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Transactions C: Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringVol. 17, No. 2, pp. 115{123c Sharif University of Technology, December 2010

Manganese Oxide Doped Noble MetalsSupported Catalyst for CarbonDioxide Methanation Reaction

W.A.W. Abu Bakar1;�, R. Ali1, N. Sulaiman1 and H.F. Abd Rahim1

Abstract. Manganese oxide supported on alumina was prepared for methanation reaction by dopingthe manganese oxide based catalyst with noble metals, namely ruthenium, Ru and palladium, and Pd,via an impregnation method. The potential catalyst was calcined at 400�C, 700�C and 1000�C for 5hours separately. An in-house-built micro reactor with an FTIR detector and GC was used to study thepercentage of CO2 conversion and also the percentage of CH4 formation. Ru/Mn (30:70)-Al2O3 calcinedat 1000�C was the potential catalyst, which gave 86.82% CO2 conversion and 61.94% CH4 yield at areaction temperature of 200�C. XRD analysis showed that the catalyst is of a crystalline phase, whileFESEM illustrated the catalyst surface was covered with small and dispersed particles with an unde�nedshape. EDX analysis revealed that there was 21.15% reduction of Ru in the spent catalyst compared to thefresh catalyst due to the migration of Ru particles into the porous support during the reaction. There was5.39% reduction of surface area over the spent Ru/Mn (30:70)-Al2O3 catalyst, characterized by NitrogenAdsorption analysis. FTIR analysis revealed that the catalyst surface is hydrated.

Keywords: Manganese oxide; Methanation; Ruthenium; Palladium; Catalyst.


Natural gas consists of light, volatile hydrocarbons,mostly methane (70-90%), ethane, propane, butaneand pentane (0-20%), and of non-hydrocarbon gases,such as carbon dioxide (0-8%), nitrogen (0-5%) andhydrogen sul�de (0-5%). Carbon dioxide is referredto as \acid gas" because it forms corrosive compoundssuch as carbonic acid in the presence of water [1]. Thepresence of this impurity will make the natural gas fallunder \sour natural gas", thus resulting in lowering theprice of natural gas in the worldwide market, as well ascausing di�culties for its distribution to the market.

Several methods have been developed for theremoval of acid gases from the natural gas composition,such as amine treating and membrane separation [2].Since amine treating and the membrane separationsystem have several drawbacks, such as high costs andthe high heat of the reaction, the focus has now shifted

1. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.

*. Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

Received 13 August 2009; received in revised form 14 December2009; accepted 7 March 2010

to a more promising method, which is the catalyticconversion system.

Manganese has been widely explored for vari-ous types of reaction including solid state chemistry,biotechnology, organic reactions and environmentalmanagement. However, manganese had not yet beenwidely explored for its ability as a base catalyst forthe CO2 methanation reaction, but it has receivedattention from researchers as a dopant material formetal oxide for CO2 methanation.

The hydrogenation of carbon oxides was per-formed over promoted iron-manganese catalysts [3]. Itwas found that manganese containing a catalyst showedhigher activity towards the formation of hydrocarbons.Then, these catalysts were promoted with copper,sodium and potassium. Carbon dioxide conversion wasfavored by alkaline addition, especially by potassiumdue to the promotion of the water-gas shift reaction.Furthermore, alkaline promotion enhanced selectivitytowards long-chain products, either in CO2 and COhydrogenation processes.

Hydrogenation of CO2 was studied over a Fe-Mnoxide catalyst doped with Rh and La as reported byDziembaj and Makowski [4]. They found that the

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existence of Rh led to a much faster and more completereduction.

Ching [5] investigated cobalt containing nickeloxide supported alumina catalyst doped Mn for a CO2methanation reaction. It was found that for 5% ofMn, only 17.71% of CO2 is converted at a reactiontemperature of 300�C, while, when Mn was introducedinto iron containing nickel oxide, the percentage of CO2conversion did not di�er much, as in the Co:Ni catalyst.

