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Mannum Mag Issue 96 November 2014

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A local information magazine produced by the Mannum Community for the Mannum Community.
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Mannum Progress Association Honoured with Two Awards M annum Progress Association have been honoured with winning the 2014 Mainstreet SA Excellent Awards in the category of events with under $20,000 expenses, for their SA Truck and Ute Show. This award was presented at the Adelaide Wine Centre two weeks ago and then last week at Waikerie we were awarded second place in the SA Regional Awards for the StatewideSuper Tourism Award. These awards are a great achievement for the Mannum Progress Association, for the Businesses who support our event and the many volunteers who help us to showcase our town on one of the quietest weekends for tourism in the calendar year. Both awards have given the event more publicity. Planning for the 2015 SA Truck and Ute Show is under way. The judges for the Mainstreet Awards were not only impressed with our event but commended us on pledging money for the proposed Heli-Pad and CCTV in Randell Street. If there is anyone who wishes to be involved and we don’t know about them please contact me. Final arrangements are being made for our Annual Christmas Parade and Street Party and I urge you to make an effort to be part of this. This year Mannum is celebrating it’s 160 th Anniversary so we hope the night on Saturday 6 th December will be even bigger and better than previously. The Anniversary perhaps may make your theme for a float easier. This year the pageant will commence half an hour later at 6:30 hoping this will make it easier for participants and minimise the waiting time until the River Fireworks display. Thank you Mannum for your past support and I encourage you to continue the good work. Carol Greening, Chairperson, Mannum Progress Association Ageing in the Murraylands 4 Calendars & Dates 32 Church Services 3 Classifieds 31 Food is Life is Food 8 Mid Murray Council 29 Mid Murray Support Services 30 Musical Miscellany 15 On My Bookshelf 15 Out of this World 8 Pause A While 5 All Steamed Up at Mannum Stationary Engines, Black Smiths & Mannum Fresh Water Classic Boat Festival Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the recomissioning of the PS Marion Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th November 2014 Family Fun Weekend, 9:30am - 4:00pm each day V isitors will hear the sounds of steam whistles, paddle floats slapping the water, blacksmith hammers hitting anvils and the chugging of engines but one boat will be the quietest on the river. Along with Australia’s first steam car on display we will see ‘S. L. Qui-e-tude’, a steam launch, fitted with a steam engine designed and built by Clive Sterling. After being one of the PS Marion restoration volunteers for six years, he decided to design and build his own steam engine in 1998. The first in Mannum since the Shearer Brothers built their famous steam car nearly 100 years ago. “Technical term for the engine is a twin cylinder simple steam engine with a keel cooling condenser”, said Clive Sterling, a retired mechanical engineer. “It took 10 months to build the engine, then I acquired a wrecked wooden 26ft hull called ‘Ajax’ from Goolwa”. Rob Bowring Chairman of the Mannum Dock Museum said, “Clive is a genius and everyone goes looking for him when the problem cannot be solved”. Clive and his wife used to take “Qui-e-tude” out a lot before the drought set in and his wife June did all the driving (some 4000 kilometres) whilst Clive stoked the boiler and looked after the engine. After the drought Clive converted the steam engine to diesel and made it duel fueled. Cruising again since 2013, Clive is very excited to showcase ‘Qui-e-tude’ at the All Steamed Up Event. Free parking at Mannum Football Oval. Free shuttle bus to Mary Ann Reserve & Mannum Dock Museum. Event Entry:- Adult $5.00, 14 to 17 years $3.00, Children under 14 years free (includes entry to the Mannum Dock Museum) Short Cruises on the PS Marion:- Adult $15.00, 4 to14 years $7.50 Children under 4 years free. 10:30am 12:00pm 1:30pm 3:00pm Mannum Dock Museum of River History, 6 Randell Street. T: 8569 2733, F: 8569 2383 • E: [email protected] Murraylands Fire Danger Season: Restrictions apply from 15 th November 2014 until 15 th April 2015. Information Hotline: 1300 362 361 Distribution 2200 FREE November 2014 Mannum, South Australia 5238 Issue Number 96
Page 1: Mannum Mag Issue 96 November 2014

Mannum Progress AssociationHonoured with Two Awards

Mannum Progress Association have been honoured withwinning the 2014 Mainstreet SA Excellent Awards in the

category of events with under $20,000 expenses, for their SA Truckand Ute Show. This award was presented at the Adelaide WineCentre two weeks ago and then last week at Waikerie we wereawarded second place in the SA Regional Awards for theStatewideSuper Tourism Award.

These awards are a great achievement for the Mannum ProgressAssociation, for the Businesses who support our event and the manyvolunteers who help us to showcase our town on one of the quietestweekends for tourism in the calendar year. Both awards have giventhe event more publicity. Planning for the 2015 SA Truck and UteShow is under way.

The judges for the Mainstreet Awards were not only impressedwith our event but commended us on pledging money for the

proposed Heli-Pad and CCTV in Randell Street.If there is anyone who wishes to be involved and we don’t know

about them please contact me.Final arrangements are being made for our Annual Christmas

Parade and Street Party and I urge you to make an effort to be partof this. This year Mannum is celebrating it’s 160th Anniversary sowe hope the night on Saturday 6th December will be even biggerand better than previously. The Anniversary perhaps may makeyour theme for a float easier.

This year the pageant will commence half an hour later at 6:30hoping this will make it easier for participants and minimise thewaiting time until the River Fireworks display.

Thank you Mannum for your past support and I encourage you tocontinue the good work.

Carol Greening, Chairperson, Mannum Progress Association

Ageing in the Murraylands 4Calendars & Dates 32Church Services 3

Classifieds 31Food is Life is Food 8Mid Murray Council 29

Mid Murray Support Services 30Musical Miscellany 15On My Bookshelf 15

Out of this World 8Pause A While 5

All Steamed Up at MannumStationary Engines, Black Smiths & Mannum Fresh Water Classic Boat Festival

Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the recomissioning of the PS Marion

Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th November 2014Family Fun Weekend, 9:30am - 4:00pm each day

Visitors will hear the sounds of steam whistles, paddle floatsslapping the water, blacksmith hammers hitting anvils and

the chugging of engines but one boat will be the quietest on theriver.Along with Australia’s first steam car on display we will see ‘S.L. Qui-e-tude’, a steam launch, fitted with a steam enginedesigned and built by Clive Sterling.After being one of the PS Marion restoration volunteers for sixyears, he decided to design and build his own steam engine in1998. The first in Mannum since the Shearer Brothers built theirfamous steam car nearly 100 years ago.

“Technical term forthe engine is a twincylinder simplesteam engine with ak e e l c o o l i n gcondenser”, saidClive Sterling, aretired mechanicalengineer.“It took 10 months

to build the engine, then I acquired a wrecked wooden 26ft hullcalled ‘Ajax’ from Goolwa”.Rob Bowring Chairman of the Mannum Dock Museum said,“Clive is a genius and everyone goes looking for him when theproblem cannot be solved”.Clive and his wife used to take “Qui-e-tude” out a lot before thedrought set in and his wife June did all the driving (some 4000kilometres) whilst Clive stoked the boiler and looked after theengine.After the drought Clive converted the steam engine to diesel andmade it duel fueled.Cruising again since 2013, Clive is very excited to showcase‘Qui-e-tude’ at the All Steamed Up Event.

Free parking at Mannum Football Oval.Free shuttle bus to Mary Ann Reserve & Mannum Dock Museum.

Event Entry:- Adult $5.00, 14 to 17 years $3.00, Children under 14 years free(includes entry to the Mannum Dock Museum)

Short Cruises on the PS Marion:- Adult $15.00, 4 to14 years $7.50Children under 4 years free. 10:30am 12:00pm 1:30pm 3:00pm

Mannum Dock Museum of River History, 6 Randell Street.T: 8569 2733, F: 8569 2383 • E: [email protected]

Murraylands Fire Danger Season: Restrictions apply from 15th November 2014 until 15th April 2015. Information Hotline: 1300 362 361


FREENovember 2014 Mannum, South Australia 5238 Issue Number 96

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Page 2 Mannum Mag Issue Number 96

To accommodate a wide range of comments, short letters have more chance ofpublication. Longer letters addressing important matters will not necessarily beexcluded. In general, aim for about 100 to 150 words, or less. Letters must includecontact details for verification.

Letters to the EditorDeadline 28th November for publication in the December issue

All My Own Work

Dear Editor,Peter Smith asserts that I cannot

form views and write a letterwithout either being assisted orincapable of understanding hisadvertisements.

I assure him that I and otherwomen can read and write all byourselves, and the only confusionoccurred when I attempted to accesshis misspelled or non-existentwebsite link.

In August he states that he willseek a reduction of councillors’allowances as set by the tribunal,which is what I responded to.

In September he appears to havediscovered this is illegal, althoughhe would “still like to see it”.

He states categorically that thecouncil “DOES NOT” have thesecond lowest level of allowances,conveniently omitting the fact thatthis was correct at the beginning ofAugust.

His figures are taken from newlegislation and groupings publishedafter my letter, as he would be wellaware.

Mr Smith considers my concernsabout possible inequity if hemanaged to cut allowances to be“absolute rubbish and garbage”.

I consider his statement that I wasassisted to write my letter offensiveand that he should publicly retracthis comment, or prove otherwise.

Kendra Radford

Election Comments

Dear Editor,I wish to comment on a number of

contributions in the October issue ofMannum Mag.

To Kendra Radford, let’s get onething clear regarding “I amconcerned to see that he advocatescondemnation and hostility towardthe State Government, which heregards as ‘meddling’ with our ‘ourasset’.”

The Expert Panel on PlanningReform report can be accessed atwww.thinkdesigndeliver.sa.gov.au tofind out what the State Governmentis proposing. They wish to combinegroups of councils and select themembers for these DevelopmentAssessment Panels. Councils willfoot the bill but no elected memberswill be allowed on these proposedpanels. Why should councils lose

their control over planning withintheir area?

R e g a r d i n g “ H o m e o w n e rconcession rates due to be axed bythe Federal Government next yearu n l e s s c o u n c i l an d S taterepresentatives work together toprevent it”. Those concessions arebeing removed by the StateGovernment and the FederalGovernment has not reported that itwill remove that concession fromfinances paid to the State. Part ofthe Federal Government funds paidto the States is repayment for thoseconcessions. Until the FederalGovernment announces the removalof such funding, it is a StateGovernment decision. Her lastparagraph is correct, “this is anissue of urgent concern” because, ifit is removed, disposable income forour elderly pensioners will bereduced! When this was proposed bythe Queensland State Governmentpeople power forced the StateGovernment to back down.

To Councilor David Peake, youare correct re a nominee for ShearerWard “has engaged in a negativecampaign against Council andcurrent Elected Members”. SorryDavid, not against Council per se,but Elected Members for goodreasons. 1. Elected Members usingtheir positions for personnel gain.2. Out of control spending, e.g.$100,000 legal fees on anon-complying development, whichcould have been stopped before itbegan.

Lisa Bottroff, Council ElectionsWho to Choose? “I have always beenof the understanding that peoplejoined committees and councilsbecause they believed in a cause orwanted to serve the community”.Thank you Lisa that has always beenmy belief and elected membersshould not be out of pocket!

Val Bottroff, “Aminya Building aFuture”. Thank you. I am sure all ofthe Board Members who wereelected at the (I think) 1995 MidMurray Homes for the Aged IncAnnual General Meeting wouldappreciate your letter. When wetook over, the facility was in adangerously perilous position withtalk of closure. Some staff had

allowed themselves, without theBoard’s knowledge, to become farmore secure in their employmentpositions. They refused to workunder the new Board so weredismissed, then took the facility tocourt and lost.

Dean and the Board, with the thenFederal Member Patrick Secker’sassistance, gained Federal grantfunding of nearly $1-millionthrough the Federal Aged CareDepartment and the Department ofVeterans Affairs, which allowed thecompletion of 20 new aged careunits. With Home Start’s assistanceanother 12 self contained units andsome existing units were transferredto the facilities ownership afterbeing upgraded.

Things did not always go our wayand yes, we were a little naive, butthe immediate future was assuredand now we see a loan (I am led tobelieve interest free) of aconsiderable amount to increase thesize of the Aged Care facility. I amsure the previous Board wishes themwell.

Let’s hope the new Council will besuccessful working in the bestinterests of the rate payers.

Peter R. Smith OAM

Unsolicited Calls

Dear Editor,I read Vivian Garner’s article with

interest, as I return such ‘soliciting’mail by “return to sender” and I feelno guilt on doing so. I choose who Isupport with my ‘charity’ moneydonations.

But the amount of solicitingphones calls is disturbing, and yes Ido place those blocks on my phoneand yet the calls keep comingthrough and when the block expiresit is an avalanche. So many calls, thesolar rebate, the endless charities,the ‘your computer needs updating’,‘we are from Microsoft and yourcomputer details are needed by us’,we need your financial details, wewish to have a few moments of yourtime for this or that survey and themost unpleasant call of all from thecancer foundation asking for money.

Unpleasant, from the CancerFoundation! Yes, because theCancer Foundation does not solicit

for money over the phone. Afterthree such calls in a week I rang theCancer Foundation, I was informedthat the Cancer Foundation raisesmoney by other means but NOT BYTELEPHONE. They DO NOT usecall centres, so please be wary of anycaller saying they represent theCancer Foundation. If you give,then send a cheque or money orderand never give your bank details, oryour computer details. Before yougive any money or details over thephone to callers check theauthenticity please.

Catherine Johns

Lost Contact Details

Dear Editor,Could the lady who ordered the

cross and critters from me at theMannum waters Market please getin touch?

They’re ready but I’ve lost yourcontact details.

Cheers BJ. 0429 708 228Kendra Radford

Spraying Cowboys

Dear Editor,Over the thirty years I have

resided in William Street, I havetaken pride in keeping the long,wide verge abutting our propertytidy by hand weeding, and onnumerous occasions requestedCouncil not to spray toxicsubstances along the verge.

Having spent days hand weedingthe colourful, bee-friendly displayalong the verge, imagine my surpriseto find that one of Council’sinfamous ‘spraying cowboys’ (whosemantra seems to be, if it’s green andit’s seen, spray it.) Had decimatedthe area to nothing more thangnarly, grey roots.

No doubt I’m not the onlyratepayer who has been upset by thelaisser aller manner of Councilspraying, but it appeared that ourportion of verge was the only onesprayed in the street.

Curious that!Perhaps a little more thought and

circumspection could be shown intown verge management, not onlyfrom an aesthetic view, but that ofpreventing water run-off due to lackof live perennial plantings.

Valorie Bottroff

The viewpoints and opinions of the Authors and Artists that appear in MannumMag do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of the Mannum Mag Editors, staffand/or affiliates. Mannum Mag assumes no responsibility for any errors oromissions in the content of this publication.

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Issue Number 96 Mannum Mag Page 3

District Church Services for Mannum Congregations

ANGLICAN 6 Adelaide Road. Ph: 8569 2385Mannum, Sundays 10:30 am

BAPTIST William Street. Ph: 8569 6040Mannum, Sundays 10:30 am

CATHOLIC Mau Street. Ph: 8531 1699Mannum, Mass: 1st Sunday 9:30 am, all others 8:30 am

LUTHERAN 79 Cliff Street. Ph: 8569 2863Mannum, Sundays 9:00 am, Sunday School 9:45 am duringschool terms. Everyone welcome.

RIVER WORD CHRISTIAN CENTRE Greening Street. Ph: 8569 1333Mannum, Sundays 10:00 am

SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 17 King George St. Ph: 0433 734 037Mannum, Saturdays 9:30 am, Sabbath School 11:00 am

UNITING Corner of Greening Street & Walker AvenueEnquiries: Rev. Darren Lovell 0466 411 784or one of the Elders G Gobbett: 8569 1083M Thomas: 8569 1005 G McInerney: 8569 2076

Mannum, 1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays 11 am, 2nd & 4th Sundays 9 am

ROAD CLOSUREAll Steamed Up At Mannum


Randell Street Mannum from McLaren Street to the northernend of Arnold Park will be closed to vehicle traffic from 6:00amSaturday 15 November 2014 until 6:30pm Sunday 16 November2014 for the “All Steamed Up at Mannum” family fun weekend.

Participants are exempt from Road Rules 230 and 238.

