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Management Organization, DMK

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Descriptionn of the company`s management, history, SWOT, goal setting and implementation of DMK (Deutsches Milchkontor)
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Management Organization April 7, 2012 Page 1 of 23 Management Organization Deutsches Milchkontor 4/7/2012 Student Marco Engler
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Management Organization April 7, 2012

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Management Organization

Deutsches Milchkontor



Marco Engler

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Executive Summary

The report gives an overview about Deutsches Milchkontor; the company`s short cut history, the

possibilities, the organizational circumstances, the organizational structure, the environment; in

general and in Germany; and the possible options. To be more precise, in some cases there is a closer

view on Sanobub, one of DMKs brands.

DMK is a company which is well- known in its current operating markets, financial health and has a

good image. DMK is established in the European market and has the potential to expand in a broader

way. The Deutsches Milchkantor is very financially healthy and profitably operating in more than 100

countries. Furthermore, DMK is market leader within the dairy sector in Germany.

The aims are to get a stable milk prices, increase the market share and expand the product ranges

The market in Germany is the major source of the company`s profit and DMK get an important

leading player in the European diary market.

Wherefore it seems important to keep the research volume running on the same level. However,

introducing a new strategy and accessing a new market are recommendable.

The recommendation is to expand in the Asian markets by building up a joint venture with a

company which gained already experiences in this market.

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Deutsches Milchkontor


The assignment is, based on internet research and descripts published by the firm itself, about the

business environment of DMK, Deutsches Milchkontor. The group received the task to write a report

about an own chosen company from the food- and agriculture sector. Furthermore, a grade sheet

was handed out to write an assignment which includes several aspects which have to mention within

this document. To meet the guidelines and accomplish the aim of the report; the research was based

to find out information about the story of DMK, its management situation, partnerships and

organizational structuring of DMK, issues and the market in general respectively.

In this report, the Deutsches Milchkontor is also named as DMK.

The foundlings are listed in the Executive Summary on Page three. The report is structured by the

guidelines of this grading form which is also included at the end of the report.

Marco Engler, Leeuwarden, 23.10.2011

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................................................ 2

Preface............................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................................... 4

1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 5

2 Analysis of current situation ...................................................................................................................................... 8

2.1 Mission. .. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8

2.2 Vision……… .......................................................................................................................................................... 8

2.3 Goals……………. ..................................................................................................................................................... 8

2.4 Strategic .............................................................................................................................................................. 8

3 Internal environment .............................................................................................................................................. 10

3.1 Core competence .............................................................................................................................................. 10

3.2 Synergy ............................................................................................................................................................. 10

3.3 Value creation ................................................................................................................................................... 10

3.4 Functional analysis............................................................................................................................................. 10

3.5 Corporate culture .............................................................................................................................................. 11

3.6 Organizing ......................................................................................................................................................... 11

3.7 Total Quality Management ................................................................................................................................ 11

4 External environment .............................................................................................................................................. 12

4.1 Porters five forces.............................................................................................................................................. 12

4.2 PESTEL Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 13

4.3 SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................................................................... 14

4.4 Confrontation matrix ......................................................................................................................................... 14

4.5 Conclusion SWOT .............................................................................................................................................. 15

5 Strategic gap ........................................................................................................................................................... 16

5.1 Current situation ............................................................................................................................................... 16

5.2 Desired situation ............................................................................................................................................... 16

5.3 Gap ................................................................................................................................................................... 17

5.4 Limiting conditions ............................................................................................................................................ 17

5.5 New goals of the desired situation: .................................................................................................................... 17

6 Strategic choice ....................................................................................................................................................... 18

7 Implementation ...................................................................................................................................................... 20

8 Conclusion and Recommendation ............................................................................................................................ 21

9 References .............................................................................................................................................................. 22

10 Exhibits .................................................................................................................................................................. 23

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1 Introduction

The introduction gives a clear overview about the company, the size, the image and the most

important facts like the current situations evaluate thoroughly the external and internal

environment. Afterwards, the Strategic gap shows the difference between the current and the

desired situation; measured by the founding of part two. The results of the strategic gap lead to the

strategic choice to show the possibilities and ways to reach the desired situation. The

implementation gives an overview about the important steps how to implement and achieve the

desired situation. At the end, there can be find a conclusion and recommendation of the report.

