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Managing customer lifecycles: Email innovation zone by TDavis Silverpop

Date post: 17-Dec-2014
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Using triggered emails, behavioural marketing and data capture through the customer lifecycle to achieve ideal outcomes. Avoid customer dropout by using these email marketing tactics. Silverpop Engage, Barilliance, CrackaWines.com.au, TAB Ozbet.
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Managing Customer Lifecycles

Presentation Notes
Is this the right graphic?
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Acquisition > Activation> Growth > Retention > Re-Activation

Landing Pages

Suspect > Prospect >

Active Customer >

Valued Customer >

Recaptured Customer >

Lead Scoring

Inactive Record Reactivation

Ideal Customer Lifecycle Social Sign-In

Web Forms

Customer >

Welcome Programs

Loyalty Offers

Conversion Program

Offer with Purchase

Churn Reduction

Loyalty Statements

Recharge, Renew

Preference Centre


Partner Offers


Renewal Alerts

Post Purchase Survey

Web tracking

Cart Abandonment

Relationship Anniversary

Subscription Renewal

Progressive Profiling

Targeted Cross-Sell

Customer Win-Back offer

Typical Customer Lifecycle

Presentation Notes
Behavioural marketing and trigger-based email, sms
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Behavioural Data Points

• Purchase history • Survey results • Loyalty points • Product searches • Spend level • Product return

• Age • Gender • Nearest store • Product preferences • Buy for self/as a gift • Language • Nationality

• Cart abandoned • Product searched • Form completed • File downloaded • Video viewed • Custom event • Retweet • Like

• Opened email • Did not open email • Clicked on link

in email • Bounced • No mailing activity • Sharing

• Voucher redemption • Store purchase • Event attendance • Call centre activity • Catalogue request • Check-in

Demographics Email behaviour Relational data Web behaviour Off-line behaviour

Presentation Notes
Remember all the sources of behavioural data you’ve got. Pick the most likely – the ones that feel like good predictors of intention – and start working with those. Experiment with a small chunk of your database. Do A/B tests. Start learning.
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Presentation Notes
A central experience database Fed by all channels and touchpoints A place to associate all those behaviours across all those places, with the Individual. A person. Your customer. Or maybe, probably, a competitor’s customer. The social media world has spawned a new generation of technology known as Non-SQL databases, for storing reams and reams of unstructured data. MongoDB is a leader in this space. Keep an eye out for this technology. Marrying unstructured data with structured is the big challenge for engineers. For marketers, it’s nice to have it all in one place.
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Triggered Emails = Low Volume, High ROI


0% 0%

60% 40%

Sales Generated

Batch Emails


0% 0%



Volume of Emails Sent

Batch Emails


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Today, our click rates are 350% higher. 350%

Our conversion rates are 50% higher 50%

Presentation Notes
The Company�Manilla is a free online personal account management service that helps consumers manage all of their household accounts, including bills, finances, travel rewards programs and subscriptions in one place. Manilla gives customers an automated, organized view of all their account information, reminders to pay bills and lifetime storage of all their statements, notices, offers and bills. Manilla is backed by Hearst Corporation, one of the most diversified private media companies in the world.    The Challenge Since its launch, Manilla has been successful in driving consumers to register for and try its online service. Once they’re registered, Manilla is very focused on moving these users down the funnel. After registration, users are encouraged (as next step in funnel) to link their provider accounts (bills, financial, travel rewards, online coupons, subscriptions). Some users link immediately (during the initial session), while others do not. User engagement with, and value to, Manilla is limited until users have linked accounts. Because of this, Manilla has focused marketing efforts on getting these “zero linkers” to link their accounts to Manilla.   The Solution Using Silverpop Engage, Manilla focused on the group of users who signed up for its services but had yet to link any personal accounts within the Manilla app. With this target audience in mind, Manilla created a lifecycle program designed to encourage users without linked accounts to begin adding accounts to Manilla.   Manilla takes a data-driven approach to marketing meaning nothing is assumed and everything is tested. When designing the program to convert users without linked accounts, Manilla decided to conduct an A/B test of nearly every aspect of the email campaign including subject lines, message frequency, images, copy and personalization over a 28-day period. The multi-step lifecycle program included emails that first further introduced the company and how to link accounts and progressed to reminders about the benefits of linking certain types of accounts.   Manilla took advantage of Silverpop’s Dynamic Content feature to substitute different images in each program depending on profile data and utilized the Send Time Optimization feature to send to each message at the time recipients were most likely to open emails in their inbox. Each test was diligently monitored and the results were heavily scrutinized..   The Results The results came in steadily over the designated testing period and a clear winner was determined. Program lifecycle B revealed a 35 percent increase in clicks-to-open, an overall 18% higher conversion rate, with the final email in the series achieving a conversion rate 272% higher than Program lifecycle A. This testing strategy now runs full-time with each of Manilla’s 50+ email marketing programs. � “Using Silverpop’s Programs, Dynamic Content and STO features has allowed us to effectively test every aspect of our campaigns, making us more relevant to our customers and increasing our effectiveness, says Ellen Perelman, Vice President, Consumer Marketing, for Manilla. “Being able to execute this testing strategy across all our email marketing campaigns has definitely improved our performance. Silverpop has been an excellent partner in achieving that success.” Challenges: Improved engagement by getting “zero linkers” to link their accounts Leveraging automation to support more than 50+ email marketing campaigns Benefits: Created a testing strategy for 50+ fully automated email marketing campaigns 35% increase in effective rate 18% increase in conversion rate
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Landing Pages