Lohitharn and Goodwin [6] investigated the activ-ities of precipitated FeCuSiO2 catalysts by the additionof Mn for both CO hydrogenation and the WGSreaction. They found that FeCuSiO2 addition to Mncan improve the catalytic activity. In this work, themanganese oxide doped Ru or Pd catalyst should becapable of achieving both a low temperature and a highconversion of carbon dioxide gas to methane.


Preparation of Catalysts

MnCl2.2H2O, produced by the MERCK Eurolab, wasdissolved with 2 ml of triply distilled water. A mixedcatalyst solution was prepared by mixing appropriateamounts of noble metal chloride salts or noble metalnitrate salts (Pd(NO3)2.xH2O and RuCl3.xH2O). Thewetness impregnation method was used to preparethe Al2O3 supported catalyst by impregnating thecatalyst solution on Al2O3 beads (MERCK Eurolab)support for 15 minutes, then, taken out and dried atambient. The impregnation and drying were repeatedthree times. Then, the impregnated Al2O3-bead waswashed-dispensed with triply distilled water to removechloride ion. This process was repeated until no changeoccurred in the solution when adding the AgNO3reagent. It was then aged at 80�C for 24 hours andcalcined in an oxygen atmosphere at 400�C for 12hours. The potential catalyst was then further calcinedat 700�C and 1000�C for another 12 hours.

Catalytic Performance Test

All the prepared catalysts were tested for their catalyticactivity towards a carbon dioxide methanation reactionby using an in-house-built micro reactor. The analysiswas conducted using simulated natural gas comprisedof a continuous ow of a CO2 and H2 (1:4) mixture,composition 20% of CO2 and 80% of H2, and a owrate of 50 mL/min. This reactor was coupled withFourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) Nicolet Avatar370 DTGS. The formation of methane was detectedby a Hewlett-Packard 6890 Series GC System (Ultra1) with a 25.0 m � 200 �m � 0.11 �m nominalcolumn, helium gas as the carrier gas with a owrate of 20 mL/min at 75 kPa, and by using a Flame

Ionization Detector (FID). The measurements weredone at reaction temperatures of 100�C, 200�C, 300�Cand 400�C.

Characterization of Catalysts

XRD analysis was done using a Siemens D5000 Crys-tallo ex X-Ray Di�ractometer equipped with Cu tar-

get (�CuK� = 1:540�A) radiation. Using a step scan of

0.050� and a step time of a second per step, data werecollected over the range of 2� from 10� to 80�. FESEM-EDX analysis was accomplished by using a Philips XL40 microscope with energy of 15.0 kV coupled withan EDX analyzer, and bombarded using an electrongun with a tungsten �lament under 25 kV resolutionsin order to get the required magni�cation image. N2adsorption-desorption isotherms for the catalysts weremeasured by Micromeritics ASAP 2010. All sampleswere evacuated at 120�C prior to the measurement.The samples were analyzed for the presence of func-tional groups using FTIR Nicolet Avatar 370 DTGSwith a KBr pellet technique.


Catalytic Performance of Alumina SupportedManganese Oxide Catalyst

From Figure 1, it can be seen that the conversion ofCO2 over a manganese oxide based catalyst was in-coherent throughout the reaction. The maximum per-centage of CO2 conversion in this study was achieved ata reaction temperature of 100�C, which is only 9.40%.However, after this point, the conversion continuouslydecreases slightly until the end of the studied reactiontemperature of 280�C. It can be suggested that atthe calcination temperature of the catalyst at 400�C,the Mn species on the catalyst surface existed in bothtrivalent and divalent states with Mn3+ as the majorspecies, accompanied by the minor Mn2+ species [7].Chen et al. [8] also claimed that the predominant

Figure 1. Catalytic performance of MnO/Al2O3 catalystcalcined at 400�C for CO2 conversion reaction.

