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Management of Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding- Light BG

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  • 7/24/2019 Management of Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding- Light BG


    Management of LowerGastrointestinal Bleeding

    Dr. Wasf M Salaita

    Colorectal Surgeon - KHMC

  • 7/24/2019 Management of Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding- Light BG


    EpidemiologyIs defned as bleeding distal to the ligament o !reit".

    It can range in se#erity rom tri#ial to massi#e.

    Se#ere $%I& 'as defned by one or more o the

    ollo'ing clinical characteristic(!ransusion o greater than or e)ual to * units o blood.

    Decrease o hematocrit by greater than or e)ual to*+,. In the frst * hours.

    ecurrent rectal bleeding ater * h o stabilityassociated 'ith urther decrease in hematocrit ogreater than or e)ual to *+,/ more transusions/ and

    readmission 'ithin one 'ee0 o discharge.

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    $%I& accounts or appro1imately *+, o all ma2or%I bleeds.

    More commonly bleeding is rom a colonic rather

    than a small bo'el source.

    3nnual incidence *4 cases per 4++/+++.

    Increasing age is considered re)uently as a ris0actor or $%I& and the mean age greater than 5+.

    6o statistical di7erence bet'een males andemales 'ith $%I&.

    ace has not been noted to be a predisposingactor or $%I&.

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  • 7/24/2019 Management of Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding- Light BG


    Etiology- lo'er %I

    bleedingAnorectal causes(Include hemorrhoids-anal ssureand rectal ulcer.

    &leeding rom hemorrhoids and fssure is uncommonly

    associated 'ith hemodynamic instability or large #olume oblood loss.

    While rectal ulcer can cause se#ere hemorrhage andhemodynamic instability

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    Diverticular disease(Contributes *+-5+, o the cases o $%I&.

    In =:, o patients bleeding 'ill stopspontaneously.

    ebleeding rate ater frst episode *:, andincrease to :+, ater t'o episodes.

    :, 'ill ha#e se#ere hemorrhage.

    di#erticular bleeding is distributed e)uallybet'een the right and let sides o the colon.

    >bser#ation alone is generally recommendedollo'ing the frst episode o di#erticularhemorrhage. Ho'e#er/ ollo'ing a secondepisode/ the ris0 o subse)uent episodesappears to appro1imate :+,/ and thus electi#eresection has been recommended.

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    Angiodysplasia(!he incidence in most recent studies is only ?,

    compared to 4:-*=, pre#iously as cause o$%I&

    3re dilated/ tortuous #essels in the mucosa andsubmucosa.

    !he pathophysiology unclear/ but is elt to bedue to intermittent obstruction o thesubmucosal #eins.

    May be sporadic/ usually de#eloping in theelderly.

    May be ound in association 'ith a number odisorders including renal ailure/ cirrhosis/ theCES! syndrome/ radiation in2ury/ #onWillebrand@s disease/ and aortic stenosis.

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    May occur any'here in the %I tract/ but aremore commonly ound in the colonAmostcommon in the cecum and ascending colonB /ollo'ed by the small intestine and the stomach.

    !hese lesions usually lead to occult blood loss/but can also cause o#ert %I bleeding.

    sually apparent at endoscopy/ at 'hich timetherapy 'ith laser or thermal probes may beapplied.

    &leeding that is reractory to endoscopic ormedical therapy is an indication or surgical


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    olorectal neoplasm3lthough colorectal cancer is most commonly

    associated 'ith occult blood loss rather thano#ert bleeding/ patients 'ith rectosigmoidlesions may present 'ith hematoche"ia.

    C-cancers are source o $%I& in 9-4?, opatients.

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    Ischemic colitis>ccurs in 9-48, o patients.

    esults rom a sudden and oten temporaryreduction in mesenteric blood ;o'/ typicallycaused by hypoperusion/ #asospasm/ orocclusion.

    !he usual areas a7ected are the 'atershed

    areas o the colon( the splenic ;e1ure and therectosigmoid 2unction.

