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Management thought

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Page 1: Management thought

Management Theory

Management Thought




FEBRUARY 7, 2013


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Table of Contents

I. Executive Summary 1

II. The Classical School

Scientific Management 5

Bureaucratic Management 10

Administrative Management 13

Limitations of the Classical School 20

III. The Behavioral School

Human Relations 24

Behavioral Science 26

IV. The Modern Management School

Decision Theory 29

Management Science and MIS 30

Production and Operations Management 33

Systems Theory 34

Contingency Theory 40



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Executive Summary

Awareness and understanding of important historical developments are

also important to managers. The history of management theories helps

managers by organizing information and providing a systematic

framework for action.

The concept of management is not new; it has been practiced for

thousands of years, although terms such as management principles or

management theory may not have been used. The Sumerians, the

Babylonians, or the Romans have provided numerous illustrations of

effective management. In terms of longevity, "the most effective formal

organization in the history of Western civilization has been the Roman

Catholic Church" (Harold Koontz and Cyril O'Donnell). However,

management gained in importance, as mankind progressed and moved

into the Industrial Revolution era.

Today's concept of management is the product of a long and

complicated evolutionary process. Essentially, four major forces affect

management are economic, social, political-legal, and technological.

Most thought of practice of management are needed to be refined and

synthesized to call them management principles. The early “autocratic

period” of management is characterized by the use of absolute

authority, coercion and force, with strategies like “fear of God”. The

history of Management as a discipline is traced from the 19th century.

Development of a unified and integrated management theory out of the 3

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management theory “jungle” has some difficulties like applied science

nature of the subject, lack of coherent theoretical concepts of its own

and heavy reliance on concepts borrowed from other disciplines.

A number of more or less separate schools of management thought

have emerged since the end of the 19th century and each sees

management from its own viewpoint. There are many ways of

classifying these theories or schools. One broad way of grouping

management theories is to group them as classical, behavioral/ neo-

classical and modern management schools.

The classical management theory is referred to the period between

1880s to 1920s. This phase consists of Scientific management of F.W.

Taylor and his followers, Administrative management of Henry Fayol

and others and Bureaucratic organization of Max Weber. The classical

theory emphasized the economic rationality of management and

organization and suggested to determine the best way to perform a job.

This theory is criticized for its assumption that people are motivated

primarily by economic reward.

The Behavioral or Neo-classical theory, which is identified with the

period from 1920s to 1950s, is concerned with the human oriented

approach and emphasized the needs, drives, behaviors and attitudes

of people. The human relations schools together with (early) behavioral

schools constitute this group. The social person view of employees is

the basis of this set of schools. The famous Hawthorne experiment


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conducted by Mayo, Roethlisberger and Dickson is a milestone in the

endeavors of this school. Several behavioral scientists including

Maslow, McGregor and Herzberg have contributed to this school as

well as to production and operations management under the modern

management theory. This school is criticized for its overemphasis on

human variables and symbolic rewards which may not be well

appreciated by the recipients.

The complex employee view has become the basis of modern

management theory, which began around 1950s. This group tried to

test the views of earlier schools and accept them selectively. In the

process it has made use of many tools like computers and

mathematical techniques and theories from other disciplines like

systems theory, decision theory, contingency theory and management


There are many more names of schools and classifications of

management thoughts in the literature of management, but most of

them overlap one another.

Over the years, disagreement on exactly how many different

approaches to management exist and what each approach entails has

been common.


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The schools of management thought are theoretical frameworks for the

study of management. Each of the schools of management thought are

based on somewhat different assumptions about human beings and

the organizations for which they work. Since the formal study of

management began late in the 19th century, the study of management

has progressed through several stages as scholars and practitioners

working in different eras focused on what they believed to be important

aspects of good management practice. Over time, management

thinkers have sought ways to organize and classify the voluminous

information about management that has been collected and

disseminated. These attempts at classification have resulted in the

identification of management schools.

Disagreement exists as to the exact number of management schools.

Different writers have identified as few as three and as many as twelve.

The formal study of management is largely a twentieth-century

phenomenon, and to some degree the relatively large number of

management schools of thought reflects a lack of consensus among

management scholars about basic questions of theory and practice.


The classical school is the oldest formal school of management

thought. Its roots pre-date the twentieth century. The classical school of

thought generally concerns ways to manage work and organizations

more efficiently. Three areas of study that can be grouped under the 6

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classical school are scientific management, administrative

management, and bureaucratic management.


In the late 19th century, management decisions were often arbitrary

and workers often worked at an intentionally slow pace. There was little

in the way of systematic management and workers and management

were often in conflict. Scientific management was introduced in an

attempt to create a mental revolution in the workplace. It can be

defined as the systematic study of work methods in order to improve

efficiency. Frederick W. Taylor was its main proponent. Other major

contributors were Frank Gilbreth, Lillian Gilbreth, and Henry Gantt.