Lead Scoring

Social Sign-In

Web Forms

Web Tracking


Presentation Notes
Capturing data to grow your database The more information you collect the smarter the segmentation
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• SEM Landing Page • User funneled into promotion program • Data captured used to deliver targeted offers


Presentation Notes
Postcode driving special offers around shipping
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• Web site registration

• Improve with Social Sign-In Lead Scoring

Engage Web Tracking


Presentation Notes
Web tracking providing data on browsing behaviours and preferences
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Preference Centre

Offer with Purchase

Conversion Program


Welcome Programs

2 Lifecycle ACTIVATION

Presentation Notes
This is all about turning purchasers into card carrying customers. For most retailers, it as simple as ensuring that shipping gets the products delivered and there are no returns. But buyers still want to know how that can be managed if necessary. For service providers, activation can be more challenging. For Telcos there are many factors at play. Billing, account details, activating the SIM, rates and prices. For Betting and Wagering providers, there are regulatory requirements to satisfy – proof of age, address, a signature and the all important deposit.
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Sophistication is good but by no means essential to get amazing results from your Welcome Program A simple 3-stage email Welcome Program can be just as effective

Presentation Notes
Onboarding program that teaches customers how to use the site, how auctions work, where to find wines etc
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• Ensuring that first time customers become repeat customers

• Preferences (explicit) • Behaviours (implicit)

Presentation Notes
Onboarding program that teaches customers how to use the site, how auctions work, where to find wines etc In Ruslan Kogan’s presentation yesterday, he said to base your research on what people do rather than what they say That shouldn’t stop you from asking for preferences, but equally important is that you track behaviours. Store data on the content that each customer is browsing – categories, features, products
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• Welcome Email

Lifecycle 2 ACTIVATION

Presentation Notes
This is the first email they’re getting straight away the Cracka Brand, setting tone and personality, some old school humour and style. Also driving engagement into other channels – YT, FB, Twitter
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Lifecycle 2 ACTIVATION

• Limited Time Offer Email

Presentation Notes
Following the Welcome email if they have not purchased, they get an offer $25 off their first purchase. Trigger time delay and no purchase and no site activity. Note the time delay to allow higher value customers to make first purchase in the first 7 days.
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Our 3-Step Welcome Program for new customers has a 68% Open Rate and a 45% Click-Through Rate.