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    !ther colonic etiologies"In#ammatory $owel disease"3cute hemorrhage occurs +.9-5, in CD and 4.-, in

    C.&leeding occurred in both young and old patients and

    not related to disease duration.Malignant lesion must be considered in patient 'ith

    long standing history o I&D and $%I&.

    Infectious colitis or enteritis(

    %adiation colitis&proctitis.'rauma, hematologic disorders and


    *ost polypectomy +occurs in +.?, to 5.4,o polypectomies.

    Bleeding from %-anastomosis +o.:-4.8,B.

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    )mall $owel sources account for -/0 ofall cases of LGIB"3ngiodysplasiaismost common cause o

    small bo'el hemorrhageA=+-8+,.

    small bo'el di#erticula/Mec0el@s di#erticula/

    neoplasia/ Crohn@s disease/

    aorto-enteric fstulas.

  • 7/24/2019 Management of Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding- Light BG


    Clinical presentation$%I& has many presentations re;ecting the di#erse

    pathology ound in the upper and lo'er %I!.

    !he #ariety o presentations creates a diagnostic and

    management )uandary.We can classiy the patients 'ith $%I& into three groups

    depending on the #olume o hemorrhage(Minor and sel limited.

    Ma2or and sel limited.

    Ma2or and ongoing.

    So the clinical presentation ranges rom maniestationso iron defciency anemia to maniestation ohemorrhagic shoc0.

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    M363%EME6! >F $%I &$EEDI6%Initial assessment, resuscitation and triage(Intra#enous access 'ith at least t'o large-bore lines.

    6asogastric tube placement (

    pper %I bleeding sources are seen in 44, opatients 'ho present 'ith a $%I&.

    !he 6% tube can be let and used or the bo'elpreparation i an urgent colonoscopy is needed.

    Determination o hematocrit and coagulation studies/and type and cross or blood products.

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    3dmission to the hospital is re)uired or

    most patients presenting 'ith $%Ibleeding:

    1-!hose 'ho present 'ith ran0 hypotension or 'hoha#e e#idence or ongoing bleeding re)uire

    monitoring in an intensi#e care unit and urgente#aluation

    2-!hose 'ho present 'ith mild or no orthostasis/ ha#eno e#idence or continued bleeding/ but ha#e had a

    signifcant drop in hematocrit are generally

    hospitali"ed on a surgical ;oor.3-young patients 'ith sel-limited %I bleeding 'ho

    present 'ithout orthostasis or hemodynamicinstability and 'ho ha#e no signifcant comorbid

    conditions may be managed as outpatients.

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    1istory and physical(

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    olonoscopy"&oth diagnostic and therapeutic.

    !he li0elihood o identiying the source o bleeding

    'ith colonoscopy ranges rom :-9:,.!he timing o colonoscopy is debatable.

    rgent colonoscopy is perormed 'ithin * hoursAater bo'el preparation and patient

    hemodynamically stableB.Endoscopic inter#entions 'ere perormed in 4+-4:,

    o patients 'ho under'ent an urgent colonoscopy.

    >#erall complication rate o colonoscopy in $%I& is4.?,.

    I the source o bleeding identiy and not treatedendoscopically/ the area should be mar0ed by Aclip ortattooB .i patient rebleed again and re)uire surgery.

  • 7/24/2019 Management of Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding- Light BG


    Angiography"&oth diagnostic and therapeutic.

    Sensiti#ity A+-85,B and specifcity in 4++,.

    'o $e positive the $leeding rate mustoccur at 3./ ml&min or faster.

    )uccess rate from 43-530.

    %e$leeding rate 3-0 and signicantischemia of less than 60.

    )uper selective em$oli7ation is thepreferred treatment for positiveangiograms +em$oli7ation occurs at thelevel of vasa recta or marginal artery.

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    Materials used for emoli7ation include"Microcoils.*ermanent materials.

