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Manual Tomcat

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  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat



    Contenido................................................................................................................................1Chapter 1. Revision History....................................................................................................3

    Chapter 2. Introduction...........................................................................................................42.1. Why Am I Writing This ?............................................................................................4

    2.2. Copyright !icense and "ther Caveats.........................................................................42.3. What is Tomcat ?.........................................................................................................4

    2.4. Why #hou$d I %se It ?..................................................................................................&

    2.&. Tomcat 'ersions..........................................................................................................&2.(. Tested )$at*orms...........................................................................................................(

    Chapter 3. Insta$$ing Tomcat...................................................................................................+

    3.1. )rere,uisites.................................................................................................................+3.2. -on$oading The #o*tare.........................................................................................+

    3.3. Insta$$ing The #o*tare................................................................................................/

    3.4. #tarting and #topping Tomcat......................................................................................03.&. Running Tomcat as onRoot %ser...........................................................................1

    Chapter 4. -ep$oying We App$ications..............................................................................12

    4.1. Creating the He$$oWor$d #erv$et................................................................................12

    4.2. -ep$oying 5He$$oWor$d5............................................................................................134.2.1. Creating the directory structure...........................................................................14

    4.2.2. Creating the Conte6t -escriptor *i$e...................................................................1&

    4.2.3. Creating a e.6m$ *i$e *or the e app$ication.................................................1(4.2.4. Copying the serv$ets 7#)s and support *i$es to their respective directories.......1+

    4.3. #aying 5He$$oWor$d5.................................................................................................1+

    4.4. -ep$oying 7ava #erver )ages.....................................................................................1/Chapter &. Administering Tomcat.........................................................................................21

    &.1. The Administration Too$ We Appp$ication.............................................................21

    &.2. The 8anager We App$ication..................................................................................23

    &.3. #tatus We App$ication..............................................................................................23Chapter (. Customi9ing Tomcat...........................................................................................2&

    (.1. -isa$e -irectory !isting...........................................................................................2&

    (.2. Custom -e*au$t )ages................................................................................................2((.3. Custom :rror )ages....................................................................................................2(

    Chapter +. Tomcat Rea$ms....................................................................................................2+

    +.1. :6ercise "vervie.....................................................................................................2++.2. 7-;C Rea$m...............................................................................................................2/

    +.2.1. Insta$$ and #etup the -ataase............................................................................2/

    +.2.2. Insta$$ the 7-;C -river.......................................................................................20+.2.3. #etting %p The -ataase Ta$es.........................................................................20

    +.2.4. Test The 7-;C -river and Connection..............................................................3

    +.2.&. -ep$oy and Test the We App$ication................................................................3

    +.2.(. )repare the ecessary !ogin and :rror HT8!

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    Chapter /. Integrating Tomcat & and Apache 2....................................................................3/

    /.1. %sing mod>@2...........................................................................................................3//.1.1. etting the mod>@2 connector...........................................................................3/

    /.1.2. #erver :nvironment and #ystem Re,uirements..................................................3/

    /.1.3. :6ercise "vervie..............................................................................................30

    /.1.4. ;ui$ding mod>@2................................................................................................4/.1.4.1. Insta$$ Tomcat and veri*y that it is or@ing proper$y..................................4

    /.1.4.2. Insta$$ Apache 2 and veri*y that it is or@ing proper$y...............................4

    /.1.4.3. #hutdon oth Tomcat and Apache............................................................4/.1.4.4. -on$oad compi$e and insta$$ the mod>@2 source *i$es............................4

    /.1.&. :dit Con*iguration

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    Chapter 1. Revision History

    Table 1-1. Revision History Table

    18 June 2004Revised web application deployment section completely, based on discussions

    and contributions from Josh Rehman

    18 June 2004 Updated version numbers of Tomcat in document

    1! June 2004 "dded inte#ration with apache usin# Reverse $ro%y section

    1! June 2004 "dded contribution by "ndrew &lute on buildin# mod'()2 on R*+ -

    1! June 2004 "dded contribution by $atricia .arsten on usin# the Tomcat /eployer on +clipse

    1! June 2004 &reditin# Trevor utler for resolvin# mod'()2 issues on andra)e

    1! "pril 2004 &orrected ()2shm section

    1 "pril 2004Updated mod'()2 procedure for new 204 release $lease don3t use v202 for

    mod'()2 if you can help it

    21 arch 2004 "dded "ppendi% "lternative &onte%t /eployment ethod for Tomcat

    1 arch 2004 "dded "ppendi% " 404 +rror problems with andra)e "/56 server

    22 7ebruary

    2004&ompleted J/& Realm section

    22 7ebruary2004

    7irst edition inpro#ress uploaded

    19 /ecember

    200-Reformatted document in docboo) format for sin#lesource publishin#

    12 ay 200- :nitial Release of Tomcat 4

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    Chapter 2. Introduction

    Tomcat, sometimes )nown as "pache Tomcat, sometimes as Ja)arta Tomcat, is a Java servlet

    en#ine that is the reference implementation used by ;un for its Java servlet and J;$


    2.1. Why Am I Writing This ?

    " few years a#o, when : was wor)in# for a company that was an : business partner, one of

    the thin#s : loved about : software products was the uides and other documentation were for but it did help new users #et productive ?uic)ly,

    and without scarin# them too much

    The Ja)arta #roup produces a lot of documentation for Tomcat, but none of it seemed to be as

    soothin#ly simple to read as the BU >eneral $ublic icense as published by the 7ree ;oftware 7oundation@ either version 2

    of the icense, or Cat your optionD any later version This document is distributed in the hope

    that it will be useful, but E:T*FUT "BG E"RR"BTG@ without even the implied warranty of

    +R&*"BT"::TG or 7:TB+;; 7FR " $"RT:&U"R $UR$F;+ ;ee the >BU >eneral $ublic

    icense for more details

    2.3. What is Tomcat ?

    "ccordin# to its website, httpHAA(a)artaapacheor#Atomcat, "pache Tomcat is

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    2.4. Why ho!"d I #se It ?

    : #et as)ed this ?uestion a lot There are faster servlet en#ines, and there are servlet en#ines

    that are easier to administer, install, confi#ure and deploy There are - reasons why : use

    Tomcat H

    1 :t is free 7ree for commercial and noncommercial use under the "pache license This

    means that if : need a server application to crunch data, and :3m wor)in# in a lar#e

    corporation with no bud#et for software for my department, : can still #et this done,


    2 :t has a lar#e installed base of users This can be a real bonus, especially when you run

    into trouble &hances are, someone somewhere has already encountered, and probably

    fi%ed the problem you are facin# :f you are usin# proprietary software, people are not

    so willin# to share e%pertise and you will probably end up shellin# out money to resolve


    - :t is a reference implementation Typically people e?uate this with

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    2.&. Tested '"at(orms

    : have tested the instructions in this document on the platforms below

    Table 2-2. Teste! latforms


    SystemJava $evelopment %it Tomcat Version &pac'e Version

    7edora &ore 2 : Java 2 v 141 ;R2 02 2049

    7edora &ore 1 : Java 2 v 141 ;R1 018 2048

    (f you are usin# Tomcat version ).0.24* up#ra!e no+ to ).0.2)* or apply t'e

    'otfi, on t'e Jaarta site. T'ere is a problem +it' session 'an!lin# in ).0.24 t'at

    is resolve! by t'e 'otfi, an! t'e latest version of Tomcat.