Scientific management has several major principles. First, it calls for

the application of the scientific method to work in order to determine

the best method for accomplishing each task. Second, scientific

management suggests that workers should be scientifically selected

based on their qualifications and trained to perform their jobs in the

optimal manner. Third, scientific management advocates genuine

cooperation between workers and management based on mutual self-

interest. Finally, scientific management suggests that management

should take complete responsibility for planning the work and that

workers' primary responsibility should be implementing management's

plans. Other important characteristics of scientific management include

the scientific development of difficult but fair performance standards


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and the implementation of a pay-for-performance incentive plan based

on work standards.

Scientific management had a tremendous influence on management

practice in the early twentieth century. Although it does not represent a

complete theory of management, it has contributed to the study of

management and organizations in many areas, including human

resource management and industrial engineering. Many of the tenets

of scientific management are still valid today.

The classical scientific branch arose because of the need to

increase productivity and efficiency. The emphasis was on trying to find

the best way to get the most work done by examining how the work

process was actually accomplished and by scrutinizing the skills of the


Frederick Taylor is often called the “father of

scientific management.” Taylor began work

at the age of 18 as a machinist apprentice to a

pattern-maker. He later joined the Midvale

Steel Company as a laborer and became

chief engineer in eight years. During his

period at the steel mill Taylor performed

comprehensive experiments on worker productivity and tested what he

called the "task system," later developed into the Taylor System and


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eventually progressed into scientific management. Taylor believed that

organizations should study tasks and develop precise procedures. As

an example, in 1898, Taylor calculated how much iron from rail cars

Bethlehem Steel plant workers could be unloading if they were using

the correct movements, tools, and steps. The result was an amazing

47.5 tons per day instead of the mere 12.5 tons each worker had been

averaging. In addition, by redesigning the shovels the workers used,

Taylor was able to increase the length of work time and therefore

decrease the number of people shoveling from 500 to 140. Lastly, he

developed an incentive system that paid workers more money for

meeting the new standard. Productivity at Bethlehem Steel shot up

overnight. As a result, many theorists followed Taylor's philosophy

when developing their own principles of management.

Scientific management theory analyzes and synthesizes workflow

processes and improving labor productivity. Scientific management is

also called Taylorism, the Taylor system, or the Classical Perspective.

The core ideas of the theory were developed by Frederick Winslow

Taylor in the 1880s and 1890s, and were first published in his

monographs, Shop Management (1905) and The Principles of

Scientific Management (1911). Taylor believed that decisions based

upon tradition and rules of thumb should be replaced by precise

procedures developed after careful study of an individual at work.

Taylor's experiments included determining the best way of performing

each work operation, the time it required, materials needed and the


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work sequence. He wanted to establish a clear division of labor

between management and employees.

Henry Gantt, an associate of Taylor's, developed the Gantt chart, a

bar graph that measures planned and completed work along each

stage of production. Based on time instead of quantity, volume, or

weight, this visual display chart has been a widely used planning and

control tool since its development in 1910.

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, a husband-and-wife team, studied job

motions. In Frank's early career as an apprentice bricklayer, he was

interested in standardization and method study. He watched

bricklayers and saw that some workers were slow and inefficient, while

others were very productive. He discovered that each bricklayer used a

different set of motions to lay bricks. From his observations, Frank

isolated the basic movements necessary to do the job and eliminated

unnecessary motions. Workers using these movements raised their

output from 1,000 to 2,700 bricks per day. This was the first motion

study designed to isolate the best possible method of performing a

given job. Later, Frank and his wife Lillian studied job motions using a

motion-picture camera and a split-second clock. When her husband

died at the age of 56, Lillian continued their work.

Thanks to these contributors and others, the basic ideas regarding

scientific management developed. They include the following:

Developing new standard methods for doing each job


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Selecting, training, and developing workers instead of allowing

them to choose their own tasks and train themselves

Developing a spirit of cooperation between workers and

management to ensure that work is carried out in accordance

with devised procedures

Dividing work between workers and management in almost

equal shares, with each group taking over the work for which it

is best fitted

Three Assumptions Underlying the General Principles of

Scientific Management

1) Employers and employees have a shared goal in economic gain.

2) Man is rational and economically motivated

3) For every person, there is a job for which he is ideally suited.

The scientific management is a 'manager centric' approach. The most

fundamental aspect of scientific management is that the manager is

primarily responsible for increasing an organization's productivity.

Scientific management principles are to be applied by managers in a

very specific fashion.


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The shortcomings of the Scientific Theory had triggered the quest for

more workable solutions and resulted in the formulation of bureaucratic

management and administrative management theories. The scientific

method was also got refined further during the course of time.


Bureaucratic management focuses on the ideal form of organization.

Max Weber was the major contributor to bureaucratic management.

