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Manorviile News Moriches - NYS Historic...

Date post: 19-Aug-2018
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Manorviile N ews Mrs. C Somma. PA 7- . r .0i) i) - AT 1-0270 Charles Frans Potts, son of Mr. and M.s. Charles Bolts of Wading River Road, graduated J u n e 16 from kindergarten at Center Mo- riches Klementry school. A sui'])rise stork shower was given for Mrs. C. Botts at her home June 1(5 . Anions;' those pre- sent wore Mary Waski , Mis. Don- Ion Barry. Miss Ann Barry. Mrs. Alice Grupe. all of Manorviile; Mesdames Frans Matsoii . Helen Schroeder. Patricia Raymond. Ronald Matson. Katherine Kronibs and Miss Violet Matson. all of Speonk; .Mr. - . Walter Meyer . M rs. Stanley (Joss , Sr.. giandmother of Mrs. Botts. of Westhampton; Mrs. Frank krzenski of Southhampton; Mrs. Frank Egan. Sr. and Miss Wilma Kgan of Glen Cove and Mrs. Irene Lomborston of Hunt- ington. Mi- , and Mrs . Al Schroeppel of Eastport Manor Road celebrated their twenty-fourt h wedding anni- versary at the Ambassador Inn in Quogue as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Char!e> Verity of Eastport , Sun- day afternoon. For vour Insurance Needs Call Pat Raimond , YAphank 1-3819. —Adv. Graduated Frida y from Center Moriches Junior High School were June Fink , Preston Remsen . James Soper and Judy Stafford of Man- orviile. Graduated Saturday from Center Moriches High School were Janet Eriekson , Anna Iloysala and Kenneth Rafuse of Manorviile. Confirmation was held Friday at St. John the Baptist Church of Wading River. Anions those con- firmed were Helen Fehner . Col- leen Gilmartin . Nina Mignone . Rosann Malinaro , John Plisko. Ei- leen Covcrnale , Eva Governale , Ann Barry, Eileen .Tamer , Patricia Dosiak. all of Manorviile.Follow- ing the confirmation the Fehners and Pliskos celebrated by having a chow mein dinner in Patchogue. The Ladies ' Auxiliary is hav- ing a card and bunco part y Jul y 3 at SS Peter and Paul church hall at 8 p. m. There will be re- freshments. South Manor Parent-Teacher Association held its last meeting of the school year June 13. A pin was presented to Anthony Delo\ a , past president , by incoming presi- dent. Mrs. Mary Royalty. Annual leports were turned in by the re- cording secretary Mrs. Alma Will- iams; corresponding secretary, 3 Lrs. Helen Ravnor; treasurer . Mrs. Helen Oliver; and historian , Mrs. Kay Cunningham. Mrs. Ro- yalt y appointed the chairmen on various commStties. Refreshments followed. The South Manor Paront-Teaeh- ersAssociation presented Richard Baehl with a pair of book ends as a going away gift. Mr. Baehl has been teaching the fifth and sixth grades for the past three years. The gift was presented by a committee consisting of Mes- dames Mary Royalty, Helen Oli- ver , Alma Williams and Rose Mo- linarno. They wished Mr. " Baehl success in his new undertakings and expressed the hope that he would be a future guest at PTA meetings. Mr. and Mrs. John Freese re- turned Friday having spent the early part of the week at Fellow- ship Beaconry in Liberty Corner , N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kruger and son , Harold, of Ozone Park spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kruger of Schultz Road. Howard Nodine of Schultz Road returned recentl y from a five-week stay at the home of his son and daughter-in-lav, Mr. and Mrs. William Nodine of Pennsylvania. A meeting of the teachers and officers of the Brookfield Presby- terian Sunday School was held Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kruger of Schultz Road. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freese , Mrs. Rus- sell Nodine , Mr. and Mrs. Norman Freese , Mrs. Ethel Hettrick , Mr. and Mrs. John Freese and Mr. and Ma's. Kruger. Sunday school will close June 25 for the summer mon.hs , icopening Sjptomber 10. The Ladies ' Aid Society of Brookfield Presb yterian Churcn will hold a rummage sale from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m., July 12. Miss Sue Beth Carter , daughter of M.r. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Car- ter of South Street , was honored at a reception at her home follow- ing her graduation from Centei Moriches High School Saturday night. She was the recipient of the iiu . ammural trop h y and intram- mural 100 point pin. She h.is bejn employed for over a year at the Wood Nursing Home and is start- ing her third year as volunteer Nurse 's Aid at the Central Suffolk Hospital in Riverhead. She is a member of the BrookfieUl Presby- terian Church which is located on the Carter farm , secretary of the Sunday school , member and soloist of the church choir The baskets of flowers sh" received as gifts were placed in the church for the Sun- day services. Miss Carter will en- ter nursing school in September. Her guests were Mrs. Edith Car- ter , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hutton , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cappadoro of Cen- ter Moriches ; Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Vicik and Maureen and Bar- ry Vicik , Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Janis of Eastport ; Mr. and Mrs. William Zeh , Julie Ann , Marjorie Ann and William Jr., of Calver- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zeh of Wading River; Miss Jody Dauks- ga of East North port; Miss Ella Hednett of Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. George Vicik , Karen , Diane , San- dra and Georgeanna Vicik , Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Cappadoro , Mrs. Sil- vio Magnoni , Mr. and Mrs. George Hambright , Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hans. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dauks- ga , Mr. and Mrs. Emi l Gugel , Mr. and Mrs. John Freese , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De Lisi and Den- ise De Lisi and the guest of hon- or ' s brother , David Carter . The annual school meeting of the South Manor Union Free School , District 11, will be held at 7:30 p. m. Jul y 11. Mary Jo Somma , daughter of Mr. and Mr- . A. Somma of Wad- ing River Read was baptised Sun- day at St. John 's R. C. church in Center Moriches. Godparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lomas of Jackson Heights. Following the service dinner was served at the Somma residence. Guests were Mrs. Mary Sparacino mother of Mrs. A. Somma , Mr. and Mrs. R. Lomas all of Jackson Heights; Mrs. Florence Gomez , Miss Bar- bara Gomez and David Ilartman , of Center Moriches. _ \\_pt\ \_f_ \^^^ ___^^^ __ ^^ <m^^ yR ^ "" je&sffifcj^j ' """ ^a ' *^ BpB i| 3-DAY SALE O Th ursday, Frida y and Saturday ONLY: h Buy N;^; Later! O pe^ 476^ Main St^ »~ m __ ^ l,f |M J^^ O A BBttBlJtflN **! ' | CHARGE ACCOUNT Patchogue B ^O K IS . 7 Ifl vBC SfBX B&g&flflK »\' \M ft in MINUTES ot Straujs Storesl Opposite Safeway Super Market 9 JL|Of It T^B^^^^ ^^ ^V fj -r EVf^. J±- _L- J_ & Take up to 10 Months to Payl Free Parking! Open Evenings ! 9 m &UNTED fpCCf mff lMMH T«». A. _m__m_m-mLil/ 'Ti^^^^# I i g| Because of our extremely low prices Telephone: GRover 5-9659 |H ^XlS Of 7 5fl J. ^B ___ t __\\___ W BI k P * Jw ^^^WP M^^^^^ J ' C WmdmmmmB EJEC9 S |i»J 4 _$_j_ WMBtM$m 67t >*is I 7 cr. } ?!