DMK is a German diary which was founded in April 2011; the both cooperative organized companies

from the northern of Germany, Humania Milchindustrie GmbH and Nordmilch GmbH merged to

DMK, to become the market leader in the German diary industry. The DMK employs 5,500

employees in 25 sites with the head office in Everswinkel, Germany. (DMK, 2011)

Nowadays, through the merger; the DMK constitutes of three cooperatives and a lot of

subcontractors. In 2010, the net profit exceeded I € 4 billion what leads DMK a market leader in

Germany and a leading player in Europe either. (DMK, 2011),

DMKs legal form is a GmbH and registered in Bremen, Germany. The concern is centralized but there

are several sites and cooperatives. The organizational structure of Deutsches Milchkontor can be

seen in the picture below.

Exhibit 1.1 Organizational structure, Deutsches Milchontor

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The Deutsches Milchkontor is the head of several subsidiaries to serve a wide range of products and

attend potential clients. The subsidiaries can be seen in the picture below. (DMK, 2011)

Exhibit1.2 firm structure, DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH

How to seen above, the portfolio includes all kinds of dairy products like yoghurt, cream products,

butter, and several kinds of milk or desserts. Furthermore, there are cheeses, dietetics, ice crème,

health products like functional food, novel foods, health supplements; dextrose or baby foods, teas,

tube feedings, drinks and concentrates. So, there are products for men, women, children and babies.

(Products - DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH, 2011)

These products are divided into ten brands. These brands are: Milram, Ravensberger, Osterland,

Sanobub, Oldenburger, Humana, Casarelli, Intact and Leben’s Biolabor.

Exhibit1.3 brands, DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH

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DMK is the market leader in Germany and operating in 100 countries worldwide; to keep the position

against the competitors Langnese/Ola, Movenpick, Nestle/Scholler, Haagen dazs, Ben & Jerry’s,

Landliebe, DMK introduced some joint ventures. Successful collaborations are the joint venture

wheyco GmbH, and Nord-Contor Milch GmbH.

The brands respectively divisions are important. The brands are small to sustain flexibility and react

on temporary changes.

DMK says on its website:

“The sales mix makes DMK a reliable partner – nationally and internationally

We will protect our long-term leadership positions by means of a strategically designed sales mix:

70% of sales to the domestic market will be balanced with 30% of sales through the export business,

with deliveries to more than 100 countries all over the world – a very healthy constellation


Turnover by product group is split into 50% fresh dairy products, 40% cheese and 10% milk powder.

This split enables stable medium-term costing’s and investments. And it provides adequate flexibility

if individual markets fluctuate. “

The profit allocation is shown in the picture below.

Exhibit 1.4 Profit- DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH.

Another key aspect is the research and development department. DMK is producing products on a

high- quality level and focused on the product innovations like organic food. Through the focus of

research DMK is able to keep the value of 6,7 billion litre milk, every year. (Research & Development

- DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH, 2011)

As a result of it, DMK is a company which is well- known in its current operating markets, financial

health and got a good image. DMK is established in the European market and has the potential to

expand in a broader way. Thanks its healthiness base there are a lot of possibilities to find new ways

and options.

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2 Analysis of current situation

This analysis shows the current situation; divided in the external and internal environment in detail.

The common tools like SWOT, PESTEL, Porter`s 5 forces are used to explain the benefits and issues


2.1.1 2.1 Mission

The self- chosen mission is quite clear. “We will make good use of our capacities and market shares

for stable milk prices and excellent market positioning.” (Strategy - DMK Deutsches Milchkontor

GmbH, 2011)

2.1.2 2.2 Vision

“A systematic business strategy makes DMK even stronger in the market. The merger of Humana

Milchindustrie GmbH and NORDMILCH GmbH arose from a highly successful, long-standing

collaboration. Our primary goal is to earn attractive milk prices with long-term stability for the

cooperative owners of both companies.” (Strategy - DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH, 2011)

2.1.3 2.3 Goals

The primary goal is to earn attractive milk prices with long-term stability for the cooperative owners

of both companies. (Strategic expansion of the cheese business, Profitable growth of the branded

goods business, Securing our market share in fresh dairy products, Further development of the

ingredients business, Expansion of the ice cream, baby food and health products business areas).