Arnold Park car park will also be closed from 4:00pm Friday 14November 2014 until 6:30pm Sunday 16 November 2014.

For further details please contact the Morgan Office of MidMurray Council on 8540 0060.


Established 1866

Bogan Pizza and PastaUnder New Management

Elaine and Allan would like to thank everyone for their supportover the five years that we have owned Bogans and wish the

new owners Sue and Mel all the best for the future. They trust thatyou will support them as you have supported us.

Kind regards – Elaine, Allan and staff.

Evelien Machin1950 - 2014

Evelien was the most courageousperson it’s been my honour to

know and love. She was a verycaring, giving person who embracedlife and was an inspiration to allwho knew her. A loving wife andmother who possessed a uniqueability to make every friend feel likea very special friend. She touchedmany lives and was always there foranyone who needed her caring, hertime, or any of her many talents. ATrue Friend with a heart of gold.

A self-confessed ‘Craft-a-holic’,she was always teaching herself newcraft skills which she was delightedto pass on to anyone who wasinterested. She was a member of the

Spinners and Weavers Group, aMannum Quilters Group and a DollClub. She loved lace making andreviving old dolls and had the mostamazing doll collection. She wasespecially interested in painting thefaces and bodies of ‘New Born’dolls. She was also a China PaintingTeacher and a member of MannumWalkie Talkies.

As well as our dear friend she wasalso our Art Teacher for the past 6years. Her style of teaching Art wasnot to teach text book style, butinstead to give us free rein to chooseour own medium, subject and style,and she would instruct each of us asand when we needed help with ourchoices. We all improved immenselyunder Ev’s gentle, patient and oftenhumorous instruction. Her legacy tous was that she crafted us from anMMSS Art Class to strongly bondedFriendship Group with a commoninterest in art. Thank you Ev!

As Julie from MMSS said, “Shewill live on through your everybrush stroke”.

A l w a y s l o v e d , A l w a y sRemembered.

Lynn Bowman, on behalf of‘Ev’s Angels Art Group’

Mangelsdorf Accounting85 Randell Street, Mannum, South Australia 5238

Mangelsdorf Accounting specialises in all your Taxation Needsincluding Individual and Business Tax Returns, BAS/GST,Financial Statements, Bookkeeping, Etc.

85 Randell Street, Mannum, South Australia 5238

Phone: 8569 2244

Marschall Accounting does not operate from this address. That listing elsewhere is anerror. Apologies to Mangelsdorf Accounting, Marschall Accounting and their clients.

Editor, Mannum Mag.

More LettersThanks to Hub

Dear Editor,I wish to thank the Hub for

allowing my group to use theirgreat facilities for showinginformation for the two importantOctober National observant weeks -Mental Health Week and CarersAwareness Week. We showed severalvideo p r e s e n tat i o n s aboutdepression and positive mentalhealth (for which we should allaspire) and many Carer stories fromindigenous, young carers andpartners.

PowerPoint presentations ofinformation etc. ran each day aswell.

Carer information and MentalHealth/Illness information in theform of brochures have been left atthe Hub. It is there with the Hub’smany other information resourcesfor people to pick up and use to helpin their situation.

Terry Udy, Mental HealthConsumer Advisory Council SA

House Sitting

Dear Editor,My husband and I have been

travelling and working aroundAustralia for nearly 3 years living inour caravan. I’m writing to youwondering if any of your readerswere wanting any house sitting donein Mannum.

We have references available fromprevious House-sits.

We are prepared to look afterpets, garden and the security of yourhome. All we ask for in return iswater, access to electricity, and theuse of a toilet. We don’t live in thehouse, we prefer to live in our vanand just look after the property.

My husband has full timeemployment in Mannum and weintend to stay for a few months.

We can be contacted via mobile:0448 663 3 8 3 o r email :[email protected]

Hoping some one can help us andin return we will be helping you.

Helen and Tony Reschke

Mannum MagChairperson: Geoff Skein 8569 2385Editor/Pub: Keith Baldwin 8569 [email protected]

Treasurer: Neville Bottroff 8569 1370Secretary: Carl Gross 8569 7392

Web Site: http://sites.google.com/site/mannumcommunitymagazine

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Page 4 Mannum Mag Issue Number 96

Mannum 2014 Fun RunSunday 14th December

It’s time for people across theMurraylands to start training, as

the ten week countdown begins forthe Murraylands APEX 2014Mannum Fun Run and Walk.

The hugely successful freecommunity event will kick off onSunday 14th December at 8:30amfrom Mary Ann Reserve in Mannum,when people from all over the Statewill congregate to move their bodiesand raise awareness about theimportance of regular physicalactivity.

Major sponsors of the event havereturned in 2014, with MurraylandsAPEX serving up a free healthybreakfast to participants, MidMurray Council and OPALcoordinating the event, AroonaScouts marshalling the routes andthe Mannum Little Athletics Clubrunning the popular Under 10s KidsDash.

Mid Murray OPAL Manager andevent steering group coordinatorCourtney Blacker said the event wasevolving in its fourth consecutiveyear, with a steady increase inparticipation, more than 40committed volunteers, newchildrens’ events and a strong localfollowing.

“After three years of hard work,the Murraylands APEX 2014Mannum Fun Run and WalkSteering Group has now created aseamlessly run, low cost and positiveevent,” Ms Blacker said.

“The participant and sponsorfeedback from recent years, is that ithas been a well organised, funinitiative that our community can beproud of.

“This year we want to increasenumbers again, and we hope byholding it on the first Sunday ofschool holidays we can also attractpeople from outside of the district totake part as well.”

The steering group reiterated atits recent meeting that it wanted tomaintain this fun run as a free event,to ensure that everyone who wantedto take part, had the chance.

“ B e c a u s e t h e e v e n t i sfamily-focussed, we have created alow-key structure which allows us togarner support from localvolunteers, organisations andbusiness. This helps us to create acost-neutral event, with anyproceeds made on the day throughdonations, going straight back in tohelping run the event the followingyear.

“Our steering group is movingtowards an event model that isself-sufficient and can be run by thecommunity itself.”

Categories have been kept broadto ensure that people of all ages,abilities and fitness levels can takepart. These include the 3km and5km walk, 5km and 10km run andthe 100m and 200m Under 10sdash.

Registrations have also been madesimpler. People can register onlineat www.mid-murray.sa.gov.au/opal, orpick up a hard copy form from theMid Murray Council offices atMannum, Cambrai and Morgan.People can also phone the MidMurray Council on 8569 0100 tohave a registration form emailed,posted or faxed.

The public can now access the freeten-week training plans for the 5kmand 10km runs online. These planshave been developed by the MannumLeisure Centre 24/7 gym and offer aprogressive guide to building upyour fitness before Sunday 14th

December.For more information on the

event, or how to register, visit thewebsite, or contact the Mid MurrayOPAL team on 8569 0100, or [email protected].

Ageing in the Murraylandswith Millie

Steve Milton’s Dad wentswimming several mornings a

week. One day he received a letterfrom the council telling him that theopening hours for the pool hadchanged. He couldn’t understand it,so he went into the council officeand asked what it was about. Theyoung man behind the counterreplied, “It’s all there in the letter.Read the letter”.

Steve’s Dad went home totallydeflated. Never again did he goswimming, but spent most of histime in his chair, depressed andwithdrawn, until his death.

And Steve? He’s passionate aboutcreating Dementia FriendlyCommunities in the UK through hisc o m p a n y “ I n n o v a t i o n s i nDementia”, as he shared recently ata seminar in Adelaide. He pointedout that the residential care modelfor people with dementia is rapidlycollapsing. People don’t want it,they never say they want to go into acare facility if they are diagnosedwith dementia, and it’s expensive.

He encouraged us to set aside themedical model of dementia as anillness or disease, and insteadaddress the social barriers peopleface in ‘doing their stuff’,continuing to engage in theircommunity. Hence, we need toconsider seriously what makes for aDementia Friendly Community.Some of the questions to addressare:• in our environment: are places

like shops, businesses, churches,leisure activities, amenitiesaccessible? Is written and verballanguage easy to understand?

• Attitudes: what prejudices anddiscrimination exist?

• Organisations: are theirprocedures and practicesinflexible?“Walk the patch with someone

with dementia” was Steve’s mantra.We must give people with dementiaa voice, involve them in planning,listen to what they say, identify whatis confusing or annoying when theyare out and about or what placesthey refuse to go to, listen to howothers talk to them, and fosterpatience and understanding. Eachperson needs to know, “I stillm a t t e r ” . S t e v e s a i d , “ I fdementia-friendly means anything,it means including people”.

Steve emphasized that residential

care facilities themselves need to be apart of the community. Hementioned one that has a cinema onsite, another with a crèche, andthere are many other innovations toavoid the segregation of ‘puttingpeople away’.

Before Steve’s address, MrsPietsch, from Unley, took us intoher world of living with early onsetdementia. In her 50s, her career innursing had taken her to the highestlevels of training and managementin Victoria when her mind startedletting her down, and her lifeunderwent major changes. Sheshared some of her day-to-dayexperiences and these raisedquestions for me.• How could our communities

become more aged anddementia friendly?

• Are the agencies that providein-home services listening topeople’s needs and frustrations,gathering data and acting to helpus improve? I think of Dom Care,Resthaven, Murray Mallee AgedCare Group, Community Nursing,River Murray and Mallee Carers,Aged Care and Housing, Aminya,Mannum Hospital.

• Will they share their findings withthe rest of us?

• How about our Councillors tellingus what they hear?And you, who are already on the

dementia treadmill, you are the realexperts. Will you share with us whatyou find difficult in continuing tolive well? If you don’t want to writea Letter to the Editor, please send anote to me, or call the Enquiriesnumber on the back page of theMag.

For further information: SteveMilton: [email protected] orwww.innovationsindementia.org.uk

The British Standards Institute isdeveloping a detailed description ofwhat a Dementia FriendlyCommunity looks like.

And from Sillie Millie:

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Issue Number 96 Mannum Mag Page 5

Anglican Priest Appointed to Mannum

Rev John Thompson will take upresidence in December in the

Anglican Rectory on AdelaideRoad in Mannum. Under newarrangements, Rev George Kirreh,the Rector at of the MurraylandsParish at Murray Bridge willbecome the Priest in Charge ofMannum – Mt Pleasant PastoralDistrict. He will work with Johnand the Pastoral Assistants inministering to the local area.

John comes to Mannum from theAlberton parish and will act in apart time capacity to service StAndrews and the two Hillschurches at Mt Pleasant and MtTorrens.

His wife, Sigrid will, at thisstage, join him at weekendsallowing her to carry on hernormal occupation in Adelaide as afuneral co-ordinator.

It is many years since a ministerhas lived in the Rectory and theparishioners in the PastoralDistrict of Mannum – Mt Pleasantwelcome the move with enthusiasm.

For the past seven years, tworetired ministers, the Rev JohnDevenport and Rev Bruce Cliffhave been conducting services on afortnightly basis. Other serviceshave been conducted by local

licensed Pastoral Assistants.The management of the parish

has been in the hands of acommittee consisting of twowardens and two representativesfrom each of the three churches andan elected chairman. Thiscommittee meets bi-monthly as thePastoral District Council.

During the time without a priest,much maintenance and buildingimprovement has occurredtotalling well over $130,000. Thismeans that the three churches, twohalls and two rectories in the parishare in a fine state to welcome Johnas our new minister.

An installation service will beconducted by Bishop John Ford onTuesday 25th November at 6:30pm,to be followed by a light tea. Thiswill provide an opportunity formembers of the local community tomeet John and Sigrid.

The appointment has been madepossible by the determination of a‘new’ bishop and we are grateful toBishop John for his support andenthusiasm as Bishop of TheMurray, based in Murray Bridge,in providing this opportunity forus.

Geoff SkeinPastoral District Chairman


SHANE BROWNLic : 112757

Servicing the Local Community

Phone: 0403 477 115

Pause A Whilewith Mannum Interchurch Council

What is most important?

When the Holy Spirit ledJesus into the wilderness

to be tempted by the devil,Jesus ate nothing for fortydays and nights. Obviously hebecame very hungry. It was atthis time that the devil came toJesus to tempt him in the areaof his weakness: hunger.

Satan thought that Jesus wasin a place where he couldexploit Jesus and cause him todeny God’s purpose. Satansaid to Jesus, “If you areGod’s Son, change thesestones into bread” (Matthew4:3). Jesus’ reply, found inverse 4, was, “No, theScriptures say, people needmore than food for their life,they must feed on every wordof God.”

Satan continues to try andtake advantage of us bytempting us in our vulnerablemoments.

Jesus’ response teaches us tofocus on God’s purpose in ourlife. But many of us may ask,“What is God’s purpose in mylife?”

In John 10:10, Jesus saysthat the devil’s purpose is “tosteal, kill and destroy, but mypurpose is to give life in all itsfullness”. God’s purpose foryou is to have life in all itsfullness, but sometimes wemiss out because we are toobusy looking for our ‘wants’.

Makes you think that maybewe would be better off seekingGod’s will and purpose, anddoing it, rather than trying tokeep up with the Joneses andchasing after things that do notsatisfy. Remember, God is notagainst you having things, Hejust wants you to not makethose thing your idols.

God Bless.Pastor Trevor Goodwin

Prayer Meetings for MannumThursday 13th November, 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm, Baptist Church, William StreetWednesday 19th November, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Catholic Church, Mau Street

Dahl & WarhurstFuneral Directors


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Page 6: Mannum Mag Issue 96 November 2014

Page 6 Mannum Mag Issue Number 96

Down to EarthThe Community

Garden At The Hub

It’s time to get a wriggle on andwe’re not talking worms. Plant

your spring/summer seedlings nowand water them in with any of theseaweed liquid preparations tostimulate strong growth. Getmulching and then some – therecent bout of early hot weatherwas a good reminder of thebenefits – conserving water andkeeping our soil and plantshealthy.

Most herbs and summer veggiesprefer some shade rather than fullsun, particularly lettuce andcucumbers, basil and coriander.

Some like to thin out the fruityields on manageable sized trees –less is more, or so I’m told. Afavourite garden visitor (Hubemployee) has donated severaltypes of herb seedlings (BIG thankyou) which will be ready in a fewweeks so remember you arewelcome to come and pick some foryour culinary creations. Thefirst“Grow and Share” produceswap at the Hub was a success andwill continue fortnightly in ourpretty little community gardenenvironment. There were fruit,vegetables, flowers, lots of fresheggs and even recipe books laid outfor people to take their pick from -all for free - true story! If you havesomething to offer, too manymulberries perhaps, share them outat the next “Grow and Share”meet on Sunday 9th November,9:00am-12 noon. Coming dates:23/11, 7/12, 21/12.

Thought for the day: “Gardensrestore peace and harmony to oursouls.”

Deb and the Gardening Gang

On a wider scale: Part of UNESCO’s charter is to preserve natural, cultural and historic sites aroundthe world . . . Individually, many of these sites combine several elements of cultural heritage criteria,ranging from majestic natural beauty to important architectural and artistic history. These irreplaceablesites represent multi-dimensional and direct links to our past and should be preserved at all costs.

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Issue Number 96 Mannum Mag Page 7

Teacher asks her class if anyone knows a story from the Bible. Little Johnny raises his hand and says, “Yes Miss, I cantell you about David and Goliath.”

“OK, carry on Johnny,” says the teacher.“Well, to cut a long story short, David killed Goliath, and then he got on his motorbike and roared away,” said Johnny.The teacher says, “You’re right to an extent, David did kill Goliath, but back then they didn’t have motorbikes.”“Yes they did, and I can prove it,” replies Johnny, then he opens up his Bible, turns to page 354 and says, “It says in here

that when David killed Goliath all you could hear was the roar of his Triumph!”

David Beats GoliathA Community Working Together

Special thanks to all thebusinesses that have loyally

supported Mannum Ice Works.The first four months after Gary

took over from Brian ran nice andsmoothly, that is until an AdelaideIce Giant came into town to takeour work from the local businesseswho have supported Mannum IceWorks for over 25 years.

Two young men walked inunannounced one spring morningwearing waistcoated pinstripedsuits to put forward a proposal toGary; either they buy him out andtake over or he stops allmanufacturing and only suppliesand distributes their ice.

In defiance and standing up forwhat he believed was right, hepolitely turned them away. Only tofind them go on a campaign topoach his clients by approachingall the local Mannum businessesthat we supply with ice.