* I 5uPertox W' nmoN l l6mNl . 0r,th Guaran t ee d B '\ Many other batteries in itotk at low p,ic..! UillglMff lll j ^gg A^99 \ W d_\ _%L \ 6'?° * lS I 7 50 / PremiUm *tP-89' NYLON B* 11 100% NYLON Wc Bgg^^^y^^^^B^- - " mm m-mm . 1 J3«S/ ^ ALL STEEL AUTO i»^o d SAfBY BSiT |l^ r jtrf£flBFRp||T FLOOR MATS |^TO P CARRIERS % M » u,u At^m^mW A¦¦& Polish JP^^mmmmmmm F °' °» «"*' Attract, ** co/oni _____ mm»mg r$&i&* ~* *-*. - *. m m%i **. ** ll Exceed* ?)< f ^ y , ACS O O l l B kT M H, ' » h •iJieoi.Trll* Fo " width! Protect* .xpenwv. floor m _\\\ £ £ ____ U __W& _ FItt all tan. Carries d§k «Q 1 tfa^iSr?" *. K i^mAmmmmr^ T.Lrax * M «v.rin S . from dirt and wear. M ' <T 9 VS_ W 2. h " Vy « ' 0o ? t af ' W ' T A P^ fc -91 H^o" 1*** tuiiifl mmr ^ mmmm * " *^* iVU m9 amammmmmmmm,*s///) W tl >oni, wo»*. ¦kfli > t* t >BBM N 4^ I ^*B^ Mar-Droof suction CUDS . _9Ammdm %m ^% u i,rlu5SS ^^ "^LllB^Q •«'• ' SS l * Bmimmmmmmmma ^^ lw0 «st»JZi SIHEWAIir illirE€ l^ c ^^^T^rl ; ^^ £ F, ; xi5" |P|rirucee E^rj^?*^^? ¦ | ^^^^^ ^^^^^ f Dei(ix£ Ff£m "N5ES ^^^^^ 1 ^^^ V^m^^itff ^ls B wM^m^^^^UllP}^ mW^P " PS ^C6 C lifJfiBl l 26" Full Size Deluxe IMPORTED I J^M!> ?„ -&£ u A f ; } " d ' ofn! k | ] - m mi m* *> W^^svsssas^ |pw« ii^^5^fls t S l^J^j L^^ wB i mk 5- 9 car ,, q U ^. i y at a < „a ha . , a, l ![; 1 I mW ^f em *^ Pel mmm 1 ABt t iW^ De ^^ 1 mmnti WEB CM A1R» m BRAZIER .^^ M ^®""« POR S BI ^ I n^R ,es! '- to ^^ Sto cool ' p for L | ot»r Lowest Price i j^^^H^ W ^ .^ V ^*ERS I m 4-Position ^m,nUtVrZg ^^^^€ 126 Qt. Capacity Super hstriatad f Easy . ^^^iLr ^•« Aluminum tfO"V e ___f ttD i^^^ TV \ K if r fUECTC f«y ^^ n,r- fy eoo ' e '' does « L . ^*^^ 5i^ S \ Si ^F weattrr. rnhk # ^^^ v/ lf 6 " 7rM3- fe ^-^| ^7 a ° ••»•«« voTui'; 0 ^ ,ob -1 ] EASTPORT NEWS ITEMS Miss Bonnie Bell. Tel. EAstport 5-0046 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kalwite and daughters , Kathy, Linda , Donna and Judy, of East Islip spent last Sunday at the home of Mrs. Kalwite ' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson. Mrs. Charles Nix and daughter , Marie Louise , of Ri p l y, Miss., ai - e spending a few weeks at the home of Mrs. Jessie Mae Travis. Mrs. Elizabeth Lubnuewski and daug hter , Mrs. Edwina Driend of Mi.lford , Conn., spent a few days last week visiting Mrs. Josep hine Hawkins of River Avenue. Live Better With PELCO Low Cost Electricity. —Adv. Kevin Thompson , son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thompson , celebrat- ed his fourth birthday June 11. His guests we e Linda , Kath y. Donna , and Jud y Kalwite , Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kalwite of East Islip, Miss Janet Thompson ot Bay Shore , and his grand parents , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson. Last Thursday night the Senior Class of Eastport held their an- nual dinner at the Lindenmere in Center Moriches. Miss Eleanor Belskis of Brook- haven spent the weekend at the home of Miss Karen Coffey. Maiio Viseuso celebrated his birthday June 14 at a dinner party held at the 2 by 4 Ciub , in Wading River. Guests present were Mrs. Mario Viseuso , Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Brambley, and Mr. and Mrs. George Brambley. Mrs. George Frey, Jr., and granddaughter, Elaine Victor , are in Miami , Fla., visiting Mrs. Frey ' s daughter , Mrs. Joyce Wurtz. Mrs. Frey will return home in a few weeks , but Elaine is going to spend the summer with her aunt. The Advance is on sale at Moore ' s Stationery and Eastport Stationery in Eastport. —Adv. Mrs. Elizabeth Coifey has re- turned to her home on Main Street after a brief stay at the Brook- haven Memorial Hospital in East Patchogue. Mr. and Mrs. Josep h Vish and son , Richard , of Southamp ton were Wednesday dinner guests of Mr . and Mrs. Horace Mott. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bell and family of Patchogue were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. George Crennon celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary recentl y at a surprise cocktail party given b y Mr . and Mi s . Walter Robert Crennon , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bass , and Mr and Mrs. George W. Crennon , Jr., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Robert Crennon in Westhamp- ton Beach . Those present from East port were Mr. and Mrs. Heni y Frey, Mrs. Agnes Berenson , Mr. and Mrs. George Frey, Jr ., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Siskind , Mr . and Mrs . Dewey Rose , Sr., Mr . and Mrs. Mario Viseuso of Florida , Mr. Hermann Blind of Speonk , Dick Schwarting and Mrs. Julia O'Came of Westhampton Beach. Neil Wi 'liam Brambley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jrambley, was christened June 4 at the Im- maculate Conception Church , Westhampton. Mrs. Richard Bram- bley and Craig Conaught y are the god parents. Following the christening a gathering for a few- friends and relatives was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brambley. Robin Watson , Daniel Coffey, and William Rizzuto were the guests-of-honor at a graduation part y held at the home of Mi- , and Mrs. Robert Watson of River Avenue. Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Coffey and daug hter , Karen , Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Wesche , Jr., and daughter. Ti acy, Mrs. William Rizzuto , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lovell , Mrs. Irma Norwood and son , Joseph , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mallo , and Chervl Bevis. The Men ' s Club of the Methodist Church will hold a Sum- mer supper starting at (J p m. Saturday, served on the church premises and open to the public. They will offe. - a chicken barbe- cue , and also clam pie, ham, french fries , corn on the col) , grilled steak , and strawberry shortcake. A similar barbecue is being offered every Saturday until August 2(5 , with take-home din- ners available. DAUGHTERS OF REVOLUTION Last Friday afternoon th<? Daughters of the Revolution we.c the guests of the May flower chap- ter at the Seatuck Neighborhood House in Stony Brook. Preceding tho meeting a luncheon was held at the Wagon Wheel , Port Jef- ferson Station. The speaker for the afternoon was the Rev. Alfred Hubbard Boutwell. Members present were Mesdames Vera Mott , Estelle Pitney and Eva Raynor of East- port; Katherine Culver and Phoe- be Raynor of Westhamp ton; Effie McCutch'Mi , Helen Lane and dau- ghter , Dorothy, Elsie GiifXing and Kitty Brown of Bellport. CM. Infant Suffers Fever , Convulsions ; Rushed to Hospital CENTER MR1CHES Bobby Viertel , 20-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Viertel of Shirley Street , Center Moriches , was re- leased Tuesday from Brookhaven Memorial Hospital after under- going examination. Bobby was rushed to the hos- pital at 6:58 a. m. Sunday in a Center Moriches Fire Department ambulance manned by Phillip R" - Carlo , Anthony Maschek and Sherman Robinson after the in- fant suffered convulsions resul- ting from a fever of undetermined origin. Remsenburg and Speonk Willis B. Tuthill E. 0. Davis of Marshallburg, N.C , has been vuiting his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 0. Davis. Mr. and Mrs William McGrail of New York City have rented the Henry A. Rose cottage on Club Lane at the canal. The Rev. and Mrs. James Davis , formerly stationed here when Mr. Davis was pastor of the Remsen- burg Church , are now located at Setton , Canada. They have two children , boys , and are the foster- parents of a little girl. Arriving from New York City last week was Mrs. Ruth Phillip- son , who is at her Mia in Street cottage for the Summer. Vincent R. De Simone , principal of the Remsenburg School , has been engaged b y the Board of Education for another year as have the two other teachers , Mrs. Clement Petraszewski of Aque- bogue and Miss Janice Buck of Southampton. All have had .