    (f you are usin# e!ora /ore 2* you +ill nee! to install t'e up#ra!e ernel-2..-1.42or better. T'e stoc i ernel t'at comes +it' t'e /2 !istribution +ill 'an# your

    system +'en anyt'in# Java is run on it. /'ec your local yum repository for latest


  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    Chapter 3. Installing Tomcat

    This chapter covers downloadin# and installin# the Tomcat binaries on a inu% system

    3.1. 'rere)!isites

    efore we be#in, we will need to have a Java 2 ;/. installed This document is based on the

    : Java 2 ;/. v 141 Eith Tomcat , because of dramatic chan#es in inu% in the last year,

    there are a few thin#s you will need to be aware of

    :f you are usin# Red *at 9, 7edora &ore or any inu% distribution that uses the B$T CBative

    $F;:6 Thread ibraryD, you may have problems #ettin# Java to run properly :f you3re #ettin#

    fre?uent se#mentation faults, you mi#ht want to turn off B$T y advice is to #et the latest

    versions of everythin#, that is, install version 141 of the Java 2 ;/. or better, and #et the 2

    inu% )ernel for superior performance

    : will not cover the installation of the Java ;/. here : have a writeup on this and how you

    can turn off B$T at this location

    There are si#nificant differences between Tomcat 4 and Tomcat

    3.2. *o+n"oading The o(t+are

    Gou can find the Tomcat binaries at H httpHAA(a)artaapacheor#AsiteAbininde%c#i;croll to the

    bottom of the pa#e to find the lin)s for Tomcat %, 4% and the web server connectors

    Eith Tomcat , there are now ! files available for download :f you are runnin# inu%AUB:6, the

    pac)a#e you are loo)in# for is the tarball, which at the time of this writin# is 018 tar#I &lic)

    on the lin) and your download should start automatically

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    Table 3-1. Tomcat ) aca#es as at 14 ebruary 2004

    aca#e ame "peratin# System Remars



    This is the base Tomcat pac)a#e Theservlet en#ine and startup scripts are in this




    This is the Tomcat /eployer pac)a#e The

    deployer is for easily deployin# and

    undeployin# web applications, especially if

    you are usin# an :/+ ;ee the "ppendi% for

    inte#ratin# the deployer with +clipse



    This is the embedded Tomcat pac)a#e


    (a)artatomcat02e%e icrosoft Eindows

    This is the installer for icrosoft Eindows

    This probably wor)s on BT4A2000A6$ Bot so

    sure about 9A98A+ :f you )now, please

    email me



    deployerIip, (a)arta



    Gou can use this Iip file on UB:6Ainu%, but

    you will have to remember to set the

    permissions properly before it will wor)

    Ehy #o to all that troubleL Just use the tar


    :f you are usin# Eindows, you have a choice of either the Iip file or the +6+ file : haven3t tried

    runnin# Tomcat on Eindows, so : cannot say anythin# else about it

    3.3. Insta""ing The o(t+are

    There are many ways that you can #et Tomcat installed on your inu% system Gou could use the

    rpm3s that are now available on(pac)a#eor#or the tarballs from the Ja)arta site This

    document covers only the Ja)arta tarballs : have never used the rpm pac)a#es before

    :f you have already downloaded the binary, simply copy it to the directory you want to install it

    under and e%pand the file 7or e%ample, if : downloaded the Tomcat tar file into

    /home/someuser/downloadsand wanted to install it under /opt, here is what : would do "sroot userH

    #cp /home/someuser/downloads/jakarta-tomcat-5.x.xx.tar.gz /opt

    #tar -zxvf jakarta-tomcat-5.x.xx.tar.gz

    " directory called (a)artatomcat%%% will be created and the Tomcat files will e%pand under


    mailto:[email protected]://www.jpackage.org/mailto:[email protected]://www.jpackage.org/
  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    $reviously, : would have recommended that the jakarta-tomcat-5.x.xxdirectory be

    renamed to (ust tomcat *owever, because : e%pect Tomcat to be updated more fre?uently

    for now, since it has only (ust been released, : would instead recommend creatin# a symbolic

    lin) to a tomcatdirectory

    #ln -s jakarta-tomcat-5.0.25 tomcat

    :n order for Tomcat to startup and shutdown, you will also need to add an environment variable

    pointin# to the Tomcat directory C&"T":B"'*F+D, and one variable pointin# to your Java ;/.

    directory CJ"5"'*F+D : will ma)e the followin# assumptionsH


    Java is installed into /opt/IBMJava2-141


    Tomcat is installed into /opt/jakarta-tomcat-5.x.xxand symlin)ed to


    :nsert the followin# lines inside /etc/pro!leor /root/."ashrc

    export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBMJava2-141

    export CATALINA_HOME=/opt/tomcat

    Bow, save the file and reboot the system to ensure that all chan#es ta)e effect

    3.4. tarting and topping Tomcat

    efore we be#in, we will need to ensure that &"T":B"'*F+ and J"5"'*F+ are correctly

    set To do this, we open a terminal and type the followin# H

    #echo $CATALINA_HOME

    #echo $JAVA_HOME

    :f you #et a blan) line, or if the directory points anywhere besides where it is supposed to, you

    will have to correct these environment variables first, before continuin#

    :f everythin# is fine, you can start Tomcat with the followin# command "s root,


    To chec) if Tomcat is runnin# fine, you should open a browser and point the UR to

    httpHAAlocalhostH8080 Gou should see the default Tomcat welcome pa#e :t would be a #ood

    idea, at this point, to browse the documentation or try out the e%ample servlets and Java;erver

    $a#es samples

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    To stop Tomcat, as root,


    :f Tomcat does not start and you downloaded the Iip file, the cause is probably due to

    permissions +nsure that the followin# files are e%ecutable H inside #$%&%'I(%)*+M,/"!ndirectory,

    #chmod +x startup.sh

    #chmod +x shutdown.sh

    #chmod +x tomcat.sh

    "fter you have made the files e%ecutable, try startin# and stoppin# Tomcat a#ain

    3.$. !nning Tomcat as -onoot #ser

    : don3t believe there any issues with runnin# Tomcat as root user *owever, for the moresecurityconscious readers out there, here are some instructions on runnin# Tomcat as a non

    root user

    "t this sta#e, the Tomcat pac)a#es, files and binaries are owned by root Ee will first need to

    create a Tomcat user and #roup that will own these files, and under which Tomcat will run