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phases of MnO and Mn3O4 can be obtained aftercalcination at 400�C in air. It can be concluded thatthe existence of the more trivalent state of Mn doesnot favor the methanation reaction, attributable to theincoherent trend of CO2 conversion.

Catalytic Activity Screening of AluminaSupported Manganese Oxide Based Catalystwith One Dopant for CO2 Conversion inMethanation ReactionAs shown in Table 1 and Figure 2, a conclusion canbe drawn from this investigation that Ru/Mn (30:70)-Al2O3 catalyst showed the best catalytic performancefor CO2 conversion. It can be seen that the percentageCO2 conversion for all ratios of Ru/Mn-Al2O3 catalystsshowed very little increase until at 240�C and, thenabruptly inclines and reaches its maximum at 400�C,whereby the percentage of CO2 conversion was thehighest at 89.01%. However, the Pd/Mn- Al2O3 cata-lyst for all ratios showed no change in CO2 conversioneven until the maximum studied temperature of 400�C.

It can be suggested that the incorporation ofruthenium into the manganese oxide based catalystsystem has a positive e�ect on the methanation

Figure 2. Catalytic screening for Al2O3 supportedmanganese oxide based catalysts with one dopant calcinedat 400�C for CO2 conversion reaction.

reaction. This is in agreement with the resultsobtained by Panagiotopoulou et al. [9] who reportedthat CO2 methanation is strongly favored withincreasing Ru content. The combination of Mn andRu showed maximum conversion up to 89.01% for ahigher ratio of Ru in the system. This result suggeststhat the combination of Mn and Ru enhances thecatalytic activity because H2 and CO2 are easilychemisorbed and activated on these surfaces. The highCO2 conversion was probably due to the Mn species,which caused the removal of Cl atoms from the RuCl3precursor and increased the density of active Ruoxide species on the catalyst, which resulted in highcatalytic activity as claimed by Murata et al. [10].

Murata et al. [10] studied the e�ect of Ru andMn concentration on Fischer-Tropsch synthesis andclaimed that when the Ru to Mn ratio was 5:10, theCO conversion is up to 42.9%, and selectivity towardsCH4 up to 9.10%. They also noted that increasing Mncontent resulted in decreased CO conversion, which isin agreement with the result of the catalytic screeningof Ru/Mn (10:90)-Al2O3, which showed lower activitycompared to that of Ru/Mn (30:70)-Al2O3.

When Pd was used as the dopant, the percentageof CO2 conversion was observed to be less compared towhen Ru was used as the dopant. For Pd/Mn (10:90)-Al2O3, the maximum CO2 conversion of 11.54% can beseen at the reaction temperature of 400�C. Moreover,when the ratio of Pd in the system is made higher,Pd/Mn (30:70), the maximum conversion at 400�Cwas only 11.63%. From this observation, it can besuggested that Pd and Mn is not a good combinationfor methanation reaction, since temperatures higherthan 400�C are required to achieve more than 12%CO2 conversion. This was also reported by Wachs [11];the reason given being that some active basic metaloxide components, such as MnO and CeO, did notinteract strongly with the di�erent oxide functionalitiespresent on the oxide support and, consequently, did notdisperse very well to form crystalline phases.

Panagiotopoulou et al. [9] found that Pd was theleast active catalyst; the CO2 conversion being lessthan 5% at 450�C. The atomic radius of Pd (137 pm) is

Table 1. Percentage conversion of CO2 catalyzed by various manganese oxide based catalysts with one dopant andcalcined at 400�C for CO2 methanation reaction.