$500 increases in salary. For the Sum- mer months Mr. De Simone is to be a member of the Suffolk Coun- ty Police Force as a patrolman for Millers Place , his home dis- trict. At a infecting of session Sun- day night John Marbury was elected princi pal and Lloyd O. Da- vis, alternate delegate, to a meet- ing of Long Island Presbytery at Sag Harbor this week. The Rev. Gordon Dickson will begin his month' s vacation July 10. For the three Sundays to Jul y the suppl y minister here will be John Rasberry, chap lain at the Suffolk Count y Air Force Base The Rev. Gordon Dickson , pas- tor of the Remsenburg and East Moriches churches and chairman of the Committee for Mi grant Work , for the Su ffolk County Council of Churches will present a program at the Westhampton Beach Methodist Church tonight. Illustrated b y slides , the theme will be "Migrant Problems and What We Must Do Now To Help. '' A Fellowship Hour will follow. Robert N i d z y n , well-known farmer of Philli ps Avenue , Spe- onk , will be the new road fore- man or roadmaster for this dis- trict succeeding John W. Raynor . who will retire Jul y 1. He is now taking a month' s vacation before Mr. Nidzyn takes over the job. In addition to the communities of Reirisenburg-Speonk and the Bru- shy Neck area the town highways in Eastport are also in this road district which are kept in repair b y the local roadmiaster and crew. Mr. Raynor , except for his service in World War 1 , has been a road man all his life having worked under foreman when a young man using his own team of horses to cart loam for the roads before trucks came into use and before oil came into general use. Richard Brown spent the week- end at his home here before re- turning to Springfield College for a Summer course. He has another yea r of college work to prepare him for teaching either in high school or junior high. Mrs. Frank L. Gosnell of Winter Haven , Fla., and her sister , Mrs. R. Whitney Gosnell of Brooklyn, are at the families Summer home on Basket Neck. Other members of the Conard and Gosnell famil- ies will be here at different times during- the Summer. Before com- ing north Mrs. Frank Gosnell attended the National Association of Women ' s Clubs of which she is president , at Miami , Fla., early in Juti" . In eaily July, Mrs. Frank Gosnell and Mrs. R. Whitney Gos- nell will go on a tri p together sailing on the Gri psholm for a cruise to North Cape and the Land of the Midnight Sun on the north coast of Europe. Michael Dougherty, a former resident here , has just comp leted his freshman year at Cornell Uni- versity and will spend his vaca- tion with his parents , Dr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Dougherty on Oneck Lane , Westhampton Beach. Two members of Brownie Troop 22 , Girl Scouts in Westhampton Beach , are Bonnie Rewt and Clau- dia Conn of this village. The troop had its "fly-up " ceremony at the Southampton Town Beach last Saturday when Claudia Conn was one who received her wings. Af- terwards they enjoyed a beach pic- nic. Mr. and Mrs. II. Beecher Halsey and two children are now resi- dents of Westhampton Beach mov- ing from Remsenburg to their new home just off Oneck Lane. Moriches Mrs. Ann Surge , Tel. ATlantic 4-0691 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd G. Penney of Louis Avenue returned recently from a three-week vacation to Clay ton and Kingston, and a visit to Canada. During their stay, they enjoyed visits to the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hammond of Theresa , Mrs. Penney ' s brother and famil y, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith of Syracuse; Mrs. Pennev ' s sister and family, Mrs. Otto Haller of Adams Centre and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and famil y of Clay ton . A family reunion in honor of Mrs. Penney ' s mother ' s birthday was also celebrated during their stay. Mr. and Mrs. William De Beau- champ of Montauk Hi ghway and the Rev. John Vignali , pastor of the Bible Protestant Church on Montauk Highway, recentl y visit- ed Mr. and Mrs . Thomas De Beau- champ of Merrick. Miss Joan Walker of Montauk Hi ghway and Miss Marlene Cruse of Mastic Beach , recentl y enjov- ed a visit to Joan ' s brother , Pri- vate Jack Walker , during his basic training in the National Guard at Fort Dix , N. J. On June 20 , Denise Buckheit celebrated her eighth birthday at the home of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Buckheit , Jr ., of Marion Drive. Joining Denise in celebrating her birthday were her maternal grandparents , Mr. and Mrs. D. Ragamata, and daughter , Geraldine. of Masti c, her paternal grandmother, Mrs. Charles Buck- heit of Marion Drive . Also Wil- liam Schubert and daughte r , Lyn- ne , of Marion Drive and Denise ' s brothers , Brian , Philip and Mi- chael . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frederick of Merrick recentl y spent the day at the home of Mrs. Philip Jones of Cooks Park. Mrs. Caroline De Beauchamp of Cooks Park enjoyed a visit from her son and famil y, Mr. and Mrs. George De Beauchamp of Mt . Vision. Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Edward s of Fourth Street recentl y enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mar- ietta and daug hters , Rhonda and Cathy, of Mt. Vision. Mrs. George Burge and children , George and Debbie , enjoyed a visit recently to the home of Mrs. Rob- ert Slanec of East Islip. Mr. and Mrs. James Cronin and daughters, Sandy and Tammy, of Beth page and Mr. and Mrs. Mou- ton of East Meadow were recent callers at the home of Mi\ and Mrs. Gunnar K^ Ommundsen of Barnes Road in honor of the birth of the Ommcndsens' baby, Gunnar , Jr. George Washington Oldham ac- companied by his daughtei- , Roselle Rice , recentl y enjoyed a Sunday visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hesler of Marion Drive. Mr . Oldham , who was hosp italized last week in Bayview Genera l Hospital , is the great-grandfather of the Hesler children , Edward , Scott , Donna Lee , Deborah , Dale and Theresa. An outdoor barbecue and Fath- er 's day party was held recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Burge of Barnes Road . Mr . Burge ' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burge , Sr., of Mastic Beach ioined in the celebration. Follow- ing the barbecue , Mr . and Mrs. Burge visited Mrs. Burge ' s father in honor of F ather ' s day at the Central Suffolk Hospital in Rivar- head. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Burge , Sr., of Barnes Road at- tended the graduation exercises at St. John the Evangelist Church in Center Moriches in honor of Mrs. Burge ' s niece , Miss Kathleen Thompson. Following the exercise , a graduation party was held at the home of Kath y ' s par- ents , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ches- ter of Mastic. Approximatel y 40 guests joined in the celebration . Scott Philip Hesler , infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hesler of Marion Drive , was christened recentl y at St . John the Evange- list R. C. Church in Center Mor- iches. Baby Scott' s cousin , the Rev . Thomas Hendel of Corpus Christi R. C. Church in Woodside , officiat- ed at the ceremony. The godpar- ents are Mrs. Marleen Campbell of Mastic Beach and Philip Hulse of Old Mastic. Following the chris- tening, relatives and friends gath- ered out-of-doors at the Hesler home for refreshments. Those at- tending were : Father Thomas Hendel of Woodside and his sis- ters , Miss Dorothy Hendel of Woodside and Mrs. Vincent Le Rose , and his niece , Elsie Jean Le Rose , both of Elmont ; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Walkman , and son , Thomas , of Montauk Highway; the baby ' s great-aunt, Mrs. Rose Be' .nholz of Barnes Road ; Mr . and Mrs. George Sam mis and children . Claudia and Jeffrey, of Mastic; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell of Mastic Reach ; Roy Hulse and sons , William , Philip and Michael of Old Mastic; Mr . and Mrs. Donald Hulse and children , Dennis. Judv and David , of Fifth Street; Mr . and Mrs. Warren Hulse and sons, Gary and Wayne , of Barnes Road ; Mr . and Mrs. Josep h Stozzetto and chil- dren of Mastic Beach; Henry Hulse of Moriches; Mr. and Mrs. James Pallerio and children of Mastic Beach. Bab y Scott was also joined by his brother . Edward , and sisters , Donna Lee , Deborah , Dale and Theresa. Recent dinner guests at the home of Mr . and Mrs. Gunnar K. Ommundsen of Barnes Road were Mr. and Mrs . Edwin Larsen of Floral Park and Mrs. Norma Ja- cobsen and children , Lynne , Karen and Martin . Miss Constance Walker of Mon- t auk Hi ghway was gucst-of-honor at a sui prise bridal shower Sat- urday nig ht at the Sunrise Res- taurant in Center Moriches . Mis< Walker 's sister , Joan, was hostess at the affair. A buffet was fea- tured together with an inscribed cake, beautifully decorated wrh strawberry whipped cream. Many gifts were received. Pink and white streamers with large wedding bells decorated the entire room. A colorful shower umbrella was tastefully arranged over the fu- ture bride and a carnation cor- sage was pi\ sented to her. Those attending were M's. Marion Shim- inski and Mis* Eileen Shallow of Mastic; Mesdames Marie Clark. Margaretc Segiera. Walter Gor- man . Robert Forman . Milton Allen of Shirley; Mesdames Charles Melinoski , Alfred Grabor . Robert Walker, and Miss Marlene Cru-u\ Josep h Quis . James Zuzierla. Leo Royee , William Walker , .Jr., of Mastic Beach: Mesdames Kenneth Leger and John Donneh y of Cen- ter Moriches; Mrs. John Kruk of Eastport : Mrs. Ray Allen of the Bronx; Mrs . Charles McDonald of New York City: Mrs . Robert Al- len of Brook l yn; .Miss Eileen Duf- fy of Astoria; Miss Joan Walker and Mrs. William Walker , Sr ., of Montauk Highway. The wedding date has been set for July 1<5 . Miss Walker ' s fiance is Walter T. Al- len of Yaphank. Here comes the bride! The strains of the wedding march will begin auspiciously when you accept the cheerfully given serv- ice of The Advance in your selec- tion of wedding invitations. Prin- ted , raised printing or engraving. —Adv. SUMMER SCHEDULE -for- MASTIC BEACH GARBAGE DISTRICT Between July 1st and September 9th MONDAYS and THURSDAYS Park Drive to Alder Drive Bayview Drive to Laurelton Drive I TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS McKinley Drive to Mastic Road Huguenot Drive to Emerson Place COLLECTIONS BETWEEN 7 A.M. and 7 P.M. JAMES E. O'REILLY ATlantic 1 -7811 Hebrew Center To Be Honored By Episcopalians MASTIC BEACH The Rev. Alfred T. K. Zadig. vicar of St. Andrew ' s Episcopal church here , said this week that he along with the memibers of the executive commi tee of the church , will make a special presentation at St p. m. tomorrow to the congregation of the Mastic Beach Hebrew Center at the center on Neighborhood Road. In appreciation of the kindness and courtesy extended to the St. Andrew ' s congregation b y the members of the Hebrew Center, who immediately stepped forward and offered the use of their fac- ilities when St. Andrew ' s was razed b y a disastrous fire last year , an American Flag comp lete with stand will be given to the center. "It is the least we can do , " said Father Zadig, "to show how much we of St. Andrew ' s feel about this truly moving demon- stration of adhering to the broth- erhood of man and of how other groups regardless of religion or politics can live side by side in a small community. " Father Za- dig went on to say that these presentation services will be open to all members of the congrega- tions of the Hebrew r Center and ot St. Andrew ' s , and that a large turnout is expected. A social hour will immediately follow the services. jj tflj FISHERMAN'S SPECIAL B3| j is m m % )|: j; Brand New 8-Ft . Fiberglass Dinghy j; !? With New 4 H.P. Motor , Anchor and Line J: 1995® I Dealers for Thompson Boats and Evinrude Motors * ' t i (Visit us at the Suffolk County Fair) < ? PATCHOGUE MARINE I S9 ROUTE 112 , PATCHOGUE GRover 5-4850 Jj WHAT'S GOING ON asked one Shirley resident on arriving at transplanted temporary Shirley Post Office last week. Building was moved to south-east corner of William Floyd Parkway and Montauk Hig hway from northeast corner of Camp Upton Road and Montauk Highway where new Shirley Post Office will be constructed. —Advance Photo by Gomez Continued from page 1 , this section girls' athletics , Victor Jaro for music , Arnold Roesch for French , Dorothy Muller for science , Robbin Matteson for fine arts , Phili p Hor- bert for social studies , Lorraine Joseph for homemaking, Kenneth Yarborough for industrial arts , William Kost ynick for mathema- tics and Carol Osarczti k for Eng- lish. Graduates are : Genrsrr- W. Arrik'o , Caro- lyn B. Bullock . Dolons B. Burehott , Rob- ert W. C' aputo , Kathleen .M. Carpenter , Matthew K. Carter , Lillian I.. Cousins , Thomas C . Davis . Michael A I)enni\ Laura M. Edwards , Richard D. Kdwaid.s , Robert D. English , Susan M. Keiler . Juno If. Fink , Ida M. Foster , Karen M. Foster , John K. Francis , ,!r., KHM- IK 1 B. Francis , James K. Haney, Call A. Hanford , Stan- ley (' ,. Hartma n , Kurt A. Helms , Philip R. Horbert , Dankl Hudson , Victor J. Jaro . Robert A. Johnson , Loi raine R. Joseph . Carl Kern, William P. Kost\nick , Edward M. Kruk, Robbin S. Matteson , Richard A. Michna , Bruce A. Mooney , Dorothy M. Muller , Albert V. Murdock, Robert P. Nolden . Cared Osnrezuk , Sharj n V. Parkere-/ , Lorene N. Price , Paul Reed , William Reid , Rosanne K. Rei ' ss . Pred- ion L. Remsen. Arnold B. Roesch. Ron- ald R. Royalty. Lloyd A. Schifl ' elhian . James R. Soper . Judith M. StafTord . Mark J. Stoeckirt , Ronald H . Stuber , SeleMer L. Terry, Rita L. Traut. schold , Ellen V. Willhoif , Cvnlhia Ii. Yarborough . Josce A. Yarborough arid Ker. tieth it. Yar- borouirh. C. M. Jr. High

