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MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

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Operating Manual of the Manrod lathe MR-334.Manual de operações do torno Manrod MR-334.
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Page 1: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334



Page 2: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

Table of contents

1 Safety

1.1 Safety wamings (waming notes)1.1.1 Classlfication of hazards1.1.2 Other pietograms

1.2 Proper use

1.3 Possible dangers causec by the machine

1.4 Oualification af personnel1.4.1 Target grou;p1.4.2 Authorised persormel1.4.3 Oblipations of the operator1.4.4 ObHgations of me user

1.4.5 Additiona! quaiificatlon requirements

1.5 USے positions

1.5 Safety devices1.6~1 EJ\lJERGEl~CYSTOP button1.6.2 Proíective cover1.6.3 Lathe chuck key

1.6.4 Prnhibitíon, warnlng and rnandatory labels

1.7 Safety check

1.8 Individualprotection geer

1.9 Safety durinpoperatlon

1.10 Safety during malntenance1.10.1 Dísconnectinç me leme and maJdng it safe1.1 D2LJsing lifting equbment'l.10.3Mecnanicai rnalntenance wotk

1.11 Aocíoent report

1.12 E!ectrica] system

2 Technical dataPower connectionÍ'ifíachine dataDimensionsVVork areaEnvíronrnental conditionsOperafinp material

2.1 Emissions


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3 Assembly'J 1v. i Extent af suppíy


Installation and assernbly3.4.1 Requirements of the ínstaílation site3.4.2 Load suspension poínt3.4.3 Instalíation

3.4.4 lnstalíatíon drawing



3.5 Fírst use3.5.1 Cleaninç ano greasing

3.5.2 Visual ínspectlon

3.5,? Run test3.5..4 Power connectíon3.5.5 Functional test

3.6 Optiona! machíne accessoriss3.6.1 Mounting lnstruction chuck flange3.6.2 Maunting instructíon of collet chuck holder

4 Design and function4.1 Construction features4.2 Lathe bed4.3 Headstock4.4 Feed gear4,5 Apron4. 6 Tailstock

5 Operation5.1 Safety5.2 Contrai and indicatfng elements Control elemants5.4 Toalholder

5.4. 1 Tool height5.4.2 Tool angle

5.5 Lathe chuck5.5.1 Head spindle seat

5.6 Adjusting the speed5.6.1 Protectíve cover of the headstock5.6.2 Changing the speed range5.6.3 Speed table

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5] Adjusting the feed5.7.1 Selector switch

5.7.2 Chang1ng the chan:ge gears5.7.3 Engaging lever

5.8 Lathe sadots with cross and top s!ide5.8.1 Immobilising the latha saddle5.8.2 Turning tapers with the top síide5.8.3 Cross-adjustment ot the tailstock

5.9 Tailstock sleeve

5.10 Clamping a workpiece into the lathe cnuck5.10.1 Heplacing tlle clamping jaws on the lalhe chuck

5.11 General working notes5.11.1 Fittíng a follow rest5,1 í .2Coolaní


6 Maintenance6.1 Safety

6.1.1 Preparaíion

6.1.2 Restarting

6.2 InSPection and maintenance6.3 Repaír

6.4 Exploded view of top sHde

6.4_1 Spare parts list of top slid6

6.5 Exploded view of cross siíde

6.5.1 Spars paris 11stof cross slíde6.6 Exploded víew of appron

6.6.1 Spare parts iist of appron6.7 Exploded view of lathe bed

6.7.1 Spare parts list of lathe bed6.8 Exploded vísw of feed gear

6.8.1, Spare parts list of feed gear

6,9 Exp10ded view of headstack

6.9.1 Spare parts fist of headstock6,10 Exploded view of chanqs geaf

6.10,1 Spare parts list of change gear6, í1 Wiring diagram (230V)

6.12 Wiring diagram (400 V)

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7 Anomalies.7.1 Anornaües in the lathe

8 Appendix

8. 1 Copyright.

8.2 Termínology/Glossary

8. 3 Product follow-up

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1 Safety

Glossary of symbols

Il'~. gives additional indications

-7 calls on you to act


This part of the operatlnq manual

• explains the meaning and use of the warning references contained in the operating manual,• explains how to use the lathe properly,• highlights the dangers that might arise for you or others íf these instructíons are not obeyed,• tells you how to avoid dangers.

In addition to this operatinç manual please observe

• applicable laws and reçulations,• legal regulations for accident prevention,• the prohibition, waming and mandatory slgns as well as the warning notes on the lathe.

European standards rnust be observed during installation, operation, rnaintenance and repair ofthe lathe.

If European standards are not applied In the national legislation of the country of destinatlon, thespecific applíeable regulatíons of each country must be observed.

Where necessary, the required measures must be taken to cornply with the specific regulation ofeach country before the tathe is ftrst used,



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1.1 Safetywarnings (warningnotes)

1.1.1 Classificationof hazards

We classify the safety warníngs into various levels. The table below gives an overview of theclassification of symbols (pictograms) and warnings for the speciãc danger and íts (possíble)consequences ..

Pictogram Definition/Consequences



DANGER! !j. Immlnent danger that will cause serious injury or death to.' personnel.

Risk: A danger that might cause seríous injury ar death topersonnel.WARNINGl




I Appllcafion tips and other important or useful informatíon1 and notes.

No dangerous or harmful consequences for personnel orobjects.

In the case of speclfíc dangers. we replace the pictogram

I Danger or unsafe procedure that might cause injury toi personnel ar damage to property.

1------1---------41.. . .. . m m •.••••••••• m •• m ••..•...• m ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• - ••• ----11 Situation that could cause damage to the machine and1 product and other types of damage.

No risk of injury to personnel.

A'·'/.:,;1.: ..~•.........

,- ••••• ', ------ <

General dan-ger

with a warningof


injuries tohands,

hazardouselectrical volt-age,

rotating parts.

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1.1.2 Other pictograms


....;;~1(;.,.... "y/j;~".... _. - ..... _----- ..

Warning of auto-matic start-upl

Use protectívegloves!

1.2 Proper use

Activation forbid-denl

Use protecnvebootsl

Use ear protec-tion!

Contact address

&.;;~;~~:::r~::~~~I.• will endanger the maehine and other material propertyof the operator,• may affect proper operation of the rnachlne.

The machine is designed and manufactured to be used in envíronments where there ís nopotential danger of explosion.

The lathe is designed and manufactured for straight tuming and fadog round or regularly formedthree-, slx- or twelve-square workpleces in cold metal. castings and plastics or similar materiaisthat do not constitute a health hazard or do not create dust, such as wood, Teflon®. etc, Thelathe must only be installed and operated ín a dry and well-ventilated place. The workpiecesmay only bedamped ín the lathe.chuck using the spedal cheek-key provided.

If the lathe ís used ín eny way other than as described above, rnodífied without the authorisatíonof company ar operated with different process data, then it is being used improperíy

Pul11he maínsplug!

Use protectivegoggles!

We do not take liabillty for damage caused by improper use.

We would like to stress that any rnodiãcations to the construction, or technical or technologícalmcdlfications that nave not been authorised by company will also render the guarantee nulland void.

It ís also part of proper use that

• the maximum values for the lathe are complied wíth,• the operatinq manual Is observed,• inspection and maintenance instructions are observed.

IH'f' Technical data'

In order to achieve eutting performance, it is essential to choose lhe tight tuming tool,feed, tool pressure, Gutting speedand coolant.



·······"···.·····.· ~.' .

I·' . . '. ... .

. " - '. .. .

Weár a safety suif Protect tha envi-ronment!

Very serlous injury due to ímpreper use.It ís forbidden to make any modlflcatíons or aíteratíons to lhe operating values of themachine. These could endanger personneí and cause damage to the machine.


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1.3 Possible dangers caused by the machineThe tathe has underçone a safety inspecticn (anatysls ot danger with assessment ot rlsks). Ithas been designed and built on the basís of thís aneíysls using the latest technologicalaovsnces.Nonetheless, there remains a residual risk. since the machine operates with

• high revolunons,• rotating parts,• eíectrtcal voltage and currents.

We have used construcãon resources and safety techníques to minlmise the health rlsk to per-sonnel resulting from these hazards,

If the Iathe ís usedand maintained by personnel who are not duly quaíified, there may be a riskresultinq from incorrect operation or unsuitable rnalntenance.


Ali personnel involved inassembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance must

• be duly qualified,• follow this operatinq manual.

Disconnect the machíne whenever cleaning or maíntenance work ís being carried out.