Thankfully, there was huge

support from the loyal Mannumbusinesses to remain faithful. It’sthe wonderful locals who, like truemeerkats, were ready to alert fordanger in the territory, that madethis a true David versus Goliathmoment, where Mannum Businessesand it’s locals are the true heroes.

Saving this business, which whennot producing ice is servicing thecommunity with gas bottles andrain water tanks, as well as doingit’s best to spruik the town, was thepriority. Mannum Ice Works hasalways supported multiplecommunity and sporting events andemploys local people. So everyoneshould feel proud of the communitysupport for a local business.

As small as Mannum Ice Worksis, it produces more ice productsthan most do in South Australia.Due to Brian’s previous strictm an a g e m e n t r e g i m e wi thMannum’s businesses, the ice ismanaged by Mannum Ice Works for

their clients without any staffintervening, making it a costsaving arrangement and givingpeace of mind to the businessowners.

So, with the quality of theirproduct and service being apriority, the little local won in theend.

It’s been great to see the localsstand by the locals. Hence, this yearthe owners have decided to breaktradition and not impose the yearlyincrease as has been done at thistime previously. The gas bottleprices have also reduced since July,and they won’t be beaten on anyrainwater tank price. Just ask andcompare.

Thanks again to every businessand local Mannum person whohave made the new owners ofMannum Ice Works feel welcomeand wanted with their loyalgesture.

Lara Farr

Mannum FootballClub

New Committee Appointed

On Sunday 26th October in frontof a small crowd, we saw a new

Management Committee of theMannum Football Club appointedat their AGM. A number of existingcommittee members stood down atthis meeting and this has heralded ina new era at the football club.

Retiring after outstanding servicewere Kim Smithson, Sam Bormann,Kerry Yeates, Russell Peate, DarrylEckert and Peter Milsom. Thesepeople were replaced by DaveSchellen as President, Merrin Peateas Social Coordinator and RhysBullard and Craig Devries asCommittee members. Thosecontinuing on Committee wereChris Wiblin as Football Director,Deb Clark as Secretary and PaulStalker as a Committee person.Kerry Yeates has also agreed to beSponsorship Director, which waswell received.

The Club is very confident inappointing a Vice President andTreasurer in the near future and theconstitution also allows for anadditional two members to be puton Committee. Why not give DebClark a ring on 0400 254 856 if youare interested in helping out.

Peter Milsom



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Page 8 Mannum Mag Issue Number 96

Out OfThis

WorldAstronomer’s Corner

Directly overhead, at around 10pm, is the faint constellation

Capricorn. The eastern horizon atthis time is rather bare of risingstars and planets as most planets arerising in the early morning hours.

The tail of the scorpion is settingin the south where it seems tooccupy the entire region. Theconstellations Sagittarius andCapricorn, because of their uniqueposition, waiting to follow Scorpio,have skewed from their normal midyearly position due to seasonalvariations. The planets at this timeare the rising Mercury, Venus,Saturn, Mars and Jupiter. Lookingdue north at this time we see thegreat square of the constellation ofPegasus; the winged horse of Greekmythology.

The Andromeda Galaxy lies justoff to the lower right of Pegasus andis often referred to as a sister galaxyto our own. At some 2.2 millionlight years distance, if seeingconditions are good, it may be seenwith the naked eye. The edge of thesquare of Pegasus lies on the 24hour line of longitude and can beused as a locating marker for thismust see object. It is best viewedwith binoculars when observedhigher from the horizon, later in theevening when clear.

The planets Venus, at magnitude-3.9, and Jupiter, at -2.1, alongwith Saturn, at 0.5, are inconjunction, returning to dawnskies in December.

Many of the planetarium typeprograms on computers help you tounderstand how to interpret thecomplex nature of the planet earth’sorbit. When observing the nightsky, the small slice we see is fixed fora time to our latitude and theseasonal angle the earth is at,relevant to the sun. If we understandthe behaviour of planets and theirorbits happening in our backyard,then unlocking the behaviour ofcomets and other celestial objectsbecomes easier.

Dave Allen

Moon PhasesNew First 1/4 Full Last 1/4

22 29 7 15November November

Saving Mr Banks is a humorous and heart-warming story about the author of MaryPoppins, P. L. Travers (played by Emma Thompson). She had an unhappy childhoodgrowing up in rural Australia, but she achieved success as a writer in England. In 1961,she travels to Los Angeles at the invitation of Walt Disney (played by Tom Hanks), whowants to buy the rights to make Mary Poppins into a movie. For 20 years, thecantankerous Travers has resisted Disney’s approaches for permission, but now sheagrees to consider it because she needs money, even though she believes that Hollywoodwill maul her creation. Disney uses all his charm to soften Travers’ opposition and doubts.

The story is inspired by actual events, and is a movie that adults and children from aboutage 8 will enjoy. Rated PG.

There will be a donation box on the night toraise funds for our Christian pastoral supportworkers at Mannum, Palmer and Cambraischools.

Sponsored by Mannum Interchurch Council

Mannum LutheranChurch Hall

Saturday,November 22nd


Free EntrySupper Provided

Food is Life is Food

Frequently I find my creativecooking adventures are a

result of necessity. Such was thecase recently when I was facedwith a cauliflower challenge;cauliflower to use up or it facedshameful eviction as waste!Frustrating are those days whenideas don’t hit flavour notes orexpectations. Freezing thecauliflower was not an option asmy freezer was screaming forattention and I just couldn’tconvince myself a hot dishwould ‘cut the mustard’. Beinga warm day, salads were inorder; now I’m onto somethingit would be a salad! The searchbegan for ingredients tocompliment the ‘nervous’cauliflower and satisfy mytastebuds. With minimalsupplies I was determined to‘make do’ - some plain yoghurt,a couple of carrots and half ared onion, a culinary‘think-tank’ began. Epiphany atlast revealed itself, CurriedCauliflower Salad with Yoghurtdressing. I was rewarded withsuccess when my constructivelycritical ‘official taste tester’gave it the thumbs up! Thisrecipe also has great potential

to develop into a main meal andmake use of a variety ofvegetables possibly facingeviction.

Curried Cauliflower Saladwith Yoghurt Dressing

1 tbsp olive oil2 cups cauliflower, chopped very

small½ tsp ground coriander½ tsp ground cumin1 tbsp curry powder2 cloves garlic, crushed

Pinch of salt200 ml water - divided into 100ml

‘lots’½ red onion, finely diced¼ cup grated carrot

Salad DressingReserved curry liquid, 50-70mls1 tsp honey4 tbsp plain yoghurt2 tbsp chopped mint2 tbsp chopped coriander leaves

1. Heat frying pan over medium tohigh heat, add olive oil.

2. Add cauliflower, stir and cookuntil some colour develops;about 3-4 minutes

3. Add coriander, cumin, currypowder, salt and garlic. Stir tocombine and to heat spices untilaromatic, about 2 minutes.

4. Add 100ml cold water, stir togather and blend flavour frombottom of frying pan. Stir untilliquid evaporates; this processenhances and smooths out theflavour.

5. Turn out the cauliflower mix intoa medium sized bowl, add redonion, mix and allow to cool.

6. While cauliflower is cooling,return frying pan to heat, addremaining cold water againgathering flavour from bottom offrying pan, and simmer toreduce by approximately half.Place this reserved liquid into asmaller bowl, allow to cool. Thencombine this reserved liquid withremaining dressing ingredients;honey and yoghurt.

7. When cauliflower has cooledcompletely, add grated carrotand dressing mix to combinewell. Top with mint andcoriander. Enjoy!

Top Tips and Switch Ups• Roasted pumpkin and/or sweet

potato can be substituted forpart or all of the cauliflower.

• Add ¼ cup cubed feta cheese tosalad in step 7

• Not keen on curry? Omit currypowder and substitute chickenstock for the water to enhanceflavour.

• Sautéed spinach and chickenadded make this a meal in itself.

Cheers and happy healthycooking. Angie Roesler,Murraylands CommunityFoodie

Phone: 0414 892 525Email: [email protected]

Angie Roesler

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Issue Number 96 Mannum Mag Page 9

Crazy Love

Forgetting about loveDidn’t come off easy like a gloveLike water from a lakeLoving you was no mistake

This is all I ever wantedWas to love you till the sun setsThis crazy love we bondedLanded me on one knee and you screaming yes

Isayah Kuhlmann

I’ve been writing for nine years andI still haven’t scratched the surface

of knowledge and skill that manyothers I have seen possess and showin their work, all I ask is to learn andbe able to have just a few say “Wowyour poem/poems mean a lot to me”Please visit my website atwww.poemsbyisayah.com.

Isayah E Kuhlmann

Mental Musings

Well, Mental HealthWeek has been

celebrated in a variety ofways at many venues in bothcity and country.

Mental health is somethingwe all have; yet for somefolk good mental healthseems elusive as theystruggle daily to do thingsthat most do, or go to placesmost visit without a secondthought.

Musing isn’t bound to aparticular time frame ortheme. Here are some of thesayings that were on displayat The Hub during both

Mental Health Week andalso Carers Week.

“I’m the sculptor of myday.”

“Change your thoughts andyou can change your world.”

“I forgive those who havecaused me pain.”

“I am capable of givinglove as well as receiving it.”

“Trouble is sometimes afriend; it shakes us out ofcomplacency and sets usdoing better things.”

“Laugh ter : Nature’santidepressant has also beenreferred to as internaljogging and helps build your

immune system.”“As soap is to the body, so

laughter is to the soul.”“Laughter decreases

isolation, allowing us to bondwith others.”

“The person who knowshow to laugh at himself willnever cease to be amazed.”

A little more musing. Thesecret of happiness is not indoing what one likes, but inliking what one has to do;and, keep your face to thesunshine and you cannot seethe shadow.

Until next month. . .Community Correspondent


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~ Like us on Facebook ~FOR BOOKINGS CALL 8569 1010

66 Randell St Mannum [email protected]

Page 10: Mannum Mag Issue 96 November 2014

Page 10 Mannum Mag Issue Number 96

AminyaMid Murray Homes for the Aged

Development of the 18additional residential aged

care places is proceeding inaccordance with the programschedule. It has certainly beenexciting to see the frequent changesas the various stages proceed.

Initial site fill, compaction andpreliminary plumbing werecompleted in September followedby the floor pad being laid by midOctober. Erection of the steel wallframes has commenced and these,together with the roof, will becompleted by mid November.

Re q uirements for plant,furniture, equipment and otherfit-out are being identified andpreliminary costs determined.

The Aminya Board is regularlyassessing the budget, currentlyfixed at $4 million, with a view toi d e n t i f y i n g f u n d - r a i s i n gopportunities to allow additionalfeatures to be included in thefit-out. All community groups andresidents of the district areencouraged to support the projectthrough donations and bycontributing in-kind assistance.

At Aminya’s AGM in September,

those present were advised that theBoard is considering amalgamatingthe two local organisations – MidMurray Homes for the Aged andMid Murray Housing Association.The Chairman thanked JohnTurner, who retired at the AGM,for his contribution to Aminya.Other Board members werere-elected. At the October Boardmeeting Mr Peter (Beachy) Raisonwas re-elected as Chairman withHenry Grabowski continuing asDeputy Chair.

The two local services share thesame Board members andadministration and consolidationwould provide the opportunity toreduce duplication of effort.Further details will be madeavailable to the community early in2015.

Recent changes to legislationhave been introduced whichrequires the Housing Associationto become registered under anational system. The registrationprocess involves the provision ofsignificant evidence to demonstratecompliance with a very broad rangeof conditions. Discussions with

o ther community hou si n gorganisations are being scheduledto support a shared approach to thedevelopment of consistent policiesand procedures. This is expected toreduce the ongoing efforts andcosts associated with maintainingcompliance.

Initial concerns by members ofthe community with regard to thechanges that were introduced on 1st

July 2014 for new entrants toresidential aged care homes appearsto be reducing. It is, however,highly desirable that peopleconsider the possibility thatresidential care may be required byplanning ahead. Details areavailable on the AustralianGovernment My Aged Carewebsite. Further information isavailable from Centrelink and theDepartment of Veterans’ Affairs.

Guidance is also available fromadministrative staff at Aminya.Please contact Wendy Gowling atAminya if you or a family memberr e q u i r e s i n f o r mati o n an dassistance.

Glen W Cooper, CEO

Carols by the RiverMary Ann Reserve

Saturday 20th December8:00pm – 9:30pm

Mannum Carols not to bemissed!

Inala Preston, lead singer ofpopular local band Mamboobies,looks like heading up an array ofquality local talent at this years“Carols by the river” to be held atMary Ann Reserve, Mannum, withpre event entertainment fromaround 7:30pm.

Planning began slowly this yeardue to various circumstances buthas some real momentum now withanother local artist involved in thecoordinating of the event.

Father Herd from Murray Bridgehas been invited to present a shortChristmas message to encourage usand help us remember the reasonfor the season, and a choir ofpeople with roots in anotherculture have been invited to sharewith us something of theirindigenous music.

As usual there will be Santa’scolourful entry and plenty for thechildren to enjoy also, includingsome glow sticks for sale. So markyour calendars, bring a deckchairor rug, and make sure you are apart of what promises to be a reallygreat and meaningful local eventfeaturing some great local talent.

Carols Organising Committee

Christmas TreeFestival

This year’s Festival will be heldin the

Mannum LeisureCentre

Friday 28th November9am – 3pmCome Along

• Vote for your favourite tree andtable centrepiece display.

• Shop at the gift stalls around theHall.

• There are Raffle Prizes to bewon.

• Be entertained by the schoolchildren who have beenpractising hard for their items.

• Light refreshments will beavailable.Money raised will be shared

between Aminya and schoolchaplaincy.

Hope to see you there.


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Page 11: Mannum Mag Issue 96 November 2014

Issue Number 96 Mannum Mag Page 11


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From the Lions Den

Lions have had another busym o n t h . O u r u su a l

cemetery clean-up was heldand will continue on thesecond Thursday of eachmonth.

We catered a lunch forNational Resources SA in therowing club with 55 attending.On Saturday 25th October weheld our first Garage Sale atthe Lions shed. This was inlieu of our usual Lionsauction. It was very successfuland bargains were there for all.Thanks to all those who

supported us at this event. Wewill continue to collectdonated goods for sales in thefuture. A dinner meeting washeld on Tuesday 28th October.Special guests were Lions PastDistrict Governor RhysRoberts and his partner HelenHenbest.

Rhys had the honour toinduct new member ShirleyRussell and welcome LionBrian Ventris who hastransferred to Mannum Lionsfrom Torrens Valley. After anexcellent dinner Rhys then

presented long serviceMonarch certificates to thefollowing Lions: Lion ValPym, 20 years; Lion RusselMale, 25 years; Lion ColinPym, 30 years. He thenpresented Lion Ian Groth withLions Life Membership, anaward well earned for over 30years service and commitmentto Lions and the community.Congratulations, well doneand thank you Ian and all ofthe above Lions.

Christmas is almost on upon

us again and the LionsChristmas Stocking raffletickets will go on sale fromMonday 24 th Novemberoutside Mannum Foodland,the following week outsideMannum IGA and thefollowing week outsideFoodland again. The rafflewill be drawn at the MannumCommunity Club at 7:00pmon Friday 12th December.More news again next month.

Barry Mansell

Mannum Lions – We Serve

Page 12: Mannum Mag Issue 96 November 2014

Page 12 Mannum Mag Issue Number 96

The 3 R’s of Recycling

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Mannum UpdateOne Year in the Mannum Community

MIFSA has now been operatingfrom the St Andrews Church

Hall at 4 Adelaide Road for over ayear. During that time we have hadsome great activities, trips and twocamps. Our Friday bus trips (foronly $3.00) have taken us to manyinteresting and picturesque places,as close as Murray Bridge to as faras Raukkan, Port Adelaide andHallett Cove. We have seen artexhibitions, county field days,museums, shopping malls, pioneervillages, river cruises, wildlifeparks, the Adelaide fire station,many op shops and the list goes on.Our activities at St Andrewsinclude making delicious lunches($3.00), free tea and coffee, somegreat music sessions with sometalented musicians, gardening atthe Hub and drum workshops atMurray Bridge.