    Tomcat ser 55tomcat

    Tomcat 6roup 55tomcat

    Bot too ima#inative, huh L Ee will now create the Tomcat user and #roup Fpen a terminal

    window and, as root,

    #groupadd tomcat

    #useradd -g tomcat -d /opt/tomcat tomcat

    #passwd tomcat

    Botice that we specified the home directory of Tomcat to be AoptAtomcat ;ome people believe

    that this is #ood practice because it eliminates an additional home directory that needs to be


    Bow, we will put everythin# in AoptAtomcat under Tomcat user and #roup "s root,

    #chown -R tomcat:tomcat /opt/tomcat

    :f /opt/tomcatis a symlin) to your Tomcat install directory, you3ll need to do thisH

    #chown -R tomcat:tomcat /opt/jakarta-tomcat-5.x.xx

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    5erify that J"5"'*F+ and &"T":B"'*F+ environment variables are setup for tomcat user,

    and you should be #ood to #o Fnce the Tomcat binaries are under Tomcat user, the way you

    invo)e it will be different

    To start Tomcat,

    #su - tomcat -c /opt/tomcat/bin/startup.sh

    To stop Tomcat,

    #su - tomcat -c /opt/tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh

    "lso, be aware that your web applications will need to be deployed Cie copied to the web

    application directoriesD as user tomcat, instead of root " little more hassle, but possibly a little

    safer too

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    Chapter 4. Deploying We !pplications

    " Java servletAJ;$ en#ine is not really useful without servlets and J;$s, and deployin# servlets

    can sometimes be a difficult and errorprone process, because, in addition to writin# and

    compilin# the servlet, you will need to edit at least 2 6 files to #et the servlet properly

    deployed : will cover the manual method here, but there are other ways, such as usin# the

    ana#er Eeb "pplication or developin# an "nt build process There is also a deployer pac)a#e

    that you can download : don3t )now how to use it thou#h :f you do )now, please email meM

    Ee will write and compile a simple

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat



    Bow, we save the file as *elloEorld(ava and compile it *ere, you will find the first of several

    differences between Tomcat 4 and Tomcat

    :f you3re li)e me, you normally use the servlet classes supplied by Tomcat to compile your

    servlets, ta)e note that the filename of the pac)a#e has chan#ed H it is now called servlet-

    ap!.jar, not servlet.jar, as it was previously C "m : wron# L et me )now MD

    :f you don3t )now what :3m tal)in# about, (ust compile the servlet usin# the followin# commandH

    #javac -classpath $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/servlet-api.jar


    To avoid havin# to )ey in the

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    4.2.1. Creating the directory structure

    efore you be#in deployment, you will need to create a directory structure under the

    #$%&%'I(%)*+M,/we"appsdirectory that conforms to the servlet specifications 7or our


  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    :B7Alib drivers, they should be copied here

    To illustrate this #raphically, our final web application should be laid out as shown belowH

    /irectory structure of a new web application

    4.2.2. Creating the Conte"t Descriptor #ile

    T'is section 'as been revise! an! is !ifferent from ol!er versions of t'is !ocument. See

    t'is &ppen!i,for an e,planation of t'e c'an#es.

    The conte%t descriptor file, accordin# to the Tomcat official documentation, is

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    Tomcat server confi#uration "n added benefit is that web applications deployed in this way do

    not re?uire a stop and restart of the Tomcat server process Tomcat should automatically pic) it

    up while it is still runnin#

    4.2.3. Creating a $e."ml #ile #or the $e application

    The file web%ml is sometimes )nown as a deployment descriptor, and it is basically the

    confi#uration file for your web application :n this file, you determine, amon# other thin#s H

    the UR of the servlets in your web application

    the authentication method you wish to use

    Gour filter definitions

    7or now, we will simply re#ister *elloorldas a servlet in the web application called

    M!rst Ee create a new we".xmlfile with the followin# contents inside it H





    Gou will notice that we had to do two thin#s here H

    "ssociate the servlet class file Cin this case, *elloEorldclassD with a handlerC*elloEorldD

    /efine how the servlet is accessed via a UR

    :n previous releases of Tomcat, if you did not define the Nservletmappin#O element, you could

    still invo)e the servlet by typin# httpHAAhostnamedomaincomAy7irstAservletA*elloEorld "s of

    version 4118, this option is turned off, and you will have to define your servlet3s UR:

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    :n the we".xmlfile we (ust created, we told Tomcat that the servlet called *elloorld.class

    is referred to as *elloorld, and that the UR by which this servlet is to be referred to is


    4.2.4. Copying the servlets% &'(s and support #iles to their respective


    Bow we can copy the Java class file that we compiled earlier, into the deployment directory

    ecause this is a servlet, it will #o into #$%&%'I(%)*+M,/we"apps/M!rst/,B-

    I(/classesdirectory There is no need to copy the source file into that directory

    7or more complicated deployments, such as servlets that re?uire additional classes, such as

    J/& drivers, or libraries, these additional files must be stored inside the /,B-I(/l!"

    subdirectory of the web application directory :f you wish to ma)e these libraries available to all

    web applications in Tomcat, save them inside #$%&%'I(%)*+M,/common/l!"/directory

    7or Java;erver $a#es CJ;$sD, the P(sp files #o in the same directory as the static *T files,

    that is, under #$%&%'I(%)*+M,/we"apps/M)e")%ppl!cat!on/

    4.3. aying 0/e""oWor"d0

    Testin# your servlet

    Ee are now ready to test our *elloEorld servlet ;ince this is the first servlet we are testin#,

    and we are not really sure what we will see, : stron#ly advise #oin# into 6 Eindows and openin#

    several terminal windows to display error and information messa#es, as they occur *ere3s how

    we3re #oin# to test and see if our Tomcat deployment can indeed say

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    #cd $CATALINA_HOME/logs

    #tail -f localhost_log.YYYY-MM-DD.txt

    substitute GGG// with the date Cfor e%ample H 200-0211D

    "s Tomcat starts up, you can see the messa#es it writes to the 2 lo# files C3tail f3 opens theterminal window in a )ind of console mode, so you can see events as they happenD :f there are

    any errors, they will be reflected, sometimes in a very verbose fashion Ta)e note of the errors,

    if there are any, and report them on the mailin# list, if you cannot solve it yourself

    :f Tomcat started without errors Cor even if it did have errorsD, we can test the servlet with our


    /'ecin# +it' a bro+ser

    1 Fpen Betscape or oIilla on the local machine

    2 7or the UR, )ey in H httpHAAlocalhostH8080Ay7irstA*elloEorld

    - Gou should see a web pa#e that says, very emphatically,

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    #cd $CATALINA_HOME/bin

    #./jspc.sh $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/MyFirst/index.jsp