Discol'lnect the Iathe whenever Vou deteet a faHure ín the safety devtces or when théy arenotflttedlAli additional installa,tions carríedout by tne operator must incorporate the préscríbedsafety devlcos.As the machine operator, this wHl be your re sponsibilityl~ "Safety devices" on paga 11

1.4 'Qualification of personnst

1.4.1 Targetgroup

This manual is eddreesed to

• opsrators,• users,• maintenance stuff.

The warning notes therefore reter to both operation and rnaíntenance of the rnachine.Determine c1early and unequivocally who wíll be responsible for the different activities on themachine (use, maintenance and repair).

Vague or uncíear assiqnment ot responslbilltles consfitutes a saíety hazardl

Always disconnect the machine plug frorn the mains. This will prevent it being used by unauthor-ísed personnel.


Ali personnet involved in assembly, cornmissioninq, operation and maintenance must


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• be duly qualified,• follow this operating manual,

In the event of improper use

• there may be a risk to personnel,• there rnay be a risk to the machine and other material property,• correct functioníng of the lathe may be affected.

1.4.2 Authorised personneJ


Inborrect use and mainttmanceof the machine constitutes a danger for personnsl,objectsand the ênvironment

Only authorised personnal may operate the machinel

The only personnel authorised to Use this machíne and perform maintenance on itare tralnedand instructed technical staff working for the operator and manufacturer.

1.4.3 Obligations of the operator

The operator must ínstruct staff at least once a year on

• aI! safety etanderds that apply to the machine,• operatíon,• accredited technical guidelines.

The operator rnust also:':'

• check staff's understanding,• document trainingJinstruction,

• require staff toconfirm participatíon in training/instruction by means af a signature,• check whether the staff are aware of safety and of dangers in the workplace and whether

they observe the operating manual.

1.4.4 ObJigationscf the user

The user must

• have read and l.mdefstood the operatinq manual,• be familiar with ali safety devicss and regulations,• be able to manipulare the machíne.

1,4,5 Additional qualification requfrements

For work on etectrícaí components or equipment there are additional requirements:

• This work must only be carried out by a qualified electricían or person workíng under lheínstructlons and supervision of a qualified electrlclan.

Before carrying out work on electric components or operating units the fOllowíng rneasures mustbe taken, in the arder given.~ Dísconnect ali potes

-7 Ensure that the machine cannot be lurned on again..,. Check that there ís no voltage

1.5 Userpositions

The usar must sfand in front ofthe machine.

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1.6 Safety devices

Use the lathe on/y with properly functioning safety devices.

Stop the lathe immediately if there ls a failure ln the safely devíce or jf lt is not functioning for anyreason.

It is your responsibility!

If a safety device has been acnvated or has falled, the lathe must oniy be used when• the cause of the failure nas been removed,

• it nas been verftied that there ls no resulting danger for personnel or objects.


If you bypass, removeor override asafety device in anyother way, you afê endangeringyourself and other personnel worklng wíth the machine. The possible conaequencas are• damtlge as a result of components or parts of components flyíng offat high speed,• contact with rotating parts,• fatal e-lectrocution.

The falhe includes the following safety devices:

• Self-latchinq, Iockable EMERGENCY STOP button• Screwed-down protective cover on the headstock• Speclal key for the falhe chuck



1.6.2 Protsctívs cover

The neaostock of the lathe is fitted wíth ascrewed-down protective cover.



.. "~ .." ..'.'.'.. ::..:••. -.; :·0'

WARNIN~G!Prolecti'le COVHf

Remove tha protectivecover only aftarthe maios plug of the lathehas beenpulled.

Protectivs cover of lhe íaíne

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Top-TechMachine & Toots

1.6.3 Lathe chuck key

The lathe ls equipped with a speclal keyfor chucks. Once lhe lathe chuck key hasbeen released, it is pushed out of the lathechuck by a spring.


Only operate the lathe using this key.

talhe chuck key

1.6.4 Prohibition, warning and mandatory labels


F'age 12


Allwarning labeJs must be lepible. Check them regularly.


Safety checkCheck the lathe at least once per shift. Inform tne person responsible immediately of any dam-age, defect ar change in operating function.

Check ali safety devices

• at the beginning of each shift (with the machine stopped)• once a week (with the machine in operation)

• after every maintenance and repair operation

Check that prohibition, warning and information labels and the markings on the lathe

• can be identified (if not, clean thern)

• are complete


Use the following table for organising the checks.

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tI General eheck

I Equiprnent Check OKI

I Protective cover, Fítted, fírrnly bolted and not damagedI chaw juck coverII Labels, rnarkínqs Installedand legible

Date: Checked by (signature): I

I t

Run test..... -._ .......

Equiprnent ; Check OK

EMERGENCY STOP When the EMERGENCY STOP button is activated, the lathebutton should be swltched off.

--Lathe chuck key Once the chuck key has beenreleased, it should be autornati-

cally pressed out of the lathe chuck.

I Date: Checked by (signature):....... -

1.8 IndividualprotectiongearFor certain work individual orotectíon geaJ is required.Protect your face and eyes: During all work, and specifically work during which your face andeyes are exposed to hazards, a safety helmet with a face guard should be worn.

Use protectíve gloves when Iifting ar handling pieces with sharp edges.

Wear safety shoes when fiUing. dismantling ar transportlnq heavy components.

Use ear protection if the noise levei (irnmlssion) in the workplace exceeds 80 dB(A).

Beforestartíng work, make sure that the prescribed individual protection gear is avaüable in theworkplace.


Dírty ar ccntamínated hody proteetíon gear can cause dtssase.ctean lt after every use and onee a week.

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1.9 Safety during operatíon

10 the descripüon of work with andon the machlne we highHght the dangers specific to thatwors.


Befoi'e aetivating the latne, doubJe eheck that this will not endàhger other peepla andcause damagé to equípment.

Avoid unsafe working practises:

• Make sure your work does not endanger anyone.• . C!amp the workpisce tightly before activating the lathe.• For clamping workpíeces, onily use the special chuck key supplied.• Mind .the maxímurn chuck opening.• Use protectíve g0991es,

• Do not remove turning chíps by hand. To remove turnínq chips, use a chip hook and/orhandbrush.

• Clamp lhe turning tool at the correct height and with the least possible overhang.• Turn off the lathe before rneasurínq the workpiece.• The instrucãons itl this manual rnust be observed during assembíy, handllng, rnaíntenance

ano repatr,

• Do no! work on thelathe·ffyour.:concentrationis reduced,Jor example, becauseyou are tak-ing medication. ' .

• Observe the rules for preventínç accidents issued by your assooíatlcn for the preventíon ofoccupatíonal accidents and safety ln the workplace or other inspection authorítíes,

• Inform the ínsoector of any danger or faílure.o Stay at lhe lathe until ali rotating parts have come to a halt.

• Use prescribed protecuon gear, Make sure to wear a well-fitting work suit and, where neces-sary, a haimet.


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1.10 Safetyduring matntenancsInform operating staff in good time of any repaír and maintenance work.

Report ali satety-relevant changes or performance details of the lathe. Document ali changes,have lhe operatíng manual changed accordingly and train the machine operators.




Disconnecting the lathe and making lt safe

Pull the mains plug before beginning any maintenance or repair work, Ali machine componentsand hazardous voltages and movements must have been dísconnected.

Place a warning sign on the machine.


Before reconnecting the machíne, makesure that lhe change~over swltch on thelathe is in the "O"posttlon, Change-over switCh

ON / OFF svlit.ch

Using lifting equipment


Useof unstable lifting and suepension gear that might break under load can cause veryserious injurIes oreven death.

Check toat the Iiftingand load suspension gear is ofsufficient load capaeity and In per-fect condltion.Obsel'Ve the rules for preventing accidents issued by your association for the preventionof eccupatlonal accídents and safety in the workplace ar other inspectíon authorltles.Hold the loads properly,Nevar walk under suspendeu loadsl

Mechanicaf malntenanca work

Remove ali protection and safety devíces before beginning maintenance work and re-installthem once the work has been completed. These include:

• Covers• Safety indtcetlons and warning signs• Earth (ground) connecnon

Ir you remove protectlon or safety devlces, refit them immediately after compíetínq the work.

Check that they are wo(king properlyl


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1.11 Accident report

Inform your superiora and Optlmum Maschinen GmbH irnmediatety in the event of accldents ,posslbte sources of dançer and any actions which almost led to an accident (near misses).

These near misses can have many possible causes.

The sooner they are notified, lhe faster the causes can be eliminated.


ln the description of execution of work with and on the machine we highlight the dangers specifíe ~to that work.

1.12 ElectricalsystemHave the machine andlor me electric equipment checked regularly, and aí least every sixrnonths. Elirrtinate immediately ali defects such as loose connections, defective wlres etc.