One in five people will be affectedby mental illness in any given year– but five in five can offer supportand friendship! All in all, peopleliving with different types ofmental illness are resilient, capable,friendly, fun-loving people whohave a great deal to contribute tothe community. Almost everyone

would know someone thatexperiences mental illness, it couldb e our moth e r , b r o th e r ,neighbour, friend, churchacquaintance, or it could be us! Weall have daily struggles, whether itbe with family, finances, housing,health issues or just gettingaround. But we also have momentsof joy, appreciation of beauty,good health and sense of belonging– and they are the things that wewant to share and celebrate atMIFSA – we don’t focus on theillness at all!

Coming from Adelaide to workat Mannum, I have been struck bythe overwhelming support that theparticipants at the ActivityProgram provide for each other.Many of them know each other asthey have lived in the area foryears, and some are newcomers.They are people from a range of agegroups but all are attending to finda sense of community andbelonging. The staff here areapproachable and enjoy beinginvolved in the activities and areinterested in learning new skillsthat the participants may have to

offer. Staff are all trained in thevarious aspects of mental health.So, along with the fun times, we areable to offer appropriate supportwhen necessary.

If you are feeling that you wouldlike to be part of a community ofpeople who enjoy good company,f u n o u t i n g s , i n t e r e s t i n gdiscussions, music, gardening, foodand friendly staff, then why notcome along and see what we are allabout.

Next on the Bus Trip CalendarNovember7th Port Adelaide Railway Museum14th Tea Tree Plaza21st Bunnings Workshop, Murray Bridge28th No bus tripDecember5th Popeye and Botanic Gardens12th Dolphin Cruise19th Shopping Trip to Murray Bridge

We’re open Tuesdays andThursday from 10am to 4pm at 4Adelaide Road, Mannum. Fridaybus outings leave from St Andrewsat 9:30am to return by 4pm, withnew and exciting trips each week!Contact Sam on 0466 994 549 formore information.

Glenys, MIFSA Activities Worker

Mannum HistoryGroup

The History Group is settling intothe Hub and has held two

meetings in our new room. We nowhave a lock on our cupboard whichallows us to store documents andphotographs relevant to familyhistory. Plans are in hand for us toparticipate in the May HistoryMonth. We hope to distribute morebooks to publicise this State wideevent as those of us who havemanaged to see one in the pastusually find dozens of events wewould like to attend.

Those of you waiting for our nextexcursion will unfortunately need towait until next year. We had tocancel this month’s for the worstpossible reason. Our valued friendReg Munchenburg, who was to havebeen our host in the Blanchetownarea, sadly died after a battle withcancer. Our thoughts are with hisfamily at this difficult time.

Finally, let me draw yourattention to the 20th Anniversary ofthe PS Marion’s restoration. Thecelebrations on the 15th and 16th

November will give us all a reason toenjoy living history despite the factthat none of us existed at her birth in1897!

Kay Stevenson


House20 Lookout DriveMurray Bridge SA 5253

0407 717 [email protected]

We deliver to Mannum daily

Page 13: Mannum Mag Issue 96 November 2014

Issue Number 96 Mannum Mag Page 13


We’ve Got You Covered

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Canvas Automotive


My Pet TopicTraining

There are not many animals thatcannot be trained, within

reason.By utilising an animal’s natural

instincts, pinpointing their drivesand then using those drives you canget the animal to do what it wouldnaturally come to do. The more youwant to shape behaviour away fromwhat is natural for the animal thesmarter the animal needs to be.

Animals are grouped as fight orflight animals (hunter or prey).Using some or all of their survivalinstincts i.e. food, shelter, hunting,fleeing or reproduction, you candevelop a training regime; the trickis to find their drives. For example,a herding dog’s behaviour is shapedfrom their base instinct to hunt andwith careful selection of breedingover the decades. Many differentbreeds of dogs perform and have theinstinct to do different jobs. Thismay be as a guardian, workingcattle or sheep, working in yards orfields, a boundary herder orgatherer of flocks. In someinstances, as in boundary herding,the sheep are trained by the dogutilising the sheep’s base instinct toflee from the hunter.

I have seen cats trained to doagility courses by using the cat’snatural instinct to hunt and chase.

By using food, I have trained mysheep to comply with my wishes likecoming when called, going intoyards and going through certaingates. They sometimes beat methrough the gates or are waiting atthe gates for me to open them in thehope that food will be on the otherside. Simple but effective for what Iwant.

Rabbits have been taught to doagility courses and most peoplewould have seen some footage ofmaze tests being done by rats andmice using food or the opposite sex.

Other forms of training that aredone without using instinct issimply put-forced training. You donot give the animal any alternativeother than to endure and complywith what you want using amultitude of tools that will forcebehaviour or by repetition anddesensitisation.

These methods are not cruel unlessthe tools have been specifically madeto be cruel, modified by people to becruel or used by people in a cruelmanner.

Most animals will learn byrepetition, some quicker thanothers. Factors such as method oftraining, willingness of the animalto comply and what you are tryingto train them to do need to beconsidered.

Desensitisation is good to use incases where you want a dog thatreacts badly to thunder or fireworksto not react badly to these things.Teaching a horse to becomeaccustomed to a saddle is donet h r o u g h r e p e t i t i o n a n ddesensitisation.

It would be fair to say that all ourcompanion animals learn bythemselves just by watching whatyou do and react throughanticipation to avoid or participatein what you are going to do next.

Regardless of what form oftraining you use be consistent. If therules are always the same the animalis able to understand easier. Makesure you have the animals attention;it is all about dialogue.

Happy Training.Jane Humphrey

Mannum Pet & RuralOpposite the ANZ teller machine

2015 Mannum Show

The time of year has comearound for preparations for

the Mannum Show to begin.Sponsorship and advertising

in our showbook is now open,so can local businesses pleasesend their forms backs in. Anynew business wanting tocontribute to the show pleasecontact Sharon Stewart.

We are still short ofco nv e n o r s a f t e r so meretirements from the committeethis year. If you have an interestin Sheep, Homebrew, orPhotography or know someonewho does, we could really dowith some help.

We have some exciting newthings going on at the show thisyear – Isaac Lomman (comedyhypnotist) will be performingon the main stage and there willbe an “Open Mic Show”. If youhaven’t already done so, ‘like’our facebook page to keep upwith what’s going on at the BestLittle Country Show.

For further informationcontact Sharon Stewart. Eitherphone 0417 354 732 or [email protected]

Sharon Stewart

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Page 14: Mannum Mag Issue 96 November 2014

Page 14 Mannum Mag Issue Number 96


Down by the ferry………









Ph: 8569 8020 Mob: 0412 404 511

Meeting the Council Election Candidates

ABC TV offers interestingprograms on a Monday night,

so the question on Monday 20th

October was whether going to meetthe Mid Murray Council candidatesfor election would be a worthwhilealternative. As CEO Russell Peatepointed out in the lead article forthe October Mannum Mag, weshould not take democracy forgranted. The least we can do is get aclearer idea of who these people areif we do not already know them.

And what an insight it was tolisten and watch. The MannumProgress Association organised themeeting and it was chaired by CarolG r e e n i n g i n h e r g e n t l e ,unpretentious manner. There wereapologies from two candidates, butno information about them wasprovided.

Each person was allocated 5minutes to tell us about themselvesand why they had nominated. Someread written material or used notes.Of those who did not, several spokefluently and stayed on message,obviously having come prepared intheir own minds. Others rattled onabout whatever did (or sometimesfailed to) come to mind. At least onerambled beyond their 5 minute limitin a manner unbecoming a futureleader.

Then there was the ‘born to rule’candidate. And onewhose criticismsincluded the current council andextended beyond them to personal

invective against certain Statepoliticians. Not a good look for anaspiring politician. We heard andsaw courtesy and diplomacy at itsbest and, of course, the odd ‘I needto say this’ when they weren’t beingasked their opinion.

Confident public speakers wereinterspersed with those who wereself-effacing even bumbling, butspoke from the heart with passionand energy. Occasionally onewondered if the demands of being aneffective councillor would be toogreat for the well-being of acandidate.

One offered light-hearted reliefwith a joke, but was it anappropriate one for the occasion?

And did you know that allcouncillors are male? At least, thatseemed to be one candidate’sopinion!

A useful quote from the eveningis, “Remember, if you wantsomething from Council, you needto come to us. We won’t come toyou.”

The Progress Association madecompletion of the ballot form moreinformed and targeted. Thank you!

And thank you also to thosecandidates who came to speak. Yourpresence and presentations weremore powerful and enlighteningthan any brochure or blurb couldever achieve.

And the DVD recorder did its job,so a win-win outcome.

Murray Bridge Matinee Series

The Matinee Series is presented by the Rural City of Murray Bridge and Outof the Square Inc. in the beautiful Murray Bridge Town Hall. Arrive early

and enjoy a complimentary morning tea from 10am followed by theperformance at 11am. Concert tickets are $15.00 each.

“Barry Ion with Platinum +”Thursday 20th November 2014, at 11 am

You will be entertained by Radio Identity, Barry Ion, who waspart of the breakfast duo, Bazz and Pilko, which spanned 21years. He is joined by Andy Upton who had a number one hitwith “Stop in the Name of Love” in the mid-seventies. Togetherthey perform popular songs that have gone “platinum” over theyears. You are guaranteed to hear one of your favourite hitsfrom bygone eras.

Tickets are available in person at the Murray Bridge VisitorInformation Centre, 3 South Terrace, Murray Bridge, between10:00am and 4:00pm every day, or by phoning 8539 1142. TheTown Hall Box Office is open one hour prior to each performancefor the sale of any remaining tickets.

After you attend a performance in the Murray Bridge Town Hall,you are invited to visit the beautiful Murray Bridge RegionalGallery where the current exhibition will be running through untilNovember 30th.

“pamela kouwenhoven: 1944 - 2014” will be featured throughoutthe Gallery. This is an exhibition covering a lifetime of creativepractice, including rarely shown early explorations and Pamela’sdistinctive malthoid works and installations. As John Neylon said,“Pamela Kouwenhoven’s contribution to a sense of connection toplace was remarkable. Her ability to allude to this throughrenditions and evocations of nuanced primordial landscapesbegging for recognition in a twilight zone of coalescence was bornfrom a fierce determination to coax ‘dumb’ materials into tellingstories worth listening to”.

The Murray Bridge Regional Gallery is open from 10am to 4pmTuesday to Saturday and 11am to 4pm on Sundays.


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Horses are always saying neigh. Why dothey have such a negative attitude?

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Issue Number 95 Mannum Mag Page 15

Musical MiscellanyThe Jewish Influence – Part 3

Vernon Duke was bornVladimir Dukelsky in

Pskov in northern Russia. Hisfamily became refugees after theturmoil following the RussianRevolution. They must have hadan interesting time, since in1 9 2 0 t h e y s a i l e d t oConstantinople (Istanbul) in aship with a drunken captain anda broken compass. TwoAmerican sailors guided them tosafety. Duke anglicised hisname at the suggestion ofGeorge Gershwin who had donethe same to his name of JacobGershowitz. He wrote popularmusic under Vernon Duke andclassical music under hisoriginal name.

Although he had reached theUSA he returned to Europe andParis where he wrote music forthe ballet master SergeDiaghilev. He also becamefriends with Sergey Prokofievknown for writing theinstructive young person’s guideto the orchestra, Peter and theWolf. That friendship continueduntil cold war politics made ittoo dangerous for Prokofiev tohave links with the West.

Duke wrote popular musicincluding I Can’t Get Started,lyrics by Ira Gershwin; April inParis with words by YipHarburg; and Autumn in NewYork. His best known work wasCabin in the Sky, which was anAfrican American fantasystaged in New York then madeinto a filmstarring Ethel Waters.Songs from the show includedTaking a Chance on Love,Honey in the Honeycomb andLove Me Tomorrow.

Pianist Andre Previn recordeda tribute to Vernon Duke whichis still available on CD.

Harold Arlen was born HymanArluck in New York state. Hisfirst musical experience wassinging in the choir at thesynagogue where his father wascantor. He became fascinatedwith popular music, particularlythat with jazz influence. He wasnot an overnight success butover time with an apprenticeshipas pianist, arranger and vocalistin shows such as George

White’s “Scandals of 1928” andrehearsal pianist he began tomake his mark. His first successwas Get Happy whichimpressed George Gershwin.

In 1930 he began writingsongs for the Cotton ClubRevues. The Cotton Club waslocated in Harlemand controlledby organised crime, as was mostof the night club entertainmentat that time. Among the musiche wrote for those revues wasBetween the Devil and the DeepBlue Sea, I’ve Got the World ona String and most famouslyStormy Weather. StormyWeather was written for CabCalloway (he much laterappeared in “The BluesBrothers”). The song became ahit for Arlen who recorded itand more particularly for EthelWaters who emerged fromretirement to record it.

Arlen wrote much well knownpopular music often with wordsby either Ted Koehler or JohnnyMercer. Other songs from hispen included I’ve Got a Right toSing the Blues, That Old BlackMagic and Blues in the Night.

Arlen with Yip Harburg wascommissioned to write themusic for a film starring JudyGarland. That film was “TheWizard of Oz”. Believe it or not,on three separate occasionsMGM came to the decision thatthe tune Over the Rainbow wastoo sophisticated for the juvenileaudience the film was aimed atand they ordered its removal.Fortunately wiser headsprevailed, the tune survived andthe rest is musical history.

Arlen was considered one ofthe most jazz oriented of theBroadway composers and muchof his music has been performedby jazz musicians.

The record label Verveproduced a two disc compilationto celebrate the centenary ofArlen’s birth. Recording artistsinclude Mel Torme, LouisArmstrong and Ella Fitzgerald.It is worth hearing if you likeArlen’s music and jazzmusicians.

Peter Weir

Stan: I won 92 goldfish.Fred: Where are you going to keep them?Stan: In the bathroomFred: But what will you do when you want to take a bath?Stan: Blindfold them!

On My BookshelfDiary of A Young Man

Adelaide 1890 – December 26th - December 31st

Daniel muses on the passingof 1890.


6.10. Chopped wood. Bath.Bike spin. Tom, Lou and familystayed the day. Office 9.30.Altho’ a holiday pressure ofwork causes me to attend theoffice. Home to lunch and tea.Many people out pleasuring.Read. Miss Ingham called, gavesome a/c of Jenolan Caves,exhibiting my photos. WithTom, Lou and family to Car.Being a mild night, rather close,sat outside and chatted revarious matters. Took MissIngham home. Supper 10.15.Bed 11.


6.30. Bath, routine. Cloudyand oppressive day. Altho’ aholiday worked all day in office,indulging in a fruit lunch at1pm. Home at 5. Read “LornaDoone”. and gave bicycle athorough clean. Still sultry.Alfred brought “Beda” homeaf ter some months ofpaddocking. - she is rolling fat.Posted cash a/cs. Bed about 11.


Arose at 7. Bath. Warm day.Breakfast, prayers. Readbetween 8 and 9. Played sacredmusic. Attended P.M. Churchwith Eliza - Gilman preachedwell on “After death”, statingthat only the resurrection ofChrist really proved the futurelife. No class today at school.Called on Hendry, and later onold Mr Hunt, at the CottageHomes, aged 80 and blind andas happy as can be looking forthe Coming of his Master.Called on Bennetts. Home totea. Miss Barker present. Spentearly part of evening studying“Sabbath”. Jackman and MissCornish called. Music, supper.Bed 11.


Arose about 7, bath. Outriding before breakfast. Today iscelebrated the 54th Anniversaryof the Colony - Glenelg beingthe chief resort, because thatwhere the Colony wasproclaimed. Too much to do togo holiday making. Busy all day.A fruit lunch at midday. Homesoon after 6, tea. MrsWilliamson, an old lady fromMcLaren Flat visiting. Rode myRover out on Teatree Gullyroad. Home 8. Tom paying avisit. Alfred and girls returnedfrom Teatree Gully where theyinspected the house we’ve takenfor a month (Brightlands).Supper. Bed 11.