Another central focus will be the expansion of the international business within the EU and

increasing participation in international growing markets such as Asia

2.1.4 2.4 Strategic

DMK profits from its clear and consequent strategies. The main goal, according to the mission, is to

earn a stable and attractive milk price. This goal shall be accomplished by developing a logical

progression in existing business areas.

The main points are:

- A strategic expansion in the cheese business and a profitable growth of the branded goods

business sector.

- Securing of the market share in the fresh dairy business

- Logical progression in ingredients business

- Expansion in the ice cream, baby food and health food product business

2.5 Global Strategy

A central focus lies on the expansion within the European Union states and access the market in Asia.

DMK is using its capacities, experiences and knowledge to increase the market share and achieve the

goal of stable milk prices, in Germany, Europe and in Asia as well.

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2.6 Corporate-Level Strategy

In order to ensure its product quality, DMK has to be more focused on product innovations, the retail

sector marketing, reputation and the price- performance ratio, the small brand awareness and the

sessional products respectively the demand of these products and the consumer needs.

Furthermore, they have to be aware of changes within the markets and progresses of competitors.

Hence Humana and Nordmilch have merged to Deutsches Milchkontor and have started some joint

ventures to find new market niches, expand the product range and improve the market leading

position in Germany.

One majority claim and a huge potential disadvantage can be raises due to the small brand


2.7 Business- Level Strategy

The mission of Deutsches Milchkontor DMK, to offer and deliver a wide range of several dairy

products for a fair and stable price is a rather difficult mission then as they are acting on such an

international scale. The agriculture business is every time depending on legal regulations and

agricultural aids. One aspect is that they have to set new trends and reach a big target group like

children, men and women in all markets. So, DMK always needs to come up with new product

innovations, and has to be able to adapt new trends, in particularly, in the health food and genetic

food business and needs to be sure that they can maintain the same quality and same price level.

The same price level is formulated in the mission of DMK. However, the product unit and the high

quality standard of the technology is the big plus of the company.

2.8 Functional – Level Strategy

DMK is a merger of two companies which have already cooperated before. The aims of the merger

were to get a stable milk prices, increase the market share and expand the product ranges Therefore,

it was necessary to get together and put the strengths of the high quality standard and the new

technologies together. DMK gets more aware and established its premium ingredients in the market.

Nowadays, the market in Germany is the major source of the company`s profit and DMK get an

important leading player in the European diary market. The next step is to expand the market share

in Europe and Asia. Therefore, it seems important to improve the marketing and distribution areas,

during the financial aspect and the well-developed R&D sector.

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3 Internal environment

3.1 Core competence

The core competence of Deutsches Milchkontor is producing, developing and improving all kinds of

dairy products. They are focused on research and development to fortify the market position.

Furthermore, another core competence is the wide range of products, alternatives and the market

leading position.

3.2 Synergy

DMK is using the synergy effect of the brands name, which is standing for quality, and the progress of

its research programs. They are profiting on the corporative sites and the agriculture aids which are

used to get the newest technologies. The name Deutsches Milchkontor stays for quality and product

innovations. A side effect is that DMK profits of the legal regulations related to health and quality in

Germany and Europe where the producing locations are.

3.3 Value creation

The dairy producer creates values through the name and the price levels of its different brands. But a

problem is the small brand awareness of some subsidiaries. DMK is offering a wide range of products

in the dairy sector and is bonded in legal regulations of quality and health. With this big product

portfolio DMK can reach a lot of customers within all societies. Furthermore there is a wide range of

several alternatives for each product to enables DMK to act in every market respectively market

niche with its different brands.

3.4 Functional analysis

Management and


Marketing Human Resource

- The management

quality is good.

Measurable through

the market position

and the financial


- The staff quality is

high. The educational

system in Germany is

very well.

- The company is

centralized and

includes well- known


- DMk is bonded on

national controls and

legal regulations.

- Distribution channels:

mostly Supermarkets.

- Big market share,

market leader

- The marketing and

advertising could be

more efficient.