A second person rnust be present during wark on live componente, to disconnect lhe power inthe event af an emergency. Dísconnect the fathe immediately if there are any anomalies in thepower supply!

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----_._ ...._-----_ ..--~-----------------------------

Top-TechMachine & Tools

2 Technical data

The following informatíon gives the dimensíons ano weight and is the rnanufacturer's authorisedmachine data.

Power connection TURNER280VAR.IO

Total connectíon rate 230V/1100W/60Hz

Oegr-e8 of protection IP54

r-M~·~hi~-;d;~··-··-·--~----...---.-'=r ----j.....======1

~_···_·_····_··--M;ei::~g::::t:~:ml 1-' -----~-:-:-----i!f·..·-·..·_-..· -···..··..·..···..·-·..····"..·· ·_·.._- -· ..--- - -.-- - -.-- -....... . - - --_.................. .. ;

Distance between centres [rnrn] 750 I~---'------------ISpíndJe speed [rpm) 50·2500

~""_N_' " •••••••_." • ._ •••__ ••••••••••••" •••••"._."" ••_ •••" ••" ••,,,,,._."",, ••,. __ • ••.••••••••__ ••••

t MK4Spíndle taper~----_..._--------_.~~ 26Spindle hole [mm}

"__ ~:_~_~id~~..!m~ .__ 135 It Trave! ot top slide [rnrn] I 75 Ir···· ..· - ··..···_·T~·;~~;..~f"~~~~~~li..d~-..[-;;J··-'-""-"--"'-r-" ..··-·--=_..-·..·"155..·..·--~·--"·· --\I Taiistock taper I MK2 1!···-· ..··-T~j,~~;~k··~;~~~;t;~-~~,·[;;:;;l··--······l·..···--·······--65·-·-·-----1~- .. ---- - ..-- - .. - --- - - .•... _.---_ .. --.-.-_._--------- .-.--_. ---~·--- ..1I Longitudinal feed [mmlr6v] I 0.07 --0.1 --0.2 ;~

Pitch --Metric 0.2 --3.5t··..- ·-..-·--··~ pi·í~h-:í~i~~h~--;-..·~·-..--_·_·_·-r-------~--~56 --.-.~-.---~_.~~----~_._._------------------_._-------_.._-_._-------_. __.__ .__ ...._ .._ .._--- ._-_.-.- .. --.. _.~..._--_. __ .._._--t O i~·~-~;i:~~·~-····_.__.-._-- 1'.. ·····-····-··_· ..--·--··1; . . . I 480 I! --.-..~.-.-._.---~Ig~~-~~ ..~~-~----.-. -~...----t-..-....-.-.~.--.--. --·--1I Length [rnrn] I 1,10°1,_........... ......•............•.. -..- -_ ..•........•................... _ -- -- ...•......•. _.......... .._--_ .•._---_._ _----_ ....•._-----,

;- --To~~;.;~:91---t--~----jrí! Work area

L...Height{mm) 2,000

i-----~_._._--~--.__o o

Lenglh [mrn] 2,200

L _ Oepth (mm] 1,900

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Envircnrnental conditions

Ternperators 5 - 35 "C:j---------


---- ._------_._-- ---------,Operatíng material

Feed ge8,1--······--------·---·---·---·---·-----·------------~

8righl sleel parts 2nd lubricating rdpp!E:s

Mobiigsar 627 or equivalem Di!

!1 ;-------·------------~·--------------------~I

Chain oil (sprey bCA) I.._--,._--------_ ..._-_ ..._--------,

Change ge~ísÔ-._ .•... . ... .. ... '__

2.1 Emissions

The levei cf flDise ernitted by the lathe is less than 70 dB(.;).


lf the lathe ís installed ir; an arsa whsre various rnachines are in operation, the acoustic influoence (imrnission ': on the ooerator of the lathe rnav exceed the lecallv oerrnitted neak value in th5

, J ! . ; ...., •• , •


V~íerecornmend tne use of souncprooünç anc ear protection.

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The latne comes pre-essembted.

3.1 Extent of supply

When lhe machine ls delívered, check immediately that the lathe has not been damaged duringshippíng and that ali components are íncluded. Also check that no fastening screws have cometoose.

Compare the parts supplied with the lnformation on the packaging list.

3.2 Transport





Ma~hioe parts fallíog off forklift trucks or other transport vehícles could cause very seri-OUS or evan fatal injuries. Follow lhe instructlons andInformatlon on the transpertcase:• Centres of gravity• Suspension pcints• Weights• Means of transport to be used• Prescribed shipping posltlon


Use of unstable lifting and íead-suspensíon gear that might break under load can causevery serious injuries or even death.

Check that the Hfting and load suspension gear has sufficient load capacity and that it isin perfect condition. Observe lhe rules for preventingaccidents.Hold the loads properly.Never walk under suspended loads!



Improper storage may cause lmportant parts to be damaqed or destroyed.Store packed or unpacksd parts only under theíntended environmental condítlons.

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3.4 InstaUationand assembly

3.4.1 Requirementsof the installation síte

Organise the work area around the lathe ín accordance with local safety regulations.



Operatíon, rnaíntensnce and repalr ln the work area must not be hindered.


The rnains plug of lhe lathe must befreely accesslbte.

Load suspension point

-+ Fasten the load suspension gear around the lathe bed.

-+ Make sure that you distribute the loads evenly 50 that the lathe cannot tum over while ljfting.

-+ Make sure that no add-on pieces or vamíshed parts are damaged due to the load suspen-sion,



Danger ofcrushing and overtuming:·The tathe must be installed by at least 2 peopte,

~ Check lhe horizontal orientation of the base of the lathe with a spírit level,-+ Check that the foundation has sufficient fíoor-load capacity and rigidity.


Insuffictent rigidity of the foundation leads to the superposítion of vibrations between themachlne and the feundation (natural frequency of components). Insufficient rigidityof theentire lathe .assembtyalsorapídjy causes the lathe to reach critical speeds, with unpleas-ant vlbrations, leading -to bad turnlng-results.

-+ Positíon the lathe on the intended foundation.

~ Secure the lathe to the foundation or substructure of the machine using the (4) throughholes.

O tf necessary, use anü-vlbraton elements (model S1) for your rnacnine substrueture.


The lnstallation site must be designed in accordance with ergonomic workplace requirements.

The installatlon drawings described below may differ from the real dimensions (cast parts). Thetolerances are in the rangeofthe general tolerances according to DIN 7168 g.

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3.5 Firstuse


Personnel and equipment may be endangered if lhe lathe ís first used by inexpsrt psr-sonnel.We do not take Ii'ability for damage caussd by incorrect commissioning.

3.5.1 Cleaning and greasing

-+ Remove the anticorrosíve agent applied to lhe rnachine for transport and storaqe purposes.We recommend the use of stove distillate.

-+ Do not use any solvents, thinners ar other cleaning agents which could corrade the vamishon lhe rnachine, Follow the specifications and indications of the manufacturer of the cleaningagent. •

....:)Lubricate ali bright machine parts with non-eorrosive lubricating oil.

-+ Grease the machine using the lubrícatlon chart,oot·~. ~(l__ •••..__ ,,!..••. ...J __ :_.,, Io. .•••t-' -. .•..••.•.•. __ ._ JlA

3.5.2 Visual inspection

Check the ai! levei ln lhe inspection glass of the feed gear.r .. _ ,,_.,. ~.. ,...

3.5.3 Run test

~ Check smooth running of ali spindles.


For manufacturing engineering reasons and for reasons of precision of fito there may be occa-sional slight stiffness in the spindles. This will disappear after a short time ln use.

~ Check the state of the lathe chuck and the tuming jaws.

3.5.4 Powerconnection


Connect the following cables:

-+ Connect the electríc supply cable.

~ Check the fuse protection of your power supply against the technical data for the total con-nection value of the lathe .


Please pay attention that ali three phases {I..1, 1..2,1..3)are connected correcUy.

Most angina faUlIre resultfrom incorrect cormection, for instance the neutralconductor ( N ) ís beíng connected to a phase,This might lsad to the followingre,sults:• The engine deas get quickly very bet.• The eng,ine neise lncreases,Le.becomeslouder,• The engine has no power.When the phases are connected wrongly, the guarantee ls being nuU and void.

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Lathes with frequency converter must not be operated with a CEE plug. Connect themachlne permanently to a connection box (see EN 50178/ VDe

Functional test

-7 Clamp a workpiece into the lathe chuck of the machine ar close the jaws of the lathe chuckfully betere turning on the machine.


• Mind the maximum chuckopening.• 00 no! stand in front of the lathe chuck when turning on the rnachins for the first time.

Page 23: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

3.-6.1 Mountlng instruction chuckflangePutting on of jaw thuck onto the chuck f1angeOlean the flangeand spindle nose, putlhe flange onto the spindel 00Se serews.