    Multiple si7es.8asily visi$le during #uoroscopy.

    *olyvinyl alcohol particles.*ermanent.

    *oorly visuali7ed.Gelfoam.(ot permanent agent with vessel recanuli7ation

    in days to wee9s and it is not routinely used.

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    If superselective em$oli7ation is una$leto $e performed"Locali7e the site of $leeding $y in:ection

    methylene $lue into artery providing atemporary mar9er for the surgeon.

    Intra-arterial vasopressin infusion.

    Infusion rate of vasopressin 3.;

  • 7/24/2019 Management of Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding- Light BG


    )uperselective em$oli7ation for sources otherthan diverticuli has higher failure rates.


    *atients with ma:or, ongoing hemorrhage.*atients who re$leed.

    *atients who have negative upper and lowerendoscopy with continued evidence of $leeding.

  • 7/24/2019 Management of Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding- Light BG


    %adionuclide scintigrahy"+ radioactive la$eling ofred $lood cellIn comparison to colonoscopy and angiography"

    It does not have any therapeutic capa$ilities. It is not invasive.Does not re@uire a $owel preparation. It does not re@uire specialist to perform.

    Bleeding rate as low as 3.> ml&min can $e

    detected.It is positive in >4-5>0.

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    'he role of %adionuclide scintigrahy in themanagement of LGIB poorly denedIf scan is negative, re$leeding rates are not

    negligi$le +reach up to ;/0.olonoscopy performed after a negative scan

    found potential $leeding etiologies in?50 of

    patients.More important than the recurrent $leeding is

    the ina$ility of scintigraphy to ade@uatelylocali7e the source of $leeding so surgicalresection $ased on radionuclide scintigraphy is

    not recommended.

    !ne advantage of scan is that re$leedingwithin ;=h can $e restudied promptly without

    second la$eling procedure.

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    Multidetector %ow omputed tomography"

    Increase role in the diagnostic wor9upof LGIB.

    Blood #ow can $e detected at 3.ml&min.

    *ositive when vascular contrast materialis e2travasated into the $owel lumen.

    Advantages"It is easy to perform and readily availa$le in

    emergency rooms with '-scanners.Accurate locali7ation of $leeding site which

    allows for directed angiogram and lesscontrast use

    Identication of other pathologies.

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    'he ma:ority of patients with LGIB willstop spontaneously and never re@uiresurgery

    appro2imately >3-;/0 of patients will

    re@uire operative intervention Indications"1emodynamically unsta$le patient +who have

    massive ongoing $leeding and unresponsive toinitial resuscitation.

    *atients who have had the source of $leedinglocali7ed $ut no therapeutic measuresperformed or they failed.

    *atients who re@uired at least si2 units of

    pac9ed red cells within ;=h.

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    'he aim of the preoperative diagnostic wor9up is to locali7e the source of $leeding.If a colonic source is locali7ed then segmental

    rather than su$total colectomy can $eperformed.

    Mortality rates associated with segmental andsu$total colectomy for lower GI $leeding are=->=0 and 3-=30, respectively.

    'he need for emergent surgery withoutlocali7ed source of $leeding is uncommonoccurring in =.?0 of patients with LGIB.

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  • 7/24/2019 Management of Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding- Light BG


    >bscure %astrointestinal &leedingDened as recurrent acute or chronic GI

    $leeding for which no source has $eenfound despite evaluation with 8GD and

    colonoscopy with or without routinesmall $owel follow-through.

    It accounts >.>5-50 of LGIB.

    'he most fre@uent causes are ")mall $owel tumors.


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    'he diagnosis needs more procedures thanpatients with upper GI and colonic $leeding

    include"apsule endoscopy. Indications"!$scure GI $leeding.

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    Dou$le $alloon enteroscopy.Indications"*ositive capsule endoscopy.1igh suspicious of small $owel source.

    an $e performed oral or rectal.'he diagnostic yield is /?0.

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    !han0 you