Based on observation, Weber concluded that many early organizations

were inefficiently managed, with decisions based on personal

relationships and loyalty. He proposed that a form of organization,

called a bureaucracy, characterized by division of labor, hierarchy,

formalized rules, impersonality, and the selection and promotion of

employees based on ability, would lead to more efficient management.

Weber also contended that managers' authority in an organization

should be based not on tradition or charisma but on the position held

by managers in the organizational hierarchy.

Bureaucracy has come to stand for inflexibility and waste, but Weber

did not advocate or favor the excesses found in many bureaucratic

organizations today. Weber's ideas formed the basis for modern

organization theory and are still descriptive of some organizations.


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Max Weber (1864-1920) a German

sociologist, was a teacher at Berlin

University. He was a chief exponent of a

bureaucratic model. Bureaucratic

organization, in Weber’s views, is the

most efficient form of organization.

In the late 1800s, he disliked that many

European organizations were managed on a “personal” family-like

basis and that employees were loyal to individual supervisors rather

than to the organization. He believed that organizations should be

managed impersonally and that a formal organizational structure,

where specific rules were followed, was important. In other words, he

didn't think that authority should be based on a person's personality.

He thought authority should be something that was part of a person's

job and passed from individual to individual as one person left and

another took over. This non personal, objective form of organization

was called a bureaucracy.


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According to Weber the major characteristics of bureaucracy are:

A well defined hierarchy

All positions within a bureaucracy are structured in a way permitting the

higher positions to supervise and control the lower positions. This

provides a clear chain of command facilitating control and order

throughout the organization.

Division of labor and specialization

All responsibilities in an organization are streamlined in a way that

each employee will have the necessary expertise to master a particular

task. This necessitates granting each employee the requisite authority

to complete all such tasks.

Rules and regulations

All organizational activities are streamlined in a way that standard

operating procedures are developed to provide certainty and facilitate


Impersonal relationships between managers and employees

Weber believed that managers should maintain an impersonal

relationship with the employees so that the managers will be free to

take rational decisions rather than one influenced by favoritism and

personal prejudice. This organizational atmosphere would also


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facilitate rational evaluation of employee outcomes where personal

prejudices shall not interfere.


Competence should be the basis for all decisions made in hiring, job

assignments, and promotions. This would encourage ability and merit

as the most important characteristics of a bureaucratic organization.


Weber felt it is absolutely essential for a bureaucracy to maintain

complete files regarding all its activities. This necessitates an accurate

organizational "memory" where accurate and complete documents will

be available concerning all bureaucratic actions and decisions.


Administrative management focuses on the management process and

principles of management. In contrast to scientific management, which

deals largely with jobs and work at the individual level of analysis,

administrative management provides a more general theory of

management. Henri Fayol is the major contributor to this school of

management thought.

Fayol was a management practitioner who brought his experience to

bear on the subject of management functions and principles. He


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argued that management was a universal process consisting of

functions, which he termed planning, organizing, commanding,

coordinating, and controlling. Fayol believed that all managers

performed these functions and that the functions distinguished

management as a separate discipline of study apart from accounting,

finance, and production. Fayol also presented fourteen principles of

management, which included maxims related to the division of work,

authority and responsibility, unity of command and direction,

centralization, subordinate initiative, and team spirit.

Although administrative management has been criticized as being rigid

and inflexible and the validity of the functional approach to

management has been questioned, this school of thought still

influences management theory and practice. The functional approach

to management is still the dominant way of organizing management

knowledge, and many of Fayol's principles of management, when

applied with the flexibility that he advocated, are still considered


Henri Fayol (1841-1925) a

French mining engineer,

developed 14 principles of

management based on his

management experiences. These

principles provide modern-day

managers with general guidelines


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on how a supervisor should organize her department and manage her

staff. He spent his entire working career with a mining company, where

he rose from an apprentice to General Manager.

1. Division of Work. Division of work, specialization, produces

more and better work with the same effort. It focuses effort while

maximizing employee efforts. It is applicable to all work including

technical applications. There are limitations to specialization

which are determined by its application.

2. Authority and responsibility. Authority is the right to give

orders and the power to exact obedience. Distinction must be

made between a manager's official authority deriving from office

and personal authority created through individual personality,

intelligence and experience. Authority creates responsibility.

3. Discipline. Obedience and respect between a firm and its

employees based on clear and fair agreements is absolutely

essential to the functioning of any organization. Good discipline

requires managers to apply sanctions whenever violations

become apparent.

4. Unity of command. An employee should receive orders from

only one superior. Employees cannot adapt to dual command.

5. Unity of direction. Organizational activities must have one

central authority and one plan of action.

6. Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest. The

interests of one employee or group of employees are


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subordinate to the interests and goals of the organization and

cannot prevail over it.

7. Remuneration of Personnel. Salaries are the price of services

rendered by employees. It should be fair and provide

satisfaction both to the employee and employer. The rate of

remuneration is dependent on the value of the services

rendered as determined by the employment market.