Reaction Temperature (�C)

Catalyst 100�C 200�C 300�C 400�C% Conversion of CO2

Ru/Mn (10:90)-Al2O3 5.86 6.29 18.12 57.27

Ru/Mn (30:70)-Al2O3 11.23 17.18 52.42 89.01

Pd/Mn (10:90)-Al2O3 4.55 8.01 9.23 11.54

Pd/Mn (30:70)-Al2O3 4.34 8.29 9.44 11.63

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much bigger than that of Mn (135 pm). This may causepore blockage by the bigger size of Pd, thus preventingany adsorption of CO2 gas on the catalyst surfacewhich, as such, retarded the methanation reaction.It was also noted that Pd does not favor a CO2methanation reaction but favored a conversion of CO2to CO, possibly via a reverse water gas shift (RWGS)reaction.

Catalytic Activity Screening of AluminaSupported Manganese Oxide Based Catalystwith Two Dopants for CO2 ConversionMethanation ReactionTable 2 and Figure 3 revealed that the additionalloading of Pd into MnO doped Ru catalyst decreasesits catalytic activity as compared to the other twocatalysts, with a smaller loading ratio of Pd. This isbecause Pd was suspected to decrease the performanceof the catalyst by oxidizing the CO intermediate backto CO2 as claimed by Panagiotopoulou et al. [9] whoreported that Pd does not favor CO2 methanationreaction but favors a conversion of the CO intermediateto CO2.

Figure 3. Catalytic screening for Al2O3 supportedmanganese oxide based catalysts with two dopantscalcined at 400�C for CO2 conversion reaction.

All the studied catalysts showed low percentageCO2 conversion (maximum 20% conversion) from thestart to 300�C of reaction temperature. However, after300�C, the catalyst system of Pd/Ru/Mn-Al2O3 gavea profound increase in CO2 conversion.

It can be suggested that Ru is stronglychemisorbed onto the surface of the support, whichcorresponds to the high activity, but when Pd is inhigher proportion than Ru, the activity decreases. Thismay possibly be due to the adsorption of Pd on thesurface of Ru particles, which leads to the decreasein activity. The bigger atomic size of Pd (137 pm)compared to that of Ru (134 pm) is one of the reasonswhy Pd is not a good dopant to Mn as compared toRu, since Pd can deactivate the catalyst by coveringthe surface of the active species, thus leading to lowcatalytic activity.

From the catalytic screening of all prepared cat-alysts, Ru/Mn (30:70)-Al2O3 was chosen as the bestcatalyst for further studies. This is due to its highactivity towards methanation reaction, whereby theCO2 conversion was 89.01% at a reaction temperatureof 400�C. This catalyst was then subjected to highercalcination temperatures of 700�C and 1000�C, and itscatalytic activity was monitored by using FTIR.

From Table 3 and Figure 4, it can be concludedthat the percentage of CO2 conversion over the reactiontemperatures increases as the calcination temperatureincreases, whereby the catalytic centers of the catalystwere activated, thus enhancing the activity. It can beconcluded that higher calcination temperatures lead tothe formation of active species such as Mn3O4 andRuO2, which are responsible for the high catalyticactivity towards the CO2 methanation reaction. Fur-thermore, calcination temperatures higher than 400�Cwere assumed to have eliminated any presence of theCl� ion, which might poison the catalyst active site.This is in agreement with Bradford et al. [12] who foundthat most of the Cl� ion was removed after reductionpretreatment at 500�C using the Ru/Al2O3 catalyst.The formation of the active species was con�rmed bythe XRD analysis.

Table 2. Percentage conversion of CO2 catalyzed by various manganese oxide based catalysts with two dopants aftercalcined at 400�C for CO2 methanation reaction.

Reaction Temperature (�C)

Catalyst 100�C 200�C 300�C 400�C

% Conversion of CO2

Pd/Ru/Mn (2:8:90)-Al2O3 0.56 9.27 27.96 71.83

Pd/Ru/Mn (5:25:70)-Al2O3 0.02 4.74 40.00 79.48

Ru/Pd/Mn (2:8:90)-Al2O3 5.69 17.59 22.39 28.51

Ru/Pd/Mn (5:25:70)-Al2O3 8.57 9.23 19.75 23.16

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Table 3. Percentage conversion of CO2 catalyzed by alumina supported manganese oxide based catalysts doped withruthenium with ratio of 30:70 and calcined at di�erent temperatures.