Measure the ínner hoíe of the jaw chuck and turn this value of lhe chuck flange toa diameter asa H7 fit. Tum once é8Síly aliar the fiat serface of tnechutk ftang6.Put lhe jaw chuck onto the flange.

Conslder; lhe jaw êhuck must leI itself manuallyand put 00 withtheáid of a rubber-faced ham-msr (distribute unifonnly easy strokes over the front penel).ciamp clampíng boltsalternatingly and uoiformly.

The screws may perform no compulsion onto the driUing wall sinca the chucl< body bends itselfetse er lhe [aws are locked in positiún.

Furthermore, radial runouts canoccur,Refíoishing 00 ttle jaw chuck ia ioadmiasible!

3.6.2 Mountirig ínstructlon of collet chuck holder

Proceed as follows.

~ Mark out the position of the jaw chuok atthe spindle l'lange before dismantllngwith an e.q. felt-típped peno

~ Dlsmantle the jaw chuck.

~ cíean ali faces of the spíndte nose andof the conet chuck holder extremelythoroughly.

~ Dismantíe the thread pins of the jawchuck and screw in the thread pios intothe collet chuck Moldar.

~ Measure the run out of the spindlenose, Mark out lhe greatest positiverash of the dial gauge at the spindlenose with an e.q. felt-tipped peno

~ Attach thecollet chuok holder to thespindle flange, tighten the nuts easlly.Pul! in the nuts stepwise ones and uni-formly alternating at least three times insuccession (you receive the run outpossible for best only this way).

~ Measure the run out of the collet chuckholder at lhe conical surface.

~ Position the coUetchuck holder by turn-ingeach 1200 at the spindle fiange tothe highest run out precision is achievedandassemble after this the coílet chuckholder on íhe highest eircularityaccu-racy position,

~ Mark out the positíon of the highest clr-cularityaccuracy of spindle flange withcollet chuck holder.

;SfJintlm flall!lo(1Sho,H;!p~r seat)

Moosuri'19 po~ftlon


Page 24: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

4 Designand function

The machíne is a universal íaíhe, It has been designedand manufactured forstraight tumingand facing round or reqularly formed three-, síx- or tweíve-square workpieces in metal, plasficsorsimiíar materiais.

lhe hollow work spindle enables you to clamp tonger workpieces with a diameter of up to 25mm.Thespeed is requleted by repositíoning a V-belt Or1pulleys.

The existíng teaoscrew enables longitudinal feed ano thread-cuttlnq, It ís also possíble to usethe machine for drilling jobs with the help of an (optional) drill chuck clarnped ín the tailstock.

4.1 conetnretícn features• Spindle-bearing arrsnçement with precision balt bearings• Powerlul, maíntenance-tree motor• Hardened spíndle nose• High concentrícity preclsíon of the work spindle < 0.009 mm·Oil-bathed rounded gearwheels on feed gear .• $elf-Iatching, lockable EMERGENCY STOP button with undervoltage círcult breaker·.Left~ and right-'hand motor rçtatiotl;controlledbya swltch• índuction-hardened, precisíon-qround prísmatíc bed made of gray cast íron (HRC 42 ~52)• Cross andstraight tuming slide with dovetail slideway and adjusting gibs• Leadscrew for thread-cuttin9' or feed for straight tuming with change gear set• Adjustable tailstock for taper turníng

4.2 Lathe bedThe íathe bed integrates the headstock and the drivíng unit, for attaching the apron and lead-screw andJoeguiding toe laíhe.saddle.and.tailstock.

Page 25: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

4.3 HeadstoekThe bseostock houses the feed gear andthe reducing gear with pulleys. The workspíndle transrníts the torque during thetuming process, The work spíndle alsoreceives the wcrkoíeces and clampínçtoots,

The work spindle Ésdriven an electromo-tor, via pulleys. The replacement of thechanpe gears for oíher feeds is carried outon the headstock.

4.4 Feed gearThe teed, gear is used to select the feedsfor straight tuming as well as for íhread-cutting. ln order to achieve certaín threadpltches, it is necessary to replace thechange gears.

The torque of the work spindle ís transmit-ted to the feed gear and thus to the lead-screw.

4.5 ApronThe apron houses the leadscrew nut withan engaging lever for activating the auto-matic feed as well as the handwheel formanual feed, The straiqht tuming andcross slíde are located on the apron wIthbed guidance.

; 4.6 TallstockThe tailstock ís ueed for centring and drül-ing, supporting long shafts, tumingbetween centres as well as turning long,thin tapers.

Change gears_""'.


Feed gear




Page 26: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

5 Operation

5.1 SafetyUse the fathe onfy under the following condítíons:

The lathe ís in proper working order.• The lathe is used as prescribed.

The operafinq manual ís followed.• Ali safety devices are installed and activated.

Ali anomalias shouíd be eliminated lmmedlately, Stop the machine ímmediately in the event ofany abnormality ín operation and make sure it cannot be started up accidentally or withouta uthorisation.

NotIfy the person responsible immedíately of any modification.

5.2 Control and indicatingelements


Changu gElar anofeed labia

Emétgency ÍlLlttonON J OFF switch

Ouadrupletoolholder Clarripingltlver fortaüstock sleeve

Protecüve cover ofheadstock


SelactorSVlltch for 011inspacuon Selectocswltch tor- Handwheel for talhe saddíe Feed acnvsuon Ieverfeeddíreclloo 913SS speed

Page 26

Page 27: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

Tool height

For the facing process, the cutting edge of the tool must be exactly aligned with the height of thelathe centre to obtain a shoulder~free face. The facing process is a turníng operation in whichthe turning tool feeds perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the workpiece in order to produce aflat surface. The different methods are transversal facing, transversal slicing and longitudinalfacing.

5.3 Control elements

.~ MM/.QFeed speed -fJIIftn/1 n

-fJIIftmm Thread ~Metric

Leadscrew nut engaged

(Feed activated)

5.4 ToolholderClamp the turning tool into the toolnolder,

The toof must be clamped flrrníy and with the least possibleoverhang in order to absorb well and reliably the cuttingforce generated during the chíp formation.

Adjust the height of the tool, Use the tailstock with lathe cen-tre to adjust the tool to the required height. If necessary, usesteel spacer shíms under the tool to get the required height.



Tool a<J)l1srod to c!mireheighl

TQQl aclj\Jsted llbovecentre height

Heíght of the toei

5.4.2 TOOIangle



The tool must be clamped with its axisperpendicular to the axis of the work-piece, lf it isclamped at an angle, thetoe] may be sucked into ths workpiece,

Thread • In inches

Leadscrew nut disengaged

(Feed deactivated)



1001adjusted belowcsntre heighl.

Tool clamped perpen-dícular to the axis ofthe workpiece

Tool clamped at anangle with respect tothe feed dírection

Graphic: Angle of the toot

pagac 27

Page 28: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

5.5 Lathe chuckThe workpíeces must be clamped firm!y and securely ontothe lathe beíore they are machíned. The clamp should betight enough to ensure that me workpiece is moved cor-rectíy, but not so tight that it is damaged or deformed,~ Clamp the workpiece into the lathe chuck with the aid of

the chuck key provided.


Lathe chuck

00 110t clamp any workpieces that exceed the perrnitted chucking capacity of toe lathechuck. Theclamping force of the chuek is toolow if lts capacity is exceeded. Also, thejaws míght work loose.

5.5.1 Headsplndle seat

Ths nead splndle seat rs designedás à short-tapêr'se.aL,pOtthe",;~/\·,:· .lnstallatian af a quantum four jawchuck a chuck flange ls neees-sary,Il~' "Optional rnachíns accesso-ries' on page 25

Head spindle seat


Whendlsassemblíng the maehíne a werkpíece holder might fali Cri the engine bad andmíght damag;e the guide rail. Put a wooden board ar another approprtate par! on theengine bed ln ordar to preveni darnages.

-7 Unscrew the 3 nuts 00 íhe flange for the lathe chuck to remove the workpiece holder (in thiscase, lhe three-jaw chuck),

-7 Take lhe workpíece holder off.

-7 If necessary, loosen the workpisce holder by hltting lt gently with a píastlc-tpped hammer ora rubber maílet,

Page 29: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

5.6 Adjustingthe speedAdjust the speed by changing the position of the V-be!t on the pulleys.

With the "Vario" equipment variant, the speed can be regulated wHhin the corresponding speedranges with tne alá of a frequency converter. The speed can then be adjusted using the potenti-ometer on the control panel of the lathe.


Unplug the shockproof plug of the lathe before openínq the protective cover.