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    Chapter ). !dministering Tomcat

    There are three administration tools bundled with Tomcat They areH

    ;erver ;tatus application

    Tomcat "dministration Tool

    Tomcat ana#er

    These web applications are bundled with Tomcat by default and can be accessed from the left

    sidebar of Tomcat3s default pa#e These tools address the need for simplified administration

    which other servlet en#ines, such as Eebsphere or Eeblo#ic, provide

    $.1. The Administration Too" We Appp"ication

    The "dministration Tool web application is the >U: tool for administerin# Tomcat efore we can

    use it, or any of the >U: tools, we will first need to create a Tomcat administrator account, a

    Tomcat mana#er account and two rolesH

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    ;ave the file, start Tomcat and open a browser Gou should be able to access the "dministartion

    Tool web application by clic)in# on the U: "n e%ample of this >U:

    is shown below The "dministration Tool has collapsible menus on the left &lic) on any of the

    icons in the left pane to display information and settin#s in the ri#ht pane /ependin# on the

    specifications of your server, the display of settin#s and information in the ri#ht pane can be

    very slow M Gou have to be patient and restrain your ur#e to )eep clic)in# if the system seems


    Tomcat "dministration Tool

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    $.2. The anager We App"ication

    Gou can access the ana#er Eeb "pplication by clic)in# the U: that allows you to view the status of

    your installed web applications and even deploy new web applications There is also a lin) to the

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    ;tatus Eeb "pplication

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    Chapter *. Customi+ing Tomcat

    This section e%plores some of the ways you can control the way Tomcat operates This is not

    e%haustive Tomcat is e%tremely sophisticated software and there are a lot of thin#s you can

    chan#e or twea)

    &.1. *isa"e *irectory Listing

    7or fresh Tomcat installations, directory listin# is enabled by default This can be a very useful

    debu##in# tool, and if, li)e me, you sometimes for#et what servlets are deployed in a certain

    web application, you can #et a complete listin# by simply )eyin# in the web application3s UR

    ut for production deployments, you may want to turn it off :f nothin# else, it discoura#es users

    from po)in# around where they should not There are basically 2 methods of

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    This is the first section in web%ml The options that concern us are H



    &han#e NparamvalueO to false and you turn off directory listin# :t is that simple

    &.2. C!stom *e(a!"t 'ages

    Tomcat uses the same convention as the "pache Eeb ;erver in that inde%html is the default or

    home pa#e of any directory ;ometimes you may want to chan#e that to pa#e1html or maybe a

    J;$ pa#e, li)e now'see'this(sp

    To do that, simply open the web%ml of your web application, and add the followin# lines H




    To chan#e it systemwide, edit the #lobal web%ml in #$%&%'I(%)*+M,/con, and chan#e the

    NwelcomefileO to point to the file of your choice

    &.3. C!stom rror 'ages

    Unhappy with the default error pa#es that come with Tomcat L Gou can define your own custom

    error pa#es in your we".xmlfile :n the e%ample shown below, we define 2 web pa#es

    server)error.htmland !le)not)ound.html which will be displayed when the server

    encounters an error 00 or an error 404 respectively





    Gou should bear in mind, however, that the order of the ta#s for the web%ml file is very

    important :f the order in your web%ml file is incorrect, Tomcat will output errors on startup

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    Chapter ,. Tomcat Realms

    ;ometimes, you need to protect your web pa#es andAor web applications, so only re#istered

    users can #et access to them To most endusers, they understand this as the lo#in pa#e of the

    website To some technical professionals, this is )nown as the authentication facility

    " realm is a collection of pa#es, ima#es and applications Ccollectively )nown as

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    Fnce you have wor)ed throu#h this e%ample, : am hopin# that you will also be able to infer the

    steps for your own particular setup

    5.2. *7C ea"m

    This type of realm involves storin# the credentials of your users Cie their usernames, passwordsand assi#ned rolesD inside a database Tomcat will then need to be confi#ured to use this

    database and the J/& realm option inside the confi#uration files will need to be enabled

    ;ettin# up a J/& Realm involves the followin# stepsH

    1 :nstall and ;etup The /atabase

    2 :nstall the J/& /river

    - ;etup the /atabase Tables

    4 Test The J/& /river and &onnection

    /eploy and Test the Eeb "pplication

    $repare the Becessary o#in and +rror *T 7iles

    ! +dit Tomcat3s server%ml To +nable J/& Realm

    8 +dit the Eeb "pplication3s web%ml To Re?uire "uthentication

    9 ;tart Tomcat and Test

    7or this e%ercise, : shall be buildin# on my 7irebird v 1 for inu% article Gou can use any

    database product you li)e, as lon# as it provides a J/& driver Cyou could use an F/& driver

    and a J/&F/& driver, but you may want to reconsider this for production deploymentsD The

    ;= synta% may also differ, so you should e%pect some differences between my instructions and

    your own re?uirements

    ,.2.1. Install and 'etup the Dataase

    To use the J/& realm, you will need to have a database to store your user credentials :f you

    have not already done so, install a database, or use an e%istin# database on your server or

    networ) This document will not cover the installation of database products

    Gou will also need to ensure that your database can startup and shutdown, and you should be

    reasonably familiar with operations on the database you have chosen : will not cover these

    aspects here

    :f you are a icrosoft ;= ;erver user, : cannot help you : do not use that product, and : hear

    that there are all sorts of problems accessin# it with a J/& driver : personally prefer 7irebird,

    because of its compact siIe and because it is free

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    ,.2.2. Install the &D-C Driver

    "s : mentioned earlier, you will need a suitable J/& driver to connect to your database product

    : say

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    user9name :varc'ar;2)< not null= role9name :varc'ar;20< not null=

    isabellec mana#er

    isabellec tomcat

    daytonr mana#er

    daytonr tomcat

    aIleaa tomcat

    primary ey ;username* rolename<

    : will not cover the ;= statements re?uired :f you need hints, please read my 7irebird article,

    which covers the creation of the two tables, but only for 7irebird

    Botice that : specified - different roles here H admin, mana#er and tomcat The admin and

    mana#er roles are builtin roles for Tomcat, that allow access to the ana#er web application

    and the Tomcat "dministration Tool Ee can actually test if our J/& realm wor)s later by

    seein# if user

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    *ere is the lo#in pa#e for this e%erciseH

    Login Page

    Login to MyFirst

    If you have been issued a username and password, key them in here now!