Calcination Reaction Temperature (�C)Catalyst Temperature 100�C 200�C 300�C 400�C

(�C) % Conversion of CO2

Ru/Mn 400 11.23 17.18 52.42 89.01(30:70)- 700 6.06 21.46 67.07 97.36Al2O3 1000 27.75 86.82 98.65 99.21

Figure 4. The trend plots of percentage of CO2

conversion over Ru:Mn (30:70)-Al2O3 catalyst calcined atdi�erent temperatures.

Detection of Methane by Gas Chromatographyfor CO2 Methanation ReactionThe Ru/Mn (30:70)-Al2O3 catalyst calcined at 1000�Cwas considered a potential catalyst for the CO2 metha-nation reaction, since it gives 86.82% of CO2 conversionwith 61.94% CH4 yield at an applicable low reactiontemperature of 200�C (Table 4); having undergonereproducibility tests three times. This result is com-parable to the result obtained by Wan Abu Bakar et

al. [13] who reported only 19.19% of CO2 conversionwith 6.1% of CH4 yield over Pr/Co/Ni (5:35:60)-Al2O3 at the same reaction temperature. Therefore,Ru/Mn (30:70)-Al2O3 catalyst, calcined at 1000�C,was selected as the best catalyst in this work. Thelimitation of a reaction temperature up to 200�C wasapplied to suit the requirements in the petroleumre�nery plants.

Characterization of Catalysts

XRD AnalysisThe potential catalyst, Ru/Mn (30:70), was analyzedby XRD in order to determine the active oxide phasesthat have contributed to the enhancement of catalyticactivity. From Figure 5, it was observed that the degreeof crystallinity of all the studied catalysts improvedas they were calcined at higher temperatures (400�C,700�C and 1000�C). A high crystallinity phase was onlyobserved for catalysts calcined at 1000�C, whereby thecatalyst calcined at 400�C showed an amorphous phaseand those calcined at 700�C showed a weak crystallinephase.

At a calcination temperature of 400�C, the phaseis highly amorphous and dominated by the aluminasupport and no other peak can be assigned. Athigher calcination temperatures of 1000�C, the Al2O3cubic phase at 2� values of 46.04(I100), 67.03(I93) and

Table 4. Testing results of CO2/H2 methanation reaction over Ru/Mn (30:70)-Al2O3 catalyst calcined at di�erenttemperatures.

Reaction Converted CO2 (%) UnreactedCatalyst Temperature % Formation % Formation CO2 (%)

(�C) of CH4 of CO+H2O

Ru/Mn 100 - 6.06 93.94(30:70) 200 - 21.46 78.54

calcined at 300 50.73 16.34 32.93700�C 400 49.07 48.29 2.64

Ru/Mn 100 0.00 27.75 72.25(30:70) 200 61.94 24.88 13.18

calcined at 300 56.07 42.58 1.351000�C 400 51.92 47.29 0.79

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Figure 5. The XRD di�ractograms of Ru/Mn(30:70)-Al2O3 catalyst calcined at 400�C, 700�C and1000�C.

37.64�(I47), with dobs values of 1.97, 1.39 and 2.390�A(dref values of 1.98, 1.39 and 2.38

0�A), which was

observed in catalysts calcined at 700�C, had trans-formed into a Al2O3 hexagonal phase that was detectedat 2� values of 35.49(I100) and 58.04�(I36), with dobs

values of 2.53 and 1.590�A(dref values: 2.52 and 1.59

0�A). Interestingly, new peaks attributable to the RuO2tetragonal phase species were observed at calcinationtemperatures of 700�C at 2� values of 28.12(I100) and

54.39�(I54), with dobs values of 3.17 and 1.690�A(dref

values: 3.17 and 1.690�A). The RuO2 tetragonal phase

was more intense due to its higher sensitivity towardsXRD analysis.

