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Module Outcomes As a result of completing this module you will be able to: Explain the organisational and biblical rationale for developing a sound self-management strategy Articulate the priorities and subsets of a sound self management strategy Articulate the connection between the priorities of a sound self management strategy and the “armour of God” in Ephesians 6. Explain how the five priorities of self-management are expressed in your private and public selves as defined in the Johari Window. MANAGING SELF Youth for Christ Leadership Training
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Module OutcomesAs a result of completing this module you will be able to:

• Explain the organisational and biblical rationale for developing a sound self-management strategy

• Articulate the priorities and subsets of a sound self management strategy

• Articulate the connection between the priorities of a sound self management strategy and the “armour of God” in Ephesians 6.

• Explain how the five priorities of self-management are expressed in your private and public selves as defined in the Johari Window.



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It is imperative that the YFC leader set the standard for self management.

Self management in the YFC context is the process of accepting responsibility for the organisation and effective functioning of ones lifestyle priorities.

Self-management is vital to being a successful YFC leader. It is too common that staff members resign from their positions because they become overwhelmed by their workload and are unable to balance ministry commitments with family life.

You can avoid this dilemma by being organised and maintaining a healthy balance in all areas of your life.

This is not simply in order to provide a good model for other staff. It is also sound, godly behaviour that is commanded by God’s word.

In 1Timothy 3:8-12 and Titus 1:5-9 St Paul lists many of the characteristics that should be seen in Christian leaders. Some of these include being of good behaviour, not greedy for money, not given to excessive drinking, not quick tempered, but being self-controlled, a responsible steward, one that holds fast to the Word of God and has a good reputation outside the church. These are all about godly self-management.

The keys to successful self-management include the establishment of your priorities in a

godly manner and the structuring of your resources around those priorities.

The famous psychologist of last century Carl Jung is reputed to have once said:

‘The world will ask you who you are, and if you do not know, the world will tell you’.

The point he was making is that there are so many competing demands upon our time and attention that they will consume us unless we set our own priorities. Unless we reflect on our priorities and how we will achieve them, others will set them for us and tell us how to do life. The priorities of a YFC leader need to include:

• Commit to personal growth and spiritual development

• Meet family and relational needs• Fulfil ministry responsibilities• Know your limitations• Expand your capabilities













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Personal Relationship with God

The YFC Leader’s first priority is to continue to grow in their relationships.

When Jesus delivered the address known as the “Beatitudes” to the disciples as recorded in Matthew 5:1-12, he provided the basic ingredients for spiritual growth. Jesus outlined the priorities of a relationship with God; with others; and with self and our circumstances. He begins each statement with the word “blessed” or “makarios” in the Greek. “Makarios” refers to an unassailable serenity that is immune to external influence.

A YFC leader should seek “makarios” in all relationships, particularly with God.

In Matthew five Jesus first deals with

the “makarios” of those who recognise their spiritual bankruptcy and their dependence on God’s grace. This is the beginning of personal growth: to acknowledge our total reliance on our Heavenly Father. If this is true, then a major self-management strategy is to know more about Him and his plan for our self-management. Every YFC leader needs to be in regular conversation with God through prayer and Bible reading. This will only happen when there is protected time set aside for these purposes.

Self-DevelopmentOne’s own personal relationship with

God is a key to the other dimensions of self-management. If one lacks a true sense of “makarios” about who one is in God’s sight, then the priority to manage other areas in one’s life will become a greater struggle.

One area that is often neglected is physical well being. An annual medical

check up needs to be included in every YFC leader’s self-management strategy. Included within the check up there should be consultation on a dietary and exercise programme.

The management of dietary and exercise regimes is extremely important to maintain the stamina needed to meet the demands upon a YFC leader. Good diet is often culturally and nationally determined. It is imperative that the YFC leader be aware of what is healthy for their particular body needs. Modern research indicates that many health problems can be avoided through good diet. Where maintaining a healthy diet is expensive, the YFC leader needs to make adjustments to their budget to accommodate this priority.