8. Centralization. The optimum degree of centralization varies

according to the dynamics of each organization. The objective of

centralization is the best utilization of personnel.

9. Scalar chain. A chain of authority exists from the highest

organizational authority to the lowest ranks. While needless

departure from the chain of command should be discouraged,

using the "gang plank" principle of direct communication

between employees can be extremely expeditious and increase

the effectiveness of organizational communication.

10.Order. Organizational order for materials and personnel is

essential. The right materials and the right employees are

necessary for each organizational function and activity.

11.Equity. In organizations equity is a combination of kindliness

and justice. The desire for equity and equality of treatment are

aspirations to be taken into account in dealing with employees.

12.Stability of Tenure of Personnel. In order to attain the

maximum productivity of personnel, it is essential to maintain a

stable work force. Management insecurity produces undesirable


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consequences. Generally the managerial personnel of

prosperous concerns is stable,

that of unsuccessful ones is


13. Initiative. Thinking out a plan and

ensuring its success is an

extremely strong motivator. At all

levels of the organizational ladder zeal and energy on t he part

of employees are augmented by initiative.

14.Esprit de Corps. Teamwork is fundamentally important to an

organization. Creating work teams and using extensive face-to-

face verbal communication encourages this.

Whereas scientific management focused on the productivity of

individuals, the classical administrative approach concentrates on the

total organization. The emphasis is on the development of managerial

principles rather than work methods.

Contributors to this school of thought include Max Weber, Mary Parker

Follett, and Chester I. Barnard. These theorists studied the flow of

information within an organization and emphasized the importance of

understanding how an organization operated.

Mary Parker Follett stressed the importance of an organization

establishing common goals for its employees. However, she also

began to think somewhat differently than the other theorists of her day,


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discarding command-style hierarchical organizations where employees

were treated like robots. She began to talk about such things as ethics,

power, and leadership. She encouraged managers to allow employees

to participate in decision making. She stressed the importance of

people rather than techniques — a concept very much before her time.

As a result, she was a pioneer and often not taken seriously by

management scholars of her time. But times change, and innovative

ideas from the past suddenly take on new meanings. Much of what

managers do today is based on the fundamentals that Follett

established more than 80 years ago.

Chester Barnard, who was president of New Jersey Bell Telephone

Company, introduced the idea of the informal organization — cliques

(exclusive groups of people) that naturally form within a company. He

felt that these informal organizations provided necessary and vital

communication functions for the overall organization and that they

could help the organization accomplish its goals.

Barnard felt that it was particularly important for managers to develop a

sense of common purpose where a willingness to cooperate is strongly

encouraged. He is credited with developing the acceptance theory of

management, which emphasizes the willingness of employees to

accept that managers have legitimate authority to act. Barnard felt that

four factors affected the willingness of employees to accept authority:

The employees must understand the communication.


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The employees accept the communication as being consistent

with the organization's purposes.

The employees feel that their actions will be consistent with the

needs and desires of the other employees.

The employees feel that they are mentally and physically able to

carry out the order.

Barnard's sympathy for and understanding of employee needs

positioned him as a bridge to the behavioral school of management,

the next school of thought to emerge.

The classical school (of management) has sought to define the

essence of management in the form of universal fundamental

functions. These, it was hoped, would form the cognitive basis for a set

of relevant skills to be acquired, by all would-be managers through

formal education.

Body of the classical school's management thought was based on the

belief that employees have only economical and physical needs, and

that social needs and need for job-satisfaction either don't exist or are

unimportant. Accordingly, this school advocates high specialization of

labor, centralized decision making, and profit maximization. See also

behavioral school of management, contingency school of management,

quantitative school of management, and systems school of



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Limitations of the Classical School of Management

Classical theories and the principles derived from them continue to be

popular today with some modifications. Many criticisms have been

directed at the classicists. 

Reliance on Experience

Many of the writers in the classical school of management developed

their ideas on the basis of their experiences as managers or

consultants with only certain types of organizations. For instance,

Taylor's and Fayol's work came primarily from their experiences with

large manufacturing firms that were experiencing stable environments.

It may be unwise to generalize from those situations to others'

especially to young, high-technology firms of today that are confronted

daily with changes in their competitors' products.

Untested assumptions

Many of the assumptions made by classical writers were based not on

scientific tests but on value judgments that expressed what they

believed to be proper life-styles, moral codes, and attitudes toward

success. For instance, the classical approaches seem to view the life

of a worker as beginning and ending at the plant door. Their basic

assumption is that workers are primarily motivated by money and that

they work only for more money. They also assume that productivity is

the best measure of how well a firm is performing. These assumptions


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fail to recognize that employees may have wants and needs unrelated

to the workplace or may view their jobs only as a necessary evil.

Failure to Consider The Informal Organization

In their stress on formal relationships in the organization, classical

approaches tend to ignore informal relations as characterized by social

interchange among workers, the emergence of group leaders apart

from those specified by the formal organization, and so forth. When

such things are not considered, it is likely that many important factors

affecting satisfaction and performance, such as letting employees

participate in decision making and task planning, will never be explored

or tried.