Furthermore, the peaks due to the Mn3O4 tetrag-onal phase at 2� values of 36.13(I100) and 32.49�(I76)

with dobs values at 2.48 and 2.750�A(dref values: 2.48

and 2.760�A) were observed in the fresh catalyst af-

ter calcination at 1000�C, but were transformed toan orthorhombic phase in the spent catalyst, whichwas detected at 2� values of 33.56(I100), 41.72 (I52),44.96(I38) and 36.35�(I30) with dobs values of 2.67, 2.16,

2.01 and 2.470�A(dref values: 2.67, 2.16, 2.013 and 2.47

0�A), which is expected to be a stable phase when thetemperature is higher than 300�C, as reported by Chenet al. [8]. Vicente et al. [14] had also expected that amixture of manganese oxides should be formed whenthe Mn based catalyst was subjected to calcinationtemperatures higher than 500�C. Overall, the peaksobserved that were assigned to the existence of Mn3O4species are low. This is probably because Mn3O4 ispresent in low quantities and is probably less sensitivetowards XRD analysis compared to RuO2 species.

However, after the catalytic testing, the peak ofthe RuO2 tetragonal phase was no longer observed.The collapse of the RuO2 peak may be due to the well-dispersion of RuO2 particles into the bulk matrix ofthe catalyst as claimed by Safariamin et al. [15] whosuggested that the Ru particles had been well-dispersedinto the catalyst that contains a higher ratio of support.This may also explain the lower percentage of CO2conversion for the reproducibility test towards the CO2methanation reaction over the same catalyst withoutpretreatment before testing. The above statement wassupported by the obtained EDX results, which revealedthe percentage weight composition of Ru in the spentcatalyst, 13.12%, which is much lower than Ru in thefresh catalyst, 34.27%.

Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy(FESEM)

Figure 6a depicts the image of an alumina supportedRu/Mn catalyst in the ratio of 30:70 before testing(fresh) in 5000 times magni�cation, while Figure 6bshows the image of an alumina supported Ru/Mncatalyst in the ratio of 30:70 after testing (spent) in5000 times magni�cation.

From the micrograph in Figure 6a, it was clearthat the surface of the fresh catalyst is covered withan agglomeration of Mn and Ru. This may be dueto the heat from the calcination process subjected tothe catalyst, which resulted in the agglomeration ofthe particles. The particles were of unde�ned shape.However, in Figure 6b, it can be observed that theparticles on the spent catalyst surface are smaller andhighly dispersed. This is probably because the Ruparticles had been adsorbed into the bulk matrix ofthe catalyst, thus exhibiting a well-dispersed surface,

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Figure 6. FESEM micrographs Ru/Mn catalystsupported alumina in the ratio of 30:70. (a) Fresh and (b)spent in 5000 � magni�cation at calcination temperature1000�C.

which indicates the reduction of active species on thecatalyst surface. This is in agreement with Safariaminet al. [15] who concluded that Ru particles had beenwell-dispersed into the pore of the support. Thereduction of the active species of Ru on the catalystsurface explains the reason for the reduced catalyticactivity for the reproducibility test towards the CO2methanation reaction over the same catalyst.

Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDX)The results from the EDX analysis (Table 5) showthe existence of all the metal precursors used in thepreparation. This result suggested that the weight

Table 5. Elemental composition from EDX analysis forfresh and spent Ru/Mn (30:70)-Al2O3 catalysts calcinedat 1000�C.