Likewise, the YFC leader needs to be

engaged in an exercise programme that will enhance their ability to cope with the demands of the position. It is recommended by most health professionals that everyone should engage in 30 minutes of exercise each day. Similarly, like prayer and Bible reading, unless it is scheduled into your day it may not happen.

When you schedule your personal time in your week be sure to observe a weekly day-off and annual vacation/leave. It has been found that if a person takes an hour a day, a day a week, a weekend a month and a month a year as personal time they are more refreshed, alert and more productive during their ministry times.

Another commonly neglected self-management area is sleep. A lack of sleep can reduce awareness, impair memory function, lower productivity and, if serious, produce burnout and mental illness. A


1. Get focused

2. Be clear

3. Take action


anaging Self

Performance, health and happiness are grounded in the skilful management of energy.

Energy, not time, is our most precious resource.

Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz

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YFC leader needs to protect their sleep time and consult with a medical practitioner if sleep patterns are disrupted.

Family and Relational NeedsMany YFC leader s are married. Many have

families for whom they share responsibility with their spouse. The spouse and family priorities are second only to your essential self-care issues. Be aware that self-care is not the same as selfishness. The YFC leader is concerned about their own care in order to be able to care for others, not at the expense of others. A servant leader may need to make sacrifices in order to meet the needs of their family.

The needs of the family are often great and often increase around certain events in the life of the family. There is no excuse for neglecting these needs. 1 Timothy 5:8 reminds us that one who neglects their family’s needs is worse than an infidel.

Take time for family celebrations. Take time to pick out appropriate cards and presents. Attend your children’s school and sporting activities and let them know they are special.

The YFC leaders who are single will be able to translate these principles to their family and special people in their lives. The principle is the same:

Manage your own self-care so you can care for the needs of your family and friends.

OthersThe YFC leader will relate to many people in

the course of a normal ministry day. Each person will have particular qualities, needs and contributions to make to the director’s personal and ministry life. The presence of “makarios” will sustain the leader through the diversity of those interactions. The “makarios” in this case is linked to “meekness” or better still “self-control” and “self-awareness”. The writer of Proverbs 16 reminds us that the one who has self-control is mightier than one who captures a city!

It can be common for a YFC leader, to have only christian friends. The YFC leader often relates to their staff, the YFC board members, the local and national church leadership, YFC supporters and other adults. It is important that the YFC Leader follow Jesus’ example and relate to people from all walks of life and age groups. Self-management includes the on-going development of relationships with diverse populations. This helps the national director to see the world through the eyes of a variety of people.

Ministry ResponsibilitiesThe YFC leader’s ministry responsibilities

should be clearly outlined in their position description. However, it is common for the volume of the task to absorb a great deal more of a YFC leader’s time and energies than intended.

The YFC leader’s ministry responsibilities are numerous and need to be viewed as just that; ministry responsibilities. They do not define you as a person. You are far more than a YFC leader, therefore the position you hold comes after your “self-care” and “family-care” priorities.












Do you want to make a difference? Then pay attention to the metaphor of the ant (Proverbs 6: 6-8) :

A – Attitude of Initiative: Ants don’t need a commander to tell them to get started

N – Nature of Integrity: Ants work faithfully and need no outside accountability to keep them doing right.

T – Thirst for Industry: Ants work hard and will replace their anthill when it gets ruined.

S – Source of Insight: Ants store provisions in summer.

If we consider and learn from the ways of the ant, we can grow wise.John C Maxwell

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Monitor Your Work Hours

The time needed to accomplish your responsibilities will vary according to the ministry schedule. However, set a limit on the time you intend to spend on each event/task and attempt to stick to that limit. If you work late one evening then start later another day. The most common cause of ministry burnout is overwork.

