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Managing information in business hemas hospitals

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Managing Information in Business HND BM Batch 67 Individual presentation by Hashniya Ahamath CL/HNDBM67/13 1
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Managing Information in Business HND BM Batch 67

Individual presentation by

Hashniya AhamathCL/HNDBM67/13

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Introduction Hemas hospitals is a Sri Lankan chain of hospitals based in Wattala which is founded in 2008. It holds its prominence as one of the largest private hospital in Colombo suburban areas.it expanded its developments in in Thalawathugoda and galle areas making it the largest ever known tertiary hospitals in Sri Lanka

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Table of Contents

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Information used in different levels

1. Lower or operational level2. Middle or tactical level3. Upper or strategic level

There are three levels of management in a organization.

To set goals

Arrange resources

Carry out operations




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Information used in different level of Hemas hospitals

Strategic level Tactical level Operational Level

Availability of capital Budgetary control reports Patient details

Competitor analysis Cash flow forecast Employee hours worked

Future market prospects Stock turnover Payment details

Expected government policy

Employee details

overall profitability

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Information used in different level of Hemas hospitals

• There are three levels in an organizations. Strategic, Tactical and Operational.

• Strategic Level uses the information of overall profitability in order to analyze their current situation and how well they perform with comparison to their previous profits gained.

• Availability of capital is used to make sure at the end of the year if their capital amount is less or more than it was at the start of the year. So they can come up with the decision if they have to contribute to the business or not.

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Information used in different level of Hemas hospitals

• Competitor Analysis is used by the strategic level in order to analyze where they stand when comparing with their competitors. This will allow them to analyze what are the measures they should take to achieve more than the competitors if they are racing behind them.

• Used to analyze Hemas’s future performance. With the market prospect information they can make decisions on how to improve their processes in future.

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Information used in different level of Hemas hospitals

• Stock turnover details are used by the tactical level managers in Oder to find out how much of stocks are left with them , suppose if they are left with unsold goods they can sell it below the cost price to avoid lost.

• If a business runs out of cash and is not able to obtain new finance, it will become insolvent. It is no excuse for management to claim that they didn’t see a cash flow crisis coming.

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Information used in different level of Hemas hospitals

• So in business, “cash is king”. Cash flow is the life-blood of all businesses – particularly start-ups and small enterprises. As a result, it is essential that management forecast (predict) what is going to happen to cash flow to make sure the business has enough to survive.

• Employee details used by the tactical level is recorded to find out the employee who doesn’t come to work, late to work, and who performs bad at work.

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Information used in different level of Hemas hospitals

• Operational level uses day to day information available within an organization such as patient details and payment details when a customer comes to admit a patient to Hemas, the receptionist takes down the basic personal details and the payment received of the patient which will be sent to tactical level as a combination of total number of patient details and total payment details.

• Finally operational level takes record of the number of hours the employee worked which will be transferred to the tactical level so that the middle level managers can summarize them and make decisions easier.

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Source of Information available


Internal External

Strategic • Accounts • Competitor annual reports

• Government acts tactical • Spreadsheet

• Ledgers • Websites • Market research

Operational • Application • Bills• Attendance sheet

• Customer feedback

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The necessity of moving from manual to a systematic working processes

Manual Systematic

Human error Machineries very rarely make mistake

Needs lots of paper No paper is required

Once the data is burned it cannot be re produced easily

Data can be backup and recovered

Not accessibile to any healthcare personnel and accessibility to any healthcare institution.

Accessibility to any healthcare personnel and accessibility to any healthcare institution.

Volume of date becomes a problem (storage)

Volume of data is not an issue

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The necessity of moving from manual to a systematic working processes

• Humans mind are unreliable. Human beings are slow in antithetical sums, to make decision computerized system is more easy. If it is a manual system we have to all the operation one by one. Such as decision making, ICU monitoring, report making payments etc.

• Computerized system can do all things at once. To reputed large hospital like Heams computerized system is important.