Tanslon pu!!ey holde with iE;(;- "-


f'ulip.ys 01 rrimary transm íssíon .~

Synchronous be.li ...

5.6.1 Protectlve cover of the headstock

10arder to chanpe the speed ar feed, youmust flrst remove the protective cavar.

""7 Unplug the shockproof plug frorn íhemains.

~ Unscrew the two fastening screws,

~ Remove the protective cavar.

5.6.2 Changing the speed range

~ Loosen the nut on lhe tension pulleyholder ano release the tension of thev-belt,

~ Lift tDa V-beH ínto the correspondlngposítíon,

Lathe spindle

Sp,ndle pulley



Protective cover af theheadstock

Tensíon pulley hoíder

Ienslon pulley

Tension pulley

o Depending on the speed selected, the v-belt V\~ii have to be lifted directlv onto the motor puliey or ontothe pulley 01the prímary transrnission,


O Handle the v-belt with care. It must not be damaged or overstretched .

..,. Tlghten the tension puílsy and fasten the nu! again.


Page 30: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334


Machine & Too/s


o The correct tension of the synchronous beít has been reached when you can still bend it approximately3 mm with your index fínger.


Make sure the tension pulley is in contact with tha outsíde of ths V-belt at ali times!Make sure the tensíon ef toe V-belt is correct. Excessive or insufflclent tensíon can causedamage.

Speed table D 250 x 750 G



123Speed table D 250 x 750 G

Exarnple O 250 x 750 G

With the belt running from Pulley A to Pul-ley C on the Diameter-3 pulley. you willobtaín a speed of 2,000 rpm.


In the v-belt position AC3, the physical limits of the drive are being achieved at 2500 min-1 bymechanical frictional resistance. It is irnpossible to nave an effective controlling variabie of 225%in the V-belt position AC 3. The full range of controlling variables frorn 15% to 225% are onlyavailable for the v-belt positíon AC 1.

This setting is inlended to prevent the workpiece from getting loose by too high centrifugal forceof the damping jaws on lhe drill chuck.

Page 31: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

5.7 Adjusting the feed

5.7.1 Sefeclor swltch


Use the selector swUches to select the feeddlrecâon and feed speed.


Wait until lhe rnachíne has come toacomplete halt before making anychange to theselector $witches.

Selector S'wltch forleed dírectlon

Selector swltch forfeed $peed fiM thtead


Selector swltcnes


Use the table 011 the lathe ror selectínq the feed speed or the thread pitch. Change the 6hangegears if the required thread pitchcannot be obtained with the mstatled gear set.

Changing the change gears

The change gears for the feed aremounted on a quadrant.

~ Unplug the shockproof plug from themaíns.

-7 Loosen the loeking serew 011 the quad-rant.

~ Swlng the quadrant to the right.

~ Unscrew the bolt from the leadscrew orthe nutsfrom the quadrant bolts in orderto remove the change gears trom thefront.

~ Instal! the gear couples using the feedor change gear table and screw thegearwhee'ls onto the quadram again.

Sióe view of the change gears




front view of the changegears

~ Swlng the quadrant to the 18ftuntíl the gearwheels nave engaged agaln.

~ Readjust gear flank dearanee by inserting a normal sheet of paper as an adjusting or dis-tance ald between the gearwheels.

~ lmrnobülse the quadrant with the locking screw.

~ Attach the protective cover of the headstock and recormect the machíne to the power supply.


Page 32: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

------------------------------------------------ ------

5.7.3 Engaging lever

O The automatíc longitudinal fee-d and thefeedforthread-cutting are acüvateo and oeacuvat-ed using the engaging lever. The feed istransmitted via the leadscrew nut.

-+ Push the engaging lever downwards.The leadscrew nut is engaged and theautomatic longitudinal feedls actlvated.

Engaglng lever


-+ Move the handwheel slightly to lock theengaging lever in place,

5.8 Lathesaddle with cross and top slideThe handwheel is used to manuallytraverse the íathe saddte.The cross slidecan be advanced andretumed by turning the cross slide hand-wheel. Cross sfide handwheel


The top slide (tool sllde) supports the quad-ruple tooíholder, Ouadruple toolholder

Use the top slide handwheel to move the Top slidecorresponding slide,

Top snoe handwheel

5.8.1 Immobilising the lathe saddJe

The cuttíng force produced duringfacing,recessíng -or slicing process may displacethe lathe saddle,

-+ Secure the lathe saddle using the tight-ening screw. Tigthening screw


Cross sllde

_ Top sllde

Laíne sàddle

Page 33: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

5.8.2 Turning tapers with the top slide

It ís pcssible to turn short tapers with thetop slide.

-7 Lcosen the two nutson the left and theright of the top süde,

-7 Swivef the top slide.

-7 Clamp the topslíde again.

5.8.3 Cross .•adjustment of the tatlstock

The cross-adjustment of the tailstock isused for turning long, tnln bodies.

--+ Loosen the locking nut of the taitstock.

-7 Unscrew the locking screw approxi-mately half atum.

Top sllde


Fronl adJuwng screw

Locking screw


Taper turníng


Cross-aqustrnent of thetailstock

O Byalternately loosening and tighlening lhe two (front and rear) adjusting screws, the tailstock is movedout oítne central posítlon. The desíred cross-adiusíment can be read off the scals.

--+ Flrst retighten the locking screw and then the two (front and rear) adjusfing screws.

--+ Retighten lhe lockíng screw of the tailstock.


Check clamping of thsteilstock and the síeeve, respectlvely, for turninq jobs betweencentreslFit the securing screw at the endof thefalhe bed in order to prevent the tail-stock from faUing off the lathe bed,

Securing screw

t.atne beà


Page 34: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

5.9 Tailstock sleeveThe taílstock síeeve is used to hold thetools (bíts, lathe centres, etc.).

~ Clamp the required tool in the tallstocksleeve.

o Use lhe millimetre scale on the sleeve toreadjusl ano/or adjust the tool.

~ Clamp the sleeve with clamping lever.


Clamping íever


Tailstoc1\o Use lhe handwheel to move lhe sleevs forward and back.

The sleeve of the tallstock can be used to introduce a drill chuck for holding bíts and counter-sinks.

5.10 Ctampinga workpiece into the lathechuckWhen the workpiece is being clamped unprofessionally, there is a risk of injury as the workpiecemay f1y off ar lhe jaws may break,' The following examples do not show ali possible sltuations ofdanger.

The workpieces ,aretomecclamped,:safely':andtightlyon the lathe beforestarting lhe operation..The clamplng force isto be'dfmensioned -in a wayto make sure that the workpiece is securelydríven and that there are no dangers ar deformations on the workpiece.


Do not elarnp any workpieces thatexceed lhe permítted chucking capaclty of the lathechuck. The clamping force of lhe chuck is too low if lts capacíty is exceedsd, Also, thsjaws may come tocse.

incorrect correct

Clamping diameler 100large, .

Page 34

Addi!iona1wppd!1 overconter.

Page 35: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334





Worlq;ii\l'Ca i~ too heâvyand clamplng grade toesnon,

Glall1ptng diameter toosnort,

Support over center.enlargas cíarn ping 9rMe.

____ Enlargeíl clamping gradesare not available for thtsIhre(Ha'N cnuck,PO~S!bly use largar l'i3U1Il,

Clampon lhe largeslCIBtnpiflíl di"meler possi-ble.

Replacing the clamping jaws on the lathe chuck

The clamping jaws and the three-jaw chuckare equípped with numbers, lnsert the clamp-ing jaws at the correct position and in theright order ínto the three- jaw chuck.After the replacement, bring the [aws com-pletely together in order to control if they areinserted correctly,

General working notes

Fitting a follow rest

The lathe ís prepared forflt-tiog a follow rest,

~ Remove the two protecting screws Inthe lathe saddle.

~ Attach the follow rest with the help ofthread screws.

Three-jaw chuck I clàmpingjaws

Protecling screws



Friction during the cutting process causes hígh temperaturas at the cutting edge of lhe tool.

The tool should therefore be cooled during the cutting processo Cooling lhe tool with a suitablecooling lubricant ensures better working results and a longer edge life of lhe cutting tool.

Pago 35

Page 36: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

6 Maintenance



In this chapter you will find important information about

• lnspection• Maíntenance• Repair

ofthe lathe,

The diaqram beíow shows which of these headings each task falls under.


lIlustr.6-1: Main!enance· Definition according to DIN 31051


Properly-performedr~9utar-maintenance ,is an sssantial prarequisit.eror• safe operatlon• fault-free operation• long servic.e fife of the lathe and• the quality of the products you manufacture.

