cial policy o the U.S. Depar tment o the Army, the U.S. Department oDeense, or the U.S. Government.

    The Authors

    MARC A. CHILDRESS, MD, is the assistant ellowship director o the Pri-mary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship at the Uniormed Services Univer-sity o the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md., and a aculty physician at FortBelvoir (Va.) Community Hospital.

    ANTHONY BEUTLER, MD, is the ellowship director o the Primary CareSports Medicine Fellowship at the Uniormed Services University o theHealth Sciences, and an associate proessor o amily medicine at the Uni-ormed Services University o the Health Sciences.

    Address correspondence to Marc A. Childress , MD, Fort Belvoir Com-munity Hospital, 9501 Farrell Rd., Fort Belvoir, VA 22060. Reprints arenot available from the authors.

    Author disclosure: No relevant fnancial afliations.

    Insertional Achilles tendon

    injuries are distinct from

    and less common than mid-

    substance tendinopathies.

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    Chronic Tendon Injuries

    490 American Family Physician www.aap.org/ap Volume 87, Number 7 April 1, 2013


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