Unintended Consequences

Classical approaches aim at achieving high productivity, at making

behaviors predictable, and at achieving fairness among workers and

between managers and workers; yet they fail to recognize that several

unintended consequences can occur in practice. For instance, a heavy

emphasis on rules and regulations may cause people to obey rules

blindly without remembering their original intent. Oftentimes, since

rules establish a minimum level of performance expected of

employees, a minimum level is all they achieve. Perhaps much more

could be achieved if the rules were not so explicit.


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Human Machinery

Classical theories leave the impression that the organization is a

machine and that workers are simply parts to be fitted into the machine

to make it run efficiently. Thus, many of the principles are concerned

first with making the organization efficient, with the assumption that

workers will conform to the work setting if the financial incentives are


Static Conditions

Organizations are influenced by external conditions that often fluctuate

over time, yet classical management, theory presents an image of an

organization that is not shaped by external influences. Since many of

these criticisms of the classical school are harsh, several points need

to be made in defense of writers during this period. First, the work force

was not highly educated or trained to perform many of the jobs that

existed at the time. It was not common for workers to think in terms of

what "career" they were going to pursue. Rather, for many, the

opportunity to obtain a secure job and a level of wages to provide for

their families was all they demanded from the work setting. Second,

much of the writing took place when technology was undergoing a

rapid transformation, particularly in the area of manufacturing. Indeed,

for many writers, technology was the driving force behind

organizational and social change. Thus, their focus was on finding

ways to increase efficiency. It was assumed that all humankind could


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do was to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions. Finally, very little

had been done previously in terms of generating a coherent and useful

body of management theory. Many of the classical theorists were

writing from scratch, obliged for the most part to rely on their own

experience and observations. Thus their focus is understandably


As we know, F.W.Taylor, Henri Fayol, and Max Weber are outstanding

contributors of Classical School of management thought who made

great contribution and laid a foundation for most management



The behavioral school or neo-classical of management thought

developed, in part, because of perceived weaknesses in the

assumptions of the classical school. The classical school emphasized

efficiency, process, and principles. Some felt that this emphasis

disregarded important aspects of organizational life, particularly as it

related to human behavior. Thus, the behavioral school focused on

trying to understand the factors that affect human behavior at work.


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According to the human relations school, the manager should possess

skills for diagnosing the causes of human behavior at work,

interpersonal communication, and motivating and leading workers. The

focus became satisfying worker needs. If worker needs were satisfied,

wisdom held, the workers would in turn be more productive. Thus, the

human relations school focuses on issues of communication,

leadership, motivation, and group behavior. The individuals who

contributed to the school are too numerous to mention, but some of the

best-known contributors include Mary Parker Follett, Chester Barnard,

Abraham Maslow, Kurt Lewin, Renais Likert, and Keith Davis. The

human relations school of thought still influences management theory

and practice, as contemporary management focuses much attention on

human resource management, organizational behavior, and applied

psychology in the workplace.


- organizational scientist who

founded the human relations


- Focused on social factors

influencing the workplace


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- Focused on the way employees were treated by

management and the relationships they formed with one


The Hawthorne Experiments began in 1924 and continued through the

early 1930s. A variety of researchers participated in the studies,

including Clair Turner, Fritz J. Roethlisberger, and Elton Mayo, whose

respective books on the studies are perhaps the best known. One of

the major conclusions of the Hawthorne studies was that workers'

attitudes are associated with productivity. Another was that the

workplace is a social system and informal group influence could exert a

powerful effect on individual behavior. A third was that the style of

supervision is an important factor in increasing workers' job

satisfaction. The studies also found that organizations should take

steps to assist employees in adjusting to organizational life by fostering

collaborative systems between labor and management. Such

conclusions sparked increasing interest in the human element at work;

today, the Hawthorne studies are generally credited as the impetus for

the human relations school.


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Behavioral science and the study of organizational behavior emerged

in the 1950s and 1960s. The behavioral science school was a natural

progression of the human relations movement. It focused on applying

conceptual and analytical tools to the problem of understanding and

predicting behavior in the workplace. However, the study of behavioral

science and organizational behavior was also a result of criticism of the

human relations approach as simplistic and manipulative in its

assumptions about the relationship between worker attitudes and

productivity. The study of behavioral science in business schools was

given increased credence by the 1959 Gordon and Howell report on

higher education, which emphasized the importance to management

practitioners of understanding human behavior.


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The behavioral science school has contributed to the study of

management through its focus on personality, attitudes, values,

motivation, group behavior, leadership,

communication, and conflict, among

other issues. Some of the major

contributors to this school include

Douglas McGregor, Chris Argyris,

Frederick Herzberg, Renais Likert, and

Ralph Stogdill, although there are many



– Father of Humanistic Psychology

– Theory of Motivation/ Hierarchy of needs: physiological,

safety, social esteem, and self actualization

– Each step of the hierarchy must be satisfied before the

next can be activated, and that once a need was

substantially satisfied, it no longer motivated behavior.