Up at 6, bath. Office at 9am. Alittle headachey. Beautiful day.Home to lunch and tea. Verybusy. Mr Bennetts (Paymaster)and C.M. White (fellow clerk)left per 3.30 Express today forTasmania for an outing (Annualholiday). After tea rode mybicycle to Prospect and calledon Bullocks re Harold B. absentfrom Sunday School. Home 8.Read “Lorna Doone”, wrote updiary. Another year is justexpiring, 1890 will soon begone forever! How the yearsspeed away. Only thebeginnings and endings, andgreat events, call our attention tothe fleeing moments and days.How soon we shall leave ourpresent sphere! Lord, Help us toapply our hearts unto wisdom,help us to so spend our days thatto look back will give onlypleasure and not remorse andshame. We commit ourselvesinto the hands of Him who aloneknows the future. “He shalldirect our paths”. At 10.30attended a Church meeting andat 11 a night service in Chapel.Mr Rice and Mr Gilmanaddressing. Impressive service.To bed at 12.30.

Jo Kader

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Volunteering at AminyaCan you spare a couple of hours per week,

or even once a month?Would you like to make a meaningful

contribution to your community?

Aminya has many roles which a volunteercould assist with including:

Activities and games Morning/Afternoon Teas Reading (Newspapers, mail, stories) Craft Accompanying residents to appointments Men’s group Shopping and many more!

All volunteers require a National Police Checkwhich is free of charge for volunteers.

To find out more please phone 8569 1749and speak with Ruth, Wendy or Natalie.

Aminya is a community based, non-profit, incorporated Associationproviding quality residential aged care services to the people in

Mannum and surrounding areas.

Mannum Community College

Around up of recent events at MannumCommunity College.

Looking Good!Our school is looking very appealing to

the eye with new trees planted and seatinginstalled in the Junior and Middle schoolareas.

Pedal PrixIn September Mannum Community

College took part in the 24 hour PedalPrix.

The senior bike students in Category 3were Jeremy Strauss, Caden Evans, CraigBarber, Brandon Kerr, Tanner Evans andMitchell Heward.

The Junior bike students in Category 1were Asha Evans, Brock Heward, ChelseaBarber, Luke Cox and Jacob Bulger.

Results: 216 bikes competed and ourSenior bike came 102 overall with 313laps completed and 37th out of 54 incategory. Junior Bike – 215th overall with158 laps, 66 out of 67 in category. A bigthank you for the support from parents andstaff.

The DiggeryEarly this year we decided to make a

natural play area near the sandpit. TheMid Murray Council at Mannum donated,transported and arranged the materials. Itis such a popular play area, we decided tomake a “Chasey Park” behind the JuniorSchool buildings for the older students toto use. Once again the Council has offeredthe logs. We are looking forward tohaving a new place to play.

MuralAt Mannum Community College we

promote peer partnerships across each subschool and encourage team work and acommunity of successful learners. Wehave created a mural with the ethos ‘Weall may be different fish, but at MannumCommunity College we swim together”.The Mural was created by MichelleGrieger and printed by Bear Rock Signs.

Gala DayGala Day was a huge success again.

Thank you for the support from parentsand community members who wereenjoying the sunshine and the local event.Each class had to organize and run theirown activity and food stall. Some of theactivities students, parents and communitymembers could participate in were Trashand Treasure, Sponge Throw, SumoWrestling, Water Pistol Target Shooting,Bowling and Pluck a Duck.

Pancakes, a BBQ, lemonade stall, chipsandwiches, hot dogs, milkshakes, lolliesand treats and much more was available toeat on the day.

Michelle Grieger

MANNUM DOMICILIARY CAREHome and Community Care (HACC) Services

Are you elderly or a carer and needing some helpin the home?

cleaning (including vacuuming, washing floors,cleaning bathrooms, toilets and various other tasks)

Personal care Respite Equipment Podiatry

Fees apply for the above services

For more information about any of these services

Please phone Coralie on 8569 0240Monday to Friday

Between 8:30am to 4:30pmOr

Pick up a handbook which outlines the fees and servicesavailable from the Hospital,

Medical Centre or Dom Care Office

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Issue Number 95 Mannum Mag Page 17

Mannum Hospital Programs 8569 0200

Audio Clinic: for appointments 1800 057 220.Child & Youth Health Services: 1300 733 606 forappointment.Community Nursing Service: Murray MalleeCommunity Health Service 8535 6800.Purchase of Crutches: visit the hospital or 8569 0200.Mannum Domiciliary Care Services: 8569 0240 or through thehospital 8569 0200.Meals on Wheels: Doctor’s referral necessary.Optometrist: For an appointment 8569 0200.Physiotherapy (Private): Consulting Mondays, Wednesdays and FridaysAppointments 8569 0200.Private Podiatry: Appointment to be made at the Domiciliary Care Office 8569 0240.

Mannum Medical Centre – 8569 0222Immunisation / * IMVS Collection Centre.

Lester Howie Clinic* Asthma Clinic / Cardiologist / Continence Clinic / Diabetic Clinic /

Dietitian / * Echocardiograms / Hypertension clinic /Mental Health Clinician / Psychologists / * Physiotherapist (Public) /

Women’s Health Clinic* Doctor’s referral required

Moving to ‘Muddlon’

Once the decision was made to move, we begansearching the internet and local real estate

pages. We’re used to elbow room and werereluctant to shift to an eaves to eaves house – notthat we make lots of noise, or that we don’t enjoycompany. But we do love our shy visitors at thewater dish, or early morning kangaroos, middaygoannas and the marauding rosellas who dissectedevery Emu Bush flower to get at the sweet stamen.Our “Little piece of paradise” at Caloote had taken16 years to develop. It was hard to leave.

Decluttering began with boxes of books to asecond hand shop, then clothes and kitchen“extras”. But the tough job was still ahead of us –the shed! Scrap Metal dealers removed a truckloadand we agreed to give the old tractors and slasher toour new owner. We were still looking for adownsized home with a bit of room to move. Wecould not get enthused. Our solar powered smallhouse and large property didn’t sell. So we went fora holiday.

We had only been home a fortnight when aprospective buyer came along. We had to decide.

The contract was signed. Our Riverglades daughterand family had moved to Adelaide almost a yearearlier, for kids education and work. Their rusticmud-brick home “Muddlon” was waiting for a sale.Two acres and a 5 bedroom house is not everyone’sidea of downsizing. But tall trees and birdsongsbeckoned and we rationalised that it would beeasier to manage than our previous 24 hectares.You can close some doors and mulch out weeds. Ourdoctor advised us that moving house is often one ofthe most stressful life experiences. We said that weweren’t stressed, really. But it would be nice to sitback for a while when the move was completed.

Yesterday a pair of sulphur-crested cockatooscalled raucously from red gums and blue wrenssplashed in water as we gardened. That’s more likeit. Our grandchildren are happy we have their oldhome. They maintain they can ‘crash’ herewhenever they like! Maybe, but there will beoccasional tasks lined up, like tuning our TV orsetting up Skype … maybe even DOING THEIRDISHES!

Jacqui Merckenschlager


When I toil for hours in the blazing sunwhile you watch from the nearby shade,some pity me working “like a dog”and they envy the bed you’ve made.Every physical stroke, every kindly smileyou regard as your God-gained rightand you rest all day to conserve your spark,then you frolic the live-long night.If you feel the urge for an un-timed meal,you expect to be fed on cue.But I’m called to task if my table’s setfor a meal and I’m overdue.You can pass un-groomed and decline a washfor a stretch of a week or three,yet a one-day miss of the towel and brushreaps a look of disdain for me.I am Homo sapiens, lord supremeof this planet from end to end.But I’ve more than a mild suspicion, mate,I’m the pawn of my best friend.

Max Merckenschlager

The Murraylands Regional Tourist Association(MRTA) have been innovative in sourcing funding

for Floatfest 2015 (May 2nd and 3rd) by way of crowdfunding.

Floatfest (Paddling into the record books) has anincredible opportunity to create a safe and fun/outdooractivity event on the Murray River while trying toachieve and beat a World Record Attempt at gettingover 2,000 Canoes or Kayaks on the Murray River at the one time. We want touse this event, to promote and draw further awareness to the MurraylandsRegion specifically, and encourage tourists to come to the area, and stay andplay.

Events like this don’t simply happen without funding in some form. Whilst wehave managed to secure a Government Grant that will help towards marketingthis event, it is the aim of the Association to begin to generate our own funding.

The Crowdfunding Campaign ran for 30 days only.There were options for sponsorship and several MidMurray businesses put some good opportunitiesforward. Further sponsors are now being sought.

The funds raised through this CrowdfundingCampaign will go towards event insurance, peoplepower to make sure the region and event is promoted,social media work, printing, and most importantly

FREE community inclusion activities.The MRTA is a not for profit Organization of some 30 odd years, consisting

of an Executive and membership that has a high skill base both in Business andthe Tourism Industry. Its Mission is firmly set in the encouragement of thegrowth of tourism, thus maximizing the economic and social benefits to thecommunities within the region collectively called “The Murraylands”.

Jen Whitehorn

Mannum Day CentreMannum Day Centre is open from Mondays to Fridays except PublicHolidays. The Day Centre is available for hire by community groups for asmall donation.

Please ring on 8569 0219 for more information.

WEEKLYMonday 9:30am Knitting Group. Bring your craft along and join in!

Tea/coffee provided. For $7, stay for a cooked lunch.Tuesday 10am-2:30pm Social Day. Bingo in morning and games in afternoon.

Cost $7 for the day which includes cooked lunch.Thurs/Friday * 10:00am Scrabble Day. (*Alternating Thursday/Friday. Dates

change so please ring to confirm times.) Come andenjoy a relaxed game of Scrabble. Cost $2 for themorning or $7 with a cooked lunch

MONTHLY2nd Monday 1:30pm Mannum Red Cross2nd & 4th Wed 11am-2pm Men’s Group. Socialising and companionship. $7 for

centre based activities including a cooked lunch.Outings are held on a regular basis. Costs may vary onthese days.

1st and 3rd Wednesday Card Afternoon. Bring your cards and participate in a1:30-3pm friendly relaxed game of 500, Canasta, Bridge, Whist

(the choice is yours!). Cost $2 (includes afternoon tea.)4th Wed 6:30-9:30pm Men’s Discussion Group. Mike McDowell 8569


For more information or transport to attend the Day Centre activities, pleasecontact Louise Haby, Mannum Day Centre Coordinator (8569 0219)

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The following articleexpands on the material

referred to in the October2014 issue (Letters, PauseAgain).

FLOURISH is the title of abook published by MartinSeligman, PhD; Professor ofPsychology at the Universityof Pennsylvania. Dr Seligmanwas Adelaide’s Thinker inResidence during 2013. Seewww.thinkers.sa.gov.au/Thinkers/Mar

t i n S e l i g m a n f o r m o r einformation.

The subject matter of thebook is, to quote the author,“to increase the amount offlourishing in your own life”.In other words – to increaseyour wellbeing and help youto flourish. He outlines fivecontributing elements. Theyare: Positive Emotion,Engagement, Relationships,M e a n i n g a n dAccomplishment.

The book is worth studyingand with thanks to our editorfor making space available,the following will enlarge alittle on Dr Seligman’s keys toflourishing.

Positive Emotion The cornerstone of wellbeing – sense ofh a p p i n e s s a n d l i f esa t i s fac t ion . Nega t iveemotions lead to a sense ofdepression or un- wellnessand identification of thesource and steps to be takentowards satisfaction isrequired.

If lacking a sense ofhappiness and life satisfactionexamination of the elementsthat follow is warranted.

E n g a g e m e n t P o s i t i v eengagement induces a senseof ‘flow’ or total engagementin an activity and generallyprecludes stray thoughts andfeelings. It is to become lost inwhat we are doing andrecognise, in retrospect, howwe enjoyed the time, thusinducing a sense of wellbeing.

Relationships Other People –positive connectedness with

other people. Friendship forfriendship sake (not usage)brings positive emotions.Other people can be a joy tobe with – laughter. Helpingout or doing a kindnessproduces an increase inwellbeing. If you think aboutsome of the high points inyour life – an achievement, orperhaps a profound sense ofmeaning and purpose, theyprobably took place whilearound other people.

Meaning Positive meaningincludes a sense of meaningcreated by the individual – as e n se o f p u r p o s e –connections to other peopleand relationships. It can bebelonging to and servingsomething we feel is biggerthan our self. Doingsomething that we feel ismeaningful and beingrewarded with a sense ofwellbeing.

Accomplishment Getting aresult – overcoming anobstacle – a job well done.Something pursued for itsown sake, whether large orsmall, that produces a positiveresult and a sense ofa c c o mp l i s h m e n t , w i l lcontribute towards wellbeing.

Dr Seligman suggests thatby saying “yes” to morepositive emotion, to moreengagement, to betterrelationships, to moremeaning in life and to morepositive accomplishment, wewill be saying “yes” to morewellbeing, to flourishing.

So, pause a while and thinkabout what charges yourhappy batteries. Best not toput it on your list of things todo, ‘someday’, because yourimmortality is on that list ofthings that “ain’t necessarilyso”.

All being well, the 24“Signature Strengths” outlinedin FLOURISH will appear inthe next issue of our MannumMag.

Ralph Pitman

Minding Baby

Isuppose as a grandparent Iam an abject failure. Not

only do I not have a cert fourin grand-parenting but I havefailed Nappy Changing 1A anda number of other vital andbasic grand-parenting skills.Still he does seem to enjoy itwhen I read him “Mulga Bill’sBicycle” or “The LoadedDog”; can’t start them tooearly on appreciating goodliterature.

All this is leading to youunderstanding why it is ratherrare for me to be asked to mindthe baby. It is only onextraordinary occasions thatsuch an event occurs. Thismight be when Myer has a saleor there are dresses at halfprice at Tarjay or some otherrespected emporium.

And so it was that I foundmyself with the younggrandchild whilst mother andgrandmother waltzed off to dosignificant damage to theircredit cards as they boughtclothes and shoes they didn’tneed but had to have.

All was well until the phonecall. It was my daughter,mother of my grandson tellingme to pack up Junior and hisvarious bits and pieces andmeet them at the localshopping centre. There was amonster sale on which was stillto be explored, they would gothere on their way from thecity, so avoiding losing time bycoming home, however theboy had to be fed.

So I gathered up everything Icould find that I thought wouldbe needed and sallied forth. Iarrived at the shopping centreon time. That meant that I hadat least an hour to wait beforethe ladies arrived from theirsojourn in the city.

All was well. I wandered intothe supermarket and junior washappy as I pushed him aroundthe various aisles. He gooed

happily and the garish coloursof the many products displayedon the shelves appeared tofascinate him. I found that IcedCoffee was on special so I puta bottle in the cart then,nearing the checkout, I sawsome tissues and realised I hadle f t home wi thout ahandkerchief so I bought thoseas well. Outside, in the Mall, Isaw that by my estimate, I stillhad another half hour to waste.Then I realised that mygrandson was not his usualgoogly self. Investigating, Iquickly found and smelt theseat of the problem so it wasoff to the change room. Afterall changing a nappy couldn’tbe that difficult, could it?

In the change room Idiscovered several things.Firstly, the problem wasmessy. Secondly, although Ihad bought a supply ofnappies, I seemed to bemissing the wherewithal torender everything pristineagain. I couldn’t leave Junioron the change table while Iwent in search of the necessaryitems and I couldn’t carry himaround in his present conditionnow that the nappy had beenremoved.

Fear not, ingenuity wouldwin out. I did have a new boxof tissues. They were dry ofcourse but Iced Coffee did thetrick and the whole matter wasresolved with little fuss andeven a contented goo from therecipient.

Mother and Grandmotherduly arrived. Proudly, I toldthem how I had coped in acrisis. I was sure that theywould feel proud too.

I think I will be allowed outof the doghouse in a week ortwo. The only positive from itall is that now the grandsonsmiles whenever he sees abottle of Iced Coffee.

The Diarist

One night a woman found her husband standing over their newborn baby’s crib. Silently, she watched him. As he stood looking down at the sleeping infant, she saw onhis face a mixture of emotions: disbelief, doubt, delight, amazement, enchantment, scepticism. Touched by his unusual display of deep emotions, she felt her eyes growmoist. She slipped her arms around her husband. “A penny for your thoughts,” she whispered into his ear.“It’s amazing,” he replied. “I just can’t see how anybody can make a crib like that for only $69.95!”