Installations and equipment from other manufacturers rnust also be in optimum condltion,


During work on the bft-holder head, make sure that• coflector vessels are used, with sufficientcapacity for the amount of liquid to be col-

lected.• liquidsand olls are notspilt 00 the ground.Clean up any spílt liquid or oils immediately using proper oll-absorption methods and dispose ofthem ín accordance with current legal requirements on the environment.

Cleaning up spiUages

Do not re-introduce liquids spilt outside the system during repair or as a result ot leakaqe fromthe reserve tank: colfect them in a col!ecting vessel to be disposed ot

Page 37: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334


Never dump oü or other pollutant substances in water inlets, rivers or channels.

Used oils must be delivered to a coIleclion centre. Consult your superior jf you do not knowwhere the collectíon centre is.

6.1 Safety


The consequences of lncorrect maíntenance and repalr work may includa:• Very saríous injury to perscnnel workiog 00 lhe lathe• Oamage to the IathsOn!y quaílfied personnel should carry out maintenance and repaír workon the íathe,,

6.1.1 Preparation


Only carry out work 01'1 thelathe if it has been unplugged from the maios power suppl:y.

~ Attaeh a waming label,

6.1.2 Restarting

Before restarting ruo asafety check,


Before eonnectlnq the machlne you must cheek that there is no danger for personnelandthelathe is undamaged.


Page 38: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

6.2 Inspectionand maintenanceThe type ané extent ot wear depends to a large extent on individual usaçe and service condi-tions, For thls reason, ali the íntervals are only valid for the authorised conditlons,

Inferval Where? What? How?

Start of work

aftereveryma intenan ce

and repairoperatlon

Startof work

after everymamtenance

and repairoperation

as required




Safety check'

~. Lubrícate ali slideways.

~ Lubrícate the change gears andleadscew slightly withlithiurn-based grease.

Excessive clearance in the top slide can be reduced by read-justing the tapered gib.

~ Loosenthe counternut,

'7 Turn the set screw slightly clockwise and secure the setscrews again using the counternut. .


A 90° turn of the set serews corresponds to atravel of 0.2 mm. Make any readjustment of the setscrews in small steps.

SeI \lCfem wlth counternuts


Tapered gib at lhe to;) sllde

Page 39: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

Where? How?

,~~rt9f wo(k. after every

.mslritenànêeand repalroperaííon


-Oi! change



-7 Check the oíl levei ín the gear's inspection glass. lt rnustreach at íeast the centre of the inspection glas$.

07' If nê'cessary, fil! up to the reference mark with Mobilgear627 or equivalent oíl.

Visual lnspection

tnspecnon glass

Oil inspeclion glass of the feedgear

Firstafter 200hours lnser-

vire,: thena.fter'~-:ev.e.o/}~r~.-,-

-7 Use an adequate coUector vesse\ wíth suffident capacityfor íhe oi! change.

~ Unscrew the bolt óf the outlet,-7 Unscrew the bolt of the charging hole.

-7 Clese the outlet when no more oíl ismnning off.~ Refill with Mobilgear 627 or ao equivalent oil up to the ref-

erence rnark in the centre of the inspection glass using asuitable funnel in lhe filling hole.

Gear openings


Page 40: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

lnterval Where?


S Lubricate




~ Lubrícate alllubricating nípples with machinery oil.



LubrtcaUng nlpple on leadsCfe'lll

Lubrícating nipple on rallstMk

Lubrlcating nlpples on lathe saddlehandViheel

Lubricallng nípples on la.the saddte••ntl CfQ:i;{; slide

Luoricatlng nipple oncI1ange g2ar prlmary transmísslon

Lubricatiog nippíes


Page 41: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

Interval Where?



as required


Excessive clearance in the slideways can be reduced byreadjusting tapered gibs.

-7 Loosen the counternuts.

-7 Turn the set screw slightly clockwise and secure the setscrews açaln using the counternnt.


A 90°' turnof the set screw corresponds toa traveiof approxlmately 0.2 mm, Make .any readjustmentofthe setscrews in short steps.The tapared gib for guiding the lieadscrew nut hasbeen factory-setand does n01 normally need to bereadíueted,


SeI screws (}J cross slide

Tapared gib

Se! scrsw of apwo -

Tapered glb

Null> anel setscrews

Safety raJl of the laíhe sacote


The spíndle bearínçs are permanently greased. Greasing duríng the malntensnce mtervals isnot necesssry, Further greasing of the spindle bearings is oníy necessary in case of de- andremounting of tbe spindie bearínç.


Page 42: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

6.3 RepairFor any repaír work. getassistance trem an employee of Optimurn Maschinen GmbH's techní-cal service ar send us thelathe.

lf the repairs are carríed out by quallfied technical staff, they rnust follow lhe indications given inthis manual.

Optimum Maschínen GmbH does not take responsíbility nor does It guarantea against damageand operatínq anomalias resulting from faílure to observe this operatínç manual.For repaírs, only use

• faultless and suitable tools• original spare parts or parts from serias expressty authorised by Optimum Maschinen GmbH.

6.4 Exploded view of top slide

Page 43: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

6.4.1 Spare parts llst of top slide


Bearlng pedestal sr--indletop slkle


'---<._--------, 301

$feel ball


Clamplng nutq.uacJtup~)le loot holoer

Washerelampiog M\,It

Quadmpple fool holder

Hexagpnãi sOLokeTii.eâdsemw

7 Glbtopslide

8 Top sliOe

Threáded bOll{llJad.NPple (001hokíar

10 stoppin

11 Spriog

12 FMl'lgpí'nlhreaded boI!

HexagQnal soc1<.etnead r 3scn;..yt ,13

31 fie'xllg<lna! sockutl1SC(éW

AfiachfnMI handle32'Hex,mon<l! socke1 he<l{l M5x12

33~ ~scre.~_,_V_I__ ~ __~-+ +~~__~~M5




37 Hoxagclnal case "r-- t-je~ago~a'SOckotl1~-;;di t-t: 38 sceew l'i j . NUI--r-.........j~'"'--M-.3-,

! ! H~;~gonalsocket head 1_-

, 39SCfElW



M6x16 I Chip j)foléCllcncómpléle~l

Nill 314 M6

15 Sj)ll1cJle nu~top sll{ie

Oovela)1 guldew.ay !ar>slRle

17 1

18 Boate col1arWinKeJSI\alatop slljjé

19 HexegQflll\' sock.el headscraw

20 Spmdle iop sllde

21 S!id(~Ilearing


27 Ci,lInping 0011revertlantl\\lh~1

25 Le'lêf haoowheel1015Sllde

LéVêf hàndwhécltop $!kl~

28Paga 43

Page 44: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334


i"age 44

Exploded· ,vlew of cross slíde

6.5,1 Spare ptlrts f. . . 1St of erosa

r- .- .l~,o.. Name


Page 45: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

6.6 E.xploded view of appron

6.6.1 Sp.are parts llst of aeoron

Names, s I I

tiS•... oa üi ! c,tiSoe,

1 13011.'clamping.flJver

~"'2"---C;;~mpil1g lev~;-~-_.--.----.~.~---j-~~~-~~40 Oi! nlpple 2 6mm...-I--··..~·....__·~··_,-··~·l-·_···,·~······!n Appron 1

~'~-r-"""'-,-.~-_ .._ ...~ ····_~_··!..•··•..····~·-i72 H<ll1dWtmúi bed slide._..._ ..__..._.,,_...._M.~_-._-.__ ..1'1 UwerhanÓ'A'heel, uM s!lde


. ~"- . ~--


74 ClampingboHleverhanô'wheel

...•- ._ .

171,Ií---.~-~~,'~,-~,~ •..~,,,.-.~.~.I··..·_.,'+-,.,..,..,....._..._j

76 Retillning,Ing

Too!hed wheelcornblnation

OIN 471·14x1

71 Bearing pedesl!ll


HeXilSOl'1 n"t. ",;,11.sacuring DIN 985 Me


i- ~ >. ~•...a (j) a (j)

5 M5x25Hexagonal socketheed scrow DJN 912

.~•....-t-r-....•._.•.._._-_ ..__ +r- , -t-.•_ •.•__ ._ ••;79 Thrust bearing-

'.._. •..._--~,· .._······_ ....•.._ ..-t- ..··_·-l··....··"_····....···i

Shaft wlth loO\heówhee·1




A3x3x981 Fealher key

Thrí;1ad pio DIN 91(5


flexagonal sockethead screw DlN 912

Scale colfarhandwMel bedsllde


88 Spring pín DlN 1481

89 Collar for Illverfeooing

9{) Siroke pullev lock nu!


lÕCK nut

91 Stroke pívot lock nu!......·f· ·f··· ·· · ···!


93 Guide rallIOCk. nu!

94 Hexagonal socksth,ead scrsw DlN 912

95 Hexagonal sockethead screw DlN 912




97 s,'1eeJnaU

98 Sprlng


Page 45

Page 46: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

6.7 Exploded view of lathe bed

228229 \




Pagi; 46

Page 47: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334


6.1.1 Spare parts ~I'fst01 lathe bed


17 Nu!

18 Se!screw

19 Gradualeá ool-lar oftailstock

20 Handle

21 ! NUl

22 Wa.sl1er

23 TaUstock

Tallslock moent-

24 ing piare

Se! screw ($tudboll)

Clamping plalta

!lio Namec..