- Customer satisfaction

is good. Consumers

likes the high quality


- The staff satisfaction

is high.

- Employee experiences

are very well.

Finance Production Research and Development

- DMK is very healthy

and market leader in

Germany. They have

to reduce the high

production costs.

- DMK has a good

quality control; they

are improving also its

products and the


continually. They have

to reduce the high

production costs.

- They are known for a

lot of product

innovations in the

health food business


- Great laboratory and



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3.5 Corporate culture

The corporate culture can be described as adaptable culture. The company is focused on an

adaptability culture which can be determined by the fast ability of interpreting and translating signals

of environmental changes like legal regulations. DMK is focused on the external market and takes

over other companies like or creating new joint ventures to work more flexible in all markets and

expands the business. Furthermore, DMK is a learning organization and they have to be it as a result

of fast changing markets, genetic progresses, regulations and other things. The image below shows

an overview of the corporate cultures. Deutsches Milchkontor and its subsidiaries know the fact that,

nowadays, people are aware what food they buy for their body and health. For instance, in the

genetic food segment, the consumers are willing to pay higher prices.

3.6 Organizing

DMK can be described as centralized organization with a few of subsidiaries how to seen on the

picture 1.2 on page four. Further, DMK can also be described as a learning organization with a view

of total quality. Deutsches Milchkontor is bonded to a lot of external factors and has to act flexible.

The organizational structure is shown on picture 1.3 on page five. Hence, DMK has to adapt to

changes in their external environment. The enterprise is adaptive in a sense of changing in the

markets and innovations of the products, the clear structure and centralized organization helps to act

in a logical way. There is a head office and 25 brands like Sanobub which are acting more or less

separate in their own segment. One problem can rise by continually following of this organization

type if DMK expands in other cultural environments like Asia, every office could not determine

decisions, which are related to the environmental circumstances, by themselves.

An important fact in relation to the leadership, controlling and HRM is also that the dairies are

agricultural cooperatives. This model means that the cooperatives are owned by equally shared


3.7 Total Quality Management

To ensure the Quality, DMK introduced a research and development program and is using a control

system to ensure the hygiene within the producing areas and the quality of the ingredients like milk.

Another benefit is the close bond with the dairies. There are also controls of hygienic in Germany

what improves the quality enormous.

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4 External environment

4.1 Porters five forces

Every enterprise is within a specific industry, thus, Meso market environment plays a very important

role in enterprise strategy. We use the “5 forces model” to analyse the basic competitive situation in

the dairy industry to summarize the most important tendencies. Furthermore, we are looking for a

sixth force since DMK is dependent on legal regulations.

Internal /Rivalry/ Competitors

Related to one of the brands, Sanobub: This company is operating in the competitive industry, the

biggest competitors are: Langnese/Ola, Movenpick, Nestle/Scholler, Haagen dazs, Ben & Jerry’s,

Landliebe. Compared with those companies, Sanobub have to develop the popularity of their brand

and improve their own brand awareness. On the other hand, all competitors, for instance in

Germany, are bonded on the same legal regulations. These regulations increase the producing costs


Bargaining power of buyer and supplier

DMk produces dairy products but since a small retailing sector, there is a big jeopardy if competitors

getting aware of this gap. As a market leader in Germany, the global player image in Europe and the

few brands, DMK is able to deal with all target groups and target markets in their operating market

segments and market niches. They are depending on innovations of themself and need to be focused

on changes in the needs and desires of the consumer and the progression of its competitors.

Therefore, the power of buyers is quite low; in contrast to the power of supplies which is very high.

Within the last years, there were a lot of strike calls and strikes because the dairy cooperatives

wanted more money for their milk derivatives. The ingredients can be delivered by suppliers with a

long time relation. Useful is a wide range of products, a good reputation and satisfied, loyal

customers. DMK and its brands can deal with loyal consumers.

The bargaining power of buyers is low, especially as consumers are interested in their local products

and DMK is offering those. The bargaining power of suppliers is quite high but contracts and long

term relationships helps to minimize trouble

Potential entrants

Within the ice- cream industry, the entrance barrier is low , there is no need of high science and

technology for producing ice cream. Therefore, some local companies are able to easily produce this

kind of products and threaten Sanobub. To establish the good market share, Sanobub should not

only maintain their high quality, but they also need to develop their own features, instance of making

taste different from others.