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Issue Number 96 Mannum Mag Page 19

ElectricianM. P. Connolly Electrical

Domestic, commercial and industrialrepairs and installations

Phone and TV installations

Phone: Matt Connolly on 0422 329 942Email: [email protected]

Electrical Licence Number: PGE 158 659

Morning of QuietReflection

Catholic Church HallMau Street, Mannum

Saturday 29th November9:15am – 12 noon

Saturday 29th begins the firstweek of advent. This is a

great way to begin our adventjourney in preparation forChristmas.

Under the theme: Come tothe Water, thought provokingtexts from Isaiah and Psalmswill aid our morning with takehome inspiration to dip intolater.

A Shared lunch will followthe reflection. Please bring aplate. All welcome.

Any enquiries please callLouisa Wray 8567 5291 or0419 826 093.

A minister is stopped for speeding.The policemen smells alcohol on hisbreath and sees a wine bottle on thefloor.

He asks, “Sir, have you beendrinking?”

The minister says, “Just water.”The policemen says, “Then why do

I smell wine?”The minister looks down at the

bottle and says, “Good Lord, He’sdone it again!”

Community ProfileMid Murray Council

Mid Murray Council hasrecently subscribed to a

series of demographic profilesdesigned by “id.com - thepopulation experts” Theprofiles are designed to informCouncil, community groups,investors, business, studentsand other interested membersof the general public. Toachieve this, the profiles areformatted to present the data insimple, clear tables, charts andmaps with concise, factualcommentary.

The information will becomeavailable on the Councilwebsite, www.mid-murray.sa.gov.au.Click on the ‘Council’ tab, toaccess the information yourequire under the headingCommunity Profile.

There are two main profilesavailable:


The Mid Murray CouncilCommunity Profile enablesyou to analyse the populationcharacteristics of yourcommunity, understand thechanges over time and

undertake a comparison withother areas.

The profile presents datafrom the Australian Bureau ofStatistics (ABS) Census ofPopulation and Housing in2011, 2006, 2001, 1996 and1991 for the local governmentarea, and for smaller areaswithin it. This data is presentedin easy to use tables, charts andcommentary covering a widerange of Census questions.

The profile answers themajority of frequently askedsocio-demographic questionsand assists Council, the generalpublic, students, communitygroups, organisations, businessand investors to become morei n f o r m e d a b o u t t h ecommunity.


The Mid Murray CouncilCommunity Atlas presents keys o c i o - d e m o g r a p h i ccharacteristics for the area asinteractive maps. Based ondata from the 2011 Census ofPopulation and Housing

(Austral ian Bureau ofStatistics), each map isprepared using CensusCollector Districts providingthe finest level of detail to helpidentify spatial patterns andtrends in the area.

I n a d d i t i o n t o t h eCommunity Profile and SocialAtlas, once logged into theprofile page, you can alsoaccess Economy.id (liteversion).


This profile presentseconomic information thatdescribes Mid MurrayCouncil’s role within thebroader economy, exploreop t ions for econom icdevelopment and promote thea rea ’ s s t r engths . Theinformation presented isderived from official sourcesof information (AustralianBureau of Statistics) as well asAustralia’s leading economicmodellers, NIEIR. The latestdata from each series is alwayspresented in this site.

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Absolute Tranquilty Day Spa Aces Hair and Beauty Bean Shack CaféBowhill Engineering Clipso Hair and Beauty Lovell’s BakeryMannum Barber Mannum Caravan Park Mannum Community ClubMannum Foodland Mannum Hair Designs Mannum Post officeMarion’s Boutique PS Marion Sweet Affection Lolly ShopTemme’s Hardware Willow and Peacock

Aroona Scout Group

Mannum’s scout group will beholding a Trivia Night on the

15th November to help raise funds.The money raised will ensure ouryoung Scouts can participate in thenext National Jamboree in 2016 inSydney. Next year we also haveseveral Venturers participating inthe World Scout Jamboree in Japan.

We are also eager to secure moreequipment for the Mannum group,which currently holds meetings inthe Schache Hall, MannumShowground, on Tuesdays.

We have had donations from manyof Mannum’s local business andgratefully offer our thanks andacknowledgement.

Kym Walton, Group Leader, Aroona Scout Group

“Who Wants to Be A Millionaire”A Themed Quiz Night

Saturday 15th November 2014Mannum community Club – 7:00pm for a 7:30pm start

Dinner At SixMake a night of it, book for dinner at 6:00pm?

$15 per head including nibblesKindly donated by the Mannum Community ClubDrinks available for purchase from the barChildren 12 and under free when accompaniedby an adult

BookingsBookings can be made byphoning Roni 8531 0897 or0402 853 108 or email thesecretary at:[email protected] of 8 per table

Early Bird PrizePre-pay for your ticket by the 1st

November 2014 to be in the running

Prizes GaloreBring some extra gold coins for yourchance to win additional prizesbetween rounds

The Big WinnersMoney raised will go towards our Scouts heading to Jamboree in 2016 and

new equipment for our local group.

Murraylands APEXMannum Fun Run 2014

Sunday 14th December 2014Mary Ann Reserve, Mannum

Free Community Event

3 km WalkMary Ann Reserve –

– River Lane –– Return

5 km Walk / RunMary Ann Reserve –

– River Lane – Golf course –– Return

10 km Run5 km loop x 2

Under 10s Kids CourseA loop of Mary Ann Reservededicated to those less than 10years of age.

Followed by a free breakfast by Murraylands APEX at the finish line.

Register today:Visit: www.mid-murray.sa.gov.au to register online or the MidMurray Council office to collect a registration form.

Arrive by: 8:15 am for registrations8:45 am group warm up9:00 am start race

Gold coin donation appreciated to support the event. Coffee will beavailable for purchase on the day.

All registered 5-10 km walk and run participants will receive acomplimentary 10 week training plan courtesy of the MannumLeisure Centre 24/7 Gym.

Information: Phone Courtney, Mid Murray OPAL 8569 0100

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7 Day Service AvailableTomTrabilsie

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Fine Art & SelectedFurniture

Open weekends 11 am - 4 pm

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Issue Number 96 Mannum Mag Page 21



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Mannum RSL

October has been a busy month atthe RSL. We had our Annual

General Meeting with an excellentroll-up of 32 members. The electionof office bearers was held and mostsitting members were re-elected.New appointees were Leonore Nuskeand Joan Sando to the ExecutiveCommittee and Gary Entwistle asDeputy Bar Manager.President: John Doughty0408 159 855Vice Pres: Ian Sando 0408 841 575Secretary: Jan Doughty 0408 159 855Treasurer: Bob Lewis 0409 678 019

The meeting was followed by ourusual October General Meeting andthen a magnificent lunch put on byour dedicated and talented socialcommittee.

Work at the Cemetery continues.Cemetery Manager Barry Mansell ismaking arrangements for some ofthe plaques that are in poorcondition to be renovated by themanufacturers. Families are beingcontacted.

As mentioned last month, PoppyDay is approaching and somecollection points will be available inselected shops prior to the officialday. Phil Roennfeldt is putting thefinal touches to the collection boxesas this goes to the printers. Fundscollected go to the non-governmentfunded provision of housing and

services for our serviceand related persons.Please buy a poppy orone of the other items available.Sellers will be stationed outsideFoodland and IGA on Thursday andFriday the 6th and 7th of November.

Planning is well underway for theRSL Annual Dinner to be held at theMannum Football Club on Sundaythe 2nd November. Those Memberswho have not done so, shouldcontact the secretary as soon aspossible.

Eleven members made visits toLobethal and Meningie RSLs toattend their Annual Dinners and agreat time was had by all.

Dates for the DiaryNovember11th Remembrance Day Service at

Cemetery 1050 Refreshmentsafterwards at RSL All Welcome

12th Happy Hour at RSL Club 160019th Happy hour at RSL Club20th General Meeting 1100 at RSL

Club26th Happy Hour at RSLDecember3rd Happy hour at RSL Club10th Happy hour at RSL Club17th Happy hour at RSL Club18th RSL Christmas Party (more details

soon)The Badge

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance

75th Novita Mighty River Run

Novita celebrates 75 yearsthis year and the Mighty

River Run will be one of thebest ever as it makes it’s waythrough the Mid MurrayCouncil region with stops atMorgan and Blanchetown onWednesday 19th November andWalker Flat and Mannum onThursday 20th.

The Mighty River Run takesup to 40 boats and their crewson a five-day trip along theMurray, featuring manyspectacular sights of thismagnificent river. Each night isat a different location, spendingtime in towns and homesteadsalong the way. Over the pastseven years, more than$966,000 has been raised by theevent for Novita.

The 2014 West End Mighty

River Run will be held between16th and 21st

November, fromRenmark toMurray Bridge.Crews gather onSunday 16th fordeparture thef o l l o w i n gmorning. Carsand trailers canbe left by crewsat Murray Bridge, and Novitawill arrange a bus service toreturn these people to Renmark.

On the 20th: dinner, awardsand entertainment from 6pm atthe Pretoria Hotel. On the 21st:depart for Murray Bridge at9am.

More details on the NovitaChildren’s Services website


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Judith Quast, Yvonne Walker, Lois Parker, Ivy Kowald, Margot Thomas, UnaShillabeer and Rae Bottroff

Mannum Red Cross

Mannum Red Crosscelebrated a 100 years

of Red Cross in Australia atthe Uniting Church Hall onSeptember 25th in the form ofa card luncheon.

The hall was decorated withred and white Red Crossballoons and memorabiliacomprised of photos, banners,tea towels, etcetera were ondisplay.

We welcomed 60 visitors,many of whom are regularattendees from many parts ofthe state. They enjoyed asmorgasbord lunch and an

afternoon of cards, playing500 and Bugs, concludingwith an afternoon tea.

A Trading table and rafflewas also held, raising over$800 in total.

Unfortunately, this year wehave lost two of our hardwork ing and fa i th fu lmembers, Mim Underwoodand Betty Williamson.

W e w o u ld l ike toacknowledge the tireless workof our remaining members forall it takes to organise a cardluncheon.

Rae Bottroff

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Suitable For Storing Boats/CaravansIdeal For Storing Furniture Etc.Individual Shed With Own KeyYard Storage AvailableShed Size 7.5m × 3mOther Sizes Available


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Country Arts Skills Development Grant

Congratulations to the Mannum Community Hub for theirsuccessful application to the Country Arts Skills

Development Grant Program.The grant will help support an arts workshop program early in

2015 including mosaic panels for the community garden raisedbeds and painted story poles to create a colourful safety barrierbetween the car park and the garden.

The poles have been donated by Joysons Orchards near Morgan.School students will be asked to provide suggestions on

particular themes put by the garden group and these will be

interpreted by other students and workshop participants thentranslated into mosaics and paint.

Several members of the previous mosaic workshops run byBarossa artist Heather Gordon, at the Hub earlier this year, havevolunteered to help newcomers. Mannums’ own Anne O’Dea willbe conducting the story pole workshops.

Keep your eyes peeled for news of the workshops and becomea part of this exciting project.

Tess Minett, Arts and CulturalDevelopment Officer

Here We Go Again

We’ve got a new scandal. Water prices aretoo high. No surprise there. The head of

the Essential Services Commission retired afterthe last state election, saying he wasn’t going towaste four years of his life trying to bring themdown when the government was only going toblock his efforts because they were using wateras a way to tax us. It’s been on ABC radio andthe internet.

The real scandal is that we are not surprised.We expect it. Governments have been cheatingas long as we’ve had governments. Theincredible thing is that they still get a lot done.Remember Herod, that villain of the NewTestament? Historians say he made Israelprosperous. He built a harbour that is stillconsidered a marvel of engineering and let Israelin on the trade routes of Rome. Of course thenIsrael became a province worth having and

Rome decided to pay more attention, and we allknow how that turned out.

There’s that old saying that there’s nothingcertain but death and taxes – and death onlycomes once, the tax collector is forever. We stillhave it pretty good. Rome doesn’t want us. Ireckon if they leave you enough to get by anddon’t pay you too much attention, you’re onto awinner. Never mind getting rich. You’ll eitherbe taxed to death or join the power brokers. Andbeing in on that game doesn’t look like muchfun to me. It takes all your time to be thatpowerful. Even the fancy parties are to paysomebody off. The kids are raised, they’re stillgiving me the pension. I think I’ll justconcentrate on making sure there’s nothing leftfor them to get.

Vivian Garner

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When Albert Einstein died, hemet three New Zealanders in thequeue outside the Pearly Gates.To pass the time, he asked whatwere their IQs. The first replied190. “Wonderful,” exclaimedEinstein. “We can discuss thecontribution made by ErnestRutherford to atomic physics andmy theory of general relativity.”The second answered 150.“Good,” said Einstein. “I lookforward to discussing the role ofNew Zealand’s nuclear-freelegislation in the quest for worldpeace.” The third New Zealandermumbled 50. Einstein paused, andthen asked, “So what is yourforecast for the budget deficit nextyear?”

(Adapted from Economist June13th 1992, p. 71).

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Mannum Rowing Club

The Club officially started the season with anopen invitation on Sunday 12th October,

with some spirited scratch races between amixture of Juniors and Seniors. After a series ofheats, the eventual winning crew was BrianArthur, Deb Wilkinson, Rebacca Starick, ChrisPfitzner with Riley Bormann as Cox. They werepresented trophies and the Annual Shield by oneof the Club’s PatronsTed Thomas, whose Father(also Ted) rowed in the famous ‘The Cods’ ParisOlympic 8 in 1924. I believe filming of The Codshas now commenced. This was followed bybrunch of pancakes and eggs and bacon.

President Dean Mobbs in his address thankedall for their support throughout the year andofficially opened the 2014-15 season.

The Club has already had a setback with one ofthe Junior girls (Broken collar bone, playing

with motor bikes on the farm). It could beanother three weeks before she is back in a boat.In the meantime two of our most seniormembers, Claire and John Banks, travelled toBallarat to compete in the World Masters. Bothwon their Single Sculls in the I-K Division. Intotal, by rowing with other crews, Claire camehome with 4 Gold and John 3 Gold, 1 Silver and1 Bronze.

Another highlight was that all competitorsover 80 years of age, which included John andClaire, were inducted as Members of the AncientOrder of Oar and presented an appropriatemedal.

We have two young girls Madeline Jarred,11and Madison Cook-Palm, 12 who started a fewweeks ago progressing quite well in single scullsand having a couple of outings in a quad scull

with two of the seniorrowers from time to time.

It’s unfortunate that asthe weather starts towarm up so do the jet skis that happen to sharethe same space on the reserve as the beginners inthe sculls. Not a good combination. We wouldstill love to encourage more young people tocome and try rowing.

By the time you read this we would havecompeted at the first regatta of the season atWest Lakes, so the training done during winterwould have told.

Once again, if anyone would like to Come andTry Rowing contact Brian Bormann0417 803 708 or 8569 2040.

Brian Bormann, Secretary

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The Mannum Mag Deadline Date is Changing

The last Friday of the month deadline served us well. It wasintended to ensure that as many as possible of the month’s

events could be reported in the next issue of Mannum Mag.However, the new letter box drop schedule means that Mannum

Mag is delivered a week after it has been collated and folded –almost two weeks after the deadline. A side effect of this is that themonth of issue cannot promote events occurring in the first week ofthe month.

In 2015 we will change the deadline date to thesecond last Friday of the month. This means that youwill receive your copy early in the first week of the month and themonth of issue can promote events occurring early in the month.

The trade-off is that events occurring late in any given month willneed to be promoted in the issue for the previous month.

Pick-up copies, held for your convenience by local businesses,will still be available a few days after the letter box drop.

Deadline Second Last Friday of the Month, Except for the *March* issue

Issue Number& Cover Month












Deadline Date Jan 23 *Feb 27* Mar 20 Apr 17 May 22 Jun 19 Jul 24 Aug 21 Sep 18 Oct 23 Nov 20

Tuesday Delivery Feb 3 *Mar 10* Mar 31 Apr 28 Jun 2 Jun 30 Aug 4 Sep 1 Sep 29 Nov 3 Dec 1

Note: The February issue cannot promote any February event occurring before the 3rd February, the March issue cannot promote any March eventoccurring before the 10th March, and so on ... the December issue cannot promote any December event occurring before the 1st December.The March issue cannot report on any February event occurring after the 27th February, the April issue cannot report on any March eventoccurring after the 20th March, and so on ... the December issue cannot report on any November event occurring after the 20th November.