Self actualization, achieving one’s full potential, summit of a human

being’s existence


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Modern management thought has evolved from older theories of

management and years of management experience. Additionally,

supporting and conflicting theories have been offered over the years

leading to more confusion. Thus, from the "Management Theory

Jungle" (Koontz), has emerged the thought of modern management.


The decision theory school of management, led by Simon looks upon

the management processes as a decision making process. In view of

the decision theories, since the performance of various management

functions involved decision making the entire field of management can

be studied from the study of the process of decision making. They have

expanded their area of theory building from the decision making

processes to the study of the decision, the decision maker and the

social and psychological environment of the decision maker. The

decision theory starts with the small areas of decision making and then

looks at the entire field of management through this keyhole.

Decision theory approach

The decision theory school focused on the managerial decision making

which, in its view, is the core management task, pervading all

management functions. Herbert A. Simon, the chief exponent of this


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school, uses managing and decision making as synonymous. Decision

theory approach has the following features.

1.       Management is essentially decision making.

2.       The members of the organizations are decision makers and

problem solved.

3.       Organization can be treated as a combination of various decision

centers. The level and importance of the organizational members are

determined on the basis of importance of decision which they make.

4.       Quality of decision affects the organizational effectiveness.

5.       All factors affecting the decision making are the subject matter of

the study.

Uses and limitations: the approach contributes a lot of towards the

sharpening of the managerial tools especially for making suitable

decisions in the organization. The school as how the managers can

discharge their functions effectively. But it does not take the total view

of the management. As such, its scope is quite limited considering the

requirements of the management. 


Management science (also called operations research) uses

mathematical and statistical approaches to solve management

problems. It developed during World War II as strategists tried to apply


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scientific knowledge and methods to the complex problems of war.

Industry began to apply management science after the war. George

Dantzig developed linear programming, an algebraic method to

determine the optimal allocation of scarce resources. Other tools used

in industry include inventory control theory, goal programming, queuing

models, and simulation. The advent of the computer made many

management science tools and concepts more practical for industry.

Increasingly, management science and management information

systems (MIS) are intertwined. MIS focuses on providing needed

information to managers in a useful format and at the proper time.

Decision support systems (DSS) attempt to integrate decision models,

data, and the decision maker into a system that supports better

management decisions.

Management science theory is an approach to management that

focuses on the use of rigorous quantitative techniques to help

managers make maximum use of organizational resources to produce

goods and services. In essence, management science theory is an

extension of scientific management, which, as developed by Taylor,

also took a quantitative approach to measuring the worker-task mix to

raise efficiency. There are many branches of management science,

and once again, IT, which is having a significant impact on all kinds of

management practices, is affecting the tools managers use to make



Page 34: Management thought

Each branch of management science deals with a specific set of


• Quantitative management utilizes mathematical techniques—such as

linear and nonlinear programming, modeling, simulation, queuing

theory, and chaos theory—to help managers decide, for example, how

much inventory to hold at different times of the year, where to locate a

new factory, and how best to invest an organization’s financial capital.

IT offers managers new and improved ways of handling information so

that they can make more accurate assessments of the situation and

better decisions.

• Operations management provides managers with a set of techniques

that they can use to analyze any aspect of an organization’s production

system to increase efficiency. IT, through the Internet and through

growing B2B networks, is transforming the way managers handle the

acquisition of inputs and the disposal of finished products.

• Total quality management (TQM) focuses on analyzing an

organization’s input, conversion, and output activities to increase

product quality.40 Once again, through sophisticated software

packages and computer-controlled production, IT is changing the way

managers and employees think about the work process and ways of

improving it.

Total quality management (TQM) is a philosophy or approach to

management that focuses on managing the entire organization to


Page 35: Management thought

deliver quality goods and services to customers. This approach to

management was implemented in Japan after World War II and was a

major factor in their economic renaissance. TQM has at least four

major elements. Employee involvement is essential in preventing

quality problems before they occur. A customer focus means that the

organization must attempt to determine customer needs and wants and

deliver products and services that address them.

Benchmarking means that the organization is always seeking out other

organizations that perform a function or process more effectively and

using them as a standard, or benchmark, to judge their own

performance. The organization will also attempt to adapt or improve the

processes used by other companies. Finally, a philosophy of

continuous improvement means that the organization is committed to

incremental changes and improvements over time in all areas of the

organization. TQM has been implemented by many companies

worldwide and appears to have fostered performance improvements in

many organizations. Perhaps the best-known proponent of this school

of management was W. Edwards Deming.

• Management information systems (MISs) help managers design

systems that provide information about events occurring inside the

organization as well as in its external environment—information that is

vital for effective decision making. Once again, IT gives managers


Page 36: Management thought

access to more and better information and allows more managers at all

levels to participate in the decisionmaking process.