Presentation Notes
The Company Founded in 2007, Course Hero is a Silicon Valley-based edtech startup dedicated to helping students discover a more efficient and productive learning experience. Through its suite of innovative educational resources that includes courses, tutoring, digital flashcards and study documents, Course Hero provides learners who are exploring new subjects or mastering key topics with the tools they need to achieve their goals.   The Challenge Students sometimes visit Course Hero’s site and sign up for a subscription, then become inactive even though they still have access to helpful resources. Course Hero was looking to implement a lifecycle program that would enable the company to connect more strongly with new subscribers, deliver more relevant content, and re-engage inactives. “We sought to build a lifecycle program to drive brand engagement and help our subscribers get the most out of Course Hero’s services,” says Katie Augustus, director of marketing communications. “We saw the opportunity to take better advantage of our investment in Silverpop Engage to help us achieve our goal.” � The Solution To achieve more engaged subscribers and build brand trust, Course Hero implemented a sophisticated lifecycle program aimed at keeping Course Hero top of mind with paid subscribers and encouraging them to continue taking advantage of available resources. Using Silverpop’s Programs functionality, Course Hero built a campaign that educated and reminded subscribers about all of Course Hero’s resources, such as courses, digital flashcards, tutor services and study documents, during the crucial first month of membership   As the lifecycle program progresses, the content becomes more personalized:   The program opens up with two emails that highlight the features of the Flashcards and online Tutoring products and shares tips and tricks for getting the most out of each resource. As the program progresses, emails makes use of relational tables, serving up the most relevant content based on website activity as well as information the user has provided. For example, if the subscriber has identified his or herself as an economics major at Berkley, the email will highlight the top economics resources contributed by other students at Berkley. The final emails within the lifecycle program provide studying tips and an overall reminder of how to take advantage of all of Course Hero resources and get the most out of the subscription.   In additional to its lifecycle program, Course Hero also sends targeted mailings to all its subscribers and includes relevant content during key milestones in the academic year. These emails are personalized based on the user’s activity history, such as last page viewed and most recent material they used on the website. They are sent using behavioral queries in Silverpop Engage.   Course Hero also recently implemented a contest spotlighting the free courseware it offers. This contest is more interactive than its usual emails and centers around submitting a business plan. Course Hero took advantage of Silverpop’s dynamic content and A/B subject testing functionality when creating the campaign, which includes three-week, two-week, one-week and 24-hour deadline reminder emails.   In an effort to further enhance customer relations, Course Hero also created a triggered email reminding customers that their subscription is coming to an end, thereby making the billing cycle more transparent. The email is triggered one week in advance of a subscription being renewed.   The Results As a result of the lifecycle campaign Course Hero implemented and its behaviorally targeted emails, Course Hero has seen an increase in engaged subscribers. In addition, it’s tallied a 7 percent increase in email open rates and a 29 percent open rate in the mailings where A/B subject line testing is performed.   “The use of Engage has helped us strengthen our business by increasing engagement with our subscribers and building brand trust,” says Augustus. “We are seeing improved deliverability, and customers are receptive to our emails. With the help of Silverpop, we created behaviorally targeted campaigns that have drastically improved our email engagement and have been a pivotal component of our growth.”   Challenge Needed a more sophisticated lifecycle program More brand engagement and trust Become transparent with customers   Benefits More engaged subscribers 7% increase in open rates for lifecycle program Targeted and personal behaviorally targeted campaigns
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Lifecycle GROWTH 3

Loyalty Offers

Targeted Cross-sell

Post-Purchase Survey

Universal Behaviours

Progressive Profiling

Presentation Notes
Increase average customer spend Increase purchase frequency Leverage customer data to increase revenue Cracka run a targeted growth program that rewards the 5th, 10th and 15th purchase. This could be applied based on a margin threshold, a dollar value, number of products
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Get personal by understanding each customer more deeply than you ever dreamed possible

Understands Behaviors UNIVERSAL BEHAVIORS

Presentation Notes
I’ve been up on this stage many times. I’ve shared some incredibly exciting ideas over the years. But this may be the most exciting one I’ve ever shared. Like I showed in my earlier slide, universal behaviors transforms the way you interact with customers – from a long distance, one-size-fits-all monologue to an up close and personal relationship. UB’s are an integral part of the Silverpop database and they allow it to natively understand every kind of behavior your customers will ever create This is unlike anything anyone has seen before. UB’s allow you to understand a real-time stream of behaviors and events from any imaginable source. It organizes them into a single view for each customer. And it does all this in real-time so that you can use any behavior to drive any campaign any time for any single customer. A lot of you have heard about streams – like those from twitter or webtrends – this is one of the first products in the world designed to do more than report on them – this lets you process them in real time for individualized campaigns What kind of behaviors are we talking about here? Pretty much everything. We’re announcing a set of launch partners in a few minutes but the long term possibilities are endless. Imagine understanding and acting on in real-time behaviors ranging from the real time data generated by a fitness band (show arm) to the XXX <new maps unlocked in a video game>. It not only makes it easier to integrate with partners, it offers a level of integration never seen before. Subsequent releases later this year will let anyone integrate any kind of behavior natively into Silverpop. Earlier thoughts on tag-lines: Get personal by re-imagining all that you can know about each customer Get personal by understanding each customer more deeply than you have ever dreamed possible Get personal by understanding more about each customer than you have ever dreamed possible Expanding your perception, Expanding your understanding, Listening more broadly, Going beyond the marketing basics, By engaging more closely Behaviors such as opens, clicks, mentions, tweets, purchases, visits, reviews and behaviors that are being captured in multiple systems across multiple devices. Silverpop allows you to capture all that information in a single location, our next generation marketing database, and create a single identity for each and every customer.
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Behavior: Rate CustomerID: 112316 Item Name: White Chocolate Strawberry Truffle Vote: Like Class: Truffle Platform: iOS Time: 09:25 05/13/13