Promotion of events between:Tuesday 3rd February and Wednesday 11th March must appear in the February issue. Deadline Friday 23rd JanuaryTuesday 10th March and Wednesday 1st April must appear in the March issue. Deadline Friday 20th FebruaryTuesday 31st March and Wednesday 29th April must appear in the April issue. Deadline Friday 20th MarchTuesday 28th April and Wednesday 3rd June must appear in the May issue. Deadline Friday 17th AprilTuesday 2nd June and Wednesday 1st July must appear in the June issue. Deadline Friday 22nd MayTuesday 30th June and Wednesday 5th August must appear in the July issue. Deadline Friday 19th JuneTuesday 4th August and Wednesday 2nd September must appear in the August issue. Deadline Friday 24th JulyTuesday 1st September and Wednesday 30th September must appear in the September issue. Deadline Friday 21st AugustTuesday 29th September and Wednesday 4th November must appear in the October issue. Deadline Friday 18th SeptemberTuesday 3rd November and Wednesday 2nd December must appear in the November issue. Deadline Friday 23rd OctoberTuesday December 1st and Wednesday 3rd February 2016 must appear in the December issue. Deadline Friday November 20th

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8569 8175 93 Randell St MANNUM

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Mid Murray Works, Services and Projects

Iwas to make a presentation to a businessbreakfast that was cancelled, on Council

projects and services achieved, particularlyin the last 12 months. This list is notexhaustive, but provides a summary of mostof the achievements involving the MidMurray Council.• Delivery of a flyer regarding the free public WiFi

covering the Mary Ann Reserve, Randell Street,Mannum Caravan Park and Visitor InformationCentre to all businesses and residents in Randell St.

• Approval obtained for the hanging of Christmasdecorations on the light poles in the Randell Street.

• Approval for the installation of CCTV coverage onRandell Street at a cost of almost $42,000 withcontributions ($5,000) from communityorganisations and businesses. Installation shouldtake place prior to the Christmas/New Year period.

• Repair and reconstruction of Cascade Road at acost of $1.092 million. Directional andinterpretational signage will be installed at theMannum Waterfalls.

• Mannum Dock Museum - “All Steamed Up FamilyDay” on 15th and 16th November in Mannum.

• Approval received from the Rural City of MurrayBridge for the installation of directional signage fromthe South Eastern Freeway to Mannum. A progressmeeting will be scheduled.

• National Broadband Network Mannum roll out.• Work continues with the Mannum Health Advisory

Committee and Mannum Hospital regarding designof and access to the Mannum Helipad.

• Access to the Mannum Community Collegeswimming pool for 735 people over 56 sessions forthe 2013/2014 swimming season (cost $9,484).

• The Bike SA Annual Tour visit to Mannum inSeptember 2014 on their way to Renmark.

• The new half court basketball area adjacent to theskate park at the Mannum oval.

• Assisting with the upgrade to the Mannum Football

Clubrooms and new kitchen.• Providing an interest free loan of $25,000 to the

Mannum Bowling Club for solar panels.• Submission to SA Power Networks highlighting the

existing and proposed residential, commercial andindustrial growth requiring planning for the upgradeto the electricity supply to Mannum as part of the SAPower Networks regulatory reset 2015-2020.

• Planning assistance for the 14th December 2014Murraylands Fun Run and Walk.

• A grant of $10,000 received from the Dog and CatManagement Board to establish a Mannum, off-leash recreation park. Estimated cost for the projectis $15,500. Council will meet the balance.

• $70,000 received to assist with the repair ofMannum Wharf (cost $297,697.27, ex GST).

• Significant improvements at the Mannum LeisureCentre include a reduced operating loss (under$50,000 compared to $134,000 in 2012/13), a 300%increase in gym membership, conversion to 24/7gym access, refurbished foyer, many new programs(including junior basketball, increased strength forlife and boot camp) and increased marketing andpromotion of the Centre.

• Approving the Murraylands Regional TouristAssociation (MRTA) request to use the southernend of Bolto Reserve for a scouts assembly/camp inassociation with Floatfest 2015 on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd

May 2015 (subject to a number of conditions).• Aminya has received funding for the upgrade to the

facility to increase it from a 32 to a 50 bed licence.A $4m project with an estimated 38 week build timeline.

• Purchase ($165,000) and renovation ($234,000) ofthe old Mannum Primary School (Community Hub)for community use. $5000 has been offered for thepurchase of Allotments 9 and 10 in full and finalsatisfaction. They would be used for open spaceand recreation purposes.

• Assisted with repair of Mannum RSL Monument,installation of PA System and extension to RSL

cemetery.• Assisting with the 2014 Mannum

Truck and Ute Show. The VisitorInformation Centre had 442 visitors with 107entering through the Museum.

• Paving the Randell Street footpath between theFoodland supermarket and Riverside Chemist andthe area in front of Mannum Stock and Pet Supplies.

• The Mannum Dock Museum Board received aproposal from Pam O’Donnell and RobertO’Callaghan to sponsor the purchase of the PSMayflower for $100,000.00 and an additional$35,000.00 in 2014/15 for restoration works. TheBoard recommended the purchase of the PSMayflower based on the sponsorship proposal. Anyincome generated from cruises will be retained bythe Mannum Dock Museum for restoration,maintenance or operational costs so that there is nofinancial impact on Council. Council recognised thegenerous sponsorship from Robert O’Callaghan andPam O’Donnell and the benefit of the proposal tothe Mannum Dock Museum, Council and Mannum.

• Stabilisation of Randell Street between TrewarthaStreet and the RSL Monument.

• The Caravan Park Committee will assist theChristmas Pageant.

• A brief will be prepared for a landscaping plan forRandell Street from the ferry to the entrance toMannum (including BP Service Station) topotentially be undertaken by landscape architectstudents.

• A letter has been sent to the Managers/Owners ofMannum Green to contribute to stormwater drainageworks, landscaping, connecting the existing footpathto their complex and resealing a section of MaleRoad.

• Guidelines and a Policy on busking in RandellStreet is being developed and will be considered bythe new Council.

Russell Peate, CEOMid Murray Council

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PHONE (08) 85691306



11:30AMHardiflex, Gyprock, Timber, R.H.S. & Steel; Decking, Trellis & Lattice; Gutters & Flashings; Tools, Paint & Accessories; Bolts, Nuts, Screws,

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Building The SL Qui-e-tudeAll Steamed Up At Mannum

In addition to Australia’s first steam car,the quietest steam boat on the Murray

will be on display at the All Steamed Upevent in Mannum.

The SL Qui-e-tude is fitted with a steamengine designed and built by CliveSterling, the first in Mannum since theShearer Brothers built their famous steamcar nearly 100 years ago.

“It took 10 months to build the engine,then I acquired a wrecked wooden 26fthull called ‘Ajax’ from Goolwa,” saidClive Sterling, a retired mechanicalengineer.

“The boiler was found by well knownriver identity John Norris for a carton ofbeer.

“I took the wreck home and placed apivot on the stern and the bow to be ableto rotate the hull easily and then I setabout removing all the underwater linedplanking including the keel.

“I could not have completed the boat in12 months if it wasn’t for my lovely wifeJune, who assisted me with the fasteningof the new planks that I had cut andsteamed.”

Clive asked June to have a look in thedictionary and find out the definition ofsomething to say quiet and peaceful.

June found ‘Qui-e-tude’, a state orcondition meaning freedom from noise,

disturbance and alarm, tranquillity, repose;so the SL Qui-e-tude she was named.

Rob Bowring Chairman of the MannumDock Museum said, “Years ago when Iasked Clive how quiet his new steamengine was, he said, ‘how much quieterthan quiet do you want?’.”

Clive and June used to take “Qui-e-tude”out a lot before the drought set in. His wifeJune did all the driving (some 4000kilometres) whilst Clive stoked the boilerand looked after the engine.

“Every fifteen minutes she needed morewood,” said Clive.

Later, after the drought, Clive convertedthe steam engine to diesel and made itduel fuelled.

“I had to find an easier way to operatethe boat. I got a flash in my mind onenight to get a diesel atomising nozzle andthe only place I could get one wasfrom a spit water pressure cleaner. Imade a gadget to test how itworked. I made up a manifold andtacked it all together and put in thein the boat and took it on the riverbut did not have enough power.

“They didn’t have bigger nozzlesso I contacted a place in America tofind them. Cost me $20.00 here forexisting nozzles and $3.00,includingpostage from America, for

the new ones.“Technical term for the engine is a twin

cylinder simple steam engine with a keelcooling condenser.

“It is a reticulated system and does nottake any water in from the river and in thisday is an environmentally friendly engine.

“It uses one litre of diesel for every 1.4kilometres, not cheap but not cheap onwood either. It has been using the same oilfor 15 years by purifying the oil with acentrifuge. I modified an old milkseparator!”

See the SL Qui-e-tude along with thelargest congregation of blacksmiths inSouth Australia, 30 engine displays and 45boats registered to date to line the front ofthe Mannum Dock Museum and MaryAnn Reserve near the Bowling Club.

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Page 28 Mannum Mag Issue Number 96

Mannum Hair Design

57 Randell StreetMANNUM 5238(08) 8569 1732


Woolshed GalleryRecord Sales at Spring


Patrons and friends attendedthe opening of the Spring

Exhibition at the WoolshedGallery on the evening ofFriday 3rd October.

On display were a series ofSouth Australian landscapes byBill Ambagtsheer, HowardAshton, Brian Batty, RonaldCoudrey, Charles Frydrych,Don Gangell, Basil Hadley,John Hinge, Peter Matthewsand others.

W he ther i t was theexceptional prices or theconvivial atmosphere, helpedby a glass or two of SA wine,sixteen items were sold on thenight.

That was the largest numberof sales for the opening of anyexhibition held to date at theWoolshed Gallery.

Graham Gaston

Rockleigh Bushfires – Past, Present, FutureImpact on Animals

The days after a fire haspassed, while large trees

still smoulder and burn, aretruly ghastly. There are deadbirds, injured/dead animals,blinded animals crashingaimlessly, and many need to beput out of their misery.Wildlife, snakes, lizards,echidnas - so much devastationyou can’t put it into words.

We had a heifer injured andwe had to shoot her when theground gave way under herweight where roots had burntand she broke her shoulder. Shehad survived terrifying smoke,planes, flames. She was a redheaded Friesian who was reallybossy. She could push everyother calf around from the timeshe was little. Ironically hername was “Julia”.

There were massive big redroos jumping out of the burningscrub, and snakes trying to getaway. Horses, sheep and cattlewere loose as fences camedown or were cut to get trucksthrough to houses. Some stockwere let out to fend forthemselves rather than burn todeath trapped in yards. Some of

these stock turned up milesfrom home.

We ended up with 14 horsesin our old cow yard at the houseand only 2 belonged there.Catching a panicked horse insmoke is a real art, I think.They are really dangerous andunpredictable when panicked.

The saddest story I heard wasof one woman on a ‘NoThrough Road’. Her block isonly 500 metres in fromCritchley Road but access thatway is not possible. She haslived there quietly for almost 20years. She is self sufficient.Solar power, rain water tanks, alovely garden. She has 3 olddogs and a huge great dane, herpride and joy. She had 4 horses- two old mares and 2 youngerones. The lightning struck thetop of the hill opposite her andshe saw the hill erupt intoflames. She let her horses outand ran inside with her dogs.The fireball and smoke passedher house in seconds. She hidinside with her dogs and herhorses ran on to her patio. Herterror of that night turned todevastation as next morning she

found two of her horses dead onher patio from the smoke andshe couldn’t open her backdoor. It took 2 days before thetrack could be cleared to getthrough, so for 2 days she livedwith these quickly-rottinganimals outside her door beforeshe could get help to movethem.

Tree branches across roadsstop traffic getting through. Thelesson: don’t live on a “NoThrough Road” because in afire it’s a “No way out”.

As people survey their shedscollapsed in burnt heaps andtwisted piles of metal, theysometimes get surprises. Onefarmer’s chooks survived theroof collapse, and kept onlaying. Ewan Ferguson, thehead of Fire Services for years,watched his house burn and helost everything, but he saved hisdog. He’d spent his lifeprotecting other people’s homesand now his is gone. 100 of hissheep found a sandy patch andsurvived, but he has no feed.He’ll begin again, but imaginehis heartache!!

Carmel Critchley

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A fellow came home and found hishouse on fire. He quickly phoned thefire department and shouted, “Hurryover here. My house is on fire!”“OK,” replied the fireman, “how dowe get there?”“Don’t you still have those big redtrucks?”

Page 29: Mannum Mag Issue 96 November 2014

Issue Number 96 Mannum Mag Page 29

Shirley Mattner at the October Movie

Mid Murray Support ServicesMannum Community Hub

It has been a sad time for us at MidMurray Support Services (MMSS)

with the loss of our long standingArt Tutor Evelien Machin. Ourcondolences go to her husbandJimmy and family.

We congratulate the followingwho were voted onto the Board ofManagement at the AGM.Chairperson: Leon WarhurstVice Chairperson: Annette DempseySecretary: Julie MetcalfeTreasurer: Sanju AugustinePublic Officer: Terry UdyAndrew Murrell, Joy Marks and PeterKuhlmann

Everyone on the Board ofManagement takes their role veryseriously and will ensure that allde c i s i ons m a de t a ke i nt oconsideration the affects that thesedecisions may have on theorganisation, community, staff andvolunteers.

Mannum Community HubA movie afternoon held at the Hub

on Thursday 16th October was agreat success, with 30 peopleattending for a light lunch at noonand to watch No Business like ShowBusiness.

A BIG thank you to volunteerShirley Mattner for all the hardwork put in to make the afternoon asuccess. Thank you also to Lyn andPeter Kuhlmann who prepared thePop Corn and Ice Cream, which wasserved by the usherettes Tanya andShirley. Thanks must also go toAndrew Murrell for taking on therole of compere for the afternoon.Well done Andrew.

The next Movie Afternoon(11:30am–2:45pm), showing TheSundowners, will be on Thursday20th November. Cost $5. TheAustralian movie, filmed in Quorn,stars Robert Mitcham, DeborahKerr and Peter Ustinov. There willa BBQ and a range of salads.

For bookings contact the Hub.The first fortnightly Grow N

Share Fruit and Veg Swap at theHub was a success. Many thanksmust go to the organisers Lyn andPeter for the hard work they put in

to make this a successful day.Items to swap or share may include

fruit, herbs, seedlings, cuttings,jams/preserves, seeds, vegetables,baked goods, honey, eggs, recipes,cook books, garden magazines.

Even if you don’t have anything toswap, come along and make adonation for something that youwould like.

Organic coffee and morning tea issupplied.

For any enquiries, contact Lynand Peter: 0427 904 030.

November Health and Wellbeingclasses: on the 11th Bush Essences andon the 25th Reflexology. If you areinterested in taking part or have anyquestions contact the Hub.

iPad Basic classes: Tuesdays from11th November to 9th December (5weeks), 1pm–3pm, $10 per session.Training notes are supplied.

Level II First Aid courses: from 8th

to 10th December (3 x 1 day courses),10am–4pm. Cost $150. To enroland learn more contact MADECMurray Bridge 8531 3520

If you have any enquiries orsuggestions about courses oractivities contact the Hub.

A School Holiday Program will be

held in conjunctionwith Mid Murray Council, OPAL,Teen Challenge, Reclink and MIFSAduring the Christmas Schoolholidays. Lookfor more informationaround town and on our facebookpage closer to school break up.

We have won a grant from theCountry Arts SA Skills DevelopmentGrant Program. With this grant, wewill be able to provide a vibrantentrance to the Hub and a gardenfilled with creative work made by thecommunity.

We will promote this project onceall the plans are in place.

We thank Tess Minett, CulturalArts and Development Officer forMid Murray Council, for herassistance with the grant submission.

The calendar of events on our webpage contains activities, times andfurther information.

You can also find moreinformation on our facebook page.Search for: Mid Murray SupportServices.

Hub Contact: Monday to Fridaybetween 9:00am and 4:00pm on8 5 6 9 1 8 3 2 . W e b p a g e :www.mmss.com.au

Mannum Menswear, 85a Randell Street, Mannum SA 5238Phone: 8569 2556



(50% - 70% PLUS)

Get in early for Christmas


Nathan wishes to thank all who have supported him and his business these last three years.It has been a positive experience and now time to move on. Best wishes to all. Nathan.