All these subfields of management science, enhanced by sophisticated

IT, provide tools and techniques that managers can use to help

improve the quality of their decision making and increase efficiency and



This school focuses on the operation and control of the production

process that transforms resources into finished goods and services. It

has its roots in scientific management but became an identifiable area

of management study after World War II. It uses many of the tools of

management science.

Operations management emphasizes productivity and quality of both

manufacturing and service organizations. W. Edwards Deming exerted

a tremendous influence in shaping modern ideas about improving

productivity and quality. Major areas of study within operations

management include capacity planning, facilities location, facilities

layout, materials requirement planning, scheduling, purchasing and

inventory control, quality control, computer integrated manufacturing,

just-in-time inventory systems, and flexible manufacturing systems.


Page 37: Management thought


The systems approach to management is more a perspective for

viewing problems than a school of management thought.

Ludwig von Bertalanffy is recognized as the founder of general

system theory. The system approach is based on the concept that an

organization is a system. A system is defined as a number of

interdependent parts functioning as a whole for some purpose. Here

there are five components: inputs, a transformation process, outputs,

feedback, and the environment.

The systems approach is very important in general management

analysis. Four especially ideas that have had substantial impact on

management thinking are the concepts of open versus closed systems,

subsystems, subsystems and interdependencies, synergy and entropy.

Open versus closed systems. According to Ludwig von Bertlanffy,

there are two basic types of systems: closed systems and open

systems. Closed system are not influenced by and do not interact with

their environments. Open systems interact with

their environment. All organizations are open

systems, although the degree of interaction

may vary.

Entropy. Entropy is a universal property of

systems and refers to their tendency to run down and die. A primary


Page 38: Management thought

objective of management, form systems perspective, is to avoid


Synergy. Synergy means that the whole is greater the sum of its parts.

Synergy is an important concept for managers in that it reinforces the

need to work together in a cooperative fashion.

Subsystems. A subsystem is a system within a system. From another

perspective, subsystems are parts of a system that depend on one


The concept “wholeness” is very important in general system analysis.

L. Thomas Hopkins suggested the following six guidelines regarding

system “wholeness” that should be remembered during systems


The whole should be the main focus of analysis, with the parts

receiving secondary attention. Integration is the key variable in

wholeness analysis.

Possible modifications in each part should be weighted in relation to

possible effects on every other part. Each part has some role to

perform so that the whole can accomplish its purpose. The nature of

the parts and its function is determined by its position in the whole. All

analysis starts with the existence of the whole. Systems theory offers

the manager a useful perspective. For example, the management

system is based upon general system theory.


Page 39: Management thought

Based on the concept that an organization is a system.

To management is more a perspective for viewing problems

than a school of management thought.

Views organization as a system composed of interconnected-

and thus mutually dependent-sub-systems.

Sub-systems can have their own sub-sub-systems.

A system can be perceived as composed of some components,

functions and processes (Albrecht, 1983)

Three (3) Basic Elements of Systems Approach (Bakke, 1953)

Components (5 basic, interdependent parts)

1. the individual

2. the formal and informal organization

3. patterns of behavior emerging from role demands of the


4. role comprehension of the individual

5. the physical environment in which individuals works.

Linking processes:


Page 40: Management thought

1. Communication: means for eliciting action, exerting

control and effecting coordination to link decision centers in the

system in a composite

2. Balance: the equilibrium between different parts of the

system so that they keep a harmoniously structured relationship with

one another.

3. Decision analysis: considered to be a linking process

Goals of Organization:

1. Growth: expansion or development

2. Stability: solidity or strength

3. Interaction: implies how best the members can interact

with one another to their mutual advantage.

Characteristics of Systems

Systems have structure, defined by components/elements and

their composition;

Systems have behavior, which involves inputs, processing and

outputs of material, energy, information, or data;

Systems have interconnectivity: the various parts of a system

have functional as well as structural relationships to each other.


Page 41: Management thought

Systems may have some functions or groups of functions


The Systematic School of Management Thought

views organizations as made up of 'input-process-

output' building blocks

embraces techniques that integrate both scientific

management and

sociological/psychological techniques. ('Human

nature' must be included.)


Page 42: Management thought

The systems school focuses on understanding the organization as an

open system that transforms inputs into outputs. This school is based

on the work of a biologist, Ludwig von Bertalanffy, who believed that a

general systems model could be used to unite science. Early

contributors to this school included Kenneth Boulding, Richard

Johnson, Fremont Kast, and James Rosenzweig.

Kenneth Boulding

- He was cofounder of General Systems Theory and founder

of numerous ongoing intellectual projects in economics and

social science.