Learn to Delegate

An efficient YFC leader will delegate the responsibility and authority to carry out tasks to appropriate staff members. The YFC leader maintains the accountability to get them done, but you let others decide how they will carry out the tasks themselves. Delegation is a skill to learn that will multiply your ministry.

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Each YFC leader needs to hold regular meetings with the YFC board and meet more regularly with their staff. Weekly general staff meetings and monthly senior staff meetings are a recommended minimum. Communication is the key to good staff relations and there is always something to celebrate, pray about or plan. One of the first signs of a ministry organisation in trouble is that communication breaks down.

Therefore, err on the side of too much

communication, rather than not enough.

Separate What's Important From What's Urgent

One of the major points that experienced YFC leader make is that they've learned to respond to what's important, rather than what's urgent. Phone calls from board members, sick staff members, and lost paperwork, all seem to suddenly demand immediate attention. Your day can demand a response to one crisis after another. As you

gain experience, you will stop responding to the crisis and instead respond to the problem that causes the crisis. You get an answering machine, you plan for team members being away on camp for a week, and you accept that staff gets sick. You develop a filing system or purchase software to keep track of your paperwork.

Deal with the problem not the symptom.

“Today, be aware of how you are spending your 1,440 beautiful moments, and spend them wisely.” Unknown Author

Know Your LimitationsThere are no YFC leaders who can actually

“do it all”. Even small ministries need personnel with a variety of gifts and talents in order for it to be fully effective.

Every YFC leader relies on the entire team from board members to volunteers to accomplish the ministry goals. The YFC leader who recognises their own limitations and harnesses the gifts and talents of others will be a better leader.

Scriptures, including Romans 12:6-8 , 1

Corinthians 12:4-11, and Ephesians 4:7-13 tell us that we are all gifted by God’s Spirit for ministry and that no one has all the necessary gifts. Those who are gifted in organisation and administration are essential partners with those with more public speaking and evangelism gifts. The YFC leader needs to identify their own gifts and endeavour to develop them while recruiting ministry

Master Communication and You Manage Conflict

Managing Self

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personnel with complimentary gifts to compose the ministry team.

Once you identify your own gifts, talents and interests, you are able to acknowledge your limitations and delegate the associated tasks to more able and gifted team members.

Consider five key words to understanding how God helps leaders to navigate their way through life based on Proverbs 16:1-3

1. Process: God’s plan usually unfolds over time. What is He revealing progressively?

2. Purpose: God wants to accomplish His purposes. Why were you created?

3. Potential: God will use your gifts and passion. Does this goal fit who you are?

4. Prioritise: God will ask you to adjust your time and energy. What steps must you take?

5. Proceed: God will eventually require you to act. When should you start?John C Maxwell












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Expand Your CapabilitiesThe effective YFC leader will engage in life-long learning and skill development.

The YFC Leader needs to model the process of expanding one’s capabilities for the staff members. It has been said that the day we fail to learn something about our God, our self or our world we have begun to decay. This could be interpreted to say the day a YFC leader thinks they know it all and can do all they become a liability to the mission.

When we revisit the gifts and talents we have been given, we realise they are not complete. There is always room for improvement.

Dick Hagstrom, a former YFC consultant, devised the Traffic Light Model of assessing gifts. He noted we had “Red, Amber and Green” abilities. The “Reds” were areas of incompetence, the “Ambers” were areas of limited ability and the “Greens” were areas of competent ability. With acknowledgement to Dick Hagstrom we can use this model to set a strategy to expand our capabilities.

Identify those “Red” areas and begin to gain some introductory understanding and skill. It may mean devoting some spare time to this new area. However, it is more important to elevate your “Ambers” from “limited” to a “more competent” level. This may need dedicated time so the knowledge or skills can be mastered. Your “Greens” should not be neglected as there are always updated materials and related skills to be added to your strong areas.