Manorviile NewsMrs. C Somma. PA 7-.r.0i) i) - AT 1-0270

Charles Frans Potts , son of Mr.and M.s . Charles Bolts of WadingRiver Road, graduated J u n e 16from kindergar ten at Center Mo-riches Klementry school.

A sui'])rise stork shower wasgiven for Mrs. C. Botts at herhome June 1( 5 . Anions;' those pre-sent wore Mary Waski , M i s . Don-Ion Barry. Miss Ann Barry . Mrs.Alice Grupe. al l of M a n o r v i i l e ;Mesdames Frans Matsoi i . HelenSchroeder. Patr ic ia R aymond .Ronald Ma t son . K a t h e r i n e Kronibsand Miss Violet M a t s o n . all ofSpeonk; .Mr.-. W a l t e r Meyer . M rs.Stanley (Joss , Sr.. g i a n d m o t h e r ofMrs. Bot ts . of W e s t h am p t o n ; Mrs.F rank k r z e n s k i of Southhampton;Mrs. F rank Egan. Sr. and MissW i l m a Kgan of Glen Cove andMrs. I r e n e Lomborston of H u n t -ington.

Mi - , and Mrs. Al Schroeppel ofEastpor t M an o r Road celebratedthe i r t w e n t y -f o u r t h wedding ann i -versary at the Ambassador I n n inQuogue as guests of Mr. and Mrs.Char!e> V e r i t y of Eastport , Sun-day a f t e rnoon .

For vour Insurance Needs CallPat Raimond , YAphank 1-3819.—Adv.

Graduated Frida y from CenterMoriches Jun io r High School wereJune Fink , Preston Remsen . JamesSoper and Judy Stafford of Man-orvi i le . Graduated Saturday fromCenter Moriches High School wereJanet Eriekson , Anna Iloysala andK e n n e t h Rafuse of Manorvi i le .

C o n f i r m a t i o n was held Fridayat St. J o h n the Baptist Church ofWading River. Anions those con-f i rmed were Helen Fehner . Col-leen G i l m a r t i n . Nina Mignone .Rosann Mal inaro , John Plisko. Ei-leen Covcrna le , Eva Governale ,Ann Barry, Eileen .Tamer , PatriciaDosiak. all of Manorvi i le .Fol low-

ing the confi rmation the Fehnersand Pliskos celebrated by havinga chow mein dinner in Patchogue.

The Ladies ' Auxi l iary is hav-ing a card and bunco part y Jul y3 at SS Peter and Paul churchhall at 8 p. m. There will be re-freshments.

South Manor Parent-TeacherAssociation held its last meetingof the school year June 13. A pinwas presented to Anthony Delo\ a ,past president , by incoming presi-dent . Mrs. Mary Royalty. Annualleports were turned in by the re-cording secretary Mrs. Alma Wil l -i ams ; corresponding secretary,3 Lrs. Helen Ravnor ; treasurer.Mrs. Helen Ol iver ; and historian ,Mrs. Kay Cunningham. Mrs. Ro-yalty appointed the chairmen onvarious commStties. Refreshmentsfollowed.

The South Manor Paront-Teaeh-ersAssociation presented RichardBaehl with a pair of book endsas a going away gift. Mr. Baehlhas been teaching the f i f t h andsixth grades for the past threeyears. The gift was presented bya committee consisting of Mes-dames Mary Royalty, Helen Oli-ver , Alma Williams and Rose Mo-linarno. They wished Mr. "Baehlsuccess in his new undertakingsand expressed the hope that hewould be a future guest at PTAmeetings.

Mr. and Mrs. John Freese re-turned Friday having spent theearly part of the week at Fellow-ship Beaconry in Liberty Corner,N. J.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kruger andson , Harold, of Ozone Park spentthe past week at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Robert Kruger ofSchultz Road.

Howard Nodine of Schultz Roadreturned recently from a five-weekstay at the home of his son anddaughter-in-lav, Mr. and Mrs.

Will iam Nodine of Pennsylvania .A meet ing of the teachers and

officers of the Brookfield Presby-terian Sunday School was heldThursday night at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Robert Kruger ofSchultz Road. Present were Mr.and Mrs. Walter Freese, Mrs. Rus-sell Nodine , Mr. and Mrs. NormanFreese, Mrs. Ethel Het t r ick , Mr.and Mrs. John Freese and Mr. andMa's. Kruger. Sunday school willclose June 25 for the summermon.hs , icopening Sj p tomber 10.

The Ladies ' Aid Society ofBrookfield Presbyterian Churcnwill hold a rummage sale from10 a. m. to 2 p. m., July 12.

Miss Sue Beth Carter , daughterof M.r. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Car-ter of South Street , was honoredat a reception at her home follow-ing her graduat ion from CenteiMoriches High School Saturdaynight . She was the recipient of theiiu. ammural trop hy and intram-mural 100 point pin. She h.is bej nemployed for over a year at theWood Nursing Home and is start-ing her th i rd year as volunteerNurse 's Aid at the Central SuffolkHospi ta l in Riverhead. She is amember of the BrookfieUl Presby-ter ian Church which is located onthe Carter farm , secretary of theSunday school , member and soloistof the church choir The baskets offlowers sh" received as gif ts wereplaced in the church for the Sun-day services. Miss Carter will en-ter nursing school in September.Her guests were Mrs. Edith Car-ter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hutton , Mr.and Mrs. Jack Cappadoro of Cen-ter Moriches ; Mr. a n d Mrs. Ed-ward Vicik and Maureen and Bar-ry Vicik , Mr. and Mrs. StanleyJanis of Eastport ; Mr. and Mrs.William Zeh , Julie Ann , MarjorieAnn and Will iam Jr., of Calver-ton; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zeh ofWading River; Miss Jody Dauks-ga of East North port; Miss EllaHednett of Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs.George Vicik , Karen , Diane , San-dra and Georgeanna Vicik , Mr. andMrs. Antonio Cappadoro , Mrs. Sil-vio Magnoni, Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeHambright, Mr. and Mrs. AlexHans. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dauks-ga , Mr. and Mrs. Emil Gugel , Mr.and Mrs. John Freese, Mr.and Mrs. Joseph De Lisi and Den-ise De Lisi and the guest of hon-or 's brother , David Carter .

The annual school meeting ofthe South Manor Union FreeSchool , District 11, wil l be heldat 7:30 p. m. Jul y 11.