The systems school began to have a strong impact on management

thought in the 1960s as a way of thinking about managing techniques

that would allow managers to relate different specialties and parts of

the company to one another, as well as to external environmental

factors. The systems school

focuses on the organization as

a whole, its interaction with the

environment, and its need to

achieve equilibrium. General

systems theory received a

great deal of attention in the

1960s, but its influence on management thought has diminished


Page 43: Management thought

somewhat. It has been criticized as too abstract and too complex.

However, many of the ideas inherent in the systems school formed the

basis for the contingency school of management.


The contingency school focuses on applying management principles

and processes as dictated by the unique characteristics of each

situation. It emphasizes that there is no one best way to manage and

that it depends on various situational factors, such as the external

environment, technology, organizational characteristics, characteristics

of the manager, and characteristics of the subordinates. Contingency

theorists often implicitly or explicitly criticize the classical school for its

emphasis on the universality of management principles; however, most

classical writers recognized the need to consider aspects of the

situation when applying management principles.

Suggests that different environments require different

organizational relationships for optimum effectiveness, taking

consideration various social, legal, political, technical and

economic factors. ( Hellriegel and Slocum, 1973)

The contingency school originated in the 1960s. It has been applied

primarily to management issues such as organizational design, job


Page 44: Management thought

design, motivation, and leadership style. For example, optimal

organizational structure has been theorized to depend upon

organizational size, technology, and environmental uncertainty; optimal

leadership style, meanwhile, has been theorized to depend upon a

variety of factors, including task structure, position power,

characteristics of the work group, characteristics of individual

subordinates, quality requirements, and problem structure, to name a

few. A few of the major contributors to this school of management

thought include Joan Woodward, Paul Lawrence, Jay Lorsch, and Fred

Fiedler, among many others.

Four important ideas of Contingency Theory

• There is no universal or one best way to manage.

• The design of an organization and its subsystems must 'fit' with

the environment.

• Effective organizations not only have a proper 'fit' with the

environment but also between its subsystems

• The needs of an organization are better satisfied when it is

properly designed and the management style is appropriate both

to the tasks undertaken and the nature of the work group.


Page 45: Management thought

the development of contingency theory in the 1960s by Tom Burns

and G. M. Stalker in Britain and Paul Lawrence and Jay Lorsch in the

United States.

Tom Burns

Through their analysis they co-related the structure of an organization

to the surrounding environmental conditions. In the Fifties of the last

century Burns and Stalker (both from UK) analysed the environments

and structures of several British and Scottish firms. In their pioneering

work "Management of innovation" (1968)

The crucial message of contingency theory is that

there is no one best way to organize: The

organizational structures and the control systems

that managers choose depend on—are contingent

on—characteristics of the external environment in which the

organization operates. According to contingency theory, the


Page 46: Management thought

characteristics of the environment affect an organization’s ability to

obtain resources; and to maximize the likelihood of gaining access to

resources, managers must allow an organization’s departments to

organize and control their activities in ways most likely to allow them to

obtain resources, given the constraints of the particular environment

they face. In other words, how managers design the organizational

hierarchy, choose a control system, and lead and motivate their

employees is contingent on the characteristics of the organizational

environment (see Figure 2.5). An important characteristic of the

external environment that affects an organization’s ability to obtain

resources is the degree to which the environment is changing.

Changes in the organizational environment include changes in

technology, which can lead to the creation of new products (such as

compact discs) and result in the obsolescence of existing products

(eight-track tapes); the entry of new competitors (such as foreign

organizations that compete for available resources); and unstable

economic conditions. In general, the more quickly the organizational

environment is changing, the greater are the problems associated with

gaining access to resources and the greater is managers’ need to find

ways to coordinate the activities of people in different departments to

respond to the environment quickly and effectively.

The contingency school of management can be summarized as an “it

all depends” approach. The appropriate management actions and


Page 47: Management thought

approaches depend on the situation. Managers with a contingency

view use a flexible approach, draw on a variety of theories and

experiences, and evaluate many options as they solve problems.

Contingency management recognizes that there is no one best way to

manage. In the contingency perspective, managers are faced with the

task of determining which managerial approach is likely to be most

effective in a given situation. For example, the approach used to

manage a group of teenagers working in a fast-food restaurant would

be very different from the approach used to manage a medical

research team trying to find a cure for a disease.

Contingency thinking avoids the classical “one best way” arguments

and recognizes the need to understand situational differences and

respond appropriately to them. It does not apply certain management

principles to any situation. Contingency theory is a recognition of the

extreme importance of individual manager performance in any given

situation. The contingency approach is highly dependent on the

experience and judgment of the manager in a given organizational



Santos, Emmanuel T., Organization and Management. Revised

Edition; Manila: IAME Design Studio, 2009


Page 48: Management thought

Newstrom, John W.. Organizational Behavior. 12th Edition; New York,

USA: McGraw-Hill, 2007

CliffsNotes.com. Classical Schools of Management. 5 Feb 2013



Barnat, Ryszard, LLM., DBA, Ph.D. (August 22, 1996) (Strat.

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