    Username :

    Password :

    Bote the form elements The form action is

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat



    er ame


    e?uivalentarameter Value Remars




    n UR



    To find out

    the synta%

    and values of



    UR, refer to

    your J/&







    connectionBame ;G;/"

    This is the

    usernameyou use to

    lo#in to the



    the realm







    ord password

    This is the

    lo#in user3s



    TableuserTable tcusers


    containin# list

    of authoriIed

    users for the



    &olumn of



    userBame&ol user'name

    The name of

    the column


    the list of

    users inside

    the UserTable



    &olumn of



    user&red&ol user'pwd The name of

    the column




  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat



    er ame


    e?uivalentarameter Value Remars


    password in

    the UserTable

    Role Table userRoleTable tcroles



    the list of

    users and







    roleBame&ol role'name

    The name of

    the columncontainin#

    the user3s



    Eith this information, we can form the followin# re?uired stanIa for the J/& realmH

    ,.2.5. dit the We !pplications $e."ml To Re6uire !uthentication

    Ee need to confi#ure the web application to re?uire authentication as well "t this sta#e, we

    determine which resources to protect, who has access, and how we want to protect these

    resources That is, we define the directories andAor the files to protect Chtml, (sp, ima#e files or

    all filesD, which role has access and which type of authentication we want to use C7ormbased,

    asic, &ustom or /i#estD

    7or this e%ercise, this is what we want to protectH

    +verythin# in the y7irst application, that is, all *T files, ima#e files, J;$ files,

    servlets, te%t files, everythin#M

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    "ny and all access methods, that is, *TT$ >+T, $UT, $F;T, /++T+, will #et the lo#in


    Eho can access itH

    Fnly users with the 3tomcat3 role are allowed to access the y7irst web application

    *ow we want to protect the resourcesH

    Ee will use 7ormbased authentication

    The lo#in pa#e is lo!n.html

    The error pa#e, if the user )eys in the wron# username or password is autherr.html

    Ee also need to define the roles that will have access 7or this e%ercise, we only want users with

    the 3tomcat3 role to have access

    To e%press these re?uirements, we )ey in the stanIa below into the web application3s we".xml

    file, after the Nservletmappin#O section and before the terminatin# NAwebappO ta#


    accessible by authenticated users of the

    tomcat role





    These roles are allowed access



    MyFirst Protected Area



    Only 'tomcat' role is allowed to access this web

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat




    T'e or!er of t'e sections is important@ (f you #et errors on Tomcat startup* it may be

    !ue to t'e or!erin# of your sections. or e,ample* t'e Asecurity-constraintB sectioncan "CD come after t'e Aservlet-mappin#B section. or more !etails on t'e proper

    or!er* rea! t'e Servlet Specifications !ocument.

    Bow, we are finally ready to test our J/& realm M

    ,.2.7. 'tart Tomcat and Test

    5erify that the lo#inhtml and autherrhtml files are in the y7irst web application directory Gour

    Tomcat en#ine should be stopped at this time ;tart Tomcat and open a browser Try to access

    the *elloEorld servlet Gou should #et redirected to the lo#in pa#e Csee belowD

    .ey in the username and password of a user who does PnotP have the tomcat role Gou should

    #et the error pa#e

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    Be%t, )ey in the username and password of a user who has the 3tomcat3 role, and clic) the o#in

    button Gou should then see the familiar *elloEorld servlet pa#e

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    Chapter 5. Integrating Tomcat ) and !pache 2

    There are two ways Cthat : )now ofD to inte#rate Tomcat with "pache 2H

    "pache can be confi#ured to pro%y re?uests sent to Tomcat

    "pache can pass re?uests to Tomcat via connectors such as mod'()2

    8.1. #sing mod9:;2

    : don3t )now if mod'() still wor)s for Tomcat : do )now that mod'webapp development

    seems to have lapsed, so : shall concentrate on mod'()2 inte#ration :f you )now of other

    methods of inte#ratin# Tomcat and "pache, please let me )now M

    5.1.1. 8etting the mod9:;2 connectorT'e Jaarta #roup release! version 2.0.4 of t'e mo!9E2 connector on 2 Farc' 2004.

    T'is release inclu!es source paca#es an! RF paca#es for e!ora /ore 1* Suse G an!

    Suse SC7S . ( +ill only be coverin# t'e source paca#e compilation on e!ora /ore for

    t'is !ocument.

    >inary RF paca#es are available for e!ora /ore 1* SS7 G.0 an! SS7 SC7S at t'e

    Jaarta !o+nloa! site or mirrors. (m not #oin# to be coverin# t'e RF paca#es in

    t'is !ocument.

    T'is release cleans up a lot of t'e bu#s an! annoyances t'at use! to pla#ue users of

    t'e previous release. (ts actually ?uite #oo! -- but t'en* Henri 6omeI !oes #oo!+or @

    The source pac)a#e cannot be accessed directly from the lin)s on the Ja)arta site Cstran#ely

    enou#hMD "nd because the Ja)arta site will redirect you to the nearest mirror, the location of the

    source pac)a#e may vary from site to site y local mirror has the source tarball in this locationH


    :f you clic)ed on the lin) for the J.2 inary Releases on the Ja)arta site, you will need to clic) on

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    Table -1. Server /omponents


    $istributionJava Virtual Fac'ine







    7edora &ore 1: Java 2 ;/. v141

    ;R12048 018 204

    The followin# libraries were also installedH












    : believe that they are all re?uired for the compilation of the J.2 source pac)a#es :f you #et a

    AlibAcpp sanity chec) failure when runnin# the confi#ure script, chec) that you have the followin#




    7or all the above items, : am not sure if the version matters, but these versions wor)ed for me

    5.1.3. "ercise

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    (nte#ratin# &pac'e an! Tomcat +it' J%2

    1 :nstall Tomcat and verify that it is wor)in# properly

    2 :nstall "pache 2 and verify that it is wor)in# properly

    - ;hutdown both Tomcat and "pache

    4 /ownload, build and install the mod'()2 source files

    +dit the confi#uration files httpd.con, jk2.propert!es, workers2.propert!es

    and server.xml

    ;tart Tomcat

    ! ;tart "pache

    8 5erify that everythin# wor)s

    5.1.4. -uilding mod9:;2 Install Tomcat and verify that it is working properly

    :nstall Tomcat and verify that all the servlet and J;$ e%amples wor) properly :f you wor)ed

    throu#h the earlier sections, you should already have a wor)in# Tomcat setup Install Apache 2 and verify that it is working properly

    : am usin# the R$ pac)a#es for 7edora &ore for this e%ercise : will not be coverin# the

    installation of the source tarball or other R$ pac)a#es :n any case, there are plenty of

    resources and documentation available for this tas)

    5erify that "pache 2 is wor)in# by startin# and stoppin# the http daemon and try to access web

    pa#es on it Shtdown !oth Tomcat and Apache

    :f you are ready to build the mod'()2 binary from the source pac)a#e, you should shutdown

    both Tomcat and "pache Ee will start them up momentarily, after we have finished the ne%t

    step "ownload# compile and install the mod$%k2 sorce files

    :f you have already downloaded the pac)a#e, navi#ate to the download directory and unpac) the