It is a good idea to delegate as many tasks that are “Reds” and “Ambers” for you as possible and appropriate, and to focus as much of your time as possible doing “Green” tasks.

The YFC leader’s self-management strategies are a key aspect of good leadership.

Jesus, and His Father, set His priorities and He never deviated from them. We can follow His example and establish sound biblical priorities for our life and devise strategies to fulfil them.

Managing Self

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Managing Self Workbook

Youth for Christ Leadership Training

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Biblical Study of Managing Self

Physical HealthThroughout the Bible the theme of self-care is important; there are multiple examples of individuals who practice different self-care strategies. Jesus is one obvious example, as he would often get away from the crowds to have time alone with God the Father. This not only addressed his spiritual health through prayer, but also allowed him to have much needed rest away from the crowds.

The book of Proverbs offers verses that deal with taking care of ones self. Proverbs 23:19-21 talks about eating and drinking, “Listen, my son, and be wise, and set your heart on the right path: Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.” This passage is directly dealing with alcohol and overeating, both of which are condemned. But, this passage shows that ones diet can affect their overall health. Daniel eats only vegetables and only drinks water and is found to be as healthy as those who ate from the king’s table. This is not advocating vegetarianism or only drinking water but shows that taking care of one’s diet will have positive results. Many of the laws given to the Israelites deal with diet. While as a Christian you are no longer under the dietary laws of the Old Testament, many of them are good principles for healthy eating.

Reflection Questions:

What does the Bible say about maintaining a healthy diet?



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Why do you think the Bible addresses physical health?


What are some other examples found in the Bible that you can think of that offer examples or direct teaching on the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle?


Spiritual HealthWhile physical health is extremely important and you need to ensure that you maintain your body, spiritual health is equally important,. The Bible devotes many pages to showing the importance of spiritual health. In Ephesians 6:10-18 you are told why spiritual health is so important, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” The main battle you face everyday is in the spiritual realm. In ministry this battle can be even fiercer as the devil does not want the gospel to be shared with the youth of this world.

If you take your spiritual health seriously your training and ministry will be more productive. This section is the building block for everything else that will be done. If this building block is not properly built, then the rest of what is built on top of it will come crashing down at some point. As a Christian leader you need to be diligent in your spiritual life, not only for your own sake, but also because you are to be a model for the rest of your staff and the young people to whom you minister. Therefore, you need to keep yourself spiritually healthy and seek help immediately from your spiritual mentor when you are spiritually weak and vulnerable.

Please read the following passage:

Ephesians 6:10-18

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness

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in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.  18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

To prepare for this spiritual battle the Bible tells us of the “equipment” that God makes available to us. While God makes the necessary equipment available the section is very clear that you need to put it on. Truth, righteousness, readiness, faith, salvation, the Bible, and prayer are your offensive and defensive weapons for this spiritual battle that is being waged.

A belt, while often a fashion accessory today, was an important piece of clothing to a soldier during biblical times. The belt would secure their outfit and make sure that their clothing did not get in their way while fighting in hand to hand combat. With the belt fastened tightly around their waste a soldier was ready for battle. Without the belt they would be unprepared and highly ineffective in combat.

Biblical Truth does the same for us today; it is the belt that helps us to be prepared and effective. If as a leader you are not regularly meditating on the Word of God you will be ill prepared and ill equipped for ministry. The Biblical truth that you gain from the Bible acts as a filter through which you screen all of your questions, ideas and decisions. If a decision does not fit into the filter of biblical truth, then it needs to be tossed aside or changed to fit with the truth. For example, if it is brought to your attention that one of your staff is not attending a local church body, you need to see what the Bible says about that. In Hebrews 10:24-25 you are told not to "forsake meeting with one another." The Bible is very clear about church attendance. The staff person who is not going to church needs to be spoken to and you need to explain the biblical reasoning why attending church is required of staff. Without Biblical truth, it might be easy to be convinced otherwise.