As a result of this the new entrance of competitors is quite high.

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Ice cream, as a kind of desserts, is very popular all over the world, the demand of ice cream is quite a

lot and basically there are a lot of substitutions for this kind of product.

In conclusion, with the analysis of Sanobub by the Porter's 5 Forces, it can be suggested that

Sanobub needs to develop a wider market range and attract more customers by making good tasting

ice cream, so that keep the foothold in the fierce competition.

4.2 PESTEL Analysis


Deutsches Milchkontor is bonded on regulations of goverments, within countries they are operating.

Another important aspect is the role of the European Union. These regulations are influencing the

market, so, even the competitors. The European Union and the governments are trying to improve

and ensure quality. In fact, DMK is profiting of controls and regulations to ensure quality but the

competitors “have to” participate in the same way. In the international scale, due to the producing

costs there could be a chance for companies in countries beyond of the European Union.


Increasing costs, in particularly in the producing sector, are a common issue. All companies are faced

with the problem and must be focused on changes in research, development and their environment

as well. For instance, there is a lack of efficiency by using solar energy due to the low solar radiation.

Therefore, DMK is depending on innovations and improvements beyond their own business and

business competences

Until now, DMK could face these problems and is, in Germany, market leader and a global player.

Social/ Cultural/ Demographical

Social cultural aspects are very important for Deutsches Milchkontor because there are different

desires in different cultures. For instance, in some countries of Eastern Europe, people using more

goat milk than cow milk. The effect of demographical structures within a society is low. DMK is

reaching all target groups with its different brands.


DMK is operating on a high technology level which is underlined by the market leading position in

Germany and the important role they are playing in all of the 100 countries, worldwide.


DMK is successfully operating in organic food. This example can be used to highlight the importance

and awareness of ecological circumstances.

Legal regulations

The jeopardy of legal regulations has risen to a big problem of the DMK. The European Union

determined salaries of dairy producers in the EU. Hence, companies from abroad respectively out of

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the European Union can skip these regulations but direct competitors are bond on the same


As a market leader, DMK can use its position to force a cost leadership strategy.

4.3 SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

60 years of experience

Latest technologies

Premium ingredients

Fresh milk & cream are a major

part of the ingredients.

High quality standard

Nature based ingredients

Authentic taste

Customer loyalty

Financially health


Small brand awareness

Weak marketing

Small distribution area

Retail sector

Seasonal product

High production costs

Opportunities Threats

Strengthen marketing

Expand in new markets

Broaden the distribution area

Well known and strong competitors

Still increasing of production costs

Changes in legal regulations

4.4 Confrontation matrix

Strengths Weaknesses






S1 - market position

O2 – expand in new niches

S8 - costumer loyalty

O1 – strengthen marketing

S7 – authentic taste

O5 – broaden the distribution channels and


W1 – small brand awareness

O1 - strengthen marketing

W5 – seasonal products

O2 – expand in new niches

W2 – weak marketing

O1 – strengthen marketing

W3 – small distribution areas

O4 – broaden the distribution area and





S1 - market position

T3 – changes in legal regulations

S10 – innovations

T2 – high producing costs

S5 – high quality standard

T1 – strong competitors

S8 – consumer loyalty

T2 – high producing costs

W1 – small brand awareness

T3 – strong and well known competitors

W2 – seasonal products

T1 – high producing costs

W3 – retail sector

T3 – changes in legal regulations

This type of a confrontation matrix is chosen because the most important strengths and weaknesses

respectively opportunities and threats are matched and the founding emerges obviously.

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4.5 Conclusion SWOT

There are a lot of strengths of DMK, what underlines the quality of the company and its goods but it

should also clarify the importance of awareness in the market and improving of the product quality,

product innovations and possible new market niches to reach new customers. The SWOT illustrates

the danger of external and uncontrollable forces like the legal regulations.

It is extremely important to force the strengths, the market position and the brand reputation to

avoid big entrances of competitors or loss of market shares. Important threats are the possibilities of

changes in the legal regulations. DMK has to deal with this important issue.