Page 30: Mannum Mag Issue 96 November 2014

Works, Services and ProjectsUpdate from Mid Murray Council

Brief notes on a selection ofi t ems discussed o r

determined at the Monday 13th

October 2014 meeting.• Council will consider upgrading the

extension of Patrick Road to alleviatesafety concerns within the RivapakPty Ltd site.

• The Department of Environment,Water and Natural Resources haveadvised that reading meters thatmeasure licensed water use for waterlicense holders will be theresponsibility of owners.

• Approval has been granted for roadclosures for the Morgan ChristmasPageant and Fair on Saturday 13th

December 2014 and the MannumChristmas Pageant and Street Partyon Saturday 6th December 2014.

• Work on the proposed closure of asection of Parker Street to enable thesiting of the Hospital Helipadcontinues. SA Power Networks havebeen requested to provide costsassociated with the undergroundingof nearby power lines.

• A letter of support will be provided toMr and Mrs Cameron to establish anaccommodation facility on theirproperty for people walking theLavender Trail.

• The Annual Building AssetMaintenance Programme continueswith the upgrade of the Sedan Hall,Collier Park Pavilion, Swan Reach

Museum, Walker Flat Hall, CadellSporting Ground Clubroom andupgrade of toilets at David ShearerCar Park, Sedan, Len White Reserve,Towitta Park and Mannum Waterfalls.

• The State Government has advisedthat pensioner concessions for rates($190), effluent disposal ($110) andwater services ($132) will bediscontinued. It is estimated that$228,507 in concessions was paid bythe State Government for pensionersin the district over the last 2 years.Council will continue to advocate forthe retention of pensioner ratesconcessions.

• Council has donated almost $35,000to approved sporting clubs andcommunity organisations equivalentto their rates paid.

• The Federal Government hasadvised that funding for the Roads toRecovery program for the 5 yearperiod from 1st July 2014 to 30th June2019 will be $2,775,391.

• Vacant land which may be surplus torequirements is being identified.

• Council will meet the cost of the hireof the Victor Harbour Council stageand its transportation to and fromSwan Reach for the 2015 SwanReach Country Music Festival. Theassistance and support of Council’sTourism and Events Manager willalso be provided.

• Further research is being undertaken

regarding the National HeritageListing of the Morgan Wharf.

• Council will request that the StatePublic Works Committee consider thecontinued replacement of theremaining three 60-year-oldtimber-hulled ferries to ensurecontinuity of this much neededservice for River Murray towns.

• The response from the Minister forRegional Development, Geoff Brock,regarding Morgan being excludedfrom the Fund My Idea RiverlandProgram will be forwarded to theMorgan Community Developmentand Tourism Association.

• Council has approved the MorganLiving River event for the 16th-17th

May 2015 on the Morgan Riverfrontarea and the assistance of Council’sTourism and Events Manager.

• A response to the EmergencyServices Sector Reform DiscussionPaper will be submitted.

• Following test holes being dug byCouncil, and subject to there beingno legal issues for burials at Caloote,a request for a burial at the CalooteCemetery will be approved.

• Sealing of 3.487km of MurraylandsRoad from the end of the existingbitumen seal at Blanchetown to themain entrance of the Santrev Pty Ltddevelopment is expected to becompleted by April 2015.

• Following a request and in

recognition of thef i n a n c i a l a n d o t h e rbenefits to businesses in Mannum(2013-14 – $183,517), Council hasagreed to waive the annual ProudMary wharf fee of $1,445.

• Applications submitted under theState Government Residents WinGrants Program will be listed at theDecember Council meeting.

• Council will request funding from theFederal National Stronger RegionsFund for the upgrade and extensionon the Mannum Wharf and theupgrade of the Morgan Wharf.

• Council will assist the fundingapplications by the Swan ReachProgress Association for thecompletion of the Swan Reach TownHall upgrade and the MannumFootball Club for the Mannum SportPrecinct upgrade.

• The Mid Murray and Barossa LocalRecovery Committee, through theMid Murray Council and the StateRecovery Office, submitted anapplication for funding for bushfirerecovery and resilience building andthe application for $30,000 has beenapproved by the State Minister forEmergency Services.

• A submission will be forwarded onthe Natural Disaster Relief FundingArrangements Draft ProductivityReport by 21st October 2014.

Russell PeateCEO, Mid Murray Council


***** Bookings *****Murray Bridge Visitor Information Centre ~ 3 South Terrace, Murray Bridge ~ 10:00 am to 4:00 pm 7 days a week

Phone: 08 8539 1142 ~ www.murraybridge.sa.gov.au“Any remaining tickets will be available at the Town Hall Box Office one hour prior to the show”.

Barry Ion with Platinum + features Radio Identity Barry Ion who was part of the Breakfast duo Bazz and Pilkowhich spanned 21 years and vocalist Andy Upton who had a number one hit with 'Stop in the Name of Love'in the mid seventies. Together they perform popular songs that have gone 'platinum' over the years.

Please join us for a complimentary ‘cuppa’ after 10am

Matinee Series

‘Barry Ion with Platinum +’“at the Murray Bridge Town Hall”

Thursday, 20th November at 11 am

All Tickets $15.00 (Duration: 1 Hour)

Page 30 Mannum Mag Issue Number 96

Page 31: Mannum Mag Issue 96 November 2014

Issue Number 96 Mannum Mag Page 31

Wynarka Christmas Lights DisplayDecember 2014

A Children’s Novelty Display Available Under the CarportIncluding lucky dips for $1.00 each,

with a Candy Cane and Bon Bon

24 Railway Terrace | 8:30pm – 10:30pm

Available Weekends and from Friday 19th Decemberuntil Thursday 25th December (Christmas Day)

Weather and Health Permitting

Part proceeds from lucky dips will be donated towards the Wynarka Christmastree and Community Gathering. Some items are donated from KaroondaNewsagency and General Store, with thanks.

Bus: Mannum Murray Bridge Mt Barker Adelaide and ReturnMonday to Friday except public holidays.

School holiday times (when different) are in brackets.Mannum to Adelaide

Mannum Murray Bridge LinkSA8:00am Leave Arnold Park, Mannum

Murray Bridge Mt Barker LinkSA8:45am Leave Murray Bridge, South

Terrace, Information CentreMt Barker Adelaide Metro bus 842F

9:30am Leave Mt Barker Park & Ride,Metro bus 842F to Adelaide

Adelaide to MannumAdelaide Mt Barker Metro bus 842F

1:50pm (4:03pm) Leave Harris ScarfeGrenfell Street (Stop G2)

Mt Barker Murray Bridge LinkSA2:45pm (5:00pm) Leave Mt Barker

Park & RideMurray Bridge Mannum LinkSA

3:40pm (5:35pm) Leave Info CentreDetailed timetables are readily available at the Mannum Information Centre.

For more information telephone 8532 2633 during office hours.


Shearer Car Park, Randell Street Mannum

We Stock A Large Variety ofJams, Pickles, Chutneys and Sauces.

Books, Bric A Brac, Baby Clothes, GiftsRugs, Cushions, Patchwork Handbags

Decorated Hand Towels, Kitchen Hand Towels.

Footy Rugs, Cushions, Scarves, Caps, and Novelties

Opening HoursFriday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday

10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Mid Murray Support Services

Contact MMSS for details. Email: [email protected]

71 Randell Street, 10 am - 4 pm. Phone: 8569 2129.Men’s Breakfast:

8:30am - 10am, First Tuesday of the Month. River Bar,River Lane entrance, Mannum Community Club. Gold coindonation. Sausages, bacon, toast, juice, cereal and more. Comealong and have a chat.

Mannum School Community LibrarySchool Term Times School Holidays

Mon, Thur, Fri: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Mon, Tue, Wed (am), Thur, Fri:Tue: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm 10:00 am - 2:00 pmWed: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Wed (pm): 04:00 pm - 8:00 pmSat: 9:30 am - 12 noon Sat: 10:00 am - 12 noon

Closed Sunday and Public Holidays. Further information: 8569 2005

Mannum Leisure CentreMon: 10-11:30am Mini Movers;

6:00pm Bootcamp (6 weekprograms) with Renee

Tues: 11-12noon Strength For Life;3:30-4:30pm Tai Chi; 6-7pmPower Step

Wed: 7:30-8am XTraining Class; 6-7pm TTB and Pilates with Renee

Thur: 9:30-10:30am Mannum Movers;11-12noon Strength For Life; 6-7pm Aerobics and boxing withRenee

Seasonal Evening Programs. Soccer,Mixed Netball, Squash, Men’s SeniorBasketball and Aussie Hoops.

Meeting rooms available.

Supervised Opening Hours

Members 24/7 access. All others:-Monday, Tuesday, Thursday


7:30am-11:00am, 3:30pm-7:30pmFriday

7:30am-11:00am, 3:30pm-6:30pm

Check out the Mannum Leisure CentreFacebook Page for updates on programssuch as Personal Training, specials, etc.

Further information: 8569 [email protected]

Deb Roberts, Programs Manager


Cambrai familystore Main Street Cambrai

Wed–Fri and Sun: 10AM–4PM Phone: 8564 5244

CLASSIFIEDS$5 Classifieds can be up to thirty (30) words and must be PRE-PAID before youradvertisement will appear, unless by prior arrangement. Advertisements over thirty wordscost an extra 20 cents per extra word. Payments may be made by cheque or cash.

Page 32: Mannum Mag Issue 96 November 2014

Page 32 Mannum Mag Issue Number 96

2014 Community Calendar


Mannum Garden GroupLions DenMonday 10th, 9:15amExcursion to Mt BarkerContact: Bev ConnellPhone: 8570 4322

All Steamed Up River FestivalMannum Dock Museum andMary Ann ReserveSaturday 15th and Sunday 16th,10am-4pmCost: $5.00, under 14 free.Contact: Jenny CallanderPhone: 8569 2733

Aroona Scouts Quiz NightMannum Community ClubSaturday 15th, 7:00pmDinner at 6:00pm, $15 perhead. Children under 12 free.See page 20.

Mannum Garden GroupLions DenMonday 24th, 9:15amExcursion to Sgorra Bhreac(Strathalbyn). All welcome.Contact: Bev ConnellPhone: 8570 4322

Christmas Tree FestivalMannum Leisure CentreFriday 28th, 9:00am-3:00pmRaffle and refreshmentsavailable. Proceeds to Aminyaand School Chaplaincy.See page 10.

Morning of Quiet ReflectionCatholic Church Hall, Mau StSaturday 29th, 9:15am-12 noonSee Page 19.

Mannum Dock Museum AGMMannum Rowing ClubSunday 30th, 11:00amContact: Jenny CallanderPhone: 8569 2733

Music on the GreensMannum Golf ClubSunday 30th, 4:00-7:00pmFeaturing Bill Chambers. Barand Light Refreshments.Presold tickets $25 (Doortickets $30 subject toavailability)Contact for tickets:Trevor: 0427 655 162Colin: 0413 600 453Maureen: 0411 406 489


Christmas Pageant, StreetParty & Fireworks Display

Randell Street, Mary AnnReserveSaturday 6th, Parade 6:30pm,followed by Street Party andFireworks

Mannum Garden GroupLions DenMonday 8th, 11amChristmas breakup lunch.Contact: Bev ConnellPhone: 8570 4322

Mannum Fun Run & WalkMary Ann ReserveSunday 14th, 8:30amRegistration now open. Run orwalk followed by a healthyAPEX breakfast.See pages 4 and 20.

Carols By The RiverMary Ann ReserveSaturday 20th, 8:00-9:30pmPre event entertainment7:30pm.See page 10.

All material submitted for publication is subject to editorial approval. This is done not to censor, but to ensure topics are relevant to the content of Mannum Mag.

Weekly Passenger Service Mannum to Murray BridgeEvery Thursday: Mannum Information Centre Murray Bridge Information Centre

Depart Arrive Depart ReturnMannum 10:00am Murray Bridge 10:45am Murray Bridge 2:30pm Mannum 3:10pm1st and 3rd Tuesday: Mannum Information Centre Murray Bridge Information CentreMannum 10:00am Murray Bridge 10:30am Murray Bridge 1:30pm Mannum 2:00pm

Information: LinkSA, 18 Alma Avenue, Murray Bridge SA 5253, Ph: 8532 2633


Friday (12 noon) Collate & Fold Home Delivery

Nov. 28 for Dec. Issue 97 Wed 3 Dec. Tue 9 Dec.

January 23 for Feb. Issue 98 Wed 28 Jan. Tue 3 Feb.

February 27 for March Issue 99 Wed 4 Mar. Tue 10 Mar.

Email: [email protected]: General 8569 7392. Advertising: email Editor.

Deliver: 71 Randell Street, Mannum SA 5238

(a service kindly provided by MMSS)Our email account is provided by Aussie Broadband as a community service

Community Meetings Clash CalendarR e g u l a r m e e t i n g s o n l y(MCHMannum Community Hub)


1st Monday9:45am Combined Probus, Club10:00am Murray Darlings RedHatters, Café Mannum. 8569 1438.

1st Tuesday7:30pm Agricultural Society,Showground

2nd TuesdayPalmer Card Day, Collier Park Hall,Palmer. 8569 4184.

2nd Wednesday9:00am Shared Stitches of MannumQuilting Group. Lions Den,Showground. 8569 2363.8:00pm Mannum Gem and MineralsClub.MurraylandsGemandMineralClub, Collier Park Palmer. LeonieHughes. 8278 2112.

2nd Thursday1:30pm Prayer Meeting forMannum, Baptist Church, WilliamSt.

3rd Monday1:30-4:00pm Scrabble & Games,MCH. Gold Coin Donation.8569 1832.

3rd Wednesday7:00-8:00pm, Combined ChurchesPrayer Meeting. See Pause a Whilefor location.2pm-4pm History Group, MCH.8569 1832.

3rd Thursday11:00am Mannum RSL, MannumRowing Club/RSL

3rd Friday10:00am Secateurs Soup & Soapies,St Andrews Church. All welcome

3rd Saturday10am-mid pm Gem Cutting andS i l v e r s m i t h i n g W / s h o p .MurraylandsGemandMineralClub,CollierParkPalmer.LeonieHughes.8278 2112.8:00pm-midnight Mannum Dances.Lutheran Hall, Cliff St. Judy 0488130 354, Lesley 8569 2449.

4th Thursday7:30pm Progress Association,Meeting Room Council Chambers.

Last Monday1:30pm Hospital Auxiliary, MeetingRoom, Esmeralda St.

First WednesdayNoon Mannum Mag Committee,Showground. 8569 2385.

Last Wednesday6:30pm Mannum Mens DiscussionGroup. Mike McDowell. 8569 2818.


Mon, Wed and Fri10:00am-3:00pm The Hall, 5Greening Street. 8569 1643.

Tue, Wed and Thur9:00am-1:00pm Mannum Men’s Shed,MCH.Tuesday and Thursday10:00am-4:00pm, MIFSA (MentalIllness Fellowship of SA), St AndrewsAnglicanchurch,activities, lunch($3).Tuesday and Friday

8:00am Walkie Talkies, Lions Den,Showground. Helen 8569 2275.

Tuesday9:30am River Word ChristianCentre Prayer and Bible Study;10:30am, Friendship Group.Greening St. 8569 1333.9:00-10:00am Mannum WeightWatchers. MCH. Jane Kelly8569 1799.4:15pm Aroona Joeys, Showground.5:30pm Aroona Cubs, Showground.Kym Walton 0407 179 101.

Wednesday10:00am Down to Earth,Community Garden Group, MCH.10:00-11:15am, Yoga, MCH. Fee$5.00 Bring your own mat.

Friday9:30 am Bus Trip, MIFSAparticipants, donation. Trevor orSam 0427 442 775


1st and 3rd Sunday9:30am Murray Mallee Field Archers,Long Gully Rd Mannum. Ian Baensch(after 6pm) 8569 1274.Alternate Wednesdays

1:00pm Sewing/Craft andComputing Grp. Baptist ChurchHouse, William St. Lisa 8569 6040,Helen 8569 2886,[email protected]

Alternate Fridays1:30pm Senior Citizen’s Club, ClubRooms. Marnie: 8569 2980.

Every Three Months7:30pm Neighbourhood Watch.Leisure Centre. Coordinator RussDellow 0428 813 201.