Provide some examples of situations that arise in ministry where knowing the truth will help equip and prepare you for leadership.


A breastplate was a key defensive weapon for a soldier, helping to guard the soldiers vital mid section from on coming attacks. What is the breastplate that a Christian takes into battle? Righteousness. This righteousness is referring to the righteousness of obeying God’s Word. When you obey God’s Word you are protected from the attacks of Satan. He has no effective weapon against those who obey God. It is when you disobey God that Satan’s attacks are effective and

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can cause damage. All moral failure that leaders commit comes from disobeying God's Word. In the previous section truth was emphasised; the righteousness here comes from acting rightly on the truth of the Bible. Acting rightly will keep you from the appearance of evil and from lies and attacks people may bring against you. For example, if you obey God and are wise stewards of God's resources (money) by keeping accurate, detailed records of the ministry's finances, others cannot successfully accuse the ministry of mishandling money. Having accurate, detailed records will provide protection against their attacks.

The Bible notes that "all have sinned." Knowing this, what are some ways that you can make sure to minimise failure to obey God in your life?


Shoes allowed a soldier in battle to stand firm and hold their position. They gave the soldier confidence that they could keep their ground. The “gospel of peace” does the same thing for believers. What is it that allows Christians to stand firm in their life and ministry? It is the work that Christ accomplished on the cross in his death and in his resurrection three days later. You can stand firm knowing that your salvation is secure in Christ. Romans 8:31, 37-39 says it well, “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us...No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Be confident in what Christ accomplished on the cross, even when everything else seems to be going against you. There will be times as a leader that feel as if the world is against you; during these times have peace knowing that your salvation is secure.

Why is it important to have peace in knowing that Jesus’ death and resurrection have secured your salvation?


The shield protected a soldier from arrows and sometimes, as mentioned here, from flaming arrows. The enemy would shoot the arrow and try to injure or kill the soldier. But, the shield, if used properly, was very effective at keeping the arrows from injuring them. As a Christian, your shield is your faith. It is your faith in God that he can be trusted with all things. The devil is at all times shooting arrows of doubt, lies, and anything else that can make a believer’s trust in God falter. If

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Satan can injure a Christian’s faith in God, then he can make them completely ineffective as a witness for Christ. Therefore, as a Christian leader it is vitally important to moment by moment trust in God. When your volunteers are not acting as you would like, the money doesn’t seem to be there, and you are not seeing any fruit from your ministry, trust that God is in control and that his will will be done.

Having faith in God at all times can be difficult when nothing seems to be going right. What are some ways in the past that you have kept your faith? What are some sources you can use to increase your faith?


The head is obviously a very important part of the human body. You can live without many different parts of your body, but the head is not one of them. This part of the body makes all of your decisions; you make those decisions through the things you see, hear, taste, smell, and touch. This is why a soldier would wear a helmet in battle, if his head was injured, the soldier would be out of commission. You have already looked at the importance of being able to stand firm in the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can stand firm because your salvation is secure. It is with your mind that you make the decision to trust Christ for your salvation. If Satan can cause your mind to doubt and not trust, then he will be able to have a negative impact on you and your ministry. It is your salvation that protects you from all doubt in your mind.

How has the salvation that you have in Christ protected your mind from doubting?


The last piece of weaponry mentioned is the “sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” The sword was a soldier’s offensive weapon with which they would attack. It is what they would use to defeat the enemy. The Bible is the offensive weapon for Christians. You can go on the attack with the Word of God. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” The word of God is your offensive weapon against the world. It holds the truth that you need to speak to right wrongs and it holds the truth about the salvation that only comes through Jesus Christ. You need to proclaim boldly the word of God. The gospel needs to be shared with the youth of the community to break the stronghold that Satan has on those who do not believe. The Apostle Paul is seen in Acts and his epistles proclaiming the gospel

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and people coming to Christ. Are you taking up the sword that is the word of God and proclaiming the gospel to the young people in your community?