Mary Jo Somma , daughter ofMr. and M r - . A. Somma of Wad-ing River Read was baptised Sun-day at St. John 's R. C. church inCenter Moriches. Godparents areMr. and Mrs. Robert Lomas ofJackson Heights. Following theservice dinner was served at theSomma residence. Guests wereMrs. Mary Sparacino mother of

Mrs. A. Somma , Mr. and Mrs. R.Lomas all of Jackson Heights;Mrs. Florence Gomez , Miss Bar-bara Gomez and David I lartman,of Center Moriches.

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EASTPORT NEWS ITEMSMiss Bonnie Bell. Tel. EAstport 5-0046

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kalwiteand daughters, Kathy, Linda,Donna and Judy, of East Islipspent last Sunday at the home ofMrs. Kalwite's parents, Mr. andMrs. Charles Thompson.

Mrs. Charles Nix and daughter,Marie Louise, of Ri ply, Miss., ai-espending a few weeks at the homeof Mrs. Jessie Mae Travis.

Mrs. Elizabeth Lubnuewski anddaughter, Mrs. Edwina Driend ofMi . l ford , Conn., spent a few dayslast week vis i t ing Mrs. JosephineHawkins of River Avenue.

Live Better With PELCO LowCost Electricity.—Adv.

Kevin Thompson , son of Mr. andMrs. Francis Thompson , celebrat-ed his four th bir thday June 11.His guests we e Linda , Kath y.Donna , and Jud y Kalwite, Mr. and

Mrs. Kenneth Kalwite of EastIslip, Miss Janet Thompson otBay Shore, and his grandparents,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson.

Last Thursday night the SeniorClass of Eastport held their an-nual dinner at the Lindenmere inCenter Moriches.

Miss Eleanor Belskis of Brook-haven spent the weekend at thehome of Miss Karen Coffey.

Maiio Viseuso celebrated hisbirthday June 14 at a dinner partyheld at the 2 by 4 Ciub , in WadingRiver. Guests present were Mrs.Mario Viseuso, Mr. and Mrs. Har-old Brambley, and Mr. and Mrs.George Brambley.

Mrs. George Frey, Jr., andgranddaughter, Elaine Victor , arein Miami , Fla., visiting Mrs.Frey's daughter , Mrs. JoyceWurtz. Mrs. Frey will returnhome in a few weeks, but Elaineis going to spend the summerwith her aunt.

The Advance is on sale atMoore's Stationery and EastportStationery in Eastport.—Adv.

Mrs. El izabeth Coifey has re-turned to her home on Main Streetafter a brief stay at the Brook-haven Memorial Hospital in EastPatchogue.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vish andson , Richard , of Southamp tonwere Wednesday d inner guests ofMr . and Mrs. Horace Mott.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bell andfami ly of Patchogue were Sundayguests of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Bell.

Mr. and Mrs. George Crennoncelebrated their fortieth weddinganniversary recently at a surprisecocktail party given by Mr . andMi s. Walter Robert Crennon , Mr.and Mrs. Thomas Bass , and Mrand Mrs. George W. Crennon , Jr.,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal-ter Robert Crennon in Westhamp-ton Beach . Those present f romEast port were Mr. and Mrs. Heni yFrey, Mrs. Agnes Berenson , Mr.and Mrs. George Frey, Jr ., Mr.and Mrs. Paul Siskind , Mr . andMrs . Dewey Rose , Sr., Mr . andMrs. Mario Viseuso of Florida ,Mr. Hermann Blind of Speonk ,Dick Schwart ing and Mrs. JuliaO'Came of Westhampton Beach.

Neil Wi 'liam Brambley, son ofMr. and Mrs. Harold Jrambley,was christened June 4 at the Im-maculate Conception Church ,Westhampton. Mrs. Richard Bram-bley and Craig Conaughty arethe god parents. Following thechristening a gathering for a few-f r iends and relatives was held atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. HaroldBrambley.

Robin Watson , Daniel Coffey,and William Rizzuto were theguests-of-honor at a graduationpart y held at the home of Mi - , andMrs. Robert Watson of RiverAvenue. Other guests presentwere Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Coffeyand daughter , Karen , Mr. and Mrs.Delbert Wesche , Jr., and daughter.Ti acy, Mrs. William Rizzuto , Mr.and Mrs. Charles Lovell , Mrs.Irma Norwood and son , Joseph ,Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mallo , andChervl Bevis.

T h e M e n ' s C l u b o f t h eMethodist Church wi l l hold a Sum-mer supper s tar t ing at (J p m.Saturday, served on the churchpremises and open to the public.They will offe. - a chicken barbe-cue , and also clam pie, ham,french fries , corn on the col) ,grilled steak , and strawberryshortcake. A s imilar barbecue isbeing offered every Saturday u n t i lAugust 2(5 , with take-home din-ners available.


Last Friday afternoon th<?Daughters of the Revolu t ion we.cthe guests of the May flower chap-ter at the Seatuck NeighborhoodHouse in Stony Brook. Precedingtho meet ing a luncheon was heldat the Wagon Wheel , Port Jef-ferson Station.

The speaker for the af ternoonwas the Rev. Al f red HubbardBoutwell. Members present wereMesdames Vera Mott , Es te l l ePitney and Eva Raynor of East-port ; Kather ine Culver and Phoe-be Raynor of Westhamp ton; Ef f i eMcCutch 'Mi , Helen Lane and dau-ghter , Dorothy, Elsie Gi i fXin gand Kit ty Brown of Bellport.

CM. Infant SuffersFever, Convulsions;Rushed to Hospital

CENTER MR1CHES — BobbyViertel , 20-month-old son of Mr.and Mrs. Bruce Viertel of ShirleyStreet , Center Moriches , was re-leased Tuesday from BrookhavenMemorial Hospital after under-going examination.

Bobby was rushed to the hos-

pital at 6:58 a. m. Sunday in aCenter Moriches Fire Departmentambulance manned by Phil l ip R"-Carlo , Anthony Maschek andSherman Robinson af ter the in-fant suffered convulsions resul-ting from a fever of undeterminedorigin.

Remsenburgand Speonk

Willis B. Tuthill

E. 0. Davis of Marshallburg,N.C, has been vui t ing his son anddaughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.Lloyd 0. Davis.

Mr. and Mrs Will iam McGrailof New York City have rented theHenry A. Rose cottage on ClubLane at the canal.

The Rev. and Mrs. James Davis ,formerly stationed here when Mr.Davis was pastor of the Remsen-burg Church , are now located atSetton , Canada. They have twochildren , boys , and are the foster-parents of a little girl.

Arriving from New York Citylast week was Mrs. Ruth Phillip-son , who is at her Mia in Streetcottage for the Summer.

Vincent R. De Simone , principalof the Remsenburg School , hasbeen engaged by the Board ofEducation for another year ashave the two other teachers, Mrs.Clement Petraszewski of Aque-bogue and Miss Janice Buck ofSouthampton. All have had .$500increases in salary. For the Sum-mer months Mr. De Simone is tobe a member of the Suffo lk Coun-ty Police Force as a patrolmanfor Millers Place , his home dis-trict.

At a infecting of session Sun-day night John Marbury waselected princi pal and Lloyd O. Da-vis, a l ternate delegate, to a meet-ing of Long Island Presbytery atSag Harbor this week.