Form Element Weight Percent (%)

Al 18.20Fresh O 31.00

Catalyst Mn 16.53Ru 34.27

Al 29.21Spent O 41.52

Catalyst Mn 16.16Ru 13.12

percentage of Ru in the fresh catalyst is higher com-pared to Mn. The high weight percentage of Ru on thecatalyst surface may also be attributable to the highcatalytic activity towards the methanation reaction,which is highly favored in the presence of Ru [9]. Itwas also noted that Ru in the spent catalyst is reducedby 21.15% compared to the fresh catalyst. This maybe due to the migration of Ru into the bulk matrixof the catalyst surface. This result is in agreementwith the �ndings observed by Nurunnabi et al. [16] whoclaimed that the Ru may have been adsorbed into theporous support, hence a lower concentration of Ru onthe surface, which can be detected by EDX as reportedby Rosso et al. [17].

Nitrogen Adsorption (NA) AnalysisThe surface area of the spent catalyst was 5.39% lowerthan the surface area of the fresh catalyst. It canbe suggested that the reduction of the surface area isnot a major factor for the reactivity of the catalyst.RuO2 may also have a role as the active species. RuO2was present in the fresh Ru/Mn (30:70)-Al2O3 catalyst,but disappeared after the catalytic testing as shown inXRD and EDX analysis. The N2 adsorption-desorptionisotherms of the fresh and spent catalyst samples arealso similar to that of Type IV with a hysteresis loopindicating the presence of mesopores (Figure 7).

Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) AnalysisThere were only four signi�cant absorption peaks to benoted as shown in Figure 8. The peaks at wavenumbersbetween 3000 and 3800 cm�1 were attributable to thestretching mode of the OH groups from the adsorbedwater molecule, while the peaks at wavenumbers be-tween 1600 and 1700 cm�1 correspond to the bendingmode of the OH groups from the adsorbed watermolecule. The strong IR absorption of the oxidesupport occurs below 800 cm�1.

Figure 7. Isotherm plot of Ru:Mn (30:70)-Al2O3 catalystcalcined at 1000�C.

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Figure 8. Comparison of FTIR spectrum for (a) freshRu/Mn (30:70)-Al2O3 and (b) spent Ru/Mn(30:70)-Al2O3 catalysts calcined at 1000�C.


The 86.82% of CO2 conversion with 61.94% CH4 yieldwas obtained at a reaction temperature of 200�C for aRu/Mn (30:70) catalyst calcined at 1000�C. MaximumCO2 conversion was obtained at a higher reactiontemperature of 400�C, which is 99.21%, but a slightlylower CH4 yield of 51.92%. RuO2 in a tetragonalphase and hausmanite, Mn3O4 in a tetragonal phase,was proposed as the active species of Ru/Mn (30:70)-Al2O3 catalyst. It was also noted that the Al2O3phase should be hexagonal for the catalyst to achievehigh catalytic activity towards a CO2 methanationreaction.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the Ministry ofScience, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia, forIRPA Vot 79252, and the Universiti Teknologi Malaysiafor their �nancial support.


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Methanation of Manganese Oxide 123


Wan Azelee Wan Abu Bakar was born on May11, 1959, at Kelantan, Malaysia. After graduationfrom the Department of Chemistry at the NationalUniversity of Malaysia in 1983, he continued his studieson heterogeneous catalysis at Nottingham University,England and received Ph.D. in 1995. He then joinedUniversity Technology Malaysia and presently he isthe Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at this university.Professor Wan Azelee Wan Abu Bakar is the authorof 100 papers published in national and internationaljournals and has published four chemistry books foruniversity students.

Rusmidah Ali was born on July 17, 1957 at Klang,

Selangor (Malaysia). She �nished her degree inchemistry in 1980 at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.She �nished her M.S. and Ph.D. studies at the Uni-versity of Southampton in the United Kingdom in1983 and 1987, respectively. Dr Rusmidah thenjoined University Technology Malaysia and presentlyis an Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry.She is the author of 30 papers published in na-tional and international journals and has published 11books.

N. Sulaiman. His/her biography was not available atthe time of publication.

H.F. Abd Rahim. His/her biography was notavailable at the time of publication.