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Lifecycle GROWTH 3

• Post-Purchase Survey Email

Presentation Notes
THIS HASN”T GONE LIVE YET so mention that we’re looking forward to seeing the results. Make sure it goes out after they’ve received it. Much more likely to get a better results after they’ve had a chance to use the product. For Cracka, this goes out +6 weeks after the purchase. By which time they will have consumed some, maybe all, of the wine. Bear in mind though, that during the time between the purchase nd the post-purchase survey, there have been two other post-purchase emails – one form the CEO and another from the product team.
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Lifecycle RETENTION 4

Churn Reduction

Loyalty Rewards

Recharge, Renew


Renewal Alerts

Presentation Notes
Rewarding customer loyalty and using customer data to show you care and understand their needs. Also, everyone loves a bribe
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Lifecycle RETENTION 4

• Happy Birthday Offer Email

Presentation Notes
Options on timing: on the day, day before, month of. Can also do belated birthday if they did not respond or take up the offer. Change the incentive
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Our Customers birthday messages generate on

average 25X the revenue of a

standard broadcast email.

Presentation Notes
You too can expect to see significantly higher open, �click-through and conversion rates compared to broadcast emails.
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Cart Abandonment

Customer WinBack Offer

Subscription Renewal

Relationship Anniversary

Inactive Record Reactivation

Presentation Notes
Rewarding customer loyalty and using customer data to show you care and understand their needs. Also, everyone loves a bribe Anniversary – date of first purchase, date first signed up Crack have a
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• $5 WinBack Email

Presentation Notes
Customer has take n a hit on their last bet, has not bet since that event, offer to entice them back into the game. Experimenting with dollar amounts. Automated program spits out a campaign file with list of eligible customers. This is vetted b the Account team to ensure it’s within the budget for the week ahead.
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• Abandoned Cart Email

Presentation Notes
Alternative means to complete the sale – call, email, online Covers the possibility that customer may have technical issues, lack of trust or unable to complete Cart abandon email includes the item that wa in the cart but also includes recommendations Your Picks Your Picks is based on previous selections, browsing behaviour and/or people who bought that item also bought these. The recommendations are driven by Barilliance, a partner plugin to Silverpop
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Our series of cart abandonment emails delivers 97X the revenue than our promotional emails. Our conversion rate on cart abandonment emails is now 400% higher



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Acquisition > Activation> Growth > Retention > Re-Activation

Landing Pages

Suspect > Prospect >

Active Customer >

Valued Customer >

Recaptured Customer >

Lead Scoring

Inactive Record Reactivation

Ideal Customer Lifecycle Acquisition


Web Forms

Customer >

Welcome Programs

Loyalty Offers

Activation Program

Offer with Purchase

Churn Reduction

Loyalty Statements

Recharge, Renew

Progressive Profiling


Partner Offers


Renewal Alerts

Post Purchase Survey

Web tracking

Cart Abandonment

Relationship Anniversary

Subscription Renewal

Progressive Profiling

Targeted Cross-Sell

Customer Win-Back offer

Typical Customer Lifecycle

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Behavioural Data Points

• Purchase history • Survey results • Loyalty points • Product searches • Spend level • Product return

• Age • Gender • Nearest store • Product preferences • Buy for self/as a gift • Language • Nationality

• Cart abandoned • Product searched • Form completed • File downloaded • Video viewed • Custom event • Retweet • Like

• Opened email • Did not open email • Clicked on link

in email • Bounced • No mailing activity • Sharing

• Voucher redemption • Store purchase • Event attendance • Call centre activity • Catalogue request • Check-in

Demographics Email behaviour Relational data Web behaviour Off-line behaviour

Presentation Notes
Remember all the sources of behavioural data you’ve got. Pick the most likely – the ones that feel like good predictors of intention – and start working with those. Experiment with a small chunk of your database. Do A/B tests. Start learning.
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Presentation Notes
A central experience database Fed by all channels and touchpoints A place to associate all those behaviours across all those places, with the Individual. A person. Your customer. Or maybe, probably, a competitor’s customer. The social media world has spawned a new generation of technology known as Non-SQL databases, for storing reams and reams of unstructured data. MongoDB is a leader in this space. Keep an eye out for this technology. Marrying unstructured data with structured is the big challenge for engineers. For marketers, it’s nice to have it all in one place.
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A D M A G L O B A L F O R U M | 6 A U G

Automotive B2B / Technology

Consumer Goods Agency Finance /

Insurance Healthcare Travel

5,000+ Brands and 16,000 marketers use Silverpop

Presentation Notes
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A D M A G L O B A L F O R U M | 6 A U G

Tony Davis Head of Digital Strategy Silverpop

Now, let's do this thing!

1300 SIL POP (1300 145 161) [email protected] au.linkedin.com/in/tkdavis

Presentation Notes
Is this the right graphic?