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5 Strategic gap

The Strategic gap is related to the gap between the current and the desired situation.

5.1 Current situation

DMK is operating in countries and market leader in Germany. Deutsches Milchkontor is offering a

wide range of dairy products with its brands. With an amount of 6.7 billion litre of milk per year they

produces, DMk get an important leading player in the dairy market in Europe.

The product portfolio; seen on the picture 1.3 on page four, shows the goods within the dairy

segments which are produced by DMK and branded by its brands. There is a wide range of several

parts what helps to make DMK as an important company within the segment.

DMK is a merger of two companies which wanted to bond the power of both companies – Humana

and Nordmilch. Whereby, DMK get a mighty company with a lot of strengths. Hence, it can be

determined that the main issues and jeopardies are not internal, but rather external. However,

Deutsches Milchkontor could reach a still broader group of clients if the lack of distribution channels

and areas getting adjusted.

The own brands are well known like the competitors as well. On that account, there could a problem

of market share loss arising.

According to the SWOT Analysis on page 13, there is a big loyal customer base but a lack of brand

awareness and marketing, although the company is in view of the financially aspect very profitable.

5.2 Desired situation

DMK wants to keep the milk price stable. The next logical step of DMK would be to get higher market

shares outside Germany and introduce its brands in new markets. A potential new market could be


Deutsches Milchkontor is a richly company and should obtain these circumstances. Wherefore it

seems important to keep the research volume running. By introducing a new strategy or accessing a

new market there are several goals necessary.

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5.3 Gap

DMK is operating in a segment with well- known brands and; accordingly, an importance of product

innovations. If a company is working on such an international scale with a profit of four billion € per

year, there is a huge need of occupation in other markets, respectively getting a bigger foothold in

these important markets in Asia. Another gap is within the functional strategy. Whereas the part of

R&D and the finance is very well, there is a lack of marketing and distribution.

5.4 Limiting conditions

A market entrance leads to a big financial expenditure, a company restructuring and a lot of time. An

access to get a bigger market share is estimated with a time span of three years.

5.5 New goals of the desired situation:

- Analysing of the Asian market and the cultural differences

- Evaluate current legal regulations

- Looking for joint venture, merger or acquisition options

- Expansion rather than redeveloping of the marketing strategy

- Persevere competitors and their market share

- Deciding whether market access seems successful

- Reconsidering of company structure

This part shows that the gap comes up due the lack of the distribution areas.

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6 Strategic choice

The part illustrates the different strategies which are considered and leads to a logical result how to

improve the weaknesses of DMK.

The strategy to expand the company in other markets is the Growth Strategy. This means there is a

growth in the staff, the profit and product portfolio but it leads also to more costs, expenditures and

an increasing in the staff and presumably a change or expansion in the product portfolio to serve

new goods for new clients with a other social, cultural or demographical background and reach their


There are three options to access new markets for DMK

Option one, merger or acquisition with/of an Asian company or a company with experiences of the


Merger: There is the possibility to look for an Asian company and merge with it. The plus of this

option is that the Asian company can learn from the technologies of DMK, the procedures and use

the successful company strategy. The costs of a merger are quite high due to the sizes of both

companies. However, the profit in Asia can be much higher if they are offering with their distribution

channels and the name in a; for this company, well- known market.

Acquisition: The benefits are slightly the same like by the merger option but an acquisition is much

more expensive. Another important aspect is that a potential company which is interested in an

acquisition is mostly unsuccessful and unable to work alone. Therefore, the costs of restructuring and

improving are also expensive. This option seems therefore problematically. The suitability could also

not be given since there are no experiences in this social cultural environment. But the project is


Option two, joint venture of an Asian company or a company with experiences in this market

A joint venture with a company which has equal rights is the easiest way and would not be that much

expensive. Another benefit is the cost and risk sharing. Moreover, DMK has also experiences in

building up joint ventures. The project seems feasible and due to the risk minimizing also suitable

and acceptable as well.

Option three, own entrance

Option three is related to an own access in the market. The costs are quite high, the name is

presumably unknown in Asia and there is no knowhow or experience in the market. Besides, DMK

has to build up, by a bottom up strategy, completely new distribution channels and find new

suppliers. The expenditures in costs and time are very high. The suitability could also not be given

since there are no experiences in this social cultural environment. But the project is feasible.