    [chongym@localhost mod_jk2]$tar -zxvf jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat



    Bow, you will need to navi#ate to the build directory

    [chongym@localhost mod_jk2]$cd jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-2.0.4-

    src/jk/native2/[chongym@localhost native2]$ls

    aclocal.m4 B8I'9.txt common I(:&%''.txt scr!pts

    apr "u!ld.xml con!ure jn! server

    autom4te.cache $*%(;,:.html con!ure.!n Make!le.!n :&%&8:.txt

    "u!ldcon.sh $*%(;,:.txt !nclude

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    :f it completes successfully, you should see somethin# li)e thisH

    l!"tool !nstall warn!n remem"er to run ?l!"tool --!n!sh


    /"!n/cp ../../../"u!ld/jk2/apache2//usr/l!"/httpd/modules/l!"jkjn!.so


    make01 'eav!n d!rector



    Ee don3t really need to run 3libtool3, but for the sa)e of completeness, let3s e%ecute it as

    su##ested by the messa#es above

    0rootAlocalhost nat!ve2 l!"tool --!n!sh


    '!"rar!es have "een !nstalled !n

    I ou ever happen to want to l!nk aa!nst !nstalled l!"rar!es

    !n a !ven d!rectorC 'IB9I

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    chmod 55 /usr/l!"/httpd/modules/mod)jk2.so

    "t this point : would li)e to e%plain a little about what ap%s is and what it does "ccordin# to the

    "pache documentation, "$6; is the "$ache e6ten;ion Tool :t3s stated purpose is for buildin#

    and installin# e%tension modules to "pache by buildin# /ynamic ;hared Fb(ect C/;FD files from

    source files Ehat this means is that : can add e%tensions to the "pache web server withoutneedin# to recompile it

    :f the apxscommand e%ecuted successfully, you should find both mod'()2so and lib()(niso

    inside the current directory, which isH your_download_directory/jakarta-tomcat-


    Gou should then copy those two files into /usr/l!"/httpd/modules/ Bote that you will have

    to rename l!"jkjn!.soto jkjn!.so

    [root@localhost apache2]#cp libjkjni.so /usr/lib/httpd/modules/jkjni.so

    [root@localhost apache2]#cp mod_jk2.so /usr/lib/httpd/modules/mod_jk2.so

    5.1.). dit Con#iguration iles httpd.con#% :;2.properties%$or;ers2.properties and server."ml.

    "t this point, you have to ma)e a choice about the type of connection channel you want to use

    to connect "pache with Tomcat There are 4 types of connections

    &hannel soc)ets

    UB:6 soc)ets

    "$R soc)ets

    JB: channels

    5.1.*. Con#iguring #or /I= soc;ets

    : will only be coverin# the confi#uration for UB:6 soc)ets in this document

    8.1.&.1. 'nvironment (aria!les

    Gou will need to set one environment variable inside catal!na.sh ocate the followin# code

    bloc) inside the scriptH

    # Get standard environment variables

    PRGDIR=`dirname "$PRG"`

    CATALINA_HOME=`cd "$PRGDIR/.." ; pwd`

    if [ -r "$CATALINA_HOME"/bin/setenv.sh ]; then

    . "$CATALINA_HOME"/bin/setenv.sh


  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    "ppend below it the followin# lines and save the file

    # Set serverRoot


    export serverRoot

    Be%t, you will need to edit your confi#uration files Try not to use the default files that come with

    your source download The default files have a lot of options inside them, and may not wor)

    Dou FST ensure t'at &pac'e an! Tomcat 'ave been s'ut!o+n before e!itin# t'ese

    files because t'ey may be over-+ritten +'en eit'er !aemon is starte!.

    There are - files you will need to edit and one file you will need to chec)H

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    Table -2. /onfi#uration iles or ( socets

    ilename Cocation &ction To Tae

    httpd.con /etc/httpd/con/ +dit this file

    jk2.propert!es /opt/tomcat/con &reate this file

    workers2.propert!es /etc/httpd/con &reate this file

    server.xml /opt/tomcat/con &hec) this file

    8.1.&.2. httpd.conf

    Gou will need to ma)e "pache2 aware of the Tomcat connector "dd the followin# lines into

    httpdconf, at the end of the oadodule bloc)H

    LoadModule jk2_module /usr/lib/httpd/mod_jk2.so

    8.1.&.3. %k2.properties

    ac)up the e%istin# ()2properties file in this directory, then create a new ()2properties

    implementin# UB:6 soc)ets, as shown below H

    # jk2.properties

    # Configured for channel UNIX

    # Set the desired handler listhandler.list=apr,request,channelUnix

    # UNIX Domain socket location


    # Dynamic Library



    8.1.&.4. workers2.properties

    " sample wor)ers2properties implementin# UB:6 soc)ets is shown below H

    # workers2.properties

    # Shared memory handling. Needs to be set.


    info=Scoreboard. Required for reconfiguration and status with multiprocess

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat








    # UNIX domain socket




    # define the worker



    # Announce a "status" worker


    info=Status worker. Displays runtime information.



    # Uri mapping


    # Uri mapping for MyFirst


    8.1.&.). server.*ml

    Gou will need to ensure that the followin# code bloc) in server.xmlis uncommented y

    default, it already is, but if you have been tin)erin# with your setup, you would probably want to

    chec), (ust to be sure

    8.1.&.&. +heck for %k2.shm

    +arlier, you defined a file jk2.shmin workers2.propert!es This file should be automatically

    created when Tomcat is run ;tart Tomcat now, if you have not already done so and verify that

    the file is created and is writeable by the UB:6 user that the Tomcat daemon runs under 7or

    this e%ercise, that user would be 3tomcat3

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    8.1.&.,. %k2.socket -ermissions

    This file is crucial for communications between "pache and Tomcat, and therefore must be

    readable and writeable by both the "pache user and the Tomcat user This file is also

    automatically #enerated when Tomcat starts up This file has read and write permissions for user

    and #roup This means that you need to put both the "pache user and the Tomcat user in thesame #roup 7or this e%ercise, we will put 7edora3s "pache user, called 3apache3 inside the

    Tomcat #roup, called 3tomcat3H

    [root@localhost logs]#usermod -G apache,tomcat apache

    8.1.&.8. "eploying e! Applications

    7or every web application, we must supply a Uri mappin# 7or e%ample, for our y7irst web

    application, we simply append to our wor)ers2properties the followin#H


    Bow, you are ready to test ;ince both "pache and Tomcat are stopped, we will need to start

    them up

    5.1.,. 'tart Tomcat

    7or the confi#urations defined here, the startup processes for "pache 2 and Tomcat are