The Rev. Gordon Dickson willbegin his month 's vacation July10. For the three Sundays to Jul ythe suppl y minis ter here will beJohn Rasberry, chap lain at theSuf fo lk Count y Ai r Force Base

The Rev. Gordon Dickson , pas-tor of the Remsenburg and EastMoriches churches and chairmanof the Committee for Mi grantWork , for the Su ffo lk CountyCouncil of Churches will presenta program at the WesthamptonBeach Methodist Church tonight.Il lustrated by slides , the themewill be "Migrant Problems andWhat We Must Do Now To Help. ''A Fellowship Hour wil l follow.

Robert N i d z y n , well-knownfarmer of Philli ps Avenue , Spe-onk , will be the new road fore-man or roadmaster for this dis-trict succeeding John W. Raynor .who will retire Jul y 1. He is nowtaking a month 's vacation beforeMr. Nidzyn takes over the job.In addition to the communi ties ofReirisenburg-Speonk and the Bru-shy Neck area the town highwaysin Eastport are also in this roaddistrict which are kept in repairby the local roadmiaster and crew.Mr. Raynor , except for his servicein World War 1, has been a roadman all his life having workedunder foreman when a young manusing his own team of horses tocart loam for the roads beforetrucks came into use and beforeoil came into general use.

Richard Brown spent the week-end at his home here before re-t u r n i n g to Springfield College fora Summer course. He has anotheryear of college work to prepareh im for teaching e i ther in highschool or j u n i o r high.

Mrs. Frank L. Gosnell of WinterHaven , Fla., and her sister , Mrs.R. W h i t n e y Gosnel l of Brooklyn,are at the fami lies Summer homeon Basket Neck. Other membersof the Conard and Gosnell fami l -ies wi l l be here at d i f fe ren t timesduring- the Summer. Before com-ing north Mrs. Frank Gosnellat tended the Na t iona l Associationof Women 's Clubs of which sheis president , at M i a m i , Fla., earlyin Jut i " . In e a i l y Ju ly , Mrs. FrankGosnell and Mrs. R. Whi tney Gos-nell wi l l go on a t r i p togethersai l ing on the Gri psholm for acruise to N o r t h Cape and theLand of the M i d n ig h t Sun on thenorth coast of Europe.

Michael Dougherty, a formerresident here , has just comp letedhis f r e shman year at Cornell Uni-versi ty and wi l l spend his vaca-tion with his parents , Dr. and Mrs.El lsworth Dougherty on OneckLane , Westhampton Beach.

Two members of Brownie Troop22 , Girl Scouts in WesthamptonBeach , are Bonnie Rewt and Clau-dia Conn of th i s village. The troophad its "fly-up" ceremony at theSouthampton Town Beach lastSa turday when Claudia Conn wasone who received her wings. Af-terwards they enjoyed a beach pic-

nic.Mr. and Mrs. II. Beecher Halsey

and two chi ldren are now resi-dents of Westhampton Beach mov-ing from Remsenburg to thei rnew home just off Oneck Lane.

MorichesMrs. Ann Surge , Tel. ATlantic 4-0691

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd G. Penneyof Louis Avenue returned recentlyfrom a three-week vacation toClay ton and Kingston, and a visitto Canada. During their stay, theyenjoyed visits to the home of Mr.and Mrs. F. Hammond of Theresa ,Mrs. Penney's brother and famil y,Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith ofSyracuse; Mrs. Pennev 's sister andfamily, Mrs. Otto Haller of AdamsCentre and Mr. and Mrs. RobertSmith and famil y of Clay ton . Afamily reunion in honor of Mrs.Penney's mother 's birthday wasalso celebrated during their stay.

Mr. and Mrs. William De Beau-champ of Montauk Highway andthe Rev. John Vignali , pastor ofthe Bible Protestant Church onMontauk Highway, recentl y visit-ed Mr. and Mrs. Thomas De Beau-champ of Merrick.

Miss Joan Walker of MontaukHi ghway and Miss Marlene Cruseof Mastic Beach , recentl y enjov-ed a visit to Joan 's brother , Pri-vate Jack Walker, during his basictraining in the National Guard atFort Dix , N. J.

On June 20, Denise Buckheitcelebrated her eighth birthday atthe home of her parents, Mr. andMrs. Charles W. Buckheit , Jr ., ofMarion Drive. Joining Denise incelebrating her birthday were hermaternal grandparents , Mr. andMrs. D. Ragamata, and daughter,Geraldine. of Mastic, her paternalgrandmother, Mrs. Charles Buck-heit of Marion Drive. Also Wil-liam Schubert and daughter, Lyn-ne , of Marion Drive and Denise 'sbrothers, Brian , Philip and Mi-chael .

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frederickof Merrick recently spent the dayat the home of Mrs. Philip Jonesof Cooks Park.

Mrs. Caroline De Beauchamp ofCooks Park enjoyed a visit fromher son and famil y, Mr. and Mrs.George De Beauchamp of Mt .Vision.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edward sof Fourth Street recently enter-tained Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mar-ietta and daughters, Rhonda andCathy, of Mt. Vision.

Mrs. George Burge and children ,George and Debbie , enjoyed a visitrecently to the home of Mrs. Rob-ert Slanec of East Islip.

Mr. and Mrs. James Cronin anddaughters, Sandy and Tammy, ofBeth page and Mr. and Mrs. Mou-ton of East Meadow were recentcallers at the home of Mi\ andMrs. Gunnar K^ Ommundsen ofBarnes Road in honor of the birthof the Ommcndsens' baby, Gunnar,Jr.

George Washington Oldham ac-companied by his daughtei-, RoselleRice, recently enjoyed a Sundayvisit to the home of Mr. and Mrs.Edward Hesler of Marion Drive.Mr . Oldham , who was hosp italizedlast week in Bayview Genera lHospital , is the great-grandfatherof the Hesler chi ldren , Edward ,Scott , Donna Lee, Deborah , Daleand Theresa.

An outdoor barbecue and Fath-er 's day party was held recentlyat the home of Mr. and Mrs.George Burge of Barnes Road . Mr .Burge's parents, Mr. and Mrs.Daniel Burge , Sr., of Mastic Beachioined in the celebration. Follow-ing the barbecue, Mr . and Mrs.Burge visited Mrs. Burge's fatherin honor of F ather's day at theCentral Suffolk Hospital in Rivar-head.

On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeBurge , Sr., of Barnes Road at-tended the graduation exercisesat St. J o h n the EvangelistChurch in Center Moriches inhonor of Mrs. Burge's niece , MissKathleen Thompson. Following theexercise , a graduation party washeld at the home of Kath y's par-ents , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ches-ter of Mastic. Approximately 40guests joined in the celebration .

Scott Philip Hesler , in fan t sonof Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heslerof Marion Drive, was christenedrecently at St. John the Evange-list R. C. Church in Center Mor-iches. Baby Scott's cousin , the Rev .Thomas Hendel of Corpus ChristiR. C. Church in Woodside , officiat-ed at the ceremony. The godpar-ents are Mrs. Marleen Campbellof Mastic Beach and Philip Hulseof Old Mastic. Following the chris-tening, relatives and friends gath-ered out-of-doors at the Heslerhome for refreshments. Those at-tending were : Father ThomasHendel of Woodside and his sis-ters , Miss Dorothy Hendel ofWoodside and Mrs. Vincent LeRose , and his niece, Elsie Jean LeRose, both of Elmont ; maternalgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. JohnWalkman , and son , Thomas , ofMontauk Highway; the baby'sgreat-aunt, Mrs. Rose Be'.nholz ofBarnes Road ; Mr . and Mrs. GeorgeSam mis and children . Claudia andJeffrey, of Mastic; Mr. and Mrs.Frank Campbell of Mastic Reach ;Roy Hulse and sons, Will iam ,Philip and Michael of Old Mastic ;Mr . and Mrs. Donald Hulse andchildren , Dennis. Judv and David ,of Fifth Street; Mr . and Mrs.Warren Hulse and sons, Gary andWayne, of Barnes Road ; Mr . andMrs. Joseph Stozzetto and chil-

dren of Mastic Beach; HenryHulse of Moriches; Mr. and Mrs.James Pallerio and children ofMastic Beach. Bab y Scott was alsojoined by his brother . Edward , andsisters, Donna Lee, Deborah , Daleand Theresa.