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The alternatives are based on the SWOT analysis and the confrontation matrix. Below, there is a

table with important aspects and suitable rating of the options. The rating system has been

estimated as follows: 1 = very well, 2, 3 = middle, 4, 5, and 6 = very bad.

Strategic confrontation matrix Option one Option two Option three

Time 4 2 5

Costs 4 3 5

Volume of restricting 5 1 1

Expected profitability 3 2 4

Risk of failing 1 3 5

Acceptability 3 2 4

Feasibility 2 1 4

Suitability 2 1 2

Sum 23 15 30

In light of the results, the best option to introduce in the market of Asia should be option two;

building up a joint venture.

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7 Implementation

The implementation part is describing the steps how to implement the strategy.

The implementation process is very easy, especially because there are a lot of experiences in joint

ventures by DMK. Deutsches Milchkontor can use its technologies to produce the products and get

the chance to learn how other companies work. The joint ventures have to build up new distribution

areas and get new local suppliers in Asia.

The cultural conversion rather than adjustment is one of the important aspects in this project. There

is a huge risk by dealing with a different social or cultural behaviour. DMK needs to understand and

implement an Asian working ethos. The factional and operational planning is described on page 17 or

illustrated below:

New goals of the desired situation:

- Analysing of the Asian market and the cultural differences

- Evaluate current legal regulations

- Looking for joint venture options

- Expansion rather than redeveloping of the marketing strategy

- Persevere competitors and their market share

- Reconsidering of company structure

- Considering of products; consumer needs

- Considering how to operate and building laboratories.

- Introducing

The organizational structure will be the same since the joint venture is more or less a subsidiary and

therefore not affecting the company. However, the joint venture needs an individual organization,

ordinarily consisting of both companies. The organization includes an information system, an own

mission, separate goals; this means separate to the companies which are operating mainly in other

markets with other conditions, a clearly structured management plan and a leadership model.

The Human Resource Management can be used from DMK due to its high standard, the quality and

the technologies whereas the staff should be locally based to reduce costs and bonding the joint

venture with the areas and create a friendly and trustful image.

The implementation of a joint venture seems very easy due to the risk, costs and responsibility

sharing. If DMK choses a company to build up the joint venture, they should be aware that the

partner gained experiences in the Asian market.

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8 Conclusion and Recommendation

Deutsches Milchkontor is a healthy company with a lot of benefits. The company is market leader

and its brands got a nice image. There are a lot of strengths and opportunities but there are also

weaknesses and threats as well, especially by accessing a new market with a different culture.

The recommendation is to expand in the Asian markets by building up a joint venture with a

company which gained already experiences in this market. The advice is to extend the chances of

DMK to get a leading global player. The options seems hopefully and promising a good future. The

expansion rather than getting a bigger market share should be the next logical step.

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9 References

Brands - DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH. (n.d.). DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH.

Retrieved October 22, 2011, from http://www.dmk.de/en/produkte-marken/marken.html

DMK. (n.d.). DMK. Retrieved October 23, 2011, from http://www.dmk.de/de/index.html

Managing bodies - DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH. (n.d.). DMK Deutsches Milchkontor

GmbH. Retrieved October 22, 2011, from


Produkte - DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH. (n.d.). DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH.

Retrieved October 21, 2011, from http://www.dmk.de/de/produkte-marken/produkte.html

Profit- DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH. (n.d.). DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH.

Retrieved October 22, 2011, from http://www.dmk.de/de/dmk/zahlen.html

Research & Development - DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH. (n.d.). DMK Deutsches

Milchkontor GmbH. Retrieved October 22, 2011, from http://www.dmk.de/en/forschung-


Strategy - DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH. (n.d.). DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH.

Retrieved October 22, 2011, from http://www.dmk.de/en/dmk/strategie.html

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10 Exhibits

Exhibit 1.1 Organizational structure, Deutsches Milchontor ............................................................................... 5

Exhibit1.2 firm structure, DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH ............................................................................ 6

Exhibit1.3 brands, DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH ...................................................................................... 6

Exhibit 1.4 Profit- DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH. ...................................................................................... 7