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Information System used in different level of Hemas hospitals

Management level

Types of information system

Level of usage Level of acceptance

Level of contribution



operational Transaction Processing System

0% 100% (Entering, Processing, Editing and Retrieving data)

100% by the cashiers and receptionist

Tactical Hospital Management Information System

0% 100% (store data of patients with security and privacy)

100% by managers

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Information System used in different level of Hemas hospitals

Management level

Types of information system

Level of usage Level of acceptance

Level of contribution



Strategic Executive support system

0% 100% (Tools to summarize reports)

100% (Executive Managers

Clinical Decision support system

0% 100% (Review Diaognasis)

100% by Nurses, physician and healthcare professionals

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New trends in information system Applications to link the enterprise

• Customer Relation Management- enhances relationships between consumers and physician at Hemas. CRM at Hemas will enable them to send the right message to the right people at the right time, thereby allowing them to take better care of their health. Programs such as these also can boost customer loyalty. This is true for consumers and physicians.

• Eg: Give discounts on patients who are above 55 years.

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New trends in information system Applications to link the enterprise

• Hemas uses B2B and B2C e-commerce. • B2B is where information are exchanged

within the hospital, vendors and doctor offices. B2C is where Hemas provides services to the customers digitally using websites. Eg: e-channeling for customers without having to travel to the hospital

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Communication process happen within the organization

Internal External

manual Systematic Manual Systematic

• Weekly staff meetings

• Notice board • Letters • Handouts

• Websites• Calls• Fax

• Promotions • Posters • Leaflet • News

papers • Magazines

• Email • Advertising • Online surveys• Social medias

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Communication process happen within the organization





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Modern communication trends, tools and techniques

• Cloud computing -Cloud technology is used to create a network between patients, doctors, and healthcare institutions by providing applications, services and also by keeping all the data in the cloud.

• Video conferencing – hemas hospitals use video conference for meeting between branches .

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Modern communication trends, tools and techniques

• Online forums on official website- people can use the online customer forum of Hemas to enquire about the pricing and package schemes. Also ask questions relating to the services at Hemas. For example "After a Blood Test is done how long will it take for the report to arrive?"

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Infrastructure Ha


are • Computers

• Credit card readers

• X- ray scans


are • Windows

• Android• Miracle



k • Wide area network (WAN)

• Local area network (LAN)

Information system service

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Hardware• Computers – In Heams everything is based on

HIS (Hospital Information System). To function a HIS they need computers.

• Credit card readers- credit card and the debit cards are the reputed medium of paying so people move to pay hospital bills and doctor fees by cards, to fulfill electronic money transaction hemas maintaining card readers.

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Software • Windows- Hemas using ‘One Windows’

strategy, which will give hospitals that ability to consolidate various devices onto Windows 10.

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Network• Wide area network (WAN)- hemas uses wide

area network to connect with larger geographical areas such as foreign medical centers.

• Local area network (LAN)- Hemas uses local area network network for access patient records.

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Evaluation of information technology

Culture –• The culture is the values and behaviors that contribute to the

unique social and psychological environment of an organization. Their intention is to work in an environment which accepts and values those who act with responsibility. It provides an optimum environment in which to forge a dynamic young team, proficient and trained, to act efficiently in the field of healthcare. With this environment dealing with information system is very easy .

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Evaluation of information technology

Communication –• Hemas hospital uses new techniques to communicate . Good

communication is essential to managing and working in a productive and efficient workplace .

• Hemas hospital’s communication done as internal and external • Hemas should utilize the built-in alerting capabilities of

automation software to create help desk tickets when an object fails.

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Evaluation of information technology

Decision making-• The thought process of selecting a logical choice from the

available option. It is a very complex process. Hemas uses information system to analyze Hemas’s future performance. With the market prospect information they can make decisions on how to improve their processes in future.

Growth –• hemas has expansion their organization locally by using

information system.

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Reference • Bibliography: hemas hospitals (2013) Hemas hospitals official Website | Wattala/ Sri

Lanka. Available at: https://www.google.lk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiEy_OUkbrNAhUIRo8KHSZQCaEQFghKMAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hemashospitals.com%2F&usg=AFQjCNH1kjKDSkHvK_d1TOcuYr7qQSdVIQ&sig2=c0WiThuuQGYqvJl509YY1w (Accessed: 21 June 2016). In-line Citation: (hemas hospitals, 2013)

•Bibliography: Salleh, A. (2014) INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN HEALTH CARE. Available at: https://drdollah.com/hospital-information-system-his/ (Accessed: 21 June 2016). In-line Citation: (Salleh, 2014)

• Bibliography: NETSCOUT (2016) Healthcare IT network systems - hospital computer systems. Available at: http://enterprise.netscout.com/expertise/industry/healthcare (Accessed: 21 June 2016). In-line Citation: ( NETSCOUT, 2016)

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