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    [root@localhost run]#tail -f /var/httpd2/logs/error_log

    5.1.7. >eri#y that everything $or;s

    Fpen a browser and )ey in the UR 7or our web application 3y7irst3, the UR to )ey in for the

    *elloEorld servlet would behttp//localhost/M!rst/*elloorld

    :f you #et an error,

    chec) to see if you followed the instructions closely "nother thin# to chec) are the error lo#s

    :f everythin# wor)s, con#ratulations M Gou have successfully inte#rated "pache and Tomcat M

    8.2. everse 'ro6y +ith Apache

    :f you don3t want to mess with the comple%ities of mod'()2, but you need to put "pache in front

    of Tomcat, there is an alternative, and that is to setup reverse pro%yin# in "pache

    "ccordin# to the "pacheEee) website,

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    where it defines Tomcat3s server hostname in the $ro%y$ass and $ro%y$assReverse

    directives and ma)e the appropriate chan#es

    5.2.3. dit Tomcats server.xml

    Gou will need to locate the followin# stanIa and uncomment it

    Bote that in the stanIa above, we are usin# port 8082 as the reverse pro%y port for Tomcat Gou

    will need to remember this when we edit "pache3s confi#uration

    5.2.4. dit !paches httpd.conf

    Gou need to ensure that the followin# pro%y directives inside httpd.conare uncommented

    Cwhich they normally are by defaultD

    LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so

    LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/mod_proxy_ftp.so

    LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so

    LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/mod_proxy_connect.so

    There are actually 2 ways that you can add reverse pro%yin# to "pache The first involves usin#

    the NocationO directive while the second involves settin# up a 5irtual *ost definition : will be

    coverin# the second option

    ;uppose that we have a virtual host www.v!rao.com.s, and its :$ address is

    12.1K3..2, and we want to use namebased virtual hostin#

    Ee add the followin# line into httpd.conH


    Then we setup the virtual host stanIa li)e soH

    ServerName www.virago.com.sg

    DocumentRoot /var/www/html

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    no special lo##in# defined, the access lo# is localhost)lo.Esome)dateF.txt &hec) if any

    re?uests are comin# into Tomcat :f none are, then you )now you have a networ) problem

    ;pea) to your networ) administrator to resolve it

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    Chapter 7. Re#erences and se#ul 0in;s

    "re you usin# a different Java2 ;/., or a different "pache version L Fr maybe your deployment

    is different you need virtual hostin# instead of the relatively strai#htforward method of

    deployment shown here Fr maybe you (ust thin) that my writin# suc)s

    Eell, there is an alternative to (ust flamin# meM There are a lot of other people who have

    volunteered their time and effort, producin# ?uality documentation for Tomcat isted below are

    some lin)s that you may find useful "lso, if you )now of any #ood sites, or if you want me to

    lin) to your site, please email meM

    7irst, some lin)s to pa#es that e%plain other deployment methods or environmentsH

    Table G-1. References "n Various Tomcat $eployments

    /onfi#uration $escription

    Tomcat 412! Q "pache 204! Q

    mod'() CR*9D

    John Turner3s e%cellent *FETF for usin# mod'() instead

    of mod'()2 to connect Tomcat and "pache 2 Gou can find

    it here This is for Red *at inu% 9

    Tomcat 4118 Q "pache 204- Q

    mod'() CEindows 6$A2000D

    "nother e%cellent *FETF by John Turner, this time for the

    Eindows platform Gou can find it here

    Eeb ;ervices with Tomcat Q "pache

    Q ;truts Q $ost#re;= Q Fpen;;

    Q J/&

    Fscar &arrillo3s e%cellent writeup on this dauntin#

    confi#uration Gou can find it here, and is well worth the

    effort wor)in# throu#h it

    Tomcat 40%A41% 5irtual *ostin#

    >alatea3s 7lash>uides "lways useful Gou can find the

    details here There are other flash#uides which you can

    find here

    Tomcat 41% Q "pache 2 Q

    mod'()2Ja)arta site3s mini*FETF for virtual hostin#

    &oncise Tomcat 41% Q ;un Java 2

    ;/. Q "pache 2

    ichael &ardon has written a more concise article on this,

    compared to my verbose one :f you3re in a hurry, he is

    your man Read it here

    ;ome interestin# articles and reference materials on TomcatH

    Java ;ervlet ;pecifications 24

    Tomcat is an implementation of version 24 of the Java ;ervlet ;pecifications ;ome

    ?uestions are best answered by #oin# bac) to this document


    mailto:[email protected]://www.johnturner.com/howto/apache2-tomcat4127-jk-rh9-howto.htmlhttp://www.johnturner.com/howto/winxp-howto.htmlhttp://www.linuxjava.net/howto/webapp/http://www.galatea.com/flashguides/virtual-hosting-tomcat.xmlhttp://www.galatea.com/flashguides/indexhttp://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-4.1-doc/jk2/jk2/vhosthowto.htmlhttp://www.cardon.biz/docs/tomcat/http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/final/jsr154/index.htmlhttp://www.onjava.com/http://www.onjava.com/mailto:[email protected]://www.johnturner.com/howto/apache2-tomcat4127-jk-rh9-howto.htmlhttp://www.johnturner.com/howto/winxp-howto.htmlhttp://www.linuxjava.net/howto/webapp/http://www.galatea.com/flashguides/virtual-hosting-tomcat.xmlhttp://www.galatea.com/flashguides/indexhttp://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-4.1-doc/jk2/jk2/vhosthowto.htmlhttp://www.cardon.biz/docs/tomcat/http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/final/jsr154/index.htmlhttp://www.onjava.com/
  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    The F3Reilly site has some really useful articles on Java and Tomcat There3s an article

    on the Top Ten Tomcat &onfi#uration Tipsand one on new features in Tomcat , Ehat3s

    Bew in Tomcat Gou should chec) the site periodically for new articles

    The Tomcat oo) $ro(ect

    This is a ;ourcefor#e pro(ect that seems to have lapsed ;ome useful information here,

    nonetheless and the writin# is a lot better than mine in some places $lus, there are

    translations M

    Ja)arta ;ite3s Tomcat 7"=

    This 7"= seems to be compiled from truly fre?uently as)ed ?uestions on the Tomcat

    mailin# list

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    !ppendi" !. mod9:;2 4?4 rror (rolem @With Help rom Trevor


    T'is solution +as !evelope! +it' 'elp from Trevor >utler.