Recent dinner guests at thehome of Mr . and Mrs. Gunnar K.Ommundsen of Barnes Road wereMr. and Mrs . Edwin Larsen ofFloral Park and Mrs. Norma Ja-cobsen and children , Lynne , Karenand Martin .

Miss Constance Walker of Mon-t auk Hi ghway was gucst-of-honorat a sui prise bridal shower Sat-urday nig ht at the Sunrise Res-taurant in Center Moriches . Mis<Walker 's sister , Joan, was hostessat the affair . A buf fe t was fea-tured together wi th an inscribedcake, beau t i fu l l y decorated w r hstrawberry whipped cream. M a n ygif ts were received. Pink and whi testreamers w i t h large wedding bellsdecorated the entire room. Acolorful shower umbrel la wastas teful ly arranged over the fu-ture bride and a carna t ion cor-sage was pi\ sented to her. Thoseattending were M ' s . Marion Shim-inski and Mis * Eileen Shal low ofMastic; Mesdames Mar ie Clark.Margaretc Segiera. Wal te r Gor-man . Robert Forman . Mil ton Allenof Shir ley; Mesdames CharlesMelinoski , Alfred Grabor . RobertWalker, and Miss Mar lene Cru-u\Joseph Quis . James Zuzier la . LeoRoyee , W i l l i a m Walker , .Jr., ofMastic Beach: Mesdames K en n e t hLeger and John Donneh y of Cen-ter Moriches; Mrs. John K r u k ofEastport : Mrs. Ray Al l en of theBronx ; Mrs . Charles McDonald ofNew York C i ty : Mrs . Robert Al -len of Brook l yn ; .Miss Eileen Duf -fy of As tor ia ; Miss Joan Walkerand Mrs. Wi l l i am Walker , Sr., ofMontauk Highway. The weddingdate has been set for J u ly 1<5 . MissWalker 's fiance is Wal ter T. Al-len of Yaphank.

Here comes the bride! Thestrains of the wedding marchwill begin auspiciously when youaccept the cheerfully given serv-ice of The Advance in your selec-tion of wedding invitations. Prin-ted, raised printing or engraving.—Adv.

S U M M E R S C H E D U L E-for-

MASTIC BEACH GARBAGE DISTRICTBetween July 1st and September 9th

MONDAYS and THURSDAYSPark Drive to Alder Drive

Bayview Drive to Laurelton Drive I

TUESDAYS and FRIDAYSMcKinley Drive to Mastic Road

Huguenot Drive to Emerson Place


JAMES E. O'REILLY ATlantic 1-7811

Hebrew CenterTo Be HonoredBy Episcopalians

MASTIC BEACH — The Rev.Alf red T. K. Zadig. vicar of St.Andrew 's Episcopal church here ,said this week tha t he along wi ththe memibers of the executivecommi tee of the church , will makea special presentat ion at St p. m.tomorrow to the congregat ion ofthe Mastic Beach Hebrew Centerat the center on NeighborhoodRoad.

In appreciation of the kindnessand courtesy extended to the St.Andrew 's congregation by themembers of the Hebrew Center,who immedia te ly stepped forwardand offered the use of their fac-il i t ies when St. Andrew 's wasrazed by a disastrous f i re lastyear , an American Flag comp letewith stand will be given to thecenter.

"It is the least we can do ,"said Father Zadig, "to show howmuch we of St. Andrew 's feelabout this t ru ly moving demon-stration of adhering to the broth-erhood of man and of how othergroups regardless of religion orpolitics can live side by side ina small communi ty ." Father Za-dig went on to say that thesepresentation services wil l be opento all members of the congrega-tions of the Hebrewr Center andot St. Andrew's, and that a largeturnout is expected.

A social hour will immedia te lyfollow the services.

j j tflj FISHERMAN'S SPECIAL B3|j is m m %)|:j ; Brand New 8-Ft. Fiberglass Dinghy j;!? With New 4 H.P. Motor, Anchor and Line J:

1995®I Dealers for Thompson Boats and Evinrude Motors *'ti (Vis i t us at the Suffolk County Fair) < ?

P A T C H O G U E M A R I N EI S9 ROUTE 112, PATCHOGUE GRover 5-4850 Jj

WHAT'S GOING ON asked one Shirley residenton arriving at transplanted temporary ShirleyPost Office last week. Building was moved tosouth-east corner of William Floyd Parkway and

Montauk Hig hway from northeast corner ofCamp Upton Road and Montauk Highway wherenew Shirley Post Office will be constructed.

—Advance Photo by Gomez

Continued from page 1, this section

girls' athletics, Victor Jaro formusic, Arnold Roesch for French ,Dorothy Muller for science , RobbinMatteson for fine arts , Phili p Hor-bert for social studies , LorraineJoseph for homemaking, KennethYarborough for indust r ia l ar ts ,William Kost ynick for mathema-tics and Carol Osarczti k for Eng-lish.

Graduates are : Genrsrr- W. Arr ik 'o, Caro-lyn B. Bul lock . Dolons B. Burehot t , Rob-ert W. C' a p u t o , Ka th l een .M. Carpente r ,Mat thew K. C a r t e r , L i l l i a n I.. Cousins ,Thomas C . Davis . Michael A I)enni\Laura M. Edwards , Richard D. Kdwaid .s,Robert D. Engl i sh , Susan M. Keiler . J u n oIf . F i n k , Ida M. Foster , Karen M. Foster ,John K. Francis , ,!r., KHM- IK 1 B. Francis ,James K. Haney, Call A. Hanfo rd , Stan-ley (',. Har tma n , Kur t A. Helms , Ph i l ipR. Horbert , D a n k l Hudson , Victor J.Jaro. Robert A. Johnson , Loi ra ine R.Joseph . Car l Ke rn , W i l l i a m P. K o s t \ n i c k ,Edward M. K r u k , Robbin S. Matteson ,Richard A. Michna , Bruce A. Mooney ,Dorothy M. Mul ler , Alber t V. Murdock ,Robert P. Nolden . Cared Osnrezuk , Shar j nV. Parkere-/, Lorene N. Price , Paul Reed ,W i l l i a m Reid , Rosanne K. Rei'ss . Pred-ion L. Remsen. Arno ld B. Roesch. Ron-ald R. Royal ty . Lloyd A. Sch i f l 'e lh ian .James R. Soper . J u d i t h M. StafTord . M a r kJ. Stoecki r t , Rona ld H . Stuber , SeleMerL. Terry, Ri t a L. Traut .schold , Ellen V.Wil lho i f , C v n l h i a Ii. Yarborough . JosceA. Yarborough ar id Ker. t ie th it. Yar-borouirh.

C. M. Jr. High