1 II


AUenscrew 6




2 i....... __ ._---_.)

I·-1-----------·1- i

I 4QOV i . ;t~:-:;·-·~:!~••


Nu! 2 i--------~!.--1--.--~____ w_~_h_e_r I~~·· __._..._2 I


paga 47

Page 48: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

6.8 Exploded view of feed gear







Page 49: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334




Spare parts íist of feed gear

4 Shaft C

5 O.ring 18gg12 I6 Geal'iVhee'---r-T-··,--1

__ o .- ••• ------~ •• - •• _-.--- •• -17 Featharkey 1 I 4x 30

11 Gllar whú!}! box......... _-------_._._--

12 SeI screw for ouUel

13 Set screw for charg-íng.hQle

14 Screw

15 Screw

16 Flange

17 Bearíng

18 (jea.lwtmel

19 Shaft

20 Shatt ring--------

21 Geilt\Vtleel

22 Clrcl1p_.._-_.......,.....,---_.23 Feather key

24 Ll:lflg·lace plnl,on



!IÍName l:>- ;!t.O lã ,êi)Q.


40 Plate 2

41" Gearfôfk. 2

I 42 Selector swítch I 21 marklngL--


26 Lock wasnsr

27 Gearwheel----

28 Bearing

29 Flange covor ofleadscrew






37 Pin

38 O-rlng







$haft 2


Page 50: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

6.9 Exploded vlew of headstock

401.--/ .. 402




1426. \ 427l.,~_\

'iP- .. 4~8í/.:J \~"O

ft.-' ~.~429 .·~·wfl:..J

430<'-. ~.,., 431 ~


.... 432

437···· ~r439 .. ~


page 50

Page 51: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

6.9.1 Spare parts list of head-stock

tiloc, NameI:>.1



II Charaoterísücs pta\é_.._-r--;:_ .._ -._-_._.".-:..-_+ _-''' -- ..j2. I Fasteolng screws 4 "14:-1 O

[3."r" Pf~;~~~:~~~~Of.4 I Nu!..51--' ·_--~+_··~j-_·"···_·,-"--"~·-i


s Bear1ng


1011 Nu!.

12 wasner

13 -Screw

14 Beilring

15 R.ing

15 Bu~h


22 Spring w8she~--_._---,-

24 Driven $haft of motor

1Gates 230XL i

x ·i5 'i I!_._~. ~l

25 svncnronous heI!

IlIi Ii O .I o. I Narne


! 26 I Bi,laring , iI I 1-----1n "I Comolnaton 01 syn·


I 27 chronous I:YeItpul1eyanil V-belt pulley

I . Ir..28..T.._..·..·$..~;;.-;-·_....·_-_..-I-~'-...---I 29 i Wi'lsher 1~..,... ••.,.."",,.•.~""="'~_.~.- ."."""""""""'''''''''''''''''' .="""'"'.,. .. '."'-.'''=''''''-.'-.''''''''''=''''''''''''''



V-bel! pu!ley cornblna ..tíon

Drlven shatt of motor


01<,5,32(+ 0,12 f-(})

84 teeth

028..61 I (+ D,07 J -O)

18 teeth


wasnsr=_.==~--=-j ...~....Jl=~=-·--

34 i Al!enscrew 1~·36!E- ..C-ce-~-I~'-I~-P-~~-'";-~-;-f-lb-.n-..+-,-ll'~..·_·..~_._."==-lU

3"/ Shali of tensionpuiley

I I ..U .......J_~.._~~~L~:_.{ ~earing~_ •. ~~. __ ~_I

I ' II 39

I iL__ j - ------I 40 i Clrclip 1



Tenston pune)'

Pml{Jctlve cover aftleadstock

paga 51

Page 52: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

Pag~ 52

Page 53: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

6.10.1 Spare parts list ofchanqe gear

-_._-.....-----_.~-"_.:---.----~-_....,'!!J ~ <li

~ Nams - N,...,(j3..."

503 Change Qê&í ra5! 235rnm



504 I8f:afing ~:relje~t"31é'h:ang::::: g2af râii ~-_.~---.l--.--.----.-.-.---.j

i--' h~:i~~~:~:~~~~~1t~--'--;--+--~~:-1~--~). so.2-t--·-~-~·~~·---·-·------'-T--·'-·-f-·······65-t;;;h'-'1I' '. mCJ[juie 1,.5 :

i,"""'-'·.: ..·=··;·-······-····-··-----=~,,~!

~---,-,--i..-- __. ..__ .__.

BD ;"eU""rnod lj!·2 1: 5

7ô ~üeth,moch~i~1~5

506ro teeth.

rnçJc:hm:~ t. '5

65 t~!0th.rtj{)rJu!e 1,5-

charqe gi;~.\: r=Bmrn.Pi=1Am.m

(-/J !eelh,ITIDdlJ!e 1.5

; : 50 \eeth.,L_~_,J.~m~,_Q. _ó,_ul~e~l...,:~.~

4G íeeth.module 1,5


30 iBelh.moduI81:.0

25 teeth,G'lorJ:J!e ~!,S


521 .incking wnshcr 2

Page 5:~

Page 54: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

f~r·--r:-:~,-c:~~~~;o~"- n -J- -- - ~-~ 1--s---T----6-·r--7--.::-T~o-

iNI PE'-"======~=================~====~====='---'--'-'--'-'-'-'---~=~~==~======~====.:~==~.~=======! -


6.11 Wiríng diaqram TURNER280220V-240V


) -----------_ .._-----

1- 9"lo·····iú·······:······-_··--··························...............- - -.- .oI o ~ -1 -.-.---.-

r---I=B------;====~~-=~-=~-±.- =-}-l_ .J ; I Z2 Ul Uc 6;~l

Chançe-over switch I k M) J IR/L .l "-- 1_.- , - . --- ._-_. -._~

r-,L;-),;- ·-l(~ m I!I

q6 d8 01\d \ _j .. ~ ~ 'I



. [ 220 V.=24_~~ ]1di·tj()~~rE~~;;.·-·::.=~


s:-~[)) O'r) .'

:!, .1:)~ ~

Ç(~J (õiõl ()O(fi ::r

Page 55: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

!Vlachine & /ools


Iir---!I !

ri! i

!-=-~I II .

i I. 1


!! IIrrd! I1 j


>i!.rI !


i0-JII ii iI !


I rr;i,. !!~I


II ! I

(j-I I~T'---------11(....I 1 r.I i ;----------i\. lU>

1 !I !




I~ o--I





f ', '


~ I~ 1"") L.LJ. ~ ~--.J-.Jznl_' ._,_. ....__ . . _




Page 56: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

6,11 TURNER280Vario Eleclric schematic diagram


AC110V160Hz FuseL -----.---FE3==J-----~L-

~E _=-__=_-__. -__- l- -.-~_._=__------~-.---~7------------.--Magnetíc 1--®-~3--.. ® Ic ont actor

I@ @I

1_ r 1


Change over swítch1-- -----






Transformer O,75mm2Spe~~ G S V PE L PEInduces head I

c=:J--1_ G _~ V N

Potenhometer O.5mm2L1 L2green P1

ellow P2 A+ A-red P3 Control board

, -> ()

1.5mm 2



Page 57: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

7 Anomalies

7.1 Anomalies in the lathe._--------_._-;_._._-----

Problern I Cause f possible effects ! Solutlon

~~=~~~J~f~~~:::::c;:~e:~~-~_p~e'~e~~~-Jj Surface of workpiece toa i. Tool blunt Resharpen tooli rough Tool sprinçs Clamptool with lessoverhanq

Feed too hígh ReducefeedRadius at the tool tip to little lncrease radius

Cenlres are not aliqned (taüstockhas offsst)Top síide not aligned well (cuttingwith lhe top slide)

i ~-_·_··-·--·---------·----iFeed too hlgh (' Reduce feed

!~ . ._______! Maio bearíngs have clearance ! ._'_H_av_e the main bearing readjUste~-1

i Centre runs hot I' Workpieee has expancec !' Loosen taüstock tipr-i -li-O-O-I h-a-s-a-s-h-o-rt-e-d-g-e-I-íf-e-.·.··-tt-··_-G-u-tr-!n-g-s-pe-ed~to--O-h-i9-h-~~~-tI-.-····-R-e-du-e-;e-e-u-tt-ín-g-S-p-ee-d-------1!