    : have found that for certain versions of inu%, the deployment method : described for "pache

    Tomcat inte#ration with mod'()2 may not wor) ;pecifically, entries in the confi#uration file

    workers2.propert!esthat map web application conte%ts on Tomcat may not wor) : have

    noticed this anomaly when the components described below are usedH

    Table &-1. otentially roblematic /ombination "f /omponents

    inu% distribution andra)e 92

    "pache version andra)e3s "dvanced +%tranet ;erver

    mod'()2 J$ac)a#e mod'()2 R$ pac)a#e

    A.1. 'ro"em *escription

    Gou #et

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    Fne solution around this is to specify each and every resource in the web application conte%t

    7or e%ample, for the *elloEorld servlet and !ndex.jsp, you would need 2 UR: mappin#s in

    workers2.propert!es, not (ust one



    :f you have a lot of servlets, J;$s, *T pa#es, etc, this approach may be unfeasible ;o, how

    do you use wildcards in this situationL

    A.3. A o"!tion

    "s it turns out, specifyin# your conte%t in workers2.propert!esis not the only way to tell

    "pache to route web application conte%t re?uests to Tomcat The web application conte%t can be

    specified within "pache3s own confi#uration file :f you are usin# andra)e3s "dvanced +%tranet

    ;erver, that file would be /etc/httpd2/con/httpd2.con :f you use this approach, you

    may need to delete the UR: conte%ts in workers2.propert!es

    : will use the e%ample developed earlier in this tutorial ;uppose : have a *elloEorld servlet and

    an !ndex.jspfile in the conte%t called M!rst : will assume that you either built the

    mod'()2so and ()(niso libraries successfully, or that you downloaded and have already

    successfully installed the mod'()2 R$ pac)a#e from J$ac)a#eor#

    To specify the y7irst web application conte%t to "pache, we append the followin# lines to the

    bottom of /etc/httpd2/con/httpd2.conH

    # URI definitions

    JkUriSet worker ajp13

    :n some cases, you may need to enclose the conte%t definitions inside IfModule, li)e soH

    # URI definitions

    JkUriSet worker ajp13

    Botice that this specifies a wildcard This means that a browser that re?uests anythin# from

    http//doma!n.com/M!rst/, will automatically have his re?uest routed by "pache to


    This solved the problem for me :f you )now of anythin# else that may help, or if you would li)e

    to e%pand on my solution, feel free to email meM

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    !ppendi" -. !out the changes in $e application deployment


    Fne of the thin#s : really en(oy about Fpen ;ource software is that you can sometimes #et

    useful insi#hts from people smarter and more e%perienced than yourself : had an interestin#

    discussion with Josh Rehman on the relative merits of deployin# web applications usin# the

    server.xmlmethod or usin# the conte%t descriptor method

    Josh3s position is that the conte%t descriptor method should become the canonical method for

    web application deployment for many reasonsH the unreliability of server.xmledits

    propa#atin# throu#h the server, and the difficulty of removin# those conte%ts that are already


    : had not considered that position before, probably because : do not run Tomcat in a hi#h

    volume, missioncritical environment Thin#s are different in the little corner of "sia where : stay

    and wor) The traffic is much lower and you can pretty much reboot the server anytime you

    wish ;o brin#in# down the Tomcat server process to add, modify or delete a conte%t is feasible

    :f, however, you have responsibilities for a lar#e deployment of Tomcat servers, or (ust a Tomcat

    server runnin# in a hi#h volume environment, the #ame chan#es fundamentally Gou will need

    somethin# that allows for

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    !ppendi" C. -uilding mod9:;2 on Red Hat nterprise 0inu" 3 BRH0

    @Contriuted y !ndre$ CluteA

    T'is solution +as contribute! by &n!re+ /lute. T'e actual te,t of t'e email 'as

    been a!apte! for instructions.

    These steps apply to a stoc) R*+ install and mod'()2 version 204 $lease refer to the chapter

    on --with-apr-lib=/usr/lib \

    > --with-tomcat-41=$CATALINA_HOME \

    > --with-java-home=$JAVA_HOME \

    > --with-jni

    2. "fter confi#ure e%ecutes successfully, you will need to to modify the a)efile inside./server/apache2 ocate the followin# bloc)H

    ifdef APR_LIBDIR_LA



    JK_LDFLAGS=-lcrypt ${APR_LIBS}


    "nd chan#e it to thisH

    ifdef APR_LIBDIR_LA



    JK_LDFLAGS=-lcrypt ${APR_LIBS} -laprutil-0


    Bote the addition of -laprutil-0in the second line

    3. Gou can now runmakeas root user

    4. "fter ma)e completes, chec) that the file l!"jkjn!.sois built with the necessaryshared libraries To do this, run ldda#ainst that file Gou should see somethin# li)e thisH

    [root@localhost modules]#ldd libjkjni.so

    l!"crpt.so.1 GL /l!"/l!"crpt.so.1 Ex"5eF

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    l!"apr-.so. GL /usr/l!"/l!"apr-.so. Ex"5F

    l!"aprut!l-.so. GL /usr/l!"/l!"aprut!l-.so. Ex"5KaF

    l!"c.so.K GL /l!"/tls/l!"c.so.K Ex"4>1F

    l!"rt.so.1 GL /l!"/tls/l!"rt.so.1 Ex"41dF

    l!"m.so.K GL /l!"/tls/l!"m.so.K Ex">"F

    l!"nsl.so.1 GL /l!"/l!"nsl.so.1 Ex">eKF

    l!"dl.so.2 GL /l!"/l!"dl.so.2 Ex">e>F

    l!"pthread.so. GL /l!"/tls/l!"pthread.so. Ex">d>F

    l!"d"-4.1.so GL /l!"/l!"d"-4.1.so Ex">1F

    l!"expat.so. GL /usr/l!"/l!"expat.so. Ex"2F

    /l!"/ld-l!nux.so.2 GL /l!"/ld-l!nux.so.2 Ex3F

    The critical library is l!"aprut!l-.so.which must appear when you e%ecute ldd

    :f you see the output above, yourmakeprocess was successful Gou will need to run the

    apxstool a#ainst mod'()2so and copy that file and lib()(niso to the modules directory

    of your "pache install

    &. :f yourmakeprocess is successful, you should follow the rest of the instructions in the


  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    !ppendi" D. clipse Tomcat and the Tomcat Deployer @Contriuted

    y (atricia arstenA

    T'is solution +as contribute! by atricia %arsten. T'e actual te,t of t'e email 'as been

    a!apte! for instructions.

    These instructions involve the followin# componentsH


    "nt plu#in for +clipse

    Tomcat /eployer

    D.1. !out the Tomcat Deployer

    "ccordin# to the manual that comes with the tarball, the Tomcat /eployer

  • 8/12/2019 Manual Tomcat


    {app.version}.war" update="true" />

    &. Run antwith tar#ets allCclean compileD, distCcreate warfileD, deployCcopycontents of buildfolder to tomcatD, in this order The dist-targetmi#ht not be

    necessary because the deployer seems to use the contents of the build folder as its

    input, not the war file Fn the other hand, : would not )now what to provide as correctvalue for warS