What are some creative ways that you can take the word of God to the young people you minister to?


The passage finishes talking about the armour of God with the sword of the Spirit. But, the verse that follows shares with you another important part of your “equipment” as Christians: prayer. The last verse (v. 18) admonishes followers of Christ to pray and to “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” This does not give you permission to pray when you feel like it; no, you are to pray on all occasions and for every reason. As a leader this is one of the most important things you can model for your staff and the youth. Be a person of prayer.

List some ways in which you can incorporate prayer into your personal life and your ministry.


Hopefully, you are able to see the importance of putting on the armour of God (truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, the Bible, and prayer) and using it in all aspects of life. A leader who does not wear the armour of God will be just as effective as a soldier who goes to battle with no armour; they will be defeated.

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Reflection Questions

Why is a leader’s spiritual life the foundation for everything else they do in ministry?


What are the easiest parts of the armour of God for you to put on? Why?


What are the most difficult parts of the armour of God for you to put on? Why?

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are some ways that you can improve your ability to put on these difficult parts of armour?


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Self Exploration of Managing Self

In this section of the module you will have the opportunity to explore those areas that are contributing to and inhibiting your development as a whole person.

The matrix below is a common version of the Johari window that you will use as a template to explore the various parts of who you are, your various selves.





The Johari Window is a contraction of the first names of Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham (1969).  It presents a simple yet effective description of the various aspects of an individual’s composite self and provides an opportunity to learn more about themselves.

There are four panes to the Johari Window.

“Open" represents the self you present to those around you. It is the space where there is authenticity and transparency between what you know about yourself and what is known to others. In this space you are able to confidently commune with others.

“Blind" is your self that others can see but is not known to you. It is the space where others see parts of you of which you are unaware. They are the parts whose existence you tend to deny and usually create problems in your relationships.

“Hidden" is the self known only to you that you do not allow to be known by others. It is the space where your perceived vulnerabilities and weaknesses are stored out of sight. These are the parts that you protect from public view. 

“Unknown” represents those parts of who you are that are hidden to you and others around you. This space is the unconscious and invisible self known only to God your creator.

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The goal of this exercise is to bring more of your self to your understanding and to help you be willing to share more of who you are with others so as to be a more authentic person.

Before you proceed, take two minutes and list two benefits that could result from sharing more of your hidden self with your board and staff members, and something you have learnt about yourself from a trusted other.

Benefit 1 ____________________________________________________________________________

Benefit 2 ____________________________________________________________________________

Feedback ___________________________________________________________________________

The next exercise is to consider how the various areas you have presented as essentials for self management can be improved by connecting them to the “window”.

Here is the list of essentials presented in the manual.

• personal growth and development

• family and relational needs

• fulfil ministry responsibilities

• know your limitations

• expand your capabilities

Remind yourself of the content in each one and then fill in each window pane with the personal details relevant to each of the five areas. The Blind pane can be populated by feedback that you have received from others. The “Unknown” pane can be used to list any issues or concerns that you have about the specific area to which you have no answers or direction.

The following is an example of how the completed window may look for the section dealing with your personal relationship with God.

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Here is one window for each of your key areas.

Begin by selecting the most relevant sub section from within those presented in the Self Management document and complete the window panes.

Personal Growth and Development



Family and Relational Needs



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Fulfil Ministry Responsibilities



Know Your Limitations



Expand Your Capabilities



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Group Tasks for Managing Self

Now connect with your small group and share your Windows to a comfortable level. Do not feel obliged to share beyond your comfort zone. This is about the process of growth not about presenting ourselves as complete. That will not happen until you are with Jesus!

The final task in this module is for you to identify and share the resistance you feel to any needed changes. These changes may be small or large. However, when contemplated, these changes create discomfort or apprehension. Take time to express these feelings with your group and share with one another any available resources to reduce the resistance.

Youth for Christ Leadership Training