IH-- H_' . . ... -! Workpiece is becomíngi coned!

Lathe is chatíerinq

II! • Adjusttallstock to lhe centre

iI ' Align top stíde well

I •

Crossf.eed toa high Lower crossfeed/smooth frnish(allowance no! over 0.5 rnrn)More coolantlnsufflclent cooling

~.~-~~ ...•.......•.•..•......~~.._. -_.- .:,;""",,-~"""""'--r--"~" _ ...•...•..•••.._.-"-"'-'---~ ..•

Flank wear toa high !. Clearance angle toa srnall (toolI "pushes")

11' Tool tip n01 adjusted to centre


i· íncrease clearance angle

I1. Correct height adjustment of theI tool

i Cutting edge breaks.offIj • Wedgeangle toosmall (heat bulld- I· íncrease wedge angle

u~ IGrinóing crack due to wrong 0001- [ •ln9 i

Excessiva clearance in the spin-dle bearing arrangement (vibra-tíons)




Have the císarance in the spindlebearing arrangemenl readjusted

Cut thread is wrong Adjust tool to the Gantre- Grindangle correctíy

i· Tool is clamped íneorrectly ar hasbeen started grinding the wrongwayWrong pítch AdjUst the right pitchWrong diameter i 10 a previous step, turn the work-

! .__ .w ••.•.. w•••• .w ••• •.•_w.•• _ ••_._.w. __.. _, __ .. _ .._w._ ....._. ~..W". •• __ •__ ••_J. ~~~~'"~~_~~~w~~~_~t,~~~e2~:'"__ ,'"

Page 58: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

8 Appendix

8. 1 Copyright©2005

This document is copyríght Ali derived ríghts are also reserved, especlally íhose of translatíon,re-printlng, use of figures, broadcast, reproductíon by photo-mecnanícat or similar means andrecording tn data processínç systems, whether partia' or total.

The cornpany reserves the right to rnake technícaí alteratlons without prior notlce.


8. 2 Terminology/Glossary



Leadscrsw nut

Lathe chuck

Drill chuck

Lathe saddle

Cross slide

Top slida

Taper rnandrel





Lathe dog


Pag..; 57

Housing for the feed gear and thesyn-chronous belt pulleys

Split nut whích ençapes ln lhe leadscew

Clamping tool for holding the workpiece

Device for holding tne bit

Slide on the slideway of the machine bedwhich feeds parallel to the tool axís

Slide on the fathe saddle whích movestransversely to the tool axís

Swivelling slide ali the cross slide

Taper of the blt, the dnllchuckor the cen-tre

Cutting tool, btt, ate.

Plece to be turned or machined

Movable turníng aid

FoHow ar steady support for turning lon9warkpieces

Device ar clamping aid for driving piecesto be tumed between centres

Page 59: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

8. 3 Product follow ..upWe are required to perform a follow-up servíce for our products which extenos oeyond shíp-ment.

We would be grafeful íf you could send us the foHowing information:

• Modified settings• Experiences wíth the lathe, whích could be important to other users• Recurring failures

Page 60: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

No Objectof Drawing Permíssib.le Measuredtesting

[mm][mm]- ~B A: 0,009 A: t>.c>v~;,

1--:B: 0,009 B: ().~c»Run-out oi


I .and períodical I--~A

radial slip otspindle



- 0,009d ,I--



0.0" .r2spindle nose


r~I .'I

-".OlJS9' A: 0,015 A:

f-B: 0.02.

G- II =1- B:O,03Run-oui ot II

3 intemal taper of - 1 I'-spíndle A


A& A: 0,025/50 A: 0·(;>2

Paraflelism of n ·S 8: 0,015150 B: OC'°Staílstock guide

4 A = in the +. ._-vertical planeB:= ln the ~ 50 !E-horizontal plane

11II I

Page 58

Page 61: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334


Page 62: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

9 Test Report

No Objectof Drawíng Permlsstble Measuredtesting

[mm] [mm]- ),B

A: 0,009 A: (;>"t:>v~;:x

f-B: 0,009 B: o·~c»

Run-outof G ..spindle

1 andperiodicaf f-,-~Aradial slip ofspindle

'"1 r'---lII

- 0,009d .f--


f-o·oe> .r2

spindle nose '-

r~I ..

I- o·o,,!9" A:.O,015 A:

r- I o·o}..-+ B:O,03 B:Run-out of


3 interna I taper Qf -L-) T Ispindle A


AÓ-o A: 0,025150 A: o·~2

B: 0,015150 B: ocoSParaflelism Of n Btaílstock guide

4 A = in the +- ---vertical planeB = in the ~ 50 k-horizontal plane




Page 58

Page 63: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

Ar " A: (J,03 A:

Headstock r-Khfl ()--D(fvfT3) and B' rr-1

5iaílstock (MT 2) HY" , '=r .-

centres for I~isame heighl

I Iabavereference plane


I I().02-1




A I A: 0,03/250-O l~E

A: 0'°5Parallelism oispindíe exis ~ li B: 0,031250 B: t>,o~

I with carriage 1 --=t--- fT6 I 'jmovemem ~ I)

I A = vertical ~ 250 lE-Iplane

II B = horizontalIplane ~i I r

Ii 11

1I ~1ll <q


IIParalie/1sm. ot


I7 Itop sl:de .wIth w.1,1 - I '--ij spindle and Lícetneçemovement




I1· ~I +---+


I I ~ 0,04

D! O D8

IRun-out ot yaw Ichuck U . I


I LI -

--n 1 2 A) (j 20mm A)~rr .,

Run-out ot yaw<) 1: 0,04 1: o-c> I


Objecl ot! .2: O,08i100 2: o.C' 2-


testing~I ~

LiIA: 020mm 1B) 2i 30mm B)

B: 030mm1: 0,04 1: o,taL

1.,I I 2: 0,08/100 2:

I I ~0'('1


Inspector:e, Date: 12

Page 59

Page 64: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334

a) Damages ot tecquer

b) Rust damage

c) Identificatian plate datacorreet/y, comp/ete/y

d) Transporidamages

o a) Connection and functíon

o b) Funetion emergeney bushbutton

o c) Connection points in lheengine terminal box attracted

o d) Motor clockwise rotetion,left hand motíon




a) CE sign D O .a) Drive belt tension Qt Ob) 3-yaw chuck Q O .b) Top siide taper gib clearanee n O~

Ic) Cross s/ide

Oc) Quadruple toolholder Q O

ieper gib clearanee O

d)Change gear set O O d) Top slide spind/e c/earanee Q Ot.......:

€) 2 fixed center and toolbox Qt O €) Cross siide spind/e c!e~rance r nLV L.

f) Acceptance and lnspection Q O O Csmage surfaces cleaned n O~repor;


g) DrehfutterschlüsselG O

g) SpindJes c/eanedG OCiiuck Spanner and greased, operation


h) Operating menuei B O .h)Tellstoct; tunction I wedging r O~

Additional parts

a) Quiet running

b) Temperature of both spind/ebearings, whi/e running with- 1DOOmin-1eiier tôminuteswithin lhe range of.50 - ooce



CustomerSeria! no ot lhe mechine


Inspector: Date:

Page 60

Page 65: MANDROD Operating Manual MR-334


Packing List

D280X7(J()G VarioNO. Description Specifications Ouantity Note

1 Bench Lathe 1

2 Plastic Sheath 1

.3 Operating Manual 1

4 Oualification Certificate 1

5 Packing List 1

6 Toolbox(including:) 1

1}Fixed Center Morse:2 ++ ,4 ++ each 1

2)Allen Key 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 each 1

3)Handle 1

4)Oil Gun 1 I

5)Reverse Chuck 3 Jaws 1 set (cp125)

6)Chuck Spanner 1

7)Open-ended Spanner 8-10/12-14/17-19 each 1

8)Change Gear Z=45, 50,60,60,65,70 each 1

9)Synchronized counter pulley 240XL075 1

10)V-belt 0-710, 0-828 1

11)Axis case cp10 1

12)Tool-holder spanner 1

13)T Allen Key 6 1

14)painting can 3

15)GrossScrewdriver 3" 1

16)StraightScrewdriver 3" 1

17) Fuse 8A 1

I Surveyor: 1 n..L/ f-~.>~-;:-:-:'J,,;,-:-,.--,-,~ e:_,-,~,-,-'t~b!,71~/ ---,-I_D_a_te_:_1_..:...1-,>-< -=-__ ~_o8 _,,'.
